#boog boys
This weird fake anarchist / boogaloo blog first blocked replies to and then completely removed this post when I attracted attention to it:
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My original response was this:
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After I posted this they decided to delete this post.
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shaniacsboogara · 1 year
blaming my headache on the stress of ryan and shane's divorce >:(
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hot-boyband-tourney · 4 months
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
tojoctober day 11: bite!!
it's saejima getting mauled by boog, a real plot event from yakuza 5 /j
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outer-space-face · 1 year
I'm sorry that wasn't me that was @trashworldblog definitely she decided to disguise her blog as mine and also hack me and also mind control me and absolutely destroy my webkinz world account they're all dead because of her help me
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de-sterren-nacht · 1 year
The Fae of the British Lostbelt
This is gonna be a long one, so strap in.
The fae and other creatures of the British Lostbelt take heavy inspiration from real-life legends; almost every major character is named after a type of fairy or mystical creature from British folklore. Many of these names are not English; I've added a pronunciation guide for these in brackets after the word. In this post, I'll go over the beings and concepts these characters are named for and compare the legend to the original. This won't include Morgan or Oberon; those figures are complex enough to deserve posts of their own.
Aesc [ASH]
Aesc is more accurately spelled Æsc. It's an Old English word for the ash tree, and also doubles as the word for the rune for the letter Æ. This is pretty much a direct translation into Old English of Aesc's Japanese name, Tonelico (トネリコ), a word meaning "ash tree".
Albion is a poetic name for the island of Britain, from Greek Albiōn (Ἀλβίων), the name used by classical geographers to describe an island believed to be Britain. The name probably means "white place", which is how it's connected to the Albion of Fate. The Albion of Fate is the White Dragon, a symbol of the Saxons from a Welsh legend. In the most well-known version of the legend, the King of the Britons at the time, Vortigern, was trying to build a castle on top of a hill in Wales to defend against the invading Saxons, but everything he tried to build collapsed. He was told by his court wizard to find a young boy with no father and sacrifice him atop the hill to alleviate the curse. He sent his soldiers out and found a boy being teased for being fatherless, but when he brought the boy to the hill, the boy, a young Merlin, told him that his court wizard was a fool and that the real reason for the collapsing castle was two dragons inside the hill, one red and one white, locked in battle. The red dragon represented the Britons, and the white dragon represented the Saxons. Merlin told Vortigern that nothing could be built on the hill until the red dragon killed the white one. A red dragon is the symbol of Wales to this day, and a white dragon is occasionally used in Welsh poetry to negatively represent England. This white dragon is Albion in Type/Moon lore.
Baobhan Sìth [bah-VAHN shee]
A baobhan sìth is a female fairy in Scottish folklore. The name literally means "fairy woman" in Scottish Gaelic. They appear as a beautiful woman and seduce hunters traveling late at night so that they can kill and eat them, or drink their blood depending on the story. They're unrelated to banshees except in terms of etymology (Banshee is from Old Irish "ben síde", meaning the same thing as baobhan sìth). They're often depicted with deer hooves instead of feet, which is probably what inspired Baobhan Sìth's love of shoes.
In the folklore of Northern England, a barghest is a monstrous black dog with fiery eyes teeth and claws the size of a bear's. The name probably derives from "burh-ghest", or "town-ghost". It was often said to appear as an omen of death, and was followed by the sound of rattling chains. The rattling chains probably inspired Barghest's chains. Her fire powers are also obviously based on the fiery eyes of the barghest. Otherwise, she's not very connected to the folkloric barghest, which is never associated with hunger or eating humans.
In English folklore, a boggart is either a malevolent household spirit or a malevolent creature inhabiting a field, a marsh, a hill, a forest clearing, etc. The term is related to the terms bugbear and bogeyman, all originally from Middle English bugge, or possibly Welsh bwg [BOOG] or bwca [BOO-cuh], all words for a goblin-like monster. It usually resembled a satyr. It's not really ever depicted with lion features, so it's anyone's guess why Boggart is a lion-man.
Cernunnos [ker-NOON-ahs]
Cernunnos, probably meaning "horned one", was an important pre-Roman Celtic god. His existence is only attested by fragmentary inscriptions and the repeated motif in Celtic religious art of a "horned god", a humanoid figure with deer antlers seated cross-legged. This fragmentary evidence is often led to assume that Cernunnos was a god of nature, wilderness, animals and fertility. There exists no evidence that Cernunnos was a chief deity of any kind, since we have barely any evidence he existed at all in the first place. Cernunnos might not even be his name; it's just the only name we have. Needless to say, the only thing the Cernunnos in the British Lostbelt has in common with the real figure is his large antlers.
