#bottom izuku
9r7g5h · 10 months
Omegas Are Doing It For Themselves
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: E
Genre: Omegaverse Smut
Summary: Izuku doesn't need some random alpha to make a den for him. He has a good enough job to buy his own house, buy his own furniture, and make his own nest inside his den, thank you very much. But damn it if his neighbor wasn't hot enough to consider inviting inside.
Words: 6,835
Izuku had known, the moment he walked into the townhouse, that it had to be his.
While the desire to buy something for himself had been a whim, a thought that had fluttered past his mind while trying to find a place for his newest figurine in his too small apartment, the research hadn't been. The strange working hours so he could go on walk throughs and tours with his realtor hadn't been. The working and reworking of his budget a dozen times to make sure he could afford the mortgage he had gotten pre-approved for hadn't been. And while many times he had wondered if following the whim was a good idea or not, the moment he had walked into that townhouse, he had known.
Screw what everyone else said - it didn't matter that he was single, that the mortgage alone would take up half his salary and he'd have to rely more on his side gig than he would like, that very few young omegas his age bought a house for themselves without anyone's help. This place, this cute little townhouse, was his.
He didn't need some knothead alpha to make him a den to nest in. He could make his own den for his own nest, and anyone who didn't like it could fight him.
He was tired of living cramped in that tiny studio that also took up almost half his pay, even if it was closer to work. Tired of no walls, his bed, nest, and table all being the same thing (and sleeping and trying to have a heat in crumbs was disgusting). Tired of his home feeling cramped with two people sitting down inside of it, tired of the shitty landlords and inconsiderate neighbors, just tired. He didn’t need a mansion, didn’t need acres of land that he had to keep up with; he just wanted a room for his bed, space for his nest, somewhere to put his merch collection, and a place to put a damn table.
But in that townhouse, that wonderful townhouse, he could host. He even had some of his friends come with him to pick up the walkthrough paperwork, watching as they comfortably spread out between the living room and kitchen to peek at his potential new home. That had been the deciding factor.
So despite the anxiety and the wonders if it was a good idea and the fact that he had to drain his savings to make even the smallest down payment, at twenty-six Izuku Midoriya became a homeowner of his own little townhouse. His own little den.
And it was just as perfect as he had imagined that first time he had walked in.
Well. Mostly.
It wasn't the house, no. The house itself was perfect - one room turned into an office so he could work from home, a guest room so his mom and friends could stay, his bedroom soft and warm and dark with blackout curtains. Enough room to actually display his collection. Couches and pillows and blankets and a table. Even space for a hamster cage, one of the ones he had seen on Pinstagram, made from bookcases bolted onto a table to create a little rodent palace for the cute little fluff ball, more than enough room for it to live and him to not feel guilty leaving it alone for his quarterly heats. The house in and of itself was perfect.
No, what made things difficult was his neighbor.
In the apartment there had been a mutual understanding with his neighbors. They didn’t talk to each other outside of emergencies, handed over any mail that might have gotten mixed up without any complaints, and generally stayed out of each other’s business. Maybe a polite ‘How are you?’ if they were in the elevator together, candy for the kids at Halloween on a stepstool, a pat on the head for the dogs going out for their walks, but that was it. His only major interactions with them had been when they had all called the fire department together when one of the dumpsters had caught on fire, and that had only been to ask if anyone knew what the actual complex’s name was or to yell at the dumbass trying to throw his beer in.
Good, normal neighborly interactions.
But here?
Tenya and Ochako had reassured him that it was pretty normal that the HOA had shown up not too long after the three of them had pulled into the reserved spots for his home, the small truck with all his belongings paralleled parked to not block the road. The packet was small, thankfully - just shared dues for park upkeep, instructions on where to put trash and recycling, one of the least restrictive organizations he had found in his search. But what hadn’t been normal had been the woman turning straight towards Tenya, ignoring Izuku as if he didn’t exist as she fell over herself to greet the alpha and Ochako.
“You must be Mr. Midoriya, pleasure to meet you! And this must be Mrs. Midoriya. You two are such a cute couple, it warms my heart to see you joining our community! Though, I don’t think I remember seeing your name on the registration paperwork, Mrs. Midoriya?”
“That’s because there is no Mrs. Midoriya,” Izuku said with a smile, his tone that fake cheerful as his scent turned bitter. He hadn’t bothered with blocker patches, figuring he could start scenting his home as he went, though now he would have to open the windows. Izuku slid in between them, taking the hand that had been outstretched towards Tenya and shook it himself, ignoring the startled look on the woman’s face as he took the packet of paper with his other hand. “No other Mr. Midoriya either. Thank you so much for bringing this by. I’ll make sure to set up my automatic pay by the end of the week.”
Whether it was the smell, the slight hint of his fangs, or the unimpressed glares from his friends, the woman left fast, leaving the three of them annoyed but at least alone to continue unpacking.
"I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding," Ochako reassured him, pressing her wrist against his in a way that helped him relax, pack and friendship in his new den almost making him purr. "I'm sure it won't happen again."
Only it did. Again, and again, and again.
“Is it really that weird that a single omega is buying a house for themself,” Izuku asked as he flopped onto the floor in front of the couch, Tsu’s finger’s immediately starting to card through his curls in an attempt to tame them. She, Shinsho, and Todoroki had shown up later that afternoon, pizza and beer in tow as an apology for not being there sooner. Between the six of them they had managed to unload the truck and get most of the big items to their correct locations, but not without a lot of nosey neighbors stopping by to put their noses where they could get bitten off.
“So, when’s your alpha coming to join you?”
“You must be renting from the guy who just bought the place.”
“Did your parents buy it for you? They totally bought it for you.”
“So the six of you are all living together as a pack? That’s nice.”
“You know, my niece is looking for a place. You’re a single omega, you shouldn’t be living alone, and have all that space, and she’s a doctor, so you should rent out some of the rooms to her.”
It had been non-stop, and those had just been the ones Izuku himself had run into. He knew for a fact that the others had been questioned to a similar extent, and in the end he had had to take Tsu’s offered scent blocker patches. Now his house smelled like a lake during the summer - a nice smell, refreshing and familiar and calming, but not him. He loved his pack, but he would have to go out, buy neutralizers, and scrub everything before he could give it a proper scenting.
The worst of all, though, was his neighbor directly to the left. He’d been lucky to get the end unit, so he only had the one attached neighbor, but was at this moment wondering if this was, in fact, a good idea. There was no one on the other side but a patch of grass, no one who could possibly hear a ruckus if something happened...
Izuku shuddered as he remembered those red eyes, locked on the group the entire day, and made a mental note to have Mei come put in a security system. She’d done her own, knew all the ins and outs that were way better than the company ones, and while he doubted he’d need it, the extra level of security would do him some good.
“To be fair,” Shinsho pointed out, bringing Izuku back to the conversation he’d started, “it’s not like anyone our age ever expected to be able to buy a house, besides Credit Card here,” he paused throwing a pepperoni at Todoroki, “so you’re literally an outlier here. Plus, you have a baby face. Some of them probably thought you were some college kid.”
“It’s not that much of a baby face,” Izuku pouted, his tongue popping out as Ochako walked over from the kitchen just to poke his cheek. “Oh, like you can talk.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Ochako teased. “I embrace my roundness. No one would know I can flip them just by looking at these cute lil cheeks. Just like no one knows by looking at your face that they could bounce a book off your ass.”
“‘Chako!” A dirty napkin bounced off her side as she laughed, Izuku flushing as his so-called friends voiced their agreement. “Traitors, all of you. Get out of my den, none of you are allowed back.”
“Try not to take today’s events to heart, Izuku,” Tenya said seriously, ignoring the muttered demands. “I am sure this is just a misunderstanding that will be settled between you and your neighbors, and once it is settled you will greatly enjoy your time living here. You managed to accomplish something quite wonderful for yourself, and you should feel proud, even with the lackadaisical welcome. Now, let us forget this unpleasantness and cheer for our good friend’s new den!”
“Here here!”
Tenya was mostly right. By the time Izuku had gotten most things unpacked and at least put in the proper room, if not the proper spot, the neighborhood had adjusted to the single omega living among them. The kids and their dogs especially seemed to flock to him, entranced by the new person who was happy to throw their balls back to them and use a stick to fish them out of the decorative pond near the park. He occasionally got comments about setting him up with an alpha, but everyone at least seemed to accept that his house was his own.
His direct neighbor was still creepy as fuck though. Randomly throughout the day Izuku could feel him watching him whenever he went outside, his windows and blinds wide open, not even trying to hide his staring. He was scowling too, the furrows between his brows deep enough to collect water for a drought if he tilted his head back when it rained. From the smell that came out of the open windows, he was clearly an alpha, or at the very least a beta that packed with enough alphas that their scent clung to him.
A nice smell, Izuku would begrudgingly admit, the one time a breeze had blown it directly into his nose while he had been breaking down boxes to take to the dump. A smell he wouldn’t mind having around more often, if the carrier wasn’t so fucking creepy.
But whatever. Creepy neighbor aside, Tenya had been right, and once he had settled in, Izuku had loved it just as much as the first time he had seen it. And now it just needed the finishing touches.
Most of them were easy. Place the order, and the furniture companies he so carefully researched and staked out had it at his door just a few days later, some assembly required. But the hamster cage? The little hamster palace he had been dreaming of since college and he had found out they were a thing?
That he had to do on his own.
While bunnies had always been his favorite, Izuku knew he wasn’t suited to care for one, not just yet. He wanted a yard, somewhere to set up a pretty hutch for the rabbit to sleep in, more than enough room for the creature to roam in safety. While his home was perfect for him, he had long since accepted that it wasn’t for a rabbit, and so had moved on to his next favorite fuzzy little pet, one a bit more manageable when his heats took him out of commission for a few days each month. And damn it if he wasn’t going to be the best hamster dad in the damn world.
It took almost a week - a few days to hunt everything down and buy it, another few to build the beautiful monstrosity he was going to bold into his wall to ensure it wouldn’t fall over. But eventually it was done, done and everything he, if he was four ounces of fur, bones, and anxiety, could ever want. Now all he had to do was get the damn thing inside.
“The hell you doing, Deku? You’re going to hurt yourself trying to pick it up like that.”
At first Izuku had ignored the voice - clearly it wasn't talking to him, though so far he hadn’t met a Deku amongst his nosey neighbors. However, when a set of hands grabbed the other end of the cage and tugged, nearly pulling him off balance and onto his ass, he quickly had to reassess as he turned, teeth bared at the person trying to steal his creation. He’d worked hard on it, damn it, and he wasn’t going to let someone steal it from him!
His creepy neighbor just raised his hands, the pacifying gesture at odds with his own curled lips. This close it was clear he was, in fact, an alpha, the tantalizing smell Izuku had occasionally caught now filling his nose. Whether it was welcomed he wasn’t entirely sure, given the circumstances, but at least he knew. Knew and filed away for later, because the creepy neighbor was speaking again, and royally pissing Izuku off.
“You should wait until your alpha or pack can come and help you move this. It has to weigh a shit ton, you’ll hurt yourself otherwise. No-”
“Why,” Izuku interrupted him, seething at the continuous secondary sexism he’d experienced since moving in, “does everyone just assume I need an alpha? I can do this by myself, thank you very much, so if you could please move, I’d like to get inside before it gets cold.” Not that it was likely to get cold in the middle of summer, but still. He was pissed off, tired from having spent the day building in the sun, and just wanted to be done.
