#bookish stuff from me
skijumpingf1 · 5 months
I am obsessed with maxton hall. Like it was soooo good. My expectations were pretty low (since German book adaptation usually suck) but I am blown away
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starrynightsxo · 6 months
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jude duarte inspo post ✨️
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miabrown007 · 1 year
girl who sucks at making OCs needs to make a DnD character send help
#I did make one who was rad but then got vetod by the DM and now I handed in a half-elf wizard but she's just so basic#she literally has no personality send help#and also idk what direction should we take because I have no idea what the other people will be like in the party#and I'm the only girl player there so I don't want for that to be like be a thing and bring a stereotipically girly character#and I could make her like a standard bookish wizard which obviously stands very close to me and would be super easy to play#but that's so cliche and I don't want to be like everyone's mom in game if everyone else is just running around and fucking shit up#but I know that I'll have a harder time playing a more reckless and careless character and if there isn't going to be someone#thinking for the team and we just go headfirst into stuff that also sucks.#and like I like to be someone who thinks about the solutions it just can't just be me being the party pooper if you get me#but poor wizard girl is just so mid with her 'my parents wanted me to be an X wizard but I'm gonna be an Y wizard instead' backstory#like wow such rebellion you're gonna show them girl#but at this point I'm a week behind schedule so I need to have a character like for yesterday#and I don't want to just copy others' dnd characters from D20 but they have like a group cohesion and individual arcs and that's so cool#and I suck at making up little men#miaing#mia's dnd adventures#I'm stressing so much over just making a character and meeting strangers bringing a character with anxiety disorder wouldn't even be rp#I guess great that my sorcerer got vetoed how would I play out being the face of the party
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gatheryepens · 1 year
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sixofravens-reads · 7 months
decided to take a little tumblr vacation, so I won't be posting here for a bit (unclear how long but I think I'm going to try for a month just to really get the cobwebs out of my brain. if you want to keep up with me somewhere else, I'm on ig at sixofravensreads and I'm gonna try and post there more regularly lol.
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navree · 1 year
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Tagged by @rebelarkey
Serarch your name + core on Pinterest to create a moodboard and see your aesthetic
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foxgloveinspace · 9 months
I finally read A Prayer For The Crown-Shy these past couple days. It took me over a year to read the sequel to one of the best books I read last year, but hey. I’m leaving 2023 having read a really great book this way.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Eddie x bookworm!Reader angst-to-fluff, where Eddie is always picking on Reader because he has a crush on her, but she thinks he’s just being mean. Like he’ll say “read anything good lately, bookworm?” because he genuinely wants to talk to her about what she’s reading, but she assumes he’s teasing her like everyone else. And then a fluffy ending where he actually has a real conversation and admits that he likes her? Love you, bb! @munson-blurbs 💚
Eddie would love bookish girls like us, Bug! We’d be his favorites and everyone else would be jealous hehehe. I loved this request and I hope you enjoy!
Words: 2k
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The library is supposed to be your sanctuary. It’s supposed to be where you can go and be with the books, spending time picking out the perfect one before settling down in a chair to see what new adventure awaits you within the pages. But he’s here again. The metal head who thinks it’s fun to pick on you. It’s no secret that people at school are constantly calling him a freak, so he obviously knows what it’s like to be teased and picked on. So why does he do it to you?
The paperback in your hands is pretty small, but that doesn’t stop you from trying to hide your face behind it, hoping Eddie doesn’t notice you. But you know it didn’t work when you hear the chair on the opposite side of the table from you being pulled back and someone drops down into it.
“Hey, bookworm.”
Taking a moment to close your eyes and take a deep breath behind the cover of the book, you lower it and give Eddie the most unfriendly smile you can manage.
“Don’t call me that,” he says, wrinkling up his nose.
“Don’t call me bookworm,” you retort.
“It’s not a bad thing,” Eddie says.
You ignore him and go back to reading. Well, pretending to read anyway, but really waiting for him to get up and leave.
“Whatcha reading?”
Slowly, you lower the book down enough where you can peer over the side of it where it clearly shows the title.
“Little Women,” you answer anyway.
“So, like, girls?”
“What’s it about?”
“Eddie,” you say with a sigh. You lower the book down and slide your bookmark into the page you left off on. “What do you want?”
He leans back in his seat and frowns at you as he laces his fingers behind his head.
“To know what your book is about,” he says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“No,” you say with a shake of your head. “What do you really want?”
The bell rings and you don’t give him time to answer your question before your things are back in your backpack and you’re out the door.
Luckily, you don’t see Eddie the rest of the day. The next day, you’re not as lucky. As you're getting the books you need out of your locker, you see Eddie coming down the hall out of the corner of your eye. Hurrying so he doesn’t have the chance to come and tease you, you swap out your things and clutch what you need to your chest. You hardly make sure your locker is properly closed before you’re turning away and walking quickly down the hallway, hoping he won’t spot you.
When you step into your French class, you finally release the breath you’ve been holding in your chest. Head down so no one else will notice you, you open your French notebook and turn it to a clean page for the start of class.
Someone drops down in the seat next to you, but you don’t look their way until you feel them leaning into your personal space. You’re shocked when Billy Hargrove is there, so close to you, an easy smile on his lips.
“Hey, smart girl.”
You’d bet good money he’s calling you that because he doesn’t know your real name.
“Um, hi,” you say. There’s a group of girls on the other side of the classroom who are whispering to each other as they watch the two of you.
Billy’s tongue pokes out against his top lip as he looks at you through his thick eyelashes. It’s a look you’ve seen him give dozens of girls around school. He wants something. And you know it’s not you, so that leaves only one other option.
“You’re really good at this French stuff, yeah? Well, to tell you the truth, I’m struggling a little bit. Do you think there’s any way you could help me out with that? I’d really appreciate it.” It’s a good thing you’re sitting because his smile is enough to make your knees give out.
“I’m not really a tutor,” you tell him, shrugging your shoulders. It’s the truth, but you’re also pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to understand your French because he’d make you a stuttering mess just by looking at you.
“Anything I can do to change your mind?” Billy asks, tilting his head. His voice is so sultry it should be illegal.
“I-I don’t think so.”
Billy tsks and shakes his head.
“Well, damn. Let me know if you change your mind, sweetheart.” He knocks his fist against your desk before going back to his own seat.
The teacher walks in and everyone takes their seats, one of the girls who was whispering about you taking her seat right behind you.
“You’re not as smart as everyone says you are,” she leans forward to whisper in your ear.
Mrs. Shay has her back to the class so you take the opportunity to turn around to face the girl.
“For a nerd, you’re pretty dumb. Billy Hargrove was willing to spend time with you and you said no. Tell me, how many guys actually want to be around you? Let alone ones that look like Billy.”
You quickly spin back around so she can’t see the tears forming in your eyes. She’ll only be meaner if she sees she gets a reaction out of you. It’s hard to concentrate for the rest of the class, both interactions replaying in your head the whole period.
Lunch is next and you can’t bring yourself to go into the cafeteria full of students. It’s a nice day out so you decide to go sit outside and eat your sandwich in peace. You’re looking forward to picking up your spot in Little Women as you settle on the grass, back resting against the brick building, but come up empty after looking in your bag.
“No,” you whine to yourself as you double check for the book. Still not there. You must’ve left it in your locker. Alone with just your thoughts and your sandwich, the lunch period seems to go on forever. You get up a few moments before it’s over and go to your locker to grab your novel in case you get a chance to read it in any of your afternoon classes. But it’s not there either. You slam your locker door closed and knock your forehead against it. Where the hell did your book go?
“Hey! Bookworm!”
You don’t need to look up to know who’s calling for you. There have been many times in the past you’ve been grateful your locker is right next to the girl’s room, and this is another one, as you slip in, acting like you didn’t hear Eddie.
Once the bell rings, you wait a minute for the halls to fill with students before joining the sea of teenagers. A quick glance around and there’s no sign of Eddie. You don’t press your luck though and make a beeline straight for your biology class.
The end of the school day can’t come fast enough. Heading to the library after the final bell is like being a salmon swimming upstream as everyone makes for the exits. A sigh leaves your lips once you’re safely inside and find a table in the corner to hide yourself at. Unfortunately, you’re only allowed a few peaceful moments.
“There you are, bookworm.”
It feels like the last straw. You groan and drop your head down to the table, but Eddie still pulls out the seat across from you and plops down in it.
“I’ve been trying to give this back you.” There’s a slide across the table and you pick your head up to see your tattered paperback of Little Women. “You dropped it in the hallway this morning. I tried calling for you but I guess you didn’t hear me.”
“Oh,” you say, stomach sinking with guilt. “Thank you.” You’d just come to expect the worst from people, so Eddie’s act of kindness comes as a surprise.
“No problem,” Eddie says. He leans forward on his forearms and smiles at you. It’s such an open and kind smile that it makes your head feel a little fuzzy. You’d never noticed how pretty Eddie is before. His dark eyes watch you and your cheeks heat up under his gaze.
“You know,” Eddie says. “I don’t think I could’ve forgiven Amy.”
“What?” you ask, face scrunching in confusion.
Eddie nods his head towards the book on the table between the two of you.
“Amy. She burnt Jo’s manuscript. That’s pretty shitty. And I’m pretty sure Laurie is in love with Jo.”
“Oh.” You look down at the cover of Little Women, your fingers coming up to ghost over the edges. “You’ve read it?”
“I started to,” Eddie says with a shrug. “Just don’t tell O’Donnell I was reading that in class today instead of listening to her drone on and on.”
“You were reading it today?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Eddie says. He looks down at the table in front of him and knocks his shiny silver rings a few times on the wood. “You didn’t tell me what it was about yesterday, so I decided to find out.”
Thinking back to Eddie finding you in the library yesterday, you remember him asking about what you were reading. You’d assumed it was some ploy to make fun of you, but it seems he was genuinely curious. The guilt tightens your stomach even further. You’re not sure how to apologize without admitting to him you’d assumed he was being an asshole.
“Um, do you want to finish the book? See how it ends?” You extend it to him and Eddie’s head snaps up to look at you.
“Really?” he asks, sounding more excited than you’d expect.
“Sure,” you say. “I’ve read it three times already so I’m in no hurry to finish it. Go ahead.”
Eddie’s face lights up in a grin and you mentally shake yourself for never noticing how absolutely adorable he is before.
“Thanks,” he says. He takes it from you and holds it in his hands like it’s precious and made of glass, not a book that looks like it’s weathered many storms. “Maybe when I’m done we could talk about it?”
Now it’s your turn to be surprised.
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” he says, avoiding your eyes. “Maybe we could get coffee or something? Or, pizza if you don’t like coffee.”
You stare at him for a moment before responding.
“You want to hang out with me? Voluntarily?”
His face pinches into a frown as he meets your eyes again.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” he asks.
“I just…” You sigh. “You’re always calling me a bookworm. I figured you were picking on me like everyone else does.”
“Oh.” His face falls and he quickly shakes his head. “Shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that bothered you so much.” He sets the book down and rubs his hands over his face. “I guess I was just teasing. I’m not good with emotions and feelings.” He shrugs his shoulders.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Ugh,” he groans, but there’s a shy smile on his face. “You know how in, like, third grade, how boys will sometimes pick on girls they like?”
“Yeah,” you say with a nod, clearly missing the hidden message in the question.
He huffs a laugh and gestures to himself.
“Guess I’m about as mature as a third grader.”
Your eyes widen and Eddie can’t help but chuckle in amusement at the look.
“You’re saying you like me? Is…is that what you’re saying?”
“You’re supposed to be the clever one here,” Eddie says with a smirk.
“And you’re…you’re serious?”
He frowns at this and leans in closer towards you.
“I would never joke like that. I know what it’s like to be picked on. It fucking sucks. I’m not about to inflict that on someone else. Especially someone as cute as you.”
Heat blooms on your face, so warm you’re sure you must look like a tomato. Eddie sits up, straightening in pride that he had that effect on you.
“Um, okay,” you say quietly. “Well, finish that book and we’ll go talk about it over pizza.”
“Like…a date?” Eddie asks in a hopeful voice.
“Yeah, a date.” You can’t help the giddy smile that comes to your face.
“Shit, I better get started then.” Eddie opens the book and leans back in his seat. You giggle, thinking he’s joking, but you see his eyes start to actually scan the pages as he reads. Taking advantage of his distraction, you let yourself look over him. His frizzy hair hangs at his shoulders, bangs pushed to the left side of his forehead. His long body reclines in the chair as he reads, his tongue poking out of his pretty lips. He’s beautiful.
You can’t wait until he’s finished with the book. Then he’ll understand what you mean when you say you’d love to be the Jo March to his Friedrich Bhaer.
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Another day, another post dissecting Our Life's code! This time we'll be going over how Our Life decides whether your Cove will be Studious, Sporty, or somewhere in the middle!
