#bn brand
lichdolly · 1 year
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Blanche Neige - Velveteen Pintuck JSK (2003)
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no1ryomafan · 11 months
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Something something current state of the mega man series that haven’t been rereleased on legacy collections summarized as two different formates. Why not the first two lumped into one giant meme? Well apart from laziness and this being for a presentation I’m doing for my anime club-yes /srs you read right-we all know volnutts case is worse than Geos all over the number 3. (Also I’d post these to twit but mega man twit scares me and I’m already getting too much buzz over Kikaider posts despite how my feelings with that show ended up)
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virtualdispensary · 5 months
Brass N' Strings Drum Set
Brass N` Strings has a new product for the virtual world of Second Life - Drum Set [Prop]
Brass `N Strings, a new virtual music brand within the virtual world of Second Life has released a new product. Now available in the virtual marketplace, is a traditional drum set for performers, musicians, and composers. This is the first installation, with additional versions to be announced. Drum Set [Prop] An original mesh design, a traditional floor drum set. This product takes 19 land…
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ier0-blood · 6 months
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Found this on Reddit and too good not to post
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awryval · 6 months
death of an author, reclamation, and you
"We never are what we intend, or invent 'Cause I make little lies and then I pull them apart Think something dark's living down in my heart And if I wanted to die before I got old I should've started some years ago digging that hole"
Brand New. "At the Bottom." Daisy, 2009.
Brand New was among one of my favorite bands in high school, and I still listen to them today. Their music is important to me and shaped a big part of who I am. Their lyrics about being tortured, burnt-out, and choking on the weight of your own self-perceived flaws are relatable! Their compositions ooze with a level of self-hatred that can only be genuine. It's utterly depressing, and I adore it!
That's not not the full story, though. Jesse Lacey, the vocalist of Brand New, is a sexual predator. This informs everything about how the music of Brand New is. It's self-loathing for a very good reason. I love Brand New. I condemn Jesse Lacey. These two statements coexist. I used to be a part of the /r/brandnew subreddit, and when the allegations against Jesse Lacey came out in 2017, many redditors of that sub were quick to claim "death of the author." After all, the band had broken up immediately after the news broke, and they had also cancelled their tours. Currently, the people using that subreddit mostly talk about buying old BN merchandise and discuss what their favorite concert memories were. Jesse Lacey himself confirmed that the allegations against him were true, so there isn't much debate to be had. The subreddit serves as a monument for fans who still enjoy the music, and as a platform to speak about it with like-minded fans.
In my opinion, claiming "death of an author" is a slippery slope. We can't always claim that Miku is the creator of Minecraft. But often, we see that that is the response people have when a creator is outed to be problematic; "I still like the thing So-and-So made, so I will ignore that the creator exists!" The reason that this worked for Miku Minecraft is because, by the time that Notch was publicly making transphobic comments, he did not own Minecraft anymore. The joke is quite literally that he does not own the thing that people like. He sold it to Microsoft, so he doesn't get royalties from it anymore. You can play Minecraft devoid of supporting its original creator. This joke works so well because it is an actual case of the death of an author! That's great and all for Minecraft, but what about other instances? What happens when we claim "death of the creator" erroneously? And why are we so obsessed with this concept anyway?
So like, back to Brand New... they released their last album, Science Fiction, back in August 2017. The allegations came out later that same year. I own all of Brand New's discography physically, including their last release. I bought most of it off eBay when I was 15. I was not supporting them post-allegations. But that leaves me with a lingering question- what do I do with all these CDs that I still very much enjoy the music of? From how I see it, there are two firm camps on this topic:
Camp 1: You know about Lacey's crimes now and his music cannot be separated from his actions. Solution: Throw your CDs away.
Camp 2: It's something you bought without knowledge of Lacey's crimes, so you should enjoy it anyway. Death of an author! Solution: Continue as usual.
