#an alternate universes if he lived
luposlipaphobya · 9 days
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Falling in love with an outer god
(Just wanted to imagine what it’d look like if Mel took a draconic form in front of Lazuli. I guess it’d be more voidy and nightmarish in game cause of the Fallen Aasimar of the Awful Deep thing, but let’s just say that Mel could also be related to a golden dragon who was also Pelor’s favorite so… 👀 I wanted to try a fairytale/medieval vibe here, kinda happy with how it turned out! Melisande belongs to @the-nothing-maker ❤️)
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buckyscap · 1 day
this part always gets me giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair. when wade kept asking about logan's suit saying he just wanted to bond, logan said "well then talk about something else"
he's practically showing us he's not against talking to wade at all, unlike how he wants us to believe by being so grumpy and telling him to stfu all the time.... that scene really got me going "aw he wants to bond? 🥺" in the theatre
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shitboxcar · 1 year
It’s generally overlooked because of all the Greywarenness of greywaren but That One adam monologue in greywaren could kill a victorian child (me. It kills me.)
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Are you kidding me. My son😭😭😭 20 different gut wrenching quotes after one another oh it burns
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honeymilkbubbletea · 3 months
Is this NSFW? 🤔
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Anyways, she's just a girl leave her alone 😔
I think I'll make it a running gag for Astrid to always be positioned in a way to provide censore
Oh, and don't worry, I AM actually cooking some lore drawings for this AU
I just have to get the silly out of my system first ~
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bnnywngs · 1 month
Wei Wuxian is a good child. It's what every adult around him says, at least. If you ask for what he thinks, he'll say he's just doing his best to not be a burden.
At 13 years old, it's the first time he's been truly alone in his family house. His parents are always traveling somewhere, they used to bring him with them when he was little and didn't need to go to school, and Wei Wuxian still remembers those days with bitter fondness, but after he started school his guardian for a while was his grandma.
But now she's gone and his parents did not ask him if it was ok before they took off overseas once again. Although, his father did look a bit guilty.
"You're old enough, now, and you can cook, so it's fine for us." his mother said.
"If the school needs a guardian to sign a paper, our lawyer can do it, you just have to call him." his father forced a smile "Although he's going to visit you once a week. And we asked the neighbors to help, too."
"Oh! And your uncle Fengmian is going to look after you, too, ok?" his mother had no problems with smiling "We're going to do our best to come back more often."
"And you can always call us, ok?" his father looked at his wife's smile and suddenly his expression softened and his smile turned more real.
Wei Wuxian felt sick, but didn't say anything.
If they didn't want to stay, he wouldn't make them.
So, he tried his very best to live his life without complaining and with little to no tears. He smiled, laughed and joked around, trying to convince himself he was ok. That he was happy.
But sometimes, it was always too much for him and he felt negative emotions he tried with all his might to smother inside a deep box and kick to the back of his mind.
"Jealous." he said out loud "I feel jealous."
"What? Of who?" Jiang Cheng looked at him weirdly, as if doubting his words and thought he was crazy.
They were alone in the other boy's room playing video games before dinner, during one weekend Wei Wuxian was forced invited to stay over.
"You." Wei Wuxian shrugged, making his character die in the game.
"...Why?" Jiang Cheng's right eyebrow was almost kissing his hairline.
"Your parents are here." he hugged his knees, trying really hard to not cry "They fight a lot, but they love you and are here." sniffing, his voice trembled as he confessed his deepest feelings "I'm lonely."
Jiang Cheng looked down at his hands still holding the controller, biting his lip. He thought about what he should do, and ended up scooting over and throwing an arm around his friend's trembling shoulders.
"It's ok." he said, feeling awkward.
"I hate them." Wei Wuxian whispered against his knees.
Jiang Cheng felt his heart freeze for a moment "Sometimes..." he started "Sometimes I hate mine, too..."
Wei Wuxian cried silently for a while and Jiang Cheng kept half hugging him until he lifted his head and they both laughed at their red eyes and wet cheeks.
They didn't talk about it again until they were already in highschool and Wei Wuxian decided he wouldn't update his parents about his life anymore, and not be the first to call. Jiang Cheng kept supporting him silently and they started planning their future away from their parents.
