#brief mention of Ben Solo x Reader
stayteezdreams · 1 year
Lost In You: Part One
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Plot: When attending your friends costume party, you keep getting complimented on your couples costume. But you can't help but be confused, after all, you came to the party alone.
-Part Two-
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Gn!Reader* *A/n: Obviously had to go with Star Wars costumes lmao, and even though the costumes are of a male and female character, I believe it doesn't matter the gender of the character, you can still dress up as them anways. So besides the reader dressing "as" Rey, everything else is Gender Neutral, so please dont let that effect how you enjoy the story. The readers costume is not mentioned in detail, only vaguely to give a rough idea :)
-Meet-Cute Series-
Warnings/Notes: Brief mentions of alcohol, drinking, and drunk people. Reader is referenced to have drank, but is not drunk. Reader is a bit of geek (helps them bond with Seonghwa).
Words: ~2.4k
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Walking around the fairly crowded house, your eyes scanned over the mix of recognizable, impressive, unusual, and downright lazy costumes that people were wearing.
When you had been invited to your friend's birthday, being told it was a costume party, you were excited. You had been wanting an excuse to wear your costume for ages, having missed the opportunity the previous Halloween.
Waving to some people you knew, your eyes scanned the crowd for more of your friends.
Nearly bumping into someone, you said excuse me before you recognized them as an acquaintance.
"Oh hey!" you greeted cheerfully "Nice costume" you smiled down at their bright yellow kill-bill inspired jumpsuit.
"Thank you!" they grinned as they looked at yours "Oh! Love that you went with a couples costume!"
You furrowed your brow "Huh?"
Having not heard you they waved to someone nearby before smiling at you "Sorry, gotta go, I'll talk to you later yeah?"
"Oh yeah, bye" your voice was still laced with confusion as they walked away.
Couples costume? You hadn't matched with anyone, none of your friends were really into Star Wars, so they wouldn't have matched with you.
You shrugged it off, figuring they just mistook your costume for someone else as you walked through a small group of people, before spotting one of your best friends.
Grinning, you snuck up on her "Hey!"
Gasping, she turned around with a glare "Stop doing that"
You chuckled as you grabbed yourself a drink before looking around "A lot more people came than I thought would."
"Yeah, I guess adults really do love an excuse to dress up like kids again."
You smiled and nodded, agreeing with the thought. "I thought you were going to go with Harely Quinn?" You asked as you eyed her Batwoman costume.
"It was trash" she rolled her eyes "Tore as I was putting it on."
"That's what you get for ordering cheap"
She waved her hand dismissively "I know, I know"
"Where did you get this one?"
"Last minute favor from my cousin, luckily we're the same size, otherwise I would have shown up in that slinky red dress I have and called myself Marilyn Monroe"
"You have black hair, Betty Boop is more accurate"
Just as she opened her mouth to retaliate, a drunk girl stumbled up to the drinks table before the spotted your costume.
"Ooh, that's why he brushed me off" she pouted before her eyes rose to meet yours.
You rose your brow before you glanced at your friend who gave you a similar look of confusion.
The drunk girl took a step closer "You wore a couples costume, that's so cute, mm'jealous" she slurred with an even bigger pout before she spotted someone, squealed and ran towards them.
You let out an awkward chuckle as your friend looked at you "What the hell was that?"
"I don't know, but that's the second time someone said I was wearing a couples costume with someone."
She looked you up and down, "Well, since you're dressed as Ren-"
"...Rey, then someone is dressed as that tall evil black haired guy right?"
"Kylo Ren, or Ben Solo" you stopped yourself from explaining as you recalled your friends lack of interest in the franchise before you began looking around the crowd of people "I haven't seen anyone in an outfit like that so far."
She hummed before she glanced around as well "I wonder if they're cute."
You scoffed but couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Shrugging it off again, you turned around, just missing the cloaked figure walk past and into the next room.
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After a while, you parted ways with your friend. You made your way through the crowd again, having begun to grow tired of being bumped into, and having to strain your ears to hear anything anyone tried to say to you.
Your friend had clearly over-invited guests or overestimated how many people would show up, as the room grew hot and almost claustrophobic.
Spotting the doors leading to the backyard, which seemed surprisingly empty, you slid through a group of dancing people, desperately wanting to escape.
Feeling your costume catch on something, you had to tug yourself away, before accidentally running into someone just as you reached the doors.
"Oh sorry!" your voice almost mimicked the strangers, as you both apologized as your eyes met.
You smiled, "Excuse me" you added on.
