#boogie blog
skittzdaskittle · 1 year
I redrew my (mostly) horrible guys 👍
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 months
Brotha, ya got me FROTHING at the mouth over here with all the sweet (and utterly horny) kazumaji comics. I will literally go insane /pos
Thank you for the meal 🙏 🙏
no problemo 😌💖 as a simple dick peddler, the appreciation makes my heart so full 🥺
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magicalshopping · 7 months
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♡ Oogie Boogie Plush Doll ♡
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off-heritage-posts · 1 month
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roaldseth · 1 year
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partied too hard
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spooky-nyx · 8 months
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Meet Boogie (short for Booger). They love dressing up in their shark costume and calling themselves Shrog (alter identity). Loves to bite fingers and toes so keep an eye out on your phalanges, you might notice they’re suddenly missing :)
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
hi, is your blog title a reference to The Riddle by Gigi D’Agostino? Reading it very suddenly punched me in the face with extremely ancient memories
yep, though the version i listen to is the original by Nik Kershaw and Gigi D'Agostino apparently covered it. I chose it to fit in with the sphinx header pic since ewer (the sphinx) in my story tells confusing riddles. but also 'gasoline and gold' fits in with most of my art about mez lol
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hey shock! how did you meet lock and barrel?
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Like that. -S
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shouta-edits · 3 months
Hello, can you please do a jack skellington x oogie boogie moodboard with a black and green Halloween theme please and thank you!
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skittzdaskittle · 2 years
Just some designs ig
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Emz Te MnM for reference
This is gonna be quite long X'D
So, basically I drew team zjits (it's what i call team zits but with joker) separate and I roughly lined them up so I could draw their hels (team cabs, mcbs, and mcabs) which is why Joker's line art thinner then the others
With the hels I did make a lot of their traits opposite to their counterparts like how none of them say silly things or have weird names for stuff and are generally not very creative, but I still have some other stuff in there to make them a bit more interesting hopefully
Zedaph: So, I recently drew the Puffy fam, so I didn't want to draw ANOTHER bipedal sheep, so sheep hybrid :D and my original design for zed was with pants, but after observing the test tube zedaph au by Resins art, I decided to go the pantsless zed route.
Ayaph: With Ay I was like "wait, if his name Is zed, which is the British way of saying z (pronounced zee), then it makes sense for his name to be A". You know how zed is always doing new things and interacting with the other hermits to test and show them things? Well screw that, Ay never does anything or take risks, he's had the same damn haircut his whole life, he absolutely hates AMC (AluminuM Cook) because he always pesters anyone and everyone. Ay stays inside and has a very limited range to go places. Oh and he despises the fact that he's a sheep, probably because he hates zedaph, he pulled a connoreatspants and cut off his horns (it's a headcannon thing, he said he lost a cannon life because he was "having a bad day" and my brain went brr)
Mister Joker: We literally have no friggn clue what joker actually is, he never tells us anything. he always wears a mask that basically acts like a normal face, he just can't eat through it or anything it just changes expression like any face would. And the thing is, we don't even know if he's part of a species or if he's his own thing, in fact we don't know if Joker has any actual gender or sex, he just he/him pronouns. Either because that's his actual pronouns, he just goes with it for other's sake, or he doesn't understand it at all (Ranboo style) and just uses them because that's what people use for him. And the tail? Just because I feel like it. And it helps show that he is def inhuman.
Mister Moper: He's very reserved, unlike Ay who just hates everyone, he just likes to keep to himself and doesn't mind if he's with others, but he would rather be by himself. Moper's very much the type to not interact with other people unless they interact with him. Unlike Joker who moves around a lot, he moves so little that you might forget about him (hopefully not). He hates fighting. He likes doing solitary things for hours like coloring, reading, writing, watching documentaries, and just looking out the window to watch nature and whatever else is going on. Moper hasn't smiled in a long long time, even when he does the things he enjoys, or what the closest thing to enjoyment is for him. He has the same situation as Mister Joker biologically, though instead of being cryptic for the fun of it like Joker, Moper doesn't say what he is because he doesn't feel like it's important to anything. Even if he met up with Joker, he probably wouldn't smile the entire time unless somehow Joker figures out what will make him crack a smile. He doesn't mind Joker.