When Wei Wuxian came out and started dating Lan Wangji, he didn't tell his parents directly, but his father liked his social media post. Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and called them gross, but didn't tell any adults that the boys were sleeping together at that lonely house.
They were accepted in different universities. Wei Wuxian decided to go overseas by himself, while both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng were accepted at the same university in a bigger city.
"I will wait for Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said, a few days before moving.
"You know..." Wei Wuxian snickered "There's this thing called vacation, I don't know if you heard..."
Lan Wangji huffed, amused.
"And my lawyer said I can come back every summer for vacation. But Lan Zhan could go visit me too, right? Lan-er-gege is richer than this lonely man." he chuckled, hugging his boyfriend.
"...Fine." Lan Wangji silently sighed "I can visit Wei Ying during winter break and Wei Ying can visit me during summer."
When they were hugging each other in the airport saying their farewell to Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng clung to him hard and long, eyes closing forcedly.
"Are you still lonely?" he asked in a low voice.
"No." Wei Wuxian smiled, squeezing him back "A little."
"Still hate them?"
"A little. Yes."
They parted with wobbly smiles.
"It's ok." Jiang Cheng said.
"It's ok." Wei Wuxian nodded "I'll be back soon."
"You better!"
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gameshow-host-wally · 9 months
Can we see a human version of Mr Darling
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tf2incorrectquotes · 2 months
Spy!Dad AU:
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kitchen-spoon · 5 months
Steddie Slice of life
A little sneaky Peaky of a new 5k Steddie slice of life fic I'll be posting on AO3 soon :)
Eddie was back a minute later, Tuna back in his arms as he crawled into bed. She settled in the divot between their legs, her head resting on Eddie’s thigh. He petted at her back looking up at Steve. “Can I bring tuna to the game?” He asked with a megawatt smile, there was mischief and determination behind his eyes that let Steve know he would be losing this battle. 
“People will think we’re crazy,” Steve tried anyway despite knowing better. 
“People already think I’m a woman until I turn around. What's a little more misdirection with a cat and a baby stroller?” Eddie grinned, waggling his brows at Steve, that big smile still on his face. 
“You want to bring her in a baby stroller?” Steve asked in disbelief, he honestly shouldn’t be surprised though. Eddie was as chaotic as they come. 
“It's the most safe and convenient way.” Eddie nodded seriously. “Plus little Miss deserves the princess treatment.” 
Steve rolled his eyes at that but relented. “You spoil her too much but, fine. You have to find a baby stroller that isn’t hundreds of dollars and cat proof it though.” He pointed at Eddie sternly. 
“You know, I’m the king of the thrift baby, I’ll make it happen.” Eddie assured with a cocky grin. Despite his eye rolls, Steve couldn’t deny it, considering he was laying on a mattress sitting in a brass bed frame Eddie found for them at the thrift store with two matching oak side tables to go with it. 
“You have until next weekend, if it isn’t done she stays home.” Steve warned. 
Eddie just smiled even wider, leaning in to give Steve a wet kiss. “Of course baby.” He began peppering kisses all over Steve’s face. “I love youuuu.” He sang. 
“I love you too.” Steve finally cracked and dropped his grumpy facade. If it made Eddie happy he didn’t care. “Now go to bed.” He chuckled and pushed Eddie away when the kisses began to tickle
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anonymouscheeses · 3 months
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Thanks... mate 😈 (IVE ACHEIVE MY DREAM OF BEING CALLED MATE I CAN DIE HAPPILY NOW! /J) BUT SRSLY THANK YOU SO MUCH! if your still here after being in the inbox for months 😔
Anyway since your so kind here's my full body design + somewhat updated designs of chaggie!
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I THINK VAGGIE LOOKS SO PRETTY??? IS THAT JST ME? I think I kinda ate 😎 but yeah she's your average person (depressed. Edgy. Angsty.) And she wear jordans cuz she's just cool like that 😍 she listens to hard-core rock music and Tyler, the creator for sure. Idk she also gives off Mitski vibes (no... it's not because I'm listening to Mitski right now wdym.....). Her dad(Husk) couldn't afford a prosthetic eye so she opted for the eyepatch(she would wear it anyways she's a freak like that 😭)
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Charlie design! Her horns stay out because she's not sure how to conceal them yet. When they grew out it became hard to hide them. She's a bit insecure about her demon features. Doesn't help her parents think of her as a failure and disappointment. Yeah, she's got some family problems 😔 my poor baby. Oh yeah and also she kills people for Valerie! It's apart of their deal, due to Valerie's gang stuff, she summoned a demon to protect her. And kill for her. Who knew she'd fall in love with that same demon and let alone become friends with her?
