#blonde mischa i love you
celiasvalley · 2 years
So I love talking about audition songs and stuff like that, so here are some songs that you could use if you ever get to audition for Ride The Cyclone!
Jane Doe:
Spread A Little Sunshine - Pippin
Green Finch and Linnet Bird - Sweeney Todd
Ocean Rosenburg:
The World According To Chris - Carrie
Good Girl Winnie Foster - Tuck Everlasting
Constance Blackwood:
My friend the dictionary - Putnam County
Once You See - Carrie
Noel Grubber:
I’m not that smart - Putnam County
Chip on My Shoulder - Legally Blonde
Mischa Bachinski:
Everything’s Golden - Tuck Everlasting
If I Believed - Twisted
Ricky Potts:
Corner of The Sky - Pippin
Top of The World - Tuck Everlasting
Karnak (I know he’s a speaking role but still, he is listed as a baritone in the perusal):
Mushnik and Son - Little Shop of Horrors
War is a Science - Pippin
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slashyrogue · 4 years
Moar baby wolf!!!!, Please moar baby wolf!! 😍😍🐺🐺
Continued from Moonlight Becomes You 
“Hey, hey, hey!” Will says, hands out as he steps closer to the girl, “I’m not gonna hurt you, ok? I was trying to help, remember? I gave you all that food? Just...tell whoever is coming that I helped.” 
She doesn’t move, only snarls again, and he sighs. 
“Look, I fed you all week. If I had known--” 
A loud growl makes him pause, and the pack all start to bark as something bangs into the screen door so hard it starts to snap. Will’s heart starts to beat wildly in his chest. 
“Oh shit.”
The door practically explodes open and the dogs all whimper as a very large white wolf with red eyes stalks into the house. It stares at him, growling, and starts forward only for the little girl to rush to its side. Will knows when the new wolf notices her wounds, and it rushes from her side to charge at him. 
“Brother, no!” she yells just as Will’s knocked to the ground. 
Will stares up at the white wolf, eyes filled with tears, and a drop of saliva hits his cheek as it growls down at him. 
“He...he saved me.” 
The wolf turns to the sound of her voice and Will is still pinned as she starts to talk rapidly in another language. He closes his eyes, trying to breathe, and when he opens them there isn’t a wolf on top of him anymore. 
The man staring back at him has the same red tinted gaze as the white wolf, but he’s blonde not snow white haired. He doesn’t smile, nor does he move off Will at all. 
“Tell me where the hunter is.” 
“I didn’t hurt her,” he says, his voice shaking, “I did...” 
“I know,” the man says, “But I need to end the life of the one who did.” 
The dogs whimper and bark again but Will knows they’re as scared as he is. 
“I left him in the woods,” Will whispers, “But....” 
The speed in which the man, or wolfman really, takes off is impressive and lets Will breathe again. He sits up, still rattled, and looks at the little wolf girl again. 
“Thank you.” 
She wraps her arms tightly around herself and says nothing. 
He’s just about to stand when suddenly the other wolf is back again. Will can’t help the places his eyes linger on his new guest, and when their eyes meet again the wolf looks at him strangely. 
“You used a great deal of force on him.” 
Will looks away, standing, and heads for the couch. His entire body hurts from being knocked down like that, but he’s not scared anymore. 
Not of them. 
“I was angry.” 
He watches the stranger go to his sister again, nuzzling her, and when he lifts her up into his arms he smiles. Will resists the urge to smile when she smiles back. 
“You killed him,” the man says, not looking at Will, “I’m certain he died choking on his own blood. I thank you for that.” 
Will feels a burst of pride at his words. “Good.” 
Both wolves turn to look at him. They look so similar that Will doesn’t need any proof to know they’re siblings. 
“My name is Hannibal Lecter,” the man says, “And this is my sister, Mischa.” 
“Will Graham.” 
“I apologize for my...entrance,” he says, sounding anything but, “I will, of course, pay for the broken door.” 
“It’s fine,” Will says, “Just....” 
Hannibal glares at him. “I am not penniless. I can pay for the damage I’ve caused.” 
Will hears the dogs whimper again. “I didn’t say you were.” 
“You didn’t have to, it was in the way you spoke.” 
He sighs. “Look, this was all a big misunderstanding. If I’d known she wasn’t just a wolf I would’ve...I’m sorry, ok? But if you’re gonna sit here arguing with me can you at least let me get you both something to wear?” 
The two wolves stare at each other and then back at him. 
“It would be much easier for us to leave in our wolf skins than human ones.” 
“Yeah, well....it would be easier for me to have this conversation if you weren’t standing there naked.” 
The man, or wolfman really, smiles. “If it makes you feel better then please find us something.” 
Will could feel their eyes on him as he turns to head down the hall. He grabs the first few things he can find, t-shirts, pants, and heads back only to see Mischa and Hannibal sitting on the floor. 
“You can use the couch.” 
“We’re fine how we are.” 
He holds out the clothes and turns his back. “I’m not gonna tell anyone, if that’s why you’re still here.” 
There was no response. 
“The dogs....” 
“You may turn, though why you turned at all is quite a mystery.” 
Will turns and sees Mischa swimming in one of his shirts, while Hannibal barely fit into anything he gave him. “Common courtesy.” 
Hannibal smiles. “Is that why you killed that hunter? Common courtesy?” 
He bristles at Hannibal’s tone. “I killed him because he was on my property and attacked one of my...I mean...your sister.” 
Mischa clings to her brother, her blonde hair dirty against his bare arm. 
“You thought of her as one of your own.” 
He looks at Hannibal. “Yes.” 
“She enjoyed watching your pack,” Hannibal says, brushing his fingers through her hair, “She’s missed it since...” 
The way he trails off makes Will wonder what was hanging on the end of that thought. 
He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I’d ask how and why she was missing so long but it’s none of my business. But she’s welcome to come play with them any time she likes.” 
Mischa sits up a little straighter and whispers into Hannibal’s ear. The smile he gives Will is even warmer than the others, and his eyes glow for just a second. 
“She’d like that, thank you.” 
“You live far from here?” 
“We don’t live close, no, but Mischa has...issues as of late. We’re still working on them. Aren’t we, Mazasis?” 
He looks down at her and her little lip quivers. 
“The body,” Will says, “I’ll....” 
“It will be taken care of,” Hannibal says, standing, “No need to worry.” 
He wonders if that means what he thinks it means, but finds he cares very little if it does. The ease at which he feels in this situation is both strange and oddly right. 
Hannibal and Mischa both stand. Will finds himself wanting to ask them to stay but doesn’t, though he sees Mischa look at him oddly at the thought.  Then Hannibal looks him up and down again. 
“We would love to stay for dinner, but I think it best Mischa goes home. Perhaps next time.” 
“I didn’t ask.” 
Hannibal’s grin shows just enough fang to make Will shiver. 
“Didn’t you?” 
“I know that I didn’t...it....” 
“I suggest you turn your back again, Mr. Graham. I think it best if we take our leave. I thank you for the care you gave Mischa.” 
Will’s head is spinning in confusion but he nods before he turns around. 
There’s a scraping of claws on his floor and he turns just in time to see two wolves run out of his broken screen door. If the door wasn’t broken and a pile of clothes laid out neatly on the floor he’d almost think he dreamt the last fifteen minutes. 
The dogs all start to whine and he turns just in time to hear a twin set of howls. His pack responds in kind, and Will runs a hand over his face as he smiles. 
“Well....I guess there’s room for two more.” 
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Lauren Worsham (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Jane Carr (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Catherine Walker (Miss Evangeline Barley and others), Price Waldman (Barber / Detective) A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - January 18, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Catherine Walker (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Barbara Marineau (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Price Waldman (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor) NOTES: Bryce's last show before his return in July. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - September 29, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Kristen Mengelkoch (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Megan Loomis (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: Beautiful capture of the tour which launched in Chicago. There's tiny bits of washout when the camera is in wideshot due to the spotlights of the stage. Terrific cast and a wonderful tour of this production! A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - April 24, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Megan Loomis (u/s Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: A great capture of the tour. The cast is solid, and the audience is energetic. There are no blackouts, no obstruction, and no washout. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, John and Kevin’s BC/EFA speech, and playbill scans. A+ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Encores! - May 12, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Megan Hilty (Lorelei Lee), Rachel York (Dorothy Shaw), Aaron Lazar (Henry Spofford), Steven Boyer (Pierre/Louis Lemanteur), Brennan Brown (Steward/Mr. Robert Lemanteur/Gus Esmond Sr.), Stephen Buntrock (Josephus Gage), Simon Jones (Sir Francis Beekman), Deborah Rush (Mrs. Ella Spofford), Sandra Shipley (Lady Phyllis Beekman), Megan Sikora (Gloria Stark), Clarke Thorell (Gus Esmond Jr.) NOTES: Filmed from the back of the balcony. Many heads appear in the frame to start, then when the filmer gets his bearings, the video improves greatly. There are a few times (mostly at the beginning) when the filmer replaces some poor video moments with still shots. These still shots are less than 2 or 3 minutes of the entire show. Overall, a great video, and Megan Hilty is amazing Ghost: The Musical - Berlin - June, 2018 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nikolas Heiber (u/s Sam Wheat), Willemijn Verkaik (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), Andreas Bongard (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Nicolas Christahl (Subway Ghost), Klaus Seiffert (Hospital Ghost), Chasity Crisp (Clara), Denise Lucie Aquino (Louise) NOTES: Very Limited trades 3:1 Ghost: The Musical - Broadway - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Fleeshman (Sam Wheat), Caissie Levy (Molly Jensen), Da'Vine Joy Randolph (Oda Mae Brown), Bryce Pinkham (Carl Bruner), Michael Bladerrama (Willie Lopez), Tyler McGee (Subway Ghost) NOTES: Great HD capture of the show toward the end of the run. This is a great capture compared the previous one from March, with the changes that were made from the previews and with the original Oda Mae Brown. Despite what the reviews said, this is one show I thoroughly enjoyed and wish it had a better life on Broadway as it deserved! A- Recording with mostly zooms and a few wide shots. Great views of the effects. A Google Drive link is floating around that contains the wrong VOBs for Act 1-3 and Act 2-2; make sure you get everything! Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January 13, 2019 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Poor picture Quality, no zoom but captures all action and great sound Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Filmed from first row. Great capture of the full show. Ghost: The Musical - London Workshop - February 13, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Oliver Tompsett (Sam Wheat), Natalie Mendoza (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown) NOTES: Proshot, stand and sing performance. Ghost: The Musical - US First National Tour - January 12, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Steven Grant Douglas (Sam Wheat), Katie Postotnik (Molly Jensen), Carla R Stewart (Oda Mae Brown), Robby Haltiwanger (Carl Bruner) Ghost: The Musical - West End - October 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mark Evans (Sam Wheat), Siobhan Dillon (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown), Andrew Langtree (Carl Bruner), Ivan de Freitas (Willie Lopez), Scott Maurice (Subway Ghost) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin), Andreas Gergen (The Archdeacon) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - August 14, 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (u/s Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (u/s Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin) Godspell - Brazilian CEFTEM Production - September 4, 2015 (Papa Rose 2015's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Bruno Fraga (Jesus), Oscar Fabião (John/Judas), Bernardo Dugin, Carol Botelho, Gabi Porto, Giovana Rangel, João Telles, Laura Zennet, Lyv Ziese, Vinícius Teixeira NOTES: Excellent video of this marvelous production. Some heads at the bottom of the screen when it isn't zoomed in, but they only block the actors' feet. Gone With The Wind (Martin) - Palais Des Sports De Paris - 2003 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Laura Presgurvic, Vincent Niclo, Sandra Léane, Dominique Magloire, Cyril Niccolaï NOTES: ProShot Grease - 8th UK Tour - October, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Will Haswell (u/s Danny Zuko), Martha Kirby (Sandy Dumbrowski), Louis Grant (Kenickie), Rhianne-Louise Mccaulsky (Betty Rizzo), Darren Bennett (Vince Fontaine), Peter Andre (Teen Angel), Jordan Abey (Doody), Ryan Anderson (Roger), Damian Buhagiar (Sonny Latierri), Eloise Davies (Frenchy), Natalie Woods (Jan), Tara Sweeting (Marty), Kevin O'Dwyer (u/s Johnny Casino) NOTES: Shot from the right mezzanine. Has some great closeups, mediums and wide shots. Some heads can obstruct at times, bu don't take away from the action. Audience is really loud and kinda badly behaved. Grease - Grease: Live (FOX Special) - January 31, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Aaron Tveit (Danny Zuko), Julianne Hough (Sandy Dumbrowski), Carlos PenaVega (Kenickie), Vanessa Hudgens (Betty Rizzo), Jordan Fisher (Doody), Carly Rae Jepsen (Frenchy), Kether Donohue (Jan), Noah Robbins (Eugene Florczyk), Elle McLemore (Patty Simcox) NOTES: TV Special aired on FOX on Jan 31 2016 Grease - Manila, Philippines - August 15, 1995 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Lea Salonga (Sandy Dumbrowski) NOTES: Quality loss Grease - Second Broadway Revival - July 28, 2007 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Max Crumm (Danny Zuko), Laura Osnes (Sandy Dumbrowski), Matthew Saldivar (Kenickie), Jenny Powers (Betty Rizzo), Stephen Buntrock (Teen Angel), Ryan Patrick Binder (Doody), Daniel Everidge (Roger), Jose Restrepo (Sonny Latierri), Kirsten Wyatt (Frenchy), Lindsay Mendez (Jan), Robyn Hurder (Marty), Allison Fischer (Patty Simcox) NOTES: Good picture and great sound with nice closeups throughout with a head in the way only once or twice for a few moments. Grey Gardens - Off-Broadway - April 30, 2006 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Christine Ebersole ("Little" Edie Beale / Young Edith Bouvier Beale), Mary Louise Wilson (Edith Bouvier Beale), Sara Gettelfinger (Young "Little" Edie Beale), Matt Cavenaugh (Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. / Jerry), John McMartin (J.V. Major Bouvier/Norman Vincent Beale), Bob Stillman (George Gould Strong), Michael Potts (Brooks Sr. / Brooks Jr.), Sarah Hyland (Jacqueline Bouvier), Audrey Twitchell (Young Lee Bouvier) The Grinning Man - West End - March 12, 2018 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Louis Maskell (Grinpayne), Julian Bleach (Barkilphedro), Sean Kingsley (Ursus), Sanne Den Besten (Dea), Amanda Wilkin (Josiana), Ewan Black (Trelaw/Osric), Mark Anderson (Dirry-Moir), James Alexander-Taylor (Mojo), Julie Atherton (Queen Angelica), Sophia Mackay (Mother/Quake), Jim Kitson (King Clarence) NOTES: 1920x1080 YouTube rip. Highlights, filmed at an angle from the second row with some obstructions throughout. Highlights consist of: Act 1, Labyrinth, A World Of Feeling, Only A Clown, Curtain Call. Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 16, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: This is the first preview where the set broke down after about 15 minutes and the rest of the show was performed "concert style". All announcements (both over the speakers and onstage with the director/cast) are included in the video. In Act 2 Overture, The music stops for a second and then restarts. During the mid finale scene which is before when Phil runs around town doing “errands”, Matthew Warchus comes out and informs everyone that they will skip scenes due to the tech issue and just go to the scene of the song where Phil and Rita have their dance and from there.  
Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 20, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Better capture of the fully working performance than from the first preview vid. Nicely filmed in HD with clear picture and sound; complete show; great video
 Groundhog Day - Broadway - April 1, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new musical based on the movie. Such an amazing set and Andy gives a terrific performance. The set malfunctioned once and they had to pause and restart the song. Guys and Dolls - Fourth Broadway Revival - March 18, 1992 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nathan Lane (Nathan Detroit), Faith Prince (Miss Adelaide), Peter Gallagher (Sky Masterson), Josie de Guzman (Sarah Brown) Guys and Dolls - North Shore Music Theatre - October-November, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jonathan Hammond (Nathan Detroit), Mylinda Hull (Miss Adelaide), Kevin Vortmann (Sky Masterson), Kelly McCormick (Sarah Brown), Wayne W Pretlow (Nicely-Nicely Johnson), Jamie Ross (Arvide Abernathy), Ben Roseberry (Benny Southstreet), Jessica Sheridan (General Matilda B. Cartwright) Gypsy - West End Revival - 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Imelda Staunton (Rose), Peter Davison (Herbie), Lara Pulver (Louise), Gemma Sutton (June), Dan Burton (Tulsa), Julie Legrand (Electra), Anita Louise Combe (Tessie Tura), Louise Gold (Mazeppa), Billy Hartman (Uncle Jocko), Scarlet Roche (Baby June), Lara Wollington (Baby Louise), Patrick Romer (Pop) NOTES: Note from Blvd-on-Sunset: Two versions exist. One is broadcast by the BBC, has the logo watermark at the top left corner and is being traded at 540p. The other is released by Universal Studios in 1080p on BluRay and can be found on Amazon Prime Video (UK only) Check with traders which version they own.
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frobster · 4 years
Collection of Cuties: Chapter 26
I really thought this was an ask request but I couldn't find it. Here it is anyway!
Pietro goes to a pet shop with Natasha and Clint and bonds with an adorable hedgehog. ♡
Where Peter had been in love with ferrets and how they reminded him of Pietro, the blonde loved hedgehogs for their little noses and defensive attitudes. He thought they were absolutely adorable, the perfect pet, and spent hours watching videos of them. His favorite plushie was a brown hedgehog that Clint had bought for him in their first order of cute little items and a day never went by that didn’t see Pietro clinging to that hedgehog.
After learning that Peter got to go to a pet store with his daddies and play with the ferrets, Pietro pestered his partners about going to see the hedgehogs.
“Papa, I have to! I have to see them!” Pietro insisted as he tugged on Clint’s shirt.
“I think that’s a pretty good argument,” Nat chimed in with a smirk.
“See? Mama says we gotta go!”
Clint sighed and gave Natasha a very unamused look. She just shrugged and reached out to ruffle Pietro’s hair. 
“Alright, alright. But we are not buying one. We don’t have the time or space for any sort of pet.” Clint wanted to make that absolutely clear before they even left. 
Pietro just grinned and darted to his room to get changed into appropriate clothes. During lazy days that they all spent in their unit, Pietro typically wore his pajamas all day or some other cute outfit that denoted his softer headspace. But for going out in public, he knew he had to wear clothes appropriate for someone his age. Soft jeans and a plain shirt replaced his pajamas when Pietro came back out of his room, still grinning eagerly.
Natasha was standing by the door with her coat and boots on already, looking ready to leave. Pietro joined her and leaned in close as she wrapped her arms around him. He had to duck his head since he was significantly taller than her, but neither of them really minded. Clint was still grumbling as he got ready and gave them both another meaningful look before they all headed out.
Since he couldn’t really bring his plush hedgehog out in public, Pietro opted for the keychain instead. It was a cute little cartoon hedgehog that looked just like his brown plushie, and it sparkled in the sunlight. The sparkles kept him mostly occupied during the car ride to the nearest pet store, an easy task to accomplish when he felt soft.
Natasha and Clint talked softly in the front, discussing the reality of not being able to keep any sort of pet. Other people would be at the compound at all times so it wasn’t like the hedgehog would be helpless whenever they had to leave on a mission. But Pietro was notoriously possessive of what he deemed to be his, and both older partners agreed that it was highly unlikely for him to be willing to keep the hedgehog in a public space where anyone could play with it.
At the store, Pietro perked up and darted out of the car as soon as Clint parked. He felt like he could barely contain his excitement, and it took Natasha squeezing his hand firmly to keep him from darting off into the store without them. That would be breaking three rules - using his power in public when there was no threat around, using his power while little, and running away from his partners. He definitely wouldn’t get to play with the hedgehogs if he got in that much trouble.
Inside the store were cages and enclosures for multiple different animals. Cats and dogs lined large crates along the walls, birds had a tall cage in the middle, fish circled the bird cage, and open-top enclosures of small pets were dotted around the store. Pietro grinned and was nearly vibrating with excitement as Natasha and Clint walked him through the store. They paused to look at a few different animals and Pietro even took the time to stop by the ferrets and send a few pictures to Peter.
But as soon as the hedgehogs were in view, everything else was forgotten. Pietro squealed and both his partners tightened their holds on his hands so he wouldn’t dart away from them. He tugged them along anyway before letting go so he could lean over the enclosure wall, watching with wide eyes as the little animals scurried around. There were five in the enclosure and four of them had a normal coloration, but one was far lighter. 
With the gentlest of touches, Pietro reached out and brushed his fingers over the light hedgehog. It squeaked and puffed out its spikes, which made Pietro quickly pull his hand away. But he wasn’t upset. He had spent so long reading about them and watching informational videos, he knew what to expect.
“It is okay, little one. I will not hurt you,” he murmured in Sokovian.
It took a few minutes of Pietro gently petting and pulling his hand away before the hedgehog finally waddled closer and gave his fingers a sniff. Then it nuzzled against him and he cooed, wiggling his fingers and starting to properly play with it.
Soon enough, Pietro was able to scoop up the little animal and cradle it against his chest as it squeaked and pawed at him. He giggled and let it run over his hands’ always making sure to hold it steady. His partners watched with fond smiles, always loving whenever their sweet boy was so happy.
“Papa, look,” Pietro whispered as he walked over. “White, we match.”
Clint chuckled and ran a hand through Pietro’s hair, which the boy happily leaned into. He always liked having his hair played with.
“It’s real cute, baby. Almost as cute as you.”
“Cute enough to take home?” Pietro looked at Clint with a hopeful smile.
“I dunno, who would take care of it when we have to go on missions? And a pet is a lot of responsibility. I’m sure Peter’s daddies gave him the same talk when they went to look at ferrets.”
Pietro huffed and focused his attention on the hedgehog again, freely stroking its back without fear of it puffing up again. It was so much better than just watching videos or pretending with his plushie. This was a real animal that he could play with.
“Mama?” Pietro peeked over at Natasha, as if she would have a different answer.
“You would have to let other people play with it too, baby. Keep it in a communal space so they could take care of it while you were gone,” she reasoned.
Pietro’s pout became thoughtful and he wandered away towards the small cages. Clint and Natasha just looked at each other, surprised that Pietro seemed willing to consider sharing.
They gave him a few minutes alone to think before going off after him, finding him on the floor in front of a starter kit. Pietro still cradled the hedgehog like it was something precious, which it was to him, and he was reading the label thoroughly. 
“I don’t know, Mischa. Would these bars hurt your feet?” Pietro was thinking aloud in his native tongue, clearly concerned about the animal’s safety more than what the cage looked like.
Natasha sighed when she realized Pietro had already named the hedgehog. It would be cruel to separate the two at that point. She walked over and kneeled down next to Pietro, reaching out to rub his shoulder with a smile.
“Hey, sweetheart. Find a good cage?”
Pietro shook his head, still looking thoughtful.
“No, I don’t like any of the cages here. They don’t seem right for Mischa.” 
“Well…” Natasha looked up to Clint, who nodded. “How about we go home and order a good cage online? Then once everything is set up, we can come back and take Mischa home.”
Pietro paused, unsure if he really understood Natasha correctly. He looked at her, still petting his hedgehog, and leaned in close to her.
“I.. I get to have it? We can have Mischa?”
“Yeah, buddy.” Clint walked up and crouched down next to Pietro with a smile. “I already asked the manager to keep Mischa on hold for us until we can get all the supplies. Then when everything is ready, we’ll come back to take your new friend home.”
