#blueberry fic
maplesyrizzup · 2 years
Wrote most of the first part of my blueberry muffin fic today and I’m feeling pretty good about it.
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justheblueberry · 2 months
I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite
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book & clamshell box for @towns-end-bindery for the Renegade California Mini Exchange!!! THE REVEAL!!!! wow its been so long since i started this it feels kind of unreal haha
this exchange sent me on a journey through so many lovely fics and new fandoms that were a delight to explore! i have Learned Things about svsss and honestly the more i hear the more excited i am to (eventually!!) finally read it
about the bind itself, it was a bit of a ride. i learned like 5 new skills in total, including:
- cover cutouts
- suminagashi edges
- my first book box!!
- chisel trimming edges by myself, which, um, definitely couldve gone better but it was fine after a few hours of sanding
- using REAL TOOLS???? lost count how many times i forgot i have a bone folder and made my book arts teacher take psychic damage
i fiddled with the typeset for several months, but in the end finished the book like a month early. so naturally my hubris rose from the dead and decided that making my first box would be a great idea!
i finished it with like 12 hours to spare before i was heading to the airport because i never learn
big thanks to fran for organizing this and congrats to everyone participating!!! WE CAME!!!
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cochineal-leviat · 5 months
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"After Kieran was defeated by the person he looked up the most in front of everyone, he fell into a darker spiral - willing to do everything to become powerful. But the events in the Underdepths of Area Zero shook him awake. Running on his last fumes, he and Carmine take a break from their studies. But, before the trip back to Kitakami, he waits a little longer on Unova's mainland to spend more time with Flore before feeling useless in his hometown. Flore invites him over to their dorm room to chat.
Naturally, Kieran wonders why the prodigal champion invited him over."
Eh, the comic is a bit rough; I did it quickly as a burst of inspiration hit. Maybe I will clean it up sometime later. Idk.
Heyo! I enjoyed the Indigo Disk immensely, and while the game still has issues - I still loved it. A Kieran has rapidly become my favourite character. He was already in the Teal Mask, but the second part skyrocketed him to first place. (Red Onion boy having a mental breakdown was both horrifying and hilarious to witness)
A bit of backstory: initially, I was going to write the MC as Florian since I chose his model while playing the game. But I realised in the middle of writing that I accidentally kept switching between they, she and he pronouns. I suppose I was also imagining Juliana in the MC's places, so I combined them. (Flore out catching genders like Pokemon) Unfortunately, I could not work Juliana's name into the MC's first name, so Juliana (or a variation) is their second name. Essentially, you can still picture Julliana and or Florian in Flore's place; it's your choice!
I tried writing Flore by incorporating headcanons and traits I have seen floating around the fandom for Scarvio's player characters. And my own experiences, of course. So, I hope I do them justice. Please enjoy!
Ps: if anyone wants to see more info or art about Flore, I would be happy to share more :p
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dipplinduo · 21 days
𖥔 ࣪ʚ♡ɞ  S̶p̷e̴c̷i̶a̶l̵ ̸A̴n̴n̵o̶u̸n̷c̸e̴m̸e̸n̷t̸ ʚ♡ɞ 𖥔 ࣪
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Mark your calendars...the final leg of Sweet & Sour Dipplins will be kicking off on May 31st, 2024 at 10:00PM EST with the greatly teased "big reveal" chapter. .̵.̶.̷r̵e̶a̶d̶y̴ ̶f̶o̶r̴ ̶i̴t̷?̶ ̵:̸)̴
Special, special, special shoutout to @mandachuart for creating promotional art! She is a dear friend of mine and quite literally helped me turn a vague concept into the art of my dreams. Her art is consistently stunning, breathtaking, and colorful, and her incredible detail-orientation only took this concept to new heights as she listened to my requests to capture exactly what I wanted & then some.
I highly recommend her artistry. If you're looking to have beautiful & meaningful artwork made with love, please consider supporting her through commissions.