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Human form! Her pupils are still goat like, plus her fingers look like claws to differ herself from other humans. Buttt... she still fits in as one so she's totally fine! She's kinda giving Sheldonnand I'm scared. She's annoying asf to everyone in the school she goes to with Valerie. People try to fuck her up but she doesn't want to risk getting caught as a demon so when that happens, Valerie is the one that protects her! So ykno, a good ol' switcheroo! Not one sided protecting here!! 😈
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v1naco · 4 months
Okay hear me out
Simon Riley x reader but Venom AU.
Like Simon did go into the military but he left a couple years after when (I know this is not canon cause I love his family too much and my baby deserves happiness) his family gets attacked. They’re still alive (besides his father cause fuck that dude) but they got seriously injured.
The attack left him hurt mentally a lot and having to help them heal when he was struggling with his own things made it all worse. So when he went on a night walk he somehow comes across Venom and they bond(?I don’t know how to put it?).
Fast forward years later when his family is a lot better health wise, he uses catching bad guys and letting Venom eat most of them to blow off excess steam and as his therapy. He is out doing his regular shit eating bad guys and he comes across you getting robbed.
You just had a horrible day at work and just wanted to go home and sleep but this guy just had to choose you, a young woman a lone with her earbud(s) in and a backpack on her back walking past the opening of an alleyway at like 11pm.
You were too tired and smart to fight and decided to give the man what he wanted, money, but you only had $3.34 on you from tips and change. The man was pissed, but what is a woman in her last year of college supposed to have, a centurion card (Black Card)? You were living off of hard hours working in the restaurant industry and the scholarships you got to not go in dept after you graduate, even now. You were even an RA but tuition is still pricy.
Simon saw the squabble and knew you just needed some help, since the man just pulled a knife out, and you looked like you could just lay on the floor and sleep the next week away.
Simon (actually Venom) lands on the ground and politely, to the best of his abilities which is none, tells the man to hand back you your money and to walk away. The man argued saying he deserved it, you just wanted to walk away but as Venom took his first step out into the light the man grabs your arm and puts the knife to your neck.
Now you were not only pissed but scared, pissed that if this man slits your throat or puts you in the hospital it can ruin your chance at graduating, and after all those gruesome years of pain and suffering you did not want to redo a whole year. Scared because who wouldn’t be scared of a knife to your neck and the guy holding it looks like his off his rocker.
When you turned your head towards Simon, not only did he see the fear and anger in your eyes but he saw how beautiful you were, even as he could see the light sheen of sweat on you, your dirty hair, and the prominent eye bags you were carrying around, but he would call those bags gucci with how beautiful you looked still with no make up and the bad situation you got unlucky with.
When you saw him your eyes widened. Apparently the man had gotten more scared than you seeing the big black and dark gray mass. Shaped with a human complexion of a body but the head was obviously alien.
The man shoved the knife’s dull blade into your neck enough to draw a small line of blood. Though he didn’t get far enough to cut you deeper since Venom shot a tendril out and grabbed the mans arm. The man dropped the knife due to the pain radiating from his arm. Venom asked (really he threatened) the man to hand you back what he stole from you and he threw insults, calling you all sorts of names you wished to never be called by anyone.
Simon, and especially Venom, was in a happier mood today and would have let that man go with a very distinct warning, but those insults thrown at you slammed that “good day” door right on their faces. Simon believed that no words such as the ones he spoke, should be heard by your pretty ears, those pretty ears with all those pretty jewelry on every inch of them, dangling and reflecting the street and store lights off of the jewels.
Simon didn’t wish for you to see this next part but Venom liked your ear piercings and tattoos and was getting very cranky and wished to take a bite of that man’s head. Simon couldn’t stop Venom in time and the next thing you notice is the blood and the top part of the man’s cervical vertebrae sticking out.
