#brad savage
gatutor · 3 months
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Jodie Foster-Brad Savage "Ecos de un verano" (Echoes of a summer) 1976, de Don Taylor.
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duranduratulsa · 4 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Salem's Lot (1979) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #salemslot #stephenking #vampires #nosferatu #davidsoul #ripdavidsoul #lancekerwin #BonnieBedelia #ronniescribner #bradsavage #geoffreylewis #Edflanders #georgedzunda #FredWilliard #barbarababcock #vintage #vhs #70s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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muldoonlives · 2 months
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gaydonweaver · 4 days
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this would do numbers. somewhere
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rushedforclub · 8 months
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i'm fucking crying, got this off the discord
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counterfeit-stars · 9 months
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The bit to game ratio in the new video was insane
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anna-unfortunately · 3 days
i’m so obsessed with them you have no idea man
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yurento · 3 months
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Personal Highlights from the Good Friday Brad ft. Hivemind Livestream
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ajearthlinggg · 2 months
"Not all men." Ur right. Quadeca would never
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fleouriarts · 9 months
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the newest developments in the hivemind furry extended universe (ive posted the eden pics before but whatever)
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baroftheday · 9 months
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Nature Valley Crunchy Oats 'n honey
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duranduratulsa · 2 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Salem's Lot (1979) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #salemslot #vampires #nosferatu #davidsoul #ripdavidsoul #LanceKerwin #BonnieBedelia #ronniescribner #bradsavage #geoffreylewis #Edflanders #georgedzunda #FredWilliard #barbarababcock #vintage #vhs #70s #stephenking #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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muldoonlives · 8 months
"What is wrong with Danny Glick?"
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The first window scene is what people remember the most about 1979's "Salem's Lot". I at least watch the film once a year or skim through the DVD. First seeing it at 11 going on 12, I worried about what was going to happen to Danny Glick. In my experience, people who were attacked by vampires died or became one right away. They didn't get "sick" and go to the hospital. As soon as I saw the fog outside the hospital window and Ralphie glide through it, my question was answered. I knew Danny was going to be a dead kid. Well, an undead kid.
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Ralphie's hypnotic power seemed stronger during the second visitation. No fear turned to smiles from Danny this time around. He robotically got out of bed to open the window like it was a nightly ritual. As he flew towards Danny, Ralphie looked content like a hungry vampire should when they find a host. His facial expression abruptly became a grimace as he raised his head and bobbed down to sink his teeth in to Danny's neck.
It was something different to see. Up to that point, evil kids I saw in movies and tv shows spoke with arrogance and acted like mini-adults. This kid who looked truly scary was a silent predator. Hell, he wasn't even a kid vampire to me. Ralphie was a creature. The only sound he made was a bat-like screech right before he made the kill.
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Danny was the first vampire to speak, but it didn't make him more human to me. The moment Mark grabbed the window latch, Danny let out a short gasp of delight. He reminded me of a dog watching its owner dragging a bag of kibble to the dish. Another creature pretending to be a kid. "It's okay, Mark. I'm your friend."
This was late 1999 when I first watched "Salem's Lot". "The Shining" remake was released two years prior, and I had a feeling The Lot would be revisited in the future. I knew it wouldn't happen, but I desired to play Danny Glick in a remake. Almost five years later, the remake premiered on TNT, and I recorded it on a VHS player. After it ended, I wasn't disappointed that an Australian actor got to wear Danny's communion suit(what the character was buried in according to the novel). Andre De Vanny did a good job, and the window scene was more accurate to King's telling of it. Although, the updated version as a whole just wasn't very good. No scares and the changes made to the original story weren't impressive. It was simply okay and worth a watch.
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I'm happy The Glick Brothers haven't been forgotten. Custom made toys and clothes with their likenesses is something I dreamed off long ago. The only thing needed is official action figures by Neca so I can pack out my bedroom some more.
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This is something I never have told anyone except my dad once. A few months after watching "Salem's Lot" for the first time, I had a dream about it. I never really had nightmares about scary things I watched as a kid which is why this dream was such a standout. In the beginning of the dream, images played out like scenes on television. Loud speakers were shown installed on the power poles of my neighborhood. The next scene was Ben and Mark inside a rundown building. They stood behind a desk cluttered with sound equipment.
"Ten minutes until sundown," Mark said to Ben. Ben craned his neck towards a microphone, but the scene cut off before he delivered the message. I was finally in the dream then. I heard Ben's message over the speaker. For some reason, I was about to leave my bedroom, but I opened the door to see Danny Glick standing in the hallway. The dream ended with me wrestling to close the door on Danny.
