#bored games 🎲
uncertified-boykisser · 10 months
TY FOR THE ASK, I FOLLOWED U AND UR MAIN !!! also you posted if ppl would be interested in seeing your oc/canon writing and I’d personally love to read whatever you have !!!! BET ITS SO RAD !!!!! 💗💗💗
- @glitterjesse
AHH TYYY !! i hope you dont mind me answering this w one of my self-indulgent drabbles :3
from grants pov !
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Midnight was so quiet except for the sound of light snoring.
I didn’t think my life would ever be this peaceful outside of my wistful imagination, but thank god I was wrong.
My best friend, the love of my life, nuzzled into my chest with no hint of stress. In the morning he would wake up with ten hours of sleep and not an eye-bag in sight, unlike when we worked for SHIELD.
Don’t get me wrong— I miss my old friends and coworkers, but having to run from several government agencies every few months gets exhausting, especially to ‘save the world!’. I hate having to worry everyday about losing the only person keeping me grounded.
I love having a normal job. I love being able to go to my normal, permanent home after a long day. I love wedging myself into bed with my amazing fucking boyfriend— who, admittedly, isn’t normal but he’s the only reason why I have all this in the first place.
I guess after living like this for a few years it’s only dawning on me now, and I’m so fucking grateful.
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anggloria · 3 months
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Best way to not get bored on the sims 👉🏾 put real life situations in your game like
Going to the grocery shop 🍅🥬
Going to a job interview instead of finding a job immediatly on your phone/computer 💼
Going on a girls holiday/baecation 🌴
Going to a concert 🎤
Getting nails done at nail salon 💅🏾
Getting hair done at hair salon 💇🏾‍♀️
Replacing townie celebrities with real life celebrities ⭐️
Going to the shopping center / mall 🛍️
Going to the movies 🎞️
Going to the hotel (that is a spa) with your partner 🏨
Organizing a game night with a group of friends 🎲
Organizing a real life proposal instead of proposing randomly in the kitchen (😂) 💍
Going to the casino 🎰
Hiring a personal trainer 🏋🏾‍♀️
Going to church (cause my sims need Jesus ✝️🤍) 💒
Participating on a reality show to find love 🎥
Going to the studio 🎵
House hunting/Visiting generic houses before moving out 🏠
That’s how i never get bored of my game🤍
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glassrowboat · 24 days
🎲 muehehehe get diced >:3 🪐
13. Kiss to the chest.
Anatomy. Welt Yang.
Word Count: 1,500+
Thank you for the ask, Stardust <3 Now we just gotta fan over Welt together
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The mattress hit your knees as you stepped backward, the cushions something you barely had the chance to register the comfort of before you were tripping over your own two feet and falling backward. The form on top of you doing little to help. Rather, it was only making it worse as Welt fell on top of you with an over exaggerated oof! Hair askew and glasses nearly falling off his nose from the game of tag you two were playing only minutes before around his room.
Having ducked around the desk, the trashcan full of crumpled up paper, a giant stuffy March gifted him as a thank you for helping her on their last shared Trailblaze mission, and lastly workout equipment.
All over one pencil.
His favorite, or so, Welt claimed. Apparently, it had the perfect grip, so it sat comfortably in his hand. To draw, it proved the best one was familiar with the materials they used. Like how every painter has a favorite medium as either watercolor, gouache, ect, seeped into the bristles of their brush.
Graphite covered the side of his hand, staining it a metallic gray you had grown accustomed to seeing in him when he slipped the gloves off and sat before the sketchbook he kept. One that was nearly falling apart now, bindings getting looser with every time he pried it open to add another drawing to the collection. If not that, to slip pages of your own horrendous attempts at doodling him away for safekeeping.
Despite your protests to simply crumple the paper up and toss it away as the garbage you saw it as, Welt insisted otherwise. Said it was something precious to keep, memories embedded in the scribbles that could barely resemble a human face. Nothing like his art. Not from what you've seen, at least.
You had seen him make circles and lines into something more than what you could see them as. A circle turned into a head, a box into a ribcage, a line, and another line paired together to make tweezers. It was only when that item was added did it click in your mind he was drawing the picture he took of you earlier that day plucking your eyebrows. For some reason.
“I believe this means you owe me my own materials back.”
“Now why would I do that?” You asked, trying to hold out your arm even further so Welt couldn't slip it out of your hold. To pluck it from your hand like one would a loose string on a shirt. Or, as is the case with the two of you, his scarf. Though, it's not like your effort could do much against the man who could, quite literally, make the item float out of your hand and back into his own.
Surely that had to be classified as cheating.