Cnoc na Riabh [kuh-nock-nuh-REE-uh]
Cnoc na Riabh, Knocknarea in English, is a hill in Sligo in Ireland. The name means "hill of the stripes", referring to its striking limestone cliffs. It's said to be the location where Medb's tomb lies, so it's connected to Cnoc na Riabh through Fate's conflation of Medb with Queen Mab, a fairy mentioned in Romeo and Juliet; this etymology of Mab as derived from Medb was formerly accepted, but has lost favour with the advent of modern Celtic studies due to the lack of any concrete connection between the two figures.
Grímr (don't know how to say this one, apologies; Germanic myth is not my strong suit)
Odin (Wōden in Old English) was a god worshiped in many places, basically anywhere the Germanic peoples went, including the Anglo-Saxons that became today's English people. As such a widely worshiped god, he had a very large number of names, titles and epithets. Grímr is one such name, literally meaning "mask", referring to Odin's frequent usage of disguises in myths, which is fitting for how Cú disguised himself as a faerie in the British Lostbelt and hid that he possessed Odin's Divinity from Chaldea.
Habetrot is a figure from Northern England and the Scottish Lowlands, depicted as a disfigured elderly woman who sewed for a living and lived underground with other disfigured spinsters. She often spun wedding gowns for brides. Cloth spun by her was said to have curative and apotropaic properties. All the Habetrot of the British Lostbelt has in common with this figure is the association with brides and with spinning cloth. "Totorot" is not a real figure; the name is just an obvious tweak of Habetrot.
Mélusine is a figure that appears in folklore all across Europe. The name probably derives from Latin "melus", meaning "pleasant". She's a female spirit of water with the body of a beautiful woman from the waist up, and the body of a serpent or a fish from the waist down. In most stories, she falls in love with a human man and bears his children, using magic to conceal her inhuman nature. However, she tells her lover he must never look upon her when she is bathing or giving birth. Of course, he invariably does so, and when he does, he discovers her serpentine lower body, and she leaves, taking their children with her. Since Mélusine is just the name Aurora gave her, the Mélusine of the British Lostbelt has very little to do with this figure, but an analogy can be drawn between the Mélusine of folklore hiding her true form as a half-serpent to maintain her relationship with her lover, and Fate's Mélusine suppressing her true form as both a dragon and an undifferentiated mass of cells to ensure Aurora continues to love her.
Muryan [MUR-yan]
A muryan is a rather obscure Cornish fairy. The word is Cornish for "ant". Muryans are diminutive figures with shapechanging abilities, cursed to grow smaller every time they use those abilities until they eventually vanish altogether. Muryan, of course, is connected to muryans through her ability to shrink others.
Spriggan [SPRID-jan]
A spriggan is a type of creature in Cornish folklore. The word is derived from the Cornish word "spyryjyon" [same pronunciation], the plural of "spyrys", meaning "fairy". They're usually grotesque old men with incredible strength and incredibly malicious dispositions, and are often depicted guarding buried treasure. Spriggan is not himself a faerie, and the name is stolen from a faerie he killed, but it's still appropriate due to the greed and selfishness spriggans are usually depicted with.
Woodwose is a Middle English term for the wild man, a motif in European art comparable to the satyr or faun. The etymology is unclear. It has little to do with wolves or animals, despite its association with wildness, but there is at least a thematic connection with Woodwose's character, since the archetype of the wild man depicts a figure who cannot be civilised or well-mannered no matter how hard he tries, much like how Woodwose barely restrains his temper by being a vegetarian and dressing in a fine suit. Woodwose's predecessor, Wryneck, is named for a type of woodpecker with the ability to rotate its neck almost 180°.
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antifainternational · 4 months
I was under the impression that that "boog boys burned the 6th precinct" stuff was an attempt by libs to explain away the concept that burning the 6th precinct had a higher approval rating than both 2020 presidential candidates.
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naamahdarling · 2 years
I got permission to post pics of my boyfriend's Giftmas present!
It's customized Littlest Pet Shop kitties to match our Magical Kitties Save the Day characters! I hope you like them!
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Top, Boogie, bottom left Little John, middle Silas, right Notch.
