#bo verse
anisaanisa · 2 years
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“You were the one that wanted to be friends,” he spat, teeth bared. Kagome maneuvered quickly, slashing low against his legs as he lept back.
“It’s too late for that now,” she uttered mechanically, advancing on him with the calm ease of a predator. He kept ahead of her, a polarizing force pushing and pulling them apart.
“Oh yeah, and who decided that?” he snarled, blindly stumbling backwards. His back hit a tree, stunning him as the air left his lungs.
Irredeemable, written by @boflicker 🚂🌿 art by @anisaanisa👽
Chapter 6: Atonement ☆
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boflicker · 2 years
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🖤 Hey lovelies, sorry for the delay! This totally sounds like an over-the-top fib 😂 but I was filming in the cloud forest for a week, on an expedition into the heart of one of the last protected portions of Choco primary forests left in South America. It was like living in an alternate universe, discovering new species of mushrooms, and meeting critically endangered spider monkeys. Composing songs among new friends.
Now I'm back home, adjusting to the human world, missing rolling around in the mud and eating canned beans and rice. But I am here with my whole heart to bring you a little tasty morsel from the next chapter of Irredeemable 🖤
“Maybe you were right before—we aren’t that different.” His voice was coarse and gravelly, fighting the blistered burn as he spoke. The red glow of her saber lit his face ominously in the darkening forest, sizzling as the rain began to beat violently down upon them. It was the first rainstorm Inuyasha had ever known; he wished he could close his eyes and sink into it. Let it cleanse all the scars that would never heal, the years of bondage he could never redeem. 
He inhaled deeply, savoring the humidity in his lungs as he exhaled, running a clawed hand through his wet bangs.“You're his puppet, idiot. He doesn’t fucking care about you, he only cares about what you can do for him.”
He felt the sting of his own words, unlocking a truth he had always known, but never had the will to touch. He knew it now—that he had been running from himself for so long, buried below the belief that he was worth nothing.
Not even a mother’s love. 
Art by @anisaanisa👽 — Written by @boflicker🚂🌿
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socksin-b3d · 7 months
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Hey it’s more of my beautiful bbg oh dear he is in distress
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small-sinclair · 1 year
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“My ex-boyfriend is here, please scent me before he tries to do something.”
Sinclair Brothers x fem!y/n
Enjoy @katerinaval
Tw: PTSD shown, anxiety filled reader, mention of marking, throwing up, confronting abuser, fighting, biting, not proofread
Welcomed readers: @sketchy-rosewitch, @fluffy-little-demon, @lovely-cryptid, @pori0t-houck, @ninakuli
Don’t Own Me
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She was able to run this far, and it was a great time, too. Finding her new life in Ambrose with the Sinclairs to share her felt like a dream, and y/n knew that dream would come to an end. She couldn’t run forever, but she tried and tried until her legs caved in and she went under the cracks in the hour glass. Shame, she liked her new family, new pack that she called her own.
All three claimed her as soon as she came to town. After Bo bit her shoulder, claiming her first, his brothers soon followed, each taking turns with her until she felt safe enough to allow it though she never had a word to who gets to claim her, these three took time to make sure she felt safe with it. Vincent took her left shoulder, biting just hard enough to make his mark, but he made sure her scars were taken care of. Lester, however, didn’t mark her like Bo or Vincent. Instead, he made her a necklace, a wooden butterfly charm with his initials carved on the wings. Besides, having one Alpha was good, but her mind raced when she was claimed by two Alphas and a goofy Beta. What a lucky girl you are, y/n.
The perks? Y/n never felt alone or was never truly alone. There was always someone there to hold her hand, to comfort her, check on her… to feel and be loved.
The mornings were always the same: Lester, the Beta, wakes her with gentle kisses and nudges. When she wakes, y/n is with him in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the other two, Bo and Vincent.
Strong coffee in Snoopy mugs. Morning news on. Jonesy feed and let out (sometimes she returns with a rock in her jaws as a gift for y/n). Morning kisses from Bo and Vincent. Eggs and hot dogs. The day’s plan. Vincent leaves, followed by Lester (who has a thermest of coffee and a sack lunch), and Bo stays behind to help you with dishes. As always, he dried while she washes. Small talk or no talk, it didn’t matter; she was safe. He takes his cap off the hook. He hugs and kisses her goodbye until lunch.
