#bowbreaker (ask)
cutestrival · 8 months
with each cycle of the seasons, she remains an invincible summer. a blistering sun painting a portrait of intensity, her fiery disposition a testament to nature's unyielding power. 
“HOLD, SELENA!” odin calls out, a beckoning hand outstretched. “spare an old friend a moment of your time! it shall not go to waste. that is my sacred vow.”
with his free hand, he gracefully unveils a golden chain, from which dangles an ornate amulet adorned with resplendent red stones. upon this precious pendant, odin has carefully etched the words "never forget," ensuring their permanence in the delicate tapestry of sentiment and time.
“i present to you an artifact of mythical power, worthy only of those who defy fate. SHHH"! he raises a finger to his lips. "LISTEN now to its mighty siren call and how it SINGS out to you ! yes…a MAGNIFICENT match indeed! none are as deserving as you, SELENA OF TEMPESTUOUS FLAMES!”  
odin takes a step forward and gently presses the gift into her hand. a mischievous grin eclipses over his features, offering a glimpse into the delight that twinkles within.
"the most joyous of birthdays to you! now, venture into the world and showcase its glamour for all to behold!"
Begrudgingly, reluctantly, most inorganically to a stranger but not uncommon to a friend, Selena’s resting frown tugs into a smile. Long does it waver, her lips wresting the emotions from moving up to her cheeks as best they can. She swallows her calm, and blinks up brightly at her dear, dear friend, almost embarrassed in her hesitancy. The necklace shimmers upon the words, carved too into her eyes every morning. But to receive the same words from Odin, one who knows, one who has died, one who has forged further, who too shoulders countless burdens with nothing more but a smile, carries a different sentiment. A comforting one. The amulet finally in her grasp, she turns it over and over in her hands, letting the setting sunlight catch upon the fineries wrought of friendship and perseverance.
“Oh… Thank you, Odin.” 
She no longer attempts to avert her eyes.
“I won’t forget ever again.”
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jasperlion · 5 years
NO!!! not smol alm, he's too young
Death in the battlefields | No longer Accepting (taking my time w these)
The stench of death follows the deeper they delve, a mission they undertake to gather information on Hel and what makes her tick. It’s dangerous, they could end up with nothing, yet they go anyway.
However, there’s no way for two ‘reds’ to go, and thus Alm sees himself obligated to take the bow in hand and the team, assembled, takes to the depths of the realm of the dead. It’s on the start of the third day (or so he believes, it is hard to keep track in the underworld) that they are beset upon by waves of fiends.
“It must mean we’re getting closer to something.” He had told them all at the start with a swelling hope that this would be of aid, and were he able to hold onto that optimism he would.
Yet they didn’t relent, no matter how many were defeated by powerful claws, beaks and jaws, nor the flurry of arrows from his bow. Felled foes rose again, and even more and more poured from everywhere possible. It was…
It was like a nightmare.
Notch. Aim. Loose. The more he pulls his arm back to end another foe the more he tires, and he can see it too with his companions, growing more and more weary the more their enemies arrive. And so a fear grips Alm’s heart.
‘Don’t die in her realm.’ They had been told, ‘You might not come back.’
It is as he shoots down another fiend, only for more to arise in its place, that Alm finally sees what they are protecting. “It’s the box in the altar!” He calls out to his companions, shooting down another foe to try and clear the path. “That’s what they’re protecting!”
Like a whip, Tibarn darts down from the heavens with claws extended, a fierce cry spreading through the battlefield. Nailah darts forth after, with a snarl jumping at a mage that tried to snipe the great Hawk King and tearing them apart with her jaws. With a pivot, they dart back, price within Tibarn’s claws and a triumphant air around them.*
The unspoken signal seems to reach the rest of the team and, together, they hurry on out. It’s time to escape, to make it out — they have their prize, and it should not cost any lives if they can help it.
And, of course, the enemy gives chase. Spells are cast against the Hawk King, arrows thrown, and while Nailah intercepts those whom his arrows did not catch, it is something else that soon catches Alm’s attention. 
An undead warrior, a beast, emerges from the earth like the rest, crackling blue tome on hand and aim clearly directed to the skies. ‘Protect Tibarn,’ his mind screamed ‘he can’t take that hit and live.’ With a dash and a skid, Alm tries to intercept as the Wolf Queen deals with others whom would dare along with Ranulf, aim true and sharp with his shot, interrupting the mage before they can cast.
And while he strikes, the mage’s tome glints, and Alm finds himself frozen in place, unable to draw one more arrow. It is with horror that he realizes what the mage has done, what he can do, and the next thing he knows all around him is white, and he crashes onto the ground in a tangled heap with a soft cry.
There’s a white noise in his ears, like he can barely hear the world outside of his raspy breath and erratic heartbeats. A faint snarl and sickening crunch sounds out, barely, but it’s the jostle of his body that snaps him back into the present in full.
... Best as he can be. “Alm! Hold on, damn it!” All he can do is let out a painful hiss as he tries, and fails, to force his eyes to see, blinking and breathing even if it felt like he choked with every one he took. “A blasted box isn’t worth this—” 
The white noise is so annoying, his sightlesness more so, and as he struggles to breathe, he coughs. It feels wet, raw, and the coppery taste in his mouth was like… like… “Tibarn…” He wheezes with a weakening death rattle. “You have to… or it’ll be… for nothing…” 
“Don’t talk like that. Come. I will get you help.” Yet all he can feel is feathers and warmth and all he can feel is a distant cry at the world he had to return to— at the people he needed to see once more. Every breath he takes drags him further away, further into a coaxing siren call that he knows he shouldn’t answer.
