#bond collapse
digitalguap · 8 months
Israel Rejects Ceasefire as Iran-Backed Proxy Enters the War: Unveiling the US Endgame with Exploding War Spending
Israel has decided to reject a proposed ceasefire amidst an escalating conflict, fueled by the entrance of an Iran-backed proxy into the war. In this blog post, we delve into the U.S. endgame and shed light on the implications of the exploding war spending, examining the intricate web of strategies and interests at play. Israel Rejects Ceasefire as Iran-Backed Proxy Enters the War: Unveiling the…
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number1greedlingfan · 2 months
Ed waited until the day Al could stand without crutches to finally, finally,
Kick him in the back of the knee to get revenge for constantly doing that shit when he was armor (impervious to leg buckling)
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identityquest · 1 month
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here with me
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letthewhumpbegin · 4 months
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Casino Royale (2006)
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batplushies · 2 years
thinking about Laios and Marcille... the parallels. the bait and switch.
them both having early childhood traumas that shape and influence their lives but hers being the loss of a loved one and his being the abuse him and his loved one suffered... both of them having a deep interest in something that subjects them to persecution from others... both of them growing up intensely lonely...
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mahoushojounightmares · 9 months
Hot Take (i think ???) but i enjoy Jason more when he’s at his worst like the calculating anti hero completely beyond redemption and hell bent on his ideals (MIRRORS BRUCE SO BONUS POINTS) like yess please mess up and accidentally kill good people and realise what your doing is just as brutal as any crime boss but be too far gone that you can’t change what else would you do ? Say cruel and break your Dads heart because you know that the words that would solve all your issues and make that little boy again are stuck in his mouth so push him too hatred so he may never say it with clear conscience , destroy what you so deeply hold dear like mmmmmmmnmm
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
no this was ROUGH okay because i was just staring at the tv in horror as Sam shows Ellie his leg, knowing what’s coming, and when they bust through the door and Henry points the gun at Joel, my brain first went to “Joel is going to accidentally kill Henry in order to save Ellie from being bit by Sam” but then Henry is aware enough to shoot Sam to save Ellie and the moment the gun fired I knew Henry was about to kill himself, and because this is how my mind works when I watch shows like this, I thought “if B was Sam in this situation and I was Henry, I don’t know that I would react any different” and I felt a gut wrenching, sick moment of compassion and warmth towards poor Henry as Joel is begging him to give up the gun because he is also just as aware as I am what is about to happen, but then the camera switches to Ellie’s face and I switched into horror once again as I realized “oh my god but Ellie is going to watch Henry pull the trigger after she told Sam it would be alright no WAIT” and then the gun goes off again and Ellie screams
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dutybcrne · 3 days
@strdstd replied to your post:
{I'M SEEING THE VISION-} {And... someone should stop me before I get Kaveh and Boothill thinkings- BC I AM HAVING THOUGHTS-}
Lemme jus leave these here real quick-
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textualviolence · 1 year
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screenshotting this tag because i’m not trying to start a fight but. with all due respect i could not disagree more
#Nieyao fucking makes whatever psychosexual issues they have going on so much worse#because its so profoundly unethical and actively dirties the respectability of the bond they had previously#they can never have good sex its always profoundly psychologically destructive for the both of them#since they're both so invested in this idea of nie mingjue as a Good Man(tm)#the moment Nie Mingjue has sex with his subordinate it automatically drags him down to the level of a JGS (meng yao's actual real FATHER)#and thus tranforms a normal healthy socially well regarded though hierarchical relationship#into a disgraceful abuse of power that casts an ugly and revelatory light on the hierarchy they occupy#it's no longer possible to pretend NMJ's position of authority and Meng Yao's subordination isn't inherently identical to#the authority and subordination that facilitates JGS's abuse of vulnerable girls#was there ever anything other than sex underneath their bond? they both need to think so and they'll both be unable to convince themselves#they'll fuck once and try never to do it again but its too late because the fact that they did reveals the nature of their relationship#fundamentally its always about fucking. always about power. and it was from the beginning#its not about mentorship or fostering talent#for both of them i think their whole worldview would collapse and they would no longer be able to see their society as just and fair#if they don't fuck they can go on thinking they're normal people!!!!why waste this opportunity!!!#if you want people who shouldn't fuck look at wangxian#book got boring once they fucked im sorry ill say it
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Can you imagine if Tuvok got divorced? It’d be so funny, I just know that guy would completely give up on everything. He’d need like, several decades to recover. I think he might go become a Kolinahru for real this time.
