#bowser fluff
a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 1 year
Hesitant Affection (Bowser x TransMasc/Male Reader)
Some feel good fluff with everyone’s favorite Koopa <3 This is kinda just ramblings since I couldn’t nail down a solid plot so forgive me if it’s a little chaotic. It’s a bit short and scattered so if you’d like something more specific just send me a request! The more specific the better.
Note: For things like this, I imagine Bowser a little more humanoid than his in-game model so this may come across in my writing but I do my best to kinda leave it up to interpretation. He’s still very tall and large, but more proportionate to human standards and lizardy in my mind. Also, unrelated because it doesn’t come up here but chubby Bowser > ripped Bowser, I will take no arguments.
CW: The level of transition for this reader character is unspecified. He/him pronouns are used here and there, but it's mostly a second person POV. A small part mentions the reader’s aversion to dresses and wearing them as a child, but is never forced to wear one in the present.
Requested by: anonymous
Word count: 615
Bowser. Praised by some, feared by many, and loved by a select few that he allows. Up until recently that list included only the Koopalings and on a good day, Kamek. But then this human, how curious he’s not afraid of the cruel King of the Koopas, wanders into his life and soon, he can't imagine his castle without him.
There’s a touch more life to the place, his subjects are happier with him around. He often helps in the kitchen or tidying up a mess. He hates to admit it, but this strange human may be changing Bowser too. He feels less of an inclination to cause random havoc knowing it would upset you, both to see him hurt but also others too (curse that large, kind heart you have).
He’s quite the textbook gentleman, holding doors and pulling out your chair. But get him to engage in romance outside of what he was taught to provide and he becomes a mess. A small kiss on the nose seemed to make his fiery hair steam while his face burned with uncharacteristic sheepishness. Insist on holding his hand and he won’t even turn your way, to hide his embarrassed face of course, all while extending his grasp to your much, much smaller hand because how could he say no to his beloved? Not when he asked so sweetly, too. You’d be the death of him, he always thought to himself, but he’d die happy at least.
On one occasion, an unexpected invite to the Mushroom Kingdom for a banquet found its way to your hands, Bowser insisting it must be a mistake because why would they invite him to such a thing?
The invitation was vague. Peach’s large cursive writing, in pink pen of course, simply invited ‘The King of the Koopas and one guest to attend a banquet at my castle in the Mushroom Kingdom.’ The date and dress code were detailed at the bottom. You hadn’t been to a party like this since you were very young, forced into an itchy dress that you didn’t particularly like for many reasons, more being added on as you discovered yourself further. While you had faith Bowser wouldn’t urge any sort of similar clothing on you, he still insisted on letting you know that wasn’t happening if you wished to go and you were grateful.
That night, all eyes were on the Koopa King and the human hanging off his arm. The princess greeted you cheerfully, inviting you both in and explaining the banquet’s purpose as a celebration of peace. She was grateful to Bowser for his change in behavior, and later to you when in conversation over drinks you explained you may have been the reason for it. You were introduced to the ever famous Mario Brothers, delightful duo they were, and found amusement when you caught your date for the evening glaring daggers at the mustachioed plumber in red.
I see you helping him with the Koopalings, Bowser Jr. namely, and him swooning. Watching you hold his hand in a crowd so you don’t separate from him makes his heart flutter, letting them help you in the kitchen to make his birthday breakfast and smiling (and almost crying but he’d never admit it) when he passes the cracked kitchen door.
He sleeps on his front due to his shell and sometimes, you like to stick cotton balls on his spikes while he dozes for no real reason other than the human fascination of having the ability to do so. It entertains you and when Bowser discovers it, he finds it cute. He also can’t get them off himself so be a dear and help him, won’t you?
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year
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I'm losing my mind, I can't wait to see this movie.
