#block media in asks
F*ck anons
Hate, Harassment, and Threats: Coping and Handling
It happens and it's happened since the rise of LJ. I remember getting my first hatepost and how much it upset me, but I was never a target in the way that many were. LJ was truly the wild and wooly west - Dodge City or Deadwood, when people thought it would be a utopia. We had greyfaces, anons, sock puppets, and meat puppets. For people transitioning from controlled environments like e-Groups, Listserv, and forums it was not the mod-free utopia that they might have wished for. Real fandom scandals and legitimate harm to fans have been built on anons, sockpuppets, and greyfaces.
Anon: Anonymous account either from outside the service or from an established account that has been anonymized.
Greyface: LJ term for an account with no identifiers, created explicitly to harass.
Sock Puppet: Account created by one person with the intent of being perceived as a separate individual.
Meat Puppet: Also used to be called a fanpoodle. A person whose actions are directed by another. Also called a muppet for having the controller's hand shoved so far up their ass that it can work their mouth.
Defining Hateposting/Cyberstalking/Harassment/Threats
First, there is a federal law -18 U.S. Code § 2261A Stalking - that defines stalking and harassment. Full text is here, with excerpt below:
(2) (Whoever) with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that— (A)places that person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to a person, a pet, a service animal, an emotional support animal, or a horse described in clause (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of paragraph (1)(A); or (B)causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of paragraph (1)(A),
Laws can vary from state to state. 48 states have some laws on the books, with 44 having criminal penalties. You'll need to contact local law enforcement or look them up on your state legislature's website.
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All forms of online harassment can be grouped under the label of cyberbullying. How do you know what is or isn't cyberbullying? There is a comprehensive list. Even some things that you didn't think might be bullying are, in fact, bullying. Unfortunately, the FBI seems to focus on financial crimes and scams, and have changed their reporting pages to reflect that. In all cases using the internet to convey threats as defined under 18 U.S. Code § 2261A need to be documented and reported to the FBI.
Documenting: Keep the Reciepts
Documenting online abuse is key to stopping online abuse. To be Tumblr specific, screenshots of DMs, replies to your posts, posts harassing you, reblogs of your posts with abuse in the comments and tagjacking or abusive hashtags, screenshots of anons/sockpuppets and harassing asks need to be kept. You need your receipts.
Fuck Anons
Anons are not worth your mental health or the pleasure and community you derive from fandom.
"But some of my followers are shy!"
They can create an account that they can use just for doing asks. Exposing you to abuse and bullying should not be the price of someone being shy. I have also turned on anons when someone has asked me to via DM, in a post comment, or via an anon comment on my Ao3 so that they could send me an ask without unmasking themselves. This protects me and protects them.
Tumblr recently started requiring a valid email address to send an anon without being signed in. This could be seen a couple of different ways - Tumblr wants some sort tabs on people using their site anonymously, or that they want people sending anons to create an account. There is nothing to stop an anon from creating a burner email account in order to harass, so that only goes so far.
Block anons. I am serious. Just go into your account settings and do it. You can even turn off asks entirely.
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Per Tumblr: "Anonymous asks are not associated with a specific account, and blocking those will block the IP address of the sender."
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So, if you block an anon and someone suddenly disappears from your followers, or you get a follower asking why they can't see or interact with your blog, then you have your answer as to where your anon bullying might well be coming from.
However, isn't it easier to just turn off anons?
Yes. It is. My anons are kept off 99.9 percent of the time and I sleep just fine.
Other Tips and Tricks
You can control who reblogs your posts. The default is that anyone on Tumblr can reblog. You can also block anyone from reblogging. The new feature offers middle ground by allowing you to add users allowed to reblog by mentioning them. I don't know if this extends to other parties reblogging from the people you allowed to reblog, however. Click on the little gear to access the dropdown.
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From the Settings Menu
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In addition to the default, you have two other options under the dropdown.
Tumblrs you follow and that have been mutuals with you for a week can reply
Only Tumblrs you follow can reply.
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Keep the people you follow private by toggling this off.
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Toggle off to stop DMs from people you don't follow.
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Hide your Tumblr from people without a Tumblr, or from people who are signed out. Remove your blog from Tumblr search results or from search engine crawlers.
Finally, you can block DMs on a case by case basis, too.
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Finally, it can be hard to start over, but when the bullying is too much and too persistent, you can back up your blog or take it private and start a new Tumblr with people you trust.
