#bonking my head against yours gently like a cat <3
irulancorrino · 5 months
Hi i just wanted you to know i love u
I lichrally love you too!!!!!!!! I was just thinking about you 🥺
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"The Assistant and The Star"
Chapter 4: The Solstice Ceremony
Three times did the trumpet sound. Everyone within Rosas were gathering at the castle. Before the raised platform, stood two rows of soldiers surrounding a large sum of people. Every soldier held up a shield and faced the outside crowd. Ahead of that row was Dario. Next to him stood the youngest and shortest recruit for the army. Short brown hair and holding a small shield, he had a shovel in hand. Before them both was an angry old woman.
“Come on, boy! I only gave a wish last month! Can’t I give him another wish today?!” The old woman demanded. Dario shook his head. She wasn’t on his list and he didn’t know her name but he recognised her face. She did give a wish last month, so she completed her yearly tax. “That was the only wish you can give. You can only make a new wish next year.” He signed. The lady scoffed. “This is ridiculous! I used to make a wish to the King every month 15 years ago! We all could!" She spread out her arms, registering everyone coming down to the castle. "Can’t he make an exception? What if I told you that I knew his assistant.” She cooned.
“No, you don't.” The recruit named Gabo chipped in. He took three steps towards her. “Listen. I don’t know why the King is taking less wishes. It’s not my job to know. I don't care enough to know. You’re welcome to stay to watch the Ceremony but wait until next year to make another wish.”
The old woman crossed her arms and sighed. “Okay.” She said while she turned around. She took a few steps away before taking a running start back and leaped over Gabo to the lineup. Dario was quick and snatched her midair. He placed over his shoulder and walked away even as she thrashed. “Put me down, you giant brute! I will-”
“OW!” She cried, placing a hand on the spot of her head where Gabo’s shovel was. He pointed it to her. ”Next year. New Wish." He told her sternly. Gabo then smiled, “Enjoy the Ceremony.”
Dario gently put the woman down on her feet and returned to Gabo's side. She was stunned. Mouth agape at their “audacity”, but left nonetheless.
“Is this what you have to deal with every month?” Gabo said. Dario sadly nodded.
“Well why didn’t you tell me sooner? I'll try to convince my aunt to let me out here monthly.”
Gabo’s aunt, Martha Weber, is an officer for the royal guard and in charge of positioning guards to surround those giving their first wish of the year. To protect the line from scavengers that will try to sneak in to make another wish. Gabo has been a recruit for 2 years but he is 15 years old, too young to be a guard or be given a real sword. He’s not even supposed to be out with the guard tonight. 
Dario asked Gabo a week prior to help him handle aggravated locals. After a good 3 days of persuasion, Weber allowed her nephew to help guard at the Ceremony, but only for today. He still wasn’t allowed a steel sword but there were no rules against steel shovels. 
As those two worked on, another pair slowly made their way to the castle. Sakina and Sabino. "Saba? Are you alright?" Sakina asked Sabino, who dragged his feet behind her. Utterly exhausted. It was a long and disappointing day for Sabino. He was out in the city all day with his lute. He played loud, he played slow, he played fast, he played as he danced! All his best efforts to attract attention to his music, but no one stayed. No one stood by to hear the entirety of a song or cared to consider what it meant. Only ones that came and stayed were a few stray cats and geese, all of whom who walked away well roused.
His songs had their desired effect but no human had enough patience to let them work.
"It's a tale as old as time, Sakina." He sighed.
"Saba. You should rest yourself and your mandolin for a while." Sabino nodded to that. There was another suggestion Sakina needed to make but how could she phrase that it might be considerable but not ruin his mood further."
"And, dare I say it, would you like to sit back and let Magnifico take over the reins on your wish? And play your music for yourself?"
"No." Saba said with no hesitation.
"Listen, I know this is important to you but, you've been doing it for so long. Maybe focuse on playing for yourself without public attention."
"Sakira!" Sabino looked at her with wide eyes. "You might as well tell a baker to not to care that no one ate their large cake!" He held up his mandolin case. "I didn't spend my 40s learning the mandolin to not share music with others."
"Yes. I understand that but... the public eyes are dull. They have the same with the dancers. Unless it has to due with the King or a wish, you have their attention for 5 seconds. They light up for as long as the Magnifico or Asha is around."
"And it is because of their apathy that I do what I do. The years I spent learning my craft were some of my best, and I want others to live that luxury. I'm happy to let Magnifico help me but I don't want to sit by and do... nothing with my power." He looked up into the sky. Still too bright for stars to show. "I had this wish since Tomás was a boy and took me to see the stars. And it breaks my heart to think that matter how many times I write it down or how long I work on it, I might not live to see it come true." Sabino looked to the castle. "Must it take the death of a man for people to re embrace the growth of artistry?"
"And you still work to revive Rosas, even if you only reach one person?"
He held his mandolin case tighter as he turned to her. "No one deserves to live and die without a chance to attempt to make dreams come true." He smiled at her.
Sakina became quiet at his words. She looked at him with uncertainty. Sabino simply looked back with determination. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek. They stood in silence in the light of the sunset before continuing on to castle.
-  - -
At the side, behind the stage, Queen Amaya and Assistant Asha were seated in two elegant chairs. In Asha's lap was the ceremonial chest. In her hands, her favorite sketchbook. She showed the Queen a sketch of a boy with a giant robot.
"That is a neat concept. Are they friends?"
"Best friends. The boy reads the giant stories. I got idea from Talos."
"The bronze giant? Built by the god, Hephaestus?"
"Yeah, that one! Though this one would be iron."
"Then that boy is the luckiest kid!" Amaya chuckled. "Also, I read the book you recommended. Treasure Island. And it gave me an idea."
"Oh." Amaya cocked an eyebrow as Asha flipped through her sketches and showed her a picture of a boy on a flying sail boat over a village.
"You made him so cute!" Amaya admired.
"Thank you. The book saved me from my creative slump last month." She closed the sketchbook and placed it in her bag. "It's a shame so few people know about it."
Amaya sighed as she crossed her arms and leaned back into her chair. "Too many great stories were lost to time because no one in charge of spreading its word had faith that it would spawn great profits."
Suddenly, a ray of light blasted from the stage. The people were stunned and silent. From the light, countless little phantoms erupted up and swept down, just above the crowd. People shrieked and ducked! Most only flew about, crying like the wind. Some phantoms landed on heads. Ruffling hair and tossing hats. Everyone was bewildered but stayed in place as the phantoms went about.
While the people were distracted, Asha stood up. She nodded goodbye to the Queen and headed to the back of the stage behind the beaming light. Out of view, she pulled a large, folded bag from her work sachel.
The light still beamed and two yellow dots began to show. They grew larger and larger and then two winged Serpents emerged. The light disappeared as the serpents conducted their bit. Slow as a summer's breeze, one swallowed the phantoms midair like a whale swallowed plantain. The other went down and gently plucked naughty phantoms from people's heads before eating them. People awed at the glowing serpents. Some took the chance to pet their fluffy coats.
All phantoms erased, the low serpent flew up to meet the other. They flew around each other in a circular motion that you could say was a dance. They glowed brighter, coming together in a soft embrace, the two serpents fused into a yellow orb that shined like the sun. The orb rose higher and shoned horizontally and bursted into a wide ranged spray of sparkles. The people cheered and grabbed at the magic glitter raining down on them. 
As the people focused on the glitter, the beacon of light vanished, revealing Magnifico with Asha behind him. The little chest on the floor. He raised his staff and banged it down the platform, making a deafening sound that pulled the people's attention to him. "Good evening, Rosas! It is pleasure to see you all today." His voice rang throughout the gathering. The crowd went wild at the voice of their wish granting king. He smiled and spread out his arms as they praised his title. Some tossing flowers onto the stage.
He lowered and limbs and took on a stoic pose. "Now, first line of action." He pointed his staff to the first pair of people in the line between the guards. "Care to come forward?" They stood still, looking up at him with anxiety. This is their first wish ceremony. They have a wish to give but how will he take it? Does he need a coin? Do they have to whisper it? Does he need a hair?
Magnifico sensed their unfamiliarity and moved his staff behind him to let Asha hold it. He needed both hands for this operation. "It's alright, there is no cost. I'll explain how this works."
Slowly, they walked the stairs up onto the platform. They bowed once they were before him. "What are your names?" He asked.
"Helena Sanderson, your grace." One said.
"Esteban Aetos, your majesty." Said the other.
"Helena and Esteban. Lovely to make your acquaintance. And you both wish to live in this kingdom?" 
"Yes, your grace." Helena said, Esteban nodded.
"Alright. Give me hands please." The pair laid out their crossed hands and Magnifico laid his hand in each of theirs. "Now close your eyes and make a wish. Reap it from the depths of your heart." He whispered. The two followed suite, lowering their heads. One deep breathe in, and their chests glowed as the wish began to manifest. Magnifico's fingers slowly curled as he gently pulled a yellow mist from their chests and had it spiral within his palm. Once released, the mist was encased inside a gray bubble. He watched the wishes and both bubbles turned blue. He smiled, for their hearts were well intentioned.
The new citizens were less confident in their circumstance. They felt different. What was expected to be a weight lifted from their shoulders felt like a piece of themselves had gone missing. A vital piece. A piece that they no longer remembered. They looked back at the King for answers. "I understand that you're worried, but I can assure you. You will be safe here. Your wishes will be safe as well." They turned around and faced the crowd. Everybody cheered for the new citizens but they were still befuddled. Magnifico's words didn't bring comfort to their feeling but at least they got to stay? Before the cheering crowd, all they could do was to awkwardly wave before descending the platform.
Asha watched them from the middle of the stage, holding the staff and bag. The familiar pang of sadness in her heart. It was the same reaction for every new comer giving up their first wish. The newfound emptyness. The hunger to follow. Anything and everything done to fulfill it. The deepest wish, a window to the soul that Magnifico needed to see if the people here were well-intentioned and were gentle the next year. This was best for the kingdom, right?
Magnifico turned to her with the wishes in hand and she opened up the bag. He sent the bubbles floated into the sack. He turned back around to see one more person on the stage. He asked for their name, then manifested their wish. Asha stood by and kept the bag open for each wish to be collected. There were many people in line up today. Fortunately, she had more sacks.
The line got shorter and Asha's third sack continued to fill. Newcomers left the stage disheartened, old residents left the stage tired. The last person left with a wobble in their step. With Magnifico holding the staff and the chest still on the floor, Asha tied up the last sack and carried two of them back inside the castle. They weren't heavy but they were big. They were up to her neck in height. The last one hidden away, that concluded the first part of the Ceremony. Now was time for the raffle.
Asha took up the chest and opened the lid wide. "Now! Who's wish shall be granted at this hour?" He called out to the people as Asha lifted the wishes into the air. The crowd hollered at the sight of them. Praying that it was their wish on display. "First wish of the day. Graceful and vibrant as a butterfly. Sania Osman!" He called out. Everyone clapped as a woman near the side shrieked aloud. "It's me! IT'S ME! HE CALLED ME! Oh, great Heavens!" She shouted, squeezing her to the staircase. Once on stage, she vibrated like a bee! It was five months ago that she gave up her wish, and now she was having it publicly granted. "Next, with the heart and will of a bull! Agni Pal!" A man nearly collapsed upon the announcement and people applauding him. Agni Pal, dressed in deep brown, came onto the platform. "And last but not least. With a love for the arts." Within the crowd, Sakina and Sabino looked up at the king. Was he looking at them? "One with a great love for their occupation and needs to maintain their craft for the hope of the people." Magnifico was indeed, looking at them. Sabino cling onto Sakina's arm harder, excited. Was it actually today? Could he still be the influence that people needed?
"Sakina Astrada!" He held out his hand in her direction. Sakina face lit up before turning shocked. She looked at Saba. His a face bleak with newfound disappointment. "...Oh, Saba." She said, caressing his back. Sabino laid his hand on her shoulder and gave her a warm smile. "It's alright, mi lily. Go on and get your wish. I'll have it another day."
She gave Sabino a hug before going.
Sakina smiled to Asha once she was on the platform. King Magnifico observed the three people in front of him. He took one wish from the chest. "Sania Osman." He turned to her. She started fanning herself as he took her wish from the chest and held it in front of her. "As the summer lavender blooms for the bees, it is my pleasure to grant your heart's desire." As he said this, the wish glowed yellow. The bubble faded to reveal a yellow silk moth inside. It took flight and went above Sania's head. Moving in a circle, the moth emitted a silk like stream from its wings. The moth flew down with the silk floating behind it. Sania rose her hands to try and catch it, but it zoomed around her arms, binding them in silk. Sania peeped at the tingling sensation in her arms as the moth sat on her enclosed knuckles, waiting for the rest of the silk to fall, cutting off it's end of the silk. Once the first end of the silk fell past her knees, the moth zipped to that end and glided up. The silk split and vanished where the moth passed, as though it were cut by scissors. Smooth as water, the moth glided back up, cutting Sania's arms free. Stretching its body midair, it took a new form. Before the audience, Sania reached out as the moth transformed into a pair of golden scissors that gently fell into her hands. Her wish, to be the greatest dressmaker in her family. Sania couldn't hold back her tears. This was the greatest day of her life. Agni and Sakina clapped for the lucky lady. The audience applauded.
Magnifico pulled out another wish. "Agni Pal. As the Sun shines his longest day, it is my honor to grant your deepest passion." Agni and the others watched as the wish revealed a yellow flame moth. It took flight and begun flying in circles. Agni was confused. Why was his doing that? Before he could say anything, the moth started emitting sparks. It circled faster, casting more sparks when-
The moth combusted. Engulfed in flames but intact. Agni shrieked and shielded himself as the flaming moth came at him. It zoomed and landed on his head. Then, Agni was engulfed in flames. Everyone screamed at the visual. Everyone but Magnifico and Amaya. Agni held up his arms. Just like the moth, he wasn't burning. He looked around the panicked masses. He looked at Sania and Sakina. "Does it... hurt?" Asked Sakina. He shook his head. He felt itchy. Only a mild discomfort as his muscle memory was reconstructed much more drastically than Sania. He felt his hair and removed the moth. He held the upturned moth in his palms like one would hold a bird when the fire on his body retreated from the feet up and transformed in different areas. Fire converged on his front, turning into a long, black apron. The remaining fire receded to his arms, shaping into thick, black gloves. The moth stretched out his wings and glowed like molten glass. It grew and morphed into a blob before splitting into two parts in each hand. The forms stopped glowing as they completed their transformations. A hammer and tongs. Speechless but extatic, Agni raised his tools and crossed them above his head. The crowd cheered and the other two clapped. His wish, to be an expert blacksmith.
