#blue exorcist Lucifer x reader
xjulixred45x · 2 months
Y'know I see a lot of yanplatonic, what about... Just yan? 😩👀
Mephisto, Lucifer, and Amaimon?
(if you have to choose a species, half demon, but it'd be cool if you don't specify either 🩵.)
Okay!(I'll do for separete bc You didn't specify so)
Yandere Mephisto Pheles/ Lucifer/Amaimon x Reader: general Headcanons
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Mephisto Pheles
This is going to sound like an unpopular opinion, but Mephisto seems WORSE to me than Lucifer AND Amaimon.
simply because he does not take his partner seriously even if it is voluntary. Be it demon, human, half demon, etc.
Let me explain myself better.
Mephisto gives me vibes of a flamboyant, possessive and quite jealous yandere.
As much as he finds humans interesting, it is not the same as being on their side or wanting to protect them. They are all the same to him.
so his darling would have to stand out in some way, and it can be in any way, whether it be being a pure soul among the other exorcists (like Yuri in a way) or even being someone very dedicated to exorcism, who is not afraid to say how much they hates demons, how much they HATES them, and above all they are not afraid of him despite the great difference in power between the two.
THAT interests Mephisto, it is something fresh, something GENUINELY interesting that he would like to investigate, SOMETHING NEW.
I think he is one of those who generate an obsession the fastest (first there is Amaimon) but he acts quite quickly when they capture his interest.
He tries to be a gentleman and thus learn more about his victim i mean Darling , and thus he realizes that they are better than he thought, his tendencies worsening considerably.
quite a few gifts, which become more personal regardless of whether the darling accepts or rejects them.
He also shamelessly makes Darling spend time with him even during work hours, be it bringing him something to his office (when his servant can do it), making him take their breaks in HIS office drinking tea (having awkward conversations , What fun).
or watching from afar their missions to 1- make sure Darling is okay 2- watch his sweetheart work and 3- kill in a "subtle" way anyone who sees too close or has already tried to hurt Darling.
He definitely stalks darlings in dog form, or even rubs against them so they can pamper him that way (it works sometimes because they don't realize it's him).
When it comes to the escorting (kidnapping) part to his house, Mephisto acts as if he is dealing with a terrified pet and not a living being that wants to leave.
He is quite condescending and although he is somewhat patient at first, his patience runs out quite quickly.
His punishments are more on the psychological side, mostly using his manipulation of time.
for example, trapping darling in a loop until they apologize, making them relive a particularly traumatic moment, etc.
Mephisto doesn't harm them physically, but he has no problem destroying their minds.
If Darling were a volunteer, things would be slightly better, no punishments and more freedom to go out, but he would really still be a jealous clingy.
Mephisto would continue giving many gifts, especially clothes that he would like to see Darling in (German clothes, with a theme similar to his, anime, etc.)
If Darling behaves enough, he takes them out for a walk around the academy or to his amusement park! after all he likes it when they have fun with him.
He's a piece of shit, he demands physical contact, he won't take NO for an answer (although sometimes he tricks you with the dog form to get it).
There is no way Darling can get out or ask for help, since they would have to ask for help from Lucifer or several of his brothers to have ONE CHANCE to escape (aside from the fact that they can't even leave the palace without MEPHISTO HIMSELF with them).
Just have to say...good luck with it.
Ah, our favorite control freak.
He seems like a better option than Mephisto to me for the simple fact that at the very least he DOES CARE that darling wants him, he cares about what THEY want even if he is a selfish piece of shit who is willing to keep them away from the world JUST so that HE can be happy.
At least he's honest with that.
He is an obsessive yandere, somewhat delusional, overprotective, etc.
I think it would take him longer than Amaimon and Mephisto to fall in love with someone.
and I honestly like the scenario that he becomes obsessed with someone and constantly watches over them.
At first he tries to rationalize that it is for the good of the infiltration mission.
but inconveniently he ends up noticing things about darling's everyday life that resonate.
ends up accumulating all possible information about them, what they like, what they don't, allergies, past, friends, enemies (people to kill), etc.
For Lucifer, watching Darling live their life is like an escape from his own life with constant pain, living his days through theirs.
and that ends up generating a certain feeling of affection, appreciation, love.
which quickly becomes obsessive when he realizes that they could be attacked or DIE at any moment if they remain vulnerable.
and imagine EVERY possible way for this to happen.
So he decides that the best way to keep Darling safe is to have them with the Illuminati.
The kidnapping is probably carried out by either Shima or Homare and in the quickest/gentlest way possible. If Darling ended up with unnecessary lacerations I can assure you that Lucifer would take care of the "problem" without thinking :)
As for the "adjustment period" after that, Lucifer is quite patient, more than one would expect.
As delulu as he is, he knows that "changing the environment" is a stressful situation and he justifies Darling's initial actions in that way, the shouting, attacking the staff, trying to leave his room, everything is justifiable to him.
(They already say that love makes you blind... In Lucifer Case, Blind AND deaf af)
Lucifer gives Darling a rank in the Illuminati, just below his own, and all possible privileges within the ship. but it still has the clear restriction of, well, not running away.
His punishments fall more into the realm of removing privileges and isolation, it does not reach the level of Mephisto, but isolation definitely leaves its consequences and removing privileges leaves Darling even worse than before.
Lucifer demands to spend time with darling, things like them accompanying him on his stretcher when he can't move, taking walks around the base, reading together, "going out" to private places just the two of them.
I can definitely see him as touch-starved, but with how sick he is he can only do that when he's stable enough to stand, so rest assured that when that happens, he'll be attached to darling like a bug.
If Darling behaves, they will be pampered as if it were their birthday, Lucifer will meet certain demands such as books, materials for hobbies (art, writing, crafts, etc.), perhaps a pet, periodic departures from the ship with him or Homare, etc. .
His darling is more likely to have Stockholm syndrome, he treats them very lovingly and at the same time rebukes any hint of seeking their freedom, so it is understandable.
Just follow the rules, don't go outside the lines, and your new life will be minimal, manageable, and at best. easy. Just don push your luck and let Lucifer "love" You as it's do.
my favorite of the demon brothers. So sorry if i extend myself on this one
Amaimon is interesting, because he is the one who would become interested in someone the fastest. but it does not mean that it would be something positive from the beginning.
We already know that he only looks at people strong enough to give him a good fight, so it would be quite normal to expect that from his Darling.
someone who can kick his butt, hurt his pride, etc. or even a member of the Shiemihaza family tree.
not because he has the possibility of intentionally killing darling, but rather unintentionally 😅
Either way, this person catches Amaimon's interest and at first he HATES THEM.
not only because of his wounded pride, but because he generally can't stand being interested in someone he considers inferior.
and even worse, HE WANTS TO SEE THEM AGAIN.
It's like love hate at first 😅
Amaimon will demand a fight with darling and will not leave until he is satisfied, which could lead to an interesting series of draws.
and little by little Amaimon can decipher what he really FEELS about Darling.
either by himself asking Mephisto about it.
Either way, he realizes that he doesn't really hate Darling, on the contrary.
partly he wants them close.
He wants to be the only one they fight with.
with whom they make jokes, with whom they talk.
But at the same time he thinks it would be boring to just lock them in one place and never change, or worse, have them hate him now that he finally has something like a "friend"/"love interest."
so Amaimon resigns himself to isolating Darling from the others. He is surprisingly calculating at that.
He has no problem killing and getting rid of Darling's friends, family, and companions if it means spending time with him.
If Darling somehow realized that Amaimon is the one who is disappearing his loved ones, maybe they can manipulate him so that he doesn't do it and they simply stop seeing his family.
Amaimon in general is the ONLY one of the three that can be manipulated by darling, precisely because he only thinks about fighting, sweets and darling, in that order.
Also darling can bribe him with candy to leave them alone for a while, it works 9 times out of 10, the 10th time he will want to eat the candy WITH darling.
He's terrible with words unlike his brothers, and even his attempts to cheer up Darling seem like threats🤣 but he tries.
is the most likely to have a willing darling, because let's be honest, anyone else wouldn't want to fight Amaimon twice, so if someone fights Amaimon SEVERAL times it's because either 1- he's Rin or 2- he likes fighting him. to some extent.
Besides, like I said, he don't have to kidnap his darling because the charm of your relationship is that only HE can plague their time and fight with them whenever HE wants.
Amaimon simply has neither the patience nor the emotional intelligence to deal with an unwitting darling.
When they are both tired of fighting, they just talk nonsense about humans, life, eat sweets, etc. It's surprisingly nice.
God forbid someone tries to keep Darling away from Amaimon, he will make a blue night 2.0.
And he also doesn't tolerate being lied to, he can be very scary when he's angry.
It is the easiest way to "escape" from being kidnapped as is, rather under his constant threat of killing all your family and friends...
Darling's safest bet is to go with Mephisto, yes, as ironic as it may sound, but Amaimon is still afraid of his brother after all. so it would be useful to have him as an ally.
I would say that it is the easiest to handle and can even be pleasant, but that does not make it any less stressful and terrifying.
Don't let anyone see you, touch you, hit you, NOTHING... and everything will be fine.
not great, but good.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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randomchaosyay · 7 months
Hello! I hope your day is going good. Is it ok if I request a fluff alphabet for Blue Exorcist Lucifer? Please and thank you!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
- Loves affection but usually only in private, unless he hasn’t seen his s/o for long
- Lots of hugs
- Seems like he’d lean down and kiss their s/o’s hand
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
- They would be an interesting friend
- I feel like he’d run into somewhere and just be instantly taken with you
- And you’d ’accidentally’ run into each other a few more times and start talking
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
- Definitely a cuddler
- Likes cuddling after a long day
- Or any day really
- Big spoon
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
- If you had a long day he’ll cook
- And vice versa
- You guys would cook together during weekends and it would just be a really nice sweet time
- He doesn’t do the cleaning unless it gets really really bad
- Lots of lazy cuddle time
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
- He wouldn’t.
- There would not be a break up.
- IF he let you break up with him then he’d keep an eye on you and scare away anyone who came near you
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
- Yes.
- Definetly wants to marry you
- Proposes after the 3rd date and you have to explain that’s not how it works (even if you say yes)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- Extremely gentle and soft with you
- Keeps you away from his war and other demons
- Keeps you protected
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
- Lots of hugs
- Long warm hugs
- All kinds of hugs
- Mainly in private though he doesn’t want anyone exploiting his weakness (you)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
- This one will take longer
- A few months probably
- He would’ve had a long day and just come home and sink into your arms and say the three lovely words
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
- He gets really jealous but is good at hiding it
- Doesn’t really show that he’s jealous but showers you in lots of extra affection once you’re in private
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
- Warm soft sweet kisses
- Lips and hands are his favorite to kiss
- His kisses are slow and sweet, they leave you breathless after each one
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
- Not a big fan of children
- He thinks if you and him had children they’d be super cute and he supposes he wouldn’t mind those
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?
- Sleepy mornings
- Cuddles
- Unless he has something to do, he’ll grab you and cuddle you until you absolutely have to get up
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
- More cuddles!
- Maybe taking a bubble bath together if you want
- You two will just unwind and talk about your days until one of you falls asleep
- He obviously didn’t go into details
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
- It would be a mix
- He’d reveal things in a way where you’d think that you know everything but you don’t
- He coviniently leaves out the demon part and the whole starting a war part
- Hes a sweetheart tho
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
- Depends
- Very very patient with you, behaves like an angel ironically
- With anyone that dares crosses you, absolutely not. They’re absolutely fucked
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
- He remembers all the things
- Every Single Thing
- Hes such a sweetheart and he treats you a princess because you deserve no less
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- He had a really bad day and he came home tired and exhausted
- You just had your arms open and he melted into them and you just held him and told him everything was going to be alright
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
- Very protective
- But in secret
- Any guy tries to flirt with you? Send a demon after them
- Anyone hurts you? Send a demon after them
- Anyone comes too close to you? Yep, you guessed it, demon time baby
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
- So much effort
- He gives you a new gift every week
- Never forgets an anniversary ever
- Takes you out on dates as often as you like to all your favorite places, and if you’re more of a stay at home person he’s absolutely delighted for cuddle dates
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- He can be very secretive
- He doesn’t want to scare you off
- He really loves you but he thinks for the sake of everyone some secrets need to be kept
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- Not that much
- He doesn’t really mind
- Unless you mind, then he’d be spending time everyday making sure he looks perfect for you
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- He’d miss you so much if he’s not without you
- Definitely feels incomplete without you
- He just needs to see you everyday he needs to hold you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
- When it snows he drops everything and goes home to you and you guys drink hot cocoa and watch the snowfall, after playig in the snow of course
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
- Someone generally unhygienic
- Or like a mass murderer
- Besides that he’s pretty open with his options
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
- He cuddles you to sleep
- Or a pillow equivalent if you’re not there
- He’s a soft snorer
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at1nys-blog · 10 months
Could I request Ao No Exorcist Lucifer x female reader first kiss fic? Please and thank you! -🦆
Sorry for making you wait but I: first, didn't know how to do this and second, I was sick until... now basically. Also I had a hard time writing this a ff but I hope you will like it in this format to
More of blue exorcist ff here
More anime ff here
First Kiss with Lucifer
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A first kiss with Lucifer is...
Out of nowhere
One moment you two are arguing about something stupid and the next you two are kissing
he started it though
is a matter of seconds
he just wants you to shut up because "you annoy me when you are right"
you are shocked to say the least
you just look at him, confused
and he looks at you with his stupid stoic expression on
you then look around as for searching for something, aka hidden cameras.
it has to be a joke
Lucifer hated you ever since your first meeting
so why was he now kissing you???
when you asked him, it was his time to be confused
when he answered you, his previous behaviour did not make any sense
"but... but you..."
he rolled his eyes annoyed
"I was mean to you because it was easier"
you have to force him to explain more
and he hates it that he has to explain what he feels
especially since you are a human being
you need time to process all of it
he likes you
Lucifer likes YOU
Lord fucking Lucifer likes a human being and is YOU????
is a prank
it has to be
and is all Homare's doing for sure
again you make sure you heard it right
and Lucifer rolls his eyes again because are you really making him say everything AGAIN?????
once you finally elaborate his words and action you smile
and then laugh at him
he asks why, I mean... you are laughing at his face
you are laughing at a Demon King's face
you tell him that you find the situation very funny
because you feel the same
"Why would I be helping you then?"
confusion pt.3????
like how?
Lucifer did forgot you have met before
when Homare Todou gave you and Renzo your mission
it was a brief moment but
when you saw Lucifer you felt like it was destiny you were choosen to work for him
and to meet him so early
you then asked him if you could kiss him
he gave you permission
after the kiss you went back to laughing
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trancylovecraft · 3 months
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 6 OF 8: Mephisto Pheles
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
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"Ah man, What a bust!"
The new afternoon sky was as blue as ever, Barely even a cloud in sight. The sun shining over the Texan heat made sweat start to gather along with the number of people outdoors.
The sound of children laughing both far-away and passing was as clear as the sky, Adults talking around the chipped picnic benches laid out for them. [F/N] could even swear she smelt the smoky start of a barbeque rising up from somewhere.
Though unlike the gathering of people a good bit away, The two of them sat lazing on one of the park benches laid along the trail. A small one, Just big enough so that their legs were grazing each other. Each with a tub of ice-cream on their laps.
[F/N]'s was fairly modest, A few scoops of a flavour she particularly liked along with the toppings she currently had a hankering for, All shovelled into a tub and already half-eaten.
Lewin, On the other hand, Had a good few bucket-full's of double chocolate fudge all crammed into a single large tub. Both strawberry and chocolate sauce drizzled down the sides, Dripping over the edge. Other bits of candy were sprinkled on top, The cream only starting to melt a bit under the heat.
And [F/N] could swear that when he had said he was "going to the bathroom", His ice-cream had come back just a little more full than it was before.
"Better luck next time, I guess. These things happen, Maybe the next lead will get us somewhere?" [F/N] replied to Lewin before shovelling another helpful into her mouth, Making sure the plastic spoon was licked clean when it came out.
Lewin groaned, His mouth dripping in chocolate sauce.
"Mhm- I know, I was just really banking on this one, You know? I mean come on! How could they know we were coming? They couldn't just up and leave just like that!" He ranted, Not bothering to stop hastily piling the cream in his mouth, Chewing in between his words.
Another raid, Another one failed. After working arduously to track down another base and organise a team to bust down their door, They had come up empty again. Nothing but barren file cabinets and fingerprints wiped clean.
Sure, It was a much smaller base than the ones they had raided before, But that still didn't explain how absolutely everything was wiped clean. Like they had anticipated they were coming, Like somehow they knew.
And [F/N] knew that it was starting to build up in Lewin, Something that started to irk him. Even though he kept up a calm façade, [F/N] could tell that it was starting to bother him, Make him tear his own hair out from his scalp.
So now they sat in the middle of a park, Lewin deciding that it would be a nice treat for both of them (Even though Ice-cream was basically all they had within their freezer). The truck they had ordered it from still being parked on the road up ahead.
[F/N] hummed.
"You think that they could have a spy running around the order? Someone had to tell them you were coming, Right?" [F/N] asked, Starting to scrape at the corners of her tub, Scouring for the last of her ice-cream.
Lewin huffed.
"More than likely." He responded as he scooped another few into his mouth. "Mm- The question is who it could be though. An accountant? An actual exorcist? Mmph- Maybe it could even be a legion member!"
[F/N] licked the little plastic spoon clean, Her ice-cream finished and only leaving the remaining chill on her tongue.
"Maybe you should go tell Arthur about this- You know, Since he's in charge of the legion and all." [F/N] offered, Scrunching up the tub before tossing it and the spoon into the trash-can beside her. "Or what about the Paladin? Whatever his name is.. Fujimoto, Was it?" Lewin grumbled.
"And let them know that I'm onto them? I mean, Arthur's cool and all but he has a problem with letting things slip, Ya' know?" Lewin explained as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "And the Paladin isn't a good option either, He's not exactly the most patriotic about the order or whatever you call it.."
[F/N] nodded, Turning back to face the scenery in front of her. It was clear that Lewin wasn't really in the mood for any kind of advice or suggestion, This was something he needed to figure out on his own.
As usual.
[F/N] shifted in her seat, Suddenly feeling uncomfortable. She tugged at the hem of her yellow raincoat, A piece of clothing she had decided to bare within the unbearable heat. She was lucky she was wearing shorts, Otherwise she'd be melted into a puddle by now.