Instead, the man before him just tilted his head, a look on his face as he considered Izuku. “Glasses or Peppermint aren’t your alpha?”
“Tenya and Shoto?” Izuku clarified after a moment, the other man shrugging as if he neither knew nor cared about the names. “They’re pack, not my mates.”
“You don’t have a mate?”
For a long moment Izuku said nothing, just stood there staring at the alpha. He had crossed his arms, looked away, his scowl was once again deep and angry as he shifted from foot to foot, waiting for an answer - lightbulb! He wasn’t creepy (he was, he’d spent all this time just staring, but in hindsight now Izuku could see it was almost kind of cute), he was interested and shy. Izuku shook his head as he bit back his laughter. “No mate, though I’m not really looking for one at the moment. So if you could move, I need to get everything inside.” Same words as earlier, though a bit softer than before. Before his neighbor could try and interfere again, Izuku hoisted the cage up onto his shoulder, glad that even though he was short he was still stacked and strong, able to handle the weight on his shoulder with minimal struggling.
Though crap, he should have remembered to choose the other shoulder, the scar on his right arm screaming at him from the pressure. He was ok, it was just a few feet and he would be inside his home, his den. He was safe there, and could keep up appearances until then. Giving the man a pleasant smile, forcing his face to keep the expression, Izuku nodded as he turned away. “It was pleasant to meet you...”
“Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou.”
“Nice to meet you, Katsuki. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get into my den.”
He didn’t run from the alpha. He walked, quickly, so he could alleviate the pain that was threatening to bring tears to his eyes. Ignoring the pleased smirk on Katsuki’s face as he watched him go.
‘Shy,’ Izuku quickly learned, was the wrong word to have applied to Katsuki. While Tenya and Shoto could be aggressive in their own ways, protective if some asshole tried to step in on the pack when they were out having a good time, Katsuki seemed to always be aggressive and protective. Towards his house, towards the tiny garden he had set up on the border between their front doors, towards his own pack (a rowdy group that Izuku could occasionally hear through his living room wall). And, surprisingly, towards him.
If Katsuki wasn’t so fucking hot he would have already called the cops and gotten something on file. But damn if that man didn’t make his dick twitch and his ass slick, now that he had gotten a good look. Especially since he’d seemed to have taken Izuku’s “...I’m not really looking for one...” as a challenge. Logically he knew he should be concerned, he’d had one conversation and had shown he wasn’t interested, but-
“You’re a blanket whore,” Ochako said, her disapproving words losing their impact from her cozy nest. He could barely see her eyes from where she was cuddled, her purring deep and satisfied with the quality of nesting material Izuku had been given. “You haven’t even really talked to him yet and you’re letting him buy you with blankets.”
“I’ve talked to him,” Izuku protested from his own pile of fabric, S.A.M. cupped carefully in his hands. His thumb ran gently over the hamster’s back as he chewed on some treats, breaking apart the largest of the pieces to be stored in his cheek pouches before nibbling on the smaller ones. “I told him my name wasn’t Deku.”
“You sure? That’s all I heard your nerds yelling on move-in day. Either way, I like it. You’re Deku.”
“I told him I wasn’t comfortable eating anything he cooked for me yet.”
“‘Fraid I’d poison yah? Don’t worry, Deku. I won’t do anything to you you won’t like.”
“And that I’m allergic to most pollen.”
“Oh shit.” That had gotten an actual apology, the fresh bundle of flowers Katsuki had shown up at his door with quickly tossed like a football across the road. He’d actually looked upset, his normal cocky “So that’s how you want to play it” smirk from his other failed courting gifts gone, leaving Izuku feeling bad as he left. So, when he’d returned a few days later with a soft, beautiful blanket, Izuku couldn’t help but accept.
Every other day saw a new one, the blanket handed over with just a few words and a spike of pleased scent as it was accepted, leaving Izuku with a plethora of fabric.
He should be concerned, he knew that, but there was something sweet about his previously creepy neighbor. Sweet and hot and he just smelled good, and even if Izuku wasn't looking for an alpha, could have his own den and could make his own nest, that didn't necessarily mean he had to reject gifts from someone. Didn't mean he couldn't be attracted, couldn't look and appreciate and enjoy the attention, right?
Squirming out of his nest, Izuku carefully placed S.A.M. back into his cage, watching as his pet scampered off to add the treat to his food hoard, his golden tufts of fur disappearing under the bedding. Their pizza would be there any moment, and better to be ready than make the poor delivery person wait for him to fight off the blankets when they were already there. The last time he'd made the guy wait had almost resulted in a confrontation between the delivery guy and Katsuki, the alpha about ready to rip out the other man's throat for "being a fucking creep and standing around like a perv."
Pot meets kettle in a Wamino's uniform, but ok.
Though, as Izuku grabbed his wallet and neared the door, he paused at the sound of voices on the other side. Already sure he knew what he would find when he opened the door, Izuku forced away the smile that tried to tug at his lips and allowed the annoyance to cover his face instead. Because he was right; when he opened the door, Katsuki and the pizza guy were in some weird standoff, his and Ochako’s dinner caught up in the crossfire.
“Look, dude, I can’t just give you pizza that isn’t yours,” the delivery man, Dairoji, if Izuku read his name tag correctly, protested, even as he eyed the bills clutched angrily in Katsuki’s fist. “You’re his neighbor, sure, and you claim that you know the guy, but this could just be some ploy to get free shit and I’m not risking my job on that. So you can just back off.”
Oh, he liked the balls on this kid - it was clear he was a beta, the same one from last time if Izuku remembered correctly, but even his duller nose should have been able to pick up the scent of pissed off alpha over the smell of the pizza. Most people would have backed down, found a reason or a way to get out of there, but this kid was standing his ground even though Katsuki had at least half a head on him and a more than decent set of muscles. It was impressive.
But not impressive enough to distract Izuku from the fact that he was hungry.
“If you’re done pissing on my pizza, can I have it, please? Ochako and I are just getting to the good part of the movie.”
“Don’t forget S.A.M.,” Ochako yelled from inside the house, her head poking out from her nest. “He was enjoying those yogurt drops and the drama!”
While Dairoji had the good grace to look cowed being caught, Katsuki just huffed and crossed his arms, his glare never leaving the beta. “Tell this asshole to let me pay for it and then we’ll be all good, Deku. Until then, no.”
“Come on, man, you-”
“I already paid online.” To say Katsuki deflated would be an understatement. His arms dropped, his shoulders drooped, even his hair seemed a bit less spiky. The glare he turned on Izuku seemed almost offended, though his eyebrow raised at the sight of Izuku’s wallet in hand. “I still need to tip.”
Immediately Katsuki shoved a few bills at Dairoji, using his free hand to jerk the pizza free with a growl. To the kids' credit he finally walked away, muttering about "crazy ass possessive alphas," "aggressive courting," and "not getting paid enough for this shit." The moment he was in his car Katsuki relaxed, turning back towards Izuku with his cocksure grin, as if nothing had just happened. He held out the food, puffed up and proud, looking like he expected praise and some kind of reward for providing an already paid for pizza and terrorizing the delivery man again.
He reminded Izuku so much of his aunt’s pomeranian after it ran off the mailman that he couldn’t help but laugh, doubling over as the cackling brought a stitch to his side he had to clutch.
“The fuck, Deku? Am I some joke to you?” Once again the smell of displeased alpha, this time tinged with hurt, buried deep as Katsuki tried to force bravado through his clenched teeth. Shaking his head, Izuku forced a few deep breaths, stepping forward to cup Katsuki’s cheek in one of his palms. He was still giggly, still smiling from his laugh attack, but he forced his words to be as steady as he could make them.
“Not a joke, no, but it’s still funny to see you square off with a college kid for a pizza for me.” A huff was the only response he received as Katsuki finally relinquished the pizza to Izuku, turning on his toes to storm back to his own home. He wasn’t upset, but it was clear he wasn’t happy about how things had turned out. “The blankets,” Izuku called out, just before he turned and disappeared into his own door. “They make really nice nests.”
The smell of pleased alpha was strong and immediate, lingering even after they both returned to their own homes.
“You’re really going to fuck him, aren’t you,” Ochako said, stealing her half of the pizza and digging in. “Blanket whore.”
Normally Izuku didn’t curse. Iida’s mini heart attacks and not so mini lectures whenever someone swore had basically beaten the practice out of their pack, with very few circumstances deemed “acceptable” by him. Sure, occasionally when in pain a few would slip out, or when a particularly hard video game came around, and on board game night all bets were off, but in general? Not that often.
But fuck heats. Fuck heats and fuck whichever one of their primordial ancestors decided a heat cycle was the most efficient way to breed, because he would find a way to go back in time, find them, and gut them like a fish for making him go through this. It wasn’t even like he could commiserate with Ochako on this - her heats were three days of being uncomfortable every four months, shorter if Tenya was available to fuck the heat out of her. Tsu and her monthly periods seemed more empathetic to his plight, both of their internal organs taking on a mind of their own for breeding.
But either way, none of his pack seemed to get that his preheat was his uterine pouch literally opening, leaving him sore and grouchy and more than ready to stab a bitch if he didn’t get a dick and ice cream in him in the next hour. Not necessarily at the same time, though now that he thought about it... Damn it he was hungry for something, and couldn’t tell what.
And worse was that, normally, he could get through the next few days with porn, heat aids, and enough sugary processed foods to make his mother sick. That had been his process the last few years, since he had broken up with his college boyfriend right before graduation and everything since had either turned out to be a bullshit first date or him just too busy with work and friends and everything else to try and find someone. But now, now there wasn’t just a hot as fuck alpha right next door, there was an interested hot as fuck alpha right next door, one who had been clearly courting him for the last few weeks, and Izuku just knew his normal process wouldn’t work.
He needed that Kat-dick-suki, and if he didn’t get it right then and there, he was going to go feral.
Thankfully he didn’t need to wait long - just like clockwork the alpha stopped by to drop off his latest courting gift, newest scented blanket in hand. Even if Izuku hadn’t seen him make the short walk through the cracks in his curtains, he could smell him through the door. Could smell his strength, could smell his dedication, could smell that dick he’d seen the outline of once when he’d worn nothing but sweatpants to go to the mailbox stands. He didn’t even wait for Katsuki to knock; he just opened the door and pulled him in, slamming the alpha against the wood and used him to close it, pressing his face against his scent gland.
Fuck he smelled good. Already Izuku wanted to claim him, wanted to sink his fangs in and keep the alpha for his own. Something Katsuki didn’t seem opposed to if the pressure against his thigh was anything to go off. Forcing himself to pull back even as his hips ground forward, his own dick rubbing against Katsuki’s thigh, for some level of relief, it was almost infuriating to see that cocky smirk on his lips.
He shifted and rolled his hips directly on Katsuki’s, that smirk immediately falling as he whimpered at the friction, his eyes blowing as the smells of sex and arousal and attraction overwhelmed him.
“There’s a spare key on the hook,” Izuku said lowly, returning his face to Katsuki’s neck. He lapped at the gland, purring at the taste, the smell, the way Katsuki’s hand tightened on his shirt. “Come join me in my nest, or I’ll come get the key when my heat is over. Either way, lock the door.”