These lil guys are like 2" tall, so they are really little and fiddly to work on.
More below the cut!
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Silas, my boyfriend's PC, a lovely boy good at solving problems and helping others feel better. His magical power is aura reading. He lives in an occult bookshop and I painted him after one of my favorite breeds, the Somali (aka longaired Abyssinian). I sculpted extensively around his eyes to change their shape.
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Boogie/Bougainvillea/Boogs, the heart of the party. Scrappy little tough girl, brave, silly, very young and so full of life and joy. She loves humans and craves adventure. My fave NPC in a REALLY long time. She has sonic/sound powers she doesn't know about yet. She's the one I made Fat and Even Cuter. Also note her snaggletooth and funny half-squint. I sculpted that! I also bobbed her tail, which you can't see. Please note how little she is compared to the others. Her body is the size of the last joint of my thumb!
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Notch, originally Firefly. He can fly on magical shimmery wings. He grew up in one of the wild prides surrounding town but a change in leadership had him heading into human habitation. He drifts around the town now, belonging to no one...but his new kitty family of Boogs and Silas. Despite being a former champion for his pride, he is thoughtful, quiet, and kind. And around Silas, he is very very shy. 🎶 Whoa-oh-oh, caught in a cat romance! 🎶
I sculpted him a stronger chin and put a notch in his ear but he's otherwise unchanged.
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Aaaaand Little John. He's a crotchety, ancient Persian who lives in Treehouse Toys as a shop cat, where he spends most of his time sleeping amid the plush toys, for which he is frequently mistaken. His grumpy nature means few kitties visit to hear the tall tales of adventure he tells, and fewer still believe them, but know this: Little John was once a hero.
Little John was extensively altered. I altered his muzzle and chin for the Persian look, made him bulkier in the body, doubled his ruff, gave him old man eyebrows, and gave him a lot more sculpted fur on his head.
I want to do a few more if there's time (merkitty himbo Tiptoe, wise old seer Briar, cheerful champion Kindlebright, brave pride leader and mother Vix, eyeless quasi-feline shadow entity Asphodel) but my big concern is making a little forest display for them so they can sit on a bookshelf together.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 7 months
Something I learned from Wikipedia; I think this is important.
I know the phrase "Boogie Down," of course. And I know the Andrew Sisters' song "Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B." But a while ago, I realized I didn't actually know how to define Boogie woogie as a musical style. So I looked it up on Wikipedia:
Boogie-woogie is a genre of blues music that became popular during the late 1920s, developed in African-American communities since the 1870s.
Several African terms have been suggested as having some interesting linguistic precursors to "boogie": Among them are the:
1) Hausa word "Boog", and 2) Mandingo word "Booga" (both of which mean "to beat", as in beating a drum) 3) West African word "Bogi" (which means "to dance")[3] 4) Bantu term "Mbuki Mvuki" (Mbuki: "to take off in flight"; Mvuki: "to dance wildly, as if to shake off one's clothes").[4]
I mean, I mean, I mean! This is an example of language and culture surviving in the face of violent oppression at the hands of people who did everything they could to kill it. And what was it that survived? An expression of joy.
And yet, today, if you ask people what comes to mind when they hear the word "boogie," there's a good chance it'll be a white dude with permed hair and 1970s bell-bottom pants dancing in a disco.
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icarusxxrising · 28 days
//✳ W E L C O M E ✳\\
- My name is Icarus
- I am 22 years old ♋️
- I am an Anarchist🏴(you can ask what this means, I post about it a lot)
- I have AuDHD and CPTSD
- I enjoy reposting shitposts and adding onto long posts about Anarchy and Politics
- I am engaged to the lovely @wlwdoll <3
I am
- Nonbinary Trans Man
- Transmasc
- Demiboy
- Exploring Alterhuman (cat)
- Bisexual Lesboy
- Demisexual
My pronouns are They/He/Sin/Sol/It
- If you're a bigot in any way. I don't want transmisogynists, transandrophobes, TERFs, Transmeds, Antisemites, Zionists, Racists, Ableists, Fascists etc. Following my page. You are my enemy.
- If you're a Sys-med
- If you're an Exclus
- If you're "anti-ship" or whatever online shit these fandom moralists have started calling themselves
- If you're pro-AI "art"
- If you're a Marxist-Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, or similar tankie redfash authoritarian type
- If you're "pro-left unity" (sucking up to authoritarians)
- If you enjoy or support Capitalism in anyway
- Yes "An"caps this includes you and your LARP fake reactionary ideology. You're not a real anarchist, fuck off.