Lewin scarfed down another half-scoop of ice-cream, Not caring that he smeared the other half across his face. He had a rather unusual frown too, It only deepening once he spied the uncomfortable expression across his younger sisters face.
"You know, I can practically see you melting in that thing." Lewin chirped as he wiped off the chocolate from his mouth again. He eyed her from under his bangs, Watching as she turned to him.
"What do you mean?" [F/N] asked, Sweat running down her brow.
"That thing." Lewin said, Vaguely gesturing to her rather thick-fabric raincoat. "I know you have sentimental value to it or whatever, But can't you just take it off for a little while? Don't want you bring you back home in a bucket."
"I'm not that warm, I'm fine." [F/N] scoffed slightly, Leaning back into the bench and by proxy her raincoat. She ignored the sweat dusting her face and the pools of it under her armpits, Deciding to shake her head instead.
Lewin shrugged.
"Whatever you say, But I am kinda worried." He replied as he continued to eat his ice-cream, Turning away from her to focus on the treat. [F/N] only eyed him from behind, Unable to see his face from her position.
She would've shut it down, Opened her mouth to brush him off. But Lewin just happened to be quicker.
"You don't have any kind of hobbies that don't involve exorcism. I mean, I should not be the one to talk to you bout' this but-" Lewin's laughter died down, Whittling like a flame. "-You don't really have any friends."
[F/N] frowned as she looked at him, Suddenly feeling exposed, As if her raincoat wasn't on at all. She huffed slightly. Sure, She didn't have many people she talked to other than Lewin, But that didn't bother her at all!
Not at all.
"You're starting to sound like my old counsellor, You know." She grumbled, Kicking a pebble with the shoes she trained her eyes on. "Always going on about my personal life or whatever.."
Lewin chuckled slightly, Slightly. [F/N] could tell it was forced.
"Do you even want to become an exorcist? I kinda just found you one day and threw you into all of this without question." He asked, Turning to face her with a surprisingly serious face.
[F/N] glanced up at him, Curling back into herself just a little further once she saw his expression. Of course she wanted to become an exorcist, She wanted to kill demons. She wanted to avenge him.
But why did Lewin's stare make her feel so small, Make her feel like an ant compared to him?
"Of course I do.. I've wanted to find demons for my entire life, I've wanted to kill them just as long so being an exorcist would just be perfect for me! So what if I don't have any friends, The reason I wanna become an exorcist is to avenge my only one!" [F/N] exasperated.
Lewin nodded, Seemingly taking it in.
"I remember you telling me about what happened, You know, With that other kid you talked about." Lewin hummed. "And of course, I did do some digging like going into the case file and such.."
[F/N]'s breath hitched in her throat at the mention of him, The mention of Tetsuya. Of course Lewin would've done some research, But she thought he'd at least have some respect for her privacy! Either way it hit just as hard as it always had, Breathtaking in the worst possible way.
"Don't take this to heart but.. I'm saying that maybe you should stop focusing on his death and start living your life. You're fifteen, You should be kicking around in malls or doing dumb shit with your friends. Not doing mission reports or hours-long study sessions in your room.."
Lewin leaned back in his seat, Back pressing up against the bench with his head tilted up towards the cerulean skies. He watched as birds flew by, Sparrows to Seagulls. And [F/N] watched him do so with damaged eyes.
He sighed, Staring up at the sky.
"Just go have fun, Don't waste your childhood caught up in past, Okay?"
She hugged herself into the raincoat closer, Finding a sort of comfort in the blistering heat. [F/N] knew that he was right, He knew that she felt a sense of longing every time they passed a group of kids her age in the street. Laughing as they pushed each other around.
[F/N] shifted rather uncomfortably, Leg brushing up against Lewin's. Even if she did want some kind of emotional intimacy with someone, That didn't mean she knew how to get it. I mean, How could she? She spent the majority of her childhood on her own, The minority ending with a mutilation.
After all this time, There's no way she could even fathom gaining the skills to actually talk to people!
But her lips thinned, Looking at Lewin. Suddenly feeling sour.
"..I dunno. I.. I mean I guess since I'll be going to school soon I could try to make friends there..?" [F/N] suggested, Not particularly liking the idea as she felt herself grip onto the hems of her raincoat.
Lewin didn't respond.
[F/N] bit her lip.
"You know, In the exorcism classes..? Maybe I'll have something to bond over with someone there since.. You know?" She said once more, Still unable to see his expression from where she was sitting.
But his silence spoke plenty.
She gulped.
"..I mean maybe I could even meet someone in the entrance exams? I could see if I could.. Hey- Hey! Lew'?"
His ice-cream fell onto the floor.
[F/N] was cut off mid-sentence by the sudden lack of pressure on her leg and the new room on the bench, Lewin, Got up to his feet in a near second. [F/N] looked up at him with wide eyes, Watching as he stretched and turned his head to the side so she could see his expression.
"That's it!" Lewin cheered, A wide smile spread across his face as he spinned on his heel to meet [F/N]. She, In turn looked at him with confusion as she near watched the cogs turn within his head.
"W-What's it?" [F/N] stammered out.
"The Illuminati! The Traitor! That's where it's all going down, All of this has an origin place- Yes!" Lewin started to pace back and forth along the path, Muttering familiar ramblings under his breath.
[F/N] got up to her feet, Stumbling in her gait as she reached Lewin. Sweat rolled down her brow, She knew what this was. He had unlocked a new door in his investigation, This reaction not uncommon for her to wake up to in the middle of the night.
Lewin laughed.
"Oh I gotta get back to the apartment and write this down! Finally, A break in the case! No time to waste!" Lewin cheered, His feet almost moving for him as he started to run. Picking up a fast pace almost immediately, He sprinted off down the pathway.
"H-Hey, Wait up!" [F/N] gasped as she started to chase after him, Trying not to knock over any of the few people walking down the pathway while getting to him. "You know I'm not as fast as you!"
Lewin laughed, A hand holding his hat down in the wind as he ran.
"Don't be such a slowpoke then, Come on! Catch up if you can!" He snickered like a little kid, Leave it to Lewin to be such a jerk. [F/N] scoffed in between breaths, Gunning faster as he treated it like a game of tag.
[F/N] knew she had to catch up to him, To find out whatever he was up to. When he had a reaction like this, [F/N] knew that it didn't mean anything good. Lewin was up to something, And she needed to know what.
And this time she hoped it wasn't anything stupid.
[F/N]'s stare was fixed at the high double-door, So intense that you could almost make out eye-shaped burn holes upon the intricate wood.
Her hands were balled into fists so tight that her knuckles almost popped. Sweat started to dampen her brow and it showed through the plain grey band-tee she darned, A group she didn't recognise and one she had borrowed and ruined from Lewin.
Despite the amount of perspiration starting to come from her, Her throat felt dry. Her mouth was cursed with a drought and even started to cause a headache. Despite her efforts to stay level-headed, [F/N] had failed to keep it internal.
"Hey, You good there? You're going to ruin my shirt now, That's one of my favourites you know." Lewin chirped as he eyed the state of his apprentice from behind his mop of hair, Catching the beads of sweat rolling down her face.
[F/N] sighed, Almost in a shudder.
"..Fine! Just a bit hot.." [F/N] responded, Ignoring the slight draft in the hallway and the fact that it was the middle of February. Despite Lewin beside her, [F/N] didn't take her eyes off the doorway for a second.
They stood amongst a grandiose stretch of hallway, High ceilings and beautiful Victorian architecture to match. It made her feel small against the checkerboard floors, Tiny under the beautiful candle-lit chandelier dangling above her like a guillotine.
The walls were the colour of candy, Parma-violets if she was told to choose. And the scent in the air matched it, Though it was far from the cheap candy that the wall colour suggested it was, Much more expensive in smell.
The ticking of the grandfather clock tocked along to the rapid rhythm of her heart. The polished mahogany door reflected her irked expression. And despite the multitude of servant's [F/N] had passed on the way here, There was no noise of livelihood to be heard.
This entire place felt wrong, So strange to her.
Almost like it was alive.
But the architecture and interior design wasn't entirely what made her so on edge, No, It was the thing behind the door she was stood directly in front of. The creature that was lying inside, The demon that she was suppose to meet with.
What's worst was that she was already in it's maw, It's territory. She was standing within the highest floor of his mansion, Outside his office door and ready to meet him face to face. [F/N] bit her tongue, The one that was ready to beg Lewin for them to just go home.
But she needed to stay strong, Raise her shoulders and face him head on. He wouldn't do anything to harm her, At least that's what Lewin had told her..
"It's gonna be fine, No need to worry! Sir Pheles won't try to harm you, You can relax!" Lewin chimed in once more as he continued to watch her shaky stance. He huffed rather sarcastically however once she didn't respond.
"I don't get it, You were fairly fine going to see the old man. Now you're sweating bullets, Any reason why?" Lewin asked, Still focused in on her as [F/N] finally pulled her burning stare off of the door towards him.
"This is different from Azazel, Lew'." [F/N] responded, Rather exasperated. "This is Samael, King of Time and Space! One of the most powerful demons in the Ba'al, Second only to Lucifer!"
Lewin shrugged.
"He actually goes by Mephisto Pheles around here, But remember to address him as Lord Pheles, He prefers it that way and I need you to make a good impression!" Lewin reminded as he started to pick something out of his teeth.
[F/N] scoffed at his dirty behaviour, Tossing her head back over to the doorway.
"Whatever.. I still don't get why I can't just attend an American exorcist school.." [F/N] muttered, Shoving her hands into the depths of her yellow raincoat pockets, The same coat she had worn for years now.
It annoyed her, Why Lewin had decided to bring her back to Japan after all this time. It had been two years since she had stepped foot in the country, And after taking the back-breaking time to learn English and ingrain herself in the culture, It was baffling as to why she was brought back here.
Besides, It seemed like too much trouble to enrol her in True Cross. The entrance exams had already been finished and filed here, Which is why Lewin had arranged a personal meeting and dragged her to his office for a one on one discussion.
[F/N] didn't know why he was so insistent on bringing her here, Why it was so superior to the school in the states.
A hand on her shoulder brought [F/N] back to reality, Tugging her closer to Lewin.
He too grew close, Shuffling nearer to her as his voice dropped an octave.
"..The reason you're here is to keep an eye on him, Understand?" Lewin muttered to her, Quiet as a mouse as he lowered on his knees, Closer to her ear. [F/N] breathed out, Eyes darting back to Lewin as her stare steeled.
"What do you mean?" [F/N] asked, Asking it as low as he did to prevent her voice echoing down the expanse of the hall. Lewin gave her his signature lazy grin, Hand reaching to itch the back of his neck as he raised away from her ear.
"I mean that something strange is going down in the Japan Branch." Lewin explained. "I can't explain much to you right now, But what I can say is that it involves Sir Pheles in there."
[F/N] blinked, Body now fully turning to look at him under the near glaring light of the candles holstered in the chandelier. Strange? If Lewin Light of all people described something as strange, Then [F/N] figured she should take it to heart.
But she still thinned her lips anyways, Scowling as she stared back at him.
"I don't get it, Lew'. You're an Arc Knight, You should be able to find this stuff out on your own, Right? Why do you need me to do anything?" [F/N] retorted lowly, Rolling her eyes.
"..Because it turns out that Sir Pheles won't let someone like me too close to his operation here. Which is why I want to enrol you here as my personal informant." Lewin explained as his voice grew an edge to it.
Lewin's grin died down into a frustrated frown. It was an expression that [F/N] recognised from his late demon research, An expression that happened when he was stumped over a single difficult detail.
It often kept him awake for days on end, Where she'd have to bring him food as he often forgot to eat.
So when she finally met face to face with it, [F/N] finally understood the weight of the situation.
"I.. I understand. What do you need me to do?" [F/N] asked as she straightened her shoulders, Straightening her back up to what would only be compared to a military stance.
Lewin hummed, Turning back towards the door as he shoved his fists into the pockets of the exorcist jacket he wore loosely around his shoulders.
"I just need you to keep me informed of what goes down in there, You know! Just daily reports of what you get taught.. Any suspicious behaviour and hey! Maybe do a bit of snooping for me on the side!" Lewin chuckled as he slightly nudged her with his elbow, Hand still in pocket.
[F/N] huffed, Hitting his elbow back with her own as she shuffled away from him.
"Alright then, I'll do whatever you need. Though you better tell me more about this later, I ain't doing this blind.." [F/N] responded as she stumbled backwards, Pressing herself against the parma-violet coloured wall to lean against it.
Lewin nodded.
"Fine by me, But remember: Make sure to make a good impression on Sir Pheles, Him letting you into the cram school is your main goal here. Try to use your penchant to your benefit, Kid."
Almost on cue, The rich mahogany door let out a click.
[F/N] instantly raised back to her full height, Hands wrenching themselves out of the pockets of her raincoats. Lewin followed suit as the door started to swing open, [F/N] watched with trained eyes as a man stepped out.
It was Belial, The butler. A thin and dainty demon with a host within his middle ages. [F/N] watched as he emerged from the room, Dark and slicked back hair to contrast with his paling skin being the most noticeable as he turned around and softly shut the door behind him.
"Ah, Finally!" Lewin laughed as he watched Belial lower down into a bow, An arm behind his back. [F/N] examined the butler from his pristinely polished shoes to the points of his ears, Watching as the flickering blue light pulsated near his heart, Signalling his demonic status.
Lewin took an eager step forward.
"Come on then, [F/N]-" He called out to her with a grin. Though once he took another step forward towards the door, He was suddenly blocked by Belial, Who had raised up from his bow and swiftly stepped in front of the Arc Knight.
Belial cleared his throat.
"I apologise, Mr. Light." He started, Fixing the tie around his neck as he stared Lewin dead in the eyes. "But my master was rather insistent that the young lady should meet with him. Alone."
[F/N]'s eyes instantly widened at this information, Jerking her head over to Lewin whose grin instantly devolved into a scowl at the butler in front of him. Alone? Samael, Demon King of Time and Space wanted to meet her alone?
Lewin didn't seem to like that either, But even so the scowl on his face was wiped immediately and replaced with that careless expression he wore, The one that masked what he felt underneath.
"Oh really?" Lewin asked, Eyes kept on the butler and suddenly the draft running through the hallway felt like volcanic steam on [F/N]'s skin.
Belial nodded, Slightly bowing again once more.
"Yes, He was rather explicit on that detail. I apologise for the inconvenience.." Belial continued in a rather stale voice. Lewin only shook his head and [F/N] could swear she saw him roll his eyes under the mess of his hair.
But before he could open his mouth to protest, Lewin felt the firm tug of a hand wrapping around his wrist.
"It's fine, Lew'." [F/N] piped up, Stumbling closer to him with her hand still wrapped around his wrist. "I'll go in by myself, It's no big deal.. I can do this alone."
Of course, [F/N] was lying through her teeth. Lewin could tell as the sweat dampening her brow didn't dry, He could tell by the way she gripped onto his wrist like it was the only thing keeping her afloat.
He sighed, Which [F/N] could tell was originally suppose to be a groan.
"Ah, Well only if my apprentice insists!" Lewin chuckled dryly as his stature started to mellow out, Shoulders releasing from their previous tight-tensioned stance.
Lewin backed away from Belial, To which his stoic and unreactive expression even seemed to relax a bit. [F/N] released the iron-tight grip on Lewin's wrist, Stepping away as the hallway's draft finally started to cool off.
"Thank you. Now if this matter is sorted then I would suggest that the young lady should go now, It is not wise to keep my master waiting." Belial said, Turning to [F/N] now as she nodded in response.
"R-Right, That's fine by me." She replied, Fixing up her appearance from her hair to her raincoat as she prepared to enter through the door.
"Ah, well. I'll be waiting for you out in the livingroom, Wherever the hell it is suppose to be." Lewin hummed. Turning so his back was facing her before he started to strut off somewhere down the hallway, Soles of his slip-ons creating stomping noise that bounced off the walls as he made his way around the corner.
Belial followed after him, Assumedly to keep her masters mess to a minimum.
"Good luck! And make a decent impression!"
And with that he turned the corner, His words echoing then dying as it did. [F/N] stood there rather awkwardly as Belial trailed after him, Leaving her alone within the long expanse of the hallway.
And just like that she felt tiny again, A little woozy too as the checkerboard floor looked more psychedelic by the second. [F/N] tried not to look at it long, Averting her eyes towards the task which lied behind that ol' mahogany door only a few steps away from her.
[F/N] admired the complexity of the wood, But in her mind she knew it was only a short-term distraction. She needed to get this over and done with, As much as she loathed demons she couldn't act like she usually did.. Not with this one.
As she wandered closer to the silver coated handle of the door, She recalled Lewin's briefing on the demon before they arrived.
Johann Faust V, Mephisto Pheles, The demon went by a menagerie of names but most importantly he came under Samael, Demon King of Time and Space. He was one of the most powerful in the Ba'al, Second only to Lucifer himself.
From what Lewin had said, Mephisto had aligned himself with humanity. But what her master had also said was that it was not like Azazel, Who had chosen to give his vessel up for the sake of Assiah. No, Mephisto was very much active.
He liked making bets, Deals, At least that's what Lewin said. He was a trickster and enjoyed being elusive even to the Vatican, Evident by how he was in cahoots with Amaimon, Something she had found out years ago.
Mephisto wasn't to be trusted, Whether he was on the side of humanity or not was up for debate. But [F/N] wasn't able to argue, She had to stay calm when facing him. She needed to get to the bottom of whatever he was up to, Both for her and her masters sake.
So [F/N] laid her hand upon the artic cold of the silver handle, Gripping it with enough intensity to melt it down. Her other hand raised towards the bark of the door, Curling fingers into a fist before resting her knuckles on the door.
Breathe, Stay calm, Breathe out.
Her hand chapped the door, Once then Twice until it came to a total of three.
"Come in~!"
A jovial voice came out muffled through the door, [F/N] felt her sweat drop at the first word. The hand resting upon the silver of the handle pushed down, The mechanism in the door retracting as she swung it open in one single act.
And without a second thought, She stepped in.
Instantly once she did she was hit with the saccharine scent, The one that smelt expensive, It was turned up to a near maximum now and was so sweet that it made her want to puke. Disgusting, She thought. But she couldn't show it unless she wanted a bad impression.
The room was filled with much more natural light in the hallway outside, Not that the tall Victorian windows out there were useless, But it was more concentrated mostly due to the large bay window taking up the far back of the room.
