#both they asses annoying 🤦‍♀️
b3achysurfur · 10 months
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matchadobo · 4 months
Kid idéal type is someone who can call him out on his bull shit and a strong willed person
hi anon 🌷YES!
i always tend to lean on that type of reader when writing, it's such a nice trope that i seem to never run out of ideas for.
but because honestly, it's the only type of person who he'll admire. he finds the bravery and courage hot. it's attractive for him if you can shut him down and oppose him. when you stand your ground and never fold.
most of the time, he'll mistake the attraction as sheer aversion 🤦‍♀️. yet he'll always yearn for the back and forth of your stubborn asses, that's why he'll always be out to annoy you and instigate a fight between the both of you. i guess you could say it's his love language 😭 but he finds it really hot when you come up with some quick witted insult that hits the exact spot of annoyance in him.
when you call him out on his bullshit, he'll be very turned on. someone dominating him? telling him what he can and cannot do? who the hell do they think they are?! the audacity of this dumbass to oppose him?! he'll find you very VERY interesting. one person that doesn't get scared of him, holds that much fury while THE EUSTASS KIDD stands before them and still continue to stand up to him.
oh he'll never let you go. where can he find a one of a kind dumbass who'd dare cross him so much that they intrigue him he ends up being attracted to them? 🤩
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archivomeow · 1 month
being aro-spec (orchidro in my case) & ace is hard when you’re born into a family that has
1. homophobic memebers,
2. has members that are accepting of lgbt+ but aphobic.
the amount of times i was asked if i have a boyfriend or a guy i like and had to say no is just annoying, i hate that question because tbh if i did i wouldn’t tell that family member that always asks it, every time we see each other.
and the amount of times it was added “or a girlfriend” “or a wife” to boyfriend/husband talk by another family member. like i have a family member who fully believes im a lesbian, because i asked some questions about the lgbtqia+ etc when i was questioning if i was a lesbian (which i am not 🤦‍♀️).
the amount of times i was told i will grow up and have kids or that it just hasn’t kicked in yet, that i’m too young too know, that some people don’t know they want kids at my age.
the amount of times i was told i will have a husband and that i’ll find one, one day, then i’ll understand it all.
the amount of times i was told i can be straight, i can be a lesbian, that it doesn’t matter if i bring a guy or a girl home, it will be fine, but i was met with “everyone dates eventually” when i asked “what if i never date”.
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the thing is you cannot blame this on me, because i don’t owe anyone a coming out, no one does, i’ve asked repeatedly to not be called a lesbian or to be insinuating that i am one (love you girl kissers, i’m bi, not a lesbian!). i’ve said over and over and over again that i’m not dating, having kids or getting married, the thing is everyone takes this as me being “too young and immature” or some blame me being a feminist on that, which i explained the two didn’t correlate with each other, but they didn’t listen. i’ve even been asked if i will be a spinster, which i said yes to, because technically i do want that, but that word has a negative effect on some, not me tho.
i’ve made is as clear as i can i won’t date, have no need or desire to (i never had any), that i want to live alone and have a dog or a cat or both. i want a job i love and i want to learn and see things during my life.
the best i can do is the aunt that you see once every three months that brings you cool ass gifts.
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Being MSBY's Manager:
Manager with a Crush on Adriah Tomas
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Adriah Tomas featuring MSBY x GN! Reader (reader is late 20s/early 30s)
Warnings: swearing
A/N: This is an request from @wisdomsunshine!
"What do you like about timeskip?" ITS TIMESKIP!
Honestly have I told you all how much I love writing timeskip?
Because I do 🥰
But this isn't about me!
This is about you 😍
Our freaking precious MSBY manager!
Now, you've been manager for a while at this point
Like you were around before Bokuto, Sakusa, Atsumu and Hinata joined
The MSBY senior members thank God everyday for that 😐
Literally imagine if you would have just then thrusted in as manager right as the super volleyball idiots were joining 😬
Anyways, you were kind of like an older sibling to the younger guys
Being in your later 20s gave you alot of life experience that our sweet bbys didn't have
I mean they are literal children YN so please guide them 🤚🏻
For the older players, you were more a friend and someone they respected highly
Everyone adored you and you adored them
BUT 👀 there was a certain someone you who adored a bit more than the rest 🙃
That's right, our residen SIX FOOT SEVEN INCH TITAN MAN
Adriah Tomas 🥰🥰
Have I told you he's 6'7" yet? Because he's 6'7" inches YN...
