#bones akutagawa tw
kyouka-supremacy · 10 months
(person whose tags you reblogged on that ask about the anime here lol) I think what a lot of Bones defenders don't seem to realize is that this isn't just a case of us whining because we don't get what we want, like us complaining about like "they didn't draw this panel Exactly How It is In The Manga, how dare they!!!", we're not being nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking; these kinds of supposedly minor complaints probably wouldn't bother me in another show, because no adaptation is perfect and there will always be differences in how the panels are adapted, but in specifically BSD it bothers me because of the bigger picture, which is the fact that all of these tiny blunders are a direct result of them not understanding what kind of series BSD is and the tone and feelings each scene in the manga is meant to convey -- they see it as a shounen and adapt it as such, like you said. It's not about these moments in of themselves that are the problem, but because there's SO MANY of them, and they all add up, and they speak to the aforementioned much larger problem. I also just think that's kind of ignorant to just act like a season(s) with a downgrade in art quality, so many reused frames and animations, and disturbingly long static frames sometimes is in any way acceptable as a finished product??? This isn't about me and what I want, this is about the fact that they CLEARLY suffered to get this out and that is NOT OKAY. THERE ARE SO MANY GLARING PRODUCTION ISSUES (have been since season 3) AND THAT IS NOT OKAY. Not for the people who were forced to work on it, not for BSD as a story, and not for Asagiri and Harukawa! And not for the fans either, of course, but I emphasize the first three the most. It's just pure laziness and greed on the part of the Bones higher-ups who wanted it to be like this, and that will never be acceptable, for anyone. The quality of the anime has been significantly better the last few episodes (literally the instant Akutagawa kicked the bucket...) — by which I mean, they're doing the bare minimum for an adaptation, which is better than they usually do! — but I sure couldn't tell you why...! It's left me ecstatic, happy, and excited to watch lately, which is such a relief from constant sadness, outrage, and feeling insulted, but that still doesn't change the fact that it should have been this good THIS WHOLE TIME, and that there's absolutely NO REASON other episodes had to be sacrificed for the better ones: they should have been given enough time to do all of it justice (again, as much justice as Bones can ever do with BSD lol, but still. Season 2 is still so dear to me for a reason, and it's not just because of the nostalgia I have from watching it in 2016). Sorry for rambling more about this in your inbox asldjgflds, but tl;dr I just feel like our complaining comes across as bitching about scenes not being a perfect 1-to-1 panel recreation to a lot of people, when it's so much more than that — it's about BSD as a whole not getting the treatment it really, truly deserves, and how heartbreaking that is to see. It is heartbreaking to me to see how much Asagiri apparently loves the anime, from what he said at Anime Expo, when his story deserves so, so much better than he seemingly is even aware of. And I will always give Bones due credit when they've earned it, like I have the last few weeks, so I'm not even always constantly ragging on them, but even that praise comes with the caveat of "there's no explanation for why the quality is suddenly better now, or why it's so inconsistent in general, and I shouldn't even have to praise it so much, because this level of quality should be a given."
Yeah I agree that Bones has repeatedly demostred a very faulty understanding of the manga tone and even of the themes it carries on– even though there's also a chance that the shift in tone was intentional. They saw that undemanding shonen sold better than seinen (which may now seem easy to disprove, but the same probably wasn't as evident back in 2015 when the bsd anime was announced), so they made the marketing choice to declinate bsd so that it could cater to a shonen audience too, and stuck with that decision. That would make sense although in the end, as you said, it resulted in a series that feels deeply disconnected in tone and themes to its original, all while the narrated events stay the same.
I do wholeheartedly agree that if you need so many reused frames and to resort to static frames that drag on for several dozens of seconds, then your season simply isn't ready for release. C'mon, seriously, an original op and ending are the bare MINIMUM. The only reason why they didn't postpone the season release is greed. Not to mention (very much needed to mention), it's harmful for the animators twice: on one hand, because it necessarily puts them under a lot of stress and overworking conditions in order to churn out an entire season in such a short timespan; but I also feel like we shouldn't overlook the other aspect that is just... How extremely saddening and disheartening it is to not be able to dedicate the time you'd want to your art product, and seeing it published in a way that looks rushed and unfinished. I think it's important to acknowledge the frustration animators are likely to experience when that happens, especially because most times it's people who love their job of artist and of course work hard so that the result is the best it can be. But yeah the thing is: it's important - no matter how unpleasant - to say, it's not okay, because otherwise a low quality product is only going to become the norm.
I agree there was a noticeable quality improvement in the last three episodes (4-6), and I may be wrong, but I think it's reasonable to believe it's because the first three episodes had to be prepared in advance in order to be ready for the pre-screening that took place on the 8th of July in Japan. That may explain why the later episodes have been so much better compared to the first three: they simply had more time to work on them, and it's possible they're keeping working on the episodes even as they're airing. But I do agree... It's very saddening to see. Like of course, I agree, I *AM* happy the last episodes have been good (the last one was especially enjoyable!), but there really is that big ache given by thinking about what the Fukuchi vs. sskk fight could have been if only it was given the time and care it deserved. Sigh. It was just a very unfortunate coincidence for everyone, because, bias aside, it was really a pivotal moment in the whole manga... I mean. C'mon. Atsushi is the protagonist, but is yet again not treated as one because of, once again, marketing choices. It's a bit saddening. With season 4, I was dreading for when the season would have ended; with season 5 I regretfully must admit that I found myself again and again just hoping it would end already. Because even now that the animation has improved significantly, I can't stop thinking of what episode three should have been - what it had the right to be, as no less important than any other episode -, and I feel like my enjoyment of the season is just ruined.
One last note, and I know it's not what you meant when referring to panel-by-panel adaptations, and feel free to consider this my own pet peeve, but. Studios should be able to notice when they're working with the most iconic panel of the entire manga and should treat it accordingly. I'm cool and chill but what they did to the chapter 88 Akutagawa panel is unforgivable and I will resent them forever because of it.
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glitch-karma · 10 months
hai i want to req a scenario where bsd characters has a crush on the reader and tries dropping hints but the reader just thinks that they’re being nice :D
characters: yosano, nikolai, akutagawa, ranpo, jouno
I added Chuuya cause I am self-indulgent, but enjoy!
Tw: Very light talk of characters being very touchy, but still sfw
she's so obvious
Constantly complimenting you
Saying how pretty/handsome you are
Maybe a little touchy iykyk
She honestly wants to confess and have a serious relationship with you
and she's been trying to drop hints but..
"Oh Y/n~, you're so cute I could eat you up.."
"Huh? You can't eat people Yosano! Do you need something to snack on?"
"ugh. No, thank you, dear..."
Finally, she'll confess to you after patching you up after a small mission.
"Y/n.. I uhm, really like you."
"Awe, I like you too Yosano! You're my best friend"
She falls on the floor momentarily before just jumping up, grabbing you by the collar, and kissing you.
"O-Oh!" "Yeah. Oh."
"So? Do you.. Like me too?"
"W-Well. If it means we could do that agai- MPHM!"
Another obvious one
Now he's the real feeler upper
He will not let you GO MAN
Definitely a grabber too
I have this vision of him full-on grabbing your ass and you're just like "Oh? What's up, Nikolai?"
Surprise hugs from behind
He lets you braid his hair
Unlike Yosano, he will not be as patient
He'll grab your hands, get down on one knee, and scream:
"Y/n~! I love you! Please go out with me so we can be free together!"
You are not expecting this at all
So you shakily nod
Then he'll pick you up bridal style and run around with you in his arms <3
Now with him
I wouldn't fucking notice either bro
His idea of hints is odd
"You don't suck at fighting.."
"Uhm... Thank you?"
He's read that some people give food to their crushes, so he'll randomly just set a cup of tea down on your desk
Since it's a food he likes, he'll also just leave figs on your desk???
It's, very confusing to say the least
In this case, I don't see him ever actually confessing
it was actually Chuuya that found out and pushed him along
Aka, he dragged you both into the same room and pushed Akutagawa along
but it all worked out in the end
Oh my God you gotta be real dence
And when you get tired and ask him to get off he's just like "Nah I'm good."
Shares his snacks with you
You brought him sweet mochi one day and that was the day he vowed to marry you
You thought he was joking?
Likes pitching your cheeks
"You're so squishy and cute Y/n~ Just like a dumpling" "Ranpo that hurts-"
The way he confesses I hear you ask?
One morning he just, out of nowhere kisses your cheek.
You FLIPPED out and he was just confused
"oh, are we not dating?" "WHAT? NO?!"
He didn't realize you were too busy to notice his feelings
Side note: God we need more Jouno hc's fr tho
Jouno's way of showing he loves you?
Training you to the mfing bone.
Bro does not let up
If you're a hunting dog it's even worse
Y'know that scene where he stands on tecchou's back?
He does that all the time
Sometimes hits your head too
But, if he sees you're genuinely struggling he eases up
Honestly, he shows hints in very small ways that you wouldn't notice
Like a small pat on the back or bringing you water after a long day
All the other hunting dogs can see the way he listens extra intently when you talk as well
Another thing, he remembers almost every conversation you two have even had.
So he knows all your interests, likes, and hobbies
He would probably just casually do a normal confession, bring you a rose and a gift <3
Chuuya is terrified of letting people get too close to him (Kinnie moment-)
So for a while he wouldn't make any attempts at a relationship with you at all
But after you've stuck around him for years, even when others didn't, how could he not be smitten for you?
After a while of denying, he'll finally drop hints
He'll offer to drive you too and from work (mostly for the excuse to have your arms around him)
He also started bringing you lunches on Monday's
Has bought you jewelery and chokers galore
The expensive ones too cause he rich rich
He will drunkenly confess
"Damn.. Why do you have to go and make me fall in love with you?"
He has never sobered up so fast
He tried to stand up and leave, but you grabbed him and hugged him tight
After a few seconds, he did the same
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idle-daydreams · 4 months
Hii, your demon king Chuuya story is really cool. So since s/o is pregnant, she will give birth. What will happen if the baby is actually born? What will s/o do and Chuuya do? Ignore this if it troubles you. Thanks. Xoxo
Demon King - Part 4
[A.N: Apologies for being late, I clearly have time management issues]
Tw: Soft yandere, mentions of forced pregnancy, mentions of blood and violence, Stockholm Syndrome.
(Despite all these warnings this is really not that bad).
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Chuuya raced down the mountain, veins still thrumming with bloodlust. The moon cast a silvery light upon the scene, but the beauty of the quiet night was wasted on the Demon King.
I shouldn’t have left [Y/N] alone, he thought, not [Y/N] or the kid!
It had been two months since you’d given birth, after nine months of a harrowing pregnancy. Chuuya hadn’t been able to believe that he’d sired a child with you, a healthy - if half-demon - baby girl at that. Demons didn’t really have children; they were more likely to slaughter or eat their offspring in fits of jealousy or rage, inherent to their own nature. Chuuya’s own first instinct had been to destroy the fetus to keep you safe, but his desire to have something tangible to chain you to him had made him from going through with it.
Now, he wondered if he’d made a mistake.
Something in you had changed. You’d always been guarded around Chuuya, unwilling to relinquish yourself to him entirely no matter what he did. But for the last two months you seemed colder, harder, as though the birth of your child had forced something between you, a new chasm that he couldn’t simply leap across.
I pushed her too far, Chuuya thought angrily. I shouldn’t have - no kid is worth this. She hates me, [Y/N] hates me, she hates me for being just like those rat bastard humans I swore to protect her from.
And now it was too late. He’d returned home from a fight to find you gone, the seals he’d placed around your quarters broken. He’d slaughtered the guards in a fit of rage, but that hadn’t brought you back. You were gone, having escaped the Demon Realm entirely. It was only by accident that Akutagawa had picked up your trail on his way back from the human world, saving Chuuya hours of precious time.
But he couldn’t rest until he had you back in his arms.
Chuuya came to a crossroads halfway down the mountain, a human city visible through the trees. A very familiar city, built on the bones of your human home. He gritted his teeth, blood roaring in his ears.
I’ll kill them, he thought, fists clenched. I’ll kill all of them, every man, woman and child that stands between me and my family. I’ll rain hell on these fuckers; I’ll rip them to pieces and scatter their scraps all over the Demon Realm.
A figure appeared along the path before him, distracting him from his murderous thoughts. They walked towards him, a bundle dangling by their side.
Chuuya started with relief. It was you.
“[Y/N]!” he called, before belatedly realizing that he should have ambushed you instead. He hurried towards you, summoning his power to bind you before you could escape.
“Chuuya.” You stopped in your but didn’t otherwise retreat. An odd smell permeated the air, the sharp metallic tang of blood. With another start, Chuuya realized that your clothes and the bundle you held were stained with blood.
“[Y/N],” he said hoarsely, “What is that? What did you do? Where is our kid?”
“Relax.” You came closer to reveal another bundle in other arm, smaller and visibly squirming.  “I didn’t kill our child. She’s safe.”
“I-” Chuuya looked down at the baby, glancing her over quickly before turning back to you with suspicion. “What the hell, [Y/N], what were you thinking? Where did you go? Why did you run away from me?”