“Are you going back on your word from before, honey? I distinctly recall you saying you could wait for me to finish what I was working on.”
Yet here you are, still trying to play keep away.
“Yeah, but then I got bored.”
A sigh. One that brushed against your skin from how close he was. Like this, you could even make out the sparkle in his eyes. Or it could just be a speck of lint on his lenses. One of the two. “I suppose that's fair.”
“Exactly. So….” You trailed off. Honestly, you weren't expecting to get this far, so it wasn't a surprise you found your own words to be suddenly falling flat. “Well, if you are so intent on focusing on art, why don't you teach me something?”
There, interactive. An olive branch offered to his outstretched hand, grasping something you can do together.
“Teach you?” Welt repeated, mulling over the words as they rolled over his tongue. “I can work with that.”
The pencil was pulled from your hand before you could even whine in protest as he pulled away. Leaving you to place it on his sketchbook only to return shortly after. Mattress creaking once again as hands, now free to do as they pleased, slid along your cheek. Thumb right under your eye.
“You're a hands-on student, aren't you? If I remember correctly…”
“I am.”
Welt muttered an “excellent” as his thumb brushed through your lashes. Your eye squeezed shut on instinct, but this didn't seem to deter him at all. “Then we can start with our first lesson now.”
“That being, professor?” You didn't miss his eyebrows burrowing ever so slightly at the nickname, but still you smiled up at him like nothing was wrong.
“Basic shapes. We can start through profiles as an example.” His touch moved to the eyebags you had been sporting that morning, running along the colored hue of the skin that gave away your bad sleeping habits. Again. “The head is not perfectly rounded, but the shape that resembles the dome of the skull the best is still a circle. Eyes are round under the lid, also best drawn using a circle first.”
“I'm getting some real creepy imagery here, teach.”
“I can understand that. It might have been easier to pull up images instead to give you something to see. To lead by example.”
“But?” You asked, head tilting ever so slightly as you watched Welt silently mouth words.
“But first, let me ask you something. When I ask you to pick something round, specifically on the human body, what do you think of first?”
Well, your first thought was balls, but you were going to keep that one under a tight lid. Maybe even in a trash can. Though that does risk the chance of Stelle rummaging through and finding your secrets.
Second? Well, that was easy.
“The callous on your finger.”
Accrued from hours, days, years even of leaning over pen and paper and letting the images in his mind come to life. Something that's not perfectly round, but it always caught your attention nonetheless. Your own fingers ran over the bump anytime you hold hands.
“I think of a ring.” Before you could question him on that, Welt slid his thumb over your lips. It was second nature to press a kiss to it, just like it was second nature for him to smile at the gesture. “Or that earring you always lose and I have to find for you.”
“No need to call me out like that.”
“Ah, I apologize.” The look in Welt's eyes was enough to tell you that even if he was sorry, he still knew he had a point.
“Yeah, yeah, what else? I can't learn to draw from circles alone, professor.”
“This 'professor’ is beginning to think the student is in a rush. Now that's no good way to get A’s in my,” He took a moment to look around the room again, taking in the place you two shared and made your own on the express, “class.”
“Oh, I'm terribly sorry.”
“Your tone tells me otherwise.”
You bit your lip, trying to stop the smirk that was hoping to overcome you.
“As for more lessons, there are topics we can focus on.”
As he spoke, Welt's hand slid down your neck, tracing the hollow where the skin met your collarbone. Your shirt shifted ever so slightly out of the way, brushing against your skin the same way he was as his lips fell to meet yours.
“Anatomy, for example.”
“Now that's a big step from shapes.”
A giant leap, actually. You couldn't even draw a perfect circle, but here he is suggesting something that you've seen even him struggle with. Reference photos had been pulled up countless times as he drew. It was that, or, you'd find Welt standing before the mirror to see how his body shifts in this new pose. He's even asked you to indulge him once or twice and move along with how he places you, pen in his mouth as he chews on it to help him think. Or so he claims.
“No need to worry, we can start small. Besides, did you not just say you can't learn to draw from circles alone?”
Ahh, your own words. What a great way to turn them around and shove them back in your mouth. Something to choke on for fun.
“And what is this something small, professor?”
Fingers toyed with your shirt, unbuttoning it as Welt looked up at you, making sure this was okay. Just like he always did. With your nod, he continued, undoing the top three until the tank top you were underneath was peaking out.
“It's simple. Simple enough that I can show you.” Welt said. His lips met your chest, heart thrumming under him, beating wildly in an attempt to escape and give him what has already been his since the moment you first saw his smile at a stupid dad joke. Of all things.