NE WAYS you had such a crush on that man
Honestly can relate
Seriously what a cutie pie 🥺 with his dark hair and uneven bangs 😫
Please he's also literally the sweetest! He gives those funny, yet incredibly supportive teammate vibes
Plus he's literally always the first to volunteer to help and I stand by that
"Good morning YN! Do you need help?"
"Hey YN let me get that for you!"
"Here YN I opened this jar for you!"
Literally a pro at reaching high shelves ok 🤚🏻
Inunaki teases him about how he is such a simp for you YN
Adriah is a great help with the children younger guys and great at deflecting emo modes
Imagine this 🙌🏻
Bokuto has had the roughest day, missing all the shots
Hesnliterally planked in the middle of the floor
You are standing on the sidelines like 👉🏻🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
"YN HANDLE THIS!"- Meian tells
You 👉🏻😐 🙄
Please Meian totally throws you under the bus at every chance YN
"Bokuto come on dude, everyone has bad days!"- You say
Bokuto rn 👇🏻
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"YN can you move him we need to practice"- Atsumu
You 👉🏻 😐 WHY IS THIS ALL ON ME?!?!
So you try to logistically figure out how to move 6'3" 190 pound Bokuto off the court
You try pushing, that doesn't work
So you grab his arm and try to pull
Hmm still not working 🤨
Never-fear Yn, our precious giant Adriah is here to help!
"Hey YN, need some help?"
"Yeah I think if we roll him off the courtthay might be our best option"- you 🤔
Leave this to Adriah YN 🤚🏻
This man will literally HEAVE Bokuto over his shoulder andbhaul his ass off the court
You 👉🏻😐😳😲🥵
The team 👉🏻🙄
Bokuto 👉🏻 just flopped over Adriah's shoulder like a child having a tantrum
God we stan this man so hard 😭
So what's the problem you ask?
Why don't you just tell Adriah you like him?
Well you see, while you are 98% sure he likes you
There's a 2% chance he doesn't 🥺
And we CLING to that 2% chance YN
Like what if you confess and he's just like "ummm sorry YN, I don't like you"
Heartbroken 💔 for life, you'll never recover!
Literally Inunaki is so annoyed that you two keep doing this dance around each other
Inunaki is a Libero and he's our team bestie 💅🏼
Anyways, Inunaki just so happens to know you like Adriah
And he also just HAPPENS 👀 to know that Adriah likes you
"How does he know that Tiffany?" Well I'm glad you asked
Literally this is how he finds out
He walks into the locker room and says "I think I'm going to ask YN on a date"
Adriah WHIPS his head in Inunaki's direction, standing to his full SIX FOOT SEVEN INCH height and walks over to Inunaki
Inunaki 👉🏻something wrong Adriah 🙃
Adriah 👉🏻😑
"Dont worry big guy, I was just making sure I wasn't wrong before I told you YN likes you"- Inunaki 🕺
Adriah goes through a whole slew of emotions
Because wait... YOU LIKE HIM??
He probably full on panics for a few minutes
Mans maybe confident on the court but he is not confident when it comes to dating
"Stop panicking dude, just ask YN out!"- Meian
"Ok ask YN out... wait how do I ask YN out?"- Adriah
Meian, Barnes and Inunaki 👉🏻 😐🤦🤦‍♂️🤦
"YN really likes <favorite flower> and <favorite food>"- Sakusa
"Ohh YN also really likes <favorite hobby>"- Hinata
"And a <favorite animal> stuffie!"- Atsumu
Adriah, Meian, Barnes and Inunaki rn 👉🏻👁👄👁
"What? We hang out with YN a lot!"- Sakusa
"Yeah, they have to watch us after practice remember?"- Hinata
Please Adriah is running to his phone to take notes
Mans is going to plan a super romantic date for you both
He plans to ask you out go dinner on Saturday night after the teamss practice on Friday
Good thing there won't be a major life event that occurs on Friday 😃
Nope just a friendly rivelry match between MSBY and their besties, the Schweiden Adlers 🙃
What fun 🥰
Love that for them honestly
Anyways, the Adlers, well they don't have a manager 😔
It's really unfortunate
Oh well, too bad I guess you'll just have to fill that void YN!