Now for the last wish of the evening. "Sakina Astrada. At the hour of dusk, I witness your integrity and grace. It is with great pride and humility, that I fulfill your heart's will." Her wish unfolded around another yellow silk moth. It crawled onto the tips of Magnifico's fingers. It sat there for a good minute, looking at Sakina with curiosity before flying. It flew up around her body, examining her, and Sakina placed out her hands. She stared amazed as the moth landed in her cup hands. Her wish looked back at her with warmth before snuggling in her palms. Overwhelmed by the warmth and gentleness of the wish, Sakina leaned in and placed a little kiss on top of the moth's head. From where it promptly fell asleep. Agni and Sania stared at the wish, promptly confused. No sparks? No silk? No flashy colors? Any dramatic transformation? What was her wish doing? Surely, it wasn't just sleeping in her hands. Sakina showed the moth to Asha with a proud look on her face. This was her first wish to be ceremonially granted! "It's beautiful." Asha signed. It became too quiet for anyone to consider speaking. She turned and showed the moth to the audience. They were also confused. The silence was broken in a series of whispers. "Is this a joke?" Someone went. "Is it broken, what is it doing?" Somebody else went. "Poor lady. Her wish might be a buzzkill."
Sabino looked around. Slightly angry at everyone whispering down on her wish. He clapped loudly! "Yaaaaaay. It's amazing!" He cheered. The people stared at him like he was mad but Sakina smiled at his support. The moth awakened and stretched its body. The moth took to the air where it suddenly turned into an orb that begun growing. The crowd went silent, it was happening. Sakina stepped back as the orb grew larger and larger. When it finally stopped, it was as large as Sakina's body. Slowly, she reached out and touched it. And then the orb popped. In it's place was a spinning wheel. The people looked at each other and back at the spinning wheel, slightly agitated. A spinning wheel? They knew Sakina was a good seamstress but, she didn't wish to be the greatest seamstress? For golden cotton? A golden spinning wheel? It wasn't even a sort of metal, the moth did the least and most for a wooden spinning wheel.
Sakina step forward and passed her hand over the wheel. Smooth, dark oak. She gently gripped and turned the wheel. It spun without any creek or rattle. And last, with a single finger, she tapped the spindle of the wheel. It was pointed but the was rounded, and it didn't splinter. Sakina could cry. It was perfect! A spitting image of her old one. The applause of Agni and Sania was soft and unconfident. Still upended by her wish. How and why would Magnifico grant such a simple wish? Was it Sakina's relationship with his assistant?
She turned to Magnifico and bowed down. "Thank you so much your majesty." Magnifico smiled at the appreciation. "The pleasure is mine." Magnifico addressed the crowd. "People of Rosas! The wishes of the Summer Solstice!" The kingdom erupted in cheers and praises for the King and the prizemen.
Asha looked on as the people applauded those on stage. There was variety of people thrilled by the visuals and disappointed that they weren't selected. Agni and Sania made their way off the platform. Sakina picked up the spinning wheel and gave Asha a wink before following suit. "Rosas!" Magnifico called out to the audience. "May this Summer bring us warmth and prosperity! Vitality and transformation! Go forth and indulge in the festivities of this night and the next." With his blessings said, fireworks fired off. Explosions off red, orange, blue and white lit up the darkening sky. The Ceremony has concluded.
"Asha." Magnifico came to face her. "As I have mentioned before, I have someone in the throne room who can assist you on your outing later. Come this way." He said before walking away. Before she could follow, a strange feeling stopped Asha in her tracks. A feeling of someone burning holes in the back of her head.
'Don'tturnaround. Don'tturnaround. Don'tturnaround. Don'tturn-'
"Asha?" At her side, Queen Amaya came up from behind her with warm and concerned eyes. "Are you alright?" It wasn't from her. Magnifico had stopped walking to look back at her. "Oh, I'm alright." Asha said. "Just a little tired." Amaya nodded and led her with Magnifico.
Little to their knowledge, somebody in the crowd south from them was actually watching them intently. A woman with long, blonde sausage curls stared at Asha but not like the other stares that she received. Some stared at her with excitement, want, and sometimes envy. But the stare of this woman, was of hostility.
Inside the castle, Magnifico opened the door to the throne room with a wave of his hand and let the two women enter first. "Do you have an extra guard?" Asked Asha. The room was dimly lit by the remaining sunlight from the large windows. "Kind of. Someone smaller but well fit." Magnifico remarked. "And adorable." Amaya added with a chuckle. Magnifico blew a whistle with his fingers. There was no response. Magnifico frowned and blew his fingers again. Again no response. "Charo! Will you please come out here. I have a job for you." There was a growl from across the room. From behind the Queen's throne, a pair of green eyes showed within the shadows. An Iberian Lynx slowly made his way to the monarchs. Dropping a pig's bone from its mouth. "Asha. This is Charo. Charo, this is Asha." Charo sat down at the Queen's feet and yowled. "You... have a pet lynx?" Asha asked. "Yes. He's shy and doesn't like being out in the city so most don't know about him. He's our little guardian lynx. He helps me travel through the city." Amaya bent down and picked up the 30 pound cat. "Charo. Could you escort Asha home and ward off anyone that makes her uncomfortable?" Charo looked between Amaya and Asha and gave an affirmative yowl. Asha was wide-eyed and shook her head. "Your majesties, I am grateful for the offer but I don't think I can take him. It's rather extensive to take a large animal with me. I shouldn't take such a prized creature to go home." She retorted. 'Especially after offending the King'. Asha thought.
"This is a gift, Asha." Magnifico emphasized, concerned. "I said that I knew someone who could get you home and I am a man of my word. He can make his way back to us after. My duty is to protect the people of Rosas. And that includes you." Amaya placed Charo down on his paws. He walked over to Asha, sniffing her body and then rubbed his side against her legs. "I insist Asha. Please. Don't endanger yourself to try and convenience us." Asha stood still as the lynx took in her scent, she smiled at his gentleness and nodded to the monarchs. "Then it is settled." He scratched Charo behind his ear. "Protect her with your life, Charo. Have a great and safe evening, Asha." Magnifico said. With the doors still open, Charo was the first to walk out. The King and Queen bid Asha goodnight before she left. With the doors shut behind her, Asha went to see Charo against the wall near the doors. "Hello." She said to him. " Oh, shoot! I forgot to mention. I have a baby goat with me. Do you eat goats?" Charo looked at her as though she just asked what bread was. "Right, wrong question. Sorry." She put her hands on her hips as she thought of a different question. "Are you hungry right now?" He licked his paw and blinked at her. No. He won't be for a while. Alright. They're all set to leave.
This took longer than expected but I cut it shorter than intended but I want to write a wholesome chapter.
I finally got to conduct my moth Ceremony! I wish the movie told us what Sakina's wish was so I made her up a mild one that would test the ideals of the people and hint to her own values. All the while, present the correlation of loved ones of the King's assistant having their wishes granted sooner.
@annymation @signed-sapphire @mythartist21 @wings-of-sapphire @chillwildwave @rascalentertainments @oh-shtars @uva124 @kstarsarts @hopeyarts @spectator-zee
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irlcats-bracket · 9 months
Bracket 5 Round 3 Poll 3
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Opal vs Blackie
check their descriptions and propaganda (new for both!! pics, facts and a whole ass short video) below!!
She’s never met a person she doesn’t love (although she was NOT happy when submitter let their brother watch her and he put her in clothes…) and she is so vocal!! Always got a meow ready for new friends
she just tried to jump up on the windowsill but the window was closed so she bonked her face on the glass and fell down. She often loses the red dot when chasing it. But she always politely uses her paw to request pets and snuggles, then gently pushes your had away when she is done. And! She is the only cat in the world submitter is not allergic to! She's so special and snores when she sleeps all curled up next to them and they just wish everyone could have the chance to cuddle this little kitty cat
This is Blackie, submitter's little one-eyed wonder. He lost his eye to glaucoma quite a few years ago, but he's doing a lot better now, and still likes to play with his sister, Artemis. His name is Blackie because that's what the shelter named him and submitter's family couldn't agree on a new name for him so it stuck, but submitter themselves call him 'Big Boi' because of just how massive he is. He was once very timid, but with time and love and patience he is now a certified lap cat who will come right up to strangers to demand pets. He has a wonderful squeaky meow and when he purrs it sounds like two cats purring at once. He likes to have people watch him eat and he will guide submitter's mom over to the couch and make her lay down just so he can sleep in her lap. Also, when he lays on his back, he covers his belly with his tail. Pictured is him in his signature polite boi sitting pose
More Blackie propoganda! This time I bring you big boi in motion
Assorted Blackie facts:
A brave man when it comes to thunderstorms. But the vacuum? His mortal enemy.
The friendliest cat at the shelter. But the staff forced me to pick him up and hold him to get a picture and he got terrified and peed on me.
We think, based on how he acts, that he may have grown up in a home with dogs. But the mark on his ear is one done by our local neuter and release program, so we don't know if he was a stray, an outside cat, etc. But he's one of the friendliest cats I've ever met.
Will go up to his sister and put his head down to get it licked. But as soon as she goes to lick him and flattens his ears and raises a paw like he's gonna hit her. Sometimes they fight and sometimes they just walk away. We don't think he's trying to trick her because he acts genuinely confused throughout this process.
Sometimes he uses his back paw to scratch the back of his front leg when he's sitting down and it's so cute <3
These are old photos from when I used to hold a camera down and snap a photo when they leaned in to sniff the lens.
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Blackie is our older cat and is such a gentleman. He is eager to love, he does the quickest slow blinks I've ever seen from a cat. He has a two-layered purr, it literally sounds like a cat purring as popcorn is being made in the background. He lost his eye to glaucoma when he was younger but he runs around and plays and teases his sister Artemis like a kitten. And his eyebrow whiskers grew down over his missing eye! He's not a big fan of people food but he has a fondness for pizza crumbs (NOT the crust. Just the crumbs off the plate when you're done eating the pizza). He walks like he's gingerly stepping through flowers and he's so gentle that the one time I overstimulated him and he wanted to bite me, he just shoved his closed mouth against my hand. He has a super long tongue and if you scratch the right spot between his shoulder blades he will lick the air. He's my precious boy who started out so scared but he's so brave and social and happy now just typing this out makes me wanna cry and go give him scritchies.
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Opal propaganda: she hates the vacuum but is SO brave about it, we accidentally trained her to shake our hand with her paw when she wants to be pet, and while she has a water fountain that she drinks from she still prefers glasses that a human is currently drinking from (she just wants to participate)
Vote for Opal round 2, now with snapchat filters!
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||An Officer's Corruption part Thirty-seven||
Hello there! I'm back with another chapter to the Officer's Corruption series. <3 Thanks to my amazing friend, she got me thinking of a chapter so I hope you like.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Chapters so far|| 1-30|| ((Click here))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun and me)) (Click here))
Part Thirty one
Part Thirty two
Part Thirty Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty five
Part Thirty Six
((Your reading Thirty-Seven))
||Drabble Summary||
After getting more and more information, Oblivion has got some leads that might help in finding the ones that started this. However, she got an alarming text from Luna. What could it be? Also, a new man has come to visit the prison but to deliver some details but he meets with Charlie. Who could this man be? Read to find out.
~Light NSFW is present in this
~Mature and Dark Themes is present in this
~blood warning is present
~drug use is spoken of in this
||Guests in Drabble||
Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu, and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Luna so-yeon koboyashi, Jinx violet, Yuuka Nakano and others mentioned are my OC's and belong to me. While junichiro tanizaki and others spoken of comes from the anime BSD but also me due to rping as them.
Yuji Itadori is from the anime series Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to rping as him.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. I hope you Enjoy.))
----- T Prison - Lower Cells -----
"There we go. That feels much better don't it?"
Yuji smiled seeing a relaxed Jinx sitting with him in the hot bath tub to help relax her and his muscles. Her hair was wet now but some was covering her chest as he was holding her close to him. She seems like a relaxed kitty cat. Or it could be due to the deep purring she was doing right now.
"Seems even after all that you must have tired yourself out a bit huh?" he said but Jinx only relaxed more against him while looking at the water since it was a bit steamy in the bathroom.
"A..a little b..bit." she said but feels him nuzzling against her cheek.
"I see. Well, even so, your still precious and also my little kitty cat. Next time we will get to play a lot more since you did take a peek of us having fun. You must have been lonely." he said but she only hums to nod relaxing against him.
"I was lonely but..it's fine. I'm not the type to hold a grudge.." she said gently though Yuji smiled still while they sat in the bath tub together. He even looks to gently begin rubbing her back while already helping her get clean before she would have to head back. He knew the other two officers might be worried but they knew she was fine.
"Hey Kali? Do you think Jinx is alright? I Hear she's been still on patrol right now." Kali looks up hearing Ink speak, seeing some prisoners just relaxing right now in their cells.
"Ehhh I'm sure she's fine. Knowing her, she tends to be just as bad as you. So I wouldn't worry about it." she waves a hand with eyes closed that Ink tilts her head to think about it.
"Hey, what's that suppose to mean?" she pouts that Kali sighed.
"Is it the same thing like you and the other inmate your watching over? Are you even going to say who he is-"
"I told you I don't tell you anything of what I do remember?! Why are you always so nosy!?" she said.
"I was just curious!" Ink said laughing happily that Kali's eye twitched a bit.
"Uhhh you okay Kali?"
"I'm..I'm fine just..holding back the urge to bonk you on the head..." she said but Ink looks at her then smiled.
~~~Back with Yuji and Jinx~~~
Yeah, they were fine for now, he wanted to savor this moment for a while before she would be heading back later on. This moment was pretty peaceful for him as they relaxed. Even better seeing her relaxing in his arms together.
'So precious..' he thought only to kiss the top of her head.