You were a wide eyed doe right then and there. With your hand on your mouth not trying to breath anything around you in. Venom then turns and asks if you’re alright. He was sorry you had to see it, you just nodded and continued to look at the body, slowly and weirdly getting used to it the more you stared at it. You believe you should take a break from all those movies and shows that has a lot of gore in it, believing that your reaction to this situation is not normal.
With how you reacted, and noticing you not shaking much at all anymore, Venom strikes up a conversation with you, much to Simon’s protest. He noticed the accent and figures out that you are not originally from the area, definitely from a different country. As seconds pass, Venom and Simon like you more and more. Asking to walk you home to make sure you are okay, Venom changes back to Simon and he walks you home. You’re much too surprised and still very much so tired and don’t try to fight him on his request to walk you home. But you enjoy the silence between you both, it was calming and you didn’t need to listen to music to fill that silence for once.
When he reached your home he wished you a safe and well night. You stop him real quickly, asking if you could do anything for him to repay him for helping you. He said he didn’t need anything from you. Just as he was turning to walk away you ask to at least cook him a mean sometime, him AND Venom of course, remembering that Venom said that that man’s head was not tasty and he was still hungry.
Simon did not wish to bring you into his pain filled life, but he wished to be selfish for once for his own happiness and with that Simon agrees. He walks away with one lesser bad guy on the streets and with a new number in his contacts, ready to set up a dinner with the woman he knew would later marry.
Anyway thats my little thought of a Simon Riley Venom AU. I did’t specify an age of the reader cause people are different ages during their college/university years and some people go to school for more than the regular 2-4 years. But I was thinking Simon would be about around 25 while the reader is around 22/23 but can be older, maybe even 21 if you want her to be, but nothing under cause those specific age gaps weird me out.
I also did not specify his and her appearance or what she wears bc I don’t really care but if I did I would say more so jeans, converse, and t-shirt with maybe a zip up type style. I do love a girly with many piercings and tattoos though so I wanted to put it in there.
Anyway…sorry Im a d1 yapper😔. I just thought a simon+venom au would be perfect and he would fit the role of Eddie so well. Especially with the motorcycle ugh creaming rn😩. Ehem. Do with this how you want but I do hope that if you do use this please tag me. Maybe give me credits for this idea since I have not found anything like this anywhere if you want. But yeah if someone writes this PLEASE TAG ME. I write for shit so I definitely am not.
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
The “how did I get so lucky” line it’s such an insane statement cos sir the apocalypse literally happened and he’s been through so much and lost people... but guess what, in all of this he is finding the love of his life at the end of the world 🥹
when I tell you I gasped when he said that. he literally considers himself lucky despite everything! ps do u think he ever feels guilty because despite all the death and the trauma and the loss and the entire world ending that, other than losing carl, he's way happier now than he was before? simply because he found her? once again I say if the entire world had to end for them to be together than so be it!
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strayheartless · 22 days
Alternative meeting between Tifa and Cloud in FFVII.
This is so unbelievably stupid. Her and her big mouth were going to get her in trouble one day she swears to shiva “oh, what’s that miter Lexington? Your car battery died just outside of Midgar and you need it jumpstarted! I have cables I can do it.” What the hell was wrong with her! Not only did the old coot abandon her at the gates with a “bigger emergency” but to add insult to injury he’d slapped her ass and Tifa was STILL helping him!
… maybe she’d ask Barret to shoot her next time she decided helpfulness was better than self respect. Fuck it’s warm out here.
As she pushes on past the 200 mile sign for Kalm she wonders if the car is even out here. It’s a pain in the ass to see past the waves of heat radiating from the ground and last time she was out here she’d gotten sunburned everywhere but her ass. It has been unbareable. This time she’d taken the precaution of a long duster coat and what little sunscreen she could scrounge up from Jessie’s last tour in Costa-del-sol. She’s regretting the coat now, but whatever.
Off in the distance she sees the lookout point on the Cliff and a tiny moving yellow dot told her there was a truck coming towards her from the high roads. When it approached a gentleman in a red bandana and large moustache pulled on the hand break and rolled down the window.
“Where you headed little lady?” He said and it didn’t sound snide but Tifa didn’t let her guard too much. Rule one on the ground floor: people aren’t nice for free.
“Oh just jump starting a car. I’m not in any trouble. Thanks for checking though.” She smiles disarmingly.