I'm not fond of either of these answers. They come off as too polarized for a situation that is the entire Pantone swatch library of grays. "But, how are there any shades of gray when its clear that Jesse Lacey is in the wrong?" I want to provide some counter questions for you to think about:
What about the other people in the band? You might not be directly supporting the sexual predator anymore, but there are other victims here too- effectively his band mates lost their jobs overnight. (Another example would be LOSTPROPHETS)
Is it feasible to destroy each object you own because it was created under problematic circumstances? When or when isn't this the case? Does it apply to your cup of coffee? Does it apply to the clothes you wear? What about any product with palm oil in it? What about the hardware in your computer? If you look into any company, you're going to find some horrific things you don't like about it. The takeaway here is that it isn't beneficial to treat situations like these as black or white. I don't think that destroying my CDs is going to do anything to take away the abuse that Jesse Lacey caused. Nor do I think ignoring the context of his music will do anyone any favors. The music he made is a product of his crimes. To ignore that fact would be disingenuous to why people enjoy his music and why the music exists in the first place. There's another element here, though. I, and many others, are no longer monetarily supporting Jesse Lacey. You can't even officially support the release of Brand New's music anymore as their record label (Procrastinate! Music Traitors) doesn't even seem to have a functioning website anymore? Regardless, I wouldn't want to support his music in a way that supports him, anyway. Yes, I enjoy the music and the themes of it, but I do not want to be directly supporting abuse that happened BECAUSE he was a vocalist in a band. And I can safely do this with CDs that I bought secondhand, right? This is death of the author. So what's the issue?
I believe there is an issue when people claim “death of the author” far too quickly and scramble to reclaim the media for themselves. It’s an increasingly popular trend these days to pluck characters/concepts from an author deemed to be problematic. "I'll save [Character I like] from this shitty piece of media!", they claim. I don't think people realize how multifaceted in effect that is, though. For instance, if the author is actively making money from their creation, you can't truly "reclaim" a character from them. It's more like you're paying homage to them with fanart.
My best on-going example of this would be Floraverse. There are a multitude of reasons why people do not like the author/s of Floraverse, which I will not go into here. To put it simply, though, since its inception in 2013, many artists and writers involved with Flora either left or were kicked out. These artists either directly contributed to the art and worldbuilding of the webcomic, or were heavily influenced by it. To this day, there are many times someone links me to art on Discord and I’ll say “oh I remember that person, they used to be a Flora fanartist!” and the other person is absolutely floored that that artist was ever linked to Floraverse. Anyway… There have been multiple attempts at people trying to reclaim Floraverse from the author, and this never works out. Like, it really doesn’t work out. Any time that someone tries to reclaim Floraverse characters for themselves whilst condemning the author, that person is dogpiled by the Floraverse community. Which is a weird behavior for a CC BY-SA webcomic, but I digress. Here are some highlights:
In 2019, there was a thread dedicated to Redesigning Floraverse that immediately got taken over by Floraverse itself a month later.
An artist got harassed for multiple years (I think it was 2020-2023) for having an oc based on Beleth, a character in Floraverse.
Just 2 months ago, an artist got harassed for drawing fanart of the characters
Historically, reclaiming Floraverse characters from the author hasn't worked out. And I mean.. why would it? It's an actively running "webcomic" (I'll be charitable) and with an active community that supports the author's current works and views with their wallets. It's one thing to enjoy a piece of media with a problematic author and want to reclaim that media for yourself. It is another for this reclamation to actually be effective. Attempts of "reclaiming" Floraverse get written off as fanworks that the community dislikes. You cannot reclaim Floraverse characters as they do not exist in a vacuum. Listening to secondhand Brand New CDs does work in a vacuum; Jesse Lacey's career is dead in the water. The same cannot be said for reclaiming the art of Glitchedpuppet and co. Floraverse characters and stories are not divorced from the abuses they cause. Characters will be used as strawmen to abuse community members, past or present. Or entire works will be up dedicated to making light of your childhood trauma! These characters were made by an abuser, and will be used to abuse. That is a simple fact about Floraverse. Except... in that statement, I'm not even talking about Glitchedpuppet, the current author of Floraverse. I'm talking about Marlcabinet, the previous author of Floraverse. This statement does however, apply to both of them. Hey, wait a minute, that's weird! I've been talking about "death of the author" for this entire post, and I just said that reclaiming Floraverse characters can't work because the way the characters were used to abuse real people doesn't exist in a vacuum. So like, why does this