If you've already seen my post on how the game decides where Cove is on the spectrum between warm and cold, then most of this will feel extremely familiar, but you don't need to check that post to understand this one! I'll be going over everything exactly the same.
According to GB Patch, getting a sporty or studious Cove is primarily based on what you do with him activity-wise.
Part of it is what Cove literally ends up doing in the events. There are multiple times where he can do something more physical or do something more low key. Another part is a somewhat meta “the player is creating their reality” type of deal. For example, if the player makes it clear that their MC is the sporty one around, that would have to mean Cove isn’t the sporty one. So even without interacting with Cove directly you’d rack up a lot studious points for him because your choices are describing a world where Cove isn’t that into sports. That’s not to say it’s impossible for the MC and Cove to both be into sports. Describing your MC specifically as the one into sports is excluding Cove from being super into sports, but he doesn’t have to be excluded. The most straightforward way to get a sporty Cove is to just really focus on it. Whenever there’s something that could possibly make him more interested in bookish things, lean away from that. And whenever there’s a way to encourage him to like or do physical stuff, do it. So, for example, don’t accept just being a silver medalist in Grown-up, don’t say that the MC is a faster runner than Cove when trying to get away from Shiloh, do ask him question that lead to him talking about outdoorsy activities he does, etc.
Calling it "points" is very accurate because it's very much a points system. Whenever you do certain actions with/say certain things to Cove, the game will add a "point" to either Cove being studious or Cove being sporty (in extremely rare cases, it will add two instead of even subtract one).
(also, shockingly, reading the book with Cove in Sleepover actually has zero effect on Cove being Studious/Sporty; I even had to read through the script to confirm and the only reasoning I can imagine is because it's related to getting a CG and the devs wouldn't want players who want the CG to feel forced into making Cove more studious just to get it)
The tutorial of the game also vaguely details the studious to sporty spectrum:
[Cove']s interests fall along a sporty-mixed-studious spectrum. It works similarly to the personality one. When he's young, Cove has a variety of interests. As time goes on that can stay the same, begin to focus on more athletic/outdoorsy activities, or become more interested in academic/indoorsy ways to spend time.
And, if you've ever been in the Cove Creator, you'd know that there are five "states" that Cove can be in when it comes to his interests, with one state being between Studious and Mixed while another is between Mixed and Sporty. However, as far as I can tell, the game will never actually check for these two states, meaning that Cove is either Studious, Mixed, or Sporty, without any sort of Studious-Mixed or Mixed-Sporty at all.
In terms of the first check of the game - after the end of Step 1, of course - the game will examine the points you've gathered and decide where on the spectrum Cove is. If you have more Studious points, then the game will look only at how many points you've gathered there and vice versa with Sporty points. If you have an equal amount of Studious and Sporty points, then there will be a sort of "coin flip" to determine which points the game will check (this actually happened to me once where I had to go back on a save and got a Sporty Cove instead of a Studious one even though I'd done nothing different, simply because I'd accumulated an equal amount of sporty and studious points with Cove).
The remaining points in the other category are thrown away, and if you don't have enough sporty/studious points (depending on what you had more of or what the game chose in the "coin toss"), then you get a Mixed Cove.
Interestingly enough, the game is actually uneven in how it calculates a "fully Studious" or "fully Sporty" Cove. If you have six or more points in Studiousness, then you get a "fully Studious" Cove, but the game only asks for five of more in Sportiness to give you a "fully Sporty" Cove. This means that you could have six points in both Studiousness and Sportiness, which would give you a "fully Sporty" Cove if the coin flip picked Sportiness, but if the coin flip picks Studiousness, you'll only get a "Studious-Mixed" Cove.
As stated above though, the Studious-Mixed and Mixed-Sporty states don't really exist and serve as Studious and Sporty respectively anyway. In the grand scheme of things, it won't matter, but I digress.
Keeping that in mind, the game only cares if you have three or more points in either Studiousness or Sportiness. If you have three or more Studious points, you get a Studious Cove, and if you have three or more Sporty points, you get a Sporty Cove (and a coin toss if you're equal in both to decide whether he's Studious or Sporty). If you do not have enough points in either, you get a Mixed Cove. A Mixed Cove is most likely if you either play through Step 1 without playing any moments or avoid leaning Cove towards anything Studious/Sporty at all.
Cove's personality and appearance are also unrelated to whether he's Studious or Sporty, excluding moments where a multiple choice option might affect multiple values at once (but this is coincidence rather than direct correlation and, yes, I'll mention them when they come). Cove will also still do things like go surfing in Wave even if he's Studious, it's just that he'll be an awkward surfer instead of a graceful one (no comment if he's Mixed).
In terms of things that affect the player directly, the gummy bear toss in the Step 2 DLC moment Birthday is one of the biggest things that come to mind, as you'll lose if Cove isn't sporty and your MC hasn't been given any "sporty points" of their own (since this post isn't about the MC, I'll keep it brief and just say that the game keeps track of your own athletic ability during Step 2, such as if you tell Kyra that you like to swim). If that matters to you, you can opt for a sporty Cove and save yourself the trouble as there's no Studious equivalent of the gummy bear toss.
As for all of the moments in Step 1 where you have a chance to influence Cove's Studiousness/Sportiness, here they are!
Step 1 - Prologue
When Cove and the MC try to flee from Shiloh (if the MC agrees to go along with Cove):
He was fast, but you knew you could outrun him if you had to. [sporty +1]
He was not that fast, you knew you could outrun him if you had to. [studious +1]
He was not that fast, but neither were you. [studious +1]
At that speed, you weren't sure if you could go fast enough to reach him. [sporty +1]
When Cove is staring down absentmindedly at the sand:
"Are you looking for snails?" [sporty +1]
"Are you looking for shells?" [studious +1]
"What is it?" [studious +1]
"You didn't feel the need to ask why." [sporty +1]
When Cove goes back to not saying anything on the beach:
You didn't either. [sporty +1]
"What did you want to go to the shops for?" [studious +1]
"What do you usually do on the beach?" [sporty +1]
Grown Up
When Lizzie tells Cove and the MC that they won silver in the pretend Olympics:
"Silver sucks. I don't want silver." [sporty +1]
"I'm okay with that." [studious +1]
"Hey, we can do better than silver!" [sporty +1]
"Silver's not bad. Nice." [studious +1]
You stayed silent. [no change]
Long Day
When Lizzie asks the MC if they're a chicken who doesn't want to ding-dong-ditch the mean grandparents:
"Yeah. Cluck-cluck." [studious +1]
You'd rather just avoid them. [studious +1]
You thought they deserved worse. [no change]
"I'll do it." [no change]
When the MC gets to decide what they see in the clouds:
You saw a dolphin. [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove the dark blue short-sleeved shirt}
You saw a car. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove the red salamander sleeveless shirt}
You saw an alpaca. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove the dark blue short-sleeved shirt}
You saw a smiley face. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove the red salamander sleeveless shirt}
You saw cloud shapes. [studious +1]
When the MC notices Cove lagging behind the group while en route to poppy hill:
"Are you not gonna come?" [no change] {but will give Cove cold +1}
You tugged him along. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1 on Indifferent and warm +1 on Fond/Crush}
You walked with him. [no change] {but will give Cove cold +1}
You waved at him to hurry. [no change] {but will give Cove warm +1}
You ran off. [no change]
When Cove fails to catch a firefly after the MC catches one:
You encouraged him to try again. [sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
You told him about the firefly you had. [studious +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
You made a joke about what happened. [studious +1]
You did your own things. [sporty +1]
When the MC chooses to go with Cove rather than participate in the quiz:
[sporty +1] {note that this will give Cove cold +1}
When the MC and Cove are about to be interrupted in their game of hide-and-seek (dependent on how good the MC has been at the game; answers marked with a * are the correct ones):
1st round of hide-and-seek
Next to a Peter Pan poster.
*Beside the fairy tale display.
*Behind the solar system model.
2nd round of hide-and-seek
By the fire awareness station.
Near the stuffed animals.
*Under the giant piece of fruit.
By the outlaw poster.
*In the fantasy section.
Near the toddler books.
3rd round of hide-and-seek
*In all the old Christmas stuff.
Next to the kid detective poster.
*Behind the Willy Wonka statues.
Final Tally
the MC won zero rounds (Cove will say "I'm doing good.") [sporty +1]
the MC won one round (Cove will say "I'm doing good.") [studious +1] [sporty +1]
the MC won two rounds (Cove will say "I can still win.") [studious +1]
the MC won all three rounds (Cove will say "I need to do good in at least one round.") [studious +1]
If the MC chose to go do the quiz instead:
[studious +1] {note that this will give Cove warm +1}
When the MC is racing the other kids to catch the girl with the squirt gun (if the MC chose to go play with the kids in the first place):
You outran them easily. [studious +1]
You outran them with effort. [sporty +1]
You weren't as fast as them because they were speedy. [sporty +1]
You weren't as fast as them because you just weren't fast. [studious +1]
You moved to the side to let them pass; you didn't wanna win this race. [no change]
When Mr. Holden comments on his interests:
"Those are things Cove likes." [sporty +1]
"Wow. It's a good thing you live by the beach." [studious +1]
You stayed quiet. [no change]
Step 1 - Ending
When Cove tries to skip a rock across the water (if the MC chose to stay with him):
You were impressed over how far he got it to go. It sailed way out into the sea. [sporty +2] [studious -1]
It was a good toss. That was pretty neat. [sporty +1]
It wasn't a long throw. But he didn't care to try for that. [studious +1]
The rock sunk kind of... like a rock and fell back down almost right after he tossed it. [studious +2] [sporty -1]
And that's all of them! A few surprises are in there, but it's mostly straightforward in either prompting Cove to talk about outdoor/active things he does or choosing options that imply he's particularly good/fast (whether compared to the MC or in general). Particularly tricky are the ones that might change Cove's appearance/personality when you didn't intend for that to happen and are trying not to use the Cove Creator to get the Cove you want.
Still, it's definitely easier to gauge than Cove's appearance or personality, so whether you wanted this for a guide or just for the data, I hope you enjoyed! :D
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eleadore · 11 days
top five harry and draco headcanons :)
draco -
had an idyllic (if occasionally lonely) childhood. he was doted on and got everything he asked for and grew up very defensive of his parents - not just as people who raised him, but as people he admired and looked up to. having to reconstruct who they really are and contend with all of their failings and what it says about him that he loves them so much is one of the great trials of his adulthood.
doesn't make or keep friends easily, because he doesn't like being vulnerable or asking for help or admitting that he was wrong. he knows how to get attention but doesn't know what to do with it once he's got it.
likes animals. he threw a tantrum at not being allowed to bring his childhood crup with him to hogwarts and didn't talk to lucius for weeks because of it. care of magical creatures would have been a favorite class if it wasn't for that oaf hagrid and it's not his fault buckbeak couldn't take a joke. he calls all of his friends ugly brutes. it's affectionate. obviously.
isn't very bookish, but does well in school because he likes to do well. he's a perfectionist, and hates it when he's not immediately good at something because that's humiliating. he'd rather not try than fail.
knows he's funny. his worst fear is having to repeat a joke because people didn't hear it.
harry -
is loyal to a fault, and his loyalty is not especially hard won. as a child, all you had to do was be kind. as an adult, if he believes you're good and you sacrifice for him, he'll defend if not excuse everything you do from that moment onwards. he's self-aware enough to know this is a blind spot and doesn't care. go put up your feet, he'll hide the body.
craves unconditional love but isn't sure he believes in it. everyone wants something. don't they?
is a highly conceptual thinker, and people underestimate him because they can't always follow his abstract thought patterns. he's not the best at explaining or expressing his process, so people think he's pulled stuff out of thin air, or gotten lucky, which suits him just fine.
is easy to like but difficult to know. he wants to be seen but doesn't want to be understood. he fears intimacy because it comes with expectations and he's tired of proving himself over and over again.
knows he's funny. the best part is when everyone else doesn't get the joke.
ask me top 5/10 anything
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your-turn-to-role · 2 years
also. i absolutely adored what lovm did with the pass through fire quote
but then it makes me emotional about the original context, so i have to share that too (minor plot spoilers ahead)
because it wasn't originally to do with the ashari at all. it was from patrick rothfuss' guest character, a blacksmith named kerrek, who helped vox machina fight against the dragon in westruun, and helped keyleth personally through some difficult stuff (he may yet appear on lovm, but given the context of the quote now i doubt we'll get all of it)
and a little after kerrek's episode, patrick rothfuss actually made a legit letter from kerrek to keyleth, with a present inside, and left it with matt until whatever point in the plot she was able to recieve it
which by coincidence was one of the hardest moments in the whole campaign for her
and this letter had marisha legit crying in the episode, because it's just. so beautiful, and so needed. and it goes:
I write to let you and your companions know that the repair of Westruun is proceeding well. I will not bore you with the details. Suffice to say that our children are well-fed and safe, our elderly and infirm are cared for and comfortable. Without the help of you and yours, this would not be the case.
