Hi hi 💕💕💕 trope combo! Kimchay + accidental eavesdropping + enemies to lovers
I have used a VERY loose definition of "enemies" to lovers here, but the word "enemy" is in here, so like... it totally counts?
Also I was intending to write approx 500 words. This is 2.2k. Ty for the insane brainworms love u 💖💖💖💖💖
✨read on ao3✨
Kim had always thought that there were many advantages to being a bit of a night owl. For one thing, inspiration always seemed to flow more freely, with each new chord that might deign to drift through his mind resounding more clearly in the still and quiet; for another, it had always proven the best time to slip around the family compound unseen and unmolested, since all the most interfering busybodies had already whisked themselves off to bed; and, of most immediate concern, there was no one around to see him abandoning his dignity and rummaging haphazardly through the kitchen cupboards at this ungodly hour.
It wasn’t that Kim forgot to eat sometimes, per se - he just occasionally deferred the task, letting it slip a few notches further down his to-do list, if he was immersed in something far more interesting. Like, for example, this evening’s unsuccessful attempt to access the compound’s secure computer files.
Meaning that it was now 3am, and he hadn’t eaten anything since the early afternoon, and his frustration over his unsuccessful hacking attempt was being very thoroughly compounded by the increasingly insistent gurgles coming from his stomach. Having burned through all his reserves of patience for that day - and probably for the entire week, for that matter - he had made a beeline straight for the kitchens, hoping to find a quick snack to solve at least one of his problems.
He had just unwrapped a packet of pastries and made the possibly inadvisable decision to shove one of them into his mouth whole, to tide him over while he looked for something more substantial, when the gentle padding of footsteps in the hall had him freezing in place, cheeks bulging and fingers still sticky with crumbs, flooded with horror at the thought of being caught now.
Fortunately, the paralysis only lasted for a second. There was nothing to be done about the incriminating pile of treats that he’d left strewn across the counter, but he had just enough time to spin on his heel and dash into the tiny alcove beside the largest fridge - one of his favourite hiding places in the compound since he’d been old enough to toddle. That, at least, had never changed.
The sensible thing to do now was to remain perfectly still, quieten his breathing, and hope that the hastily swallowed pastry would be enough to silence the furious grumblings of his stomach.
But Kim’s curiosity got the better of him, as it had always been wont to do, and he peeked around the corner - only to be met with the sight of a shuffling, pyjama-clad Porchay Kittisawasd, stifling a yawn with one hand and ruffling his sleep-tousled hair with the other.
Kim refused to acknowledge the aching burst of affection that flared through his chest at the sight.
Chay wandered over to the counter where Kim had just been standing, and began picking through the assorted snacks that Kim had discarded.
There was a faint sound, barely audible beneath the rustling of the wrappers. Was Chay humming? What was the song? No matter how hard Kim strained his ears, he couldn’t quite make it out.
After a moment’s consideration, Chay carefully plucked a pastry out of the very same packet that Kim had just opened, and took a bite.
Kim made a mental note to buy more of that particular brand the next time he ordered his own groceries. It really had been quite a tasty little snack, now that he thought about it.
However, the next moment, his musings were interrupted by the sound of more footsteps echoing down the hallway. Kim bit back a curse - of all the times for half the compound to decide they were in the mood for a midnight snack, why did it have to be tonight?
Chay had clearly heard the footsteps as well. He let out a dismayed squeak, shoved the other half of his pastry in his mouth, spun on his heel - and dashed into the same alcove that Kim was currently lurking in.
Suddenly face to face with the boy he’d lost before he’d even realised he loved him, Kim found himself lost for words, too. What was there to say, after all, to someone you’d deliberately made an enemy of, and utterly failed to reconcile with, when you found yourself forced into an unexpected stealth operation with them by the whims of fate and chance?
Fortunately, the clatter of footsteps into the kitchen, accompanied by a burst of unreasonably raucous laughter, absolved him of the obligation to say anything at all. Bringing a finger urgently to his lips, Kim let himself seek refuge in the familiar, claustrophobic sanctuary of silence.
Chay’s eyes flashed indignantly, and for a moment Kim thought he was going to argue - but fortunately, Chay didn’t seem any keener than him to alert anyone else of their presence in the alcove, and he subsided with an irritated huff, features settling into a frown. Or at least, Kim thought it was probably a frown. It wasn’t an expression he’d often seen Chay make, but that particular crinkle of his brow probably wasn’t a happy one.