work within the Floraverse webcomic itself? Marl is the abuser of Glip, but Marl is also the author of the majority of early Floraverse. Isn't the story itself, as it currently stands, an act of reclaiming characters used to abuse community members, minors, and any detractors? Then who is to say that those who contributed to Floraverse and were similarly abused are not also allowed this same privilege? Their real-world suffering is what fuels the comic. When I was 13-16, I adored a Floraverse character named Cayenne. His whole deal was that he was an autistic child slave and was horribly abused by everyone around him. Weird character to connect to, but he’s the character that made me figure out I had autism! I drew a LOT of fanart of this character and I even own a (gifted) life-size plush of him. The authors only ever treated him as a joke and it was a joke even within the Floraverse community that I was the only person who actually liked/cared about him. Sometimes I think about reclaiming him for myself. But I also don’t want to get harassed, and I know I could design much better things, and write better things. Conversely, I also think about how this is the exact character that made me get into contact with Marl when I was 16. It’s a heavy weight to carry knowing that this exact character was the reason I was almost in the clutches of a child predator. Glip personally deferred me to him. Reclaiming Cayenne would hold emotional value for me as a reminder of my triumph over a predator. Would it be wrong for me to reclaim an abused child character from a comic that abused me and many others as children? I've no clue. And I don't think anyone can answer that. I've waffled on it for ~2 years now. Reclaiming Cayenne would give attention to an individual that profits off abusing others, myself included. I'd say that reclaiming Floraverse characters wouldn't be a case of "death of the author", but the original creator of them was a child predator that's no longer on the internet. Floraverse is already practicing death of an author, and it is a shell of its former self. That being said, it is not a story that only has one author. Its other authors are still active, and these authors include every person that it has abused in its wake. After all, it's a comic that relies on you to know about its dramas with and traumas of real people. Tell me: Does a death of the author matter when its being written about you?
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railwayhistorical · 2 months
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Chicago Union Station
Here is a Milwaukee Road commuter train, at what I’m assuming is Chicago Union Station. We see here a couple of interesting things here: the locomotive is an F40C, of which not many were built (fifteen), as well as a Northern Pacific sleeping car, part of what I assume to be an Amtrak train of BN ilk.
More assumptions on my part: I gather that this locomotive was developed alongside that of the F40PH, or just prior to that much more successful four-axle design. (I recall seeing those units, brand spanking new, in 1976 or so.) This particular locomotive was built in April of 1974.
So, not a great photograph to be sure, but fun to lock down some details of the equipment I had not noticed at the time. I had just turned 15 and was on a trip to the Windy City for the first time.
One image by Richard Koenig; taken September 20th 1975.
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ensemblesongs · 9 months
I'm curious about how Mitsuru sounds now :O. Could you please post his new lines in Brand New Stars???
I don't feel like going through the effort of trying to get a full version of Kobayashi Mitchuru BNS, and won't post it like I do with other songs till it's officially out like the past version! BUT, here is a clip of it cr: @mika_enstars I'm too lazy to film my own! I really do think he harmonizes so well with the rest of rabits. (❁´◡`❁)
And here is a video of some of his voicelines if you haven't heard yet! I think he's so cute I think he sounds so cute I love you Mitsuru.
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gruesome-beauty · 1 month
wow i forgot about ben gibbard im not a death cab fan but youre right about the bloops! i never see anyone point out I can feel a hot one / totl melody being exactly the same! mean everything to nothing should be required listening for jb fans, apparently she used to cover the river with forrister and man i need a time machine to go see that. they also used to cover sowing season by br*nd n*w, another big influence. jbs thick scull cover sounds exactly like science fiction era BN which i welcome whole heartedly bc jesse fucking sucks. if that's any indication of jb4 im down.
also i hope you enjoy Mastersystem! really great album that only came out a month before scott's death. monumental loss :((
if you saw this when i accidentally posted it without finishing my response…no you didn’t!!!! but yeah every time someone is like “man i wish there was more forrister music to listen to” i’m like yeah same but also boy do i have the manchester orchestra album for you…mean everything to nothing is just SO CLEARLY the biggest influence on them. i was a big brand new fan and you’re so right on that one too and like….i just want jb4 to be *weirder*. more distortion, heavier guitar, weirder structure, she’s so good at that and i NEED IT.
also i’m through my second listen of the mastersystem album and it’s fantastic. we really have experienced such a devastating loss with scott but thank god his influence reverberates through artists like jb.