~~~ Back at Northern State Pentiartary/Main office -----
"So I take it they heard about it too huh? Which results in them sending you?" Dazai was speaking to another male but he was setting some papers and files down. He looks to Dazai but sighed right after.
"Well, you asked us to look into something so we did. Unless you got something else we need to look into." junichiro tanizaki said while looking to Dazai. He was from the other building across from here but he tends to come here to check up on Dazai and give him information if he asks for it. Knowing him, Dazai can count on him for giving hidden files, documents and other things if it's hard.
"I did, I did. I was just doing something else at the moment and having a visitor. But I take it the info you gave me says things are fine? Any leads?" he asked Tanizaki who shook his head.
"Not yet. I got some trails but most of them are cold. I can keep looking into them for the moment till then. Do you have anything that might help with that?" he had his arms crossed but Dazai thinks only to reach into his pocket to take out some paper. He hands it to him as Junichiro opens it and reads.
"So far, that's what I have but maybe you can take a closer look into it? I'll be sure to send whatever I need to you if requested." he said as the other folds the paper.
"Understood." He said but as he was about to turn, the door opens showing someone. Tanizaki sees a woman walking in wearing the uniform. She had blonde hair in a pony tail. She has beautiful blue eyes and has scars on her body judging from what he sees. However, she looks pretty tough.
"Warden Dazai, I got Miss Seon to a room. She is ready for-" she stops seeing another standing there but another male? He looks only to see her look back.
"Oh thank you Charlie. Also, don't be alarmed he's an ally. Tanizaki this is Charlie. One of my officers for a section in the prison. Charile, this is Junichiro Tanizaki, a officer that does more of the shady dark needed things if it's from looking for something needed." he explains this to see Charile and Tanizaki look at one another.
"Hmmm, it's..nice to meet you Officer I take it?" she said seeing him look back at her and nod.
"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." he said bowing his head slightly to her that Charlie looks at him.
"Sir, you said he's a hidden hire. You never spoken about another helping out outside." she said hearing Dazai laugh.
"True but don't get me wrong, he's one of my best hired help. Or to say my most dangerous one. He's well known to his job and is able to finish the task no matter what he has to do or who's blood he spills. He gets it." he said simply that Charlie blinks then looks at him. What sort of things does this guy deal with?
"Even so, in time he will be transfered over here to help you and Jason in the future. He's just finishing up some documents for me." he said showing the file folder.
"Even so, I hope you two will get along!" he giggled seeing both Tanizaki and Charlie look at one another. Get along, well, that is for later to see but who knows? Seems like it's a strong possible view.
~~~~~With Oblivion~~~~~
Tae was waiting for Luna to pick up her phone as she dials the number to her. She hopes she would pick up. In a moment, she heard a click on the other line and heard a familiar voice.
"Hello? Tae?"
"Hey Luna, I got your text message, what's going on? You said something urgent.." she said.
"Yes this is urgent. I know you already got the update regarding how Yuu is right? Well...I got more news I have to tell you but it's private. You are alone right?" she asked on the phone.
"I'm alone yeah." she said.
"Well, I'm alone too but here. The reason I'm calling you is to give you another update about her. She..." she sighed on the other line but was in her office with the other officers busy.
"What's wrong Luna? Is their something else wrong with Yuuka?"
"She's....she's gotten a lot worse Tae. Like bad worse." she said.
"What are you talking about Luna? How bad?"
"....Like ill bad." she said. "Ever since the Public Safely Hero Commission sent orders to the doctor they sent, she's been given a double dose of the medicine and shot..she seems like she's...sicker. Even if they say she would be better she don't seem like that." Luna said.
"The double dose? Hold on, they started that right now? I thought it was still being under view?"
"It was before I called to ask about it."
"Okay and Yuu? Is she....."
"I heard she's still taken the medicine and shots but too weak to even fight back right now....those drugs really weakened her Tae. Like baby weak..in a sense."
"What do you mean?" Oblivion asked.
"Well, remember how violent she was when you saw her a while ago or a few days ago? She's not as active anymore Tae. When me and Swan spoke to the head active present, he denied our request to stop the drugs."
"Hold on, he denied the request?! Why!?"
"Because he assumes the drugs was helping her. They say it's their way to insure she won't be a danger to the public."
So now we are trying to get some results of our own to see what the hell is in the medicine and shots Doctor Lee has been given her and of the double shot." she said looking worried.
"We even went to visit her and she....she didn't do much. She was just laying back upright on the bed looking ahead. Her quirk isn't as strong now because the double strength of that medicine and shots are making her weaker and weaker like she's losing her quirk. Hell, purple particles are only seen now unlike what you saw before..it's really gotten a lot more weaker now."
"What!?" When did this start to happen! "Wait wait wait, then how is she now?"
"Still the same. She still gets frequent hallucinations and she's more afraid now. I don't know what he's been doing but something is off with that damn doctor they sent us. It's like their trying to either get her to become quirkless or...I'm worry they are going to do more worse harm."
"......And she didn't even react to you nor Swan?" Oblivion asked.
"No. She just kept looking down even after Swan checked on her. She's not responding to us but the look in her eyes they dulled out. Lost their color Tae. That damn doctor says the medicine is 'working' and she's not as dangerous but it looks like it's only killing her from the inside. I don't know why but it feels like she's just lost in her little world without responding to anyone else. We can't get through to her." Luna said covering her face.
This was not what she was expecting but Tae only grips her phone to try calming down. Anger was rising inside of her but she looks ahead before asking, "Can I see her? Or can you do a video call?"
"Huh? Well, yeah I can but Tae..I really don't think you want to-"
"Luna please..I need to see for myself."
"......" Luna was quiet on the other line but sighed closing her eyes. "I can do that. Just a moment."
Tae heard some shuffling noise in the back but heard that Luna was leaving her office to where Yuuka was. She still was in the main hall before heading down to the right. She gets to the medic ward hallway section and goes into the area. A few were not in this area but she was heading to the other one where Yuu was.
The medic ward for heavy observation 24/7 was there but she was looking at the door where Yuu was. Doctor Lee was off today so Swan was watching her. She knocks on the door. "Swan? You in there?"
Obivion heard the door open in the background.
'Yeah, I'm here. You come to see Yuu again?' she asked as she lets Luna come in.
'Yes but..I got Oblivion on the phone and she wants to do a video call with her to see how she is.'
'....I..Is that wise? What if she-'
'She needs to see her Swan.....' Luna said but Swan only sighed to nod.
'Understood..' she said going to help sit Yuu upright on the bed. Luna moves but she sits down to pull the phone back but puts it on speaker.
'You still there Oblivion?'
"Yeah, still here."
'Alright. I'm going to put you on video call but you might not like what your about to see. Are you still sure?' she asked.
".....Yeah...I'm sure."
"Okay..Hold on."
Oblivion lowers her phone but looks seeing the screen change to a video call showing connecting please wait on her screen. She hopes Yuuka was alright but she was not expecting to see just how bad Yuuka was. Within seconds, the connection went through showing a room. It looks like the medic ward alright but she saw Swan and Luna.
"Oblivion, you there?"
'Yeah, I'm here. Where is Yuuka?" she asked but the two looked at one another but sighed.
"She's here.." Luna lifts up the phone but points it to show Yuu. As soon as Oblivon saw her, her own eyes slowly widen seeing Yuu's condition. Yuuka Nakano was sitting up right in bed but she looks ahead while not moving a inch. Her purple hair was messy but kept up in a pony tail, she was wearing a shirt and sweatpants while looking at her fingers. They seem to be shaking a little. She looked really tired but not thin since they still were giving her food. She just looked ill with bags under her eyes but she was only remaining quiet looking ahead. Oblivion looks shocked but she sees her.
"Yuuka?...Yuuka, can you hear me? You have a visitor today..." Swan said hoping she was respond but she didn't. Luna saw she remains still but her eyes were hidden.
'As you can see, she's been like this since she got the double dose shot and medicine. It's pretty strong and it's effecting her physically and mentally. We got word we think she's seeing things in her mind. Or having bad memories that keeps haunting her. We are trying to do everything in our power to keep her calm Tae but...we are worried of what those assholes are really planning on doing to her.'
"I......she's been like this since the damn double dose was given to her?" she said seeing Swan answer.
"Yes. That's what I got from her recent blood work. She remains like this but still gets the heavy nosebleeds and having trouble sleeping. It's like she's too scared to close her eyes because of seeing things." she said but Oblivion said nothing gripping her phone tight wanting to break it but she was keeping calm trying not to. She looked so tired and sick. What the hell is with the drugs?
Being quiet, Oblivion looks to her. "Yuuka? Hey, can you hear me? It's me, Officer Seon...." she speaks loud enough in hopes she hears her voice. The two looks at Yuu seeing her not respond but Oblivion looks worried now.
"Yuu...please can you hear me? It's me......please let me know you can hear me.." she said a bit louder from the phone but hearing that made Yuu blink her eyes slowly before Luna carefully shows the phone and Oblivion on it. In a moment, Yuu slowly looks to Oblivion but saw her on the screen.
In a minute, Yuuka slowly reaches to touch the screen of the phone but Luna saw Swan hold it near her that Yuuka reaches to hold it in her hands to look at it. She can see her but she seems so far away.
The two were silent but was shocked seeing she spoke! She was silent all that time but she only shook holding the phone.
"...Yes, it's me Nakano."
"......Where......a...re...you....you..d..disappeared...f..from here.." she speaks quietly.
"..I'm.....out at the moment but I was calling to check on you...see how you been." she speaks in a calm down even if she was angry now. Those assholes. What have they done to her!?
Yuuka said nothing laying back but Swan helps her lay on her side as she was looking at the phone with a hold stand to keep it there. She looks at the screen with dulled eyes.
"You....went....out...I...g...get i..it.....I h..hope...you c...come b..back...I'm..s...scared. I'm s..scared of t..the doctor..the ni...ghtmares....t..their getting w..worse...I don't wanna s...sleep.." she mutters in a tired tone.
"Easy now Yuu..You have to get sleep. It's not healthy to stay up like that." Tae said but saw Yuu only grips the sheets trying not to freak out but tries calming down.
"But b..bad things..t..the w...orms..t..their still....c...crawling inside of m..me....r..ready to r..rip out..I'm s..scared Oblivion..I'm s..scared.." she said softly.
"T..the scary w..worms....their eating me f..from..inside o..out...It's s..scary..I'm s..scared..they started getting a...agitated a..after they gi....ve....new m..medicine. It hurts al..all over and f..from injection s..spot..it was....to h..help with d..dangerous quirk....it's d..dissappearing...." she said and shows trying to form some goo but the two with her and Tae saw purple particles but no goo.
Both Luna and Swan was shocked seeing how weak it's gotten. Even Tae was shocked.
'I can't..e..even use my flames r..right now..t..too tired...I'm too tired.....to conjure up some...' she said. 'Then it m..means I'm g..gonna....be quirkless r..right? Is t..that what the p..people wan..wanted?' she mutters.
"No no it's not Yuu. That's not what-"
"It's true..s...see?" she shows her arm seeing the injection spot but it shows some bandage covering it since they gave her another one. Oblivion said nothing but Yuuka lowers her arm to look at the phone.
"I'm..s..sowwie...I'm s..sorry f..for being m..mean t..to you and o..others h..here..I was j..just scared....I'm scared being a..alone......."
"Yuuka, your not alone. I'll be back soon okay? Just hang in there for me. When I come back, I'll help you okay? You don't have to be scared.." Oblivion said but Yuu looks to the phone but she only blinks once slowly to relax.
"You w..won't..l..leave me a..alone?"
"I won't...I'm trying to help you, Yuu but when I have what I need, I'll be there with you..I promise. I'll find the ones that did this to you...and make sure they pay for this..." she said that Yuu only held the phone near but she was quiet. It was rather nice to hear her voice and it was calming to her.
She remains quiet but only looks to the screen that Tae saw tears now running down Yuu's cheeks. She was really upset about this.
'P...lease....c..come b..back okay? I really...wanna..s...see you come b..back...I'll..t...try to be c..calm..' she mutters. Tae was quiet though, she's never seen her that calm before even when meeting her. Was this...how she used to be before the drugs? She wasn't sure but it seems like it.
Oblivion sighed but looks at the phone.
"Don't try, just....just give it your best. I want you to rest more Yuuka okay? You have to try and get some sleep. Rest up....that's all I ask." Tae said but Yuu only looks to her then down.
"I..I'll..t..try..I......." she started to speak only to feel something run down her nose. Yuu blinks to look seeing her blood again that she reaches to touch it. "......"
"Yuuka?" Luna said.
"Oh no, not again." Swan said worried trying to clean her nose but Yuu was moving away from her. "Easy now..I'm not going to hurt you.."
"N..No no..d..don't...don't touch me! Don't touch me!" she said suddenly freaking out as she tries to move away, Luna tries to help keep her still to calm down. "NO! Please let me go! Let me go!"
"Yuu calm down!" Luna said wincing as she was thrashing violently now.
"......" Oblion was shocked hearing this and seeing it was worse. However, she saw but Swan quickly have some golden feathers floats around her. Yuuka tenses seeing the feathers but when they were around, she slowly started feeling sleepy.
"St...stop..l..let me.."
"Rest Yuu your safe...just calm down.." Swan said in a quiet tone trying not to scare her. Luna kept holding her but Oblivion saw the whole thing before Yuu goes limp in her arms.
"What the hell was that!?" Oblivion asked seeing Luna lay her back on the bed.
"That's..something she does if she freaks out or something she's seeing that we aren't. She's been doing that for a while now or maybe side effects from the drugs. Right now, we have to keep her here to insure she won't attack staff which she hasn't. Right now, we are worried. We don't know how bad this can get for her......but we will do everything to insure she is alright." Luna explains but Oblivion said nothing to nod.
"I..I get it..I'll do everything in my power to help her and come back. Just..keep watching her for me till then okay?" Oblivion said.
"We will don't worry. If you find anything let us know but I'll do the same keeping you up to date. Just...find out the jerks that did this to her and make them pay Tae." Luna said.
"I will..just keep a eye on her....I'm counting on you two." she said seeing them nod before the video call ended. Oblivion slowly lowers the phone down but when she did, she slowly stood up to try and process this. When she did, she punches the wall hard looking down.
She's never seen her like that and it worried her. She was a strong woman but not right now. She was someone that needed help......for now, she lets out a slow breath to try calming down.