- Boogs / Boogaloo Boys, fuck off fash
I make Leftist pins and thermal stickers at @radcatcrew , if you could take a look and/or boost me that would be appreciated !
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websterss · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Halloween can be scary, especially with a pyscho killer running around town.
WARNING(S): Angst, fluff, mentions of blood, mentions of massacre and dying
PAIRING: Evan Buckley x fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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2018, Haddonfield, Illinois
Travesty broke through the town of Haddonfield again. It appeared that nothing could kill the man named Michael Myers. Yet man seemed like an oversimplification. Someone who could take hit after hit. That wasn’t a man, he was the eternal of evil, and he was wreaking havoc on Halloween night again.
And what better way than for you to spend your Halloween. Slumping it with a nice cold beer at Mic’s Bar. Watching the oh so talent your neighbors and friends possess. You raised your beer to the previous girl group who finished up. Applause rumbled up the bar. You took another sip of your beer then checked your phone. No messages from Buck yet. He usually checked up at this hour of the night, but you wouldn’t hold it against him. His job required his full attention. “Another round Y/n?” The bartender caught your attention. You sighed and put your phone down.
“Keep them coming!”
“Ladies and gentleman, I’d like to introduce our next Thespian, now I used to bust this guy’s balls when we were kids, but he is all grown up now, and he’s become the most captivating…bird whistler.” Lonnie Elam ran off stage and then walked on, Tommy Doyle. 
“Hey everybody.”
You turn around on the stool and rest your back against the counter. If you were gonna stay here, then you were gonna enjoy the most of it.
“Uhh Lonnie put me up to this shit.” Tommy adjusted the mic stand to his liking. “I’m not gonna whistle for ya…instead I’m gonna tell you a story.”
“Ghost and Goblins!”
You chuckled at the girl who shouted out. That got everyone to laugh.
“Any of you know the story about Haddonfield’s Boogeyman?” When he got no reply he continued. “Too young to give a shit, too drunk to remember?”
It was silent. Yet he kept going.
“Forty years ago, a madman escaped from a mental hospital. It was the night before Halloween and three teenage girls were walking home from Haddonfield High. They had sightings of…a ghost-like figure creeping right through our town. A man in a white mask, or was it more than a man…” A shiver ran down your spine as you pulled down your long sleeve shirt. “He was watching them. Before the night was over, three people would be murdered. And the house next door, there was a babysitter, and a young boy and a young girl, and they were brutally attacked by this stalker. Who had a power, beyond any mortal man.” Whispers and chatter arose amongst everyone. “My name is Tommy Doyle…and I was that young boy.” Gasp of disbelief could be heard in the crowd. “So please join me in commemorating the victims and the survivors of Michael Myers.” You brought your hands together to clap along with everyone. It was touching. “Now we have the lovely Miss Lindsey Wallace, her babysitter Amy Brackett was executed that night. Now we have Miss Marion Chambers, she survived an assault. We have Lonnie Elam.” Tommy took the big spotlight and shined it down on each three of them. “Lonnie survived a face to face encounter.” Your eyes grew big. Your parents and friends always told you it was a myth. You were one of those “I gotta see it to believe it” types. Safe to say you’ve never encountered Michael Myers. Not really sure what you’d do or how’d you react if you did, but hearing other people survive him, it scared you half to death.
Yet you wouldn’t know that the only reason they survived was because they were children at the time, and Michael Myers never killed children.
“It’s Halloween night in Haddonfield, when terror is supposed to be fun…” Tommy stared into the crowd. “When we hide behind masks, and we pretend we aren’t who we are. Is he real…who knows? Who’s next? Maybe not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but the Boogeyman is coming for me, and he’s coming for you, but he’s not gonna get us. Not this time! Because we will never succumb to fear. This is for your Laurie! Wherever you are!”
You grabbed your drink and raised it up in salute to this Laurie chick. You gulped down the rest of your drink and asked Brian for another one. “Brian can I have one more?” You raised your pointer finger.
“That makes three now…and you drove here right?” He asked you. 
He scoffed and came back with-
“Water? I asked for a beer…”
“And I need a raise for taking care of you careless drinkers, but you know what…” 
“What?” You laughed rolling your eyes.
“Life’s a bitch like that.” You pouted and traced the rim of the glass. “Drink your water!” He gestured to the glass in front of you.