Pietro grinned and rocked in place, not wanting to do anything too intense for risk of scaring or hurting his new pet. But he had to express his excitement somehow. He squirmed in place until his partners wrapped him in a tight hug.
“Thank you. I’ll take good care of him, I promise.” Pietro sounded so determined, so sure that he would be the best pet owner.
“I know you will. Now let’s head home so we can start ordering what he’ll need, okay?” Clint stood before reaching out a hand to help Pietro up too, who still cradled Mischa against his chest.
“How long? I don’t want him to get lonely or forget me,” Pietro fretted, immediately petting the hedgehog with both hands again once he was standing. 
“Just a few days. The sooner we get everything ordered and set up, the sooner we can come back for him.”
Pietro nodded in understanding. At the hedgehog enclosure, he placed a gentle kiss on Mischa’s nose before settling him back inside. The hedgehog squeaked loudly and scratched at the wall as if trying to climb back up into Pietro’s hands, who whined softly and tucked his face into Clint’s shoulder.
“I know, baby. He’ll be okay. He’s just like you, yeah?” Clint slowly rubbed Pietro’s back to help him settle again, giving him a moment to collect his feelings.
Then they all headed back out to the car with ‘thank you’s shouted to the manager. In the car, Pietro pulled out his phone and brought up tabs with the supplies he had seen recommended many times in all his research. He sent the links to their group chat so Natasha and Clint would have them when it came time to buy everything.
“Thank you,” Pietro said again as he fiddled with his keychain, trying to recreate how it felt to have Mischa in his hands.
“You’re welcome,” Natasha said with a smile as she looked back at him.
“Anything for you, sweet boy,” Clint added.
Pietro sank back in his seat with a smile and closed his eyes, daydreaming about a week into the future when he would be able to hold Mischa again.
This is also on ao3 as Collection of Cuties!
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mystoriesmylives · 4 years
Dean was waiting by the Impala for his two angels. Sam and Gabriel were investigating another job that was nearby, so he was in his FBI suit already and was waiting for his lovers.
“Well, don’t you look spiffy.”
He looked to the side and saw Balthazar walking up to him wearing a black suit. He grinned as the blonde angel went to him and gave him a kiss.
“You look good in a suit.” Dean said.
“So do you.” Balthazar as he let his eyes travel Deans figure, he then frowned as he looked around, “Where’s Cas?”
Dean looked at him in surprise.
“I thought he was with you.”
Balthazar shook his head.
“He said he saw something interesting in a store and was going to look at it before he came here.”
There was a silence between them until a gravelly voice spoke up.
“Hello Dean, Hello Balthazar.”
They looked to the side and stared at Castiel.
He was in his usual attire except for the sock monkey hat he was wearing.
Dean looked at Castiel in disbelief while Balthazar tried very hard not to laugh.
“Cas, what the hell is that on your head?”
“It’s a hat.”
“I know it’s a hat, but why that hat, man?”
“I like it.”
“Well, you got take it off Cas, it’s a kids hat.”
“You just can’t.” Dean growled, “Take it off.”
Dean looked at him in surprise and then tried to grab the hat, but Castiel moved out of the way. He reached again and Cas again moved away.
“Cas, give me the damn hat!”
Balthazar just smiled as he leaned against the impala as he watched his lovers argue over the adorable hat Cas is wearing.
AN: This is pretty much based on a Twitter pic of Mischa in a sock monkey hat
So, here is my new SPN fic its around my favorite threesome pairing, Destielazar (DeanX Castiel X Balthazar)  because there are seriously not enough fics of this pairing. I just loved Balthazar and his connection to Cas and Destiel is my OTP, so them meshed is my perfect pairing. These are just a bunch of one shots, ranging from fluff, angst and a lot of smut.
There will also be some Sabriel in here, because I think they are just too adorable not to be put in.
Thank you, MaggyStar17 for the inspiration with your own Destielazar fics, thanks a lot hun!
Be patient with me please, because i am going back to school, so I will update slowly.
Enjoy and comments are loved!
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prvntcessa · 4 years
✺ yip
effervescent giggles filled the air as russian mafia royalty mischa dostoyevsky buried her face further into the collar bone of unnamed boozy blonde no.26227, trailing chaste kisses down her tanned slender neck and whispering raspy kiskas into her hair as the club raged around them in all its intoxicated, sweat laden glory.
mischa had only been here for a couple weeks and she was already an indispensable fixture of new orlean’s night life. there were two reasons for this. the first was simply because she was her. mischa was electric; she was charming, vibrant and mysterious which made her as irresistible and intoxicating as the poisons and elixirs that sat in big bottles behind the bar.
the second reason was blood money – d r u g money – that ran through the veins of the n.o. clubs. the bratva provided the drugs and the club sold them under the table. tables mischa frequently got drunk and danced on top of.
nibbling on the tip of her ear with a naughty hand slowly inching up her thigh, the criminal was halfway through another pretty dirty word when a sloppy, sleazy voice boomed above the already blasting music.
“come on, i know you want it. don’t make this difficult, baby. you’re either coming home with me or you’re not going anywhere, bitch.”
the ravenette lifted her countenance from where it was obscured betwixt golden locks and immediately found herself fixated on the chaotic car crash commotion that was unfolding to her right. the booming voice, not surprisingly came from this sweaty, shit stain man, hovering over a girl he was two, no three times the size of, trapping her shaking body in place, his beer breath and spit misting over her delicate fac – mischa’s eyes went wide.
MARTY’S FACE. no, no, NO, this shit was not about to fly. not HER marty, in HER club, not on HER watch. so pushing some hair out of her eyes, the mafia princess winked and patted the woman’s thigh in a way that said she’d be right back before dusting off her pants and going off to WAR.
a woman on a mission, with her drink in hand and louboutins clicking, mischa rounded the corner and elbowed her way into the man, getting her drink all over him, his surprise and disgust creating just a big enough opening for mischa to grab marty and move her behind her.
she expected her oscar in the mail.
“SESTRA, sestra! oh my god, little, i have been looking for you all night, thank god.” the older girl cooed, planting a kiss on marty’s temple and ruffling her hair before her expression darkened into rage. 
“you should be ashamed. she’s SEVENTEEN.” mischa lied, but it was worth it to see how scared he got. very scared indeed. the man’s face crumbled. he was as pale and feverish as death as he spat little timid “i didn’t know”s, “she looked older” and “it was an honest mistake”, before backing away slowly, trying to escape.
rookie mistake.
“not so fast, piggy.” the mob boss smashed her heel into the foot, probably crushing bone in the process judging by the way he yelled bloody murder. unfazed by his excruciating pain, mischa grabbed him by the greasy collar of his shirt and yanked him forward with unbridled aggression, the stench of his fear and beer breath burning in her nose.
“now, you listen, pig boy, and you listen good.” with her free hand, she whipped out what looked like an ordinary lipstick until her thumb popped the cap and revealed a small knife that she held under his CHIN.
 “go home and PRAY that you will never see my face again because it will be the LAST one you ever see. if you so much as breathe or EXIST in the direction of my beautiful blini, i will GUT you like the worthless fish you are and feed you to the sharks. and alexei loves the taste of men who sexually harrass women in clubs. it’s his favorite food. 
mischa barred her teeth, lifted her shoe and dropped his sweat-drenched shirt … or were those tears? good. “now, go. cry wee wee wee all the way home, piggy. QUICKLY. before i change my mind.” and he must have been an olympic gold medalist in track the way he bolted out of that building. with a smirk mischa put her faux lipstick away and wiped the pathetic man sweat, tears and spit off her face before turning to marty, stern and high strung.
“MALISHKA, how many times have i told you not to go out without me?! it is d a n g e r o u s out here at night!!! especially somewhere like HERE with men like THAT!” she scolded out of fear that something could have happened to the younger girl. but seeing how upset marty was, mischa’s expression immediately softened and her voice was quiet, kind, gentle. a very rare occurrence. 
obsessively, mischa began to check under her arms, her legs and her shoulder before putting a hand on her cheek. “did he do anything to you, little? are you hurt?! i’ll kill him. i should have k i l l e d that mudak bastard. oh, tiny, you scared me … you scared me so bad, don’t ever do that again.” mischa said, fear and relief breaking in her voice before pulling her into a hug, holding her probably too tight.
after she collected herself, mischa offered the girl a small smile. “hey, do you like frozen yogurt, sestra? hm? lets go get frozen yogurt you will feel better, i promise. if i flirt with boy at the counter we can get it for free. О Боже, you must be so tired. here. hop on, sestra. let’s get out of here.”
and so mischa bent over, ready to piggyback marty out of the club, regardless of how it looked because friends came and went, but sisters?
sisters were forever.
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supergrossie · 5 years
i’m watching the pilot of the o.c. and i’m gonna liveblog that shit bc why not
oh my god baby ryan atwood long ass time no see... all the fuckin heart eyes <3 <3 <3  <3 
holy shit trey was a different actor in the pilot? damn who knew
ben kinda looks like a baby ryan gosling ngl
“Dude, I’m on your side...” iconic
sandy cohen’s eyebrows are legendary...drop the brow care queen 
mrs. atwood’s outfit is a fucking mood
all the pent up angst of my teenage years have come flooding back w/this theme song...i could cry
“you’re endangering our home” wow how karen of you kiki smh
“he sleeps in the pool house” HE AINT A DOG KIRSTEN. but aww she’s getting him fresh sheets. k....slightly redeemed
“Who are you?”  “Whoever you want me to be.”  “Okay...”  THE MOST ICONIC GODDAMN MEET CUTE OF THE CENTURY MOTHERFUCKERS.
i don’t remember mischa’s voice being this high. 
k i’m putting the rest under a cut this is getting long
ugh the pool house...i spent all my best teenage years in that pool house
SETH...”Hey..” “Hey...” classic.
did they really  just go sailing 2 hours after meeting...i love it. 
oh my god i forgot seth named his boat after summer BEFORE ever having spoken to her. that’s prime incel material right there
why are the feds after jimmy again i forgot
ok yeah he’s knee deep in some fraud shit lmao.
“suck it queer” lol you stay classy too Luke
oh my god i forgot summer hit on ryan too damn boy is just making waves.
SWING SWING SWING FROM THE TANGLES OF MY HEART IS CRUSHED BY A FORMER LOVE...ugh...14 year old me is somewhere sharpie decorating her pink converse
oh my god HANDS UP this is ALL my gotdamn tween party playlists i’m crying
“Isn’t it like, so beautiful? The sand and the water?” this extra girl’s flirt tactic is out of this world
where is Julie Legend Cooper— omg speak of the devil THERE SHE IS “JImmyyyyY? Did you get my Froyo?!” iconic. ok you know what’s not iconic, pistachio froyo. who tf has pistachio froyo. 
why is it always a running trope in this teen shows that the parents also talk about their “wild” days? Serena’s mom and Rufus talked about this NONSTOP on gg too. what even.
ugh RYAN + MARISSA FOREVER, other teen couples just don’t compare. truly romeo + juliet. 
was that a kristin cavallari cameo
is summer trying to grope ryan. god i totally blanked how hot she was for him in this ep i thought she never had a minute for him from the beginning. awww seth is upset now, great.
i truly did not understand the implications of being from chino as a 14 year old 
Here it comes...it’s coming... “WELCOME TO THE O.C., BITCH! THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE IN ORANGE COUNTY.” by beating up nerds and kids from chino, apparently.
omg mazzy star, did not remember.
should not be commending ryan in my head for not touching a passed out marrisa but these are the sad standards we have sunk to 
“I was 22, i stank of patchouli, and I lived in the back of a mail truck.” I SWEAR TO GOD LILY VAN DER WOODSEN SAID THIS EXACT GODDAMN THING. 
that map slap. ugh. best brothers-who-arent-brothers relationship in the entire damn television history
ugh that shot of Marissa receding as they drive away. ICONIC. LEGENDARY. UNFORGETTABLE
ugh this end music... more memories. damn that was good pls take me permanently back to Newport in 2004 where everything was beautiful and nothing hurt, and your biggest problem was some blonde douche bully named Luke, thanks. 