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beevean · 2 months
Apparantely Udon has bought the licence for Classic, X, Zero, ZX and Legends. No BN or SF.
Some are speculating that instead of getting one single series like Archie did, each subseries may get its own comic
We don't know if the stories will be brand new or adaptations, if they're new then I'm already feeling for those poor saps struggling against the urge to write Volnutt getting back to Terra after 24 fucking years
Also good luck writing completely new Zero stories, unless you go the Elf Wars route that series doesn't have a lot of wiggle room to put new stuff in
Mh, that seems to be the most orderly approach. I remember not liking at all how in Archie the story started to jump from Classic to X lol
Adaptations can be tricky because, again, Archie tried to adapt the Classics and it went how it went (let alone that they couldn't even finish it). But I'm not sure how they could handle new stories... not only the Zero series is tight and done with, but would they attempt to write ZX3 and Legends 3 in Capcom's stead? lol
Still, for now I'm politely curious :>
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deepanshudm · 5 months
The Top 10 Skincare Brands Revolutionizing Beauty in India
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Gone are the days when women used to keep it simple and minimal. Today, it is absolutely different from how it used to be in the past. Skincare and makeup have become an integral part of women’s lives in India today. It plays a significant role in the lives of Indian women. You will be surprised to know the level of growth the Indian skincare and cosmetic industry has experienced in the past few years. According to a study, the Indian Cosmetic Market was valued at USD 8.1 Billion in 2023, and this figure is expected to reach $20 billion by 2025. This clearly indicates that Indian women have developed a strong awareness about their looks in the past few years.
And why not?
Earlier, women used to stay at home. However, today that’s not how it is. Women are now thriving in their careers. According to research, more than 30% women are now working in different departments, government offices, and MNCs. Now it is essential for women to stay ahead, look confident and beautiful at all times.
But the question here is – Which brand should you choose from?
Yes, there are numerous skincare brands available out there. Selecting the right brand may seem challenging. The most important thing here is that you should always select the brand that suits your skin and does the magic without affecting your skin adversely. Yes, it’s a MUST!
If you think the same way, then read this post.
We have rounded up a list of the 10 best skincare brands that are revolutionizing the beauty industry in India.
Before we get to the list of the brands, let’s first understand the Indian cosmetic industry. Here we go…
The Indian Cosmetic Industry
The Indian cosmetic industry is one of the largest industries in the world. It stands at number 8 in the world, boasting a total estimated value of USD 8.1 Bn. The industry is experiencing significant growth at the moment. The best thing is that many Indian brands have emerged successful in the past few years.
Indian skincare brands have expanded their product offerings in a remarkable way. They are gaining popularity for their focus on trending makeup, clean and organic beauty skincare, inclusiveness of Indian skin, and affordability. They are making a strong impact in the industry, even among well-established brands. The best thing about Indian brands is that they use a holistic approach, honouring ancient wisdom and values to provide customers with highly effective skincare products. Some Indian brands are embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda, while others combine the power of nature and science to make a significant impact.
Let’s now take a look at the list of the top Indian skincare brands providing top-notch skincare products. Here we go…
Top 10 Indian Skincare Brands
Here is our list of the 10 best Indian brands selling high-quality skincare products. Take a look…
1. Biotique
Biotique is a renowned Indian skincare brand founded in 1992 by Vinita Jain. This brand is known to combine the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with modern biotechnology, creating a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation.
They offer a wide range of skincare products, from revitalizing tan removal scrubs to face washes with the goodness of neem. Their products are made with all-natural ingredients and packaged in environmentally friendly materials. Biotique is a highly regarded brand among women in India. It is known for 100% vegan and natural products.
2. Mamaearth
MamaEarth is yet another renowned Indian skincare brand. Established in 2016 by Varun and Ghazal Alagh, this D2C skincare brand has gained immense popularity since its inception. The brand is available in more than 500 cities across the country. Mamaearth is known to offer toxin-free and cruelty-free skincare products at the most affordable prices. They offer a wide range of products, including face washes, cleaners, face creams, and so on. Their products are made with different Indian skin types in mind.