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leejupiter · 4 months
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So.... Did anyone else notice their size difference? 👀👀👀
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shaykai · 1 year
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Ruh Roh Raggy I’ve been reading fan fiction again (never stopped but shhh) have some doodles
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spaceprincessem · 3 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz and @rogerzsteven 💞 im literally averaging one day a week to write but trying to make the most of it. so here's more from the missing presumed fic (if it's more than seven then no it's not <3)
Eddie’s already placed a mobile order for their scone of the day; lemon blueberry. He’d laugh at the irony of Buck’s favorite scones coming back around — it’s the beginning of blueberry season and they haven’t been seen since last year — but it’d probably hurt too much considering how hollow his chest feels. “Eddie,” Buck waves his phone in the air as he comes up the stairs of the loft, “mark your calendar, phone and physical copy, because blueberry season will be upon us soon.” “Should we ask for an explanation?” Chimney looks up from the checkers game he and Hen are playing. “I don’t think we should ask for an explanation.” “Blueberry season is the only time Bake My Day makes their blueberry lemon scones.” Eddie says with a fond smile as he pulls up his calendar application and makes note of it with several blueberry emojis. “Which,” Buck waves the tiny Instagram picture of scones, “are the best in the world. Christopher and I could eat a dozen each, if Eddie would let us.” “Buck,” Eddie laughs as Buck plops down on the couch next to him, knees knocking instantly, “remember what happened last time you—” Buck lunges forward and slaps his hand over Eddie’s mouth muttering threats under his breath much to Eddie’s amusement. Hen and Chimney just roll their eyes as their gaze drifts back to their game. “If they’re as good as you say,” Bobby hums from the kitchen, “you better bring enough to share with all of us. I’ve recently discovered Athena has a weakness related to lemon flavored dessert.” “That’s because Athena has taste.” Buck says smartly as he releases Eddie, falling back on the couch, letting their legs tangle without thought.
tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz @devirnis @hoodie-buck @shortsighted-owl @wildlife4life @elvensorceress @spotsandsocks @monsterrae1 @kananjarus
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jessicas-pi · 10 days
the Bo and the Blueberry incorrect quotes post I made reminded me that I had actually written a little bit of the AU, and as i'm probably never going to write a whole fic, I decided to share a chunk of what I have!
Bo-Katan stared down into her drink, feeling a numbness that wasn’t from the alcohol. She hadn’t had enough for that.
Not yet, anyway.
The flap of her tent brushed open, and a moment later, her uncomfortably stiff cot creaked as someone sat down beside her. Bo-Katan just kept looking down into the shimmering liquid and the cup clasped in both her hands. She hadn’t bothered to pull her hair back, and it hung down in her face.
“Why are you here?” she rasped.
The modulated voice beneath the helmet was gentle. “Why shouldn’t I be here?”
“You know why.” Bo-Katan swirled her cup, reluctant to take another sip of the nasty liquid. “I don’t want anything to do with you right now.”
“I know you’re hurting, but don’t take this out on me, Bo,” Ursa chided. “I lost someone, too.”
Bo-Katan scoffed, gulping down the cheap drink. “And you’ve come to mourn with me. Is that it? Are you here to tell me you’re sorry? Sorry that your little demagol’ika built a machine to kill us with our own armor?” Bo-Katan laughed bitterly. It came out sounding like a sob. “Or are you sorry that my son died because of it?”
She heard Ursa’s breathing, tight like a coiled spring, burning with hurt and anger. Right now, Bo-Katan didn’t care. She wanted Ursa to hurt. She wanted everyone to hurt.
Bo-Katan tossed back the rest of the drink, then threw the cup to the ground. It broke to shards.
“He made a hero’s sacrifice,” Ursa whispered levelly, like it was some kind of consolation.