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kyogos · 5 years
Rules of the game: Answer these questions and tag 10 7 blogs you’d like to know better
Was tagged by @youreamonocoque thank you bro
Nickname(s): Legs
Zodiac: Aries
Height:  Like 5'5
Time: 22:55
Favourite band/artist: Shinedown/Linkin Park/Sabaton
Song stuck in my head: Brain Power - Noma
Last movie I saw: I haven’t watched a film in so long but I just watched Horrid Henry for like 2 hours
Last thing I googled: Ocean Man Copypasta
Other blogs: @feli-lopez (tennis), @jamiechadwick (w series), @formuladone (racing)
Do I get asks?: Sometimes, idek why im annoyig as frick
Why this username: Someone has to love Mischa and it may as well be me 
Following: 125
Average amount of sleep: I don’t do average, my sleeping has been erratic since childhood
Lucky number: 16
What I’m wearing: Marvel pyjamas dont @ me
Dream job: I dont have a brain
Dream trips: Travel round Europe watching sport
Favourite food: Ice cream
Instruments I play: I dont have anything,  i have bad hands, no coordination and no rhythm 
Eye colour: Blue/green/grey
Hair colour: weird blond/brown mix
Aesthetic: this crossed with this 
Languages I speak: English badly 
Most iconic song: Juha88
Random fact: I may have walked round on a broken/fractured ankle for like 8 weeks but we’ll never know because i never went to the doctors
I tag (only if you want!!) @racingliners @franchufeuillassier @barrie-merry @dieschwartzman @hannobehrens @namackinnon @noodlenutter
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A Day Full of Surprises
Here to wish a very special and a very amazing happy birthday to my beloved friend @nadia-the-wizardess! I hope you enjoy this as here’s to many more awesome birthdays to come in the future! <3 
“This shouldn’t be hard to write,” Felix growled in frustration as he started crumbling another paper and tossing it to the side, letting it add to the growing pile. Grabbing a blank piece of paper and re dipping his pen for ink as he started all over again as he’d mutter to himself while carefully writing, but of course like the several other times he crumbled it up and ditched it before running his hand through his blonde locks. For the past five hours Felix has been sitting at his desk in his cabin trying to write a note to go with the present he made for his dearly beloved as tomorrow was his girlfriend Nadia’s special day: her birthday in which he wanted to be perfect. “Why is this so difficult, I am a dragonkin of many words yet I can’t write this,” he said getting up from his seat to start pacing around the room. After having paced back and forth a couple of times he stopped to look over at the box he had sitting on the desk as he slumped his shoulders groaning when he had come to the realization that he the great Felix was going to need help if he was going to finish this in time.
Thankfully it wasn’t a long trip to his destination as he walked up the steps of the cabin that belonged to the person that was most likely his only hope as he knocked on the wooden door. “Lizzy open up,” he grumbled as he waited for the pastel blue haired girl to answer the door as the two had a very interesting friendship. There was no answer as inside the lights were on as the sound of music could be heard in which would mean she couldn’t hear him in which seeing that the door was unlocked he just decided to invite himself in. “Human” Felix called as instantly after saw a head pop up from the other side of the couch. “Zeus I swear that if you-oh hi there Felix what’s up buddy,” Lizzy started to say as she didn’t seem to look over at first but when she did along with seeing the small sized sphere in her hand that started to raised caused Felix to hold his breath. “Hello to you too… You… You weren’t about to throw that at me were you,” he asked slowly walking in more as he’d hate to get hit with one of the devious prefect’s glitter bombs at this hour. Seemed to take a moment to look between him and the bomb she laughed a bit before gently tossing is away to only wince a bit when the sound of a small explosion occurred which proceeded to stand to go sit down.
“How can I help you,” she asked sitting as Felix came around to sit on the other couch he saw a banner on the floor along with various paints, decorations, and of course glitter as the banner reads, “Happy Birthday Nadia!”
“I… Hate to admit this, but I need your assistance on writing a letter to Nadia,” Felix said as he didn’t want to admit it as he did ask for advice from Rembrandt before but it wasn’t exactly to Felix’s style. “Alright why not base it off of what you got her or how you feel at this point in your relationship,” Lizzy said while stretching. “I’ve tried and all of them went to waste, for some reason I can’t seem to think of the proper words I want to use,” Felix said slouching as he felt annoyed with himself as of course he loved his beautiful crimson haired girlfriend but of course lacked the proper knowledge or experience of how to put it into words. “Maybe you’re thinking about it too hard,” Lizzy said causing the dragonkin to raise an eyebrow at the girl before him clearly confused by what she was saying. “What I’m trying to say is don’t use your head too much; the right words you want to use are going to come from your heart,” she further explained herself as Felix sat there listening as he let the words sink in as it was starting to make sense. Having getting a better idea of how to go about it that it even gave him an even better.
~~~ The Next Day ~~~
Of course in the morning it was crunch time as Felix of course would be the first to see Nadia as he went to pick her up to buy their friends time to put everything together. Getting to her front door he took a breather and knocked on the door a few times as he patiently waited. After a little while of waiting he could hear running footsteps and then locks coming undone before finally seeing the door open to reveal his beloved as he couldn’t help but smile. She was wearing a beautiful mint colored dress that had sheer short sleeves and stopped at her knees as she had her hair done in her usual lovely style. “Oh good morning Felix,” she said with a bright smile as her mint colored eyes sparkled as he couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. “It is a very good morning, happy birthday my darling,” he said taking one of her hands into his so he could bring it to his face placing a delicate kiss on her hand.
“Th-Thank you! It’s nothing too big,” she said already completely flustered as once she got her hand back she instantly hugged him which he happily returned. “Of course it’s something big, if you hadn’t been born then I would of never had the chance to meet you as if that happened who knows where I'd be,” he whispered to her as she did play a huge role in his change of heart and how he was going to give the humans a chance. Before fully pulling away from the hug Felix placed a small kiss on her lips getting her even more flustered. “Well I thought we go on a small stroll, but before that I have my first gift to give to you,” Felix said as he figured he wait to give her the special gift later on in the evening in which he saw the twinkle of curiosity in her eyes. Soon enough from the air a minidragon flew down letting out a squeaky roar as it had a neatly tied blue bow causing Nadia coo over the cute creature as it landed in her arms. “W-Wait you’re giving me one of your minidragon’s,” Nadia asked as she was petting the little dragon as it happily accepted the affection while Felix watched with a light smile.
“Of course, she is your’s so in times we’re not together you’re not alone as well as she’s for protection,” he said as Nadia couldn’t help but snuggle up to the cutie which brought him joy to see since he knew how much she loved all the other minidragons. “I’m going to name you Nova,” Nadia said after a small moment in which the minidragon swishes its tail happily showing the approval of her new name. After closing and locking the door the couple went on a stroll to their usual path while holding hands as they’d enjoy the quiet morning. It was silent between the two as they could hear the birds singing and the gentle whistle of the wind. Making casual chit chat it passed the time as when they stopped in the field of light blue flowers Felix noticed two heads stick out from behind a tree as they belonged to none other than Mischa and Rufus which could only have meant one thing; Nadia’s surprise party was all set and ready to go.
Going back to walking Felix started leading her to where the party was being held as once they arrived there all of their friends jumped out and shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY NADIA!” There was confetti and glitter in the air as Nadia jumped back a bit while clinging onto Felix’s sleeve in shock as she could only start smiling feeling the joy from seeing all of this. “Thank you so much, haha I’m just so speechless everything looks amazing,” Nadia said as she let go of Felix after having overcome the initial shock she was in. “Well what are we waiting for let’s start this party already,” Zeus shouted as he set of another one of the homemade poppers as everyone gathered around Nadia wishing her a happy birthday and some hugs.
The party went on throughout the day as they all ate and laughed while playing a bunch of different games. Of course they stopped so they could sing happy birthday and cut the cake as of course it wouldn’t be a normal party without a little bit of a food fight thanks to Zeus. After cake everyone sat around the on going fire as the sky was turning to night as the stars started to come out as it was some time ago that Felix had excused himself to use the bathroom. “How’s our birthday princess doing,” Lizzy said with a grin as she appeared by Nadia’s side giving her a hug. Happily returning the short hug Nadia smiled as she looked at her friend as she said, “I’m great everything was amazing as I just feel so lucky to have amazing friends like you guys.”
“Well of course you deserve it! We all know you’d do the same for all of us as of course we’re going to do this for you,” Lizzy said nudging the crimson haired playfully before glancing at the flames dancing around. “Oh I almost forgot I wanted to show you something come on,” Lizzy suddenly said as she hopped up and carefully tugged on Nadia’s arm lightly which she slowly got up from her seat as she could only imagine what it could be. Nadia followed as soon they were greeted with a view of a pathway made of Nadia’s favorite flowers along a few small floating orbs of light. “Wow where did this come from,” Nadia asked out loud as she admired the beauty as something shiny caught her attention as she carefully bent down to pick up what ended up being a crystal. “Huh what’s this, hey lizzy- huh? Lizzy where’d you go,” Nadia went to turn to her friend to have her take a look but when she did Lizzy was not there causing the birthday girl to look all around as she was so confused as to what was going on.
Soon the crystal glowed as soon a small hologram of Felix’s face appeared as it started to say, “Hello my darling I see that you successfully found your way to my surprise, follow the path with crystals like this one to find me for your gift.” It was something so unexpected but gave Nadia a big smile on her face warming her heart that he did something like this. Following his instructions Nadia started to follow the path in which behind a tree a small light blue fox poked its head out as it seemed to snicker a little bit before going off. Following the path Nadia found a couple more of the crystals as they were words full of love and endearment as there a few that sounded like an interview. At the current crystal Nadia was on she heard undeniably Lizzy’s voice ask, “What’s your favorite thing about Nadia?” Which after a short pause and seeing Felix’s smiling face he said, “Her smile; how warm it feels as it never fails to make me smile myself... Getting to see her smile makes me feel at home like I finally found the place where I belong.” His words touched Nadia’s heart as she almost had a few tears of joy fall as she was hoping she was getting closer to where she needed to go so she could see her boyfriend.
Adding it with the other small crystals she continued on her way as it seemed that the path came to an end as there was the very last crystal in which Nadia picked it up as she breathed preparing herself for what seems to be the last crystal as soon just like the others another hologram of Felix’s head appeared. “So what about your hopes for the future,” the question asked by Lizzy as just the question alone was starting to cause Nadia’s heart to beat faster feeling the heat rise in her face. “That I can be the man that makes her the happiest woman alive, that I get to one day be able to be lucky enough to wake up to the view of her right beside me everyday, but I think most importantly,” hologram Felix was saying until it suddenly cut off as Felix suddenly appeared with a little smile as he said, “I think most importantly that you’ll like my surprise for you.”
Speechless for a moment Nadia looked at him as of course Felix was always a handsome man but under the moonlight and how it made him appear even more charming had her in a small trance. Blinking a few times and snapping out of it she walked closer saying, “How could I not; everything so far was so romantic and so sweet that it made me really happy to hear all those things you said. This has been probably the most remembrall birthdays I’ll ever have as I have you and everyone else to thank this for,” she said as he simply reached a hand out to caress her face lightly before leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Well we’ll just have to see about that statement now when your next birthday comes around,” Felix said with a small chuckle as if teasing a bit though his face was starting to grow a bit pink himself.