3. Labolia Beaute
Next on the list is Labolia Beaute. Labolia Beaute is one of the finest skincare brands in India. Established in 2013, Labolia Beaute is one of the fastest-growing brands. It has made a significant name in the industry since its inception. Labolia Cosmetics was established under the parent company Laborate Pharmaceuticals India Limited. Renowned for its cutting-edge skincare solutions, Labolia Beaute seamlessly blends the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda with state-of-the-art technology to create skincare products. The brand manufactures a line of personal care products that are gentle on the skin and help both women and men have glowing and radiant skin. Thanks to high-quality ingredients that are used in the manufacturing of Labolia Beaute skincare products.
4. Lotus Botanicals
Next on the list is Lotus Botanicals. Lotus Botanicals is a renowned Indian brand with a focus on manufacturing 100% certified organic and clean skincare products. They manufacture all their products using botanical extracts to provide effective skincare and hair care solutions. This vegan beauty brand is a subsidiary of Lotus Herbals, a prominent Indian cosmetic brand. They offer a wide range of products, including bio-retinol, Ayurvedic ubtan, and so on.
5. Kama Ayurveda
Established in 2002, Kama Ayurveda is a leading skincare brand known for providing authentic Ayurvedic beauty and wellness products. All their products are carefully made with authentic Ayurvedic formulations. They ensure all their products are chemical-free and cruelty-free. Kama Ayurveda combines the wisdom of Ayurveda with modern scientific research in order to create unique skincare products.
6. Juicy Chemistry
Juicy Chemistry was founded in 2014 by Pritesh and Megha Asher. The two collaborated to offer effective skin care products. Juicy Chemistry manufactures all its products using natural and organic ingredients. In addition, this brand prioritizes cruelty-free and eco-friendly practices.
7. Mantra Herbal
Mantra Herbal is yet another brand in India that offers high-quality skincare products. Mantra is an initiative of the Baidyanath Group. Established in 1917, the Baidyanath Group produces the largest range of Ayurveda products in the world. Mantra Herbal uses the purest and most natural ingredients that nature has to offer in the production of its skincare products.
8. Vedaearth
Next on the list is Vedaearth. Vedaearth is a renowned Indian brand that specializes in high-quality personal care products. Founded in 2016 by Priya Iyer, Vedaearth has gained immense popularity in the industry. The brand was started with a vision to provide high-quality, chemical-free products to customers. The brand offers both effective and environmentally friendly skincare products. They manufacture parabens-free, sulfates-free, and artificial fragrances-free products. They are dedicated to promoting holistic well-being and sustainability through its products.
9. Plum Goodness
Known for its wide range of skincare products, Plum Goodness has made a significant name in the industry. Plum Goodness was launched in 2014 to provide holistic products to customers. All their products are 100% vegan and cruelty-free to ensure the well-being of customers’ skin.
10. Aroma Magic
Last on the list is Aroma Magic. Aroma Magic is an Indian brand known for its cruelty-free skincare products. This brand was founded by Dr. Blossom Kochhar in 1993 and is currently run by her daughter, Samantha Kochhar. The brand offers a wide range of products, including skincare, hair care, and essential oils. Aroma Magic provides a variety of skincare products that are devoid of parabens, alcohol, and artificial fragrances. All their products are made from natural ingredients and are free from harsh chemicals.
Wrapping up…
So, these are the top 10 skincare brands revolutionizing the skincare industry and redefining beauty standards in India. Their primary focus is to create products made with natural ingredients. Prioritizing self-care is essential for both women and men. These brands are helping Indian women have a hassle-free skincare regime. They consistently strive to offer vegan, cruelty-free, and sustainable skincare products. The best thing about these brands is that they create products keeping diverse skin tones found in the Indian subcontinent in mind, resulting in products that are specifically tailored to suit specific skin needs. Additionally, most of these brands utilize a D2C model, making them easily accessible in the country. Whether you need traditional Ayurvedic formulations or cutting-edge modern solutions, these brands have it all.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
When your day job merges with your obsession....
Dear Gabriel
Overview / Inheritance and Succession Planning
Further to our recent meeting at the mansion, you were referred to me for advice in relation to setting up a suitable plan for passing on your inheritance as well as ensuring that your son Adrien (14) is looked after, following your death, where you have confirmed that you only have a few weeks left to live.