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Imagine # 1,049
Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
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The sound of soft sniffling is what snapped (Y/n) out of her thoughts as she roamed the mushroom forest. Deep in the wilderness, far from civilization she was surprised to hear anyone, let alone someone so distraught. "Hello?" She called out softly, not wanting to scare the individual. Regardless she heard them hiccup in surprise, and audibly try stifling their tears. "It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt ya." She called out softly, peering around the base of a mushroom tree, finally spotting who she'd crossed paths with. "Oh my." She murmured at the sight of the one and only Bowser Jr. A pitiful frown tugging at her lips at the sight of him, as he frantically tried to stop his onslaught of tears. "My my what's wrong little one?" (Y/n) asked as she tentatively approached the young Koopa Prince, who glared at her with his beady black eyes, despite his tears. "Go away." He hissed at her, turning away when she sat beside him on a large toadstool. "You're a long ways from home little Prince." (Y/n) noted in a tender tone, keeping her hands folded in her lap.
"I said go AWAY!" He shouted, suddenly shaking as he tried to hold in his tears. "I'm not leaving." She argued in a calm voice, unwilling to leave him all alone out here. "Why!?" He hissed, still keeping his back to her, as he peered over his shoulder. "Because I would be remiss to just leave you out here all alone." She explained, smiling softly when he finally turned to face her. "Why do you care?" He murmured pitifully. "Why wouldn't I?" She wondered, not having any trifles with the young Koopa, despite knowing the mischief him, and his father get up to. The young Prince sat there quietly for a few short minutes, thinking to himself as he toiled with his fingers. "I'm lost." He finally admitted after a while, looking to the forest floor shamefully. "Oh you poor boy." (Y/n) cooed softly, offering a kind reassuring smile when he looked to her. "How about I help you get back home? I'm sure your father is worried sick." (Y/n) held out her hand, tilting her head a little to the side. "You'll help me?" Bowser Jr. asking in a small voice, looking so helpless in that moment. "Of course." (Y/n) assured, a surprised squeak escaping her when Jr. threw himself into her arms.
Effectively knocking her off the toadstool, and squashing her under his weight, despite being shorter than her. "Oof." She grunted before falling into a fit of giggles, while Jr. nuzzled his muzzle against her belly. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Jr. murmured into her dress, his words muffled slightly. "That tickles!" (Y/n) shouted through her giggles, snorting when he nuzzled against her one last time, before stilling and simply laying against her belly. (Y/n) pat his head affectionately as she calmed down from her giggling fit, her skin tingling a little bit from the tickling. "Alright alright." She brushed her hand over the top of his shell, coaxing him to get up. "We should be going, your father's castle is a long ways away." She explained as she stood to her feet, brushing off her skirt of any grass. Jr. nodded his head in excited agreement, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Papa will be so happy!" Jr. beamed up at her, mirroring her smile. "Oh I'm sure he will be." (Y/n) agreed with the young Koopa Prince, turning in the direction of the Koopa kingdom.
---Back at the castle---
"WHERE IS HE!?!?" King Bowser yelled as he stormed out of his son's room, where he had been frantically searching for the Prince, making a small mess of the room, without actually destroying anything. "JR.!" He yelled in hopes that his boy was simply somewhere else in the castle. "Sire please." Kamek followed as best he could behind his King, who was storming through the castle so hurriedly, that the ground shook with every step. "I'm sure the Prince is around." Kamek tried to assure the King, but his words fell on deaf ears. "FIND HIM!" He yelled at his guards, who visibly jumped at the sound of his booming voice. "FIND HIM NOW!" Bowser yelled again, flames crawling up his throat, making him look nearly monstrous in that moment. The brigade of soldiers jumping to attention, and quickly marching off to do as he instructed. "They'll find him." Kamek assured, jumping a little when Bowser's attention suddenly snapped to him. "They better." Bowser growled, smoke bellowing from his flared nostrils, looking like a fierce dragon.