Other Resources
Online Harassment Field Guide - a really comprehensive source
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blatantlyhidden · 3 months
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based on that one french anti-smoking ad
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mobius-m-mobius · 4 months
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Julia Ormond and Tim Roth in Captives (1994)
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pokeberry5 · 1 year
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if anyone's interested, i'm opening requests for comic panel redraws!
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lakesbian · 2 months
im on 16.13 now and its so funnysad how analytically paranoid taylor is. it reminds me of that part of the hunger games where katniss is trying to figure out peetas scheme when hes crying abt being picked for th games, meanwhile dude is just sad. the difference with taylor being that she is absolutely right to be trying to think 18 steps ahead of whatevers happening lmao
taylor rocks because she is obscenely intelligent and analytical in an exceedingly neurotic and dysfunctional way and some of the time she's 100% right to be hyper-analytical and then some of the time she's just doing the most ridiculous unfounded armchair psychological analysis you've ever seen of someone who really is just crying because they're sad. like it's an incredibly tragic indicator of how traumatized and hypervigilant she is from the bullying & neglect she's faced from every system of power or social group she's depended on, but also she's just autism staring into space constantly ignoring people around her while doing some death notes calculation shit in her head, and that's really funny
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ratwithhands · 5 months
i wonder when anyone is going to tell the league (in Battle Addict au) that straight jackets are actually pretty bad at keeping people actually restrained when they can think clearly hruoiehgboerhg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivuuJxX1hXg (when praciced, its even easier to get out of than shown here lol)) but this au is incredibly interesting! fascinating looking at how the public reacts to things in the extreme and how the people who they target suffer for it, and how much misinformation is spread. really got me curious how they sped their time and how this effects emmets mental state. it cant be easy with everyone acting like hes a monster. and while ingo doesn't get the majority of the attention- if must be so hard to see his brother suffering like this. and im sure he isn't spared so scorn as well. really really fascinating- and a verrrry clear reminder of what people used to think mental disorders were like and how people with them were treated.
Funny thing: that’s partially why there’s some minor edits to Emmet’s straitjacket. There’s a narrow bar that his arms have to slot through, as well as a set of belts tied to his upper arms to keep them from moving too far from resting position. Homeboy weaseled out of the first one after like two weeks and they said "ok do it again this time mf" and handed him the new one.
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The league would probably put Emmet on "leave" (house arrest) if they saw him get out of another one/realize the strait wouldn't work. That is probably what's keeping him from breaking out more than the actual jacket is.
As for mental state,
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The household is certainly seeing more absences and mental health days. The worst part about the diagnosis for Emmet is that everything he used to enjoy has lost its worth because any time he sits down to study, he's just proving he is crazy and battle obsessed. He forces himself out of his old habits but he doesn't have anything to fill the void so he's stuck in a perpetual state of being exhausted and disinterested. Ingo may or may not be subconsciously picking up these beliefs as well
Thank you for your ask! Took a while to respond cause of school, but I do hope to outline more about their lives and habits when I get free time. I gotta run though, so see you guys later ^^
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c---crow · 1 year
pinned for crow
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5’4” wasian menace
he/him ♂ ⚧︎ binary trans man
boypussy extraordinaire
not a femboy. don’t call me that
THIS IS AN 18+ NSFT BLOG, please do not follow if underage
content warning for knives, blood, bugs, and horror-themed/body horror posts
i’ll ignore you if you ask about a gym routine
the banners in this post and in many others are by @cafekitsune
monogamous, partnered. i'm not interested in behaving sexually with u in any way unless ur paying me :3
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wishlist/tips *˚✦ paid 🔞 content *˚✦ other socials
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tag key below ↓
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clownowo · 1 year
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stardust-sunset · 16 days
Brody showed up to work this week! OMG!!! Does he want a medal?? Josh Boone has a CHILD and he’s in more than Brody.