You confirmed that you have tried all forms of medical intervention, even time travel. However, this only worsened your condition.
I want to thank you for taking me into your confidence, as your circumstances are highly delicate. This letter will now summarise the key points of our discussion.
You are 45 and widowed, your only child being Adrien. You work as a fashion designer and head the internationally successful Gabriel brand, in addition to your recent business ventures with Tomoe Tsurugi, including the smart ring / personal assistant device Alliance.
Your main residence is fully unencumbered and valued at c €40m, while your net worth is estimated at around €11 bn.
You have few liabilities, aside from business costs, although you noted that you recently spent €100m constructing sensory deprivation rooms in London for Adrien and Tomoe’s daughter Kagami, to ‘keep them out of harm’s way’ as you initiate your final business enterprise.
We agreed it was ‘not worth your time’ to undertake a full income and expenditure analysis. Suffice to say, you generate substantial surplus income each and every month to fund your lifestyle.
You are in the process of drafting a new will, leaving a portion to Tomoe, nominal amounts to your staff including Adrien’s bodyguard, and the remaining estate to Adrien.
As Adrien is a minor, his inheritance will be placed into trust until he attains age 18. Previously, you willed guardianship of Adrien to your assistant, Nathalie Sancoeur. However, due to personal differences, as well as her own failing health, you will now determine a new guardian, potentially your sister-in-law Amelie, who resides in London, although you are not on good terms and you are concerned that your nephew Felix is a ‘bad influence’.
You will also nominate someone to take over the Gabriel brand, as Adrien has expressed that he does not wish to continue in the fashion industry, having resigned as a model.
On a more personal note, you play piano, you are a keen fencer, and you recently took up cooking – thank you for the pancakes! You also enjoy the occasional game of golf.
These are all very short-term, due to your unfortunate terminal illness:
Obtain the ladybug and cat miraculous
Bring your wife Emilie back from the dead
Ensure Adrien is looked after
Ensure Adrien marries the girl you have selected for him – namely, Kagami
Remove Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Adrien’s life ‘permanently’
Minimise the level of inheritance tax that will be payable by Adrien upon your passing, wherever possible
Arrange life cover for Adrien, to ensure the estate is not lost should someone wish to ‘make him disappear’
Ensure the miracle box and associated kwamis are passed on to a new guardian, after your passing – potentially to Adrien, although this would involve a difficult conversation with him, to spare him learning your secrets posthumously
Protect your secret identity as Hawk Moth / Shadow Moth / Monarch after your passing – this will entail some costs, as you will need to dismantle the missile security system in ‘the dome’ and seal off the underground lair in the secret basement
Should you not succeed in reviving Emilie, you will need to relocate her body, to ensure she can remain in suspended animation – you also wish to ensure that your mission for revival is picked up by a successor, namely Tomoe
Ensure the security of the ring that controls Adrien
Totally random - Keep reading at Ao3
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the band brand new from real life(i dont like what the vocalist did but bn is my favourite band :3)
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virtualdispensary · 9 months
Brass N' Strings Saxophone
Updated Saxophone Collection is now available for Second Life residents!
Brass `N Strings, a new virtual music brand within the virtual world of SecondLife has released a new product. Now available on the marketplace, is a tenor saxophone for performers, musicians, and composers. Included in the release, are saxophone supportive props for role-play and decor. Saxophone on Stand An original mesh design, a traditional tenor saxophone on a stand. This product takes 2…
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theygotlost · 2 years
And also, PLEASE talk about your favourite font(s)
YAS. ok. for body copy (large amounts of text, like in a paragraph) my go-to (that I also use for my portfolio and personal branding) is the Degular font family. unforch it's not free and I get access to it through my school's adobe subscription so once I graduate in a few months.... uh well.... lets not worry about that for now 😁
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I love it cause it's simple and easy to read, but it also has a lot of fun little quirks that makes it unique. I especially like the lowercase g. I even used it for my resume. here's a snippet of it that doesn't doxx me 👇
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for display (large and decorative) fonts, my favorite is probably BN Kick (I also used it on my resume and portfolio). It's unfortunately not free now either, but I snagged it while it was free for a limited time. its very dear to me <3
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piltover-sharpshooter · 11 months
Abridged Kiramman Family History.