“But something tells me this will be easier to do without these clothes in the way. Do you mind, honey?”
And of course you didn't mind at all.
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rachoxpotato · 1 year
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🎲 Charlie Barber x Female Reader   ⚠️  babysitter/client relationship, age difference (reader 18), inappropriate use of Scrabble tiles, hand kink, Daddy, cunnilingus, p in v ✏️ 3k words -
Henry's been asleep since before Charlie got home.
Since putting him to bed, you’ve managed to put away almost all of the night’s activities and start the dishwasher. You’re heading into the living room, sights set on picking up the game of Scrabble (in which Henry insisted ‘gleeba’ is a word) when the front door opens.
“Hey, Mister Barber,” you greet from the floor as you slide the tiles from your letter racks onto the board.
He approaches with a smile on his face and stands over you—tall, towering, his hands on his hips. You swallow and continue tossing tiles onto the board so you can more easily funnel them back into their bag.
"Wanna play?" Charlie asks. "Or do you need to get home?"
Even as he asks the question, he takes a seat on the floor, clearly confident in what your response will be. 
He’s right.
"I can play," you say, dumping the tiles onto the carpet as Charlie flips them with thick fingers. 
Desperately attempting to focus on anything that isn’t those hands, you spend an unnecessarily long amount of time straightening his wooden tile rack, ensuring it’s perfectly placed. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch his two massive palms covering practically all of the tiles as he swirls them around, mixes them up, and you stop breathing when your own fingers graze his.
You choose seven wooden blocks. 
“Ladies first,” he says with a smile, voice so deep, it shakes your core. You place your tiles across the star to play ‘CATCH,’ and then take five tiles to replace them.
Charlie keeps score, tallying up your points for you on the pad. 
Such a dad.
“How was your meeting tonight?” you ask so you have an excuse to look at his face. 
He shrugs, face laced with concentration as he anticipates his next move. 
“Fine. Boring.” 
You smile. “Hopefully this is a bit more titillating.” 
Charlie looks up at you. His eyes fall to your chest as he considers your word choice and you clench as your heart rate speeds up. 
“It definitely is, Sweetheart,” he says, voice deep, as he returns his own focus to the letters in front of him. 
You’d been babysitting Henry since you were 16, even before Charlie and Nicole broke up. Conveniently enough, you live in the apartment above them and over the years, you’d grown attached to Henry. He’s smart and funny, he always remembers you and doesn’t need Charlie to reintroduce you. And he’s a good kid, easy to hang out with. You never mind canceling plans to help out the Barbers. 
Well, to help out Mr. Barber.
Besides, Charlie pays incredibly generously and as you’ve gotten older, you’ve come to appreciate everything about him: his size, his demeanor, the way he’s such a dedicated father. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the way you catch him staring at you since you’ve turned 18.
You know you shouldn’t have a crush on the man who pays you to watch his son. You should be interested in guys your own age but… there’s something about your 6’4” client whose hands appear as though they could wrap around your entire waist in one go. And you’ve tried to think of anyone else with your bedroom door locked, and your tiny fingers between your legs–like the captain of the football team, or the guy who sits behind you in Calc, but Mr. Barber always worms his way into your thoughts right as you’re about to come. 
Charlie plays the word ‘VEIN’ and you can’t help but clench at the sight of his own veins rolling over his knuckles as his hand flexes, the tendons straining when he reaches for his pencil to document his score. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks in a tone that implies he’d been trying to get your attention for a while. “Are you okay?” 
You can’t tear your eyes off of his hand as you apologize.
“It’s okay.” He smiles, his perfectly crooked teeth peeking out from behind his plush, pink lips.
When you look up at him, his eyes flick up to meet yours, his features laced with guilt as you catch him staring at your chest again. 
Then you play ‘WIDE.’ 
As you reach to place your tiles, you bend a little further than necessary, so more cleavage is revealed to his clearly hungry gaze. 
He inhales sharply. 
“We could uh… we could make this more fun,” he says. “If you want.”
“Okay,” you say immediately. “I want.”
Charlie swallows, looks you up and down, his gaze scorching as he takes in your tiny denim shorts. 
“Whoever plays the lower scoring word for the round… removes an article of clothing.” 
It’s always warm in his apartment, so it’s not like you have a ton of clothes on to begin with, but you nod anyway, and you’re not sure if he purposely plays a word that scores him lower than yours, but he slips his cardigan off his shoulders without prompting and you smirk. 
The following round, he’s delighted when ‘CLOSE’ earns him 24 points. 
You arch an eyebrow. 