“I wanted our child to meet my parents.”
“Your parents-”
“-are dead, I know,” you interrupted. “I took her to their graves, or what’s left of them.”
“Right.” Chuuya exhaled, running his hands through his hair. A million thoughts were running through his head, but the chief amongst them the fact that he needed to get you to safety. You couldn’t outrun him point-blank, but he could hardly bind your limbs without risking hurting the baby.
“Chuuya,” you said, cutting through the jumble of his thoughts. “I’m fine. The baby is fine. You don’t need to worry.”
“Like hell I don’t!” he snapped. “You can’t do this again, [Y/N]. Not to me, and not to our kid! You know just how dangerous the Demon Realm is - you can’t just walk out like that!”
“I wasn’t asking for permission, Chuuya.” Once again, your tone was gentle but firm, a far cry from your usual behaviour. “I’m your wife, I can handle myself.”
And you threw the bloody bundle at his feet.
Chuuya stared as the object rolled to a stop. It was a head, a demon’s head wrapped up in cloth. “What is this, [Y/N]?” he said, eyes widening. “Where did you get this? Did - did he kidnap you? Did he hurt you?”
You laughed. “No one kidnapped me. I broke out myself. I told you, I wanted to take our baby to my parents’ graves. This guy-” you gestured at the decapitated head- “was hanging around the place. He tried to attack me, so I killed him.”
“You-” Chuuya looked at from your child to the head, then back at you, mind whirling with panic. You’d escaped on your own. You’d killed on your own. That meant that you were strong enough to counter his power, strong enough to withstand him.
He couldn’t keep you safe by force any more.
“Chuuya.” Gently, you put a hand on his cheek. Chuuya started at your touch, and gripped your hand tightly.
“Don’t leave me, [Y/N],” he said hoarsely. “Please. Look, I know I haven’t been the best of husbands, but I swear I love you. But you can’t leave me. I won’t let you.”
“I’m not going to,” you said. “You may not have noticed, but I was coming back to you.”
He blinked. “What?”
“The graves are down there.” You gestured down the mountain. “Why do you think I’d be coming up the mountain?”
Chuuya opened his mouth, then paused, taking in the scene again. “So... you weren’t running away?” he said cautiously. “You really were gonna come home?”
“Of course. Where else would I go?”
“Literally anywhere else?” He looked away, rubbing his forehead. “I know you hate me for forcing you to have our kid. And for kidnapping you. And - well, a lot of things.”
You laughed again, but this time with genuine warmth. “I did think about it,” you said, snuggling your child. “But when I got here I realized I didn’t want to. My home is with you.”
Warmth bloomed in Chuuya’s heart. “Really?” he said eagerly. “You really mean that, [Y/N]? Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying.” A tinge of wistfulness entered your eyes, a momentary sadness that you quickly shook away. “I don’t want to live in isolation any more, but I don’t want want to leave. I don’t have any other family, do I? You’re all that I have left. You our child are... my whole world now.”
“Hell yeah,” he muttered, pulling you into a hug. “You’re my world too, [Y/N], both of you. Don’t ever forget that.”
You chuckled softly, resting your head upon his shoulder. Chuuya knew that you were giving in rather than accepting him, but felt relieved nevertheless. He still had you. You hadn’t abandoned him. You could have taken your child and left, but you’d chosen to return.
You were willing to stay by his side.
Things would have to be different now, of course. He couldn’t restrain you now, not when it seemed like you’d finally reached your limit. Nevertheless he couldn’t stop a grin from creeping onto his face as gazed upon the decapitated head. A true mother Bear, he thought proudly. My wife, the mother of my child. Demons and humans be damned, we’re going to be together forever.
[A.N.: I thought about breaking the darling's mind entirely, but decided against it because it'd be too depressing to think about. Also, lets be honest, Chuuya is gorgeous. He'd genuinely be the best boyfriend/husband/father anyone could ever ask for so, and I it'd be genuinely easy to fall in love with him. And Oni are different from Judeo-Christian demons, so the darling wouldn't really have to worry about eternal damnation and all that. I hope this is okay.]
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poeticlilies · 1 year
okay, first of all i want to say that i love the way you write💞 you said that you would try writing something platonic so can you write something for akutagawa and executive!reader who is chuuya’s s/o? They have a similar personality to dazai’s and used to be closed friends with him back when he was in the pm; so just something where akutagawa and reader are sent on a mission and he messes it up to the point he gets severely injured and reader has to fix the situation and afterwards he expects them to snap at him or something but they just take care of him and reassure him that everything is okay :(
okay i didn’t expect this to get so long and specific😭 ofc you can change whatever you don’t like if you even choose to write something like this🫶🏻
♡ Accidents happen!
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke x Reader (Platonic) , Mentions of Nakahara Chuuya x Reader (Romantic)
Desc: You comfort Akutagawa after he fucks up a mission. (gender neutral reader)
TW/CW: dark themes, bad thoughts, severe injuries, mentions of hospitals/surgery/treatment, fight scenes
He fucked up.
He fucked up, bad.
And he knew it; from the large slash across his chest to the fatigue settled deep into his bones, he knew that he had messed up big time.
But there you were; ever so casual, laughing merrily as you hauled his ass back to an escape vehicle, waving cheerily and telling him you'd handle it.
Though there was no ill intention in your words, Akutagawa couldn't help but try to swallow the rising pit of fear bubbling in his chest, crawling up his throat and choking him. Though there was no ill intention in your eyes, he never knew, because he didn't meet them once after he had gotten careless and suffered as a result.
He had been cornered; stuck between a rock and a hard place. The files the mafia needed were right there, and so he gambled his chances and lunged forward, hand outstretched, desperately trying to grasp the documents.
However, the damned newbie, the one the Port Mafia didn't have any information on yet, somehow managed to blow the sheets of paper away, pearly white fluttering against the wind before being torn to shreds by oncoming bullets.
He had frozen, in shock; still processing the situation even as the group recovered and launched a counterattack. And though his Rashomon acted on it's own, it still wasn't as efficient without it's master's command, like a piece of technology being given instructions but not how to carry them out.
He felt it, felt it as it dug into his chest; how it burned on his skin like fire and how it had woken him from his slumber. Eliminating everyone else was easy; he was made for this, was born for it, it came naturally like breathing. However, there was no way to recover the lost documents, and as more and more swarms of men came running (where did they even come from?) Akutagawa Ryuunosuke simply stood there, bitterness filling his throat as the wound slowly stained his shirt crimson.
It was then that you had arrived; yelling (or rather, screaming) his name and tackling him just as an onslaught of bullets whizzed by where the two of you where moments before.
Every other detail was a blur; all he remembered were flashes of it, little pieces that he tried to stitch together, but couldn't. Eventually, he gave up; and in the back of the black Port Mafia vehicle, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to fade away into unconsciousness.
He woke up, however. Everyone has to wake up at some point, except for when you're dead.
You were by his bedside, talking to another executive; words swam around in his head before he finally grasped the name of the orange-haired male who stood beside you. Nakahara Chuuya, he thought. That's right.
You were chatting with him, recalling details of your (failed) mission. Though the events and details you recounted were gruesome, you still had that grin on your face as you recounted details and made little jokes.
For a second, your figure was replaced with Dazai's, his ex-mentor; and he immediately panicked.
Scrambling up, he saluted you with shaking hands despite the pain that flared up in his chest. Heaving, he choked out apologies for failing the mission, for being careless, for gambling it all and losing, as images of Dazai flashed through his head.
You startled, surprised, before pushing him (gently) back into bed. Hushing him when he looked at you, shocked that it was you, and not Dazai; telling him it was okay as Chuuya watched in concern for his subordinate.
You told Chuuya to leave the room, bidding him farewell with a kiss to the cheek and a smile. He complied, waving goodbye and looking at Akutagawa for the last time (with pity? or concern? or scorn?) before disappearing into the hallway.
Akutagawa shook like a leaf in the wind; terrified of what was next.
He expected you to shout, to yell, to scream; to hit him and berate him and cruelly punishing him. That's surely why you had sent Nakahara-san out.
So, instead, when he was met with your gentle embrace and the warm comfort of your reassurances, he froze up again like he did some hours prior. Stunned that he wasn't being yelled at, kicked at, for messing up the mission.
He opened his mouth to talk, but all that came out was a soft gasp; his hands acted of their own accord as they curled into your shirt, grasping tightly and burying themselves into the fabric as he gently rested his head against your shoulder.
"Shh.. it's okay..." you had told him. "It's alright, we can fix it.. it's not a big deal, it's okay..."
Those words were so foreign, so strange, he had to take a moment to comprehend them; chest rising and falling as tears clouded his vision. It was okay? He was being forgiven for failing the mission?
Even as he began to softly cry, latching on to your figure and refusing to let go, you comforted him; murmuring reassurances as you held him, in the hospital wing of the mafia building; the only sound other than his crying the soft beeps and whirrs of the machines next to the bed.
Eventually, he tired himself out; tears stopping like a river's flow in the summertime, slowly ebbing away until there was nothing left except his uneven breaths and sounds of the medical equipment next to him.
He was so, so tired; and you were so, so comfortable; and though he fought it, he could not help but sample the sweet taste of rest as the sensation of sleep lulled him into a tranquil state. You slowly rested his upper body against the mattress, gently adjusting the covers as he closed his eyes.
"It's okay. Just go to sleep." you said; and he listened. Followed your advice as you gently soothed him to sleep, hand smoothing out the knots in his hair as you sat by his bedside, keeping watch over him.
And as he was slowly pulled into dreamland, he curled up against your body, knowing it would be alright. That you were here, now, and that you would fix this.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke fucked up a mission;
but it wasn't the end of the world. It was okay. You would be there to catch him if he fell, like you did today.
eugh,, so tired. this is so bad. i'm sorry for the quality.
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invidiia · 1 year
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[HCS] yan!atsushi x chronically ill reader
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[HCS] yan!dazai x willing reader
[HCS] yan!dazai x forgetful reader
[HCS] yan!dazai x reader who sees through him
[HCS] yan!dazai x reader on their period
[FIC] yan!dazai x reader who is scared of thunder
[FIC] yan!dazai x reader who escaped and returned to make dinner
[FIC] platonic yan!pm!dazai x reader who was sent to kill him
[VAR] how he feels about breaking your bones..
[VAR] as a platonic yandere with a rebellious teenager
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[HCS] yan!ranpo x oblivious reader
[HCS] yan!ranpo x forgetful reader
[HCS] platonic!yan!ranpo(e) x teenage girly reader
[VAR] as a platonic yandere with a rebellious teenager
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
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[HCS] yan!chuuya x reader general yandere headcanons
[HCS] yan!chuuya x willing reader
[HCS] yan!chuuya x completely willing reader
[HCS] yan!chuuya x reader on their period
[VAR] how he feels about breaking your bones..
[VAR] as a platonic yandere with a rebellious teenager
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[HCS] yan!akutagawa x reader general yandere hcs
[FIC] yan!akutagawa x reader who doesn't care about him
[VAR] how he feels about breaking your bones..
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[HCS] yan!tachihara x ada!reader who is close with yosano
[FIC] yan!tachihara x quiet/shy reader, part 2
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[FIC] yan!higuchi x reader who doesn't care about her
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[HCS] yan!lippmann x reader small hcs
[HCS] yan!lippmann x assistant!reader part 2
[FIC] albatross x reader who got their period
[FIC] yan!verlaine x reader who learned french secretly
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[HCS] yan!poe x touch starved reader
[HCS] platonic!yan!(ran)poe x teenage girly reader
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[HCS] nikolai x teenage (platonic) reader bringing home a partner
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[HCS] yan!fyodor x reader general hcs
[HCS] yan!fyodor x reader who loves books
[VAR] how he feels about breaking your bones..
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[HCS] yan!sigma x reader
[HCS] yan!sigma x willing reader
[VAR] as a platonic yandere with a rebellious teenager
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
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[HCS] yan!jouno x reader in love with someone else
[HCS] platonic yan!older brother jouno x reader who likes stuffed animals
[VAR] how he feels about breaking your bones..
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
[VAR] yanderes on the jealousy scale
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Bungo Stray Dogs Headcanons, but it’s only the characters that I think deserve more attention
I'm currently on a BSD kick, so have these headcanons while I feel ✨Inspired✨
I'll take requests for other characters, these two are just the only ones I have inspiration for right now.
Tw: Aku’s a yandere so yeah. He’s also kinda just a violent disaster of a person in general.
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
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🖤‼️ I got one word for you, and that word is Yandere. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. If you manage to catch his eye, he will kill to keep you by his side. He’s certainly a dangerous one, so watch your back! Yes, he will kidnap you. You kinda brought this on yourself by searching ‘Akutagawa x reader’
🖤‼️He has no idea what love is, actually. He just knows that the world is a dangerous place and he’s the only one strong enough to protect you. It’s going to be a while before he can put a name to this strange feeling, so just sit tight while he figures it out.
🖤‼️Gets a lot of advice from Chuuya, mostly. It’s not that everyone else doesn’t already know that he’s helplessly in love with you, it’s that they’re all scared of him. Chuuya is the only one who isn’t, and thusly he is the advice giver. He actually gives surprisingly good advice, despite his rather angry personality.