The folk in charge argue constantly, but that is to be expected, and it is no bad thing. They all want the same good things in different ways. I listen, mostly, and do what I can to make sure that they listen to each other. Without listening, nothing good can happen.
The town... when I say the repair is going well, it is a hard thing for me to talk about. I am not a particularly clever man, and much of this is new to me. When you make a mistake with metal, you can melt things down and start afresh. It is irritating, and it costs in time and soot and sweat, but it can be done. There is a comfort in iron, knowing that a fresh start is always possible. But a city is not a sword. It is a living thing, and living things defy simple fixing. Roots cannot be reforged. They scar, and broken branches must be cut and sealed with tar, and this makes me angry, as it always has, and my anger has no place to go.
It was easier when I was young. I could use my anger like a hammer against the world. I was so sure of myself and my friends and my rightness. I would hammer at the world, and breaking felt like making to me, and I was good at it. And while I was not wrong, neither was I entirely right. Nothing is simple.
I do not work in wood. I am not brave enough for that. There is a comfort in iron, a promise of safety, a second chance if mistakes are made. But a city is more a forest than a sword. No, it needs more tending than that.
Perhaps a city is like a garden, then. So these days, it seems I have become a gardener. I dig foundations in the earth. I sow rows of houses. I plan and plant. I watch the skies for rain and ruin. I cannot help but think that you would be better at this, but circumstance has put both of us in our own odd place. You are forced to be a hammer in the world, and my ungentle hands are learning how to tend a plot of land. We must do what we can do.
Did you know that there are some seeds that cannot sprout unless they are first burned? A friend once told me that. She was... she was a bookish sort. I think of gardening constantly these days. I wear your gift, and I think of you, and I think it is interesting that there are some living things that need to pass through fire before they flourish.
I ramble. You have the heart of a gardener, and because of this, you think of consequence, and your current path pains you. I am not wise, and I do not give advice, but I have come to know a few things: sometimes breaking is making. Even iron can start again. And there are many things that move through fire and find themselves much better for it afterward.
I have enclosed a gift. Once it was a sword, but it has changed. It is a small thing, and silly. Please forgive an old man for his foolishness. Still, I hope it brings you some small comfort.
Kindly, Kerr.
and the present inside the envelope? a ring, engraved with the phrase "I have passed through fire."
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skijumpingf1 · 4 months
Finally bought the first book of lockwood & co. I have been obsessed with the show and read half of the ao3 tag so I don't even know why I waited so long
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hippiegoth97 · 3 months
Wild and Untamed Things: Steddie x Reader Pt.3
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Collage by me :)
Part 1 Part 2
Master List
Tag List: @keikoraven @ar-jupiter @alcielo1438 @simp4eddie022 @stolen-in-moonlight
@micheledawn1975 @janiejenn @rafescurtainbangz @melodymunson @spacedoutdaydreamer
@veemoon @sariahs-stuff @feral-pumpkin-energy @comeonatmebruh @munsoneightysixx
@morgthemagpie @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @espressomunson @cometzombie
@spookybabey @daggerdaggerkitten @nina6708 @sanctumdemunson @yourdailymemedelivery
@person-005 @slowandsteddie @gri959 @elegantkoalapaper @letitgoandletlive
@voyeurmunson @costellation-hunter @leelei1980 @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever
@ohmeg @stalactitekilla @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne @oneforthemunny
@prettyboyeddiemunson @eddievanmunson @msgexymunson @rattkween86 @violetpixiedust
@bimbobaggins69 @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@mediocredreams @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @ali-r3n
Description: You come home to Steve and Eddie after a long day at work. They cook you your favorite meal, and Eddie has a special surprise to commemorate the year and some change that you've been together. Afterwards, you have some extra special fun with the two of them in the bedroom...
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: female reader, Bisexual!Steve Harrington, Bisexual!Eddie Munson, swearing, smut, smoking, threesome activities, LGBTQ+ references, polyamorous relationship, bondage, fingering, oral sex, sex toys, squirting, voyeurism/exhibitionism, anal sex (male and female receiving), unprotected sex, rough sex, double penetration, choking, dirty talk, spanking, praise/degradation, fluff, light crying
Word Count: 11.9k
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Wild and Untamed Things Pt. 3
"Oh, boys! I'm home!" You call out into your apartment after returning home from a long shift at the diner. You can hear AC/DC playing in the kitchen, Eddie and Steve must be working on dinner. You put your purse and keys down, slipping off your winter jacket to put on the hook beside the door. You step out of your shoes, and skip down the hall to meet them. "What's cookin', good lookin'?" You quip as you enter the room where your handsome men have been waiting for you.
"We're making your favorite, sweetheart. How was work?" Eddie asks, turning his head to look at you from the stove. He's wearing your frilly apron over his pajamas, flannel pants and a black tank top. His hair is up in a messy ponytail to keep it out of his face while he works. He stirs chunks of chicken in his special zesty sauce across a large pan, and the aroma of lime, cumin and honey hits your nostrils immediately.
"Ooh, chicken burritos? We haven't had those in ages!" You squeal, rushing over to him to plant grateful kisses all over his neck. "And to answer your question, work was long, and boring, and all I could think about was comin' home to my loves." You say sweetly against his skin, looking over to see Steve cutting fresh veggies at the kitchen table. He's also in rather relaxed fashion, gray sweatpants, his wire-rimmed glasses, but no shirt. He can never resist the opportunity to show off his beautiful body. "Hey there, Stevie. Need some help?" You offer, noticing moisture forming in his eyes from cutting up a red onion.
He meets your gaze with a smile, shaking his head. "No, babygirl. You've worked more than enough for today, we've got this handled." He scrapes the diced onion into a small bowl, moving on to the tomatoes. "I could do with some kisses of my own, though." He adds, giving you his best puppy eyes.
"Anything for you, darling." You say, giving Eddie a light kiss on the lips before waltzing over to Steve. You take a seat on his lap, temporarily interrupting his work. He sets his knife down, putting his hands on your hips. "Someone's looking rather bookish today. How are you adjusting to the glasses, baby?" Steve recently needed to get some glasses when he realized he could barely see five feet in front of him without squinting. The doctor said he's been in need of vision aids for years, but no care was taken to really check until now. You and Eddie think he looks so good in them, but he can't help feeling like a total nerd.
"The headaches are getting better, and the world isn't a fishbowl anymore. I still hate them, though." He sighs, laying his head on your chest.
"I know you do, love. But like me and Eddie have said before, you need to listen to what the doctor tells you. Plus, you look very sexy in them." You gently lift his head to give him a smoldering kiss, reaching around to lace your fingers in his hair. You slip your tongue into his mouth, rolling against his languidly. Steve's hand squeezes your hip, and you can feel him growing beneath you. You moan into the kiss, noticing a certain pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at the two of you. You pull away, looking in Eddie's direction. "Everything alright, Eds?" You ask, your eyes flicking to his own erection forming a round imprint against his apron.
"Of course, princess. You're both just so damn beautiful." Eddie burns, still cooking the chicken all the while. He bites his lip at the image of you sitting in Steve's lap, wishing it wouldn't ruin dinner to join you at the table. "I do, however, need Harrington to finish chopping the vegetables. You wanna wait in the living room until we're done, angel?" He asks kindly, not meaning to push you out. He just wants this meal to be perfect, as he's got something very special planned tonight. Neither you or Steve know, but he's bought all of you rings to symbolize your love for each other. He knows you can't actually get married, but that won't stop the three of you from being happy together. And he wants to show you both how important this relationship is to him.
"Sure thing, hot stuff. I'll be waiting." You hop off of Steve's lap, the skirt of your uniform flouncing upwards as you do. The boys catch a glimpse of your lace panties, making them both mutter swears under their breath. You giggle at their reaction, and go to sit on the couch. You click on the TV, not really caring what's on. All you can think about is the mouthwatering food you're going to eat very soon. Eddie is an incredible cook, a bona-fide master in the kitchen. Everything he makes is better than anything else you've ever eaten. Home-cooked meals growing up, fancy restaurants, cooking for yourself. None of it compares to the magic he can make in that teeny tiny room in your small apartment.
Other than the food, though, you can't stop thinking about what's going to come after dinner. You imagine given the extra effort being put into the meal, the guys must have something special planned. To be fair, everything you do as a group is amazing, never a dull moment to be had there. But Eddie's insistence on letting them be tells you something is up. Usually when you shower the boys with after-work affection, the food falls to the wayside while you inevitably end up in a sweating pile of limbs on the kitchen floor.
"Fuck." You mumble to yourself, visualizing one of the more intense times you'd all gotten lost in one another while dinner burned to a crisp on the stove. You rub your thighs together at the thought, trying to relieve some of the warm pressure building between your legs. You pick up the loose pack of cigarettes from the coffee table, slipping one of the smokes into your mouth and lighting it. The three of you share an unrelenting nicotine addiction, which leads to open boxes of smokes spread throughout your apartment. This in turn has caused you to accumulate numerous thrifted ashtrays which adorn every table, nightstand, and countertop to accompany them. You take a deep, long drag into your lungs, letting the stress of the day melt away from your body. You lay your head over the top of the sofa, closing your eyes as you continue to smoke.
"Tough day?" Steve asks, leaning in the entryway of the room with his arms crossed. He's been sent by Eddie to fetch you for supper, but he notices you're looking a little tense. You don't typically rest your head over the back of the couch, smoking sluggishly like that, unless you've worked yourself ragged all day.
"A little. Tina's down with the flu, and Marge called out with a 'headache' again." You say while making quotations with your fingers. Marge is a notorious drunk, who is frequently too hung over to come to work. "So it was only me and Amelia all fuckin' day. Lunch was absolute hell, busloads of random kids on school trips and shit. I don't even know where they came from, but suddenly the diner was full of rowdy preteens." You vent about your day to Steve, who listens to every word intently. He comes over to sit next to you, and he carefully brushes a stray hair out of your face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. That sounds awful. Is there anything I can do?" He asks sweetly, and you scoot closer to nuzzle your head into him.
"Nothing more than what you both already plan to do, babe. Is dinner ready yet?" You ask softly, twirling his chest hair with a finger on your free hand.
"Oh, yeah. That's what I meant to tell you when I came in." Steve replies with a light chuckle at his forgetfulness. "C'mon, let's go eat. I'm sure Eddie's getting lonely." He stands up from the couch, taking your hand. You get on your feet, and he leads you to walk ahead of him to the kitchen. After your first couple steps, he slaps your ass, hard. You yelp in surprise, making Steve's cock twitch in his pants. "Damn, I'll never get enough of you in that uniform, babygirl." Steve remarks as you both enter Eddie's presence again.
"I'd argue she looks even better out of it, Stevie." Eddie adds, setting your plates on the table.
"You've got a good point there, Eds." Steve smirks, walking over to the handsome metalhead to give him a light kiss before sitting down. You take your seat after doing the same, stubbing out your smoke in the ashtray in the center of the table.
The boys take their places, and you tuck into the amazing meal set before you. There's all the fixings, chicken, rice, tomatoes, onions, avocado, salsa, shredded cheese, the list goes on. You each take your time to assemble your burritos to your liking, rolling them up thick and full. You bring your perfectly wrapped bundle to your mouth, biting a large chunk out of it. The crisp, fresh flavors mix on your tongue, drawing a low moan from you. Steve and Eddie look over at you from the sound, catching your eyes rolling back into your head for a moment in satisfaction. "Enjoying yourself, princess?" Eddie asks with a smirk, winking at you when you meet his gaze.
"Mmhmm." You hum, still chewing on the massive bite you took. You rush yourself to swallow. "So fuckin' good, as always." You reach for the glass of wine Eddie had set out for you, taking a large sip.
"Glad to hear it, love. Now, eat up, you two. I've got a special present for us after dinner." You and Steve quirk your eyebrows at Eddie's statement, neither of you have any idea what he's talking about. But you're certainly intrigued, Eddie always gives the best gifts. You finish up your meal, making the usual small talk. You fill Eddie in on the things you previously vented to Steve about, and he gives you the same amount of care and attention that the other man had done so earlier. Steve clears the table once you're all done, putting the leftovers into the refrigerator and rinsing the dishes to wash later on.
You return to the living room as a trio now, and Eddie pulls out a small box from his pants pocket. You sit on the couch, the two men on either side of you, sitting as close to you as possible. "What have you got for us, babe?" Steve asks, eager to see what the little box contains.