Throughout the day, y/n keeps busy in the house cleaning or getting dinner ready. On full moon days, she makes sure there’s enough food, and her headphones have to be fully charged or she’s not running through the brush (y/n has to put her foot down somewhere, right?). But it’s not a full moon night; it’s Thursday, Laundry Day. And it’ll be a warm enough day to hang clothes on the line earlier in the morning, giving her time in the afternoon to hang out with all three if she’s lucky.
She hummed happily as she put up Vincent’s shirt and sweater on the line as the morning sun turned the grass from gold to green. The radio played softly from the steps, Jonesy laying at the steps with her new rock.
“What a clever girl,” y/n hummed as she patted her head. “Always bright and happy. Such a good girl—“
A good girl, indeed.
Her head perked up and she looked at the trees and the marsh. Scared eyes scanned over the willows and morning glories. His voice carried over the trees and gators floating in the marsh. Y/n hesitantly took steps back as the honeydew and marsh water smell drifted over her skin and hair, feeling his fingers in his hair again.
Y/n doesn’t hesitate to run into the house, Jonesy on her heels. He’s not here, she kept telling herself. He’s not… he can’t be!
She took her red and black plaid off the hook and started out the house towards the shop. It’s 10:30am, which means Vincent and Bo are taking their smoke break while Lester finishes up his last bit of coffee. If he has anymore for the day, his heart might explode. Still, she ran towards the shop, her feet digging into the lose gravel. She just wants to run, to be near them. They promised to keep you safe from everyone and everything, and they didn't want to go back on it even if she thought she heard him.
But time is limited in a town like this and to the Sinclairs. It was only a matter of time before she was founded by him, and she wasn't looking forward to it. Bo knows his scent. Vincent knows what he looks like. Lester knows what he sounds like. All three knew the plan if he ever stepped foot in this town, and that should make her feel safe, right? So, why isn't it? Why is she seeing his shadow over the windows and locked doors? Why is she hearing his laughter in the trees and flowers? Why does she hear his truck gunning behind her as she runs towards the garage? The engine roaring to life on the heat of her neck and her thoughts turning--why? Why?
Panic swelled in her chest as she rounded to corner with Jonesy on her heels, no truck behind her. The closer she was to her Alphas and Beta, the better she'll feel. The better she'll think. It's not on the schedule, but she wanted to feel that safety net around her shoulders and hair again. It'll be for the best if she's with them, and it didn't matter how. Riding in Lester's truck, downstairs with Vincent, or sitting on the counter in the main office of the shop while Bo works; all sounded amazing to her. Y/n just wanted the buzzing feeling in her skull.
Bo's head jerked up suddenly from the truck, his body stiffing at the new smell. It hit him like a wall of bricks, and he recoiled at it. It smelled worse than Lester's kill pit, and it was worse than the smell of burning human flesh melting under wax. He covered his nose with his sleeve, wiping his nose over the cloth. It was terrible, and it tore his stomach apart. The smell of sulfur, churned milk, and decaying alligator meat baking in the sun all mixed together in one; that's how he would describe it to anyone who listens. He threw his rag and hurried to the trash can in the corner, his stomach finally giving up, as the smell grew stronger.
"Shit," he managed to breath out before throwing up again. This was a new scent, and he hated it. He wanted to find that smell and kill it with fire or with his hands. One way or another, it was going to die. "I swear to God, if Lester killed something close here--"
But he knew it wasn't that. He knew better.
"Y/n?' He breathed as he looked at the door, thinking she was there.
Something's wrong.
Vincent threw his mask off in time to throw-up in the trash can in the basement. The smell was faint, yes, but it was too much all at once. He was just trying to finish the guy, who came in biker shorts last week, when the smell hit him. He couldn't find the words to describe it; all he wanted to do was find the smell and stomp it out.
"Fuck," he hisses lowly as he slowly sat up. He took his mask and was about to put it on when he thought of y/n... something wasn't right.
He took his pack of cigarettes and started towards the shop. It is 10:30am, and she'll be there. She has to be there.
As much as Lester would like to throw up, he couldn't. He was driving with a new victim, and he didn't want the man to think he knows who he is. He didn't want to give himself away too early. Not yet. Will Bo forgive him? No. Will y/n forgive him?