Whoever did this to her...they would pay dearly for this.
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naraven · 9 months
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to move or not to move
another one. sorry its 3 am i pushed this one in about 2 hours im going straight to bed
wc // 600
tw // should be none
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“It seems that all nation will experience a housing crisis, no matter how well the economy might seem.”
Joachim muses to themselves. After sending back a very, very polite email back to Nahida explaining that they would be taking on another simple and easy commission, she sent back an exasperated letter saying it was fine and that they didn’t have to sound too much like a child trying to convince their parents to stay up.
Whatever. Should an Archon act like their mother, they will treat her as such.
But while that was all happening, Joachim had found this new commission right up their alley. Getting to explore a whole new island besides the main city and the opera house? The home of many Melusines, a whole new species that they could never get the chance to talk to outside of Fontaine? The skeleton inside the whole island???
So many mysteries to unpack, but alas, that was completely unrelated to the commission at hand. Joachim, while skimming through the daily Steambird one morning, started reading one particular commission in particular that caught their eye.
“A housing crisis, and a new place to settle down in?”
It seemed that it was Joachim’s time to shine.
And so, they took a small ship south to the island that covered the dragon’s body of Elynas. Certainly the best place to build a small place to live was on a remote island native to a race of Melusines.
Joachim made sure to pack a pen and paper to take note of what places were appropriate for a small house to be built. Map in hand and a pen in another, they set out to see what the dragon’s body had in store for them.
Best to choose somewhere northeast to make sure you aren’t too far away from society. The entrance to the Melusine village is somewhat close by. If that displeases you, somewhere down near the south would be smarter. However, do keep in mind that it might be more difficult to access any other human resources from that point. The edges are all sandy beaches. If you like or dislike sand, the best place is for you to decide.
Buying a house in this remote place is practically impossible. I recommend finding someone to model and build a small house for you. Your cats would also gain lots of enrichment form simply exploring their new large backyard, from the rocky hills and ponds of water.
Their report went on and on, having to flip their paper over to list even more pros and cons. Joachim wandered around and around the island, as if lost in the mystifying aura of the place. They went on for as long a possible, which apparently was a days long expedition without rest.
“Here’s my report. I recommend choosing a place somewhere Beryl Region. I’ve listed out all the pros and cons I could. On the back simply details it in a more summary type way.”
They had the report over as one of the commissioners cats rub against their legs. It gently bonks their head on their shins, purring.
As they lean in to pet the cat. The commissioner finally starts speaking, “Wow. This is… Amazing! I’ll definitely read over this. Thank you so much!”
Joachim stops petting the cat as it flops onto their shoes. They let it rest there for the time being.
“Don’t mention it. If you have any more questions, you can ask for Joachim at the front office of Hotel Debord.”
“Thanks so much again! Hear that, kids? We’re going to go see Elynas!”
Joachim waves goodbye at the commissioner and her cats, meowing by the windows. This seems like the perfect topic for their next letter to Nahida.
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Cat Dad of the Year | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi, friends! I believe this is my first fic featuring our sweet lady Alpine!
If you like what you read, throw me a reblog so others can find my stuff 🥰
Warnings: Blood, fluff, Alpine being adorable
Bucky crept down the hallway on tiptoe, doing his very best not to be too loud. His heavy boots thumping noisily against the hardwood floor wasn’t usually a problem, but it was three in the morning- and he didn’t want to wake the neighbors who already hated him. And he definitely didn’t want to wake you. He knew you preferred it when he woke you gently with a kiss upon returning from a mission, but Bucky never wanted to disturb your sleep.
With careful hands, he slipped his key into the lock on the front door of the apartment and slipped inside. The darkness enveloped him instantly, save for the glowing flashes of the tv coming from the bedroom. Without going down the hall to check, he knew his best girl was dead asleep while episodes of Supernatural played endlessly on Netflix. It was sweet that you tried to stay up late enough to greet him when he got home, but he’d much rather you get the sleep you needed.
Sleep. Sleep sounded fucking amazing. Not that Bucky normally got much sleep anyway, but he’d gotten far less than usual on this last mission and knew he’d collapse soon if he didn’t rest. All he wanted to do was shower off the sweat, grime, and blood that clung to his body before climbing into bed next to his best girl.
But before he could make a move toward the bathroom, a sensation against his leg caught his attention: Alpine.
She chirped up at Bucky, letting out a happy “mrrrowl” as she wound around his legs. She missed him almost as much as you did when he was away, and always loved to greet him when he finally returned home. She nuzzled her face along his boots and bonked her head against his shins, welcoming him back the best way she knew how. Bucky couldn’t help but smile at her adorable antics- until he realized that he was still a mess.
Flipping on the light, Bucky’s eyes snapped down to Alpine. A look of horror twisted his features as he saw her usually pristine white fur streaked and stained with the blood of Hydra operatives. With every rub of her face against his boots and each swish of her tail along his legs, she tainted her fur a darker shade of red.
“Shit shit shit…” Bucky grabbed Alpine from the floor, her warm body snuggling into his arms as he carried her to the bathroom.
As quietly as he could, he shut the bathroom door and flicked on the light, praying he wouldn’t wake you. His eyes ran over Alpine’s stained coat, wondering how best to remedy the nasty situation. It wasn’t something he could Google and he didn’t want to wake you up, so he went with his gut. Running a washcloth under the faucet, Bucky attempted to gently rub the stains out of Alpine’s white fur.
She mewled in protest, swatting at Bucky’s hand each time he attempted to clean her up. “I know, I know- I’m sorry!” Bucky stared down at Alpine with an apologetic expression, “but your mom is gonna kill me if she sees you like this”.
Somehow, Bucky’s strategy seemed to make the situation worse. He’d simply spread out the bloody hue, coloring even more of Alpine a sickly red. Her little blue eyes glared up at him as she jumped from his arms in an attempt to escape. Bucky tried clumsily tried to catch her, but she was too nimble for him. The two of them played a game of cat and mouse- or Bucky and Cat- but Alpine snaked away from him every time he got close. One rogue move had Bucky tripping into the door, knocking against the wood with his metal shoulder. The loud thud was definitely enough to wake you, and Bucky cringed as he listened for you to stir.
A strange thud pulled you from your sleep. The tv was still on and the bed empty, void of Bucky’s strong form. The clock across the room read 3:28am, and you hoped to god that it was Bucky who’d made that sound- not some Hydra operative looking for revenge.
“Buck…?” you slid out of bed and padded slowly across the room, discovering a light on in the bathroom across the hall.
“Buck, is that you?” you knocked lightly on the door, waiting for a response. After a few moments, Bucky popped his head out. He looked tired and frustrated, but still happy to see you.
“Hey, baby…did I wake you?”
You didn’t care that he woke you. All you wanted was the warmth and safety of his arms wound tightly around you and his lips pressed against yours.
Bucky’s behavior was strange. He kept the door barely ajar, only allowing enough space for his head to stick out. “Can you come out here so I can give you a hug?”
Bucky cringed. He wanted nothing more than to take you in his arms and show you how much he’d missed you, but he had a bigger problem that needed solving.
When he couldn’t come up with a response, a strong sense of alarm struck you in the chest. Last time he did something like this, you found him in the bathroom, stitching up a gnarly wound all by himself.
“Buck, is everything okay?” you pushed against the door and he yielded to you, allowing you inside. A horrified gasp ripped through your chest as you saw Alpine, you sweet feline daughter, stained red with blood. Bucky clocked the horror in your face and eased your worries, promising you that it wasn’t your fur-baby’s blood.
“She kept rubbing up against me at the front door…” he said sheepishly, “but I forgot that I was all bloody. Only realized when it was too late”.
Alpine trotted over to you, happy that you were there to rescue her from her mean dad. With Alpine in your arms, you assessed the damage. She was red in some places and pink in others, evidence of Bucky’s attempts to clean her up.
“I’ve been trying to wipe her down with a washcloth, but it just makes things worse- plus, she hates it. She keeps running away…I’m definitely not winning Cat Dad of the Year”. Bucky reached out and let Alpine rub her chin against his fingers, bringing an instant smile to his lips.
“You should’ve just woken me, Buck, you know I don’t mind”, you leaned into his sweaty, grimy body, pressing your lips firmly against his, “I always wanna see you first thing when you come home…plus, you gotta dab- not wipe”.
Bucky couldn’t help the dopey smile that made his cheeks ache. He stared down at you and Alpine, his two favorite ladies, and let the feeling of home wash over him. He’d been so preoccupied trying to clean up the mess that he hadn’t been able to soak in the warmth and comfort of his favorite place in the world.
“I didn’t want you to see her like this,” Bucky scratched at Alpine’s blood-stained ears, “I wanted to have her all clean before you woke up”.
“And how’s that going for ya?”
Bucky let out an exasperated huff and gestured to the mess that still covered Alpine from nose to tail, “not great”. You instructed Bucky to hold Alpine while you ran some warm water in the tub, testing it every so often to make sure it wasn’t too hot.
“Alright, let’s get this little lady cleaned up”, you gestured for Bucky to lower Alpine into the tub, holding your breath to see her reaction. Her paw slapped against the surface as she got closer and closer to the water, her head cocking to the side as she watched the ripples form. “God, she’s so cute” Bucky said, setting her down fully in the tub. She made a few circles, splashing in the shallow water and getting used to the sensation. With two clean washcloths, you and Bucky gently soaked and dabbed at Alpine’s fur, watching the red sticky mess loose itself from her body. Bucky worked on her back while you gently massaged the red stains from her ears, the two of you eventually meeting in the middle.
The water in the tub grew scarlet as you worked together to get your baby cleaned up. “I’m really sorry about this, doll”, Bucky said as you reached the scruff of Alpine’s neck, “I didn’t mean to turn our daughter into a gross Jackson Pollock”. He leaned down to Alpine, “and I’m sorry to you too, sweet girl”. Alpine bonked her head against Bucky’s chin, clearly accepting his unnecessary apology- and your heart melted.
“I’m not upset, Buck. And it doesn’t look like Alpine is either”, you gave her head a gentle scratch, making her purr, “you didn’t do anything. Technically, it’s our little lady’s fault- she rubbed herself all over you”. Bucky dabbed at a bit of blood from Alpine’s paw, laughing all the while. Her pristine coat was finally returned to its former glory, much to Bucky's relief.
“Hmm, you’re right…should we ground her?” Bucky teased, lifting her from the tub while you wrapped her in a cozy towel. Alpine started making biscuits immediately, reveling in the warmth of the soft fabric.
“Nah, I think this was punishment enough, Buck”. With Alpine in your arms, you pressed a kiss to Bucky’s cheek, leaning your body against his while Alpine purred up a storm. “I’m gonna get cleaned up, I’ll join you two in a minute”, he brushed his lips across your forehead, pulling a happy sigh from your chest.
“Don’t take too long, Barnes”, you winked at him and headed out the door, dying to crawl back into bed. He quickly emptied the tub and rinsed it out before hopping in the shower, ridding his body of the same blood that had adorned Alpine’s fur. The warm water sent his exhaustion rushing back, having previously been banished by the adrenaline of the Alpine debacle.
He stepped out of the shower, finally clean, and padded toward the bedroom in nothing but a towel. He found you in bed, barely awake, with a still damp Alpine cocooned in her towel.
“Hey, baby…” he whispered as he donned some sweats and climbed into bed, “thanks for helping me out”. A sleepy, slack-jawed smile stretched across your lips at the sound of Bucky’s warm voice. You reached for him, desperate to feel his body pressed against yours.
“Of course, Buck. She’s our daughter”
He was certain that you’d fallen asleep, noting the way you’d grown silent moment after he’d crawled into bed. But your groggy voice piped up just as Bucky turned off the tv. “Ya know, they say you can get red wine out of a white carpet by pouring white wine on it”, you said sleepily, “but I don’t think that would’ve worked with Alpine…we can’t stick our cat in a bathtub full of white wine”.
Bucky knew you were out of it. He stifled his laughter as he thought of Alpine swimming around in a bathtub full of sauvignon blanc, and felt a rush of warmth spread through his body. He loved your sense of humor, and the way you always got silly when you were tired. “Good call, sweets, she’s not old enough to drink”, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and turned out the lamp on his bedside table, plunging the room into darkness
The two of you settled in for the night, Alpine already fast asleep on your chest. “I’m so happy you’re home, Buck,” you murmured, half-asleep, “and so is Alpine. We missed you so much”. Bucky curled his body around yours, careful not to disturb his daughter. “I missed you too, baby, both of you”. The three of you slept peacefully, relishing in the feeling of being a whole family once again.
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @cwbucky @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz 💜
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angeltrapz · 2 years
Chainshipping request(s): Adam and Lawrence bonk their heads together like cats. Maybe Duchess is there. Also, this isn’t necessarily a request, more of a headcanon, but if Lawrence were to get into photography, he’d take pretentious photos of clouds and wildlife. The kind on those desktop backgrounds or motivational posters. The beauty of nature <3.
Okay first: you're absolutely right that he'd take photos of the clouds and wildlife... his favourite pictures would be ones he took of sunrises/sunsets, interesting flowers/plants/birds, & candids of Adam and Diana <3 personally I see Lawrence as someone who rlly likes the outdoors so he'd have SO many pictures. Adam watching Lawrence take his fifth sky shot of the day, internally: 😍 Externally: "You fucking dork <3" (extremely affectionate)
Second: this prompt was so cute?? Duchess is not here physically but she is in spirit (she's napping in the bathroom sink). Writing under the cut even though it's not very long! Thank you again for this request!!
"Bug. Darling. Love of my life."
"Mmm, those're some nice words."
"What are you doing?"
Currently, Adam is very sleepily trying to roll on top of Lawrence(? the doctor isn't sure), presumably to keep him in bed for a while longer (not that it makes Adam's actions make any more sense, since it's Saturday), but he's... having a hard time of it, whatever he's trying to do. His limbs are still heavy with sleep, fuzzy and numb and mostly uncooperative - evidently frustratingly so, if the smaller man's exasperated grunts are of any indication. Still, after a moment more of struggling, Adam mumbles, "'m cold. You're not. Simple."