Potted plants of various sizes were scattered throughout, Some reaching tall towards the high ceilings and the thick wooden structure supports. Others potted and placed as the centrepiece of the expensive looking seat and table in the middle of the room.
If [F/N] didn't feel small and poor out in the hallway, She absolutely did now. From all the foreign imports lining the shelves along with the oddly expensive looking anime merch muddled in, It all felt so.. Big.
"Ah, Finally~! I was starting to wonder if you'd ever show up at all!"
[F/N] finally raised her head towards the root of the voice, The one located at the end of the room. Eyes widening as her lips thinned, Desperate to keep whatever yelp of surprise buried deep in her throat.
At the end of the room where the blocky yet intricate desk stood was the demon of the hour, Mephisto Pheles, Lounging carelessly in the high-back swivel chair.
And he was nothing like she expected at all.
He was tall, Impossibly so. Even though he was sitting down, [F/N] knew that he towered above her by a wide margin.
He was gaunt, Like the paleness of a hour-old corpse. High cheekbones and dark circles to deepen his cat-like emerald eyes, The ones staring directly at her. But it wasn't his complexion or the wine-stained iridescent hair that caught her eye, No, It was what he was dressed in.
Head to toe in a blinding white, Punchy pink and purple as accents. From his top hat, His pink polka-dot ascot, Violet gloves and dove-white tuxedo coat. It was a stark contrast from his deathly complexion.
His thanatoid appearance mixed with his childish-candy coloured garb, It gave her an indescribable sense of dread.
[F/N] swallowed back her enraging fear, Snapping back into the situation.
"..Sorry, Lord Pheles. I got caught up." She replied curtly, Trying to hide the already blooming distaste she had for the demon. Eyes kept on him, Her hands never unfurled from the fists that chapped on the door, Only clenched down even more.
Lord Pheles would've smirked if it wasn't already on his face. Elbows on his desk, His fingers interlocked as he stared at her.
His eyes glinted.
Almost if he knew something..
"I understand. Your master is quite a handful, So I suppose that I should have expected some sort of hold-up..~" Mephisto replied in a sing-song voice, Carrying each syllable like a note in a cantata.
It disturbed her, Making [F/N] shift awkwardly within the spot she stood.
"Ah, Where are my manners!" He exclaimed suddenly, A dramatic tilt to his voice as he raised up in his chair. "Please, Take a seat! No need to stand around all day now, Is there?"
His hand stretched out, Eccentric demeanour showing in his movements as he gestured towards the fancy little chair and table set-up.
[F/N] glanced towards it, Looking at the pristine bubble-gum pink of the cushions and the rich wooden structure it stood on. Looking back up towards Mephisto, [F/N] quickly moseyed over to the set-up.
She fell down onto the one placed nearest the door, The longer one by coincidence. Though despite the extra room and the admittedly soft cushioning, She still felt rather uncomfortable.
Probably because of his stare, That cat-eyed glare that didn't let up for a second. [F/N] felt herself shift under the defining silence of the situation, Neither of them speaking as she shuffled further into the cocoon of her raincoat.
Shit. What was she suppose to say? [F/N] didn't dare to look at it. Lewin was suppose to come in here and talk to Sir Pheles for her, He was suppose to take the lead. [F/N] wasn't suppose to do this alone!
But now she was in the belly of the beast, The beast in question being something that she loathed with a lovers passion. And now she was suppose to be cordial with it?
Even if it did "align himself with humanity". It didn't have the respect to give up his stolen vessel like Azazel did, Instead keeping it and himself alive. Disgusting, Being nice to this thing would be difficult to say the least.
The silence weighing down the room was finally broken by the clearing of Mephisto's throat, [F/N] instantly snapping her head up to look at the man.
"..I believe this is the part where you introduce yourself." Mephisto chimed. Gaze slightly sharpening in on her as a single hand raised to cover his snide laughter. "My my.. I see that spending too much time with Mr. Light has had an affect on you, Hm?"
[F/N] gulped, Trying to regain her composure. Fuck, She had forgotten to introduce herself.
"..R-Right, Sorry." She stuttered "My name's [F/N] Light, The current apprentice of Lewin Light. I don't currently have any 'qualifying' meister's and that's kind of the reason my master has set up this meeting with you today.."
"Oh, Really?" Mephisto prompted, Leaning forward only slightly on his chair as he waited for her to go on.
"..I'm here to ask if you could possibly, Maybe, Accept me into True Cross Academy? Both the main curriculum and the cram school, Even though the entrance exams have already been held and done- If that's okay." [F/N] said, Trying to sound as formal as she possibly could even though it didn't come natural to her in the slightest.
[F/N] gripped the hems of her raincoat, Kneading them in her fingers as her eyes averted from his.
Mephisto's eyes lowered on her, Almost eyeing her up and down before the fingers he had locked together came undone.
[F/N] blinked as she watched him lean back in his high-back chair, Eyeing him carefully, Every movement registered in her mind. Even as he reached a casual arm over to an old-timey phone set on the edge of his desk, She kept him in sight.
Was he going to answer or..?
He picked up the phone from his desk, Raising it up to his ear she could hear the faint buzz of it ringing. Once, Then twice. It was answered quickly as she could hear the quiet noise of muffled talk come out from it.
"Hello? Ah, Yes. Belial! Could you please prepare some tea and .. Ah, Right. Yes, See if that one wants some too, Yes.. Preferably English or oolong depending on what's in stock.. "
"..Excuse me?"
Words spilt out from her tongue, One's she didn't know she spoke until she said them. Her eyes widened once she heard them, Hands tensing up to try not and slap across her mouth. Mephisto's eyes darted back over to her, Raising a brow.
"..Not a fan of oolong?" He queried, Slightly lowering the phone from his ear.
[F/N] bit her tongue, Trying not to let anything else out. Was he seriously ordering tea right now? In the middle of their conversation? For all of his high-class persona and get up, He sure didn't seem to have many manners..
"..No, Never mind." [F/N] replied, Bowing her head slightly before pushing herself back onto the long chair she sat on. Uncomfortable, She shifted.
Mephisto eyed her movements, A smirk still on his face before he brought his eyes back to the phone. He replied something that [F/N] couldn't make out, Uninterested and only brought back by the slam of the phone back onto it's set.
When she snapped her head up, She saw him lean forward. Elbows on the desk with his chin resting on the bridge made by his fingers.
"Well then, Now that that is done.." Mephisto drawled, Eyeing her up and down. "From what I hear you intend to enter my school after the entrance exams have already finished up."
"And the American school? I do believe they're still accepting applications.. Wouldn't it be much more comfortable to attend somewhere close to home?"
"..Well since I grew up in this country, I told Lewin that I wanted to return and do my schooling here.. Besides, Everyone knows that True Cross is the top school for exorcists. If I'm gonna get my Meister's, I want to get the best education with it." [F/N] replied, Trying to make her voice as steady as could be.
Sugar talk, Something she had picked up from Lewin to get her way. [F/N] tried not to let it show that she was lying, Try seem as genuine as she possibly could be. In truth, [F/N] could care less about that stuck-up rich kid school.
Mephisto smirked.
"Ah, What a charmer you are!" He sung with a dramatic lean back in his seat, A hand pressed to his chest. "Yes, I must admit that it is true! My academy is rather prestigious especially among exorcists, So I suppose I can understand why you would want to attend my institution.."
[F/N] watched as the rather whimsical demeanour he had displayed turned back down, His eyes refocusing and sharpening back towards her. Smile brandishing as he honed his vision on her.
"..But I also must say- As the headmaster I do have some concerns.." Mephisto hummed as the sound of a door swinging open came out from behind her. [F/N] pried her vision off Mephisto for a moment to watch Belial stroll in, Baring a fine silver plate in a single hand, Fine Flower-painted china atop it.
Mephisto tilted his head.
"Lightning has always had a rather nasty habit of conducting his own little investigations, Who knows why and I must admit that it's getting rather concerning.." He explained. "I just can't help but wonder if he had sent you here to do his business for him?"
He eyed her up and down, And [F/N] tried not to look so squeamish under his surprisingly uncomfortable gaze. God, How she hated how weak she felt in the moment, How horribly nervous she was.
[F/N] gripped the edge of the couch she lazed on, Flipping a leg over the other. She couldn't let him get under her skin. Belial moved around to the small centre-table in front of her, Setting down the silver tray as the china on top rattled along with it.
"..Not that I'm aware of, No." [F/N] replied as she watched Belial start to fill up the twin tea cups sitting pretty on the tray. She gulped. "Lewin's always been straightforward with me, I honestly just think he wants me to get a good education."
Mephisto nodded as Belial finished his work, Picking up one of the steaming tea-cups and plates to carefully bring it over to the desk at the head of the room. He set it down in front of Mephisto, The steam rising high into the air.
Mephisto carefully picked it up by the handle, Taking a sip of the boiling water without a flinch.
"..And you're completely sure?" He asked, Settling the cup back down onto it's plate.
"Completely." [F/N] responded, Not missing a beat.
Belial bowed to both her and Mephisto before quickly turning on his heel and leaving back out where he came, The tea-set still on the table, Her own hot drink steaming up into the sky, Too hot to touch.
Mephisto dabbed his mouth with a handkerchief, Drying the residue.
"Well I suppose that I could let you into my academy, Considering your credentials of being Lightning's apprentice and the rather flattering recommendations I got sent by a few of The Arc Knights." Mephisto hummed as he settled back down.
[F/N] thinned her lips, Trying not to let the smile show on her face. Leave it to Lewin to plan something out. He must have gone to some of the other Arc Knights, Most likely Arthur and Osceola if she had to guess. She didn't even have a clue.
So she kept herself calm, If only for a second.
"So.. Does that mean that I'm able to attend?" [F/N] asked, Hands gripping even tighter onto her raincoat to try and keep her voice from shivering. Mephisto hummed, Tapping his fingers against the polished wood of his desk before it suddenly stopped.
"Yes, Yes. I suppose you can, I'll get your paperwork in order to send to Lightnings estate and I'll be expecting them by the end of next week, Make sure to tell him that!" Mephisto replied, Lilt in his voice as he took another sip of his tea.
[F/N] finally grinned, Letting it come across her face without resistance now. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, [F/N] dusted herself off and pushed herself up to her feet, Only stumbling a little bit once she got settled.
She turned towards him slightly before bowing her head in faux respect.
"..Thank you, Lord Pheles. I'll make sure to tell my master of the news." [F/N] said in the most gratuitous tone she could muster. Once her head raised, She turned away from him and towards the door instead.
She wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible, Especially once she felt eye-shaped holes start to burn on her back. Being in the same room as a Demon King was bad enough, But the scorching feeling of it watching her was even worse.
Her hand lunged out to the silver-plated handl-
"Where are you going?"
Her muscles tensed. [F/N] was about to grab onto the handle, fingers so close to wrapping around it that she could feel it's chill.
She blinked before turning her head around, Meeting the eyes of Mephisto at the far end of the room. Still leaning forward on his desk with that same hot stare, Smile still on his face.
[F/N] blinked.
It disturbed her.
"..Oh, I thought that we were done here?" [F/N] replied, Hesitant as she watched him push his hands onto his desk, Pushing himself up from his seat that rolled back to make way for his overwhelming height.
[F/N] snapped her jaw shut as she watched him saunter around the perimeter of his desk, Hand still trailing on the furniture as he made his way to the front.
"You still haven't touched your tea." He simply said, Finally leaning up against the front of the desk. [F/N] just watched him, Eyeing him up and down from the swirl of his hair to the polished slacks he kicked in.
[F/N] swallowed, The warning Azazel gave her ringing through her head.
"..My siblings, The ones that have met you have not taken it as a single experience to be done with, [F/N]. They haven't forgotten about you, They remember very well.."
It made her freeze, Almost like she was staring into the serpentine eyes of a gorgon, Which she supposed wasn't an entirely inaccurate description. Ever since Azazel had warned her, She had been vigilant.
Eyes darting to every corner of a room when she entered, Making sure to stick close to Lewin like Azazel had advised her to. Of course he had also told her that it was basically inevitable that she would meet the final two.
And he was right, And she was standing before another.
She couldn't stay here, Not in the belly of the beast.
"..I'm sorry but I'm just not in the mood to have anything right now, I ate before I came here and it soured my appetite." [F/N] laughed nervously, Trying to seem as relaxed as possible within the current situation.
Mephisto tilted his head, Eyeing her like she was to him.
"Ah, But you must try it! The ingredients I have imported here are some of the highest quality, I assure you. It would be a shame if it would go to waste now, Wouldn't it?" Mephisto said as he continued to watch her movements.
[F/N]'s eyes darted from his face to the tea-set still on the table, Her tea-cup still filled to the brim with the beige liquid and steaming high. She bit her tongue. Though it certainly looked enticing, The expression on his face certainly wasn't.
[F/N] gulped, The hand hovering around the door handle finally lunged to grip around it.
"..I'm sorry, Lord Pheles, But I need to go meet up with my master now. I've kept him waiting long enough- Goodbye!" [F/N] stammered out, Instantly pushing down the handle and swinging open the door before escaping out into the hallway.
She pulled the door closed behind her before slamming her back against it, Breathing heavily, [F/N] wiped the sweat off of her brow. Blue lights floated around her, Coal tars no doubt from the way that they flickered around.
[F/N] swatted them away once they got too close, The conversation she had with the literal Demon King of Time and Space still playing in her mind. Every word, Sentence and gesture playing in her head.
She had gotten into True Cross, Something that Lewin would be proud of. [F/N] remembered the interaction she had with Lewin before, Where he told her how to act in front of the demon.
[F/N] bit her lip, A sudden thought coming to her mind.
Her penchant didn't seem to work on him, The penchant Lewin had told her to use to her advantage. He had no moment like all the others before him, Where they proclaimed that their heart was beating once more.
The sudden change in demeanour, The sudden favour they had for her.
He didn't have that moment, Despite the conversation between them being much longer than some of the others. Or did it just feel that way? [F/N] didn't know, But she thought about it anyways.
She raised a thumb up to her lips, Beginning to bite on her nail.
[F/N]'s breath hitched in her throat, Eyes widening as she tore off the excess of her nails. And all at once, She understood why Lewin had wanted her to attend here in the first place.
Her penchant didn't seem to work on him-
Because he was already affected.
Mephisto watched the girl exit his office, Slamming the door behind her so quickly that it shook the walls foundations. His slit-pupils didn't remove themselves from her, Not until she was completely gone from sight.
The tea still sat steaming on the desk, The cup she didn't touch. She was suspicious and vigilant, That was something he could respect yet all the same he felt his smile start to twitch.
It downturned into a grimace, Especially once he heard the slam of boots hit the floor behind him. Heels clacking, He knew very well who it was.
"Amaimon." Mephisto stated, Not bothering to turn around to meet the face of his younger brother standing there. Deep eyebags staring into the back of Mephisto's head, One's he had felt throughout the entire meeting he had with [F/N].
Lurking in the darkness, Somewhere hidden within the higher parts of his room.
"Brother.." Amaimon spoke and Mephisto finally turned to look at him dead in the eyes, Sly smile finally returning to him. Amaimon didn't reciprocate, Only stared dead into Mephisto's eyes with that same blank expression he always wore.
"Lurking around again, Amaimon? It's rather rude not to announce yourself when entering another's home.." Mephisto chided, Knowing very well that Amaimon wouldn't care about house etiquette.
"Why did you just let her leave? It would've been easy to just take her, That other annoying human wasn't there to stop us." Amaimon stated. Despite his blank visage, Mephisto could sense the irritation under it.
It didn't appear on his face, But it shone in his eyes.
Mephisto's grin widened.
"I've told you before, Amaimon. You must be patient." He said as his hand lowered to the side of his desk, Scooping up the tea-cup into his hand and taking a sip. Amaimon glared, Mephisto only continued.
"You must wait a little while longer, There is still one more she has yet to meet.. But until then, You will not interact with her. In fact.. I don't want you to even look at her until it is time."
Amaimon's eyes widened.
"But Brother-"
"I don't want to hear anything more about this." Mephisto cut in. Eyes suddenly sharpening and almost on cue, Amaimon snapped his mouth shut. His face returned to it's original plainness.
Mephisto smirked at that, Turning back away from him. There was no more words to be spoken, Not if Amaimon knew what was good for him. Mephisto just continued to sip his tea, All until he felt the presence of his younger brother disappear.
[F/N] felt nervous.
Her hand rested on the cold chill of the doorknob, Gripping it in a vice as sweat rolled down her rather reserved expression. Staring at the door like it disgusted her personally, [F/N] took in a deep breath.
The hallway she stood in was cold but vibrant, Seemingly stretching on forever in an exotic set of colours. Greens, Reds, Blacks.. It was built in a hodgepodge of architecture, Some Victorian here and some middle-east design there.
It felt confusing, But [F/N] wasn't focused on the colours or the architecture right now. Instead she was attentive to the doorway she stood before, Inside being what she dreaded the most:
Social interaction.
[F/N]'s lip trembled as she tried to calm her nerves.
Come on, You can do this.. For Lewin's sake.
It was her first day at school. [F/N] had been able to survive the first part of the day, Wandering throughout the expanse of the hallways, Managing to keep away from the large groups of people that passed her by.
Her heart had never been so stressed, It had been ages since she had actually been in proper education. The last time being a few years ago when she was still in the youth centre, Lewin seeming to prefer home-schooling than
It gave her more time to study demons, That's what Lewin said anyways. But being out of school with absolutely no friends made her a quite literal outcast, Being much more undeveloped when it came to social situations.
[F/N] groaned, Why did it have to be her?
By now she had been able to get through without talking to anyone. Sitting in a lonely stairwell when she wanted to eat lunch, Not answering any questions that teachers proposed to the class. And her rather aloof demeanour was enough to deter anyone who was trying to make friends.
But now? This was the point where she was meant to speak to people. Ingrain herself into the social structure all the while snooping around for Lewin's investigation, Unfortunately the socialising part was not debatable.
A bead of her sweat hit the floor, Almost deciding that it wasn't worth it at all. Though [F/N] was able to pull herself together, Take the biggest breath of her life and tell herself that she'll do just fine with the people inside.
They were her age after all, And school was the perfect place to make friends.
The doorknob turned much louder than it should have, [F/N] not minding though as she swung open the door and stepped into the classroom with her head held high. Her expression steeled on her face.
And as soon as she did.. She was surprised.
"Erm.." [F/N] mumbled under her breath, Surveying the rather empty though lengthy classroom. Her eyes were wide as she realised there was barely anyone here, Her expectations being much higher.