"Hey, buddy," Lester jolted as the man talked. "Did you here me?"
What? He was talking? "Oh, nah. No," Lester answered as he looked back at the road. "Sorry 'bout 'at. Sometimes I jus' get lost in my head. 'At's all."
"Damn hick," the man murmured. "I asked how close we were. Just want to get back on the road, you know?"
Lester faked a smile. "We're almost close. Just ov'a the bridge an' we're there." Goodness, Bo's going to kill him. "You're comin' at a good time. Normally, Bo'll be busy in the afternoon wit' all them bus engines." He looked back at the road and gripped the wheel until his knuckles turned white. The man smelled horrible. After this is over, he wants to wash the inside and outside of his truck until the smell is gone. "He works on 'em for the school uptown."
The man looked back at Lester then at the road. "Always wanted kids, but," he shook his head, "my girl had different plans."
"Oh, yeah," he hummed, leaning back in the seat. "The bitch ran off in the middle of the night. Never found her."
Don't call her 'bitch', mate.
As soon as the welcome sign came into view and he was driving over the bridge, he knew Hell would be raised as soon as he they step out of the truck. He knew that everything would crash and burn, and he was willing to watch it happen and take part. He just wants to protect y/n. He promised her as a man and as a Sinclair. He won't go back on his word now, not while he's in the truck entering Bo's territory.
Let the games begin.
When y/n rounded the corner, she let out a scream when she bumped into Bo's chest. He pulls her into his arms and hugs her, hushing her gently in her hair.
"Calm down, darlin," he hummed. "It'll be right." He heard Lester's truck humming down the road, and it was out of view. "Get inside. Vincent's there-"
He kisses her knuckles, his lips dry and cracked. It was his way of marking her. "We'll come up with a plan, honeycomb. Promise." He turns and usher's her inside. "Go to the back. I'll grab Les and meet you there."
He didn't have time for this. "Go, now, y/n." He kisses her hand. "Vincent'll keep you safe if something happens. We'll be there." With that, he pushes her in and fixes his hat. he can't let that son-of-a-bitch know she's here. He can't risk it.
Lester parked in front of the station by the gas pumps and stepped out. He looked pale, and his cheeks were flushed and turning green. He was trying so hard for his brothers, for y/n, to keep it together.
Bo wanted to slit his throat right then and there, but he turned on the charm. "Howdy," he greeted with a smile. "What can do fer ya?"
"Need a 16 spark plug." The man answered for Lester. "I think it's a double blue liner."
"Need the can," Lester breathed as he sped past Bo, making towards the restroom. Unfortunately, when he was out of view of the two and made eye contact with Vincent and y/n, he shot his head away and threw-up in the the same trash can Bo used. “Hate it,” he breathed as he sat up, whipping his mouth. “Hate it all.”
Y/n held out her hands and he joined her side, Lester kissing her cheek. She held on to him with one arm as another squeezed Vincent’s hand. She just wanted this to end, to be brave and have her life—
But y/n already had that. All of that! She was loved and scared for! She was protected and safe here. Right here with three of the strongest people she’s ever been around. And they love her.
Y/n is tired of running.
“Scent me.”
The order startled Lester as he pulled away from her arms. His hands slipped over her cheeks. “What? Sweet pea, no—“
“I’m tired, Les,” she sighed. “I’m tired of running. I’m tired if Mick.”
“My ex-boyfriend is here, please scent me before he tries to do something.” Then a tired grin crossed her lips. “I want it to stop.” Then she glanced over her shoulder at Vincent. “You, too, Vincent. Mark me. Both of you.”
Lester’s thumbed her cheeks and kissed her. “Okay, sweet pea,” he hummed in a whisper. “Promise it won’t hurt.” From behind, y/n felt Vincent’s mask lift slightly up. “We promise.”
Bo was slammed against the side of Lester’s truck, a wicked grin crossing his lips, and he wiped the blood away from his noise. He hasn’t had a good fight in a long-ass time. He pushed himself off the truck and swung again, hitting Mick square under the jaw, then tackled him to the ground.
Mick held up his arms to shield his face as Bo put blow after blow over his skin. He’s been waiting for this prick to come against him and his brothers (but mainly him), and he just wanted to savor this moment of pain. For every hit and smack, for all the pain and bruises, for ever cigarette burns across y/n’s back— Bo was going to have his share of blood before noon. He’ll make sure he pays.