"It's okay" he smiled sweetly, his voice soft.
Your eyes drifted down to catch his costume, and you felt yourself freeze as you noted the lightsaber hooked on his belt. His eyes grazed over you as well as he had the same exact reaction.
Your eyes quickly met again as your voices called out at the same time "You!"
You rose you brow in surprise and he chuckled "I've been hearing all night about someone I wore matching costumes with."
You smiled and let out a soft laugh "So have I!"
His smile widened a bit, and you realized just how attractive he was. He was intimidatingly attractive, actually, you told yourself as you suddenly felt a bit shy.
You cleared your throat a bit "Nice costume, it looks like really good quality"
He grinned down at his costume before he looked at you "Thank you. Your's too!"
You smiled, starting to feel a bit self-concious as his eyes seemed to have looked you over slowly.
Suddenly, he spoke up, his voice full of excitement "You're lightsaber! I have the same one at home!"
"You do?" you asked intrigued as he nodded with excitement "I collect a lot of Star Wars stuff" he confessed, and you saw a tinge of embarrassment cross his features.
'Cute' you thought as you grinned, "I collect a lot of stuff too! From Star Wars and other movies"
His face seemed to brighten a bit, as he wondered what else you might have in common.
As a loud song came on, you winced a bit as you looked towards the now cheering group of drunk people.
Seonghwa cringed as well, before he looked over at you and leaned closer. You turned and met his gaze, alarmed by his sudden closeness.
"Were you heading outside?"
You nodded, unable to find your voice as your eyes remained locked with his.
"Me too." Hearing a drunken scream you saw him wince as he motioned his head towards the door "Shall we?"
You let out a soft chuckle and nodded. You watched him opened the doors, stepping aside so you could go out. You muttered a thanks as you made your exit, your heart hammering in your chest.
The cool night air washed over you and seemed to sober any ounce of drunkenness you might have held before.
There were only a few people scattered around the back yard. A few in the pool, and some playing a nearby fooseball game.
You looked back at the house and shook your head softly, "I'd hate to have to clean up after this."
The man laughed and agreed, as he stopped beside you. Looking back over at him, your heart jumped a bit as he was already looking at you.
He seemed to realize this too before he adjusted himself "I'm Seonghwa by the way."
You smiled at him "I'm Y/n."
His smile widened as you introduced yourself. Seonghwa's heart was beating fast, as his face felt hot, he hadn't drank much at all, so he knew it must just be you affecting him this way.
His eyes glanced over at a nearby couch surrounding a firepit. Feeling a bit brave, and far too intrigued by you to just walk away, he met your eyes again.
"Want to go sit?"
You looked back at where his eyes lingered and you smiled before nodding softly. Following him over to the couch you took in a deep breath, calming yourself.
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It hadn't taken long for you and Seonghwa to fall into deep conversation. You had a lot in common and found subject after subject to rant about to each other. From movies, to music, to friends and dreams, you wouldn't be surprised if you lost your voice the next morning with how much you seemed to be talking
So lost in each other's conversation, you hadn't noticed when the music died down, or how the back yard had emptied, leaving you two alone. Inside the house, nearly 70% of the people had gone home.
Nor had you noticed how much closer to two of you had become, literally.
When you sat down, you had sat on the seperate chair beside the couch, feeling too shy to sit beside each other. But now, you were both leaning forward, sitting beside each other on the couch now, faces merely a foot apart as you raved about a recent move you had both seen.
Seonghwa's arm was draped across the back of the couch, behind your shoulder, something he hadn't even noticed because it felt so natural already. When his knees brushed yours as you sat facing each other, you barely noticed.
Your voice cut out mid-sentence as you heard a familiar voice call out. Looking over, you see her walking across the yard, red solo cup in hand.
Her eyes moved to Seonghwa and you saw the look on her face that screamed 'Holy shit, he's gorgeous.'
Seonghwa however, did not see this, as his eyes became glued to you again, after only having glanced towards your friend when she first came out.
"Oh, hey!" you greeted.
She leaned on the back of the couch before Seonghwa finally looked over at her. They introduced themselves to each other before your friend looked him up and down.
"Oooh, you're the one that people kept thinking matched with Y/n."
Seonghwa chuckled and nodded his head "Yes, that's me."
She met your eyes, and a knowing look passed over her face, that you promptly ignored.
"I was surprised to see you out here though, you never stay at parties this long."
"What do you mean, what time is it?"
She rose her brow "One in the morning"
Your eyes widened as you looked over at Seonghwa, who had a similar look on his face. He took out his phone and you saw the time flash across his screen. 1:14am.