Eddie takes a moment before speaking, looking at both of you so lovingly. You return the sentiment, unable to stop smiling. He clears his throat, exhaling shakily. It's a rare sight to see him so nervous, so this gift must mean a whole lot to him. "So, we've been together for a little over a year now. And being with you has been the greatest time of my life. I love you both so much, you mean everything to me. I know we can't...legally get married, but I wanted to get something that would at least symbolize our love for each other. So...I had these made." Eddie opens the black box, revealing three rings sitting in a plush, red cushion. They're thin, silver bands, with all of your initials engraved on the insides of them in elegant script. E+S+Y/I.
You're absolutely speechless, unable to come up with the words to express how happy you are at this moment. You love these guys with your whole heart, and you can't think of a better way to commemorate your beautiful bond. Eddie waits expectantly for what you and Steve think about his gift, growing slightly worried when you haven't said anything for a solid minute. A large smile spreads across your face, and you finally locate a response within your mind. "I love it, Eddie! This is so thoughtful, and sweet, it's perfect for us!" You exclaim happily, throwing your arms around his shoulders to give him a clumsy kiss.
"It's amazing, Eds. Really, it means a lot." Steve says from behind you. He never once thought he would find 'the one' after so many duds over the years. To have you two in his life, to love and cherish for all time is the highest privilege in his eyes. He realizes he might cry, this moment is just too damn perfect. You and Eddie pull away to look at him, finding his eyes are watering again. But it's definitely not the onions this time.
"Oh, Stevie. C'mere." Eddie coos, a couple tears of his own running down his stubbled cheeks. Their lips meet, leaving you in the middle to observe their affection. Your heart swells with unbridled adoration for the both of them, and you're looking forward to you all putting the rings on one another.
"God, I love you both more than anything in the world." You say as heat builds in your own eyes. You break up their kiss, wanting to have a turn with Steve. You keep it brief, though it would be very easy to melt into them and forget about everything else.
"We love you, too, sweetheart." Eddie and Steve say simultaneously once you've stopped locking lips. You giggle at their synchronized sentences, they do that quite a lot.
"You guys ready?" Eddie asks, and you and Steve nod in agreement. "Okay. So, I'll put Steve's ring on him. Then he'll put yours on you, Y/N. And you'll put mine on me. Sound good?" Eddie lays out the plan, making it so you all get to participate in a ritual you've seen in movies many times. The exchanging of rings, possibly the most important part of any formal wedding ceremony. Eddie takes the bands out, putting the corresponding one into each of your hands. "Alright, now I get that this might sound cheesy. But I had an idea of what we should say when we do this." Eddie blushes slightly, he finds this whole thing to be a little mushy himself.
"It's far from cheesy, Eds. It's very romantic, and meaningful." You reassure him, putting your hand on his thigh. "Go ahead, baby. We'll follow your lead." You say sweetly.
"Okay, um...Steve, give me your hand." He requests nervously, and Steve does as he is asked. Eddie looks deep into his eyes, and recites the small vow he's spent weeks working on. "Steve Harrington. With this ring, I promise to honor my commitment to you and Y/N, forever and always." Eddie slips the ring onto Steve's left hand, letting out a shaky breath as he holds back more tears. "There. Now you do the same for Y/N." He sniffs harshly, wiping his eyes.
Steve turns his body slightly to face you better. He gazes at you, and you extend your hand to accept the ring. "Y/F/N Y/L/N. With this ring, I promise to honor my commitment to you and Eddie, forever and always." He slips the band onto your finger, sending a wave of pure joy coursing through you. You admire the sliver of silver wrapped around your digit for a moment, feeling a contentment you never before thought to be possible.
"Okay, my turn now." You say with a smile, turning to Eddie. You take hold of his hand, removing the chunky ring that he always wears and setting it on the table. You look at him, ready to say the sincere words he's prepared for you all. "Eddie Munson. With this ring, I promise to honor my commitment to you and Steve, forever and always." You glide the thin metal along his finger, letting go of him once it's fully seated at his third knuckle. And with that, your devotion to this throuple has been made official. Well, as official as a union like this can be.
"So...what do we do now? Call each other 'husbands and wife'?" Steve asks curiously, though his phrasing makes it seem like he's joking.
"We can...if you guys want to. I know I'd like that." You say sheepishly, looking down at your lap as you feel a bit silly for requesting such a thing.
"Then that's what we'll do, my loves." Eddie replies, taking your hand and Steve's to hold. Your free hand clasps with Steve's, and you all sit here for a moment to take in what this means for you. "So, uh...you two wanna go 'consummate' our marriage now?" He asks with a filthy grin, drawing your face to be level with his. You and Steve nod in reply, standing up off the couch to head for the bedroom. "Steve? Can you bring one of the kitchen chairs to the bedroom, please?"
"Sure thing, babe. I'll be right behind you." Steve heads to the kitchen again, leaving you and Eddie alone on your trip to bed. You walk down the hall together, and sit on the edge of the mattress until Steve joins you. He sets the chair in the middle of the room, closing the door. "What's the plan here, exactly?" He asks with a raised brow, Eddie clearly has something very specific in mind to be rearranging the furniture.
"Well...I was thinking we could tie Y/N up and have some fun." Eddie says, his eyes burning into you as he mentally strips you of your clothes. "Is that alright, princess?" He waits for your answer, going to the dresser drawer containing various toys you've collected over the last year. He slides it open, pulling out some silk restraints. He also takes out a small rabbit vibrator, perfect for what he has in mind.
"Sounds great to me, Eds." You reply, reaching up to the front of your uniform to start undoing the buttons that run down the front of your dress. Eddie sets his items on the bed for now, standing with Steve to watch you strip down. You slowly reveal the matching lacy set you've got on under your work clothes, a baby pink bra and thong that makes your body look absolutely delicious. Anticipation builds rapidly inside you, and your panties are already soaked. You unfasten the final button, slipping your arms through the sleeves. The garment falls to the floor, pooling around your feet.
"Fuck, sweetheart. You look gorgeous as always." Eddie says lustfully, a tent forming within his loose pants.
"And both of you are handsome as ever. You wanna help me with the rest of my clothes, husbands of mine?" You barely hold back a squeal of excitement at calling them that for the first time.
"Yes, please." They speak in unison again, but you have no time to laugh as they descend upon you. Steve's hands immediately go for your chest, cupping your tits through the thin material of your bra. Eddie stands behind you, running his large palms along your back and ass. The warmth of their bodies radiates on either side of you, their breath fanning across your bare skin. Steve reaches around to unhook your bra, and the straps fall down your shoulders. He removes the slip of fabric, and takes your bare breasts in his grasp.
"Steve." You moan as his thumbs roll over your hardened nipples. He brings his lips to your chest, planting hot, wet kisses on every inch of your tits. You let out a sigh, lacing your fingers into his hair. Meanwhile, Eddie presses his body against you. His erection is poking into your ass, and you can't help rubbing yourself against it.
"C'mere, baby." Eddie murmurs in your ear, turning your head to lock his lips on yours. His tongue enters your mouth instantly, quickly dominating your own. His left hand wanders around your stomach, creeping downward to your panties. His fingertips slip under the fabric, and just barely graze against your clit. You moan down his throat, and he begins to rub the bundle of nerves in slow circles. Eddie breaks your kiss, looking at you with lust-blown eyes. "You're already so wet, angel. Such a good girl for us." He speaks breathily, unable to stop watching your gorgeous face twist in pleasure as the two men touch your body. Steve takes one of your nipples in his mouth, gently biting down.
"Mmm, fuck. I love everything you two do to me. I'll never get enough." You sigh, absolutely melting between them. Your head falls back to rest on Eddie's shoulder as you let out a stream of obscene noises. It's taking everything in you to stay standing. You're so weak in the knees already, and they're just getting started.
"And everything you do to us is just as addictive, sweetheart. How 'bout you lose the panties and take a seat, hm? Let us take care of you." Eddie speaks softly in your ear, tempting you with his words. Steve's been listening intently, ceasing his touches on your chest to let you fully strip and get in position. Eddie's hand leaves your underwear, and he backs away slightly. Their eyes watch you closely, devouring every inch of bare skin, every jiggle and bounce of your body as you bend to remove your thong. You let it fall to the floor, and sit in the kitchen chair. "Good girl. Now, put your arms around the back of the chair, and spread your legs nice and wide for me." Eddie instructs.
"Need help, Eds?" Steve asks, wanting to contribute to whatever Eddie's trying to do.
"Yeah, tie her ankles to the legs of the chair so she'll stay still." Eddie picks up the silken restraints, handing a set to Steve. You position your arms around the back of the chair, and Eddie ties them together while lacing the black fabric through the rungs. Steve gently pushes your legs open, his breath catching at your pooling arousal. It glistens in the dim lamplight of your bedroom, coating every centimeter of your beautiful pussy.
"Oh, babygirl. Already such a mess?" He asks teasingly, and you just nod your head. "Use your words, Y/N. Tell us how much you want us." Steve commands, taking a lead in this situation. He looks at you seriously, and your heart races in anticipation.
"I want you both so bad. To touch me, finger me, fuck me. Whatever you want. I need it." You whine with lust-blown eyes as Steve continues his work on you. The desperation in your voice makes their cocks twitch, they'll never get over how hot you sound like this.
"That's a good little slut." Steve says, standing up once your restraints are in place. He reaches forward to cup your cheek, stroking the supple flesh with his thumb. The thumb slowly moves toward your mouth, landing on your bottom lip. You instinctively take it into your mouth, sucking on the rough skin and biting down gently. "Fuckin' gorgeous." He breathes, as Eddie walks from behind you to join him. He stands mostly behind Steve, putting his hands on his shoulders and leaning in real close.
"She sure is, Stevie." Eddie says, his hungry eyes joining Steve's in drinking in the sight of you. You're completely incapacitated, unable to move or even squirm. Perfect. "You wanna know what we're gonna do to her, baby?" He speaks lowly, the words drifting across Steve's ear. Steve just nods, and Eddie brings his mouth closer to whisper his plan. You can't hear what he's saying, but you know you're in for it when Steve's smile grows wider to match Eddie's.
"Fuck, Eds. She's gonna love that." Steve replies, turning to look back at the metalhead. They exchange a light kiss, resisting the urge to deepen it. You are the focus here, their time will come soon enough. Eddie pats Steve's shoulders, backing off to pull his tank top over his head. Steve takes off his glasses, setting them on the dresser. Eddie picks up the vibrator, holding it firmly in his hand. They're both shirtless now, sporting massive erections in their loose-fitting pants. They walk over to you, and kneel before you as close as they can.
"Are you comfortable, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, needing to make sure the restraints aren't too tight.
"Yes, my loves." You reply simply, smiling at them.
"Good girl. You ready for us to start, wife of ours?" Steve asks, mirroring your words from earlier in his own way.
"Yes. Please." You say breathily, pleading with them to do something, anything. All this buildup is driving you crazy. Without another word, Eddie brings his head between your legs. His hot breath whiffs against your cunt, and he licks a long stripe from your clit to your entrance. "Fuck." You moan, watching Eddie's mouth move along your slick folds. In the meantime, Steve plants warm kisses on your thigh.
"You always taste so sweet, darling." Eddie groans at how delicious you are, continuing his work. His tongue slips into your soaked hole, stroking your g spot effortlessly.
"Feels so good, Eds." You sigh, your head falling back in pleasure again.
"Eyes on us, angel." Steve says, stern but patient. You do as he asks, your eyes trained on the two men as they worship your lower half. "May I have a turn to taste her, Eddie?" Steve asks, he's very eager to have your sweet, musky flavor on his tongue.
"Be my guest, Stevie." Eddie replies, moving over to let him in. His own mouth latches onto your other thigh, worrying his teeth on the flesh to leave a large hickey behind. Steve flicks your clit with his tongue, much more rapid than Eddie's actions.
"Steve." You whimper, feeling a squirming knot beginning to build inside you. He keeps pleasing you with his tongue for a few minutes, until you hear the vibrator in Eddie's hand click on. He sets it to the second highest setting, and gently moves Steve out of the way.
"Now, princess. You can't cum unless we say you can. Okay?" Eddie smirks, knowing this will be absolutely delectable torture for you.
"Okay." You say meekly. He brings the tip of the vibrator to your clit, pressing on it with feather-light pressure. It's enough to just barely feel the vibrations, drawing cool air towards your bundle of nerves. "Oh, god." You moan as it feels so good, but it's also not enough.
"Do you want more, Y/N? Use your words." Eddie asks expectantly.
"Yes, more, please." You answer, moaning again when he puts the toy directly against you.
"Such a pretty little slut, moaning and begging for us. God, you're too fuckin' good." Eddie praises, clicking the button on the bottom of the vibrator to make it go faster.