… He can’t resist, no matter how much he fights. It drags him down, down… and his heart, which beat oh so loudly that even he could hear, slowly and erratically… 
By the time Tibarn returns to Askr, what he carries upon his back is a corpse.
-- [ *extra: tibarn dies instead ]--
With a dive to the earth below, the Hawk deposits the box onto his arms before taking back to the skies. Alm tucks the item under his right, grasping his bow with his left. “Alright, let’s go!” It’s a race to the exit, and none of them intend to lose.
Of course it’s while his hands are full that the long range attacks suddenly turn on him. The first few are easy to avoid as the team breaks off to handle the rest, all Alm has to do is stay within the safety of his companions, and it would be alright, right?
They don’t expect to be flanked from the left.
Arrows sting at his skin with a barely performed dodge, sidesteping and rolling, then backpedaling twice to avoid a bolt of lightnng. Relentless as the foe is, they are soon finished off by the powerful Laguz around him, and hope once again sings in his heart.
Hope that is cut short in a flurry of feathers, a force that shoves him onto the ground, and a screech of pain that rips at his ears and sunders his heart. It happened so fast— “Tibarn—!”
Wings cover his vision, talons press him onto the earth, yet the liquid that drips and druips tells him all he needs to know as the Hawk King uses his body as a shield, protecting him from harm. 
And then, it’s over, and the great being falls off from atop him and onto the ground, heavy breaths the only tell he’s even still alive. “Hey, hang on!” Alm scrambles to his feet, bow grasped and at the ready, hurrying to Tibarn’s side. The damage is done, and even knowing that doesn’t stop him from looking around, ensuring it’s safe, and trying, so desperately, to cover the more gaping wounds with his hands. “Come on, Tibarn, we-… we both have to make it home.”
The tears in his eyes don’t stop him from bearing witness to the small shake of the Hawks’s head as he coughs and wheezes, trying to speak. “Alm… you have to return… safely. You have to… watch over Reyson and… Leanne… for me. Understand?” In a gentle light before him lays not a giant hawk but the more human form of his friend, no less damaged and hurt than the previous. Weakly (how strange, to associate that with Tibarn), his hand rises, grasping at Alm’s shoulders.
“Promise me…”
Tibarn does not live to see his tearful nod. Does not live to know his corpse was carried all the way back to Askr. 
He will never know how much Alm blamed himself.
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 72: A Good Man Sits Idle
Class Profile - Sniper
A promoted form of the Archer class that specializes in bows. Possible promotion for Takumi, Setsuna, and Kiragi. In addition to innate boosts to Hit Rate and Crit Rate, they get Certain Blow, which boosts Hit when attacking, and Bowfaire, which as you'd expect does the same thing as all the other Faire skills. Design-wise, they odd an add white tiger pelt around their waist and piece of shoulder armor which actually kinda works.
Class Profile - Sorcerer
A promotion for Dark Mages that have mastery of tomes. Like Dark Mages, they're the tanks to Diviners' glass canons. They can use dark magic, which again, there is a single tome of which that isn't very good. In addition to slight boosts to Hit Rate, Avoid, and Crit, they learn Vengeance, an activation skill that boosts damage by damage taken, and Bowbreaker, which boosts Hit and Avoid when fighting bow wielders. I'd like to issue a retraction for a previous entry. Previously, I said that I was fine with Dark Mages being skimpy because male and female Dark Mages are equally skimpy. That was false, the men get to wear pants while the women fight in their underwear. At least Sorcerers add a cool cape that looks like crow wings.
Class Profile - Spear Master
What the fuck do you think a Spear Master is? It’s the promoted form of Spear Fighters that has mastery over lances. Possible promotion for Oboro, Shiro, and Haitaka. Seal Speed and Lancefaire do what they sound like they do. Unlike Basaras, who get a cool tiger print coat, Spear Masters get a big white ribbon and tape a flag to their back. Lame.
Conquest Chapter 22: Sakura
Moron’s crew arrives at Fort Jinya, that place where Subaki and Hana were recruited in Birthright, which they must conquer if they wish to conquer Hoshido. The scene shifts to inside the fort, where Yukimura begs Sakura to leave for her own safety. Sakura refuses to leave behind her injured patients and stays to fight. This is some good development for Sakura in the route where Sakura is barely a character.
This map has our army split in two and marching through the walls of the fort, with Dragon Veins that open up paths on the opposite side. Hana, Subaki, Sakura, and Yukimura all stand in our way. Sakura nervously stands her ground against her siblings and Azura praises Sakura for growing strong, which causes her to cry.
After conquering the fort and forcing the named characters to peacefully surrender, Xander orders his men to tie the Hoshidans up without harming them. Hans starts murdering unarmed men, because he’s a sadist. Moron orders Iago and Hans to stop killing and Hans ignores them. Xander threatens to kill Iago for sullying the honor of the Nohrian army, but Garon shows up and tells everyone to shut up.
Moron and Xander sit back and watch the bloodshed, because they’re cowards. The game could end here, with Moron taking a stand, but Moron chooses to do nothing. Because of this, thousands of innocents and like six characters the audience cares about will die brutal, pointless deaths. Because Moron is a good man who sits idly by in the face of evil.
And for what? To avoid fighting Xander? Camilla, Leo, Elise, and presumably the rest of the army except for maybe Peri would fight alongside Moron if Moron took a stand right now. They could win, or at the very least die trying to do something good rather than live doing something evil.