"I got here at nine" you said out loud to no one in particular.
She nodded, "And you've been out here...chatting" she glanced at Seonghwa "for about three hours."
You and Seonghwa locked eyes and he smiled somewhat shyly as he looked down at his lap.
"Oops." You chuckled as you looked back at your friend who wiggled her eyebrows.
"You said you were only staying until eleven, since you have work tomorrow"
"Oh God, I have work tomorrow" you put your hand on your face as fatigue washed over you, surely only because you now knew what time it was.
Seonghwa smiled as he watched you, thinking of how cute you were. Though, he also had to work tomorrow, and showing up to early morning dance practice after a late night was not his ideal.
You met his eyes, "I should go."
Seonghwa nodded his head "I should too, I also have work tomorrow." he chuckled.
You smiled at him as mutual shyness seemed to wash over both of you. Your friend looked between the two of you and smiled before standing up straight.
She tapped your shoulder, "Come find me after you say goodbye we can get a ride together."
You nodded at her as you looked back at Seonghwa. Both of you began to rise as you let out a soft groan.
"How did I not realize it had gotten so late?" you chuckled softly.
Seonghwa smiled, "We were busy."
He hadn't felt as though time had passed at all when he was with you. He got so lost in talking with you, so lost in you, that he didn't realize there was anything going on around him at all.
The way he was staring fondly as you made your breath hitch. You smiled at him as you felt your ears burn a little hotter.
"Yeah. It's been a while since I've met someone I could talk to about all of that stuff."
He grinned, "Me too."
Seonghwa, realizing you were about to say goodbye, felt panic rise in his chest. He didn't want to say goodbye, at least not forever.
"Uh- can I- do you think I could get your number?"
Your heart leapt as he asked, and you resisted the urge to respond with as much excitement as you felt.
You nodded, "Yeah"
"Great. And maybe...we could go see that movie next week?" he asked, referencing the movie you shared excitement about earlier.
You nodded a bit more fervently this time, "That would be fun"
He nodded in agreement as he pulled out his phone. When you exchanged numbers you began heading inside, noticing immediately how the party had ceased since you were last inside.
Music was no longer playing. Empty cups and plates were scattered around, two people were passed out on the couch as the disco ball spun slowly on the ceiling.
You winced, "Yikes"
Seonghwa laughed before you looked back over at him "I should go find my friend"
He nodded, "I'll text you tomorrow?"
You nodded with a bright smile and Seonghwa almost felt like swooning at the sight. As he began to walk away, he gave you another glance as he waved.
You waved goodbye before you spotted you friend watching you with a grin from across the room.
When Seonghwa disappeared out the front door, you made your way to your friend who rose her hand.
"If you tell me you didn't get his number, I swear to God-"
"I got his number" you cut her off.
"Yes!" She cheered dramatically "I cannot believe how gorgeous he is."
"Right!?" You said with a restrained excitement.
"Are you going to see him again?"
You nodded, "He asked me to see a movie next week."
She clapped her hands as she led you to the door "You have to tell me all about him on the ride."
You nodded as you thought back on your night, and Seonghwa. You had never clicked with someone so fast before, it almost felt too good to be true. Almost.
xx End xx
-Part Two-
Ateez General Taglist: @soso59love-blog
Series Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad, @acciocriativity
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Asphodel - Kylo Ren x Reader
Asphodel (Asphodelus) - Meaning: My regrets follow you to the grave
Summary: The night Ben Solo became Kylo Ren, and the love he lost along the way.
Pairing: Past! Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count: 1048
Warnings: Pre-TFA, discussions of Luke's School for Little Jedi and Luke's attempt on Ben's life, emotional manipulation, slight gaslighting, off-screen explosion, mentions of Knights of Ren killing people, brief fight, reader gets stabbed with a lightsaber.
Not sure how I feel about this one, but here's Day 5! This is my interpretation of how that night at Luke's Jedi Academy went, it's probably very inaccurate but whatever!
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, Comments, Reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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“Ben, what’s going on?” she asked, rubbing her face sleepily, adorably, as she joined him in the hallway of the dormitory. He wasted no time folding her into his arms, placing a kiss in her hair. 
How sure he’d been that she would be on his side, how Snoak assured him that their relationship would not get in the way of his training as opposed to Luke, who had advised against forming such close attachments. 
But how could he help himself? She was beautiful and smart and strong with the Force. She made him laugh on his first day when his heart was breaking as the Falcon lifted off the ground and dashed away. They trained together, challenging each other, and making one another better. Ben couldn’t picture a future without her in it, and he knew she felt the same about him.