Within the class there was only a few people. A group of three or so boys near the right and two lone girls sitting right next to the door where [F/N] was standing, Apart from that there were only two lone parties at the back. A boy and some other person in a rather baggy hoodie.
[F/N] gulped, Mind wandering off.
"Is.. Is this everyone?" She muttered more to herself than anything, However the echo made it much louder than intended, Eyes widening as she froze up.
"Most of us, Probably. Bell's gonna ring in five so.." One of the boys spoke up, Answering for her. It was the one with the mohawk, Tough face, Tanned skin and all in all made him look like a punk.
[F/N] nodded slowly, Taking time to process as she tried not to seem nervous in front of them all.
She stepped forward on the chromatic tiled floor, Wandering a few feet as she observed the mostly empty rows of desks to choose from. She bit her lip, Shit. Why did she need to be so awkward?
Her skirt worn rather unfitting on her, Maybe a size too big with a studded belt to keep it in place. A baggy blouse and a tie that was done by Lewin himself, All the while patting her on the shoulder and telling her of her mission.
The yellow canary raincoat was still thrown over her, Hood up to shadow her face and hide her shy expression. Her hands gripping onto the hems as she tried to find a seat.
Though her appearance was strange, She hoped her attitude would be enough to make up for her aloofness.
"Oh.. Hey!"
Another voice spoke up, One that was from the same table the boys were and one that made [F/N] jump.
Darting her eyes over, She seen that it was the boy with faded pink hair, Legs kicked up on the table but perked up once he noticed her. He had a rather lazy smile on his face, Though his eyes were certainly interested.
"I recognise you-! You're lightnings apprentice, Right?" He called out to her which made the other boys jerk around, Finally getting a good look at the girl who felt exposed by the sudden recognition.
"You are?!" One of the boys called out, Suddenly turning around to look at her in the doorway.
Her shoulders tensed slightly.
"Oh- Erm.. Yeah." [F/N] spoke, Slowly trudging closer towards their desk with a sheepish smile on her face. She stuck out her hand towards the boy with pinkish-hair. "My name's [F/N] Light, I'm Lightning's apprentice as you said- But Uh-"
The boy took her hand before she finished, A lazy smile on his face as he happily shook her hand.
"Renzo Shima! Nice to meet 'ya..!" He grinned as he looked up at her, Releasing her hand and gesturing towards the empty seat beside him to which [F/N] moved to take, Her heart pounding in her chest.
The boy with the Mohawk furrowed his brows, Glancing towards [F/N].
"An apprentice? Of Lightning himself? Damn.. I'm gonna need to catch up." He concluded as he stretched out a hand towards her, A firm yet welcoming expression upon his face. "Name's Ryuji Suguro, Though you can call me Bon, Great to meet you."
"I-It's great to meet you too..!" [F/N] responded with a nod, A sort of excited yet nervous smile on her face as she took his hand and shook it too. Turning towards the final boy, The one with the red-rimmed glasses.
"Konekomaru Miwa..!" He greeted, Instead of shaking her hand he bowed slightly towards her, His own form of greeting as he smiled almost as nervously as she did. It comforted her slightly, Knowing it wasn't just her who was on edge.
She smiled a bit wider, Especially once she sat down on the empty desk beside them.
[F/N] felt herself calm, The frantic rhythm of her heart calmed down into a steady thump. Those jitters that crawled through her skin seemed to ease, If only a little bit. As she spoke to them, She found it to be a back and forth she could keep up with.
It was relieving even though her body remained tense, Smiling and even genuinely laughing at the banter between them which she happily joined in on. It made her calm, Ease down to the point that she didn't even care about the little blue lights drifting around them anymore.
She smiled.
Maybe things were gonna be okay.
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The idea: HCS for some of the older characters reacting/dating hcs to the cram school! reader liking them.
Basically: if all of the cram school students are OF AGE, how would these characters react?
The list(Blue Exorcist):
Shiro Fujimoto, Mephisto, Lucifer, Juzo Shima, Satan, Shura Kirigakure, Mamushi Hojo, Yuri Egin
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the headcanons.
Fandom: Blue Exorcist
Characters: Lucifer, Shura Kirigakure, Mamushi Hojo x gn! Reader (Separate)
I've actually just answered a request asking for relationship headcanons for Shiro, Mephisto, Juzo, Satan, and Yuri which you can find here!
General dating headcanons for the Blue Exorcist characters.
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Lucifer is a very intense partner. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is something to be aware of when in a relationship with him.
When he loves, it’s complete and all consuming. He will do everything to protect you from his enemies and, even at times, his allies.
Sometimes this can come across as smothering but Lucifer also respects you completely. If you ask him to back off and let you live your own life, he’ll do just that. But he will always keep a close eye on you. If anything were to happen to you, he would never forgive himself.
If you’re not an exorcist or part of the Illuminati, he’ll do his best to keep you away from the coming war. He might teach you how to defend yourself, just to know you can defend yourself.
On the other hand, if you’re already involved, Lucifer likes being able to discuss plans and ideas with you. He’s got a lot of responsibility on his shoulders and having you there helps ease the weight.
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If you’re in a relationship with Shura, you’re certainly going to be going on a lot of adventures, both exorcist related and not. She’s a party animal and likes excitement.
If you’re not into that sort of stuff, she’ll respect that but she’d love it if you’re willing to be with her when she gets to properly relax and let her hair down (more than usual of course).
Shura’s a super supportive partner in all aspects. Need some words of affirmation about your outfit? You’ve never looked better in her eyes. Want her to look over your latest project? It’s looking good!
As energetic as she is, she also loves spending quiet time with you. She enjoys the peace you bring her and hopes she brings you peace in those moments as well.
I feel like Shura puts up a front a lot of the time, hiding her true self behind her overly bubbly personality. But with you, she can be honest, letting her walls down and knowing you’ll still care for her nonetheless.
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Okay, Mamushi is an interesting case. She’s probably not going to react the best if you tell her about your feelings for her out of nowhere but if you give her some time to calm down, she will certainly reciprocate.
I see her as someone who is very much a fan of subtle declarations of affection. She likes it when you put your shoes next to hers when you take them off and when you link your pinkies together while walking.
Big declarations still intimidate her a bit and she’s not great at expressing her own feelings but she’s trying her best.
I feel like Mamushi hasn’t had a lot of experience with relationships before so she isn’t really sure how fast or slow it should progress. You’ll have to be the one to set boundaries or ask her to do things so she knows.
She’s also very much someone who, even though it takes a while for her to develop feelings, once she cares about someone, she’s with them for the long run.
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vampvvy · 2 months
Pure | Lucifer.
-> Sfw and NSFW headcannons for Lucifer with an angelic reader. <-
Requested by : @birdgirl98
Lucifer (Aoex) x Fem! Reader
Warnings: cunnilingus, body worship, pillow princess reader, raw sex, praise kink(m), slight corruption.
Minors DNI after the cut.
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It first started from a little beef you both had. You were a stubborn angel, not willing to settle for any being less than yourself. Of course Lucifer thought the same for himself.
During your first encounter with Lucifer in the Illuminati’s underground facility he had simply shoved you to the side, only worrying about his half sibling.
You shoved your spear in front of the two men, yet he grabbed the pole harshly and threw it and yourself backwards.
“I want you. I welcome you.”
You could only hold disgust for him, how dare he handle you such a way, and then proceed to ignore you, a being such as yourself.
“How dare you.” Your anger boiled inside, yet you managed to calm yourself down.
You knew he was a half sibling of the Okumura twins, which made him another enemy.
Once he was walking away to make his leave he took one look back, at you on the ground. Before yet again ignoring you.
“Yukio.. Don’t be stupid and join that idiot half sibling of yours.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
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“You’ve been extremely pampered your entire life haven’t you?” His extremely quiet tone shocked you. You hadn’t sensed him nearby, for it seemed like he had no killing intent for you.
He hasn’t expected to spawn himself in such a long ways from Yukio. Especially near you.
“Not one scar on this body of yours, these wings glorious and full.”
“Get away from me. I know what you are.” You had your privacy stolen from your hands. You felt vulnerable.
“I didn’t expect this..” He mumbled off as he trailed around you sitting on your bed.
You tried to keep your eyes on him to not rouse suspicion, but you were keen on grabbing your spear and slicing his throat open.
“I wouldn’t do that if i were you. Let’s make.. a deal.” He stood behind you and you could feel him staring daggers at your wings.
“You’re different than me, and i’m curious. I want to get to know you.” He coughed a bit while he walked back in front of you.
“You’re a demon. You’re a disgusting creature, something who shouldn’t even be in the presence of someone like me..” You mumbled out standing your ground.
“You’re pure.. unphased.. and beautiful. Join the Illuminati. Don’t you have to keep an eye on Okumura anyway?” He giggled out watching the gears turn in your head.
“No.. he didn’t..”
“Oh yes he did. I’ll be back, and i won’t force you, but you know what’s best.”
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• Lucifer was a cunning cruel man, similar to all of his siblings. But he grew an unfathomable attachment to you, you were just so irresistible so pure.
• He was different though, he was more understanding and respectful than most demons.
• He was still a stern man, and he reminded you of that constantly. His body was fragile and you spent quite a while tending to him.
• You had to teach him how to properly pluck your wings and feathers. He rarely took care of his own tail, practically melted when you rubbed conditioner into his soft follicles.
• He spent a lot of time working on the Illuminati goal. Which would often lead you to feel a bit useless.
• He would prefer to keep you locked up. He believed that if you had too much freedom you would get too ahead of yourself and rebel. Once you’ve entered a stage of heavy trust only then would he let you travel, with him of course.
• He was new to such trivial relationship customs so most things would have to be introduced and implemented by you.
• He wouldn’t be accustomed to affectional intimacy, whether it be cuddling, kissing, etc. He found these things trivial.
• While you used Yukio as an excuse to join the Illuminati, your real reasoning was also curiosity. Who would’ve known.
• He would be more experienced in sexual intimacy than affectional. After all Gehenna was a place full of sin and sex.
• He wouldn’t initiate intimacy with you. For the sake of keeping his image of you pure and dignified, that doesn’t stop his imagination from running wild.
• Even in his ‘sickly’ state he would tear you apart. Would definitely get sleepy after he’s spent.
• When you end up coming out to him and finding it in your soul to ask him to take you he found himself shocked. Simply because he never expected you to be so upfront about it.
“Lucifer..Please.. I’m tired of pretending. I want you.”
• Ravages you first. Definitely loves cunnilingus, he’ll spend hours there just to taste you.
• Heavy on body worship. He couldn’t believe a being as yourself would let him, your enemy, touch you in such a sinful way. He wondered if he continued to taint you in this way you’d be able to stay with him forever.
• When he first fucked you he couldn’t believe it, it was so unholy, so scandalous. It riled him up to know that he was the only one to sully you like this.
• He would constantly grip your wings as a way to get you to arch or to fix your position, he loved seeing you whine about the pain.
• If you praised him during the deed he’d probably cum on the spot, you?, praising him?, the thought of it just turns him on insanely.
• If he’s in a weak body he’ll definitely take you slower but rough. Just to give you what he can while he’s in such a body, but once he’s back up you’ll be in for it. He’ll be brutal but loving.
• Overall he’ll worship the ground you walk on simply for giving him the chance to corrupt said Godlike being.
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
May I request Blue Exorcist Lucifer relationship headcanons with a half angel female s/o? Please and thank you!
Not me looking up who tf Lucifer from blue exorcist is, I only watched the first season... ☠
Also, I'm doing this like a fic, so it's going to be very long!
Anywaysssss, I tried my best! Also, I'm sorry for taking so long! 
I didn’t proofread..
Here you have:
Lucifer's relationship with a half angel s/o!
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I hope it's okay if I put this in headcannons...
How you two first met:
So, as I have researched, your dear Lucifer is a polite man, level-headed and has great manners!
I'd like to think that he likes to go on walks and such, just...enjoying the peace and quiet.
And where would that fit best?
A cemetery.
So, as he looks over the many graves, reading some familiar names to which he apologizes in his head, also wishing them a peaceful afterlife, he hears you.
You're not crying. Rather talking. Sitting in front of a row of graves, putting a different kind of flower species in a bouquet to every single grave which you've decided to grace with your presence.
Now, don't get me wrong. He didn't know that you were an angel, or a half angel, at least. You looked like a decent human to him.
But, he was intrigued with the way you spoke to a bunch of dead people as if they could hear you. But oh well, everyone had their fair way of coping when dealing with losing their loved ones.
Lucifer could see your face, you kneeled in front of a small grave, your hands starting to shake.
He goes over to you, ready to help, when he sees wings spreading out from behind your back.
He quickly looks around him as if to make sure that no one is here.
But surprisingly, there's no other person beside him except you and the hundred other dead people buried in the ground.
Then he mentally slaps himself, because why did he check if anybody was looking? those were your wings and not his.
Just as he could think deeper into this, you spoke up. "Oh, I'm so sorry, ah. Um, well, you see, those are....not-not ...real?", you muttered, gesturing to your very real looking wings. trying to lie. Too bad you were partly an angel, so not telling the truth was rather impossible for you.
He gave you a look.
To which you slumped your shoulders.
With a sigh, you introduced yourself. "My name is Yira Hideyo, and you are...?"
You didn't expect him to turn into a gentleman though. "I am Lucifer, also known as the King of the Light. And I couldn't help but notice how...etheral, you looked while you conversed with the gone."
You looked to the graves, a sad and solemn expression on your face. your wings dissapeared. "They're...my friends. They all died during a tragic incident. And what will happen now? Will you kill me?"
He was perplexed, to say the least. You elaborated. "Well, you're like, the king of the light, Lucifer, and you're most possibly a demon. My identity was revealed to you the moment I showed my wings to the public eye."
He sighed. "I am not really one to look for danger, war, or negativity. I want peace."
You didn't trust him at first, but after you two talked about what he was meaning and what you'd like for the world, you two started to become...aquaintances.
How you two got together:
Lucifer frequented that place from now on, in hopes of seeing you again. Because first of all, why was an angel like you here on earth? How did your friends die? And ... why did he even want to see you at all?
It all started to make sense when he felt weird sensations whenever you noticed him and waved at him. When you smiled.
When you talked to him about anything and everything. You leading the conversation and him following. A half angel and a demon falling in love with each other.
He asked you out to dinner, after half a year of getting close to you. He felt like you'd be right by his side. Even though you were a half angel, how you'd explained. You told him that you couldn't return home to the heavens, which is why you had to stay here on earth and mourn the dead.
But, you also had to look after an adoptive pet your higher ups have ordered you to. To look after a bunny.
His dinner plans might have been cancelled, but he got to meet an even softer side of you than he did the past months.
You were much more quiet, calm, slow and friendly around that little furball. He adored it.
"This...is a bunny." "Wanna pet it?" “Yes.”
And that’s how he knew that he fell in love with you. 
You were just so...friendly. You did as you were told. You were calm. And he was the same as you. He felt like being together with you would be a good option. So he asked you while laying his hand on that pet of yours. 
You were hesistant, of course. I mean, who wouldn’t be when a literal demon king would ask you to become his significant other. 
You didn’t care if the higher ups in heaven would cut off your wings, because you fell in love with the beautiful man too. 
You loved how well-spoken he was, or how much of a gentleman he could be. He looked at you with nothing but fondness in his eyes. 
You could remember vivdly when he showed you his illness and you just spoke a few spells to cure it (let’s just pretend it went like that), revealing not only a romantic personality, but good looks too.
And when the higher ups tried to take you to heaven to cut off your wings and turn you into a human or worse, a demon, Lucifer defended you, taking you, your belongings and your pet bunny with him to his home. 
There, you two stayed undercover. But, it was nice. To know that the King of Light would protect you from the people who sent you down to earth to do such...human things. 
Now, talking about your guys’ relationship (I’m sorry it took so long, I just tend to write much, like a story to get into the flow, you know?), I think that it would be a very calm and loving one. 
Lucifer would compliment your very appearance daily, also your voice when you sang a song, ask about the different kinds of flowers again and again so that he could burn them in his mind. 
His love language would be acts of service, like giving you gifts, doing some household chores when you were not able to, giving you a massage or just simply being with you in one room. 
This leads to his second type of love language. Along with acts of service, he would be really into quality time, and I think he would also be a touch-starved person. I headcannon that because of his illness, nobody wanted to get close to him in fear of getting infected, so when you touched his cheek or hand the first time, he felt anxious, telling you to not touch him. 
But, after talks and reassurements such as lingering touches, the demon finally gave in and let you hug him, which was something he never knew he needed until this very moment. He is a clingy, touch deprived gentleman. 
Referring back to your wings, I think he would be mesmerized. It could be the first time that he had seen a woman with the wings of a bird attached to her back. Leading to him constantly giving you back massages in hopes of getting your non-existent back pain from having such large wings away. 
He also asked you to show him your wings again, and when you also offered for him to touch them, he hesitated. But when he touched the feathers, ir felt like he touched clouds. Soft and fluffy to the touch.
To the topic of you being some sort of half angel, Lucifer thought that you could have done womething wrong. 
But then you explained to him that you were about to become an angel. You were just a dead person, who has done too many good deeds to go to her afterlife. And that was how you were practically forced to watch your loved ones either keep climbing up to heaven or slide down to enivetable hell. 
Some nights would be spent with you crying over all the people you had to leave in order to become an angel, but you didn’t even accomplish that- to which Lucifer felt very guitly. It was his fault that you couldn’t become a full angel after all. 
When he asked you what a whole angel could do, you only shrugged your shoulders in childish wonder, because you genuinly didn’t know the answer either. 
That was how he promised himself to take care of you from now on, so that these stupid higher ups wouldn’t take you from him.
So, all in all, your guys’ relationship would be very sweet and loving. Even though there would be some dark moments with you thinking about your dead friends, and Lucifer thinking about putting hell and earth (or was it heaven??) together, you two would always comfort each other.
Phew, I hope it was alright with you. I think that given to the lack of information about that character - or maybe he had more screentime- I couldn’t really give him a personality other than making him polite and calm...sorry.
Anyways, I’m open for other requests!
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Hi, could I request Blue Exorcist Lucifer x human female enemies to lovers if that’s ok. Please and thank you!
Thank you for requesting! I hope this is of your liking, please let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: I was planning to do relationship HC but it kinda became.... a back story? a short story? Hope you still liked it!
You are an excellent exorcist.
The higher ups always set you up for tough or complicated missions.
It could go from fighting a huge demon to spying somewhere suspicious.
