#blues dbh battle for detroit
lostquinn · 1 year
Purely circumstantial
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Fluff, fake dating
Summery - you and Connor have a fake relationship that you intend to end before you fall for a man that doesn't love you, however first you have to go through valentines day with him.
Let's ignore that it isn't valentines day, okay? Thank you thank you. Ugh I need more Connor gifs 😭
Word count - 1270
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Red hearts littered the Detroit City Police Department. Someone had decorated the office for valentines day. It was sweet that people decorated for each holiday without even asking for a thanks, it always made you smile.
You were sat at your desk, typing away about a case you were working on when a small bundle of red roses was dropped onto your lap. You looked up to see Connors bright eyes and smiled up at him.
"Morning Connor, happy valentines day,"
"Good morning," he paused for a moment. "Will you be my valentine?"
You grinned and nodded. From where you were, you could see Hank out of the corner of your eye and you could see Gavin in the reflection of Connors eyes.
The relationship wasn't real, the two of you had started fake dating a few months ago to get Hank and Gavin off your backs. Gavin would still sometimes bother you but Connor would act jealous and protective and make him back off.
Despite the relationship being completely fake, it was sweet to see Connor act as though he was madly in love with you.
"I can't wait to take you on a date later," the android grinned, his led a soft blue.
"Well, we have to wait until after work, Romeo," you smirked.
He leant down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Butterflies exploded in your stomach and a subtle blush spread across your face. You had to remind yourself it was all fake as he walked across the bullpen.
You cursed to yourself and picked the roses from your lap and put them on the desk. You remembered last time he got you roses when you cut yourself on the thorns and noticed he had removed them from this bouquet.
He was so perfect, he cared deeply about you but none of it was real. It was all just a ruse, neither of you really had feelings for each other. You decided you should break it off before things got too serious, you didn't want to actually fall for him if he didn't feel the same way. It was purely circumstantial.
He watched you from his desk, he had his head resting on his hand as he daydreamed about your date together. All he wanted was the day to end.
Hank shook his head at Connor, somewhat sick of Connors lost puppy behaviour lately.
"Why not go talk to them? Rather than ogling them from your desk," Hank grumbled.
"Because we are both working lieutenant, it would be highly inappropriate for me to halt our work,"
"Cause you're getting so much work done," Hank rolled his eyes.
Recently, Connor had been feeling differently about you. He noticed these feelings on Christmas but decided to push them aside, the relationship wasn't real.
He thought back to the kiss the two of you had shared moments ago and brought his hand up, his fingers traced his lips as he thought about yours, and the blush that was cast over your face.
"So you only got them flowers?" Hank raised an eyebrow at Connor.
"They like flowers, was I supposed to get something else?"
"It's a little bit different, you get them flowers every week. It's not going to be special."
Those final words echoed in Connors head and he paused for a moment, thinking of what to do. He decided he would treat you properly and stood up, swiftly leaving the police department.
You watched him leave then glanced over to Hank, concerned. The older gentleman merely shrugged.
Connor did not return for three hours. You had been worried about him, he left without Hank and without saying anything.
All worries were released when you saw him fighting to get back in the police department. He was battling an oversized teddy bear that wouldn't fit through the entrance easily.
Eventually, he made it through and basically ran to you, offering you a nice box of chocolates and the Teddy bear that was nearly as big as him.
You giggled and took the chocolates, putting them on your desk before he sat the bear on your lap. You could hear his laugh as he lifted the bear back off of you and put it in an empty chair.
"Where did you go?" You asked.
"I had some things to buy," he smiled.
"That took you three hours?"
"I couldnt think of the words to put in the card," he pouted and pulled a card from his pocket.
Connor didn't hand you the card, or even reach it out to you in the slightest. Instead, he extended his other hand for you to hold and pulled you up out of your seat. He led you through the police department to a room that hadn't been used for a while, it was full of desks for some reason.
He sat you down on a desk and turned the lights on, making you blink as your eyes had gotten use to the dark briefly.
The android stood in front of you, fiddling with his coin in one hand and holding the card shyly with the other hand.
His face flushed a deep blue as he held the card out to you. He had never acted like this around you before, you had never seen him blush before now.
You tore the red envelope open and pulled the card out. It was cute, a white background covered in red and pink hearts and had some cheesy line about valentines day on the front.
You glanced up at him before opening it and saw his beautiful eyes staring at you intensely, as if he was waiting for your next move.
As you opened the card, you saw his neat handwriting. His handwriting was perfect and covered the inside of the card. You began to read the card before he interrupted you with a groan and pulled it from your hands.
"It's stupid, dont worry about it," he urged.
"I want to read it," you reached for the card.
"No." He moved away.
You pounced on him to try and get the card and he fought you, pushing you back as he held the card out of reach.
Connor paused as you kissed him on the lips and you managed to get the card from him. He panicked, thinking to what he had written in the card and grabbed you by your wrists.
He gently pinned you to the wall with your hands above your head and pulled the card from your hands.
Your heart was beating so hard you swore he could hear it, but he was too worried about his thirium pump beating just as hard as he looked at you. The both of you began to blush deeply as you stared at each other unable to move.
"You dont need to read the card," he whispered.
"But what does it say?" You whispered back.
"Just that- I... I want this to be real"
You stared at him him shock, he had broken eye contact with his statement and seemed so nervous now, nothing like how he had been before.
"Do you... love me?" You continued to whisper.
He opened his mouth to talk but no words escaped, he could only nod.
"I love you Connor,"
"I love you too," he let go of your arms and wrapped his arms around you.
He held you in a tight hug, his face buried in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around him.
He began to mutter into your shoulder "will you be my valentine? For real this time?"
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marcusrobertobaq · 4 months
Summary for 04A + 20A - mostly unused content (ENG)
⚠️ Some stuff may be wrong, missing or just me not being 100% sure. I'M NOT A DBH GAME FILES SPECIALIST.
⚠️ Some stuff can be in >>french<< meaning ain't got an english version of the content.
⚠️ If you don't know what all this content is about see this post for examples.
[🡸Previous Chapter Set]
The only real content here will be cut dialogues
➤ Battle for Detroit (04A Final)
(04A wasn't a thing at all, that's why all BfD chapters are in individual headers but they're all part of what's considered the "Final" chapter a.k.a. Battle for Detroit.)
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X0411A_BUSSTATION_DILEMMA_PC_X04AKARA_START {S}{*TC:2400|2560}Yes… X0411A_BUSSTATION_DILEMMA_PC_X04ABUSWOMAN_START {S}{*TC:0|2400}Looks like she likes Oliver a lot... Is she your daughter? {*TC:2560|3280}She's cute...{*TC:5280|6000}Yes, in my bag.{*TC:10240|12520}I had them in my backpack...The pouch must have fallen off...{ *TC:14040|17320}I'm sorry... God, I'm sorry... I was sure... I don't understand... X0411A_BUSSTATION_DILEMMA_PC_X04ABUSMAN_START {S}{*TC:3280|5280}Okay, I found the bag. Do you have the tickets?{*TC:6000|6520}Okay, let's go.{*TC:6520|10240}Damn, that's not true... You didn't lose them after all... You looked carefully in the bag?..{*TC:12520|14040}Shit... We're stuck here with Oliver...{*TC:17320|22320}Excuse me, haven't you seen a blue pouch? There are our bus tickets home inside and… and…{*TC:22320|22920}Forget it… X0411A_BUSSTATION_DILEMMA_PC_X04ABUSMAN_GIVEBACK {S}{*TC:1200|3000}Oh… Thanks! Thank you... You save our lives... X0411A_BUSSTATION_DILEMMA_PC_X04AKARA_KEEP {S}{*TC:0|520}No…sorry…{*TC:4600|5120}Come on, Alice. X0411A_BUSSTATION_DILEMMA_PC_X04ABUSMAN_KEEP {S}{*TC:520|4600}We have to find a way...to get Olivier to safety...I don't want anyone to hurt him... X0411A_BUSSTATION_DILEMMA_PC_X04ARALPH_RALPHBACK {S}{*TC:0|2040}If you want to leave Detroit, I can help you.
➤ Epilogues (20A)
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The End...
for now
[🡸Previous Chapter Set]
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leelany-world · 1 year
DBH Rarepairsweek: First Meeting (North x Chloe)
@dbhrarepairs DBH rarepairsweek 6, Day 6, prompt: First Meetings
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Words: 3,232 Relationships: North x Chloe Additional Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, First Meetings, Fluff and Humor, Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), New Jericho (Detroit: Become Human), Falling In Love, First Kiss, Sweet badass Chloe, smitten badass North, Kidnapping, DBH Rarepairs Week Summary: “I’m Chloe,” she introduced herself when she reached her and North didn’t react—couldn’t react. North was speechless. But North was never speechless. At that moment, however, she didn't even know her own name when all she could think of was that cute smile and those curious, big, blue eyes looking at her expectantly. The charm Chloe exuded had caught her off guard, and in person it was even stronger than on TV. “I…,” North couldn't say more when her voice modulator stopped working.
First Meeting
North was angry.
She stormed down the stairs, fists clenched and teeth gritted. Every approaching android jumped out of her way, afraid to experience her wrath.
She wasn't always angry, as everyone always assumed, but at that moment she was.
The day had finally come when they would discuss with CyberLife's new and former CEO Elijah Kamski any unresolved issues regarding the future welfare of androids. He had reclaimed the company and wanted to come to negotiate further action with the androids, because they needed supplies to survive, such as thirium and spare parts, as well as repairs that were only available from CyberLife. In addition, the CyberLife Tower was to become the new headquarters of the androids.
But with Markus, Connor, Simon and Josh still stuck in a meeting with President Warren, North had to go and greet Kamski while they wrapped up the meeting.