Kim let his eyes slide away, and focused his attention on the conversation the two bodyguards who’d just entered the kitchen were engaged in.
“-sure I’m not the only one it’s happened to,” one of them was saying. “I’d put money on it, honestly.”
“Yeah man, I’m not doubting you,” the other agreed emphatically. “Did I tell you about the time I had to cover for their usual driver last week and chauffeur them to that meeting with the Germans?”
Kim was focusing more intently, now - bodyguard gossip was often a wealth of unexpected clues and insight.
“Do I want to know?” laughed the first bodyguard.
“Probably not,” his friend replied. “So, I had Khun Kinn and Khun Porsche in my backseat, both of them - oh, do I even need to say more? You know where this story’s going.”
“Do I?” the other asked, in tones of exaggerated innocence. “No, I think you better spell it out for me.”
Kim was rapidly becoming very, very certain that he did not want this guy to spell anything whatsoever out for him, thank you very much.
Unfortunately, luck was decidedly not on his side that evening.
“Well, I had the partition up and the soundproofing turned on, obviously, so I can’t say for sure.” The bodyguard paused for dramatic effect, then continued, “But I could still hear them, in spite of all that, and if Khun Kinn wasn’t getting his dick sucked back there-”
Having thoroughly revised his opinion of the value of bodyguard gossip, Kim decided that he was going to voluntarily go deaf now, actually. Shifting his attention firmly away from this terrible, awful, no-good conversation, his gaze fell back on Chay - whose head was now buried in his hands.
For a few seconds, Kim furiously debated with himself whether he ought to risk checking if Chay was alright. Then, in the first stroke of good luck he’d had that entire night, the bodyguards’ footsteps began to trudge back down the hallway, their voices fading into the night and taking the remnants of their horrible conversation with them.
Chay lowered his hands and looked back up at Kim, eyes wide and definitely no longer clouded with the dregs of sleep. 
For a moment, Chay just stared at Kim, unblinking. Then, the faintest edge of hysteria lacing his voice, he mumbled, “That was the worst thing that’s ever happened.”
Kim had imagined this moment so many times, in so many ways, that he couldn’t have kept track of them all if he’d tried. He was pretty sure that he had, in fact, imagined the first words Chay would say to him the next time they spoke being along those lines on more than one occasion.
It still stung.
He swallowed, dropping his gaze to the floor, and shrank back a little. There was only so far he could go - it was a tiny alcove, and Chay was blocking the way out - but he could put a little bit more space between them, if it would lessen Chay’s discomfort.
He was jolted out of his self-pitying reverie by a gentle slap to his chest.
“Not - I didn’t mean you, P’Kim!” Chay protested. Kim’s head snapped up - impossibly, Chay was half-smiling at him, flapping one hand in the space between them. “I just meant - wow, that was too much information, you know? God, I did not need to know that.” Chay gave an over-exaggerated shudder, and Kim couldn’t help nodding in agreement - he, too, did not need to know that.
“Anyway, uh…” Chay had barely begun to speak before he was interrupted by a jaw-splitting yawn.
Kim felt the corner of his lips quirk up involuntarily. “Time for bed?” he murmured, even though the last thing he wanted was for Chay to slip away and through his fingers yet again. But, then again, it was inevitable. Maybe there was no sense in delaying it. After all, he’d always been good at denying himself the things he wasn’t meant to have, to lessen the sting when they drifted completely out of reach.
But then Chay giggled, raising an eyebrow, and suddenly he didn’t look tired at all. “Was that an innuendo, P’Kim?”
Kim’s mind came to a screeching halt, panic racing through him. “No, I didn’t - I know you don’t - Chay, I didn’t mean-” he stuttered, then gave up and covered his face with a groan.
Chay laughed again. Kim had never appreciated just how sweet that sound was, before.
Then, another pair of hands were gently prising his own from his face, and Chay was meeting his gaze with an unexpectedly serious expression.
At some point, he’d grown taller than Kim. He hadn’t realised that until now.
“You know I don’t what, P’Kim?” Chay asked, gentle but insistent.
Kim swallowed. “You don’t - I know you’re still angry with me.”
Chay hummed, scrunching his nose contemplatively. “And how do you know that, exactly?”
Kim felt the ground shifting beneath his feet. Words deserted him completely; he was powerless to do anything but blink back at Chay.