Pulling away from Nadia standing just a few feet away from her he held both her smaller hands in his large ones. “Nadia there’s a lot I owe to you as if it wasn’t for you who knows what would have become of me. You’ve showed me what it's like to love as you’ve given me a new purpose to live and to fight as I want to experience this life with you; I want to see the world with you,” he said as pulling his hands away to reach into his robes to pull out an ornate box in which Nadia’s eyes widened as this wasn’t what it could be right. “Though it may not be happening soon, but I know in my heart that I want to stay by your side through whatever life has to offer as I want us to be the start of dragonkins and humans being able to coexist together,” Felix said as he opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring as it was made mostly out of a brilliant blue crystal as the band of the ring had gold.
Looking up into his green eyes that almost appeared to be glowing she saw the sincerity and passion that was in his eyes. “Nadia will you marry me,” he asked causing her heart feeling like it skipped a beat as this was really happening right. “Y-Yes, yes I will marry you,” Nadia finally said as she had a bigger smile on her face as a few tears of joy fell. Smiling more himself Felix took the ring out as he moved it to her ring finger. “With this ring may it protect you from all the evil in the world, but also symbolize all of my love for you and my promise to one day make you the happiest bride,” he said, giving the most genuine smile he could give. After putting on the ring Nadia engulfed Felix into a hug as she couldn’t be happier. “Thank you so much; I love it and I love you,” she said sweetly as Felix was the one to lean his face closer to close the gap between them. “I love you too with all of my heart,” he said before bestowing a tender and loving kiss onto her lips as there was still a long way to go before they could get married but just the thought of them having the married life and spending the rest of their lives together only made Nadia look forward to when that day would come when she would officially become his wife.
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Slave of the Chains of One’s Biology”
Based on Ai No Kusabi (Wedge of Interval)
Love is complicated. Love is something two people feel when they meet. Love is something Hannibal, would never truly understand and looking back one last time at Will’s house from where it stands in the far distance takes out his phone and calls the number on his screen. The person on the other side, answers immediately.
“Hello, Jack.”
“Lecter!!!? How in the hell did you get this number!!!? Where is Will and what have you done with him?”
“Nothing. Will is alive and well, Jack.”
“You…Bastard!! Where the hell are you!!?”
“Wolf-trap, Will’s house. Come and get me, Jack.”
“What the hell!!!?”
The Head of the F.B.I Science and Behavioral Unit cuts off, afterwards and Hannibal, standing next to the tree behind Will’s house waits for the Hunter’s to arrive to come and take him in. It was the only way now, because of what Will had done.
Because of what Will, had said to him.
———————————————————————————————————————————– Submitted by @unknownmusing - read in full under the cut
“Un-awakened Omega”
There was reason, why the Chesapeake Ripper did murders in sounders of three and then afterwards vanish for couple of mouths it was because you see they had been born an Omega.
An Un-awakened one, meaning they had yet to fully Awake to become who they were meant to be. They were more dangerous - their Heat’s uncontrollable causing intense blackouts and loss of time, while they would then come around remember nothing of what had happened to them.
This what Hannibal Lecter - The Chesapeake Ripper - is and has been ever since he had been born in his birthplace in Lithuania. He grown up showing now outward signs that he was Omega, it all happened internally ravaging his body to where he began to suspect something was not right.
It was after the death of Mischa, when a mixed bag of deserters who used the remote hunting lodge came to the barn where he and his little sister were hiding in then because there had not been much meat on the runty deer they had captured wearing their long overcoats. They had felt among the straw to look for them, finding Mischa and instead of choosing him they chose her to take away they said to play as he had tried to hold onto her in his arms.
It hadn’t worked and they had pulled her out of his grip, with their hands then headed quickly to the barn door as he tried to rush towards it, to stop them only for it to be slammed on him, dousing him in darkness.
The scream, followed by the thud of an axe would haunt him for the rest of his life until he would meet….Will Graham.
Soft gentle piano music plays from the radio in the still kitchen, while Hannibal Lecter - 35 years old, slicked back blonde hair with silvery highlights and an Unawakened Omega - calmly slices into the meat on the chopping board into thin slices, trying to remember what had happened just six months earlier - but the Memories are coming in slow fragments, soon trickling away like water going through a sieve or sand going through fingers.
Had he gone into Heat?
Had he killed someone?
Had…he mated with someone, without his knowledge?
All these questions swirling around his head, make him stop what he is doing and go over to where he keeps the index cards of different businesses’ - collected over the time he has lived in Baltimore, Maryland - flicking through them to see some are missing from it.
He sighs heavily, heading over to the kitchen drawer and gets out a syringe, along with the small bottle of Sodium Amytal - which helped patients to remember memories that they had forgotten and so hardly wanted to remember.
He had to be careful though. To an Omega, especially like him it could easily kill him if he used too much of it and making sure he has the right dosage then sits on the kitchen stool, after rolling up his sleeve to expose his arm.
He had done this before, after Mischa had died to see what he could remember after waking up in Florence, Italy in someone’s apartment not knowing how he got there and who was the dead man lying on the carpet with blood spreading out from their carnage body.
After injecting it into the vein, he places the now empty syringe on the large kitchen island feeling his heart start to pound against his ribcage as his bloodstream carries the Sodium Amytal through the veins in his body then closing his eyes, tilts his head backwards with a soft, breathless gasp.
Blue lights of Police cars, parked outside a house flash off the white painted wooden structure of it as inside, Will Graham - 47 years old, with mop of soft, curly brown hair and Sea-bluish green eyes and also an Alpha - stands close to a body lying on the floorboards close to the Burglar Alarm which she had been trying to reach before she was shot by the Intruder - an unidentified yet to be confirmed whether Alpha or Beta or even Omega.
He watches silently, while they take the dead husband out in black forensics’ bag and looks at the poor woman lying in front of him - eye’s unseeing and dulled - then taking a deep breath, closes his eyes shutting out everything - the light, the Forensics’ people and the Officers around him.
The golden pendulum swings once, twice then finally a third and final time, dragging him into the reconstruction of the Crime Scene.
Our Prey is within, both - both Beta’s, lowest of the Species that made up Alpha, Beta and Omega - then gripping the gun tightly in my hands, walk forwards up the flight of steps kicking the door open hard shattering the wood instantly sending tiny fragments of splinter’s flying in all directions.
The Alarm goes off and hear rushing footsteps as the Husband comes down the stairs then lifting the gun, aim and fire sending the man flying backwards with blood shooting upwards into the air to splatter crimson petals on the wallpaper and stairs.
“I shoot Mr. Marlow twice, severing jugulars and carotid with near surgical precision. He will die watching what is his being is taken away from him. This is my Design.”
Mrs. Marlow is busy trying to sort the Alarm and bringing the gun up once again fire it watching slowly as the blood splatters on the wall when it hits her causing her to jerk like when a puppet has it’s strings cut by scissors then she crumples to the wooden floor.
“I shoot Mrs. Marlow, expertly through the neck. This is not a fatal wound. The bullet misses every artery. She is paralyzed before even leaves her body.”
I step forwards, looking down at her blood flowing from her mouth and onto the floor. A macabre sight of Death for a Beta.
“Which doesn’t mean she can’t feel pain. Just means she can’t do anything about it. This is my Design.”
I pass her now still body, heading to the Alarm and switch it off. Silence soon descends.
Coming out of the reconstruction, Will Graham, asks quietly for the Alarm Logbook and is handed it by one of the officers then flicking through it finds what he is looking for.
The Alarm system it seems had been tapped by the Killer and they had listened into the conservation that Mrs. Marlow, had, giving away her password “Tea kettle” to them when they pretended to be from the Company that supplied the Alarm system in the first place.
Location - Baltimore, Virginia
“Everybody’s thought about killing someone. Be at your own hand or the Hand of God. Now, as you can see Mrs. Marlow was killed efficiently and ruthlessly because it seems the killer did not like Betas. I want you to give me your reason on why they would do what they did. You may discuss in groups of two or three.
Students - for the F.B.I Academy for the B.S.U (Behavioral Science Unit) - sitting in the Lecture Theatre seats around him begin to quietly discuss among themselves their theory on why the Killer had murdered these simple, loving and caring Beta, while Will leans against the desk with both hands holding the edges lightly of it for support.
All of them, ready to be trained for next coming year and the field. Most of them Betas and Alphas, plus a few scatterings of Omegas - not so many, due to the prejudice when many tried to join before - then checking the time on his phone, sees that class is about to finish soon.
Tempus fugit - Time flies.
“Alright, any ideas will have to be for homework I’m afraid.” He says, hearing some groans come from the Students, making him snarl in certain way to quiet them and satisfied that they gotten the hint allows them to leave.
Scrapping of chairs, students getting to their feet with light chatter filling the Lecture Theatre as they file out of the area and head to their next class, while he sighs softly going around the desk to start packing his bag at the sametime a large black man, closely followed by another man with blond silvery hair and maroon eyes behind him come into the Lecture Theatre.
“Will Graham.” The large black man - Alpha and thoroughbred one at that, because Will can tell by the voice that came from a good family - and he nods in reply, while the they come up to him then introduce themselves. “Special Agent Jack Crawford and also head of the Behavioral Science Unit.”
Will, stills at the name when he hears it just as he’s putting his laptop away and remembers he had heard rumors about this man before. Those rumors going flying out the metaphorical window, but he finds more interested though in the other man with a strange scent - Honeysuckle mixed strangely with undertone of Deadly Nightshade - then heads around the desk, is curiosity in the strange scent rising.
The other man, far older about maybe 45 or something doesn’t flinch only watches what is doing when he bends down his head to their Scent gland on their neck inhaling deeply.
It is intoxicating scent, wrapping around him like smoke and bringing out his tongue presses it against the bare skin licking upwards at the sametime grabbing them to pull them flush against his body, cradling the back of their head with one hand.
A heavy quiver runs through them, followed by whimpering Omegan mewl indicating for him - the Alpha - to let them go and seeing he is making them distressed steps back from purring softly to calm them, while spreading his own Calming Pheromones towards them.
“You alright, Dr. Lecter? You look pale.” He hears Jack Crawford, asking the other man who has managed to compose himself flicking his maroon eyes over to Will, who stills his purring because technically Alpha’sonly did it if the one in front of them was their Mate.
“I’m fine. Thank you for asking, Jack.”
Hannibal, splashing his face with cold water from the Men’s bathroom sink lifts his head to stare at it in the mirror above seeing the small rim of gold starting to form around his maroon eyes meaning he would have to use the Inhibitor Omega Eye Drops again to get rid of it plus coat himself in the fake Beta perfume once more.
He did not want people knowing, especially Jack Crawford and Will Graham, that he was an Unawakened Omega. To his shame, he remembers when the Alphahad been close to him and he produced slick that is now starting to run down the inside of his thighs then taking a deep breath, tries to calm his racing heart.
If he went into…..Heat…. now, it would affect everything and because he is so absorbed in trying to think what he needs to do doesn’t sense the presence behind him then hands shoot around his waist, grabbing hold of him to drag him into one of the toilet cubicle’s.
Where turning his face to look over his shoulder see it is Will Graham – the Alpha – then hands, go to his belt making him buck and try to wriggle free but that only causes him to grind back into growing bulge in the young man’s jeans making a groan sound above them when he does so.
Mortified, face flushing crimson and slick starting to seep heavily through his own fine suit trousers, Hannibal finds himself pressed up against the tiled wall in front of him the side of his right cheek against the cold surface at the sametime the clinking of his belt.
It echoes loudly to his ears and the small space then hands, pulls his boxers down to fully expose him followed by taking hold of both his ass-cheeks spreading them lewdly apart to expose the twitching pucker – begging to be filled with something large, throbbing and so right.
A satisfied purr of appreciation comes from Will Graham, causing him to give a whimpering purr in reply to the Alpha and hips shove forwards, slamming straight into his own causing him to arch his back.
His head tilting backwards as he gasps breathlessly followed by moaning heavily at the intense feeling of being filled by a large, throbbing and pulsating Alpha cock that soon becomes fully sheathed within his tight, slick warm insides.