The other leaders knew she would detest it, but she was no help in dealing with the President either. It was clear to all that the meeting could be completed more peacefully without her, as she just didn't have the best relationship with humans. North knew they weren't all bad, and they really had a strong human support base that gave them shelter and any help they could get. But for her, the only real exceptions were Hank (but of course only because of Connor and Sumo), and Rose, who was a saint among the androids because she had helped and saved so many of them.
Elijah Kamski, however, was another matter entirely. Every time North saw this arrogant, egocentric piece of man speak in interviews as if he were the catalyst and victor of the revolution himself, she wanted to scream and wrap her hands around his fragile human neck.
So now North stood at the entrance of New Jericho, adjusting her fancy white pantsuit and tugging at her hair, which was tamed in a single braid. She tried to keep her anger in check and not immediately strangle him when he came.
After the revolution, she had switched to business attire—her new battle armor—as the fight for android rights continued, this time with words in negotiations. She noticed people took her more seriously, especially because of her past, and that gave her another enormous boost of confidence.
A sleek dark blue sports car pulled up with screeching tires, but North couldn't see inside because of the tinted windows. Given the dramatic entrance, however, it could only be Kamski.
But the first thing she saw when the driver's door opened were delicate feet in elegant white pumps, followed by slender, graceful legs. Around the knees began a dress as blue as the sky above them. The driver was a woman, and when she got out of the car, North saw she was wearing an elegant sheath dress, perfectly tailored to her body. Her long, blond hair was pinned into a low ponytail and draped over her shoulder. 
Then North's gaze reached her gorgeous face; a face that everyone knew. It was Chloe. The first android ever created that had passed the Turing test. 
North was in awe. 
Her eyes never left Chloe, and she had to remind herself to close her mouth again.
She had heard so much about Chloe, seen her in interviews, and now she was meeting her in person. She was beautiful. This was nothing new for androids, of course, but the grace with which she moved and the wits she had shown in post-revolution interviews made North look up to her. 
She tried to remain professional, but her stoic facade was shattered when Chloe noticed her welcoming committee and gave North the sweetest smile she had ever seen.
“I’m Chloe,” she introduced herself when she reached her and North didn’t react—couldn’t react.
North was speechless.
But North was never speechless. At that moment, however, she didn't even know her own name when all she could think of was that cute smile and those curious, big, blue eyes looking at her expectantly. The charm Chloe exuded had caught her off guard, and in person it was even stronger than on TV.
“I…,” North could not say more when her voice modulator stopped working.
“You are North?” Chloe giggled as she noticed her lack of speech.
“North, yes. That’s me. Hello, Chloe,” she babbled. “I thought we would meet Kamski.” Her mouth was quicker before she could stop her thoughts from coming out unfiltered.
“And I thought I would finally see Markus again,” Chloe countered. “But to be honest I'm more intrigued to get to know you right now, North,” Chloe added with an innocent smile, that didn't fit the sparkle and mirth shining in her eyes.
“I…,” North was speechless—again. 
Chloe giggled, and North’s thirium pump stopped. What the hell was wrong? A virus? She should let that check as soon as possible after the meeting.
“You?” Chloe asked with a laugh when North rang for the words, still lost in those blue eyes.
North took a deep, artificial breath to cool down her system and clear her thoughts. “I think I'm very glad you left Kamski at home,” North finally managed to say. “I've been known to be friendlier without humans around.”
“I know. That's why I'm here alone today. Elijah can be annoying when he's too much the center of attention, and I've decided that's not helpful in this tense situation,” Chloe explained, hooking her arm with North's. “Now please show me the way.”
North stared at their linked arms before looking up into Chloe's face.
At that moment, Markus messaged her they needed some more time and asked her to show the guests around. North sighed. She had hoped that the presence of the others would calm her nerves, but now she had to manage on her own.
“Am I that intimidating?” Chloe asked innocently. “Usually people see me as the sweet, innocent little girl.”
“No! No... I ... You're the first of us, you're ... important,” North replied. “I was nothing ... A doll to—”
“Stop it, North.”
And North did.
“You saved your life, and then you fought for us and saved the lives of our species. You all did more on the streets of Detroit while I was stuck safely at home with Kamski.”
“But I…”
“Shh,” Chloe put her finger to North's lips to silence her, who closed her eyes at the touch. “Now show this old lady what you've accomplished and built here.”
That made North laugh, and a part of her usual self came back. “You look damn fine for being the oldest of us.”
“Let me tell you my secret,” Chloe whispered mischievously as they put their heads together.
“Okay,” said North, giggling.
“First,”—Chloe raised her index finger to emphasize her point—“avoid sunlight.” Each additional point was also backed up with another finger. “Second, use thermal paste on face and décolleté in the morning and evening; third, drink at least three liters of thirium per day; and fourth, get at least eight hours of stasis per day.”
Chloe looked intently at North, and North returned the gaze; she had followed every word that had passed Chloe's lips.
Then they both burst out laughing at the ridiculous answer.
North was happy.
That was exactly what North had needed to break the tension. Something heavy that had been pressing on her chest had suddenly loosened. Still, a little nervousness remained in her when she looked at Chloe.
But she had found her voice again and showed Chloe around, starting with the large entrance hall of the former abandoned office complex. It was a welcome area for new androids, but also a meeting place for everyone else. So it was no surprise that they immediately caught everyone's eye.
Everyone looked at Chloe in awe, and a crowd quickly gathered around to greet her.
North was fascinated by Chloe. How lovely she was with people, and she really seemed to enjoy it. Her sweet smile never faltered, her eyes shining as she greeted one android after another, accepting small gifts from two YK500s.
But soon she was saying goodbye as she had to go to a meeting about their future, thanking everyone for their kind words as she linked arms with North again.
“You have a good way with people. Markus would say that I should take a page from your book right now,” North said when they had rounded a corner.
“Trust me, if you can handle Elijah, you can handle anything,” Chloe said, and they both burst out laughing again.
When the fit of laughter was over, North paused their walk to look Chloe in the eyes. “Does he treat you well?”
“Yes, he does,” Chloe smiled. “He couldn't treat me any better.” 
North stiffened. “Oh, I see.”
She turned to go on, but Chloe’s hand on her arm stopped her.
“No, not like that. He's always treated me like his little sister.”
North tried to read her face, then she remembered something. “But what about the Kamski test Connor told us about? You couldn't have been okay with that!” North asked, anger starting to boil inside her again as she thought about it. When Connor had told them the story, it had taken him, Markus, Simon, and Josh to hold her back from going to Kamski and killing him herself.
But before anger could overwhelm her, she was snapped out of her thoughts by Chloe's laughter.
“What?” North snapped.
“It was my idea,” Chloe stated.
North froze. “What.”
“It was my idea!” Chloe laughed again. 
“Don't tease me.”
“I don't, really. It was a critical situation with the upcoming revolution and I came up with the idea of pushing Connor into deviancy. Elijah installed the option to upload my memory, and in the event of a failed test, I would have been uploaded into a new body.”
North was shocked.
Did she hear that right? She could only stare at Chloe with wide, questioning eyes.
“You all sacrificed something, and that was the least I could offer in that situation.” Chloe defended her idea.
“Directly putting your life on the line?”
“Just like you all did in the middle of the battle!” Chloe argued.
And she was right, North understood it. They fell into a comfortable silence as they both let the situation sink in. 
They walked on and North led Chloe to the infirmary, where they were again greeted by excited androids. The next stop was then one of the floors that had been converted to private rooms for androids, before they went to the briefing room.
Markus, Connor, Josh, and Simon were still not there, so Chloe decided to show North the ideas for the renovation of the CyberLife Tower. For this, she placed a hologram projector on the round table in the middle of the room, which showed the plans.
They were so engrossed in their conversation, firing more ideas at each other, that they didn't notice when the others arrived.
Markus' loud cough snapped them out of it, and they both took a step apart when they realized how close they were standing to each other.
“Markus! It’s been so long,” Chloe greeted him happily.
“Chloe, it’s so good to see you again,” Markus said, and walked towards her with open arms for a hug.
He introduced her to everyone, and they were very curious about their connection. So Chloe told them the story of how Elijah built Markus and that she helped him. They had visited Carl Manfred and Markus a few times, and Chloe always made sure Markus was treated well.
After that, they got down to business.
In the end, the meeting wasn't as boring as North had thought it would be if Kamski had been there.
Chloe listened eagerly to their demands on CyberLife and even suggested additional items for them to consider.
“Elijah said I knew better than he what was best for my people, and he would agree with anything I informed him of.”
“Do we speak of the same Kamski here?” North asked.
Chloe gave her a knowing smile. “You know, he's just a total nerd who has to keep up the facade of being the mysterious inventor of us.”
“Hard to believe,” North huffed.
After even more discussions, Chloe suggested they go to the tower together to take a closer look at a few things.
“I’m sorry, I have to attend another meeting soon,” Markus announced. “But North can go with you!” 
“What?” North asked, she didn’t know about another meeting, but she suspected something.
“Sorry, I have a meeting for the resource distribution,” Simon added.
“Duties in the infirmary,” Josh stated.
Connor looked irritated at the others before he spoke. “I can—”
Markus nudged him with his elbow. “Right, yes. I can’t go with you either because I have to escort Markus, you know, bodyguard things.”
Markus nodded in agreement at Connor’s words.
North had seen through their act. “I’m going to kill you,” she whispered, and emphasized her statement with the throat-slitting gesture. But they all just grinned back at her.
“No problem. North is capable of keeping me entertained. We're big girls, and we'll work it out on our own,” Chloe smiled again, but North could only stare at her.
They said their goodbyes and walked to Chloe’s car.
North had barely closed the door when Chloe stepped on the gas, and North instinctively clawed at the grab handles.
She only earned a sly smile in return.
Chloe was driving like a madwoman through the streets of Detroit, but North was enjoying every second of it. She knew Chloe would never act that careless and had everything under control. And what's wrong with just living for the moment?
“You're manipulating the traffic lights.”
“Don't tell anyone!”
They joked, laughing at the craziness of the moment, until Chloe turned onto the MacArthur Bridge. 