And I know you’re going to use the shitty excuse “he’s been in a lot!!!” but that’s bullshit. Why are we praising an adult man for showing up to work.
why do you care? why are you bitching about him being absent? and i know you’re gonna use the shitty excuse “Oh BuT hE HaSnT bEeN iN!” but like…he has been? this message is confusing lmfao do you want him to be in or not? you’re insinuating both. make your intentions clear.
im saying its nice that he’s in more is all. if you don’t like what i post or what i say on MY blog mind you then block me.
also i think you should come off anon and talk to me face to face but whatever. be a coward and use the mask of anonymity to hide who you are. i find it funny all these people who are anti outsiders or anti brody choose to stay on anon. like say it to my face. if i can answer you without anonymity have the decency to say this kind of thing to my face.
and btw i’m not praising him for “going to work” im saying it’s nice that he’s in more and seems to be enjoying his job again. and why do his absence matter so much to you? why does it bother you so much that he’s out and that i post about it being a good thing that someone seems to be finally having fun at their job after a rough patch?don’t put words in my mouth.
so cry about it and block me if you’d not like my content. thank you!
(just figured i’d mention by the way that i’m not saying that if you dislike brody you’re automatically on my shit list. everyone is entitled to their own opinions. everyone is allowed to think whatever they want AS LONG AS IT ISNT HURTING ANYONE. but i do think it’s funny how im the one everyone sends anonymous brody hate to like some of the things you anti brody people say about him are WILD. so yes. i will defend him in the reason that nobody should be bitching about his absences or saying rude things, but i absolutely don’t want it to seem like i’m saying that you HAVE to like him. You don’t have to like him but it’s possible to not like him without being a huge jerk to him or anyone who supports him.)
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seaweedstarshine · 5 months
Hi! Long time no yap but I've been really bothered by this thing and I know you're just the person I can go to with this (even if we don't always end up agreeing at times).
I got into a tiff with someone in a comments section of a post that was about Amy (Which character do you think deserved to become a villain? or something similar). They brought up Amy's abuse of her boyfriend. I may have tried to defend Amy (key word is tried. I am officially rubbish at debating) but then I may have said something? Because they said that I (and apparently a lot of other fans) was excusing Amy's abuse because of her trauma. It got me stumped because isn't young Amy's treatment of Rory rooted in her trauma? Did I miss the memo where we separate trauma and abuse? Am I missing something?
That statement bothered me a lot because if there's one thing I never want to do it's defend an abuser. So here I am, humbly asking and hoping to clear the muddy waters.
Your really confused and disturbed moot, Tia 💌
TIA!!!!! Thanks for the ask 💌 , and I send you all the hugs.
Discussion of abuse, trauma, ableism, infidelity, and unhealthy relationship dynamics beneath the cut.
(First off… while I really appreciate your faith in my explaining skills <3 <3 <3 my passion for traumatized characters and mentally ill+neurodivergent rights doesn't make me especially qualified to fully clear muddy waters especially not knowing the full context, but I feel you, and what follows is my informed perspective!)
Speaking generally first, harm done in media is best examined by the impact on the audience, with a different lens than harm done to real people. While relatable experiences in media can be useful and validating and incredibly important, you can’t be “defending an abuser” when the abuse is fictional. It's actually normal for traumatized/ND/mentally ill people to project onto mentally ill villains, when villains are the only significant representation for those stigmatized symptoms in a media landscape that excludes and demonizes us simply for existing. RTD can't stop people who hallucinate from reclaiming the Master's Drums and projecting onto the Master, for example — 90% of the best Doctor Who psychosis fic by psychotic authors is about the Master, whether RTD likes it or not. It's not true crime.
(This is speaking generally. Amy Pond is very much not the Master.)
Abuse is a behavior, and there can be many reasons for it, but reasons based in trauma don’t make it not abuse (some forms of generational trauma can propagate abusive parenting styles, when the parent thinks abusive parenting is normal, or lives entirely vicariously through their child). This absolutely should not be taken to mean trauma correlates with abusive behavior; rather that abusive behaviors from traumatized people are more likely to present in specific ways.
Abuse is also a targeted behavior, based in control — not consistently displayed C-PTSD symptoms as seen in Season 5 Amy Pond through many aspects of her life. Mental health symptoms don't become abuse just because they hinder one partner from meeting the other partner's needs. Any life event can do that.
Without knowing the context of the arguments, this is the aspect of their relationship I've seen you talk about before (which I also feel strongly about), and what I assume is what you were debating? So, here I will talk specifically in regard to Season 5.