Chay took pity on him, and broke the silence again. “Maybe I’m still a little angry, phi. But mostly, I’m tired of being angry. And I think… I think I miss having you around.”
Kim took in a shaky breath. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the lack of food, or simply the muted glow from the fluorescent lights, barely illuminating their little hidden corner, but the entire conversation had taken on an air of unreality.
Or maybe it was simply because it felt too much like everything he’d barely let himself yearn for, made reality.
I’ve missed you too, he wanted to say.
Or perhaps that wasn’t enough. All I see now, no matter where I look, is the absence of you. That was closer to the truth of it.
But Kim had never been good with words. Not the sincere kind, not when the truth was at stake. Not when it mattered.
But Chay deserved an answer of some kind. Nothing he could dredge up would be adequate, but he had to try.
“I’ve missed you too,” Kim whispered.
The ripple of shock through his veins, in the aftermath of those words passing his lips, was a slow, sluggish thing. Even as the words echoed in his ears, he couldn’t quite believe he’d said them - the exact words he’d wanted to force out. It might have been a miracle.
And yet, it had been easy. Simple.
And Chay’s answering smile was brilliant. Dazzling.
At least, until it was interrupted by another enormous yawn.
The ensuing silence only lasted for a moment before both of them burst into helpless snorts of laughter, Chay pitching forward to bury his head in Kim’s shoulder.
“Maybe you were right, P’Kim,” came Chay’s muffled voice a second later, “it really might be time for bed.” He drew back to meet Kim’s eyes again, then continued, “But tomorrow… well, if we both miss each other, maybe we should do something to fix that. Would that - does that sound good to you?”
Kim could only nod helplessly, the force of his longing having stolen his words away completely. Chay beamed back at him. “Good.”
And then, a contemplative look passed over Chay’s features, a gleam appearing in his eyes.
Kim instinctively knew what he was about to do, and made no move to resist.
Chay’s lips met his; just the faintest brush of pressure. Kim’s eyes fluttered closed, and Chay pressed blessedly closer, a beacon of warmth against him.
The kiss couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds before Chay broke away, taking a piece of Kim’s heart with him.
That was more than fine by Kim. He hadn’t realised he still had anything left of his heart to give; whatever remained, he would happily offer up to Chay on a platter.
Chay let out another nervous giggle, seemingly overcome by a sudden bout of shyness. “Ah, well - goodnight then, P’Kim! I’ll see you - or, mm, we can talk tomorrow?” And before Kim even had the chance to reply, he’d turned and darted out of the alcove.
Kim leaned back against the wall, letting himself melt into the stone. He couldn’t quite feel any of his limbs; he couldn’t quite bring himself to care.
He’d always known this was the best hiding spot in the house.
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kinnbig · 11 months
*crashes thru ur door* i heard 👀 kenbig 33 would get a chance here!!! (obviously!!! No pressure!!!! ILY!!!!!!)
Somewhere with Snow
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: M Relationships: Ken/Big Summary: “Everything’s going to shit, isn’t it?” Ken says when they part. Big sighs. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.” “Do you ever think about leaving?”
✨read on ao3✨
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theladyragnell · 1 year
Oh for the prompts!!!!! If you feel like it! Leverage OT3 with Parker and Eliot welcoming Hardison back from some time away?
(A quiet established relationship moment.)
Hardison always comes home the long way.
Eliot never had to teach him that, whatever he thinks of the ways Hardison does and doesn’t keep himself safe. Hardison skips from airport to airport for days at a time, sometimes, never less than three hops even if it could be a quick domestic flight. And when he’s coming home to them, wherever home is, he takes it even more seriously, so he always comes to them tired, jet-lagged, smelling like canned air and hopped up on whatever food he thinks to buy on his endless flights.
Tonight, Eliot picks him up at the New Orleans airport at two in the morning and doesn’t bitch about it. Hardison left Armenia two days ago, and Eliot doesn’t know how many flights he’s been on since then, though he’s pretty sure from one of the tags on Hardison’s suitcase that he broke up his flight path with a train trip somewhere in Europe.
“I think if I uploaded my brain to the cloud,” Hardison says as they pull away, slurring his words a little with exhaustion, “I would probably go evil, but in the time before I did, I could exist in all time zones at once and never have to deal with this again.”
“I don’t want to have to fight the evil robot version of you, man. There’s tea in the cupholder. Drink it.”
“I’m not taking your devil drinks.”