“It’s time,” he said, “we’re going to join Snoak.” He stepped back and reached out his hand toward her, expecting her to take it but she just stared. 
“Join Snoak? But Ben, I, I thought…what happened?” The confusion read clearly across her pretty face, and Ben stepped closer. He cupped her face with the hand he’d reached out to her, tipping it up so he could explain while looking into her eyes. 
“It was just as Snoak said,” he explained, “Luke is afraid of my power. He tried to ambush me, tried to kill me in my sleep. Snoak told me he would betray me, betray us, so now we need to go.” 
“No,” she said as she stepped away from him, “Luke wouldn’t do that. I’m sure it was a misunderstanding. If we just talk to him, hear his side, it’ll be okay.”
“It’s too late for that, my love,” Ben tried to console her, but again she shuffled out of his reach. “We need to leave.” 
“If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” he warned, “Is that really what you want?” 
“Snoak is dangerous, Ben, he’s been lying to you for months, twisting things around, please be reasonable-” 
“Reasonable? Is it reasonable to try and kill your nephew because he challenges you? Because you’re not as strong or as powerful as he is?” 
“That’s not what happened, Luke wouldn’t-” 
Kylo Ren closed the distance between them, crowding her against the wall with his body. “He did. And he will pay for it.” 
To this day, he could still feel her fear through the Force and how he had used it to influence her. 
“Come with me,” he said. “You want to come with me.” 
For a moment it seemed like it would work, that he had managed to bend her to his will as her face went momentarily blank, but she shook her head and it cleared away. 
“No,” she defied, opening her mouth to say more when a large explosion from outside caught her attention. Letting her push past him, she ran to the window and gasped. 
“The temple is burning,” she said, shock evident in her tone. 
For a moment she stood there, frozen with her mouth agape. He could almost see the gears turning in her mind, how she was putting together that he had orchestrated the explosion, how his fellows were taking out the troublesome Jedi who would eventually stand in their way. Through the Force, he felt her rage rise within her like a tide. A smirk graced his lips, and with an angry yell, she ignited her blade. 
For the second time that night, he blocked an initial attack. Her anger fueled her rapid-fire attacks, and he couldn’t help but feel a little proud and perhaps even hopeful. If he could make her feel the intoxicating power of the Dark Side, maybe she would see the error in Luke’s teachings.
“Good,” he repeated, parrying her latest attack, “Feel your rage, use it. Can’t you taste the power? This is how it would be for us, always, if you joined me!” 
That comment caught her off guard, and he was able to land a blow to her shoulder. The smell of singed flesh accompanied her cry of pain, but he didn’t stop. She rallied, blocking his blows.
“Come with me,” he insisted, “And I will teach you to use this passion, this power, and we will use it to rule the galaxy. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?” With a grunt of anger, she began another offensive strike, but he continued, “You and me, side by side forever? Now is our chance!”
“Our chance to what?” she panted, “Become the next Empire? Rule through tyranny and suppression? That’s what our parents fought against! It’s everything that Luke taught us was wrong!” 
Their sabers clashed in an ‘X’ formation, and he stared at her through the light. 
“If you’re not with me, you’re against me,” he explained simply before turning off his blade. This made her fall forward and he smoothly stepped out of the way. She fell onto her hands and knees, her saber turned off beneath her. 
A voice inside him whispered for him to kill her. Another told him to kidnap her, take her with him. Yet another, this one real and outside of himself, called that they needed help outside the burning temple. 
“Last chance, my love.”
The hate in her eyes as she looked up at him — such potential wasted. Her breathing was ragged and her resolve absolute. 
Letting his rage and anger and desire for revenge eclipse his love for her, he reignited his saber and drove it into her back. A short gasp was all he heard before he felt her Force drain away and her limp body fall to the floor. Killing her was like killing a part of himself, but what was he supposed to do? He couldn’t have her chasing him all around the galaxy and he certainly couldn’t have her interfering in his plans.
As much as he wanted to go to her and brush her hair away from her beautiful face for the last time, he knew Snoak would label that as weakness. His future training needed to proceed unencumbered and, like he had said: If she wasn’t with him, she was against him. 
Maker, how he wished things had turned out differently.
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Thank U, Next | Poe Dameron x Reader (1/2)
Prompt: High School AU
Fandom: Star Wars (Sequel Trilogy)
Words: 2791
Warning: Mentions past Armitage Hux x Reader, Ben Solo x Reader, Finn x Reader, and current background Finn x Rey.