"Oh, fuck." You whimper, growing closer to reaching your peak. It really hasn't taken much at all. The sentimental moment earlier, and the added thrill of being tied up has amped you up significantly. Eddie shifts the toy to your entrance, slowly pushing it inside you. You moan loudly at the vibrations filling you up, pleasing your entire lower half.
"Does that feel good, sweetheart?" Eddie asks seductively, he can't get enough of the noises leaving your lips.
"Fuck, yes. So fuckin' good. I'm getting close, baby." You whine, and he gradually picks up the pace with the toy. The tip of it brushes your g spot with every gentle thrust, bringing you closer to the edge.
"Just remember the rules, love. Don't cum until we say so." Eddie reminds you in warning, though he's absolutely eating up every last whine and moan you're letting out into the air.
"Or else we'll have to punish you." Steve adds, biting roughly on the skin just above your knee. Your wrists strain against the silk ties, and your legs are begging to thrash around as Eddie continues to fuck you with the vibrator. A light layer of sweat slicks over you, giving your flesh a subtle shine.
"Fuck, I'm almost there, Eds. Please let me cum." You beg, your eyes burning with need as you stare down at him. He speeds up in response, smirking like the devil himself. "Eddie, please!" You cry out, he's pounding into your sweet spot relentlessly, trying to make you lose control. But he hasn't given you permission, and it's taking everything in you to hold back.
"Did you really think it would be that easy, baby? You should know us better than that." Eddie says, and you realize what you're truly in for. Your soaked cunt squelches with every thrust of the toy, and you're a mess of curses and moans. You feel the warning waves of your oncoming orgasm rolling over you, and your thighs have begun to twitch. "Fuck, you really are almost there, angel. Hm, that's too bad." He mocks, waiting for you to be right on the precipice of your high.
"I can't hold it anymore, love. Please, let me cum. I need it, I'll be so good for you." You beg helplessly, but he gives you no response. You're just about to cum, when Eddie turns the vibrator off and pulls it out of you entirely. You groan loudly at this denial, glaring in his direction when he sets the toy in his lap. Your muscles relax in defeat, and you're left frustrated and panting in the chair.
"Sorry, angel. We didn't say the magic words yet. You know the rules, and we are far from done playing with you." Steve says, inching his mouth towards your core with every word. His lips press against your inner thigh, just centimeters away from where you want him most. He glances up at you, a similarly evil smile on his face. They're both enjoying this way too much. You're completely at their mercy, and they've managed to get you to beg for release so early on in their game. That was clearly a mistake on your part. Your pleading only fuels their hunger to keep the torture going.
"Steve, please. Do something, anything. I want you so bad." You try your best to convince him to start the cycle again.
"Only because you asked so nicely, babygirl." Steve says, before shoving his tongue inside your dripping pussy.
"Oh, fuck!" You exclaim, your thighs clenching in reflex to his touch. If it weren't for your restraints, they'd be wrapped tightly around his head as he fucks you with his tongue. Eddie moves in to join him, gently pushing Steve's head aside to fit. His tongue slips out of you, but it's quickly replaced by the both of them licking either side of your clit and folds. It's a tight squeeze, but it's so fucking hot to see them pleasing you with their mouths at the same time. "Oh my god." You moan, drinking in the image of these two gorgeous men squished between your legs. They groan and hum against you, licking and sucking wherever they can reach to taste your sweet nectar. Eddie's eyes stay glued to yours as he flicks his wet muscle against you, whereas Steve's are blissfully shut. Their breath fans hotly against you and each other, and their dicks are leaking profusely inside their pants.
"Mmm." Eddie moans, savoring your musky arousal. Steve moves a little closer to run his tongue along Eddie's, effectively making out with him while they continue to eat you out. "Such a dirty boy, Steve." Eddie smirks, keeping up with the other man's rhythm. These two are absolutely incredible, the display before you is almost enough to make you lose it entirely.
"You both feel so good, my loves. Your tongues are fuckin' amazing." You praise in a husky tone. Pleasure is building up inside you again, though it's much more gradual this time. You certainly don't mind, you could watch them do this all day.
"Back up, Eds. It's my turn to play." Steve says, pressing lightly on Eddie's chest to push him away. He grabs the toy off his lap, and turns it on. He sets it at the lowest speed, and slowly drags it along your slick folds.
"More, please." You beg, this setting feels like barely anything at all. Steve obliges your request, going up two levels. You moan at the vibrations coursing through your bundle of nerves, yanking against your bindings.
"Don't struggle, baby. Take it like a good girl." Eddie says, giving his mouth a break to observe your every noise and facial expression. "Turn it up, Stevie." He orders, his eyes trained on you to see your reaction. Steve clicks the button a couple more times, and the buzzing increases.
"Oh, fuck." You sigh out, your breath coming out hot and ragged as you feel yourself ramping up again. You're sweating harder than before, drips of perspiration running down the back of your knees.
"You gettin' close again, angel?" Eddie asks, your pleasure reads plainly all over your face. Your mouth hangs open to let out moans and curses, calls of their names. And your legs keep twitching beyond your control.
"Yes, love. So close, so fucking close. I wanna cum so bad, make a big mess for you. Please." You're pleading again, even more desperate than before.
"Just a little more, Y/N. You've been such a good little slut for us. You'll get what you want soon." Steve says, clicking the button two final times to max out the vibration.
"Fuck." You whimper, inching dangerously close to the edge. Those infamous waves are coming in, and your insides are already fluttering. Steve slides the toy into you again, tearing more helpless sounds from your throat. He thrusts it in and out rapidly, trying to make you break the one rule they've set for you. "Steve, please. Let me cum, it's too much, I can't hold it." You're begging helplessly, your body feels like it's on fire.
"Not yet, sweetheart. Don't disobey us." Eddie warns as your breath threatens to catch in your throat.
"I'm trying! I wanna be a good girl for you." You shout, growing all the more frustrated as they continue to deny you. You can feel it, the final warning of your oncoming release flashing brightly before your eyes. You need to cum now, you need them to give you permission. "I-I can't...please...I need it." You're practically in tears, it almost hurts to keep holding back like this. Your eyes flick between them, waiting for them to allow you to let it all go.
"Go ahead, sweetheart. Cum for us." Eddie says, signaling for Steve to jackhammer the toy to send you flying over the edge.
"Oh, god! Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" You cry out, your orgasm finally crashing into you. It's so fucking intense, and quickly consumes your entire being. Your body trembles in the restraints, and you're blinded by bursting stars in your vision. Steve removes the vibrator from you, timing it just right so he and Eddie can try to catch some of the gushing flood of cum that spills from you. It splashes out from your cunt, landing on their faces, your thighs, and the floor below. They swallow every last drop they can, their tongues stuck outward to taste your sweet release. "Shit." You exhale roughly as your high subsides. Your body goes slack against the chair, and you're trying to catch your breath.
"Did you enjoy yourself, babygirl?" Steve asks, drawing your fucked-out eyes to him. You gaze at his glistening face and chest, coated in your juices. Eddie's just as sticky, and they're both smiling like kids on Christmas.
"Yes, that was totally mind-blowing." You reply with complete and utter satisfaction. "You gonna untie me now?" You ask nonchalantly.
"'Fraid not, princess." Eddie says, still grinning mischievously.
"Why not?" You quirk an eyebrow at him, wondering what else they could possibly do with you in this position.
"Because, you're gonna sit and watch while me and Steve have some fun of our own." He says, turning his head to look at Steve. "Is that alright with you, babe?" He asks the man beside him.
"Sounds perfect, Eds." Steve replies, letting Eddie take the lead. Eddie stands, and Steve follows suit. You watch as they strip off their pants and boxers, revealing their rock hard cocks. The heads are red and swollen, sticky precum beading in the slits. Eddie steps closer to Steve, putting his hands on his waist.
"You're so handsome, Stevie." Eddie says lowly, leaning forward to kiss him.
"Not as handsome as you, love." Steve meets him halfway, and their plush lips brush against one another. The kiss deepens immediately, Eddie's tongue rolling against Steve's roughly. Small moans escape them, and Steve reaches around to grab Eddie's ass in large handfuls.
"Mmm, fuck, Steve." Eddie groans as Steve massages his taught flesh. Eddie slips his own hand between their bodies, taking hold of Steve's aching dick.
"Eddie." Steve whimpers, his hips bucking slightly at Eddie's touch. The metalhead strokes him nice and slow, rubbing the precum around his tip when his thumb can reach.
"You want me to fuck you, Stevie? Fill you up with my cock while Y/N watches?" Eddie asks seductively, his eyes flicking to you at the mention of your name.
"Yes, please." Steve whines, turning his gaze to you as well.
"Mmm, good boy." Eddie praises, his other hand coming up to cup Steve's cheek. He gives him another kiss, before backing away to sit on the edge of the bed. Steve groans at the loss of contact, but kicks into gear by going to the dresser to pull out a bottle of lube. He stands before Eddie, slightly to the side so you can see. He pops the top of the bottle open, pouring some of the lube into his palm. He lets it warm in his hand for a minute, before taking hold of Eddie's dick. "Fuck." Eddie mutters at the wetness meeting his length. Steve's hand rubs the liquid around to coat the appendage entirely, before setting the bottle down. He turns around, putting his feet on the mattress to squat over Eddie. He lowers himself down, and you watch him bring his puckered hole to the tip of Eddie's cock.
"You ready, Eds?" Steve asks, his own breath shaking in anticipation. He loves having Eddie inside him, it's like nothing else he's ever experienced.
"I should be asking you that, darling." Eddie replies, holding the base of himself steady to assist the man above him. Without another word, Steve moves lower to accept Eddie inside him. The head breaches the tight opening, making Steve groan at the stretch. He keeps going, taking every last inch inside his ass until he's completely seated.
"Fuck, you're so big, babe." Steve pushes the words out, feeling so full in the most delicious way. His eyes have screwed shut as he focuses on staying relaxed. Eddie takes the lead, grabbing hold of Steve's thighs to support his weight. Steve's feet leave the bed, hanging in the air while he waits to be maneuvered on Eddie's dick.
"And you're so fuckin' tight, baby." Eddie says, looking at you again. Steve puts an arm around Eddie's shoulders to hang on, his other hand holding his right knee to have something to grip.
"You guys look really beautiful right now." You observe aloud, gazing at them lovingly. It's insanely hot to see the two of them having sex in front of you, but you wish your hands were free so you could touch yourself as you watch. Either of them always have their hands available when it's their turn, but you suppose this is just another part of their game.
"So do you, sweetheart." Eddie winks at you, returning his attention to Steve a second later. "Can I start moving you now, Stevie?" He asks seductively, leaning in to press a kiss to Steve's chest.
"Yes, please." Steve replies, opening his eyes to be present in the moment. With that, Eddie lifts Steve up with his hands, bringing him back down a second later. They let out low groans at the sensation, the sound of which flowing directly into your ears. A jolt of pleasure runs between your legs, and you feel yourself getting wet again. You already know that by the time the boys finally untie you, you're going to hungrily pounce on them.
"Tell me how it feels, baby." Eddie murmurs, his breath stuttering slightly at Steve's ass fitting so warm and snug around him.
"It feels phenomenal, Eds. I love having your dick inside me, you fill me up so well." Steve admits in a dulcet tone, sending more flares to your pussy. You might not need your hands after all, the image alone of the men you love in this position is so damn erotic. It may very well be enough to make you lose it all over again.
"You're such a good boy for me, sweetheart." Eddie praises, raising Steve upwards, setting a steady pace. You watch as his cock disappears into Steve's hole over and over, occasionally checking to see the gorgeous expressions of arousal on their faces. They both moan and curse loudly, occasionally calling one another's name along with yours. "You enjoying the show, princess?" Eddie asks, flicking his eyes to you.
"Yes, you're so fucking hot. And you're making me so wet, I wish I could touch you...or myself." You reply, still staring at Eddie's length entering and exiting Steve. It's an intriguing sight, and almost looks mechanical at times.
"Y/N is such a filthy girl, isn't she?" He asks Steve.
"Yes, such a naughty little slut." Steve says, giving you a grin as he degrades you.
"She's getting off on watching us fuck...her pussy is dripping all over the floor. Making such a mess. She wants us so bad, Stevie. Tell me what you wanna do to her." Eddie continues, using his words to rev up the fun for all of you.
"I wanna fuck her face, Eds. Shove my dick down her pretty little throat, fuck. Make her gag until her eyes water, have her swallow every last drop of my cum." Steve speaks in great detail, his words stuttering throughout as Eddie keeps him sliding up and down. You let out a light moan yourself as every sentence makes your cunt more wet than the last.
"Good, what else?" Eddie presses on, needing to hear more of these vulgar confessions from Steve's beautiful lips.