🖤‼️It’ll be a while before he trusts anyone else around you. Eventually, you’ll basically be an honorary member of the Port Mafia, but for the LONGEST time he refuses to let anyone else even speak to you. Chuuya does not give a fuck, and visits you while Aku’s out on a mission. Don’t worry, Short Ginger’s got your back. He’ll be your best buddie and wingman.
🖤‼️He has absolutely no clue how to socialize like a normal person. You think Dazai took the time out of his busy schedule to teach Aku how to function socially? Absolutely not. He was too busy turning Aku into the perfect killing machine. Aku is incredibly blunt and literal about everything, and he takes everything way too seriously. 90% of jokes will fly straight over his head, which is pretty funny in its own right.
🖤‼️Gin is the first person Aku trusted with you. She’s his sister, after all. You’ll likely become friends with her, which pleases Aku. He wants all the important people in his life to get along.
🖤‼️If you’re not already a secret badass, become one. Just trust me. Aku is very into that. If you suddenly whip out a gun and save his ass by shooting a bitch without hesitation, he’ll be hooked forever. He’ll be so stunned in the moment that he won’t be able to function properly. Remember that scene in season 3, episode 11? Where he just said yes to everything? Yeah he relapses into that.
🖤‼️Please validate him. Tell him he’s the best and the strongest. He needs to hear it from somebody he cares about. And maybe try to convince him to not seek after Dazai’s validation so much. Does his opinion really even matter? I mean, he certainly doesn’t seem to care about Aku.
🖤‼️He spends more time in the infirmary than out of it. This hard-headed idiot pushes himself well past the limits of what his frail body can handle LITERALLY EVERY FIGHT. You’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting by his hospital bed hoping he’ll wake up from whatever coma he’s currently in. Somebody needs to tell him not to push himself so hard, and it may as well be you.
🖤‼️Please make him take care of himself. Force feed him if you have to, but this boy needs a sandwich. Good gracious, he’s a fucking toothpick. There is no meat on his little toothpick bones. Make him bathe, too. At least make him wash his hair and put on deodorant.
🖤‼️No, he will not let you steal his coat. He will get you a matching one, if it’s really that important to you.
🖤‼️Aku opposes physical affection at first, especially in public. He can’t have people thinking he’s a softie! Eventually, he’ll warm up to it. Only in private, though. Unless he happens to be jealous. Then he needs to show this other guy who you belong to.
🖤‼️Over all, probably the third most dangerous pick in the show. First being Fyodor, and second being Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. It’s not that he lacks power or ruthlessness, just that he has a very obvious issue that can be fixed with some hard work and dedication. He needs lots of validation, and to have some sense beaten into him from time to time.
Edgar Allen Poe
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🤎🦝 Oh gosh I love this underrated mf so much- there really isn't enough content of this sweet introvert baby- Anyway, Poe is the sweetest, shyest little bean pole. I think he would like someone who won't abandon him at parties. *ahem* ranpo *ahem* He would also love it if you would read his stories and give him positive feedback. Please. Just do it. He deserves it.
🤎🦝He does have some… interesting… mood swings. Honestly, he can be moodier than most girls on their periods (i can say that, because I’M a girl). One minute he’ll be happy and cheerful, and the next he’ll be Tamaki-Amajiki-ing in the corner. If you don’t know what that means, go watch My Hero Academia. 
🤎🦝He and Karl are a packaged deal, obviously. I’m sorry if you have some deathly fear of raccoons (if you do, then why the heck are you simping for raccoon man??) but that’s how it is. Karl is his best buddie, and will be your best buddie too. Look on the bright side, you get to pet a fluffy raccoon!
🤎🦝You met during one of the ADA’s office parties, which Poe attended to show Ranpo his latest novel. Unfortunately, Ranpo is easily distracted and abandoned poor Poe within five minutes. Seeing the incredibly nervous introvert in the corner, you decided to talk to him. Congratulations! You now have a second shadow! Poe is so incredibly insecure in social situations that he will cling to you for as long as you’re willing to put up with him, even if you’re also introverted.
🤎🦝If you like to write, he would love to read your writing! He’ll give you pointers on how to make your writing better. Y’all meet up regularly to discuss your latest projects, read each other’s work, and give each other tips and ideas.
🤎🦝He is WAY too shy to confess to you on his own. He writes so many letters, but never has the courage to send them. He also practices with Karl daily, and still can’t handle the pressure. Somebody please help him-
🤎🦝He tries to ask Ranpo for advice (probably a bad idea) and Ranpo outs him immediately. (“Oh, you’re crushing on y/n, aren’t you?”) Ranpo advises him to just confess already. The World’s Greatest Detective definitely already knows that you’re crushing on Poe. It doesn’t take a genius to see how much you’re pining for each other!
🤎🦝Cafe dates!! Library dates!! Anywhere decently quiet and calm. Poe really doesn’t like large crowds, so maybe no big social gatherings. He enjoys just relaxing at home and reading next to you.
🤎🦝Loves physical affection, but is so so so shy about initiating it. Please just grab him and snuggle him so he doesn’t have to worry about it. Hold his hand! Give him kisses, if you can reach! He absolutely loves to cuddle. With how tall he is, he makes a great big spoon. He could probably just envelope your entire body with his.
🤎🦝Apparently he’s also rich?? Not certain if this is canon (edit: it is!!!) or not but we’re going with it anyway. That way, he can spoil you. If you like to read, he will buy you so many books. You’ll never have time to read them all. Artist? He’ll buy you art supplies! Any other hobbies? Taken care of. Saw a cute necklace/dress/outfit/whatever? It’s on your doorstep within a week.
🤎🦝All in all, a phenomenal pick. Perhaps the best in the show (in my opinion, anyway). Yeah he’s super clingy and insecure, and has some interesting mood swings, but he’s still just a good lad who deserves all the love in the world. Plus he has a pet raccoon, and that’s just really cool.
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indigo-o · 11 months
hey hey hey could you do blue chamomile for akutagawa please?? (Female reader if possible)
Hey hey hey! I can do that, ive never written for akutagawa so here we go!
Okay so made the reader and him have completely opposite personalities like she's a Kindergarten teacher and he works in the portmafia 🤷‍♂️ perfect am I right lmao
Tw: mentioned hospital and broken bones, kids
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you're my reason too
I smiled at the slight of flowers in a vase as I walked through the door. It's his way of saying i love you. He won't be home tonight or tomorrow night. That's what having a soulmate and boyfriend in the portmafia does. At first we didn't even want to know each other. But his name was writen on my arm so I had to find him. He on the other hand was in no rush to find me. That was untill I happened to get caught up in one of his missions. While he fighting me and my students were out on a filed trip. One of my students thought akutagawa was so cool and wouldn't listen to me. Proceeding to try and touch Rashōmon. Leading Rashōmon to almost hit the kid but it hit me instead.(the things teachers do) I was fine I just broke my arm and bruised a rib. and was out for a little bit. (Adding aggressive sarcasm) While being at the hospital i only worried about the bill. That was untill one day akutagawa came to say hi. He said he was very sorry. But then I asked him why? Like bro you work at the portmafia. Why you feeling emotional about hurting someone. He then said because he thought he killed me and I wasn't supposed to be killed. And I was a person to be protected on the mission. He looked very embarrassed to say the least. To here that I was apart of a portmafia mission was odd but that'd okay I guess. He got up and left just like that. Then another person walked in. A very beautiful women. Beautiful was an understatement. She sat there and told me that basically I'm his soulmate and he refuses to do anything about so they made me a prime person to not kill and all the medical bills have been paid. I was just like okay wtf but okay. Eventually we got together and here we are. I went to bed and just like that the day past over. I walked home and made it to our shared house. Putting my bags down I decided to make dinner after all a 2 day mission might be nothing to him but a lot to me. I heard the door open. Shit did I forget to lock the door. I already had a knife in my hand. So let's use these techniques that gin taught me. I stood behind the fridge. I heard foot steps walking closer. And boom! It was Akutagawa. "You could easily take out a robber but definitely not me.". He was holding my arm. "sorry love. I forgot to lock the door. But I made dinner.". I smiled. "Thanks dear.". I grabbed the two plates and brought them to the table. And we began to eat. "Thank you for making dinner love. I really appreciate it.". I smiled "of course I expected you to be tired and hungry.". We finished dinner and i picked up our plates but he stopped me. "Dear i got it.". "Oh its fine. I can do it you must be tired.". He gave me that look so I let him. While he was washing the plates I came up behind him and hugged him. I felt him tense up and then relax. "I'm sorry I stared you love.". "Its okay.". "Can you finish dishes later. I want to hold you I missed you.". He looked back at me. He put he dished down and dried his hands. "Okay.". He picked me up and took me to out bed. We laid there like that and i nuzzled into his chest. "I don't tell you alot but I love you, so much. You're my reason, the reason I get up, the reason I check my phone to see if I have message from you. I love you.". Hes never said that before. I know he loves me and I love him too. I snuggled closer. "you're my reason too.".
Thank you for reading I hope yall have a great night/day!
random story from krd, I befriended a racoon I named Mitchell. So I was holding him and the teachers came up to me to see what I was doing. They saw him picked him up and threw him and told me all about how bad raccoons are and I washed my hands, remember this till today
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maeri-ell · 2 years
Bungou stray Dogs || They find out your secretly an assassin || BSD X ASSASSIN READER
Dazai, Atsushi, Chuuya, Mori, and Akutagawa
(Note: I deleted the other post and just combined it into this post.) 
ENJOY!!   (✯◡✯)
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Despite his playful and childlike behavior, he quickly grasps things and pays close attention, making it hard to hide anything from him. He already had suspicions during the first few weeks of your relationship.
He noticed how swiftly you react when something comes flying towards you, effortlessly dodging it. He also marveled at your incredible physical strength.
At one point, he questioned whether you possessed special abilities like Kenji, someone known for their exceptional strength and agility. It crossed his mind that your remarkable qualities might be connected to such abilities.
Curiosity got the better of him, leading him to test this theory. He intentionally brought you along on a dangerous mission, which left you feeling confused and apprehensive.
"Isn't this too dangerous for me, Dazai...?" you asked nervously.
"Don't worry, Belladonna! I will protect you," he replied with enthusiasm.
Together, you entered an abandoned building that served as a hideout for a small criminal organization. Dazai knew about it and had prepared a backup plan in case things went wrong.
As you walked down the hallway, gunmen suddenly appeared, aiming their weapons at both of you.
"You're detectives, aren't you?!" one of them exclaimed. "We won't let you leave here alive!"
This was the moment Dazai had been waiting for. Now, the question remained: would you reveal your true nature behind the innocent facade you presented, or had he been completely mistaken?
Your face turned pale as you hesitantly moved your fingers, desperately searching for a solution. The problem was clear—you could easily eliminate the gunmen in an instant, but your boyfriend was standing right beside you.
1, 2, 3.
Forget it.
You swiftly took off your coat and wrapped it around Dazai's face, spinning him around to shield him.
With a butterfly knife hidden under your sleeve, you proceeded to mercilessly slit the gunmen's throats.
Dazai had been right all along—you were not an ordinary civilian. The scene unfolding before him revealed your true and extraordinary nature. After eliminating all the gunmen, you turned away, unable to face him.
"Dazai!" you called out, feeling his arms embrace you.
"That was incredible, Belladonna," Dazai said breathlessly.
"I knew I was right about you," he added, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek, paying no mind to the blood staining his hands.
You both agreed to keep this a secret between yourselves. Surprisingly, you shared everything about your main job as an assassin, and it only strengthened your relationship. Life returned to your usual romantic and chaotic days as a couple.
During your intimate moments, he became more passionate and assertive. It made sense since you were an assassin, and your exceptional stamina added to the excitement.
You often sought his advice on weapons and related matters, benefiting from his past as a former mafia executive. However, he remained watchful, as his detective instincts never faded away.
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During an unfortunate encounter, you and Atsushi found yourselves cornered by a group of thugs. The odds were against you, and Atsushi's mind raced, wondering if he had any unresolved debts.
Meanwhile, positioned behind your boyfriend, you prepared yourself for an impending attack.
And it came.
Reacting swiftly, you pushed Atsushi out of harm's way, swiftly incapacitating the assailants by breaking their necks and bones.
Atsushi was left horrified, witnessing a side of you he had never imagined. Your eyes devoid of any remorse as you took their lives.
After the gruesome scene, you hesitated to look back, knowing that he had seen everything.
"I'm sorry... I lied..." you whispered, meant only for him to hear.
... Silence followed.
Suddenly, you felt a firm grip on your hand as Atsushi compelled you to face him. Pain etched across his entire face.
"You better have a good explanation for this!" he exclaimed, filled with denial.
You proceeded to explain to him about your life as an assassin.
Atsushi remained in a state of denial, and you both didn't speak that night.
You understood that he needed time to process everything. After all, your boyfriend was deeply sensitive when it came to being lied to, especially by the person he loved and trusted.