Well, at this time you were fighting a... demon of some sorts? The poor thing didn't really seem like a demon or a ghoul per se...
You followed all the leads you had about who could have been behind these beings and that led you to meet the illuminati.
The fight that followed was brief - it was interrupted by their leader.
He appeared right in front of you, but not so close - he knew better than approaching you too much.
The man who looked awfully frail, introduced himself as the leader, as Lucifer.
Lucifer recognized your strength - it wasn't the first time you crossed path with the iluminati and destroyed through their ranks.
You became immediately on guard upon hearing him say that, after all he was a high tier demon.
But to your surprise he did not attack you. It wasn't out of kindness, but out of health - his body started to bleed from everywhere.
And just as suddenly he appeared, he disappeared with the promise of meeting you again.
That's how you met him.
Overtime and many missions, you crossed paths with him, most of the time he only bought time for his subordinates to flee, but there were time he tries - and succeeded - blowing you away, literally.
Because you are tough, well, you always gt a compliment from the demon.
Alas, there was also times you mockingly asked him if he was just going to turn tail and leave - during these moments you didn't attack him, you just watched.
This dynamic slowly became something of a routine.
Something you actually started missing and well, Lucifer too.
During a mission you were gravely injured. You genuinely thought you would die.
That's when he appeared.
Lucifer ended up protecting you, much to the possessed person confusion.
The demon proceeded to explain that he wouldn't allow anyone harm you.
That made you confused. But didn't refuse his help nor accepted.
Soon after he obliterated the possessed person, he turned to ask you, if you woulnd't join him.
You laughed. Nope, you would not.... but you still thanked him.
The demon sighed and he had a very sad face as he disappeared within a bright light.
You were left with your thoughts and injures. Such gentleman eh?
Your next encounter you could not point a weapon at him. It didn't felt right.
Lucifer's eyes didn't have hostility. Neither did yours.
You hated yourself to let him waltz away after killing and injuring many.
Lucifer truly regretted he couldn't just take you away.
There you stood, hating to admit - you grew to love this bastard. You couldn't hurt him.
The demon, unlike, had no issues with his feelings of attachment to you, but he did not want to hurt you - snatching you away meant taking you away from your friends and family. From the you that you are.
He turned his back on you, face filled with sadness.
Both of you wondering if you would meet again.
Wondering if, maybe, you could stand side by side without a worry.
Maybe... who knows?
Thank you for reading!
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lana7779 · 1 year
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I would like to present to you, the supporting cast of my Meph x reader fic Moth to a Flame!
Luci as the villain (duh)
Ami for comic relief mainly (and I love him too much to NOT write about him.)
And Connor and Shelby (OCs) as the two best friends of the reader on their new journey!
*Thank god for Piccrew to help bring the OCs to life!
Link to fic:
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chxrry-writes · 3 months
Um hi, would you be able to write for Blue Exorcist Lucifer? If that’s ok? Sorry to bother you!
Yes ! I would just have to research him a bit and study his character, but yeah !
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
EEEEE HEYYY!!! Im so happy ur request are open like omg my day has gotten SO much better!
Can I please get a Yandere Platonic Lucifer x Daughter reader? (Blue exorcist :>) As well as Yanplatonic Mephisto with daughter reader. ( blood-related. maybe with both readers growing up and realising how shitty their father is??)
We need more content with them and I loved your previous headcannon about Lucifer so- THANKSVSGFS.
Headcannons please :>>>
MORE PLATONIC YANDERE!! YESSS! and from Blue Exorcist! Thats a Plus! Deal!
Platonic Yandere Mephisto Pheles/Platonic Yandere Lucifer x Daughter! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings:(here we go) YANDERE BEHAVIOR, PLATONIC YANDERE, kind of infantilization, MENTAL DAMAGE, ISOLATION, Treats of violence, Manipulation, mental issues due all this, Mephisto is a psycho and Lucifer is NOT BETTER, LONG POST, I think is all.
Platonic Yandere Mephisto
He's a very difficult platonic yandere to have because you simply can't take him seriously and he can't take you seriously.
Mephisto is a case in which you know from the beginning that he is a screwed up father, and not in the "trash man" sense but in the sense that he has something wrong in his head and he knows it himself.
He is like the Mad Hatter in several ways. and you are Alice. HIS ALICE.
Don't get me wrong, of course he loves you, you are the Apple of his eyes, although at first he definitely only kept you out of a kind of curiosity to see how you would turn out once you grew up having been raised by him.
Would you be chaotic? His total opposite? A little of both? Maybe like Amaimon? As long as you weren't like Lucifer, he was quite amused by any outcome.
What he didn't expect was growing up to love you very fast. But he was pretty fine with it. Being your "Dad" was interesting for him and he did have fun when he did it.
And precisely although you interacted with him daily while you were growing up, not only did he raise you, but also maids and other services, it is thanks to that that you knew the difference between good parenting and what HE did.
He was not exactly bad at the start, just too chill, too relaxed, he was NOT an authority figure, but more than anything, this am
Although while you were little, there really were no Yandere tendencies other than the standard honestly.
to be somewhat unsettled, that already seemed part of his nature so it went very unnoticed.
That anyone who tried to hurt you would end up DEAD, even just children who pushed you or people who spoke slightly badly to you, was enough.
although honestly you didn't make the connection with your father and this for a long time.
simply because...it was kind of fun growing up with him? Look, the guy is a walking joke, a jester, the older you got, the more he wanted to interact with you, which led to certain pretty nice moments, like amusement parks, having tea, things like that, NORMAL THINGS you enjoy to have with him.
Remember what I said about him being the Mad Hatter and you being an Alice? You can bet he made that an official nickname for you and they even played "Alice's Underground Adventures in Wonderland" many times.
This, along with the fact that you couldn't really take him seriously, was what made you ignore its most deplorable aspects for YEARS.
that only got worse as you grew up.
For example, Overprotection was not as bad as in other cases (ahemahemDAUGHTER OF LUCIFERahem) but it was definitely annoying due to the absolute lack of privacy.
If you go to True Cross Academy, the contrast between your upbringing and that of your classmates is much more noticeable (apart from the fact that now you can notice more when someone you mention that you dislike disappears or something like that)
and when you mention it to your father or seek an explanation, you are only dismissed! as if you were a little child making up a story for his parents...
It is around this time that you realize Mephisto's unhealthy tendencies towards you, even when he tries to use the excuse that "that's how demons love" you know that he didn't used to love you like that when you were little....or rather malleable?
something is wrong with your father and you BOTH know it...
which obviously generated arguments where no matter what you said or what argument you used, he would always dismiss it by saying that he was the adult who was thousands of years old and that he had the last word over you.
All this not without first trying to infantilize you as much as possible, without success, luckily.
and it was... sad for you, because now you couldn't ignore these aspects of him anymore and know that THIS was really what he wanted.
He doesn't want a daughter, he wants an ETERNAL BABY...
He likes the idea of infantilization in the sense that it brings back good memories of when you were little, he wants to always have that and that's why he wants you to continue acting like that (if you are a complete demon it is a PLUS because you age more slowly and he can do it more easily).
another clingy one who doesn't respect personal space, although he will at least stop if you yell at him for a minute without breathing. although sometimes he prefers that you pamper him eg his dog form. don't question it. he's crazy
a great pamperer! Before all this happened, you used to love their gifts or at least they made you laugh because of how strange/extravagant/ridiculous they were, but now they just make you feel bought...
In general, the whole situation of seeing how your father is trash IS difficult.
However, it is not advisable to rebel against Mephisto, believe me, he will use his powers against you and it will be FOR THE WORSE.
I don't think he's above using his time manipulation to make the isolation that much more unbearable and distressing, even using his apparent ability to materialize things to make the experience a living hell for you.
He is simply not willing to accept that he is wrong. Yes you accept that it is morally wrong, but isn't that the fun thing?
You can't believe I'm still taking all of this as a game at this point, but not really, at least not entirely. Yes, it amuses him to see you all angry with him, but if you try something in his SERIOUS eyes he will get serious.
and that is honestly terrifying.
are you trying to escape? now the hallway is an endless loop, and time passes UNSUFFERENTLY slow. Again.
talk bad to him? He will laugh in your face, those things honestly don't affect him. He is already happy knowing that you are whole, healthy and safe (he would like you to be happy too, but hey, you can't do everything in life).
hurt him? Good try but no, you literally won't even land a hit on him, he doesn't find it that fun because you could get hurt, but he'll let you do it until you get tired. the baby has to burn energy after all.
hurt you? Yes, no, if necessary he will threaten to rip your arms off to prevent you from hurting yourself in any way or doing something worse, he doesn't mean it but for a moment he was scared by the possibility that you could REALLY do something like that.
Honestly, it was terrifying to see him so serious about something, ABOUT YOU. You almost thought he REALLY mean it if it weren't for the fact that HE TOLD YOU NO, he even scolded you for thinking something like that about him.
If he can't watch you, Amaimon does, and while he's not nearly as clever as your father, he definitely asks too many questions and eats too much.
When he is the one watching, he tries to talk to you casually, as if nothing happened. If not, try to remember old moments from the past, but really? it only makes you feel worse, you already have to deal with his current yandere tendencies and your little consolation is the good memories you have FROM THE PAST.
And now he wants to stain that little comfort you have because of a childish whim...? yeah, fuck off.
At least he has the decency to meet some of your demands, like entertainment or your favorite foods, who knows, maybe he'll let you out again if he's feeling generous one day. until then....
Platonic Yandere Lucifer
He's a suffocating platonic control freak Yandere, I mean, you can see it by how he has the Illuminati.
but you honestly didn't realize how fucked up a dad he was until you were a teenager.
precisely because Lucifer is a very manipulative and overprotective type of Yandere over you, regardless of how you have been conceived, you are the light of his eyes, the person he loves the most and the one he TRULY wants to keep safe.
I can see him having conceived you with some human or demon to see if he could use you for a cure for his condition, but he became almost instantly fond of you.
paternal instinct? He would have laughed unfunnyly before, but now it seemed very real.
But then he realized all the possible future scenarios that could happen to you. What happens if you end up with a weak body? Or with his illness? you wouldn't be able to defend yourself from the outside world.
Thanks to his paranoia, he ends up raising you exclusively in the Illuminati base, in a fairly comfortable but very lonely life, of course, maybe he lets you interact with the children of some members from time to time, but they are all terrified in your presence and have a attitude of total submission. You are Lucifer's daughter after all.
Also thanks to this everyone continued with the lie in which your father lived, everyone agreed with him, someone as precious and important as you should not leave and risk being devoured by the world.
(Can you imagine the members of the Illuminati's being platonic Yanderes for you too? ☠️ it would be the last straw but very much in character).
You lived a life very isolated from the world, but Lucifer tried to be an affectionate and attentive father as much as possible, to be better than what he had.
There were still good moments between the two of you.
Let's say you are a healthy girl, but you know that your father is not healthy, he lives in constant pain and sometimes they can't even get him out of bed.
So when one of those days happens, you sit near him and read him something that you both liked, that's how you used to spend the afternoons when there was nothing else to do. These were moments that you both treasured.
but at the same time he loves you like a demon, not like a human.
and normalizes any unhealthy attitude he has towards you as you grow up, you grew up thinking that all of that was NORMAL.
apart from the fact that he substantiated all these habits with half-truths and using his own love for you against you.
You know he loves you very much, si for him is easy to fool you (in the begging) to believe he would never do something that would hurt you BULLSHIT
Do you remember when he was more expressive when he cornered Yukio? I can see him doing something similar with you, being more emotional and expressive in order to manipulate you and get his point across.
not go out under any circumstances? The world is a screwed up place with wars and death everywhere, he doesn't want you to die, hun, you need to understand him.
not have privacy? Do you have something to hide from your FATHER? The demon who loves you most in the world and who would sacrifice everything and everyone for you? DO YOU HIDE THINGS FROM HIM? Either way it is impossible with the Illuminati's on every corner. Don't even try.
He is a master of emotional manipulation, but it is also partly because he himself is a little delusional, he believes he is right.
If you end his illness, he will be EVEN MORE obsessive and overprotective (is that possible??), I'm talking about CAMERAS IN YOUR ROOM TO "MONITOR YOU", not EVEN having a door as such, but a glass one, and he can STILL see Lucifer SICKER than in canon because it would make many resources meant to cure HIM go to you.
Even if you only have a weak body, at the slightest discomfort Lucifer acts as if you are going to die. it is not a joke. And besides, he would make you very afraid that the outside would only worsen your condition until you ended up like him.
He makes you a hypochondriac, basically.
At the same time, I don't think you'll start seeing your father's giant Red Flags until you start interacting more with the outside world or with people other than him but tolerate them (eg, Shima).
It's JUST THERE that you start to question everything. almost an emotional breakdown, because it means that there is a whole ENTIRE WORLD that you could have seen, A completely different and NEW LIFE but your father took that option away from you.
That same insensitive and seemingly cruel person is the same person who has loved you from the beginning and who believes that he does everything to protect you.
Do you see what I'm going for? He has a lot of control over you, even if you realize what a shitty parent and person he is, he makes you justify it based on your "good experience" being raised by him.
but I honestly don't think you could wake up from the "good dad" (or minimally decent) trance until the incident with Shima and Izumo.
NOW, I can honestly see Lucifer using Mrs. Kamiki as an example of "what would happen" if you were to get out of his sight (aka DISOBEY HIM), I can see Lucifer in general using others as cruel examples of what could happen. or pass you.
punishments never fall on you. but in other people so that you understand that, this is the consequence of your actions, YOU are to blame for this, YOU caused it because after all Lucifer would never harm you...
In this type of scenario, if you don't give up in, what he calls, the "revelde phase", he will simply continue bombarding you with horrible images or alien deaths until he breaks your spirit, but it won't hurt you one bit, you should be grateful for it. knowing what he can do...
(It's like he doesn't understand that not hurting you automatically doesn't make him a better father or more worthy of forgiveness, but hey, he's a Lucifer Yandere).
If he manages to mentally break you or you give up before then, he's the first to go hug you and comfort you in his characteristic clumsy and rigid way, but it's mostly because he doesn't quite know how to express how relieved he is that "you've come to your senses" and that you two can return to "normal"
But in general, Lucifer tries to remain very patient with you. You can insult him, try to hurt him, it doesn't matter, take out your anger however you need, you won't be leaving his sight any time soon.
He tries to make me see things "his way", explain himself, but the truth is you don't listen to him anymore...why should you? after all he doesn't do it when you CLEARLY want to LEAVE.
He would continue to keep you inside the Illuminati base, but he is not above using more drastic isolation methods to avoid an escape scenario (which he may not believe is possible because now you are always accompanied by a member of the CULT Illuminati's to keep an eye on you. or keep you company).
Something that remains is that when he is very sick, whether out of habit, Stockholm syndrome, or pity for him, you go and read him a story, not as happy and lively as before, but in a way it gives him a new sense of hope to Lucifer.
Maybe he can make you love again like before, to have those moments again where both of you were good. He wants to have hope...
the hope that they can fix everything once the plan is put into motion, that he can FIX YOU somehow. be happy again...
but until then, he KNOWS he can't afford to lose you, even if you hate him, if you fear him, it doesn't matter right now. just don't leave him...
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Shares, reblogs, and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️❤️❤️
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randomchaosyay · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request Blue Exorcist Lucifer fluffy headcanons with a sick s/o? I’d really appreciate it. I’m currently recovering from being sick myself and it really sucks.
I know this is super late, but I hope you feel better now🫶🏼
Sick S/O HCs - Lucifer
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Warnings: None
- If you’re sick expect him to be right there with you
- He’d definitely have experience with sickness given his current fragile human body
- He’d also be in a hazmat suit masked at least because as much as he loves you, he’s not entirely sure if his human body could handle another sickness
- Also the reason he probably doesn’t give or take affection while you’re sick, if you try to kiss him he’ll probably run away
- Makes you food definitely, mainly soups because that’s the food he heard other people associate with sickness
- So if you’re sick, all you’re getting is soup and porridge for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Won’t let you get out of bed unless it’s to go to the bathroom, it doesn’t matter how sick you are
- Will get you anything and everything you need and ask for no hesitation
- He will do anything for you
- If you didn’t have a TV in your bedroom he’s either moving the one from the living room there or buying you a completely new one so you don’t get bored
- If you prefer books he’d buy you the whole bookstore, which has definitely happened before and you now have to explicitly tell him which books you want and not to buy out the whole store if it isn’t there
- Overall, he cares for you and will do anything to get you better soon <3
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at1nys-blog · 11 months
Hello again! I’m the anon who asked about writing for Lucifer. Could I request Ao No Exorcist Lucifer x female half human/half angel? Maybe a friends to lovers, please and thank you! I have a hard time putting my thoughts into writing, I apologize. - 🦆
Not enought for both worlds
Pairing: Lucifer x fem!nephilim!reader
Summary: growing up a Nethilim humans treated you like a monster, demons like a weak human not worth their attention. Lucifer on the other hand decided to be your friend.
A/N: thank you for the request 🦆, I hope you are like it and it was how you intended it.
More of blue exorcist ff here
More anime ff here
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Growing up a Nephilim wasn't the easiest thing you had to do in life: humans looked at you scared and avoided you at all cost; demon thought of you as weak and useless.
Thinking that maybe back in Gehenna things would be different, you had decided that maybe you could find some piece of mind there: you were wrong, it was even worst. Making your life miserable because the only power that your demonic father passed you down was controlling bugs.
Pondering what to do was easy, Assiah was the less worst that could have happened to you, because you knew that if you stayed one day more in the land of demons they were going to kill you anytime now.
It was when Lucifer found you that things started to change for you, humans not being a problem anymore and so demons. They didn't dare to say anything when Lord Lucifer was around and it just happened that he was always with you.
One day you asked him the reason why he was with you that much but he didn't answer, just strugged his shoulders and went on with his day. You scoffed, was it because he had pity for you? That crossed your mind a couple of times a day, because for you it was either that or that. What else could have been?
Friendship. You found out it was because he thought of you as his friend, the more he spent time with you the more he liked your company and your stories about the people of Assiah.
"This is why Satan has to take over and unite the worlds in one." he said one night after one of your stories.
"Wait, I get it but not all of them are bad. I had a family for a while. and they were nice." you tried to defend the humans and let him understand that even if there were bad people didn't mean everyone else was.
"So why did you leave?" he knew, he knew everything you learned that with time. It was like he had eyes everywhere all the times. You were taken aback, the question wasn't knew to you a couple of people had asked you before why you had left if they were that nice to you, but that it was what you had told people.