“Shirt.” His voice is deeper than you’ve ever heard it, eyes dark and focused. He watches you cross your arms at the hem of your shirt and he inhales deeply as you tug it up and over your head, revealing your lace bralette. It’s not completely see-through, but your nipples ache and are desperate for attention. They’re clearly visible as they strain beneath the fabric. 
The second round goes to you and you memorize everything about the way his fingers undo the buttons of his shirt. You’re disappointed to see he has an undershirt on. He chuckles when you pout. 
The next round goes to you as well and unfortunately, you have to waste this win on his shoes, but he throws you a bone and takes his socks off as well. 
The letters you pick up are less than stellar and when it’s your turn again, you mindlessly drag your ‘W’ Scrabble tile across the bare skin of your chest while you survey the board. 
“Fuck,” Charlie mutters under his breath as he shifts his weight and you’d noticed the bulge in his slacks earlier but it must be uncomfortable for him now because he rearranges his long legs for the third time in the past minute. 
Still, he plays a word that scores him 21 points and his eyes unabashedly shift from your chest to your shorts, and back up to your chest as he considers his options. 
“Bra.” You take a deep breath in and bite your lip as you tug the bralette up and slip your arms out of it, your breasts dropping out of the lace. 
His expression is caught somewhere between pain and hunger as he devours your bare tits with his eyes. He sees you squirm where you sit, attempting to grind your center on the floor but it’s not the right angle, and it’s not enough. So you play your turn and win the round. You want his undershirt off desperately but you take pity on him and request his pants, his erection now so painfully obvious; it must be throbbing. 
Unfortunately, your replacement letters contain no vowels and your options on the board are extremely limited, so when he scores higher than you on the next round, you both know what it means. 
His eyes are on your tiny fingers working the button of your shorts after you’ve stood up but your hands are shaking so violently, you struggle. 
“Let me, Princess,” he says, walking toward you on his knees. 
He’s so tall, he’s eye-level with your chest. He nudges your legs apart before hooking his fingers into the waistband on either side and freezes, looks up at you. You nod, head moving half an inch but it’s all the permission he needs before his mouth wraps around one hard nipple, and his hands tug at your tiny shorts. 
You whimper as he pulls them down your thighs, his mouth siphoning at your tit like he’s sucking a milkshake through a straw, and your panties get hooked with the denim. 
You don’t even realize it's happening until Charlie pulls off of you to say, “fuck it, I’m taking this, too,” and yanks your thong down as well, leaving you completely bare in front of him. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, free hand climbing up the inside of your thigh. “Fuck, you’re so perfect. So gorgeous. So grown up now, aren’t you?” You nod as his finger reaches the apex of your thighs. 
You shift your weight back and forth as he strokes your folds, teases the creases between your sex and thighs.
“Mister Barber,” you whimper.
“Is this okay, Princess?” he asks.
You nod. “More.”
He smirks, but applies a bit of pressure and slides that finger through your folds. You can’t help but moan as his thick digit glides effortlessly through your soaked flesh, over your entrance and up toward your clit.
“So goddamn wet. This pussy. Fuck, Princess.” 
He gathers some of your arousal onto his fingertip and brings it to your clit. Once slick, he circles the throbbing nub a few times, earning gasps and moans from you. Your hands flail, desperately seeking purchase on his head, his shoulders, anything. 
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” He presses his finger to your entrance and slips it inside to the middle knuckle with ease. “Anyone ever touch you like this, Honey?” 
You nod slowly. 
“Yeah?” he asks. “Bet they didn’t make you feel like I can… will you let me, Sweetheart? Let me show you how good I can make you feel?” 
You nod. 
“Say yes, Baby Girl. I need you to tell me.” 
“Yes,” you say immediately, walls clenching around his finger. “Please, more.” 
He curls his finger forward toward your front wall and you gasp as pleasure shoots through your system. Then, he adds a second finger. 
He pumps them slowly, testing you, watching your face contort to see how much you can take. You groan when he withdraws his fingers, but you get a good look at them when he lifts them to your face. 
“Look how wet you are for me, Princess,” he says, painting your bottom lip with your own arousal. 
You allow both fingers into your mouth when he prods and you moan as you taste yourself, suck your juices off of him. 
Then, you grab his wrist, holding his hand in place so your tongue can make figure eights around and through his digits. 
Damn, you never knew that fingers could taste so good, that their weight on your tongue could feel like this, that sucking them deeper into your mouth could cause a surge of arousal to flood your already soaked center. 
“You like this, Baby Girl? You like sucking Daddy’s fingers?”