“Just drink it, Hardison.”
Hardison snorts, but he drinks, and even takes a second sip after making sure Eliot sees the elaborate series of disgusted faces that he makes over the nicest small-company chamomile tea he could find in the city. Even Sophie likes it, and she thinks herbal tea is heresy against the Queen or whatever. “Everything fine?” he asks as Eliot gets into another lane.
“Harry and Breanna are playing some nerd game together. Sophie’s out of town. Parker’s fine, waiting for you at home.”
Hardison lets out a long breath. “Good to know. Anything going on with you?”
“Tried a new gumbo place the other day. It’s pretty good, but not as good as the place we tried last time you were around.”
“Tell me all about it,” says Hardison, and Eliot does, in between navigating the city traffic that persists even at night, especially around the airport. It took them a long time to get to this point, where they can talk on their way home from the airport without a job on their minds and not needle each other. Eliot likes the peace, much as he hates to admit it.
Home this time is a place Hardison hasn’t been yet. They all switch apartments often, and this one has Parker’s alias on the lease, but Eliot stays at it most often, because it’s upstairs from a place that does good chili and has some actual cupboard space. He and Parker have been staying there together since Hardison took off on his flight home and as they park and Eliot takes Hardison’s bag for the last few steps as he stumbles his way around, Eliot can see the light on upstairs that says she’s there, or maybe on the roof watching them come, though Eliot doesn’t see the flash of movement that would give that away.
The second they’re upstairs, the apartment door opens and Parker flings her arms around Hardison’s neck, and Eliot moves on past them to put the bag down and give them a minute of privacy. The food he left is still keeping warm in the oven, and Parker must have gone out at some point, because there’s a six-pack of orange soda on the counter. Hopefully Hardison doesn’t see that before he sleeps.
The two of them come in together, Parker draped over Hardison’s shoulder. She beckons Eliot in, and he rolls his eyes but he goes, lets her give him a quick kiss and loop them into their hug, where Hardison leans in far enough to rest their foreheads together, weird as the angle has to be. They’ve figured out ways to fit three bodies together, over the years, but they’re all too tired to care about that right now.
“You should get some sleep,” says Eliot, because it’s true. “Need to eat first?”
“You should eat and then sleep,” says Parker. “Otherwise you’ll be cranky when you wake up.”
Hardison groans, but he doesn’t argue. Eliot breaks away from the hug to put things together, shoving the soda into an inhospitable corner of the counter while he goes and taking Hardison’s food out to plate and shove at him. This late, he’ll just eat standing over the kitchen island, and normally Eliot would complain that his food isn’t being appreciated, but Hardison could use a break. Tomorrow is soon enough to demand appreciation for being the only one of them who knows how to make a balanced meal.
“You’ll tell us all about how the job went tomorrow, right?” says Parker when he puts his fork down, a sign for Eliot to get back in action and put whatever is left away for them to eat the next day. “It sounded like you were having fun.”
“Only you could call sneaking through government buildings hiding from security fun,” says Hardison, but he’s smiling, so probably the calls weren’t too close. Eliot will make sure they talk about security evasion before he leaves again, that’s all. “But fun or not, it’s good to be back.”
“Welcome home,” says Eliot, and when Hardison gives him a dangerously misty smile, he rolls his eyes. “Now get to bed before you fall down, you know you’re going to wake up a million times tonight so you may as well get started.”
“Yeah, yeah, Eliot, love you too,” says Hardison, always so much easier with those words than Parker or Eliot ever can be, but he lets the two of them push him into the bedroom and into some sweatpants before climbing in beside him, taking the time together while they have it.
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belbeten · 2 months
People to get to know better
Thank you for the tag, @booksnchocolate :)
Last Song I Listened To: Soul Man by Sam & Dave
Currently Watching: Season 2 of Reservation Dogs, and Season 8 of This Old House.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy? Sweet. I have such a sweet tooth!
Relationship Status: Married. 10 years next month :)
Current Obsession: Hangster/Top Gun Maverick. I really, really thought the fixation would be over by now. What can you do?
Tagging (no pressure!): @strangegeology @lolahardy @mister-eames @moonwoodmir @iamanonniemouse and anyone else who would like to! Seriously, @ me and say I tagged you! I love these things!
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inceptionpositivity · 11 months
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@booksnchocolate - Happy Inceptiversary!!