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digitalguap · 8 months
Russia's Unthinkable Threat, Saudi Arabia's Israel Rebuke, and US Deal on Venezuela's Oil: A Shocking Update
Greetings readers, In this shocking update, we bring to you the latest developments revolving around Russia’s unthinkable threat, Saudi Arabia’s Israel rebuke, and the US deal on Venezuela’s oil. We, as avid observers of global affairs, understand the impact these events can have on the international stage. So, join us as we delve into the intricacies of these pressing issues and uncover the…
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🔥unpopular charles opinion
The thing is, it’s not an opinion, really. The question isn’t meant to be a complaint or a rebuttal or anything. I just genuinely don’t get it! The question goes something like this.
So Charles/Klinger seems to be the one actively disliked ship in the fandom, discounting the h*nn*hawk vs p*erc*ntyre gang war and that one rabidly anti-hawnk person (lol). Most nobody has any love for the ship, because it’s stupid and OOC, of course, but mostly because it’s egregiously obviously racist and gross, which is the critique that seems most common, and to be of most importance to people.
And to be clear, for the purposes of this post I am wholly agreeing with all that! It’s distasteful and immoral and people who are into it are insane, including me. I’m not arguing against this line of thinking, I just wanted to look at its inner logic. Because when I first heard people saying this, I thought, “Yeah, makes sense, Charles is truthfully a terrible person with abhorrent opinions. Nobody watching this already unfortunately bigotry-riddled show is obligated to try and look past that! It is Always valid to hate Charles’ guts.”
But it turns out most of the fandom (I assume it must be most, given how shockingly few people here have blocked me) actually don’t hate Charles, in general. It’s the specific ship, not the character, that’s distasteful. (Not to say any Charles ship is anything resembling popular, but like with most ships, that’s just a result of the general population’s Hawkeye BJ Laser Focus Gaze. I’ve never seen anybody actively dislike these ships when they’re brought up.) And the more I think about it, the more I wonder why, because well. to put it bluntly. It’s not like someone stops being racist when they’re not actively interacting with a nonwhite person.
You know what I mean? I feel like Charles’ bigotry would be a turn off for all of our generally morally sound protagonists, not just one who happens to be personally affected by it. But it only becomes an issue when it involves Klinger. I’ve heard people say that any Charles/Klinger ship fic would obviously have to go out of its way to address Charles’ racism, but I’ve read a few Charles/Hawkeye and Charles/Donna (and Charles / other strange and varied choices too, because of course I have) fics–really, REALLY good fics, that captured the characters very nicely and are very beautifully written–and I’ve yet to find one that discusses The Bigotry In The Room with any degree of seriousness.
(Pssst this is everyone’s chance to absolutely dunk on me by sending me fics that do this if there actually are a bunch and I’ve just never read them because I would in fact LOVE to read some fics with that topic regardless of ship!)
And to be clear, that’s fine with me! I truly do not care. When I read Charles running away to Maine or romancing Ms. Parker and I don’t see his love interests stop to ask “Hey, um, so any updates on the fact that you and your whole family are eugenicists?”, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, because I just assume that Charles has already gone through the cult deprogramming step of his character development at some point prior to this, and either the love interest in question has already confirmed this off-page, or they are making the same assumption I am. After all, at least in Hawkeye’s case, the mere act of admitting romantic interest in a Democrat from the back of beyond would necessarily imply a shift in values, right?
(Admittedly, for all we canonically know Donna could be a fashy scumlord herself, so this reasoning doesn’t wholly apply there, but it obviously does to her fanon background/personality.) (Which is adorable, by the way. Everyone go check out the collective oeuvre of AO3 user onekisstotakewithme.)
