#brianna fraser is a lesbian
moonyackertarg · 1 year
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for all my lesbian bree truthers
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userkayjay · 1 year
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Chief Inspector Brianna MacKenzie
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
I have very slowly (well, very quickly actually seeing as how it's only been three weeks come yesterday) developed queer headcanons for all of the main characters of Outlander
Jamie Fraser - Bisexual King
Claire Fraser - Sapphic Queen, very into the ladies, very lesbian (@mistresspandorawritesthings O can't stop thinking about lesbian Claire now so that's it, no turning back!)
Lord John Grey - I feel like Queer is the best term to describe him, because while I do see him leaning heavily towards men, I do think there may also be the possibility of loving a woman romantically? But then again that can also just be platonic love! But yeah, I like Queer
Brianna Randall - Pansexual Princess (give us some sapphic Bree content, please, I'm obsessed with the idea now)
Roger Mackenzie - I get some strong demiromantic vibes from him? Also some bisexual vibes (It's probably not going to take long for me to be headcanoning both him and Bree as trans, too)
Fergus Fraser - Pansexual Prince, and ftm Trans because Y E S (and because @scotsmanandsassenach has a superior mind)
Marsali Fraser - Just the idea of wlw Marsali makes my heart happy, and also? ace-positive Marsali! (once again thank you to @scotsmanandsassenach for planting this wonderful concept in my brain!) I think she'd also like the word Queer because it just fits so nice
Young Ian - Definitely queer, I’m thinking maybe… bisexual? maybe demi? I don’t have a clear one on him yet I just know that he is Not straight I'm also not opposed to ftm Ian... or even nonbinary Ian... oh, yeah, I'm thinking nonbinary Young Ian...
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hellativity · 3 years
I simply think brianna fraser should be a lesbian
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marsalimackimmie · 3 years
note to self: change my icon to Brianna Fraser in front of the lesbian flag in honor of Pride month
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caomhnighean · 5 years
CHARACTER SHEET repost. do not reblog. (i’m doing modern and none of u can stop me)
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     faith julia fraser. NICKNAME / ALIAS.     claire has like 10 for her and she loves them all; someone has probably called her fay and she doesn’t mind it. her girlfriends can call her whatever pet name they want and she will be so into that, thank you. GENDER.     cis woman. HEIGHT.     5′7′’. AGE.    varies; mostly i write her in the 26 - 28 age range. ZODIAC.     taurus, i think?? LANGUAGES.   english, bsl, french & she’s probably learning gaelic on duo bc ofc she is.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     ginger. went bleached blonde for the first two years of university and then gave up on it.   EYE COLOR.      blue. SKIN TONE.       pale. she doesn’t tan much. BODY TYPE.     average???? ACCENT.     pretty ‘standard’ southern english, though definitely less posh than the one most people expect when she says “i’m from oxfordshire”. after she’s lived in the states for a few years, her accent starts to take on an american hint, though she doesn’t notice it’s a thing until she goes back home to visit. VOICE.     gentle! she’s very softly spoken, definitely has a calming voice. she rarely shouts, only when she’s lost her temper, and it really doesn’t suit her at all.  DOMINANT HAND.     right. POSTURE.    pretty good?? it could definitely be improved, especially when she’s sitting, but generally it’s... decent.  SCARS.     small one near the parting of her hair from when she got into a bike accident when she was eight, which she still jokingly blames brianna for.  TATTOOS.     none.  BIRTHMARKS.      none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).    her hair and her eyes, probably?? 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   oxford, oxfordshire, uk. HOMETOWN.     wantage, oxfordshire, uk. BIRTH WEIGHT.     god, i don’t know, she was a premature baby so below average???  BIRTH HEIGHT.     see above?? i don’t think about babies??? MANNER OF BIRTH.  some oxford hospital while claire was still homeless. as prv. mentioned, she was a premature baby. FIRST WORDS.     ‘mama’ probably??? SIBLINGS.        brianna. PARENTS.        claire & jamie. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.      jamie has never been part of her life, and faith didn’t even think that he existed until she was around ~20y/o. claire, on the other hand, has always been a massive part of faith’s life and is pretty much her hero. they don’t see each other often since faith moved to the states, but faith still calls her every sunday to catch up because she loves and misses her. 
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.      medical researcher, specialises in contagious diseases.  CURRENT RESIDENCE.          boston, massachusetts. CLOSE FRIENDS.          aoife lindsay, who will outlast any and all of faith’s girlfriends.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.             verse dependent lol but mostly she’s single. she has a bad habit of ruining her own steady relationships and mostly just sticks to one night stands or casual things. FINANCIAL STATUS.              almost comfortable, but isn’t quite used to it enough to stop worrying about her finances.  DRIVER’S LICENSE.               yes. CRIMINAL RECORD.              none. VICES.               idk how to word it but she definitely has a thing with her vanity / being wanted. also: sweets.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.               lesbian. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.               still a lesbian. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.         submissive |  dominant | switch.   PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.             submissive  |  dominant | switch. LIBIDO.                high-ish ?  TURN ONS.               do i look like i have thought abt this  TURN OFFS.           again: i don’t know  LOVE LANGUAGE.               predominantly physical touch, but she’s also one of those people who will say it a lot as well, in whatever way. (also n the verse w/ kara, she genuinely does just... bring her food whenever she’s going over.)  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.               the only tendency she’s been able to establish outside of being physically affectionate is that she ends up getting scared by the Bad Thing she has convinced herself is always going to happen. and that’s about when she unceremoniously dumps whoever she’s with, i’m so sorry. 