A/N: I’m super late with the last three Writer’s Month prompts, but I ended up making this one longer than intended, like many of my fics, lol. Inspiration from the song Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande.
How long has it been since you’ve moved away from your hometown? Too long, apparently. There were some stores that closed down with new ones taking their place, buildings renovated and even a new road was added to cut travel time. Everything felt familiar to you, but also distant. You were born and raised here, but this was no longer your home.
When that invite for your high school reunion arrived at your apartment in the city, you debated whether you should go back. You had a lot of bittersweet memories there, but you were curious of what happened to your classmates. You’ve changed a lot since you graduated from high school and you hoped that certain people had changed for the better as well.
You went a week before the reunion, staying in a spare room of your mother’s new house. It was spacious and homely, filled with everything that your mother had always wanted, including a garden and a greenhouse in the backyard. Your parents had divorced a year after you graduated, something that had been a long time coming and they still remain friends. You could sense a heavyweight leaving your mother’s shoulders when the paperwork went through and you had helped her move out.
Throughout the week, you got situated in the spare room, making it your own for the times that you plan on visiting, as well as helping out with the garden. You always wanted one growing up, but your father was against the idea, claiming that it was too much maintenance that he didn’t want to do. It was peaceful in the backyard with fairy lights hanging around the patio. Oftentimes, you and your mother would drink a warm beverage and talk on the patio, catching up with each other and reminiscing. She had heard that some of your classmates stayed, some went to the military, and some even she hadn’t heard about in a while.
You were lounging in the backyard, reading an old book that you had in high school when an orange tabby hopped the fence and meowed. You bookmarked your page and sat up, seeing the orange tabby sit a few feet ahead of you, licking their paw.
“Hey, there, little one,” you said, reaching a hand out.
The tabby paused their cleaning, tentatively leaning forward to sniff your hand. When they realized you were good people, they rubbed against your palm and stepped towards you. Once they got closer, you realized the cat was female, her name tag reading Millicent Hux. Huh, you knew a Hux in high school. You had a crush on him for a year, and you remembered the whole school found out and he never spoke to you again because of all the teasing.
“Excuse me!” someone called out.
You turned away from Millicent and saw a tall and pale ginger man waving from the other side of the fence. He paused his waving when it registered just who he was waving to. You stood up with Millicent in your arms and made your way towards the fence.
“Armitage?” you asked in disbelief.
He smiled. “Yeah, that’s me. Lanky Armi,” he said with a shrug, “I didn’t know you were in town. Here for the reunion?”
“Yeah. I assume this is your cat,” you said, raising Millicent up.
“Yeah, I was about to take her out to the vet when she ran out of her carrier. Thank god she ended up here instead of hanging out by the road.” He grabbed Millicent from you, carrying her like a baby. “You look good.”
“You, too.”
He scoffed, shrugging off the compliment. “Still lanky and pale.”
“Are you going, too?”
He nodded. “I’ve seen a few of our classmates that had arrived earlier this week,” he said, hesitating to continue, “I, uh, saw Ben, too.”
“Oh,” you said, surprised.
From the way that Armitage said that, it meant that he knew or at least had an idea of what happened between you and Ben. They were close friends, after all. You never painted Ben as someone that cared for such gatherings. Sentimentality wasn’t his best trait. You weren’t sure how to feel about his presence in town.
Armitage cleared his throat, regretting about saying anything. “Well, I’ll see you around, then. Would love to stay and catch up, but this one needs her shots.”
“Alright, it was nice seeing you again, Armi,” you said, smiling, “And nice to meet you, too, Millicent.”
You walked back to your reading spot and sighed. Given the size of this town, you were surprised you hadn’t ran into anyone from school before now, and it was a pleasant surprise. Armitage was always tall and lanky, but he looked more mature and had a more lean build. He had always been a good kid, he was just easily influenced by others around him and you were disappointed that he had succumbed to it. He seemed to have gotten over that and you were glad that you could talk like friends, possibly making up for lost time. There was a classmate or two that you had ran into as adults that still maintained their immature personalities from school. You wondered how everyone else turned out.
Your mother had gone on a cooking spree on the first two days you were there and needed to restock the fridge. You volunteered to go grocery shopping but had to use google maps to find the address that the store had relocated to. Once there, the layout was relatively the same, just in a slightly bigger space.
While looking for a specific cereal brand that your mother insisted on eating, you heard someone clear his throat nearby. You wordless moved to the side, thinking you were in the way of something. You heard a soft chuckle before he spoke.
“(Y/n),” he said.
