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inkly-heart · 3 months
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Song- margø - r.i.p.
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cozymochi · 4 months
I lived, bitch. I did it,,, I made an animatic again after 2 years…! And it’s not an old thing just dumped out! 😭 I’mma be honest, it’s not reaaaally spoilers exactly… but it sorta falls into it in a zig-zagged way. The timing’s off slightly for my liking, but at this point I shouldn’t complain about little things like that when making one at all was the huge hurdle. Rip my subscribers. THANKS AND BYE.
Original audio: Maleficent (2014)
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clairenatural · 11 months
me: I wonder if r/supernatural celebrated the 5th
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(He later said he’d do it again)
Note that my Portuguese to English translation skills are not very good 😭
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silver-peel · 4 months
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Lord Valens in his workshop! He's cooking! something!?🤔
This month is this yellow guy birthday so I try to tackle one of wip that lies in my folder for a very long time :)
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bitter-hibiscus · 7 months
i wish more fics would bring up that time Robin!Jason crawled through a giant pile of decomposing bodies to rescue Batman while he had a major panic attack and then proceeded to be the only thing motivating Bruce to make his way out of there instead of choosing suicide by cult leader
EDIT: I did it myself >:)
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astraystayyh · 5 months
if you had read the story of hind raghab, if you had seen the picture of the child hanging from a pole, its lower body shredded, if you had seen the boy carrying pieces of his brother in a body bag, if you had known the soul of my soul, the story of refaat, and the countless war crimes israel has committed just in 7 months then you wouldn’t stream the song skz is putting out with charlie puth, a zionist and overall bad human, and that israeli producer. you would send a clear message that zionism isnt welcome in any capacity in any medium and you wouldn’t want to fund people who support its hateful ideology. this isnt a matter of being a skz anti and im so fucking tired of people painting it as such. where do you draw the line for your morals?
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astroninaaa · 1 year
forever has just paused his stream to explain that
1. all of this is rp, cellbit and him are good and not actually mad at each other, what happens in the qsmp stays on the qsmp!
2. he agrees that q!forever is in the wrong. he thinks what happened shows that q!forever is truly at his lowest point, bc q!forever’s whole thing is that his main goal is to protect not only richarlyson but all the eggs, so the fact he hurt leonarda just showcases how much he’s losing it. (and my own note: it so is against q!forever’s morals that he immediately went to apologize to q!foolish and explain himself after)
3. he wants to remind the audience that in the last couple days q!forever has genuinely been going crazier and crazier and getting more tense by the second, being away from richas and not knowing if richas is safe, being stressed with the whole judgement that might make it so he isn’t even richas’s dad anymore, having the french doubt him and his motivations towards protecting the eggs (before he did anything to leonarda), and now being frustrated with the fact his xp farm (that he’s put hours of work and effort on) has been ruined. so while q!forever is in the wrong and definitely not in his right mind, this is not something that’s coming out of nowhere.
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pinkeoni · 2 months
one more thing i love that you can still see will's sad eyes from a distance
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fizzysound · 2 years
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Lot's of interesting different ways to say that batman is gay but also definitely not gay in this Wikipedia article...
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griancraft · 2 months
I'm struggling to word this but I'm finally ready to talk about it and I want people to listen.
I've noticed a type of racism in leftist communities I don't see talked about a lot. I am Quarter Japanese and I am visibly mixed, but a lot of leftists see "quarter" and assume that I don't have the right to an opinion on issues that effect me. The sentiment I've gotten from mostly white leftists is that I'm not "POC enough" for a lot of discussions.
There's this weird thing in a lot of leftist spaces where your appearance and percentage, not your experiences based on your race, are considered above all.
Meanwhile, in reality, all aspects of my identity are affected by my race and my family's experience with Japanese internment. An event which stripped them of any wealth they had acquired since moving to Canada over 50 years before the war.
An event that cause the intermarriage rate of Japanese-canadians and white Canadians to be over 90 percent post internment because we viewed proximity to whiteness as safety. An event which left them in severe poverty until my dad and aunt worked their asses off to get a degree. The generational trauma goes so deep my dad didn't want me transitioning because he was worried about what the government would do to me.
Because of my race I experienced negligence from authority figures related to pretty severe racially based bullying at 12. That negligence could have killed me. I've had to deal with microaggressions and straight up racism related to my last name on multiple occasions.
One time I was out with a friend and he grabbed my arm tight and dragged me to walk faster. A man wearing a white lives matter T-shirt was standing in the middle of the path looking directly at me when I turned around.
I'm pretty sure this wasn't based on me being feminine and goth that day, I live in a city with a decent amount of people in alt subculture and my friend was way more gothed up and queer than me. I was barely passing as a guy at that point so it wasn't because I was a man in a dress. I know this is a weaker point, but it made me realize just how unsafe I am in my own community even though I'm a mixed person in a heavily multicultural city.
Obviously, this isn't on the scale of someone who is less white passing than me and/or has more compounding marginalizations. However I've found that the fact I'm mixed race has been used against me to devalue my experience and knowledge regarding what it's like to be a POC in Canada.
I can assure you I am aware of how bad it is, and I am aware of how good I have it. I also want you to be aware that it's not all sunshine rainbows and bunny farts to be more white, it doesn't make the racism go away. It often just makes it more covert and easy to explain away because I'm "not really Japanese"
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solryo · 7 months
Anyway brazilian qsmp-ers i love you <3 i dont speak a word of portuguese but a lot of you guys are so so active in the community and its greatly appreciated, you make lots of good fanarts, those of you who also speak english always try and explain and translate br clips which is super helpful and the funniest clips and edits ive seen on tiktok have been made by brazilians. I love you!!!!
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legendoftherisingtide · 4 months
The original concept for the manga comes true; it all comes full circle.
Deku gets support items. They mimic the quirks of ofa. He uses up his embers and continues to be a hero quirkless. He does not falter and continues to grow and improve. His power is never like it was but his experience and determination are what made him a true hero.
He and Bakugou still compete and they do not give up hope on being a hero duo.
They get a hero agency together and Deku is extremely popular as not only the new symbol of peace but as a true embodiment of how anyone can be a hero. He is an inspiration to quirkless kids and normalizes it. Kids who think they have useless quirks or are quirkless realize that they can do and be anything they want to.
Deku becomes the number one hero and competes with Bakugou as to who can maintain that rank the longest (their ranks are constantly shifting and they are always battling for who’s one and two,, Todoroki gets number one for like a month and both of them lose their minds)
It comes out that All Might was also born quirkless and he opens about it in an interview for a retrospect. He explains how proud he is of Midoriya and how he admires how he continues to fight as he, himself, had lost his spirit to keep fighting after he lost his quirk.
Deku continues to be a pillar of hope. Of the belief of good. Of reform and understanding. And under his influence, the world becomes more like what he embodies.
The essence of what a true hero is.
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cottagedreamy · 1 year
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🇧🇷Richarlyson: Dapper teach me some rituals!
🎩Dapper: Richas i've already told you that rituals it's not for making fanfics of people around
🇧🇷Richarlyson: But if it's for dad forever and uncle bad stay together?
🎩Dapper: Richas bring the candles
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084392 · 1 year
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just put together another big pmd battle region post bc i was having a little moment while thinking about it this morning...
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italoniponic · 17 days
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Mais memes de reação Twst!! (parte 1)
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