But when her shadow casts over them, Bo froze. He took a step back and let go of Mick. He joined your side as he saw the fresh bite mark on your neck from Vincent, and a bruised kiss on your shoulder from Lester. With his scent over your hands, Bo smiled. All three smells mixed over y/n like a sweet candle burning in a cozy cottage. No placed a hand on her hip as he leaned down and kissed her lips.
“Leave,” she said in a strong voice. “You don’t own me anymore.”
Mick slowly stood, his eyes in shock. “You… you’re a whore—“
“At least I know I’m loved,” she snapped. “I’m loved by three amazing wolves. Two alphas who will kill for me. A beta who would gut you alive. All three love me.” Her voice was strong as she held Bo’s hand tightly. Behind, she felt Vincent’s hand on her shoulder and Lester pulling out his Bowie to show Mick he was ready for the hunt. “You don’t own me, Mick. You’ll never have me. Ever again.”
Mick looked at you with disbelief, shaking his head. “Y/n, you can’t be for real—“
“I mean it, Mick.” Her voice stayed strong.
“But… but I still love you.”
She shakes her head. “And I don’t love you.” She looked up at Bo, strong and confident. “Get what he needs so he can leave. I don’t want to see him again.”
“We could kill him,” Lester suggested. “Say the word and—“
“No,” she shakes her head, her eyes snapping back at Mick. “Death is too great for him. Let him live.”
He doesn’t owe her anymore. No one owns her.
No one.
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thedeepsoctopus · 1 year
Hobie Hc's!!
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warnings: none really just stuff about kissing :) (I'm not projecting you are) somethings may be misspelled and/or grammatically incorrect if so please let me know so I can fix it!
He likes to paint his nails and will paint yours if you ask nicely.
Hobie forces you to help during wash day, you don’t really have a choice anymore.
He definitely lives with you no matter if you're from his universe or you’re a fellow spider, he will find a way.
He definitely pierces himself but if you ask him to pierce you, he will refuse because he's too afraid to hurt you :(
Hobie babysits mayday for peter b. When he and Mj wanna have alone time
This man can't cook for the life of him. I feel like he would try to cook reader a romantic dinner but damn near burns down the kitchen and has to order takeout (he was really disappointed, but he made it up to you in cuddles and neck kisses
THIS MAN IS THE SLOPPIEST KISSER EVER. he doesn't take criticism.
He's not really a big fan of pda, with the exception of hugs and handholding, 
but if he feels someone is flirting with you and you don't realize or if someone was making you uncomfortable, he’ll come up from behind and give you a few kisses on the neck and ask if that person is bothering you.
When you guys are alone all he wants is to be all over you
When you guys cuddle, he prefers to be the little spoon. 
A/n: I hope you guys enjoy the food. I'm gonna try and more active with writing :3
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gimmeyourlovepls · 9 months
you and earth 1610! miles having a cafe that you always go to <3
on a walk, you guys found a quaint cafe, not too crowded but when you went inside and ordered, you swear that was the best chai latte you've ever had in your life. you've never seen miles devour a pastry so fast too.
ever since then, whenever you just wanted a small outing in a peaceful enviroment, the cafe was your go-to spot. you went there so often, everyone who worked there knew you by name (one time when you went without miles everyone started asking if you guys had broken up 😭).
chats with the owner and she basically felt like a second mom to you, showing you different recipes and letting you try them out, plus letting you ramble about miles to her. one time you were sitting in the cafe beside miles, chatting and working on some social questions for school, when the lady mentioned that she might have to close the place down due to lack of money, plus the person she rented the building from saying he wanted to demolish the building.
miles and you were NOT taking that bull. and with your boyfriend's identity as Spider-Man, plus a sale at the bakery, you were able to raise enough money to not only keep the place open, but add some renovations to make the place more homely.
the old lady could not be more thankful and everytime either you or miles came, she always had something new to give you. a trinket, a new muffin recipe, a change she was planning to make to the coffee (even though she already said her recipe was perfect, she just wanted to give you something), anything.
you and miles are her favorite customers :)))
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never-wake-up · 6 months
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Bo Burnham - all eyes on me // Lemony Snicket - horseradish // quicksilvereyes on tumblr // Philip Larkins - This Be The Verse
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mikunology · 10 months
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have my tablet tonight! have a pissed off superpowered Len.
