#saudi arabia israel
If you don't vote for Biden the gays will be rounded up in Project2025! No more abortion! No more anything!
Vote Biden!!
You mean this Biden?
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U.S. will never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, Biden tells Israel's Lapid
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US to launch West Asia Quad with India, Israel and UAE during Biden's visit
.....The same joe Biden that's ALREADY completing goals outlined in Project 2025?
And these are only links and evidence for one page.
Vote 3rd party or don't vote at all, I'm not your dad, do what feels right to you.
But don't vote blue and tell everyone it's a vote against Project2025 or Trump or fascism or that you're saving democracy with your vote. Because you're not. It's literally just gaslighting or at the very least an ignorant and uninformed stance.
You might as well be burning your ballot or voting for Trump.
Quit guilting everyone for not wanting to vote blue when him supporting apartheid & genocide is a good enough reason not to, let alone all of this, too.
And if you're gonna vote for him anyway, get used to being called a white supremacist who supports fascists. Because that's what you would be.
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genuinelyshallow · 9 months
The KSA and the UAE are as much to blame as US and UK
To forget to boycott and talk about Saudi Arabia and Emirates part of this genocide on Gaza and attack on Yemen
As an Arab, I know that Arabs and Muslims bare unforgettable shame right now as we're unable to help Palestinians, Sudanese, and Yemenis.
And by 'We' I mean the people. The leaders are something else that I hope will burn in hell.
Arabic countries are among some of the worst dictatorships. We can scream and shout all we want, but no one will listen, and yet, I do feel unbearable guilt every day. But the guilt should not be distributed equally
Egypt has the border with Palestine and barely opens it. But Egypt is already on the verge of economic collapse and is billions of dollars in debt. The government can not move without the approval of the US. Not to say that they're right for not opening the borders, not at all. Yemen is even poorer than Egypt, and they had more courage than the entire world to stop Israeli ships! But I am saying that while Egypt is to blame, it's already in deep shit and more economic punishment will affect its people decades before it affects its dictators.
But Saudi Arabia and Emirates are two of the richest countries in the world! With enough oil that they have the US throat in their hands, and they're giving it a soothing massage.
And what did they do? Nothing. No, worse than nothing. The rockets that attacked Yemen flew over Emirates by their permission.
And with evidence from history we know they can single handedly stop this genocide.
In 1973, in the war between Egypt and Israel, USA tried to back Israel - like today - and King Faisal, the king of Saudi Arabia, basically told the USA,"Take one step towards Egypt and you will not see a drop of oil"
And he kept his promise.
Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec), led by King Faisal, announced an embargo on oil sales to America, Britain, Canada, Japan and the Netherlands in retaliation for their support of Israel.These cuts nearly quadrupled the price of oil from $2.90 a barrel before the embargo to $11.65 a barrel in January 1974.
And the US backed off. In a full-blown war. Not just one-sided genocide.
The UAE products are boycotted in Egypt under the knowledge that "Emirates are as much Zionists as The US"
And again and again, Arabs are not their leaders! Saudi and Emirati citizens are not their leaders, just like not all Americans are Biden or Trump.
But two insanely rich countries that can stop this genocide and don't? Their products should be boycotted, and their names should be dragged through the mud, just like the US and UK
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
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his-heart-hymns · 11 months
Russia claimed that Ukrainians were persecuting and killing native Russian speaking population at the Russo-Ukrainian border.Putin used this claim to justify a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.The Western and American governments sanctioned Russia and supported Ukraine with weapons and financial aid worth billions of dollars.Israel is taking a similar approach as Russia took.Using Hamas attacks as a justification for a brutal invasion of Palestine-Gaza.However in this case the hypocrite western and American governments are clearly siding with the aggressor state-ISRAEL.Nothing has changed,as always they prioritize their geopolitical interests more than the human rights, freedom and democracy that they keep preaching to the world.
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psychologeek · 11 months
Anyone saying Israel is commiting an ethnic cleansing, please answer theose questions:
Who knows how many Jews live in Yemen?
How many Muslims live in Israel?
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abyssalaquarist00 · 3 months
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UNCLE SAM'S NEW CLOTHES: How are American tax dollars spent?