A slight nip, dragging his claiming fangs against his skin - “Oh fucking hell” - before pulling back. Already Katsuki looked wrecked, his hand searching behind him for the lock, unable to keep his eyes off of Izuku as he slowly walked away. Each step was watched, cataloged - the motions of a hunter with prey in sight. Eventually his hand found the latch, flipping the deadbolt, making it clear he wasn’t leaving anytime soon.
Izuku smiled, lips wide and teeth bared, turning on his toes to lead his chosen alpha to his nest. He wasn’t against being fucked on the table or the floor, maybe a few rounds on the couch, but this first one he wanted in his nest, his first fuck in his first nest in his first den with his chosen mate.
He made it up the stairs and most of the way down the hall to his room before he was caught, Katsuki’s arms wrapped tight around his waist in an almost loving hug before he growled, shifting them so he could press Izuku against the wall, caging him in with his chest and one arm. The other pulled at his clothes, forcing his arms up so his shirt could be pulled over his head, Izuku arching into Katsuki’s eager tongue on his chest while the same hand that had just thrown his shirt somewhere to the side pressed at his pants. Pressed at and into, both of them moaning at the feel of his fingers sliding through the slick that ran between Izuku’s cheeks, soaking through his underwear and down his thighs.
“Fuck, ‘Zuku.”
“Nest, now.”
Katsuki made him wait just long enough for his pants to be pulled off, clothes left in a wet pile in the hall before he lifted him into his arms, Izuku’s thighs hooked over Katsuki’s forearms, his arms around Katsuki's neck, everything open and dripping in a way that left them both a mess. At any other moment he would have been embarrassed, embarrassed about his dick rubbing against Katsuki’s pecks, about his ass dripping slick on his abs, about how he was being held up so easily and could be fucked standing. Now was not any other moment, forcing his own whine as Katsuki walked the last few steps into his room.
While his bed was nice, a good mattress for sleeping that did wonders for his back, his nest was a goddamn masterpiece. Every blanket he'd been gifted had been woven together on top the stain proof pillow base, creating warm walls and a thick floor that was heavenly to lay on. And most likely fuck on, something they would be experimenting with now. Izuku whined again as Katsuki knelt, laying him in the center of the nest, crawling in after him so they were nose to nose, actually facing each other for the first time since Izuku pulled him in.
Katsuki kissed him. Slow and sweet, a change from the pace they'd been going at, the pleased smell of all parties involved sinking into the fabrics around them as they just, for a long moment, kissed. A moment that broke as they kissed and Katsuki's hand reached between them, grabbing Izuku's dick and giving a long, quick stroke, drawing a gasp he took advantage of, moving his lips to Izuku's neck to revenge for the little display earlier.
His mouth found his gland and sucked hard, leaving Izuku keening as Katsuki's hand never stopped stroking, a steady pace that had his hips squirming for more, for a tighter grip, for more speed; it was all just enough to get him close, to have his balls tight and his ass dripping slick like nothing else, but not enough to actually push him over the edge.
Izuku whined as Katsuki moved, because he was stopping, no, this wasn't what he'd wanted, come back. The whine was cut off with a nip to his thigh, his legs spread further apart, and suddenly he couldn't think, could barely breathe, could only focus on the heat around his dick, the tongue and suction working together to somehow pull his brain down his spine and out with his cum, fingers in his ass spreading and crooking and stroking until-
There was no mercy, Katsuki kept his fingers right on the prize the moment he found it, rubbing and stroking and circling no matter how much Izuku tried to squirm away, no matter how hard his hips kicked and bucked, Katsuki's unfairly thick forearm holding them still. His fingers kept going and his tongue kept going and his mouth kept going as everything inside Izuku just kept going and going curling tighter and tighter his legs locked around the alpha's head so he couldn't pull away even if he wanted to hands in his hair holding him still as he fucked his mouth the best he could and
He broke.
Izuku sobbed as he came down Katsuki's throat, head tilting back as the tears finally escaped his eyes. Gentle hands helped him lay back into the welcoming plush of the nest, unwrapping his legs from Katsuki's shoulders, his hands from his hair. Again Katsuki was hovering over him, this time using his thumb to wipe some of Izuku's spend from his lips and chin, licking it back into his mouth to leave his hands clean. Katsuki smirked, a smirk that Izuku had to react to - even worn out he still bared his fangs, snapping a little at the guest to his nest. A chuckle Katsuki's only response, leaning down to brush his lips over his cheeks, down the side of his jaw, kissing away the tears.
Kitten licks and little nips down his neck and across his chest brought Izuku back to half chub, had him squirming again before those hands found his hips, helping him to turn over onto his hands and knees. Izuku happily went, spreading himself, looking over his shoulder to watch as Katsuki took himself in hand and lined up the tip. "You ready," Katsuki asked in between kisses down his spine.
"If you're not in me-"
Whatever threat Izuku would have come up with was cut off as Katsuki pushed forward, the head popping in, both of them pausing to enjoy the stretch and the warmth. Slowly Katsuki began to rock his hips, just as much of a grind as a push, slowly feeding himself into Izuku with one hand on his hip, the other coming up to cup his shoulder for leverage.
Only...only that hand didn't curl around his muscles like Izuku expected. Didn't find the support that would let Katsuki set up a demanding rhythm that would leave them both beyond satisfied. No, instead that hand fell between his shoulder blades, gently but insistently pressing down.
That alpha bastard wanted him to present. He wanted him to submit in his own nest. In his own den.
Fuck that noise.
Bending his arms, frowning as Katsuki let out a pleased croon, Izuku pushed up, his legs shifting to throw them both back so Katsuki was on his back in the nest, caught off guard and the wind knocked out of him. It stung, Katsuki's dick having jerked free, bobbing tall and proud between his thighs, but a part of Izuku preened at the sight of the alpha under him, behind him as he repositioned himself and looked over his shoulder, lip curled to show his fangs as he put him in his place.
"You're in my nest, in my den. I'll take your knot how I want."
Dropping down, Izuku's head fell back as he worked Katsuki's dick into himself, quicker than the alpha had been doing so, bouncing and rocking until he was seated on his hips. Gods, he was ruined for his toys. He'd need to go up at least two sizes to get anywhere close to the dick stretching him now, to the beginning of the knot he was lazily grinding down again. Behind him Katsuki was whimpering, swearing, tiny little rolls of his hips as he tried to keep up with Izuku's moves.
"Fuck, 'Zuku, please." Oh, that was something he could get used to, Katsuki begging for him. Maybe later, when he wasn't so needy himself, hard and dripping and aching for that knot.
His thighs set a punishing pace, not giving Katsuki any warning as he pushed up before dropping back down, letting gravity do half the work aa he fucked himself on his dick, enjoying the sight of Katsuki's feet scrambling for purchase on the edge of the nest. Already he could feel the knot beginning to swell, pressing at his rim, sending jolts up his spine as he bounced and clenched down on it. It wouldn't take much more to make Katsuki pop, a quick glance over his shoulder confirming it. He was panting, eyes glazed, one hand twisted in the blanket by his head while the other was on Izuku's hip, steadying him, already looking so fucked out and so ready to cum Izuku was almost impressed he hadn't. Katsuki's own hips were finally in the game now that his feet were firmly planted, thrusting up in time with each of Izuku's drops, pushing them deeper and quicker together, fuck he was close again, everything inside pulsing and tensing and ready to tip over that edge with the alpha with his alpha-
Katsuki was pressed against his back, when he'd sat up Izuku wasn't sure, but with one last thrust his knot caught, the hand that'd been on his hip wrapped around his dick, lips on the nape of his neck as he spilled over Katsuki's hand, over their laps, dick twitching and pulsing as Izuku was filled and plugged, hot and thick and no where to go but for it to keep going in.
It would have been unpleasant otherwise, the slight buldge in his stomach Katsuki rubbed with his clean hand, his other preoccupied by his mouth as he licked it clean, but right now all Izuku could do was lean back and enjoy. Enjoy the warm hands that rubbed his stomach and thighs, that turned his head for kisses that tasted of himself, enjoy the way they carefully shifted so they were spooning, careful not to upset the knot still lodged in his ass.
"I think I'll keep you," Izuku muttered sleepily, snuggling back into the warm arms wrapped around him, one hand drawing comforting swirls on his swollen stomach. "Maybe having an alpha in my den won't be so bad."
"I'll make it the best you can imagine."
For a moment, just a moment, Izuku was worried he would regret his decision the next morning. He'd been doing so well, doing all of this for himself, did he really need some alpha coming along and ruining it?
His worries were reassured by the sight of S.A.M.'s playpen set up on the kitchen counter, Katsuki talking to his pet while cooking breakfast, feeding him little pieces of cheese and vegetables as he worked. "Don't tell your dad I said this," the alpha said quietly, running his finger gently down the hamster's back, "but you're almost as disgustingly cute as he is."
Yeah, no, he was keeping him.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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malereadermaniac · 7 months
Barrack bunny ~ BNHA guys x Bottom Male Reader
Military AU - Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI Characters: Bakugo, Deku, Shoto, Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Hawks Top!Characters x Bottom!Reader word count: 4.8k (holy shit thats so long for me) Some pictures of the guys as soldiers is at the bottom to help with visualisation!
