#brenda jagger
omg-hellgirl · 6 months
After stumbling upon a book written by a woman named Brenda Jagger, Keith discovered that he could infuriate Mick simply by calling him Brenda.
Christopher P. Andersen, Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger.
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superghfan · 7 months
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Karen, Jagger and Brenda.
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gonebutinaniceway · 2 years
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Ah yes, my favourite duo: Christmas tree and ratman
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70smarauderz · 29 days
my 1970/80s celebrities face claims for the marauders era characters
James Potter
listen this one is gonna sound hilarious but HEAR ME OUT THO jfk jr. like look at the hair and tell me u don’t see it even a little bit, i do kinda have a fc for a desi!james but it’s 100% based on me falling in love with an actors smile and im not sold on the hair (look up young akshay kumar if you’re curious)
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Sirius Black
there are a few choices Steve Tyler, Mick Jagger or Keith Richards and while i do love all of them and have a soft spot for mick jagger i have been leaning towards Keith a bit more lately
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Remus Lupin
i love thinking about the bowie vibes remus gave off but LISTEN: IAN CURTIS
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Peter Pettigrew
i don’t have much to say about this one i just looked at paul young and it felt right peter 100% would style his hair like that idk what to tell u
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Lily Evans
jane seymour u are lily to me, u don’t understand that’s how i picture lily i don’t care that her hair is not reallyyyy red that’s literally the lily i saw in my head when i read the books
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Marlene Mckinnon
this one was just too easy marlene mckinnon u just are debbie harry to me
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Dorcas Meadowes
if marlene was the easiest dorcas was the hardest NO ONE looks like dorcas to me, the only person who comes close is chaka khan because of her smile
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Mary MacDonald
i wanted put diahann carroll as mary so bad (because im a little bit obsessed with her) but i already feel like im cheating putting ppl born in the 40s lol, this is brenda sykes and i thing she has the same something in her eyes idk that young diahann has that reminds me of mary
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Emmeline Vance
much like jane seymour is lily evans, rekha just is emmeline vance to me idk what to tell you
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Frank Longbottom
i don’t even think frank smoked or had a cool look but this specific picture of Joe Strummer grabbed me by the neck and said i am frank longbottom and i had no choice but to agree
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you know how i said Dorcas was the hardest? i lied, i have no idea who Alice, Snape or Regulus would be/look like
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justforbooks · 3 months
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Françoise Hardy
Icon of 60s music who sang of love as a source of ‘wretched, profound, endless questioning’
Françoise Hardy, who has died of cancer aged 80, shot to fame as part of France’s génération yé-yé, the jaunty transatlantic and cross-channel collision between French chanson and American rock’n’roll that also produced Johnny Hallyday and France Gall. But from the start, there was something that set her apart: a wistfulness, a sentimental self-reflection, a poise that belied a lifelong shyness and insecurity. A 60s icon, as big, for a while, in London as in Paris, Hardy was, in many ways, the antithesis of that restive, revolutionary decade.
Unlike her contemporaries, when she sang of love it was about “suffering and frustration, illusion and disillusion; wretched, profound, endless questioning”. Her songs, she told Le Monde, were a necessary outlet: “I wrote about my experience … A beautiful, melancholic melody is what best transcends the pain.”
Men fell, in droves, for her timid beauty. Mick Jagger described Hardy as his “ideal woman”. David Bowie, “passionately in love” for years, courted her backstage, in dressing gown and embroidered slippers. In 1964, the sleeve notes of Another Side of Bob Dylan featured a whole poem “for françoise hardy/at the seine’s edge”. (Two years later, after a concert at the Olympia music hall in Paris, Dylan invited the singer to a party in his suite at the George V, one of the capital’s grandest hotels. In his bedroom, he played her two tracks from Blonde on Blonde: Just Like a Woman and I Want You. Hardy always insisted she was so starstruck she never got the message.)