"There were bad days when they would yell at me, the man sometimes was phisically violent." it wasn't always, just from time to times when the man had a coule of drinks. "but he was nice the day after."
After that day both you and Lucifer never talked about humans, he had his ideas and you yours and with time passing you realized that maybe he was right, and that Satan's plan to conquer Assiah wasn't a bad thing, but what was the King going to consider you? En enemy because of the human blood flooding in your vein or an ally for the demonic blood in you?
You didn't know what to think, maybe the fact you were helping him with the plan was good enough to let you live in the new world he was creating, maybe just staying alongside Lucifer would have granted you salvation and not distruction.
Lucifer had noticed how distand you were becoming, eating by yourself and excusing yourself everytime he wanted to talk to you and he had no idea what was happening. He hated it, he hated not knowing and not being able to talk to you was even worst for him.
He had tried to send some of his men to talk to you, but you refused to explain yourself, they wouldn't understand your feelings. Yet again you felt a stranger.
It had been a month and Lucifer was growing annoyed with you by the seconds, asking himself if he did or said anything to upset you. He had spent the previous three nights trying to find a reason why you weren't talking to him. Did you found out about his feeling for you? Were you not talking to him because you didn't reciprocate them? Did he offended you somehow? Did he ignored you? He had to do something, and quickly.
Waking up to yet another day of trying to avoid Lucifer drained you even before you could leave your bed. It was getting difficult because the only thing you wished to do was go to him and talk about everything and nothing, you simply missed his presence, and so you did.
Knocking on his room's door you waited, either he was going to ask who was it or somoene was coming to open the door, Homare Todo was in front of you almost immediately with her stoice expression. You bowed to her and asked if Lucifer was in the condition to get visitors. She looked back inside, rolling her eyes, you could see her doing so even if she was turned away from you.
"You can go inside." calling her men she left the room and now it was you and Lucifer, just the two of you after a long time. You smiled at him and got closer to his bed asking how he was doing.
"I guess better now. How are you." he took one of your hand in his, as if it was the most normal thing between you two. You didn't mind the action, growing fond of his physical displays of affection towards you. "How are you?"
"Better. Listen I guess I need to explain myself. I have been distancing myself and I stopped talking to you, which I really missed by the way, but..."
"Is okay." he tried to stop your rambling but you had to explain yourself. "Y/N I said is okay. You needed space, and that is fine, but next time tell me." he gave a look behind you and following his gaze you were confused to why he was staring at the door. “Can you tell Homare I want to stay in bed today and lock the door on your way back here? I don’t want them to interrupt us.”
You nodded and did as you were told, the woman on the other side of the door rolled her eyes and tried to reason with you that if Lord Lucifer wanted to stay in bed you weren’t allowed in.
“Homare, I know you are worried for him but he wants me there. I’ll take care of him for you.” She looked at you in silence for some seconds before giving up to her Lord’s wishes.
“If something happens to him, is your fault.” She simply said. Calling her men they left giving Lucifer, and apparently you too, the space you needed for whatever reason you needed to be left alone.
Locking the door you rushed back to his side when he patted the spot he left free for you on hid bed.
“Are you sure I can?” You didn’t want to cross any lines, but at the same time you were so happy he was comfortable enough to let you share his bed. Considering his status and condition it was a big deal.
“Never been more sure. Come on, I want you close to me.” And you didn’t have to be told twice.
Jumping next to him you spent the day talking and laughing. Your stupid problems waiting outside the room, they could be dealt another time, for now you just wanted to hear Lucifer talk and laugh.
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trancylovecraft · 5 months
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 2 OF 8: Amaimon
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
BARISTA'S NOTE: heres amaimons part!! :D GENDER: Femme FANDOM: Blue Exorcist
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"[F/N], If you could just think about it for a second.." The counsellor said, Resetting the devil-horn glasses upon her face.
The hum of the fluorescent lights above her droned into [F/N]'s ear like a cicada, The equally annoying rotations of the fan not doing much to soothe her headache either. It wasn't just the noise too but also the uncomfortably designed office chair that she lazed on, Digging into her back.
She was sat within the office of the youth centre's counsellor's office. A room with cool grey walls decorated with motivational posters with smiling faces and overly-positive quotes, Sunlight shining through the shutters onto the polished wooden floorings being the only lighting in here.
The counsellor herself was a rather dim looking woman with dark hair tied into a tidy bun, One that was as clean cut as the tailored grey suit she wore. Her posture straightened and perfect, Green eyes staring at her from behind the red rims of her pointed glasses.
A caring woman, One that meant the best at heart. Not in it for the money but certainly from a place of love and meaning. Though that didn't much to lighten [F/N]'s mood.
She sat lying upon the uncomfortable build of the chair, Much older than she was back then with her legs spread out and her arms folded in. She was sunken into her chair, Like she had just woken up from a nap upon it. Yet her eyes were wide open and rolled at the woman's words.
"I don't want to, No way." [F/N] huffed as she kicked her feet lightly at the desk of the counsellor. Whose red lipstick turned down into a frown as she sat in her office chair, Clicking her pen.
"There are families out there who want to adopt you, [F/N]. This couple seems to be a really good pick, High income and already have children of their own. They're interested in taking you in, Dear." The counsellor said, Sliding over a pamphlet towards [F/N].
[F/N] picked it up but she barely looked at it, Running her eyes over the information put down before huffing and pushing it back down.
"Yeah they seem lovely. But I don't care, I don't want to be adopted. I've got stuff to do here and it said there that they live all the way in Nagano." [F/N] explained, Almost exasperated as if it was the thousandth time she'd explained it. Tossing her head to the side and folding her arms once more.
The counsellor sighed, Looking down towards the top of her desk.
"[F/N].. I understand how you feel. Tetsuya's death was hard on all of us, But you need to understand that it was a wil-"
"IT WASN'T A WILD ANIMAL!" [F/N] slammed her fists down onto the table, Finally leaning up from her chair and staring daggers into the startled counsellor.
It stood for what seemed like minutes, Eyes connected to each other. The fire burning in [F/N]'s eyes however shook when she suddenly sighed, Then slumped over back into her chair.
The counsellor gulped, Making sure her glasses were in place before speaking once more.
"..I apologise, I shouldn't of brought it up.." She started, Shaking her head. "But I worry about you, [F/N]. You keep going out into those woods and barely spend any time here anymore, Not to mention your ramblings to your peers.."
[F/N] tossed her head to the side in a rather juvenile display, Her nose scrunched up in disgust at what she said.
"No one ever believes me.. It wasn't a wild animal.. It just wasn't. You seen the autopsy, You can't say that it was some starving bear!" [F/N] exclaimed, Raising her arms into the air before flopping them back down to emphasise her point.
"There isn't any other explanation for it. Those woods do tend to be bursting with all sorts of animals and besides, What else could it be?" The counsellor said, Brushing off the shoulder-pads.
[F/N]'s face hardened, A solemn look washing across her face as she leaned over on her chair. Eyes dead-set on the eyes of the woman opposite of her as she spoke.
"A demon. A demon killed Tetsuya." She whispered as quiet as the morning wind. Her eyes furious and determined, A kind of fire burning through them as her stone-cold face mumbled those words.
The counsellor sighed, Nodding as if she had heard those words a thousand times before. She shuffled as few papers on her desk, Aligning them well before setting them beside her in finality.
"..There is no such thing as demons, [F/N]." She spoke quietly. "What you saw out there was traumatising, Yes.. But blaming it on some imaginary creatures won't do you any good." The counsellor said, Seeming to put a firmer foot down as she leaned over to meet [F/N] face to face.
[F/N]'s jaw clenched shut, Leaning back over into her chair with a rigid back. Her clenched fists shook, Trying her best not to act on what she was so tempted to do.
She mumbled something under her breath. The counsellor blinked, Leaning forward.
"What was that?" She asked, Tilting her head.
"DEMONS EXIST AND THEY KILLED TETSUYA! WHY WON'T ANYONE BELIEVE ME?!" [F/N] screamed suddenly, Jerking up from her seat and snapping at the woman's face. The counsellor yelped, Jolting back into her office chair.
[F/N] got up from her chair, Not even bothering to look at the startled woman as she slung her bag over her shoulder and started to storm out of the room. An angry march as the counsellor recomposed herself.
"[F/N]! Where are you going..?!" She called out, Watching as the girl didn't even falter as she walked off towards the door. [F/N] didn't turn back to face her, Only gripped the fake gold of the door handle.
"I'm getting out of here, Can't breathe clear in this stupid place.." She hissed lowly before yanking the door open and marching out of the counsellors office. Door slamming shut with a thump.
And then, She was alone.
[F/N] stood dead within the empty hall, After storming out and slamming the door she didn't really have a destination to go to. So she stayed put, Looking at the sunlight pouring in through the windows lining the long hall, Almost appreciating it.
She couldn't go back to her room, That was a pigsty. It was always infested with insects crawling about and no matter how much bug spray she used, They never seemed to leave her in peace. So that was a no go.
The playrooms, The little library, The kitchens or the TV room where she spent countless days in front of the screens. None of them seemed appealing anymore. What use to be the apple in Eden was nothing but a rotting core now, So disgusting and unappetizing.
It was suppose to be a leisure, A relaxation.
But it never was anymore, It just couldn't be.
Not without Tetsuya.
[F/N] clicked her tongue, Sighing a short breath. The air here was too stuffy, Too suffocating to be called oxygen. She needed to go somewhere that's fresher, Somewhere she could properly think.
So her legs drove her forward. Through the long winding corridors, Past all the colourful fliers pinned up on the corkboard, All the doors with pleasantries and laughing hiding behind them were discarded in favour of the reception.
The dreary old woman sitting at the desk didn't even look up from her trashy magazine as [F/N] stormed by, Not even bothering to take a glance at who was leaving through the double glass doors. The little bell chiming above not helping her case.
As soon as she was out, [F/N] was hit with the brisk brush of the air against her skin. Her hair lifting lightly at the sensation as she was met with the mid-day sun, The celestial body shining down at her so happily from it's cobalt throne.
[F/N] couldn't feel the same as her shoes tapped against the stone tiles leading up to the youth centre doors. There wasn't anyone else about apart from the insects crawling about in the bushes or the tiles lining the centre's perimeter.
She reached the point where the stone tiles met the bare pavement, Splitting off into three streams. Though instead of travelling down one she made her way to the rickety old bench lining one of the pavements, Plopping down with the wood creaking at her weight.
"Finally.." [F/N] mumbled to herself as she was finally blessed with the fresh atmosphere. A relief as she took in the invigorating air, A moment of solitude rarely found in her everyday life and one she wanted to take in for a moment.
It was quiet too, This street wasn't as busy since it wasn't as close to the city centre. Few cars passed by to cause any noise, The only sound coming from the fenced off park parallel from the youth centre, The sound of children laughing playing basketball her only white noise.
That was good, There wasn't anyone about to see her next act.
[F/N] hummed as she shoved her hand in her side bag, Fishing around the abundance of objects stored inside before she felt the soft touch of a pretty pink pouch grace her fingers. [F/N] smiled, Pulling it out.
"Better have some left.." [F/N] muttered, And she thought she did. As she unlaced the string that opened the pouch she was met with the face of several cigarettes, A stolen item she had snuck from one of the staff's lockers.
All of them were coloured differently, Rolled in vivid paper.
Watermelon, Grape, Candy Floss and Bubble-gum were only a few of their flavours. They were cool, That's what she thought anyways. Even though she didn't watch TV that much anymore, All the super-cool adults on there always had one of these hanging from their mouth.
Well, Not the flavoured ones like she had. But she didn't like the taste of tobacco, So the taste of sugar and sweetness would have to do.
"Three.. Two.. One.." [F/N] counted down, The cold lighter on her other hand sparking up with a rasping ember. The cigarette in her other, A favoured watermelon flavour, Blitzed up at the end.
With two fingers she placed it in her mouth, Careful to make sure she got the right end this time. Sweet smell of smoke drifting up in the air, She watched it rise from the burning end and as she breathed it back in.
Tetsuya. No one would ever believe her about what happened to him, No one. From the police officers and paramedic's that were present that day, They had all written it off as just some little kids ramblings.
The counsellors, The psychiatrists and the priests. All of them, Every single one had done the same. But [F/N] knew better, [F/N] knew what she had saw that day, She knew that it wasn't something of her world that done it to him.
But it was only her. [F/N]'s lips parted from the cigarette for only a second, Blowing out the sugared smoke from her throat. She'd never be able to convince anyone of the existence of demons, Not without evidence, That is.
She tossed the cigarette onto the pavement. Her sneakers raising then stomping down on the sugar-stick, Mushing out the flame on the stone to nothing but dying smoke.
[F/N] would find evidence, She'd make sure of it. She'd find who killed Tetsuya even if it meant she had to follow him to the next life, She would know the culprit.
Her hand absentmindedly wandered down to the open pouch, The candy coloured silk splayed open on the bench as she searched for the candy scented cigars.
But her hand didn't connect with the bristle of cigarette paper or the shroves of tobacco that should've been there. Her eyes widened for a second, Her head jerking round to meet the open pouch.
It was empty, Completely and utterly empty.
"What the.." [F/N]'s jaw dropped. There had been at least a dozen cigarettes laying atop the paper, All of them had been there since she sat down. She had made sure of it, So why were they missing?
Could she have knocked them over on accident? [F/N] leaned back to look at the muddy grass below the timbered bench, She came up with nothing but worms and weeds growing underneath.
Her hands slapped the pockets of her sweater, Feeling around to see if she misplaced them yet she came up empty. Where could they have gone? To the sides of the bench, On the pavement or perhaps she was sitting on them?
No, Even as she felt underneath her she felt no trace of those sweet little cigarettes.
It was only once she was shifting through the contents of her bag did she find a clue, One that seemed just under her nose.
Or above it in this case. [F/N] suddenly felt the bursting itch of the tiniest particles hitting the bridge of her nose. [F/N] jolted, The sensation amplified by the fact she didn't expect it in the slightest.
She stopped searching through her bag for just a moment, Hand jerking to her nose and rubbing at the irritating itch. But when she brought her hand back, Her eyes narrowed in on the small speck of her hand.
It was a shrove of tobacco.
[F/N] stared at it for a solid moment, Eyes locked in on the target. It seemed like it had came down from the heavens themselves, Like it had just floated down like snowfall on a December morning.
Then another, [F/N]'s eyes darted up to another shrove of tobacco floating down right in front of her vision. Another and another, It seemed to grow in numbers as every second passed by.
"What the hell is this.." [F/N] drawled out, Her hand extended to catch the snowflakes of cigar ash drifting down onto her palm. They were growing into a small bush, A small puddle of candy-smelling shroves coupled within her hands.
But where could they be coming from?
[F/N]'s head turned upwards, Neck craning to get a good look up at the sapphire sky above her. Blinking once she was only met with the wisping clouds floating about the atmosphere, Sun shining down at her.
But her eyes caught onto something else, Something metallic.
It was the streetlamp, One of the dozens lining the concrete pavement for miles but the only one that was standing above her. Still daytime it was off, But the streetlamp wasn't what she was focusing on.
Instead it was the boy hanging from it.
[F/N] jolted at the sight of him, Near falling off the bench as she realised his presence.
The boy was older than her, In his teen years and not in his tween's like [F/N] was. He was hunched over with horrid posture, Panda pouches under his golden eyes to match hers. He was strangely dressed too, A torn-at-the-tail overcoat drooping down from where he hung.
He was hanging like a bat from a cave spike, Legs locked around the branch of the streetlamp so loosely that he could fall at any moment. It was a wonder how he was still hanging on, But [F/N] was more interested in what he was doing.
His mouth was stuffed to the brim like a hamster, His hands grabbing clutches of tobacco and mashing it into his mouth. [F/N] stood there befuddled as she finally saw the clump of coloured cigar paper stuffed in his jacket pocket.
[F/N] gawked, Absolutely stunned.
"This candy sure is weird." The boy said to himself with a blank face, Seemingly not noticing [F/N] standing beneath him in shock. He shovelled another bush into his mouth, Watermelon flavoured to match the swamp green of his hair.
[F/N] gulped.
"How the.. W-Who the hell are you?! Why're you taking my bloody cigarettes?!" [F/N] exclaimed. It was the only thing she could think to say at the moment, Words flowing out of her mouth without a single thought behind them.
But it was the only thing she could say as the boy's sickly yellow eyes darted over to her, Seeming to finally notice her presence.
[F/N] couldn't help but shiver, For some reason feeling disturbed. Like a lion eyeing the lamb grazing in the field.
"Oh. They're mine now, They were laying out so I took them." He stated through a mouthful of her tobacco. An empty expression as he stared down at her, No regard for the fact that he had stolen her cigarettes.
Well they were stolen by her in the first place, But the sheer disregard of guilt for what he had did just made [F/N] all the more angry. Who did this guy think he is? Whoever he was he was weird as hell.
Hanging from the streetlamp? Chewing her tobacco? Not to mention that weird spike sitting atop his head, That to his toes he was dressed so strangely as if he had tossed on anything given to him without regard to colour or weather.
[F/N] gritted her teeth, What a nutjob.
"What kind of philosophy gets you to think that?! Give them back, You bastard!" [F/N] snapped at him with the best face pre-teen her could pull. Teeth wide and bared, Arms crossed in frustration.
The boy just hung there, Not reacting to what she said though he did stop chewing momentarily. Then he shrugged, The cigarettes he was clutching in his hand let go, Making them fall down onto the pavement which [F/N] scrambled to pick up.
"Whatever. They taste disgusting so you can have them." The boy said, Watching her as she fell to her knees collecting her fallen cigarettes with apathy. [F/N] grabbed the last of them, Shoving them into her bag with a furious scowl as she looked back at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! I barely have any tobacco left cause you chewed it all! What are you even doing up there, You prick!" [F/N] bit as she held the leftovers of whatever little snuff she had left in her palms.
The boy rolled his eyes. And in a move [F/N] didn't expect she watched him pull back, All before the legs locked around the streetlamp branch let go making him fall towards the ground.
[F/N] yelped, Stumbling back. The boy's feet slammed against the concrete pavement, His elvish shoes clacking against the side as he stood up to his full height with no apparent damage at all.
She stumbled back, Blinking as if to see if it was a hallucination or not with an open maw.
How the hell could he have dropped from the streetlamp to the pavement without any damage? The boy stood there, He was older than her and in his teen years so whatever kind of parkour training he must've had was very impressive for his age.
