#bon is going to get him back for that sap
magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
All of The Mighty Rabbit Must Get Out
IDK if I'll update the fic anytime in the future, and since not only is it important to Susan's story, but since it is her death day...
Chapter 1- Takes place right where TWF 4 leaves off, Susan wakes up and sees Shadow Man approach her. She tries to yell for help but is only about to produce a raspy groan before dissolving into a coughing fit. The Shadow Man seems taken aback by something and backs away. She sees him go deeper into the technician closet before passing out again.  
Chapter 2- Susan wakes up again, this time to the sound of the restaurant closing. She shoots up but the metal bars tear at her skin. She has another coughing fit but doesn’t pass out again. When she recovers, she hears someone entering the back area and sees the Shadow Man. Strangely, they’re carrying food, and they feed her and give her water. It’s very awkward, especially since the Shadow Man is trying really hard to stay in the shadows and is handing her food like she’s a biting dog, but Susan guesses she appreciates the effort. She doesn’t understand why they won’t call the police though. The Shadow Man stands up and, once again, walks further into the back area, but now Bon is there. Susan is extremely wary and presses up further against the wall, but Bon barely notices her and starts talking to the Shadow Man. Their conversation is too quiet for Susan to hear and, much to her frustration, the Shadow Man leaves without calling the police. 
Chapter 3- Later that same night, Susan tries to move around. It’s difficult and painful, but she finds that being slow and gentle with her movements reduces the tearing into her flesh. She manages to stand up but sits back down almost immediately after because it sapped her energy. She resolves to try again tomorrow night before going to sleep. The next night she tries to walk but topples over almost immediately. Susan’s frustrated by this before recalling when Banny ate shit and laughs about it. This manages to cheer her up a bit and rests. She’s frustrated by the slow progress but resolves to keep trying. 
Chapter 4- A couple days have passed now. Susan has been able to walk further and further each time she tries and has built up somewhat of a pain tolerance and stamina. One challenge she has is that her field of view is limited, and she needs to feel around to make sure there’s nothing in her way. As well as that, her steps are slow and awkward, and they almost look like a shuffle. However, this reduces the amount of pain she’s in and a walk is a walk. Walking also takes a lot of energy, so she needs to rest often. Something noted is that stomach keeps feeling weird and she feels like she’s not eating enough, even though the Shadow Man comes by every night. She’s able to move further and further around the room until one day she’s right at the door. She shoves it open and now she's in the actual restaurant. She wanders for a bit, tripping over tables and taking breaks when need be, until she sees on the emergency exits. She thinks she sees something out of the corner of her eye but before she can process either of these things, she conks out. When she wakes back up, she’s back in the employee’s only area with no idea how she got there and no knowing why she passed out. But she realizes how close she was to the exit and is determined to get to it. However, it’s morning now and she’s very tired, so she plans to do it the next night. 
Chapter 5- Now the next night, Susan exits the backroom again and goes back to the exit but conks out again. But this time she’s back in Wonderland, uh-oh! Bon appears and says he had hoped the previous night was a fluke, but it seems that he must explain himself. He tells Susan that he can’t allow her to escape and that if she tries to, he’ll conk her out again and briefly explains how that works. He also mentions that he’s relieved she hasn’t tried to go out during the day because he’d have to conk her out then too, and that it would get repetitive and boring. Susan is obviously so fucking pissed and yells at him, but Bon sends her away. Susan wakes back up in the employee’s only area, still very pissed off, but now knowing why she passed out last night. But she’s determined not to let that stop her and gets up to move. She barely even makes it out of the door that time before conking out and back into Wonderland. Bon makes fun of her. This time Susan wakes up on her own and tries again. To her surprise she isn’t conked out again and enters the party area. She tries another one of the emergency exits but is, once more, conked out. 
Chapter 6- Susan knows that this isn’t working and wonders if she could try to get out through the front doors. This doesn’t work. Then she tries to smash open the windows by slamming herself against them, but it both doesn’t work and proves to be too much for the neck cables, because when she wakes up again her head is now tilted to the side. Susan is furious that she has to relearn how to walk AGAIN but rolls with it because fuck it. She does that for a day and then tries again, but she underestimates how tricky it is to navigate with not just a limited field of view and constant light-headedness, but now with her vision in portrait mode. But even still, she keeps going. 
Chapter 7- Susan is starting to get really fed up with this shit and tries to find other means of escaping. She tries to bang on walls to catch people’s attention, but she gets conked out for it. She tries getting the Shadow Man to stay but it doesn’t work. She tries seeing if there’s any other exits but there’s only three and all of them result in getting conked out. One night she manages to stumble into Felix’s office and, in a hail mary attempt, writes him a letter explaining her situation and begging him to help her. She doesn’t get conked out for this and at first is hopeful. She takes some post it notes and a pen back to the maintenance room to have an easier time accessing them and writes a lot. But Felix never comes to help her, and she wonders if Bon is somehow stealing them before Felix can read them. She confronts Bon about this in Wonderland and while he says no, he also dances around the topic as to why Felix isn’t seeing them, although not in a nervous way and more in a playfully manipulative way. While he’d love to see the look on Susan’s face when he reveals that Felix knows what’s going on and doesn’t care, and that he sent Bon to kill her, he knows Felix would throw a hissy fit over it and doesn’t. He says as long as she’s inside the restaurant with him, she’s under his influence. 
Chapter 8- Susan realizes that if she goes back on her own to the maintenance room, Bon won’t conk her out. She starts playing with this and seeing how much she can push it. She repeatedly goes up the exit doors like she’s about to try them but walks away. Bon is delighted by this and starts talking to her more often. Susan at first is scared but soon realizes this guy is insufferable as fuck. Still, she plays nice for now. 
Chapter 9- Susan is still playing nice with Bon and Bon is still being an insufferable prick. Susan is still trying to write Felix letters because it’s the best chance to get his attention, but none of them seem to reach him.  
Chapter 10- One night Susan feels that Bon is confident enough to have relaxed his guard and makes a break for the door but is conked out. 
Chapter 11- That same night, Susan wakes up and is irritated that her plan didn’t work, but Bon reveals he knew what she was doing the whole time. When asked why he didn’t try to stop her beforehand, he simply says he thought it was funny to watch her get her hopes up. Susan is of course horrified by this but realizes something else: Her body is starting to fail her now. 
Chapter 12- Susan keeps trying to escape the restaurant with little success, and not just because she’s always getting conked out. She’s now constantly tired, the hunger pains are unbearable, and she’s quickly losing energy. But she refuses to acknowledge this and keeps trying. 
Chapter 13- Same as last chapter, but more intense. She’s starting to see things now and is having trouble navigating the restaurant, often leading her to walk in circles.
Chapter 14- Same as last chapter, but now she can’t feel her legs from how much she’s walking. She keeps going in circles despite her best efforts. She tries to break the Banny animatronic at this point, but it doesn’t work. 
Chapter 15- Susan is exhausted to her very core and unable to move now. She tries but she can’t, and finally has to confront the fact that she’s dying. She reflects on her life as she lays on the maintenance room floor waiting for death. 
Chapter 16- Susan is literally on death’s door as she listens to a party. She’s sad obviously but is surprised when she hears someone coming through the backstage, since Shadow Man gave up feeding her days ago. Surprise, it’s Charles! Charles is confused why the Banny animatronic is sprawled out on the floor and breathing weirdly. He pulls off the mask and realizes OH SHIT ITS SUSAN!!! Susan is happy to see him despite the circumstances. Charles is obviously horrified and asks what the fuck happened, to which Susan gestures at the post it notes. In very sloppy handwriting, she writes out “Can’t talk. Neck broken”. Charles is still freaking out and asks her what happened. She writes out, “Bon”. Charles is confused and Susan clarifies, “He did this”. Charles is still confused but gets the gist what she means and asks how and why. Susan writes for the why, “I don’t know” and adds, “He said to make me beautiful”, and for the how she says, “He attacked me”. Charles doesn’t know how to react to this information and says they need to get her to the hospital, but Susan shakes her head. She writes, “I’m dying, Charles”. Charles can’t accept this and tries to pull her out of the suit, but this rips most the skin on her shoulder off. Charles looks sick, but Susan writes, “It’s okay. Can’t feel it” to calm him down. This makes him panic even more and he insists on taking her to the hospital, but she repeats, “I’m dying idiot”. Charles at this point is at a loss on what to do, so Susan, being afraid to die alone, asks him to just stay. She doesn’t know how long she has left but is fine spending her last moments with one of the few people she considers a friend. As they’re “talking”, a few more pieces of information are revealed. Charles says that it’s been two weeks since Susan went missing and says that Cyberfun Tech has been threatening to cut off its deal with BSI because of her disappearance, which surprises Susan because she assumed nobody missed her. Susan talks about how she was trying to get out but couldn’t. Charles feels awful that he didn’t find her sooner but before he can really wallow in the tragedy of this situation, Susan sees Bon right behind him. With the very last of her strength, Susan points at Bon, which gives Charles a head start to escape. In her final moments, Susan watches Bon give chase and hopes that Charles makes it out alive.
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katyawriteswhump · 7 months
Bed of Roses (steddie love month, day 17)
For @steddielovemonth, Day 17 prompt: Love is about a hand reaching out to you so you don't get lost (@yournowheregirl ) Thank you <3
Rating: M. CW: prostitution, unwanted kink/abuse/pet-names (NOT between Steddie) alcoholism, substance abuse. Tags: rockstar Eddie, rent-boy Steve, make-up fic, angst, shameless perversion of Bon Jovi lyrics. WC: 2,000.
“'Cause a bottle of vodka's still lodged in my head…”
In his dressing room, pre-show, Eddie grasped his second bottle of vodka in an unsteady hand.
“…and some blonde gave me nightmares; I think that she’s still in my bed.”
This was NOT GOOD. Eddie had gotten sap-fest Bon Jovi lyrics slithering around his brain. He couldn’t for the life of him remember his own lyrics.
“Hey, Amigo,” he announced to the vodka. “I got a venue of ten thousand to entertain, and you’re literally my Obi-Wan—my only hope.” He caressed the bottle’s label. “80% proof, huh, Baby?” 
I’m serious, Eddie, you’ve had enough. You WANT to follow Kurt Cobain into the 27-Club?
Riiiight. That was not a Bon Jovi lyric. That sounded more like Steve Harrington, in sensible-parent mode, hands planted on his slender hips.
The tears struck fast. Eddie clonked the bottle onto the dressing table then followed it, pressing his heavy head to the glass.
He seriously didn’t want to die. However, he was so through with this life. Of any life, without Steve. The cavity where his heart once lay veered between grating emptiness and an unbearable pain. 
His fingers twitched toward the bottle. Screw it, the show must go on, and he’d lost his only light in the darkness…
“… as I dream about movies, they won't make of me when I'm dead.” 
That still wasn’t one of his own darn lyrics. In fact, he couldn’t remember a single goddamn word of any of Corroded Coffin’s songs.
A sharp knock on the dressing-room door had him squealing like a little piggy. An old guy poked his head in.
“Who the hell are you?”
“You hired me, Mr Munson. Dirk Gordon—Private Dick?” 
“Ah… Yeah, so I did.” Eddie’s rotten heart hammered way too fast. “Have you..?"
“Yes, Mr Munson. I believe I’ve found him.”
“What do you mean, you're not gonna pay me?” Steve wrapped his arms tight around himself. The only heating in his boss’s rundown office came from the guy’s endless chain of cigarettes. “I spent the whole evening simpering at that old dragon. You told me she liked music—I talked music endlessly.”
“You yammered on about some death-metal garbage. She likes Wagner.”
Steve wrinkled his nose. “What’s Wagner? That crusty old film-star?”
“Oh, Steve, Steve, Steve. What am I gonna do with you?” His boss sauntered around the desk and hooked an arm around him.
Jesus, you stink.
“You’re good-looking, kid, you’re charming, but you simply can’t cut it with that kind of high-end client.”
“She seemed happy.” Steve shrugged his shoulders, failing to shake the guy off him. “She paid you, right?”
“Not the full whack, and you got a fancy meal out of the bitch. Look, I’ll give you your cut, if you do better tonight.”
He squeezed the back of Steve’s neck. Steve tried not to shudder. When his boss produced a piece of paper and wedged it down the back of Steve’s skin-tight jeans, he stopped trying to hide his revulsion.
“Details are all there. He’s a banking exec, early forties—no more dinners and dances with Doris, you’re spending the night at his house.”
A dry lump clogged Steve’s throat. “Is he gonna want..?”
“Sex? Christ on a bike, what trade do you think you’re in?” He squeezed Steve’s butt.
“Jesus fu—” Steve bit his lip, fixed on his damp sneakers. 
“Believe me, Steve, your hair ain’t your best asset. You’re gonna have to sell that plump lil’ ass for real, sooner or later.”
Steve flinched, then schooled his features as blankly as he could. 
“This guy’s got a few kinks, but as Johns go, he’s a pussycat.” He lifted Steve’s drooping chin with his knuckles. “Show him what ya got, Sport.”
Steve couldn’t get out into the drab morning fast enough. He retrieved the paper from his underwear, shoved it in a pocket unread, then stumbled, zombie-like, into a diner. “Black coffee, please? It’s an emergency.” 
The waitress smiled. “You want breakfast, Steve?”
He shook his head, though his stomach grumbled.
He ended up slumped on the table, his face pillowed in his arms. Christ, ‘male escort’ had never seemed like a great idea, but he’d figured the pay would beat waiting tables. So how come he was still behind on his rent, and that he still couldn’t afford to eat some days, let alone buy his pain meds?
He muffled a miserable laugh in his elbow. He genuinely wished he could afford to get smashed, get high, because nothing could fill that gaping black hole of pain. Even worse, one of his fave Bon Jovi songs was playing on the radio, and SO not helping:
“Tonight I won't be alone, but you know that don't mean I'm not lonely.” Shit! He was fighting back dumbass tears already. “I got nothing to prove, for it’s you I’d die to defend.”
Why the hell did he run away? He can’t recall any reason that mattered anymore. “I’m sorry, Eddie,” he mumbled. “I miss you so much.”
Somebody touched his elbow, and he jolted up. “Sorry, hon,’” said the waitress, “we need this table for dine-in customers.”
“Right.” Steve swiped any tell-tale moisture from his cheekbones.  “I’ll clear outta your way.”
“Ready for playtime, Bunny Rabbit?”
Steve’s skin crawled, and his face burned. He’d gotten his head in the client’s lap, and the guy was playing with his hair. It would be tolerable, he guessed, if he’d not so often laid in Eddie’s lap like this, and… Christ, Eddie! Steve shut out the unwanted touching and began to drift. He was so beyond tired. And that song from the diner crept back:
“Now as you close your eyes, know I'll be thinking about you. While my mistress—she calls me to stand in her spotlight again…”
The pinch on his cheek startled Steve back to the present. “You kipping there, Bunny Rabbit?”
“Uh… er, sorry, Daddy.” Uuuuuuurgh! “Whatever you want, Daddy.” He dared sit up. “I’ll grab a condom and, uh… stuff.”
“Hey, hey, hey.” When Steve went to rise, his arm was grabbed, and he was held in place. “I don’t like rubbers, Cutie.”
“You heard of this thing called AIDS?” Dipshit!
Steve wrenched his arm free. The guy raised his hand and slapped him. Which wasn’t exactly out-of-the-blue, because face-slapping had been listed among this repellent son-of-a-bitch’s kinks.
“I’m paying top whack for you.” He leaned over Steve, suddenly kinda huge and scary, not least because Steve now saw double. “Your pimp said you were clean, so I’m gonna have you any way I like.”
“I… uh…” Steve kicked the bastard’s shin and shoved him hard. “Go to hell, asshole.” 
He fled out into the night, still dizzy from the blow. He pulled his mesh vest back on over his head. The icy wind bit, and he realised he’d left his only jacket behind.