After several failed attempts to find Bowser Jr. the brigade nearly jumped with joy, at the sight of Bowser Jr. approaching from the distance. The captain rushed ahead of his platoon, being the first to approach the young Prince. "Prince Jr. your father has been looking everywhere for you!" He exclaimed not noticing the woman accompanying him. "I know I know!" Jr. brushed the captain off, still holding firmly onto (Y/n)'s hand, leading her to the castle. The brigade fell in line behind them, escorting them back, each of them breathing a silent breath or relief. "Papa papa!" Jr. Shouted as he entered the castle, his voice echoing through the large halls. "Jr.!" Bowser perked up at the sound of his son's voice, barreling out of the throne room and rushing down the hall. His heavy steps making the ground quake and the portraits on the walls rattle. "Oh goodness!" (Y/n) gasped softly trying to steady herself, as the large Koopa King practically sprinted towards the group. "Jr.!" Bowser shouted again at the sight of his son, his heart bursting with joy and relief. "Papa!" Jr. hollered in excitement, beyond happy to finally be reunited with his father.
The Koopa King swiftly snatched Jr. up into his arms, looking the young boy over for any potential injuries, pleased to find none. "Where have you been!?" Bowser exclaimed with worry still lacing his voice. "I got lost papa." Jr. explained, looking a bit sheepish, his fingers tugging at his bandanna. "Why did you leave the castle?" Bowser asked as he sat Jr. down, still not having noticed (Y/n), who waited patiently for them to talk before butting in. "Well I wanted... I wanted to..." Jr. looked even more sheepish. "Well I wanted to find you a present." Jr. told his father. "Why did you want to find me a present?" Bowser wondered. "Because you've been real sad since that last encounter with Mario and Princess Peach." Jr. explained, making Bowser flustered that he noticed his glum mood lately. "But I got lost, and then (Y/n) found me and brought me back home!" Jr. exclaimed excitedly, suddenly drawing Bowser's attention to the young woman standing a few feet away. "Hello." She waved to the King, before realizing her manners and bowing respectively. "King Bowser." She hummed as she bowed, her actions momentarily stunning the Koopa King.
"W-well hello there." Bowser stammered a little, immediately clearing his throat to cover up his stutter. "Papa this is (Y/n), she's real nice!" Jr. beamed as he wrapped his stubby little arms around her midsection in a hug. "Aw." (Y/n) cooed softly as she pet his head, her finger toiling in his crimson red hair for a moment. Bowser watched the interaction with a warm heart, already smitten with the young woman, as she interacted tenderly with his son. "He's a sweet boy." She mused as she looked up to Bowser, her face flushing a little at the sight of Bowser's heart shaped pupils. "Yeah." Bowser agreed in a soft tone, laying his hand against Jr.'s shell. "Papa can we keep her!?" Jr. exclaimed excitedly. "Now Jr.-" Bowser cut himself off when (Y/n) began to giggle at his son's words. "Oh Jr. you're precious." She praised as she affectionately pat his cheek. "Papa." Jr. looked to his father expectingly. "How about (Y/n) stays for dinner?" Bowser offered, not particularly wanting to mess things up with her by keeping her here against her will. As he's come to realize that never works in his favor the way he's wanted in the past. Jr. in turn quickly whipped around to peer up at (Y/n).
"Dinner sounds lovely." She agreed with a smile, feeling at ease with the Koopa Royals, despite knowing the mayhem they've caused for others. "Really?" Bowser gawked in surprise, quickly clearing his throat. "I mean... Of course it does!" He chuckled nervously, his heart melting at the sight of her smile. "Really really." (Y/n) hummed in response, giggling when Jr. hugged her tightly. "You could be my new mama!" Jr. beamed up at her, his tail wagging at the sight of her flushed expression. "Oh Jr." She giggled bashfully, peering up at Bowser shyly, not noticing how his tail was also shaking now. "You are sweet." She looked to Jr. again, surprised by how attached she already felt for the young Koopa. Jr. grabbed her hand and began tugging her towards the dining hall, Bowser following the pair with a spring in his step. "Come on come on let's eat!" The Prince hopped excitedly, making (Y/n) laugh. "Alright alright." She agreed through her laughter, looking back to find Bowser already smiling at her.