But the love of Hardy’s life, the father of her son and the agonising inspiration for many of her songs, was the French singer and actor Jacques Dutronc, whom she met in 1967 and married in 1981. The couple separated in the 90s, but never divorced, remaining on good terms. “Love is a remarkable force, even if its price is perpetual torment,” she said. “But without that torment, I would not have written a single lyric.”
Hardy was born in Nazi-occupied Paris, in the same maternity clinic at the top of the rue des Martyrs in the ninth arrondissement that had delivered Hallyday a few months earlier. Her mother was Madeleine Hardy, an accountant, and her father, Pierre Dillard, was a company director who was married to another woman. Françoise grew up in a two-room apartment nearby with her sister, Michèle, born 18 months later, and a solitary mother with whom Françoise had a “fusional, symbiotic relationship … I loved her probably too much – exclusively, unconditionally”. The girls rarely saw their father, who often neglected to pay his share of their upkeep and was regularly late with the modest fees for their Catholic education.
Weekends were spent with grandparents – notably an “egocentric, narrow-minded, frigid and emasculating” grandmother – outside Paris; many childhood holidays with friends of her mother’s in Austria, to learn German. Shy, dreamy, deeply ashamed of her unconventional family, Hardy turned to the radio, where in the late 50s, on the English service of Radio Luxembourg, she encountered a music – Presley, the Everly Brothers, Brenda Lee, Cliff Richard – that “affected me more than anything else. That ended up changing my life.”
Aged 16, she asked for a guitar for passing the first part of her baccalauréat. A year later, having passed the second part with honours, she taught herself a handful of chords “that produced most of my songs over the next 10 years”, and began writing. At the Sorbonne, studying German, she auditioned, unsuccessfully but not disastrously, for one record company, and started singing lessons.
Hardy’s contract with Vogue Records – who wanted “a female Johnny Hallyday” – was signed on 14 November 1961. She made her first TV appearance, in black and white on the state broadcaster’s only channel, six months later, and released her debut EP, featuring three songs of her own and a cover of a Bobby Lee Trammell song.
Her breakthrough came, rather incongruously, on the night of Charles de Gaulle’s October 1962 referendum asking voters whether France’s future presidents should be directly elected. In a musical interlude while the nation awaited the result, Hardy performed a track from her EP, Tous les garçons et les filles. The nation loved it. The song (sample line: “I walk down the streets, my soul in sorrow”) became a monumental hit in France, spending a total of 15 weeks at No 1 between October 1962 and April 1963 and becoming a million-seller. Within weeks Hardy was on the cover of Paris Match, plunged, still in her teens, into the whirlwind of the swinging 60s (which she detested: she disapproved of casual sex, avoided drugs, and could only ever remember being drunk twice).
Her first boyfriend, the photographer Jean-Marie Périer, ensured her picture – miniskirt, white boots, long hair, signature fringe – went around the world. Courrèges, Yves Saint Laurent and Paco Rabanne competed to dress her, for seasons at the Olympia in Paris, the Savoy in London, and shows in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Canada and South Africa. In New York, William Klein photographed her for Vogue. Roger Vadim, Jean-Luc Godard and John Frankenheimer cast her in films.
The hits flowed, recorded – some in London, produced by Charles Blackwell – in French, English, German, Italian, some written by Hardy, others not.
But at the end of the 60s, barely five years after she began, Hardy abruptly gave up performing live, and the cinema. “I hated what it all involved,” she explained. “Being separated from the man I loved, the waiting, the solitude, depending on the phone. And I’ve never been able to act. I can’t simulate, or lie. Songwriting, on the other hand … dives deep.” Life in the fast lane, she declared, was “a gilded prison”.
But she continued recording, releasing a dozen bestselling albums in France, of which she always cited La Question (1971), a sophisticated collaboration with the Brazilian musician Tuca, as her favourite. She duetted with French artists Henri Salvador, Alain Souchon and Benjamin Biolay, and later with Damon Albarn and Iggy Pop.
