#blood omen malek
incorrect-nosgoth · 5 months
Kain: *arrives at Malek's Bastion*
Malek: ...hello?
Kain: I'm here, open up.
Malek: ...as a child I was forced to eat dog food for dinner. I never-
Kain: Open the fucking door!
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obscure-imaginations · 8 months
Monster Mash
Vorador takes Umah, Sebastian, Marcus, and Faustus trick or treating! Mirrored on AO3.
"Sebastian! Stop running ahead!" Vorador called to no avail, the whelp dressed as a king continued to run ahead of his 'siblings'.
Umah sighed. "I'll get him, sire." The eldest went to capture him while the remaining broodlings argued.
"This is ridiculous! Faustus got a full-sized bar!" Marcus said, stomping his foot.
"So? You have way more candy than I do!" Faustus's eyes widened as he realized something. "SIRE! Marcus is using his gifts to get more candy!"
"Don't be ridiculous." Vorador said, dragging the bickering whelps along with him up to the next house.
Ariel answered the door. "Oh."
"Trick or treat!" The four broodlings chorused, holding out their bags, while Vorador stood behind, his arms crossed.
Ariel faked a smile and passed out treats, shutting the door as Nupraptor's complaints rose up from inside the house.
Faustus's jester bells jingled as he bounced excitedly. "Ooh! White chocolate."
Sebastian made a gagging noise and Vorador impatiently tapped the back of his head. Umah, dressed as a cat, chuckled. Marcus, dressed as a skeleton, led the group to the next house.
Umah bounded past him, reaching the door first. She grinned. "Mortanius always has the best candy."
When Mortanius opened his door, a dramatic cloud of smoke wafted out as well. He was wearing his skeleton robes, peering out at the vampires theatrically. "Who dares disturb my rest?"
"Hello Mortanius." Vorador said, nodding politely.
"Hmm. You invoke the necromancer for earthly riches? Very well then." Moranius passed out expensive chocolates to the four, and tossed one to Vorador.
"Told you." Umah said as they walked away.
A few houses later, Vorador groaned. "No. I am not doing a repeat of last year."
"Oh, come on." Faustus said with a grumble. "We got candy out of Moebius eventually."
"But it was all candy corn. What Vorador didn't eat, we gave to Kain." Sebastian said, looking warily at Moebius's poor attempts at decor.
"Buttering up Kain for the next time you break something of his." Umah said. She bravely led the group to ring Moebius's doorbell.
A pause ensued. Eventually, Moebius's voice sounded from behind the door. "No one's home! Go away!"
"You left your porch light on." Vorador called from the driveway.
The porch light flickered off. Umah rolled her eyes and rang the doorbell again. When more silence answered her, Faustus took initiative and slammed his hand on the door.
A strangled yelp came from Moebius as he tumbled away from the door. Finally, he opened the door a peek, tossed five candy bags on the ground, and slammed the door.
"Thank you for your patronage." Marcus said sarcastically.
When they solicited from Malek, tense eye contact occurred between him and Vorador. The brood took this opportunity to raid his candy bowl.
Bane handed out beef jerky, DeJoule handed out individually-wrapped caramels, Anarcrothe gave a generic candy mix, and Azimuth handed out glow-in-the-dark spider rings (which were complained about when they left).
Finally, they stopped at Kain's house. Vorador had to smack Sebastian away from the garden, the whelp moving to kick Kain's prize-winning roses.
Turel answered the door, the sounds of a party bellowing out behind him. "Kain's not here."
Vorador raised an eyebrow. "And you're trashing his place in his absence?"
"We're not trashing it-" Turel began, cut off by Raziel's screams as Zephon, dressed as a spider, pounced on him.
"Why didn't we have a party?" Marcus asked.
Vorador ignored him. "Hmph. I suppose he'll be the judge of that. Do you have candy for them or not?" He gestured to the four fledglings.
Turel pointed to the "take one" candy bowl on the porch.
Vorador looked at him, unamused. "It's empty."
Turel sighed. "Oh, those damned kids. No one ever just takes one. Here." He disappeared inside the house.
A few moments later, Rahab came out. "All we have is this." A shook a full bag of caramel popcorn, and Umah snatched it immediately.
"Thank you." Vorador glanced inside the house. "You'd better take care of that fire on the stove before Kain comes back."
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fullmoondaggers-art · 10 months
Hello vampires and gentlemen I was hanging out on LoK Ao3 and like it made me wanna dust off my forgotten WIPs from my notes app + goo docs... Thing is I don't know what would me more interesting to refresh and upload first, so I figured I'd let yall pick what seems interesting ! Some are NSFW, so judge accordingly :>
What I have in store:
Untitled 1, short little pre-canon ficlet about Janos and Vorador testing out a Soul Reaver prototype.