Honestly the Adler's love you YN and who can blame them!
Our freaking perfect angel 😇
In fact, the Adlers love you SO much that they occupy the majority of your time
And MSBY oof- they do not like that
Mainly a certain man in particular 😏
Because you see, the Adlers has their own SIX FOOT SEVEN INCH giant by the name of Tatsuto Sokolov
Seriously YN 🙄 if you don't I will-
You must attract the Titans YN because Tatsuto has been ON you since the Adlera arrived
"Hey YN, it's good to see you again"- Tatsuto
"Hey Tatsuto! I'm so glad you guys could make it"- you 🥰
Adriah rn 👉🏻 >:(
"Hey YN do you think you could help me wrap my fingers?"- Tatsuto
"Oh sure!"- You
"You really gonna let Sokolov take YN from You?"- Inunaki, our resident drama starter
"Dont be silly Inunaki, Sokolov is miles ahead of Adriah, I mean look at him!"- Atsumu adds, stirring the pot
Adriah looks over to see Sokolov caressing your cheek 😱
Oh HELL no
Our mans Adriah is not gonna take that, so he giant stomps over to you and Tatusto
"Hey Adriah- what the heck?!?!"- You say as Adriah pulls you behind him
"Hey Adriah, what's up?"- Sokolov 😏
"YN is mine! Back off!"- Adriah 😠
You 👉🏻🤨 I am???
"YN I like you and I want to take you out on a date! I was going to ask you tonight after practice but I just couldn't stand it any longer. So what do you say?"- Adriah
You 👉🏻😐😳🥺 you-you like me??
"I've liked you for a while YN but I didn't know how to tell you-"
"I like you too Adriah!"- You
Give the man a hug right NOW YN 😤
while you two are hugging, Sokolov walks over to Inunaki who slips him a $20
Meian 👉🏻😐🤨 wtf...
"What? I just took out a little insurance to make sure he actually asked YN out!"- Inunaki
"You're just as bad as Atsumu"- Sakusa
Atsumus 👉🏻😱 offended
You and Adriah 🫂 🤗 🥰
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.4
Not Eli just crouching in the corner
"Remember Simba" 🦁
Damn imagine that's how Derek introduced Eli to the pack💀 took him to the look out place/point? and held him up like Simba but he's a little wolf pup🐺 "and all the dragons roared as one" (srry I've been watching alot of Hotd)
Really fucked up of you to have Derek stabbed like that infront of his son who has no way of knowing his dad's not actually dead
Why'd they fall down the stairs?
nah grl ur fam got themselves killed
How poetic of Nogi 📜✒
"I can do this" or not
I stand by the idea that the only reason Eli didn't pass out was bc there wasn't a mirror around 😂
Poor Malia, she obviously cares about Eli very much
Oh, so we just out here stabbing ourselves now? Interesting development in our tale
Also that's the rock I'm talking about, the one where Derek could've brought baby Eli😂
"Can't we just call Stiles?" Is what he was going to stay
why is Jackson eating in every scene😂
🎶walk him like a dog, sis, walk him like a dog🎶
Second hand embarrassment 😳 Peter why they got you on the floor like that😭💀
I'm weak. Yes, Peter we can see the blood 5 feet infront of you, and you would've seen it too if you had been STANDING
What happend to that scene where Peter was reprimanding Malia "can you at least try to behave more human" We just throwing that out the window😭
Okay I'm done now, I swear
Jackson amd Malia both not understanding a word out of Lydia's mouth😂 (bc they were supposed to be the same person)
Anytime Scott opens his mouth Allison like *pokey stab* *pokey stab"
"...the moment you stabbed me" sir you stabbed urself 🤦‍♀️
If its all mountain ash then why could Malia, Parrish, and Jackson all walk on it?