Hardy was never very interested in politics (she decamped to Corsica with Dutronc for the duration of les événements of May 1968, whose student leaders she distrusted), although she had strong opinions about questions such as abortion. Hardy was, however, fascinated by astrology, writing two books on the subject.
She continued to work in later life, despite claiming that her 1988 album, Décalages, would be her last. A string of new recordings in the 1990s and 2000s, a 2008 autobiography, Le Désespoir des Singes (the title apparently derived from a monkey puzzle tree in the Bagatelle gardens near her Paris flat, because its sharp, spiky leaves reminded her of “men who have caused me despair”), and her last album, Personne d’autre, released in 2018, appeared despite family and personal tragedies: Hardy was at her mother’s side when, suffering from Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, she died by euthanasia in 1994.
Hardy herself was diagnosed in 2004 with lymphoma, eventually recovering after an experimental form of chemotherapy – but only after she had been hospitalised, in an induced coma, in 2015. Three years later, another tumour was detected, this time in her ear. In 2021, she told the magazine Femme Actuelle (by email; she said she could no longer talk) that she would like to be able to choose to end her life, as her mother had done, and in 2023, in an interview with Paris Match, called on Emmanuel Macron, the French president, to legalise assisted dying.
Shortly before that second diagnosis, in 2018, Hardy reflected on a career that had brought pretty much every award French music can offer (plus a medal from the Académie Française), telling the Observer she had always been surprised that people – “even very good musicians” – had been moved by her voice.
“I know its limitations, I always have,” she said. “But I have chosen carefully. What a person sings is an expression of what they are. Luckily for me, the most beautiful songs are not happy songs. The songs we remember are the sad, romantic songs.”
She is survived by Dutronc, and by their son, Thomas.
🔔 Françoise Madeleine Hardy, singer, born 17 January 1944; died 11 June 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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youngveinsworld · 11 months
quotes from a livejournal recap of the young veins set when opening for the like at the echo on 31 may 2010
TYV played three covers! That's the first time they've played covers as far as I know, definitely this setlist was a few songs longer - they covered a Brenda Lee song (which one I don't know, but Jon took lead vocals and it was good), Security by Otis Redding (Ryan on lead vocals sounding gorgeous) and then Ryan called Z up on stage and they covered When You Walk In The Room. ♥___♥
During TYV's set a guy yelled out "Ryan do you want a drink?" It was Alex Greenwald. Ryan grinned at him and Alex handed him a drink from where he was standing near the side of the stage on the floor, watching Ryan intently, sometimes with Tennessee there.
Z danced in the crowd through most of TYV's set. Also before the third song Alex yelled "What's the name of your outfit?" prompting Ryan to introduce the band. LOL Alex Greenwald, most helpful of hecklers.
During Defiance, the first song, Ryan almost came in early during one verse and then backed off and grinned and made a sheepish face at Andy. Ryan, how so fucking stupidly adorable?
The Like played a really long set and were amazing and closed with a cover of the Rolling Stones' Let's Spend The Night Together, dedicated to Tennessee's grandma who recently passed away (bb Tennessee ;____;), because she loved Mick Jagger and used to dance to that song in her room when she was a teenager. Oh god, most precious band.
Also, Joaquin Phoenix was there in the audience. ?! Oh Los Angeles. Jon Hamm from Mad Men and Dave Foley were at the May 17th show also. I repeat: oh LA.
– from this Livejournal post
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burned-lariat · 2 years
Comparing the old YA groups to this generation, who do you think are the most comparable based of characteristics/personality. For example, if any, who’s the “Robin,Brenda, Karen, Liz, Gia, or Emily”of this current group and who is the “Jason, AJ, Jagger, Nikolas, Lucky, or Juan” of this group?
Oh boy, this'll be a crapshoot.