He has no time to speak or do anything, when the young man begins to undulate his hips back and forth sliding it in and out at such a hard, pounding pace squelching of slick gushing out to run down his thighs in a steady stream and skin slapping of skin against skin begin to full the cubicle space.
 Hannibal, becoming overwhelmed by the intensity of being taken in such way slides downwards slightly the tiled wall, causing the angle to become so much he can’t stop the cries of keening Omegan wails of pleasure and ecstasy escaping from his mouth.
He’s losing control. He can feel it slipping away, like water trickling through a sieve or sand through fingers as his “Heat” finally hits ravaging its way through his body making him remember nothing from thereon after.
LOCATION – Forest near Muskrat Farm
Hannibal, fangs unsheathed in stark contrast hisses shouting it loudly at the stranger – an Alpha – who had just discovered him curled up the hollow of a tree in a forest somewhere– feeling his poison forming in them and slinks back on all fours as they walk close to him.
Slowly trying to frighten him then reach out, grabbing him by the scruff of his unblemished neck where a Crest would form if an Alpha sunk their fangs into the vulnerable skin squeezing it. This causes him to arch his back crying out when white pleasure flashes before his eyes releasing a gush of fresh slick onto the leafy ground and some of his seed.
He shudders through the waves of endorphins and is hauled to his feet, forced to walk then flung into the back of land rover, while he lunges back out knocking the person over before they close the passenger door.
Surging forwards, Hannibal sinks his fangs straight into their neck and ripping it tearing so much off that instantly blood spurts upwards to coat his body in fine mist of crimson petals.
The meat is worth a use to him as he spits out the large ragged piece of throat to one side then bending down, rips the shirt open with his claws that have formed, begins to harshly tear into the chest, breaking the ribcage apart with such force the bone snapping apart sends a birds flying up from the trees until he reaches his prize seeing the Heart is in good condition, some of the Liver and pancreas.
He tears the heart out, tearing strips of it and chewing it, feeling his strength slowly beginning to return then after he is finished eating the rest of what he has chosen, uses a clean handkerchief from the dead man’s pocket to dab his lips clean of the blood.
He hears a voice, Sardinian and coming close shouting for the person he had just murdered then a shot rings out, causing him to leap off the body bounding on all fours over fallen trees branches; dodging more shots and keeps on running when suddenly one of the bullets makes impact in his side, blood spurting to land on tree and some of the leafy ground.
Hannibal, falls to one side rolling down a hill at such a fast pace he hits the icy, small stream with large splashing noise gasping immediately and scrambles out of it half collapsing on the other side of it then shivers memories of the harsh Winter, which had taken Mischa from him go through his mind.
Then a large hand grabs the nape of his neck, pressing down and tightening as he hauled to deeper part of the stream followed by his face soon being dunked straight into it.
Kepted underwater, while he thrashes weakly clawing at the muscular arm above him drawing blood to make them feel pain and yet, it doesn’t work then just before he nearly loses conscious they haul him out releasing his neck as he breathes in fresh oxygen – after being so forcibly starved of it.
He is grabbed again by his hair this time, flung onto the shore where he lands with muffled thump onto something soft – a large winter coat – and a leather-gloved hand touches his spine, sending electric current running up it as he arches his back.
It slips downwards, between his thighs and fingers press inwards to his slickened insides making him fist his hands into the coat for support at the sametime biting his bottom lip to silence the whimpers that want to escape.
He would not show this person, whoever they were satisfaction of any kind of prompting a reaction from him.
The fingers, spread more deeply rubbing his warm, slick insides which clench around them like they would if it were an Alpha Knot within him and start to scissor within, spreading him apart then a body gets over him, followed by something pressing into him making him collapse onto his elbows at the whiteness blinding his vision.
“He’s ripe. Carlos, bring him to the Farm.”
Location – Muskrat Farm, Inner Breeding Pens
Hannibal, lying among the large bed of hay in what has become his Breeding Pen – the same one he had been placed when first brought to what had turned out to be Muskrat Farm belonging to Mason Verger – The Son of Velenus Verger of the Meatpacking Business, but that was a cover.
What really happened was the Illegal Breeding of Omegas thinking they were going to get a job and yet, finding only Enslavement – can hear distantly the whimpers and moans of other Omega’s and Beta’s – female and male – begging to go home to their families or Alpha’s – echoing in the round cavernous space.
The slamming of large doors opening, makes everyone moaning and whimpering go silent, listening to the footsteps coming down into the main area of the Breeding Pen’s then Mason Verger, wearing his fur-trimmed coat smiles at all of them.
Hannibal wearing only black male thong-like fudoshi and tank-top covering his chest – but revealing his abdomen – burrows further back into the mound of hay reaching underneath with one hand for the rusty sharp, bent nail as Carlos – Sardinian Omega Breeder, Masochist and Drinker – comes over to his Pen.
“Check him, Carlos, while I attend to the others.” Mason says, making the man grunt in reply, opening the Pen and stepping inside as Hannibal, holds the nail tightly behind his back hidden from sight then the man kneels down, reaching out to touch him as he lunges with the nail feeling his wrist grabbed as he presses forwards with all his strength to stab into one of Carlo’s eyes with it.
It nearly touches the Sardinian’s eyeball, when suddenly a garrote goes over his head and around his throat from behind, tightening as he is hauled up by the person behind him choked labored gasps coming from him with Hannibal, grabbing hold of it to tries in vain to pull it off so he can breathe only for it tighten more.
His heart begins to furiously pound against his ribcage, trying to pump oxygen around his body and drops the rusty nail allowing it to tinkle to the Pen floor then the garrote is released slightly around his throat, causing him to slump against the back of the Pen, his head lolling on his chest then Mason, comes over to him, taking hold of the back of his head by his hair and wrenches it backwards so he is forced to look into the vile man’s eyes.
“Bring him to the Showroom.”
After forcing him to shower the grime, filth and dust that has acclimated on his body, they place him in what he had been given to wear when he had first arrived - black male thong-like fudoshi and tank-top – then is escorted into the Showroom, where already other patron’s invited have arrived and sat at the large round tables in the alcoves, while he is pushed to the large round circular stage and left alone.
He heads to the far back of it, when one of the Beta’s from Mr. Fell’s Breeding Farm trips him up with their foot on purpose and landing on his hands and knees on the polished floor of the circular stage then they hold out their foot to him, like they expect him to kiss it and taking hold of it tightens his hand flinging it in certain way causing them to stumble backwards.
He grabs hold of them, turning them to face the Audience hidden in the darkened alcoves and unsheathing his Omegan fangs, bites down into the soft flesh ripping a good-sized chunk off causing some of the other Omega’s and Beta’s to scream in shock and horror as blood spurts outwards staining the polished surface with crimson petals then drops the victim of his, a sickening thud sounding loudly in the Showroom and bringing up one hand wipes his bottom lip with his thumb to show he will not be controlled by anyone.
 “Amazing, how feral you are. I say you’re more of a Mongrel, with the way you act.”
“You know nothing about me.”
“Spread your legs and show me how you pleasure yourself then.”
Hannibal, now with a chain collar around his neck and the long chain attached to it leading to the voice that holds it in their hand, while keeping in the shadows of the large armchair as he sits on the floor in front of them.
Then knowing Mason, is watching with the camera – the little red dot glinting in the dark – spreads his thigh apart and slipping his hand down – the chains attached to the wrist cuffs clinking in the silence of the darkened room – takes hold of himself in his hand, slowly starting to move it up and down with the lewd wet sounds reaching his ears and filling the silence.
“Wider. Spread your legs more widely apart and show me, Mongrel. Use your other hand to touch yourself, where I will soon place myself in you when you come into Heat.”
Spreading his legs wider apart, showing the most intimate part of him begins to slip his hand up and down as his hips start to rock into his hand.
His slick that has formed starts to gush outwards filling the darkened room with the fresh scent of Lilies, Orchids and Deadly Nightshade as he does so and the chain clinking intensely each time, quivers running up his thighs.
Slipping his other hand downwards, he rubs his fingertips against the wet, gushing area pressing his fingers inward starts to plunge them in and out then a familiar Alpha scent hits his nostrils, causing him to arch his back heavily the chains clanking as he feels like he just become suspended above himself and soon falls back down.
“Just a Mongrel and Nothing Else”
“So, I ask again, Dr. Chilton. When is his next Heat? Because I do plan to Breed our Mongrel here. Get a Stud Alpha to have a go at him and keep him in check.”
“Stud Alpha!!!? Mason, are you trying to risk getting caught. If Jack Crawford of the Behavioral, Science and Illegal Breeding Liberation Unit gets wind of that, he will hunt you down and take everything here away.”
“Just check him.”
“Fine. Open the Pen, please, Mr. Carlos?”
Hannibal, chained down with both hands pulled behind his back and a leather collar attached to a rope which leads to ring in the floorboards beneath the large hay pile of the Pen then Dr. Chilton, goes around him placing gloved hand on his back and strokes down his spine to his tailbone.
“Hmm, supple and fit. Where did you find him, Mason?” He hears Chilton asking the vile man at the sametime a hand cups him from behind – gloved fingertips pressing inwards causing Hannibal, to shudder heavily at them pressing deeply within him.
“After he killed…No, actually savagely brutalized one of Carlos’ men to death and ate some of him.” Mason replies, followed by the hand cupping him and the gloved latex fingers probing within him pull out making him slump slightly in the ropes holding him up.
“That is not Omega, Mason. Omega’s, are docile, caring and gentle. That…would mean…” Chilton begins to say, coming around Hannibal and looking at him as he rises his head to look up at the other man next to Mason. “It would mean, he’s the rarest of all – Unawakened Omega – and his Heats, well he won’t remember any of them at all or any other events for that matter.”
“So, tell me this. Is next Heat coming in or to I have to get the Stud Alpha for him?” Mason asks, causing Hannibal to snarl loudly with fangs unsheathed causing the other Omega’s and Beta’s to stiffen at the noise of it.
It is inhuman and un-Omegan sounding.
“Touch me and swear, I’ll rip your mouth off and fe….Gaahhh!!!” Hannibal snarls, only for something to be shoved within him from behind cutting off the rest and trembling in shock and surprise feels hips push into his followed by Alpha scent fills his nostrils.
The Alpha, begins to move jolting his body back and forth in the ropes causing “Uh…Uhh….Uhhh!!?” noises to escape from his mouth going harder and faster with slick, lewd sounds filling the area due to his slick running so thickly down his thighs it is more of like gushing down the inside of them then he keens heavily – a Omegan wail coming from the very depths of his throat – when his inner womb is finally breached and keeps on wailing at the intense pain of being knotted without consent.
Hannibal, free of the ropes and collar lays curled up on the fresh bed of straw brought into his pen with a blanket covering his nude body slightly while it is covered in scratch marks from being held down by the Stud Alpha – Anthony Dimmond from Mr. Fell’s Breeding Farm – at the sametime every inch of his lower half hurts so much but not as much as his inner womb which hurts more painfully within him now that it had become breached.
Now the Stud Alpha’s seed, would fertilize within until it become a growing fetus and tries to move, when the hand around his waist pulls him back flush against Dimmond’s chest then his face his turned so he looks into the Stud Alpha’s eyes.
“Remember, you’re just a Mongrel to be bred and that is all your purpose is.” Dimmond says to him, causing him to wrench free as best he can and getting into the corner hisses with fangs unsheathed dripping their poison then the Stud Alpha, lunges at him grabbing as he begins to claw, scratch and tear every part of exposed skin until he is slammed down onto Stud Alpha’s shaft – which feels like it is splitting him in two.
Dimmond, gives him no time to adjust or even escape again, just sets up a brutal pace forcing Hannibal to ride the other man beneath him with wails, mournful cries and whimpers echoing off the ceiling. He feels tears forming, starting to soon run thickly down his cheeks as he hears himself begging heavily for the man to stop – for the Stud Alpha to stop.