ImpulseSV: He imp man, he originally was gonna be a phantom guy but I realized how many more opportunities I can have with him being an imp, also he was straight up summoned. I don't really have much else X'D
CautionED: So, what would probably be the opposite of demon? Bird!? Love bird because funny. So basically I thought, if impulse is always trying to stop people from accidentally hurting themselves, then Caution would be actively going out of his way to hurt others. He wholeheartedly believes that all problems can be solved by explosions, someone pissed you off? Explosions. Pet ran ranaway? Explosions. TV broken? You get the idea. He's always pissed over something. Caution can't bother building anything remotely structured, he prefers to build organically so that he doesn't have to put thought into rebuilding his house when he breaks something (though he would probably be less pissed if his house is structurally sound). He will start a fight (physically or verbally depending on his mood) with literally anyone who has the unfortunate opportunity to be in his presence. He's very self centered. He hates how seemingly happy go lucky impulse is.
Tangotek: He's a fireborn (the same as sapnap) who yeeted himself the heck outta hell (not the nether) and ended up in hermitcraft, there's more to explain but that's a whole post on it's own.
Boogieblog: Just like my hels, Boogie is an angel, unlike my hels, he isn't a purple eye abomination, he's just an annoyed angel constantly analyzing things, trying to make sense of things. Like my hels, Boggie's always staring, except instead of primarily Watching Skittz (my mc character) and Grian, he just looks at everything, questioning why people do things, involuntary or not. Because Boogie doesn't understand why those things are necessary to do, he intentionally avoids hermitcraft for that reason, overstimulation basically. As an angel who spent most of his existence in heaven, he requested on his own to go see the server, to see what was so important about it. Boogie gets angy when he doesn't understand something, but he has a very limited emotion range, and has never been seen raging out or anything. He doesn't want to be around/look at Tango.
Skizzleman: He's just a guy. There is literally nothing strange about him, this isn't me being jokey at all, he's just a normal accident prone man.
Sizzleman: He's cold and calculated. He has zero empathy for anyone or anything. Sizz finds everyone else weak and pathetic, even if they are obviously better then him, he always finds something wrong with everything that isn't him. He's very manipulative and abusive. He's constantly planning and scheming and wanting control over hels, luckily for everyone Skizz's luck seems to also be a part of him so his plans always fail one way or another, especially with the fact that he tries to do them with a group of people who genuinely don't want to be there, one hates any and all people, one is shy and uninitiated, one Just wants to explode shit, and one is preoccupied with literally everything. Sizz is actually very intelligent and like, 5 parallel universes ahead of everyone, but even so he still gets Skizz moments and that results in him dying in very stupid ways, and yes it pisses him off. He genuinely sees Skizz as worthless and can and will belittle him any chance he gets.
And now the hels interactions with each other
Ayaph: He only dislikes Moper and finds him tolerable, but doesn't try to get to know him. He sees Caution as a headache and wants nothing to do with him. He thinks Boogie is a creepy weirdo and hates Boogie's constant questioning, he tries to avoid him. He absolutely hates it when Sizz tries to call a group meeting, he makes any and every excuse not to go. He'll eventually be literally dragged out of his house (usually) by Sizz himself. He regrets stepping out of his house to see what they were doing all those years ago.
Mister Moper: He doesn't try to interact with Ay, he knows that will just annoy him and what little pleasantness there is will be gone. He doesn't like how brash and argumentative Caution is, he would rather be around Helsknight. He and Boogie have a bit of understanding between them, Boogie would ask a question and he would answer, he doesn't like it when there's something he can't answer but Boogie somewhat has a little appreciation for Moper, and Moper has and understanding about Boogie. He would rather not be near Sizz. He joined the group because he wanted to be with people but not feel like a burden, even when Sizz says he is.
CautionED: "fuck these bitches, I'm just gonna go blow shit up"
Boogieblog: He doesn't understand why Ayaph doesn't want to answer his questions, they're simple questions. He finds Moper intriguing, he knows what Moper is(and that means Joker too). He finds Caution obnoxious. He has better things to do then interact with Sizz. He joined the group because he was curious about their behavior
Sizzleman: He sees Ay as a pain and pathetic. He doesn't understand why Moper sticks around if all he's gonna do is nothing and be sad. He despises Caution with a passion, they fight frequently. He doesn't see much use for Boogie. Despite how much he doesn't like being around them, and how uncooperative they are, he sees them as pawns he can manipulate
Tldr: Ay's always in his Aaron Burr arc, Moper's a less wimpy silver the hedgehog from the sonic 06 snapcube fandub, CautionED is alivebur but instead of being insane and blowing shit up he's pissed off and blowing shit up, Boogie Blog is dream XD but with no emotional outbursts only horrible staring, Sizzleman is glados but replace the witty humor with stuck up asshole
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Could u tell us the personalities of some of ur dance variants.