Josslyn - I've seen people point out parallels made between her love interest stories and Robin's (like Joss/Oscar was this regime's Stone/Robin & they're "trying" Jex some kind of JnR thing??) so it seems like they're making her the Robin of the group (not that she can hold a candle to Robin, mind you, it's just an observation)
Cameron - Most likely Lucky minus any drug problem...so far
Trina - You know what? She gives me Liz vibes a bit. Both are artists in a more doctor-focused family, and both started as troublemakers before a character shift (Trina's shift came purely from a recast but still). Like beyond being the Gia where Nik/Gia parallels are concerned, she strikes me as a Liz, if that makes any sense
Spencer - Nikolas because of course
Esme - I'm leaning towards Liz but have that bad girl streak in Liz remain and also be blown up to 11, maybe also a touch of AJ super early on since he had quite a list of crimes already established
Dex - Jason post-accident, maybe AJ if the show goes *there* with Jex
Truthfully, this teen group has done far, far less interesting stuff than the teen groups of the past, and most of their stories are either "Disney Channel-esque," they're clear-cut victims of crimes (like Cam being kidnapped by a sex cult leader or Trina being held hostage by a mob kingpin), or they're in ripoffs of better stories (aforementioned Joss/Oscar - Stone/Robin).
GH Tumblr peeps, do any of these six compare to the teen groups of the past at all? Where do you see the parallels?
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scrapesaladofficial · 1 month
Billie Eilish, Snoop Dogg & H.E.R. To Perform LA Olympics Handover Celebration Hosted By Venus Williams
Billie Eilish, Snoop Dogg and H.E.R. have been announced as performers at the Los Angeles Olympics handover celebration, which will be hosted by Venus Williams.Kevin Winter/Getty Images/Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for USOPC/Frank Micelotta/Getty Images/Arturo Holmes/Getty Images for The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Los Angeles is beginning the countdown to the 2028 Summer Olympics in true Hollywood fashion. Following Sunday’s 2024 Paris Olympics closing ceremony, Venus Williams will host the ‘Countdown to LA28’ handover celebration with a star-studded lineup of performers, both of which will air live and in primetime on NBC and Peacock. H.E.R. will perform the national anthem live from Paris for the closing ceremony, followed by performances from Billie Eilish, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and LA native Snoop Dogg, who is winding down his NBC hosting gig at the Paris Olympics. Special guests include Carl Lewis, Sugar Ray Leonard, Brenda Villa and Rudy Garcia-Tolson, as well as Team USA Olympians Jagger Eaton, Kate Courtney and Michael Johnson. “This is the biggest moment in LA28 history to date, as the Olympic flag passes from Paris to LA,” said LA28 Chairperson and President Casey Wasserman. “We are thrilled to feature the very best of LA with local artists and are grateful to Billie, H.E.R., the Chili Peppers and Snoop for their collaboration on what will be an incredible show to a global audience that will give fans a taste of what’s to come in 2028.” Molly Solomon, executive producer and president of NBC Olympics Programming, added, “The countdown to LA28 begins with the Paris Closing Ceremony. As we conclude one of the most spectacular Games ever, Paris will hand over the Olympic flag to Los Angeles, who gets things started with a powerhouse lineup of musical superstars that will rock the world. But the party doesn’t stop there. After the Closing Ceremony, LA28 is inviting America to watch the world’s biggest beach party on NBC and Peacock.” Produced by Fulwell 73 with creative director Ben Winston, the celebration will feature additional surprise guests, a sneak peek into the LA28 Games and behind-the-scenes footage of the LA28 Handover. Winston said, “The LA28 Handover promises to showcase the heartbeat of LA — which like the Olympics — is where people come from all over the world to pursue their dreams. We hope to showcase a collection of Los Angeles stories – featuring the city’s people, creativity, music and of course sport, all wrapped up with a little Hollywood magic – to invite the world into the LA28 Games.” Meanwhile, Tom Cruise is expected to make a bold entrance at Sunday’s closing ceremony with LA Mayor Karen Bass on-hand to receive the Olympic flag from Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo. Read the full article
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paulisded · 1 year
The Ledge #577: Swagger
A few weeks ago, Malibu Lou from Rum Bar Records sent me his latest free digital compilation. Accompanying the fabulous 35 tracks was this declaration:
"Swag·ger-ing: Rum Bar Records extended family and friends of artists and musicians performing, writing or otherwise making art inspired by Jagger, Dolls, Heartbreakers (Thunders & Petty), Stardust, Rebel Rousers, Barroom, Struttin' Glimmer & Glam anthems, with hints of Punk, power-pop, dashes of alt-country, out-of-the-garage riveting, soul shakin' rock n' roll. Tends to inhabit and play said music loudly in hole in the wall dive bars. Swaggering rock n' roll is general enjoyed best with your fist raised air guitar, a warm beer and cold shot in a corner at a neighborhood watering hole."