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asmolbirb · 4 months
9 Some Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @booksnchocolate - thank you love <3
3 Ships You Like: MERTHUR my first my beloved my everlasting!! It's been over a decade of going feral for these two idiots and they still have my whole heart. KakaIru - they are the only part of Naruto that I care about. Mori/Thaniel from Natasha Pulley's Watchmaker books - listen. LISTEN. The "easygoing jock/unhinged murderous nerd" dynamic is like crack to me. I am so soft for them!!
First Ship Ever: Max/Fang from the Maximum Ride books, if I remember correctly
Last Song You Heard: I am listening to music nearly 24/7 so I feel like it's a bit lame to share the last song that came up on shuffle. But the last song I heard that's not in my library was this song on YouTube, which the Algorithm put in my queue when it only had 60 views :o
Favorite Childhood Book: The Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan. And it is STILL one of my faves!! Everything about it slaps
Currently Reading: I'm currently between books, but I just finished The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley (which absolutely WRECKED me, btw; I know Tumblr has mixed feelings about this book + Pulley in general but my god, 10/10, I could not put it down). I think I might pick up Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell next. (If anyone has recs for authors like Pulley, please please hit me up!)
Currently Watching: Elementary! Technically it's a rewatch but it's been so long since I first watched it that I barely remember any of it
Currently Consuming: Milk + cereal
Currently Craving: I wanna learn linocutting I WANNA LEARN LINOCUTTING but I have too many other unfinished projects rn and also my home is a mess and I don't have enough storage for more craft materials ToT I am also craving enough free time to give my bathroom a makeover! I really wanna do a faux board-and-batten half wall treatment + paint the walls green but I keep going back forth on whether I want the bottom half or the top half to be green, so I've just been paralyzed by anxiety
Tagging: I feel like I don't know many people who are actively in fandom anymore.... @kairenn-n @coconutkay @cyborg-sabi annnd @sizzlingsandwichperfection-blog because I think it would be funny if the world's only ethically sourced unpaid intern filled out a silly tag game. No pressure to anyone of course :)
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wardog-of-the-endless · 11 months
Lavender and red!!
lavender literally one of the loveliest people in existence wtf
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red o- i feel like we could just hang comfortably in silence
I am so ready!
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mousydentist · 2 months
KPTS fics under 10k that changed my brain chemistry
PART 1: KimChay
Inspired by @the-cookie-of-doom making a fic rec list, cause i was like hey! i like fics too! so here's a bunch of <10k word fics that altered the course of my life. i'm gonna do a few parts, so this first one is just kimchay. i tried to tag all the authors on tumblr but there was a couple i was unsure of so please lmk if they have an account for me to tag! (or if i fucked up any of the links cause you know tumblr was fighting me) <3 without further ado, and in no particular order:
Your last lie by saturnscoded @saturnscode (8182 words)
Not Rated. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
In which Porchay's boyfriend cheats on him with Kimhan and he decides to take revenge. Or Things get out of control and Chay doesn't know how to stop.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- this fic oh my god i love this fic. GO READ THIS FIC RIGHT NOW. yknow when people are like "would you rather have a fic with amazing plot or amazing writing" GUESS WHAT BESTIE THIS ONES BOTH. GO READ IT.
Ringing Endorsements by bisexualbard @bisexualbard-writes (2556 words)
Rated G. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim is not impulsive. Kim is a planner, a plotter, a researcher, and generally considers all angles of an action before he makes a move. Chay has always been the exception to his rules though, which is why he’s not even surprised at himself when he walks out of the jewelry shop with an engagement ring barely a month after they’ve reconciled. The only problem is, he doesn't stop at just one.
i have shed so many tears to this fic. it hits the sappy romantic in me right in the fkn feels GOD it just hurts so good ITS NOT EVEN SAD it's just so good it makes me cry 😭😭😭
podfic available by AirgiPodSLV (AirgiodSLV) @airgiodslv!!! welcome to tumblr fdjsjd
heaven is a place (here, on your floor) by booksnchocolate @booksnchocolate (7020 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
They're going to have sex. Eventually. They're going to take their clothes off and Chay is going to explore all of Kim's glorious, glorious body with his hands and mouth and – whew, he's going to need a cold shower. There's just one problem. It’s not a big deal, at first.
oh boy. what do i even say about this fic. i think about this fic a lot. like a LOT. it's so incredibly moving and emotional and ugh. just. perfect. no notes. i've cried at this and if i read it again right now i would cry again
Kim's Magic Pussy by imdeadlily @imdeadlily (8096 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim wakes up and finds his dick is gone. MIA. Vanished. Displaced. Chay has no issues with this.