Ah. Tired logic at its finest. Lawrence just can't help it; he laughs and he laughs hard, perhaps unreasonably so (isn't everything always funnier when you're sleepy?), but he can't keep it in. His boyfriend gives a particularly petulant whine, but it doesn't stop him from continuing in his efforts - at least, until Lawrence presses a kiss just off-center of Adam's temple and hums, "Settle down, Ads, I think I have a better idea."
"Does it end with me bein' warm?"
"Hopefully. Here, lay on your side."
"But that's -"
"Just trust me, bug."
He gets a grumbled mmkay in response, but Lawrence knows that Adam isn't mad - just tired. This is usually how he is before he's had the chance to wake up a bit, and there's no genuine anger in any of it. Just a bit of crankiness. It's not as though the doctor himself doesn't have his moments, too. "C'mere," he murmurs as Adam shuffles, "face me."
Adam smiles softly as he seems to understand what Lawrence is saying, shifting until they're laying chest-to-chest, the smaller man hooking a leg over Lawrence's, their bodies entangling easy as anything. The doctor's arm comes to curl snugly around Adam's middle, and in appreciative return, he very gently bumps his head against the underside of Lawrence's jaw - a gesture so reminiscent of Duchess's favoured greeting that Lawrence chuckles to himself again, entirely smitten and incredibly fond. He responds by pressing his cheek to the top of Adam's head, just because he can, which gets another small laugh out of the photographer.
God, he loves this man. He loves this man so much it hurts sometimes.
A kiss laid to the side of his throat moments later tells him that the feeling is very much mutual. Of course, he knew this already, but it's still nice.
"Mmm." Adam gives him another kiss, this time pressed to the corner of Lawrence's jaw, all soft gratitude and sleepy satisfaction; it's always a bit hard for the photographer to grasp words when he's half-asleep like this, and he often prefers to stick to monosyllabic answers if he even speaks at all, but Lawrence can hear the silent 'thank you' in his murmurs all the same.
Still, though, he hears a muffled "thanks, love you" just seconds later, feels the tickle of Adam's lashes against his neck as his eyes flutter shut. He'll be asleep again before long, there's no doubt.
Well, that's just fine. What are weekends for, if not for sleeping in when the opportunity arises? The comforting and familiar weight of Adam in his arms has Lawrence's lids feeling pretty heavy, anyway.
So, the doctor simply smiles, presses one last kiss into Adam's hair, and murmurs, "I love you too. Hope you sleep well.
What's another hour or two when they're both warm and happy?
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
This is Not Goodbye
They were all so silent as they walked out to their campfire area. Virgil was fidgeting with their hoodie strings, Patton was kicking a rock, and Roman and Logan were simply silently walking. The air around them was thick, not uncomfortable but definitely not the normal comfy silence they held.
Remus and Dee were not with them this time.
It was warm, the air had the slightest of a bite of the coming autumn breezes but still held the heat of the closing summer. Some birds were still singing, some frogs croaked, and a few crickets chirped. The sun cast the sky in a pretty rainbow of hues as it descended to the horizon.
“I wish Dee was still here,” Vee piped up, still twisting their hoodie strings between their fingers.
“I could say the same about Remus. It’s hard to think it’s been 2 years since we could have a weekend like this, where we all were still so free,” Roman rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s so strange not having Remus barging into my room to draw and tell me strange advice.”
Patton and Logan met each other’s gaze, not knowing entirely what they were going through.
“How about you two go cryptid hunting while we set up the campfire?” Logan suggested. Vee’s eyes immediately lit up as they grabbed Roman’s hand and began to run into the woods.
“Thank you.”
He looked over at Patton in confusion. “For what?”
“Just for everything. For listening and helping me and for being my friend.”
Virgil and Roman walked back to the campfire, both laughing softly and smiling. There were some leaves in their hair and Vee had a stick stuck straight up out of their hair.
Logan was adding a few more sticks to the fire while Patton sat a few feet away, watching the flames. As the two cryptid hunters finished laughing, it got silent again. They were all lost in their own thoughts, thinking about what the next few years would hold for them.
“We should do something to stop us from getting like this,” Roman tapped a small stick against the ground before tossing it into the fire.
“Truth or dare?” Patton suggested and sat up from the ground.
They all agreed, sitting in a square facing the fire.
“Roman, truth or dare?” Patton started and looked over at him from over the fire.
“Favorite drink?”
“You should know! I love any and all kinds of milkshakes!” They shared a laugh at how Roman sounded so offended. “Logan?”
“Open your phone’s gamestore and download 5 cat games.”
He shrugged before he opened his phone and began to type on it. He showed them his phone for each game, both before he downloaded it and after, proving that he did it. “Now I have 17 games on my phone, thanks Roman.”
“Of course.”
“Anyways, Vee? Truth or dare?”
They thought for a moment, scratching the side of their face gently before answering, truth.
“What was the stupidest thing that Dee tattled on you for?”
“For drinking strawberry milk at 3 am.”
Patton snorted and began to laugh, causing the others to join in. After they finally calmed down, Virgil looked at each of them before picking who to ask.
“Roman? Dare or truth?”
“Dare, I guess.”
“Hmm..” they thought again. “Bonk heads with Logan.”
Roman looked over at Logan, who shrugged and leaned toward Roman, bonking heads with him like cats tend to do. Virgil was smiling and chuckling softly.
Roman’s gaze met Patton’s. “Truth or dare?”
“Eh, why not pick truth?”
“Have you ever actually told your dad to fuck off?”
Logan snickered softly, already knowing the answer. Patton rolled his eyes. “Yeah, like 17 times since summer started. Anyways, Virgil?”
“Dare!” they yelled, looking hyped up for their dare.
“Mimic a crow.”
Virgil stood up, clearing their throat before making a very realistic cawing noise. It made a few birds nearby fly away from them. The three were in awe, watching Vee in confusion even though they did this quite often. They sat down and smiled at them. “Lo! Truth or dare?”
“How many pics of the gremlin gang do you have?”
He hummed softly. “Last time I checked, the folder has seventeen thousand four hundred and eighty two pictures in it of us three.”
“Damn, Logan, that is so many pictures,” Roman turned to look at him, astonishment written on his face.
“I mean, not really. I have over twenty five thousand images of my cats,” he replied before he looked at Patton. “Hey, Pat?”
“Do a split.”
Patton stood up, taking a few steps away from the fire before he slid down into a split, looking Logan in the eyes the entire time.
When they all finally sat down at the fire once more, Logan pulled out his guitar and strummed it, adjusting and tuning it for a few minutes until it was the right pitches he needed. The crackling of the fire accompanied his melodies.
I can see it in your eyes that you are restless
The time has come for you to leave
It’s so hard to let you go but in this life I know
You have to be who you were made to be
As you step out on the road I’ll say a prayer
So that in my heart you will always be there
This is not goodbye
I know we’ll meet again
So let your life begin
Cause this is not goodbye
It’s just “I love you” to take with you
Until you’re home again
Virgil sighed as they zippered their bag. It was full of their clothes, another bag next to their bed filled with necessities and other clothes. They had finally finished packing everything and decided to walk downstairs.
Their bags were placed near the front door. Some part of them wished that Dee would be there to see them off but sadly, he was probably off in class or studying.
Annika and Celeste had said their farewells before they left for work. They walked around the house, looking at every picture that was framed and remembering every memory that they had in this house.
A car horn came from outside. It was time for them to go.
The stirring in your soul has left you wondering
Should you stay or turn around
Well, just remember that your dreams
They are a promise
That you were made to change the world
So don’t let fear stop you now ‘cause
This is not goodbye
I know we’ll meet again
So let your life begin
Cause this is not goodbye
It’s just “I love you” to take with you
Until you’re home again
Every song that came on the radio made them hype up and sing at the top of their lungs. Logan was singing the softest, being the one who was driving. Virgil was sprawled out in the passenger seat and Patton was laying in the back.
They all were using the music to drown out their anxiety. They were so scared of what was going to happen for them for the next few years. But instead of dwelling on every unanswered question, every ‘what if’, every concern, they overpowered it with music, singing, and screaming.
If anybody else could hear inside their car, they would have been overly concerned for the overwhelming amount of noise but the gremlin gang knew it was what they all needed.
In between songs was filled with jokes and laughter. Anything to keep them from thinking about what lay ahead.
Anything to delay their ending childhoods.
I know the brightest star above
Was created by the one who loved
More than we’ll ever know
To guide you when you’re lost
What started as a still, small voice
Is raging now and your only choice
Is to follow who you are
So follow who you are ‘cause
Logan squeezed Vee’s hand, the smallest bit of comfort he could give. They were walking up to their dorm room, hand in hand, and holding their bags.
The dorm room was mostly empty. There was a small kitchen and living room area and then a bedroom with 2 beds and a dresser in it.
They spent almost 2 hours unpacking their suitcases. The bedroom looked like it belonged to both of them. They made some chicken nuggets in the small stoves they were given and settled onto Logan’s bed, eating and cuddling and wondering what the next few years had in store for them.
It was the start of something new, the start of the next chapter of their lives.
This is not goodbye
I know we’ll meet again
This is not goodbye
I know we’ll meet again
So let your life begin
Cause this is not goodbye
It’s just “I love you” to take with you
Until you’re home
It is “I love you” to take with you
Until you’re home
It is “I love you” to take with you
Until you’re home again
Author's Note: I cried writing this so many times but I hope you like the story. I get this impending feeling that they have in the story but right now, looking up colleges and wondering where life will send me next. But, hey, this is not goodbye :) (Song is This is Not Goodbye by Sidewalk Prophets - ⛈️)
I love this sm actually i had this warm fuzzy feeling the whole time shndhd
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Blanket of Meaning
Note: I was listening to Eternity Blue by Sachi, the song used for the ending of Part 1 of FGO, and ended up coming up with this. And considering how friends have been helping me regain my energy, this is my little ode to one of my newest ones, as an extra honor to this story that went up earlier this month, I feel.
A gift for @partialdignity.
I don’t know when you’ll see this, Carim, but just know I did this because I wanted to and because I appreciate you. Thankie for sticking around these past few months. :)
Vy wasn’t surprised to find Rem fast asleep against Arjuna’s shoulder. The amount of farming the duo did for QP was (for once) a lot more than anyone had expected. It was all the more surprising considering the sudden pile of gold that Rem suddenly brought back to Chaldea once the QP was all collected — was that a part of the bonding process or something? Vy could’ve sworn Arjuna didn’t have any pockets to hold that much gold. So, even with all that in mind, Vy almost expected her fellow Master to fall asleep after a hearty dinner of homemade curry rice courtesy of Tama Cat and Archer EMIYA.
Still, looking at Rem’s sleeping face had Vy pause for a moment. Arjuna’s eyes were equally relaxed and closed as his head lulled against Rem’s, but knowing his status as a Servant, he could wake up at any time if there was even a sign of danger.
Vy considered for a single second.
She took the only hairband she had off her wrist, a dull blue no thanks to the number of missions it had accompanied her on since Fuyuki, reaching back to tie up her long hair into a quick ponytail. Even with a few strands out of place from a messy brushing, Vy didn’t mind. She then ran out of the room as quietly as possible, glancing around the hallways before finding the cupboard she wanted.
1, 2, 3—
Vy did her best to jump up onto the nearest ledge, opening the topmost cupboard to reveal extra blankets hidden inside. Glancing over, she immediately picked the fluffiest-looking one, pulling it into her arms to hold as she slowly climbed back down to floor-level. An equally quick yet quiet dash back was all it took to return to the room Rem was in, and sure enough, Rem was still asleep.
For once in their shared lives together as Chaldean Masters, Rem actually looked relaxed and happy with Arjuna, napping away without a care for anyone else in the world.
Even if we're not that close...
Vy let herself smile just a bit as she chose to tiptoe towards the other Master in the room, carefully unfolding the blanket the entire time. Gently draping both Rem and Arjuna in it was a bit harder than intended no thanks to the small couch they had chosen to sleep on and the length of the blanket intended to be only for a single bed, but Vy settled for having the comforter reach their waists before lurching back to give them space.
I'd like to be there for you too.
“Congrats on a new bond, Chị Rem,” Vy whispered softly. “Be Vy will do her best to take things from here. Get some good rest with Anh Arjuna tonight."
Without waiting for a response, Vy tiptoed backwards to reach the doorway, staring at Rem for a few seconds longer before scurrying out.
“Vy,” Tamamo Cat said in quiet consideration over a pot of tea, “you didn’t have to help us with the dishes tonight, woof. You went farming just as much as Master did today, woof.”
“As much as the cat over there really needs to change her dialogue choices,” Robin Hood sardonically added with a brief glance at Vy over his shoulder drying dishes with a towel, “she has a point, little sparrow. We Servants could’ve cleaned up by ourselves tonight, more so since you helped us cook too.”
Vy rocked her head back and forth for a moment, pretending to think on it before brushing some stray hairs away from her neck and holding the sponge in her right hand a bit tighter. “Nah,” she opted for simply. “Could’ve, but nah.”
“Nah?” Cat echoed with a small bounce in her step, a furry ear flicking in Vy’s direction. “What’s this ‘nah’, Vy? You’re acting suspicious, woof!”
“Just that,” Vy added with a small shrug, giggling. “Nah!”
Tamamo Cat gave her an open mouth of disbelief — one that was enough to show a peek of fang.
On the other side of the kitchen “island,” Robin scoffed under his breath, putting down the newest dry dish in a coffee cup against a counter before strolling over. Vy did her best to stay still once he eventually loomed over her head, and sure enough, calloused hands were tugging at her ponytail. “This coming from the girl who needs a better hairbrush?” he said sarcastically, but the tugging at her hair said otherwise.
Vy waited about a minute or two for Robin to finish cleaning up her hair, and once the hair tie snapped itself into place (was it new? Vy couldn’t tell, but it was definitely tight and snug), she leaned back on the heels of her boots to beam up at the May King.
“Hairbrush or not, what’s wrong with doing something for a friend, Big Robin?” Vy giggled, leaning back a bit more to bump the top of her head against his apron-clad chest. “The least I can do is wash dishes for a friend to rest easier!”
Tamamo Cat took a step back at that, just as Robin blinked down at her before averting his gaze, a hand covering his mouth.