“Alright, alright.” 
“Copy that. Utilities are being shut down!”
Buck slammed his shoulder into a door of the house looking around and calling out for any survivors.
“We got a gas fed fire in here!” Buck spoke into his walkie.
His partner that was with him gestured to him to continue moving forward. “Ten-four. Stand by!”
“Copy!” Buck dragged the heavy hose then released the water. Hoping to reduce the amount of fire that was spreading like crazy.
“Assignment complete! Utilities are disengaged.”
“Copy! Eyes on the roof. Watch out.” Buck warned as some of the wood from the floor was starting to break. “With me!”
“Command ladder 13, do you copy?”
As he kept walking further into the house the radio chatter became indistinctive. He was worried he was missing something.
“This is Buck with Engine 118, I didn’t quite catch that!”
Nothing could be heard but the loud crashing that came from behind him. He whipped around and walked closer to the edge.
“Mayday, mayday, mayday, we have a firefighter down. There’s been a structural collapse. We have a firefighter that fell through. I repeat we have a firefighter down, over!” He peered down. “Brenton you okay?”
“M-My air supply is busted.” He then pulled his emergency alert button on his portable radio. 
“Radio silence, we have a mayday alert!”
“I’m gonna get you out of there, okay? Just hang tight alright.” Buck called out to him. Brenton called out to his radio. “This is Brenton with Engine 8. There’s been a structural collapse. M-My air supply is compromised. PASS alarm has been activated…Oh shit!” Brenton’s eyes widened as he saw a masked figure standing not more than a few feet away from where he lay.
“Come in, Engine 13, Engine 118.”
“There’s somebody else down here!” Brentom exclaimed as the man walked over to him. He was then kicked in the face making him head his head against the ground.
“Brenton!” Buck watched with wide eyes as the man started beating the shit out of him. “Do you copy?”
Brenton felt his world stop as finally realized who hovered over him. It was Michael Myers. He cried out as he saw the pick ax being raised. “Buck run!”
“No!” Buck cried out for the man, but stumbled back as Michael turned around to look up at him. Buck didn’t think for a second to get the hell out of there.
It had been some time late in the evening when every phone in that damn bar started going off and chimming.
“Oh my god!” Marion gasped. “Tommy look, hey turn it up!”
Brian turned the Tv on, and what popped up on the screen had turned out to be your worst nightmare yet.
“…at the service station earlier today. This evening four bodies were discovered in three homes along the same residential street. Residents of North Haddonfield are on high alert. Officials are investigating.” The newsported announced. The man followed up with a report about a house fire, but what was said about a huge massacre of firefighters made your heart plummet to your feet.
“Hey isn’t Buck on that call?” Brian pointed out to you.
Your glass shattered to the floor as you stood up grabbing your coat and keys. “Oh my god!” You felt like you were gonna throw up.
“Hey it’s not safe out there.” The man Tommy called after you. “Y/n!”
“It’s not safe anywhere!” You pushed your way through people to get to the door. 
“Y/n, be careful!” Brian called out after you.
“Got a goddamn massacre on our hands.” Sheriff Baker stood up from peering inside of the car with a decapitated head inside. “Graham.”
“Yes sir!”
“Establish a perimeter.” 
“Copy that!”
Sheriff Bakker walked around the car to fully inspect the blood shed before him. Firefighters dropped dead on the lawn. Heads bashed into, you could hardly even recognize them anymore. “Motherfucker!”
When you got to the location you had quickly put the car in park. The car rolled a centimeter as you got out. You looked at all the chaos, mostly seeing officers, and…
“S-Sheriff Barker!” You ducked under the ‘do not cross’ tape line and ran towards the tragic scene before you.
“Attention, all responders. Be advised we have a violent criminal at large, armed and dangerous.” Graham spoke into his megaphone. “We will deploy all units of frontline and tactical officers to search the area. This fugitive is on foot…and his name is Michael Myers!”
You stumbled back seeing the mess Michael left behind. All what once was the boogeyman used to scare children to go sleep or eat their veggies was now a reality. None of the firefighters were spared, and if that were the truth then that meant….You were pulled out of your daze feeling hands lightly push you away from the scene.
“Y/n, I’m gonna need you to step back, you can’t be here right now.”
“Is my fiance here? I need to know if Buck’s here?” You brushed past him trying to look for him. 
