xlies4theliarsx · 3 months
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mari-bon · 2 years
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These two were my bisexual awakening
(The second one kinda turned more into a redraw than an edit but oh well)
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p-03-try · 27 days
I have never hated feeling a certain way, like I have hated shame and a lack of freedom.
My dreams are big, I tell my mother. She grasps onto me, she ties me down and she tells me, “no”. I need to live, I tell my father and he tells me that there is nothing for me to live for but him.
Why is that? The blood running through my veins is enough for them to have claim and ownership over me? Why is it that I was forced to love my mother so dearly that the bonds on my wrists are loose and easily shattered, but I cannot will myself to break them.
I want to stay and I want to go. I want to go in happiness. I want to live, my body and my veins and my blood may be theirs, a product of them. Though my soul has always been mine, it could never be owned, it is all I have. I won’t let them have it.
Why cant you love me enough? Love me so that I know that there is nothing I could do to lose you. That you would love me, even if I brought you shame, that you would rather see me with breath in my lungs than see me bloodied and dead. I can’t have that my father told me, there is nothing but shame and respect.
I know that there is more to life, than this violence I have inherited through their blood and body. I know that there is a breeze on a mountain top, that I wish to breathe, I know there is land on which I wish to walk upon. I know that I want to fall in blissful love.
You can’t have it both ways, they tell me. YOU WONT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS, they tell me again.
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eric-sadahire · 1 year
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Why do bisexual people make the best baseball players?
Because they can swing both ways
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planetpaddys · 2 years
#furries it works Both ways or No Ways #bothways #planetpaddy
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Both Ways (1975) // dir. Jerry Douglas
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ordinaryoracle · 2 months
the voice in your head that tells you that your friends hate you is fake and not real
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timdrakesbussy · 4 months
i hate when i read something that has “dead dove: do not eat” tag and all i see are my blorbos getting the most mildly inconvenient time of their life. i went there with utter despair and depravity in mind 👎
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
ms mulgrew <3
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You got the devil on your team.
Summary: The mccall pack sent Theo to hell and yn plans a revenge. which includes bringing void stliles back in the picture
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really recommend to reading with the song
Yn threw open the doors of the Hale loft and walked down the stairs. The sound of her heels echoing through the place as she ,made the way to the basement. Her eyes dark as she seeked the revenge she desired.
Yn pushed both doors open at the same time as she entered. she walked slowly beside the shelfs looking bothways looking for a jar. she furrowed her eyebrows as she though a triskelion carved into a wall. she smirked and took two knives that were hidden in her belt, she hooked a knife in each side of the carving and twisted them whith all her strength. Her smirk grew widder as the wall pusshed back and moved to a side showing another room full of shelfs. The lights of the cealing turned on as she walked in and make her way toward the back of the room. She reached out and took a jar made of mountain ash whith a triskelion on the top.
"The Hale family really has an obsession with that thingy" Yn muttured sarcastically. she turned around and close the opening of the wall. making shure it was completly locked.
She wasent even a suppernatural but she could still hear an angry buzz that came from the jar she held in her hands.
"well void time to come out" she said and opened it a fly inmidiatly flying out.
there was a Cloud of smoke and stiles appeared. Exept of course it wasent stiles, but void. he had her back turned away from her, but he slowly turned arround to face her with a sadistic smirk.
"If it isint Yn" He said "I knew youd always had a thing for the bad guys uh" he said giving her a sarcastic smile. " I thought you were a good girl" void said moking her.
Yn walked slowly toward him. giving him an evil smirk "well shit happens" she stepped closer to him. she touched a seringe she had tucked in the inside of her belt." and I was a good girl" Yn slurred distracting him. "I just turned bad" she looked at him with her dark shadowed eyes "and I plan on getting my revenge" Void gave her a almost confused glace and Yn stabbed with with the syringe pumping kanima venom into his system.
" you little whore" Void spat as he fell to the ground.