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Shoulder Touch
Remember this particular shot in S3 Episode 5 The Pirate?
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Shoulder Touch, The Leaning
So the one who directed this specific episode is Peter Ramsey.
And guess what else have he worked on? the Spider-Verse Franchise (He's one of the directors of the first and he's an executive producer for the second one)
And this iconic shot is in the Across the Spider-Verse
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Shoulder Touch, The Leaning
So if the Dinbo shoulder touch reminded you of this spider-verse scene, the chances are high that it is meant to do exactly that.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
ONE person asked and so now i'm doing it again: more incorrect quotes, time heals edition (part 1 cause there's gonna be more)
Obi-Wan: Where’s Ahsoka? Anakin: Doing stuff. Obi-Wan: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Sabine? Anakin: Trying to stop Ahsoka from doing the stuff. Obi-Wan: And Jacen? Anakin: Trying to stop Sabine from stopping Ahsoka from doing the stuff. Obi-Wan: I see. And what are you doing here, Anakin? Anakin: I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Jacen from stopping Sabine from stopping Ahsoka from doing the stuff.
*Everyone is giving advice to Obi-Wan* Sabine: It's okay to ask for help. Ahsoka: You're not a burden. Anakin: Murder is okay. Jacen: Your feelings matter.
Zhaya: I don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me first.
Store Worker: Would a “Sabine” please come to the front desk? Sabine, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to Ahsoka and Jacen: I believe they belong to you? Ahsoka and Jacen, simultaneously: We got lost. Sabine: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
*At 79s* Sabine: Ladies do not start fights BUT THEY CAN FINISH THEM.
[Sabine, running from a rock monster] Anakin, through the comm: You're just going to have to kill it. Sabine: Kill it? Well, I'm open to any suggestions. Anakin: Go for the eyes! Sabine: He doesn't have any eyes, Anakin! Anakin: Go for the mouth, then, the throat, his vulnerable spots! Sabine: IT'S A ROCK! IT DOESN'T HAVE ANY VULNERABLE SPOTS! Zhaya, grabbing the comm from Anakin: I know! You construct a weapon. Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?
Sabine, trying to avoid explaining how she knows the future: Don't ask me what I'm talking about. I don't know, okay? I'm just the vessel. The message has been gifted. I've moved on.
Cody: What's wrong with you? Sabine: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of maternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Satine: Guys, I have a question. Bo-Katan: kys <3 Satine, deadpan: I love you too. Sabine: Ah, yes. Siblings.
Mace: I hope you have an explanation for this. Jacen: We have three actually. Ahsoka: Pick your favorite.
Sabine: Am I too late for Obi-Wan’s panic attack? [Obi-Wan hides his face in despair] Sabine: Apparently not!
Sabine: Could you be any more annoying? Shipper: Yes.
Anakin: Small creatures are much more vicious because they have a smaller body to bottle up all their emotions. Jacen: Ridiculous. Give me some examples. Obi-Wan: Wasps? Sabine: Terriers? Anakin: Ahsoka.
Sabine: Why is there blood everywhere? Bo-Katan: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife. Sabine: You stabbed someone?! Bo-Katan: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Jacen: Here’s a fun Life Day idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Mace: Jacen... no. Ashoka: Mistlefoe! Mace: Please stop encouraging him. Jacen and Ahsoka, together: SOMEONE'S HALLS ARE GETTING DECKED!
Anakin: I'm not creepy. Anakin: I'm petty. Anakin: There's a difference, ya' know.
Kidnapper: I have one of your kids. Obi-Wan: Which one? I have four. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Obi-Wan: Which one? I have four. Anakin, distantly: HEY!!!
Sabine: What’s it like being tall? Sabine: Is it nice? Sabine: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Anakin: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. Ahsoka: It was one time!
Wyvern: Are you nuts? Shipper: Jury's out.
Jacen: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible teenager here. Sabine: Ahsoka is 70% of your impulse control and you know this Jacen. Ahsoka: I feel like Jacen is the more responsible one of us two though. Jacen: We are both 70% of each others' impulse control. Ahsoka: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.
and last but not least,
Ezra: What’s up? I’m back. Sabine: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Ezra: Death is a social construct.