Your knees nearly give out at that. You’d always wanted to say it, to call someone that but… most boys your age hardly want to be called ‘Babe,’ let alone ‘Daddy.’
But it fits him so well, you decide, as this fantasy knocks you off balance. 
Charlie sits back on the floor and beckons you down with him using those fingers, until you’re straddling his lap and he lets you continue to suck as his opposite hand plays with your tits. He massages them, squeezes them, holds them in his hand and makes them bounce. You moan when he pinches a nipple and gasp when he twists it. 
The ache between your legs is unbearable. It doesn’t help that your legs are spread open so you can’t even rub your thighs together in the way you usually do when you see Mr. Barber. 
“Atta girl,” he coos, bringing your free hand to the bulge in his boxer-briefs. “You like sucking on Daddy’s fingers, huh?” 
You nod, let your eyes fall shut as you hollow out your cheeks. “Will you do that while you let me fuck you, Baby Girl?”
You whine as he pries his fingers from your reluctant mouth and he chuckles. 
“You’ll get them back, Princess. I could never deny you.” 
He pulls his own shirt off and you marvel at his chest—the hard muscles and sheer width of him. His soft tummy bulges slightly over the waistband of his boxer briefs and brings you a sense of comfort you can’t explain and didn’t even know you needed.
His broad shoulders flex under your gaze and he smirks. Charlie keeps you in his lap as he maneuvers his boxer-briefs down and grips your waist so tight, his long fingers nearly wrap entirely around you. 
“So beautiful,” he whispers, tilting his head up and capturing your lips with his. You moan as he squeezes you harder and thrusts his tongue into your mouth. 
You feel him, hard and thick beneath you. You want to see it, but your bodies are pressed too closely together. You feel too small in his embrace, too powerless to make any decisions for the two of you.
“Mister B-” you whisper-whine before stopping yourself and moaning, “Daddyyyyy…”
“Shh, Baby Girl, I promise I’ll take good care of you, okay?” he coos and you nod. “Trust me.” 
And you do. He lifts you slowly, until he’s lined up at your entrance. 
“Please tell me you’re on birth control.” 
“I am,” you breathe and he releases a sigh of relief as he lowers you onto him slowly. “Ahh,” you gasp as he stretches you out, pressing kisses to your chest and throat to distract you from any discomfort. 
“Sweetheart, you’re—“
He doesn’t finish his train of thought. Just lifts you up off of him and you groan as he falls out. 
“Daddy,” you whine as he sets you down on the scrabble board and pushes you back.
Charlie hovers over you and kisses you while one of his massive hands explores the curves of your body. You feel so vulnerable, spread open on his living room floor like this. 
Kissing his way down your body, he pays extra attention to your breasts—sucking, kissing, licking at your nipples until they’re soaked and pointed. 
Continuing south, Charlie positions your legs, spreads them the way he wants them and licks a stripe up your cunt experimentally and without warning. 
“Yes, Princess?” he asks coyly. His hand appears between your legs. 
Your back arches involuntarily as he licks your clit, and explores your folds with his tongue. Scrabble tiles dig into your back as you squirm and Charlie reaches up to pin you with a forearm across your hips. 
You nearly scream his name as his tongue works you and he covers your mouth with a massive hand. 
“Kid’s asleep,” he reminds you, but you hardly hear him when you grab his wrist and take two of his fingers into your mouth. 
As you suck them, he sucks on your clit, his siphons matching your pace until you’re moaning, lips vibrating against his knuckles as your climax builds.
No one’s ever done this for you before. Sure, you’d made yourself come, but the boys you’d fooled around with probably couldn’t even point to your clit, let alone know how to tease it and suck at it. 
Back arching, heart pounding, Scrabble tiles jabbing, you thrash across the floor and board as your orgasm wreaks havoc through your system, shakes you to your core. 
“Good girl,” he praises, lifting his head off of you. He wipes his soaked mouth and chin on your inner thigh, your hip bone, your ribs, like a dog rubbing its scent, marking its territory. 
“You came so well for me, Baby Girl. So good, so fucking good.” 
Charlie wraps one of your pliant legs around his waist and you do everything in your power to tighten your muscles and hold it there for him while he enters you for a second time, filling you completely, but this time, it’s so much better. 
“Fuck, oh my god, I-” 
“Shh,” he tells you again, covering your mouth and refusing to allow you to pull it away. He buries his head in the crook of your neck as he thrusts hard and fast into you, the Scrabble tiles nearly cutting your back open. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight still. Fuck, such a perfect pussy. Can’t believe you’re letting me fuck you,” he babbles as his hips snap against yours. 