"Thank you (Y/n)." Bowser mused. "What for?" She asked as they entered the dining hall. "For bringing Jr. home." He explained as he pulled a chair out for her to sit. "Oh it was my pleasure, he really is a fine boy." She hummed with a soft thank you when he pushed her chair in for her. All the while Jr. sat with a pleased smile, his tail wagging happily as he watched them interact. "He is isn't he." Bowser agreed, feeling as if Jr. really brought home the best gift he ever could have. "But aren't you...?" Bowser suddenly frowned as he moved to his own seat. "Aren't I what?" She asked with curiosity. "Aren't you afraid of us?" Bowser finally asked, his eyes downcast to the table, reminding (Y/n) of how shy Jr. had been in the woods. "Should I be?" She wondered. "N-no!" Bowser shouted suddenly, his eyes wide and fearful, before his hand clamped over his mouth. "Well in that case." She paused, making Bowser peer at her anxiously. "No I'm not afraid." She concluded with a soft smile, her heart melting at the sight of Bowser's relief. She had a feeling this would be a lovely friendship, one she hoped might some day bloom into something romantic. Unable to deny the way she felt herself swooning around the Koopa King.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
*Hope this was good. I watched the Mario movie a few days ago, and I absolutely loved it. Admittedly the only Mario game I ever played was on the DS, and that was years ago. But I've totally fallen in love with Bowser. And the clips I've watched of Bowser and Jr. are just so adorable. (∩_∩)
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imyourbratzdoll · 10 months
𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈
🍑peaches world (and the men that just exist in it) masterlist🍑
summary - the beginning on how you were kidnapped by the king of koopa kingdom, buckle in your seatbelts and enjoy the ride, because this will be a smutty rollercoaster.
warning - mentions of cock, kidnapping, inappropriate feelings/thoughts, swearing.
18+ only please, the gif isn’t mine, header created by me.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You watched your kingdom from above, it was a peaceful day as your people walked around and lived their lives happily. Usually, things were more of a ruckus. With a smile you turned and began to walk out of your room and down the hall, your pretty pink dress falling gracefully to the floor and sways with each step. You were happy, Lloyd and his brother Tangerine were currently out helping the people, so you had the castle to yourself.
You were wondering what you were going to do with your free time. You had many options, you could improve your parkour, do some painting that you always wanted to do but pushed to the side, you could go outside and tend to your flowers. The possibilities were endless and just as you were about to take the last step, a hand wraps around and covers your mouth. Your eyes widen, your hands immediately go up to try and pull whoever it is away. You freeze when they speak, feeling their massive body pressing against you.
“Shh, little Princess. You don’t want to warn the guards now, do you?” Ari Bowser Levinson is the one currently holding you. Your enemy, your rival. The King of The Koopa Kingdom. “That’s a good little Princess, staying nice and quiet for me.” You try to fight the shiver that runs through your body, knowing it’s wrong to feel this way when you are with someone. “Do you know how shit your security system is, Princess? I managed to slip right in, I mean. Someone really bad could’ve broken in and taken you for themselves, don’t you understand how dangerous that is.” He whispers like he isn’t the really bad person. You wiggle, trying to move away but you end up brushing your arse against him instead causing him to groan. “I wouldn’t do that, Princess. Unless you are wanting me to take you right here.”
You stop abruptly and your eyes widen, suddenly everything goes black. You don’t remember anything after that, and when you finally wake with your eyes fluttering open. You look around, confused. The walls and floors are grey, you tilt your head as you notice a large screen resting against the wall. Your attention is brought away from it when Ari enters the room. “Good morning, little Princess! Has my little Princess made herself comfortable in her new home?” He towers over you as he’s around 8 feet tall. He stalks closer, bending over to stare at your sitting form. “I sure hope so, because if I get my way, you will be staying here for the rest of your life!” He grins, and you shiver as it comes off evil-like. His eyes holding something much darker behind them. 
“Screw you and your plan, Ari! I’m sure Lloyd and his brother are already on their way to come rescue me!” You huff, arms crossing over your chest unknowingly pushing your breasts together and giving the older man/monster a lovely view. Your bottom lip juts out and you try to glare at him, failing miserably with how small and cute you are compared to him.