Scott: "You remember" Allison: Bitch *kicks*
Malia and Parrish aren't bad, but one I don't think Malia should be in a relationship and two idk there's no background for it
Ahhh Victoria 😱
She is right, history does have a shit ton of handsome killers. So what have we learned? don't trust pretty people😂
I mean, personally I think Kate deserved it. Plus it's not like she stayed dead, so no harm done🤷‍♀️
Wonder how long Derek's been tryna wake Eli up 🤔
Just an illusion... I'll come back go this plot point later
Ew Scott put that thing away🤢
You know what Allison, if you think he's lying why don't you tell us how you think you died hmmm
Derek still being 🥇 supportive dad for Eli when they're in a hostage situation 💀
Hikari sounds so annoyed at this whole thing, I love her, she just wants to go back to her Ramen restaurant😂
Ain't nobody told Melissa about the devine move last time?
Nah, the other one Parrish 🙄
Boy it's been a recurring thing for years, you've just been too busy in London
Poor Isaac, did he get anything?
um Jackson, and Lydia, and Stiles. We just said his name sweetie
Well shit that's not his problem that you don't remember
"There's no such thing as fate" "There's no such thing as werewolves" why did you do this to me😭😭😭
If your a werewolf hunter shouldn't you know what ur supposed to do to help with wolfsbane
I'd be the same Eli. Gonna get a zillion diseases from his evil nasty ass hand🤮
He's trying, stop shaming him Nogi🙄
oop- Derek said I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch, here me roar
He has bad memories with road flares😬
"Scott you're my brother. So if you're gonna do this...your just going to have to take me with you then" ooooh now I just made myself cry😭😭😭
Derek: "Eli, did you see that? Did you see your eyes" Eli: "How the hell am I supposed to see my eyes, they're the things i use to see" 🤣🤣🤣
That is the best line! The best line!🤣
Damn Nogi why you so loud, it's not that deep 😒
That was kinda simple to bring Allison back to less homicidal
Oh we playing chess again, cool. Still don't know how to play😬
Scott got drampled by a herd of deer, Eli got trampled by a heard of hormonal, halfwits (lesser known Peter line) I'll take the deer thanks 👍
"I'm still in love with you" awwww 🥺❤ we know Scott, we know
So how could Jackson able to even touch the mountain ash? Is it bc he's a chimera even though they were supposed to be impossible unless they were genetically altered by the dread doctors?... Jeff explain.
Ow, poor Eli, now he knows the struggle😂
ahahaha Adrian woke up and chose violence lmoa
The main reason this is so funny to me is bc Mr. Harris was always so nice to Jackson wtf happend
How does he know about everyone? Oh well Monroe. But still, I like to believe he was a failed emissary & for people complaining about Harris "being back from the dead" they never actually found his body. I kept waiting for the series to finish that plot line but they never did so I'm pleased that he's the villian (which I predicted he was😁) I'm just confused on his motives and wish they explained it better
How did they ruin your life? And um didn't jennifer choose u herself 🤨 also I seem to remember you saying you helped crazy darach lady so u made ur damn self a loose end🥱
he's right he was in London 🇬🇧
but uh jackson honey, for future reference maybe don't talk when there's a man with a loaded gun, just you know, just in case he decides to shoot u👍
I say we yell fire 🔥
So what's the other layers and their purposes? Is the Nogitsune actually in their layer of the illusion bc remember when Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Kira were in an illusion with the "Nogitsune" but he was just another illusion bc he was really outside w/ Derek and the twins🤔
Poor Derek, hasn't he been through enough, now he's afraid he fucked his son up by protecting him
i will add to this thou, I've seen a few people say that Derek is too much like Clarke Kent and that he would have a completely different parenting style and while I do somewhat agree we have to remember that people tend to act different around their family and especially with their kids than they are with other people. It's also been a lot of years where he has changed alot to fit having to raise a child by himself (who tf is Eli's mom and where is she?; Jeff said he wanted to explore that in another movie) plus he had to change, S2 Derek would be a terrible father and Eli would've been so fucked up
That cute little wave and the smile back 😊
Wish Stiles would've popped up, he could've been in Jackson place being threatened at gun point (it would make more sense bc Harris hated him) he didn't know why Lydia left, and he would've been the one to tell her it was just a dream
Even if it was a premonition (which I don't think it was, I think fear is a powerful thing and it manipulates you and when you've spent your whole teen years like them just constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, well...) you can't outrun fate
They wail in grief 😔
*clink* *falls to the ground with dramatic gasp* 💀
I still wanna know who the hell Greenburg was
Also calling Scott Greenburg still would be like 30...