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.    she wants it to be s.ummer g.irl by h.aim and honestly i don’t have the heart to take that away from her (n.ow i’m in it is also... very her) HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.               she likes going out and partying; reading is fun, so is watching films; she’s a bit hit-or-miss with television but if there’s a good Must Watch Show on then she’ll be absolutely engrossed good luck getting her to shut up.  playing with flora isn’t a hobby per se but it’s her favourite thing in the world and if she could spend all her time doing that, it would be fine. ideal, even. MENTAL ILLNESSES.             some undiagnosed anxiety Thing going on; she’s also struggled with depression since her teens. both of these give her a lot of trouble in the states but she used to go to therapy in the uk.  PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.         she’s asthmatic. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.          [softly] is this even a thing. i guess predominantly she’s left, but also she’s a mess, so.  PHOBIAS.         commitment and i’m sad about it; she’s also got a general fear of, like, this Bad Thing she’s sure will happen because she knows whatever force there is behind the stones was responsible for mucking claire’s life up and she’s convinced it’ll happen to her too. she’s actually terrified of the idea of ending up in claire’s position so, lol, that’s fun. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.          moderate-to-high? it depends on the context, but she knows she’s good at her job and she’s also Very Aware she’s a looker and, okay, maybe the answer to this is just ‘high’.  VULNERABILITIES.         she definitely is afraid of losing the people she loves and is convinced that any romantic venture is going to end so badly that she might as well just end it herself. she feels everything too much, whether it’s her own feelings or others’. sometimes she’s also way too stubborn about... all the wrong things, and will probably be convinced that she’s right even when someone (brianna) is hitting her with facts that prove her wrong. she is so scared of falling in love. 
TAGGED BY.  @pluresque​ thank u !!  TAGGING.   idk, do it if u see it and u wanna. 
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tinyfrenchowl · 6 years
Assumption of Staightness
A/N: Hello! This is my (rather late) contribution to Queelander organised by @thelallybrochlibrary (thank you so much for putting this together!!). Many thanks also to @livinginafanficworld for her beta work and encouragement!!
QL prompt #26: Jamie becomes upset when he finds Brianna in her room with a young male friend, only for Brianna to explain that her friend is asexual (The prompt... kinda got away from me, but I hope you’ll like it all the same ^^)
This is my first time writing fanfiction... I’d love to know what to think so I can improve! I might make a series of this...
The 2004 Gay’s the Word annual fundraising dinner was going well. Manoke had worked all day with two other volunteers to provide for the hundred or so expected guests who now lounged in every corner of the room on a miscellaneous collection of stools and chairs in every colour and style. Pints of beer rested precariously on the small tables between plates of shepherd’s pie, fish and chips, and rainbow cake. It was not what he was used to serving, but then again, the boisterous atmosphere couldn’t be compared to a five-star restaurant’s typically hushed conversations, either. This was a place for a relaxed night out with friends, not the sophisticated lies that punctuated aristocratic events. Or at least that was what his partner told him.
Ever since they had started dating several years ago, John had been hesitant to bring their relationship anywhere close to the scrutiny of his conservative family. As a results, he hadn’t had much opportunity to mingle with the Greys and their upperclass circles, but that was alright; he would rather be here on a date with the man who held his heart.
Manoke only half-listened to the next order. His eyes had followed his thoughts and found John, sitting alone near the far wall, speaking on the phone. John’s expression of sheer disbelief hadn’t changed since he had picked up the phone three customers ago -- Manoke had been checking periodically, hoping to find some clue as to what had put that look on his partner’s face.
Please don’t let it be the nanny, he thought. It was their first night out together since they had adopted William, and the five-year-old boy hadn’t seemed too happy to see both his new fathers replaced by a ponytailed high-schooler for the evening. It had taken convincing, cajoling, and a “flight with Super-Man” -- which meant Manoke carrying William around the flat making wind noises while John took on the role of the wide-eyed onlooker, clapping and cheering for the Earth’s mighty heroes -- before the little boy had let them go.
“Excuse me?” An insisting voice brought his attention back to the work at hand. He only had time to see John look up and give him a little wave, and then he was busy handing out drinks and plates for the next hour, until one of the other volunteers -- a pink-haired, middle-aged woman in a “Lesbian witch” t-shirt named Em -- came to relieve him.
“Everything alright with William?” he asked, sliding into a chair next to John and stealing a chip from his plate. It was lukewarm, but deliciously crunchy. He held another up for John.