The friction of his thick cock rubbing mercilessly against your stretched walls renders you unable to think, let alone speak. Whiney babbles escape from between your lips as your body rocks back and forth with the force of his thrusts, your tits jiggling, and legs hardly able to remain locked around his waist.
Your back can only lift so much with his weight over you but as he grinds into you, a second orgasm rakes through your system, waves of pleasure coursing through your body as his thrusts grow sloppy and he spills into you, hitting you hard and deep as he comes. His hand slides off your mouth and he plants it on the floor to lift himself off of you. 
“Fuck,” he breathes looking down at your naked body. “That was perfect, Baby Girl. You’re amazing.” He kisses your neck. “You were so good for me.” 
You accept his lips when he leans up to kiss you. 
“Are you okay?” he whispers, nudging your nose with his. 
“Yeah, I just…” you maneuver your hand behind your back and pluck a Scrabble piece jabbing your shoulder blade. “Maybe round two can be in your bed?” 
“Round two?” Charlie asks with an eyebrow arched. 
“Of Scrabble. After all, we didn’t get to finish our first game,” you tease with a coy smile before dropping your voice, looking up at him through your lashes and whispering, “Daddy.”
Charlie growls before whisking you away to his bed. 
Your clothes somehow make it to the room, but the disheveled Scrabble board remains in the middle of the living room floor.
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marvelnatswhore · 1 year
For the drabble, can I ask 🫂💕 🐾 with Wanda??
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader ~hugs, kisses & pet names drabble
drabble ask game
no warnings x
a/n: hii -sorry it's small im too tired but hope you like <3
an exhausted sigh left your lips as you flopped down on your couch. Finally home, your eyes drifted shut in the comfort of nothing and for a moment you wondered if you could fall asleep right there.
Your moment was soon interrupted as you heard shuffling from your bathroom and the door opening as Wanda called your name. Your eyes opened as you heard her footsteps coming towards you.
"Hi baby-" Wanda said as your gaze met hers, a towel wrapped loosely around her hair and a number of damp strands fell down, brushing her cheeks, you couldn't help smiling when you noticed her wearing your favourite shirt.
"Falling asleep without me?" She whispers, letting the towel around her hair fall to the floor as she leans in to kiss you, a smirk pressed against her soft lips.
You frown a little when she pulls away, already missing the short contact, even without reading your mind, Wanda could tell exactly what you wanted.
"Need a cuddle?" She says, already knowing your response; you hummed in agreement, wrapping your arms around her torso and pulling her onto the couch, against you. Wanda laughed, running her hands through your hair and leaning down to kiss you softly as she settled herself between your legs, facing you with a fond look.
"How was work, love?" She whispered as her hair brushed your cheeks.
"Boring and too long," You muttered, "I missed you."
"Missed you more, honey." Wanda said, kissing you gently as she pulled you closer.
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thecoldsoldiers · 2 months
🃏🎲 (From here) for the Asset
3♠ - Sender's muse plays a winning hand, but the game was very close. This hand was the tiebreaker, and the receiver's muse has lost.
Asset had quickly grown bored of supervising the Widows, most of them were too well-trained to step out of line and those who did hadn't survived the program, so for the most part it was either teaching them or watching them. He found he couldn't pop up behind most of the Widows to scare them as they were one of a few who knew he was coming.
Yelena was smart, showed promise and he had been watching her so when the woman suggested teaching him a card game, Asset managed to justify it as practising strategy, so he would allow it. Asset barely had anything to offer each other, so somehow clothes had become the cost of losing. The both of them had ended up down to just underwear with clothes on the floor and Asset guarding his cards carefully. There was something nice about this, peaceful. Even when Yelena played her hand, all he could do was let a small smile twitch at the corner of his mouth as he dropped his cards in defeat. "You won." He spoke quietly, removing his underwear and placing them on the floor with the rest of his clothes, barely phased by his own nudity.
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rottedbrainz · 3 days
Old people playing bored games 🎲🎲
They all agreed to never have a game night EVER again!!!!!!!!
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Lol I finally got around to finishing it!
Mick and Terri belong to @palettepainter
Gabe and Lena belong to @posies-and-bundles
I genuinely love this little group of old people! And I'm glad we have fun pushing these old people into silly shenanigans :D
Don't worry there are close ups!!
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Lol imaginings these guys playing a board game or really any game for a game night is so entertaining to think about. Like Tibbs is already getting super competitive, he shows no mercy. Maybe whenever it came to Terri or Lena he'd take it easy, BUT TINA?????? Nah he's gonna make sure he wins against her 😂
Also sorry if it wasn't what you guys were expecting, I let the person who responded first get first dibs so like I said before sorry 😭😭
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ragsy · 28 days
🎲👛⚖️ for dilly and whoever else u want :]
🎲 are they lucky?