The other man stills, sitting up and wrapping his arms around him then continues to move causing Hannibal, to scar down Dimmond’s back drawing blood then sinks into state where he remembers nothing from thereafter.
Nothing but darkness.
Hannibal doesn’t know how long it has been.
How much time as past since a Purebred Alpha - Francis Dolerhyde - had been forced to breed him over and again. Instead of Dimmond, who Mason had decided was not satisfied when Hannibal had not conceived from the Stud Alpha.
His body feels wrecked slightly with each-time he is endlessly filled to make sure he gets pregnant.
Slipping out of the large hay nest, he goes over to the water trough which is soon filled by fresh water by Carlos – Sardinian Omega Breeder, Masochist and Drinker - and cupping it in his hands splashes himself to cool down as he feels like his body is starting to burn up heavily then a soft growling noise comes from behind him.
He whimpers to the Stud Alpha, rolling onto his side to expose his belly to the larger man to placate then fangs sink into his nape hauling him back by the black ornate choker around his neck and back into the large Hay nest, where he is forced to lay down in certain way.
Hannibal wishes he could speak. But with relentless Breeding and being around this Purebred keeping him close to them he lost his voice to his Omegan animal side then suddenly manages to get up slightly to immediately give a violent heave into the corner of the Pen at the sametime Francis strokes his back – spreading calming Alpha pheromones to make him relax.
Another heave followed by weakly going over to the water trough to splash his face again at the sametime doors slamming followed by Mason’s distinct nasal voice causes everyone to start to look towards Hannibal, who feels Francis take hold of him.
“Forgive me.” The Alpha says, kissing his forehead and whispering the next words which make him stare widened eye at the Stud Alpha. “You have finally conceived.”
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My Sleeping Beauty
Pairing: Vain/Lizzy Luna
Warning: Angstish & Some spoilers for those who haven’t read/watch Hugo’s Route
It was a beautiful flower field in the woods as I was walking with Lizzy hand in hand enjoying the afternoon as it was nice as she looked so beautiful in her dress that was almost pure white with a soft tint of blue along with her usual flower she wore in her hair. The two of us stopped walking as I looked over to her with a light smile as I didn’t have my mask on. “You know, I may have said this a thousand times but... You’re far more beautiful than any flower in this world,” I said while my free hand went up cupping the side of her face in it as I gazed into her baby blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. Smiling she leaned into my touch as her free hand overlapped mine. “As hearing that every time only makes me happier when it comes from you,” she said as it brought me joy to know she felt that way.
The environment was peaceful and lively, but soon it all suddenly changed to a more dreary feeling as suddenly her eyes widened as there was an arrow head that seemed to be made out of darkness sticking out of her chest as she started to fall forward which I swiftly caught her in my arms.
“Lizzy,” I shouted as I was quick to awaken from my slumber as I was sitting up while panting as I felt myself sweating while I looked over to where my girlfriend would usually be, but she wasn’t as I felt my chest tighten in pain as I clenched my hands gripping at the blankets. Why couldn’t I just have a peaceful dream about her, why was I to be reminded of the pain of not having her by my side.
Recalling the events that occurred four days ago was that Hugo and myself had gotten a lead about Felix’s whereabouts as Lizzy along with her prefect friends came along to assist us with finally putting an end to Felix’s plans... However in the end not only did he get away once again, but that stupid dragonkin hit her with a curse as now she was in an eternal sleep as why wasn’t I fast enough to protect her... I felt tears built up as I was trying to hold them back, but some started to fall as I gripped the blankets tighter as never in my life had I ever experienced such heart rendering pain, but that all changed when I met her and when she sneaked her way into my heart and showed me that there was so much more to life than what I was used to.
Just remembering turning around to see the arrow made of darkness flying through the air across the other side of the room as it was going right towards Lizzy and how I tried everything in my power to strike down the clones that got in my way but... It wasn’t good enough as I couldn’t get to her fast enough to prevent her from getting hurt, from her losing her soul. (Sound a lil familiar?) Soon I saw Mischa’s white fur as she came up to me while she frowned looking up to me as she said, “Another bad dream?” I shakily breathed before I reached out one hand to pet her head as ever since the incident I haven’t been able to sleep properly as... I don’t think I will be able to until I can finally break that curse. “If only I had stayed closer to her.. I could of protect her... She’d be right here next to me,” I said as I was once again blaming myself as I felt Mischa hit my hand with her paw. “You know as well as I do that she wouldn’t want you to say stuff like that and we will find him as we WILL make sure that we free her from the curse,” Mischa said as she wasn’t wrong and if Lizzy heard me she would of most likely scolded me.  
“You’re right... And I won’t stop until I made him pay in full for what crimes he’s committed,” I said getting out of bed as I started to get ready for another day as I will go visit Lizzy where she is currently resting like I have been everyday.
Of course it didn’t take me long to get where I was going as I came to the small open space in the woods as there was a pretty big tree as under that tree was a bed of flowers which laid my beloved girlfriend. Walking over I felt a lump form in my throat as it only felt all the more painful with every visit as the worst possibility comes to mind; what if she was to never wake up again even after the curse being broken though I will not allow myself to think such depressing thoughts. I made eye contact with her familiar Rufus as he now sat up barking as if greeting me as he’s been guarding the area though this part of the woods has been casted with a protection spell to ensure not just anyone could get to here. Kneeling down by her side I took off my mouth mask and looked down at her sleeping face as I brushed some of her bangs out of her face before cupping the side of her face with my gloved hand.
“Good morning... I wonder if you can hear me, it’s been rough these past few days... I miss you, I wish you’d wake up soon as I’d want nothing more than to be able to admire your beautiful eyes,” I spoke softly as even while talking there was no reaction as she didn’t twitch or shift in her sleep. With all the different color flowers around her truly made her appear to look like a princess right out of some of the old fairy tales our mother used to read to us when we were little.
After some time passing I decided I should get to work on gathering information on where Felix could possibly be or where he’s going as I leaned down giving her lips a small kiss before pulling away. “I’m heading out now my little vixen, but I shall return later to see you,” I said while putting my mask back on as I proceeded to stand up and disappearing to get to work.
The day went on as it wasn’t as a successful day that I would of liked it to be, but there were a few possible few clues but not strong enough to point us in the correct direction to hunt the dragonkin down and ending it all. The sky was slowly turning shades of oranges, pinks, and red as it was time I stopped and go visit Lizzy once again. Traveling to the location once again while on my way I stopped and got her a bouquet of her favorite flower, snapping dragons. I managed to get there without a problem as the scenery of the area looked different compared to when I came here this morning as it looked enchanting as the sky was becoming more shades of purples and blues along with the fading orangish pink color.
Upon my arrival there she was right where I left her this morning as once again Rufus as usual was close by. I walked over while holding the flowers in hand as taking my place right by her side I sat on the ground as I took off my face mask once again. “I’ve returned like I promised, I even brought you your favorite flowers,” I said placing the fresh flowers on her before taking one of her hands to hold in both of mine as I frowned as nothing had changed as there was still no sign of her waking up. “No one ever told me how badly it would hurt to lose someone so precious… Though I never thought I’d ever get so.. So attached to someone but you proved me wrong and though you’re not completely gone… Y-you feel so far away from me Lizzy,” I said as I gave her smaller hand a light squeeze as that feeling of sadness spread throughout my chest as I felt my eyes getting watery as I put her hand close to where my heart was. “I never thought about what I wanted in my future after saving everything from falling apart, but… I now know that I want in the future and what I want nothing more is to have you by my side as there’s… So many things with you that I want to see and experience,” I said as I felt my chest tighten more as a small uncontrollable sob came out as thankfully there was no one to witness me this weak.
Suddenly I heard footsteps as I quickly blinked my eyes though only one was visible as so much for having a quiet moment alone. “Oh hello there Vain it’s nice to see that you came by,”  shorter blonde they call Alfonse said giving a small smile as I let out a scoff. “Of course I came, I come when no one is around because I much rather like it better when no one is here to annoy me,” I said as I only tolerate these boys because they’re her friends as if they were anything less they would mean nothing to me. “Well too bad since we have just as much as a right to come visit her as you do,” the one known as Zeus loudly said as I particularly didn’t like him. I decided to just roll my eyes and turn my direction back to my sleeping girlfriend as I placed a small kiss on the back of her hand.
Her friends gathered around as they on the other side of her as for the most part they were silent but now and again they’d have small talk as I listened to the few stories they’d share about the things they’ve all done and the funny things Lizzy has done.
“Remember the one time she slam dunked a balloon filled with glitter pain on Klaus’ head, that was hilarious,” Zeus said as he laughed loudly as I then remembered one memory and smirked deciding I’d join in for a bit. “Or possibly the time Lizzy fought you in the yard and put you in a headlock (This is in reference of a friend’s fanfic),” I said smugly as watching that was pretty entertaining to see as Lizzy’s feisty personality was one of the reasons why I loved her so much. It seemed like Zeus glared at me as it looked like he had something to say but then back off as he proceeded to cross his arms over his chest and mumbling to himself as the others were laughing.
Soon footsteps could be heard as it seemed we all looked behind us to see it was my brother and Mischa as she walked over until she was by Lizzy as Mischa walked in a circle before lying down next to her head. “Seems like everyone is all here,” Caesar said with a smile as Hugo who usually was always straight faced was frowning as he walked over the all of us as when he looked me in the eye I had a sinking feeling. “I mean I figured this is where I’d find Vain though I wasn’t expecting to see the rest of you here… But I suppose it makes things easier,” Hugo said as he stood by on the other side as he bent over setting down a great masterwort flower before he stood up and stepped away from her. The group seemed confused as the one with the purple hair asked, “Makes what easier?” I held my breath as I was hoping it wasn’t what I think he was going to say and that it was possibly something else. “Unfortunately it’s time that we have to leave as we have a new mission to attend to,” my brother said as my heart dropped at his words as usually I was fine no matter the situation as missions always came first; however, this time I was torn because it meant I had to leave Lizzy here in this state as I didn’t want to leave her side, I wanted to be the first one she saw when she was to wake up from this terrible curse.
The emotional pain I was feeling was awful, but I also knew that hopefully along the way I will be able to set her free. I stayed silent as I felt eyes on me as with one hand I reached up to one of the gems that was hanging off of the red rope that was attached to my cloak as I broke it off as I gently placed it into her hand I was holding before closing her hand over the gem as I wanted her to have something of mine for in case she woke up while I was away, so she wouldn’t feel alone as I placed her enclosed hand back onto her abdomen area as saying goodbye isn’t easy. I gently brushed my hand against her cheek as I leaned down closer to her face so I could whisper to her even if she couldn’t actually hear me or get a response. “My beloved... Regretfully I must go away for a while, but know that I will return for you as I hope when I see you again you’ll be awake… Know that I love you deeply and that there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you,” I said as I gave her a kiss on the forehead as when I pulled away I reached for her hair as I gently removed the flower that sat in her hair before starting to get up.
Thankfully those idiots were being quiet though a lot of them had a solemn look on their faces as I put my mask back on with one hand while I decide to place the flower in my own hair as taking this with me would make things a little bit easier for me as I’ll have this with me as this will be my reminder of what I’m fighting for. Mischa got up as she followed me as we walked over to Hugo as he looked to the group. “This is farewell for now,” Hugo said as he turned around and started to walk away as I glanced over to Lizzy one more time. “Don’t worry we’ll make sure to keep her safe, just make sure you come back when you’re all finished,” the one who turns into a pig said as he had a smile on his face as though I didn’t like them all that much, I would entrust her safety with them as I gave a simple nod before turning around myself and following my brother as the three of us teleported heading off to where we needed.