“Jesus Christ! JESUS CHRIST!” He kicked a lamppost, holding back on venting the true force of his feelings. Still hurt.
He limped off up the street, fast as he could. The ache in his toes at least distracted him from the ringing in his ears. An hour later, he stumbled around the corner of his block, thinking only of throwing himself into his bed, while he still had one.
He was so close, when the hairs on the back of his neck stood suddenly on end. Through the haze of his exhaustion, he realised a car crawled up the gutter behind him.
Had Mr Happy-Slappy-Sleazebag come after him? Then again, Steve’s pursuer could be anybody. After all, he was walking through a red-light district, shivering his ass off.  Dressed like the whore I am. Hahaha!
The car pulled up right beside him. A blacked-out window rolled down.
Steve ran, turning sharp up a dark alley, then… Shit, shit, SHIT AGAIN! He was only a hundred yards from his digs, and yet he was so messed-up that he’d sprinted up a dead-end.
He nearly kicked the bricks. Instead, he punched them, as if that would blast through the solid wall. He turned about, bit his grazed fist, and sank slowly onto his haunches. 
Two figures approached up the alley, silhouetted against the lights of the street behind. Get up, Harrington! GET UP! His legs wouldn’t obey, and his breaths came only as rapid gasps. Nothing felt real anymore. Am I gonna die..? I’m gonna die!
A hand stretched out of the gloom.
Steve stared at it—at the familiar chunky silver rings, which couldn’t be real. He glanced up, and… wtf? It was Eddie, apart from it wasn’t Eddie. This dude looked more like Eddie’s ghost. Steve’s eyes fluttered closed.
Maybe I scored some Benzos after all, and totally ODd.
No mistaking that voice. If this was a trip, it was a good one. Steve pried an eye open, and Eddie’s hand was still there. Steve took it, let it help him to his feet, because… Why not? Suddenly, they were in each other’s arms, clasping each other tightly. This is real. You’re real!  Eddie reeked of booze, and also of something devastatingly comforting and familiar. Somebody’s wretched sobs shook through them both.
“I’m s-sorry.” Steve sounded broken. “I-I honestly don't know why I left anymore. I was such an idiot.”
“No. I was the idiot. I’m sorry, too. So very fucking sorry.” Eddie sniffed hard, lifted his tear stained cheek from Steve’s shoulder. “I’ve not been doing so good without you.”
Steve blinked the moisture from his vision. He wondered if he looked as wrecked as Eddie—red-eyed and waxy pale, under the distant glimmer of the streetlamps. Probably. If he hadn't leaned against Eddie, his legs would’ve given out again.
He laughed, without knowing why. Eddie laughed too, and it warmed Steve’s soul. “Gonna be honest, Eddie—not been doing so good without you, either.”
When Eddie got out of rehab, Steve waited on the steps of the clinic, hand stretched out to take his. He pulled Eddie close, and then into a sweet, lingering kiss that renewed Eddie more thoroughly than even a lengthy booze-free sleep.
“I’m never going through that again,” said Eddie, his lips still brushing against Steve’s.
Not least because I never ever want to be parted from you again, even for a fortnight.
“Yeah, but you’re dry, Eddie, and you’re alive. I’d say that’s goddamn metal of you.”
They started back to the car, hands still clasped tightly. “Not gonna take credit, Stevie. You’re what got me through.”
“You might’ve got me out of a fix, so we’re even.” Steve’s sigh rode on a wistful sadness. “I mean, I was so lost. Thinking of you was all that kept me… I dunno, alive, I guess. You know, I kept on thinking about that Bon Jovi song.”
“Uh, you know how I feel about Bon J—"
Too late. Steve burst into song: “Well, I'm so far away, each step that I take is on my way home. A king's ransom in dimes I'd give each night to see through this pay-phone—”
Eddie pressed fingers to his boyfriend’s parted lips. “As much as I hate cutting you off in your prime—two teensy-weensy issues. Firstly, I had no idea where you were, and you never called! Second, what’s wrong with my blood-and-death drenched lyrics?”
Steve took Eddie’s fingers and kissed them: “Hurt too much to think about them.”
“You know what, Sweetheart? Hurt too much to sing them, without you around. Even though none of them are actually love songs.” Eddie raised his gaze to the heavens, and looped his arms around Steve. “Go figure.”
“You sure they’re not love songs? C’mon—they’re all secretly about me, right? Only coded or something. I’ll crack it one day.”
Steve’s gently mocking smile destroyed him, in the best possible way. They tumbled into a French kiss, and he resigned himself willingly to the only thing that mattered: 
“And the truth is… Baby, you’re all that I need.”
Thanks for reading <3 Likes, comments and reblogs always much appreciated :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on ao3).
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shadowcatgirl09 · 1 year
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Impromptu Bonnie Week Day 3~Child Eaters
Jeremy comes flying through the door with Daniel on his heels. Just as they cross the threshold Bonnie slams the door closed. She moves to the window keeping lookout. 
"What was that?" Daniel screams hysterically. "It ate my teammates!"
"Shh!" Bonnie turns from the window watching the creature slither across but not able to enter. The creature licks her lips glancing down at Bonnie's bulging tummy. Bonnie glares right back protectively placing a hand on her stomach. She glances down at the tonic in her other hand. "I'll make this work. I have to." She scans Terah's book of spells once more for clarity on killing it.
Jeremy digs through his duffel bag. Daniel looks frantically at him and the window. "Please tell me you have something in that bag of yours that can kill that thing."
"Yeah I do." Jeremy said pulling out his crossbow. "Using myself as bait."
"No." Bonnie says firmly then her eyes get misty. "Not like...Luka did."
"Bon, you are pregnant. I'm not letting you put yourself and your baby in danger." He loads the crossbow with a bolt coated in the blood of a fae. "In the eyes of that thing I'm still considered a child. I'm perfect bait."
“I said what I said Jeremy. We go together.”
"Dude no! We really can't find another way? One that doesn't get my first crush and best friend killed?" Daniel's eyes volley between Bonnie and Jeremy.
Bonnie’s eyes widen then she looks at Jeremy with a smirk. "Well that's a revelation I wasn't expecting."
Jeremy chuckles but focuses on his task. He loads three more bolts coated in fairy blood.
Bonnie shakes up the solution made of Ephreaf sap and treant ashes. It would erode her body from the inside out if they could get her to drink it. "We only have one shot at this, are you ready? Today we're ending this."
Daniel takes a deep breath. “If you two are going to do this then y’all better comeback alive. If y’all don’t I’ll drag you two back from the afterlife myself.”
“We will.” Jeremy slings the crossbow over his shoulder. "Let's do this."
Bonnie caresses her belly. She looks up at the window, directly at the beast determined. "Afterward, whoever summoned that thing, is dying a slow painful death."
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Drabble RinBon on a morning run? Playing tag and flirting!
This is an adorable idea (*♡ω♡*)
—— =͟͟͞͞( ∩ ‘ヮ’=͟͟͞͞) ੭ु⁾⁾ ——
“You sure this isn't too early for you?" It was well past noon, and practically half a day later than Bon typically ran.
"You're lucky you're so hot."
“Says the boy with flames in his hair."
“I didn't say you were the hottest one."
Bon let out a loud and surprised laugh and gave his boyfriend a small shove. "Come on, you've stalled long enough. Let's go."
"I've stalled?!" Rin asked with an indignant flick of his tail.
Bon took off instead of answering that. He set a strong pace like he always did, enjoying the feel of wind in his face and the way moving like this always made his body feel. He liked running. He liked feeling free and fast and how anchored to his body it always left him. 
Rin caught up to him with a slight pant. Demonic strength and reflexes didn’t automatically give you a great core, which was why they were even doing this. Well, why Rin was doing this. Bon would be running anyway.
“You’re fast,” Rin panted, scowling a bit. “How’re you so fast?”
“Practice. We can’t all open a sword and suddenly get fast.” 
Rin stuck his tongue out but didn’t hold the expression long before he was gulping in some air. 
“Already winded?” Bon teased, turning to face Rin and running backwards down the clear path for a few meters.
Rin glared. “Alright, that does it. You’re too cocky for someone that doesn’t have a rooster anymore. You’re on.” 
And with that decisive statement, Rin shot forward, pressed a finger against Bon’s shoulder, bellowed “Tag! You’re it!” And took off at top speed. 
“Son of a—” Bon turned on his heel with a scowl, trying hard to hide the burst of amusement in his gut as Rin ran at top demon speed away. Bon took off after him at his own top speed, already warmed up from the short run. He managed to close some of the distance between them, but not enough to catch Rin any time soon. He’d need to change the game some.
The scowl slipped away into a proper grin. He slowed down slightly, just enough to get a deep breath, and brought his hands together. The spell fell from his lips easily, and the finishing flourish had a shield appearing right in front of Rin. His boyfriend rammed into it with a squeak, and fell right back on his ass with a yelp.
Bon shot up to him and kicked at his arm. “Tag! You’re it!”
He raced past him, veering off the path and heading for the cover of the cherry tree garden. Rin would have a harder time using that extra speed if he was in those rows. It would even out the playing field a little. 
He got a minute head start, and then he could hear Rin’s feet pounding after him. He twisted, darting for a tree, and got hit in the side by Rin. 
Bon wrapped his hand around Rin’s wrist, drawing the hand that was tagging him in and wrapping Rin up with his other arm. It resulted in them overbalancing and falling into the grass in a roll. It was a hill, not easy for running down, but fantastic for sliding down. He hugged Rin to his chest, and they went tumbling over each other, becoming a tangle of limbs as grass and leaves and dirt pulled at them and got in their mouth, and finally Rin threw out a hand and dug his nails into the dirt, slowing them down. Bon was on top of his boyfriend, a bit banged up, and in definite need of a shower and laundry. 
Rin had an adorably stunned look on his face, and there was grass all up in his hair. Bon, not quite able to help himself, bent down and pressed a kiss to Rin’s lips before hopping up and pressing his hand against Rin’s arm.
“Tag, you’re it again.” He said and ran off, laughing as Rin swore and struggled to his own feet. He kept his speed up, wondering how much time they had already spent, and booked it further down the hill and away.
It was good training if nothing else. Hills were always more dangerous to run down. He had to lean forward for balance and that never felt right, and he had to change the length of his stride, keep his arms low for better balance, and all of that went against his natural instincts.
He still managed to keep his speed up, and he was nearly at the bottom of the thing when he heard Rin gaining on him. A glance back showed Rin booking it, and alarm replaced the excitement of the race.
“Rin, don’t—”
There was a yelp, and Rin went down, once again sliding and tumbling and hurtling towards the trees at the base. Bon doubled his speed, pushing so it hurt a little, and ran after him. 
He caught up to him right as Rin collided with an old pine. He went hard, slamming into it with his side and head, and Bon’s heart leapt to his throat as he skidded to his own stop and got his hands on his boyfriend to turn him over and away from the tree.
“Rin, babe? You okay?!”
“Ow,” Rin whined, shaking his head and wincing. The spot he hit was turning into a welt rapidly. It’d be healed in a few minutes, but it still didn’t look fun. “That sucked.”
“You can’t look down like that when you’re running on a hill. It’ll make you overbalance.” 
“How are you even a nerd on running?” Rin asked, rubbing at his head and scowling a little. The welt was shrinking and the bruise on his arm was starting to look a bit old. 
“I’m not the one that fell, dumbass.” He ruffled Rin’s hair, grinning a bit at the pine needles now stuck in there. “And that’s something you’re going to need to know how to do. Can’t always jump down the hill.”
Rin glared at him in mock annoyance for a moment before dragging his hand over the bark of the tree, and then pressing it against Bon’s forehead with an entirely deadpan expression. The sticky sap smeared on his skin, sticking them together momentarily until Rin pulled his hand free. 
“Tag,” he said, grinning a little, “you’re it.”
Bon sat back on his heels with a scowl. “You better run.” 
Rin got up with another cackle, and Bon chased after him.
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Friday Night
A/n: post-war Draco. Just some tooth-decaying fluff but maybe one of my favourite things I've written
"I'm home!" Draco yelled out as he closed the door to the flat.
He didn't get a reply as he put down his keys then his briefcase before taking off his loafers and untightening his tie.
Their flat was still welcoming, it had been since they brought it. All the muggle artwork Y/n brought home for them hanging on the walls and the east-facing widows always made the flat glow in the morning. It wasn't as big as the manor but it far more intimate and Draco had never felt more at home than he did here.
Now all he wanted was a hug from his girlfriend. He looked around the lounge to see if she was reading on the window seat and then the kitchen to see if she was baking as she often did. When she wasn't in any of her usual places he moved to their bedroom.
His search finally stopped when he heard the music coming through the bathroom door, accompanied by the steam. It was the same jazz music they played at a bar in London that Y/n enjoyed.
Everything in their house was so Y/n, and he had never adored anything more. Maybe her.
With a smile on his lips, he opened the door, stepped in and quickly closed it. The steam in the room flowing out the door was a sure sign that she wouldn't notice the interruption.
He took a seat on the edge of the bathtub, straightening his black suit jacket so it wouldn't crinkle as he watched her body sway in the shower. Her blurred figure was still the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
Once she spent a few more minutes humming to the music she turned the shower off, wrapped a towel around herself and opened the glass door.
"Hey, there, pretty girl." Draco's words caused her visible fright, every muscle in her body tensing as she gasped and jumped up.
"Merlin, Draco!" She squealed as she walked over and punched him on the shoulder. "I hate you."
Draco couldn't do anything but giggle at how cute she was. She didn't kiss him as she usually did each night. "No, you love me." There was no use in replying, she knew he was right.
"Don't you love this song?" Her attention flicked to the trumpet playing through her muggle speakers as she spun around, holding the towel.
"I love you," Draco replied without a second thought.
Her attention was back on him now as she walked over and put her hands on his knees, he didn't even care about her damp fingertips getting the thigh of his suit pants wet. "You're such a sap."
He saw his opportunity to lean up and connect their lips.
"Hey!" She shouted, pulling off once she'd relished in the feeling of his lips. "I wasn't going to let you have that."
All he could do was give her a knowing smirk and reach up to rest his palm on her cheek. Draco swore he could feel his heart skip a beat as she nuzzled into his palm, even after all these years.
His whole heart was on fire in the best way. "Can I take you out for dinner, baby?" He asked, usual dazzling smile.
She nodded with a grin. "If that's your way of making it up to me, then yes."
That was all she said before she walked out of the bathroom door, and pulled him along. Once she was reached their bedroom she sat him down on the bed and walked into their closet, dropping her towel on the floor.
It took everything in him not to go after her but instead, he lay down on the bed and shut his eyes. For an indefinite amount of time, he stayed there.
Until he felt a warm breath on his face, much nicer than the jump scare he gave her. As he opened his eyes and sat up he was met with her absolute beauty. "Wake up, sleepyhead." She sang to him.
"'m not 'sleep." He said, his slurred words an ode to how tired he was.
She did a quick spin for him before she climbed into his lap, wrapping her legs around him. "You're so fucking cute." He told her, brushing a few stray hairs out of her face.
Quickly, she pulled away and got off his lap. "I did my hair and my makeup and put this dress on and all you can say is I'm 'cute.'"
"You are."
She sighed, loudly but Draco pulled her into his chest and smashed their lips together.
As soon as she was relaxing into it he pulled away. "Ready to go?" He now asked, being the one to pull her out of the room this time by their connected pinky fingers. She nodded as she followed him out the door, only breaking their contact to lock the door as Draco walked over to the elevator.
When she found his pinky finger again he was staring out the window, watching the sun set and the sky turn from orange to pink.
Draco was smart. But he would never understand two things.
1. How the sun could set every dusk and still look as beautiful
2. How, every day, Y/n could still look as beautiful, maybe more
"It's absolutely resplendent." She spoke, breaking the silence that had fallen.