"I wanna put my cock inside her pussy, she's always so wet and warm. So fuckin' tight, too. Wanna have her on her back, with her legs folded over herself. Or take her from behind, wrap my hand around her neck until she cums all over me. I love it when she squirts, she tastes so delicious." Steve's tone is gradually becoming more whiny, and you can tell he's nearing his end. Eddie isn't too far off, this little game has been driving him insane. He increases his speed, making the both of them moan extremely loud. "Fuck, Eddie. Feels so good, go faster." Steve pleads, and Eddie gladly accepts the suggestion. He brings him down harder and faster than before, making Steve gasp.
"I'm getting close, Stevie. You're so fuckin' perfect. Such a good boy, gonna fill your sexy little ass with my cum." Eddie rasps, barely holding it together as he feels his stomach start to tighten.
"I'm almost there, too, Eds." Steve pants out, he knows he's gonna blow at any moment. You yourself feel oddly close as well, it's crazy that you've managed to get as much pleasure out of this as your special boys. Steve looks at you, his eyes widening when he notices your own breath coming out heavy and labored. "Shit, Eds. Look at her, I think she's gonna cum, too." He says with a smirk, biting his lip at how needy you look.
Eddie's eyes draw to you as well, and he chuckles darkly. "Fuck, I think you're right. We haven't even touched her...holy shit." Eddie says in wonderment, he's never managed to pull off such a feat before. He didn't even think something like this was possible. "You wanna cum with us, sweetheart?" He asks, his cock twitching at the thought of you having an orgasm from just watching.
"Yes." You whimper, unable to muster any other words. You feel like you've gone insane, being able to get off on observation alone shouldn't be possible. But clearly, you're proving to be a sexual marvel here as you can feel your walls begin to flutter around nothing at all.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, Steve." Eddie grunts, his hips bucking upwards as he's taken over by his orgasm. His mouth falls open, and his brows knit together as his load empties into Steve. You watch the white fluid spill out as Eddie continues to thrust to bring Steve down with him.
"Eddie! Oh, God, fuck!" Steve cries out, his pelvis jerking forward with Eddie still inside him.
"Shit." Eddie groans at the tugging on his length, his pleasure extended at the feeling.
You're hit by your own high while your eyes are glued to Steve's dick, watching his cum spurt upwards in sticky shots that land on his own chest and stomach. "Oh, god!" You moan, your body pulsating as it pulls hard against the bindings keeping you in place. Absolute bliss rushes through you, and another, smaller gush of juices spills forth from between your legs. Your thighs tremble, your chest heaves harshly while your eyes roll back into your head.
"Damn, that's gotta be one of the hottest things I've ever seen, angel." Eddie coos to you from the bed. He's still inside Steve, waiting for the both of them to fully come down before helping Steve remove himself.
"I second that. We'll have to do it this way more often." Steve adds, planting his feet on the bed to get off Eddie's cock. He slowly eases off, a couple more groans leaving them as he does so. He almost stumbles to the floor, his knees feel a little weak from just how good Eddie gave it to him.
"You good, Harrington?" Eddie asks, moving to help him. But Steve waves him away.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna get a towel to clean us up a little. You wanna untie our girl?" He gestures towards you, giving you a gentle smile.
"Sure thing, babe. Hurry back, I think we could all use a smoke break." Eddie replies, getting off the bed to undo your bindings. He lets your ankles free first as Steve leaves the room. Then he goes around the chair to release your hands. "Are you sore at all, sweetheart?" He asks kindly in your ear.
"No, Eddie. You tied them just right, no bruises, no pain, no chafing. It was perfect." You reply, still catching your breath. You stand up out of your seat, drips of your release running down your legs. You walk over to the naked man before you, placing your hands on his chest as you lean forward into him. His arms go around your waist, holding you close. You gaze at him adoringly, and he does the same to you. "I love you so much, Eds." You say softly, your lips just centimeters from his.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He closes the gap between you, his plush mouth melding into yours. You hum into the kiss, and you can feel him getting hard again. His cock pokes into your stomach, but you leave it alone for the time being. Your boys need a break before fucking your brains out. Right now, you want to focus on being close with them, sharing tender moments of intimacy.
"Having fun without me?" Steve asks from the doorway. You break your kiss, both of you turning to look at him.
"Wouldn't dream of it, baby. Come here." You offer, extending your hand for him to join you. Eddie shifts slightly to open your embrace to make room for Steve. He sets down the towel and bottles of water he brought back to the room, taking his place in your makeshift circle. Or is it a triangle? It doesn't really matter, so long as you all act as equal parts within it. His hand slips around your waist, and the other rests on Eddie's back. Eddie mirrors his action, and you put one of your palms onto his hairy chest. "We love you, Stevie."
"I love you both too, more than you know." He almost whispers, and the three of you lean into the center of whatever shape it is you've created. Your mouths and noses smush against one another, your tongues coming out to play. Contented giggles and sighs leave all of you at varying intervals. This moment defines what your relationship is like, and why you love each other more than anything in the world. It's warm, affectionate, and also a little dirty. And none of you would have it any other way. You savor each other for a while, a nebulous cloud of steaming breath dizzying your heads as you share a small amount of oxygen. By the time you pull away, you're all extremely aroused again. Just waiting to tear each other apart in the most romantic way possible.
"Alright, we've gotta breathe." Eddie chuckles breathlessly as he finally calls this three-way make-out to an end. "Let's hydrate, clean up, and have a smoke. Then we can have some more fun." He says with a grin, stepping away to grab one of the water bottles from the dresser. He picks up the towel, handing it off to you. "You first, sweetheart."
"Thanks." You wipe the fabric between your legs and down your thighs, before giving it to Steve. You take a bottle for yourself, unscrewing the lid. You take a large gulp, watching Eddie light three cigs in his mouth at the edge of the bed. The little orange flame ignites the ends, and he inhales deeply to start the burn. He takes one of the smokes away from his mouth, giving it to you. You take a seat beside him, and bring the filtered end to your lips.
Steve comes over to sit on the other side of Eddie, giving him the towel in exchange for his own cigarette. You watch Eddie clean the cum and lube away from his cock, tossing the towel onto the puddle you made earlier. "There we go, all clean. But I gotta say, I can't wait to get dirty all over again." Eddie says in a cheeky tone.
"That makes three of us, I'm sure." You quip, drawing light laughs from the three of you. You lay your head on Eddie's shoulder as you continue to smoke, taking sips from your water until the bottle is empty. You all sit together in the quiet, flicking your ash in the tray Eddie set on his thigh.
Once the bottles are tossed away, and your spent butts are stubbed out, you figure it's time to play again. "So, what would you like to do with us, princess? You were such a good girl when we played with you, you can have anything you want." Eddie coos, cupping your cheek as he offers you the chance to decide how you want them to please you. And you already know exactly what you want.
You can't help smiling wide beyond your control, and you can see the boys' eyes widen with curiosity as to what you desire. "I want..." You pause, a little nervous to ask for this. You've done it before, and it's always been fantastic. The only downside is that it takes so much out of all of you, that you can't do much else for a couple days. "I want to have both of you inside me at the same time." You practically blurt the words out, hoping they won't say no.
They just smile at you, nodding their heads in sync. "You got it, babygirl. Where do you want us?" Steve asks.
"I want you to lie down, Steve. And spread your legs nice and wide for me." You instruct, and you feel a trickle of arousal escape you at the thought.
"Ooh, is someone taking charge now?" Eddie asks snarkily, waiting for you to tell him what to do. Your eyes snap to him at his question.
"You've both been in charge this entire time, it's only fair that I get a turn." You reply shortly. You return your attention to Steve, crawling over to him. You straddle his stomach for a moment, and put your hands on his chest. "Hey there, handsome." You lower your head to give him a feverish kiss, shoving your tongue inside his mouth. He hums against you, letting you take the reins. His hands instinctively go to your hips, holding your flesh nice and gentle. You force yourself to slow down, you want to enjoy every last second of this. Your kisses become deeper, your tongue rolling steadily against Steve's. You can taste a hint of your cunt coming from him, mixed with the smoky flavor of tobacco. You pull away, gazing down at him with hooded eyes.
"Hello, gorgeous." He compliments you, running his hands around to squeeze your ass. You moan at his touch, your hips grinding against his belly once. Steve can feel your arousal spreading onto him, and it makes his cock twitch behind you. "Soaked again already, darling?" He asks.
"Yes, all for you, husbands of mine." You reply. You beckon Eddie over, and he kneels sideways beside you and Steve. You sit up, reaching behind Eddie's head to bring him closer. You smash your lips on his, moaning against him when he bites your bottom lip. He takes hold of your tits, rolling your nipples between his fingers. "Eddie." You moan against his lips. The cool metal of his rings shocks your flesh, contrasted by how warm his calloused hands are. Your pelvis rolls again, slicking Steve's stomach further. Your eyes flutter closed as pleasure slowly ignites within you, and you feel Steve's thumb rubbing light circles on your clit. "Oh, fuck." You sigh, ceasing your grinding to allow better access to your bundle of nerves.
"You make such beautiful noises, princess." Eddie whispers, lowering his head to plant wet kisses on your throat. He nips your skin as he does so, marking you with hickies.
"I want you, both of you, so bad." You continue to moan, your head falling back as they rev you up.
"We want you too, baby." They say at the same time, as they have been throughout the evening.
"Eddie, can you get the lube...and loosen me up a little?" You ask somewhat awkwardly. You don't really know why, this isn't your first time doing this. But you suppose the phrasing just sounds a little odd, which has made you lose a bit of your confidence.
"Of course, Y/N. And you don't have to be so unsure of yourself. You know me and Steve will do everything in our power to please you. No shame, no judgment, remember?" Eddie says in a comforting tone, reminding you of the number one rule you've all agreed upon when it comes to the bedroom.
"I know. Sorry." You reply sheepishly, averting your eyes from his.
"Don't apologize, sweetheart. It's okay. Let's get you ready, hm?" He offers, reaching for the bottle as he'd set it on the nightstand earlier. You nod as an answer, and he clicks open the lube without another word. Steve is still swirling his fingers around your clit, and he watches as Eddie prepares to stretch your asshole. Eddie squeezes some of the liquid on two fingers, bringing them behind you to your puckered hole. The tips of his digits brush against you, making you jolt. "Just relax, angel. Gotta stretch you a little if you're gonna take me like a good girl." Eddie coos, and you nod again. He starts to push one finger inside your ass, making you groan loudly.
"Fuck." You mumble, your teeth clenching together slightly.
"That's it, nice and slow, baby. Just relax." Eddie praises, managing to get his middle finger all the way inside you. He slowly pulls back, and slips back in.
"More, Eds. Add another." You order, and he happily obliges you. His ring finger joins the other, stretching you further. He starts to thrust them inside you, setting a gentle pace. He doesn't want to hurt you, quite the opposite. "Feels good, love. Go a little faster." You request while lifting your hips slightly. You take Steve's dick in your hand, rubbing the swollen tip along your folds.
"Fuck, Y/N." Steve groans, meeting your lustful gaze with wanting eyes. Eddie fingers move faster, hitting your special spot with ease. You gasp, your mouth gaping open. You bring Steve's dick to the entrance of your pussy, and sink down onto him in one swift motion.
"Oh, god!" You cry out, the dual sensation of Steve's cock and Eddie's digits filling both your holes feels absolutely delicious. You sit still on Steve for a moment, letting Eddie finish getting you ready for him. Just a little more, and then you'll get what you've been wanting all night.
"Think you're ready for me now?" Eddie asks. His dick is unbearably hard from seeing just how hot and bothered you are, how hungry you are for them to totally wreck you.
"Yes, please." You whine. Eddie pulls his fingers out of your asshole, leaving you groaning at the loss.
"Lay forward, angel." He instructs from behind you. You do as he asks, resting your torso on Steve's warm body. You can feel his heart pounding against you, and he reaches up to caress your beautiful face.
"Such a pretty girl, so eager to take us both at once." Steve says, giving you another tender kiss. Eddie kneels behind you, squirting a mess of lube onto his length. He spreads it around with his hand, hissing at the coolness of it. He takes hold of your waist with the other hand, guiding his cock to your behind. You whimper at the tip meeting your flesh, wanting him to enter you hard and fast.
"Go ahead, Eddie. Put yourself inside me, I wanna feel you." You encourage him to move this along, sounding so goddamn needy. He does as you ask, his cock gradually breaching your tight entrance. "Oh, god!" You shout, and he keeps going. Inch by inch, he fills you up just the way you want. He can feel himself brushing against Steve through the layers of tissue separating them, and he groans very loudly until he bottoms out.
"Shit, so fuckin' tight for me." Eddie mutters, waiting for you to adjust.
"I can feel you through her, Eds. I'll never get over that." Steve chuckles in disbelief, desperately wanting to start moving.