“Y/n please-”
“H-Has anyone seen Evan Buckley? First responder Evan Buckley! He’s with Engine 118. Please, has anyone seen my fiancé!” You frantically looked around, shouting and trying to get the attention of any of the officers around you. Your breathing was growing uneven with every swivel of a turn and whip of your head you did.
“Evan!” You cupped your mouth glancing over at the dead first responders. “Oh g-god…” You almost threw up at the scene. Dead wasn’t even the correct term to describe the horrid scene before you. You didn’t even want to imagine that Evan could be amongst the bodies. “Evan!” You shouted out again. “Evan-“
You turned around and let out a broken sob. There he was. He wasn’t dead, he wasn’t dead. You kept repeating to yourself. The love of your life wasn’t dead. You ran over to him. When you reached him, you didn’t know how to grab him, whether or not to tighten your grip on him or wrap your legs around him like your life depended on it. You didn’t know. You pulled him in close. Your hand curling around the back of his head of hair. His face falling into the crook of your neck.
“Oh my god!” You thanked whoever the hell was listening to you. “I thought you were dead. I thought he killed you. A-Are you hurt?” You examined him for any injuries. Buck shook his head no.
“I’m okay, I promise. I hid in the woods as soon as he killed the captain.” He whimpered into your neck. “I-I didn’t do anything, I didn’t help anyone. I just ran like a coward…” It was your turn to shake your head.
“No, Evan no. You’re human okay, those were just your instincts kicking in. I think anyone would have ran. But if I’m thinking selfishly…” A tear fell down your cheek. “I’m glad you did, I’m glad you didn’t stay rooted to one place.” You nodded furiously. “I’m glad you’re right here in front of me. I’m so glad!”
“I was scared.” He shook his head sitting at the back of the ambulance. “I couldn’t breathe, and then he came out of the burning house…picking us off one by one. I didn’t think I was going to see you again.” You reached forward and cupped his face. He looked exhausted. You turned your hand and placed the back of it against his forehead. He was sweaty and warm. 
“Let’s go home.” Buck sighed his head falling forward against your chest. “Please.”
“W-We can’t.” Your voice cracked. “He’s still out there.” You were trying to stay calm for you and for him. Yet your heart that was practically beating out your chest told you otherwise.
“Five years.” Buck said out of the blue. He scoffed then chuckled, shaking his head. 
“I’ve never seen him in Haddonfield for five years. Each year on Halloween for five years, he’s shown up and killed people.” He looked down at his lap. “You don’t really start believing the stories they tell you until you see the blood and the bodies on the ground and when you finally do. You start realizing there’s a pattern. One after the other, bodies start dropping, people go missing from a party….and there’s nothing you can do. I’m supposed to save people, but lately…there hasn’t been a whole lot of that.” A tear fell down his head.
“You’re not invincible, Evan Buckley.” You half-heartedly laughed as you caressed his birthmark on his left eye. “A firefighter, yes, but you act like you have more than nine lives. You can’t keep over exerting yourself because one day you’re gonna push too far, and something is gonna shove back. I’m scared of what that day will feel like. I am. I adore how much you love this job, and I love you for being the caring and loving person you are.”
“But?” He looked up at you, frowning a bit.
“I can’t stop you from running into a burning building…I knew the minute that I met you what I was signing up for. I can’t stop you, but I can tell you I can’t bear to lose you. You’re too important to me.” You pressed your head against his.
“I can’t lose you either.” He turned his head and pressed his lips against yours. You placed your hands on his cheeks trying to cherish the moment while it lasted since tonight was still going on, and Michael was on a killing spree. “We can’t stay here, we have to go somewhere safe.” 
“Where else would we even go?” You looked back at the blood bash. Covers being draped over the dead firefighters. You shivered and focused on Buck’s touch.
Buck stopped for a second and thought about it. Then it looked like a lightbulb went off inside his head.
“There’s always the fire station. He’s never really gone there over the time I’ve lived here. We can try there.”
“As long as I don’t look like them…I’m all in.”
“Nothing’s gonna happen to you, not on my watch okay?”
“I trust you.” You nodded and took his hand. He got up and you guys walked over to your car. 
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shaniacsboogara · 1 year
I didn't/don't watch any show made by Ryan and Shane (I intend to but don't really have the time) but I like watching their fandom and checking how these two are doing because they seem really nice, and what's that about their divorce that I'm hearing? Are they no longer friends? What's happening? :(
SORRY ANON I WAS OUT OF THE COUNTRY LAST NIGHT!!! Unfortunately, Shane and Ryan are currently going through a "friendship divorce", which is a bit they've been doing on the Mystery Files Debrief / TalkBack session. Essentially, they're pretending not to be friends and making all these jokes about it and it's very silly. They're still friends though!!! Just being silly goofs!!!