Yea ur sons on the field 😁👏👏👏
Flashes to when Stiles was scoring all thos goals in season 2 and everyone was cheering for him🥺👏👏👏
"My dad was actually right. I'm actually pretty good" 😎
omg not him forgetting about his currently hostage father😭💀
Wonder how Derek feels listening to all this 😂
well no shit it's not over, did you forget that ur dead ex ain't the problem anymore smh
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g0rechan · 11 months
U got a cursed MuchMido HC?
I don’t really have cursed headcanons but I do have some “funny” headcanons?? Idk if that’s close enough.
-We already know how different both of their personalities are. I could just imagine, in their conversations, Midori confusing Muchisute with her stories from childhood and Muchisute freaking out Midori with his stories.
Like, one time, Midori talked about how she and her friends went to pick flowers after school. Then Muchisute casually adds in that he and his friends would have girls deep throat them behind a dumpster after school and she’s just like 0_0
-During a cuddling sesh after sex, they heard a knock on the door and Muchi told her to go ask who it was. She went to the door, smiling and in a state of “euphoria” from his affection. She asked who it was, it was the neighbor claiming they keep hearing strange noises from them and wanted to make sure everything was okay.
An annoyed Muchisute tells Midori, “jfc- Tell him to fuck off.” Then Midori straight up tells the guy in her sweet little voice, “Fuck off”. Muchisute was just as shocked as the neighbor was lmao.
-Muchisute loves giving this girl hickeys but one time this almost got them in trouble. They were out getting food and some random ass kid takes notice to the bite mark on Middy’s arm. The kid asks “What is that?” and she tells him, “I bit myself”. Then he points out the bite mark on her neck and she panics and responds with “I bit myself there” 🤦‍♀️
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maerenee930 · 2 years
I'm sorry you're having a rough night, Mae T^T sending you all the hugs!
What's your zodiac sign and do you believe in astrology/magic?
Also, do you have anything you want to vent about?
aww, it’s okay 🥺 thank you so so much, joz 😭🫂🫂 and thank you so much for asking these!! i seriously cannot tell you how much i honestly appreciate it and all of the hugs and how much i genuinely appreciate you! 🥺😭💙💖
- my sun sign is Libra ✌️ party!! (sorry, i feel like i have to say it everytime i say i’m a libra thanks to adore delano 😂🖤) and my moon is Leo and my rising is also Libra 😄 so basically, i’m an indecisive, sensitive, emotional, artistic/creative and very theatrical human lol. and i absolutely love it! 😂 ♎️♌️♎️
- and i do believe in both astrology and magic ☺️ i’m not saying astrology is like always completely spot on or that i take everything to heart/super seriously 😅 but it all is super interesting to me! and i think it’s so interesting how accurate it can be for certain people and situations. or how it really can play a part in who we are on an emotional level, how we present ourselves to the world, how we’re perceived by other people because of our sun sign or moon and rising and how those signs and their traits can match our personalities. and as for magic, i think to a degree, it absolutely exists! i mean, i’m not saying people need wands to do magic or that what we see in shows, movies and in books is the only way to view magic 😅 but i think magic exists in many different ways. at the moment, i’m having a hard time finding the right words to give examples 🤦‍♀️ but i do believe there are so many types of magic in the world 🖤
- and yeah i do kinda need to vent about some stuff 🥺 thank you for letting me 😭🫂🫂 tomorrow i go back to work after being home for about a week and a half and i’m reeeeally glad to be going back because being home this much because of covid has made me feel like i’m going crazy! my dad has been driving me nuts! he’s been (as always anymore) in such a weird mood and just really annoying and rude! or like tonight, we had people over and he gets all weird and acts like such an ass to my mom and i when he’s around people he doesn’t live with 😑
(there’s a lot more under the cut so no one has to sit there and scroll through all my rambling nonsense 😅 apologize in advance for how much i ramble, for any spelling and grammar errors and if all of this doesn’t make much sense 🖤)