Your head shot up and you were met with a grinning Finn. “Oh, my god! Hi, how are you?” you asked excitedly.
“I’m good. Real good,” he said, pulling you into a hug. It was then you noticed a young woman around your age standing next to him with a sweet smile that showed off her dimples. “Rey, this is my old friend (Y/n). (Y/n), this is my fiancee, Rey.”
“Nice to meet you,” you said, turning to Rey.
She pulled you into another hug. “It’s nice to meet you, too. Finn told me a lot about his time at high school. He only has good things to say about you.”
“Well, that’s nice of him,” you said, raising an eyebrow at Finn.
He shrugged, wrapping an arm around Rey. “What can I say? I’m a nice guy.”
“I expect to hear all the embarrassing stories of him,” Rey whispered to you.
You smiled and said, “Oh, I have an arsonal full of those. Maybe we can meet up later. I’ve gotta get these groceries back to my mom first.”
Finn looks down at your cart, seeing beef, tomato sauce, vegetables, and other miscellaneous items. His eyes widened in excitement. “Is your mom making her famous beef stew?”
“Hell yeah!”
He groaned, thinking back to those times he used to come over your house for dinner and that first time he tried your mother’s beef stew. Ever since then, he always requested that she make it, or at least pack a container that he could take home and share with his family who loved it as well. His father would joke that two of you should get married once you two graduate, but marriage had never been a priority for you, and Finn knew that. You had different ideas of the future and respected the other’s decision for it, which was why your breakup was amicable and the two of you remained friendly and supportive of each other. 
“I’ll see if my mom can pack some for you and Rey,” you said as you walked towards your cart.
Finn grinned, patting you on the shoulder. “I knew I could count on you. Rey, you gotta try it! It’s so good.”
“Alright, I look forward to it,” Rey said, “It was nice meeting you.”
“You, too,” you said, then asked Finn, “Are you staying over at your parent’s house?”
“Yeah, same house, too. I’ll be showing Rey around for the rest of the week, but you can stop by anytime to see my folks. I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you,” Finn said.
“Alright. I’ll see you when I see you, then,” you said before walking away.
You smiled to yourself as you left, having seen the way that they spoke and looked at each other. Their happiness was infectious and you couldn’t help but be happy for them. Your worries that you had before coming back slowly seeped away after pleasantly running into Armitage and Finn. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. You’re all adults now, surely it won’t be like that Romi and Michelle movie, though flying away in a helicopter looked pretty cool.
The park that you used to frequent seemed to have an upgrade with an added baseball field, more restroom facilities, an area with exercise equipment, and even a water fountain near the clearing away from the fields. You sat near the water fountain where there were painted picnic tables shaded by trees, a new journal and fountain pen sat in front of you as you brushed off the leaves from the table.
With your headphones on, you tried to get back into the writing zone that you’ve been hoping that your trip back to your hometown would help you with. When you left town, you went off to pursue your writing career, entering writing contests and having short stories published. Your new goal was to finish a novel. You would always start a story, but always got stuck on something and never finished it. Writing contests and published short stories could only get you so far and unless you wanted to keep churning out new short stories at a time, hoping that they’ll get through and be published, just to pay your bills, you needed to finish that novel.
You started small, writing down ideas, hoping that visually having them on the page instead of floating in your mind would help. Then, you took some of those ideas and jotted down plot points that the story could have. You continued this until you got into the flow of writing a rough draft for one of them.
Your timer went off, reminding you to head back home before it got dark. You finished your last thought before capping your pen and packing your things away. The sun hung low in the sky, a cool breeze rustling the trees, making you wish you brought a light jacket.
You got to your old car, you tried to open the backseat door that wouldn’t budge. It had always caused you problems like this, but you kept it because it at least got you where you needed to go. You sighed, yanking the door handle again before giving up. After years of forcing that door open, the handle looked like it was going to fall off.
“Still haven’t fixed that door, I see,” a voice said with amusement.
You turned to face the source of the voice and froze. Poe freaking Dameron stood in front of you, dressed in gray sweats with his military camp printed on the front and the side, dark spots stained near his armpits and his neck from sweat. He became impossibly more handsome since the last time you’ve seen him. He gave you a wide smile, one that made many of your fellow classmates swoon in infatuation at him and glare in envy at you, showing you the Poe you knew from school.
He briefly turned to open the backseat of his truck, taking out a hand towel to wipe himself down. “Back in town for the reunion?” he asked.
“Yeah. You, too?”