Ari coos, “You are correct, my smart little Princess. As far as I’ve been informed, they are already on their way!” He watches you jump with joy, your breasts bouncing with each movement, and he feels his cock twitch, licking his lips as soon the fun will begin. 
“Really?! They are coming?! That’s great!” You continue to jump, clapping your hands as a giant grin appears on your face. 
Ari laughs, shaking his head and moving closer to you. Backing you into the wall. “Not so fast, little Princess. Not everything is going to be easy for you.” He grins, placing his arm next to you against the wall. Ari directs you toward the screen, his arm wraps around you, making you feel even smaller, those darn tingles appearing again, and you try to push them away knowing how wrong it is. His hand reaches into his pocket, receiving a remote and you eye it. Your eyes move from the remote to his hands, wondering how they can still look so good with the claws. 
You had always heard stories before Ari turned his attention toward you and your kingdom. (Mostly you, but you didn’t think someone would be so obsessed with just you.) He was once a man that got his karma, being turned into half of a turtle. His already big build helped him mutate into something more monstrous. Horns in certain places, claws, sharp fangs, a larger cock. (Not that anyone got to see, but I guess it’ll be your lucky day.) 
Ari snaps you out of your thoughts, smirking when he catches you staring at his hands. “Two days have passed since I kidnapped you, little Princess. Where do you think Lloyd and his brother are now?” He hums.
“I presume they should be knocking at the door to enter the castle, right about now. I think…” You blink up at him, brows furrowed. 
Ari boops your nose, smirking wider than before. “Alright, if you have that much hope in your little boyfriend. Let’s watch it live to see how they are doing, shall we, little Princess?” You both face the tv, his large finger pressing the on button and he grins at your wide tear-filled eyes. 
“They’re at the beginning?! But how?! What are they still doing there?!” You yell in disbelief. Sure, the brothers were a bit slow sometimes, but you would’ve thought that saving you would make them go a bit faster. You begin to scream at the screen, hoping that they would be able to hear you. “It’s been two days, and you are still there?! I’m not even in that fucking world!” Ari chuckles behind his hand as he hears you swear, you look so cute as your cheeks puff out. “I’m in Bowser’s castle! Everyone knows it’s the biggest and most guarded of them all! Those are just fucking decoys!” You stomp your foot, practically throwing a tantrum, not noticing the big bad King sneaking closer behind you. “You fucking idiots! They’ll kill you now! Fucking watch out! That’s just the first Goomba of that level! Don’t let him touch you, you idiots!” 
“This is going to take a while, little Princess. So… Why don’t we have some fun while we wait.” Ari smirks as you turn with a confused look on your face. Before you can react, he rips your dress from your body, and you stand there with wide eyes. “Oh, we are definitely going to have some fun, little Princess.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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tinysupervicki · 3 months
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Art for @cutetinyartist for @gtgotcha4gaza donations are still being accepted until the 30th! 😊💖
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paperpolliwog · 2 years
I love the way u draw bowser and luigi!! They’re so fluffy and cute <3
I’m glad you like them <33 Fluffy is the only way I know how to draw lol
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"Im sO gLaD PeOPle sToPPeD sHiPPiNgG BoWUiGi cAuZe iT dOESnt eVeN mAkeS sEnSE🙄😒, WhY dİD aNYonE eVeN sHiPPeD-"
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(Yes, I actually really like Bowuigi, I think its neat. Since Im not really in the mario fandom this ship keeps on living in my smg4 au rn🥰)
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weegee-simp69 · 9 months
My friends on discord did a art Secret Santa and we all gave our own prompts of what we wanted. @itsacoldandbrokenwaluigi was my secret Santa and drew this for me🥹 obviously my prompt was Bowuigi tickles bc I’m deranged😍! I love this so much and have not stopped staring at it since I got it last night ugh it’s just so sweet and tender and the colors are so soft💕 thank you so much for this wonderful gift Jesse🥹💕💞💓💗💕💘💖
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riri-time · 3 months
Bowuigi fanfic idea
Luigi and Bowser have been dating for a while now, but it's still a secret. Mario and peach have a secret plan to send Mario to spy on the koopa kingdom since Bowser hasn't been doing anything lately. Mario isn't allowed to tell anyone even Luigi, so they tell him that Mario's going on a trip on some other island. Luigi thinks this is a great opportunity to visit his giant boyfriend while Mario is away. So basically Luigi is spending good quality, fluffy time with his koopa family and Mario witnesses it , absolutely flabbergasted, while spying. Can y'all imagine the shenanigans like
Mario: *on the roof of the throne room*okay I'll just watch from the windows for now
(Luigi and Bowser walk in)
Mario: is that my brother!! I need to do something! Did Bowser kidnap him when I left!?*about to go in before ...*
(bowuigi kisses)
Mario: stunned in complete shock and horror
I feel like his face would look like this
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Also here's a cute and funny bowuigi picture by @midi_roo on X/twitter
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Could we get more of Rosalina in your Au? I find her backstory REALLY friggin intresting
How do you draw babies, lol??