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The Lunari of Kir – Targonian Era ( 5000 BN -3000 BN)
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The crest of the city of Kir shows two crescent moons in-between the Lunari symbol. The two moons are the Lunari’s signature curved blades, pointing outwards from the symbol to protect it from harm, as well as to imply it was a ‘passageway’ or ‘rest stop’ town to other settlements.
The roots of the Kirammans can be traced back to Targon, in a now forgotten city named Kir, built into the mountain side overlooking a cliff. The city was placed in the middle of the mountain pass, there merchants would get supplies from Shurima which they would then sell to other settlements higher up.
Aside from merchants, the people of Kir also trained proper soldiers and protectors, each group led by a Warrior Priestess as it’s commander, that both protected the caravans or other settlements, since most other Lunari warriors were trained as assassins.
It was a system that worked for a while, though eventually with the increased Solari aggression, the residents were forced into exile, even then being hunted down as they came down the mountain.  Whether by them or the Solari, the city itself was destroyed, leaving little to no trace of its existence.
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Kir’man Hunters - Shuriman Era (3000 BN  -1500 BN)
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The symbol of the hunters shows two bows and an arrow pointing at the sun. Originally meant to be a disguise for the Kir, the two crescent moons replaced by bows, as well as the arrow pointing at the sun to imply defiance to the Solari, eventually the meaning was lost, instead being replaced by the motto of the hunters wanting to ‘shoot to the stars’.
The survivors of Kir went into hiding in Shurima, the huge Continent sized country big enough to hide them as they scattered across the winds. They created an interconnected network across the desert, its soldiers becoming hunters, the Priestesses becoming leaders of each group.In a few centuries, the Kir’man Hunters as they became known, were a reliable as well as powerful clan of merchants.
It would not last however, as the war with the void then fall of the Shuriman empire (as well as the ramping up of tensions between the Ascended) began to cause problems for trade as the country crumbled around them. Once again, they faced destruction, and many groups of hunters simply were lost to history, some slow and drawn as they tried to survive for as long as they could, others in the blink of an eye.
One particular family managed to survive the fall of Shurima and the oncoming Darkin War, as their ‘station’ was in the port city of Osha Va’Zaun, having being there since it’s inception yet ironically not being as powerful. There, with most of their origins lost as well as a sense of dread from having fallen from grace again, the hunters swore that they’d never again lose their power.
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House of Kiramman – Osha Va'Zaun Era (1500 BN -772 AN)
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The icon of the House of Kiramman shows two swords across a shuriman sun disc with the family’s initials on it. After the fall of the empire, the Kiramman’s used the image of the Sun Disc to imply prestige, though having the family’s initials on it showed how important they believed themselves to be.
The Kiramman’s had an uphill battle as they tried to secure power as they both lost most of their resources and larger tribe. Nevertheless they managed to climb up the ranks of the merchant families with a unique strategy, they’d not try and outdo them in the fields they were actually strong, instead they’d invest in new inventions, daring entrepreneurs and brand new ideas, and in time simply run out the competition out of business.
This was most often organized by the Family’s Matriarch that led the family like the Priestess once led the soldiers, though now the battlefield was entirely focused in trade. Nevertheless hunting was a part of who they were,  and what used to be done to sell pelts or other items was now instead a hobby, with many trophies ending in their walls.
In the end the Kiramman’s had become one of the main families of Zaun and gained a seat at the council that governed it, gaining a reputation for both being forward thinkers as well philanthropists that would ‘look out for the little guy’, and while mostly a cultivated appearance (and more than one shady business going on behind closed doors) it was true enough that even as the Sungates sank the city to the ground, the Kiramman’s were one of the few council families that actively helped with reconstruction efforts.
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Clan Kiramman – Modern Piltover/Zaun (772 AN –  997 AN Current time)
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Two keys crossing over the Kiramman initials is the current crest of the clan. The swords were replaced as the family distanced itself with its protection roots, as well as dropping the sundisc as it grew to have more negative connotations. This version of the crest was inspired by the words of one of its most successful Matriarchs ‘The Keys to the future belong to the Kiramman’
As the divide between Piltover and Zaun became more literal, so did the relationship between the Kiramman Clan and zaunites. Having grown large enough to now have one main family as well as other secondary ones, they quietly left the stage of Philanthropy overall aside from a few token efforts and moved to pick up specific inventors and business people , their acclaims also becoming the Clan’s.