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In an all men's unit, within which all of the guys worked out constantly and looked the part, you were different
You were evidently gay, something which is thankfully accepted nowadays
But most of the guys took a liking to you despite you out-ly being gay - something still slightly frowned upon in the army
You weren't annoying and you did your job, but you were nice to everyone and would always check in on guys when they looked down
But the thing that your peers noticed the most was the fact that you were the dictionary definition of a barrack bunny
Not that any of them were complaining about it - they were all young men around their 20s which still had hormones and needs
It just became tricky when most of the guys took a liking to you which was further than a sexual one
Katsuki Bakugo
The man was practically made for the military - he follows orders to a tee and sticks to the set routine
Bakugo is serious about his role in the army, even if he is in the lowest rank there is
He takes training seriously, which is very evident when you take a look at his body - he looks like he was sculpted by a god
The blonde's pecs and abs were chiseled as hell and his back was massive just like his arms
The way Katsuki carries himself just exudes confidence - and holy fuck he just looks right with a rifle in his arms
Bakugo had noticed you around, you did stick out like a sore thumb at the end of the day
The blonde really did take a liking to you, despite not really showing it
He would subconsciously look out for you on the field and would blush whenever you helped patch him up
And whenever the explosive man would need to release some steam, you were always there for him
Katsuki had never questioned his sexuality - he'd always thought of himself as straight
But hey, the army brings out parts of men that they didn't know they had
Whenever Katsuki wanted you- no rather he needed you, the blonde would walk over to your bed and knock on the frame three times
A small signal he'd established with you to let you know he needed to feel you around him
You would then tip-toe over to somewhere quiet and go at it like bunnies - just like your nickname suggested
You'd always found Katsuki at his hottest in his uniform, so he made an effort to wear it most of the time when fucking your brains out
He looked so good, maneuvering your body and making you do exactly what he wanted while in uniform
The muscular man also would go fully out when fucking, a dominating and sadistic persona coming out of him - to your utmost of pleasure
Katsuki would make you worship his body toe to head (literally)
The man would make you kiss his boots, make you take them off and kiss his feet before letting you move up all along his body
The blonde would make you choke on his veiny, sweaty dick, his bushy pubes stuffing your nose and limiting the already little oxygen you were receiving
Bakugo loved having power over you, so most of the time he'd let you put in little to no effort while he ruined you
Katsuki covers your body in his own unique marks while he pounds into you
He forces you to kiss him and his body while he drills his dick into your prostate
By the end of the night, you've both came twice and half the barrack is awake - but neither of you could care less
The two of you were like a perfect match, affectionately and sexually - so it made things complicated when Bakugo began wanting you to himself
The built blonde started showing his affection towards you more publicly
Katsuki would also be more brutal during training, shooting glares at his peers which are also frequent visitors of your barracks
And the sex would only get more possessive and more rough as Katsuki's feelings for you strengthened
He wanted you to himself more and more
Izuku Midoriya
If there was another person that didn't really fit in with the other soldiers - it was Izuku
He was more meek and less hard-core about the army than his peers
However on the training grounds, it became evident that Izuku belonged in the army
The man was ruthless, he had his mind set on the end goal and we would reach it
His body was incredible, built perfectly - he wasn't incredibly muscular but he most definitely wasn't unfit
Midoriya and you became friends the first day of your mandatory service, and he immediately took a liking to you
The green-haired man found you caring and calming - he could always be relaxed around you
Being reckless on the training grounds meant the man was always in need of bandages
And Izuku loved how careful and dotting you were whenever you patched him up
The meek man, of course, knew about your reputation as the unit's barrack bunny, but he couldn't care less - it just meant he had more reason to like you
Whenever Izuku craved your touch, craved your body, he would tiptoe to your bed and scratch your head, ruffling your hair for a hot minuet before making hid way to the disabled bathroom
No-one in your unit was disabled, so that poor bathroom was your go-to spot for sinful activities
Midoriya loved it when you rode him, he loved holding your waist with his rough, scared hands and just admire your the contrast between your bodies
The muscular man also wasn't small whatsoever, the small bulge in your abdomen every time you sank on his veiny cock was proof of that
You loved listening to Izuku try to hold in his moans, small whimpers escaping his throat through his gritted teeth, his face scrunched up as he struggles not to cum while holding in his noises
The sound of your ass slapping against Izuku's muscular thighs would echo throughout the bathroom along with your moans - which you never bothered to hold in, half the barracks had heard them before at their own hands
Izuku would kiss you constantly, your lips plump from how long the man makes out with you for - and when he isn't kissing you, he's marking your neck with his own light pink lovebites
And due to Izuku's fit nature, he can last for a long time
Your poor self is fully spent, having came 3 times by the time Izuku finally shoots his boiling hot load inside of you
What pushes Izuku over the edge of lust to love is the many moments you two have shared after the green-haired hunk has re-arranged your guts
Your heavy breathing harmonising with his as you comfortably lay your naked body on Izuku's
Midoriya likes to run his rough fingers up and down your back, the two of you Chat about almost anything during that time - he's never been so close with someone before
When Izuku comes to terms with the fact that he likes you, he starts to be more possessive of you - he calls out his peers when they talk badly about you and glares at guys who say they need a piece of you
But mostly, Izuku's sex drive increases ten fold - he fucks you day and night, at the training grounds or even your own bed with the others around
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto was ranked just slightly above the others - of course due to his efforts in the army, but mainly due to his father making a generous donation
He still slept in the same barracks and would only be in charge of your unit if absolutely no other superior was on the field
The others liked Shoto, he didn't get much special treatment and he still put in a lot of work - he would train like a maniac
The stoic man would spend most of his free time in the gym rather than anywhere else
Shoto knew about you, but he'd never really been interested in you
He'd heard his peers talk about how good you were and how charming you were, but the half n' half man was never really interested
That was until he really paid attention to you on the field
You caught his eye and he couldn't wrap his head around 'how someone could look so good on the field while also doing so well'
Shoto really admired your dedication to your role - and it really did help that you were fucking drop dead gorgeous
The tall soldier had decided he wanted to see why everyone was so smitten over you
So the two of you started talking quite a lot; to the point where Shoto would subconsciously look for you first in a new room
Another perk that came with his father's donation was that Shoto had a private bathroom - a room which the two of you became very familiar with
Shoto would even bother being sneaky about it, the man's ego would actually get inflated when he would ask you in front of everyone to go fuck
"(Y/n), join me in my ensuite?" That's all the man would say and you're already perking up and following behind the tall soldier
For a sheltered rich boy, Shoto can sure get down and dirty with you
He strips down fully and likes to watch you stare at his slim-toned body, a blush creeping on your face as blood rushes to your dick
If there's one thing Shoto likes to always do with you it's watch you squirm against him as he fingers you ruthlessly
The toned man puts his slim, long fingers to good use, sitting you naked on his lap - your skin against his - as he abuses your prostate constantly
Shoto fucking loves watching you squirm and try to hump against his dick while he curls his fingers against your gummy walls
The man gets off to your whimpers too much for his own good
And by the time he re-arranges you to impale you on his dick, you're already stretched out enough to only feel the pleasure of Shoto's skinny, veiny 8 incher
Shoto's go-to is having you lay on the closed toilet while he towers his thin, muscular body above you - his dick plowing into you while he hand wraps around your throat gently
Your moans fill his ensuite immediately, accompanied by Shoto's own moans and groans at full volume - the privacy of his ensuite coming in clutch, as the two of you like to get noisy
The man holds you in place gently by your throat, his thumb caressing your cheek as he wipes away the tears his dick is forcing out of you
Shoto also loves to tease your dick, wanking you off while he pounds his cock deep inside of you - teasing your dickhead from time to time, his moaning chuckles echoing in the room as he watches you writhe in overstimulation
Once Shoto discovers that he has feelings for you, his ego becomes a real problem
The two-tone haired man wants everyone to know that you belong to him - whether you actually do or don't
Shoto wraps his arm around your waist and makes you sit on his lap whenever the unit is hanging out during free time
Or he'll fully tell other guys to fuck off of they're with you
He also fucking lives off of the looks other guys give him when he does things like that
Shoto just can't help it, he needs you to be his
Eijiro Kirishima
The redhead exudes masculinity - he really was made for the army
Kirishima is one of the most well-liked of your unit, almost second to you
The man is extroverted and helps out his peers when the need it, but best of all, he looks really fucking good in camo
Eijiro immediately took notice of you, he was one of the first to talk to you and eventually get with you
The redhead was quite fond of you, he liked how you cared about your role but you weren't too hard-core
You really liked Eijiro too, he didn't go to the gym much, despite staying so muscular somehow
He was very well built, his back and arms looking perfect 24/7
It was almost impossible for you two not to have sex at some point
It just so happened that the aforementioned point in time was very early
Kirishima also fucks like a beast - while also looking like a sex-god as he plows your brains out
The redhead likes to pull you to the side whenever he's horny and he drags you to a place where he can get it on with you
Kiri also knows how horny you get whenever he wears his tank top, so he most definitely wears it every time you two get it on
His arms and back just look so good in it, and he likes to watch you physically get turned on by his body - it seriously inflates his ego
Ejiro also fucking loves to dominate you - it's a common trend amongst military men
The redhead loves to force your body into positions where he holds all of the power
Full Nelson is his favourite by far, Eijiro loves showing off his strength by holding you up, forcing your body down on his thick cock with such ease
The muscular soldier also can't deny his affinity for being worshiped
Especially his smell, Kirishima gets so turned on when he makes you smell his sweaty body after training all day
He makes you sniff his musky balls and dick before sucking him off, forcing your nose into his forest of pubes for minutes at a time just forcing you to inhale his scent
Kirishima also likes making you ride him, watching you struggle to take his thick, veiny cock while you moan and whimper, dick twitching pathetically
Eijiro particularly likes to take control once you get into a rhythm and give your system a shock with a new pace, a rough pace
It then that Eijiro grabs your hair tightly and forces your head into his arm pit while he fucks up into your abused hole
Your head woozy from the muscular soldiers musky sweat and your body trembling from his cock plowing into your poor prostate
The man also doesn't keep quiet, so your whole barrack can hear Kirishima as he cums deep inside of you, claiming you as his own for just that little moment in time
However, once the Beast of a man has had his fill, he's incredible at aftercare
Kirishima goes out of his way to clean you up to a tee and then let's you rest on his warm, muscular body while he plays with your hair
Eijiro really enjoys the moments after sex, sometimes even more than the sex itself - the first time he thought time it immediately clicked that he liked you
Initially, Kiri is subtle about the fact that he likes you
He might be more physically affectionate when around other people
Or he may be more careful with you in bed even though you insist you can take more
However, once other guys start to show interest in you in more possessive ways, Kirishima feels the need to match their level
So his arm is around your waist whenever the redhead can get it there
And if any other soldier tries to make a subtle move on you, Kirishima finds that the best deterrent is to awkwardly call out their behaviour
"Are you trying to flirt with, (y/n)? You think you have a chance?" In the most sincerely confused tone was Kiri's go-to and it sure did work
Sero Hanta
Sero was another one of the more social soldiers
He did his job when he had to, but an opportunity to slack was never not taken
The two of you were friends before anything happened between the two of you
You would only hangout with each other, Chat and play shitty games - like normal friends
He knew you were a barrack bunny and he couldn't give less of a fuck, he would call out anyone bad mouthing you and would say "that's a slay from you though" when you would tell him about a recent fuck of yours
The two of you were nothing more than close friends, you two weren't afraid to shoe physical affection
So one time when you were sat in Sero's lap facing him, most people would of thought something was going on there - but there wasn't, not yet at least
It was when you fell asleep that the problem began
It was late at night after a huge training day, so while the other members of your unit played a game of cards, you were sleeping like you'd never slept before in Sero's lap
But once everyone else had gotten tired and gone to bed, you and Sero remained on the floor - your unconscious body snuggling into Sero's
Unfortunately for Sero, you move a LOT in your sleep, resulting in the poor man popping a boner
Which would just not go away! Mainly due to your unconscious and accidental grinding against his dick
So, as Sero profusely blushed and tried to move you off of him, you woke up
And you felt Sero's raging boner pushing against your ass
What happened afterwards was a blur but it went along the lines of you two rushing into the bathroom and going at it
Sero's very gentle with you - despite his slim-toned build
The man focuses on your pleasure, your moans and whines egging him on as he fucks up into you while playing with your nipples
The two of you don't fuck very often, but when you do it's earth-shattering and comfortable at the same time
It also isn't awkward to stay friends even though you two share such intimate moments, the real problem arises when Sero's platonic and sexual feelings for you become slightly romantic
His behaviour barely changes, but when you two are doing your usual clingy friendship activities, the toned soldier holds onto you just a little tighter
He also becomes obviously upset when you're hanging out with someone else
And during sex, Sero hugs you and kisses you while softly fucking into you - marking your neck with soft hickeys
He softens even more than usual when he starts to like you romantically - it's a nice change, contrasting your other peers who absolutely demolish you
Denki Kaminari
Unlike most other soldiers in your unit, Denki slacks at any given moment - even if he knows he'll get in shit for it
He's such a dumb yet lovable idiot, his shocked and scared expression slightly charming when he's getting an earful for dozing off on lookout
He's one of the more hormonal soldiers to say the least - and it doesn't help that he has quite the perverted side to him
So when Kaminari heard that your hobbies include getting fucked by every other member of your unit, he knew he needed to get a piece of you
The two of you were friendly to begin with, but the fact that you had a soft spot for goofy men who look fucking hot in uniform really helped speed your relationship along
All it took was for Denki to accidentally blurt out that he thought you were ridiculously attractive and that he didn't mind getting shouted at by superiors of it meant he got to sneak around with you - and with that you were ready to pretty much jump on his dick
If there's one thing Denki likes to do with you it's make out
The soldier will drop all his duties and sneak around the superiors just to hide away with you and hold you in his lap while the two of you kiss messily for half an hour - Denki dry humping his clothed crotch up into the smooth curve of your ass
The blonde looks so, so good in uniform, his white tanktop highlighting his slim, muscular body while the camo cargoes just suit him so well
He doesn't like to be subtle about the fact that you and him fuck, so whenever it's just your unit with no superiors, he likes to rub it in the others faces that you and him are heading off to a supply shed
And holy shit is Kaminari good at what he does
After making out for God knows how long, the man will move you into his arms, Denki standing up while his tongue is still playing with yours
The blonde likes to show off how strong he is - despite being a slacker, he does train a lot
Denki holds you in his arms, your legs around his waist while he one handedly unbuckles his cargos and pulls yours down the curve of your ass
Kaminari certainly shows off his strength when he moves you up and down on his veiny dick with such ease, hitting your prostate with every thrust while you hold onto his broad shoulders tightly
Being kind of a perv, the blonde fucking loves watching you drool and blush from the size of his dick, your fists tightening to hold Kaminari closer and your eyes being forced to look up from the pressure and pleasure his dick was forcing onto your ass
It's only when your chief loudly bangs on the door of the shed that you're fucking in that Kaminari takes his eyes off of your fucked out face and slows his pace down
"Kaminari! What's taking you so long?" The chief shouts
Denki quickly moves his hand to your mouth, his rough palm keeping all of your moans from escaping
"S-SORRY SIR! C-CUUUMING NOW!" The blonde shouts as his pace quickens, your walls clenching against Kaminari's thick dick so tightly that he actually starts cumming
You can hear your superior walk away faintly, the sound of his steps mainly blocked by Denki's whimpering and grunting in your ear as his cum seeps out of your cock-filled hole
"Sorry I couldn't help myself... You're just toooo warm and good~"
Now while Denki may be very sex-brained, he struggles to separate sex from romance - so he falls for you pretty quickly
He's one of the only members of your unit to loudly state that they like you
Most of his peers make fun of him for saying things like
"I can't wait to leave here and date, (y/n)..."