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eleventhhourfactor · 8 days
If you like Friday the 13th shenanigans, Freaky Friday scenarios, and magic carpets that don't fly, then I've got just the fic for you.
This piece has everything...
Wholesome fluff
Fury unleashed like the crashing of a thousand waves
So if you needed something nice, new, and free on a Friday night, then maybe give it a read. It was fun for me to write, so hopefully, it's just as fun for you, the reader.
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imagine-darksiders · 2 years
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Bedtime story.
Y/n is like, 'is anyone gonna love these boys?' And then not wait for an answer.
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Imagine # 1,048
Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
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Bowser and Jr. laughed excitedly as they produced fireballs, the elder taking the time to teach his son how to effectively use his ability in a fight. While (Y/n), a basic human, sat on the sidelines encouraging the child with praise. "(Y/n) come play!" Jr. demanded with a wide grin, his excitement contagious to both adults present. "Alright alright." She agreed with a smile, setting her book aside she moved to stand beside King Bowser, Jr. still propped upon the top of his shell. First Bowser produced a large fireball, hurling it at the tattered looking target, which took the blow surprisingly well. Then Jr. followed in his father's steps, producing a smaller, but still powerful, fireball and sending it hurtling towards the target. Once it reached its mark, both of them looked to (Y/n). "Your turn." Bowser stated, making Jr. chuckle happily. "Alrighty then." (Y/n) mused before fishing out her trusty zippo, an item neither of them were familiar with. Once in hand she quickly flipped open the lid and produced a flame, one that was most certainly smaller than the fireballs they had been making. Both boys fell into a fit of giggles at the sight of the fire, neither of them having expected her to be able to produce any sort of flame. (Y/n) smiled as she joined in the laughter, happy that she was able to surprise and amuse them both. "Again again!" Jr. cried out between his giggles. Doing as he asked she closed the lid then reopened it, and produced another small flame. Each of them falling into a fit of laughter once more. Life was strange in this world, but (Y/n) wouldn't trade it for anything in this world or her own.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
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imyourbratzdoll · 9 months
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒋𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒊’𝒔 𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒐𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔
🍑peaches world (and the men that just exist in it) masterlist🍑
summary - we continue to see what happens, lloyd and his brother tangerine set off to rescue the princess (you), while ari treats you to something special.
warning - swearing, smut, oral sex, dubcon, word slut and whore used, cheating.
18+ only please, the gif isn't mine, header created by me.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Word got around that the Princess had been kidnapped, Lloyd and Tangerine weren’t happy, immediately setting off to rescue you. They had journeyed through the islands, desperately trying to get to you as quickly as possible.
“Ugh! This is fucking impossible! That stupid fucking turtle!” Lloyd kicks a Goomba, sending it flying. 
“Calm down, we will get her!” Tangerine punches his way through until they make the grave mistake of being touched, sending them back to the beginning again.
Back in the castle, you stare in disbelief as Bowser tears your clothes from your body. “My clothes! Why did you do that?!” Your hands fly in front of you as you try to hide yourself away. 