And who says Xander would side with Garon? He did in Conquest, but he doesn’t in Revelation. I doubt Xander would kill Moron for trying to stop a war crime. All of this is pointless, not just because it relies on Moron and Azura being too fucking stupid to tell Xander anything, but because they don’t trust him to do the right thing.
God I hate this route’s writing.
But hey Izana joined the army and that’s cool I guess.
Support: Azura/Elise
C: Elise asks to play with Azura. Azura says know and Elise tries to physically drag her away. Azura says Sakura wouldn't do something like this, which makes Elise get mad and cry.
B: Azura gives Elise a kimono Mikoto gave her years ago, when Azura was sad about how she'd never get to meet her newborn sister. Azura says that Mikoto foretold that Elise and Azura would reunite and bring peace to the two kingdoms. Azura must've been really surprised in Birthright when that didn't happen. Also, did she carry this kimono with her to Nohr? She must've, which means she was carrying a bag full of luggage with her when she was captured by Hoshidan troops and held captive.
A: Elise and Azura talk about bringing peace between their two countries and sharing culture, something that Mikoto would have loved.
Review: This is a really good Support that does a lot to humanize both Elise and Azura, giving Elise fears over not living up to her replacement while showing Azura genuinely care for her siblings and adoptive mother.
Support: Peri/Xander
C: Peri cries because people say she's a bad retainer. Not because of the murders, of course, but because she talks too casually.
B: Xander offers to help Peri talk more formally. Peri talks like Thor, but like comic Thor in a comic with a really bad writer. Peri says talking formally is impossible. Xander says that it does not matter.
A: Xander and Peri discuss how they met; Peri fought against nobles in a tournament. She lost, but Xander was impressed by her potential and recruited her, something he has never regretted.
S: Xander proposes because Peri is loyal. You know, I thought this game was about removing a violent psychopath from the Nohrian royal family, not adding a new one.
Review: Pretty good, actually. Playing off Peri’s immaturity rather than her sadism makes this one far more palatable, as is the choice to focus on her loyalty, perhaps her only good trait.
Support: Leo/Odin
C: Leo asks Odin about fighting off an enemy raiding party. Odin brags about destroying them before admitting that he's embellishing things. Leo tells Odin to accept his praise and that there is no one Leo counts on more, which is honestly a massive insult towards Niles.
B: Odin asks Leo to give him exciting duties like the ones like those he was given when he first started working for Leo, liking tracking down ancient relics or hunting monsters.
A: Leo reveals that, when Odin first started serving him, Leo didn't trust him and sent him on dangerous snipe hunts to get rid of him, only for Odin to return with ancient relics Leo made up on the spot. Leo says he trusts Odin completely now and cannot send him on fake missions any more. Odin mentions that he may have to leave Nohr when the fighting ends and Leo says that'll make victory bittersweet and asks Odin to keep his title with him when he leaves.
Review: A fantastic Support where Leo’s cynicism is countered by Odin’s unwavering dumbass determinism, with some great dialogue in the A-Rank that really captures this great friendship.
Support: Benny/Selena
C: Selena hears that Benny stopped a charging wild bull with one hand and gets mad because she could do that with ease. Side note, during my playthrough Selena barely gained any strength on level ups and was almost useless as a result. So yeah, I'm sure she'll stop that bull.
B: Benny saves Selena from being gored. Benny says that the bull story is a misunderstanding and that what he actually did is hold down a cow while a farmer delivered a calf.
A: Selena tells everyone about the bull story being bull and acts tsundere to Benny.
S: Benny, having never heard of overused tropes, calls Selena weird for being tsundere. Selena fits her trope to a tee.
Review: This is an odd Support in that the S-Rank is actually the best. The bull stuff is weird, but Selena flipping between yelling at Benny and saying she loves him is amusing.
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tacticsroom · 5 years
Alm: Saint-King (Unit Review)
Available at 5★ (Legendary Hero)
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Lvl 40 Stats (Flaw/Neutral/Asset)
HP: 36/40/43 Atk: 34/37/40 Spd: 34/37/40 Def: 22/26/29 Res: 19/22/26
Neutral BST: 162
Max Dragonflowers: 5
Legendary Effect: Earth Ally Boost: HP+3
Standard Effect 1: Duel If unit is 5★ and level 40 and unit's stats total less than 175, treats unit's stats as 175 in modes like Arena. (Higher-scoring opponents will appear. Stat total calculation excludes any values added by merges and skills.) 
Standard Effect 2: Pair Up An ability that can only be used under certain circumstances. Pair Up can be accessed from the Interact with Allies menu, and allows this unit to join battle in a group with another ally.
Weapon: Luna Arc (400 SP)
Mt: 14. Rng: 2. Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. If unit initiates combat, deals damage = 25% of foe's Def. (Ignores reductions to Def from special skills like Lunar Flash.)
Bow. Cannot be inherited. Cannot be refined.
Assist: None
Special: Lunar Flash (500 SP)
Treats foe’s Def/Res as if reduced by 20% during combat. Boosts damage by 20% of unit's Spd.
Cannot be inherited.
A: Darting Blow 4 (300 SP)
If unit initiates combat, grants Spd+9 during combat.
Can be inherited. Cannot use: Staff.
B: Null Follow-Up 3 (240 SP)
Disables foe's skills that guarantee foe's follow-up attack and foe's skills that prevent unit's follow-up attack.
Can be inherited. Infantry only.
C: Odd Atk Wave 3 (240 SP)
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Atk+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Can be inherited.