“Well shoot, that’s alright. You just be careful though. Was driving some boys up this way but something damn near shot out my tires and the tallish feller told me to scram. Recon there’s gon-be a shootout around these parts.” He sniffed and whipped his nose on his sleeve, making Tifa cringe internally. But he didn’t have to stop and warn her. She felt bad for being grossed out.
“Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me. How far back did you drop them off?”
As she asked a few dozen shots rang out and the sound of fast moving metal hitting metal zinged through the air.
A voice rang out from the cliff top. Tifa couldn’t make out what it was saying though.
“Cliff top… got it. I’ll stay away for now. Than you…”
“Thank you Benny”
When the man had driven away Tifa eyed the cliff top, watching for a second as a figure began to back up onto it. They were going to fall if they weren’t careful. She shook her head looking up at the sky. A helecopter was coming. Shit, whatever was going on was shinra business. Maybe she’d steer a little more clear than intended…
Mr Lexingtons car was only a little further in a ditch (which he hadn’t warned her about.) but after a few good pushes and a bolt of power she was good to go. The engine was pretty much full, and with a Jerry can in the back full of Gasoline she was confident there wouldn’t be anymore problems. As she jumped into the passenger seat though she couldn’t help but look at the cliff again.
There had been a distant rumble of gunfire for a good twenty minutes now, and at some point the clang of metal had stopped and the figure seemed to have crumpled to their knees. She watched in morbid curiosity as what looked like an infantry soldier smacked the butt of their gun into the persons head.
The figure crumpled onto their back and Tifa heard another shot and watched horrified as the Infantry guy went to take another shot.
Surely the guy was dead?!
Against her own better Judgment she gunned the engine and made a U turn towards the Cliff. If she could just get there. Just a little further…
The last shot rang out. Fuck fuck FUCK!
She pushed down hard on the accelerator, hoping behind hope the person could hold out a little longer for help. But about two miles up the road sand blew back against the truck as that same Hellicopter that had circled took off again back to midgar. Had they shot the person and just left them there?!
The rain had started, fast and heavy now. The trucks wipers were pretty much useless against the onslaught. It was bouncing off of the parched earth like halestones on a tin roof. The sound was almost deafening.
At the top of the Hill Tifa kills the engine and hops out, pulling her Coat closer against her. It did very little to ward off the rain but it was something.
“Hello!?” She yelled into the murky air.
“Hello?! Are you out there!”
There was someone at the edge of the cliff. They looked like they were wearing shoulder pads or paldrons. A soldier maybe? She hesitates for a second when a hand reaches up from the ground and pulls the other person down to their chest. It’s the guy who was shot. She can’t hear them. Not even a little. Maybe they can’t hear her either.
Before she can think better of this oh so stupid decision she keeps moving forward towards them. The body on the ground moves again, lifting something from next to them. A pipe maybe? No a sword. It’s a sword… fuck it looks bad. The hand slips and falls and Tifa tries to fight against the rain and the mud that is churning under her boots.
“Hello-“ her second attempt to call out is cut off by a scream from the second figure who’s head is tilted back towards the sky. Something is seriously wrong here and Tifa starts running as the second figure crumpled and clings to the body on the ground.
She drops to her knees when she’s there but thinks better of touching the perso-
“Cloud?! Oh gods Cloud is that you?!”
The person climbing to the body has spikey blond hair that Tifa would know anywhere, simply because it was so unique. He’s small and looks sickly, his face drenched in blood. It’s not his blood she thinks it’s-
She’s going to be sick. She’s going to throw up because the body on the ground is someone she knows. She knew. Fuck whatever! The body on the ground is First Class Sooldier Zack Fair.
“Oh gods Cloud what happened to both of you?!” She reaches out to touch him and Cloud Flinches clinging to the body harder. He’s scared she realises. Whatever happened to them… it must have been bad.
“Cloud it’s Tifa. You know me. Cloud? Im so sorry for your loss but we can’t stay here, those people might come back we have to-“
“NO!” Cloud cages the body under him and snarls at her almost feral with grief. Gods he really is covered in blood. There are morbid tear and rain tracks down his face like a terrible kabuki mask and it makes her shiver.
“Cloud… it’s me. It’s Tifa. You know me. Please Cloud. It’s me.”
He manages to look like he’s a stray dog with his hackles raised as he stares at her. The longer he stares the lower his shoulders seem to drop… the more confused and afraid he seems.