He nodded. “Everyone’s happy that I’m finally taking time off that’s more than two to three days. Apparently I’m a workaholic? Don’t know why,” he said with a shrug.
You raised an eyebrow. He definitely knew why. For as long as you’ve known him, once he got into something, he put his all into it. Joining a sports team? He’d practice during any free time that he had and become an mvp or team captain. Getting into music? He’d started a band that played during homecoming week and at school events. He even composed and wrote his own songs. It was his strongest and weakest trait. You loved his passion, but that passion would sometimes make him forget everything else.
“Huh, what’s your new obsession now?” you asked, leaning against your car.
Poe mirrored you with his truck as he wiped excess sweat from his hair. “Flying… it’s something that I picked up when I was in the military,” he said.
“Oh,” you said, looking down before clearing your throat to try and appear unphased, “What kind of flying?”
“After I left the military, I missed flying and travelling, so I got into doing helicopter tours in a few countries. Just a couple of years ago, I started to fly commercial airplanes. There’s a whole process with that one, but it was worth it.”
“That sounds cool. I know you’ve always wanted to fly those airplanes,” you said.
He nodded. “Yeah, funny how life works, right? You plan something, you end up doing something else, but if it was meant to be, you somehow end up where you had always wanted to go.”
“Yeah, I’m still waiting for that to happen to me,” you muttered.
“You got published, though,” he pointed out, “They’re short stories, but it’s a start. Your writing is amazing, (Y/n). I know you’ll get there.”
The corner of your lips turned up. There goes his award winning pep talks again. You didn’t know that he was even aware of the work that you’ve done. It didn’t do much for you personally, but you were glad that he hadn’t changed too much,
“Thanks, Poe,” you said, opening your driver’s seat door.
“Hey, can I say something before you go?” he asked before you could climb into your car. You paused, turning to face him. “Look, I know I should have told you that I enlisted, but I don’t regret going. I only wished that we had the chance to work it out, maybe take you with me if I could, if you wanted to. Or at the very least, parted on better terms.”
You avoided his eyes as you tried to find the right words to say. There were so many things you wished you had said on the day he told you about his enlistment. It was all too late to bring them up now. It wasn’t going to change the fact that you two broke up over it. You should at least clear the air, so there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings, though, but you were stubborn. You never wanted to admit it, but while your break up with Finn had been easy and painless, breaking up with Poe was one of the hardest things you had to go through.
“I… I understood why you did it,” you said, “And I should have stopped to think about your perspective instead of getting angry and I’m sorry. It’s my fault that we ended things like that.”
Poe sighed, knowing that there was more that you wanted to say. Another thing that you loved and hated about him was his ability to read you. When there was no reply from him, you climbed in your car, shutting the door harder than you intended. While you were turning the engine on and fiddling with the radio, Poe stepped closer, leaning a hand on the roof of your car.
“Could we meet somewhere?” he asked softly, “You know, just to catch up?”
You leaned back in your seat, drumming your fingers on the steering wheel. “I’m running some errands tomorrow. Does lunch at the usual diner work for you?”
Poe smiled. “Sure, yeah. I’ll meet you there tomorrow, then.”
That night, you sat on your bed, wondering why your heart was racing while thinking about tomorrow. It had been so long since you and Poe sat down and talked. Meeting him tomorrow meant that you would have to eventually address all the things that were left unsaid, all the questions that were left unanswered, and all the things that had happened after going your separate ways. You doubt that the two of you could start over, given your different career paths, but maybe you could at least be on speaking terms.
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sweetrevxnge · 2 years
Like Phantoms, Forever
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Chapter Eight | Play Stupid Games
Pairing: Ben Solo x Reader
Summary: Your destiny had never been clear to you, only becoming so when it led you to leaving behind the life you knew to train with the galaxy's sole Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker. His Jedi Academy became your new home, bringing with it the promise of someday becoming a Jedi Knight. While navigating the ways of the Force, an inexplicable connection forms between you and a fellow student—the heir to the legendary Skywalker bloodline, Ben Solo. Together, the two of you must face your destinies and forge the path to your true selves.
What to expect: fluff, violence, sexual content, general angst, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
Additional info: this story is set in 28 ABY, six years prior to the events of TFA
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Word count: 4k
A/N: I'm sorry for the late update! I'm in the middle of starting my new job, so I don't have as consistent of a writing schedule anymore. I promise that new chapters will be uploaded somewhere in the beginning of the week from here on out!