Brandishing a bow with his Conqueror class, Alm is reintroduced as a Legendary Hero. His default version was already a top player phase threat however L!Alm pushes the limits of the ranged hyper offensive unit type. With an incredible statline and powerful personal skills, L!Alm leaves every other offensive archer in the dust.
Alm’s offensive stats clock in at an essentially uncontested 37 Atk and Spd at neutral - only Halloween!Niles and Sue have greater Spd than him and even then Alm has the advantage of higher Atk and uninheritable skills. L!Alm indisputably blows his competition out of the water; from a gameplay standpoint, there would be no reason to invest in any infantry bow other than L!Alm given the option, an instance which we have rarely ever seen, and possibly never to this extent, within any other unit type.
In any case, with even just 14 Mt and +3 Spd, Luna Arc is a potent weapon that plays to L!Alm’s strengths. On top of this it also allows L!Alm to essentially ignore 25% of his opponents’ Def on initiation. This extra damage is also true damage, so even in the rare event that L!Alm would deal 0 damage to his target, he will still apply this extra damage in full. L!Alm also has a personal special, Lunar Flash, which ignores an additional 20% Def and also grants bonus damage scaling with L!Alm’s Spd. To put this into perspective, if L!Alm initiates and activates Lunar Flash, he will deal damage equal to 70% of his opponent’s Def plus 20% of his Spd on top of his base damage; with Luna Arc and Lunar Flash’s Def penetration and true damage, L!Alm defies the typical dynamic between tanks and offensive units. Under the right conditions, he could even ORKO units that he would normally deal 0 damage to without his extra effects.
In addition to his weapon and special, L!Alm also introduces Darting Blow 4, granting +9 Spd in the player phase. Combined with Null Follow-Up, this essentially ensures that L!Alm will double his targets and thus get the most out of Luna Arc’s bonus damage. running a Sacred Seal like Darting Blow 3 or buffing his Spd with allies’ skills will further secure his follow-ups against incredibly fast units. Skills like Wary Fighter and Bowbreaker will be nullified by Null Follow-Up.
L!Alm’s preferred boons/assets are Spd and Atk. His preferred banes/flaws are Res, HP (superbane), and Def (superbane).
Similar Units
Cordelia: Perfect Bride (36/35/35/19/22)
Alm: Saint-King (+4/+2/+2/+7/+0)
Setsuna: Absent Archer (37/28/37/22/23)
Alm: Saint-King (+3/+9/+0/+4/-1)
Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark (37/31/34/25/20)
Alm: Saint-King (+3/+6/+3/+1/+2)
Jeorge: Perfect Shot (37/32/32/24/22)
Alm: Saint-King (+3/+5/+5/+2/+0)
Note: Jeorge has access to uninheritable skills and is thus not directly comparable to Alm.
Noire: Shade Seeker (36/32/36/27/20)
Alm: Saint-King (+4/+5/+1/-1/+2)
Takumi: Prince at Play (40/35/35/21/19)
Alm: Saint-King (+0/+2/+2/+5/+3)
Note: Takumi has access to uninheritable skills and is thus not directly comparable to Alm.
Budget/Low Investment:
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Alm has nearly everything he could ask for with his base kit. Read the Analysis section above for a summary of Alm’s strengths and playstyle.
The first build tacks on the Darting Blow Sacred Seal to further boost Alm’s Spd in the player phase. This allows him to initiate with 55 Spd unsupported, enough to double even the fastest units he might face and secure kills against them.
The second build uses Flashing Blade and Desperation to allow for constant Lunar Flash procs, especially while within Desperation’s HP threshold. As mentioned before, Luna Arc and Lunar Flash considerably increase Alm’s damage output, so being able to attack in quick succession while still charging and activating Lunar Flash every round grants his opponents next to no opportunity to respond to his attacks and will most likely be down from those two attacks alone.
Alm’s other Sacred Seal options include Savage Blow, Bond skills, Spd Smoke, Quickened Pulse, and buff skills.
Hyper Offensive (Luna Arc):
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These builds capitalize on Luna Arc and Lunar Flash’s deadly combo to mow down opponents in the player phase.
The first build is a continuation of the Flashing Blade + Desperation Build above, using Fury instead of Darting Blow 4. Darting Blow 4′s +9 Spd can often be overkill especially with Alm’s high Spd and the potential for ally support, so using Fury 4 grants much more value for the skill slot with raw stats but also more importantly recoil damage to fall into Desperation’s HP threshold. Running Fury allows this to occur without having to take a hit and is thus a much safer alternative.
The second build uses Special Spiral to essentially always initiate with a charged Lunar Flash on top of 62 Atk with Death Blow 4 and 25% Def penetration with Luna Arc, focusing on Alm’s first hit rather than doubling. To emphasize the power of this build, unsupported, one Lunar Flash proc is enough to deal 42 damage to a unit with 50 Def (12 base damage, 12 bonus damage from Luna Arc, 10 bonus damage from Lunar Flash’s Def penetration, 8 bonus damage From Lunar Flash’s Spd scaling). Running allies/skills that charge Alm’s special at the start of battle, like Infantry Pulse, Quickened Pulse, Ostian Pulse, and Velouria’s Wolfpup Fang, allow Alm to take advantage of this combo from the get-go. Using Hardy Bearing as the Sacred Seal allows Alm to bypass skills like Vantage which may otherwise prevent him from getting away with his one-shot gimmick.