Your peers telling the blonde that you would never settle for him in a million years
But Denki couldn't care less about what they say - he's ups his game by being super sappy and clingy around you, but you don't mind exactly; you can't deny that you like the attention
The rest of your barrack is fucking fuming that Denki gets to do shit like that with you, so most of them follow suit and try to one-up each other - all thanks to Denki
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Keigo is one of the older members of your unit - he's a 30 year old surrounded by mainly 24-26 year olds
But he's got a young spirit, so he fits in exceptionally well
And fucking hell does he fit into the army well as well - he's another one of the guys which was made for the military
The blonde constantly works out and takes his role very seriously - his body reflects that on so many levels
His arms and his back are insane, and this legs are so built it's crazy
Keigo had noticed you immediately, the man knew he was bi and couldn't turn down releasing some stress so the two of you were on each other almost straight away
Being older, Keigo has so much more experience, so you've always liked being with him - whether you two were spending time together or he was fucking the daylights out of you
The blonde soldier was charismatic and affectionate but not in an over the top way - which got you riled up all the more
He would have one of his veiny hands on your waist or shoulders all the time, he'd smirk at you while looking down into your eyes with his arms crossed - the man was incredibly attractive to say the least
When hanging out with other members of your unit, Keigo loves to exert dominance by having you on his lap, an arm around you waist and his head resting on your shoulder - smugly grinning when the others give him a jealous glare
And when he wants to let you know he wants you cumming on his dick, all Keigo does is gently grind into you - but if you're already in bed, the tall blonde bend over you and kiss your neck slowly
Keigo would then leave to the bathroom, chuckling to himself when he hears your hurried footsteps behind him
The man fucks like an animal in heat
He likes to strip you naked but keep himself fully clothed in his casual uniform, bending you over on the ground as he plays with your exposed hole
"So fucking tight, even with all the dick you take, sweetheart" Keigo compliments you as he smacks your ass, hard
He likes to push on the small of your back as he lines his hard, veiny, uncut dick with your entrance - forcing your back to arch perfectly for him
Keigo likes to start slow with you, sinking his cock all the way inside of your tight walls and immediately starting to thrust into you slowly
Your breathy moans echo in the bathroom while Hawks' rugged moans grace your ears
The muscular blonde then likes to pick up the pace, fucking you rougher and harder by the second until your a drooling, moaning mess
He also moans really loudly, his masculine groans filling your ears along with sadistic chuckles and laughs from the immense pleasure Keigo is feeling from your tight ass and watching you look so whorish
He fucks you into the ground, his thick dick splitting you open while your dick dangles between your legs, leaking precum constantly
As Keigo starts to lose himself in the pleasure of fucking you, he moves his bare foot onto your head, pushing your head harder against the ground as his body shifts to get his dick into you deeper
The blonde laughs and moans as his veiny hands grip onto your waist, pulling you hard onto his dick
The usual slapping sound of sex is muffled by Keigo's cargoes and his tanktop is now see-through as its drenched in his sweat
The older man's pace speeds up even more when he cam feel you tighten, your moans raising in pitch as your dick twitches in pleasure
By the time your loud, slutty moans are registered by Keigo, he's balls deep in your ass shooting his hot, thick cum deep inside of you - rutting his hips against your ass, therefore rubbing his tip even more into your prostate, overstimulating you just enough so that it's still pleasurable
Once the blonde soldier pulls out of you with the wet slurp of his cum-covered dick, Keigo likes to watch his thick cum drip down your thighs and onto the floor
He admires his work for a bit and then cleans you up
Keigo is extremely good at aftercare - even military men need to be taken care of!
The two of you lay on each other and tiredly chat about life - during this, Keigo likes to roll his fingers over your body, admiring you
He never thought he'd fall for you - Keigo always saw himself as above the other, more mature, he thought he could handle a no-strings relationship
But seeing you with others, knowing that other men get to experience the heaven that is being around you and being inside of you - it really pisses Keigo off
The man, just like most of the other members of your unit has fallen for the barrack bunny - he becomes slightly more possessive than he already was
But again you don't mind, it may make you seem like a bad person, but the attention is a nice bonus on top of the good dicking down you get everyday
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A couple bonus pics to help visualisation ^_^
Art Credit: KADEART (Hawks) - couldn't find artistis for the other 2
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westywallowing · 2 months
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something something cute boyfriends something something bnha brain worms
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prettynice8 · 3 months
Can you do a male reader cuckold? (Y/N) & Bakugo are in a relationship, and (y/n) gets railed by Izuku in front of Bakugo? Maybe as revenge for years of bullying? Thank you!
That's so cute
AGED UP! Izuku Midoriya x male reader (Bakugo x male reader)
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This guy
Stuff: Cucking (DUH), swearing, smashing, Bakugo is a cuck lol, cheating but make it cute, Izuku is kind of a schemer, smashing, bottom reader, top Izuku, marking, reach around, full nelson.
TW: there is cheating and cucking, Bakugo is a little abusive
Word Count: 2,098
Notes: I kind of hate Bakugo so this is actually quite therapeutic.
Bakugo was a total fucking asshole. He didn't care what people thought, they were all simply extras. He didn't give a single fuck about anyone, except you.
You were practically his whole world. All he thought about now was your bright smile, enchanting eyes, and wonderful body. He was simply obsessed with you.
You were his new motivation for being a hero now, instead of being the best he mostly just cared about protecting you. Though even you never stopped him from being a total asshole to everyone around him, not even his love for you could stop that.
He still bullied Izuku to absolute filth, still calling him Deku and useless and an extra. Telling him to kill himself and just real heinous shit while you tried to get him to stop, which is the main thing Izuku would remember from the harsh bullying... you.
Sure, the words still stung, but the fact that you, Bakugo's own boyfriend, had tried to stop the cruel fighting. The way you would check up on Izuku made his heart swell, the fact that such a beautiful thing cared about him was heart swelling.
Such a shame you're dating a total fucking dick.
It wasn't particularly dramatic to say Izuku was in love with you, and it wasn't particularly dramatic to say everyone knew. The way he stares at you from across the room, the way he always tries to talk or hang out with you as much as possible, and the way he constantly showers you with compliments and favors. He would always just say that you're his friend so why wouldn't he buy you 100 dollars' worth of stuff, that's what friends do.
You never really thought much about it, he's been your friend for so long, before you even started dating Bakugo, so it's normal how Izuku would always stare at you for a little too long, or how his touches were always a little more lingering than necessary, but Bakugo on the other hand.
He fucking hated how obvious Izuku was about his affections, acting as though is feelings for you were merely platonic. He couldn't stand how you would still hang out with him, which caused many fights, just like the one you're having with him right now.
"I don't see the problem." You stated, confused on why Bakugo was still yelling at you for hanging out with Izuku.
"The problem is that you're a fucking idiot who can't see he clearly wants to fuck you!" He yelled, furious at your naivety.
"Friends don't just do the things he does, I've seen the way he looks at you, the way you let him touch you and it just makes me sick!" He shouted out, his frustration ever growing.
"He's been my friend longer than I've dated you, you can't just expect me to drop him because you're insecure." You exclaimed, growing tired of his constant jealousy.
"INSECURE?! You listen here! The problem isn't me being insecure, the problem is that you're a fucking slut who doesn't see the most basic shit in the world, like how he clearly wants to fuck that already used asshole of yours!" Bakugo yelled out, saying anything he can to hurt you, so you'll come to your senses.
You have no words to say to him, you stand there utterly speechless and in shock at his harsh words. Finally, a sound comes out of your mouth, but not an apology like Bakugo had hoped for, but sobs, sobs that get choked out from the tears that are rushing down your face.
Bakugo wants to reach out and hold you, try to comfort you, but his pride and anger are far bigger than his care for your feelings at the moment.
"Of course you're fucking crying, god you're such a little bitch, why do I even bother with you." He said coldly, his pride getting the better of him.
With that you finally storm off from the conversation, after having had enough of his jealous and cruel antics. You run off into the hall of the dorms until accidentally running into a very special someone.
"O-oh god, are you okay y/n?" Izuku asked kindly and with genuine concern, holding you in a tight hug while you cry into his broad chest.
You were still rather speechless, and even if you tried to talk the words would only get choked down by your sobs; so, you stand there crying into the Izuku while he tries desperately to comfort you, running his hand through your hair (or scalp if you're bald and beautiful).
After a few more pets of his hand, you eventually pull away and prepare to speak. "Shit, sorry for making your shirt all gross." You apologized.
"You're fine, I only care about why you were crying." He replied, his concern for you overshadowing any care for his clothes.
"Bakugo is fucking dick, that's what." You stated, your previous sadness having now grown into righteous anger.
After you said that a wave of understanding and pity washed over Izuku's face, but also a hint of... joy.
"Yeah, Kachan can be a little.... rude sometimes." Izuku understated, clearly wanting more to say.
"He's a fucking heart breaker who I want to die." You said coldly, you upset feelings being fully angry at this point.
"Don't say that he's your boyfriend." Izuku stated, though he secretly enjoyed how angry you were getting over Bakugou.
"I just want to hurt him back, like with what he did to me-" You were going to say more until you were suddenly interrupted by Izuku's lips on your own.