But [F/N] bit back a shiver, Could a boy in his teens really pull that off?
"You humans are really weird, Your candy is nasty and you don't even know who you're talking to. Though I suppose you don't know any better." The boy shrugged as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his tattered coat.
[F/N] gawked. First he had hell of some acrobatic skills, The next he had some real annoying superiority complex. Who even gave him it in the first place? Didn't matter, Didn't stop [F/N] from balling up her fists either.
"First of all, This isn't candy. These are cigarettes you dum-"
"-If they aren't candy, Then why do they smell like candy?" The boy butted in rather rudely, Sleep deprived eyes burning into her own without any sense of remorse.
[F/N] groaned.
"Because these are flavoured, Idiot. You don't chew the tobacco, You roll it up and you smoke it for the flavour. Ever heard what a cigarette is?" [F/N] chided as she reached into her bag to present a cigarette to him sarcastically.
The boy blinked.
"No." He replied.
His response caught [F/N] off guard. It was so honestly spoken and genuine that she couldn't help but drop her shoulders and guard along with them. Did he seriously not know what a cigarette was..?
"Well.. Ehm.. It's kind of this thing that you roll up with the.. The tobacco-" [F/N] stumbled over her words, Not sure how to explain to someone older than her what a cigarette was "You know what? Let me show you."
The boy didn't have any time to react as the end of a cigarette was shoved into his mouth.
His eyes widened, Not registering how [F/N] had marched up to him and done it so bluntly to him. Him of all people! Were all humans really as rude as this one was? She was starting to get on his nerves.
"Okay, Now that you have it in your mouth you just light it up at the end. You good with smoking?" [F/N] prompted, Not knowing why she was doing this but asking anyways. The boy looked back at her, Before rolling his eyes and letting out an okay with the cigarette in his mouth.
"Good" [F/N] said, Pulling out the lighter from her sweater and holding it up to the end of the cigarette, One rolled in cherry pink paper and tasting like it looked. "Okay.. Three, Two, One.."
The lighter sparked up, A few faulty clicks before the burst of an ember lit up at the tip. It caught onto the cigarette rather quickly, The burn of the snuff starting to flicker and burst out into a flame of its own.
[F/N] moved the lighter away, Lowering it down to her side.
"Alright, Now purse your lips like you're whistling but suck it in instead. Make sure to support it!" [F/N] said, Her hand snapping up to hold the cigarette with two fingers as it near fell out of his mouth.
The boy huffed but ultimately did what she had said, Watching as his lips pursed like he was whistling then his lungs inflate. [F/N] let a small grin slip as she watched his face light up slightly, The light in her fingers lowering from his mouth.
"Good, Huh?" [F/N] asked as she watched his lungs shrink in his puffed out chest, The vaguely pink smoke erupting from his lips and drifting off into the midday air. Sizzling out in the brisk of the day.
He looked down at her, Apathy more of an aftertaste now as the light finally returned to his eyes in an interested glimmer.
"I want more, Give me more, Now." The boy demanded, Taking a determined step closer to her with a hand already stretched out. [F/N] huffed, Dropping the cigarette astringent with cherry into his open palm.
"Tasty, Right?" [F/N] commented as she walked back towards the bench, Plopping back onto the rickety wood and lazily crossing her legs. The boy raised the cigarette back up to his lips, Repeating her instructions to the t.
The boy blew out another burst of cherry scented smoke, Tongue licking his lips as it went.
"It tastes like cherries, I want more of it. Where can I get it?" The boy asked, Turning to her as she lazed around on the bench, Relaxing against the back. [F/N] shrugged, Shuffling a single hand around in her bag before fishing out another cancerette.
"I dunno, I didn't really buy these myself and I don't know where the adults get 'em. So.. You'll need to ask someone else" [F/N] replied as she pulled out the lighter and struck up another flame on her green apple cigar.
The boy only hummed, The spark on the cancerette burning out in finality. No more smoke being produced, Leaving it to only be tossed away on the concrete pavement beside him as he sauntered over to the bench's direction.
"What's your name anyways? Seems awkward not to know it." [F/N] asked, The words leaving her lips with the scented smoke following only moments after.
"I'm Amaimon, It's nice to meet you." He said with a shrug. Though his words were polite his visage still showed that same resting face, Deep eyebags and all as he crouched down beside the old bench. She huffed, What a strange name.
"Mine's [F/N], It's cool to meet you too." She replied as tossed him another cigarette from her bag, Amaimon catching it mid-air. Another flavour, Another one to light as he held it up his snuff to her lighter.
It flicked on and just like that it was back to silence once more. The rustle of the leaves in the tree's was all that could be heard, Along with the faraway laughter of the kids in the park and the occasional car that passed by.
[F/N]'s eyes couldn't help but wander over to the boy crouched down beside the bench. It was a weird position, Only held up by his tippy-toes as he smoked out the saccharine cigar. His own golden eyes targeting nowhere.
[F/N] looked away, The wind still dancing through her hair as they sat in a somewhat comfortable silence. He was odd, Odder than the other teenagers she had met. She wasn't even thirteen yet she wondered if he was as strange to her as others his age.
He seemed so. With such fashion and behaviour she'd certainly think as such.
"So, Why were you hanging from a streetlamp? How'd you even get up there anyways" [F/N] asked, Blowing out a puff of smoke as her lips finally spoke of the elephant in the room.
Amaimon looked up at her, Licking his lips as if to taste the smoke.
"It's fun, I like the wind. The air here in Assiah is much fresher than the air in Gehenna, I climbed up there with my claws." Amaimon said as if it made any sense at all. [F/N] raised a brow.
"Assiah? Gehenna? Claws..?" She queried.
"Yeah. I'm a demon." Amaimon replied as he crushed the finished cancerette within his fist, Tossing it away on the ground as he was unaware of the expression on the girl's face.
[F/N]'s cheeks were puffed up, Lips squeezed together and her nails digging into the edge of the bench. She snorted, A noise that made Amaimon's head jerk over to her, Watching as she tried to supress a laugh.
"Why are you making that face? What wa-"
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" [F/N] let out a howl of laughter, One so loud that she near keeled over on the bench. Amaimon watched as her free hand clutched her chest, The biggest grin showing as tears started to water at her eyes.
Amaimon's dotted brows knitted together, The razors of his teeth starting to bare from his maw.
"You're laughing at me, Why.. Are you making fun of me?!" Amaimon snapped as his back arched up, Unseen clawed hands starting to dig into the concrete of the pavement as he watched her hysterical laughing fit.
[F/N]'s laughter died down into a giggle, Wiping away the tears from her eyes.
"No-! No.. I'm not making fun of you, It's just I understand now, You know-" [F/N] chortled as she pointed to all of him, Smiling as she watched him look at the rest of himself for whatever she could be pointing at.
"You must be one of those gothic people I use to see on the TV, The one's that call themselves demons." [F/N] said, Relaxing back into the bench as she tossed her used cigarette away.
Amaimon tilted a head.
"..What?" Amaimon asked.
"I don't wanna be offensive! You do you, Just.. They actually exist, You know?" [F/N] explained to him. Amaimon just looked back at her with a blank expression, Seemingly confused.
"..Yes, I am a demon. See? Look at my teeth, They're not like yours" Amaimon said as he raised a finger to pull back his lips, Baring his teeth to [F/N] as his face grew closer to hers.
[F/N] blinked. Apart from the obvious fact that he needed a tic-tac and a good floss, His teeth really weren't different from hers at all. The canines he was pointing to were just like hers, No deviation.
"Yeah, Right. I have those kinds of teeth too, Dude. Demons aren't even humanoid, They have claws and horns and are beast-like. You don't have those." [F/N] said, Looking at his overgrown and dirtied nails along with his swampish hair. No demonic traits to be found.
Amaimon closed his mouth, Eyes drooping back down to their original shape.
"Oh.. You can't see it, You don't have a temptaint." Amaimon said, Turning away back towards the road. Dropped shoulders and all as he went back to staring into nowhere whatsoever.
[F/N] shook her head.
"Whatever you say dude, Whatever makes you happy." [F/N] shrugged as she closed her eyes, Taking the sunlight into her skin. Feeling the air on the back of the neck, Her hoodie really didn't do it justice.
Back to uncomfortable silence it was, He had no response after hers as he went back to staring off into space. [F/N] breathed out with no cancerette in her mouth this time, Only the slight wisps of cold vapour leaving her mouth.
"Why are you still here anyways? Don't you have teens your own age to hang out with and not some random child you met in the street?" [F/N] asked to him.
Amaimon's eyes darted back up to hers, Seemingly now only noticing the age difference between each other. Especially the height.
"Other humans my vessel's age are all too weak to play with.. They're boring after only a minute." Amaimon answered, Though now turning fully over to [F/N] "But you're not currently boring, Even though I haven't played with you yet.."
[F/N] snorted slightly as she watched his expression trail off into something more interested, One of his overgrown fingernails entering his mouth to be chewed on.
"You're not too bad yourself, Amaimon. You're weird, I like that." [F/N] giggled as her hand managed to wander itself over to the top of his head, Her fingers weaving their way into the swamp green of his hair as she ruffled it mockingly.
Though he froze, Just as her fingertips touched his locks.
"Huh..?" Amaimon muttered as he finished chewing on his fingernail, Body rigid as if he didn't know what was happening. [F/N]'s grin shortened, Fingers leaving the strands of his hair.
"Oh.. Sorry, Should've asked.." [F/N] mumbled as her arm retracted to her side, Though it didn't stop the petrified stance Amaimon sat in. Still staring off into space with his eyes widening further and further every second.
There it was again.
And again, Some strange thumping inside of his chest.
His ribcage rattled in its place, Almost like it would burst out from his vessels flesh. His hand grasped at the right of it's chest, Teeth gritting at the strange sensation. One he had never felt in his entire existance.
"Amaimon..? You good..?"
He jolted up, Eyes snapping back into focus at her words.
"Do it again!" Amaimon ordered. Hand still grasping a cluster of his striped shirt, The thumping continued on. Cheeks heating up into a warm pink.
[F/N]'s lips turned into a frown. Her guard that was down before started to raise, Rebuilding itself into what it was before. This was still a stranger, She hadn't even known him an hour. What was she doing?
"Eh.. I think I should get going now.. I need to do-"
"Again! Now!" Amaimon cut in. Voice raising in a crescendo as he grew closer and closer to her on the bench, One she slid further back on to try get away. But his hands lunged out to her wrist, Entrapping her in place.
[F/N] yelped as his palms tugged her towards him.
"A-Are you insane?! I- Fine, Okay! Just let go!" [F/N] cried as she was near pulled off of the bench, Soles of her shoes digging into the pavement in an attempt to keep her stable.
Though his grip was let go. Amaimon pushed himself up on the bench, So close to her now that his burning breath was felt in the pores of her skin. She could see his too now as her hand went to massage her aching wrist.
"Do it!" Amaimon urged, An unspoken threat.
[F/N] gulped, Not hesitating to do as he said as she slipped her fingers in-between the folds of his hair. He was taller, Older than her. Athletic by how he hung from the streetlamp and the chill she got when looking into his eyes was all the convincing she needed to comply.
Amaimon shuddered, Face lowering down from hers as he felt the unsure ruffles of his hair. His head rested against the bench beside her, Feeling the frigid fir against his cheek. So cold but strangely warm and comforting.
[F/N] swallowed down what little saliva was in her dry mouth, Sweat starting to grow and infest her palms as she played with his hair.
She was terrified, Shaking as she did so. [F/N] needed to get out of here, This wasn't right. She had thought of herself so mature before, So adult and cool with the cigarettes she smoked on the daily.
But as she raked her fingers through his hair, She knew very well that she was still the little kid who cried not to follow her friend into the depths of the woods.
"How are you doing this..? Are you a demon? A witch..?" Amaimon mumbled, Near melting into the lumber of the bench. What he had figured out was his heart started to beat faster and faster, A machine churning out some.. Human feeling inside of him.
[F/N] sniffled slightly, She wished she never took those cigarettes in the first place.
"It doesn't matter.. This must be it, This must be what you humans talk about when you say you love your family. I've never understood it.. You humans are just animals. Not like us demon's but.." Amaimon trailed off, Turning his head to face hers.
"You're not like the other humans, You're different.." Amaimon muttered. Hand lunging out to grasp her wrist once more as her movements slowed down, Both in fear and terror as she yelped out. Staring into his eyes.
"You're fun." He whispered.
[F/N] felt the tears prickling in her eyes start to drip, Start to fall down her cheeks. He wasn't acting like this before, He wasn't so.. So terrifying. He was just a strange boy she smoked with!
But she needed to get away, She needed to tell someone-
But her train of thought was cut off by the biggest of grins spreading across his face, One that seemed so unnatural upon the apathetic usual of his face. It was contorted, So visceral that she could never look away.
[F/N] stared at it and the tears streaming down her face only grew.
"Let's go have fun! I wanna go play! Big brother told me to learn more about Japan and it's becoming boring, But having you around will be fun! Come on!" Amaimon urged, Starting to tug on her even harder. Pulling her off the bench as her behind hit the hard concrete pavement.
"L-LET ME GO!" [F/N] cried out.
"I'll introduce you to my Behemoth, He's my pet! Big brother also said that I couldn't bring him out with us on his business meeting, So you'll need to come with me now so I can show you to him." Amaimon tugged even harder, His strength herculean and pulling her along easily as he started to lug her upwards.
[F/N] wailed. Her free arms raising and flailing against Amaimon in a desperate attempt to escape, Feet kicking at his shins and her shrill voice calling out for anyone that could hear her.
But there was no one around, No one except her smiling assailant dragging her along with him.
Though his grin dropped slightly as he looked at her face.
"Why are you leaking from your eyes? You should be smiling right now." He asked, His noise pushing into her face to examine the foreign substance coming from her ducts. He blinked, Tilting his head to the side.
[F/N] cried out, Sniffling hard.
The distinct sound of a car horn came barrelling down the street. The grip on her wrist was freed, Amaimon's hand letting it slip from his grasp.
[F/N] stumbled back, Near tripping over the bench before she fell back onto it. She whined out, Examining the redness of her wrist and the pain on her skin. No injury luckily, But was still stinging.
"Y-You bastard.. How can you.." [F/N] sniffled, Looking up at him. But he wasn't looking at her, Instead he was looking far off down the road with a surprised expression plastered on his face.
[F/N]'s eyes expanded, Matching Amaimon's as her head snapped over to the roadside. The car horn was louder now and the tune of which it hummed was unmistakable. Her mouth went dry, There was no way.
But as the hot pink limo sped down the suburban streets, The sound of the chipper horn playing out once more, [F/N] realised she was in hot shit. That horn was famous across Japan, That car was famous.
It was Johann Faust V's car, The wealthy foreign socialite and the headmaster of True Cross Academy. He was renowned for both the school's rich reputation and the flair for his projects, Namely the biggest theme park in the country!
But how could he be here?! This was some middle-class part of town, He was known to reside in True Cross Town. The chances of him being here right now were slim to none, But not if..
"No way.. This is your brother?!" [F/N] gawked, Jumping up from the rigid bench to an even more rigid stance. Eyes glued to the limo slowing a few feet down from the pavement, Watching it like a hawk.
Amaimon only bit the fingernail in his mouth a little harder.
"I wasn't suppose to be out this long.. I was suppose to return but I got side-tracked.." Amaimon muttered to himself as the limo finally parked a bit away from where they stood, He turned to look at her.
"But Big Brother will understand when he sees you. He'll like you just like I do, I know he will. Then I can keep you. This fraternal feeling is nice, Isn't it nice for you too?" Amaimon asked, Ignoring the shaking of her body and the redness in her eyes.
[F/N] shook her head, Backing away.
"I.. I, Uhm.. I don't.." [F/N] trailed off, At a complete loss for words. "It is nice isn't it, Little sister? I'll go talk to Big brother and see if I can keep you, Stay put and I'll be back." Amaimon said, Turning and running towards the limo down the street. The window already rolled down as he skittered to a halt in front of it.
[F/N] gulped, Still shaking as she wiped away her tears.
Whatever the hell that was, [F/N] wasn't ready to stay around and find out as her hand pounced at the straps of her bag. She lugged it over her shoulder, Eyes never leaving Amaimon's turned back as she started to sprint away.
If he was associated with Johann Faust then she didn't want to be apart of it. She didn't want to deal with whatever lawsuit that could be put against her, Especially if Amaimon told him that they were smoking, She was lucky she shoved all the other cigarettes away in her bag.
But she ran past the youth centre doors, Passing without batting a single eye.
She didn't want them to find out she was living there, That would be easy for them to torch her out. So as she ran, Rubber burning off her soles she knew she had to hide out for a little while.
Somewhere in the plaza or the shopping streets, Somewhere with a lot of people. Just for a few hours while this all cools down, So the staff don't find out she stole any cigs or was communicating with Johann Faust's bizarre younger brother.
So she ran and she ran, Sprinting further down the streets. The youth centre got smaller and smaller behind her, The arguing speck of Amaimon and the limo became only more miniscule as she ran.
All of this just for a few hours, Just so this crazy dream would all be over.
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shapard · 7 months
Feather of Fate🕊️
Lucifer x Seraphim!fem!reader
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Soulmate arc
Michael proves that he needs help
Angst, Gore (?)
A/n: So, Originally the chapter was longer. But it was wayyyy too long, so I choose to split it.
La Vaguelette
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Chapter 8 > Chapter 9 < Chapter 10
Leonardo was reading peaceful one of his science books. One of many he owns in heaven.
He loves these kinds of pieces like electric, Atomic and the other things that the human created with his little help. 
Even though sometimes it ended in war or weapon, which was kind of disappointing for Leonardo. Why would they create something to just destroy themselves?
He stopped reading as he felt the sudden familiar power of an opening a portal. 
He looked above his book trying to catch what was disturbing his peace. 
Leonardo watched as Michael came through a portal and carried you in his arms. 
Of course it is Michael.
“The Seraphim?” Leonardo asked his smaller brother as he raised his finger towards his face to adjust his glasses. 
Michael looked over at Leonardo, and cursed.
oh he is so fucked. 
Leonardo was the responsible one.
Always listening to what father has to say and always do his job 100% correct.
Mostly he keeps heaven in control so nothing gets out of hand.
It was till they created Sera, and now he's thinking about getting his old responsibility back.
Sera couldn't be trusted anymore. She had one job and Michael did it for her.
Bring the seraphim back.