Draco turned to look at her as she continued to watch the sun. "Wow, look at you reading your dictionary."
"It means attractive through impressive colours." She told him with a sigh, looking annoyed.
"So...you in that yellow dress?" He asked with a wide grin. "But you're also gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, pretty, lovely, charming, delightful, sensational, astounding, elegant, magnificent and dazzling."
"Look at you reading your thesaurus." She quipped his bon mot back at him.
As smooth as ever he replied with, "And together we're going to write some amazing stories."
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lovemeleo · 4 years
Puppy Love
I’m back again with another O’Knutzy fic because I was inspired today and I love them with my whole heart. Thank you to the ever amazing @lumosinlove for her beautiful stories and fantastic characters!
Also thank you to all the lovely human beings in the discord, especially @heyitssmiller, @inloveoknutzy, and @ais-for-alex This is for you 
Ever since he was little, Logan had always wanted a dog. They never had one at the house but he saw them everywhere and made his Maman stop so he could give love and pets to every single one. 
Back in elementary school, his friend Michael had a fluffy white husky named Bandit and Logan loved him. Hours were spent laying on the floor at Michael’s house next to Bandit, his face pressed into the dog’s soft fur. When Michael moved away, Logan was a mess. He cried into his mother’s arms as the truck left the neighborhood, and she assured him that he would see Michael again. Logan wasn’t crying for him though, but for the pup they took with them. 
When he moved in with the Dumais’, part of him hoped to convince the family to get a dog. After all, dogs were great for families, and they’d be good to help teach the kids how to be, responsible and take care of something. Logan brought up these points to Dumo in the locker room when they were heading home from the rink, only to receive the heartbreaking news: Marc was allergic. While he could be around dogs for short periods of time, to have one in the house would have him miserable, nose running and eyes puffy. 
As much as he loved dogs, it seemed as though it just wasn’t meant to be. 
By the time, Logan moved in with his boys, he had given up on his dog dream. They both knew how much he loved them, how could they not see it? Walking through the park, Logan had to stop and pet every dog they passed, after asking the owner for permission of course. His favorite social media accounts were all dog related, and he would often be seen scrolling the pup pictures on We Rate Dogs. Today was no different. Finn had gone out an hour or so before, brunch with Alex he said. That left Leo and Logan at home.
They were sprawled on separate ends of the couch, Leo’s long legs tangled with Logan’s. Logan was on his phone, and Leo didn’t have to see the screen to know that he was looking at cute dog videos. Leo smiled softly, his thumb moving to trace around Logan’s ankle. He didn’t know it was possible to be so in love, but here he was. His two lovely boys were his everything and he knew he would burn the world for them. Which is why he needed today to go perfectly.
“I need to get out of the house,” Leo said as he sat up, gently tapping Logan’s leg. “Can we go to the park, babe?” Logan let out a groan, his head falling back onto the arm of the couch, “Walking? On an off day?” He whined, even though he was already getting up. As if Logan could ever say no to those baby blues. 
Leo smiled as he got up and started pulling on his shoes, “Don’t whine, mon chérie. It’s too nice of a day out to just be laying around inside. C’mon.” He tucked his phone and keys into his pocket before holding his hand out to Logan. Logan smiled softly as he intertwined their fingers, Leo pressing a kiss to his knuckles as he led them out the door.
The park was only a block away from their apartment, and they loved to go there. There were trails throughout the park with trees and flowers everywhere. It was also the perfect place for a surprise. 
Leo led the way down their usual trail, which had a little clearing at the end with benches and picnic tables. There were a few people scattered around the tables, but of course, one stuck out the most to Logan. Sitting at the farthest table was a guy in a hoodie facing away from them, but of course, the guy wasn’t what caught his attention. On the grass next to the guy was a happy ball of fluff, tail wagging crazily as it pounced on the man’s shoes. He was a husky.
“Oh my god!” Logan let out a soft squeal as he saw the pup, “Knutty babe, I’ve gotta pet him.” He said, looking up at Leo, who bit back a smile. “Go on then.” Leo hadn’t even finished his sentence before he ran over the pup trying to meet him halfway, “Can I pet your dog please?” He said, hands already reaching out. The man didn’t turn from where he was staring ahead, just nodding an okay.
Logan quickly nuzzled into the pup’s soft fur as he attacked his face with slobbery kisses, “Oh mon dieu, quel bon petit bébé! Une telle chérie!” He murmured, scratching behind the little puppy's ears. Leo crouched down next to Logan, rubbing at his tummy. He tried to hide his smile as he watched his boyfriend turn into a pile of goo at the sight of the little dog. “What’s his name?” Logan asked, his eyes flickering up to the man again before he looked back down to the puppy who was now sprawled in his lap, his face nuzzling into Logan’s soft Lions hoodie.
“I think that’s for you to decide, Lo.” The man said, making Logan’s head snap up. 
Sitting at the table was Finn, a massive grin on his face as he finally turned around to finally look at his boys. “Wait. Wait, non. Non!” Logan’s eyes immediately filled with tears as he looked between his boys, oh his lovely, lovely boys. 
“He’s ours, baby.” Leo said with a smile, as Finn joined them on the grass. The pup looked up at Logan, his little tongue hanging out of his mouth. It looked like he was smiling. Of course, Logan burst into tears, his hand came up to cover his mouth. 
“Aw, Lo! Don’t cry, sweetheart!” Finn quickly pulled Logan close, pressing kisses into his hair as he tried to hold him without crushing the do- their dog. He smiled at Leo as they sat on either side of Logan, pressing kisses into his hair. “You’ve gotta name him, Tremzy. Look at him all cute and nameless.” Leo said, leaning forward to look at their pup. 
“He’s got your eyes, Nutter Butter.” Logan murmured, as he wiped his face before intertwining his fingers back into the fur of their puppy. THEIR PUPPY. He had a PUPPY! He squeezed the pup to his chest gently, as a bright grin appeared on his face.
“I think… I think we should name him Gryff. Y’know.. Like Gryffindor. And it’s where we all met. And he’s our baby and should be named after something important to all of us and-” Logan cut off as Leo pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re rambling babe,” Leo said with a smile as he pulled away, “but I love Gryff. Think it’s perfect.” 
Finn sniffled from next to them, “You guys are such saps.” He mumbled, wiping at his eyes. Logan smiled, pulling him in for a quick kiss as well. 
“I love you both so much.”  He murmured, his eyes flickering between the other two boys. They quickly attacked him with kisses, murmuring their love for him as they pressed kisses all over his face.
Logan didn’t know what he did to deserve this life, but he was forever thankful for it. He had all he needed in the world: hockey, his puppy and his amazing lovely boys.
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Love and gratitude to the Yiga scribe ❤️I am another person who finds comfort in imagining Sooga taking care of me. I've been a bit crushed by some events today. Any chance I could get a little something of Kohga just.... breaking down in tears over something and Sooga comforting him with tea and hugs? No rush, it will be worth waiting (and smiling) for ❤️
I was gonna wait on this one in favor of something else rather saucy, but you sound like you kinda need it, so let’s go!
“Nope. Nope. Fuck you, fuck this, go to hell.”
Sooga was just sitting there in meditation, with Kohga reading his new book, when he suddenly threw his book on the floor, pouting something fierce. Sooga looked at him from his spot on the floor (Kohga always had the bed, while Sooga preferred a small cushion in the corner of the room), clearly concerned.
“Master Kohga? What happened?”
“Celtra is a BITCH! She comes in here, after YEARS of not being in Burlon’s life, and just? Steals my girl’s man? And what she did to Bon Bon?! I CAN’T!”
He watched as Kohga flopped face first onto his bed, banging his fists on the pillows. Kohga always got rather invested in his books, and Sooga thought to leave him be, when he noticed there was sniffing. Master Kohga was...crying? Oh no. He got up from his spot, and walked out of the room. He knew exactly what he needed. As always, a little snack, and some tea, did a world of wonders. Hell, he made it himself (the tea, not the cookies. His were always too hard). He brought it back to the room, lightly nudging Kohga.
“I brought you tea and cookies.”
Kohga sniffed again, hugging that pillow for dear life. Sooga sighed, put the tray on the nightstand, and sat down on the bed.
“Master Kohga? Can you please tell me what exactly upsets you? You know it hurts my heart to see you upset, even for just a moment.”
Kohga got up, wiping his mask with the back of his hand.
“You wouldn’t even get it if I told you, Sooga.”
“But you’d feel better explaining it. I’d like to try.”
Sooga hoisted him onto his lap, and rested his chin on his Master’s chin. That seemed to give him permission to cry a bit more, making it a BIT hard to hear him, but Sooga didn’t care in the slightest.
“Okay so. Celtra is the lost mother of Burlon right? She got rid of her because she like, grew up poor. So she finds her again when she gets to be an adult, and gets super jealous that she’s in a relationship with the duke. So here she is, acting like she owns the joint, and on the day of the WEDDING, tries to off her horse! And I didn’t even know if Bon Bon survived because the book is on a cliffhanger, but dammit the part where Burlon looked into Bon Bon’s eyes...it was a lot for me honestly.”
Sooga had no clue who these people were, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that Kohga was feeling a heavy, sad emotion. Sooga wrapped his arms tightly around Kohga, making sure he felt nice and snuggly.
“I don’t fully understand, but I do in fact hope...I’m sorry what was the horse’s name again?”
“Bon Bon.”
“Yes, Bon Bon. I hope Bon Bon is fine.”
Kohga grumbled angrily again, even as Sooga wrapped him up in a blanket, like a burrito.
“May I ask...just why does this hurt you so?”
“Look, I’m invested in the story. That and...well. I like horses. A lot. My mother always had one, so now I take horse stuff personally. Especially Bon Bon. Bon Bon came back from the DEAD to help Burlon find her love in the Valley of Ashes, you best believe Imma care about that stupid horse.”
Sooga was getting more and more lost. But he could tell the story (as well as horses) meant something to Kohga. He leaned over, grabbed a cup of tea, and put it in his hands.
“Here. Just hold onto this for a moment. Holding onto something warm will help you relax. I’m very sorry it made you so sad.”
Sooga leaned down to peck his forehead, and Kohga’s tears seemed to have stopped, but he still pouted and sniffled.
“It helps. A little. Why you smiling?”
“I just..thought all you read was smut. I’m quite surprised to see you reading something that gave you feelings. It’s...cute.”
“What, you don’t think I have feelings?”
Kohga looked at him in accusation, and Sooga laughed a bit, shaking his head.
“No, no, not at all. I just mainly see lust from you. It’s...sweet, seeing you emote something else. You really give me more reasons to love you.”
“Such a sap, just like the damn duke.”
Kohga grumbled, pushing his face away, but very weakly. Sooga loved the small smile on his face, and it made his heart thump in his chest.
“Is the duke as love sick for...what’s her name?”
“Burlon. And yeah, he’s just as lovesick as you. Wanted to marry her since he saw her at the party. Took her forever to wear her down. Two books, actually.”
“What convinced her?”
“Bon Bon chose him.”
Sooga cocked his head a bit as Kohga sipped at his hot tea.
“Wait, the HORSE said to marry him?”
“Yeah the horse is like, magic essentially. If a horse told me to marry a guy, I know I would.”
Sooga sat there for a moment in thought, before an idea popped into his head.
“Would you marry me if I got you a horse?”
“...MAYBE. If it was a super special horse. I don’t want any run of the mill horse. I wanna make every horse jealous.”
“I can get a horse as beautiful and as lovely as you, Master Kohga.”
Sooga buried his lips in his neck, and Kohga blessed him with an honest, true laugh.
“God Sooga, knock it off! You absolute sap! Get off!”
Kohga’s laugh was worth everything. Right now, Kohga’s comfort was everything. Next?
Getting a goddamn horse.
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waywardnerd67 · 4 years
Worth the Whiskey
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Summary: Dying with the Mark of Cain changed Dean Winchester. Now parading off with Crowley, the one person who could get him to listen to reason shows back up in his life. But is seeing her enough to make him play nice? Characters: Demon!Dean Winchester, Reader Pairing: Dean x Reader (past) Warnings: Angst/Fluff Word Count: 1256 Prompt: “There’s no point running.” A/N: This is for @crashdevlin Cassie’s 3K Review-abration. Song featured in fic is “Ain’t Worth the Whiskey” by Cole Swindell.
Dean winked at the pretty little waitress who poured him another shot of whiskey. The beautiful shade of pink spread across her cheeks making the corner of his lips curl into smirk.
“Thanks sweetheart.”
His attention turned back to the poor sap on stage shouting the lyrics to Bon Jovi’s ‘Living on a Prayer’. Downing the shot in front of him, Dean grabbed signaled for another one carrying it up on stage with him. He told the DJ what song he wanted and stood up to the mic. He was feeling nostalgic for some reason and recently heard a sound that resonated with him. Well… with the old him.
“I don't care that you done me wrong. 'Cause I've already moved on. I don't care what his name is. Girl it is what it is. I won't waste a dime or the bartenders time. Trying to catch a buzz over the thought of us.”
His baritone voice flowed through the speakers surprising a few of the regulars that had heard him up on that very stage before. No, tonight there was a little more effort in his song choice. The last remaining feelings that clung to his stone cold heart coming out from his mouth.
“But I'll drink to a country song. To another long work week gone. And I'll raise my glass to a long lost buddy I ain't seen. I might stay for one more round or I might close this place down. But don't think for a second I'm out to drown your memory. Baby you ain't worth the whiskey.”
He closed his eyes, the image of her materializing. Her beautiful (Y/C/H) hair and brilliant (Y/C/E) eyes that always saw past his bullshit. His hands caressing the mic stand like it was every perfect curve of her body.
“It don't matter what your friends say. They never liked me anyway, so if they see me drunk in this bar. It ain't over a broken heart. 'Cause I'm drinkin' to a country song. To another long work week gone. And I'm raisin my glass to a long lost buddy I ain't seen. I might stay for one more round or I might close this place down. But don't think for a second I'm out to drown your memory. Baby you ain't worth the whiskey.”
As if his mind conjured the very image from his mind, Dean opened his eyes to see her standing at the bar. Her eyes piercing through what little of a soul he had left. The same black leather jacket he gave to her clung to around her body. He sang out the last bit of the song dedicated just to her.
“I might stay for one more round. Hell, I might close this place down but don't think for a second I'm out to drown your memory. No don't think for one second I'm out to drown your memory. Girl, you ain't worth the whiskey. No, baby you ain't worth the whiskey.”
He downed the shot of whiskey he held as she smirked walking towards the stage. Dean set the shot glass on the speaker as he walked off the stage towards the back hallway. If she were a mirage then he did not have to worry about her following him. On the chance she was really here after all these years then he needed to get as far away as he could. Maybe Crowley would want to meet up in another town on the other side of the country.
“There’s no point running.”
Her velvety smooth voice stopped him in his tracks. Turning to face her he flashed his best shit eat grin, “Well, well what brings a respectable, normal girl like you to the likes of this low life establishment?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “You know exactly why I’m here. Sam called me and figured I’m the only one who could knock some sense into your dumb demon ass.”
For a moment fiery rage followed throughout his veins and the mark burned on his arm, “I’d watched what you say sweetheart. I won’t hesitate to hurt you.” His hand twitched towards the vibrating bone blade resting at his lower back.
“Awe, don’t tease a girl with a good time if you’re not willing to fulfill that promise. Me, on the other hand, can promise you all kinds of fun once you’re in these.” She held up the demon cuffs courtesy of his little brother.
He chuckled walking towards her, “You’ve been out of the game too long to wrestle with the likes of me. I’m not just a low life demon. I’m a Knight of Hell baby.”
He flashed his coal black eyes at her to get her to flinch. When she stepped closer to him not even reacting to his new dark eyes, Dean knew he was in a world of trouble.
She snaked her hand up into his hair pulling it roughly, “Oh pretty boy if you only knew what I’ve been doing with my time. Knight of Hell, cute. Try an Archangel of the Lord.”