i'm a die-hard imdeadlily fan. i highly highly recommend everything they've written and this fic, THIS FIC. ITS SOOOO. just. go read it. you have to experience it yourself.
rainbow hanging over your head by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye (4174 words)
Rated T. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Chay is crushing hard on Kim. That's the only reason it takes him awhile to realize kim's brothers are being weird.
this fic is the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when it's winter and you take a big blanket that like 10 times your size and you cuddle with your dog. that's this fic. i love this fic more than at least 90% of all things.
Pillow Talk by Atlas (xx_atlas_xx) @xxatlasxx (1427 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim finds some time to himself while on tour as Wik, but gets interrupted by a phone call.
FOLLOWING THE TRANS KIM THEME WITH THIS MASTERPIECE. ive screamed all up in atlas' dms ab this fic and there is a REASON it was my most re-read fic of last year. sweet little trans!kim smut that i adore
drape myself with floral light by fern_tdvuh @fern-tdvuh (2080 words)
Rated T. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
"Kim feels like a sunflower – he can't resist basking in Chay's light." How Kim and Chay recognize their love for each other via tattoos, and then share it with the world.
this fiiiIIIIIIIIIIIC GODDDDDDDD. i swoon. i SWOOOOOON over this fic. i simply do not even have the words. this fic hurts my bones, hurts down to my soul. so fucking good. 10/10
Do You Believe in Magic? by disast3rtransp0rt @disast3rtransp0rt (3407 words)
Rated T. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Deadpool continues to breeze past the entire situation, as he usually does when he’s in ‘trouble’. In fact, ‘Pool starts flirting even earlier into their banter than usual. “Did you hear the part where we’re soulmates, Spidey?” “I actively ignored that bit, actually,” Chay outright lies. Like a lying liar whose spandex is on fire. One hand is still on his hip, and he uses the other to gesture between the two of them. “What if we’re platonic soulmates?” “That’s not how the spell works,” Sabrina the Pain in Chay’s Ass speaks up. “We were hoping to summon Death, but–”
THIS FIC EEEEEEEE oh my god this was just so cute my heart simply could not take it. i read this after like, just, such an awful terrible day and it made me smile and god i love it. very special place in my heart for this fic.
i see rain but maybe they're all tears for you by OdeToFics @thestrangeillusion (5459 words)
Rated E. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
Chay slumps back down onto the couch, picking up his controller where he'd abandoned it when there was a knock at his door. "Take your clothes off and then come here," he commands with a steady voice without even looking in Kim's direction. When his words are only greeted with silence from where Kim is still standing next to the door he'd just locked, Chay turns around to look at him and raises a challenging eyebrow at him. "W-what?" Kim stutters out and Chay feels a rush of satisfaction in making the always cool and collected Kim Theerapanyakun finally lose his resolve for once. "You said 'anything', did you not?" Chay asks coldly. ~~ Or: Chay wants Kim to be as vulnerable with him as he had always made himself for Kim. He wants to have some control over Kim. He realises too late that he's in way over his head.
OOF this fic hurts so good. post canon kim having emotions, goodness gracious it HITS DIFFERENT. SAD ANGST PORN MY BELOVED. SMANGST IF YOU WILL
The Art of Persuasion by Zoiseaunoir (9226 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Porchay really wants to top. Kim needs a little persuasion. ... or does he?
!!!!!! some top tier kimchay communication porn. i read this fic like seven times in the week i first discovered it AND YOU SHOULD TOO
Take Your Time (I Promise Not to Run) by WildelyDawn @wildelydawn (3637 words)
Rated E. Rape/Non-con. Summary:
“Somnophilia,” Kim reads out loud. “A sexual interest in engaging in sexual activity with a sleeping person.” Chay hadn’t said no to any of his desires so far. But this is different. This is taking without asking. It’s wrong. (Or: Kim discovers somnophilia and struggles to keep his desires to himself. Chay's there to guide him through it.)
fOOkin hell this fic, this whole series actually, actually actually everything by dawn but i digress. just like, jaw-dropping plot, beautifully written, and smutty on top of it?? just 10/10 fic overall, absolutely outstanding
podfic available by Princess_Moonlight!!!
paying the price by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye (4133 words, ongoing)
Rated M. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
Secure with the knowledge that Kim won’t leave him again, Chay unblocked Kim and pressed the call button. (Alternatively, Chay fucks around and finds out. All magic comes with a price.)