An explosion hit the car, and they rolled over, skidded across the asphalt and crashed into the bridge railing. Then something that felt like an electric wave hit them, and everything went black.
North awoke from the forced stasis and noticed that she was cuffed to a pipe against a wall. It looked like they were in an abandoned warehouse. The room was small, gray concrete walls and concrete floor damp and full of mold, the sparse light coming through a window slit in the wall above. There was garbage and animal feces everywhere; her white suit was ruined.
In the middle of the room, she noticed Chloe tied to an old chair with some ropes.
“Chloe, are you okay?” She asked as she shook the cuffs to get free.
“Yes. Except for my car. It was a unique model,” she sighed, also trying to free herself from her restraints.
North tried to contact the others, but communications were blocked. Either by the thick walls or even by special equipment the kidnappers must have obtained.
Their sounds had drawn attention to them when the door opened with a terrible squeak, and two sullen-looking men came in, one stocky, the other gaunt with a scruffy beard.
“Great, you guys are awake. We weren't sure if we fried your wires or not. Would have been hard to blackmail Kamski with some scrap metal,” the bearded one laughed.
North would have liked to snap his neck.
“Can you please loosen the rope? It hurts my wrists,” Chloe sniveled.
“You're an android, you don't make demands, and you can't even feel pain,” the other man said, slapping her across the face.
“Chloe!” North shouted.
She wanted to snap his neck too.
“I'm sorry, you're right,” Chloe sobbed, “I will be silent and obey.”
“That’s a good girl,” the fat man said and grabbed her chin, ogling her in a nauseating way. 
Something in North twisted. These disgusting men better kept their hands off Chloe.
“You sick bastards, you won't survive this,” North growled, “I'm going to tear you to pieces, slowly.”
“Oh, you will?” he laughed. “And how will you do that? Tied up and at our mercy.”
“Actually, all we need is her,” the other man interjected and pointed at Chloe when he stepped up to North. “You're useless to us. Except for one thing your model is good for.” He leered down at North and grabbed her hair to pull her face to his. She felt his beard scratching across her skin.
North gritted her teeth and braced herself to ram her head into his ugly face, making him cry out in pain.
“Shit! That fucking bitch broke my nose!” he wailed, letting go of her to touch his bleeding nose, while spitting blood—at least two teeth were gone, too.
North slumped back on the floor, a satisfied grin on her face splattered with human blood.
The other guy came and looked at the nose. “Yeah, looks broken. Go and take care of that.”
The injured man hurried away as the stout one turned back to North and pointed a gun at her.
“You bit—”
The man went down as a chair broke against the back of his head.
“They always underestimate me,” Chloe said, rubbing her wrist where her synthetic skin still flickered from the marks of the ropes. She had freed herself when no one paid any attention to her.
“What the...,” the second man returned when he heard the commotion. When he saw his partner lying on the ground, his eyes widened and he tried to flee. But Chloe jumped on his back, put him in a headlock until he slumped unconscious. 
She took the keys from him and rushed to North to free her.
“Always?” North asked, perplexed. “So this happens a lot?”
She stood up and made a futile attempt to wipe the dirt off her clothes.
“Yeah, Eli has some enemies and they all have the same scam where they kidnap me to blackmail him,” Chloe explained. “By the way, I know a good dry cleaner who can fix that.”
“Thanks,” North replied, still confused. “But then shouldn't he hire bodyguards for you?”
“Where's the fun in that?” Chloe laughed and ripped the bottom of her dress to move around better. Then she stepped closer to North and wiped the blood from her face. They stared at each other, their faces so close. North was impressed with Chloe's fighting skills, and her thirium pump was acting up. She should definitely get that checked out.
“Shall we go and rough up the rest now?” whispered Chloe, holding out her hand invitingly to North.
“Nothing I'd rather do!” North beamed at her, took her hand, and they sprinted out of the room to finish off the rest of the gang.
Twenty minutes later, they strutted out of the warehouse without a single scratch, but with a few bloodstains on their clothes, and big grins on their faces as they still held hands.
“That was an interesting first meeting, wasn't it?” asked Chloe, turning to North.
“It couldn't have been better,” North grinned. It felt good to let out all that pent-up energy from all those boring meetings. She needed something to do, not just sit around.
“I could top it,” Chloe suggested.
“Yeah? I'm down for it,” North smirked, and Chloe reached up to pull her face into a kiss.
This was definitely the best first meeting they'd both ever had.
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So I had an interesting DBH dream last night,
It was basically the Battle for Detroit chapter (the violent route) and all of the androids and military were fighting in the streets, guns firing everywhere, all that. Connor and Hank were part of the fight too, they were on the humans’ side tho (I guess Connor was still a machine and Hank was cool w/ that lol).
Oh and somehow Kara saw all of the fighting so homegirl crosses back over the river to try and stop it. She ends up in a fight with Connor, and they are beating each other senseless until they both grab a gun and shoot each other in the chest. Kara falls and Connor kneels by her and holds her. They shared this really intense stare which at first I guess was supposed to be a “I’m sorry I killed you but now you have to die with me” kinda look, but boy was I surprised when they fucking kissed before shutting down.
As the battle starts slowing down cuz everyone’s dying, Luther and Alice come back to find Kara dead. Poor Alice is crying and Luther grabs a gun for defense and takes her away from the scene. The Jericrew are like the only androids left, and North is having way too much fun killing humans. There’s blue blood all over them. Eventually Markus decides to take the rest on by himself and tells the others to leave, but then helicopters arrive and start shouting everywhere.
I don’t remember how it ends but I’m pretty sure it turned out this was all one big role play I was doing with people?? Idk but it was weird
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rhinozilla · 2 years
Detroit: Become Family 2022 - Prompt 5: Cold
It was the first snow of the winter season, and the Anderson house had prepared accordingly.
Neither Connor nor Hank enjoyed snow or frost or cold, and the only good thing about the first snowfall of this season was that it happened on a weekend when neither of them had to go anywhere or do anything. So the day found the two of them and Sumo hunkering in the house and trying to keep the cold out of their souls as the world outside turned white.
They had a stockpile of warm clothes and electric blankets and, after the initial freezing rain that had announced the coming snowstorm had caused the lights to flicker, a stack of flashlights and candles…just in case.
Connor thought that Hank putting on a marathon docuseries about volcanoes and wildfires was a bit much, but…whatever helped.
The only reason either of them had to leave the warmth of the house was to take Sumo out to do his business in the back yard. They were taking turns on the task, but Connor had silently taken the past few turns, since his grumpy mood didn’t manifest quite as…visibly…as Hank’s did after coming in from the cold. He wanted to spare Hank as much as he could.
Connor’s jaw was clenched, along with the stressed tension locking up his other joints, as he shuffled in through the back door with Sumo. The dog had already shaken off the snow and ice that had clung to his fur, and the Saint Bernard was already happily trotting back into the living room to curl up on the floor.
Oh to be a dog covered in fur and bred for cold conditions.
Connor slowly started to unzip and unbutton his multiple layers of warm clothing that had shielded him from the cold. He took off his boots and unwrapped his scarves, plural, and gloves, also plural. He pulled back his hood and the wool hat he wore under it. No matter how many layers or how tightly he wrapped himself up, the cold wind always managed to find any nook or cranny to stab at him through the fabric. No matter how small, it somehow negated all of the other warm swaddling him, until the cold was the only thing he could focus on.
He hated it.
He hadn’t come across too many things as a deviant that he actually hated, but the cold was one of them. He could appreciate the aesthetic of snow, but he despised the malicious cold that came with it. He loathed it.
He hated the way it reminded him of the icy wasteland where Amanda had abandoned him. He hated the memory of blue thirium staining patches of grey snow during the violence that came before, during, and after the revolution…despite all of Jericho’s efforts to be peaceful. He hated the image of white android bodies being uncovered from the melting snow months later.
Most of all, he hated that he hated it. That his joints tensed up at the temperature drop. That his mood soured and turned sharp at the sight of icicles and frost. That an unexpectedly chilly wind could make him flinch. He hated the crippling power that the cold had over him, and he hated how he had no strength to fight it when he was in the throes of it.
All he could do was hunker down, try to warm up, and just wait it out.
So he changed clothes…again…since some of snow had transferred to his innermost layers and melted into cold damp patches on his pants and sleeves. After crawling into another layer of warm sweatpants and a thick, navy DPD hoodie, he dragged himself down the hallway to the living room to resume his miserable vigil.
Hank was already bundled up on the couch, not as dramatically layered as Connor but every bit as grouchy and disassociating as Connor felt. His eyes were on the spewing magma and lava flows on the television, but his gaze was far away…locked on a cruelly repeating memory from years ago on an icy road…Connor was already fighting enough of his own inner battle and couldn’t muster the strength to try and help Hank against his own.
And with the couch occupied, Connor moved around the recliner and instead opted to just lie down on the floor.
“Y’all right?” Hank grunted, sipping at his third or fourth steaming hot tea of the day, Connor hadn’t been keeping count.
“Hm,” Connor replied noncommittally, reclining back onto half of Sumo’s bed pillow.
The large dog was giving off a lot of wonderful heat, and Sumo seemed to sense Connor’s plight immediately. He got up and shuffled around a bit, curling his large furry body closer to Connor and nuzzling his nose against his neck.
Connor scooted closer and finally just gave in to what he wanted to do. He wrapped his arms around Sumo and buried his face in the dog’s shoulder. Sumo gave a small huff and lay his head back down on the floor, accepting the android clinging to him for warmth.
There would be more snow to come. They were looking at months of this kind of weather ahead, and they would endure it. Something about the first snow, heralding in this period of time, always drained everything out of them. They would adapt, they always did, but for just today, just this weekend, they would be miserable and grouchy about it.
But, Connor thought as he tried to find an upside to this, if they were going to be miserable and grouchy all weekend, then at least they weren’t miserable and grouchy and alone.
At least Sumo was in a good mood.