Dean’s eyes widened as her dark shadowy wings branched out from her shoulders and blinding light surrounded them. All the years they had hunted together, slept together and he never knew.
“H-How… Did you keep this from me? From Sam and Cas?”
She smiled, “I’ll tell you all about my orders from Heaven after you’re a good little Knight of Hell and put the cuffs on.”
The mark burned hotter against his skin and the donkey jaw was shaking violently. He shoved her grabbing his weapon and narrowing his black eyes at her.
“I don’t think so sweetheart.”
She tilted her head to the side with a grin, “Fine. Have it your way.”
Dean’s eyes slowly opened as his head throbbed. Trying to move his arms or legs finding they were bound to a chair. He looked around the familiar dungeon that hid away in the Men of Letters bunker. He could still feel the mark’s power flowing through his veins and the darkness of succumbing to the mark still resting within him.
Looking up he found Sam with his arm in a sling, Cas looking exhausted and (Y/N) casually sitting at a table with her boot covered feet resting on the top of it.
“I don’t remember RSVPing to a reunion. Hiya Sammy.”
(Y/N) got up walking towards him and sitting across his lap, “The reunion is yet to come. Sam is going to perform the cleansing ritual and you’re going to allow him too.”
“Oh I am? Please do tell me, why am I going to let him turn me back into some pathetic, weak human again?” He bared his teeth at her as his eyes slowly turned to black.
She leaned in brushing her nose against his, “Because if not then I’m going to smite your demon ass into dust. If you think I’m joking then ask Castiel how I’ve been spending my time away from you.”
He growled as she got up walking past Sam and Cas but stopping at the door. “I want my Dean back so I can tell him the truth. If my Dean is truly lost to this world then your meatsuit means nothing to me. I will search all of Hell and Heaven to get my Dean back.”
He watched her walk out of the room and a small pang of heartache sparked a light in the pit of darkness consuming his soul.  
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @ladywinchester1967 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @deans-baby-momma @spnbaby-67 @dean-winchesters-bacon @carryonmywaywardcaptain @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31 @srsllydunnodoncare @whimsicalrobots @thisismysecrethappyplace @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @adoptdontshoppets @mrswhozeewhatsis @bella-ca @drakelover78 @imascio08 @pisces-cutie @dwgrl1903-blog @mannls @the-salty-asian @winchesterprincessbride @xostephanie @superromijn @witch-of-letters @time-travel-bouqet @screechingartisancashbailiff @myinconnelly1 @sister-winchesters99 @thekatherinewinchester @maddiepants @tumbler-tidbits @sandlee44 @destielhoneybee @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @thefaithfulwriter @stoneyggirl @supernaturalginger @emoryhemsworth @wednesdayismyfunday @team-free-will-you-idjiot @atc74 @cosicas-cuquis @casseythebee @miraclesoflove​
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themangledsans0508 · 3 years
Entering the Dungeon because Bonnie said so
Read on Ao3
Summary: Marceline came to Bonnie's aide when she called for Finn and Jake. She didn't expect to be going down a hundred floors while dealing with a shady princess.
Basically, I played Enter the Dungeon over the past two weeks and I have been writing this since the second night of playtime. Trying to write things before I forget them and it is following the canon of the game with some creative liabilities taken.
Words: 3616, Oneshot
Warnings: General Depictions of Violence
Characters: Bonnibel Bubblegum, Marceline Abadeer, Flame Princess
Ships: bubbline
Additional Tags: quests, dungeons, childhood trauma, swearing, adventure, conflict, kind of resolved kind of not, I feel like marcy and phoebe would have a neat dynamic, I've never seen them interact so, some of these scenes were legit my reaction, see: screaming
"Well, it looks like Ice King will be hanging around the Candy Kingdom now," Bonnie sighed. Marceline glanced at the dark entrance to the dungeon and shrugged.
"It's better than down there. At least up here, he can't get hurt," she decided. Bonnie looked at the hole as well and then back to Marceline.
"Marcy, I think you should let the boys handle this one," she stated seriously. Marceline shifted the umbrella in her grip and unfolded her legs to touch the ground.
"Why? I'll be fine."
"Well, asides from the fact that you have been returning up here frequently covered in wounds and the fact that Death is seemingly hunting you down, those aren't just any ancient ruins down there."
"How bad can it be?"
"Mushroom war. If my associations are correct from the information you've given me, then the same city you used to live in” Marceline stiffened. "Finn and Jake can deal with this, you just take a breather, okay?"
"No," Marceline shook her head. "I can take care of it. Just some old relics, nothing a woman like me can't face." Bonnie eyed her warily.
"If you're sure," she said slowly. "Please be careful."
"Send me down, Bonnibel."
"What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck!" Marceline shrieked.
"Marcy are you okay?" Bonnie's crackly voice asked, her projection appearing from the holo-pendant. Marceline leaned against the stone wall, her breathing heavy staring at her punctured legs that were bleeding.
"Just fine," she said sarcastically. "Almost got staked by some rusty metal pipes. Bonnie, this is post-war technology. What did you do?"
"I have important research down there, I had to defend it at least a little bit."
"The thousands of lost souls weren't enough?"
“It’s to protect it from them,” Bonnie snapped. “If these criminals got their hands on it, the Candy Kingdom would be in danger.”
“Oh, yeah, if the political prisoners found evidence you were a corrupt leader then you’d be overthrown.”
“It’s a real threat!” Marceline rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. I wished my healing worked down here.”
“Bodily magic doesn’t work because some of those creatures down there have natural magical prowess.”
“Too bad that there are tons of magic weapons down here.” The spikes retreated and Marceline pushed herself up, floating slowly around with her axe prone and ready. “What about the plants?”
“They’ve mutated to become immune to the limitation,” Bonnie explained.
“Speaking of plants, there’s one now.”
Marceline felt the wind leave her body as she was knocked against the wall, the deer’s antlers puncturing her legs and it licked her.
“Gross! Back off!” She kicked the deer’s underbelly and pushed it off her, slamming her axe down on the deer’s neck. She shakily stood up and was grabbed, a muzzle rubbing against her neck. She hissed as she felt new instincts override her other ones. She pushed herself up and slid under the wolf, standing up to hit it with the neck of her bass causing it to recoil. She slashed across its chest and took a deep breath, stumbling towards the stairwell.
She watched as a green portal opened and Death stepped out, a brown satchel on his waist and he tipped his cap towards her.
“I see you,” he said and Marceline braced herself, taking in the area and how much space she had. She dashed to the left and hugged the wall, growling when she felt skeletal fingers wrap around her forearm. She was jerked backwards and she felt Death’s skull touch her cheek. She could practically feel the energy drained from her as she struggled before she finally got her arm out of his grasp.
She dived for the stairs and fell down them, at the bottom turning back to look. Death stood at the top and made finger guns towards her.
“Kiss of Death, baby.”
“Fuck you,” Marceline hissed.
“Bonnibel, how did you get lava down there,” Marceline asked as she watched the wounds heal. Bonnie handed her a vial of a purple liquid that she drank, whatever cursed her fading away.
“Various tunnels and educated usage of pressure and-”
“It was more rhetorical. But I did get burned. And stabbed. And shot. And kissed without my consent.”
“What? Who kissed you?” Bonnie exclaimed.
“Death. He was blocking the stairs so I tried to duke him but he caught me. I did manage to get down the stairs though.” Marceline tapped her cheek in the spot that Bonnie assumed she was kissed. “Good thing I’m already dead.”
“Death shouldn’t be hanging around in the dungeon,” Bonnie muttered. “It’s interfering with the mortal realm and not allowing the natural flow to keep order.”
“Well, you’re throwing people in a dungeon and barring magic. That messes with the natural flow,” Marceline pointed out.
“Shut up,” Bonnie snapped. “Have you found any signs of the hoomans?”
“None. I’m going to head back down though, I’ll find them.” Bonnie grabbed her wrist and locked eyes with her.
“Marceline, you’re getting close to a bad place. A place that you were nine-hundred ninety-nine years ago. I really think you should stay up here this time."
"Bonnibel, it will be fine. Send me down."
Marceline stared at the ruined food truck, a flood of emotions overwhelming her. She listened to the sea of growling and heard a soft humming mixed in. She picked up a rock and threw it at the truck, the old voice box still working. The red siren turned on, illuminating the maze in red light. Her breathing became unsteady and rapid when the oozers began to glow, and she spotted a hooman among them. The hooman saw her as well and started happily skipping towards her.
She took out her axe and started swinging at the oozers, their green insides spilling out onto the ground. When the hooman was close enough, she grabbed her wrist and bolted, bringing her to the fence and kicking open the gate. She looked over at Susan’s grateful face and to the entrance of the maze and sighed.
“I’m booked for this, aren’t I?”
“Marceline! Marceline are you okay?” Bonnie grabbed her arm and started looking over her body, circling her and checking over the exposed skin and where the clothes were ripped.
“Bonnie, I’m fine. I can’t believe they’re still down there.” Bonnie stopped and stepped back.
“I couldn’t get rid of them. If that green goop even touches you that’s it. I just thought if I buried them then that would be the end of it. How the hoomans even got down there I don’t know.”
“Probably something to do with that buff cat chick,” Marceline jabbed her thumb towards Susan.
“Maybe. I’ll ask her later. But Marcy, that one got really dicey. Everyone made it out safely, but you almost didn’t. That swarm could have easily overwhelmed you. Can you please let Finn and Jake take care of this? I really don’t want you to get hurt.”
“And I don’t want them to get hurt,” Marceline mumbled. “I’m the best choice for this. I can teleport back to the surface, I know how to fight, I’ve been in all these places before. Plus I can literally eat the red bullets.”
“If you insist,” Bonnie sighed. She pulled her necklace and started fiddling with it. “What floor?”
“Marce, that one was close. This is the seventh time,” Bonnie scolded. Marceline shrugged and leaned on her.
“I’m exhausted,” she complained. “Magic Man hit me with some bullshit.”
“A strength-sapping spell,” Bonnie murmured. She pulled a herb out of her bag and placed it on top of Marceline’s head. “Stand still,” she instructed and counted under her breath before removing it. “You need to rest for at least three hours.”
“No,” she slurred, backing up and swaying on her feet. “I can keep going. I just…” She started falling forward and Bonnie caught her, sighing.
“Will you just go take a nap or something?” she asked. Marceline groaned.
“Don’t let anyone else go in there. I can deal with this myself,” she ordered and Bonnie pushed her back, keeping one hand on Marceline’s shoulder and crossing over her chest.
“Cross my heart,” Bonnie smiled. Marceline raised her umbrella in the air.
“I am going to the corner,” she announced and wandered off towards Choose Goose.
“Marceline, things are looking really dangerous. You keep having to retreat back up here,” Bonnie said softly. Marceline shrugged.
“Whatever, I’m still making it out,” she stated. Bonnie crossed her arms.
“You almost aren’t,” Bonnie scolded. “Do you want some help?”
“Bonnibel Bubblegum fighting in a dungeon? I don’t know.” Bonnie rolled her eyes.
“No, a token per se. Something that’ll protect you.” Marceline shook her head aggressively.
“No. I don’t need any help. None! Send me down!”
“If you say so,” Bonnie sighed.
“Will you accept my offer now?” Bonnie asked, placing her hands on her hips. Marceline put a hand on her forehead and clenched her jaw.
“Fine. Yes. What do you have.”
“Pep-but! Grab the sweater!” Bonnie called. Peppermint Butler came running with a knitted pink sweater folded in his arms. “Thanks, Peps. Marcy, arms up.” She took the sweater from his arms and held it. Marceline used her free hand to motion towards herself.
“You have telekinesis.”
“Oh, yeah.” She let the umbrella float above her slightly higher and she raised her arms. Bonnie slid it carefully over her head and adjusted her collar. Marceline scratched at it.
“This is tight, Bons,” Marceline complained. Bonnie smiled shyly.
“It’s made of the strongest magic out there,” she said quietly. Marceline quirked an eyebrow.
“O-kay. I thought you thought magic was a sham.” She tugged at the hem of it and frowned, her eyes narrowing at Bonnie. “Why can’t I take it off?”
“Well, you see, I had a feeling you might try to take it off, and for your own safety, I may have had it engineered so that you couldn’t take it off until you were in a sound state. Since you’re going back in, it recognizes that you are going to be in harm’s way.”
“I should have known there’d be a catch,” Marceline grumbled.
“It’s in your best interest,” Bonnie stated.
“That doesn’t make it right. Look, I’m just going back down. I’m getting to the bottom of this.”
Marceline carefully pulled the pink sweater over her head and slid it over the umbrella handle.
“I’m not putting that back on,” she growled and sighed. “Everything is covered in your gum down there, you’ve been having fun without me? And since when did you have a giant pink cat thing and a huge gryphon eagle thing?”
“Goliad and Stormo? I’m glad they’re still balancing each other out.”
“I’m not getting an explanation? I should’ve expected that.”
“Also, I’m sorry but your corner is occupied now. I thought you could all use a break from the dungeon and while you may not enjoy the opportunity, the Nightosphere offered a challenge for anyone who felt so inclined. Maybe while everyone does that you can rest?”
“Why are you pushing me to slow down? I’m in my groove right now. You’re not my mom,” Marceline snapped.
“I’m not trying to be your mom! I care about you and I’m worried you’re pushing yourself too hard!”
“Well geez, it’s nice of you to care after all this time! I know my limits! I’ll show you! I’m going to the Nightosphere!”
“Don’t come after me,” she snapped and stalked off. Bonnie hugged herself and grimaced.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Are you going to calm down now?” Bonnie asked. Marceline kicked the dirt angrily.
“No. But I think I give up for now. That whole jam is ridiculous. There’s so much going on at once. I think the normal chaos is what I prefer right now. You know, I think it’d be cool if you came down too.” Bonnie shifted uncomfortably.
“Someone needs to stand guard here.” Marceline motioned towards the banana guards to either side.
“Found two,” she pointed out.
“It has to be me,” Bonnie insisted. She leaned over and whispered so only Marceline could hear. “You know how incompetent these guys can be.”
“Whatever you say P-Bubs.”
“So, how’d Flame Princess get locked down there, in the lab that belongs to you trapped in a machine you made.” Bonnie shrugged.
“No idea.”
“You can’t keep trying to ruin Finn’s relationship, girl. It’s an unhealthy obsession.”
“It’s not an obsession, it’s a coincidence! It’s a coincidence that she got trapped in my machinery
“You aren’t confirming it or denying it.”
"I don't need to. I'm not that cruel a woman that I would trap a child for a science experiment."
"Don't." Bonnie held a finger out to stop Marceline from continuing. "There's no reason for me to lock Flame Princess up, especially when she herself is the biggest threat to the Candy Kingdom. It isn't wise to poke the bear with a stick, you know what I mean?"
“Yeah, I guess. She really wants to join the travel party now, so she might still be gunning to destroy the kingdom.” Bonnie placed a nervous hand on her cheek and glanced warily towards Flame Princess, who appeared to be trying to explain something to Finn.
“Could you keep an eye on her?” Bonnie asked.
“I’m not a babysitter,” Marceline snapped and sighed, “but yeah, I guess. I’d rather all of Ooo not be lit on fire. I’ll take her with me.” Bonnie smiled gratefully. “Anything I need?”
“I recommend a fire-resistance charm, in case you get caught in the crossfire.” Marceline nodded and dropped some gold in her hand. “I’ll use the charm, and that armour Finn hates too. Also, let Flame Princess use whatever token she wants, I don’t care.”
“Flame Princess! Marceline wants you to come with her!” Bubblegum shouted and the teen came running, small fires dotting her every step.
“That was exhilarating! So many things happening at once, so many creatures and questions! I knew that Bubblegum was no good!” Phoebe exclaimed.