Ari laughs, staring down at your naked form with lust-filled eyes. “Don’t be so innocent, Princess. I didn’t kidnap you just because you are the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom.” He leans closer, causing you to pulse between your legs. “I know from a good source how slutty you are.” Ari runs his fingers up your body, between your breasts and cupping your neck softly. “You have fucked half of the Kingdom, including your partner’s brother and I’m not going to miss out.” Your eyes fall to his lips, watching as his tongue flicks out, licking them. 
‘Damn it… How did he learn about that? Not even Lloyd knows!’ You think, feeling ashamed as you imagine how Ari would feel inside you. 
He grips your chin, “So don’t play me a fool, little Princess. You should know the drill by now.” Your eyes widen when he whips out his cock, it’s so monstrous, large, and ridged, his mushroom tip red and angry. You could practically see it throbbing. “And we have plenty of time, Princess.” He forces your eyes up, leaning in closer as he whispers. “And if you refuse, I will bomb your kingdom and turn it into ashes!” He smirks. Ari pulls you closer, pressing his throbbing member against you. “So, you don’t have a choice! Seeing that your beloved Lloyd and his brother are useless because at this rate they won’t be here until next year.” He leans closer to your ear and whispers. “I recommend you don’t resist. Save your kingdom, little Princess.”
You whimper, hands covering your privates as he’s so close. ‘Damn it when I find out who told him I fucked half of the kingdom. I’ll cut their balls off.’ You sigh, looking up at him through your lashes, feeling slick gathering between your thighs as you feel his cock twitch against you. “Fine…”
Ari’s hands move to your shoulder’s, pushing you down onto your knees. “Fantastic, let’s not waste anytime, little Princess. C’mon, on your knees like the good little slut you are.” 
“You don’t have to be so rude! I already said I’d do it!” You whine, eyes widening as it looks bigger up close. 
“Mmhm, start sucking on my shaft, little Princess. You don’t want word to get around that you refused cock, do you?”
You put your hands on his thighs, looking up at him with furrowed brows as you speak. “Before I do anything, you must promise me you will not harm the Mushroom Kingdom and that whatever we do or whatever happens in this room will stay in this room! Deal?!”
Ari chuckles, shaking his head. “Deal. Now suck.” Your mouth opens, drool already seeping from the sides as his large member begins to push inside. “That’s it, little Princess… Open… Say ahhh…” His head falls back, eyes rolling as you begin to suck on his cock. 
‘I can’t believe I am over here selling myself to save my kingdom while that fat arse and his brother are taking it easy. You better run Lloyd!’ You think, sucking harder, your eyes cross. ‘I can’t lie though, he tastes amazing… My pussy is throbbing so much, I just want him to use me.’ 
Your eyes slip closed, whines slipping out. ‘It’s too big! I can’t fit it in my mouth! Slow down you big brute!’ You continue to suck on his tip, swirling your tongue around. 
“Come on, little Princess! Show me how good you suck cock!” His hands tangle in your hair, thrusting into your mouth, inching his cock deeper. “That’s it! Ahhh… Fuck, yes!” Ari moans, thrusting harder, holding your head. “Come on, c’mon!! More! More! Deeper!” He growls, your slurps filling the room as his cock continues to fill your mouth, causing your drool to rapidly seep out. “Take it all in! Go on, you little slut!” 
‘Brute! So rude! It’s huge! I can’t! You are gonna choke me!’ You whine in your head, feeling your cunt drip as he forces his member deeper down your throat, stretching your mouth so wide. No other man or creature was ever this big. 
“I’m gonna cum, little Princess! I’m going to cum so deep into your throat, you better swallow it like the good little slut you are! Fuck yes!” Ari’s balls tighten, your eyes cross as he thrusts deeper. “All the way in! Ahh fuck! Yesss, take my cum, little Princess!” Thick ropes spurt out of his mushroom tip, shooting into your mouth, coating everywhere. You begin to see stars, moans slipping from your lips as his cum continues to leak from his cock, a puddle beneath you forms from how slick your cunt is. 