"im not taking any chances of you killing me"
"not only a pretty face but smart" Void mocked.
YN rolled her eyes at him and dragged his toward a shelf and leaned him back on it.
"OK now lets talk about how you are going to help me"yn started squatting infront of him.
Look at you needing me You know I'm not your friend without some greenery
"Look at you needing me" void laughed
"I know that we're not friends whithout some greenery"Yn answered lifting a perfectly plucked ayebrow.
Walk in wearing fetters Peter should know better Your cover up is caving in Man is such a fool Why are we saving him?
"tell me what do you want?"
"You see, in the time you were gone I fell in love, as you see, the guy I fell in love with, was, a bad guy" yn told him moving her head to the side "And Kira Yukimora, you've met her before, sended him to hell"
"Uhh, what did he do sooo wrong"asked Void making a fake pout.
"he traid to take over the pack" Yn answered with a shrug
"Man's such a fool? why are we saving him?"
"I havent found a way to free him. kira took the sword to the desert walkers, such a bitch" sighed Yn shaking her head " I want something else. And ... I really need your help" Void lifted both eyebrows as if waiting for something. Yn pursed her lips and let her head fall. she grunted in annoyance"....please"
Poisoning themselves now Begging for our help, wow!
Hills burn in California My turn to ignore ya Don't say I didn't warn ya
"Begging for my help, wow!" Yn looked at him though an angry frown."and what do I get in return?" asked the spirit
"A moment of freedom" Yn aswered sarcastically " common Void, you should be thanking ME, Im the one who got you out, you better accept anyway." yn said giving him a dangerous glace
Void turned his gaze away from her "My turn to ignore ya"
"Dont say I didnt warn ya" Yn said straighting up from her position.
She walked toward an oppossite shelf. she rummanged through the vases and boxes till she found a little glass bottle. she took it and walked toward void.
"you see this?" she asked her gaze fixated on the little jar." this is fox poison" she said giving him a sarcastic smile" I pour this little bottle in you, and BAM! youre reduced to a little fly. Again"
Void furrowed her eyebrows at her as if daring her. Yn just smirked and bent down next to him.
"oh common Yn, remember youre a good girl right?" Void pleaded nervosly.
All the good girls go to hell 'Cause even God herself has enemies And once the water starts to rise And heaven's out of sight She'll want the devil on her team
"Well, all the good girls go to hell" Yn said smirking. she opened the bottle. she harshly took voids face holding him still" youre no good to me if you dont do what I say" she whispered. she held his jaw still, and was reaching the bottle up to his lips.
"Ok, Ok waht do you want!!!" Void cried.
yn smirked and let go of his face" I want revenge void. I want to make Scott MCcall feel what I've felt this past two months" Yn stared at Voids eyes and saw a glint at the perspective of hurting Scott. yn straightened up "and for that..."
"you want the devil on your team" Void finished smirking.
"precisely" Yn answered with dark humor laced on her voice.
Void wobled into his numb feet. feeling the venom leave his system. He looked up to her.
"Lets go"
How did you guys like evil Yn? requests are open!!!
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ghostcrows · 4 months
back in my day we had to walk uphill bothways in the snow barefooted to watch invader zim in two or three part segments upside down on youtube in 280p and at 1:30 am on a schoolnight on nicktoons
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fishyapple · 6 months
mcu buck x bucky
the similarities between Buck and Bucky and bucky and steve from captain america are just too good not for me to think of an mcu au.