Sounds like a declaration of a typical episode of The Ledge, right? That's why Rum Bar's Swagger comp dominates this week's episode, with four sets of tunes representing the release. But there's plenty of "swagger" from other sources - one set is devoted to material from the all-girl power pop cop Heroes of the Night Vol. 2. Other compilations devoted to The Mosquitos and Helen Love are highlighted. And there's also great power pop and garage rock from current artists such as The Goods, The Far Outs, and The Liquorice Experiment.
As for this week's edition of "52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks", I discovered a version by a San Jose, California band called The Odd Numbers. They've been around for around 30 years, and the cover of "Teenage Kicks" is from a great tribute album called Here Comes the Summer - The Undertones Tribute Compilation. 
And like always, I must again plead with y'all for more versions of "Teenage Kicks". If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!
1. Odd Numbers - Teenage Kicks
2. The Dogs w/ Frank Meyer - Under The Coast
3. Brad Marino - Ramones and Stones
4. JJ & The Real Jerks - Shaken Down
5. Thee Perfect Gentlemen - Transmission
6. Shelly Stevens - Secret Love
7. Brenda Prescott - I Want To Be You
8. Who's George - Who's George
9. Jackie - July Girl
10. Richard Duguay - Wasteland
11. The Phantoms - Baby Loves Her Rock & Roll
12. The Idolizers - Stranded (Again)
13. The Legendary Swagger - City
14. The Mosquitos - You Don't Give a Hang About Me
15. The Mosquitos - Hippy Hippy Shake
16. Helen Love - Debbie Loves Joey
17. Helen Love - Punk Boy (feat. Joey Ramone)
18. The Dirty Truckers - Water Me Down
19. The Peppermint Kicks - Johnny D's (Play It Again)
20. The Glimmer Stars - Pictures Of You
21. Indonesian Junk - City Lights
22. The Goods - David Jones Is Dead
23. The Far Outs - Keep Away
24. King Cornelius and the Silverbacks - Sheena (Queen of the Jungle)
25. The Liquorice Experiment - Man of Action
26. The Mochines - Post Pop Crash Depression
27. The Hi-End - I Need A Witness
28. The Amplifier Heads - Rock Rules
29. Freeloader - Fastest Gun In Town
30. Kevin Bowe & the Okemah Prophets - Not As Pretty As You Think You Are
31. Taxi Girls - Hands Off
32. Stef + The Sleeveens - Give My Regards To The Dancing Girls
33. Private Lives - Hit Record
34. Independent Country - Left Of The Dial
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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Endeavour S05E02 (Cartouche)
Book title: Antonia (1978) by Brenda Jagger
This is disappointing: the episode is NOT set in the late 1970s :(
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mcqicons · 3 years
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superghfan · 2 years
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Brenda breaks up with Jagger: After witnessing yet another intimate moment between Jagger and Karen, Brenda decides she’s had enough and breaks up with him.  (1993).
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gonebutinaniceway · 2 years
Behold, Mick Jagger:
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The demon of rock’n’roll
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mickgaygger · 2 years
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