“Hey, cut her some slack. She’s been at this for a long time,” Marceline growled. Flame Princess looked at her in confusion.
“You can’t honestly look at all this and tell me she’s not evil or at least bad. Look at all this stuff! Living beings forced to stay down here to the rest of their lives. Why? Is what they did really bad enough to deserve this?”
“Yes!” Marceline snapped. “And you don’t know Bonnie like I do.”
“Well, how do you know her so well?”
“I know her so well because-”
“You have done well to come this far,” A voice echoed, startling both girls. Marceline and Phoebe both looked to the speaker.
“Bonnie? What are you doing all the way down here?” Marceline asked.
“Something evil I bet,” Phoebe spat and Marceline whacked the back of her head, ignoring the burning sensation. Bonnibel frowned.
“This is my dungeon,” she said plainly. “And this room is the bottom of it. So, great job! You can go home now, back to the surface or whatever.”
“I don’t think so. There’s probably something in here that you’re hiding,” Phoebe hissed. Marceline raised an eyebrow.
“This doesn’t make sense. What’s down here, Peebs?” Bonnie chuckled nervously.
“Nothing! This is the bottom. That’s it. But just to be safe,” she glared discreetly at Phoebe “I need you to promise me you will not touch my desk back there. It has important research on it that you could mess up. This could be your final quest in this adventure, just promise me. Royal promise. No touchies.”
“I’m not promising anything,” Marceline insisted. Bonnie shook her head.
“You have to.”
“Fine! Whatever!” Marceline threw up her arms in defeat. Bonnie smiled. It wasn’t one of her normal smiles, not one of the ones Marceline was used to. It was empty and cold. Her eyes were unreadable.
“I think we’re done here then. Thank you for solving the mystery.” Marceline looked her up and down and walked past her, looking down at the table. Phoebe walked up beside her and glanced at Marceline.
“These papers are unreadable,” she whispered. Marceline absentmindedly picked up one of the papers, seeing the words were faded and the pictures were half-erased. Then the wall in front of them opened, showing a dark pink gum tunnel.
“Are you serious? What the fuck is wrong with you! Where does this even go?” Marceline shouted. She spun around to face Bonnibel and scowled at the expression on her face. An expression she hadn’t seen in centuries, since they had broken up. Her eyes were narrowed and she had a slight frown. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her and she straightened her back to look at them like she was above them.
You’ll never know where it goes,” she said slowly, “you broke a royal promise. And you know what that means. I’m sorry girls, it’s business.” Marceline saw out of the corner of her eye a fireball that Phoebe had thrown before they both teleported above the kingdom, standing on a cotton candy cloud and looking up at the Gumball Guardians.
“I told you,” Phoebe shouted. Marceline growled and readied her axe.
“Well, at least I’ll get a metal song out of this,” Marceline mumbled. Phoebe scoffed.
“You’re thinking about music? I’m thinking about revolution!” Her hands lit up and she prepared to attack before Bonnibel ran out in front of them.
“Wait! You don’t understand! I know this thing looks like a monster, but you have to listen to me! It doesn’t want to hurt you! It just-” A gum tentacle swung out and grabbed her, causing both Marceline and Phoebe to jump back.
“Bonnie! You’re not getting out of this that easily!” She lunged forward only to get hit in the face with a metal ball, knocking her back. Phoebe dragged her to her feet.
“Think smart!” She barked.
Marceline was angry at Bubblegum, but seeing everyone else rail on her for something she herself had done as well, made her get a bit protective. She’d deal with the lying later.
“Wouldn’t you lie to protect your weird old parents too?” Marceline snapped. She floated down and wrapped her arms around Bonnie’s shoulders, glaring at the entire crew. She glanced at Bonnie for a split second and saw her small smile and she flashed one back. She was still holding her when the mass of gum began to separate.
“Thanks for helping me out, I do wish you could’ve done it without killing my parents though,” Bonnie said. Marceline raised an eyebrow.
“They aren’t dead. We can go catch them if you want.”
“No, no. They’ll come back if they want,” Bonnie sighed. “Marceline, come inside. I want to speak with you privately.”
“Okay, sure.” Marceline followed her up the candy steps and through the winding halls, ending in Bonnie’s room. She motioned towards the bed.
“Sit down,” she ordered and Marceline obliged, sitting down with her arms crossed. “I want to apologise to you.”
“For what? For sending me on a wild goose chase? For trying to get your gumball guardians to murder me? For lying to me and tricking me? For literally putting all of us in mortal danger? Which one is it?” Marceline snarled. Bonnie winced.
“All of that, listen, Marceline, I didn’t want to do all that! But responsibility demands sacrifice and the cost kept escalating. I didn’t expect it to get so out of hand before it was already there. I was running out of ways to stop you.”
“Maybe the best way to have stopped me would have been to tell the truth? Did you ever consider that?” Marceline snapped. “Everyone could have died, get that through your thick skull! All of us could have died!” She stood up and sat back down, pinching the bridge of her nose and taking deep breaths. “I don’t even know how long it’s been, all I know is you haven’t changed a bit. You put your own pride over the actual lives of other people.”
“No, Bonnie, listen. It’s been like this for centuries. It’s exhausting. I had thought you were different now. I really did. But I guess old habits die hard.”
“I’m trying to change. I really am Marcy. I just- I was scared. You know what it’s like to have to face the potential of losing your parents. You know what it’s like to lose them. I don’t. I just had to come head-to-head with it today. It’s not okay that I did all that, but I panicked,” Bonnie rambled. Marceline stood up and shook her head.
“I’m going home. I have a killer headache and I’m tired. I got up to come help and I did, so my job’s done.” She rubbed her temple and walked to the door, reaching for the handle only for her hand to be grabbed.
“I’m sorry. I want you to know that. I really am sorry.” She hesitated. She looked to Bonnie and inhaled sharply. She did look remorseful, but sometimes remorse was not enough.
“Sorry doesn’t fix this,” she mumbled. Bonnie looked away.
“I understand.” She quickly hugged Marceline and backed away, walking to filter through her closet. “It’s okay if you never forgive me. I wouldn’t blame you.”
“I’ve forgiven you for worse,” Marceline stated. “But this one will take me a bit. I’ll text you eventually.” She strolled out and narrowly avoided Peppermint Butler who was coming into the room, getting called some harsh words as she opened her umbrella to make her way home.
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ashleyfanfic · 4 years
Jon/Dany - 9 ❤️🖤❤️
9. “Are you tired? Come on, let's go to sleep.”
Another drabble for you guys. I hope you like it. Yes, Dany is a Swiftie. Deal with it.��
Jon entered the living room from the kitchen and found Daenerys spread out on the sofa, a hand thrown over her eyes to keep out the light. She’d been running since before sunrise, preparing for a big presentation at work. It was a chance to show her boss that she was excelling in these trying times of quarantine and illness. Honestly, he was feeling the weight of being bogged down with it all, too. But Dany had seemed to take it in stride. They were luckier than some, having a small back garden where they could at least feel the sun on their faces. Her presentation had gone swimmingly, from his estimation. He’d been on the other side of the table doing his own work while she had even dressed up for the Teams meeting. Her slideshow had been perfect, her ability to answer any question was something to behold. Even when her asshole associate, Ramsay Bolton, tried to embarrass her in front of their co-workers. She answered his questions in stride, not even looking at her notes. After that was done, she’d begun baking. She always baked whenever she was nervous. Now, she was lying across their sofa with Taylor Swift and Bon Iver playing in the background. There was one thing she would never admit to their friends and it was that she was a true Swiftie. He didn’t mind. He’d walked in a few times to see her dancing to the songs and it had amused him greatly. He sat on the arm of the sofa closest to her feet. He reached out and pinched her big toe. “Hey, you still alive?” She grunted. “Yes.” She lifted her head. “Did you try the sourdough I made?” “It was all I could do not to eat half of the loaf immediately. You’re killing me with all the carbs.” She rolled her eyes. “Yes, you were complaining all the way through that pan of brownies, yesterday.” He shrugged. “I didn’t say I wasn’t enjoying it. Only that you’re killing my manly figure.” She smiled and closed her eyes. “Didn’t you hear? The Dad Bod is all the rage.” “I do not have a Dad Bod,” he replied. She peeked an eye open and smiled at him. “No. You still look fantastic. It’s my ass that’s gotten bigger.” “Your ass is perfect,” he replied automatically. It was. There was no debating it. He moved to sit on the sofa and pulled her feet into his lap. He began massaging and she groaned. “You alright?” She nodded. “Nervous, still. I know I already presented but what if I didn’t do enough? What if there were holes?” “I’m sure your boss or, at least, Ramsay, would have called out holes. I don’t really know what you’re talking about, but it made sense to me. If you can make someone like me understand what you’re talking about, it had to be good enough for them.” She sighed. “You really think so?” He smiled and nodded. “Absolutely. You did fantastic.” “Thank you. It actually helped relax me, being able to look up and see your face.” “I suppose quarantine has its benefits.” She pulled her feet from his lap and moved to curl up beside him, her head resting on his shoulder as they tucked around each other. “I hate to admit that I’ve enjoyed spending this much time with you.” “Why do you hate to admit it?” “Because you might get sick of me and make me leave.” She shook her head. “Never. Do I hate it when you leave wet towels on the bed? More than I can put into words. Do I want to kick you in the shins everytime you leave beard trimmings on the sink? Yes! But I also like this. You’re the perfect cuddle buddy,” she said with a smile. “Next to Ghost. But he sheds.” He chuckled and squeezed her tighter. “I hate it when you refold my clothes.” “Not my fault you do it wrong.” He laughed full out then and she followed which then led to a yawn. “Are you tired?” She gave a nod and he sat her up then stood and held a hand out to her. “Then let’s sleep.” She put hers in his and followed him into the bedroom. “Will you shower with me in the morning?” He scoffed. “Is that an actual question?” Dany stepped into his space and wrapped her arms around his waist. “So, you’ll show off that Dad Bod?” “Say I have a Dad Bod again. I dare you,” he gruffed and cupped her face in his hands.  She grinned wide at him. “That sounds like a challenge I might want to accept.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “We’re stuck here together for a while. Might not want to poke the wolf.” “Oh, ‘the wolf’? I’m so scared,” she said softly, mocking him gently.  “Woman, don't make me bend you over my knee.” She let out a wistful sigh. “I just don’t have the energy or I would poke. Perhaps tomorrow.” She pulled out of his arms and walked into the bathroom. “And for future reference, even if you did have a Dad Bod, I’d still want to fuck you.” “Well, that’s a nice sentiment,” he said with a roll of his eyes and shucked his sweats and tossed them into the hamper. He pulled down the sheets, went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, climbed into bed, and soon she joined him, a long t-shirt hanging to mid-thigh She killed the lights and curled into his arms. She liked cuddling before she went to sleep, but right before she drifted off, she’d roll to her other side and drift off. He squeezed her hip and placed a kiss on top of her head. She had her eyes closed. “Best part of my day,” she said softly. She smiled against her hair. “You’re the best part of everything, Dany.” “Such a sap, Jon Snow.” She squeezed him a bit tighter. “I love it. I love you,” she whispered. “Love you, too.” Romance/Comfort Prompts
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intern-seraph · 4 years
i fell asleep afraid i would never wake again
in which they finally fucking kiss
has spoilers for literally everything bon ape tit
CW: death, murder, attempted murder, idiots kissing each other, fighting
Alfswen’s still not entirely sure when or how it turned into a co-sleeping arrangement. A few nights where she or Braham snuck into the other’s tent and crawled under the blanket turned into waking up every morning with her flopped over on his chest or his arm draped over her like a weighted blanket. It’s… nice. Though she’s loath to admit it, there’s something comforting about having someone there in the morning. It’s at his side that she finds herself now. He’s sound asleep, mouth half-open as he snores and his cheek smooshed flat against her bedroll.
Today, though, there’s no time to sleep in. She sits up and gently jostles his shoulder. “Rise and shine.”
He grunts and shifts away from her. “Don’ wanna.”
“We have work to do today. Things to kill, people to see…”
“Can wait. ‘M tired. Lessgo back t’sleep?”
“I’ll drag you out if I have to.”
“You can’t.”
“Oh, I certainly can. Don’t forget, I have the power of the Mists on my side.”
“I’m up, I’m up!” Braham pushes himself up on his elbows and rubs his eyes with the heel of his palm. “Gimme the rundown on the plan again?”
“Find Drakkar, corner it, beat the shit out of it.”
Alfswen rolls out from under the blanket and stretches her arms up to the roof of their tent. Their weapons lie in a pile in the corner, stacked on top of her armor and crowned with her discarded blindfold. “We should hurry and get dressed. Rytlock and Crecia won’t wait forever.”
“Bet I can get ready faster than you.”
“In your dreams.”
The Tribunes are gathered around the campfire when Braham and Alfswen emerge from the tent. Alfswen sits beside Rytlock with a wordless little nod. He cocks his head to the side, then hands her a skewered piece of meat.
“Morning, sleeping beauties. Was starting to wonder what was going on in there,” he comments.
“Braham was trying to sleep in. Don’t imply things like that, old man.” She jabs her elbow into his side.
“Eh? All I’m saying is that you two have been really cuddly lately.”
“Nothing like that is happening.” Her cheeks burn a bright gold. She chances a glance at Braham. His own face is pink and his eyes are wide. “Perhaps we’re just being friendly, Brimstone.”
Braham starts coughing. Someone nearby snickers and thumps him on the back. “Give them a break, Tribune. It’s cold out here. Canoodling isn’t the only explanation,” Arbreura drawls as she steps out of the shadows. She cocks her head at Alfswen.  “Good morning, sister dear.”
“You’re not coming.”
“I didn’t even ask!”
“You’re not coming.” Alfswen doesn’t even look up from her food. “You’re not suited for helping kill Drakkar.”
“The Commander is right,” Crecia interjects. She prods at the coals. “We won’t need a sniper for this mission.”
“Thank you, Crecia.” Alfswen sinks her teeth into her breakfast and tears a hunk away. Arbreura makes a quiet, horrified noise. Speaking through a mouthful of food, Alfswen continues, “You can stand watch at the door if y’really wanna be there.”
“I… will pass.” Arbreura turns on her heel. She pauses, then looks back over her shoulder. Her smile sobers. “Stay safe, dearie.”
“No promises.”
“You’re out of your mind. This stops now!” she shouts. She curls her hands into tight fists. Braham sets a hand on her shoulder and gives a squeeze. Her hackles raise and she snarls at Bangar. He doesn’t seem to notice or care to notice.
Instead, he smiles. It’s a prideful, terrifying grin that sends a chill down her spine. He raises Eir’s bow and nocks an arrow. “I couldn’t agree more.”
She doesn’t realize what’s happening until it hits her. The impact sends her stumbling back, her eyes wide with surprise. At first it’s a dull burn in her gut, but it builds into a searing pain that spreads out from her belly until it encompasses her whole body. She screams, hands scrabbling at where the arrow lodged itself in a blind attempt to wrench it out of her body. Rytlock and Crecia grapple her, wrestling her to the ground.
“Don’t let her take it out!”
It hurts to breathe. She gasps for air, but it feels like she’s drowning. “No. No, not… not…”
“Commander, stay with us! Focus!”
“R-Rytlock… what…”
“Focus on my voice!”
He rips off her blindfold, discarding it somewhere in the cave. Rytlock and Crecia are blurry figures, her vision shifting as she tries to stay awake. “I don’t… don’t wanna die… not…” Her mouth fills with hot sap. The world goes out of focus for a moment, then comes back. Balthazar grins down at her, face twisted with sick glee. Aurene roars behind him as she struggles against her chains. Alfswen reaches out one trembling hand as the pain in her chest turns her world black.
She kneels in front of the dias. The hatchling chirrups happily and taps her front feet on the floor.
“Aurene?” Caithe kneels beside Alfswen with a small, quizzical smile.