"He commands it!" whispered Danny as he peered in while leaning against my door. After that, I woke up. I don't like to speak on things like this. Some people really have dreams like that while others bullshit for attention. I always fear being thought of as the latter.
Brad Savage and Ronnie Scribner were credited at the bottom of the cast list, but their performances were top-notch.
“The town knew darkness…but no one dared talk about the high, sweet, evil laughter of a child…and the sucking sounds…”
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gaydonweaver · 2 months
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Emo HIVEMIND will never truly die as long as I'm here
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rabbitcruiser · 4 days
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World Music Day 
From Beethoven to Taylor Swift, there’s music for everyone. Revisit your old favorites or discover new artists from different cultures on World Music Day.
There’s nothing in the world like the sound of your favorite song coming on, it just gets right into your head and your body and makes you move. Or maybe it takes you on a journey to a faraway place and time, where you languish in a memory of times gone by and people who are no longer present. Some of our favorite songs can lift us up out of depression and worry, and make an otherwise horrible day suddenly seem like it’s not so bad. World Music Day celebrates music in all its forms and the impact it’s had on the world and the human spirit.
World Music Day is for everybody to enjoy
Have you ever put on your headphones, hit play on an upbeat tune and waltzed down the street as if you were in a movie? You’re not alone, everybody has done it (they’re just too afraid to admit it!). Music has the ability to lift your spirits even when you don’t feel like getting out of bed that day. Why shouldn’t there be an entire day to celebrate the wonders of music? World Music Day needs to be celebrated far and wide without a doubt! Next time you’re in a bit of a funk, crank up your favorite song (close your curtains) and dance like nobody’s watching. It’s a soul soothing activity that should always be your go to saviour!
World Music Day is free and full of fun!
The best thing about World Music Day is that it is completely free to celebrate. No matter what kind of music you love you can take part for free and you can get the whole family involved. It is the perfect opportunity to try playing a brand-new instrument or listen to a type of music that you wouldn’t normally have on your playlist.
Every type of musician, whether you are young, old, new or a seasoned professional can embrace world music day with friends, family and even strangers!
Last year more than one thousand cities all over the world celebrated World Music Day, so why don’t you take this opportunity to do it to? Anybody can make music; it doesn’t matter how good you are. If you are the type of person who sings in the shower, why not use this opportunity to showcase your talents? Even the most tone deaf people can take this day to sing their hearts out and celebrate the beauty and power of music!
World Music Day originally launched several decades ago in France. In 1982 the Ministry of Culture in France developed a clever idea to celebrate the wonders of music. They wanted free, live music to be available to everybody no matter what their heritage or background. Usually you have to pay for tickets to music festivals, but not with World Music Day!
The many benefits of listening to music
Music is not only a fantastic creative outlet, but it can also have many health benefits. When you listen to a particular song it can bring back a happy memory or make you feel energized. Studies suggest that listening to music can have a number of positive effects on your health and mental wellbeing. As well as enhancing your performance of exercise, it can also provide a huge amount of comfort. Exercise has also been proven to reduce anxiety and listening to relaxing music can also decrease stress levels. So if you are looking for a mood boosting activity, why not celebrate World Music Day and let all of your troubles rush away from your mind instantly?
History of World Music Day
Music has existed for as long as mankind has found its voice, and quite possibly before. Every culture of the world has its own form of music, as distinct and unique to its area as language and cuisine. In the western world, we are familiar only with scales, known as the diatonic scale which should be familiar to anyone who took music classes or choir in school. But this is not the only or even the first scale that music can use.
There’s the chromatic scale, which has 12 notes instead of the 7, and the octatonic scale, which has 8 notes, but these are just the beginning. In every part of the world, there are different scales and musical formats used, and these create a form of music that has its own signature. Then when you add in the cultural themes, the variety of instruments, and the forms of voice singing that can go along with it, music is a truly endless adventure. World Music Day celebrates this adventure and those that dare to take it.
How to celebrate World Music Day
The best way to celebrate World Music Day is to spend the day listening to all your old favorites, and if you’re truly feeling adventurous start exploring YouTube for music from different cultures. You can explore Finnish and Hungarian, Italian and Mongolian, and then start digging into folk music. With sources like these, it’s easier than ever to explore the panorama of musical experiences the world has to offer, and you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. Of course, you could always pick up an instrument and start adding your own voice to the choir!
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Detective Comics #1071 (2023)
Gotham nocturne: act III
Lost Sands
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