Hyper Offensive (w/o Luna Arc):
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While Luna Arc is an incredibly potent weapon, classic archer weapon builds like Brave Bow+ and Firesweep Bow+ suit Alm just as well.
The first build uses Brave Bow+ to allow him to quad slower opponents which may be more useful against units with inflated HP stats, such as in Special Maps. With a Brave Bow+, Alm gains the potential to activate Lunar Flash multiple times per combat, especially if choosing to run Flashing Blade instead of Darting Blow. However, because of Brave Bow+’s Spd penalty, doing so may considerably hinder his ability to quad and may not pass Flashing Blade’s Spd check in the first place.
The second build uses Firesweep Bow+ and Flashing Blade to charge and activate Lunar Flash in every round of combat, similar to the Desperation build with Lunar Arc. This build has the benefit of being able to avoid counterattacks without an HP threshold/requirement and can also run Null Follow-Up at the same time, bypassing Wary Fighter or Bowbreaker effects.
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crystalelemental · 6 years
God, I don’t miss having to ask this, but does anyone know a My Castle code for either of the following:
Corrin with Aegis and Pavise
Nyx with Tomebreaker or Bowbreaker
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isolaradiale · 6 years
Hi there! Sending in an application for Camilla from Fire Emblem with prior reserve. I reserved with the discord princely#0222 but i want to use a different form of contact that is more accessible for the mods, which I will post in a follow up ask. You can find her application on the side or under /app.
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Camilla!
You will be housed in APARTMENT 365.
You will retain your bowbreaker skill and will receive a wooden axe.
– mod pleiades.
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feheroestips · 6 years
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Quick overview
So I think this might be the quickest I’ve ever done a redo for aunit, and mainly because of the asks I get over the Bowbreaker set from last time which honestly was my fault in believing into a much dead calculator. Though I’m redoing for the fact I puller her yesterday on a free summon no less. Anyway Spring Camilla holds the nice of the only green mage fliers, her nice of being the only magic based one is now shared with Myrrh. Camilla out of the 4 mage fliers in the game however is the second best one, after summer Corrin, due to her bulk of all things. She’s the only flier to reliably run gronnraven sets to remove her weakness in a sense without a need for Iotes shield. Plus she hits like a nuke while doing it. This niche makes her a solid choice for a bow counter for flier emblem teams and should be highly considered.
Base kit
Green egg has a passive mini renewal which procs after combat. Its a nice enough tome but nothing that major, ideally you want something to capitalize of her strengths. Rally attack is a decent support skill but as a flier you really want reposition for support options. Defiant speed isn’t helping her much considering her awful speed to begin with, plus the hp threshold isn't nice either. Finally Live for bounty is there, so in general she’ll be needing a lot of work.
Ideally flier buffs are nice, but any c skill can work, in the special slot bonfire or draconic aura are both viable options.
Pros + Cons
+Amazing attack stat 35 is solid
+Solid defence with 30
+Only green mage flier in the game as of now
-Poor speed
-Limited time unit
-Needs a lot of investment to be good.
Ideally Camilla does best ona  flier emblem team. Other fliers like the Mage fliers, Corrin and Nowi make nice choices, as does Morgan F. However Camilla needs someone to Handle Red units so fliers like Tana, Subaki and Catria all make solid pairings.
Suggested set(s)
Easter Raven
Suggested ivs: +atk/def -spd/res
Gronnraven+, reposition, moonbow/bonfire/Draconic aura
Slot A = Triangle adept
Slot B = Green tome breaker, Lance breaker,  flier formation
Slot C = Flier buff/ any c skill
Sacred seals: distant defence, quick riposte, quickened pulse
A ideal bow counter set, even with a -def she can tank every bow unit without iotes shield if she uses distant defence and they do not have cancel affinity. Green tome breaker is her best B slot but lance breaker and flier formation are also nice options. You can use other sacred seals to various effects but in general distant defence is doing you the most favours.
Pop goes the bunny
Suggested ivs: +atk/def -spd/res/hp
Gronnblade+,  reposition, glimmer/moonbow
Slot A = Close counter
Slot B = Vantage
Slot C = Flier buff
Sacred seals: close defence/distant defence
So Camilla is far too slow to run a offensive gronnblade set, but she can run a defensive one. Meet Close counter + vantage, something the likes of Takumis  run but is incredibly deadly. Why? Well for a start Camilla has 30 base defence, 36 with a flier buff which is more than bulky enough to tank a hit, she can then hit back with a super charged attack, something with +24 if using a flier team long with her 57 atk (if +atk) By this point if she lives, she’ll more than likely be in the vantage range and might just have glimmer ready, glimmer is bound to hurt, but moonbow is a safe alternative. This means anyone attacking her first will be subject to a +24 hit when buffed. Ideally you wanna use this ona  buff team, heck you can even use it on a tactic team as they won’t have to be in harm's way.
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melonlordheroes · 6 years
-The Grand Hero Battlefield is busy today with the sounds of Mystery picking yet more fights she can't win. Linus, having already been swayed to the side of Askr, sits in place snickering as Mystery approaches with intent.-
Linus: Back for another beating?
Linus: Seriously, Summoner. Just give up and ask Robin to give you a strategy!
-The sound of flapping wings signals the presence of four fliers. Azura touches down gracefully and offers Linus a smile.-
Linus: Hey, Azura.
Azura: Hello, Linus. Seems we're due to face off with eachother again?
Linus: (chuckle) Seems like... you feel different somehow. Did you do something since that whole thing with the exploding sheep and her dancer buddies?