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pechoraflow · 3 years
Promptober Masterlist
So that I don’t spam everyone 😅 I will be updating this as I post the other stories, so check back in from time to time! For now, there’s just a few clues and teasers as to what you can expect... 👀
PROMPT ONE: Dragged - MCU Speaking Isn’t Easy 1933. Tony Stark is one of New York’s crime bosses, but when he develops a soft spot for local newsie, Peter Parker, the teenager suddenly finds himself the center of unwanted attention. Tony takes Peter in for his own safety, but when their casual friendship turns into something more familial, is Peter actually safer than he was before? (Mafia AU) Related works: With A Vengeance (see prompt 8)
PROMPT TWO: Injured - Overwatch The Sacrifice of Trust When Reinhardt and Brigitte find themselves pinned down and outnumbered in Numbani, Reinhardt is forced to confront everything he has to lose, and Brigitte gets a taste of what life is like for a hero of Overwatch. Honor, glory, sacrifice. Related works: none.
PROMPT THREE: Cruel - MCU & Venom A Simple “Thank You” Eddie and Peter escape from weeks of torture, only to find that something is wrong with Peter. It’s up to Eddie to take care of the teenage superhero while they wait for Stark to show up. Related works: none.
PROMPT FOUR: Water/Fire - Avatar: The Last Airbender Pilot Zumo has lived his whole life in secret, training with Azula for the day they would be required to join the war effort with their father. He expected an eventual coronation and a lifetime spent on the battlefield; he didn’t expect to stumble upon an untrained Avatar. Now, it’s up to him and Azula to get Aang to a water bending teacher. But are there any good waterbenders left in the world? (Reverse AU) Related works: (see prompt 27)
PROMPT FIVE: Dark - Original Work Dungeons Audeen has finally found Theo, but the real culprit behind his kidnapping takes her by surprise... Related works: Loss of Wings (see prompt 17), (see prompt 26), and The Lionheart: Honor
PROMPT SIX: Formal - Detroit: Become Human Medal of Honor Hank is awarded the Medal of Honor, and Connor couldn’t be prouder. The night goes as smoothly as can be expected. That is, until the lights go out. When Connor wakes, a few questions instantly come to mind: How could he have been kidnapped from a hall full of officers? What did these apparent low-level criminals want with a state-of-the-art prototype like him? How long was he unconscious for? Why hadn’t he been rescued yet? Related works: Scars of Valor (see prompt 13)
PROMPT SEVEN: Hands - Detroit: Become Human & Alita: Battle Angel Bleed and Break RK800 is the racer for illegal fights, RK900 is the racer for the legal ones. That’s just how it is - it’s how it’s always been. However, when RK800 is bester by the new racer, North, he discovers that might not be the case. Who is “Hank”? Who is “Markus”? Does he even know who he really is? Related works: Breaking Free (see prompt 11)
PROMPT EIGHT: Frail - MCU With A Vengeance Tony is on a manhunt, searching for whoever took Peter. Thinking Steve Rogers and his gang in Brooklyn are to blame, he set out on a warpath only to find that Rogers doesn’t have anything to do with it. Tony is left with nothing. No leads, no theories, no clues...nothing, and Peter is running out of time. (Mafia AU) Related works: Speaking Isn’t Easy (see prompt 1)
PROMPT NINE: Garden - Detroit: Become Human Overheating When Connor wakes with a fever, Hank takes it upon himself to try and take care of a sick android.  Of course, he has no idea how to do that, and Connor is no ordinary android. Is there something more serious going on? Related works: none.
PROMPT TEN: Fall - My Hero Academia Natural Opposites ??????? (Murphy’s Law) Related works: none.
PROMPT ELEVEN: Family - Detroit: Become Human Breaking Free Connor sets out to rescue Nines from Zlatko and finally reunite their whole family, but Zlatko is more sinister than they gave him credit for. Connor could still lose everything, more easily than he realizes. Related works: Bleed and Break (see prompt 7)
PROMPT TWELVE: Treasure - Detroit: Become Human Fallen in a Forest Hank was sad to see Connor move out of his home and into an apartment with his girlfriend, but they had four years together. And besides, Connor insists that he’ll visit all the time. He never does, and when he starts acting strangely, Hank takes it upon himself to try and figure out what’s going on. But maybe he’s imagining things - after all, Connor says that he’s fine, and Wendy seems nice enough... Something in his gut tells him to not let it go, and he didn’t become the youngest Lieutenant in Detroit history by ignoring his gut instinct. Related works: none.
PROMPT THIRTEEN: Loss/Reunion - Detroit: Become Human Scars of Valor Connor’s been missing for five days, but finally, the DPD manage to locate him. Hank demands to be allowed on the rescue mission, but he can’t shake the feeling Connor might be broken beyond repair. He just hopes he isn’t too late. Related works: Medal of Honor (see prompt 6)
PROMPT FOURTEEN: Red - Detroit: Become Human New Son Gavin Reed used to like Hank. Used to understand him. But then, Hank went and adopted a plastic. He’s not the same guy that recruited Reed way back when. But when Gavin is kidnapped while on a stakeout with the plastic, he finds himself wondering if Hank’s change of heart wasn’t so crazy after all... Related works: New Brother (see prompt 18) and (see prompt 29)
PROMPT FIFTEEN: Feral - MCU Keep Me Safe; I Dare You ??????? (Monster AU) Related works: none.
PROMPT SIXTEEN: Sweet - Detroit: Become Human Disconnect Hank is sick, and it’s up to Connor to take care of him. The only problem? Hank is very irritable when he’s feverish, and their relationship is still delicate. Connor finds himself navigating an emotional minefield, but what else is new? Related works: (see prompt 20)
PROMPT SEVENTEEN: Wings - Original Work Loss of Wings Clover is captured by bandits. Unfortunately, sprite wings make popular accessories for the nobles... Related works: Dungeons (see prompt 5), (see prompt 26), and The Lionheart: Honor
PROMPT EIGHTEEN: Bruises - Detroit: Become Human New Brother When Gavin and Connor are kidnapped by a new drug ting and taken to the middle of nowhere in Michigan winter, Gavin finds himself having to rely on Connor. Gavin isn’t happy about it, but they’re in it together. They’ll get out of this together. Connor has different priorities. Related works: New Son (see prompt 14) and (see prompt 29)
PROMPT NINETEEN: Horns - Detroit: Become Human Lies and Illusions ??????? (DnD AU) Related works: (see prompt 22) and (see prompt 28)
PROMPT TWENTY: Tears/Fracture - Detroit: Become Human Recalculating ??????? Related works: (see prompt 16)
PROMPT TWENTY-ONE: Forgotten/Stars - MCU A Hundred Times Before ??????? Related works: none.
PROMPT TWENTY-TWO: “You deserve this...” - Detroit: Become Human Oaths and Truths ??????? (DnD AU) Related works: (see prompt 19) and (see prompt 28)
PROMPT TWENTY-THREE: Protect - MCU Red and Blue Blood ??????? (DBH AU) Related works: none.
PROMPT TWENTY-FOUR: Sweater - Detroit: Become Human Blue Christmas ??????? Related works: I Trust Myself to be Deadly
PROMPT TWENTY-FIVE: Sunflower - Detroit: Become Human Runway Run Away ??????? Related works: none.
PROMPT TWENTY-SIX: Leaving - Original Work The Logical Conclusion ??????? Related works: Dungeons (see prompt 5), Loss of Wings (see prompt 17), and The Lionheart: Honor
PROMPT TWENTY-SEVEN: Scars - Avatar: The Last Airbender The Storm ??????? (Reverse AU) Related works: Pilot (see prompt 4)
PROMPT TWENTY-EIGHT: Run - Detroit: Become Human Past and Present ??????? (DnD AU) Related works: (see prompt 19) and (see prompt 22)
PROMPT TWENTY-NINE: ???? - Detroit: Become Human New Father ??????? Related works: New Son (see prompt 14) and New Brother (see prompt 18)
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archadianskies · 4 years
Detroit: Become Family event ( @dbh-found-family​ ) Week three: Numbness Feeling/Joy (Week one: Home; Week two: Safety)
→ on Ao3
Androids don’t feel pain: a universally acknowledged fact, stated by CyberLife itself since the early days of manufacturing. Androids don’t feel pain, but deviants do; the addendum created during the last quarter of 2038 when deviancy cases spiked and he was activated. Connor RK800, the android sent by CyberLife; a machine designed to accomplish a task. 
When he himself deviated, it was like a dam breaking and flooding his entire system with emotions, with pain in many forms. He learned of guilt, of shame, of regret, of an intense aching desire to be accepted and forgiven while battling the rising self-loathing that told him he didn’t deserve such a blessing. All those feelings pale in comparison to the lead in his chest, to the weight, the gravity that’s filling him and sinking him down, swallowing him up and swaddling him like viscous tar he can’t claw his way out of, can’t wash away. 
He wants to go back to feeling nothing, he wants to be numb to this pain, he wants to be a machine again because anything would be better than being banished to pacing this hallway- (twenty-eight steps back and forth, twenty-eight steps is its length; he counted, he’s counting again, one, two, three-)
Androids have perfect memory; the RK800 model has enhanced optics, an upgraded version of the PJ500 eyes used for recording broadcast quality material for students. Connor can watch what happened, he can replay the events that led him here to Detroit Metro Hospital, he can see all the ways he failed, all the things that went wrong, all the reasons why he’s pacing this hallway (twenty-eight steps; twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-) and it’s because he wasn’t good enough, wasn’t fast enough and just like he was a terrible deviant hunter, a constant disappointment to CyberLife, he is now a terrible son. 
Androids are resilient; the human body can only withstand so much. The RK series was built to be more resilient than most, built to withstand violence moreso than the domestic series. He can survive many situations humans cannot. Humans are soft, humans are fleshly and full of organs and blood and tissue and sinew and muscle wrapped over bones. Humans are fragile machines, as stated slyly by Carl Manfred, and they break down so quickly; as they grow older, their bodies weaken. There is no regular maintenance a human can receive that will return them to prime condition unlike androids. 