You take a moment to enjoy the sensation of both these men filling you to the brim. It's unbelievable how good this feels, so full, so snug. You flex your muscles around them to make them whimper for you, you just can't help yourself. "Mmm, good boys." You say with a breathy laugh, you'll never get enough of their helpless noises.
"Can we start moving, babygirl?" Steve asks, squeezing your hips in hope you take the hint.
"Please do." You grant them permission, anxiously anticipating how amazing it's going to feel. Steve starts first, thrusting himself upwards into your g spot. "Fuck!" Eddie waits for him to set a healthy pace before adding himself to the equation. Timing is everything in this position, especially to keep from hurting you. He grunts slightly as Steve's cock brushes against his in a secondary way, it feels so fucking good. "You can move now, Eddie. I need you, baby." You moan. He wastes no time in pulling out and shoving himself back in, stealing your breath away. "Oh, god, yes! Just like that, fuck, feels so good."
"Damn, sweetheart. You're so vocal tonight." Eddie chuckles, taking your ass cheeks in his hands while he thrusts forward with just the right amount of force. His rhythm is staggered from Steve's, overwhelming you with incredible sensation.
"What can I say? You two bring out the best in me." You quip through your moans. You arch your back slightly, allowing the both of them to hit harder and deeper inside your holes. "Shit, this feels fuckin' incredible." You gasp, your head falling forward onto Steve's chest.
"You say that every time, babygirl. But you're not wrong." Steve replies as he continues to thrust upwards unto your pussy. You're completely soaked, a continuous trickle of your arousal keeps his cock warm and slippery as it moves in and out. Combine that with the feeling of Eddie's cock running against his through the thin layer of flesh separating them, and he's riding high on cloud nine right now. His right hand clings to your back to hold you down tight to him, keeping you close. And the other snakes around to reach your neck. You can't see him as your head is turned to the side, but your excitement dials up to eleven when his thick fingers wrap around your throat. You moan as he squeezes lightly, your eyes falling shut at the added stimulation. "You like it when I choke you, baby?" He growls.
"Yes, I love having your big, strong hand around my neck." You manage to force out the words, your head feeling light at the loss of blood flow to your brain.
"That's a good little slut." He raises his head a bit to speak in your ear. His hot breath rushes over you, sending a chill up your spine.
"Mmm, I love it when you call me that." You say sensually when Steve loosens his grip to let you breathe.
"Slut." Eddie says, slapping your right ass cheek, hard.
"Fuck!" You cry out at the pleasurable sting.
"You like that, sweetheart? Should I do it again?" He asks, wanting so badly to keep spanking you. He can't get enough of the deep red marks it leaves on you, making you sore for a day or so afterwards.
"Yes! Please, do anything you want to me, I want it all. I'll be such a good girl for you." You're begging again, but you can't help it. You want them, no, need them, to give you everything they've got.
"Fuck, I can't possibly say no when you beg like that, angel." Eddie replies, bringing his palm down on the other side of your ass. You shout at the contact, a massive flare of pleasure rushing over you. There's a buildup quickly growing inside you again, but you're trying to delay yourself in order to enjoy as much of this as you possibly can.
"More." You whine, arching your back even more to present yourself to him.
"Such a dirty girl, begging me to spank you 'til your ass turns red. You're gonna have a hard time sittin' down tomorrow." Eddie remarks, hitting the other side again, even harder this time.
"Fuck, Eddie!" You shout. You begin to lose the capacity for words. All you can focus on is Eddie and Steve fucking you silly, the stinging slaps of skin against skin, and the harmony of moans and grunts filling the room. You're all a total mess in the best possible way, laser-focused on every pump of in and out. Slippery, sticky sweat coats the three of you, making it difficult to hold on to one another as your orgasms build in sync. Eddie grips your ass roughly, throwing in another slap every now and again, yanking more beautiful screams from you. Steve keeps his hand around your neck, alternately tightening and loosening it. And you're clinging for dear life to Steve's shoulders, clawing at him like a wild animal.
The boys keep making the sweetest noises as they feel one another thrusting rapidly inside your orifices. Their balls slap against each other as well, adding to the sense of closeness they feel while technically separated by you. "I'm getting close, my loves." Eddie pants out, reaching for the lube as it's getting a little difficult to keep fucking your ass. He squeezes the bottle over himself while continuing to thrust, and you feel the cool liquid slowly entering you.
"So are we, Eds." You and Steve answer together.
"Can I go a little faster, sweetheart? You're just so perfect inside, hugging my cock just the way I like." Eddie asks, needing to completely let loose before nearing his end.
"Yes, please. Fuck me harder, Eds." You whimper, coming very close to the edge yourself. He takes you up on your offer, picking up speed and strength to take you down with him. "Steve, choke me, baby. I'm almost there." You plead, and Steve tightens his grip on your throat. You squeak out a moan, sensing the oncoming waves of bliss once more. He thrusts up into you quicker and harsher as well, and his stomach is starting to tense.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." Steve groans, his hips bucking outside of his control. His load spills into your pussy, coating your insides with sticky ropes of white. His toes curl in ecstasy, and he keeps going to make you lose it too.
"Such a good boy, Stevie. Filling our girl up just the way she likes. Fuck, I can already see what a mess you've made inside her." Eddie says, watching as the thick fluid flows from the small gaps between your cunt and Steve's dick as he continues to fuck into you. "C'mon, angel. Be a good girl and cum with me." He growls, smacking your ass again.
"I'm so close, Eds. Hit me again, make me cum. I need you so bad. Wanna feel you fill my ass." You whimper, needing just that little bit more before it all comes crashing down. Eddie spanks you even harder, making you gasp so loud. Your walls are fluttering, and your thighs are beginning to shake. You can feel it, you just need one more smack to get you there. He anticipates your needs, slapping the other side the hardest he ever has before. "Oh, god! FUCK!" You scream, feeling your orgasm finally taking over. Your muscles clench around the men moving inside you, making them groan. Steve continues to thrust working you through your bliss despite how overstimulated he is.
"Fuck, Y/N." Eddie moans, his own release rocking through him. His hips buck almost violently, pushing your pleasure even farther into the extreme. His cum fills you up, thick and warm. You're gasping for air, moaning repeatedly as you feel like you've caught fire from the inside out. A gush of juices burst from your cunt, soaking the three of you between your thighs and the bed below.
"Oh my god." Steve mutters, the rush of your cum flowing over him is so goddamn good.
"That's our good girl, making a mess just for us." Eddie huffs, slowly coming to a stop before collapsing on top of you. Steve stills his movements as well, unable to think straight. There's no sound except your collective heavy breathing for a while, your hearts pounding within your chests as you try to calm down.
"That was amazing." You say softly, still struggling to string words together. You're completely fuckstruck, it's like your bones have been removed from your body.
"It sure was, babygirl. You two are fuckin' insane." Steve says with a light chuckle, he couldn't believe some of the shit you were saying. He'd contributed as well, obviously. But you and Eddie are the true masters of dirty talk.
"You're pretty crazy yourself, Stevie. You're clearly the best at choking, give yourself a little credit." Eddie retorts cheekily from the top of the pile.
"Mmm, it's definitely your enormous hands, baby. They're the perfect size." You chime in, lifting your head to give Steve a gentle kiss. He gladly accepts it, smiling against your lips at the compliment. "And, as much as I absolutely love being in a husband sandwich, I think we should probably clean up." You really do hate to move, but this position is getting a little uncomfortable. Your legs are starting to cramp up from straddling Steve for so long, and Eddie's weight can be a bit crushing after a certain point.
"You got it, angel." Eddie says, lifting himself up to kneel again. He gently places his hands on your butt, getting ready to pull out. "Now just stay still, baby." He instructs, making sure he won't accidentally hurt you.
"Okay." You reply, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself. Eddie pulls back, inching his cock out of your asshole. You let out a quiet whine, and he groans slightly until he's completely out of you. "Fuck." You sigh in relief. His cum oozes out of you, dripping between your legs. He's tempted to lick it off, but decides against it. He sits back on his knees, allowing you to remove yourself from Steve's cock.
"It's all you, princess." He says from behind you. You nod, sitting up while placing your hands on Steve's chest. You slowly lift your hips upwards, cursing under your breath as his softened dick falls out of you, along with a splatter of your mixed release. You feel so empty now, already missing having them both inside you. You fall backwards into Eddie, who catches you in his arms. "Careful, darling. You feelin' alright?" He asks, looking down at you with admiration and concern.
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just made of pudding right now." You say with a giggle, leaning into him as his arms wrap around your stomach. He's so warm, despite your sweat turning cold.
"Now that's a pretty picture." Steve grins, propping his head up on his arm to gaze at you two.
"You know...you can come make it an even prettier one if you get off your ass." Eddie snarks, making you laugh again.
"Don't mind if I do." Steve replies, quickly crawling across the bed to kneel before you. You and Eddie each take one of his hands, clasping your free ones together to complete the circuit.
"I love you both so much. My handsome, sexy, sweet, caring boys." You speak sweetly, gazing between the two of them with overwhelming affection in your eyes.
"We love you, too, Y/N. Our perfect, amazing, kind, beautiful girl." Eddie replies, turning you slightly to sit sideways in his lap. He beckons Steve closer, and the three of you engage in another heart-melting kiss. Your hands reach up to cup the sides of their faces, keeping them close to you. Your lips and tongues tangle together to confess your undying devotion to one another. Tonight has been one of the greatest of your entire life, and you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Your heart swells with every passing second, and Eddie and Steve mirror the sentiment right back to you just as strongly.
The end.
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meraki-yao · 9 months
I'm here once more to talk about RWRB fan culture difference :D
Okay so the thing is people in China can't access Prime, so they watch a "pirated" version on Bilibili, the closest Chinese platform to YouTube
And on most Chinese video platforms, including Bilibili, there's this thing called "bullet comments", which are comments that float across the screen as the scene is playing, so the audience can comment in real-time (according to my sister: 'it's like a twitch chat but instead of staying in the chatbox as god intended everything flies across the screen like a flock of deranged geese')
And it can be problematic at times, especially when people start an argument with bullet comments, as it is with idol culture-related videos
But for RWRB, for the most part, the bullet comments are civil
Now the fun thing is that you can get genuinely wonderful comments like these:
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He was alone on an island, but then he came...
He swims toward the little prince, and since then the lonely island blossoms like spring, a neverending glorious summer.
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The freeing wind of Texas breezed past the Atlantic Ocean, awakening the dying rose of the London Castle
"Idealistic" is good, we need "idealistic" works to show people another possibility
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Statues tell the stories of a million lives, and they are an ordinary pair among them
But then you also have hilarities like these:
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The entire pink circle is literally just feral screaming, 啊="AHHHHHH"
Ha, I put on my earphones
I'm overwhelmed by the gays
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Poor security guard (Amy) Hahahahahaha
Alex: These Flowers are really flowery
Henry: OMG These books are so bookish
In moments of awkwardness, everyone will pretend they are really busy
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I'm on the streets...What do I do
Wait! Who's the top! (yeah top or bottom is a.. weirdly strict thing in Chinese LGBT culture)
Remember to pull the curtain!!!!
Fuck Me Am I allowed to watch this?
I really like a quote from Bilibili audience's: "AHH???"
So when I watch stuff on Bilibili, I have to watch it twice: once for the actual video, and once for the *chef's kiss bullet comments that are either poems that I copied down onto my notebook or things that make me laugh until I choke
I really want to share more of these comments, but there are like thousands of them and certain things can't be translated into English. Maybe I'll go through it scene by scene and pick out some fun ones that I can translate?
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monbons · 2 months
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Stitch Sunday
Thanks for the tags @hushed-chorus, @aristocratic-otter, and @whatevertheweather. Your snips were a delight!
On my end, I have FINALLY finished Shep (sort of...). Behold.
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He is still barefoot because after logging too many hours on this jean jacket I was ready to move on. He will eventually have high-top style lace up shoes, but that is a project for another day.
I’ve started the next set of dolls, but they shall stay a bit of a mystery because 1) they are a new ship and I am not yet fully confident in how to achieve the look I want, and 2) they are the most collaborative set I’ve ever tackled, so I am saving updates for the fic author for now. All I can give you is this materials mood board for one of the characters, which I created while trying to decide on the right skin tone.
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Since all I could provide was a peek into the process for the next doll, I figured today could be a behind-the-scenes post! What exactly goes into making a doll? So glad you asked...
First, I scour the internet for inspiration poses. When I was making Baz's beard - character, here were the poses I sent @emeryhall to choose from.
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Once I've picked a pose, I turn it into body parts to create a paper pattern. I check to make sure it looks good before tracing it onto fabric and checking it again. Then, I stuff and you guessed it, I check yet again. This process is important because once things are sewn and stuffed, the scale could be off or pieces don't match up as you'd like, and you have to start again.