You pull back, accidentally swallowing it while the rest leaks out, covering your plump breasts. “You animal! You fucking brute! I almost choked!” You cough, glaring up at him, flustered. “You don’t do that to a lady!”
Ari laughs, his softened cock hangs still monstrous, leaking with cum. “Lloyd and the rest you have fucked must feel ridiculous compared to my cock!” He leans down, gripping your chin between his fingers as he stares deep into your eyes. “Don’t tell me you can’t take a cock like mine, little Princess. Maybe I should stretch your holes so when your little boyfriend finally arrives, he’ll know how much of a whore his girl really is. 
You whimper, squeezing your thighs together. On the screen behind you, the brothers continue to fail, growing frustrated. Both thinking of sinking into your cunt once they finally rescue you.
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 2
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acozysoulwrites · 1 year
Nightmares | Luigi
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Description: After the events of the new movie you move to mushroom kingdom with the brothers. One night you wake up to Luigi awake at the foot of the bed, shaking. (fem!reader and the “she” mentioned is you)
Warnings: none
Requested by @morimementa !
The moon hangs high above the Mushroom Kingdom and everyone sleeps peacefully, dim lights coming from the town below.
Weeks have passed since the incident with Bowser and while nearly everyone she checked up on had gone back to their normal lives (even in the human world), there was one person still dealing with the aftermath.
Luigi grasps his chest as he shoots up in bed, lungs heaving and palms sweaty as he gasps for air. His eyes dart around the room and he can only let out the breath he’s holding when they land on her.
She’s asleep next to him, her arms snuggly wrapped around a pillow which would typically be him if he hasn’t been home so late.
Luigi shutters, his heart fluttering as images of his nightmare flash through his head. He remembers how scared he was to get back to work, how awful it was to pretend that everything was fine and that nearly dying twice was a minor event. Mario was fine, so why wasn’t he?
Her voice pulls him from his thoughts.
He hears the sheets ruffle and suddenly she’s next to him at the foot of the bed. “Hey… you’re shaking what’s the matter?” she asks, reaching out, she places her hand onto his shoulder.
Luigi finds it hard to look at her, he feels as though he’s being a coward, that he’s over reacting and she’ll hate him.
“N-Nothing!” He laughs “I just couldn’t sleep”.
“For the third time this week? Maybe you should go see the doctor, he might be able to help sweetheart, if this continues i’m worried you’ll-“
Luigi’s looks up at her. “It isn’t a health issue” he murmurs.
She tilts her head in confusion. “Then… what is the matter?”
He breathes faster now, trying everything he can to hide his panic as the memories from Bowser come up again.
“I just- I… Oh! Why can’t i get over it?!”
Luigi wipes the heavily flowing tears from his face, still trying to plaster a fake smile as if it could hide his uncontrollable sniffling.
“Lu…” her voice is soft and it only makes him want to cry more.
“It was pretty awful in there” he whimpers.
Suddenly she understands. He’s still having nightmares about Bowser. About nearly dying. He had told her a days ago that they were gone.
“You’re safe Luigi, you aren’t there anymore that is never going to happen again” she says softly.
He sniffs and looks at her. “Yeah… you’re right” he says.
She wraps her arm around his back and he leans onto her shoulder and the two of them sit there for a while as he quietly sobs into her t-shirt.
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skulls-soul · 2 years
I love how a good chunk of the bowuigi ship is just about two people feeling seen
Luigi the younger brother living in his older brothers shadow
Bowser a king using villainy as a shield
Luigi sees Bowser as more than just a villain he’s a loving father and a beloved king 
Bowser sees Luigi and all his hard work and how even though he’s scared he won’t let that stop him from protecting the ones he loves
Luigi is someone Who needs to gain self-worth loving themselves for who they are and valuing what makes him him.
Bowser is someone who needs to understand that kindness is not a weakness and can even be a strength.
I love it when the relationship is when they admire each other for both their flaws and strengths.
And what I love even more is when the people around Bowser and Luigi see how good they are for each other. 
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