true-vapor · 19 days
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Fucked up trying to make a 'boobery' flame text gif
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corantus · 6 months
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various lil guys..
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Do kingfishers really catch fire?
Yes, it is mentioned in Homestuck!
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rhobi · 1 year
it’s funny reading some obviously subjective reviews of discworld novels, cuz i keep running into things saying they enjoy the colon and nobby sections MORE then, like, actual plotline stuff and i am consistently the absolute opposite
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toffins · 1 year
my honest to fucking god reaction when a coworker says i should just feed a kid on the floor bc they dont wanna clean the table again and their reasoning is bc i'll just put a plate on the floor
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imagine tumblr for monsters thatd be insane
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🧟‍♂️ notabrain-eater Follow
ok i'm gonna be real. "maggots in the brain" is a very clearly anti-zombie insult. its directly implying that undead who have rotten brains are stupid, which is not true. some of us are even scientists. there are zonbies at NASA!!! we're not stupid.
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👻 booberyconsumer Follow
be real lmao its not "anti zombie" its literally just a joke.
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🧛‍♂️ dickandballtorture Follow
It literally directly stems from the idea that all zombies have maggots in their brains. How could it not be anti-zombie?
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🦇 flapping-off Follow
guys boobery is a werf lmao dont waste time arguing w/ werephobes
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🧄 steakinmyheart Follow
controversial take but o- blood is Bad.
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🐺 giveadogabone Follow
i love talking to humans who menstruate its like yeah haha i hate the "cycle" its so bloody and annoying and they think i mean a menstrual cycle but actually i mean the Moon Cycle
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🌙 awoo-woo Follow
So u like gaslighting humans? lol
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🐺 giveadogabone Follow
literally when did i say that
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elliespectacular · 5 months
admirable boobery
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freetoppings · 4 months
If Rich Evans was around in the 1930s he would have been the Buster Keaton of boobery
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blackwindfiresteel · 2 months
proponent of buffoonery. advocate of boobery. CEO of goofin
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
XD "Hazbin is dropped by a24" "max we get are 8 episodes" yeah XD
No one said it was dropped by A24, mouthsweat. The insider said that Vivzie was bought out, kept her "creator in name only" status, and that someone else had to be brought in to clean up after her incompetent boobery.
As for eight episodes, we'll see.
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bloodraven55 · 2 years
no one:
absolutely no one:
literally not even a single soul:
cishet male writers introducing a female character: her boobs boobed boobily as she sat down opposite me. she started to speak but i was too distracted by such a seductive display of boobery to hear a word she said.
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invader-bean · 21 days
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intosnarkness · 1 year
Happy The Court Jester night! It's my favorite holiday tradition.
What's that? You don't know the movie? Oh, boy. Oh boy do I have some joy for you!
There is a false king on the throne in England! But there is a baby of the true royal house who is being cared for by someone who is absolutely not Robin Hood, the Black Fox, who lives in the forest and has a bow and arrow.
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When the king attacks their camp, his right-hand general, Jean (Glynis Johns, who was the first person to sing "Send in the Clowns") and his carnival performer Hawkins (Danny Kaye, who you know from White Christmas) take the child and run.
But before they can get far, they run into a Jester named Giacomo, King of Jester and Jester to Kings, who is headed to the court. And for Plot Reasons, they decide to swap him with Hawkins.
It gets mostly pulled off. Mostly. But when he gets to the castle in the middle of some intrigue, he gets hypnotized by the princess's pet witch to be the princess's lover.
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The princess, by the way, is played by a 19-year-old Angela Lansbury.
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So Basil Rathborn thinks Hawkins is an assassin, Angela Landsberry thinks he's her true love, and every time someone snaps he moves from being in a trance to out of one.
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Eventually, they knight Hawkins and he ends up jousting Sir Griswold and you get the best wordplay you'll ever hear because Danny Kaye had a PhD in Boobery and he is fucking hilarious.
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In the end, the bad guy is defeated, Hawkins and Jean fall in love, and life couldn't possibly better be.
please watch it, it is my favorite movie of all time
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Chest Binder Feels™
I just put it on and it’s already suffocating me. Oh god. O lei. O lai. O lord. [pained wheezing]
I’ve had this thing on for eleven hours and it feels like a warm hug and I love the deep pressure so much that I don’t want to take it off… (Do not fucking do this. Take it off. PRACTICE SOME MOTHERFUCKING SAFETY—)
[sits with hand tucked across chest and into my armpit because it feels natural and also because my ribs fucking hurt]
Suddenly people touching my chest doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore because I’ve become the physical manifestation of a pizza crust: none tiddy with left beef
Button-up shirts that usually split at the tits when I stand up straight suddenly not doing That anymore (because no tiddy); but I still can’t stand up straight because now my diaphragm has a shelf that shows through the fabric.