“Yes. That’s her name.”
“How did you come up with it?”
She cups Aurene’s head in both hands. There’s so much love in the little dragon’s eyes. She smiles and kisses the crown of her head. “I’m not sure. It just… felt right.”
Aurene coos and butts her forehead against Alfswen’s. She can’t help but laugh.
“You’ll do great things.”
Forgal smiles down at her, grim and determined. She shakes her head.
“No. No, Forgal you can’t do this. There has to be another way.”
“Kid, you need to protect these people. Get them out of here safely, okay?” He ruffles her leaves. “The dragons already took my family from me… I won’t let Zhaitan have you. I’ll give you a head start, but you need to run. Make sure to give Jormag a bloody nose for me someday, alright?”
“No, no, no!” She wants to lunge after him and hold him back, but she can feel the spirits in her body rooting her to the ground. Her breath chokes in her chest and she reaches out to stop him just as the gates shut. She screams and screams and screams and tries to force herself to follow but her legs don’t obey, they aren’t hers now and they carry her away away away to the ship and into the darkness below deck.
He’s gone. He sacrificed himself to protect others.
She tries to explain this to Ceera, tries to be gentle and understanding, but Alfswen can tell that she’s failed as soon as the grief in Ceera’s eyes turns to boiling rage and hatred. “You… you killed him!”
“I never wanted this to happen, Ceera. Tonn made his choice, though. He saved countless lives, even i—”
“Murderer!” The anger in her voice startles Alfswen enough to drive her back a step. “You killed him. You… you and your Pact.”
“That’s not… do you really think I wanted this to happen?” Her eyes well up beneath her blindfold and she grits her teeth to hold back a sob. “Do you really think I wanted Eir to die?!”
Braham stares at her, eyes wide with shock at her outburst. His mouth twists into a furious snarl. “Well maybe she would still be here if we’d moved faster, Commander.”
Alfswen freezes up. It feels like she’s choking. It takes all the strength in her to say, “You’re not the only one who lost family, Braham.”
“Hey, maybe we should all calm down for a sec here?” Rox suggests. She glances between them, raising her paws in an attempt to calm them. At this point, Alfswen can’t stop herself from crying. Hurts. It just hurts.
He’d been there when she had to kill Trahearne. He knew what she was forced to do. So then why, why..?
Braham grunts, turning his back on both women. “I’m leaving. Rox?”
Rox glances at Alfswen, wringing her paws nervously. Alfswen nods numbly at her friend. “... See ya, Boss.” Rox takes a deep breath and scampers after Braham as he stomps out of the cave.
Alone, she falls to her knees and pulls them up to her chest. The ship’s hull groans and creaks around her, amplified to a near-deafening volume. It’s loud enough that she doesn’t hear Trahearne approach her.
“Warmaster?” he whispers.
She tilts her head up. “A-am I… needed?”
“Oh.” He sits beside her and daintily removes her blindfold. Her eyes are wide and puffy and red from crying. “Oh…” He pulls her into his arms and rocks her as she sobs into his chest. “Breathe. It’ll be alright…”
“He’s gone. He’s… I can’t believe…”
“He wanted you to live, Alfswen.”
“It should have—hic!—should have been me. Why did… he do it…”
“Breathe in, breathe out…”
“I… why did he have to die?”
“You’re young. He likely believed that you have a better chance at a future.”
“I’m not… a good person. I don’t… why would he sacrifice himself for someone like me?”
Trahearne frowns, hidden by the darkness around them, and pulls her closer. “You’ll do great things. We can honor him together.”
It’s cold, and the salty sea air stings her nose when she breathes in. Her hands ball into fists, power coursing through her body. Captain Ellen Kiel motions to the mouth of the cave. Like a dog let off the leash, Alfswen rushes in. She narrowly avoids Canach’s first few traps, her spirits and the detector alerting her to each bomb. But her bloodlust overwhelms her better judgement, fuels her actions with a kind of blind fury that she sorely missed. The first bomb she sets off is poison. Her lungs scream and her stomach turns and she starts to feel a heady haze settle in.
“Is this what they sent after me?” Canach sneers. “A sapling?”
Alfswen laughs and laughs and laughs, her teeth bared in a feral grin. She slams her fist into one of the rock formations, channeling all her power both physical and magical through her arm. The stone crumbles beneath her gauntlet. “You think too highly of yourself, brother. I’m the hound that’s here to flush you out. Dead or alive, I don’t care. I’ll bring you back in pieces if I have to. I’m no sapling.”
She was a sapling once. Back in a time before Caithe, before Trahearne, before Forgal and Almorra and Canach and Marjory and Kasmeer and Braham and Taimi and the whole lot of them. A time when she was alone with herself and the voices in her head. Filled with anger and power that she couldn’t quite comprehend, she unleashed it on things that deserved her violence. She was meant to do great things, Mother said. She was built to be strong. A soldier. A dragonslayer. A godkiller.
“Why?” she whispers to the Pale Tree. “Why did I never get to be a child?”
The Avatar of the Tree cups her cheeks, wiping her tears away. “I’m sorry, my dear. I am so, so sorry.” She kisses her on the forehead, rubbing between her shoulders as she weeps. “I wish that we could change the past.”
Dull pain rouses her from her sleep. One of her hands immediately darts to her belly, groping for the shaft of an arrow that’s no longer there. She groans, attempts to sit up, fails. Warm fingers curl around her hand, tugging it away from her body. She startles for a moment, then shifts to her side with some struggle. Braham is still half-asleep when she sees him lying beside her. His eyes open slowly. They’re bleary with sleep and old tears. Without a word, he reaches over and pulls her into his side. His whole body trembles. Silence settles between them for a long, anxious moment.
“How’re you feeling?” he whispers into her hair.
“Like I just got shot with a magic arrow.” “Don’t joke about that! I was… I thought that…” His breath shudders. “We really thought you were gonna die there.”
She brings up a hand to grip at his arm. “Was it that bad..?”
“There was so much blood, Alf.”
Silence again. She shuffles closer to him. The idea of coming that close to death again…
“I was scared,” he admits. “I don’t want to lose you again.”
“You…” Her breath catches in her chest.
“I really… care about you.” He clears his throat and curls his fingers around the curve of her shoulder. She pulls away a little and looks him in the eye. He meets her gaze for a moment. Then, his face reddening, he glances down at her mouth. Back up again. “I…”
She processes his meaning after a second. Her eyes go wide, then she nods. His fingers slip between her leaves, stroking the fronds as he dips in to kiss her. She breathes out a trembling sigh through her nose and presses closer to him. The kiss is restrained, barely held back by propriety and concern for her injury. He screws his eyes shut, brow furrowing. The hand on the back of her head presses her ever closer, and his other arm wraps gently around her waist.
“Commander? Braham? Aurene said th—”
Immediately, they freeze. Alfswen is the first to move, rolling over onto her back. Braham slips a hand between her shoulders to help her sit up. Still, she leans heavily on him, the effort it took just to sit having sapped what’s left of her energy.
“Y-yes, Jhavi?” she stammers.
“I came to check in on you. Your dragon told us that you finally woke up. She was… definitely right about that. Was I interrupting?”
“No! Never! Definitely not!” Alfswen squeezes her eyes shut as if that will make herself invisible.
“Right. Well, it’s good to see you’re awake and well.” Jhavi half-grins, shaking her head. She crosses her arms. “You’ve been out for a while. We’ve set up a temporary camp here until you’re fully recovered.”
“Ah… where exactly is ‘here?’” For the first time since she came to, Alfswen takes in her surroundings. The entire… room? cavern? is made of translucent crystals that catch the light and bathe the whole area in scattered rainbows. It’s ethereal, unreal, yet familiar.
“Your dragon’s sanctum. She wants to talk to you, so we should get moving.”
“She’s not—alright, nevermind.” Alfswen moves to stand, but realizes right before careening forwards that no, she’s not ready to walk on her own by any means. Braham catches her before she hits the ground, wrapping his arm around her and holding her to his side. She groans. Being this weak… it’s unnerving. Still, she leans against him and lets him half-carry her.
She takes short naps throughout the rest of the day. Braham sits watch beside her. His warm hand never leaves hers. It’s only late in the evening that she wakes up lucid enough to hold a conversation.
“Hey, Braham… what exactly happened there? When I… yeah.”
He remains silent for a minute too long and squeezes her hand a little tighter. His face turns a deep, dusky rose. “I, uh, might’ve become the wolf.”
“You—what?!” She stares up at him wide-eyed and beaming. “You became the wolf? That’s amazing!”
“It was only for a little bit! I was just so freakin’ angry and-and then I just sorta… pop! I was the wolf!”
“I should get fatal injuries more often.” She laughs when he startles. As an apology, she places a kiss on the back of his hand. His blush worsens. “I’m proud of you. Just wish I could have seen it.”
“You’ll get a chance eventually. But no more getting shot! You literally scared the Wolf outta me!”
“I’ll try my best.” Alfswen tugs his hand, coaxing him to lie down beside her. “But no promises. You said it best way back when: I do cause chaos.”
“Way to use that against me,” he mutters. Still, he pulls her flush against him and taps the tip of his nose to hers. “No chaos for us right now. You need lots of sleep.”
“I also seem to remember a certain norn insisting that his broken leg was totally healed and he could do all the combat he wanted…”
“Shut up or I’m leaving.”
She makes a soft clicking noise in the back of her throat and nestles into his chest. “You wouldn’t.”
“... Yeah, I wouldn’t.”
“Braham?” she mumbles sleepily. The cavern is dark. Somewhere else in the Eye of the North, Aurene’s snoring. Or perhaps it’s Rytlock. It’s hard to tell the difference. Alfswen pokes him in the side. “Braham?”
Braham’s chest rumbles with a groan. He mutters something incoherent. Then, he says, “G’back t’sleep.”
“What are we now?”
His breath stills. The arm draped over her body shifts, and his hand caresses the back of her head. “Whatever you wanna be.”
“I’d like… to try out this lovey stuff.”
“Hah… so do I.” He snuffles, wiggling under their shared blanket. She can feel his lips moving against her scalp as he speaks again. “Now lessgo back t’sleep. Tired.”
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eien-no-gakusha · 5 years
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Did a quick translation of the last part of the Taisho era Eruri trilogy by TWOFRAME.  Firstly because I wanted to see what happens next & I figured I should read non-zuka things once in a while for reading practice lol.  It’s a un-proofread first draft so sorry for any mistakes.  I’ll be releasing in parts or else it’ll get long.
You can read the entire dj on TWOFRAME’s pixiv for free:  https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/71167656
[summer, cicadas chirping]
Erwin (flashback):  I love you...Do you…?
Erwin (present):  How cruel you are…
Levi:  What?
Erwin:  Morning~
Erwin (monologue):  When I asked, you couldn’t answer...
Erwin (mono):  Summer came.
Erwin:  Today’s nice, isn’t it?
Levi:  Yeah
Erwin:  In that case, want to go for a walk?  It doesn’t hurt to go out once in a while
Erwin:  What?  Surprised?
Levi:  Just taken aback you’re asking at all
Erwin:  Huh?
Levi:  Yeah, fine…
Levi:  Usually, you would just grab my hand without asking and drag me along
Erwin:  You’re too pale from staying indoors all the time.  You need more sun!
Levi:  Enough with the advice!
Erwin (mono):  I’ve been here a year yet I still did not know his name.
Erwin (mono):  His name.  His “Erwin” and me.  There’s this unbridgeable gap between his Erwin and me.  The deeper I dive, the more I want to see him at ease but...me and him...the answer I want is nothing but my wishful thinking.
Erwin (flashback):  In that case, want to go for a walk?
Erwin (mono):  In my fear, I’ve become overly cautious in my every move.  And he is such an undeniably compassionate man.  Perhaps it’s time I should come to terms with all this...the answer I’m afraid to hear…”Sorry, you’re not him.”
Erwin (mono):  But...if only he would turn to me and say “you remind me of Erwin.”  If only he would look at me affectionately just a little, even if only 1%...
Erwin:  Rain?
Erwin:  Whoa, it’s coming down fast!
Erwin:  I can’t believe that just happened...and it was completely clear earlier too…
Erwin (thinking):  Ah!  Shit, this is bad…
Erwin:  My house is nearby, do you want to come over?
Levi:  Bastard…
Levi:  I can only assume you’re more used to hotels from the state of your house
Erwin:  Well, when compared to your impeccable home…
Erwin:  Here, a towel
Erwin:  I’m aware of what this looks like...the towel is clean so no need to worry.  I usually rely on my housekeeper of an aunt for cooking and laundry, cleaning too.  Coupled with the fact I’m always at work, I’m not exactly good at hosting guests.  Ha...sounds like I’m making excuses huh?
Erwin:  You’ll catch a cold soaked as you are, here you can wear this.  It’s my shirt.
Levi:  ...and pants?
Erwin:  Unfortunately, I don’t have anything in your size.  I’m going to make some tea, make yourself at home.
Erwin (thinking):  Since I usually don’t have guests over, I have nothing to serve…
Erwin:  Sorry about the tea...it’s subpar compared to the nice stuff you serve at your place
Levi:  Don’t worry about it.
Erwin:  Here, your tea
Levi:  Thanks
Erwin (mono):  Him growing cold in my messy room that stinks of tobacco, bad tea...everything he dislikes.  Overall, nothing to be ashamed of but he’s definitely unhappy.  Despite all this, he bears with it silently.  He’s so considerate it’s cute!
Erwin (mono):  What a devious person I am.
Levi:  What are you staring at?
Erwin:  You wearing my shirt for the first time...I’m not used to it.
Erwin:  You’re still all wet.  It’ll be bad if you caught a cold.  We can’t be careless just because it’s summer.
Erwin (mono):  Ah...those eyes again…from time to time a trivial thing will spark a terribly nostalgic look in his eyes.
Erwin:  You really are a cruel man…
Levi:  What?
Erwin:  Wanna do it?
Levi:  You bastard, you’re asking before doing it now?
Erwin:  Hearing this coming from the guy who just grabs your hand and drags you along...must be shocking
Erwin:  You never show me this side of yourself
Erwin:  You’re so beautiful, I can’t resist…(1)
Levi:  You’re...hands...they’re so hot...
Erwin:  It’s not that my hands are hot, it’s your body that’s cold.
Levi:  What now?
Erwin:  I haven’t gotten an answer yet…
Erwin (mono):  Of course, I wanted to respect his wishes most of all.  But, this not insignificant passion that burns within me...I want to know it’s not one-sided.
Levi:  Forget about that already…
Erwin (mono):  It’s always me wanting him
[love scene start-o!! ^o^ most of it is intuitive but I’ve gone ahead & translated highlights such as…]
Levi:  Your mouth’s so hot on me
Erwin:  Must be the tea from before…
Levi:  Quick blabbing!
Erwin (mono):  Even if he wants me, it’s only lust.  But as long as he wants me, I’ll take whatever I can get.  Regardless if I’m sick in the head or not, I’ve certainly become pathetic.  With my heart aching, I mindlessly thrust myself into a stupor.  Willingly I descend into the darkness (1), submerging myself in the sea of oblivion.  As if consuming the poisonous sap of hemlock or being drunk on opium.
[morning after]
Erwin (mono):  As long as you’re happy, I can’t be jealous.  When you’re happy, my heart is overwhelmed with joy as well.  I have taken hold of your light wings and…[there is a tree/forest metaphor here, probably about Levi isolating himself and Erwin trying to have Levi trust him with his feelings/heart.  Too many blurry & unfamiliar kanji to be certain.  Also, Erwin may be quoting poetry.  He’s a professional writer in this universe & waxing poetic throughout his whole narration]
Erwin (mono):  In that manner, with clear voices we sang the lighthearted songs of summer.  However…
Levi:  *cough cough*
Erwin:  Are you alright?  Here, water.