If one were to look around the City of Piltover they’d find the Kiramman Crest everywhere, from patents, to buildings, inventions, newspapers and even some vox-films. The main family continues to innovate and amass power, but in truth they could sit on their laurels for a while before they’d begin to be in trouble with the amount of wealth they have.
The Current heir of the main family is Caitlyn Kiramman, who by coincidence or fate, is once again acting as a protector of a city like her ancestors did. She spends the considerable wealth she has to help as many people as she can, through donations or the gear she uses. The outter families allow this as she’s still the next in line, yet they both hope she eventually dies without an heir of her own so they can possibly become the main family, as well as the simple fact that no amount of spending from her could ever damage them in a meaningful way.
Nevertheless, Caitlyn is steadfast in her resolve to help, and perhaps if she does eventually decide to take control of the Clan directly and time to change drastically, she’ll find that often the hardest enemies share a surname.
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poojascmi · 1 year
Global Vegan Cosmetics Market Is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Demand for Sustainable and Cruelty-Free Products
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The global Vegan Cosmetics Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 14.85 Bn in 2021 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. A) Market Overview: Vegan cosmetics are products that are made without the use of any animal-derived ingredients and are not tested on animals. These products are gaining popularity among consumers who are looking for sustainable and cruelty-free options. Vegan cosmetics offer several advantages such as being environmentally friendly, free from harmful chemicals, and suitable for individuals with sensitive skin. The increasing awareness about the harmful impacts of traditional cosmetics on animals and the environment is driving the demand for vegan cosmetics. B) Market Key Trends: One key trend in the vegan cosmetics market is the growing preference for natural and organic ingredients. Consumers are becoming more conscious about the ingredients used in their beauty products and are shifting towards brands that use plant-based and ethically sourced ingredients. For example, many vegan cosmetic brands use ingredients such as plant extracts, essential oils, and natural antioxidants to provide nourishment and hydration to the skin. C) PEST Analysis: Political: The political landscape plays a crucial role in shaping the vegan cosmetics market. Governments across the globe are implementing stricter regulations on animal testing and the use of animal-derived ingredients in cosmetics. This is driving cosmetic companies to adopt vegan formulations and explore alternative testing methods. Economic: The economic factors influencing the vegan cosmetics market include changing consumer preferences, increasing disposable incomes, and the rising demand for environmentally friendly products. The market is expected to witness significant growth as more consumers are willing to pay a premium price for vegan and sustainable cosmetics. Social: The social factors influencing the vegan cosmetics market include shifting consumer attitudes towards animal welfare and sustainability. The rise of veganism and the increasing popularity of cruelty-free and eco-friendly lifestyles are driving the demand for vegan cosmetics. Technological: Technological advancements in the beauty industry are enabling the development of innovative vegan cosmetic formulas. For instance, the use of plant-based emulsifiers and preservatives, as well as advancements in extraction techniques, are leading to the creation of high-quality vegan cosmetic products. D) Key Takeaways: 1. Market Size: The Global Vegan Cosmetics Market Growth is expected to witness high, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period. The increasing demand for sustainable and cruelty-free products is driving the market growth. 2. Regional Analysis: North America is currently the fastest growing and dominating region in the vegan cosmetics market. The region has a large consumer base that is conscious about their environmental impact and highly values cruelty-free products. 3. Key Players: Key players operating in the global vegan cosmetics market include Amway Corporation, Estee Lauder Companies Inc., Groupe Rocher, L’Occitane Group, L’Oreal S.A., LVMH Group, MuLondon, Pacifica Beauty, Unilever plc, Weleda, Coty Inc., Beauty with Cruelty, Elf Cosmetic Company, Urban Decay, and Nature’s Gate. These players are focusing on product innovation and expanding their product portfolios to cater to the growing demand for vegan cosmetics. In conclusion, the global vegan cosmetics market is witnessing significant growth due to increasing consumer awareness about sustainability and animal welfare. The preference for natural and organic ingredients and advancements in technology are further driving the market. North America is currently the fastest growing region, and key players in the market are expanding their product offerings to cater to the rising demand for vegan cosmetics.
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