We all know Amy — she's never attached to Leadworth because she never wanted to leave Scotland, no steady therapist because none of them stick up for her, can't stick with one job yet her first choice is a job that simulates intimacy because her avoidant behavior (a known trauma response) isn't sustainable to her wellbeing. Rory knows her fears of commitment stem from her repeated abandonments, it’s why he’ll always wait for her, and it's why he blames the Doctor “You make it so they don't want to let you down.”, who apart from having caused a lot of her trauma, has actively taken advantage of her being the “Scottish girl in the English village” who's “still got that accent,” because he wants to feel important, so yeah, I think interpreting Amy's issues (and how Amy and Rory transverse them) as Amy abusing Rory indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of their relationship, as well as a misunderstanding of the (raggedy) Doctor’s role in Amy’s formative self-image (which of course she works through in Season 6, but I am sticking to Season 5).
Abuse is always based in control. That just doesn’t fit here. While Amy's detachment from her real life includes things like calling Rory her “kind of boyfriend” (which she is upfront about to his face; differing commitment levels isn't abuse, though it can be a relationship red flag for both parties IRL) — her Season 5 disregard of Rory’s feelings occurs only in response to the fairytale embodiment of her trauma. It's never a response to Rory; it's a response to the Doctor, who stole her childhood and led her by the hand to her death. She cheats on Rory with the Doctor in her bedroom full of Doctor toys, drawings, models, she made from childhood to early adulthood.
(And yes, like many repeatedly-traumatized people, Amy is prone to being sensitive and reactive. Take her “Well, shut up then!” line in The Big Bang; but given Rory responds to this by hugging her, clearly he doesn’t take it as her actually dismissing him. He knows her better than that.)
And by no means do I meant to imply this is fair to young Rory, poor Rory, who's left struggling with the feeling that his role in her life is in competition with the role of her trauma (aka the Doctor). But not every unhealthy relationship dynamic is unhealthy because of abuse. Labelling Amy's treatment of Rory in Season 5 more accurately isn't the same as excusing her harmful choices — but making mistakes is part of being human, Amy's mistakes are certainly understandable, and she works through them out of love for Rory.
If there's one thing to say about Moffat women, it's that Moffat allows his female characters the same grace that the male characters *coughTENcough* have always had, to hurt and struggle and make realistic mistakes and overcome those mistakes and to heal without being demonized.
Amy isn't perfect, but she is a fully realized character, and her story gives us a resonant depiction of childhood trauma.
#abuse#rtd critical#anti rtd#im NOT really anti rtd but im tagging it that because some people block that tag and uhhhh this post strays into rtd critique#maybe he does regret how he wrote the master! we'll never know because rtd is very anti-admitting-his-own-mistakes#words by seaweed#anyways tia i am. SO relieved you’re not upset with me about our last disagreement?#i high key jumped to conclusions after the lack of reply to the last DM? so thank you for this ask it's great to hear from you#sorry you were in a debate about this! that sounds extremely awful.#anyway i'm gonna WAIT at least a week to tag Amy and Rory to avoid this showing up in the character tags right away haha#because I am KINDA scared the anti-media-literacy ppl will find this (I had to include the first part tho its important)#(lack of distinction between harm to audience *in fiction* and irl harm *to actual ppl* leads to problematic public apologies where-#-public figures apologize to fans they let down *instead* of the people they actually hurt. no it doesn't work like that)#(parasocial relationships are not more important than real victims agency or privacy)#and I am planning to make a post at some point about the nd aspects of Amy+the Doctor's connection which this stuff IS relevant to soooooo#am I going hard on specifying Season 5 Amy to under the assumption that the uncharacteristic Rory-slapping isnt whats bein talked abt?#maybe. its not in character.#editing to say..... yanno what? ive come to terms with not all the posts with the following tag been about the doctor#(eleventh) doctor is neurodivergent tag#editing again to add character tags:#Amy pond#Rory williams
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rouge-the-bat · 1 month
wait like... do some ppl actually check all the blogs of people that interact with them? to vet out all the ones they dont want around? bc if so that sounds. exhausting?? how do people have time for that??
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Seizure disorders and online bullying
A reminder landed in my inbox with a request that I not use their identity. It was important and something that I overlooked, but it deserves a post of its own, so here we go.
You can argue that gifs are a form of internet speech, and therefore covered by the first amendment, but there is a glaring exception to this where sending a gif is a hate crime in addition to stalking, bullying, or harassment. A gif sent with the intention of causing a seizure (also called an "epileptogenic gif"). These gifs are sent with the intent to target (malice aforethought) a certain class of people (in Eichenwald's case, a liberal of Jewish descent and a person with photosensitive epilepsy) in an attempt to induce a harmful seizure (great bodily harm).