Levi:  Yeah, thanks…
Erwin:  This cough has lasted longer than usual
Levi:  Just feeling sluggish, I have a cold after all.  I’ll be better soon.
Erwin (mono):  At first, though he was concerned, I thought it was just a cold
Levi:  *cough*
Erwin:  I’ll be back with water.
Erwin:  I’m back-
Levi:  ha...ha…*panting*
Erwin:  I have so much regret I could die.  Because he got soaked in the rain...everything after that summer went to hell
Levi:  Get out!  Are you deaf!?
Levi:  I’m fucking tired of seeing your face!  Get out of my sight!
Levi:  I said get out!
Levi:  Don’t even try coming back!
Levi:  Don’t come near me…!  Just get the fuck out...if you dare come back, I’ll wind up killing you first
Levi:  If you come near me, you’ll get sick too!
Erwin:  I don’t mind
Levi:  You wanna die too?  Let go!
Erwin:  That doesn’t matter
Levi:  Let go of me, already!
Erwin:  I want to stay by your side...let me stay with you…
Erwin (mono):  I was overwhelmed by an intense longing.  If this is all I can have, I would take it all and quietly leave the world with you and disappear into that dark forest
[cicadas chirping in the evening]
Erwin:  Where did he-!
Erwin:  Hey, where are you!  Answer me!
Levi:  What?
Levi:  Is something wrong?  Erwin…?  Are you ok?
Erwin:  That should be my line…
Erwin:  Looks like you’re in a good mood today
Levi:  The hell’s wrong with you?
Erwin:  Nothing
Levi:  Erwin, you’re heavy
Erwin:  Let me stay like this a little bit longer
Erwin (mono):  Though I knew I would lose him before long, there was nothing I could do.  Gradually, his weary body grew so pale he was almost transparent under the sun.  It was as if he was slowly disappearing in the light.
Erwin (mono):  And then the day finally came, when the house fell into a dreadful silence.
Erwin (mono):  It was the last day of O-Bon (2)
Levi:  I had a dream last night
Levi:  It was from before I met you, a dream of a time long past
Erwin:  Is that so?
Levi:  Forget about me and go back to Tokyo...go back to your old life.  Forget about everything here and live out your life.  From the start, the thought of leaving you, who has been by my side despite by illness, has worried me every day.  You can’t die yet.  Not now.
Erwin:  Not yet?  What kind of talk is this?  I’m by your side of my own will
Levi:  Then...when I’m gone you won’t have any reason to stay here.  This time, live on...live for your own sake
Erwin:  What are you muttering about, all of a sudden?  Please, don’t leave me.
Levi:  Erwin...thank you
[Erwin flashback]
Erwin:  Levi
Erwin (reading letter):  Come back to Tokyo already!  Niles, huh…
Erwin (mono):  I’ve been separated from Levi but...I can’t bear the thought of losing him.  This solitude is nothing.  Torture me.  Curse me.  Break me.  Make me vanish completely.  Until I forget everything.
[14 years later]
Erwin:  Camellias, huh?  How rare for for flowers to bloom now.
Erwin:  ? What strange weather we’re having…
Erwin:  Wel...come…
Levi:  Um…
Levi:  I’m looking for an anthology of poems…
Erwin (mono):  Is this an illusion?  A daydream?  That endless song has stopped.
Erwin:  Levi!
Erwin (mono):  Am I even awake right now?
Levi:  What the!?  Let go!
Erwin:  Levi…!
Levi:  Don’t touch me like you know me!
Erwin:  Levi, why are you…
Levi:  You...know me?  How do you know my name?
Erwin (mono):  Ah...How long do we have to keep repeating these new meetings, I don’t know.  But one thing’s certain.  That we will never recall our memories at the same time.
Erwin:  Levi
Erwin (mono):  Even if I have to wait an entire lifetime to regain my memories of us…
Erwin:  I’ve been waiting for you.
Erwin (mono):  No matter when, no matter what we turn out to be; I will absolutely believe in our love.
Uh...me being unable to read one specific blurry kanji throws off this whole line
Japanese Lantern Festival/Day of the Dead
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tonguetiedraven · 3 years
Fandom: Blue Exorcist/Ao No Exorcist Pairing: Bon/Rin Soulmate Au: Shared dreams until you actually get to meet. Part: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven , Twelve , Thirteen
They’d made it back to their little park. The world was turning hazy around the edges, and Bon just knew they had a handful of minutes, if that much, before one of them woke up.
“Hey,” Rin turned towards him at his quiet murmur, “I… I think I know where this is.”
Rin’s eyes went endearingly wide. “Really? Where?!”
Bon shook his head and took Rin’s hands in his own. It was dizzying to think he could actually hold the real thing soon. “I’m not gonna say, I mean, I probably can’t? But, if it is what I think, then—” he swallowed and tried to fight off the blush lighting his cheeks. It didn’t work, so he just felt too warm, and a bit sick with the mix of worry and excitement. “Can we meet here? Where we always wake up?”
Risking a glance showed Rin regarding the little grassy park-like area with a fond, excited smile. “Yeah,” Rin mused, “it’s perfect. And we both know how to get here from anywhere else.”
Bon opened his mouth to reply, or possibly tell Rin that he was crazy about him, but the entire world went shimmery and faded away as he woke up a split second before his alarm went off.
He grinned at his ceiling. He was leaving for True Cross Academy tonight. 
Several hours later saw him standing in front of a public bathroom mirror with significantly different hair, and a few new piercings. He wasn’t sure how the whole thing looked, but he liked it. At least they made him look less like his drunk father. Not that anyone should know him outside of this city. Tokyo should be far enough to get him out from under Tatsuma Suguro’s shadow.
Determined not to take a single yen from his parents, he had to go with the bus option to get to Tokyo and True Cross Academy. They managed to book an overnight trip, so they’d be arriving in the morning. They took a row near the back and crowded together as closely as they could. He didn’t want to look as nervous as he felt, but it was his first time leaving Kyoto without any of their temple members. 
All he really wanted to do was go to sleep.
Rin would have had his first day at the new job, and he'd be sad about Yukio leaving, and either of those was enough of a reason to have him wanting to go to sleep and see Rin.
Besides that, part of him wanted to tell Rin how much he meant to him. To tell him he loved him, but he also really wanted to tell him that in person. Just talking about the kiss had made his stomach go wild and his heart pound, and he had no doubt he was going to dream up some ridiculous night sky and probably reveal himself as the sap Rin undoubtedly knew him to be.
He’d be as careful as he could about what he said and try to keep a bit of distance from his soulmate. Rin was worth getting it right, and hell, they’d waited over a decade at this point, a few days, or weeks (please god, don’t let it be any longer than that) wouldn’t make too much of a difference.
There was no reason to wait. Tugging his hood up and leaning back in his seat, it only took a few minutes to fall asleep.
Bon blinked his eyes open, and felt his stomach lurch in immediate horror.  He’d never seen the sky so dark, or such huge storm clouds rolling through the sky. Something had to be terribly wrong. Horrifically wrong to cause a storm this size.
Bon’s head jerked to the side and the panic in his gut got worse when he realized Rin wasn’t by his side. A quick scan showed he wasn’t anywhere in their park. 
Lightning shot across the sky in the dangerous promise of the oncoming storm. Bon struggled to his feet and glanced around helplessly. The city was huge and there was no way to immediately find him. Rin could be anywhere, and Rin was so really fast when he wanted to be. 
Wait, last time this had happened… The old abandoned building! Rin had hid there before, maybe he was hiding there now?
Bon took off to that building, clumsy in his worry. He slipped and slid on the quickly dampening grass as the skies open up and poured over him. He was fairly certain it had never rained here. It had turned dark, thunderous, and dangerous, but the rain had never actually fallen. Now it was, and it just solidified the terror in his gut. He was soaking by the time he reached the old building, and cold through,  but they weren’t the reason he was trembling.
“Rin?!” He shoved the door open with a bang and rushed inside. It was entirely dark, but there was a strange scent in the air. Almost like smoke, but… off.
There was no answer. He took another step forward and sucked in a breath to call again, but something else caught his ear. It was barely there, but Bon could still recognize the sound of a sob.
Bon dashed ahead and towards the sound. It was coming from the same Rin had hidden in when they were kids, but now the curtains had been drawn, none of the lights were on, and it was pitch black in the room. The sobs were obviously coming from in here. The storm was now raging outside, which just added to the almost physical darkness. A kind of darkness that felt like it was pushing down on him. A kind of darkness that had never been in their dream world.
“Rin?” His voice came out in a nervous warble he couldn’t fix, “Where are ya? I can’t see.” 
“Ryuuji?” Rin’s voice was followed by a clatter, “No! Stay away!”
That was coming from the teacher’s desk. Bon took a few cautious steps forward and collided with a desk. He muffled his swear and kept moving forward. Two more desks, and he finally found the right one. He could almost see Rin’s outline against the rest of the blackness of the room, but he wasn’t sure it was Rin until he plopped down next to him. 
“No,” Rin was shaking from the force of his sobs, “I’ll hurt you—”
Bon found his arms and slid his hands up to Rin’s shoulders to tug him into an embrace. “What the hell are you talking about? You wouldn’t hurt me. You’ve never hurt me. What happened?” It had to be something horrible. He couldn’t imagine what it could be, but he needed to get Rin closer to make sure he was here. Not being able to see was just making the worry twist tight in his gut until he could hardly breathe around it. 
Despite his insistence that Bon couldn’t be near, Rin immediately curled against him. His face pressed to Bon’s chest, adding to his soaked state as he wailed into Bon’s hoodie. Rin was clinging to him. He was trembling and holding onto Bon like he would disappear if he loosened his grip at all.
He’d never heard anyone cry like this, and it was terrifying. Rin clearly didn’t have any control of himself, and if the heartbroken sounds he was making didn’t give away his anguish, the storm would. He was trembling, and each sob that wrenched its way out of his body made him spasm anew until he was gasping for air he couldn’t get between wails. 
It hurt to hear, and Bon had no idea how to make it better. Everything in him wanted to help, but he didn’t know how.
Wrapping Rin up as close as possible was a start, but it didn’t feel like enough. Not even when Rin was in his lap with his arms and legs wrapped around Bon because the sobs were still wracking his body, and nothing Bon tried seemed to help. He pressed kisses to Rin’s hair like his mom would, he rubbed Rin’s back like his dad would, he held him close like he did for Konekomaru, and none of it made the shaking stop. He couldn’t coax any words out of Rin, and he couldn’t think of anything to make whatever this horrible thing was better. So he just held him close, rocking him gently, and finally started to murmur few mantras to try and calm himself and Rin. 
He wasn’t sure which of things it was, or if it was just time, but Rin managed to get a few deeper breaths, enough that the horrible gasping sound quieted a little. Encouraged, Bon slid his hand up Rin’s back to his neck, and then into his hair.
“No—” Rin’s hands flew to cover the sides of his head, almost like he was in pain, and he curled away from Bon’s chest.
“Woah,” Bon dropped his hands back to Rin’s shoulders, “what’s wrong? Please, can you explain any of it?” He couldn’t help if he didn’t know. He needed to understand and fix whatever this was.
Rin shook his head frantically. “It was my fault, I—” he sucked in a ragged breath that sounded painful, “—I’m a monster.” His head snapped up, and for a moment Bon could see his blue eyes in the pressing darkness, they almost seemed to be flickering with fire, “He’s dead, and it’s my fault!”
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theprodigypenguin · 6 years
TCC Headcanons (part three)
Next part~ I want to dabble more in the other Potter-Weasley kids, so if/when I do a fourth part, I’m going to add some of them. I did a bit of them here, I’m really loving Fred, or the version of Fred that’s stuck in my head, but yea. I’m having fun making these, they’re pretty relaxing.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
While attending school, Scorpius had a tendency to talk to the ghosts at Hogwarts; pretty much all of them.
He even became decent friends with Myrtle and would talk to her about bullies and how to deal with them.
He's an angel honestly and even Helena Ravenclaw loves him.
When he got on the train to Hogwarts for his fifth year he gave the Trolley Witch a homemade friendship bracelet to apologize for jumping out of the train the year before.
For the next three years on the train he would talk to her and hold conversations with her whenever she stopped at his and Albus' compartment.
He learned her name and asked her to tell at least one fun story when she was with them (he especially enjoyed the stories about school-age Dumbledore, Newt Scamander sneaking animals onto the train, and the Mauraders, just everything about them).
At one point he bought candy off the trolley and gave her a piece to enjoy because she sells them all the time but she should also be able to enjoy them once in a while.
She didn't eat it of course (idk does she even eat) but she keeps it in her pocket at all times and never takes her bracelet off.
Whenever Scorpius started regularly visiting the Potter's after their fourth year he would always end up washing dishes and doing random chores simply because he's just that sweet and nice.
And Albus would end up roped into the work because Scorpius is showing him up around his parents that's not cool.
Ginny: Al can you take the trash out please?
Albus: In a minute mum.
Ginny: I bet Scorpius would take it out when I asked.
Albus: Gimme the fuckin trash bag.
Scorpius and Albus commandeered the sofa under the window in the Slytherin common room during their second year.
By then no one wanted to sit with them anyway so no one ever took their couch and didn't go near it.
Even passing dumb rumors like "if you sit there you'll be cursed as Voldemort's trump card forever" or "that sofa saps all your magic, if you sit there you'll turn into a squib like Potter".
The window looks out into the Black Lake, and Scorpius has taken to trying to communicate with the merpeople who occasionally swim up to the enchanted glass.
Mainly he communicates in pictures, drawing the merpeople and holding his sketches up to the window so the merfolk can enjoy them.
He's not as good an artist as Albus of course but he tries.
And on occasion the merpeople will leave little gifts for Scorpius sitting on the window sill just outside in the water.
Of course Scorpius can't reach them, but it makes him happy to see the little collection of rocks and snails sitting there.
During their first year, Scorpius started getting pushed into closets and locked in.
A group of older Gryffindor's (friends of James), would steal his wand and lock him in for hours until someone found him (usually Filch or Neville).
He never mentions the names of the students so they never get in trouble.
And teaches himself a bit of wandless magic so by fifth year he can open the closet door without his wand.
James is the oldest but acts like quite a goofball the majority of the time.
He has a lot of trouble telling people "no" because he likes being helpful.
He wears his heart on his sleeve and bursts with positive energy, which draws people to him.
Has a bit of trouble taking things seriously.
He has excellent grades, and becomes Captain of the Quidditch team during his fifth year at Hogwarts.
Laughing is his favorite thing to do, and can usually be heard above the roar of voices in the Great Hall during meals.
He especially enjoys making other people laugh.
Everyone who meets him likes him, even the people who don't like him seem to respect him enough to tolerate him.
He's friends with pretty much everyone, which is stressful at times because sometimes he just doesn't know who he can talk to.
Having a lot of friends is nice, but it sort of blinds him from knowing who can keep a secret and who can't, so there are very few at the school who actually KNOW the real James Potter.
Teddy is one of the only people who knows him for him, and accepts him for it, and encourages him to be exactly who he is.
One of his closest friends is his cousin and dorm-mate Fred (jr).
Goofball he may be, if James is angered, he is absolutely terrifying.
Almost scarier than his mum when she's mad (and that's fucking petrifying).
He teases his siblings and cousins to death, but honestly loves Lily and Albus more than ANYTHING in the world, and would die for them without any hesitation.
He's a Hugger™ and tends to cling to the people he embraces (basically incapable of giving a normal hug, but most people don't care).
Lily returns all of his very frequent embraces, and clings to him as much as he clings to her (they do that cute penguin walk where they sway back and forth and shuffle because they don't want to let go).
Albus, on the other hand, tries desperately to escape whenever James hugs him, so usually he ends up hugged from behind and drags James along down the hall or room trying to get away.
It never, ever works, there is no escape, so he ends up just standing or sitting with a murderous expression on his face while James snuggles him.