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hot-boyband-tourney · 5 months
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Howard Donald (Take That)
Howard was nicknamed the body, cause he’s fit as fuck.
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poptartbunny · 2 years
Fortinbras and the constantly changing evolution of nicknames (fort, himself the elf, booger, boogie, boogie butt, stinky, farty pooper, bippin bops, pippin pops, monsieur boog boog, best boy, bippin pops, pippin bops, senior snookoms, pimply pooper, snookom wookom, booger butt, bobo, his Royal boogieness, boogie bear, my little boogie, mr stinky, the rockmeister, bobo bear, love of my life, bane of my existence, him ‘do, stinky butt, his Royal majesty prince of Norway, my little puppy, goodest of the good boys, senior stinky, bed hog, pillow farter, nugget, nugget butt, golden nugget, Fortinbras the dog, bane of hamlet, bobo boy, sweet demon, hellhound, fartinbras, goblin, skinny butt McGee)
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feelingpure · 10 months
“I'm sure you don't want to come, considering what a fucking self-righteous bore you've turned into!”
When I catch Hawkins Fuller:
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Further live reactions under the cut, because wuifdbivfyisvdtusdyif I need to yell about whatever tf else is gonna take place.
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THEY GOT MY BOY DOING BLOW Y'ALL 😭 (ok it's the late 70s so yes everyone is doing coke, and he didn't do it like a novice, but I'm still blaming them idc). And the finger sucking... we'll come back to that at some point lmao. What is going awn?
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Ok, now he's been fed pills on the dance floor. 😂 Anyway the soundtrack is banging, so now i'm like (booging to forget):
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Not this being-jealous-of-craig thing pls.
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Tim is... not looking like he's having a good time anymore. 😭
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And something's happening with the rest on the dancefloor. I'm feeling very anxious.
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Marcus and Frankie having a domestic at his work place. “I have news for you. You are a big chocolate gay man.” and his student is watching in the background. 👀 Ok Marcus, time to confront some things (I hope)! And then he said THAT, and then he did THAT. Omg, the way Frankie yeeted him 😭 everyone is in pain.
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Skippy is very 💅 here. And I can't decide if I fully hate Craig or... he's v annoying but also lol?
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The boyfriends are fighting! Aaaaahhh, GET HIM TIM!
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Ok suddenly something very different is happening... also that Tim/Hawk kiss, yes! (it was a lil slutty, but that's all I've been wanting). OH I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS WTF IS HAPPENING OMG WFQOVBSDVBSFJKB!
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Nvm... it's not happening, even though Hawk tried to force their heads together like a kid playing with 2 dolls. Cause look at his face peaking from between theirs hahah. 😂 Anyway... WHEN DID CRAIG TAKE HIS SHORTS OFF LMAOOO?! They just weren't there all of a sudden??!!
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WAIT I'M ACTUALLY SCREAMING. IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING NOW (via some v questionable words from Hawk but).
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👀👀👀 WAIT WHAT-- WHVBDLAD. So Hawk can get it up if Skippy is there. Alright. And Craig's dirty foot just hanging out right there as they kiss aaahhh lol. Ok, apparently I've hit the image limit haha, but there's a lot of limbs in places... and someone is calling me rn so I have to pause wtf. 😭😭😭
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So I came back after I finished watching it and. Well well, that was a terrible time to pause ietbhfvebigadwn!!! Anyway, I'd keep blabbing on next to more caps if it'd let me.
But just... that whole episode was A LOT. The way things escalated, the way scenes turned upside down and then back again. The explosive husband arguments! The ending to that threesome was wild. The final 70s Tim/Hawk scene. OUCH.
Yes, Hawk's been hurt but. Hm, I have a lot of feelings, will probs have to be a separate post if I get the chance. There's too much to dissect. All in all; I am a Tim Laughlin warrior, and if you're yelling at him Hawk then I'm gonna have to yell at you.