You were so stunned that you didn't know what to do, so you just stood there in shock, unable to do anything to be kissed by him. Izuku realizes your stunned expression and pulls away.
"Fuck, sorry, I just thought..." He apologized, looking into your eyes with his own pleading and hoping you won't be too mad.
"Thought what?" you asked, not particularly mad at his actions, just surprised and confused.
"Well, I thought that if you wanted to hurt Bakugo, I have pretty good idea for that." Izuku stated, the gears turning in his head.
"How?" you asked again, your interest officially piqued.
"I was thinking that he gets awfully upset whenever I'm around you, so..." He let on, hoping you'll get the hint.
"So, like, kiss me when he's around." You replied, looking intently at Izuku, with all this mischievous planning of his you're finally realizing how... hot he is.
"I was more so thinking; he walks in on me fucking your brains out." He answered flatly, as one does.
You're face erupts in blush at the thought of having sex with Izuku, not only do you get to piss of Bakugo, but you also get to fuck the guy that's looking hotter by the minute. The nice and timid boy Izuku used to be is seemingly overtaken by this new bold, horny, and incredibly sexy version, not that you're complaining.
"But how do you know he'll walk in on us?" you asked, still a little confused on how the plan is actually going to work.
"Just leave it to me." He said before going back to kissing your lips.
Instead of standing there stunned like the last time, you reciprocate the kiss instantly, wrapping your arms around Izuku's neck, pulling him closer in and deepening the kiss. He responds by picking you up bridal style and leads you both to your room, his master plan already set in motion.
Izuku gently lays you on the bed and goes right back to kissing your lips, in which you open your mouth so his tongue could enter, which he takes instant action at, shoving his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch.
The kiss is so passionate that you can't get enough, wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding your now hard and clothed dick against his own. He responds to this by doing the same, syncopating the rhythm with your own.
But just grinding isn't near enough, within an instant he strips you both naked, that superhero training being used in ways All Might never thought possible.
With both of you now being completely naked, there was nothing stopping him from putting his achingly hard dick into your readily awaiting ass.
But before he can get to the fun part, he knows he has to do the nice thing and prepare you before just shoving it in like Bakugo did.
He starts by inserting one finger in, slowly pumping it in and out until you're ready for a second one. With two fingers he opens you up more and more, until he's even able to fit 3 in. With that he stops adding more and sticks with fitting three of his fingers inside you.
Once he believes you're ready for the real thing, he takes all three of his fingers and looks into your eyes sweetly.
"You ready?" He asked, knowing that his cock might be a bit difficult to deal with.
"Yeah, I'm so ready." You answered, touched that he asked, something Bakugo never did, and a little worried about having to fit such a fat cock inside you, one that's much bigger than Bakugo's.
With your words he starts putting his massive dick into your evidently tight hole, since he can barely even fit the tip in. He starts laying little kisses all over your face before finally meeting your mouth, which he deeply kisses. This kiss is very different from the previous ones, instead of lust and passion it's all about love and pleasantness, relaxing you enough to where he can fit a little bit more of his cock in.
He starts slowly going in, deeper and deeper until finally he's able to bottom out inside of you, his entire cock filling you up very nicely. Izuku stays like that for a while, waiting for you to fully relax with him inside you. He stares at you awaiting a response, until you finally nod, and with that he is raring to go.
He starts with slow thrusts, wanting your hole to get more acquainted with his cock, but eventually he starts to find a quicker and steady pace.
As he goes faster you moans get louder, his massive cock hitting your prostate with little to no effort. You look up at Izuku and notice how sweetly he's staring back at you, his hands cupping your hips with a bruising grip. His eyes look so kind, even though he's wrecking your insides you can't help but look back at him with the same look.
This all goes out the door though when you hear footsteps coming along, which leads Izuku to forgo the nice thing and just start destroying your asshole.
He rams into you at near inhuman speeds, hitting your prostate hard with every quick thrust, his cock almost splitting you open. He continues this insane pace and power even after the door opens.
As if on cue, Bakugo walks in right as you cum, hard, all over Izuku's chest, Izuku isn't far after, cumming deep inside your hole. After that Izuku picks you up into his lap, facing you towards Bakugo. His cock quickly hits hard again as he slowly picks you up full nelson style and sits you back on his dick, his rough and calloused hand coming to wrap around your newly hard cock, all the while looking Bakugo dead in the eyes.
"Hey, Bakugo." He states, using his real name and not the stupid nickname he would usually use, but that's not the only thing that's changed. His cute smirk is now a devilish grin, and his voice is deep and almost chilling, making you even more horny for the man.
Bakugo does nothing but stand there in utter shock as he watches his boyfriend get used and abused by his worst enemy, this was Izuku's plan all along, since the first time he found out you started dating Bakugo.
He knew Bakugo would be a terrible boyfriend, and he knew you would immediately come to him if you ever had a problem with him, after all he was your best friend, so why wouldn't you. He also knew that you were quite petty and would easily agree to this kind of thing, and of course everything worked out splendidly.
Everything is going exactly as he wanted, not only is Bakugo crying on the floor, but he also gets to make love to the man he's obsessed with, you.
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beautifulsenpai · 10 months
could you write headcanons for some mha/bnha boys? can you make them react to affectionate male reader giving them a kiss on the cheek ☺️
KISS FOR YOU - 𝗆𝗁𝖺 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝖺𝖿𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗀𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝖺 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗄
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❥𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎 𝗆𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗂𝗒𝖺, 𝗄𝖺𝗍𝗌𝗎𝗄𝗂 𝖻𝖺𝗄𝗎𝗀𝗈 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗈𝗄𝗂
❥𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝗼𝗺 - 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗈 𝖺𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗂𝖺 (𝖻𝗈𝗄𝗎 𝗇𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗈 𝖺𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗂𝖺)
❥𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 -𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿
❥𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝗼𝐭𝐞 - 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖺 𝖿𝗂𝖼, 𝗈𝗋 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗇? 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗋𝗎𝗅𝖾𝗌 𝖻𝖾𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀
𝗋𝗎𝗅𝖾𝗌/𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗌
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-it gives him a moment to realize that you gave him a peck on the cheek
-after realizing this, his entire face becomes red as a tomato. he would turn towards you, stuttering like crazy as well as moving his arms like a robot
-he would start blabbering like crazy
-now every time he would just look at you, he would blush from remembering the kiss you gave him
-he wouldn’t mind returning the kiss, but he would be hesitant to do so
“midoriya-kun!! that was so awesome!! you did amazing!!” (name) gushed as he ran towards him, his face beaming with pride, midoriya had taken down a difficult training dummy, and that made (name) smiled widely from joy
midoriya turned towards where (name) was running, he smiled from ear to ear from hearing the compliment. “thank you (name)!-” midoriya was taken back from (name) hugging him
“mwah!!” (name) gave a quick peck on his cheek before his head snuggled against his neck, his arms wrapped around his neck
it took deku a moment to realize what (name) did. deku’s face immediately turned red, like a tomato, eyes widened as his heart started racing. “e-ehhh?!?!” deku stuttered a bit loudly as he got out from (name’s) grasp
(name) tilted his head, looking at deku with a blank look “something wrong midoriya-kun? your face is red” (name) question. “e-everything’s fine (name)! d-don’t worry a-about me! j-just surprised that’s a-all!-”
deku kept babbling, moving his arms frantically, cheeks on fire as he avoided eye contact. he couldn’t let (name) see him like this, it was embarrassing!
(name) didn’t question any further, his face turning back into a smile. “alright then midoriya!” (name) would love to continue talking to midoriya, but someone called out to him for some help
“gotta go help someone! i’ll talk to you later midoriya-kun!” (name) told midoriya. (name) gave him another quick kiss on his cheek before skipping away happily, humming as he made his way to the person
seconds later, midoriya passed out on the floor, face redder than usual
-the moment you placed your lips against his cheeks, his cheeks would turn red, screaming at you, yelling at you why the fuck you just did that
-he’ll grab you by the collar of your shirt, screaming at your face as well
-katsuki claims that he’ll kill you, but you don’t believe that for a second. his reaction is so funny to you, his screaming, and face being red so you decide to pamper his face with kisses
-he’ll try to push you away, but it doesn’t work. he’ll keep screaming at you to get the hell away from him, but do you listen? no
-he’ll never tell anyone or to you that he kinda like the kisses, but he couldn’t show it to anyone, it’ll be embarrassing! he has a reputation
“you’re so strong bakugo!” (name) gushed as he stood next to him, face beaming as (name) jumped up, and down, clapping hands. bakugo fixed his large grenade-like gauntlets, grinning from hearing (name) praise
“you’re damn right i’m strong!” bakugo claimed, he knew he was strong. (name) gently grabbed bakugo’s head, pulled him towards him, and gave him a soft kiss right on his cheek
bakugo’s eyes shot wide open as blush spread across his cheeks. bakugo gritted his teeth as he grabbed (name) by the collar, and brought him close to his face
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR, YOU DAMN EXTRA?! I DON’T WANT YOUR LIPS TOUCHING ME AGAIN! YOU GOT THAT?! I’LL KILL YOU!” (name) laughed how bakugo reacted, never seen him this mad at him before
(name) decided to push his buttons even more by quickly wrapping his arms around bakugo’s neck, and started pampering bakugo’s face with a ton of affectionate kisses
“S-STOP IT! GET AWAY FROM ME DAMN IT!” bakugo’s face is now crimson red. he tries to push (name) away, but he doesn’t nudge one bit. he doesn’t like this one bit!
-he would be confused, but a small blush would appear on his face, he would place his hand on his cheek where you kissed him
-he never received a lot of affection before, so why would you do that? he would think of that kiss as having a different meaning, do you perhaps love him?
-if so, he would return that kiss, but not on the cheek, on your lips. even that left you in awe, now it was your turn to blush like crazy, you’ve only done kisses on the cheek, not on the lips
shoto was walking to class as he minded his own business, until he heard (name). “shoto!” (name) shouted, a smile plastered onto his face. he ran towards shoto with a hand waving at him
shoto halted as he waited for (name) to catch up with him, he didn’t mind (name) joining him, he was a nice friend, and didn’t mind having company
“(name), good morning.” shoto greeted (name) as he finally caught up to him, trying to catch his breath. “g-good..morning to you too!..shoto!” (name) breath out, still trying to catch his breath
as (name) finally recovered, he smiled softly as he grabbed shoto’s arm, gently pulled him down towards him, and then gave a nice little smooch on his cheek
as (name) released shoto’s arm, shoto stared at him with his usual stoic face, but his eyebrows were raised, and mouth slightly open. a slight blush appeared on his face as planted his hand where (name) kissed
he seen couples do this before, kissing, holding hands, etc. does this mean that they are lovers now?..
“let’s walk and talk to class shoto!-” shoto placed his hands on both of (name’s) shoulders, his head leaned towards (name), their noses almost touching each other
“shoto?-” (name) could barely speak before shoto placed his lips against (name’s) lips. (name’s) eyes widen in shock, his face turning crimson red as shoto’s eyes were closed, focusing on the kiss
they stood in the middle of the hallway as the other students passed by, the students couldn’t help but take a quick glance at them, sweat dropping
(name) broke the kiss as he stepped back, his hands covering his mouth, his heart racing. (name) never kissed anyone on the lips before, just a quick peck on the cheek, so this was his first kiss
shoto stared at him in confusion, why was his new boyfriend acting like this before? does he need another kiss to soothe it out?