His hugs with Fred consist of him throwing himself into Fred's arms so he's being carried bridal style (or Fred jumps into James' arms, one of them usually ends up being carried for some reason).
Hugs with Teddy are similar to hugs with Lily, but almost more tender. He likes keeping his arms around Teddy's neck and standing on Teddy's shoes to make himself tall enough to reach his shoulders.
James and Albus used to be very close, before Albus was sorted into Slytherin, when they were younger.
They'd all fall asleep curled on the couch together.
James would give Albus piggyback rides if he ever so much as stubbed his toe.
After a nightmare Albus would toddle into James' room and cuddle with him.
He loved to cook with them, despite how terrible Albus was at it, and ate every burnt cookie they offered him.
Lily adores him honestly, and secretly, Albus does as well, because James is an amazing brother.
At one point in time, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was absolutely dominated by the Potter-Weasley clan.
James - Captain and Chaser
Rose - Chaser
Louis - Chaser
Roxanne - Beater
Fred - Beater
Hugo - Keeper
Lily - Seeker
They were one of the best teams to come from Gryffindor and didn't lose a single game.
Teddy LOVES singing.
I honestly imagine he sounds something like Nick Jonas.
He can also play any instrument that's put in front of him.
He likes covering modern muggle bands (Imagine Dragons, American Authors, Panic! At the Disco, Nick Jonas, Adam Lambert, Louis Tomlinson, The Script, One Republic, etc) but also makes his own music and enjoys older bands like ACDC, Bon Jovi, etc.
Scorpius gets along with Mrs Norris and even does his best to start up conversations with Filch.
At one point Albus, somewhat desperate, confides in Filch about people calling him a Squib and asks for advice (cuz who else would even understand).
Filch gives crappy advice though.
Teddy's "Moon Sickness" consists of mainly migraines.
They start off small but grow worse with age.
They can be so bad he vomits, gets nose bleeds, or blacks out entirely, and can remain unconscious for days at a time.
We only have three confirmed godparents but here is my complete personal take:
James - Ron and Hermione
Albus - Neville and McGonagall (that's what I fucking said 👌)
Lily - Hagrid and Luna (fucking fight me about this one I fucking dare you)
Scorpius doesn't have godparents, but Albus said they could share Neville.
Harry is Teddy's only official godparent, but he calls Ginny his God-Mum because it makes her smile.
Harry and Ginny are also Rose's godparents.
George and Angelina are Hugo's.
Percy is Fred's (junior) godfather (George felt it was absolutely necessary).
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bowandarrowgirl · 6 years
I Saw A Shooting Star (And I Thought Of You)
(read it on ao3)
(Starmora Week 2018 - Day 3: Night Confessions/Stargazing)
Title is from “All of the Stars” by Ed Sheeran! Enjoy!!
Summary: After a stressful mission, Peter and Gamora take a walk.
The mission doesn't go as planned. Rocket almost gets set on fire, Mantis almost gets shot, and Drax...well, Drax almost gets himself killed by taking on more criminals than he could handle. So, yeah. It was stressful.
However, stressful in his eyes is also a good thing. It usually meant going on long walks with Gamora, which is what they're doing now. The mission somehow brought them back to Berhert, which also brought back some unwanted memories from the two months prior. Ego. Yondu. Their fight. That was all in the past, but a remainder of it still sent a horrible feeling to their guts. Although, they did miss how beautiful the planet looked at night.
Hand-in-hand, they walk far away from the Benatar. They take in the calming nature of the forest, in a comfortable silence. At least until Peter trips over his own two feet, mesmerized by the beautiful scenery.
"Are you okay?" Gamora asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, but it's surprisingly really comfy down here." With a grunt, he rolls himself onto his back and looks up at the stars. A yawn escapes his mouth as he shifts his eyes to Gamora, who's glaring at him with her arms crossed. "I'm too tired to get up."
The woman softens her expression and playfully rolls her eyes. She stretches out her hand to him, only to get gently pulled beside him. If it wasn't for her being as exhausted as he is, she would've hesitated more than she did. And so, they lay there in silence, gazing up at the stars. "It's beautiful."
"Just like you." Peter whispers even though they were completely alone.
A soft chuckle escapes Gamora's mouth. "God, you're such a sap."
"It's true." He states, turning his head to face her. "Where do you see us, like five years from now?"
Gamora turns to lay on her side. "I don't know. I haven't really thought about the future." She looks at him in curiosity. "What about you, Peter Quill? What plans do you have up your sleeve?"
"I mean, I guess I've always had an idea." Peter explains as he mirrors Gamora's position.
"And what's that?"
"I mean, I always saw my mom moping about Ego and...you know what came of that." Gamora nods as if prompting him to continue. "But, um, she always told me these stories about everything they did together. Of course, I never forgave him for leaving, but...this is gonna sound kinda weird...I made her a promise that I'd fall in love with someone who would come back. If that makes sense?" A green hand stretches out to rub his own.
"Of course it does, but it's not weird. Not at all." She gives him a soft, sentimental smile that makes his heart beat a little faster than usual. "What else?"
Peter clears his throat. "Well, I mean, I always watched those movies and TV shows where people fall in love, and get married...even have kids..." The last part is barely audible, but it makes Gamora's smile widen a bit.
"Is that what you want?" The ex-assassin somehow subtly moved closer to him in the time they'd been talking. They're merely inches apart and Peter can count every single one of her eyelashes. "Get married and have children?"
Heat starts to radiate in Peter's cheeks as his face gets slightly more red in the dim rays of the moons. "I guess." He rubs an awkward hand on the back of his neck.
Gamora's hand slides off Peter's hand and onto his chest, looking at him through her eyelids. "And who do you plan to do this with?" It's rare to see Gamora this playful and noticing that she isn't scared of his answer, he decides to play back.
"Well, I mean, there's this girl that totally kicked my ass a few months ago. She's green and she's such a badass with her sword."
"And?" She's leaning into him.
"She's the most beautiful and caring woman I've ever met."
His heart is beating out of his chest at this point. "No matter how much shit gets thrown her way, she still has a heart of gold."
There's a slight pause as Peter thinks of what to say next. It's hard to think when you have the most dangerous, yet sexiest, woman in the galaxy, pressed up against your chest, grazing your lips with her own. "And I want to live the rest of my life with her by my side, like she is right now."
"God, you're such a sap." With that, she smashes her lips against his. Gamora rolls them both over onto his back, straddling him between his hips and continuing to passionately kiss him. "I...love you." She whispers in between kisses. It's the first time she says it, and if it wasn't for them being out in the open, it might've led somewhere else...
As soon as they break apart for air, they pull back enough to where their foreheads are still touching. Gamora pushes herself off of him enough to where she could grab his hand. She sets their intertwined hands on his chest and lays on top of them.
Peter lifts up his free hand and begins to run his fingers through her hair. After a moment of silence, she finally speaks, "If you do have children with her, what would you name them?"
"If it's a girl, probably Jovi, as in Bon Jovi, of course. If it's a boy, I don't know. Probably, Lennon, as in-"
"John Lennon." Gamora chuckles.
"What about you?"
"I don't know. I love your ideas though."
"Of course, you do." He receives a playful smack against his chest. "Yup, I deserved that."
"I don't want to go back. I'm comfortable here." The woman nuzzles further into his chest and lets out a deep sigh. Eventually, she dozes off and falls asleep on his chest and he's fine with it.
"I love you, too."
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No Rest for the Wicked
Warnings: Hellhounds, Lilith, blood, character death, angst
Word count: 1871
Parings: Dean x reader
“I don’t like this.” (Y/N) grumbled suddenly from the backseat of the Impala where she sat turning the knife they had taken from Ruby over in her hand a frown on her face. The air in the car was thick full of tension and anxiety and Bon Jovi, as they got closer and closer to New Haven Indiana it felt like the air in the car was going to suffocate her the longer they sat.
“I know you don’t sweetheart but this is our only other option and I’d rather go out with a bang than to just lie down and take it.” Dean glanced up at the rearview mirror looking at (Y/N) and she looked up at the mirror. Despite Dean’s calm bravo she could see the fear playing underneath the bravo and she knew that he was doing that for her, trying to reassure her that everything would be fine and that he would come out alive and she desperately wanted to believe that he was right but she was finding it hard to believe that or have any hope that they would.
“I would rather you not die at all.” (Y/N) mumbled looking down at the knife again before leaning forward and placing it back down on the seat between the boys.
“I second that.” Sam muttered from his seat and Dean sighed, he opened his mouth to say something else but the flashing of red and blue lights from behind them and the sound of the siren caused his mouth to snap shut. (Y/N) sat back in her seat, turning her head to look out the window as Dean pulled off to the side of the road, looking out of the corner of her eye she watched as the cop followed suit.
“We getting pulled over?” Sam asked looking over at Dean in confusion.
“I’ve got a busted tail light. It’s not like we’re in a hurry or something.” Dean grumbled as he looked out the side mirror as he rolled down the window while the cop walked up to them. (Y/N) watched the cop walk back the hairs on the back of her neck rising.
“Problem officer?” Dean asked taking the papers that Sam handed over to him, (Y/N) sat silently in the back watching.
“Licence and registration, please.” The officer said and Dean handed over the papers, (Y/N) watched as Dean’s body tensed as he did and her brow furrowed in confusion as she glanced between Dean and the Officer wondering what it was that Dean saw. She watched as Dean’s hands tightened on the steering wheel before one of them dropped to the door handle as quickly as possible while he watched the cop.
“Do you realize you have a tail-light out, Mr. Haggard?” The officer asked, Dean looked up at him his face falling and his body tensing even more if possible.
“Ah yes...yes sir. Uh....you know what I’ve been meaning to take care of that”-Dean spoke as he slowly turned his head back towards the road his eyes dodging back to look at the officer-”As a matter of fact...” Dean trialed off as he suddenly opened his door, hitting the officer in the stomach causing him to drop the papers. Dean moved quickly after that grabbing the knife off the seat and basically jumping out of the car, he was on the officer before either Sam or (Y/N) could process what was going on. (Y/N) rushed out of the car as Dean punched the officer in the face right before thrusting the knife into the officer’s jaw, Bobby’s car squealing to a stop behind the police car, but (Y/N) paid no attention to that as she watched the officer flash in surprise.
“How the fuck did you know that?” (Y/N) muttered in surprise her jaw open slightly.
“What the hell happened?” Bobby asked as he walked up to them.
“Dean just killed a demon. How’d you know?” Sam asked, Dean looked at all of them breathing heavily a worried look on his face.
“I just knew.” He responded his tone betraying how worried that he was and (Y/N) gulped wringing her hands together. “I could see it’s face, it’s real face under that one.” Dean continued and the hairs on the back of her neck rose once again. She knew exactly what was happening she had done enough research in the past year to know that Dean was starting to see through the veil, he was getting closer to death and right now she didn’t know if she wanted to throw up or cry or both.
“Come on we need to hide the body and the car.” (Y/N) said suddenly interrupting whatever conversation they may have been having. She looked at all of them feeling their eyes falling on her and all she saw was sympathy in all three pairs of eyes but more importantly the guilt and regret in Dean’s eyes. She ignored it as she walked around Dean and stooped down grabbing a hold of the cop's hand. The three of them shared a look before grabbing their respectful body parts and picked up the cops body carrying it over to the cop car and cramming it in the backseat.
~New Haven Indiana, house across the street~
“I hate this, I should be out there with them not over here with you.” (Y/N) grumbled peering out the window across the street at the group of pissed off demons who were unable to go inside the house by the holy water sprinklers.
“No you’re exactly where you should be, you shouldn’t see what’s over there besides Dean wanted you safe and you’re safe here.” Bobby said sternly glancing over at her and (Y/N) shook her head. She moved away from the window unable to watch anymore.
“I can’t stand this anymore! I need to go over there! They could need my help!” (Y/N)’s voice was slightly panicky as she began pacing back and forth her nerves getting the better of her and the feeling of unease growing in her stomach. She felt like she was going to throw up is she didn’t do something soon, Bobby stood by the window wearily watching (Y/N).
“You’re staying here and that’s final, now get back over here.” Bobby hissed at her and (Y/N) paced for a bit more before walking back over to the window peering out of it.
“What time is it?” She asked.
“Two minutes to midnight.” Bobby responded and (Y/N) bit her bottom lip her palms started sweating as she stared out the window watching, this was the break or make moment. Time seemed to slow and she wrapped an arm around her stomach the silence threatening to suffocate her, and that was when she heard it the smashing of glass and Dean’s screams. (Y/N) didn’t think before she was running towards the door tears building in her eyes.
“Dean!” She shouted her hand reaching out for the door but before she could Bobby’s arms were wrapping around her middle pulling her away from the door.
“(Y/N) don’t be stupid! You go over there you’ll be ripped to shreds.” Bobby grunted out as he struggled to pull (Y/N) away from the door.
“No! Let me go! Let me go! I have to save Dean!” (Y/N) shouted tears pooling in her eyes as her throat threatened to close on her, a lump forming there as she pushed at Bobby’s arms trying to get them off her. She had to get over there, had to save Dean, she couldn’t lose him, not him, anyone but him.
“You can’t! That’s a suicide mission! You’re not dying too!” Bobby shouted back and (Y/N) fought for a few more seconds before her entire body went limp sobs racking her. He lowered them to the ground pulling (Y/N) against him into a hug as she broke down, her heart breaking inside her as she gripped at his shirt.
“What the hell?” Bobby grumbled as he looked up at the little windows at the door watching as a bright light shown through the windows that lasted only a few seconds before disappearing, it was then followed by thick black smoke. (Y/N) pushed Bobby away while he was distracted and she was flying out the house her heart hammering and she was barely holding back sobs as she ran across the street jumping over the bodies of the poor saps the demons had been possessing.
“DEAN!” (Y/N) shouted as she ran through the door that the hellhounds had knocked down. She froze when she saw Sam kneeling by Dean’s shredded body, her hand flew to her mouth as she choked on a sob.
“No.” She whispered shaking her head as she walked forward her legs shaking threatening to give out on her. Sam looked up from Dean and over at (Y/N).
“(Y-Y/N) I’m sorry, I-I tried b-but.....” Sam’s voice trailed off as he moved to the side giving (Y/N) space as she fell to her knees by his chest.
“D-Dean?” (Y/N)’s voice shook as she reached out and grabbed his shoulders her whole body shook his sobs as she stared at him.
“D-Dean p-please not you, a-anyone b-but you!” (Y/N) shouted her hands shaking as she shook Dean slightly like she thought doing it would magically bring him back to life.
“T-This is s-some k-kind of sick j-joke i-isn’t it? Isn’t it?!” She screamed looking over at Sam who had tears running down his cheeks as he shook his head.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N).” Sam responded and she shook her head rapidly looking back at Dean her whole body shaking as more sobs tore through her.
“No. NO! NO! WAKE UP DEAN! WAKE UP!” (Y/N) shouted shaking him her throat closing, when nothing happened she collapsed on top of him sobbing into his shoulder not caring about the still warm blood soaking into her clothes. Suddenly (Y/N) screamed one of those heart wrenching screams that had all the sorrow and rage she felt inside her, her hands balled into fists as she screamed and she beat at his chest.
“It’s not fair. It’s not fair. IT’S NOT FAIR!” She screamed and slowly Bobby walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched away from his touch and he pulled his hand back before placing it on her shoulder again. When she didn’t flinch away that time he bent down and wrapped his arms around her again, carefully he pulled her away from Dean. She continued to sob.
“Sam.” Bobby said motioning with his head to Dean and Sam nodded walking over to Dean tears still streaming down his face.
“It’s not fair.” (Y/N) muttered as she tore her eyes away from Dean and turned around hugging Bobby tightly sobs still racking her body.
“I know it’s not kiddo, I know.” Bobby said as he rubbed her back watching as Sam stooped down and picked up Dean’s body carrying him out to the Impala.
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