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reck6ning · 2 months
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okay , so the dbd and fear demon aren't filled out yet , but you can always ask .
i have so many au's for this boy that i want to throw at anyone and everyone .
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boflicker · 2 years
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Hey lovelies!
We are back on our bullshit after a wee break with the next chapter of our Star Wars AU, Irredeemable 🙌🏻 I hope the wait was worth it, and we will be posting bi-weekly, so keep your eyes peeled.
See yah on the dark side 🖤💫
✨💥 AO3 💥✨
Story Summary
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, an orphaned scavenger uncovers a lost relic buried in the sands of Jakku. Thrust into a great war that threatens to destroy everything, he must choose: run from his destiny or face his greatest foe, the infamous leader of the First Order. 
But Inuyasha quickly learns war is not as simple as good versus evil, and buried below every mask lives secrets untold.
Art by @anisaanisa👽 — Written by @boflicker🚂🌿
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socksin-b3d · 7 months
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Finals kicking my ass get him and his fuck ass glasses out of my noggin
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universestreasures · 5 months
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Mokuba Kaiba (Teenage / Young Adult)
Going into his teenage years and after a huge growth spurt (he is now 5'6 as opposed to him being 4'7), Mokuba decides to fully change up his style other than just a hair cut and wearing a suit at work. With the help of his fashion bestie Suzuha Amanosuzu, he is now embodying the look of a true gamer, the aspect of himself he hones following the events of DSOD / the end of the original anime's storyline. Not only does it feature his signature picture locket, he is also now sporting a purple shoulder cape, blue vest with a golden KC for a button, golden KC earings and light purple eyeshadow, a black and white collared shirt, black gloves, white and black sneakers, and a white belt with a hanging Level 5 capsule.
Art By: My Wonderful Boyfriend @throneofein <3
Coloring / Character Design By: Me.
Note: Please do not reblog or repost this art, or use this design! This design was made by me for my Mokuba specifically for my own use, and this art was posted with permission by the original artist!
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hero-in-high-tops · 4 months
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Starting a collection
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💥The ULTIMATE Bo-Jantje-Verse Sex Man SHOWDOWN💥
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Hello one and all!
This contest is meant to determine the ultimate sex man of the shows 1899 and DARK. Each show will stay seperate at first but eventually meet in the finals.
The polls will last one week each because frankly I do not have the time to update this daily.
Polls of ROUND 1 will start tomorrow at 12:00 GMT. Following polls will each start one day later also at 12:00 GMT
A sex man is multifacetted and there are many types of sex men. To ensure equal ground (don't look at the bottom left) I have divided this contest into six divisions:
The MEOW MEOW Division Who is the wettest man? Who has the most pathetic little whimper?
The BABYGIRL Division Who is the prettiest princess of them all? Bonus points if you can carry him in your purse.
The FUCK THAT OLD MAN Division Self explanatory.
The MALEWIFE Division Who is the most devoted to their partner? Who would look the best in nothing but an apron? The WHORE Division Also self explanatory The JUST SOME GUY Division Who will be a tower of strength and harmony in trying times? Who can make vanilla taste exciting?
~~ROUND 1~~
>>1899 MEOW MEOW Krester VS Daniel Ramrio VS Sebastian
BABYGIRL Olek VS Jérôme Lucien VS Ángel
FUCK THAT OLD MAN Anker VS Henry Franz VS Eyk
>>DARK MALEWIFE Aleksander VS Michael Noah VS Magnus
WHOREJonas VS Ulrich Egon VS Tronte
JUST SOME GUY Peter VS Bartosz Helge VS Tannhaus
~~ROUND 2~~
>>1899 MEOW MEOW Daniel VS Ramiro
>>DARK MALEWIFE Alkesander VS Noah
WHORE Jonas VS Egon
JUST SOME GUY Bartosz VS Tannhaus
~~ROUND 3~~
>>1899 Daniel VS Olek VS Eyk
>>DARK Bartosz VS Jonas VS Noah
~~ROUND ?~~ Maura VS Eyk
Martha VS Jonas
~~ FINALE ~~ Jonas VS Eyk
Congrats to JONAS to officially claiming the title of ULTIMATE BO-JANTJE VERSE SEX MAN!
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