:*) bro. this fic took my emotions and put them in a blender. the first chapter was jaw dropping and had me hooked, and the second chapter picked my jaw off the ground and stapled it back on with no novocain. my heart huuuuurts thinking about this fic /pos
I'd Rather Feel Pain Than Nothing At All by Sweet_William @sweet-william-writes (3108 words)
Rated E. Graphic Violence, Rape/Non-con. Summary:
Chay starts having graphic dreams where Kim attacks him. When he is faced with a real-life volatile Kim killing men in Hum Bar to protect him, he realises they were never nightmares. They were wet dreams. And now he's going to make those dreams a reality, whether Kim wants it or not.
yOWza bonowza this fic is a doozy /pos. author's note says "Because we need more awful kimchay fics <3" and sir you delivered!!!!!! spectacular and gasp-worthy, i couldn't stop thinking about it for like four days after reading it
Technicality by TheCookieOfDoom @the-cookie-of-doom (9136 words, ongoing)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim is an OnlyFans model. Despite taking (literal) monster dildos up his ass on the regular, he is still, technically, a virgin.
now this one is just technically (ha) less than 10k, its 9k and ongoing but goddamnit im counting it because loooOORDD. this has almost all of my favorite tropes wrapped up in 9k of excellent writing and GOD it makes me feral like actually fr feral
K's Puppy Boy by Maenecoon @maenecoon (9944 words, ongoing)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
To be in K’s position, to garner the attention of people who'd pay to see him do more and go further into the depths of depravity. To feel wanted and needed and pleasured all while earning a bit of pocket money. It sounds like a dream. And so Chay's here now, attempting a stream of his own. ー Or, Chay stumbles upon the prettiest camboy. Things go downhill from there.
OK THIS ONES ALSO JUST BARELY 10K BUT LISTEN. holy F LISTEN TO ME. go read this right now. this shit has me blushing and kicking my feet and chewing my arm off and SCREAMING OUT LOUD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT god GOD ITS SO. ok yeah go read it.
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gayzuko · 2 days
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finished drawing my dnd adventuring party 🥺❤️
my barbarian Kip, @divorcedmalewife’s paladin Alim, @booksnchocolate’s sorcerer Muiren, and @osmiabee’s bard Laesa 💖 (tragically not pictured: DM @thewholedamnboulangerie - I gotta draw some NPCs next hehe)
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✨ shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people ✨
tagged by @divorcedmalewife my beloved!!
Take My Nirvana by PVRIS
Alive by Madden
Tilted by Christine and the Queens
Fy Faen by Hkeem & Temur
Ost Ninto Shostya by Lorne Balfe
We Have It All by Pim Stones
The Balancer's Eye by Lord Huron
Run Away With Me by Carly Rae Jepsen
Baby Said by Måneskin
What A Time To Be Alive by Fall Out Boy
Tagging @papercutsmp3, @youneedtolightenup, @laesas, @gayzuko, @booksnchocolate, @yourrescuemission, @fallen-robin, @tiffanyachings, @snickerdoodlles and @bisexualbard (if you feel like it!)
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kinnbig · 7 months
HELLO HI THANK YOU BELOVED! here is some KenBig that I don't think I've shared with you before? this is from my huge canon-compliant Big-centric fic (lovingly known as the pain and sadness compilation).
some context: Big and Ken slept together just once, a week or so before this snippet takes place, after Big found out about Kinn and Porsche at the diamond auction.
putting this one under a readmore because it's a lil nsfw 👀🫣
The next time it happens, Kinn is in the hospital because he took a bullet for Porsche.
Big, Ken, and Arm are tense the entire drive back to the compound. The adrenaline stays in Big’s system all the way home.
Ken breaks the silence as soon as they’re alone in their room.
“Are you okay? You seem—”
Big cuts him off by crashing their lips together. Ken makes a surprised sound but melts into the kiss, going immediately pliant under Big’s hands.
Big’s not sure why he does it. The adrenaline is dying in his blood and anger is replacing it, loud and hard and boiling.
Kinn took a bullet for Porsche.
Anger and passion are not such different emotions when you boil them down. It’s hard to see where one ends and the other begins.