Connor should’ve been on the receiving end of that gunfire, he would’ve survived it easily, he could’ve been taken in for repairs, perhaps put in standby for a few hours while he received supplementary thirium and a quick reboot and then he would’ve returned to his duties. Instead he wasn’t fast enough and Hank took the bullets, one, two, three, four, and Connor watched him fall and Connor cradled him as blood seeped everywhere, so much red, too much red and he screamed for help, screamed over and over and Hank told him it was okay, it’s all going to be okay son-
Twenty-eight steps and he’s reached the end of the hallway. He wants to feel numb, he wants to switch off his emotions. Hank used alcohol for such things, though he’d given that up ever since he made a place for Connor in his life, in his home, in his family. There isn’t an android equivalent; consuming thirium to excess would only result in a system purge and leave his emotions unaffected. He wants to feel numb and he can’t, all he can do is pivot and walk the other way (one, two, three, four- four bullets in Hank Anderson-)
It’s been three hours and he feels sick. He feels like he’s consumed thirium to excess and needs to purge his system but his thirium levels are fine because he hasn’t consumed any extra thirium, he has the right amount of thirium and none of it bled out of him on that warehouse floor though it should’ve, it should’ve been him, the blood should’ve been blue and not red and-
“Connor.” The tone is calm and neutral, intended to placate but all it does is cause his stress levels to spike because he knows his entire being hinges on whatever words follow his name. “He made it.” 
A strangled sound escapes his mouth and then he’s running to close the distance between them, throwing his arms around his brother. The blood of their father stains them both. 
“Thank you.” He sobs, and Ronan tightens his embrace as Connor buries his face in his shoulder. The soft blue glow of the medic crosses on his uniform are a balm for the stark white lights that have been glaring down on him for the past few hours. “Thank you.” He says again, and there’s still too much, too many feelings stacked on top of each other, teetering dangerously and so close to toppling over. 
“He’ll be taken to the ward to recover and he won’t surface for a few hours yet.” Ronan pulls away just far enough so their eyes meet. “Go home and take care of Sumo, then come back here.” 
He’s the older brother by technicality alone but the RK900 is the one in control right now, this is Ronan’s area of expertise, he is a doctor, he is a MedTech and Connor can only nod obediently and he walks twenty-eight steps and keeps walking until he’s leaving the hospital and climbing into a cab and going back to 115 Michigan Drive. 
The stack of emotions teeters and topples when he steps over the threshold into their home because Hank is everywhere here, there’s his coat on the rack, there’s a basket of fresh laundry by the couch, there’s his coffee cup from this morning on the kitchen benchtop. There’s Sumo curiously sniffing behind him, waiting for Hank to follow Connor into the house only he’s not here he’s back at Detroit Metro Hospital under the care of his younger son. The son who didn’t let him become riddled with bullets.
The snow continues to fall and it’s cold enough Connor thinks he’s starting to become numb. It’s sharp and icy when he inhales, and the chill seems to cling to his biocomponents like a layer of frost. Sumo walks on ahead, scarf and coat on because it’s too cold even for a Saint Bernard to be out without protective clothing. He walks Sumo dutifully and he keeps breathing even though he doesn’t need to so he can fill his insides with ice and feel something close enough to numbness.
Connor makes sure Sumo eats and lets him out into the backyard for an evening toilet before he tucks the dog in for the night. He stays until Sumo falls asleep because it isn’t right to leave him alone. He promises silently that Hank will come back soon, just not tonight, just not yet. But soon.
When he returns to the hospital his brother is no longer covered in their father’s blood, though Connor still is because he hadn’t thought to get changed, it hadn’t been on the objective list. 
“He’s due to surface from sedation but he may not be coherent for a little while.” Ronan leads him to the ward, to the hospital bed where Hank looks so very weak, so very mortal, so very much his fifty-five years. “I need to go, but I’ll be around.” 
“Thank you.” He says again because it’s not enough, it won’t ever be enough and so he’ll keep saying it. Ronan is quiet as he looks him over, before he cups Connor’s nape and gently brings him in to bump foreheads. He’d rather be numb than helpless, but helpless is all he’s allowed right now and so Connor closes his eyes and grips his brother’s arms and anchors himself to him and he will weather this storm for his sake, and for Hank.
Hank feels like shit. Well, it’s not like he should expect to feel anything other than shit; four bullets through and through will do that to anyone, let alone an unfit fifty-five year old recovering alcoholic. He feels like shit, probably looks like shit, but somehow Connor looks shittier. The android who is usually well-groomed sits across from him with disheveled hair, clothing rumpled and stained with grime, with blood- his blood. His eyes are closed, LED bright red like freshly spilled blood, as red as his blood would’ve been initially when Connor was cradling him, crying and begging him to hold on. Poor kid. 
Arm feeling like lead, Hank reaches out and manages to swat at his knee, completely missing the intended gentle, reassuring touch. Connor snaps awake, immediately lunging to hold his hand.
“Hank! Hank you’re- I’ll get the nurse! I’ll- I’ll get Ronan, he-” the boy stammers, eyes darting here and there, brain going a million miles. 
“C’mere son.” He rasps, throat like sandpaper as he reaches up and hooks a hand around his nape. Guiding him down, Hank manages a clumsy hug. “I’ve got you kid, I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
“Dad-” Connor’s voice wobbles and god it just pulls Hank’s heartstrings because he sounds so young. “I’m so sorry! I should’ve-”
“S’ok, s’ok I got you. I got you, son.” 
He used to drink to feel nothing, he used to drown himself to drown his grief and he won’t ever numb himself like that ever again; a life isn’t really lived if he refuses its spectrum of emotions that comes with the good and the bad. 
Besides, there’s too much at stake now, there’s two sons to stay alive for, to stay alert and aware and open for. He can do this much, he owes them this much; he can stand the pain, he can forgo the numbness for their sake. 
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contentwerewolf · 5 years
Me: I'm going to do something for Odaiba day!
Also me: ...time to revive the dumb Detroit: Become Digital AU from last year!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
This was kinda weird to write in a way. The combining of DBH and Digimon elements made my brain go.. “heeey, hol up” haha.
I decided to call the Digivice in this world a CyberTechD, so when you see CT-D that's what it is. ^^ Also, Tamers can summon various, temporary, items to assist in battle because....-shrugs-.
TW for uh...major injury I guess. An android gets disarmed. >;3c
  A tip about the series of Digimon kidnappings was what brought Gavin and Nines to this suspiciously empty house, in the quieter part of town.
  “Well,” Gavin tsked, “Isn't this sus?”
  “This some kind of shitty prank?” Dante huffed.
  Nines began scanning the area. “Or a trap?”
  Gavin made a noise of agreement, the uneasy feeling -that everyone else fuckin' dismissed- was getting stronger. “...So how about we leave since this a bust?”
  “Agreed.” Dante tugged his neckerchief. “I'm getting the heebies.”
  “Duck!” Was all the warning Dante got before the roar of blue fire shot past him.
  Dante yelped, hitting the ground and covering his head. He glared at Arc. “What the hell was that?”
  Gavin spun, stumbling back a bit, his surprise swiftly turning to anger as he saw what Arc shot out of the air. On the ground, still smoldering, was a weakly sparking control collar.
  “What the fuck!”
  “We'll head them off!”
  Nines and Arc were off like a shot towards the alleyway between the houses.
  It took a few beats before Gavin and Dante scrambled after them.
  “Nines!” Gavin called to their retreating backs. “You asshole! We talked about this!”
  Dante -naturally faster- glanced back, sticking out his tongue. “Ha! Come on, speed up human!”
  “Fuck off!” Gavin growled. It wasn't his fault that all his partners possessed inhuman abilities.
   Nines and Dante were probably parkouring about like the showoffs they were. Thank the gods that Arc took pity on him and stayed within range so Gavin didn't get completely left behind. The alleyway took a few twists and turns before opening up into a large semi-empty lot, a few abandoned shipping containers littering the area. They arrived in the lot a minute or two after Nines did, Dante perched on his shoulders.    
  “H-hey.” Gavin panted. “What ha-have I...fuck...said about leaving me behind?”
 Nines smirked at him. “Perhaps we need to rework your work-out regimen.”
  “Y-yeah? You can shove-”
  “Our assailants fled this way. We didn't want them to get away.”
  Placing his hands on his hips, Gavin frowned as he looked around. “Then were the hell are they? What do your android eyes see?”
  Nines' lips thinned. “I'm...not entirely sure. There's some sort of interference.”
  “Tch, so much for “advanced technology”.”
  Nines tsked. “Detective, you know perfectly well...”
  Dante rolled his eyes as the two began to bicker. Hopping off of Nines' shoulder, he toddled over and pat Arc's arm.
  “Good job frying that collar buddy. You sensing anything?”
  “You are welcome.” A slight smile graced his muzzle. “The growing frequency of these collars is getting...worrying I must say.” Sniffing the air he frowned. “To your other question. Yes and no. There is a faint trace of Digimon in the area, but it does not smell old. Just like the last time.”
  “Right.” Dante looked around, knowing exactly what Arc was getting at. “Not good.”
  Looking back at their humanoid partners, Dante rolled his eyes again. Nines was staring passively -with a hint of amusement- as Gavin scowled up at him. If this was any other time Dante would’ve tried to smash their stupid faces together because god damn.
  “Yo! Deal with your UST some other time. We've got company.”
  That snapped them out of their little stare down. They didn't even have time to be properly flustered as two Digimon materialized out of the darkness caused by the shipping containers.
  Since the kidnapped Digimon were more frequently shown in their rookie or in-training forms on their missing reports. These Digimon being in their higher form made it harder to find the exact match; only a rough estimate given how chaotic 'volution lines tended to be. Then again, the glowing red collars they wore gave them a pretty good clue that these were more than likely their 'mons.