Bo-Katan turned on her old friend, finding the strength in her anger to rise to her feet. “He was thirteen. Thirteen, Ursa! He shouldn’t have to make hero’s sacrifices! He should be giving me attitude and complaining about his lessons and wondering if the girl he likes will ever know his name! He should be a boy, not a pile of ashes!”
Ursa rose to her feet, too, and pulled off her helmet.
Her eyes were red, like someone who had spent a long time crying.
“I didn’t come here to fight with you, Bo-Katan!”
“Then you shouldn’t have come at all!” she yelled, balling her hands up into fists.
She might have actually struck Ursa, then, if the roar of a ship descending rapidly, followed by an enormous crash, hadn’t interrupted the argument.
Bo-Katan shoved Ursa aside and ran out of the tent into the camp. Usually, at this time of evening, there would be music playing and drinks all around, but the camp had been eerily quiet for the last few days, as her people mourned with her.
They had all loved Ezra.
But the camp was no longer quiet, now, and Bo-Katan took in the scene with shock. An Imperial shuttle had crashed into the ground just outside camp, leaving a long gash in the landscape. She pulled her blaster from its holster and advanced slowly, warily wondering just what was going on.
The door to the shuttle opened, the ramp descending. Bo-Katan pointed her blaster, ready to fire at any Imperials who might emerge.
For five long seconds, nothing happened.
Then, a gangly boy in blue-and-gray armor slid down the ramp, hop-skipped forward a few steps when he reached the bottom, and cheerfully shouted—
“Hi, Mom!”
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soft-pine · 24 days
i’ve whispered and walked on eggshells just to choose misery over dispute
some blueberry pie life: chapter 23
hi! i've gotten a few new followers since i last posted a chap of this so i wanted to do a quick re-intro post as well as a chapter update. this fic is my magnum opus, my precious baby. basically it's like a million one-shots that touch on themes from canon-time spn and how they tie into pre-canon and eventually post canon. it's pretty heavy and the beginning is much more of a dean character study than DeanCas per say but we are heading there.
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title from Misery Over Dispute by Waxahatchee
notes below!
August, 2002
Sam leaving is mentioned throughout season 1 but this specific convo is a reference to the conversation between Sam and John in 1.20
The house that they were staying in when Sam left for Stanford is shown in 5.16
The reference to Sam begging to come hunting is from 11.08
Dean dropping out of high school and therefore needing to get a GED is a reference to 5.01 and 5.13
The chick-flick comment is a reference to 1.01 and 11.23.
May, 2013
Takes place during and right after 9.03
The reference to Cas falling asleep in the car before was from 5.22
May, 1993
John sending Dean away when he really pissed him off is something Dean talks about in 14.12
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strangersatellites · 6 months
maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for four
a cute little steddie dads ditty based on this tweet
Steve chuckles under his breath and flips the page. 
He’s got his back against the headboard in the low lamp light. It’s late and he’s reading some goofy romance novel that Max left for him last time she was over. Something about people on vacation. He doesn’t really know or care but it’s kept his mind occupied long enough.
Eddie’s sat at the other end of the bed, taking breaks from lightly strumming his guitar to jot down melodies or lyrics or whatever it is he writes in that notebook of his that he carries everywhere.
When Steve tries to start the next page the words stop being about the shitty hotel the characters are at and they start being measurements, instructions. 
He slams the book closed in his lap and tugs off his glasses, gets Eddie’s attention and meets his eyes, curious.
“Do you think we should’ve gotten chocolate chip instead?”
Eddie rolls his eyes with a smile and sits his guitar beside him. Huffs a laugh under his breath as he crawls up to wrap both long arms around Steve’s waist.
“Well,” he drags it out, dramatic as always, “Since both of the girls said they liked blueberry better, I’m putting my money on blueberry being the better option.”
Steve’s weighing the options in his head, nodding because he knows Eddie’s right.