Feeling gigantic beads of boob sweat roll down my abdomen during the hot summer months
Not feeling The Boobery bounce when I walk or jump, alleviating sensory issues I didn’t even know I had
Violently ripping it off at the end of a long day and lounging around in my room with a book for awhile to let them air out
[tries on outfit, tries on outfit, tries on outfit, tries o—]
[casually sitting among a bunch of people making queerphobic remarks while wearing a chest binder under a snap-button shirt and just wanting to do a Superman and rip it open, and go “Tah-Dah! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a boygirl!”]
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 10 months
Ten Random Lines
Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it?
I got tagged by the AMAZING @mrsmungus for this game, and I just had to play! It's been quite a while since I've played a tag game, I miss it so dearly! So, here I am, playing another tag game!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Who shall I tag...HMM...well, that'll be @hylianjo @lena-hills @bleepbloopbotz @mikaharuka @aislinnstanaka @oceangirl24 @tsunderewatermelon and open tag! I couldn't exactly tag 10 people, so I hope that's ok.
Just like what Miranda did, I picked out the fics from my AO3 stats page with a number generator, and if I get a chaptered fic I choose a chapter through the number generator. So yeah! Let's get on with the excerpts!
Blossoming In the Rain (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 1107 words)
Their relationship blossoming together into a beautiful thing that they would take care of together. Franziska was willing to take care of it, nurture it until it grew into a thing with great beauty, and she knew that Maya Fey was going to be next to her. There may be hardships, rain pouring down on the blossom, but without rain…a blossom would never grow.
Fitted Suits (Ace Attorney, Rated G, 200 words)
It was Franziska and Maya's wedding, and Edgeworth had refused to let Phoenix to wear one of his usually loose suits. He had refused at their wedding, and he had refused now. No way in hell was Edgeworth letting Phoenix wear a loose suit to his best friend's wedding.
Master of the Kurain School of Boobery (Ace Attorney, Rated M, 10563 words)
Maya really had changed a lot about Franziska…but it was for the better. Franziska smiled. Just as Franziska was in the middle of reminiscing about Maya, that was when she was snapped out of her trance by a very familiar sound.
No Longer a Chained Man (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 300 words)
“The court finds the defendant not guilty.” Miles turned to Phoenix, examining his face, studying the subtle ways his face changed with emotions, so subtle that it took years for Miles to understand. “It’s…all over.” Phoenix had said, stunned.
Orange Dyed Hair (Stardew Valley, Rated G, 355 words)
He was working on something on his laptop, when he had heard Dickon enter in from their farmhouse. Sebastian hadn’t seen Dickon all day, since Dickon always woke up early for work. Sebastian never really minded that his husband wasn’t always there every morning, they were both busy people.
Cookies for My Sweetheart (Ace Attorney, Rated G, 1711 words)
Maya stared at Franziska in disbelief, her jaw dropping. “Wait a minute, Franzy. You’ve never baked?” “…Yes, I have never baked.” Franziska admitted. “I just never found a reason to bake. I always thought it was a foolishly foolish hobby.” “Jeez Franzy! You should have told me!” Maya said, adding. “I forget that you’re spoiled sometimes.”
Newly Painted Deluxe Coops (Stardew Valley, Rated T, 2423 words)
Sebastian walked down the stairs that lead to one of the entrances of the farm, and he let in a deep long breath as he admired the farm that he lived in. The farm was truly a beautiful place, the crops and farm buildings were all neatly organized, and the farm was decorated with paths, fences, and other various decorations that Sebastian couldn’t name. Dickon spent so much time decorating their farm, and he even changed the decorations every few months to match the seasons. 
That Someone Will Never Be Me (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 6682 words)
Klavier couldn’t help but think of Apollo as he sang, think about the defense attorney who had so quickly stolen his heart. He thought about the way Apollo smiled, at that smile that he had so quickly fallen in love with. It was every kind of smile that Apollo made that Klavier had fallen in love with.
Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 16 (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 10713 words)
Franziska was looking away at the wall, a cacophony of emotions crossing through her face all at once. Anger, guilt, shame, fear…Maya didn’t want to see those expressions on her face. Maya wanted to see Franziska smile and laugh, as weird as that was.
This Petty Game We're Playing (Ace Attorney, Rated M, 900 words)
Miles didn’t even know why they played this game, why they danced around what they both so desperately wanted, both refusing to cave in and admit defeat, letting the other win. And truly, neither of them ever admitted defeat, at least not without a fight. Perhaps it was the thrill of the competition, perhaps it was the satisfaction when they finally had sex, perhaps it was because they were both petty and refused to lose, perhaps it was all three and so much more.
Welp, that was it...hope you enjoyed my excerpts!
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hclluvasinners · 8 months
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nooooooooow there's a thought. i could make boobery / 2P!Alastor into an incubus.
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