Lol. Lmao. Sir Dillion Fontaine "three nat 1s in a row" Sargasso? Lmao!!!!
👛 what is always with this character?
[unfurls his extremely long inventory list]
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⚖️ how do they seek justice?
by offering himself (and his blade (and his big muscular arms)) to the cause! sir dillion fontaine sargasso, at your service!
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mothellie · 4 months
Stranger Things Ask Game 🎲
Making my own ask game because I'm bored and couldn't find any others I liked. Just send me the number of the question you want to ask and I'll answer with my response. Feel free to reblog this and play it for yourself!
Favorite character(s)?
Least favorite character(s)?
Favorite canon ship(s)?
Least favorite canon ship(s)?
Favorite non-canon ships(s)?
Least favorite non-canon ship(s)?
Favorite platonic duo/group?
Least favorite platonic duo/group?
Favorite family dynamic?
Least favorite family dynamic?
Rank the seasons from best to worst.
Favorite fanfic in the fandom?
Favorite fanart/visual fanwork in the fandom?
Fandom hot take?
Favorite Stranger Things blog(s)?
One death you would undo if given the chance?
One death you would make happen if given the chance?
One plotline you would axe/rewrite?
One character you would literally write out of existence?
One character you would do justice (that the Suffers didn't)?
S5 predictions?
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marasiatheferret · 2 months
Hello everyone✋the first page of the another story is out.
It's kinda boring but tried to write something different.
So have a nice reading❤️ oh and tell what do y'all think of it.
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uncertified-boykisser · 3 months
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im feeling kinda bad rn but the Fictional Man
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toaster-selfships · 5 months
Got bored, so I decided to make a selfship ask game!<3 No particular theme, just whatever came in my head. Very centered around F/O personality stuff though XD
👔: Whats their clothing style/how do they dress?
🌈: Do they have a favorite color? And if so, what is it?
🖍: What would they do with a coloring book?(ex. Go outside the lines, not be interested, use it to relax, only use two colors they like for the entire thing, etc.)
🎮: What kind of games would they enjoy? Board games? Role-playing silly things like royalty? Video games?
🕯: Which scented candle/certain smell reminds me of them?
🍳: Can they cook? Do they like cooking?
🏠: How decorated is their room/house? Does it reflect their personality?
🎲: Do they have any collections or things they collect?
☔️: Do they dress for the weather? Or do they wear the same thing regaurdless? Do they even CHECK the weater?
🛏: How many blankets do they keep on their bed? Just one or maybe a bunch?
💥: Are they impulsive/spontaneous? What sort of situations has this gotten them in to?
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atinyhellu · 8 days
For Xinsia ! There's a lot but it's a very cool list, feel free to elaborate on stuff or leave some of the questions out :)
👕Appearance - 7
🍽️Food and Drink -9
🤝 Community and relationships - 2 💓Mind, Body and Soul - 6
🎲 Hobbies and Activities - 1
Thank you for asking so many, I'm really happy! :D I tried to give some background info on all answers, hope it's a fun read!
👕Appearance - Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
Yes and no! Xinsia is rarely seen out of a military uniform and because of this, she doesn't get a lot of variation in her appearance. She wears her hair the same way most days and doesn't care much for accessories. When Xinsia has to dress up (as she is part of the noble caste of the setting), she does imitate her late mother's style. Her mother used to enjoy helping Xinsia prepare when she was younger, brushing and doing her hair, choosing what hair ornaments to wear and such. Xinsia still keeps some of those dressing habits to this day.
🍽️Food and Drink - Does your character like to try new foods?
Yes! Though Xinsia isn't a foodie, she has a curiosity towards most things new. She likes especially to try out new drinks and weird combinations, even better if they are alcoholic. If she's tried something and didn't like it, she is unlikely to give it a second try, though - or it would take a lot of convincing at least!
🤝 Community and relationships - What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
Tournaments or animal-related events (hunting, falconry, horseback riding) where the focus isn't directly at social interaction. She isn't introverted by any means, but it is just that there is so much intrigue and deception at normal social gatherings that she'd rather do something fun while it's happening. Are tournaments in the Empire full of cheats trying to make an impression? Yes. Will Xinsia try to beat them with pure prowess? Also yes! When she was just a footsoldier in rank, she liked drinking the night away with those she fought alongside with, but now as a Captain she's in a more precarious position. It is one of her regrets related to her promotion, even though she really gunned for it for her whole service.