“I know, Robbie flips out every time we have regular pancakes but,” he huffs, runs a hand through his hair, “It's pancake day. It has to be perfect. Do we even have syrup?”
Eddie pulls his head back from where he’d rested his chin on Steve’s shoulder, his eyes now less amused and more confused.
“Okay, I thought we were stressing because it’s her first sleepover, what in the world is pancake day?”
Now Steve’s the one who looks confused, down-right offended.
“Uh, hello? Didn’t you have pancakes on Saturday morning after every sleepover growing up?”
Eddie wrinkles his eyebrows up. “No? Uncle Wayne woke us up and took us to the diner.”
And, well. Steve can forgive that. 
“Oh. That sounds pretty fun actually.”
Eddie snorts. 
“Yeah it was. It was probably just an excuse for him to go see his lady friend but I wasn’t gonna turn it down.”
Steve laughs and smiles at the thought of a grumpy Wayne trying to hit on the waitress and a child version of Eddie flicking eggs across the table.
“I wish I could’ve seen that.” He drops a kiss to Eddie’s temple before he continues. “When I was a kid, my mom always made a big pancake breakfast with syrup and whipped cream and sprinkles and it was the best part of the sleepover. I’ve always wanted to do that for Robbie.”
Eddie’s smile is soft and he’s tangling their fingers together over his lap. 
“Aaaaaand now that she’s old enough it has to be perfect. That right?”
Steve nods, lets out the breath he was holding in, lets some of the tension seep right out of his own skin and lets Eddie carry it for a while.
Eddie shifts and tugs Steve so that his head is tucked just near where his guitar pick sits in the hollow of his throat.
“Well, lucky for you, when I took the girls to Rob’s room for bed earlier, when I kissed her good night she told me this was the best day ever.” He tightens his arms around Steve and he can hear the smile in his voice. “I think you could feed them cereal and they’d think it was Christmas morning.”
Steve can’t help the smile on his face at the happiness that his daughter brings him. At the idea that letting her friend spend the night is the best day she’s had in the six years of her little life. Thinks that it might be top five days in his own thirty-two.
He snuggles down further into Eddie’s arms and laughs when the man huffs and reaches to turn off the light.
He kisses his chest and closes his eyes.
“Good night, Eds.”
“Good night, baby.”
He falls asleep to the sound of Eddie’s breathing and the hushed giggles down the hall, more excited than he’s maybe ever been.
Eddie’s set an early alarm to go check for syrup.
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maplesyrizzup · 2 years
Wip Wednesday
@lovearne tagged me and I wanted to do it again!
“They’re my favorite.” And then she noticed his boner - she wasn’t blind she had noticed before she just hadn’t reacted until now - and glanced up at him.
He smiled sheepishly. “You look really hot right now. You’re like my hot nurse. Fuck-. Ow!”
“Baby you need to stop moving.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Horny Adrian QODBWODBWODBEJ I will die for this man.
I’m leaving it as an open tag since I think everyone’s been tagged??
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Oh god, @carpp art has- damn it-
Okoooo-kay, I thought of this- but au where- au where Sera and Lucifer switched places- so theres a different time line and stuff-
Woukd lilith leave in this au?? Probably but also I don't really want her to so- tech- technicalities it's fine I'll figure that all out later-
Uhhh nit really a side note but I do think Emily and sera aren't like, blood sisters, but they call eachother sisters because their both seraphms and sera raised her in canon right? So in this au Lucifer and Emily would be brother/sister because he raised her and is also a seraphim so-
I think he and Emily would be around the same height, Lucifer being taller by a inche or 2 though. Idk, it's like, 2 am and I should really go to sleep-
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alexsoenomel · 10 months
Call Me (Joel Miller x Reader Drabble)
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"Hey, um it's Joel. I know it's late and you're probably asleep but...I really had a nice time tonight. I um...never thought...shit...