Before long, things gradually returned to normal, but Atsushi kept a watchful eye on you. He preferred not to dwell on the thought of you killing others.
If ever you needed to shop for weapons, he would accompany you, providing support despite his reservations.
Chuuya Nakahara
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Chuuya discovered your secret shortly after you two were at his place, enjoying dinner and wine. As he ranted about his day, he accidentally knocked over the wine bottle while reaching for something.
Without thinking, your assassin instincts kicked in, and you caught the falling bottle with one arm just before it hit the ground. The room fell silent as he stared at you, and you found yourself sweating nervously.
"A-Ah, Chuuya, you should be more careful next time!" you exclaimed, placing the wine bottle back on the counter.
"Sure..." he responded, clearly suspicious of the situation.
You were relieved that he didn't press further and decided to continue with your mini-date, hoping to divert his attention.
The following day, Chuuya was at his office, preoccupied with paperwork, when he paused, his mind wandering back to the events of the previous night. It was evident that your face had turned pale, and you had avoided making eye contact.
His suspicion grew. It was not normal to possess such lightning-fast reflexes to catch a wine bottle in mid-air, and your reaction afterwards only added to his doubts.
As soon as the day was over, Chuuya returned home earlier than expected. As he stood at the doorstep, taking off his shoes, coat, and hat, a sudden crash echoed from inside.
He swiftly opened the door to find you unconscious on the floor, covered in blood and with minor cuts, holding a combat knife in your hand.
He froze, but quickly snapped into action, rushing to pick you up and tending to your wounds, cleaning away the blood.
Hours later, you regained consciousness and glanced to your side, finding an angry and worried Chuuya by your bedside.
There was no escaping this one. "Explain why the hell you're covered in blood and wounds!" he yelled, impatiently waiting for your response.
"There's something I need to tell you..." you replied.
Both of you sat there as you explained your life as a professional killer, describing how you had encountered a gifted ability user who was part of a specialized division.
Chuuya was astonished. He had never imagined you to be that kind of person, but he didn't hold it against you. After all, he himself was part of the mafia and understood the necessity of taking lives. Although you had managed to defeat your opponent, you were left exhausted and injured.
You still wondered how you managed to make it to his apartment without collapsing along the way.
The conversation ended with Chuuya overwhelming you with a tight embrace. He didn't truly care, to be honest. After all, he knew the nature of his own work. It was comforting for him to know that you could protect yourself in times of danger.
During intimate moments in bed, Chuuya would kiss your wounds and cuts, whispering how beautiful they are.
He spoils you when it comes to buying weapons and outfits, replacing any torn ones. He becomes your sugar daddy, in a sense.
In the event that he sees you as a threat to the Port Mafia, it's possible that he may become frustrated and angry, torn between his love for you and his loyalty to the mafia. He might even consider leaving you.
But, with some hope, you both might find a way to talk it out and come to a resolution.
Chuuya struggles with expressing his emotions, so please be patient with him. He's going through a lot internally.
Mori Ougai
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You were both sitting in his office, enjoying the view, with you comfortably seated on his lap, your arms wrapped around his neck. These moments together, in your own little world, were cherished by both of you. He was a clingy and affectionate person, always wanting to be close to you.
One day, he noticed a sudden change in your expression whenever he tried to embrace you. It raised a huge red flag for him. But what truly alarmed him was when he caught a faint scent of blood coming from you.
Looking up at you, he saw your face go pale and then you passed out. He quickly caught you, filled with worry, and carried you to his room. To his shock, he discovered a stab wound on the lower left part of your body, along with various cuts on your dress, from which blood was flowing.
Once he ensured you were safe and out of immediate danger, he sat by your side, tightly holding your hand. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the monitoring machine, keeping track of your condition.
In the midst of that dreadful silence, your eyes slowly opened, heavily, and you found yourself staring at a plain white ceiling. You felt something touching your hand, and weakly called out, "M-Mori...?" His head immediately turned towards you as he exclaimed, "You're awake, thank goodness! How are you feeling? Is there something you need? I'll get it for you!" His worry was evident in his voice.
"Aren't you going to ask me how I ended up in such a state?" you chuckled weakly, squeezing his sweaty hand.
"Let's talk about that after you've fully recovered. Do you know how worried I was when you suddenly appeared in a near-death state?" he replied, his concern evident. "Sit down, let's talk before you do something unimaginably horrid."
You proceeded to tell him everything about your life as an assassin and how you ended up in the condition he found you in. He listened attentively, staying calm throughout your explanation, taking in every detail.
"I'm sorry," you whispered after a while, mustering a small smile.
"There's no need to apologize, my love. I understand why you kept it a secret," he responded, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on your forehead.
In the days that followed, life returned to your normal routine, but he became even more clingy than before.
He would offer you the opportunity to join the Port Mafia as an assassin, and who knows, you might even rise to the position of a mafia executive in the future, if you agreed.
If you wished to keep it a secret between the two of you, he would remain silent and take care of anyone who found out, making sure they wouldn't speak a word.
Sometimes, he would ask for favors related to his work as a mafia boss.
Just like Chuuya, he spoiled you with the best gear and weapons you needed, particularly when it came to clothes. You felt like you had visited every clothing store in Yokohama with him and Elise.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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He discovered the truth when he was sent on a mission to eliminate an entire abandoned building. As he made his way inside, he noticed that all the gunmen were already dead. Curiosity led him deeper into the building until he came face to face with a figure, unable to see their face clearly but recognizing the familiar color of your hair. Just as you were about to turn around, Akutagawa's Rashomon stopped midway, right in front of your neck.
His eyes widened as he realized it was you, and you had the same reaction upon seeing him. There was a long moment of silence, both of you processing the situation.
"Ryu..." your voice trembled slightly.
He grabbed your hand and swiftly led you out of the building. Once you were outside, he demanded an explanation, his voice laced with venom.
"Alright..." you began to explain how you had been sent on a job to kill the people in that building, revealing your true identity as an assassin.
After you finished explaining, the two of you stood there in stunned silence. Finally, he broke the silence, saying, "Tell me next time, so you won't get in my way." He gently took your hand and led you back home.
"Okay..." you replied, relieved that he didn't react more violently.
Life seemed to return to normal after that incident. Akutagawa didn't seem to care about the fact that you were an assassin. If he ever caught you cleaning your blades and weapons in the middle of the night, he would simply watch you silently, seemingly intrigued by your actions.
He would accompany you when buying weapons and offer his opinions based on his knowledge and experience. He was always willing to share what he had learned.
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yandreamings · 2 years
I AM HOPPING ON THESE PROMPTS BECAUSE I NEED AKUTAGAWA CONTENT and your akutagawa content is the best around ✨✨
so maybe 19 and aku?? if you’d like to! that prompt gives me big aku vibes,,, please take your time tho!! thanks so much <3
SO true; Akutagawa needs more love. 😖💝 You're so kind, thank you so much! <3 I'm really happy you think so, and I hope you enjoy! I also think this suits him well.
TW for violence against reader!
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19. “Look at you, you have it so bad. Cry me a river.”
Really, what Akutagawa is doing is merciful. You should be thanking him rather than shaking in your boots, sobbing while he towers over you as you lay in crumpled on the cold floor. Pathetic. So pathetic. That’s all he can think when he sees you; you’re so weak, so sad to look at, especially when you try to fight him of all people. Why do you, anyways? You know you can’t win, so why not give up already? But you don’t, and that’s what gets you into these situations.
“Please... stop...” your feeble voice interrupts him from his thoughts, and he scoffs, using Rashoumon to grab you by the neck, hauling you closer to him yet again. “A-Akutagawa-”
You’re silenced when the black beast tightens its grip around your neck, effectively depriving you of any air. Your hands fruitlessly claw at it, but again, it’s no use. He’s stronger than you, and he always will be.
“Shut up. Didn’t I tell you that already? Or do I have to get it through your head again?” He snarls, watching as fear contorts your tearful expression. Pathetic... so god damned pathetic.
Another sob wracks your bruised, aching body as it’s shoved against the hard wall, and you’re sure he’d almost broken a bone, almost smashed your head against it. “Look at you, you have it so bad. Cry me a river.” His voice is anything but empathetic, eyes seeming soulless as he stares you down. “What do you expect to gain with this sort of behavior? Do you think I’ll feel sorry for you? Get a grip.”
Maybe that’s why he wants to protect you so much. Maybe that’s why, because he sees his old self in you. You’re so scared, so meek and small in this big, scary world... maybe that’s what it is.
Maybe that’s why he loves you so much.
But he can’t tell you that.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
So far of reading your writing, I really love it! :)) May I request Kunikida, Dazai and Ranpo having an younger member of the agency being a sort of subordinate of them but acts a lot like a younger sibling to them? She's just really pure hearted and soft and really looks up to them so she likes helping them out a lot. Just some fluff because my boys deserve all love and affection
Awww thank you so much for the compliment!! This request is so cute, and yes, all the boys deserve all the love and affection that is possible cause they go through too much 😭 Anon requested this as platonic, and reader is gender neutral. Also, I wasn’t too sure what the age should be, so I went with Kyoka’s age, which is 14. Hope you enjoy!
TW: Mentions of suicide in Dazai’s part, but nothing too heavy or specific is mentioned. It does get kinda sad though, but it has a happy ending. Also, slight spoiler for season 2/Dark Era Arc, but nothing too major
Young ADA Member Acting like a Younger Sibling to: Kunikida, Dazai, and Ranpo
Okay, so when you first started at the office, people (specifically Naomi and Junichiro) were nervous when you got paired up with Kunikida. And Kunikida isn’t a bad man by any means, but he can be very, very, very strict
And how well do rules stick with kids/younger people? Exactly. It just sounded like a bomb waiting to explode
And you look so soft and so sweet! What if he made you cry?!
Which Naomi threatened to draw blood if he did
Even Kunikida himself was nervous. This was not written in his notebook to be a glorified babysitter!
But the President insisted, putting faith into you that you’ll be a great addition to the team and that he can lead you on the right path and not into trouble like some people he won’t mention (Dazai)
That was all that he needed to hear, and he took those words very serious. He won’t let the President down, and he wasn’t going to let you down either. You guys were gonna give it your all, whether you were ready to or not
But, to everyone’s surprise (really his) you both adapted well. You treated him with respect, said yes sir, no sir, tidied up both of your desks (which were right next to each other), you even tried to abide by his stern schedule without any complaints
You were a great help on missions too, you didn’t recklessly throw yourself into danger, and you made sure to look out for citizens to keep them safe and out of danger
And that wasn’t it, oh no
You made sure to bring him snacks (atleast the ones that he said were ideal), made sure that he was keeping hydrated and not tensed up all the time (working in this office will do that to you), and to make his workload as light as possible
After seeing him go off on Dazai for the 1000th time and getting wound up over a case that wasn’t getting any leads, you saw how stressed and frustrated he was getting. Mumbling to himself about how could he “replace the President if he couldn’t do this right”So you tapped on your shoulder, with one goal in mind: To comfort him
When you tapped his shoulder, he turned and yelled, “WHAT NOW?!”, right into your face
Time stood still as everyone froze, shocked. Even Kunikida himself after he saw it was you.
He felt immediately guilty, about to apologize for losing his cool when you began speaking
“Mr. Kunikida, please don’t stress too much. It’s not good for your heart! And don’t let this one thing stop you! You’re a great leader, and someone that I look up to. I wouldn’t be where I was at now without you! So please don’t doubt yourself, because we don’t, especially me! You’re my role model, Mr. Kunikida. Please, don’t ever forget that.”
After that, it was like a flip switched in him
“(Y/N), come here and walk very slowly.”
You did so with no hesitation, but you were curious
“Your shoe is untied. Here, let me tie it for you. It wouldn’t be ideal if you get injured because of a lousy shoelace. It wouldn’t be ideal if you got injured at all.”
“(Y/N), we have lunch scheduled at exactly 12:15. They’re also serving your favorite today, so we can’t be late, understand?”
“Yes sir!”, you said with a smile
“(Y/N), let’s go. It’s getting dark and if you still want to see that dreaded light show, we have to leave in 20 seconds to make it! I don’t want to see you sad or hear you complain if we miss it.”
“Coming sir! Just finishing up some work for tomorrow-“
“I already have it written in my notebook on when it will be done, so we can go.”
“Here you go Mr. Kunikida, I already typed up and printed out the reports for later on!”
“Thanks kid. And you don’t have to keep calling me Mister okay? Kunikida is fine.”
Dead silent in the office
KUNIKIDA is letting someone way younger than him just call him KUNIKIDA? Not MR.KUNIKIDA???
Everyone is, realistically, shook
But as time went on, they understood why
He came to look after you as his own
The entire ADA would have never thought the day would come (it wasn’t even in the notebook!) where he would care for a kid like his little sibling but here it was, right in front of their faces
But they weren’t complaining at all. You seemed to make his day a little brighter, and he wasn’t as uptight as much (but don’t be mistaken he was still Kunikida, just at an 8 instead of a whole 10)
After that mini pep talk that fateful day, he made it his duty to be a good role model for you. To always set a good example, both in and out the office.