He’s rough with Ken; gripping him hard enough to bruise, shoving him forcefully into the door, kissing him with too much teeth. His hand, tangled in Ken’s hair, pulls sharply, eliciting a noise that seems to be half wince and half moan. Ken doesn’t complain, pushing into Big’s touch, tilting his head to expose his neck for Big to wrap his fingers around.
Big obliges, holding tightly, feeling Ken’s pulse flutter under his fingertips as he leans in. As Ken’s teeth graze his lower lip, Big wonders if resentment has a taste.
This time, he flips Ken onto his front and fucks him into his mattress, rough and angry and hard. Ken writhes beneath him, taking it, arching and moaning and cursing in an incoherent mixture of English and Thai and Big, Big.
For the first time since Ken started disappearing on his days off, Big feels a flash of jealousy deep in his chest. Big’s fucking him hard enough to hurt, nails digging into his flesh, fingers curled threateningly around his neck, and Ken’s twisting desperately beneath him, begging him not to stop.
Like he’s done this a lot.
Like he likes it like this.
Who has he been running to? Who else has been taking this from him?
Big tightens his grip on Ken’s neck, pushing his head down into the pillow, and shifts up higher on his knees behind him. The new angle forces him deeper and Ken groans, the sound muffled by the bedsheets.
Big pulls out before he comes, shoving Ken roughly onto his back so that he can spill across his stomach. Ken stares up at him, panting, and takes care of himself, his own release combining with Big’s on the hard planes of his abs.
Big turns away as Ken catches his breath. He can't keep looking at him. Not like this. Not laying exhausted and fucked-out and sullied with the evidence of Big’s transgression.
He heads straight for the shower without looking back.
✨🔮 fic writer ask box trick-or-treat! 🔮✨
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nototherwisespecified · 2 months
Shuffle your ‘On Repeat’/Favorites playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
tagged by @jaroslav-halak tyvm!!
tool - h.
enhypen - drunk/dazed
eve 6 - androgyne friend
kiss of life - shhh
taemin - black rose
nine inch nails - the day the world went away
nine inch nails - wish
battle tapes - alive
seulgi - anywhere but home
taemin - want
tagging @booksnchocolate @qualitystart @petrichoriess @tranxio @thansie & anyone who feels like it :3
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divorcedmalewife · 4 months
i was tagged by @torturedpoets my beloved to answer these questions and then to tag nine people to get to know better!
last song: Love Me (When You're Gone) by Whales Talk
currently watching: Dimension 20 Fantasy High Junior Year baby!!!!
three ships: kimchay (KinnPorsche), akihiko/shinjiro (Persona 3), Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
favorite color: dark blue
currently consuming: I think this means media but it is way funnier to say a food or drink. I'm going ham on some taco bell right now
first ship: probably Aang/Katara if I had to guess! before I knew what shipping was, anyway.
relationship status: single af
last movie: the timothee chalamet Willy Wonka movie. it was okay, lol.
currently working on: Fanfic of my own d&d character alxnsjsnals
I tag @daethsticks, @aikinn, @kinnbig, @booksnchocolate, @thewholedamnboulangerie, @majestictortoise, @wildelydawn, @weii-wuxiian, @figuerockfaeth
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inceptionpositivity · 11 months
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@booksnchocolate - Love love LOVE reading your tags and takes on everything. Your energy is fantastic!
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just-slightly-chayotic · 10 months
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up and tag 10 people
tagged by @booksnchocolate and @salamander89 thank you!! <3
1. Sunflower by Peach Luffe
2. Shutdown by Moon Byul, Seori
3. Lonely Boy (The tattoo on my ring finger) by TOMORROW X TOGETHER
4. omg, so what? by NIve
5. Always Here by Tilly Birds, Lula
6. Dancing with my phone by HYBS
7. Fade - English Version by Jeff Satur
8. Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
9. Dum Dum by Jeff Satur
10. Lonely City by Mokita
these are from my current favourite playlist <3
tagging: @alwaysandforeverlost @viva-yas-vegas @shou-jpeg @somethingsarereal @enigmasandepiphanies @eriingo @eggwars @toppingjeffsatur @subtextsays @risu442
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shubaka · 1 year
...that trope combo prompt was supposed to be a drabble. how long are drabbles? pretty sure they’re supposed to be short (i’m having fond memories of 100 word drabble communities on LJ back in the day).
i’m at 500+ words on this one, and i haven’t even gotten close to where i want to go. OOPS.
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