“What?! Nooo that’s just an exorcist who needed help-“ 
“What is she doing here?” Leonardo stated clear. He is not in the mood to play with Michaels dumb little games.
“Just doing my job.” Michael said, his emotionless eyes looking at Leonardo. 
Leonardo sighed laying his book aside. “He said not to hurt her,” He looked down at your broken legs and hands. “And you obviously did.” His golden eyes burned into Michael’s soul, making him shudder. 
“Calm down brother! You really think she’ll come without a fight? You’re too naïve.” Michael laughed nervously.
“I could’ve done it better.” Leonardo said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Maybe even Sera." An cold wind blow freezed the tips of Leonardo's Black hair.
Michael was not pleased with the comparison with Sera.
Michael stepped forward his icy blue eyes bored into Leonardo golden one. “I will handle it.” 
Michael pulled you along with him. Not caring that you got a cut added every time you slammed against a rock, that laid on the floor. 
You were in a place in heaven that looked identical to hell, maybe even worse. 
The floor was worn out and every surface was uneven and had holes. 
A place that was hidden before bare eyes.
A prison or worst a torture chamber.
Creatures were behind those bars and are more terrifying than anything in Hell. 
Except maybe root.
It was Michael playhouse, his palace. 
The place where he can live his sadistic and psychopathic ways fully. 
And everything else is his Hunting ground. 
Making people disappear out of nothing and bringing them in the depths of this lovely place.
Someone who lands in here never goes back, not at least in the form how they came. 
They get completely mangled and stitched together like in the worst horror movie. 
You are Michael's new subject that he got in his claws.
The one he’ll break and re-build.
You’ll be the one who’ll destroy her loving partner.
His perfect subject.
How is he still in Heaven you ask? 
One of daddy’s Favorite. 
He threw you into an empty dark room and you hit your head hard against the dirty cell wall. 
Blood started oozing out of the fresh wound, but no reaction. 
The pain is nothing compared to the old wounds. 
It was just a little pinch. 
The hole in your thigh pulsated harshly reminding you of its very existence.
You squinted your eyes open, only to realize that you were hanging high above from the ground. 
You tried to move but the chains on your wrist held you in place. 
It hurts. 
The chains scratched your wrist open in a slow pace. Your broken hand was pressed firmly against the chain. It feels like your hands are getting ripped apart from your Arm.
It hurts so bad.
You wanted to scream but you can’t, his ice was still on your lips making you shiver from the cold.
Lucifer help
Legs were unmoving and you got in a panic like state. 
You can’t move an inch. 
Please Lucifer it hurts
You’re a damsel in need and Michael could you whatever he wants with you. 
And right now, he was watching you suffer. 
He probably got an erection seeing you hanging there with the broken limps He caused. 
“So, you’re awake?”
He sat down on a chair that stood in front of your cell, your new home. “Choosing not to talk, huh?” He chuckled when the sound of moving chains echoed through the dark hollow walls. 
The magic this place once held, was completely sucked out by Michael's evil thoughts.
“If you think that is the worst it can get, I must disappoint you.” A monstress scream and a slashing sound of a whip was what caught your attention.
It is unbearable.
The sounds of Angels that were getting ripped apart and sewed together to create some of Michaels weird obsession.
And you may wonder how Michael ended this way. He used to be a happy Man, and now he is a cold hearted psychopath.
And echo in those walls gave you the answer. A small whisper in the last bits of magic the Playhouse had.
It gave you the answer to this question.
He wants to create, just like his twin brother Lucifer. 
But he can’t.
So, he took this place to make creatures for heavens protection. But these creation never worked. They were brainless and brutal monsters.
Killing everything that was near them.
And he fell deeper into despair.
He never could be Lucifer and it was pissing him off.
He wasn't as creative as Lucifer. He never could be.
Lucifer was God’s favorite.
So, Michael sabotaged him.
Making Lucifer fall for Lilith and letting the forbidden Apple into Lucifers grasps.
It was Michael's duty to protect. But he didn't protect the Apple, no. You could say he gave it to him like a wrapped up gift.
Lastly Michael gave father the Idea to create Hell.
And after that Michael talked to his brothers to banish Lucifer into hell.
For his sins.
And now Lucifers Playhouse is his. The precious thing that Lucifer had in heaven, he even took this.
And now he has you too.
All mine. thought Michael, driven by envy and Jealousy.
How is this place in heaven? How is he in heaven
“We’ll see each other tomorrow rotten Apple. Try to take some rest, tomorrow isn’t going to be a good day for you.”
The voices stopped.
The sound of heels meeting the cold floor was the only thing that kept you sane for a second.
It kept the voices away that talked through the walls.
Sometimes you could see how they dragged an Angel down into the surgery Room.
So that happens to those who betray him.
It was cold and lonely down here. 
The sound of voices and clicking of the clock ringed in your ears. It was uncomfortable.
All you wanted was going back to your beloved Lucifer.
You couldn’t sleep because of the pain from the hole in your thigh that started to get infected. 
The flesh around it grew fury red and the bugs started to slowly eat the flesh around it.
You closed your eyes to imagine that you were with him. That this all was a nightmare and you're alright.
But the pain reminds you that nothing is alright.
Everything will be alright.
"You Liar." You whispered and opened your eyes to look at the black surrounding.
The sound of heels hitting the floor grew louder and louder till it stopped.
You raised your head and looked into those golden eyes that brought some light into this dark place. 
“I never dared to go to Michael’s playhouse, but I had to see it for myself. The Seraphim that father wants to have back. And yet here you are chained up by our dearest Brother Michael.” 
He opened your cell and released you from the chains. 
You fell right into his arms, and he wasn’t cold like Michael, no. He was warm like Lucifer; you miss him already. His hands raised and touched your forehead, he pushed your hair slowly out of your face and the warm feeling came back. 
It reminded you when Lucifer and you first met. This unknown Angel was helping you. 
As if he heard your thoughts, he Introduced himself as The Arch Angel Leonardo. 
“I’m here to help. I can’t get you out of here yet, but I can heal your wounds.” Your hand and legs snapped in their right place, and you could feel them again. 
A tear of hope streaked down onto Leonardo’s black coat, and he stroked your back softly. 
The hope will not last long. Not as long you're here trapped into Michael's little Playhouse.
“You can rest for now.”
He laid you on the hard bed that was in the corner from the cell and his grip left your body. 
It was a step back into reality. 
The coldness hit your neck like a cold shower. You buried yourself under the thin sheet for any warmth it may have. And you finally slept out of exhausting.
Lucifer was pacing around the hotel lobby, “We must do something!” He was terrified what will happen to you if he doesn't do anything.
He knows how heaven can manipulate and cruel. 
But Michael was a different story.
He was not allowed in heaven, so how can he get you back? it was against the agreement they had.
But he will go regardless. For you he’d break this one rule he never over stepped. 
For you he'd destroy heaven if it means to get you back.
Charlie stood there in silence, she felt like it was all her fault. She hadn’t put any safety measurements in her hotel to keep any attacker at bay. 
And Michael took you away.
Now Lucifer lost you, and worse they all lost you. 
And maybe she’ll lose her father of her dumb mistake. 
Soulmates can’t be separated for a long time for a reason.
A soft voice called out for him. 
He spun around and glared at the person who stood on the staircase. “Lilith?” 
Again, weird timing. 
She stepped in front of him not even glancing at the other members. 
She has something planned, Angel Dust thought as he looked her into the eyes. 
They gave a dangerous look. A glint of hatred reflecting in them.
She's not here to be friendly.
You woke up from the heavy sound of metal meeting stone. Voices were keeping you from going back to sleep.
Michael and another person were standing in front of you observing the scenery.
Michael looked at your healthy body. No Broken Limps.“Leonardo has to ruin all my fun.” Michael pouted and the other one just shrugged.
“He doesn’t like when you’re, you know, you?” The other person said looking at you.
You stood up and stretched your body, the aching pain of your muscles calmed in relief after some movement.
You looked the other person right into their golden eyes, just like Leonardo's.  
His Grin was just like Lucifers just with Humane teeth. 
Why do they have to be all related.
He bowed slightly and introduced himself as Azrael the Arch Angel of Death. 
Your mind spins what type of Arch Angel is Leonardo and what was Lucifer? 
You know that Michael is the Arch Angel of protection. 
You know so much about Lucifer but also nothing.
With a snap of Michaels fingers, you were back up in chains. 
You grunted at the sudden burning sensation from the chains. They were icy cold. “Your little lover boy seems to be in a little trouble my dear.”
Lucifer stepped back as Lilith stalked towards him, throwing affection comments on him. 
What is her plan? 
Lucifers back hit the wall with his back, there’s no escape.
He cursed.
Lucifer doesn't want to hurt Lilith.
Not in front of Their baby.
“He spins lies and crawls between sheets.” Michael chuckled, and Azrael crossed his arms in front of his chest the smirk never left his face. 
In front of you an orb appeared, it was deep black with a white aura flying around it. 
“Let me show you something my dear.” Azrael said pointing towards the orb.
The orb showed the Hotel, or rather the scene that takes place in the hotel.
Lucifer and Lilith were standing both so close.
Lucifer wouldn't do anything, he loves you right?
Lilith pulled his chin towards him and kissed him forcefully.
Shoving her tongue into his mouth.
A passionate kiss was shared between. Or that's how it looked.
You looked at the orb Azrael made for you to look through. 
Your hands ached from being chained too long, bruises almost turning black. And all you could do is watching helplessly how Lilith was kissing Lucifer. 
No that's a Lie.
A piercing pain throbbed and spread in your heart. Like a knife that buries itself slowly into the soft flesh of your heart. The knife slowly gets dragged down, slicing your chest open in the process. 
That's the nearest thing that could describe the pain you feel right now.
“He never loved you.” Azrael’s words echoed through your hollowed skull, your mind was screaming, and you couldn’t take it anymore. 
The pain that resides in your heart and the words Azrael and Michael were planting into your minf.
This all must be a lie.
This must be fake.
Lucifer would never do that to you. “It’s real darling.” Azrael took your chin between his fingertips, a sadistic grin never failed to appear.
Your body felt numb, you slumped down when Azrael let you go. 
You hang on the chains like a dead corpse.
Michael looked from the shadow; he loved the view.
Your suffering was pure pleasure to him, you suffer is his suffer and it filled his icy cold heart with desire. 
He wants more destruction. 
More of your breaking.
He wants to see you break into itty bitty pieces. 
So, pity full. 
Your eyes were empty, you’re shutting down. No more defense reflexes.
You wanted to die right here and there.
Were you not enough?
You should’ve known that this was all a lie. 
It was all your fault after all. 
You broke his trust in the first place. 
Leonardo looked down at your figure and he was the only one who didn’t smile. 
Since when is he watching anyways?
Is it pity? Is it caring? 
Stop, stop. 
Stop looking at me like that.
He should smile not taking pity on your own misery as something sad.
They’re all the same, Arch Angels are all the same, even Lucifer.
He wants to use you just like anyone else.
Leonardo will play with you and then throw you away like everyone else.
You were mad and disappointed. Lucifer made you feel like the only person he needed.
But in reality he just wanted you gone so he could have Lilith back. 
And when you were captured by the one and only Michael. 
And Lilith took the opportunity that you here chained up in here.
She lets Michael do whatever he wants with you. and in return she returns to Lucifer.
Wasn’t she known to be kind and loving and just left Lucifer with their child.
Then she replaced you, taking her spot back that she left long time ago.
Were you living to rot in your own misery.
Who would Love you anyway?
Not even your own mother glanced a second glance at you when you needed her the most.
You felt like a failure.
You couldn’t even keep your own Soulmate that is destined to stay by your side. 
You looked up at Leonardo, his pitiful stare was stirring something in you. Something you never felt, it was indeed a sin. 
In the end you never dared to sin. But the plates have changed. Your life already is horrible.
Anger, and the desire to kill build up in your chest. Filling the pain that is planted deep in the softness of your heart.
“don’t look at me like that. Go on laugh, laugh that I thought he would safe me out of here. NO ONE IS STOPPING YOU!” You clawed up to him, the chains were rustling and the skin of your wrist were scratch open.
You wanted to claw his face open. You wanted the pain to stop. Tears were falling uncontrollably, and the sobbing mixed with the horrible sight of you clawing to get out.
That someone will come and save you out of this.
But no one will come
You feel like you’re going to burst, you didn’t want this life. 
You wanted Love, you wanted to be loved and someone to tell you that you're safe.
You missed him even though he betrayed you.
Love is the greatest curse of them all
God created you out of mere dust and let you stay in the dirt. 
Not even God could love you. 
Leonardo shifted his gaze away from you, “I’m sorry…” You laughed at his attempted apology. And your body fell lump.
"I got you" Sera whispered as she held you close to your body. You giggled and looked up to your mother. "You'll never leave me, right Mom?" And Sera nods. "Never."
She left.
"I got you sweetie." Lucifer's Forehead was on yours and he hums a soft tune that calmed you down.
You had a panic attack.
You dreamed about your mother again and Lucifer came to calm you down."I'll not leave you."
That’s what Lucifer said and look where he is now. 
He's gone.
"You're alone, Y/n."
In the Arms of his beloved Lilith.
Lucifer was quick to push Lilith away with brutal force. He rubbed his mouth with his clawed hand in a disgusting meanor. 
“Get the fuck off me.” He said while spitting the mixed saliva out of his mouth.
His lips felt like they’ve touched poison. 
He was glad you haven’t seen this. He is scared that you’d misinterpret this. 
He doesn’t want Lilith he wants you.
And he certainly doesn't want to lose you.
Little did he know that’s why Lilith did it and in fact you’ve saw the kiss they shared. 
Lilith, who was now on the ground, smirked up to him.
“The damage already done love.” Her Voice was full of venom. That’s not the Lilith Lucifer used to know. 
Lilith was kind and loving.
And now she’s rotten and disgusting like spoiled milk.
“What have you done?” He tilted his head rather asking himself what damage Lilith meant.
“Your little Angel. She’s the one you love and care so much and she’s the one who’ll burn this all down.” Lucifer raised his eyebrows. 
“What you mean?” Angel dust asked, clearly knowing who’s she referring too. “Yeah, she’ll never do that.” Husk stated serious catching everyone in surprise. 
He genuinely cares about you and that surprised the others.
The Husk cares about an Angel. Wouldn’t be the first Angel but the other is a demon that carries the name Angel. 
The name of his new Identity.
Lilith laughed, “God has his Plans.” 
Lucifers ears peaked at that, “God? Now you’re a puppet of him? The one who you said made you suffer? Really? That’s why you left me all alone with a child?” 
He took a deep breath closing his eyes, trying to calm down his building anger.
“Where is she?” He asked calmly, his eyes remained closed as he waited for her answer. 
No Answer. 
“Tell him, you pig.” Vaggie said holding a spear deathly on Lilith’s neck.
“I could kill you in less than a second. You’re in the deathly position, Vaggie.” Lilith smirked up at her, tapping with her nail on the Angelic weapon. 
“And in less than a milli second I can wipe you out of existence,” Lucifer opened his eyes showing its fury scarlet color, “So tell me, where is she?” He leaned down towards her face. 
Fire danced along with his words, intimidating Lilith. 
“She is in heaven.” She answered in defeat.
“Oh, we know. But where?” Angel said and his voice wasn’t welcoming either. 
No one hurts his little sugar tits. Not even the Arch Angels themselves. 
“In Michaels playhouse, your old one. That's where she is right now. But I don’t have any more Information.” Lucifer snapped with his fingers. 
Chains appeared out of the ground pulling Lilith down a portal to God knows where. 
Lilith screamed at Lucifer, to let her go. She doesn't want to go there where these chains will drag her.
“We are leaving.” Lucifer muttered, patting the dust from him.
“Where to?” Charlie asked looking her father in his red eyes. 
“It’s time to bring Y/n back.”
Please be alright.
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A/n: The Hazbin gang is on their way to Y/n. Let's hope they're not too late.
Thank you all for the Support Pookies<3
Sadly couldn't Tag you
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masterlistmaker · 2 years
Special Agent Lokitty Masterlist
This blog archives all of @specialagentlokitty 's works into masterlists so they are easy to find. Please read through the Navigation section to help you find the fics you're looking for!
Updated through: end of 8/23
Under the cut, you'll find the list of fandoms that Lokitty writes for (or previously wrote for). The link will take you to a second masterlist of character x reader ships. This is where it can get tricky:
reader lists are lists which have character x reader works
specific!reader lists are lists which have character x reader works where the reader's relation to the character is more specified (ex. daughter!reader, student!reader, etc.)
all readers lists are lists which have character x reader and character x specific!reader works.
NOTE: Characters that have all readers lists will NOT have reader and specific!reader lists. all readers lists contain all the works for that character and are sorted by relation. What list a character has is entirely dependent on the number and type of works Lokitty has written.
From there, you can pick the character-reader relation, open the list link, and find all the fics you're looking for! If you're confused, play around with the links. You'll find what you're looking for.
If you're looking for crossover fics, pick one of the fandoms in the crossover. At the end of that list there is a Crossover Works link. You should be able to find the fic there.
other important notes:
some lists are short and list all the characters and their works without having extra links. These are easy to navigate.
reader traits such as male!reader and autistic!reader are listed next to the fic title and DO NOT have seprate lists.
all fics are (generally) listed from oldest to newest.
I tried my best to sort out all the crossover works, but this was already a huge project and some probably slipped through the cracks. I sorted everything to the best of my abilities, but it would have been impossible to read through every single work (and I'm unfamiliar with most of these fandoms). If you find a fic that isn't where it belongs or is missing lables/ wrong labels, please message me to let me know.
Lists are always under light construction. As Lokitty writes, sometimes things must be reorganized. Any major changes to navigation will always be noted above!
Fandom List- Sorted
Harry Potter
The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
Kingsman: The Secret Service
DC Batman
Avatar (film series)
TV Shows
Crime Drama:
Criminal Minds
The Mentalist
Fox 911
Comedy Dramas:
Ackley Bridge
Brooklyn 99
The Big Bang Theory
Downton Abbey
Doctor Who
Teen Wolf
The Vampire Diaries
The Witcher
The Umbrella Academy
Fate: The Winx Saga
Medical Drama:
The Good Doctor
Grey's Anatomy
House M.D.
Chicago Med
Attack on Titan
Avatar (ATLA and LOK)
Blue Exorcist
My Hero Academia
Tokyo Ghoul
Kuroku's Basketball
Percy Jackson
Buzzfeed Unsolved
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