Read more for artist commentary.
have had this concept simmering for a while now. wanted to imagine the "uncle sam" character as if he were to appear as a contemporary US politician. his pockets flow with taxpayer dollars, and its more the merrier with him. a couple things to note..
ill start off with the dogs. the US depends on Saudi and Emirati oil, hence why those dogs are black. theyre barking for american money, and aid in conflicts theyve started. these countries depend on the US military.
now the UAE in particular wants to become westernized, its in its best interest to do so. i have something else planned for that, so i wont get into it now.
israel is hiding between uncle sams legs, with a mouth dripping with blood. that is where its most safe, to be shielded from criticism. the dog is white in representation of both the flag and the fact that the zionist movement originated in europe.
the US uses these three nations militaries as its own personal attack dogs in what we call the "middle east" (which has its own british / french colonial origins)
also look up: why is the UAE called little sparta?
the zippo lighter represents the US military, they were also famously used in the vietnam war. you can assume that uncle sam used the zippo to light the dollars to light the cigar, which in turn is causing thick smoke (pollution)
of course its stupid to light the money on fire to light the cigar, but he has all the money a person could want. what does he care he burns a few hundred bucks?
the US military is actually one of the worlds leading polluters! you can look this up yourself if youd like.
and finally the cigar. the US sanctions and blockades countries they oppose, spend decades on propaganda against them, yet they want to reap all their resources and exports. what they cant have is luxury, so they crave it even more.
i think i forgot to mention the tie. its red and blue because the 2 party system is the same lol
the art might speak for itself but i know we live in a time where media literacy is at a low so. here it goes
crossposted from twitter of course
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By Lev Koufax
On Aug. 9, the Biden administration made official its decision to lift its ban on the sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia. 
Specifically, the U.S. State Department announced: “The department is lifting its suspension on certain transfers of air to ground munitions to Saudi Arabia. This suspension was imposed in early 2021 following the administration’s announcement that it was ending support for offensive operations in the conflict in Yemen, including relevant U.S. arms transfers  . . . Saudi Arabia has also been a key partner in seeking a durable resolution to the conflict in Yemen.”
Pay attention to that last sentence. In that last sentence, one can find the real intent behind this new rash of U.S. arms sales to the Saudi monarchy. The change in a three-year policy comes down to one word: Yemen. 
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Many Muslims born in the west (both the children of immigrants and converts) want to move to a Muslim country, and many of them do. They want to move because they want their children to learn Quran in school (and not learn LGBTQ+ issues in school), or because they want it to be easier for them to be Muslim in their day-to-day lives (easy access to halal food and jobs that don't expect a lot from the workers during Ramadan), or because they want to fulfill the Islamic requirement to live under Sharia if not actively proselytizing, or they want to get away from Islamophobia in the west, or they are American and just need to get away after realizing how much being American screws one over, or maybe they're just emigrating for work or marriage.
The human rights violations occurring in Muslim countries generally don't occur to them as reasons not to immigrate. They might move to Qatar blissfully unaware that its infrastructure is the product of modern slavery, or move to Saudi Arabia despite being uncomfortable that the state sponsors terrorism, or move to Turkey not caring that their government continues to deny the Armenian genocide, or move to Malaysia and actively consider it a good thing that it's illegal to be gay.
Then those same Muslims assume that Jews who decide to make Aliyah all hate Palestinians and have some colonialist agenda, when in reality most Jews who make Aliyah immigrate because ... they want to send their children to a religious public school, or they want it to be easier to be Jewish in their day-to-day lives (easy access to kosher food and jobs that give shabbat and holidays off), or they want to fulfill the mitzvah of living in the land of Israel, or they want to get away from antisemitism in their country, or they are American and just need to get away after realizing how much being American screws one over, or maybe they're just emigrating for work or marriage. They may or may not be aware of or care about Arabs being tortured in Israeli state prisons, but ultimately every country has human rights violations.
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vyorei · 10 months
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Live coverage of the 22nd of November 2023 has resumed
Here are the latest updates, oldest at the top, most recent at the bottom
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ridenwithbiden · 3 months
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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(JNS) – Saudi Arabia has removed practically all antisemitism and anti-Israel material from its schoolbooks, in a major shift from the past and a harbinger of a better future, a study released Tuesday found.
The study, conducted by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE)—an international research organization—found a “marked reduction” in anti-Israel content in the Saudi curriculum, which no longer teaches that Zionism is a “racist” European movement, nor denies the historical Jewish presence in the region dating back 3,000 years.
In addition, according to the study, hostile references to Israel in the textbooks have been modified, while the word “Palestine” has been removed from maps of Israeli sites.