…Huh? With a turn of her foot, Vy looked at both Servants with a confused face. “O-Or what, is there something wrong with spontaneous acts of kindness? Rem’s done a lot here too, so I thought the least I could do is wash dishes and help around the kitchen so she could eat and sleep well—”
Tamamo Cat simply raised one paw to purr a happy, “No~!” just as Robin Hood wordlessly reached over to pull Vy into a tight hug, cutting off her ramble session. The entire thing was enough to throw Vy off guard, a high-pitched (and honestly quite clumsy) squeak leaving her lips, but she still returned Robin’s hug via a hesitant pat on his back, blinking up at him from past all the faceful of green apron.
“…Big Robin?”
Robin stayed quiet, his fingers merely cradling the back of her head as he tightened the hug.
Vy tried one more pat, this time with a bit more strength. “Robin?”
“Silly sparrow,” he said finally. “You silly little sparrow.”
With nothing else in mind, Vy gently bonked her head against his shoulder after a moment, a giggle leaving her lips. “Still yours, right?”
Robin laughed too. “Damn straight.”
“Let’s get back to the dishes?”
Robin pulled back at Vy asking the question, rolling his eyes. “Always work with you.”
“I don’t hear a ‘no’! And besides, we have to finish this before mi amiga wakes up! Tomorrow we’re having pho and we still need to simmer the chicken!”
The entire time, it looked like Tamamo Cat was beaming too. Vy let herself take a little pride in that. Just a little.
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yikeshetalia · 4 years
The Red Rose
If I want to write about the cats choosing Alfred for Arthur Imma write about the cats choosing Alfred for Arthur and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Turns out this is gonna be a multiple chapter fic, Idk how long but hey it’s gonna be fluffy. Bitches love fluff. 
Don’t expect it to be update on Mondays or anything like that, chapters come out as I finish them.
“ And this is the Red Rose Cafe. Their coffee is the best in town, but they don’t take meal plan so you gotta use your own money.” Gilbert explained, leading Alfred into the cafe. Alfred looked around, noticing a wall of vines. “ Are those roses?” Alfred asked as they waited in line. Gilbert nodded “ The owner loves roses, so the rose wall was all grown in house by him. He’s one of my exes and I used to work here,  so don’t expect him to be very pleasant. He’s an asshole.” he grumbled as they were next.
When Alfred looked to the guy, he couldn’t help but freeze up a bit. Standing behind the counter, taking orders and making drinks as if it was easy as breathing, was a very cute man. His bangs were pinned back to keep them out of his eyes, but it also revealed that he had massive eyebrows. His green eyes flicked from Alfred’s face to Gilbert’s, neutral face changing to one of slight anger. “ Did you just call me an asshole, Gilbert? Last I remember I wasn’t the one who cheated and ruined our relationship.” he said, putting in an order for a latte without even being told. “ Usual amount, $3.50.” 
Gilbert handed over the money with a huff “ We were on a break, let it go.” The barista rolled his eyes “ Sure. I’ll let it go when you stop trying to walk out with Crumpet or Hero. God, I hope your university isn’t letting you show this poor sap around.” He held out his hand to Alfred “ I’m Arthur. If you’re planning on hanging around Gilbert I suggest you heed my warning that he’s just as much of an ass as he’ll make me out to be.” Alfred laughed, shaking his head. “ I figured that one out on day one... Hey, you’re hiring?” Alfred asked, noticing the flyer on the counter. 
“ Well, in some sense yes. As the school year starts we get busier and we need someone to only run the till. I make all the drinks and my cousin Oliver makes all the pastries. If you don’t have classes until later, it’s a good gig. We pay reasonably, and there’s a chance for you to get a raise if you turn out to be more helpful than the prick next to you.” Arthur explained. Alfred was about to say something, then heard a loud yowl from the floor. “ Don’t look down at him. He takes it as a welcome to climb up your legs. He usually only does this to me at closing.” Arthur warned, but the yowling got louder and louder. 
Alfred couldn’t help it and looked down, a very large Maine coon began to climb up his leg. “ God damn it, Hero, not again.” Arthur ran around the counter and took off the huge cat. Alfred was just laughing the entire time, especially since Arthur was basically engulfed by the large cat. Alfred petted the cat’s head, earning a loud purr. “ Huh, usually he doesn’t take head pats from strangers.” Gilbert pointed out, reaching for the cat. Upon seeing Gilbert reach, Hero swatted at him with his claws out and hissed. 
“ Ah, nope. Fucker still doesn’t like me. I swear you trained him to do that.” Gilbert held his hand to his chest, though Hero hadn’t actually gotten him. “ No, he just can tell who’s good people and who’s not.” Arthur put Hero on the cat tree and he took off across the cafe by the many shelves in it. “ Welp, looks like I gotta apply here now.” Alfred joked, waiting for Arthur to get back behind the bar. “ I guess I’ll just take a medium iced coffee.”
Arthur punched in his order, pouring out Gilbert’s quickly “ Total is $2, please.” Arthur did Alfred’s order faster, iced coffee being easier than the latte and getting distracted by a chunky boi. Alfred heard a meow from the cat tree besides him, figuring it was Hero again. He didn’t look over, but tapped his shoulder in a welcome for the cat to step on. Instead of the Lynx sized cat, a much lighter one hopped onto his shoulders and laid down with a purr. Gilbert was staring at him like he’d just said he killed a man, and Arthur was smiling watching him. 
“ Is this a different cat? What’s wrong?” Alfred asked, noticing lord chunk on the cat tree. “ Oh, I figured it was him...” Alfred blushed a bit, but held his hand to where the cat’s head would be to let him sniff it. The cat instead bonked his head into Alfred’s ear, purring happily with his new spot. “ The cat you currently have on your shoulders is Crumpet. Hero will let anyone pet him, but Crumpet is my cat. He isn’t very fond of other humans, even my cousin gets him angry.” Arthur explained “ Looks like you actually have to apply here now, here.” He passed over his coffee and an application form, as well as a cat treat. “ He’ll jump off before you go into the bathrooms or try to leave, but expect him to climb right back on as soon as you come back out.” 
Alfred sat at the table with Gilbert, filling out the application and drinking his coffee. “ $10 an hour? This place must get busy.” Alfred chuckled. “ Are you sure you’re going to be able to get up at 4 every morning? Arthur used to make me get up with him and it’s awful.” Gilbert rubbed his face “ Lived with him over the summer and let me tell you. It was awful.” Gilbert took a sip of his coffee and yawned. “ Bro, I wake up at 3 in the morning. I lived on a farm all my life, animals gotta eat before I headed into school.” he shrugged. He took the cat treat and lured the purring cat off his shoulder, gasping quietly. 
In front of him stood a Scottish fold, who had eyebrow marks on his face. The cat was tiny compared to Hero, but he was considerably softer than Hero. The cat carefully took the treat as Hero leapt onto the table and started sniffing Alfred’s hand. The cat whacked Hero on the head once and he ran off, leaving the cat on the table. “ They’re gay as fuck, Arthur rescued Crumpet from the gutters and after he opened this place Hero started hanging around. Arthur shooed him off thinking they’d fight, but each cat fight isn’t actually a cat fight.” Crumpet sat down, leaning back against Alfred and starting to groom his chest. Gilbert laughed and took a picture, and Alfred picked up the cat and turned him to look at him in the eye.
The cat stared Alfred in the eye, then began gently swatting at his glasses. Once put back down, he curled into a ball in Alfred’s lap and purred loudly. “ Damn, that cat loves you. Maybe you should ask Arthur out.” Gilbert teased, which actually made Alfred blush “ No! No, I barely know him and he’s gonna be my boss maybe! I couldn’t.” Alfred said, starting to finish filling out the application. “ Psh, Arthur always dates the cashiers. How do you think I got a job here?” he laughed, finishing his coffee “ Also, the cats like you. He’s gotta say yes.” 
Arthur whistled and Crumpet launched from Alfred’s lap and trotted over to him, and Hero launched from shelf to shelf and jumped on Arthur, who stumbled a bit as he caught him. He put Hero down, putting the cat food down after. Arthur caught Alfred staring, and Alfred’s breath caught for a second as they stared at each other. Arthur smiled softly at him, heading back behind the bar and heading  into the back kitchen. 
“ Oliver, we’re out of scones and there’s a cute man.” Arthur called and Oliver headed over to his cousin, wiping his hands on his apron “ Oh? Cute guy? Where?” he asked, grabbing a tray of scones. “ Blonde sitting with Gilbert, the cats even like him.” Arthur was blushing, taking a deep breath as they both headed back out. “ Now you mean cat, right?” Oliver asked “ Because Crumpet is a little brat.” As Oliver started to put the scones in the case, Crumpet ran up and started swatting at his leg with his ears back. Arthur picked Crumpet up and closed the behind the bar, and Crumpet ran over to Alfred’s table and jumped up and onto his shoulders. “ I said and meant cats.” Arthur motioned to the dining area. 
Oliver looked over at Alfred before heading into the back with Arthur again. “ Well, looks like your cat has decided on a guy you’re allowed to date, poppet.” Oliver giggled as Arthur kicked at him. “ Shut it, he’s adorable. Did you see how much Crumpet loves him?” The bell on the counter rang and Arthur poked his head out only to see Alfred standing there with Crumpet on his shoulders. “ Hey, I wanted to give in this application before I headed out.” Alfred smiled and Arthur internally panicked. “ Of course,” he looked at the top of the application “ Alfred. My older brother helps me look over the applications so I’ll be sure to contact you as soon as I can.” he smiled back.
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another-miracle · 5 years
between redemption and living, a Kyoru fic
1. redemption
It takes two steps to reach out to her.
The autumn wind blows against them, tossing the sheets surrounding them through the air. Her voice trembles through the cloth, and Kyo listens with a breaking heart as she recounts the childish actions she took upon her mother’s death. She chokes on her words, as if them escaping her is a sin, and Kyo scarcely can take it any longer.
His fingers find purchase on her shoulders through the sheet, grasping them gently. She lets out a soft gasp that has his blood thrumming through his veins. He swallows past the lump in his throat.
“I’m sure your mother understood without a doubt,” he murmurs into the blanket. His head leans against what he only assumes to be hers, and he feels her stiffen in his arms.
“D-do you think so?”
He grips her tighter. Not worth comforting.
“Definitely. Believe me.”
And then, “Say as much as you want. I won’t be disillusioned.”
She falls heavily on his shoulder and grips the blanket between them in her hands. Kyo closes his eyes.
This must be a redemption of some sort, he thinks, a kindness the world has bestowed upon him. The guilt tormenting his heart for years eases some, and for a breath, he thinks she may forgive him.
But as quickly as it arrives, the feeling disappears in a puff of smoke.
Desperation claws at his throat. Talons in his hair pull and swing him against the nearest wall. He chokes out an apology to a sin he did not commit, trembling on the floor, and cowers away from the man who holds the meaning to his existence.
Putrid. Disgusting. Monster. A mantra, every day.
The door to his cage slides shut. Footsteps resound outside before fading away. Kyo sits up and cradles his arm against his body. Dazedly he wonders how many days like these it will take for his debt to be repaid.
It is on days like these he remembers Kyoko, blood seeping out of her mouth, eyes dead, speaking words that will sear his soul for years to come. It is on days like these Kyo relaxes into the security that he is only getting what he deserves.
I’m sorry, he speaks to no one. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep your promise.
It must be hysteria that clouds his mind, however, because from one breath to the next, Kyo releases the words he has been dreading to offer for more than three years.
I’ll take care of her better next time.
It’s like she does not want me to forget, his mind shouts angrily as he eyes the slight girl leaving the room with that damned rat. At the corner of his eye, Kyo sees Shigure scratch his head and look at the roof. With a sigh, the man walks out of the room without so much of a glance at Kyo.
The nonchalance of the action pierces through Kyo, reminding him of his place among the zodiacs. Even worse, it reminds him of the child he is being - the lack of growth he has shown since then.
Her voice continues to echo in him. Remember our promise, it mocks. Don’t forget.
A scoff leaves his mouth as he makes his way downstairs, ready to banish the girl from his life within the shortest goddamned notice.
If this is how Kyoko is going to play, he sure as hell wants out of the game.
Her fingers brush against his ears. In the quiet of dawn, it is only the two of them that exist in a field of dew-stained grass. He is perched on her knees, paws draped over her thighs. She calls out his name once, her voice soft in the early morning.
Sunlight peeks past his eyelids, but he is nary a care as she picks him up along with his discarded clothes and cradles him to her chest. Belatedly, he zeroes in on the memory of her lonesome form he’d seen through the window of her childhood home, and marvels at how she has somehow navigated her way here; where remption lays, where loneliness ends, where together begins.
Kyo doesn’t believe in miracles. Still doesn’t.
But hell if the girl; whose hands cup against a body he loathes, whose entire being trembled as it held onto him, whose words brought him out of darkness into a new dawn; isn’t going to help him try.
It is easy to forget when they sit together like this. They talk about the mundane - you don’t know how to swim? - and tease at the other’s expense - you haven’t learnt how to breathe? They laugh and the warmth in Kyo’s chest swells.
It is simple, so simple, to be with her. With every word, she reminds him of the life worth living, hinting at a future beautiful and ideal. Kyo cherishes what he can get, hope still balancing on the pinpoint of a deal made seemingly eons ago that he may someday emerge victorious in.
Shishou returns soon after, a fond smile on his face that Kyo is minutely embarrassed by while Tohru stands at the side with a smile reminiscent of when Shishou bested him before calling him ‘son’. Kyo gathers all these smiles, goes home and burnishes them. He uses them as fuel to stoke a fire to spur him towards living-
-however futile it may be.
“-till death,” Akito tells him.
Vaguely, he wonders if this is what Yuki went through in his childhood. At the thought, his stomach churns, bile rising up his throat. Misery seeks company, but not like this. The thought of a child - barring one he has resented his whole life- going through the same torment as this is absolutely insane.
Renewed hate for Akito ignites in Kyo, but with no outlet, it stews and simmers, and eventually dies. There is no room for hate. There is no room for anyone either. Only Akito. His worth is Akito.
Picking apart his memories, he begins to forget. What was the walk back to Shigure’s house like? Were there flowers that grew on the sidewalk? He would’ve picked them for her. He should have.
How did Tohru call his name? What was the exact cadence of her voice? Does she remember him? Does she wish to see him? Does she miss him?