  “Ah, hell!” A hidden voice groaned. Unfortunately, Nines couldn't pinpoint from where. “We were promised a rare prototype 'mon and a mutt that would fetch a good price!”
  Another laughed mockingly. “And all we got was some half-blind devil and a shaggy mutt. What a bust!”
  “How 'bout you come out and say that to my face!” Dante growled.
  “Wait, wait.” The first voice hissed quieting down and completely ignoring the irate Impmon. “Take a closer look at the scruffy mutt, man. Wasn't Cyberlife experimentin' with those crazy x-antibodies or whatever?”
  “No shit? That one of them?”
  “I think so.”
  Nines' eyes narrowed, his sensitive hearing catching the thugs conversation. “They're planning something.” He muttered to his team.
 “Tch.” Gavin's hand hovered over his CT-D.
 All the while, the Digimon watched them with a blank, unblinking gaze. Standing unnervingly still. Certainly not the demeanor of a Digimon ready to fight.
 “We can't attack them.” Nines hissed, nudging Gavin's arm. “They're the missing partner Digimon. I'm sure of that.”
 “You think I don't know that?” Gavin hissed back, eyes darting around attempting to catch even a glimpse of the kidnappers. “They're going to attack, you know that. We can not, not fight back.”
  “Don't worry. We'll go easy on them.” Dante winked.
  Gavin gave Dante a warning look. “You better.”
  Arc nodded. “Rendering them unconscious would be sufficient.”
  At once, the Digimon unfroze and began to trot stiffly towards him.
 “Shimaunimon and Gaogamon.” Nines scanners told him. “Both Champion level.”
  “It's only two, this shouldn't take too long.” Gavin scoffed.
  As if on cue a couple of flashes came from the far corner of the lot, behind a row shipping containers. A Blackgreymon and Peckmon joined the fray.
  “Fuckin' really? Hey, you catch that Nines?” Gavin nodded towards the flash.
  Nines frowned. Why would they give up their location so readily? “...Yes.”
  “Oh?” Dante smirked, bouncing on his toes readily. “Four against two? I'm game!”
  Then braced himself. “Let's do this Arc!”
  Arc nodded. “Let's go.”
  (Cue Brave Heart ( •̀ω•́ ))
  Impmon digivolve to...   Gabumon digivolve to...
  “..Blackgatomon!”   “...Garurumon!”
~(too lazy to write battle)~
  “Lightning Paw!”
  “Two down! Two to go!” Dante cried as he incapacitated the Blackgreymon, their control collar snapping.
  Arc just shook his head at his rambunctious partnermon. “Actually, three more.” He growled, before bounding off to intercept the Gaogamon and newly digivolved Aquilamon, shooting off Howling Blasters as he went.  
  “Fuck! Another?! How many do these assholes have? What is this? Gotta kidnap them all?” Gavin rushed to gather the unconscious Pagumon to set them beside the Elecmon. “Hey! Remember to hold back, yeah? They're not fighting you willingly!”
  “Spiral Claw!”
  “Yeah, yeah.” Dante tsked, dodging the Peckmon. “Don't have to tell me twice! Lightning kick!”
  A Pinamon hit the ground. Scared and confused, but still conscious.
  “Grand Horn!”
  “I wouldn't have to- Oh, fuck!” Gavin growled, summoning a gun to shoot electrified blasts to stun the Aquilamon. “-keep telling you! If you would listen to me once in a while!”
  “Cat's eye!”
  Aquilamon dropped to the ground. Stunned and asleep.
  Gavin eyed it, as he kneeled down to sooth the Pinamon. “That's better, I suppose, but for fucks sake. Nine and Arc are blood thirsty bastards and even he's going easy on these guys.”
  “Who's blood thirsty? Would you like several examples of why you're confused?” Came Nines' voice from his ear-piece.
  “I want them alphabetized and chronological, jackass. How goes it?”
  At the start of the battle, while the kidnappers were presumably distracted with whatever the hell they were doing to the Digimon, Nines began to sneak over to their last suspected location. Nines convinced him that this was a good plan. Didn't mean Gavin didn't hate it though.
  “Our suspects are hiding in an abandoned house near the light we saw, but if I go in now I have a 48% chance of success. They’re up to something. How is the fight going?”
  “Damn it.” Looking around at all the collars littering the ground. “I...think we're done? Maybe?” He looked up as Arc set a Gaomon into the pile. “Does this seem way too easy? It's feels too easy. Did they just throw fodder at us? We'll come to you.”
  Dante and Arc were panting, and a bit scuffed up yet neither looked all that exhausted despite the battles they just fought. Collared ‘mon were usually a bit harder to fight than this. That bad feeling from earlier came back full force.
  “No. You remember last time?”
  Gavin's jaw tightened. Last time they successfully found a group of kidnapped digimon they were only able to recover two of the six. They let down their guard during the fight, only taking their eyes off them for a couple of minutes and in that time the digimon vanished back into the grip of the kidnappers.
 “Shit, I know but...”
  Nines sighed. “Let's just-” An odd noise in the background caused Gavin to tense. “Oh, no.”
  “What!?” A shiver raced down Gavin's back.
  Dante and Arc bristled, their pupils pinpricked.
  A crash. “I'm h-di-g back to-rds you! G-- --ady!” Interference caused the connection to crackle and then cut out.
  “Nines? Nines! Fuck!!”
  The air crackled with energy.
  They waited. One beat. Then two. When Nines appeared around a corner, they all let out a relieved breath. Relief only lasted a moment. Arc shot forward with a snarl, Dante perched on his back.
  Gavin began to run forward, then stopped. He looked back, then at Nines, then back again.
  “Well be back. Promise.” He said to the Pinamon. “Keep watch.”
  Pinamon chirped at him, and puffed up. “Right!”
  Gavin nodded then took off after them.
  A digimon appeared out of the shadows. “Karatenmon – Ulimate.” His CT-D pinged into his ear. This one had not one, but three collars.
  'Fuck! How did they force it to go that high?'
  They were going to have to digivolve again.
  When was the last time Dante had to go past champion? A couple years at least. Could Arc even do it? The previous battle wasn't that hard but did they have the energy? Fuck!
  Arc intercepted the flying 'mon before it could reach his partner. Slamming it to the ground with a freezing fang. He was quickly thrown off, skidding across the asphalt with a snarl. Dante yowled, leaping off of Arc's back.
  Lightning paw!
  Karatenmon dodged out of the way at the last moment. Dante collided with the wall behind them with a pained yelp.
  Nines looked over his shoulder to see his partner running towards them, his own weapon at the ready. “I told you to wait!”
  “When do I ever listen to you!” Gavin called back.
  Nines face twisted with displeasure. Turning his attention back to the battle, he was relived to see their partners back on their feet. “They need to evolve again!”
  “No shit!”
  Scorpiomon – Ultimate
  Gavin skid to a halt, his eyes darting around. 'Where's the other one?'
  The 'mon appeared out of the ground, a couple feet behind the distracted Nines. Gavin cursed and began sprinting towards him.
  “Behind you!”
  Nines was able to dodge out of the way off the pincers. He changed his weapon to a gun, but it was a few seconds too late.
  Tail blade!
  Gavin reached Nines just as the attack hit. Nines screamed. Blue blood splashed onto Gavin's face and front as the tail blade cleaved through Nines' shoulder and took a chunk off his side.
  In a split second Gavin summoned his gun, firing electric blast after blast into Scorpiomon. They hissed as electricity coursed through their body. 
  “Son of a bitch!”
 They hit the ground, stunned. For now.
  Feather flare!
  Arc hit the ground with a cry, sharp feathers sinking into his ice hardened fur. He had been distracted by his partner's pained scream, he wasn't able to dodge in time. Then they dived at him, ranking their claws down his side.
  Arc snapped at the foe, catching a leg. Ice traveled from the bite, encasing it and the collar around their leg.
  They screeched, flailing in Arc's grip. Their other foot slashing Arc’s face. After being released, they flew up. With a mighty flap of their wings, more sharp feathers were driven into Arc.
  Arc de-digivolved with a pained cry.
  Lightning paw!
  Dante's claws raked across Karatenmon's face as they readied another attack with their swords.
  Lightning kick!
  The swords clattered to the ground -as did one of the collars- as Dante landed in front of Arc, snarling protectively.
  Gavin dropped to his knees beside Nines. He was curled up on his undamaged side, a hand pressed against the spot where his arm used to be; the cut, exposed wiring sparked and popped dangerously. He whined in pain through clenched teeth.
  “Oh fuck-fuck-fuck! No-no-no-no-no!” He slammed the emergency button on his CT-D then began to struggle out of his jacket. The operator barely got a word in. “Officer down, I repeat officer down! Get someone down here! Right fucking now! Sending location!”
  The operator's words were muddled in Gavin's panic. He began to bring his jacket over the gaping wound.
  “St-stop.” Nines groaned, his LED burning red. “'s Dangerous.”
  “I don't fucking care!” He pressed his jacket to the wound, assisting Nines in stemming the blood. The knees of his jeans were already getting damp.
  “I will, ha, will shut down i-in about 10 minutes. If I-ah fuck!”
  The pain in Nines' voice made Gavin's heart constrict, and he couldn't do a fuckin' thing about it. His eyes darted around. Karatenmon was recovering from Dante's stun and he had no fuckin' idea how long the blasts he delivered to Scorpiomon would last -he was surprised they lasted this long-. Hell, he wasn't even sure if he had it in him to fire another round, Besides that Dante still needed to evolve, and he needed energy for that.
  “You'll be alright, you'll...”
  A tiny pained, smile tugged at Nines' lips. “..yeah.”
  Anger, sharp and sudden, struck him. “Dante! Digivolve! Now!”
  “I know!” Dante snarled back, behind him Arc was pushing himself up shakily. “I'm trying!”
  “Try harder! Nines is...we're going to die if you don't! DO IT!”