He wouldn’t fail you, and he would be damned if he let anything happen to you
You’re a good kid, and you only deserve the best. And he was gonna be the best role model (and brother) for you
Aw man, he was..conflicted to say the least
Listen, it’s not like he hates kids or teens, but it’s just extra responsibilities to watch over them. And he already slacks off enough to begin with, so is this really a good idea sticking a 14 year-old with him?
And lowkey, the way that he treated Akutagawa is still heavy on his mind, and he doesn’t want a repeat
But the President made it so, and Kunikida was ready to attack if he even thought about denying the order. Plus, it could be like another Atsushi around (another person to pass work off too) so that was a win!
And another person to annoy Kunikida too
You looked so pure and innocent. Are you sure that you’re in the right place? 
He genuinely thought you were a lost kid when you came up to him the first time lmao
Geez, you even sound sweet too! How has this world not damage or corrupt you yet?
“Hi Mr. Dazai! It’s nice to meet you. I hope that we can make a great team, and that I’m here to help if you need anything!”
“Nice to meet you too. And now that you mention it, these reports have been giving me a hard time...”
Not gonna lie, he did take advantage of your help. You offered, so why not? He thought you were gonna get sick of it soon and start complaining, but nope
You took his reports and did it with no hesitation every time. And you always handed it to him with a bright smile. On top of that, you always cleaned up his area and behind him, you did any leftover work that he ignored forgot to do so that he wouldn’t get yelled at, and tried to bring him small snacks and even packed a whole lunch for him when you noticed that he didn’t eat a lot
He even started to feel pretty bad and he was getting disapproving looks from his fellow detectives (even Kenji, and he never frowns)
So he started to take back and *GASP* actually do his work?!
But you stopped him, and told him that he should, “Take it easy! You work hard enough as it is saving the city. It’s no problem doing these reports, and I want to help you in any way I can, Mr. Dazai.”
“(Y/N), don’t worry, I can do them. And remember it’s just Dazai, calling me Mister makes me feel old like Kunikida-”
And it seemed like you really cared for his wellbeing, especially when you had to accompany him on missions
Well, it just so happen that while you were going with Atsushi to find Dazai to start a mission, you both found him
Hanging upside down, sinking to the bottom of the lake
You rushed into the water immediately, pulling him out and onto the ground while Atsushi was just standing there in disbelief
Atsushi is so done with his shit
“Dazai, can you hear me?! Dazai?! Atsushi, I gotta give him CPR I don’t think he’s-”
“(Y/N) don’t worry he’s okay! This isn’t his first time he’s done this, and probably not the last.”
“W-what do you mean?”
You didn’t know about Dazai’s suicide methods? Did he not tell you or talk about it in front of you? Atsushi would have been somewhat proud of him if this whole situation didn’t happen, but here we are
“Geez, guess this method isn’t for me. It seems like someone is bound to always inter- hm, (Y/N)? What are doing out of the office? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You hugged his chest tightly, not caring that he was practically soaked down to the bone
“Please stop, Dazai! Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to leave everyone?! Why are you trying to leave ME?!”
That got his attention
“Your life is important, Dazai, too important to try and end it on your own terms! You’re special to me, I look up to you. You’re smart, funny, and you help everyone out in your own special way. If you weren’t here anymore, everyone would be so lost...I would be so lost..,I-I-I wouldn’t know what to do-”
You looked up, eyes red and puffy with tears rolling down your cheeks, but filled with determination
“I promise you that I will make sure you know how much you matter to everyone. I swear on my life that I will.”
Okay, so you know how you were helpful/adorable before? On a scale of 1-10, you were definitely at an 11. But Dazai felt like you were at a 20
At first, he thought that you weren’t being genuine. You were just a young kid who didn’t know any better and was just trying to do your job, in sickeningly, oversweet way. I mean, who would really care about him with his horrid past? He was convinced that you were just naïve, and that the world would swallow you whole when it gets the chance. And it made him feel pity for you
But you proved him wrong
You weren’t just some ignorant child. You were in this agency working alongside him for a reason. And you reminded him of that everyday when he saw you working, handling the cases, taking actions on missions, all the while being kindhearted through and through 
You especially went out of way for him, and it was both a warm and scary feeling. People that he ended up caring for shared an undeserving fate, and he blamed himself for it constantly. So he tried to keep his distance, for your safety. You still had a life to live, and he didn’t want to ruin that for you.
But it was kinda hard to when you work together, and with you constantly being under his wing trying to show him the good in life and the difference that he made, he couldn’t help but admit it
You proved him wrong, and not a lot of people can say that. 
You went out of your way to make sure that everyone was okay, mentally and physically. He didn’t want to admit it, but you made the office (and his life) a little bit more bearable when you were around. You’re a good kid. And it was so fun to rope you and sometimes Atsushi into his schemes lmao y’all can be so gullible sometimes
Unfortunately, he still planned to leave this world, but he tried not to talk about it in front of or around you, and his number of attempts did dwindle, so that was a good thing
“Hey (Y/N), let’s grab something to eat, I would be a terrible person if I let my dear little baby assistant go hungry.”
“Dazai, if you’re hungry, you can just say that. I don’t mind finishing this later. It’s good to eat when you need to, and your health is #1 priority!”
He couldn’t take back his past and the way he abused Akutagawa, but he could certainly make sure that he doesn’t make the same mistakes
And that would start with being a decent role model for you. He won’t exactly be a “model citizen”, but he will always do the right thing. He’s turned over a new leaf by turning to the light, and while his methods aren’t always legal, he won’t stray from it again
And he won’t let you stray either
He was not a happy camper at all, let me tell you
Hello, do you know who he is?? He’s the greatest detective in the world! Why would the President think he need a sidekick?! He saw you working under him as an insult. Were they trying to say that he wasn’t good enough on his own?!
You weren’t exactly welcome with open arms, but that was okay! You were a complete stranger to him, but you were hoping that would change overtime
And Fukuzawa offered to praise him if he took you in so he stopped pouting momentarily
“Hi Mr. Ranpo! I’ve heard great things about you, and I hope that we can get along!”
“Well, of course you’ve heard great things about me, I’m the greatest detective in the world! It would be a crime if you didn’t hear about me.”
It was a rocky start between you guys to say the least. Not only was he lazy with the work he already had (I mean, it was too easy for him), but you were always willing to complete it (which you did, when you realized that maybe he was too tired or had other important things to worry about)
Who are you trying to fool, this man was just being lazy 
But you either didn’t realize it or you just purposely ignored it to get it done for the sake of the agency. Bless your pure heart for putting up with that poutyface 
Despite that, you handled everything with positivity and pride. When discussing cases (even though he would solve it in under a minute), you already had the reports ready to go, took notes for him, and you even tidied up his desk (which really consisted of his snack pile)
And you were starting to grow on him. You were like his mini cheerleader/#1 fan. His ego was going through the roof
On missions, it was a piece of cake for him, duh! With his ability, Super Deduction, it was always easy. And you were in the background, in awe with everything going on. He wanted to say he was surprised, but he would be lying. It would be a downright lie if you said you weren’t impressed with his ability and with him in general.
You repeatedly praised him, and he always gave you the same response: 
“World’s greatest detective, remember?”
The one thing that would cause him to see you in a new light, was when he got lost. You remembered Kunikida mentioning that he wasn’t the best at navigating the train system
He really said that Ranpo didn’t even know how to read the schedule, and that someone had to always walk with him to make sure he was going to the right places. 
He just wanted to go back to the office to his beloved snacks, when this happened. He wasn’t stupid by any means, but it was a waste to use his ability on something trivial as this-
“Mr. Ranpo! Wait for me!”
Just as he knew, you were running late meeting him
“Hey (Y/N) what took you so long?! My beloved snacks are calling for me back at the agency, and I need to answer-”
“Don’t worry, I packed you some!”
“Yeah, I already knew that since that’s the reason you’re late. And before you ask, you look out of breath, the receipt is still crumpled in your hand, and I see some crumbs from something you already ate on your clothes.”
Huh. Was it that obvious? You guess so...
Or maybe Ranpo really is the world’s greatest detective!
“I know, I know. I’m the best, no need to tell-”‘
“Mr. Ranpo, you deserve all the praise that you get. You’re someone I want to be like when I get older.”
“Hm?”, there you go praising him again, but you were crying
“I feel like people don’t take you seriously like they should, Just because you don't fight like the others doesn’t mean that you’re not a valuable asset to the group! And I wish people saw you like how I do! You’re my inspiration to do my best everyday. And I know that I can’t be the best detective, but I want to be as strong and intelligent and brave just like you so I can save people and be a motivating hero like you!”
He’s silent, and your words are sinking in. You’re wiping away your tears, the start of an apology on the tip of your tongue, when he suddenly put his hand on top of your head
He’s staring right at you, glasses on and green eyes open for you to see
“You’re already on your way there (Y/N). That I know. And I’m never wrong with my deductions, let alone when using my ability.”
The flood gates have OPENED 
You know that he doesn’t technically have an ability, but that doesn’t stop you from accepting his words and finding them as the truth. If Ranpo said it, he meant it. He was the world’s greatest detective, and you didn’t have any doubt in him
“Now let’s go, it’s going to start raining and I don’t want us to be hungry and drenched. Plus, Kunikida is totally freaking out and thinking that we’re both lost and in some criminal’s hideout right now.”
After that fateful day, the dynamic shifted between you two. Instead of you just doing the work, he pushed it off on someone else so he could explain to you about the different cases he had to solve, and other detective matters
Really he was just bragging and having you both slack off, but it didn’t matter you guys were still having fun
It even got to a point where he shared some snacks with you from his sacred snack pile
All in all, while he knew that you couldn’t be the greatest detective (that was his title after all), he would help you get to your goal regardless. Not that you would need a lot of extra help, he was watching over you after all, and you already have a good head on your shoulders along with the heart of a hero
Every Sherlock needs a Watson, and he deducted that it wasn’t too bad having you by his side
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catintheruemorgue · 3 years
dazai x reader word count: 1.9k
authors note: i was super drunk when i wrote this, i may not write another dazai fic unless i get strong inspiration haha
TW: major character death, dissociation, people dying, panic attacks
Dust and rubble were everywhere as you ran along the streets. A new threat was attacking the ADA but this time they went all out. They were bombing the whole city and killing so many people. Once again the Port Mafia and the ADA had to fight together to protect the city you all loved. Nobody even knew who these people were, you only knew where they were from and that was Italy. Perhaps this was the Italian Mafia? Who knew but if so why were they attacking the whole city and not just the Port Mafia? Who knows all you knew was your lungs were burning from how fast you ran. Suddenly you heard a loud BOOM and ducked behind a wall as debris flew everywhere. A decent sized piece hit you right in the face and you fell to the ground. Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt the warm blood run down your face.
Dazai had to be somewhere, you were sent on this mission together. As you heard a woman scream you jumped up, not caring how bad your head hurt and ran towards her. Right as you were about to grab onto her arm to lead her somewhere safe a man jumped out from the smoke and slit her throat. Without a second thought you grabbed your gun and shot him in the head. You turned and gagged. You never had to kill while being in the ADA, it was very rare, so rare you could count it on your hands. This was number two for you. These people were animals. After taking some deep breaths and putting your gun away you turned to run but instead slammed into someone. You thought fast and grabbed your knife ready to gut someone if you had to, except someone grabbed your wrist and squeezed. This isn't someone trying to hurt you this was-
“Dazai-san?” Your voice was hoarse and your throat hurt from all the smoke.
“Don't go running off on me because you're scared YN-chan.” For everything that was going on his tone was all too cheery.
“Dazai I just killed someone.” To Dazai you knew you sounded so pathetic.
Christ the man had a kill count higher than you could imagine this could be like childsplay to him. Not that not was even the time to be thinking about it but the two of yours relationship was complicated. Sometimes you were formal and sometimes you werent. Somedays you acted like friends and some days you acted like lovers who couldn't be ripped apart. Perhaps it was due to his fear of commitment he never put a label on it but you two had had sex and one time even made love. That's way more than friends, especially when it came to Dazai.
“Best not to worry about that right now, come on.” His tone was not as cheerful.
He began to pull you away, all while he dogged the debris that was coming. The sounds of explosions went off all around you. That was the mission, get to the center of Yokohama and activate your ability. Your ability was called “Reality Check” it could turn anything within a two hundred foot radius of you fake or not. With the help of Ranpo, you had somehow realized that if you made it to the center of the city and activated your ability, like a metal, It would conduct and spread everywhere and affect everything. This could hurt you or drain you almost to death. Yosano was supposed to come with you to heal you but had to stay back when everyone realized just how insane these people were. The death toll was going to be the biggest they've ever seen. So Dazai was sent with you to use his ability istead.