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cxlsti · 1 month
You had woken up due to the sunrise shining on you from the gap in your curtains. It was bright but still too early to wake up.
You tried to detangle yourself from Izuku's arms but forgot that you guys were still connected from your little session last night. You slowly lifted yourself off shuddering from the sudden feeling of emptiness.
You were just about to leave when you felt a scarred hand grab your waist making you let a "ah" surprised. "Where are you going." He mumbled voice hoarse you looked back at him his eyes closed.
"To the bathroom. I'll be quick I promise." You comprised moving his hand gently away. Standing up you quickly did your business shivering slightly from the cold morning air in the house.
Climbing in bed izuku quickly reattached himself to you his huge body frame swallowed yours making him a giant teddy bear.
Making it easy to fall back asleep.
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mettywiththenotes · 9 months
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The current state of the battlefield, to me
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ramblebramblefun · 2 months
Kacchan looks uncomfortable, but he never backs down from a challenge. Especially when Izuku is involved.
"I love you... More than the bottom of the Mariana Trench." Kacchan grits out, one hand flexing in a way that used to signal danger.
And it's not a competition! Izuku is not Kacchan. He could take the win and move on, and it is a win, for Izuku, because Kacchan is very bad at expressing his feelings on the spot and in front of other people.
It's not a competition! Izuku doesn't have to beat him!
But it's Kacchan.
How can Izuku not?
"I love you," Izuku says slowly, mind working a million miles a minute. Ah!
"I love you more than the Kola Superdeep Borehole." He says triumphantly.
Kacchan's hand stops flexing.
"What the fuck is that?!"
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donkeys-waffles · 4 months
I just love the versatility of AFO fans, like on one side you'll have this incredibly Indepth analysis of his childhood trauma and on the other side you have the horniness people you've ever encountered. And it's amazing.
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fae-gothh · 2 months
YA'LL PLSSS KEEP MAKING MORE BNHA X MALE READER STUFF PLSSSS🥺 (preferably spicy👁️👄👁️☕🌶️) i feel like i havent been feed in DAYS✊😫✊. especially teacher izuku👨‍🏫 x male reader👨‍🦱 👀 and plsssss make it sub male reader🙏 as a fellow bottom! 👇✊ WE ALSO NEED TO BE FEED👄✊👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
-fae goth out🧚‍♀️✨✨
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cloudyzeusy · 11 months
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His Rules ||
summary: izuku rewarding katsuki for being good while he was gone.
pairing: izuku midoriya X katsuki bakugou
genre: smut
warnings: light BDSM,Top Midoriya Izuku, Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, aftercare, morning after
“I was really good while you were gone!” Katsuki whined eyes shining with want.
“Were you now?” Izuku smirked his hands traveling down Katsuki’s slim waist slipping into his boxers. Causing Katsuki to gasp lurching into his daddy’s touch. “Yes, I didn’t even touch myself so… please daddy.” He whimpered.
Izuku just hummed “Okay baby if you want a reward first, I want to watch you take off your clothes.” Katsuki quickly stripped himself and Izuku smiled at his eagerness and lifted him up onto his lap.
“Now then kat I’ll jerk your cute little dick off as today is all about you.” Izuku smiled waiting for an answer on the other hand Katsuki resisted the urge to complain that his cock wasn’t that small compared to his.
But Izuku knew that it was another thing that got Katsuki off the size difference between the two. Instead, Katsuki nodded in excitement waiting in anticipation as Izuku slowly jerked him off while he whispered words into the ear.
As he got closer to his edge Izuku just stopped. “Wa- wait no! I was so close daddy I was good.” Katsuki pleaded rutting against Izuku’s lap Izuku grabbed his waist to stop him and tutted. “Don’t whine there is more to come.”
Izuku placed katsuki down and began to strip getting his lube and condom ready. “Now katsuki lay down let me take care of you.” Katsuki obliged squirming he was always so nervous during preparation he watched as izuku slowly entered a finger he was so high-strung he felt himself get close to orgasm again.
As izuku added three fingers inside he had to bite his lip and will the urge to cum away if he came without permission his reward would quickly become a spanking. Of course, his daddy noticed as he started laughing. “Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’ve already shaking.” In response, he just moaned louder and started thrashing and once again Izuku stopped taking out all his fingers.
Spreading out Katsuki’s legs, he rubbed his thighs. This causes Katsuki to get all blushy and let out quiet moans. From the bed, he watched as Izuku put a condom on his cock and began to lean over him. “Are you ready baby?”
“Mhm, ye-yeah.”
“Okay then come and sit on my lap.” He said patting his lap Katsuki hovered over his cock gulping at how big it looked. “Don’t think about it too much just let your body take over.”
Katsuki screwed his eyes closed and began lowering himself he felt the head enter with little resistance. He took way too long even though it wasn’t his first time on top Izuku knew he had neglected his Kat for way too long. So, he did the only logical thing he forced Katsuki all the way down.
Katsuki immediately came come spurting on his own chest as the cock inside him filled him up perfectly hitting his prostate “That feel good, baby?” Katsuki just couldn’t respond that that was his best orgasm in a long time he just kept panting and scratching up his daddy’s chest. “I’ll fill you up to the brim.”
He continued slamming Katsuki up and down like he was a doll and Katsuki could do nothing about it but take it. Until they both were close to their finish Izuku flipped Katsuki, so he was lying on his back and began thrusting into him sloppily he groaned marking Katsuki in noticeable places.
Izuku did one last thrust before releasing inside the condom which led to Katsuki cumming.
Pulling out he threw the condom in the bin and turned his attention to his boyfriend in the bed this was much needed day for both of them. He carried Katsuki to the bathroom, and they got in the bath together just relaxing and reveling in each other’s company
The Next Day
Katsuki woke up earlier than the beast beside him he groaned at how stiff his body and ass felt. Slowly making his way to their mirror he silently gasped at himself his neck looked like he got choked out (which he did) by a Nomu.
“I’m not used to being this sore. Jesus fucking Christ Izuku.” He muttered to himself now what was he going to say to his friends?
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9r7g5h · 10 months
Crying for his Kacchan
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: E
Genre: Omegaverse Smut
Summary: It hurt.
Izuku thought he knew pain before, but this was new. Even at his worst he had never felt like this - he had to be dying, because he wasn’t there.
Words: 3,128
It hurt.
Izuku thought he knew pain before, but then everything had been in the heat of battle, the pain washed away by adrenaline and the need to win, or drowned out by painkillers that numbed the nerves as his body healed until he could stand it on his own. Half the time he hadn’t even known the pain was there, not until long after it had settled in and become something he could deal with, an ache that existed but didn’t stop him from saving, from winning, from being a hero.
But this was new. There was nothing to fight, nowhere to run, no one to save except for himself, and he couldn’t. He couldn’t do anything to fight the pain, to reduce his own suffering, just lay there in his sweat and tears and slick and cry out for the one person who could save him but refused to. Refused to and left him to suffer, to burn and ache and die because there was no other explanation for how he felt. Even at his worst he had never felt like this - he had to be dying, because he wasn’t there.
It was less of a call and more of a cry, his voice breaking as he tried to find the mate who never showed, who didn’t respond to his wails. He could barely smell him anymore, no matter how deeply he burrowed into the clothes Katsuki had left behind, the scent still faint and a struggle to find under the chemical cleaners that Izuku was going to toss into the sun the moment he could move, because they just helped in denying him relief. The scented blankets and toys his friends and mother had brought did nothing for the pain, failed to fulfill their purpose of trying to soothe him through this heat alone, the first since they’d been mated, the first Katsuki failed to be with him for.
He had laughed when his mother had shown up with the basket, not taking to heart Inko’s serious face and warning. He’d appreciated the smells of family and pack, but he’d gone through more than enough heats alone before he and Katsuki had mated. Three days of quarantine, being bloated and horny enough to keep his ass full with a knotted toy while trying to stay on top of his homework; an irritation, nothing more. ‘Sure,’ Izuku had thought, ‘he hadn’t had a heat alone since they’d bonded, but it couldn’t have been that different, right?’
It felt like he couldn’t breathe, that every breath of air was lacking whatever he needed as his insides twisted, the stabbing pain driving out what little breath he had gathered in a pained weeze of a whimper. Nothing helped - not fisting his cock, not sinking down on the old knotted toys that used to keep him feeling so full, not burying his face into any scrap of fabric that held the slightest scrape of his mate’s scent, searching for just something that would do anything to help. To let him breathe, to let him think, to make the pain drop down the slightest bit so he could move out of the disgusting mess that covered his skin and nest and had been for who knew how long. But nothing did, left him gasping and grasping for something that wasn’t there, that was being denied him in the cruelest way possible, that just left him in pain. Left his dick hard, his ass wet, everything unfulfilled and him crying, sobbing for the only person who could help.
A cry that he’d been giving off for who knew how long, a cry that his mother, Jirou, and Todoroki had had to sit through that first day as they helped him settle into the pain in his nest, a cry that was less of a word with how torn his vocal cords had to be and more just a sound, a desperate desire needed for his mate to come take the pain away.
He couldn’t care as he heard the front door open, the alarm quickly disarmed and reset. It had to be his pack - one of them had been coming to check on him every so often, forcing him to eat and drink things he could just barely keep down, the churning of his guts more often than not bringing it back up soon after they left. His mom always seemed to have the most success, the little bit of soup she’d managed to make him keep down warm and soothing, but even she couldn’t stay forever.
He hoped it was her. Inko smelled like home since home didn’t smell like home anymore, and she’d be able to help him break through the haze enough to at least wipe down and shuck the more disgusting blankets of his nest to the floor. At one time he might have been embarrassed for her to see him like this, dick out and straining, ass dripping and waiting, but the pain had driven everything away but the need for her to help. He wasn’t ashamed to admit he cried for his mom as the next twisting inside overtook him, tears that should have long ago dried up forced out.
Curses, hurried footsteps, and the figure in the doorway wasn’t his mother, or any other member of their pack. Izuku could barely turn his head, didn’t have the strength to move much at all, but he managed to turn just enough to see the man standing over him, looking down in almost horror. It was clear he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days, a beard he never otherwise had coating his cheeks and jaw. The bags under his eyes could only be rivaled by Shinso’s, dark and deep and conflicting the red of his actual eyes. But what caught Izuku’s attention, what forced every muscle that had been fighting against him to finally relax and lessen the pain that had been pulling him apart for the last who knew how many days, what flooded his nose and his mind and let him know the end was finally here was the smell.
Kacchan was finally here.
“Fuck, fuck shit, Izuku, I’m so fucking sorry baby.” Izuku keened as the jacket Katsuki had been wearing for who knew how long wrapped around him, the sour stench of unwashed undercover clothing prevalent under the rest of the smell of him, bright and sweet and finally everything Izuku needed to feel like his lungs could actually work again, could bring in the air needed to inflate his chest to the point where the constant dizziness he hadn’t even known was present faded. He was in Katsuki’s lap - he didn’t know when he got there, but he wasn’t going to question it - his face pressed against his skin, but it wasn’t enough. Just the smell wasn’t enough.
Katsuki barely flinched as Izuku sunk his teeth into his scent gland, overlapping the claiming mark Izuku had placed there so many years before, the oils and blood and direct source filling his mouth and finally bringing a full sense of peace. The pain still raged, his insides still twisted and stabbed and demanded, but he could at least think, could feel Katsuki’s fingers in his matted mess of curls, could hear his croons in between sentences as he let Izuku take what he needed to stabilize himself.