I don't date. Hell, I forgot what a real date looks like. My daughter Sarah set us up. She didn't need help with math last week, she just wanted us to talk and told me to ask you out. She told me we're too obvious whatever that means. She calls you my favorite neighbor and now I know why.
I forgot to tell you how fuckin' pretty you were tonight. I had to tell myself not to stare for too long. Like I said I'm rusty but I'd like to take you out again.
You told me you like blubbery beer and even though I think that's fuckin' nasty I know a place. A pub downtown, they make all kinds of beers, blueberry, lemon and all that jazz.
Um, well... good night sweet girl. Sleep well.
And give me a call when you wake up."
The message ended. You took a sip of your morning coffee, still feeling groggy. You hated mornings and yet you were smiling and ready to seize the day.
You took another sip before you dialed his number.
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dipplinduo · 2 months
Fun fact about me: April 18th is my birthday! :)
And part of what I wanted to do to celebrate this year was to give back. Introducing * ~ a dipplinshipping birthday oneshot ~ * :
Rating: T
Today was Kieran's birthday, but it was the last thing that mattered to him. In fact, he vowed it would never matter to him again. Instead, he would focus on things that would keep him strong: his battling, his strategizing, and his crown as the Blueberry Champion. His sister and the Elite Four won't stop asking him random questions, though, and if anyone brings up Juliana any more than they already have since she arrived as an exchange student, he's seriously going to lose it. But...why can't he stop thinking about her? And why is everyone acting so suspicious?!
A bittersweet birthday celebration fic for anyone who's had complicated feelings about their birthday. <3
Take this as a thank you to all of those who have followed my work and/or my Tumblr blog. I wouldn't have imagined having the support of this wonderful community on my last birthday, and I can't even begin to describe how encouraged and inspired I have felt to write since finding you guys. I have never written this much for this long, consistently, and your constant feedback and comments seriously brighten my day more than Juliana brightens up Kieran, LOL. Hope you enjoy this! <333
(And yeah, this fic is the "event based idea" that this poll was about. I thought it was so funny that some of you thought it was gonna be some devastating angst LMAOOOO. That's for after TTPD releases, tysm for the bday gift Taylor.)
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groovygladiatorsheep · 11 months
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Don’t you just love Nightmare picking up broken lil sillies left n right..
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Blueberror belongs to loverofpiggies !
Nightmare belongs to Joku.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
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spacewombatty · 25 days
Tart Wars
A little snippet of wealthy engineer Anakin, and college professor Obi-Wan, arguing about blueberry tart ethical dilemmas (based off that one text post, you know the one).
“Hey,” Anakin said, halfway out of his diner seat. “I’m gonna grab our slices.” 
"I think we should just go, actually,” Obi-Wan said, nearly at the same time.
Anakin paused. The older man fixed him with the same expression.
It was fine. It was perfectly fine. Obi-Wan could let this go. This was a nice little mom and pop cafe, they'd both been here back in Anakin's college days, and the crisscut fries were going to clog his arteries and kill him and he'd let them (that’s how good it was).
This was fine. He should let it go. (Obi-Wan had never let an argument go in his life.)
The older man continued. "There aren't enough slices."
Anakin had seen it coming, had felt it coming, had known the second Obi-Wan started bemoaning how full he was at every insistence of excitement at the prospect of a tart. He’d seen it coming, and still. Anakin was smiling too big. 
“It’s a cafe. This is what you do at cafes. You eat. Blueberry or raspberry? You’re thinking, Obi-Wan. I can see it. Stop it. You’re thinking too hard, Obi-Wan, stop—”
Anakin had seen it coming, all the signs of a raging storm, the darkening sky, the rumbling waves, the static in the air, and yet he was here. Here, present, lovely, and unflinching. Obi-Wan loved him so much. Still wasn't going to let this go. 
"There are no raspberry slices today, only blueberry. That's why there aren't enough tarts." Obi-Wan did not cross his arms in front of his chest. He did however, cut his last piece of burger into very very small sizes. "It's - this is a standard ethical dilemma of resource division."