One hand held onto the bandaged man while the other held onto a dagger. The smoke was so thick all around you almost couldn't even see him three feet in front of you. All of the sudden a man jumped out and grabbed onto your arm and ripped you from your friends grasp. You let you a short but loud yell as he threw you down to the ground. He must've dragged you a couple feet from Dazai because you could hear him but you couldn't see him. Your cheek stung from the scrap that now marked it as you fought your hardest. Your scream for Dazai was cut short by this man's hands wrapping around your neck. Was this it? You could barely breathe due to the smoke, the minute his hands squeezed you felt lightheaded. As you felt around you grabbed a rock. It wasn't big enough to hit him over the head, so you did what that suicidal lunatic taught you and aimed for the funny bone. At least he would loosen his grip. You knew you hit it when he grunted another hit might bet him to stop but relief washed over you all of the sudden.
You gasped for air, you filled your lungs to their capacity. Almost drunk off the feeling of being able to breathe again you hadn't noticed that Dazai had stabbed your knife into the enemy's throat. Even as he spit up his blood onto you, you smiled at the sky.
“I'm glad you remembered what I taught you YN-chan. I haven't had to get this bloody since my Port Mafia days.” His cheerful attitude was back although he had a far away look in his eyes. Maybe this is who he really was, beneath the plethora of masks. It's almost like he missed this, but, maybe he did. He lent his hand to you and you took it.
“We are almost there, Dazai.”
He’d never seen you like this before. So much dirt and grime on your face and ripped clothes. You were so skittish but ready to attack. This would change you and perhaps he'd be an asshole and ask you to be his after all of this. For all he knows, maybe while you have that lost look in your eye while getting healed he'd profess his love so you have no other choice but to say yes. You could not see him but he smiled at this.
The building came into view and you both ran through the doors and down to the basement. When you got down there you both got to work. You found the right spot and sat down. Your legs screamed in relief.
“Atsushi and Akutagawa are ready to take out the bombers as soon as this works.” You said it to Dazai but more to yourself.
He gave you a nod and sat on a filing cabinet. You activated your ability and tried to focus. All you could think about was how you killed someone, all the blood on you, how many people died. The bombs seemed to have died down a bit but some were still falling. Your whole body hurt and you were about to fall over until Dazai grabbed you.
“No!” You were about to push him away and he grabbed you tighter.
“It wont work YN, you'll die. They will figure it out you have helped enough. We need to get you back to Yosano.” He grabbed you and carried you to the doorway.
Right as you were about to exit another bomb went off and debris covered your way out. Dust and concrete were falling from the ceiling above you. It was very unstable. Dazai put you down and started to try and remove the debris from the pathway. The ceiling was so unsteady, one more bomb and it would come crashing down. Now you started to panic. Your breaths were coming out short and fast. You were gonna die, you were gonna die, you were gonna die.
“Dazai!” Your voice cracked as you yelled his name.
You held onto your stomach as you doubled over, hyperventilating. Dazai knew there was no way out. Too much debris, even if you two went at it like animals you wouldn't get it free in time and you were way too weak to use your ability. Huh. All the ways he’s been targeted, all the ways he's tried to kill himself, he's going to be crushed to death? At least it's with a pretty lady. He turned around and watched you, your eyes squeezed shut, panting so much drool was starting to come out. He was surprised you hadn't passed out yet. Death, you were so scared but maybe it was for the best. Would someone as delicate and beautiful as you be able to recover after this?
“Osamu, I don't want to die. I want to live! Please save me! I don't want to die please oh. Oh please I don't want to die!” Your hands went to your hair and you gagged.
Dazai went up to you and grabbed your arms, in an instant your hands grabbed onto the fabric of his clothes. You weren’t ready to die, not like he was. The sobs that came from your mouth were loud and ugly. Never in your life did you think he’d ever see you this way, but at this point nothing even felt real. Your face hit his chest and your tears soaked into the cloth as he held you.
The man knew you must be dissociated by now, so petrified of your inexorable death that your brain would rather confuse reality with what was real. He rocked you back and forth as he listened to the chaos outside the building. When you're suicidal, death isn’t scary until someone you love and care for meets their demise. He was scared but only for you so hey, what was he gonna do? Dazai was half tempted to knock you out so you wouldn’t actually have to hear the last bomb and the ceiling above you crumble but he also had this super selfish need to not be alone right now.
“Osamu, tell me you love me.” Your voice sounded far away and it shook as you held onto him.
He could feel your cheek squished up against his chest. His eyes widened a bit. So you knew huh? He always knew there was something special about you. Dazai knew it was coming.
“I love you, YN.”
“I love you too Osamu.”
Like you always could, you made his heart flutter.
“Now listen to my heartbeat and count with me my beautiful belladonna!”
He knew it would hit any second you as you both continued to rock back and forth.
You felt like you really were waltzing through a field with flowers and willow trees and a beautiful sunset. Dazai’s heartbeat made you feel safe.
Dazai could feel tears welling up in his eyes. This is always what he wanted. To die with a beautiful woman. Why does this seem so hard?
Nothing was real. Only you and him swaying. Where were you? A ballroom? Your living room again?
Dazai looked up as he heard the biggest crash and explosion of the day, it must’ve happened right outside the building. Everything started to shake, dust started to fall and the entire foundation started to crumble. You smiled.
“Goodnight Osamu, I’ll see you when we wake up.”
The first tear in years fell down his face as everything went dark.
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bananacues · 3 years
Goretober x Bungou Stray Dogs
Day 3 and 4
Day 3: Hanahaki Disease Higuchi Ichiyou TW// blood, bones, guts
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**this one is only 30-40% done since my drawing tablet decided to malfunction when doing this
Day 4: Nosebleed Akutagawa Gin
TW// blood
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**traditional art for now until I get my drawing tablet fixed
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patchwork-panda · 4 years
If A Moment Is All We Are (3/?)
TW (3): This chapter contains a mention of:
1) intrusive thoughts and suicidal ideation (Dazai dialogue). 2) fair amount of blood and physical violence in the form of guns, explosions and slashing injuries, as a "fight" chapter. 3) some descriptions of physical injury including broken bones and slash wounds. I tried not to let it be too graphic. Please proceed with caution.
For those who prefer AO3 format: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24121633/chapters/58072957
“Excuse me!”
The woman who now sat at the table, the one the old balding cop had vacated, looked up at me with a friendly, questioning gaze.
I slammed my hands down on the counter, startling her into dropping her pen, and pushed my sketch of the green snake tattoo towards her.
“I need to make a report!”
“W-what sort of report?” she asked unsteadily, looking me up and down.
I could tell she was already evaluating my credibility but I had to listen to Detective Dazai. It was my only shot at saving Mrs. Yamazaki. I sat down in the same chair I had been in earlier and looked her right in the eye, my voice barely shaking as I gave her a slightly less nonsensical version of the story I had told her colleague earlier. When I finished, I got to my feet and bowed as low as I could.
“I’m not making any of this up and this is not a prank!” I exclaimed, head still bowed. “I, as a concerned citizen, am asking you, a member of the Yokohama Military Police for help. I’m begging you, ma’am: please, listen to me!”
“Okay, okay!” she exclaimed, waving her hands in the air as her colleagues turned to look at us. “I’ll listen to you! Please, sit down.”
Relieved, I sat. My legs were still shaking as I watched her get out a pen and a piece of paper and only when she started asking me for more details and slowly filling out her form was I finally able to breathe freely again.
It worked. I couldn’t believe it. That crazy detective’s advice had worked.
I was elated. I half-thought I was going to start crying with relief when the officer suddenly looked up and shot an anxious look out the window. Curious, I turned behind me and to my surprise, I saw Detectives Dazai (looking miraculously unhurt) and Kunikida passing by the station and going back across the street from whence they came. Seeing the recognition on my face, she turned to me with an odd look in her eye.
“Kusunoki-san,” she said, reading off her form. “Do you... know those two men? I thought I saw you talking to them earlier when I started my shift.”
“Not really?” I said, thinking back. “I mean, kind of? Armed Detective Agency, right? I actually talked to them about this earlier. Oh, but don’t worry! They insisted I talk to the police first before they got involved. They said that would be best.”
The officer looked contemplative.
“Yes, I would have to agree.” She frowned. “If they manage to solve your case before we do, again, my whole department would be completely humiliated. No, we can’t have that...”
She tapped her pen on the table as she thought to herself.
“Honestly, I have a few more questions I’d like to ask you, but I can’t ask them here.”
Once again, she looked behind her before motioning me forward, her expression grim. I scooted towards her in my chair, feeling slightly unsettled by the look on her face.
“W-why not?” I asked quietly.
“I know the man you’re looking for,” she whispered. “I believe he is a member of the Port Mafia.”
Not knowing who the Port Mafia was, I shrugged and her jaw hit the floor.
“You don’t know who the Port Mafia is?” I shook my head and she started laughing. “Wait, are you serious? What are you, some kind of shut-in? You don’t read the news?!”
As she sat there, laughing uproariously at her own joke, I twitched, trying to force a smile on my face as I waited for her to settle down.
“Oh, that’s a good one,” she sighed, wiping a tear from her eye. “Alright, let me tell you something about them since you don’t seem to know. The Port Mafia has been operating in Yokohama for decades. Decades. They have eyes and ears everywhere, perhaps even in this very police station. I want to ask you more but it’s not safe to do it here.”
She scribbled something down on a piece of paper and pushed it towards me.
“Meet me on the top floor of the South Pier Art Gallery in two hours. We’ll talk then.”
The rest had been a blur. I’d gone home, celebrated my win with a steaming hot bowl of ramen (topped with some of the veggies Mrs. Yamazaki had foisted on me) and watched some new seasonal shoujo anime titles to pass the time. Then, I took the train to the edge of town, found the gallery and blithely took the spiral staircase up to the top floor where they housed the stained glass window collection, not knowing what lay ahead. Not five minutes after I’d arrived, the young man named Akutagawa had appeared, killed the two curators lying on the far side of the room and blocked the way into the main entrance. When I ran for the fire escape instead, I found myself face-to-face with none other than Detective Dazai, who pointed a gun at me and instructed me to turn back around to face Akutagawa.
As I stood with my hands in the air, cold sweat running down my neck and my pathetic life hanging in the balance, I heard Dazai say something to me in a low, hushed voice.
“Sorry... this isn’t what I meant when I asked if you were doing anything later.”
As the memory of our encounter on the street floated back to me, something stirred to life deep inside my chest, something stronger than the panic that had been choking me since the start of this whole thing... It felt like anger.
“Is that right?” I asked. My voice was shaking but the words kept coming out. “You mean dates with you don’t usually end with somebody getting shot? What exactly did you have in mind then?”
“Oh? Are you interested after all?”
His tone was still light-hearted and flirtatious but I could sense his hesitancy; the gun against my skull pulled back just a fraction and for a second, there was hope. What if the gun fell away from my head entirely? Would I be able to make a run for it, make it back to my apartment in one piece? Akutagawa might try to rip my limbs off and I might still get shot at but what if I tried...?
Dazai didn’t say anything else; he was clearly waiting for my answer. I should tell him yes, maybe then he would feel less tempted to shoot me (why hadn’t he done so already?). However, something about the idea of spending more time in the company of this madman (that is, if I did manage to leave the gallery alive) was more nauseating than the smell of blood permeating the room.
“Not at all,” I replied coolly, “I don’t date guys who are two seconds away from blowing my head off.”
This time, it was Dazai’s turn to laugh.
“Well then,” Dazai mused, “Would it make you feel better to know I’d be joining you right after?”
I actually scoffed.
“What are you proposing, a double suicide?!”
“If you’d like.”
“You have a terrible sense of humor, Detective.”
I wasn’t sure if he could hear me over the deep growls coming from across the room. The monster coming out of Akutagawa’s cloak swayed slowly from side to side, clearly looking for an opening. Akutagawa hadn’t moved a muscle in some time but somehow this didn’t make me feel more comfortable. The sun was starting to set, the colors of the stained glass windows around us gradually darkening, making that cold, calculating gaze and quiet anger coming from the entrance more menacing than ever. Fruitlessly, I weighed my options again, looking around to see if there were any routes, any at all, that I could take to leave the gallery with my life. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find even one. I sighed, my shoulders dropping, that spark of hope fading with the last light of the sun.
“It was Dazai-san, right? Can I ask you a question?”
He didn’t answer, so I continued anyway.
“You talk about suicide so casually... You’re not afraid of dying?”
“Not really. It’s pain and suffering I’m afraid of, but dying?”
Dazai was quiet for a moment. When he spoke again, he sounded peaceful, hopeful even.
“No. I think about Death so often that it’s as familiar as an old friend to me now. Finally getting to die... It would be comforting, almost like coming home.”
Flashes of my previous life appeared before my eyes, from more recent to further back... Mrs. Yamazaki bleeding out, alone in her own darkened living room room. A young man’s body flying high into the air after an untimely collision with a speeding black car. The shadow of a burning building on the water’s edge, down by the pier, windows shattering as it was rocked by a sudden explosion...
And finally, an image of a ghoul, staring back at me from just outside my own darkened windows, with long, black hair cut in the same style as my own, drops of blood instead of tears falling down her cheeks, staining the fingertips she touched to them, the blackness of her pupils deep like bottomless wells... As I stared into my own haunted reflection that night, the night before I stopped going to class, I heard it—the darkness within calling out to me, the intrusive thoughts that tempted me to jump when I looked out through the windows of tall buildings...