“-which destroyed the radio system we were using, so Dunce Face had to hike up to let me know. We were just finishing up the raid by the time he got there, so the others are taking care of the paperwork, but I’m still so so sorry, Izuku. You never should have had to go through that alone.” Katsuki’s arms were tight around him, one around his waist, the other on the back of his head, carding through his curls while Izuku drunk in everything he needed from the gland. Just talking to fill in the silence between them, to ease his guilt, reconfirm that he was there now and wasn’t going anywhere. “We’ll get you and your nest cleaned up, I’ll feed you something you can actually keep down, and then I’ll make it better, ok baby? I know it hurts right now but I want to take care of you first. Will you let me do that for you? Will you let me make it better?”
Slowly, as if considering his words, Izuku let his mouth relax, his fangs sliding free from the mating gland that claimed this man as his own. Katsuki was gentle moving his hand around to cup the side of his cheek, running his thumb over the bone, pressing down just enough to feel it under the stubborn baby fat that refused to leave his face no matter how old or strong he became. Finally Izuku nodded, taking a deep breath of the finally free-flowing air that he had access to before trying to speak.
Trying being important word - he didn’t know when he’d fully blown out his voice, whether it was from the crying, the wailing, or the sobbing, but all he could do was let out an affirmative chirp and nuzzle Katsuki’s cheek. Even if inside still hurt, a bath sounded wonderful, now that he could think through the pain long enough to acknowledge it.
It didn’t take Katsuki long to move, for a moment convincing Izuku that he was the one with a strength quirk. It wasn’t like either of them were small, but Katsuki still cradled him in one arm and stripped the nest from the bed with the other, bundling it into the washing machine on their way to the bath seemingly without issue. “I don’t know if your main blankets will be dry by the time you’re clean and fed,” Katsuki admitted as he lowered Izuku into the tub, adjusting the water so he could soak, “but I’ll get the back ups set up while you wait here, alright? I’ll be right back.”
And right back he was, clothes already stripped from his body, most likely adding scent to the nest, sliding into the water behind Izuku, Katsuki’s arms wrapped tight around his waist to draw him back into his lap. He was being gentle, warmed hands scrubbing at sore muscles, washing away the sweat, tears, slick, and sick that hadn’t been cleaned off the few times he’d wiped himself down whenever he’d broken from the haze. Once he was clean they just laid there soaking in the warmth, Katsuki’s soft croon easing him into a calmer daze. Dry hands carefully fed him bits of bread and some cheese he recognized as a gift from Aoyama, little sips of water every few bites chasing down the food and easing the soreness in his throat. Izuku tried once to purr, to give voice to the feeling of contentment that had washed over him despite the pain still living within him, though the sound was cut off with a cough.
“Don’t push yourself, dumb Deku,” Katsuki said softly, his words holding no heat as his hand massaged the base of Izuku’s throat and chest. “I’ve got you.”
Eventually the water cooled, Katsuki lifting them both from the tub, drying them the best he could without putting Izuku down, despite the raised eyebrow and attempt to stand on his own. Instead Katsuki distracted him with kisses along his neck, licking away the water that had gathered at the dip of his collar, free hand gripping his thigh tight, reminding Izuku why he was back, why they were there, why he was being coddled despite being the number four hero in Japan.
His heat had come early, his husband had been away, and fuck everything hurt, even if now that Katsuki had finally come back the pain was more just a need, a desire that made his squirm in Katsuki’s hold, bath almost worthless as his dick filled and and his ass dripped, a fresh layer of mess returning to his thighs.
“Kacchan.” His poor voice was hoarse, but it was enough for his mate to hear the whine, to hear the need, not that he needed it. Izuku could smell Katsuki’s desire as he squirmed in his grasp, shifting so his slick no doubt smeared across the sturdy forearm holding him up, his dick rubbing against the abs he’d been pressed so close to. Katsuki had asked to get him cleaned up and fed, and those had both been fulfilled. Now he needed more.
“Yeah, alright baby, I got you. Gonna make this shit better, just you wait and see.” Izuku sighed as he was placed into the new, clean nest, the feeling of their soft backup blankets enough to have him moving, hands pushing and pulling and kneading the pillows and fabric to his desires. It wasn’t his normal nest, was lacking everything he normally would have added, but the fact that Kacchan was finally there made up for it, promising that soon he’d be free of this absolute genetic bullshit that had taken over and made his life hell.
Large, warm hands on his hips hoisted him into position, Katsuki just laughing at Izuku’s little growl at being manhandled even as his legs spread, his knees shifting automatically to get the angle they both knew would make things quick. Normally there’d be teasing on both sides: whispered words and feathered touches that would draw things out; clenching around fingers or a tongue to show just how hot and tight he’d be around Katsuki’s dick; rubbing and rutting and sucking to take them to the edge only to back off as at last moment and laugh at the whine. But there was none of that now - Izuku would have bitten more than Katsuki’s neck if he had, if the two fingers he’d sunk into his ass hadn’t quickly become three, four, twisting and spreading and readying him for his cock.
“Ready, Deku?”
Another growl, Katsuki’s answering laugh quickly cut off as Izuku rocked back the moment he felt the tip of his dick touch his hole, quickly sheathing them together. Even as Katsuki smacked his ass, snarling at him to be careful, to not hurt himself, Izuku couldn’t bring himself to care; for the first time since this disaster had started he was full, the pain was gone, Kacchan was here. “If you don’t start fucking me,” Izuku rasped, his voice soft as he glared over his shoulder, “I’m-”
Whatever threat he had in mind was cut off as Katsuki began to move, a slow, easy roll of his hips that brushed his prostate almost each time, that had Izuku melting into the nest, chest resting on one of the pillows. He knew this rhythm, knew it was one Katsuki could keep up for hours if he so chose, pushing Izuku over again and again without cumming himself, and there was a part of him that wanted to just relax into the ride. Make up for the hours and days he’d been denied, let his husband and mate fuck away the lingering soreness and earn the forgiveness he’d already been given.
The rest wanted his knot, now, wanted to be filled and full and wanted none of this waiting bullshit, and showed it by clenching on the next thrust, Katsuki’s hips stuttering as he swore.
“Fuck, alright ‘Zuku, I hear you loud and clear, impatience bastard.”
Izuku’s back grew warm as Katsuki pressed his chest against him, his hands reaching out to find Izuku’s and intertwine their fingers. His next slide in was still gentle and easy, but this too Izuku knew, keeping himself relaxed when, a few moments later, Katsuki’s teeth sunk into the back of his neck, holding him down and still as his movements began to quicken, as his hips slapped against Izuku’s ass, mounting and pounding and promising to breed him. Already his knot was threatening to pop, an almost painful pressure against his rim on each thrust, trying to push in where it belonged and tie them together, a tie Izuku needed.
“Kacchan, alpha, please,” he keened, trying to thrust back against Katsuki as best as he could while being scruffed, whining when he slowed. “No no, Kacchan, don’t stop,” he begged, not caring as he let go of one of his hands, as his mouth released his neck, those warm hands tangling in his curls, turning his head, baring his gland and mark. Izuku didn’t care, he couldn’t care, all he could care about was the dick in his ass, the knot pressing against him, the way his own twitched and threatened to spill each time Katsuki hit just the right way inside but how it just wasn’t enough, how he needed more, needed what he knew Katsuki could give him. “Such a good alpha, please be good, my best alpha, my perfect Kacchan, please, please, please-”
Katsuki bit hard, fangs piercing the skin of Izuku’s scent gland, knot locking into place as he came, filling and soothing and everything Izuku had needed since he’d first called for his mate and realized he wasn’t there. His hand left Izuku’s curls and moved to his dick, sliding past it just for a moment to circle where his knot had lodged into his ass before moving back up, slick-covered hand fisting his cock and stroking, sucking at his neck, still grinding up into his ass until Izuku came himself, tumbling over that edge and spilling over Katsuki’s hand, finally full and filled and nothing hurting.
Izuku wanted to squirm as Katsuki began to lick - licking his spend off his hand, licking at the bite marks on his gland and the back of his neck, just kissing and licking at his shoulders and upper back and everything he could reach - but with a knot in his ass, his stomach bloated and full with his mate’s cum, all he really wanted to do was sleep, too tired to even react. He knew they would have to talk, now that he was coherent and out of pain; they would both have to go on suppressant until they could figure this out, take time off work until they had adjusted to them, figure out why his heat had come early and make sure their schedules ensured they were never apart like this again when it was scheduled. They had never been apart like this before, and while he had heard that mating could make heats and ruts without said mate worse, this was beyond what he ever could have imagined. They had gotten by so well just letting the dates fall where they would, and clearly that would have to change.
But for now, Kacchan was here, nothing hurt, and so Izuku slept.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
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Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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crystalsprinklescake · 4 months
As of writing this, there are more fics on AO3 with the bottom bakugou katsuki tag (just over 7k) than there are with the top bakugou katsuki tag (almost 5.5k).
There are also more fics with the bottom midoriya izuku tag (4.7k) than there are in the top midoriya izuku tag (3.4k).
The fanfic writers have spoken! They are both bottoms! Bakudeku is bottom4bottom!
(Also people are generally thirstier for the angry blond it would seem 🧡)
Excluding other ships that aren’t Bakudeku:
Top Kacchan 3k
Bottom Kacchan: 3k
Top Izuku 2.3k
Bottom Izuku 3.2k
BOTTOM IZUKU WINS! Barely, a 200 fic difference could change pretty fast with how often people are adding Bakudeku fic. I love how Katsuki is 50/50 (although there are 20 more fics with top Bakugou but the number is so so close).
Altogether there are over 46k bakudeku fics so a majority of writers don’t even cover the dynamics in the tags!
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Some boys in band shirts I own
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20001541 · 6 months
the two times afo and izuku were featured together in extra art done by horikoshi. top is from the summer of 2022 while bottom is spring 2024. afo not even happy anymore and izuku is still determined to win with tears in his eyes the difference two years can make
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nykie-love-anime · 2 years
Short Imagine 4
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“Are you a top or a bottom?” Denki questioned Midoriya as he saw the green haired man walk into the common area of their Hero Agency.
Izuku being sleep deprived he just fell face into the couch.
“Well actually I am a burden.” He mumbled to the blond.
“Wha…” Denki trailed off.
“He’s a bottom.” Todoroki said placing his boyfriends head on his lap.
“No, I am not.” Deku muttered curling into Shoto’s warm side as he moved up into his arms.
“Ok baby you’re not a bottom.” Shoto said moving his hand to play with Midoriya’s hair causing said man to almost purr.
“And you are not a burden you are a wonderful hero and I can not ask for a better partner.” Shoto mumbled as he saw Izuku fall asleep.
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“Bitch I am a top.” Bakugou shouted at Sero as he called Katsuki a bottom.
“Okay.” Sero laughed out.
“If you say so man.” The Tape hero, Cellophane, said causing Denki and Mina to laugh at the explosive blond.
“Flat face. I will explode you to hell.” Bakugou shouted charging at the black haired man.
Bakugou got a few movements in before he was lifted of the ground.
“Calm down man.” Kirishima whispered into his ear and Bakugou calmed down immediately.
 The others just laughed at their friends sudden calm expression.
“See he’s a bottom.” Sero cackled out.
Bakugou just groaned out a few curses at his friends.
“He is a bottom.” Kirishima confirmed hardening just in time as an explosion came to his face.
Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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