“Say that again, but in English.” He was just being an asshole.
Obi-Wan snapped his teeth at him. "You're just being an arsehole."
“You’re turning tarts into an ethical dilemma, again, Professor!” Anakin retorted, grinning with all teeth.
Obi-Wan wasn't going to kick him, because violence in a gentleman's debate was only acceptable in the senate. He was, however, going to verbally destroy him. "I'm sorry, I assumed the concept of equal sharing was discussed in kindergarten and you must have heard of it."
And that’s when Anakin, simultaneously, decided he was going to buy the whole tart, and then he was going to shove Obi-Wan’s face in it, so now no one could enjoy them. 
“We were going to get to slices anyway, darling,” Anakin was speaking through gritted teeth, his dentist was going to hate him. “The slices would have gone to us anyways, and I’m hungry, and no one has ordered a slice of blueberry blast tart since the moment we got here.”
He was talking very loud. Someone at the back of the cafe coughed. Someone in another booth said, "Oh! They have tarts?" and were immediately shushed. 
"That's - fine,” Obi-Wan grit out. “You can have one slice. That would be fair, because I am giving up my slice to the general pool. I do not want it, someone else can have it. In the spirit of fairness, there is a net positive in the pot."
“Okay, it’s in the pool, and I want it, and I’ll buy it. Solved.”
"Anakin." Obi-Wan put his fork down hard, but not his knife.
“Hi—oh, waiter?” Anakin called. “I think I’m ready to order.”
"What are you-" The professor’s eyes were wide. He understood entirely how Anakin Skywalker got people to walk out of meetings. Maybe that's where he got his name, somehow Shmi just knew. 
"Why are we reverting to tribal dynamics in a non-apocalyptic setting?" He hissed. "This is uncalled for. Someone else could have ordered that pie!"
Anakin kicked him under the table, because he wasn’t a gentleman, and didn’t mind a little violence. Obi-Wan was right. Someone was ordering that pie, and he was doing it right in front of him. 
“Yeah, two slices, I think, thanks,” he said, and the silence after was damning, the entire cafe turned to look, there was a portal to the underworld opening up beneath Anakin’s feet ready to suck him down to the River Styx. At least, that’s all what the professor thought would happen. It did not. 
“You can say that about everything!” Anakin hissed back, once they were alone. “Your soup—your water, your stupid lemon in it!” 
A beat. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say stupid.”
Obi-Wan did not throw up his hands or storm out. But he looked at Anakin and made the man understand that he could have. He might have. He absolutely would have.
"There was no supply shortage of soup!" He countered. “Or the little lemons! Which add a lot of flavor, you would know if you just tried one. It's–it's a matter of fairness, and equality, and you are infuriating!”
 The chauffeur pulled up for Anakin's private car. Obi-Wan didn't even wait until the door was fully closed to climb into his lap and kiss him. Did Anakin even like blueberries? Fuck, he kissed him again. They were kissing and Anakin tasted blueberries. He gripped Obi-Wan’s shirt, groaned against him, and the engineer’s chauffeur was staring dutifully ahead at the road like the good boy he was. But Anakin wrenched their lips apart just long enough to keep arguing, even as his fingers wound their way into Obi-Wan’s hair. 
“Three—“ A kiss to his throat. “—people ordered coffee with no dessert. There was half a tart when we left. They—“ Another kiss to his Adam's apple. “—should’ve been quicker, we were all on equal footing in the cafe, they were just slow Obi-Wan!”
The professor pulled back just enough to decimate him with his stare. "I'm going to fucking destroy you."
Anakin balked. Anakin Jr. did not. The engineer licked his lips once, unashamed and daring. “More tart for you, then.” 
If he was smacked, he deserved it--but all Obi-Wan did was bend down to pull him in for another bruising kiss, and nothing could taste any sweeter.
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