I heard a distant roar. The shadow monster commanded by Akutagawa surged forward, jaws stretched wide and at the last moment, I turned my head to look Detective Dazai in the face. I smiled.
“I understand.”
Dazai stared at me.
“You do...?”
Without warning, an explosive force shook the gallery, enveloping me in clouds of thick, acrid smoke. I heard a crack and coughing violently, I looked down just in time to see the patterned floor below me give way, the cheap carpeting disintegrating beneath my very feet. There was no time for me to scream or think. I fell into the void below, my watering eyes catching one final glimpse of Akutagawa’s pale face, twisted in anger, as the darkness claimed me.
Wind rushed past my ears. I could feel myself picking up speed and I covered my head, wondering if tucking myself into a ball might mean less broken bones when I finally hit the bottom floor.
But I had stopped falling.
I was caught on something sturdy, with long, dense, wiry limbs. A tree? No, trees weren’t this warm... and they didn’t smell like gun smoke, books and ink...
“Got you,” someone grunted from just above me and I realized I’d fallen not onto a tree, but right into a man’s arms. I pushed my tangled bangs out of my face and looked up.
“I’ll explain later,” he gruffly, crouching down and setting my feet on the ground as the lights around us snapped back on. “We have to go, now! Can you run?”
No sooner had I nodded than he grabbed my wrist, his fingers closing over the fabric of my jacket, and tugged me after him, wasting no time in tearing off down the nearest corridor as soon as he was sure I could stand. Paintings whizzed by as we ran, abstract portraits blurring into colorful landscapes as we raced down the hall, my wrist locked in the detective’s iron grip. I could hear gunfire and yells, occasionally an otherworldly roar echoing from the top floor and I shuddered and pushed myself to run faster, to put more distance between myself and the beast making those horrible shrieks. As we ran past the spiral staircase to the corner of the central gallery, I abruptly realized the explosion had taken me from the top floor to the second—that much closer to safety...
Just when I thought my legs were going to give out, Kunikida abruptly stopped at the end of the corridor and I almost crashed right into him. His head jerked up and I caught a flash of green from the exit sign reflected on his glasses as he barked his next command.
“This way!”
I was brusquely yanked forward again, Kunikida’s long ponytail nearly smacking me in the face as he dragged me into a stairwell, the walls and steps narrow and lined with cement.
“We’re going down. Hurry!” he ordered, finally letting go of my aching wrist.
Ignoring the burning in my legs, I bolted down the stairs as quickly as I could, the tall detective hot on my heels as a crack echoed above us, like fireworks exploding in our confined chamber. Instinct took over and I ducked, throwing a hand over my head as I felt projectiles whiz past my shoulder.
“Get up!” Kunikida shouted and I obeyed, the sight of freshly gouged bullet holes on the wall ahead of me spurring me on. I was almost at the ground floor when I heard gunshots from very close behind. At once, I realized Kunikida was not with me and I whirled to see him several meters away at the turn, firing a small handgun up the stairs.
“Kunikida-san?” I called up, dashing back to him.
“Don’t come any closer!” he cried.
A sharp pain ripped into my cheek, tearing off bits of my hair and splattering my clothes with hot blood. I could feel the blood dripping down my neck in rivulets as I squeezed myself back into the corner and out of the way, a fresh hail of bullets raining down on us from above. I heard excited shouting; someone had followed us, their heavy footsteps pounding down the stairs—
“It’s the Port Mafia. You have to go!” Kunikida hollered, the echo of his voice nearly overwhelmed by the cacophony of more bullets firing into the stairwell. The impact scattered rubble everywhere and forcing me to guard my eyes.
“What about you?!” I cried.
“I’ll be fine!” he shouted. “Just get to the lobby, now!”
Red bloomed in the shoulder of his beige vest. He stumbled and pushed himself further back into the corner of the alcove, his bloodied hand reaching into his shirt vest and pulling out a small, lightly-bound olive green notebook. There was a determined look in his eye.
“What are you waiting for? Go!”
He ripped a page out of the notebook and I was suddenly blinded by a flash of green light. An enormous explosion rocked the stairwell and I stumbled to the ground as smoke flooded the air.
There was no answer. I pushed myself to my feet, staring in horror at the spot where he’d been.
Was he dead? Had he died defending me?!
Frozen, I stood there, utter shock pulsing through me as my cheek continued to drip blood onto my blouse. But all too soon, the sound of footsteps began to pound down the stairs, snapping me out of my daze and I uprooted my feet, following Kunikida’s last order and made for the door to the lobby.
I had to live. If Kunikida was really dead, living was the only way to make sure his sacrifice was not in vain. Living meant I was saved.
Throwing my shoulder against the heavy door, I burst into the lobby. To my relief, a quick glance around the ground floor assured me that the lobby was deserted, with no security guards and no trench-coat-clad figures with guns anywhere in sight. Taking one last, regretful look behind me at the stairs, I immediately sprinted for the front doors.
“Hold it, Prophet.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a ribbon of black and red streak towards me. Before I knew what had hit me, something slashed deeply into my left leg and I hit the floor with a sharp cry of pain, the back of my thigh burning like it was on fire. I could feel the warmth of my own blood pouring out of the wound, pooling on the ground and soaking wetly into my ripped jeans. As I struggled to get up, I heard Akutagawa’s voice again.
Somehow, he’d gotten past Dazai and Kunikida. Or maybe the Port Mafia had already finished both of them off, giving Akutagawa a clear path to me... Gritting my teeth, I got up, staggering a little as I stood, my eyes meeting with Akutagawa’s cold gray ones. My legs felt weak. I could tell that I’d been cut very deeply but I continued running for the doors, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I made a bee-line for the dim light of the setting sun outside.
“Don’t ignore me.”
There was an unearthly roar and something hit the ground where my right foot had been barely a millisecond before, sending small chunks of flooring flying into the air as I dodged Akutagawa’s attacks. For one brilliant, shining second, I thought I was going to make it—my fingers brushed against the glass and metal front doors—
“Rashoumon! Higanzakura!”
Black and red wires tightened around my throat, wrenching me away from the exit before I could push open the doors and lifting me high into the air. I could barely breathe and I scrabbled against my bonds in vain, the skin of my palms and fingers stinging and bleeding with every attempt to pry the coils off of me.
What was this thing made of?!
Through watering and narrowed eyes, I watched as Akutagawa approached in measured steps, his hands in his pockets, that cold, impassive face coming closer with every passing moment.
“You run pretty fast for an injured girl, I’ll admit. Unfortunately for you, I was ordered to capture you. And I don’t intend to fail.”
The weight around my throat suddenly became crushing. Spots appeared before my eyes and I fought to stay conscious as the last gasp of air was squeezed out of me. Akutagawa’s ragged, darkened form faded in and out of sight.
No! I can’t die here...!
I clawed harder at the thing holding me, desperation setting in. I’d escaped him once before, I had to do it again...! Kunikida might have died for me and if I died now, Mrs. Yamazaki didn’t have a prayer. I needed to make sure she was really saved...! I needed to live!
I watched helplessly, my arms losing strength as another tendril of darkness grew out of Akutagawa’s black coat. Crackling with energy, its shape twisted to become flat and angular until I realized I was staring at an enormous scythe.
“Dazai-san guessed correctly. My orders were to capture you alive. However, whether or not you need to be completely whole was not discussed. I don’t think the boss will care if I cut off your legs. If I do that, you’ll never be able to run away from us ever again.”
My voice came out as nothing more than a weak gasp. Unable to hear me, he drew the scythe back in preparation.
There were several loud bangs and the vise around my neck abruptly loosened. I felt a rush of wind above me as I fell through the air, shuddering as I landed on my injured leg, which buckled sickeningly beneath me, leaving me in a bloody heap on the floor. Rubbing my throat as I coughed, trying to bring fresh air back into my lungs, I looked up to see Kunikida, bloodied but alive and well, firing a small handgun from behind a large metal sculpture at Akutagawa. He had been forced to retract the demon and was instead raising it as a shield to defend himself against the blonde detective’s onslaught. His pale hand was spattered with red as he clutched at his shoulder, blood coursing down the back of his black robe and dripping at his feet.
I could barely believe it; Kunikida had saved me once again.
I watched him dive out of the way as Akutagawa sliced up the sculpture with his black sickle and duck behind another statue, firing constantly out of his small hand gun. Sparks flew as he traded blows with Akutagawa and he shot at Akutagawa until I heard the hollow clicking of his gun; he was out of bullets. Gritting his teeth, he flung it out of the way. There was another flash of green light and within moments, he was firing at Akutagawa again.
As they fought, I scanned my surroundings again, trying not to think about the amount of blood I was losing, wondering if any backup was coming. Kunikida was holding his own but with no one on the way, he couldn’t last long. I tried to pull myself to my feet and almost immediately slipped back down.
There on the floor, amidst the splatters of blood, was a soft layer of long black hair. It was all over the faux-marble tiles and as I brought my hand to my head, I realized that it was my hair—Akutagawa must’ve clipped most of it from my head when he tried to cut me in half. Looking back up to the main doors, I tried to stand on my injured leg and immediately regretted it.
My leg was in bad shape; I could barely feel it and everything from the knee down was soaked in blood. Even worse than that, my breaths felt shallow and my head was spinning from anemia; I had to be close to going into shock and judging from the small pinpricks of pain, there were probably micro fractures in my bones. In spite of Kunikida’s best efforts to keep me alive, I had no clue how I was going to make it out of the gallery.
And then a flash of a different shade of red caught my eye.
Rolling towards me from the far side of the room, where the battle raged, was a bright red fire extinguisher. Parts of it looked damaged, and as I stared at it, I was struck by a dangerous idea. If I had no chance of survival, I could at least use my last moments well.
I scooped up the fire extinguisher into my arms and headed back into the fray.
They turned to me just as I flung the pressurized device at Akutagawa.
“Heads up!”
All eyes in the lobby lifted towards the extinguisher as it flew through the air, seemingly moving in slow motion as it arced towards Akutagawa. Wordlessly, Kunikida raised his gun and fired once.
The atrium shook. Glass shattered and plumes of white powder filled the air, blanketing the statues in the lobby like snow. My ears rang; something was dripping out of them. The force of the blast must have knocked out my eardrums and I could feel myself flying backwards through the air. Without warning, I was propelled through the doors of the gallery entrance and I was awarded one glorious view of the outside, of the building bathed in a twilight glow, the very streets illuminated in flashing red and blue lights. I saw uniformed police officers swarming out of their vehicles, towards me, towards the wrecked building behind me...
And then I hit the sidewalk with a horrible crunch.
The last thing I saw before the darkness took me was a woman in black and white racing towards me where I fell, a golden butterfly glinting brightly in her hair.
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bevelle · 5 years
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my dazai playlist! tw for heavy suicide mentions (in japanese)
partial translations under the cut. everything is translated by me unless there’s a link to a translation! two of the songs aren’t on spotify, so i’ve provided drive links, so you can listen to them in the drive player!
kubitsuri yuugu (garrote playthings) coyote
here’s a question: which playlist would you like to hear next: akutagawa, soukoku, or oda/dazai? shoot me a message!
kubitsuri shoujo (hanging girl) | damy i want to show you that this is all i live for i'll hang myself tomorrow, erasing my loneliness? we died. we died. you and i hung ourselves. we died. we died. you and i hung ourselves.
jisatsu saakuru (suicide club) | grieva i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die why do you want to die? how do you want to die? i filled it out in a daze "now then, let's all die"
bouzenjishitsu (stupor) | mucc i noticed that inside the shell i call "myself" it had become dark, i couldn't see anything, and i was being chased by something repetitions of the things i desired, it got to where i couldn't smile at anybody... i suppose it's obvious you denied, stomped upon, and betrayed everything
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jisatsu no uta (suicide song) | inugami circus dan sleeping drugs, rat poison railroad crossing, rooftop, intersection vein, artery, stimulant hanging, taking poison, mass suicide... ahh! even if i'm gone even if you're gone even if the earth explodes no one will be bothered [...] it's nothing but pain and suffering (die! die! die!) the will to live just isn't coming to me (die! die! die!) besides, we all die someday, right? (die! die! die!)
shinitai kisetsu (the season of wanting to die) | shinsei kamattechan i want to hurry up and die i want to hurry up and die this season of wanting to die i want to hurry up and die, i... hey, that's right. for some reason, giving up makes living a bit easier
kubitsuri yuugu (garrote* playthings) | sukekiyo just the entire song *garrote = death by hanging
coyote | buck-tick you with a hibiscus in your hair suicide in despair in the sunset until the bones of my spine groan and grate hold me, won’t you kiss me and forgive me? i don’t suppose we’ll ever meet again under this evening sun
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kyogenheki (lying habit) | damy there's no value in living there's not even value in dying [...] if you want to die then hurry up and die!