Azura: Oh, I changed out my mount's saddle for a proper flier saddle instead of the heavier one I had on. Defensive tactics meant for multiple units of different movement types don't fare well for all-flier strategies, after all.
Linus: That so? So what's this new one do?
-Azura just smiles as Camilla (in her New Year garb) Shigure and Hinoka touch down.-
Azura: Hone Fliers.
-And with that, the battle is on! As the other fliers take point, Hinoka charges straight for the infantry sword and takes him out after a refresh from Azura, while Shigure stations himself next to his mother and Camilla settles at the point between the bridge and the river.-
Camilla: Be careful of the mage, dear Hinoka. You're well within my ward but your resistance is not exactly...
Hinoka: No worries. I think I can tank that hit- Shigure, watch Aunt Camilla and Aunt Hinoka carefully okay? And watch that Linus guy! If he gets ahold of you, you won't last very long!
Shigure: Yes, AUnt Hinoka...
Mystery: Get ready, here they come!
-As Linus' units move in, the mage engages Hinoka and gets smacked down. Linus stares at her from afar, almost bewildered as Camilla is put into range and Hinoka prepares to charge.-
Linus: The hell...? You're coming towards me?!
Hinoka: Can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer!
Camilla: Hinoka, wait. Hone or no, you won't be able to finish him off and you'd be a sitting duck!
Hinoka: (ponders, looks sheepish) Yeah, good point. Wasn't thinkin'. Mystery?
Mystery: We're gonna do something stupid here. Hinoka, move into Linus' range and engage the lancer- you should one shot her. Azura, sing to her and then Hinoka will take down the thief. Shigure, fly up beside Camilla. Camilla, Fly east and push Azura behind Shigure and Hinoka. The hone should be enough to let her get rid of the Manakete. (grin) Startin' to sweat yet, LINUS?!
Linus: (laughs) Hell, you kiddin'?! This is the best fight you put up yet! But I ain't a quitter. I'm seein' this one through!
Mystery: (beaming) Then with your permission- FLIERS, INTO FORMATION!
-Everyone gets into formation as Linus and the lone Manakete approach. Hinoka smirks and darts back, firing off two solid shots from her bow and after a song from Azura, Linus is forced to yield.-
Linus: (snickers, sits down.) Well? What's the plan now?
Mystery: Let the Manakete come to us, guys- we want to position ourselves in a way that Shigure can attack head on after Hinoka wears it down a snap. Camilla, fly back, your job here is done.
Camilla: (giggles) Go get 'em, darling Hinoka.
Hinoka: (blush, grin) Darling, huh...? I-I mean, ready when you two are!
Shigure: How exciting- this will be the first Grand Hero Battle I've fought in AND my first win, you know!
Azura: (pats his head, chuckles) And I'm very proud.
-As the Manakete moves in, Mystery suddenly remembers...-
Hinoka: (smirks a bit, pulls back bowstring) Irrelevant. S'what DRACONIC AURA'S GOOD FOR!
-And with that, Mystery's concern is unfounded. Azura sings Hinoka back into action and she still manages to take down the manakete. Battle over!-
Hinoka: Phew. Really takes it outta 'ya doin' stuff like that...
Shigure: Very impressive, Aunt Hinoka!
Hinoka: Aww, that was nothin'. If it weren't for Camilla, you and your mom I'd have fared a lot worse.
Linus: (walks over, lightly tossing a small green orb up and down in his palm.) Nice flyin', ladies. And gentleman. Once your tactician stops dancin' an' screamin', mind if we stop by the healers barracks and get these arrows outta me?
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iturbide · 7 years
Ahhh thank god I was afraid of being annoying for spamming your inbox with my long ass asks QwQ I'll see if any of my fodder heroes have triangle adapt to give to my Robins 🤔 oh! Also, when I was trying to summon Grima, B!Ike ended up pity-breaking me and I dunno what I should do to him... Merge? Give someone steady breath? Or aether???
Trust me, it would be very difficult to annoy me with asks, especially Heroes asks
But give it a try!  If nothing else, you can test them out at 4 stars to see how they work, right?  I’ve heavily modified my M!Robin’s skillset because I use him so much: he has every available red and colorless breaker (and wings of mercy because Irony), a bunch of spur/ward/hone/fortify abilities, and Triangle Adept for his A passive, which makes him really versatile in combat; back when I saw Bow Lyns all the time in the Arena I put Bowbreaker on him and stopped having any problems at all, but nowadays I run into more fast swords so Swordbreaker pretty much guarantees him the win. 
But you know I have the hardest time deciding what to do in those situations because those are some GREAT moves for Skill Inheritance (I’ve seen some amazing dragon builds with Steady Breath and Aether’s a super popular special), but B!Ike’s a pretty awesome unit what to do???  For some reason I keep holding onto my doubles in the highly unlikely event that trading ever becomes a thing, which means that all of my merged Heroes happen to be the ones that come in 3 and 4 stars and I spend a boatload of feathers on =v= I guess it really depends on your preference!  Do you like Brae Ike and/or use him a lot?  If you do, maybe go ahead and merge; if not, maybe see what kind of Heroes could use those awesome skills better. ;)
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leonidas1754 · 7 years
Okay seriously, WHO was asking for a 4* focus banner. Because I cannot think of a single person. This is stupid.