The Vampire's Apprentice, envisionned as a multi-chapter canon divergent fic where Janos takes Sarafan Raziel under his wing.
Castle of Cards, post-canon fic about a very regretful Kain deciding to just grab everyone from their timelines to fuck off somewhere else. Kinda slice-of-lifey fix-it fic but with a twist.
The Voice In The Pond, pre-canon maybe multi chaptered piece revolving around Moebius and the Elder God, lots of lore and headcanons about Ancient Vampire society etc.
If any of these seem interesting feel free to send an ask (anon is on of youre shy!) or put a comment on the post, or even DM me (esp for the ones below, I'd rather not expose unwanting eyes to them! if you wanna use the askbox off anon ill reply privately :] )
NSFW FICS UNDER THE CUT! Mild & vague descriptions only
NSFW1, untitled short fic about Janos and Vorador discovering each other. Pretty mild and sweet.
Put A Ring On It, NSFW fic featuring Vorador and Malek (I know, I know), centered around piercings, more hardcore and intense.
Boom Boom Boom Boom I Want You In My Room, (listen I am NOT known for my good titles okay I try not to take my nsfw fics too seriously or else id die) this ones like ALMOST finished and I need to get fucking rid of it it's set in the Blood Omen era, with young Kain and Vorador bonking hardcore it's super long and kinda fucked up I don't think it would have a very large target audience but hey. Help me out there.
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fullmoondagger · 2 years
Heyy bestie! How about... 3 and 4 for Legacy of Kain and 7,8, and/or 18 for Silent Hill.Oh and maybe 2 and 14 for Kaiji? Apparently I'm very nosy today
Omggggg ok ok
Link to the ask meme
3 - A character I want to carry around in a little jar and study like a bug
That's a TOUGH one. I think I'd say Malek. As you know he drives me insane and I can't wait to get through his bastion again in my Blood Omen replay... hes SO interesting to me. He's a DEAD KNIGHT who's now trapped in his armor and hes insane and building weird machines to make more fucked up haunted armor knights like um girl. what
4 - A character I couldn't care less about
The problem is Amy writes so well everyone is interesting and will have depth and be interesting some way or another... Turel ? idk............no I like Turel. The problem is I'm also too obsessed with BO2 to not care about a single detail.
7 - A character who feels like home
That's gonna be so predictable but James. James. He's so freakish and relatable to me I can't explain maybe its a red flag
8 - The character with the greatest wasted/unexplored potential
mmmmmm maybe Henry/ the whole The Room squad . ALL the bricks were there to make something greater than it was im still so mad
18 - A plot hole that makes me want to tear my hair out
I don't tend to notice plot holes honestly... so sorry. Eddie's pizza.
2 - What I like most and least about it
Ohhhh my god. Ok so what I like the most is how fucked up and vile it all is, the story is so raw and it all feels like the rat bucket medieval torture and its SO GOOD for that it's so horrible that you as a reader have to witness Kaijis downward spiral into hell living through horrible things its wonderful the pacing does get a bit long at some moments but it really adds to the TENSION of it all and its so briliant. The art in itself too is very good super expressive and the composition and imagery and symbolism in the manga is soooo interesting to me I love to take things apart. Idk what I like the least besides the direction it may be going towards in the latest part that I haven't read yet but I need Kaiji to lose one last time and die its controversial I know but hes not supposed to win sorry
14 - The character/story arc I find the most compelling
Devoted body and soul to The Bog arc from part 3. It's all about the machine every blow and conflict goes through the machine and the machine receives the blame and is only personified to bear it and its so so so so so interesting to me I love inanimate objects . I have way too much to say about it
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princewatercress · 1 year
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Sony PlayStation 1 Part 11
Malek's Bastion
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avenger09 · 2 years
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HeroForge: Legacy of Kain The Sarafan Brotherhood
More LOK characters in heroforge
(I got the idea for a female Rahab from these fanarts I found and reposted)
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hedjeroo · 3 years
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LoKtober 2021, Day 4: The Hounds
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taonpest · 3 years
Wake up babe, new Malek sketches just dropped
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I will make these Gif’s too for “Pride”.
🔮Request Gif’s here🔮
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scionofbalance · 3 years
The Vestige of the Sarafan
Kain snarled as he deflected another swing from the animated armour's sword. These ghosts of long-dead Sarafan moved in eerie clarity like their Master, their armour clicking in their motions and the bare phantom of their shapes visible to his heightened sight. "You will not leave here, Vampire." Another of his assiliants whispered, voice sounding a league off as its twinned swords grazed against each other.