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 10 months
My thoughts on Trolls 3 & that Adam Sandler Lizard movie Leo (and also my thoughts on Wish)
So there's a lot to unpack here; let's start with the most basic, Trolls 3! It's adorable, nothing bad to say about it, good movie to watch with your family! For once I don't have a lot to say about a DreamWorks film, other than it was so cute and funny. I still prefer the first two but this was great and I loved the songs. I thought the 2D scene was a little bit weird my uncle thought the same. Didn't care for the villains' design but Velvet and Veneer were funny! I like how they had colorful lipsticks tho haha XD anyway, I recommend Trolls 3, see it in theaters if you still have time.
As for that Adam Sandler Lizard movie, it was great! It's called "Leo" and it's on Netflix. It kind of gets heavy when Leo finds out that he one year left to live and when he talks to the kids, it's amazing. I love how they tried to show different types of kids and different struggles they had. One girl talked to much, the other girl whose parents were going through a divorce, there was also a boy who was insecure about his voice and another one who was insecure about body hair, and I even liked how they didn't make the rich blonde popular girl be mean, they even showed her struggle too! There was also this one boy whose mom didn't allow him to play outside and be a kid and he had this drone follow him around all the time, and she even made him wear a hazmat suit inside his house which to me, was the most depressing. The part with the teacher, was on and off. I hated her for most of the movie but she even had redemption. The teacher at the beginning was really nice but it was the old lady teacher, idk man I didn't like her for most of the movie but at the end she's okay. I still think characters get redemption way too easily sometimes. Just my opinion... btw the humor was really good! It had that 90's Nickelodeon type of humor (like from CatDog or Rocko's modern life or Angry Beavers). Like, there were a few dirty jokes and just a few fourth wall breaks. Also, the movie had a good message. I wasn't expecting it to be a musical but it was. Let's just say that the songs weren't as good as Under the Boardwalk, but they weren't bad songs. Honestly, I even think the songs in Wish were better but Leo is over all a better movie and has a way better message.
About my opinion on Wish now, I don't recommend you watch it in theaters, unless you're a really wealthy person who can afford to see movies all the time. I mean, in my opinion it's a waste of time and money. It's better to watch it in the comfort of your own home on a free website, don't even watch it on Disney plus. There's a few reasons why but here's one of them https://www.instagram.com/reel/ but the other reason is because I don't think Disney deserves to make a lot of money form this. Part of me feels bad because I LOVE the character design, and the diversity. I feel bad for black girls, they can't get at least one modern Disney princess who from a good movie. Tiana's movie is old and she ends up marrying the dumb hunk prince when she just wanted to be a restaurant owner, Ariel is racebent but she's pretty cool even tho there's a war over her being black, and Asha's a sweet character but her movie doesn't make sense. Like, Wish's plot was all over the place; at first you were kind of on the king's side but they did make him out to be evil enough that you were on Asha's side. The hardest thing for me to understand was that at first she wanted the king to grant everyone's Wish because she wanted her grandpa to be happy since he was 100 years old, then she wanted to get her grandpa and mom's wishes back from the king, and then she wanted everyone to be happy but I was so lost... the only time I laughed was that one song and it showed the bear and the deer, and they called the deer "Bambi" as a joke, but really, it looked like Boog and Elliot from the Open Season franchise. The dancing chickens was pretty funny too, it reminded me of the Flip flop and fly scene in Chicken Run. Honestly, Wish isn't the worst Disney movie ever, but it's not that good. If you're planning on seeing it, know what you're in for. The story was incredibly boring as well, and the background characters barely had any personality or lines but were still cute (I like Asha's friends, especially the plus size girl in the red and also the girl with the yellow dress and blue thing in her hair). And like, the best thing about this movie had to be the character designs. Not only did it show race and skin color diversity, but it showed body type diversity as well! Some shows and movies just show skin color diversity and make the plus size characters the joke (like **cough cough** Total Drama show) but this movie actually have TRUE diversity! It's a shame that the story's a disaster because the designs were a 10/10... as for the story, it's a 4.5/10.
We've come to a conclusion. Watch Leo on Netflix and if you don't have Netflix, you can use kisscartoon, actvid, or whatever other free movie website you have. If you want to watch Wish I don't recommend seeing it in theaters but I'm not stopping you. (Please click the link to the video I sent). Also, Wish is better than most of the old Disney movies, don't go comparing it to peter pan or something, we know that movie's outdated and way worse than Wish. If you're a Trolls fan or just have any interest in seeing Trolls 3, GO SEE TROLLS 3 in theaters! I recommend it! And also, if you have any thoughts, whether you agree or not, just let me know. Even if you have different opinions than me, just let me know!
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