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goddamnitdazai · 7 years
dark writer; show me the yandere mori and Akutagawa headcanons [sfw and nsfw]
I will show you my child, but as with every Yandere post I must put this so I don’t get the dominating discourse again. Yandere characters portray unhealthy relationship habits and dynamics; below are examples of that. In canon Mori is a narcissistic manipulative man - Akutagawa has a dominating personality in canon. My Yandere! hcs for them amplify those traits. Read at your own risk[ TW: Mentions of dub-con - rough sex - control issues ]
[Mori]•You are never out of Mori’s sightunless you need to go to the restroom and even then he follows you and waitsoutside the door if you happen to be in a public place. Days he’s stuck in hisoffice dealing with whatever nonsense paperwork thrown his way you are perchedon his lap, legs wrapped around his waist and head cradled in the crook of hisneck. If you happen to get bored he moves with you. Want to lie on the couchand watch a movie on the iPad? You’re snuggled up on Mori while he finishes readingreports. Getting restless and want to go for a walk? You’re walking hand inhand with Mori around the park or somewhere near the Port Mafia HQ.•Mori doesn’t mind you having passwords on your phone or electronics—he canfigure it out in two seconds anyway. Besides, he can tell the moment you’rehiding something from him or lying. Why bother searching through your emails ortexts when he knows more malicious ways of making you spill your secrets. Moritakes the severity and reason of the lie or what you were hiding intoconsideration when he’s thinking of punishments, but they all fall on thedevious side because you did lie to him and he can’t have you thinking that’sokay behavior.•Nobody speaks to you without express permission except for Kouyou and Chuuya,but even then Mori must always be present—at least with Chuuya. The only timeyou’re permitted to leave his sight is if you’re in the care of Kouyou butthere’s an undetectable tracker embedded right beneath your ear. Mori mentionedthe placement of a tracker after you woke up in bed with no memory of theprevious day, and he ensured you he completed the implantation as any properdoctor would and he would remove it if your relationship ever ended—not that itwill. •Your clothes are picked out each morning by Mori himself—of course Elise hasher input and she has to like everything he picks out—and everything istailored to accentuate Mori’s favorite parts of your body. Plunging necklines,bitty skirts that ride up when if you bend over and of course garters.Depending on how horny Mori is feeling that day you’ll either be going commandoor wearing something very lacy and complicated for underwear.•If Mori ever has to go away on business you’re not allowed to leave the house,period. Kouyou can come over for lunch or to hang out with you while he’s gonebut he’s made it explicitly clear you are not to leave the premises. There areguards everywhere and a few assigned to follow you if you decide to leave. Ifyou try to leave at any point for any reason when Mori gets back he handcuffsyou to the bed as punishment and ‘grounds you’ for a week.[NSFW]•He dresses you up like you’re his doll. Lingerie in pastel colors with lacecovering your nipples and cutting across your stomach. White garters withmatching stockings. Anything babydoll is his favorite. Mori takes pride inmaking you look absolutely perfect before tearing the lingerie to shreds andbruising your perfectly smooth skin. Nights when Mori breaks out the silksheets and white blindfold are nights you end up bruised and nearly bedriddenthe next day. If you’re able to get out of bed Mori isn’t happy at all.•If Mori is using sex as punishment you’re in for a long night. Mori ismeticulous, calculated, and cold to the bone if you’ve angered him. There’s nocute lingerie and soft kisses for being good; time completely escapes thebedroom even if decides to keep the blindfold off. Heavy drapes cover thewindows, all the clocks are removed and the only thing left is Mori, his velvetbox of toys, and you. Mori prefers not to use more than is necessary includingbondage. Ropes tying your wrists up and your legs open are all he needs.•If Mori wants to embarrass you he’ll fuck you on his desk in front of the otherexecutives. He’ll make you ride his cock until you’re thighs are sore and assis bruised from his nails digging into the skin. Plead with him to wait and he’llfuck you harder so not only can they see it they can hear the noises your bodyis making, how wet you are for him.[Akutagawa]•Akutagawa leaves bite marks in very obvious places so people know you belong tohim. There’s not a member of the Port Mafia that hasn’t seen the red and purplemarks indented with his teeth along your neck and sometimes your shouldersdepending on how nippy he was feeling that morning. As if his glowering stanceand Rashomon snapping fangs behind him the minute someone’s eyes fall upon yourform Akutagawa wants people to see without question you belong to him. • If Akutagawa wants you somewhere, say his lap when you’re lounging elsewhere,he doesn’t hesitate to grab you by the hair and yank you right on him. Ifyou’re far enough away he’ll use Rashomon and he’ll let you know flat out thisis a warning and if you’re ever further than an arm’s reach away there wil beconsequences. He demands access to you throughout the day when he’s not off onmissions; you’re his afterall. • On days you really test his patiencehe collars you and uses a leash around the house. He’ll make you kneel at hisfeet with your head on his lap like a dog. Rarely does he allow you to wearclothes when you’re being collared and treated like the pet you are. The dayafter being collared your body is littered with new love bites. • In public Akutagawa makes little to no effort to be physical. He expects youto know the boundaries which includes straying further than a foot away fromhim or talking to other men. Unless he’s given them the okay prior—the onlypeople on that list are his superiors—any man who attempts to catch yourattention is skewered instantly.  Malefriends are off limits, period. If he catches a hint of you befriending a maleconsider them marked for death—and Akutagawa does not take the feeling ofbetrayal lightly. A week will pass before you’re allowed to leave the house,and even then Akutagawa seriously considers keeping you there permanentlyunless he’s with you.[NSFW]• Dub-con is an unwritten rule in your relationship; Akutagawa made it clearfrom the start your body belongs to him. When he wants you on his cock he hasyou on his cock, no exceptions. If he needs to fuck out a shitty day until you’rehips have dark purple outlines of his hands and you’re dizzy from cumming hedamn well does exactly that. You could be in the middle of doing the dishesAkutagawa doesn’t care; he’ll rip your underwear to the side and have you rightover the sink.• Akutagawa revels in tying you up with very intricate bondage. The more marksfrom the rope the better. Some days when he’s feeling extra cruel he’ll rub histhumb over your clit, barely touching, for as long as it takes to get you tobeg for him. You can’t move and even if you managed to wiggle just a touch outof line Rashomon instantly pins you back to the mattress.• Jealousy triggers rough sex from Akutagawa, but it’s different than his usualdominating touch. He doesn’t tie you up and he doesn’t leave ripped clothing onyou. He wants you naked, submissive and completely exposed to him. He asks youover and over who you belong to, demands that you grab his hair and rake yournails down his back. Teeth marks litter your neck and shoulders afterwards andhe refuses to let you leave his side for the rest of the night.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: Pre-ChuuRanPoe (Ranpo caught feelings)
Word Count: 1,316 Words
Summary: Yosano gains nine patients.
Warnings: Drug Mention, Blood Mention, Trauma Mention, Injury Mention, Broken Bones Mention, Eye Trauma Mention, Panic Attack Mention, Coma Mention, Seizure Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Notes: miy dorogiy: my dear
How Poe Stumped Ranpo: Chapter 15
Having nine full beds in the infirmary wasn't Yosano's favorite thing. Last time she had this many full beds, it had been their whole team and Yosano herself even. She'd insisted they stay so they could take care of each other.
Just before Atsushi joined them, everyone had been sick for a week after someone with a sickness inducing ability had attacked their agency on a nice, sunny, normal Tuesday morning.
It seemed her less than chipper mood was happening again because she was angrily hovering over her desk, seeming to try to not let their guests know of her anger. They'd all been given their reversal drug shot and were at least resting besides Gogol, who decided he'd like to play a card game with Dazai.
It didn't help that they were all in various states of both trauma and injury. The one in the best shape was Akutagawa and she had a feeling the adults with him had shielded him from harm more often than not.
She flipped through their charts again, trying to find something she could do for them besides watch them like a glorified babysitter with several Doctorates. She'd been able to treat a lot of the injuries, though she'd refused to use her ability, they'd been through enough.
Akutagawa had coughed up blood, but he had no other signs of anything. But he had the most trauma, having hidden in Dazai's jacket for hours before she could give him a check-up. In fact, he was still clinging to Dazai's jacket while he slept, she was sure since Dazai wasn't wearing his jacket and it had to be somewhere else significant.
Poe's thighs needed stitches, the cuts were too deep to heal on their own, even when they'd already tried to begin the healing process. Karl and Poe had both cried upon being reunited, as Ranpo nearly had when he saw Poe safe again.
Jun'ichiro's hands and bite marks were easy to mend, but he refused to speak. He just wouldn't. He hadn't talked to her once, but he'd mumble to the others he'd been held captive with, though it had been Chuuya who recognized the mumbles and had translated his French for her.
She'd had to set Tachihara's broken ankle and put a cast on it, he was quiet the whole time. She wasn't sure if she wanted him screaming or this scary silence, like he didn't acknowledge his own presence in the world, let alone hers. She could do nothing besides wash his eyes out and get the blood off them.
Jouno's arm needed to be in a cast for two weeks minimum to set the bones at the least but, thankfully, despite his other shoulder being dislocated, it was easy to put back without much pain and easy to bandage.
Tecchou worried her, he hadn't responded at first, didn't give any indication he was alive other than breathing. He hadn't let go of Jouno for an hour. She'd been able to set Tecchou's hand in a cast and put supportive bandages on his right hip after putting it back into place to keep it safe until she could do surgery on it, or heal it, whatever came first.
Gogol's calves needed so many stitches she'd worried for his tendons but they seemed mainly unharmed. But he wouldn't have full ability to walk for two weeks at least. He seemed chipper and ready to socialize again with the outside world, but she had a feeling he was hiding much darker emotions.
She was able to patch Sigma's knee up with a cast, but he did nothing but stare at a corner now. Earlier, he'd had a panic attack out of nowhere and he had hid against Gogol. He'd screamed when she'd given him his reversal drug shot, even though she explained her every action to him.
Fyodor was comatose, he was the worst, medically. He hadn't woken up since they brought him back, and he'd simply choked and reached for Gogol sobbing, latching onto him, before passing out from his wounds.
She'd been told he'd had a seizure while being beaten. She wasn't sure he'd come back, but Gogol and Sigma began sobbing when she said she may not be able to help him. He was too far gone, maybe even for her ability to save. Or, if came back, he may never be the same.
"Yosano, take a break." Kouyou urged her, a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I can deal with the situation for now. Mori is a doctor and I've learned a lot from him." Kouyou told her.
"Fine, I need some sleep. Can you watch them for that long, Kouyou?" The doctor sighed.
"You mean watch them sleep? Of course." The redhead assured her. Fukuzawa, who was staying late, brought her home, leaving Kouyou in charge.
"Miss Kouyou?" Came Tachihara's soft voice.
"Yes, Tachihara?" She whispered to keep the others asleep.
"Am I going to be in trouble? For being a spy?" He asked.
"No. I've spoken to Mori already and he agrees that, once you're done your rehabilitation, you will be allowed to continue in the Port Mafia so long as you assure him you'll not betray him again." She assured him.
"Ane-san, where is Gin?" Akutagawa asked tiredly as he looked up at her from Tachihara's arms like a hidden cat. She smiled at his refusal to sleep alone in his own bed and held his face gently.
"Gin is finally coming back from her mission up in Asahikawa. She's on the train home, we're sending Hirotsu to fetch her once she's back and bring her to you." She assured him.
"Miss Kouyou?" Kouyou was happy to act as infirmary mother, she never got to do these things often enough in the Port Mafia, but taking care of others was something she loved doing. It was a shame she couldn't have children herself.
Though, she supposed, she could regard this group as her adopted children. Dazai was tuning in now, as was Gogol, who was looking at Sigma. That small voice must have been him. She smiled for the wide-eyed man.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Do you think Fyodor will be okay?" Now that was a question that went against her very being. He looked fragile, she felt like she'd break his heart telling him the truth, that Fyodor's prognosis was grim no matter the outcome according to Yosano.
"I don't know, honestly. I hope he'll be okay, he deserves to live through this. But, from what I've heard of him, he's a fighter and he won't go out without a fight." She assured him, despite the urge to tell him that hoping would be futile.
She couldn't set what little recovery he'd done back even further on Yosano when she had been put in charge of her patients. Yosano had trusted her, she wouldn't disappoint.
"Yeah, Fyodor's so stubborn, he'll probably nag the Grim Reaper until he gets sick of him." Dazai backed her up. "Here, I'll bring the bed over, we'll have a sleepover with Nikolai." Dazai cheered Sigma up, helping the two-tone up and moved the beds together.
"Sleepover with Kolya." Sigma whispered, climbing back into bed to cuddle up right next to Nikolai.
"Hey, miy dorogiy." Nikolai greeted his bi-colored friend as Sigma cuddled up to him.
"Guess I get the end." Dazai teased, sitting behind him, hand rubbing gently on Sigma's arm to calm him to sleep. "Get some sleep, kid."
"I'm twenty." Sigma stuck his tongue out, making Dazai and Kouyou give a smile at the clearly childish action.
"Yeah, Poe?" 
"Was Ranpo worried about me?"
"He was so worried he couldn't work on other cases. We all helped him but he was too stressed to truly work."
"Could you tell him I'm sorry I made him worried when you see him next?"
"Sure, Poe." Dazai agreed.
Taglist: @ pink-sweater-stan @everythingisstardust @starlightnyx @lgbtqforeverything @joylessnightsky 
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