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My favorite (and most amusing) example of starting again was Bunbaz's Simon. I'd checked and rechecked the pose successfully and then when I went to add the head---disaster! Most of my poses up until that point had been fairly flat and the dolls were meant to be looked at ONLY straight-on. Simon was fully 3D... but his first head was a flat head like all of my previous dolls. So, the profile view was horrifying.
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Needless to say, I had to go back and figure out how to make a 3D head. I did internet research, tried several methods I found online---all of which resulted in unsightly seams through his face---so I settled on simple: just add a strip of fabric between the two circles and call it a day. Now I make all of my heads this way!
(As an aside, 3D Simon required almost four times as many individually, hand-sewn curls as flat Simon. That is how much I love @bookish-bogwitch)
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Once the body of the dolls is complete, I go back and create the details, including clothing and accessories. Despite all the dolls being similarly sized, their positions often make it impossible to mass produce clothing (unless they are standing like a traditional Barbie). So each outfit is individually tailored to the doll. Here I am cutting up one of my own socks to give Penny knee highs.
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Hope you enjoyed this behind-the-scenes. Maybe next week I will have some kind of update for you on the new set. Until then...
Hellos and high-fives! @raenestee, @thewholelemon, @cutestkilla (happy birthday!), @roomwithanopenfire, @artsyunderstudy
@shrekgogurt (happy birthday!), @rimeswithpurple, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @talentpiper11
@brilla-brilla-estrellita, @beastmonstertitan, @best--dress, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @larkral
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @mooncello, @theearlgreymage, @iamamythologicalcreature
@blackberrysummerblog, @run-for-chamo-miles, @facewithoutheart, @ic3-que3n, @rbkzz
@supercutedinosaurs, @messofthejess, @skeedelvee, @arthurkko, @fiend-for-culture
@orange-peony, @martsonmars, @katatsumuli, @comesitintheclover, @fatalfangirl
@onepintobean, @palimpsessed, @moodandmist, @ileadacharmedlife, @theimpossibledemon
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sirshio · 3 months
I promised you all a long essay on Cavendish and his autism, so here it is. But first, some notes.
Disclaimer number 1: there are headcanons about Cavendish's parents and childhood, but they logically connect to his behavior.
Disclaimer number 2: I'm an autistic person and this essay is about my own experience with this disorder. Though many traits are common for autistic people, it's possible you won't find your issues because I don't have them.
Disclaimer number 3: I'm not a therapist (not a professional one at least, just a huge fan of psychology and a child of a therapist), but I’m a person who deeply relates to Cavendish and wants to share this with fandom.
Disclaimer number 4: English isn't my first language, so sorry for possible mistakes and all this stuff, I’m doing my best.
Well, let's start with something small and not so noticeable and then move to things that are almost impossible not to see.
- his gestures. Not only that moment in "Smooth opera-tor", where he squishes a gummy bear (and Dakota said that he "hypnotized himself"), because I assume that this action is recognizable as pretty autistic without explanations.
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Have you noticed how he holds his hands together (what is important, when he was young, too) or clenches them in fists? I'm not sure if these actions do have a name (a type of stimming probably), but I do the same pretty often and in completely different moods, I just like to FEEL my body and my skin, this is a soothing and nice feeling, and when I'm nervous, it helps to calm down a little (let's remember how in "First impressions" Cavendish entered Mr. Block's office).
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Another gesture that is important to mention is when Professor Time called him by his name and Cavendish literally squealed and held his hands close to his cheeks (in “Phineas and Ferb effect”). Not sure if this is autistic, but I can relate, so I decided to mention this scene too.
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(Him touching and holding Dakota will be in another section, though it's somewhat about gestures too)
- his speech. Again, I have no idea if him using rare words (for example, the word “scrumptious”) is an autistic trait, but I like to do this, mostly because I have a special love for words and I like when my speech is as "bookish" as possible, and him quoting Shakespear “the game is afoot” makes me relate to him too, sometimes I like quoting authors from the past. Another thing that I find important is that Cavendish (unlike Dakota) looks like a well-mannered and polite guy, but sometimes it is Dakota who shows politeness and knows how to talk to people nicely. For example, in "The little engine that couldn't" Dakota uses some polite clichés in his conversation with Milo and confuses Cavendish who understands them literally. Or in “Field of screams” Dakota teaches Cavendish how to ask politely (in the scene with that man who believed in aliens). I think that these two examples show different autistic traits that I have too: understanding everything literally and being (slightly) confused about communicating with other people. Like, why should I ask politely? Why should I be nice to people I don't personally like?
- him listing places where Dakota should've put Time Grenade instead of a hollow pumpkin (in “Milo’s Halloween Scream-a-torium”). Again, I'm not sure if this is autistic, but I can relate, too. I love lists.
- his love for rules. As an autistic person, I like to read rules, to make rules (in the most pedantic way you can imagine) and to follow them (of course, literally) - but I follow only rules I understand and like. So I can relate to young Cavendish enjoying both reading rules for time vehicles and using them, but I can also relate to Cavendish who broke rules and wanted to steal some cool gadgets with Dakota (in “Abducting Murphy’s law”). He doesn't like these rules, that's why he easily disrespects them (and actually likes it). I still don't know why I love rules (and I know this is common for autistic people). Maybe because they help to make life predictable, maybe because they help me to behave "in a proper way" and to be accepted... or both at the same time.
- him talking to himself. Once again, I'm not sure if this is autistic or not, but I do this pretty often.
When I'm excited and/or anxious about doing something new, I often talk to myself, like: "Okay, Shio, let's get going, you can do it!" Remember "First impressions", a scene where young Cavendish sits in his student car and is very proud of himself? The same situation, I think.
- him being a Professor Time fanboy. Remember the scene where our gang visited Doofenshmirtz and Cavendish was so excited about seeing his idol (in “Phineas and Ferb effect”)? Above all, he mentioned he has underwear with Doofenshmirtz's image and offered to show them. Well, it was done as a joke, but this is something I can relate to. If I met my very special idol (I assume that Doof is that figure for Cavendish, he actually said that), I would want to share something personal about myself with them. Not my underwear, of course, but still.
- the way he acts and how he expresses emotions. I believe that's very popular among autistic people, that often it's very hard to suppress our emotions. There are more things that cause emotions (things that are just okay for others), we're somehow more emotional than other people (at least I am) and often don't think if this is appropriate to express these emotions right now. I was told to "act normal and quiet" A LOT of times throughout my entire life, and I only was being sincere with myself and my feelings. Let's look at Cavendish, his emotions and how he expresses them. At the beginning, he seems to be calm and well-mannered, but the more we see, the more we can understand that this is not true. He can pretend to be calm, and the way he does it makes me think that his parents had no idea (and didn't want to have this idea, to be honest) how to raise an autistic child. I'm sure that every time little Cavendish got emotional and was acting "inappropriate" (I say it once more, it's really common for autistic people), he was told to calm down and to be normal. That's why (maybe, but this is my headcanon) he pretends that he's super calm and "above all those sillies". But when he's either in a comfortable situation and feels safe and secure (with Dakota, naturally) or gets really emotional - or both - he lets himself be sincere. He exclaims in joy, he shakes Dakota or holds him close, he acts like a dedicated and overhyped fan (over Professor Time, I mentioned this before).
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- him focusing on "wrong" things. Again, that happens with me really often. For example, in “School dance” Mr. Block tells these two to do their job because they have no proof Milo is a special agent, but all that Cavendish got from his speech is that he is allowed to find this proof, because this is what is interesting and important to him, which means he stopped listening after that. I can relate so much!
- his somehow childish behavior, especially in episodes with Dennis, his teddy bear. I found a great post by @heloflor . You SHOULD read it right now, before you end my essay.
Autistic people grow in another way, it's different from other people. In some areas of life we're more mature that other people of our age, and in some we're much more immature. I think this is because autistic children aren't allowed to have a childhood that they need. We're very uncomfortable (because the world is scary, there are loud noises, cars can kill you, being in a crowd is a life-threatening situation) and we can't even help ourselves or even express how afraid we are because This Is Inappropriate. Adults near us don't understand our special interests, they think getting stuck with them is a sign of developmental delay, that we're forever mentally infants. We even can't have our comfort objects that help us to live in this very scary world, because - let's repeat again - This Is Inappropriate. Heloflor wrote a really good post about Cavendish's comfort object, please go and read what he thinks about it!
So, to sum up: Cavendish is not childish, he tries his best to deal with his life, he hasn't really had a childhood and tries to fulfill what he needs now.
Before I'll continue with my analysis of Cavendish's autistic traits, I want to talk about his (pretty low) self-esteem. Of course, it's connected to his mental disability, but it is not the same. As we can see, Cavendish needs praise from someone, he needs to be told that he’s done something right, he can't understand it by himself. He and Dakota saved the world? He can't accept that he did good without praise from Mr. Block. What is also important is how he reacts when someone scolds him (in “Time out” there was a scene where where Cavendish lost a vial of strange liquid that caused rat mutation and Brick scolds him). Just look at him at this moment, he is like a child when his parents are angry at him.
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This all makes clear that in his childhood his parents weren't happy with his behavior and never told him anything good about him. If a person can't value themselves, this means their parents didn't value them, didn't love them for who they are (or didn't show this love enough and properly). I believe that it is very difficult for Cavendish to understand that he can be loved because he is, well, Cavendish (NO SHIO PLEASE DON'T QUOTE DAKOTA NO).
When someone has a really low self-esteem, but at the same time has somebody who loves him (as a partner, as a friend, as a relative…), there are several ways to act about that (they may mix). First is to do everything for this person, to become a perfect friend/partner/child/etc. Because only when you're perfect, you deserve love. Always to be by their side, always to understand their feelings (without them telling how they feel), always to share their interests. And I mean always, like, really always. Second is to do something not nice on purpose, something that will annoy this person or make them sad, just to show them that you're NOT nice and do NOT deserve love. (I believe there are more ways, but I know only these two). And I think Cavendish chooses the second way in “Abducting Murphy’s law”, where he loses his temper when Dakota doesn’t believe him.
This whole episode (“Look at this ship”) is another important thing about Cavendish and his autism. First, it seems that Dakota is the closest and the most important person for Cavendish, he believes him, he feels comfortable with him, he feels that Dakota understands him and his special needs (just look at this post about a teddy bear), so it's natural that Cavendish expects Dakota to believe him that he saw an alien ship, but Dakota doesn't, and it's when Cavendish gets emotional and throws a tantrum. I don't excuse him, but I can relate. When someone that is so precious and dear to me, who always understands me, suddenly doesn't believe me, I feel hurt and not needed, I want to leave this person, I think that they are better off without me. And I think that is exactly what happened to Cavendish. Of course Dakota didn't deserve that (in fact, he said that he believes in Cavendish's belief, what means he respects him even without fully understanding), but again, Cavendish’s reaction is normal for someone like him. I believe that his parents never really cared about his needs, his emotions and so on, so Dakota who does this became the most important person. This makes his disbelief even more hurtful. And in addition, Cavendish already was very upset because of them being fired and treated clearly not as he wanted. All this make his emotional condition really bad, and Dakota's words were the last straw.
Second, the alien ship itself is for me a big metaphor for autism. There's something that is important to us (be it a sensor overload, a special need etc.) that other people don't see and don't understand. And some (a lot of) people will never understand, no matter how hard we try to explain. Sometimes it's devastating, sometimes we begin to fear that there's really nothing, sometimes we stop believing ourselves (a scene where Cavendish tries to prove that there's an invisible ship and jumps on it, but at this exact moment there is really no ship). Why didn't he just take Dakota to this thing? Because he already hadn’t believed him, and this is enough. Cavendish tries to get validation from some “experts” (journalists), but all that is in vain.
In addition, I think it is really important that this ship is alien (and not just invisible). Because for other people we are like aliens. We don't understand your rules, your emotions, your culture, we act strange and inappropriate, we are weird… And often you just think we imagined all this, that we are weird or crazy. We don't exist, like aliens.
One more thing before I end this pretty lengthy essay. I'm so glad that in this series people with mental disabilities and issues (like Cavendish) don't look like cute little orphans from a sweet holly story who are so easy to be compassionate with. No, sometimes they are selfish jerks and it's difficult to build a relationship with them. And I think this is really, really important. We are not “quirky and adorkable cuties”, we are people who are often difficult to be with. And it is difficult to be us.
Phew, this is a long essay. I hope I haven’t forgotten anything important! But if you think I have, please feel free to reblog and add :) And I hope you liked what I’ve written.
I wasn't planning to get emotional, but I clearly failed, because Cavendish is so special to me.
P.S. my Tumblr app is crazy, it doesn't allow me to make a post with actual screenshots, that's why I took photos of a screen instead :( sorry for inconvenience.
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