💓Mind, Body and Soul - How well does your character act under pressure?
Oh boy, it depends. In combat situations, Xinsia is able to make decisions fast and act upon them. Communication might be on the lesser side, but she gets things done. Are they reckless? Often. She's got a lot of scars on her body to tell that. At least she can think and act, even if her mouth won't move. In court situations (or in social ones altogether), Xinsia is not the best. She stops to think, gets annoyed, and throws caution to the wind. That's why Aisu makes for a good lieutenant for her - he keeps things civil under pressure and is Xinsia's reminder to not get baited into saying something stupid. He can't always stop her, though. Xinsia has a strong protective streak and if someone puts pressure on that, she will act.
🎲 Hobbies and Activities - What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing?
Hmm, I had not actually thought of this a lot! I think dice games, maybe some physical kind of games? Xinsia is a very active person, so arm wrestling, just wrestling or some interactive games would be her thing. Something like card games or board games could get a bit boring for her, unless they were something like slapjack that requires reaction times and speed :D
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I totally agree with you and anon about wanting to see more club shenanigans!! maybe I'm just nosy but I would LOVE to hear even the smallest details about how club meetings usually go. give me the most boring info like how often the guys meet per week and I'd still get excited over that!
I would cry to hear more about the board game club. like yes, they play different board games (twst monopoly, game of life, chess) but like what else? are there any club retreats? club wide multi-player DND?? does everyone split into small groups and play without interacting with anyone but their game partners?
on that note... what would the outfits even BE for the board game club? it's kind of just... people playing games so what would they even wear other than their uniforms?
[Referencing this post!]
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I’d wager that they have a variety of games for various numbers of willing participants, something to suit everyone’s taste! They can each be in their own little comfortable cocoons of limited social interaction~ (I’m just guessing based on my own brief irl Board Game Club experience 🎲)
If Azul and Idia are anything to go by, I think the members of Board Game Club get super competitive no matter what game they’re playing. Their craving for utterly crushing their opponents and claiming victory for themselves never ceases 😂 Even in a more collaborative scenario like DnD, I can see Idia being an asshole of a DM while Azul takes charge of his party and the two constantly butt heads to see who comes out on top.
dbjsbejw I’m not sure what the Board Game Club would wear 🤔 I’m sure this was a topic of discussion in the past (but I can’t for the life of me find those posts since they were months and months ago), though I don’t think there was ever a conclusion or concrete ideas for it. I have seen a lot of joke art (like this one) about Board Game Club’s drip or lack of it, but that’s about it.
It definitely feels like the sports/athletic clubs will have more of a “uniform” to them, while the cultural clubs have much less of a defined look. I guess if Pop/Light Music Club is anything to go by, it may lean toward casual wear with additional accessories that indicate their hobby or interest?? For example, maybe some patches or game logos for Board Game Club?
… Gargoyle cosplay for Gargoyle Appreciation Society? And maybe members of the Science Club will actually wear their Labwear correctly/following lab safety protocols—
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evilphrog · 1 year
Discworld ask game 💭📝🎲
💭 Tell us something Discworld changed your perspective on
Reading about Sam and Sybil's marriage helped me feel like my marriage was normal and healthy. They are both outdoor cats who enjoy spending time together when they spend time together. They are deeply independent and used to being alone. They need to put real effort into learning how to balance being considerate with staying true to themselves. It took work. It took communication. When Young Sam came into the picture, it took even more. And they are both glad they did that work. By the end of the series, they are practically a hivemind. Outsiders still can't understand what they see in each other, but they don't care anymore. They know what they see in each other, and that is what matters. And that describes my relationship pretty well.
📝 Tell us one of your favourite Discworld footnotes
"He'd noticed that sex bore some resemblance to cookery: it fascinated people, they sometimes bought books full of complicated recipes and interesting pictures, and sometimes when they were really hungry they created vast banquets in their imagination-- but at the end of the day, they'd settle quite happily for egg and chips, if it was well done and maybe a slice of tomato."
🎲 Wild card! Pick anything you'd like to tell us about Discworld that isn't mentioned above
Joining the tumble Discworld fandom was fun because it seems like such a tiny fandom based on active posters, but there are secretly thousands of sleeper cell Discworld fans who will rise from the depths to comment on favorite bits, or to participate in Emotions Day every May. It is nice to get a few super popular posts here and there, but still have a fairly small circle of regulars.
Discworld ask game
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watchfxrthefangs · 2 months
🎲"Oh, feeling bored? How about a game then~"
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