In December of 2015, journalist Kurt Eichenwald was targeted by a Maryland man named John Rayne Rivello posting under the charming handle of jew_goldstein. Rivello sent a tweet containing an epileptogenic gif along with the message, "YOU DESERVE A SEIZURE FOR YOUR POSTS." As intended, it triggered a tonic seizure. Even the Epilepsy Foundation has been attacked with strobing gifs intended to cause seizures.
I do not have epilepsy, but I do get migraines and certain gifs will give me a bad one. Patterns, strobe and flickering, even moire patterns will knock me into a dark room for a few days.
People are both cruel and assholes, and this is the type of cruelty that needs reporting if it ends up in your inbox, DMs, or on your dash. There is a way to block such gifs from your inbox. In your blog settings, go to Ask, and turn off allowing asks with media. Tumblr does not have an option to stop gifs from autoplaying, and what might trigger a seizure in one person won't in another.
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Stay safe and report this if it is targeted at you.
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maladaptivewriting · 5 months
hozier is a pisces man anyone smart enough knows not to trust a pisces man. another good example of pisces man is remus lupin and what a complete disaster he is.
exactlyyyy. he’s a pisces man with an aquarius stellium lmfao
i’m always saying that hozier is remus lupin coded. it just makes so much sense in my head
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ganondoodle · 5 months
i am so extremely confused on how you can acknowledge belly dancing not needing to be sexual yet. still insist that nintendo is sexualizing young gerudo with the attire. the makeup, heels and how impractical it is to wear the shit they wear in the desert i understand. im not defending those design mistakes. but??? jfc.
oh. so, assuming you are the same anon as before, you WERE asking in bad faith then, or are intentionally missunderstanding what im saying, got it, and now you are trying to twist my words around to fit your little narrative about me being the problem and not mega corporation uwu nintendo with a history of racism (to which this issue is extremely attached to)
so, since you apparently didnt understand what i said, and didnt watch the video i attached either, bc that goes into detail of everything as well, im gonna spell it out once more, and i will even EMPHASIZE words like THIS, so its easier to understand, just for you <3
i did NOT say that the 'belly dance' outfit doesnt NEED to be sexual, i SAID it is/was not sexual IN ITS ORIGIN, BUT was TURNED INTO what boils down to nothing else but a sexy strippers outfit by western people and has been used as NOTHING BUT sexual for decades in the vast majority of media of all kind-
which MEANS, that although in ORIGIN it might not have been sexual, the unfortunate PROBLEM is that through its extreme popularization as such you now have to assume IT IS sexual, bc that is pretty much ALWAYS the intent, people dont even know it as anything but a sexual thing
and before you can even say the "well maybe they didnt intent it a such" blah blah, this is NOT SOLELY about the outfit itself being the only problem here, its the whole package, even if they DID have good intentions or did it subconsciously (which, mind you, should also tell you just how much this kind of picture of middle eastern people has been spread, how common it is to see them like this that its what most people actually think they are like) it nevertheless sends a certain message, and again, ITS THE WHOLE FUCKING PACKAGE, everything, from outfit, to design elements, to dialog, to lore, to even camera angles, you cannot view it as a seperate thing bc it is, inherently, not able to be seperated from everything, its as if you took an incredibly racist caricature, zoomed in and said "LOOK they used a realistic kind of skin tone, its totally not racist!!"
you also called these design decisions "mistakes", but they are not, in fact mistakes, a mistake is when you notice after posting a drawing that you forgot to color in a strand of hair, however, ALL of these design and writing decisions are deliberate, they had to sit down, in a giant team of people, to come up with it, then proceed to design and write it, approve it, make it, and ship it, and saw no problem with it, which is a problem
now, im not saying nintendo personally is telling you "its ok to fuck kids", but things have meanings, and if you are making something, ESPECIALLY using something that isnt of your own culture, you should think about things, and what meanings a thing can have attached to, they are a giant corporation, not a single, very uninformed at best- or very racist at worst, human being, they have the means to do research, but they did not do it or think its fine, maybe even good, which deserves to be called out
i am a big, and longtime, zelda fan, but beign a fan of something doesnt mean you cannot criticise it, or aknowledge that its in many ways flawed, part of being a fan is being able to recognize things that are bad and demand better
if you send me another ask spouting bullshit or purposefully missunderstanding what im saying im gonna punt you into the filthy barrel of blocked porn bots, bc i dont have anon messages enabled to receive shit like this but to allow people who might be too shy to send normal asks to talk to me.