Read More
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capybaracorn · 9 months
Some background on the Houthis what is happening
Following weeks of Houthi-led attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, the United States and United Kingdom have launched military strikes in Yemen in response, which the Houthis have described as “barbaric”.
The Houthis are an Iran-aligned group based in Yemen and have said their attacks are a response to Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, and the international community’s failure to put an end to it.
Who are the Houthis?
The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah (supporters of God), are an armed group that control most parts of Yemen, including the capital, Sanaa, and some of the western and northern areas close to Saudi Arabia.
The Houthis emerged in the 1990s but rose to prominence in 2014, when the group rebelled against Yemen’s government, causing it to step down and sparking a crippling humanitarian crisis.
The group then spent years, with Iran’s backing, fighting a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia. The two warring sides have also repeatedly tried to hold peace talks.
However, analysts say the Shia group should not be seen as an Iranian proxy. It has its own base, its own interests – and its own ambitions.
What’s the status of Yemen’s civil war?
Yemen has been in a decade-long civil war as the Houthis maintain control of parts of the country. The group has been in ceasefire talks with Saudi Arabia while Yemen’s official government is based in Aden and led by President Rashad al-Alimi.
Al-Alimi came into office in 2022 after the country’s exiled president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi ceded power to him. Relations between Hadi and the Houthis were especially fraught.
Yemen’s civil war has plunged the country into what the United Nations called “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis”, in March 2023.An estimated 21.6 million people or two-thirds of Yemen’s population are “in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection services”, according to the UN.Fighting between Houthis and the military coalition, however, largely subsided last year. In 2023, the Yemeni rebels and government forces also exchanged about 800 prisoners over three days.The Houthis have been engaging in Omani-mediated talks with Saudi officials to negotiate a permanent ceasefire. Saudi Arabia also restored relations with Iran in 2023, raising hopes for the Yemen peace process.
Why have the Houthis attacked Red Sea ships?
The attacks began after the start of the Israel-Hamas war on 7 October.
The Houthis declared their support for Hamas and said they would target any ship travelling to Israel. It is not clear that all of the ships attacked were actually heading there.
In November they seized what they said was an Israeli cargo ship.
They since have attacked several commercial vessels with drones and ballistic missiles.
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claraameliapond · 10 months
Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud clearly explaining the simple truth and reality of this, asserting Palestinians right to their own land, to live in safety and security with freedom and self determination: "The weight has to be lifted, but it is not to be lifted by the Arab world. It is to be lifted by removing that weight and that is very easy: by stopping the killing, by stopping the blockade, by allowing enough humanitarian aid to go in to support the Palestinians.
The Palestinians do not want to leave their land. And we are not going to encourage them or force them to leave their land and we are not going to work with anyone who has that agenda.
The Palestinians have a right to their land, and they have a right to live in safety and security and dignity on their land. And that is what we will push for and that is what we will work towards."
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rooksamoris · 4 months
the saudi-controlled "yemeni" government of the south is putting sanctions on north yemen/ansarallah/houthis due to their opposition to the genocide israel is committing and because of their maritime blockade against the settler colony and its allies.
south yemen is effectively occupied by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, and has been for years. this "government" is comprised of traitorous scum who sold out the yemeni people for the chance to hide in their saudi mansions while 20 million yemenis live in food insecurity. ansarallah is the only government in the region that has opposed western capitalism, genocide, and american hegemony and now its people are expected to pay the price. the saudi-controlled government of aden has stated that if yemeni banks in north yemen do not move their operations to south yemen, they will be charged with counter-terrorism financing and money laundering claims. mind you, 70-80 percent of yemen's population lives in north yemen, aka the ansarallah/houthi government territories.
these sanctions and charges will kill millions of yemenis, all because saudi's dick riding america. they are accomplices in this genocide against the palestinians. glory to the palestinian resistance and glory to ansarallah. boycott the uae, boycott saudi arabia, boycott israel, its the least you can fucking do while our people pay the price of militarily opposing genocide.
and, as a reminder, saudi arabia is one of the biggest purchasers of arms from the united arab emirates, their ally in the occupation and destabilization of yemen. the same united arab emirates committing massacres in sudan, the same country which is making it so that soon 10,000 sudanese people will be dying daily, the same country profiting off of this by stealing sudanese metals, such as gold. this is the united arab emirates that is destroying socotra island (yemen) and exploiting the people for tourism. stop taking trips to fucking dubai.
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