and with having a tough time mentally and emotionally right now, he just isn’t helping anything. and it’s one of his childhood friends who is over right now too and i’m just not a fan of him and i really can’t stand how my dad is around him cause he some how is even more annoying than he normally is when he’s around this friend and uuugh! he’s just the worst and i can’t stand him! he makes me wanna pack up all of my stuff right now and just leave. idek where i would go but i just can’t stand living with him anymore! 😤
and my poor mom 😣 she had another rough moment with my brother (the same kind of situation that happened today, happened the day after his wedding in april) and he’s really hurting my mom’s feelings. she just feels used by him and my sister-in-law (my parents have done A LOT for them over the past 9 almost 10 years. like more than my sister-in-law’s parents have ever done for them and more than most people would do for them in their situation) and yet, my brother chooses to give his energy and attention and time to people who are actual garbage over our family/the people who are truly there for him and have proven time and time again that they will always be there for him/them. like he chooses to spend time with them and give back to them when they don’t even truly do anything for him/them in the first place.
and both today and in april, my mom just wanted to spend time with him today so bad. (like yes, he works at the bakery again so they do work together. but it’s not like they’re spending quality time together at work. you know?) especially after letting him use her van for the past week because they only have one working car at the moment and my sister-in-law needed their car for work and maybe other things. and after my parents gave them a chair and a couch (i mean, yes we were getting rid of them anyway but my parents didn’t have to offer the furniture to them. especially after the way the treated our basement when the lived here. and just after all the stuff they did for them for the wedding, when her parents didn’t even offer to help pay for anything for the wedding. at all. the countless times my parents have done stuff for them or let them use one of their cars because they usually only have one working car and they needed another to get to work. just- my parents have done a lot for them, more than most people or parents would, to be honest.)
but they were hanging out with actual garbage. (they were also hanging out with that same person the day after the wedding and that friend does absolutely nothing for them! they buy them shit but tbh, buying material things does not a good friend make. and they were a shit friend to me when i was friends with them and they both knew that! uuuugh!! i’m getting off topic and this isn’t relevant to anything 🤦‍♀️) but yeah, my mom was hurt that once again, my brother was choosing to spend time with someone who we know very well wouldn’t be there for him or my sister-in-law the way we are and other and better friends would be and have been there for him/them. and it really hurt her. she broke down and i held her for about 10 minutes while she cried 😭
my mom does so much stuff for everyone and just deserves so much more and better than she gets 😭 and i’m just so mad at my brother of all people for being like this and for being like this with her! i’ve gotten used to him doing shit like that to me. (i mean it started way before they decided to stay friends with that piece of trash after knowing how they treated me the entire time we were friends and were angry for me when they were being a shit friend to me.) but i’m not okay at all with him hurting our mom! he’s been making all the choices 😑 the past few years and- uuugh! he needs to wake up and see that if he’s not careful, he’s going to lose the people who actually, truly and genuinely care about him and who will actually be there for him when he needs them.
and then there’s my stupid pms 😭 i’ve been so exhausted physically getting over covid and then my pms kicks in on top of it and is making me even more tired and it’s soo annoying! i hate this so much because all i want to do is sleep! i feel like there’s a magnet or something weighing and pulling me down and i have practically no energy and i go back to work tomorrow and i don’t want to be and can’t be this tired when i’m with the kids! and then my pms is messing with my hormones and emotions. i’m feeling really low mentally and emotionally. i’ve been feeling worthless and like i’m in everyone’s way and everyone would be better off if i either disappeared or just stay in my room, hide and never come out so i can leave them alone.