"I plan to, spirits and with your Master's helmet as my prize." He spat back before taking into a sudden assault of blades with a strain to his own powerful being. His blade whirled and arced, deflecting and riposte with three. Kain was forced into a back pedal. His strength was tasting a numbness of wane, there was no blood here. He have been fighting since stepping in this damned stronghold.
Truly, this was a place of damnation for any vampire to step upon. Nevermind the snow blanketing this high altitude of the mountain's spine.
A blade, even one as well-crafted and endowed as his iron sword, had little effect onto the cursed armour. They were bound to their shells and like their master, their zealotry were their eternal spite. With vampiric speed, Kain dodged and made a curtly retreat with the twin-swordsman quick to the chase. He must break their connection to the materium.
Both blades was a tempest of glyph-blessed iron, coming for Kain's neck and stomach but an angled block had their blades locked into a cross. Despite appearances, the warrior-priest was still a resemblance of Humanity's finest killers to his kind and the abnormal strength with it. One handed, the strained look on Kain's face was not half-farced as his free hand opening out. Just in time of the swordsman's comrade lunging to catch the opening.
With a holler, arching veins of arcane electricity casted out from Kain's fingertips and tore into both. The sheer force throwing both suits of armour back and spasm. The cruel spell that was keeping them to this world was fighting to keep them whole and their unholy screams howled out. Even through it, the nobleman could hear one of them, "Oh Lord, Deliver us!"
With a inward pop of energy, Kain threw a wave of power and broke their shells into shattered smolder of warped metal. The momentary ache of weariness crossed over his shoulders. Panting before old teachings from his knightly tutor pierced the halt of weakness. Breath in. Breath out. Take the lungs - control them. The fatigue gnawing away and the soldiery straightened his spine.
Kain move on after a soft sip of his waterskin, the sweet taste of blood away demanding his attention. To be a glutton and suck it all down but discipline chained the fledgling, there was still more enemies to face and this bloodless place tested just how ready was the assassin to his quest...
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bettercalllacho · 5 years
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The Circle of Nine from Nosgoth. Guardians of the mighty Pillars source of magic and life in the land of Nosgoth.
I wish a remake of Blood Omen it was an epic dark story !
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vjravenlight · 5 years
(PSX) Legacy Of Kain - Intro ( FullHD Resolution )
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fullmoondaggers-art · 3 years
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He said No Pickles
commission info | carrd
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evilelitest2 · 5 years
We talk about one of those games which a small segment of the population seem to absolutely love and nobody else seems to have heard of and desperately needs more attention and love from the internet at large.  It is a series which actually successfully does what a lot of video games seem to struggle to do, aka actually well written dialogue, complicated stories with real themes, and morally ambiguous characters who aren’t just dark and edgy for its own sake.  Shame that it never did figure out that whole gameplay bit.  Check out our podcast on it, and we manage to keep it under 45 mins for once, and I also recommend checking out Legacy of Kain, which you can find now with its intended viewing experience...watching all the cutscenes on youtube.  
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anoddsamarline · 6 years
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Heeeeere’s Malek!  He was really fun to draw, tbh.
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ctrlfxte · 2 years
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FULL NAME: rodolphus lestrange  DATE OF BIRTH: feburary 12th 1959 AGE: ranges from 18-39  GENDER: cismale PRONOUNS: he/him SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heteroflexible  BLOOD STATUS: pureblood HOUSE: slytherin OCCUPATION: heir  SIDE: death eaters  FC: thomas doherty & rami malek 
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MBTI: estj ALIGNMENT: chaotic evil ARCHETYPE: the outlaw ( + ) TRAITS: proud, aggressive, confident, opportunistic &  dramatic  ( - ) TRAITS: cruel, ill-tempered, offensive, impulsive &  sadistic 
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admittedly he’s the worst of the worst. a true definition of a monster. tread lightly with him?
he smokes a lot of cigarettes.
he has a horrible temper that usually ends with him being physically abusive. which has him ending up in fights often. { marauders come @ him }
best described as a ticking time bomb. always ready to go off at any minute if you rub him the wrong way.
^ don’t worry – i won’t throw this chaotic mess at you unless discussed about it first!
he’s a piece of shit i don’t know what else to say – he does love shitting on and hurting muggleborns.
and lord did he get worse after hogwarts.
his smug ass can be found on most wanted posters at this point
however does he still show up in public? fuck yes
if you see him, just run. he’s not just a bad omen
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open to multi-shipping / currently has no ships
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victims? (this can be as broad or as detailed as you like b/c torture is a hard topic)
mentor/mentee r/s?
someone hunt him like let’s play cat & mouse
fwbs :))))
graphic credit: 01. cabin fever || ELECTRICKWRITES coloring credit: psd #03 || AWKSHARMAN
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