“I think so,” John answered. He gave the potato a dubious look, then shrugged and took a bite of it. “Maddie didn’t call, at least.”
Right, Maddie was the name of the nanny. “Oh, good. Who was that on the phone then? Looked serious.” Manoke stole another chip from the plate.
“You’ll never believe me!” John laughed. “Here, you can finish the plate. I thought you ate before the opening?”
“I did, but I can’t say no to more fries. Was it… the police station saying you could have more holidays?” Manoke asked hopefully.
“Ha! I wish. But no.” John sat straighter. “Tonight, I explained asexuality to Jamie Fraser.” He bowed, like a magician having pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
Manoke almost choked on his chip. “Jamie Fraser? Your Scottish friend? Big, red, and the walking definition of straight?”
“James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, the very same.” John nodded, proud of his effect.
“Wow. How on earth did that happen?”
“Assumption of straightness, if you can believe it,” John replied wryly. Manoke could -- it was common enough, especially so from tall red Scots with long names.
Apparently, Jamie had walked in on his sixteen-year-old Brianna consorting with a boy in her bedroom. Righteous protector of his daughter’s virtue, he had gone into full Scottish father mode and escorted the poor lad to the gate. Of course, Brianna was at least as stubborn as her father and, in the course of an argument of epic proportions, had explained to him that Just-A-Friend Nick was asexual and therefore no threat to the antiquated concept of her virtue... Or something to that effect.
“And so Jamie called his trusted gay friend to ask if that was really a thing.” John finished his tale and his beer at the same time. “It’s a good thing you’ve been taking me here all those years,” he remarked with a nod to the roomful of people around them, most of whom were regular customers at the Gay’s the Word bookshop. It was there that he had first heard about asexuality, a few years ago. “Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have known what to tell him.”
“Always happy to help,” Manoke laughed. He dipped the last chip in ketchup and swallowed whole. “Although… even if you’re straight, it makes sense that if some people like us don’t feel attracted to women, and others like him aren’t attracted to men, some people may be attracted to neither right? That’s just… sense. Or he could google it, I suppose. Why not do that, instead of asking you?”
John shrugged. “Maybe he enjoys being told he’s wrong? Or maybe he just missed me,” he added with a wink.
“Not as much as I missed you!” Manoke replied, taking the bait. He leaned over and kissed him, tasting beer and salt on his lips. “They’ll be clearing the floor in a few minutes. Wanna dance?”
And dance they did, to fast songs and rock songs, swaying in each other’s arms when the slow ballads came on. Hours later, when the music died and the lights turned back on, they headed home hand in hand, thoughts of Jamie Fraser and asexuality long forgotten.
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thewingedwolf · 5 years
4x03 isn’t a terrible episode but the framing of it is all wrong. We shouldn’t have started with Roger, we should have started with Brianna. A scene of her out with friends and struggling to relate to and communicate with them. Everything reminds her of her parents - the way someone holds their beer reminds her of Claire, the way someone adjusts his glasses reminds her of Frank, she sees a flash of red hair and starts wondering about Jamie. She has lost three parents within the span of two years (if that). She’s effectively been orphaned before she’s been able to do anything with her life. She’ll graduate alone, she’ll work alone, she’ll live alone, she’ll get married alone, she’ll have children alone.
She talks with her roommate about Roger coming to visit, and how she feels about the relationship and distance. Have her smile fall when she thinks about the distance between herself and her mother. Show her visibly psyching herself up to be happy when Roger visits, and then show how when she’s with him, she doesn’t need to think about being happy bc she just is. The whole episode should be thru her eyes - his landing, the dance scene, the serenade. She’s fascinated by her father’s culture, desperate to know more yet unsure of how she fits into it. So by the time Roger proposes, we know where she’s at - she’s DEPRESSED. Brianna loves him dearly but she’s 20 years old and facing a wide open future without her family and now Roger wants to pull the rug out from under her again. Of course she says no.
And good lord rewrite the argument. Don’t have Roger call her a whore. Don’t have him get weird about sex. Or like - he’s being weird but the weirdness is that he’s noticed she’s so withdrawn and it feels like she doesn’t care about him. So he wants some sort of reassurance that she does love him before they have sex. But Brianna isn’t in the right headspace to have that conversation and Roger can’t connect to her grief - Reverend Wakefield was old when he died and Roger was solidly into adulthood. Brianna was 18/19 when her still young and healthy family just disappeared from her life. So whereas Roger approaches his grief with “I need to grow up and make my own family bc it’s what my father would have wanted” Brianna has turned into “everyone I love is gone and there’s nothing I can do to make it better” which are two VERY DIFFERENT ways of looking at loss. They’re effectively talking past each other.
THATS HOW IT SHOULD HAVE GONE. You can’t have one of your lead characters not have her own PoV for a whole ass season and expect the audience to understand and like her. Especially when we KNOW Sophie has the acting skills!!!!
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hellativity · 3 years
i love having a big lesbian crush on brianna fraser outlander
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