“Ti- Ti-fa?”
“Yes! Yeah Cloud it’s me. It’s Tifa Lockhart. You remember me? From the village?”
He nods hesitantly.
“Good. Okay good. That’s great. Do you trust me enough to get in my car?”
Cloud clings to Zack again, and Tifa swallows the bile rising in her throat as the sick squelch of blood on skin seems to echo.
“He… Zack… He… comes… too.”
Fuck, she’s so not getting paid for this. Blood in a truck that’s not even hers? Does it even matter? This was her friend. The only person from Nibelhiem who had ever been unaccounted for.
Did he know about that? Did he know about his mom? About her dad? That Zack had been there? That his hero sephiroth had killed them? Killed them all!
She holds out her hand and telegraphs her movements taking Zacks pulse…
Holy mother of Minerva this guy is still alive!
“Shit! Okay, yeah! Okay We can take him! Can you walk on your own? I can’t carry him and you. I’m strong but aim not two dead weight supersoldiers strong.”
Cloud shifted and blinked. He was still Gripping the sword.
“We can bring that too.” She offered gently. He didn’t look like he was about to let go of it any time soon.
“I’ll…. Be… his living…. Legacy….”
“Oh cloud…”
Tifa gets to her feet, her knee highs covered in tacky red clay mud. Bending at the knees she lifts Fair bridal style, trying not to agfitate his wounds. His head lolls back limply. She really hopes they can get back in time to save him.
“Alright Fair, don’t die on me. You owe me for bringing that psycho to my village, and I’ll be pissed if your too dead to say sorry…”
Zack doesn’t react, but a pale bloody hand reaches for his face. Cloud wipes the blood away the best he can.
“Live…. Please….”
Tifa chews on her lip nervously. They needed to get back to midgar. Now.
Getting them both in the Truck Tifa guns the engine and steps on it.
Gods she hopes this is enough.
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insomnaticwriter · 3 months
As much as I want to be a beautiful, graceful, alluring, stunning woman. I’d love to be handsome, strong, alluring, pretty man.
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valewritessss · 2 months
“Percy would finish what Luke started”
Um, I think we need to rethink this
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Okay now I'm curious about your TMA/Gravity Falls crossover. Is it like the cast of TMA get a cartoony summer adventure or is it like the cast of Gravity Falls have to deal with The Horrors? Or is it something else?
See this fic enchants me because it’s sort of both. One of the Rules of the fic is that the characters absolutely must maintain the conventions of their genre. So it’s the TMA universe and all of its grimdark cosmic horror grappling with the metaphysically displaced Mystery Twins, who operate on cartoon logic.
So it’s a lot of:
Elias: As you can see, you are all quite trapped. Under the contract, you cannot quit and you cannot kill me, so I suggest you all--
Mabel and Dipper: *exchange a look*
Dipper, stonefaced: *shrinks him with the size changing gem*
Mabel: *picks him up by his blazer and puts him in a jar*
The TMA crew: *staring*
Dipper, clapping once: so that's him handled.
Tim, completely broken, having to sit down: what
Dipper: I mean he can't do his evil machinations when he's like two inches tall in a jar and he's not going to die either so--oh uh Mabel? You put holes in that jar right?
Mabel, already going through Elias’s wallet and pocketing the cash: I can't be expected to think of everything Dipper
Dipper: I'm sure he's fine there, there was some air to start with and--we'll add holes. We'll add some holes
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mortysmith · 5 months
rick becomes super into multiversal travel after prime introduces him to it, very hyperfocused on it and the opportunities it presents (like how the gotron episode establishes that rick can get carried away unless someone reels him in). diane might initially be supportive of this but as rick's appearances around the house become more shoddy, she gets fed up and they separate. after a much more complex deterioration of their relationship obviously rick considers this a win at the time, since he's now free to dick around and do whatever he wants, essentially adopts prime's life philosophy and hangs around him. him and prime would eventually have some sort of falling out, which leaves rick extremely bitter and annoyed. he ends up spending most of his life alone, still living by his pop nihilistic ideals because he thinks this is what he wants. eventually he'd still end up squatting in prime's dimension and realizes that he actually Prefers this family life. his infatuation with prime could develop into resentment when he realizes that he essentially robbed rick of a comfortable, idealistic life
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