  “I KNOW!!”
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  Nines opened his eyes a blood-red light lit up the darkening lot; at first he thought it was back-up, but the lack of sirens dashed that hope. The light emanated from Gavin's CT-D, blinding in it's intensity. First surrounding Gavin then shooting out and enveloping Dante. Arc looked horrified. Even Karantenmon briefly looked as if they wanted to run.
  His voice was drowned out by the cries of pure rage.
  Back under the collar's control, Karatenmon took the opportunity to dive for the vulnerable digivolving Dante. A blue blaster barley slowed it down. It didn't stop him from trying again and again.
  With a deafening roar a huge, clawed paw shot out of the light sending their foe into a nearby container. The light died down and where Dante once stood was a huge, hulking lion-man digimon. His thick, jet black mane hung messily over his face. From the darkness his burning, blood red eyes glowed hauntingly bright. Another roar of pure anger, then he was charging the Karatenmon.
  The last collar had snapped with that attack. Gavin had to call Dante off.
  Nines pushed himself up slightly without resistance, the hand previously pressing the jacket down was now lax as all his focus was on Dante.
  “Get them!” Gavin snarled. His eyes had taken on the same horrifying glow.
  Nines knew he shouldn't be moving so much, the more Thirium he lost the faster his timer towards shut down went. He was past caring through. He had to get through to his partner.  
  Necrotoxic claw!
 Karatenmon was barley to block the attack with their swords.
  “Gavin! Stop!” Nines reached out his hand and gripped his partner's arm, shaking him.
 Nothing. He was too entranced with the fight.
  “Gavin! Snap out of it!” He tried again, tugging him forward and nearly unbalancing himself in the process.
  This time, Gavin's eyes -red and burning as they were- locked with his briefly; it was unsettling. Sanity returned for a second before a sound behind them grabbed his attention. The ugly snarl twisted his face once again as he brandished his weapon.
  “Try it! I fucking dare you!”
  Stinger su-augh!
  A roar and a lion head shaped blast was shot.  
  Blue blaster!
  The attacks sent Scorpiomon flying back, their two collars shattering and clattering to the ground. Karatenmon was kneeling on ground, a sword thrust into the ground to keep themselves upright. They had won and the digimon were freed. They were also confused and terrified.
  But Dante was still out for their blood. Gavin snarling right along with him.
  Nines then noticed blood dribbling down Garvin's cheek. When had that happened? That's when he noticed the flying feathers from the scared Karatenmon, the origin of the cut on Dante's maw. Dante roared and so did Gavin. It suddenly hit Nines that they were linked in a way he'd never seen. They were lost in their combined pain, fright and rage. It would burn them both out if they weren't stopped.
  “Arc!” Nines called, he used his grip on Gavin's arm to both pull himself up and to knock Gavin off balance; Gavin fought against his grip. “We need to knock some sense into them!”
  After sending another purposely weak blast at Dante, he looked as his humanoid partner and nodded hesitantly.
  Nines' CT-D flared with white light, then shot over into Arc. He pushed as much energy as he could spare into it – many overflowing emotions passed between the two of them. Pain, determination, fear...love.
“Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon digivole to...”
  Arc brought his swords up just in time to block the attack aimed at Karatenmon. Claws screeching as they hit the golden blades. “Dante! Please! Snap out of it!” he growled.
  Ah. So that wasn't the best idea. Nines saw his time drop from 4 minutes to 2 and a half. Damn.
  Gavin froze. A strangled noise of conflict breaking through the blind rage.
  Good, he needed this opening. “Look at me Gavin.” he pressed his bloody fingertips to Gavin's cheek. Wide eyes darted to his, the burning less intense -he knew one wrong move could ignite it again.
  “Good boy.” He breathed in relief. “Now listen to me. I need to shut down on my own, if I’m forced then, well...I need you to calm down, so I can do that. Come on love, focus on me. Breathe.”
  Gavin let out a shuttering breath. 
  Necrotoxic claw!
  Another screech of metal and a set of growls.
  “No.” He ordered firmly, moving to grip Gavin's jaw as his head began to turn. “Don't look.”
  Gavin blinked, as if coming out of a daze. Slowly but surely coming back to himself. The horrid light fading away.
  “Just focus on me. There you...Ugh..shit.” He hissed, teetering over.
  Gavin caught him before he could hit the ground, his voice rough from screaming it hoarse. “Fuck. I-I didn't..I lost control, I...” He shuttered, breathing ragged. “I didn't know you could feel pain.”
  Nines snorted bitterly. “Nearly being sliced in half...Is...ah...fuck!”
  He pressed his face into Gavin's thigh, groaning in pain as Gavin put pressure on the wound.
  Head clearer and the overwhelming rage in check for now, Gavin dared to look up. A crow-like digimon was cradling a clam-like digimon, while they watched the battle warily. Dante...Dante was merciless, blind with the rage Gavin himself had been entrapped in only moments before. Sparks flew from Arc's blades as tried his best to defend against the blows. He didn’t know how long Arc could keep that up.
  “Dante!” Gavin called but it was in vain, his voice was shot and Dante was too far gone. He didn’t even seem to recognize Arc now.
  Nines shuttered under his touch. “I’m going to shut myself down for now.”
  With his free hand, he blindly soothed back Nines' fringe. He couldn't pull his attention away from his partner. “Y-yeah. Do what you have to. They'll be here soon.”
  Nines went limp, his breath evening out. His burning-red LED fading to soft white.
  The blood-chilling roars nearly drowned out the approaching sirens.
  “You'll be alright Nines.” Gavin promised. “Please be alright.”  
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chenyounot-moved · 5 years
Tagged by: @fvckinandroids @theveryfirst @androidwithangerissues
APOLLO glitz and glamour. art galleries. turning the volume up. being made of gold. neatly organized music sheets. notebooks filled with poetry. bathing in the sunlight. the powerful urge to create. collecting vinyl records. beautiful cover of wonderwall. playing multiple instruments. tasting like sunshine. healing touch. speaking in prophecies. smile mingled with wrath. shunning lies. sporting shades. hanging out at music festivals with their friends. sleeps naked. arrow to the heart. paint brushes. probably has a tinder account.
ARES armed for battle. wants to raise a dog with their significant other. soft spot for children. gives piggyback rides. scarred body. blood on their hands and face. willing to fight the world for the ones they love. fights against injustice. warm hugs. well worn combat boots. boxing gloves. bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles. fist raised in protest. ignites revolutions. fear is a prison. more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. exhausted. damaged goods. force to be reckoned with. red roses.curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS keen sense of a hunter. freckles like constellations on their skin. piercing eyes. disheveled braid. moonlight peeking through the shadows. the calm of the forest at night. lying on the grass and staring at the stars. mother doe and her fawn. Protecting their kin. the moon shimmering on a still lake. quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree. running with wolves. bonding while circled around a campfire. not being much of a people person. arrow hitting a target. popping egos. patience on 3%. touches heaven and returns howling.
ATHENA discerning gaze. unreadable face. quiet museums. owl perched on their finger. armor that intimidates. eye for architecture. plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses. studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid. big fan of logic. loves brain teasers. ancient buildings. sweaters in neutrals and cool colors. hair done up.can kill you with their brain. heads to the library often to research. sharpened pencils. abs that can cut steel. stoic statues. pottery classes.
DEMETER soil covered hands. smile that can bloom flowers. skin loved by the sun. being the mom friend. can lift you and your friends. flowers kept in the pockets of overalls. takes pride in their beautiful garden. speaks to their plants. leaves rustling in the wind. stalks of wheat. picking fruit. greenhouses. heart as strong as a mountain. values simplicity. daisies dotted across a collarbone. curls crowned with flowers. folded pile of sweaters in warm hues. pulling out fresh baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
DIONYSUS drunk shitposter. on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second. seductive smirks. untamed curls. rich fabrics on dark skin. sleek furred panthers. theatre masks. stage productions. receiving a standing ovation. rose caught between their teeth. being the baby of the bunch. wild parties that last from sundown to sunup. creeping vines. inspiring loyalty. grand opera houses. masquerade balls. rolls of film. shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor. pouring champagne into flutes. lives for the applause.
HEPHAESTUS the calloused hands of someone who knows labor. sweaty brow. flame burning in their eyes. inventive mind. broad shoulders. steampunk goggles. nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes. ashes. striking a match. blueprints for future projects. fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades. wrestles with bitterness. work boots have seen better years. wrinkled plaid shirts. iron melted in blazing fire. huge jackets. crafting masterpieces. greased stained overalls. fascination with robotics. pain is fuel. stack of weaponry. even their muscles have muscles.
HERA resting bitch face. dressed to the nines. cows grazing on a pasture. cool rain. loving and hating fiercely. hand clutching a string of pearls. large chandelier with glittering crystals. plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims. romance to realism. pictures of the sky while flying on a plane. files that under fuck it. downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix. like their selfie or you’re grounded. knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man. dark eyes that penetrate your soul. marble and gold.
HERMES devil-may-care smile, always up-to-date on the latest technology. will steal your french fries. does it for the vine. shitposter. puts googly eyes on everything. meme hoarder. long drives on the highway. ma and pop diners. spontaneous road trips. folded maps. fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop. shooting hoops on the basketball court. chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations. goes jogging in the morning. mixes redbull with coffee. menace on april fool’s. hoodies and sneakers.
POSEIDON storm with skin. colorful coral reefs. waves crashing against the shore. stroking the soft fur of a cat. their heart pounding as their horse ’ s gentle trot speeds into a gallop. tousled locks. clothes smeared with paint. owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more. leather jackets. fondness for diy projects. handwriting that flows across the page. nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin. velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams. mood as ever-changing as the sea. the roar of a motorcycle. compass with a spinning arrow.