Closing his eyes, he lets himself indulge in a memory of her.
They sit on the roof of Shigure’s house under a blanket of stars, her warmth next to him. She turns to him, distant city lights casting shadows on her face. Her eyes crinkle and Kyo reaches up to poke at the dimples indenting her cheeks. She giggles in response and Kyo laughs along, brushing her fringe from her forehead and leaning in-
The door slides open with a loud bang.
Choking on reality, Kyo gasps for breath, trying- and failing to return. His fingers search for the comforting roughness of roof tiles, but all that greets him is the scratch of cold tatami against his nails.
He looks up, vision blurry, as a kimono-clad figure walks through the door.
“Hello, monster,” Akito calls. “How is my favourite creature today?”
The walk home is potent with silence, their footsteps the only sounds amidst bouts of shuffling, catching-up, turning around to check on the other. Kyo glances at Tohru for the umpteenth time, only to immediately swing back around after finding that her face is entirely flushed. His own cheeks heat in response.
In the heat of the moment, he didn’t think- couldn’t think of how she might have felt when he leaned his head on her shoulder. All he knew was that she was waiting for him while he was being an idiot. And Yuki was right; he made her worry.
Now as they awkwardly attempt to have a very normal walk back to Shigure’s house, Kyo can’t help but groan at the audacity he had to do something like that to a poor innocent girl like Tohru. Is he a pervert? God. What was he thinking?
Suddenly, a soft giggle sounds from behind him. Kyo’s hand falls from his head-when did it get there? -and turns to look at Tohru. A little clenched fist balances over her lips where an amused smile plays at. Tohru glances up at him, cheeks still flushed, before her gaze shyly retreats again.
Kyo feels his lips purse into an annoyed pout.
“What’s so funny,” he grumbles under his breath.
Tohru giggles again. “Nothing, Kyo-kun. You just look so distressed over what is probably a small matter.” She smiles sweetly at him, hand falling to grasp the straps of her bag.
“Back in classroom,” her eyes avert away for a moment, “I-I didn’t mind. It was sweet of you to think of me.”
Kyo slams a hand against the wall, fingernails trying to find purchase on the concrete. Goddammit, it should be illegal to be that cute. Fuck.
His head hangs away from Tohru, missing the probably flustered look on her face, judging by the little shouts of surprise coming from her. Kyo clenches his eyes, before braving a look at her.
Fuck, still cute. Dammit.
With a huff, his hand leaves the wall to bonk her on the head. His ears are burning. She looks up at him in surprise, eyes wide and questioning.
“It’s nothing,” he says.
Then quieter, “Thanks for waiting for me.”
“I’ll just need to wait for you,” she whispers.
Kyo almost misses it over the sound of the television. He turns in his seat and is greeted by the sight of Tohru crying into a washcloth, tears streaming down her face and onto the tabletop.
“H-hey,” Kyo starts, quickly lumbering over to her side of the table. He begins to take her hands from her face, but she abruptly pulls away. Helplessly, he chokes out a soft, “Don’t cry.”
At this, she seems to sob even more, her knees coming up to bury her face in. Kyo watches her break down, words of comfort drying up in his throat.
He…doesn’t know what to say. He told her a few months before graduation - about the cat’s fate, the bet with Akito - and to his surprise and horror, she told him she already knew. Akito had informed her about everything during his visit to the summer vacation home, fabricating stories of an endless banquet and the zodiacs never leaving his side. It was cruel and strange and absolutely foreign. She didn’t want to believe it then.
But with tomorrow looming, it no longer matters what Tohru thinks. Kyo lost the bet and from tomorrow onwards, he will take up new residence in the Sohma estate, a corner reserved only for him - in the Cat’s room.
Once before, in the days leading up to his mother’s funeral, his father brought him there.
“This is where you will live to pay for your sins,” he said, dragging Kyo towards the door. “All I need is the head’s approval, and I will be rid of you forever, you filthy scum.”
Now, ten years on, Kyo lives in one of the warmest households he’s been in, where he lets time pass wastefully, only to have it snatched away by a fate he knows is a long time coming.
Kyo sighs. “It was only a matter of time,” he tells her. “There’s no use crying over something that can’t be changed.”
He feels her grip onto his beads, her fingers slipping under before reaching for his pulse.
“It wasn’t wasted,” she says with finality, determination glinting in her eyes. “Your time outside wasn’t wasted.”
The next day, they send him off at the fringes of the Sohma estate. Tohru holds his hand until the last moment and tangles their fingers tight together.  Selfishly, he grips back, closes his eyes and imagines a future that will never be, holds onto hope.
He squeezes once, twice- breathes, then lets go.
He wonders what it will be like to have something like that DVD. Of course, it’ll be nice to have something to record all the quiet moments, all the happy times. But if it plays back things like that, she might not survive the fall.
And he’s afraid- that she won’t let go, that she’ll wait on him forever. Replaying the memories over and over, he’s scared that she won’t let herself forget. It’s one thing for him to be subject to this fate, but a person as bright, as innocent and pure as her, should not be saddled with a burden such as he. The curse was never meant to extend beyond the family, yet he selfishly allowed it to be so.
In a way, there isn’t much he can do at this point. What she said during the play- that awkward interruption, paired with a devastated grimace- he heard it loud and clear. Kyo lies sedately on the floor, arm under his head. This is absolutely not what he wanted. He was supposed to leave from the beginning, a mere sojourner passing through her earth. He didn’t intend for this to happen. He didn’t intend to leave things behind.
He didn’t intend for her to fall in love as well.
It comes like a seabreeze from a distant shore, a memory from a long, long time ago.
Tears fall from his eyes without his consent. They dribble down his cheek, dripping off his unshaven chin. Kyo sits up and looks around.
In an instant, nothing makes sense. Nothing about where he is, why he is here, who he is, makes sense. Why are there walls confining him? What was his purpose here? What held him back from leaving?
Why did he not go to where she was?
Suddenly, the door to the room slides open. Kyo bristles and readies himself, an instinct ingrained in his body. But strangely, he no longer feels fear.
Shigure steps into the room, yukata-clad as Kyo has always remembered him to be, and faces him. He smiles briefly, eyes lacking the pity Kyo is used to seeing from him.
“Hey,” Shigure says.
Stunned, Kyo gives a confused wave.
Shigure laughs. It comes out slightly choked, with a tinge of hysteria. He comes up to Kyo and clamps his hand over Kyo’s shoulder. Shaking him, the tears fall as well.
Kyo looks up at him, cheeks still wet.
It’s over.
Kyo stands in front of the mirror and gazes at his reflection. He doesn’t know how long he’s been in the Cat’s room, but the beard growing out of the sides of his face betrays the amount of time he’s been alone. Picking up the razor balanced precariously on the edge of the sink, he slowly begins to shave. His fingers stutter in their grip, and Kyo almost cuts himself.
“Do you need help?” Hatori asks, an eye peeking out through the fall of his hair. Absently, Kyo stares at the man a little longer, noticing the lack of pity he has grown accustomed to in his voice.
“N-no.” Kyo looks down and washes the razor for the umpteenth time. “I’m good.”
It’s difficult- witnessing all these changes firsthand. There is so much to say, yet there is nothing to say at all. It seems like they have all come to an agreement without voicing anything, and everyone around him has accepted it, including himself.
Hatori passes him a face towel and Kyo takes it, murmuring a soft noise of gratitude. He wipes his face, before staring at the mirror once more. There is something unrecognizable in his reflection. It’s him, yet it isn’t.
In an instant, Kyo’s gaze is drawn to the beads encircling his left wrist. He slips his fingers under them for a moment, thumb and forefinger playing with one of them. Slowly, finger by finger, he grasps the beads- string and all- in a fist, and pulls.
They drop to the floor like marbles, bouncing once, then rolling away.
And Kyo is already crouched on the ground, sobbing. He curls himself up next to the bathtub, burying his head in his knees. A part of him is waiting for the inevitable, and yet a part of him knows that it will never come and haunt him again.
Hatori comes down to crouch next to him, and in a rare act of comfort from the man, wraps his arm around Kyo’s head and begins patting his hair. After existing so long without the warmth of another, Kyo clutches onto Hatori’s shirt and cries. In that moment, he grieves for what both of them have lost, and grieves for what both of them have gained. Kyo is lost, and found. Confused, yet so, so secure. He is empty, therefore he is full.
After about ten minutes of full-on sobbing into the shirt of a man whom he has barely spoken more than a few sentences to in his life, Kyo awkwardly removes himself from Hatori’s chest. To his embarrassment, all Hatori does is give him a small smile, cheeks slightly damp, and pats his head once more. Shyly, he scratches the back of his head before moving to stand, Hatori following suit. As he looks around the bathroom, Kyo finds himself at a loss. He has so many questions, but they get lodged in his throat when he attempts to ask.
Hatori must see the look in his eyes because he clasps his shoulder and says, “Ask Honda-kun. She’ll tell you everything.”
13. living
Kyo can’t wait.
No, of course he can. It’s been years.
It’s been years, that’s why he can’t wait, dammit.
He can’t do this. This is too much. What if she’s forgotten? What if she no longer wants anything to do with him? He did leave her once before- what if she decides she can’t take another person leaving and being left behind again?
And what about him? Does he still want to see her? Does he still want her? What about her did he like? What did he use to do with her? What was their life like when they lived together? What if-
A smack sounds across the back of his head. Kyo’s hands immediately go up to cradle his head, only to be met with the annoyed glare of one Yuki Sohma.
“Get it together, you stupid cat,” Yuki bites out. “She’ll be here soon.”
A snarl almost makes it past his throat, but Kyo remembers that…they don’t need to do this anymore.
For a moment, Kyo is baffled by the rivalry manufactured so intently between them. He’s layered hate upon hate on this man before him without even realizing how foreign the idea was in the first place. The anger fizzles out in his chest, and all that’s left is guilt. Guilt of tormenting Yuki since the first time they met, right until the moment before he left. Guilt of pushing the blame onto Yuki every time something upset his seemingly miserable life. Yuki had it hard as well, he knows. He just refused to acknowledge it.
“I’m…sorry,” Kyo tells him, looking up with furrowed brows. The words taste unfamiliar on his tongue. Yuki narrows his eyes at him, before taking a seat adjacent to him in the kotatsu.
He sighs.
“We’ve been terrible to each other, haven’t we?” Yuki starts.
Kyo places his hand back on the table in front of him, finger spreading out before clenching once more. “Yeah, we have.”
“What were we even mad at each other about anyway?”
“I don’t know. I think we were just always being pitched against each other. It pissed me off.”
“Yeah, well. You were being quite an idiot about it too.”
“Don’t worry,” Yuki puts up his hands in surrender. “I was a pretty big dick to you too.”
Then softer, “I’m sorry.”
At the words, Kyo finds himself being released from a crime he has spent so long believing he had done. He thinks back on what Kyoko said, about not having a designated person to hate and blame, and finally sees the beauty that she was trying to convey. All he needed was an outlet for all the hurt he experienced in his life, and when he realized that there was hope, that there was redemption somewhere, it began to dig him deeper and deeper into a cycle of rehearsed loathing, fashioned it into something so grotesque, Kyo couldn’t recognize it in himself anymore. He couldn’t even recognize himself anymore.
All the wasted years, Kyo briefly laments. But it brings comfort that the bridge between Yuki and him has not been completely burned. Kyo knows who to thank for that.
The front door suddenly slams open and footsteps sound through the hall into the kitchen. In a flurry of brown hair and pink dress, she appears before him, panting heavily and looking straight into his eyes.
His eyes widen. “Tohru-“
Her arms are around him before he has the chance to say anything else. She squeezes him tight, burying her face into his neck. The ends of her hair tickle his jawline, and Kyo feels a dampness against his skin. She shakes in her hold, shifting her face back and forth into the cloth at his shoulder.
Kyo continues to stare in shock at the wall in front of him. The door to the room slides shut quietly, and he realizes that Yuki has left the room.
Slowly, his hand reaches up to the back of her head before sliding down the length of her hair. He repeats the action over and over, his fingers tangling in the soft strands. He combs through her hair, his other hand coming up to rest against her waist. She sobs harder and harder, her words incomprehensible.
“K-kyo-kun,” Tohru whimpers. She clenches a fist in the back his shirt and tightens her grip.
Immediately, something in his chest cracks. Kyo buries his fingers in earnest in her hair, clutching her tightly against him. His arms band around her frame and the tears that were held at bay fall from the corner of his eyes down his nose. He turns his neck and places his lips at her pulse, each beat thrumming through him, signalling to him that she’s here and she’s real.
How many times had he imagined this moment? The smell of her hair, the softness of her skin? No matter how much he polishes every memory of her till they shine, it can never compare to how she feels in his arms right now. The senses that have shut down so long ago from repeated rejection from others in his life, the loss of hope that someone, someday, will hold him like this, like they never want to let go, explode to life and Kyo takes in whatever he can greedily, selfishly, and as much as he wants. He steeps in the luxury of a hug from a girl he cares about most, and soaks in every detail, every sensation he has missed out on in the past few years stolen from his life.
They hold each other a while longer, before slowly separating to look into the other’s eyes. Tohru lifts a hand to Kyo’s cheek, and he leans into it, nosing her palm and brushing his lips across her wrist. She runs a finger repeatedly under his eyes, catching the tears there. Kyo does the same to her, cradling her face gently while brushing her fringe away. They lean their foreheads against each other, broken smiles playing at their lips.
“Kyo-kun,” Tohru calls him.
“Yeah,” he replies, voice cracking.
“I missed you.”
“I-“ inhale, “I missed you too.”
“Kyo-kun,” she calls again.
She laughs and places a kiss on his forehead. He closes his eyes and grips her tighter. In the deepest corners of his heart, there is a smidge of doubt, an inkling of fear, that rejection will come sooner or later. But when Kyo opens his eyes and sees Tohru smiling through her tears, he is strong, and brave, and fearless, and ready to love and to love and to love. Then, she tells him the words that overwrite the pain he’s gone through, that cancel out the unforgiveness he bears within himself, that make him feel stronger than he has ever been before.
“Kyo-kun, look,” she places a hand on his left wrist, leave a kiss there, and smiles.
“You’re free.”
Inspired by a line in @sariedust ‘s fic, If Only:
"This would be a memory he’d polish over and over during the years.”