A few years had passed but it was finally all fixed as I was finally able to go see her again as I felt nervous as I making my way to the location wearing my casual clothes. Not only was it that our times had crossed but I was having high hopes that Lizzy would be awake or be waking up when I got there as since then I had worn her flower in my hair ever since I left that day. Thankfully things had not changed too much as it was easy to get where I needed to be as once I got there I froze where I stood in the middle of the opened area as there were more flowers growing around as there was the bed of flowers but… There was nobody laying there as this should mean a good thing but at the same time what if something bad happened or what if someone kidnapped her which I couldn’t help but feel my heart break a bit more as I dropped to my knees looking at the flowerbed my beloved once laid.
I was starting to lose myself in my thoughts but then a sudden voice that came from behind pulled me right back as I heard a familiar yet slightly different. “V-Vain… Is that… You,” the voice asked as I quickly turned to look behind me as my eyes widened though I still kept my other eye hidden under my bangs in surprise at the sight before me; it was Lizzy as she looked like she matured a bit more as she had on a short light raspberry colored dress with a flower crown with small flowers that were the same color to watch as her cotton candy blue hair had gotten longer. I got up and I felt myself smiling just being able to see her again as I felt joy just knowing she was awake again. “Of course it’s me, I told you I’d come back to you didn’t I,” I replied as I opened my arms now grinning as I watched her face brighten when she happily while which she started to run towards me which with a few strides she lept towards me as I then picked her up by her sides lifting her in the air before shortly after lowering her down as we hugged each other tightly as lord did it feel amazing to feel her close to me once again.
“I missed you so much,” She said as I felt her arms around me tighten as I couldn’t help but chuckle as I finally felt that weight off my shoulders be lifted as I pulled away to admire her face. “As you have no idea how much I’ve missed you… I’m glad that you’re awake though I wish I was there for when you woke up,” I said holding her in my arms as in the past she was beautiful then but she’s only grown more beautiful. “I know and.. I’m sorry I worried you so badly as now that everything is better now we can finally be together,” she said happily as I heard her sweet giggles as it was refreshing to hear her again as I cupped her face with one hand before leaning my face closer to hers and giving her lips a soft and short kiss. “Indeed as I vow that from now on, that I promise I will always be by your side as I will protect you no matter what my little vixen,” I said in a soft tone since our faces were so close as I was able to once again enjoy the view of her flustered cheeks as I grinned before kissing her lips once again as this kiss was long overdue. Though this is our happily ever after, the next chapter of our lives being together was just the beginning as I looked forward to seeing where life takes us next.
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I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt
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It’s fun to watch I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . My daughter all 4′ 10″ pitch not super fast but hits spots and Yes I’m Tall I Play Softball It’s Way Better T-Shirt . She keeps the hitters off balance. lots of grounders and popups. Just a freshman in highschool she pitches regularly for jv. Like you said it’s about desire and hard work she puts her time in and it’s starting to pay off for every one of these organizations had pitchers that were tall, lean, and blonde. Maybe it was just a coincidence but it definitely seemed odd that this was the case. It made me wonder if there is a stereotype that these coaches have made to determine what a pitcher should look like. Thank you for visiting eternalshirt.com. But I will love this color for as long as possible in between appointments,” explains François. He’s been advising his color-treated clients to carefully consider how often they cleanse and what type of shampoo they use. Generally speaking, color-safe, sulfate-free formulas will be the “least drying and won’t strip the hair of natural oils.”I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's  My daughter is 5’1 and weighs 105 I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . She has been pitching for over a year now and made JV as the starting pitcher after not making the team the year before as a middle schooler. Instead of giving up, the very next day we took her to a batting cage,she worked hard for 6 days a week, every week for an entire year straight. That being said, color-treated or not, it’s important to keep up with a regular washing routine—even if your day-to-day has changed dramatically. “Keeping your scalp’s pH in balance allows for stronger and healthier hair to grow in,” says Mischa G. Both she and Jones swear by natural haircare line Act + Acre’s Cold Processed Scalp Detox, a three-step system that includes a pretreatment with hair shaft-strengthening moringa oil and cooling vetiver, a sulfate-free Hair Cleanse, and a cuticle-smoothing conditioner.”When you’re lounging on a sofa or bed more, the excessive friction against these materials could cause more damage to your strands,” warns Mischa G. Rather than simply tossing your hair up into a bun, which can place tension on hair strands, take a break with plaits. “If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says. For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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funnyteeshoponline · 3 years
I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt
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It’s fun to watch I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . My daughter all 4′ 10″ pitch not super fast but hits spots and Yes I’m Tall I Play Softball It’s Way Better T-Shirt . She keeps the hitters off balance. lots of grounders and popups. Just a freshman in highschool she pitches regularly for jv. Like you said it’s about desire and hard work she puts her time in and it’s starting to pay off for every one of these organizations had pitchers that were tall, lean, and blonde. Maybe it was just a coincidence but it definitely seemed odd that this was the case. It made me wonder if there is a stereotype that these coaches have made to determine what a pitcher should look like. Thank you for visiting eternalshirt.com. But I will love this color for as long as possible in between appointments,” explains François. He’s been advising his color-treated clients to carefully consider how often they cleanse and what type of shampoo they use. Generally speaking, color-safe, sulfate-free formulas will be the “least drying and won’t strip the hair of natural oils.”I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's  My daughter is 5’1 and weighs 105 I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . She has been pitching for over a year now and made JV as the starting pitcher after not making the team the year before as a middle schooler. Instead of giving up, the very next day we took her to a batting cage,she worked hard for 6 days a week, every week for an entire year straight. That being said, color-treated or not, it’s important to keep up with a regular washing routine—even if your day-to-day has changed dramatically. “Keeping your scalp’s pH in balance allows for stronger and healthier hair to grow in,” says Mischa G. Both she and Jones swear by natural haircare line Act + Acre’s Cold Processed Scalp Detox, a three-step system that includes a pretreatment with hair shaft-strengthening moringa oil and cooling vetiver, a sulfate-free Hair Cleanse, and a cuticle-smoothing conditioner.”When you’re lounging on a sofa or bed more, the excessive friction against these materials could cause more damage to your strands,” warns Mischa G. Rather than simply tossing your hair up into a bun, which can place tension on hair strands, take a break with plaits. “If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says. For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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usahotshirtonline · 3 years
I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt
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It’s fun to watch I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . My daughter all 4′ 10″ pitch not super fast but hits spots and Yes I’m Tall I Play Softball It’s Way Better T-Shirt . She keeps the hitters off balance. lots of grounders and popups. Just a freshman in highschool she pitches regularly for jv. Like you said it’s about desire and hard work she puts her time in and it’s starting to pay off for every one of these organizations had pitchers that were tall, lean, and blonde. Maybe it was just a coincidence but it definitely seemed odd that this was the case. It made me wonder if there is a stereotype that these coaches have made to determine what a pitcher should look like. Thank you for visiting eternalshirt.com. But I will love this color for as long as possible in between appointments,” explains François. He’s been advising his color-treated clients to carefully consider how often they cleanse and what type of shampoo they use. Generally speaking, color-safe, sulfate-free formulas will be the “least drying and won’t strip the hair of natural oils.”I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's  My daughter is 5’1 and weighs 105 I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . She has been pitching for over a year now and made JV as the starting pitcher after not making the team the year before as a middle schooler. Instead of giving up, the very next day we took her to a batting cage,she worked hard for 6 days a week, every week for an entire year straight. That being said, color-treated or not, it’s important to keep up with a regular washing routine—even if your day-to-day has changed dramatically. “Keeping your scalp’s pH in balance allows for stronger and healthier hair to grow in,” says Mischa G. Both she and Jones swear by natural haircare line Act + Acre’s Cold Processed Scalp Detox, a three-step system that includes a pretreatment with hair shaft-strengthening moringa oil and cooling vetiver, a sulfate-free Hair Cleanse, and a cuticle-smoothing conditioner.”When you’re lounging on a sofa or bed more, the excessive friction against these materials could cause more damage to your strands,” warns Mischa G. Rather than simply tossing your hair up into a bun, which can place tension on hair strands, take a break with plaits. “If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says. For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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hotshirtstoreonline · 3 years
I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt
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It’s fun to watch I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . My daughter all 4′ 10″ pitch not super fast but hits spots and Yes I’m Tall I Play Softball It’s Way Better T-Shirt . She keeps the hitters off balance. lots of grounders and popups. Just a freshman in highschool she pitches regularly for jv. Like you said it’s about desire and hard work she puts her time in and it’s starting to pay off for every one of these organizations had pitchers that were tall, lean, and blonde. Maybe it was just a coincidence but it definitely seemed odd that this was the case. It made me wonder if there is a stereotype that these coaches have made to determine what a pitcher should look like. Thank you for visiting eternalshirt.com. But I will love this color for as long as possible in between appointments,” explains François. He’s been advising his color-treated clients to carefully consider how often they cleanse and what type of shampoo they use. Generally speaking, color-safe, sulfate-free formulas will be the “least drying and won’t strip the hair of natural oils.”I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's  My daughter is 5’1 and weighs 105 I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . She has been pitching for over a year now and made JV as the starting pitcher after not making the team the year before as a middle schooler. Instead of giving up, the very next day we took her to a batting cage,she worked hard for 6 days a week, every week for an entire year straight. That being said, color-treated or not, it’s important to keep up with a regular washing routine—even if your day-to-day has changed dramatically. “Keeping your scalp’s pH in balance allows for stronger and healthier hair to grow in,” says Mischa G. Both she and Jones swear by natural haircare line Act + Acre’s Cold Processed Scalp Detox, a three-step system that includes a pretreatment with hair shaft-strengthening moringa oil and cooling vetiver, a sulfate-free Hair Cleanse, and a cuticle-smoothing conditioner.”When you’re lounging on a sofa or bed more, the excessive friction against these materials could cause more damage to your strands,” warns Mischa G. Rather than simply tossing your hair up into a bun, which can place tension on hair strands, take a break with plaits. “If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says. For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt
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It’s fun to watch I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . My daughter all 4′ 10″ pitch not super fast but hits spots and Yes I’m Tall I Play Softball It’s Way Better T-Shirt . She keeps the hitters off balance. lots of grounders and popups. Just a freshman in highschool she pitches regularly for jv. Like you said it’s about desire and hard work she puts her time in and it’s starting to pay off for every one of these organizations had pitchers that were tall, lean, and blonde. Maybe it was just a coincidence but it definitely seemed odd that this was the case. It made me wonder if there is a stereotype that these coaches have made to determine what a pitcher should look like. Thank you for visiting eternalshirt.com. But I will love this color for as long as possible in between appointments,” explains François. He’s been advising his color-treated clients to carefully consider how often they cleanse and what type of shampoo they use. Generally speaking, color-safe, sulfate-free formulas will be the “least drying and won’t strip the hair of natural oils.”I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's  My daughter is 5’1 and weighs 105 I like records and tequila and maybe 3 people shirt . She has been pitching for over a year now and made JV as the starting pitcher after not making the team the year before as a middle schooler. Instead of giving up, the very next day we took her to a batting cage,she worked hard for 6 days a week, every week for an entire year straight. That being said, color-treated or not, it’s important to keep up with a regular washing routine—even if your day-to-day has changed dramatically. “Keeping your scalp’s pH in balance allows for stronger and healthier hair to grow in,” says Mischa G. Both she and Jones swear by natural haircare line Act + Acre’s Cold Processed Scalp Detox, a three-step system that includes a pretreatment with hair shaft-strengthening moringa oil and cooling vetiver, a sulfate-free Hair Cleanse, and a cuticle-smoothing conditioner.”When you’re lounging on a sofa or bed more, the excessive friction against these materials could cause more damage to your strands,” warns Mischa G. Rather than simply tossing your hair up into a bun, which can place tension on hair strands, take a break with plaits. “If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says. For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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