i feel like i’m annoying everyone all the time. i need a break from myself but can’t get one. and i feel like crying so hard but can’t. (i’ve felt that way like all day today) like i physically can’t even though i can feel it and really feel like i have to. (i understand that doesn’t make much sense. but it’s honestly how i’m feeling/the only way i can describe it atm 😓) my anxiety is through the roof. not cause i have to go back to work but because of my pms. i’ve been irritable, angry, firstly and annoying at the most random, stupidest and smallest things because of my damn pms. and i’m getting annoyed with myself for feeling/being like this.
i’m having cramps but haven’t actually started that time yet 🙃 those cramps are so annoying! and yet, at the same time because my logic and rationality wants to kick in when i’m feeling low, i still love myself so much, who i am/who i’ve become and know my worth and value. but still feel so low. and i’m feeling like i’m too much and not enough for anyone/everyone. my touch starvation is really bad right now 😭 (it usually gets bad when i’m pmsing)
i’m seriously craving physical touch and affection so bad 😭 and i feel like i’m never gonna be in a relationship and o would really really like to be in one 😭 i want a partner so bad because i have so much love to give someone and know i’m worth being loved and deserve to have so much love given to me! and honestly, i don’t want it just for the sake of being able to say i’m in a relationship/because i want a relationship with just anyone. i want a relationship with someone i really like and someone who really likes me back/feels the same way about me that i do them. like my reasons are more than just me being lonely and wanting someone/anyone. i want companionship but in a romantic way and in a genuine way.
but i feel like that never gonna happen for me. i feel like i’m too much for anyone/everyone and even though i know my worth, i really and genuinely love/like myself, who i am, who i’ve become and what i look like, i don’t think anyone will feel the same way about me 😣 but i just want kisses and cuddles and love and affection and attention and forehead kisses and someone to hold me and make me feel loved and i want to give all of the and so all of that with someone and make them feel loved, too 🥺 i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. i want someone to look at me the way dave looks at klaus. and i want to look at someone the way klaus looks at dave. i want to love someone the way klaus loves dave. and i want someone to love me the way dave loves klaus. i know we didn’t get much screen time or content of them but i think we all can guess that they genuinely and truly loved each other. but just the way they loves each other and how much/how deeply they cared about and for each other and loved each other, is what i want, too. i don’t want a “perfect” relationship. i want a real, imperfect and loving one.
but my head is all over the place and don’t feel like i’m worth being loved like that by someone because of my stupid pms. even though rationally and logically, i know that’s not true. i just feel so lonely and low 😣 and being home the past week because of self isolating (thank you covid 🙃) i feel even more alone 😭 i just- idek 😭 i want people and i want to be with someone and i want to be wanted and needed and i want someone to love me and to love them back just as much as they love me. i want to not be alone or so lonely anymore.
i know i’m not perfect (i mean i know i’m anything but/very and really far from perfect) but i would be a good partner 🥺 (hell, the person could call me their boyfriend, girlfriend, their themfriend or their partner or whatever cute name they wanted!) i just want to be someone’s and i want someone to be mine 🥺😭
and i want to move out and be on my own, and i want money so i can afford to live on my own, and i want to move to california or ireland or somewhere in england and i’m just tired of not only living at home but living in michigan! (i’m not saying everything would suddenly be perfect or i wouldn’t have any problems where ever i move to, because i know i will have problems/there will be a new and different set of issues. but i’m just so tired of these ones lol.)
i’m tired of being a uterus owner! i’m tired of it messing with my hormones, emotions my mental health/messing with me mentally, i’m tired of it messing with me physically. i’m just tired of so many things from it and just tired of so many things in general!
there’s honestly so many other things i wanna vent about, but i don’t want this to be any longer than it already is 😣 i know it’s not that all that interesting and i understand it gets annoying and boring after a while.
i’m sorry all of this/my thoughts were all over the place. like i said, i have a lot going on in my head right now. it’s all just a jumbled mess 😣🤦‍♀️😓
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