Oh, but of course!
Hop: He is a skeleton that enjoys dancing but is embarrassed by it, so he always wears his hood whenever he does it. He knows that he isn't the, like, best dancer, but he's one of the better ones in his AU. Other than that, he's pretty laidback, relaxed, and likes to make puns. He'll even help people find out their dancing styles! If they ask. He used to like dancing a lot more, but something happened, and now he only does it with his brother, or if he's forced to.
Sway: He has quite a few different dancing styles, but all focus on Latin versions. Such as tango, salsa, and stuff like that. He loves to dance and will dance with pretty much anyone just because he knows it's so fun! Plus, it can help you make friends. A lot of people don't dance with him, though, because he has too much energy. He wants someone to be able to match that energy.
Stomper: He dances hip-hop just like Hop, but much more aggressively and loudly. Though he hides the fact that it's him! He acts like he can't dance when he's in his normal outfit, but when he wants to dance, he wears his hood and a mask to hide that it's him doing the best that he can. Nobody knows. He would rather it stay that way. He knows that people are mad that he can't dance, mostly Jazz, but he doesn't want to deal with all of that...
Jazz: He is a very annoying person to dance with because he forces people to dance the exact same style as him, and if you don't, you'll end up getting hurt in his traps. Nobody has ever done the exact same dance as him, until this worlds Frisk came in. But! Jazz is shockingly playful, but still pretty rude and aggressive. He believes that if you don't know how to dance, you're worthless. That's one reason why he's so rude to Stomper.
Flamenco: A smaller skeleton, but with a whole lot of energy! He loves to dance and teaches people how to dance if they don't know... even though monsters almost always know how to dance the moment they're able to walk. He can help a monster find out what their dance style is, which he's happy to do! He always carries around a blue rose, which he gives to people often, though nobody knows where he gets them from? He wishes that Uprock would dance more rather than just play music, but he's happy that his brother is getting out of the house.
Uprock: He has long since given up on dancing. He sees no reason to do it anymore, so he normally doesn't. He does, though, bring music! He always plays the correct song for battles and is the one that plays the 'battle' music whenever people dance. It's pretty funny. If asked why he doesn't dance anymore, he only shrugs. There are a lot of reasons why he doesn't dance anymore, and he doesn't want to deal with answering all the questions. Flamenco trying to force him to dance bugs him a lot, but he loves his brother, so he deals with it.
Ballet: He is VERY shy about his dancing and normally only does it with his brother or by himself. He uses his ability to float with it, and many people who see him dance say that it's... otherworldly hehe. Many people want to dance with him, but he normally tells them no because, well, he can't handle it! The idea of dancing with another person/monster makes his soul pound. Taps wishes that he would get over that because dancing is such an important thing to monsters! Anyway, Ballet is very shy, nervous, yet sweet... He would try to help others if he could.
Taps: He is the type of person who would come up to you and ask if you'd like to dance, even though you guys don't know each other. Taps loves the idea of dancing and is always finding people to dance with! He wants to see all different types of dancing, even if he himself uses tap dancing. He thinks that maybe if his brother sees enough people dancing, he will want to join in. It never works, of course. Taps doesn't let that bug him, however! He's happy.
Waltz: He enjoys dancing and finds it fun to dance with pretty much everyone and anyone. Even if their dances normally get... stopped, he doesn't mind. He wishes to find somebody to dance with who wouldn't stop it in the middle! He knows that his dancing style isn't the most 'sexy', but he doesn't mind too much. It's the one that makes him the happiest. He's playful, tricky, and flirty. He likes making people flustered and enjoys teasing.
Boogie: He wants to find somebody to dance with! And no, I don't mean anyone, but the one person! He wants to find his soulmate; even if the idea of it isn't believed in his AU, he believes in them. He refuses to dance with most people because he's waiting for that one person... It's starting to stress him out lol.
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magicalshopping · 9 months
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♡ Oogie Boogie Earrings by I’m Your Present ♡
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Group Hug!!!!!!!
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Here is some angst artwork I made for the "Murderer" ending in Underworld Office. I'm actually really really proud of this idea LMHO.
This is more of a screenshot redraw technically, but I love how it came out. Also I put the OG screenshot there that I used for reference XD.
You actually have to tap or click to see the full art TwT
Also hyperfixation go brrrrrr✨
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ask-playtimeco · 2 years
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We are accepting asks now! Ask away so long as it follows our rules. The toys wanted to say hi :)
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