EDIT: For those who’re saying it’s for skills: Yea, except this is just labeled as a 4*/5* focus, and half of the SI-able skills are useless. Picking up a 4* is useless for weapon inheritance, and the specials/assists are all over the place. The real important things are the A/B/C skills, and here’s what we have (Also only looking at their 4*, since you’re far more likely to pull that due to the focus):
The random selection of skills: -Fury 3 (Hinata) -Axbreaker 3 (Laslow) -Triangle Adept 3 (Roy) -Swordbreaker 3 (Abel) -Lancebreaker 3 (Oscar) -Hone Atk 3 (Mathilda) -Spur Atk 3 (Barst) -Fortify Def 3 (Frederick) -Renewal 3 (Fae) -Death Blow 3 (Klein) -Bowbreaker 3 (Setsuna) -Darting Blow 3 (Rebecca)
Fury, Triangle Adept, Renewal, And Death Blow are all pretty useful skills on the right units. Axbreaker is something I never see used, and Swordbreaker and Lancebreaker are only somewhat better. Bowbreaker is purely used for anti-Takumi/B!Lyn builds, and the C-slot skills like Spur/Fortify/Hone are the most flexible of all and I rarely see a build helper that really specifies one or the other outside of Armor/Flier/Horse Emblem builds.
This Summon focus is fucking stupid. If they wanted to do an SI focus, they should have done it on 5* exclusive skills that are actually useful like Life and Death, Guard, Infantry Pulse, Wrathful Staff, that sort of thing.
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cutestrival · 2 months
a platonic kiss meant to express overwhelming emotion
The aftermath of the final battle is a blur.
Any cleanup after a battle is, in truth. This one just has the added benefit of signifying both the end of a war and the end of his mission to Nohr.
They can go home.
It's a bittersweet realization, one he'll untangle later in the privacy of his tent. For now, he basks in the relief of knowing he no longer has to fight in a war that's not his, not truly.
Laslow spots Selena first. Laughing, he slings an arm around her shoulders, planting an obnoxious kiss to her cheek. "Can you believe it, Sev? We made it!"
The arm over her shoulders is…fine. The kiss on the cheek, however? 
Selena’s sweaty, exhausted, and overall overwhelmed already, and now her least-hated buffoon is trying for physical affection? Her sore muscles tense up again, readying a strong elbow to the ribs.
But before she can take any real swings, she pauses, feeling the weight with which his arm lingers. She knows him well enough to know that he wouldn’t lean this much weight on any woman; his body weight shifts between his feet. His breaths are a little too ragged for a genuine flirting attempt. Selena gets the feeling that Laslow is just as relieved as she is.
Placing a hand between her cheek and his vying lips, she settles with simply pushing his face away. The embrace at least wasn’t so bad knowing it was intended between two interlopers, comrades, friends. She sheathes her sword, and grabs ahold of the arm around her, supporting as much as she can. “Yeah, we made it. We made it…” Despite the tumult of the battle, she’s unable to stop her voice from softening, as she thinks about the ramifications of the conclusion of the war. Selena hesitates once more, then offers a peace offering of her own: the lightest peck, to the back of the hand on her shoulder. She sighs, and looks around automatically for Odin.
“...Let’s get us home.”
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exaltedgrimleal · 7 years
8, 13, 15, 22, and 26 for the Heroes ask?
8. One character for every color that you hate to summon the most?
Okay, Miranda and I were talking about this, and we want to call these kinds of characters RATs. Rolling absolute trash.
Red - Lon’QuBlue - ClairGreen - FrederickColourless - Wrys
I can say that Lon’Qu, Clair, and Frederick are great because if they don’t have good IVs, I can just feed them to other characters for Vantage, Hit and Run, and Luna. But. I. Have. Summoned. At. Least. Thirty. All. Together. I don’t need them all, and none of them have IVs I want on them. Wrys I have no need for.
13. A character you really wanted to summon but never came?
I’m letting Maria die in New Mystery of the Emblem.
15. Most Valuable Unit (in terms of usefulness) you own? 
Um... I’d have to say male Robin, but he comes close to my Brave Ike. He can’t take many hits, but I have Triangle Adept on him which makes him a boss against all red units, practically never getting damaged by them at all. He’s usually beside Julia who I gave Breath of Life, so he gets back what he loses. And he can take archers pretty well? My first Robin had Bowbreaker, so he took them better, but I prefer Quick Riposte over Bowbreaker.
I’ve been using him for the current Tempest Trials and there has been A LOT of red units? Maybe it’s just the way they have been generating for me, but wow, Robin just takes it by himself.
22. Favourite banner so far?
thank you brave heroes banner for giving me three out of four, the ones i really wanted
26. Aesthetics: Askr or Embla?
Oh definitely Askr. I can’t really tell you why, I would usually go for the things with darker colour schemes, but I really like Askr.
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confluencechimera · 7 years
2, 6 and 7 for the ask!
2. What was the first 5* hero you ever summoned?
ROY’S OUR BOY. I got him the fir s t day the game came out
6. Current main team?
Merric, Hinata, F!Corrin, and Gordin! Though sometimes I switch Gordin around if I’m doing a specific map or challenge, but usually put him back on when its done. Hinata and Corrin are S Supported to each other so I usually keep them on a team together, and Merric is my strongest unit at 181 for a rating.Merric runs Excalibur, Rally Speed Glimmer, HP +5, Quick Riposte 3, Spur Res 3, Quickened PulseHinata runs Brave Sword +, Rally Resistance, Bonfire, Fury 3, Bowbreaker 3, Savage Blow 3, and HP +3F!Corrin runs Dark Breath+, Swap, Glimmer, HP +5, Swordbreaker 3, Hone Attack 3, and Distant DefenseGordin runs Brave Bow+, Shove, Ignis, Warding Blow 3, Vantage 3, Threaten Defense 3, and Def +1