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pftones3482 · 9 months
i saw your post and i get where you're coming from as a fellow adult fan, but it's a kids show. the pacing is more than perfect. i recognize that a huge portion of the audience is adult fans who read pjo as a kid, but the show is still a children's show for children. if you look at it for what it is and who it's for, and not what you imagined it to be or for adults like us, the pacing is great. i'm not knocking you for complaining but i just wanted to gently put that out there in case you planned to do in depth analysis https://www.tumblr.com/pftones3482/738896974585184256/people-saying-the-pjo-tv-series-is-just-as-fast
It kind of drives me nuts when people see an adult critique a kids show and say, "Oh well you're an adult, of course it's too fast for you."
I'm a writer. I have a literal degree in writing. I know what good pacing looks like. Book to TV show adaptions will always be paced a little faster, because books just naturally have a lot more exposition. That is a given, and I expected it. TV shows (and movies) also tend to have a lot of scenes cut out that aren't crucial to plot. I also expected that.
I love a lot of things about the new PJO show - I think the way they did Medusa this time was an incredible choice. I love the new tension between Annabeth and her mom, and the parallels between Annabeth and Medusa.
I love that they focused more on Grover's Uncle Ferdinand - I always thought the book kind of glossed over the fact that he was his family, and they didn't really give Grover time to mourn his loss.
But we needed the scene where Percy learns to sword fight with Luke. We need the introduction of ambrosia and nectar - that's a crucial world building element that hasn't been mentioned once. We're missing scenes that really hammer home the kids personalities, and while they've done a pretty good job putting some in (Annabeth scooping all the candy was cute, Grover being grumbly and not a morning person another good one), I feel like they're too focused on moving the plot forward rather than building the world, which is the whole purpose of a first season in a show.
I blame season dropping - even though PJO is a week by week release, it feels like it was written to be an all-at-once season drop. Like every episode I need to instantly jump to the next one.
Also like...I'm not shitting on people who like the series. Again, I think it's cute. I think the actors are doing an incredible job. I think everyone's individual personality fits who their characters are, and I could go on for hours about the detail in the sets.
"The show is for children" children still deserve a well paced show. And frankly, I think the adults who read the books and are pretty well versed in analyzing writing and media are probably the best critics of it.
(This just in - you can be critical of something and still enjoy it. Imagine that)
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reel-fear · 6 months
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grown ass man scared of the 19-year-old queer being mean to him over his public meltdown more at 8.
#ramblez#little white boy sad? U sad bc nobody likes you? Bc u constantly make a fool of urself and show off ur distaste for ur fans? lmao#this is one of the greatest things to ever happen to me imagine how mad he'll be when he finds out the fangame Im making has queers in it#hes gonna have a whole other white boy meltdown on main KJSNFDGKJHFGKJHGKJHSDFGSD#hes so fucking sensitive maybe just get off of social media Mike this never ends well for you#batim#batdr#bendy and the ink machine#bendy and the dark revival#and look Im joking around about this but it really is sad that the bendy devs cant handle this kind of critique towards their decisions#it seems despite the backlash once again they are choosing to ignore their fans which is yknow upsetting#But hey ig if the devs being awful was a dealbreaker for this fandom I wouldve left a long time ago and I havent#dw Im not going anywhere <3#also if anyone else here was also criticizing Mike maybe check his acct to make sure ur not blocked now since apparently#old habits die hard and this is certainly a pattern with him KJHDSFKGJHSDKFGJHDFGSD#also look before anyone asks yes I was kinda mean to him over this but to put bluntly if hes gonna be this dismissive to his fans concerns#he deserves it. Theres this persistent attitude esp in bendy fanspaces of being defensive of the devs#and I dont know why they have been extremely horrible people every single chance they get#and its very hurtful to see how many people would rather tell me to be kinder to the people who broke the heart of a child me when they#dismissed any ideas of putting queers like me in their stories than to realize Mike n Meatly bring this bad attention to themselves#to put bluntly I dont owe them kindness not until they at least apologize for the shit they did which they still havent#mike hasnt even addressed his vent poem in the code of BATDR let alone the other shit he said n did#so no I will not be kind to him ever hope this helps!
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