So that’s all cool! It’s just that the same thing applies for me when it comes to Charles/Klinger. If anything, it applies even more, because you can have a fic where Charles’ whole family attend his and Donna’s 2nd wedding (Everyone go check out the collective oeuvre of AO3 user onekisstotakewithme!!!) but if Charles gets with Maxwell in any capacity, his father is at the very LEAST never going to speak to him again, ever. And personally I think that is SO fun and sexy, because Charles’ father is a white supremacist and I want him to die painfully forever and ever amen. <3
I got sidetracked a few times here and I just realized I never actually asked the question, which is, TL;DR: If it’s immoral–or at least gross and nonsensical–to ship Charles/Klinger, because Charles is bigoted, shouldn’t the same also apply to shipping Charles with many other characters too, given that they should logically also have a problem with his bigotry?
For what it’s worth, I have a bit of a theory about the answer to this, all to do with the incompetent way Charles’ bigotry (and other characters’ reactions to it) are portrayed in canon and the deeper Doylist factors that I think forced the showrunners into writing it like that, but I wanted to stay strictly on the topic of fandom attitudes for now, because it may be niche and silly, but I find it interesting. And I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on it!
#Did this sound rude? Was I totally incoherent? Is everyone mad at me now? All these questions & more swirling around in my brain right now#It seems like such an obvious thing I feel stupid even bringing it up because there must just be some huge thing I'm missing#but I can't figure out what it is!#There was so much more I wanted to bring up here as I said but I had to Stop haha#like sometime I also want to do a post on how most people seem to envision Charles fitting back into his family and his old life very well#and I always picture the exact opposite! Not just from a ''what I would want to have happen'' POV but also just#what I think would complete his arc in a satisfying way and build on the things that happened to him in canon#not saying he's gong to go home and become a commie immediately (ah! if only!) and I think he WOULD try DESPERATELY#to have everything be exactly the same. but I just don't think it would work!#like Margaret and unlike BJ or Hawkeye his pre-war life was not built on healthy sustainable or even ethical foundations#and that life is going to collapse in on him!#but ghdsjkgdsj STOP I will make a separate post later. enough controversy for today I'm sleepy#(but I also do SOOO want to make a post examining the insane inconsistencies in how the protags treat Charles and his bigotry cause it's#SIMPLY RIDIC#)#Hawkeye when he wants to have a little bonding moment with Charles:#I can excuse racism but I draw the line at failing to flirt with a 6'4'' millionaire. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!#and the thing is Maxwell also does this. but of course THAT isn't ok. wheezing.#Charles: god I fucking HATE [checks the list of protected minorities to find an ethnic group that's not on there] uhhh MEDITERRANEANS#Max who is used to long odds and is already mentally rehearsing his teary ''But officer! My husband was in that house!'' speech:#haha yeah ok Major. I think we are soulmates btw :)#THIS POST IS A DISASTER. APOLOGIES TO EVERYONE AND HAVE A NICE DAY.#Charles Emerson Winchester III#MASH#Starky loves answering questions#marley-manson#CHARMAX#Starky's Original Posts
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letthewhumpbegin · 2 months
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No Time To Die (2021)
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starsummons-a · 1 year
once again posting the hot take that aether's relationship with the mondstadt characters and the main story inazuma characters specifically is stronger than anything
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mymarifae · 2 years
project sekai sucks btw.
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wow that sure sounds familiar huh... almost like- oh yeah!
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akito and shiho are both highly attentive and sensitive to any problems and possible conflicts that may arise in their groups. they may seem aloof and like they're keeping their distance, but they are very much present, and they care so fucking much. they don't mince their words; sometimes their advice and criticism is tough to swallow, but they say the things they do out of love. they push their loved ones to be better, and yeah. they push hard.
and if their friends stumble and lose their balance for a time as a result, they catch them by the back of their shirt and support them until they find their footing again. anyway these similarities between shiho and akito aren't why project sekai sucks. project sekai sucks BECAUSE these similarities exist, to the point that one of shiho's best friends recognizes it:
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and she and akito still have yet to interact and become friends. fuck everything
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strange people with big dogs doing sport tournaments is no basis for a system of government
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