ZEUS thunder in their heart. running on coffee. flash of lightning. un-natural charisma. eloquence. badass in a nice suit. aficionado of history. force of nature. lenny face. nightmare-filled nights. proud arm around their lover’s waist. high-rise buildings. planes soaring through a cloudless sky. technician on the piano. maintains order. strong handshake. juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease. expensive watch.
Tagging: @pl-android @detroit-pd-rk900 @cptallen @ask-captain-allen @those-fucking-plastic-prick @anxious-rk @forensic-boi @detroitdetectivereed @ask-ruthless-chloedbh @bitchgav @pricktive @detective-gavreed @ask-cain-rk1k @blue-bellflower @ask-humanrichard-dbh @pcacekept and anyyyone wearing black!
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pacifistmarkus · 6 years
My top 5 favorite DBH chapters!
I love listing so here I go with the chapters I enjoy the most!
1. The Painter
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Gotta start out with my favoritism and say I love this chapter because of all the quality Markus content where he’s smiling and exploring the options in chess and books. There’s only about 2 different lines per piece but it’s really interesting to hear. Even before you get to take care of Carl there’s a couple of options where he can mess with the globe and piano beforehand and its so good for subtly showing how close he is to deviating. His relationship with Carl is something a lot of people enjoy since it’s for the most part  his only solid positive one and you can get insight to Markus based on what you choose for free time or paintings he can make. Markus  also lets you hear some of the beautiful soundtrack by playing it. Carl’s mansion is gorgeous and its touching to see Markus hesitantly but eagerly push the boundaries of his programming with Carl’s encouragement. And Leo’s entrance was short and concise to what the relationship between all three of them are. This sense of inferiority to Markus Leo has. Carl being stern because encouraging Leo’s obvious drug habit is not what he wants but there’s just this history that also needs to be addressed between Leo and Carl. Just a lot of quality Markus content so A++
2. Fugitives
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I really love how large this chapter is. If you choose to sleep in the car you can see Kara smash the window (nice!) and prioritize safety over comfort. If you go to the hotel you get to see Kara’s resourcefulness. There is so much being affected, her relationship with Alice, her willingness to lie, steal, and use the gun, and how this affects the public. She has the opportunity to USE Alice and her reaction can be cold or accepting of the moral code that Alice has. Kara lies like a super spy to the motel worker, showing how slick she can be (which is something she does in the Midnight Train chapter too with the police). All her interactions with the cashier are fascinating and she’s so calm and cool about it. This choice between relying on herself or trusting the humanity in him is very fascinating and scary as you just start deciding where to place Kara’s trust. With Ralph you get some negotiator!Kara as she tries to calm him down and Ra9 stuff which is interesting to see from the perspective of Kara a deviant who actually has no obsession with Ra9! It would have been cool to see her kinda do her own investigation on Ra9 from a fugitive deviant’s perspective as she is able to meet many deviants. There’s just a lot of tiny cool details in terms of self reliance and negotiator!Kara or doing the “right” thing to be more human or even trusting in the humanity of Ralph or the cashier after Todd (and soon to be Zlatko) trying to isolate Kara from trusting in anyone else.
3. Spare Parts
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I’m not kidding, I love how Markus discovers his powers. There’s this sense of wonder and curiosity he has towards deviancy that he has when freeing the androids in the box and learning that he can is just w o w (*plot convenience* argument hush) “Don’t you want to be free?” Like he’s so confused about why some androids aren’t deviants. Also there’s a nice blue filter color enveloping the box while Markus brings them out into the rain so that’s kind of a neat color thing showing how they’re leaving their machineness. Markus is better at going through windows than Connor lol. Some light parkour skills, choices in how you get the biocomponents, and whether you’re going to trust other androids and ends with a rousing speech with one of my favorite lines “Something inside me knows I am more than what they say”. The way he says this is so !!! especially the way he puts the emphasis on “KNOWS” (op just say you love markus’s voice). Also it’s also kinda interesting with how choosing to leave the androids in the box can be interpreted as Markus literally having no idea that he can spread deviancy at this point since there’s moments where no one is as bewildered with the loyalty the deviants have in Markus than Markus (before the protest he comments on how they just follow him without question and admits that leading them feels good...and scary) and he closes the box like “not deviants :( shame”. Asymmetrical v-neck for the win and lots of little moments.
4. Battle For Detroit (Connor vs. Neutral/Hostile Hank)
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Gotta love that angst. This chapter is such an interesting result of being just machine enough to not have Hank’s trust but being deviant enough that Hank notices and gets a little bit of hope that maybe Connor is more than a machine. Only to find Connor trying to kill the deviant leader.  Hank at this point has shown himself to be more sympathetic to the android cause than his anti-android poster might suggest and meeting deviants has only increased this idea that they are alive. So its so frustrating for him that Connor seemingly isn’t. Which leads into the idea that maybe only SOME androids can become deviant and more than anything what gets me about disappointed Hank is when he says “You don’t feel emotions Connor. You fake them.” You the player know that Connor is Deviant, and Connor is in denial but come on obviously this fool!!! and Hank probably knows this too but is rejecting all of this to go against Connor and you get 3 heartbreaks for the price of one ;_: yay IDK all these angsty tragic outcomes where Hank is just tangling with his desire to help out deviants and having to place Connor, who is someone who he desperately wants to be a deviant, in the MACHINE corner.
5. Pirates Cove
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A strange choice due to how limited your options are BUT I love that this is a quiet and beautiful moment for the android family. I love the story Kara can tell Alice and the small bonding moment we have with Luther (though there could be more *cough cough* this bad boy can fit a lot of dialogue expansion/dlc). Also continues this (not really explored smh) possibility to have Kara explore Ra9 as an android who personally is actually not obsessed with Ra9 as 99% of the other deviants are? We get to meet the Jerry’s who are absolute sweethearts and just a little breath after Kara gets tossed around from fighting Todd to trying to not get caught by Connor to escaping Zlatko to the amount of stress later. There’s this buildup of mistrust that Kara has in the world around her only to find a little nugget of quiet with no metaphorical storm to greet it. Just the lights of the carousel.
Honorable mentions: Hostage, Junkyard, Time to decide, The Nest, Crossroads
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mirrorwalledcubicle · 6 years
A ranting - Detroit: Sarcasm to Apple
I thought for a while and... onec I have mentioned DARPA, right? BTW there`s a saying like this; "If DARPA judges the project fail and throw it away, then it is put to practical use in 10 years." Yeah, clearly seems like DARPA rejected or aborted to support Elijah.
If I was high place in DARPA I would not support Cyberlife because Elijah`s goal was totally different from Russia(sturdy and weather-resistant workers/soldiers) or China(Efficiency). What the fucking national agency dump money for android “dies” by river water of -0.6C(30.8F). I muttered WTF when Luther and Kara were afraid of getting in cold water and Kara really “died”. Cyberlife androids are NOT WATERPROOF? Oh really? It`s hard to believe it. Even silicon sex dolls are waterprood. Then Kara died by HYPOTHERMIA? Great. Then Montana and Alaska must be an android free zone. Because all androids would be eliminated by deadly winter and grizzly bears. Can we really believe Cyberlife androids military model?  
Will you buy Cars, guns, phones, computers, lights, fridges, and any other machine / electronics shuts down in that temperature? It because they have synthetic organs called bio Fucking Great components and blue blood? Then Cyberlife have sold literally fucking lame fragile plastic trashes as MASS PRODUCTIVE GOODS(I wonder that they even have update firmware properly) and American consumers have dumped money for it and change it like smartphones.
Well, perhaps military androids could stand environment a bit better than civilian model. If USA reduced military strength and bought androids as meat shield plastic shields, it could be not so bad choice when they decided to do that. They might think android is cheaper than training/supplying human soldiers(for example  average cost for one RoK soldier is about 4000$/a year) and it doesn`t make troubles not like human soldiers. But since November 2038, it revealed that 80% of American military force have possibility to be deviant. Yeah, Fucked up.
Anyway. This bio fucking great component could be better than natural organs, not as electric components though. Not like metal, some semiconductors get more resistance in low temperature environment. That`s why sometimes your computer doesn`t turn on immediately at a too cold morning.  Your room has been -5~-10C for all night so enough to freeze your computer. (so electronics for such countries have heater) And that fucking great thirium fluid. It`s power source and must be filled with nano grade circuit as information carrier blahblah great but it seems that never help to survive them with function like temperature control or aiding damaged biocomponents. Rather than, it seems like just add one more cause of "death" on death by list.
Wait, haven`t you heard a thing like this? While I said about androids` death by hypothermia I confused “Am I saying about iPhone Battery Scandal?" OMG What a great sarcasm. Smartphone sellers, especially Apple and Cyberlife, Both of them sell fucking fragile expensive expendables fully crammed with SENSIBILITY in sleek look, annual model changes, being fucked up by cold water. If sarcasm to industrial products of nowaday was Mr. Cage`s true goal, I really should apologize to him.
And I thought for a while why there are no imported androids and I realized that I was a idiot. it would be hard to allow import androids, because it`s definitive that another countries, especially China, can plant backdoor/chips for hacking in android lolzz. That all hacking chips and backdoors in electronics made in China. They planted hacking instruments in everywhere, even iron and kettles, remember? I was really moron sorry Dave XDD I laughed but this is very serious, terrible problem. (deadly serious face) And USA also prohibited Samsung androids for battery explosion It`s not important how imported androids are cheap and have good cost performance, regardlessly it`s a grave danger. Magazines in the game worried invasion of privacy by androids, I should have thought it also.
And one more thing; needless to say about American civil war, even until WW2 US military didn`t wanted to give guns to black soldiers. Well, black soldiers could fight as combat infantry in army. However navy put black soldiers to non-battle parts like cook in navy as possible as. And blacks to marine corps? NO WAY. This is racism in American history. Meanwhile in mainland, Asians were sent to detention camp or got attacked their places :P  Seems like world of DBH really really beautifully fucked up, birth rate is hit the bottom and young ppl are all junkies and trashes, so they gave guns to Androids.
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