Do check it out (:
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dootznbootz · 6 years
DIFH x2 Chapter 9: Home Is Where The Heart Is
Nalu multichap Basically it’s Natsu’s and Lucy’s point of views in which their away from each other and sad/mad about it.  And if any of you have read my other fics, You KNOW It’s going to have more Fluff in it than a Build-A-Bear Workshop and a Pillow factory combined! Sometimes so fluffy that it may seem out of character at times so yeah! (Better summary in first chapter!)
On fanfiction
Rating: T (swearing, puberty, violence, some mentions of abuse and there is sadness but there is not smut or sex in any way shape or form!)
Words: 3088
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Wow, I really didn't get any sleep…
Twice, the blonde had fallen asleep standing up. It felt like gravity's pressure was even heavier on her as if Libra herself was trying to flatten Lucy the ground. Her thoughts were muddled as she walked, using muscle memory as she was dazed. The cobblestone ground stared back up at her as she concentrated on making sure that she made it home to her comfy bed… She finally opened the door with her key after a few failed attempts for she kept nodding off. Wandering up the stairs, she opened the door to her room, threw her bag on the floor and dragged herself to her bed, and crawled in.
But suddenly she was squeezed tight against the surface…
By large strong warm arms…
The arms of her favorite person.
Her favorite person hummed contentedly, rubbing circles up and down her back. Lucy squealed as she felt pressure on her hairline, most likely her favorite person's nose.
"'Mornin, Luce," he mumbled softly though it still sent shivers down her spine.
Lucy's face could've been mistaken for a bright red rose. She loves yet also hates when he does this. He was so warm, making her more comfortable than she's ever been. She loves how he's holding her as if she's the most precious thing in the world. She just wanted to snuggle up with him and stay there forever...
The reason why she hated it though is the fact that she doesn't know if maybe she is his most precious thing in the world. So with him sleeping here, with her tucked so gently in his arms, confused her. With him doing stuff like this, it got her hopes up, making her feel as if maybe, just maybe, he feels the same love that she felt for him. But if her hopes got up, the more it'll hurt when he loves someone else…
So she did what she always did.
"Natsu," She said in a voice as sweet as honey as it always was in his ears, still tucked in his arms.
"Mmm, yeah Luce?" He smiled softly, contented with being lucky enough to be endowed by the most wonderful angel in his arms. Although he was in her home while he slept, where her scent was everywhere, he had had a very restless night. Off and on, tossing and turning, and when he would finally actually get some sleep, he was only to be awakened maybe a half an hour later by dark dreams. Only she gave him the total bliss and peace that he needed.
Okay, maybe not total peace but bliss, yeah.
Suddenly she tried to yank herself from his captivating embrace by pulling herself backward only to take the rose-haired boy with her. Making her now straddling him with his arms wrapped around her.
"Ugh, Luce," His smirking face now shoved under her chin, purring in delight. He squished her closer while one of his hands played with the end of Lucy's messy blonde braid. It's only been a short while but wow, had he missed her. "You're so loud~."
"Yeah, I'm loud! Now, why are you here?! You said you were going home! So why are you here?!-Oh my Mavis! You're only in boxers?! Fucking Perv!" She pinched his cheeks and pulled at them painfully, knowing that he hated it.
Natsu yelped, his cheeks stretching dramatically. He just wanted to cuddle with her like they were just moments before. Was that so hard? He knew very well that she could beat the ever loving shit out of him if she wanted to, what she was doing right now was just horseplay. When he had had enough of her pulling and yanking on his poor aching cheeks, he grabbed her tightly clenched hands and put them behind her back, holding tightly enough to make sure that her cute hands didn't get away, but loose enough so that it wouldn't hurt her, then he pressed her against himself.
Lucy squeaked and felt like she was going to faint. Not only was pressed flush against his bare and toned chest, but she was also straddling him. She tried wriggling away, only for him to bonk his forehead against her own, noses barely touching. Her brown eyes crossing just to look at him straight. Only a few more inches and their lips would be touching…
"Oi, quit shouting, I'm trying to sleep." He whispered. Wow the morning breath!
"N-no but…" Her blushing face more rosy than ever and even with all the excitement, her eyes kept closing on her. She wanted to sleep so badly, this was infinitely better than the piercing cold she felt at Fairy Hills. Damn his warmth and comfiness...
"Exactly, you're sleepy too." He grinned and leaned back on the bed. He took Lucy's cute tiny hands out from behind her, left them loose and again wrapped his arm around her petite waist as the other hand weaved through her hair on her head, cupping it gently. He could tell that she was so close to sleeping. She was nodding off as we speak.
"Bu…But this is my...my bed…" She said sleepily, which was fuckin' adorable. Her beautiful eyes that he was always happily lost in were slowly being covered by her eyelids, eyelashes fluttering. Natsu swears that her lashes could blow houses down with how long and lush they were. They already blow him away with each blink. Her head was now resting against his chest, right where his beating heart was. His purring could easily be heard and was like a soothing lullaby to her ears. She slowly relaxed in his arms.
"I guess…" Her eyelids felt as if there were weights on them and could barely keep them open. She gave up, she was so fucking tired. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, she didn't want him to leave in the first place. "I guess you could stay…"
"Yeah," A soft smile was spread across his face. In his eyes, was love so rare and so warm that it would melt everyone's hearts only for everyone to realise that that love from those dark green eyes would never be for them.
That love was only for the heavenly girl in his arms.
He made no movement to keep from disturbing the beautiful mage in his arms. When it seemed the coast was clear and that she would not wake up, he started to settle himself down to-
"You just gonna forget about me or what?"
Natsu jolted and looked toward the noise and found a very annoyed Happy staring back up to him from the couch. His tiny arms were crossed and he tapped his little blue foot.
"Oh, sorry Happy. What'cha doing on the couch anyways?" Natsu whispered. He relaxed as he saw that it was their friend who was speaking and not some sort of threat.
"Because you-!"
"Shh!" Natsu said quietly, pointing to the sleeping girl in his arms. "You'll wake her."
"Oh, sorry," Happy said, now coming up to the bed. He hopped up and started walking up the blonde's back where he started to knead his paws on her shoulders. She stirred only a little with the new weight on her, stilling the two boys. When she did not move again, Happy whispered, "You kept on moving around in your sleep! You kept rolling over and squishing me! And then I slept on the side of your pillow, and then you kept mumbling and shouting, and then-then you finally pushed me off! So I moved to the couch..."
"Oh," Natsu said, pink tinting his cheeks. He knew he got weird in his sleep when she was gone, but he never actually knew what he did. He idly twirled a lock of Lucy's hair around his finger, marveling at how soft and pretty it was and gently tucked it behind the girl's ear. "I'm sorry buddy, you know I'd never purposely hurt you..." His hand then went to scratch behind the blue exceed's ears, his favorite spot to be scratched.
The cat smiled and purred, leaning into the pinkettes hand while still kneading the girl's back. "Don't worry, I forgive you. By the way… What were the nightmares about this time?" Natsu sighed, his hand that was petting Happy went back to it's place, weaving his fingers through her hair.
"The usual," he mumbled into her hair to which Happy only nodded in reply.
When Lucy was gone Natsu was left alone with terrifying nightmares. Although they were usually different places and people, they always had the same ending: Someone he cares about dies or gets hurt. It wasn't always the same person, though it usually was Lucy who was in it. A few times he's had where Happy is missing only to find him dead. He's had a few where Gray finally goes through with the "Iced Shell" and dies. He's had nightmares where Erza is absorbed by etherion back at the Tower of Heaven and never returns. Some have Igneel being killed by black and blue dragon. That's to name a few of the mild ones. Thoughts like these were constantly on his mind, didn't matter if he was asleep or awake. It spurred him on to do more, to be more. If he couldn't save the people that he cared about then why bother?
Natsu looked back at the girl, his thumb now lazily stroking her soft cheeks. He chuckled lightly as she murmured and leaned into his hand. Her pretty lips were parted in her sleep, her breathing slow and even. Happy always liked to tease Natsu for his snoring and Lucy for her drooling. Natsu didn't mind though. It was Lucy after all.
The dragon slayer closed his eyes and shoved his face near her hairline once more, inhaling her scent that calmed him like no other. It was his favorite by far, outshining all others. The very reason why he found her the first time back in Hargion was because she smelt like home. Only Igneel's scent had made him feel at home during all the years before he met Lucy. That 'home' feeling was what he had been using to track Igneel only to find Lucy instead. But the scent of comfort that day was different from the Igneel's scent he knew. Igneel smelt like smokey evergreen and something that was uniquely him. The scent he had been following that fateful day smelt like vanilla, raspberries, apples, and any other sweet thing all mixed in one. He just thought that maybe Igneel became some sort nutritionist at the time.
That's the thing about his senses. They were so enhanced that when most people heard a droplet of water he heard a waterfall. He could distinct every single scent in the room even if it was filled to the brim. He could see in the dark and quite far, although he will admit that he cannot see as well as Sting, Rogue, and Gajeel can. He knew that he had the best sense of smell out of all of them. Wendy had the best hearing, being able to depict airflow and all. Dragon slaying senses were a curse and a blessing all at once. A curse because of the fact that it was sometimes overwhelming, like when Macao gets gassy. Sometimes Natsu thinks he could pass out from how potent the stench was! A blessing because he is very good at hide and seek and knew where the good food was and much more.
Relaxing, both in mind and body, he opened his eyes to look at the girl that he held so dear one last time before he would sleep again. He stared at her features that he knew in incredible detail. Although he was anything but an artist, you could ask him to paint a portrait of her and even if he had not seen her for centuries, he could remember each and every miniscule thing about her. From the 17 freckles she had across her nose and cheeks, to the large circular scar that was on her knee from when she said that she jumped off her playhouse when she was 6 because she wanted to fly. And every one of those details were perfect to him.
Something wasn't right though…
Something about her face, although still stunningly beautiful, it was different. He stared at her, trying to figure out what it was that was so different. Only when he took in another sniff of the air, he came to the horrifying conclusion of what it was.
"She's been crying…" Natsu whispered, his voice straining a bit. His hand yet again going to her cheek underneath her eyes.
"Huh?" Happy now curled up on Lucy's back asked, surprised. He had just gotten settled completely on Lucy's back but stretched nonetheless and yawned to see what his friend was muttering about.
How could I not seen this before? She had the faint scent of salty tears all this time. And her dazzling chocolate eyes were not glimmering as much as they usually did and they were red and puffy. Her angelic voice that was usually high pitched was low and she sounded like she had a cold when spoke.
The pinkette faced the blue exceed who was now walking over Lucy's shoulder to see what he was talking about, panic written on his face. He whispered, "She's been crying, Happy!"
The cat immediately crawled completely over the girl's shoulder to get a closer look. He softly pawed at her cheek and sure enough, he saw the evidence too. Although she had been sleeping which made her eyes look less puffy, her cheeks were still red. Even before she was blushing they were red.
"Oh, Lucy…" The tiny blue cat then looked over at the man, looking near to bursting into tears. "Natsu, what do you think made her sad? I don't think she's injured anywhere… Do you think the other girls were saying mean about her? You know what?! I think it was Erza! Why, I oughta teach that big bully a lesso-"
"No. Erza may be a bully to us but she'd never do something to Lucy," Natsu answered. He was thinking long and hard about what could've happened that would've made her upset. Although Lucy was a sensitive, overly-kind, nervous person, she didn't just cry over nothing. That was the thing though. She just was so nice. She worried about things that were such little things. She worried about if she upset or hurt someone and had a habit of asking "Did you think I said or did anything that was bad?" She did everything for others. She thought of others way before she thought of herself. Something that annoyed him, she needed to take care of herself too. And she was so hard on herself...
"Huh?" The pinkette answered, startled out of his thoughts.
Happy shuffled his feet as he laid across Lucy's back in some sort of hug fashion. Happy's bottom lip now trembling.
"Do you think… Do you think that we made her sad?"
Natsu's eyes widened as his mind was derailed at that moment. It had never occurred to him that they could be the ones behind Lucy's tears. The mere thought of it infuriated him. He was supposed to be one to make Lucy feel happy. He was supposed to make her feel safe. He cheered her up when she was sad and pulverised the good for nothing dipshits that made upset in the first place.
What the fuck was he doing if he himself was making her cry?
He cursed himself severely under his breath. "I don't know, Happy. But guessing is not gonna help us any...We're gonna find out though…Just go back to sleep now, buddy."
Happy sniffled once. "Okay…" He rubbed his cheek against the blonde's affectionately in the usual cat fashion. The blue cat padded back up Lucy's back to go back to where he slept before.
While Happy settled down to rest once more, Natsu brooded. How could anyone want to hurt the precious celestial mage?
Although Natsu did not know the reason behind Lucy's tears, the sleazy motherfucker would not go unpunished. The dragon slayer growled lowly and tightened his hold on the beautiful girl.
Even if it was himself.
So here you go guys! Hoped you liked it!
So I just wanted to explain how they feel for each other in my opinion:
For Lucy: Okay, so for her, she's definitely in love with Natsu and she's accepted it too. It's just for her, she's just really trying to make it go away. And she pushes away the mere thought of confessing because she's so afraid that he won't love her back. And you know her with her active imagination and all, she's thinks that everything will go to worse even if she simply tries to show how much she cares for him. Even though sometimes she lets it slip every once in awhile, she denies and scolds herself for thinking or doing whatever she did. She also thinks that she is not good enough for him. (Which is partially because of what people say to her) So basically that's why you don't see many fluffy moments from her point of view. Think of it like "I won't say I'm in Love" from Hercules.
For Natsu: This doofus is just head over heels for her if you have not seen that already. He knows that he's damn well in love with her too. He isn't trying to deny it like Lucy is though or trying to make it go away although he does not think he is good enough for her like she does. He's heard of how Lucy wants a "knight in shining armor" (Even though she doesn't want that obviously) and so he "strives" to be that knight as best as he can (even though Dragons are better) So in the beginning when he first met her, he knew that she was special and that she was his favorite person (Note: Favorite person, not favorite cat) but then around the galuna arc, he's kinda like "Shit, I like...like like her" but then after the Phantom Lord Arc "Fuck, I love Lucy… welp guess this is my life now!" and he's been like that ever since.
But yeah!
0 notes