7. Most emotional summon so far?
Between Hinata and Gray tbh :’> Hinata I summoned at 1am the night the game dropped (or I guess, the morning after the game dropped? but it was only an hour into the day…) and I was s o happy.Gray I got really excited for, my heart bout leaped out of my chest when I saw he was gonna be in the game ajnkfajnkjnksd. And I s h o u t e d out loud when I summoned him. I was on a voice call with my friend when it happened, first time I bought orbs in the game was just to get him and it was worth it
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feheroestips · 7 years
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Quick overview
Oh hey apparently the only healer I’ve never done? Lissa I’m so sorry, as one of the reasons I’m still part of the fire emblem fandom I need to do you justice. I’d tell the story but just ask about it sometime. Anyway Lissa was the first unit I got and honestly means a lot to me, wait I’m being side tracked again. Anyway I should probably mention Lissa best ivs increase by 4 which is nice oh and she’s pretty bulky too for a healer, sadly though her speed is less than ideal and can hold her back from being a scary healer.
Base kit
Lissa comes with gravity a staff with questionable usage. Its upgraded version affects foes in one space too. It sounds amazing till you realise that Lissa is well one space away from said target and will probably have to face them. Rehabilitate is a amazing special and its upgraded version with Lissa’s attack is just insane. Renewal keeps herself healthy while Kindeled fire balm helps the team in a pinch.
As for C skills Hone speed goes nicely with fire balm, and A slot wise well close counter is viable for her but spd+3, atk+3 etc are all good as well as bond skills.
Pros + Cons
+ Atk and speed both increase by 4 points with a iv
+Amazing bulk of 39/28/30
+comes with a lot of good healer skills
-Suffers badly from speed 
-while she gets +4 for atk/spd she has to trade of with a -4 iv in any of her other stats.
-Lachesis exists who is essentially offensive Lissa and most people may prefer +6 atk over Lissa +6 defence
Tanks enjoy Lissas healing abilities but also units who fear mages, Lisa can somewhat tank them.Units using hp skills like earth boost will also enjoy Lissas presence on the field while liss would enjoy anyone to boost her attack opr speed.
Suggested set(s)
Glass flower
+Atk/def/res -spd
Fear+, Recover+/rehabilitate+, any healing assist
Slot A = close counter
Slot B = wrathful staff, Bowbreaker,renewal
Slot C = any c skill
Sacred seals:  distant defence, close defence
Weapon refinery = Dazzling staff version unless you can’t nab wrathful staff and you want the damage output. Its mainly due to dazzling staff being event locked.
So iv wise you have to accept Lissa ain’t going to be fast and its worth dropping speed as it only drops 3 points instead of 4 compared to all the others, and if you want damage its better to just hit hard once with her. Lissa is arguably the only viable staff user, besides maybe Azama, of close counter who with 28 defence can live some things, combine this with fear+ which inflicts atk-7 while close defence can be another 6 giving her effectively 41 defence. With a hone that can be 45, 47 with defence tactic and that isin’t limited by spurs. Lissa’s speed can be mitigated if the foe can’t by pass her defence. Something Similar is possible with distant defence and he res which she can do somewhat better. We’ll talk about that later though. What you want to do is place a debuff on the foe followed by then tanking them to no end thanks to close counter. Dazzling staff in general is prefered but if you want Lissa 36 base attack to go to use then pick wrathful staff though its gotten a lot easier than dazzling staff. Other options however do include renewal and bow breaker.
Bolt staff
+res/atk -spd/def
Fear/Panic+, +/rehabilitate+, any healing assist
Slot A = Atk/res bond, atk/res+2, atk+3, distant defence
Slot B = wrathful staff, renewal
Slot C = any c skill
Sacred seals:  distant defence, deflect magic 3
Weapon refinery = Dazzling staff version unless you can’t nab wrathful staff and you want the damage output. Its mainly due to dazzling staff being event locked
Basically the above set, cheaper and res based. Basically heighten her atk and res as much as you can, and tank mages. Panic is a option to screw over bladetome units as with dazzling staff they can’t counter attack. And with deflect magic 3 she can Live Reinhardt but it doesn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a nice option if you need to distract him for one turn.
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fatesskillshare · 8 years
Can I get the following with Hosidan Unity(if possible) Caeldori, Kaze, Saizo and Mozu. and Lethality for Saizo! Thanks a bunchies. 😁
Hey! Sorry to ask again but about my previous ask, could Caeldori also come with bowbreaker? >
The only one out of those people who can get Hoshidan Unity is Caeldori so she’s been set up with that along with Bowbreaker for you! I’ve also put Saizo up with Lethality. Please let me know when you come by ^^
~ Mod Aeris [07685-93207-57367-43079]
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annathetrickster · 7 years
I'm normally asking stuff on anon about feh but, thought I might as well just ask as myself! I'm a big fan of the Rogue units. If I make the investment how do feel an all rogue team would do?
thanks for coming off anon i appreciate it and im always up for feh questions
i think the best candidates for a rogue team would be kagero, felicia, saizo and gaius or jaffar. it could work well as long as they have answers to the most popular meta characters. which would definitely take some creative skillsets.
kagero and gaius/jaffar can run typical LD3 offensive sets, or splash damage sets with poison strike and savage blow. saizo can run an enemy phase set with bowbreaker to counter lyn, and felicia can run a res based set to counter reinhardt.
its possible, but its probably best to wait until we get better dagger units so you don’t run into a situation like palla
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