for me it could go bothways who's captain america and who's the winter soldier, but I think for maximal brainwashing angst and forced to do horrible things i like bucky = captain america and buck = winter soldier
in my mind, Buck never made it to the POW camp after his plane goes down, and after getting the phone call Bucky flies his revenge mission and makes it back alive to Thorpe Abbots because of the super soldier serum. but he can't fly again without buck there and so leads forces on the ground (think captain america the first avenger war montage) and finds the tesseract and then flies himself into the arctic, and its a picture of gale in his compass or the lucky deuce he kept when he finally crashes
so Buck is obviously not actually dead but was targeted by Hydra because he has a lot of similarities with Bucky but since Bucky was chosen by the goods guys, Hydra needs their version of the super soldier. so they kidnap Buck after he parachutes from his plane, torture him, make him the winter soldier, and make him do all those horrible things until John "captain america" egan encounters him in like 2014 (or whenever the timeline is)
Buck is tasked with killing captain america by hydra, so cue a bunch of angst since Bucky obviously remembers and still loves buck and recognizes him despite the mask and we have the famous:
"who the hell is buck"
Buck is actively trying to kill Bucky and his companions. Bucky's trio consists of one Curt "Falcon" Biddick (he's not dead i don't let him) and another Harry Crosby who just so happens to be a part of some secret agency (yes all the pilots just become characters in the modern era bc i want them in the story). so the trio is trying, on one hand not to get killed by the winter soldier, and another not get killed by crosby's super secret agency that turns out to be evil and related to why Buck is the winter soldier
curt and crosby both think Bucky is crazy for wanting to talk to the winter solider since obviously they think he's psychotic and has done all these horrible things in the past and there's no way that talking with the guy will do anything but Bucky is determined to try. he thought he lost his best friend/lover once and now it's like the universe is giving them another chance in another era
Buck on the other hand is having a mental breakdown because who the hell is this all american boi in tights and a shield, calling him a name he hasn't heard in so long he can't tell if the memory of it is real or not because obviously hydra washed his entire mind. but in the depths of his mind he associates the name "buck" with open skies, leather jackets, and a 2 dollar bill for some reason. but every time he tries to remember or think too hard he gets this excruciating pain in his head and hydra keeps brainwashing and torturing him the more he tries to think so just a lot of pain and anguish for poor buck.
then the climax is the fight on the falling shield hover craft, and buck and bucky are really going at it, like even if bucky wanted to pull his punches he can't in the effort to stay alive against the winter soldier. at one point bucky corners gale and calls him gale, and there's debris flying all around them, they're in the sky and it feels like they're almost flying again, so bucky says something like "we're the last 2 in the air. it's me, and it's you buck" and that just like short circuits buck's brain completely, but also makes it so painful that he just wants it to stop and comes at john even harder and eventually has captain america finally down. but bucky's done fighting, he can't hurt his best friend/the love of his life, but buck is not and:
buck says something like: "i'll take you down with me if I have to"
and then bucky says, while all bloody and messed up: "don't count on it"
and then BOOM the hover craft explodes and they both fall in the river, and Bucky is completely out of it. he feels the water rushing all around him but he's too tired and beat up to even do anything, and then he feels something tugging at him. he feels himself break the surface and he's trying to take gulps of air but he can't open his eyes for the life of him. somehow he feels solid ground below him and just as he's peering through his lids he sees a metallic glint and piercing blue eyes and then nothing.
LIKE "don't count on it" is definitely buckxbucky's "im with you till the end of the line" AH the parallels i can't
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eric-sadahire · 2 years
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I just want to be cozy at home but also socialize and travel, 
buy all the things but also save all my money, 
and get super fit but also eat whatever I want and not exercise.
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priceekins · 1 year
Just heard that the new age wizards are using an automated orb for their everyday spell usage?? Why are apprentices these days so lazy, back in my day we would pick ourselves up by our robestraps and teleport uphill bothways to get our daily incantations and we liked it!! This realms going to the dogs.
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Both Ways (1975) // dir. Jerry Douglas
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blatantlyhidden · 1 year
This is for the assumption post
Hmmm I assume that you have jay walked and didn't look bothways.
I assume that you have lovely hair.
I assume that you have a collection of bag or boxes in your home, just in case of something.
1. honestly i probably have done that in the past oops
2. i don't wanna come across as self-absorbed but people do compliment my hair sometimes :3
3. and yes i do in fact have that infamous bag filled with an almost infinite amount of other bags lol
send me assumptions about me!
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