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The sky was a brilliant shade of gold when your eyes finally fluttered open. Warmth radiated through your cheek as your head rested on Ben’s chest, his arm wrapped behind you and draped loosely over your frame. The weight of it was comforting, securing you against his side.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see rays of sunlight washing over his face, bathing his closed eyes and aquiline nose in a soft glow. You buried your face into his skin in an attempt to escape the harsh light, grumbling as you did.
“Good morning,” he whispered, his voice deep and smooth. Either he didn’t suffer from morning grogginess like the rest of us did, or he had been awake for some time.
“G’morning,” you mumbled into his chest, fighting your body’s instinct to wake up.
Ben reached his free hand up and ran it through your hair, trying his best to gently detangle the mess with his fingers. To say that you had bed head was an understatement. For a brief moment, you were embarrassed to be so disheveled in his presence, but at the end of the day, he was the reason you looked this way.
The world around you was hazy as you willed your eyes open, blinking away the remnants of sleep. The dull drone of Ben’s heartbeat pulsed against your ear, steady and slow. You were so entranced by the sensation of waking up beside him that it didn’t even occur to you that you were still in his bed, laying next to him as the suns were rising.
You scrambled to sit up, pulling the rough blanket up to cover your chest as your eyes darted around the room frantically.
“Shit, I never went back last night?!”
A frustratingly calm chuckle passed through Ben’s lips, only serving to fuel your panic.
“This isn’t funny!”
“No, it’s not funny. But there’s no use panicking now, we’re going to be late regardless.”
“How are you so calm about this?” you asked, already halfway off the bed and gathering your wrinkled clothes from the ground.
“Because there’s nothing we can do about it now.”
He sat up on his palms, causing the blanket to tumble down his bare chest. Images of last night flashed across your vision—him above you, beads of sweat forming at his hairline as he chased his pleasure, the ache between your legs demanding the same. You squeezed your eyes shut in an attempt to refocus on the problem at hand.
“Okay, that’s great and all, but how am I supposed to get out of your hut without being noticed? I really doubt that me getting caught leaving your quarters in the morning would go over well.”
He smiled, evidently amused by your panic. “We’ll just wait in here while everyone else goes to training. And if we do get caught, it’s not a big deal.”
You blinked at him. “In what world would it not be a big deal?”
“Because it’s attachments that are forbidden, not sex.” The emphasis on the word made your stomach churn, an unfriendly reminder that what you felt for him was entirely wrong. “We’re not the first—or the last—students to hook up at the Academy.”
It was as if he had reached through your ribs and clutched your heart, ripped it free from the wiring of your veins, and sent it plummeting through your chest. Now, it was settled uncomfortably in your stomach, drenched in corrosive acid that was slowly eating away at the memory of last night.
The words rattled around your skull, clashing and clattering into your thoughts, sending them to far away conclusions. While yes, that was technically what had happened last night, hearing him use such casual terms to describe it sent insecurity coursing through you like voltage.
“Oh, that’s…reassuring.” The words passed through your lips like a ghost, devoid of any emotion that would support your statement.
“See? There’s nothing to worry about,” Ben said as he crawled out of bed, his focus occupied with pulling on a new pair of briefs rather than conversing with you.
Had he glanced up for even a second, he would have seen the turmoil in your eyes, the rigidity of your jaw, and maybe even sensed that his statement had upset you. But he didn’t.
Instead of continuing to stand there, covered only by your undergarments in the center of his room, you pulled your gaze away and worked to redress yourself, swallowing the lump that was forming in your throat.
It didn’t occur to you how fragile you might be after sharing something as intimate as you had with him. Throughout your entire life, you had kept everyone at an arm’s length away as a means of protecting yourself. Protecting yourself from what exactly? You weren’t sure then, but now, you knew.
You didn’t allow your mind to linger on the possible interpretations of what he had said, instead trying to distract yourself as a means to preserve your fractured pride, as well as squandering the embers of affection that remained from his embrace just minutes ago. The same embrace whose intentions you could no longer be certain of.
After securing your robes with a tight knot around your waist, you were quick to turn heel away from him and towards the door. The sound of your boots receding was enough to pull Ben from his task, looking up at you with curious eyes.
“Hey, where are–”
“I think everyone’s at training by now. I’ll see you there.” Your tone was flat, just a thread away from detached, as you pulled the door open without so much as a glance behind you.
“No, don’t go. Wait for–”
The door closed with a thud, effectively silencing him and separating the two of you.
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you set off towards the temple, unsure if they were a result of the icy wind or your heart slowly splintering. You trained your eyes on the ground below you, anything to focus on besides what just happened.
As you passed your hut, the allure of changing into a fresh set of robes called to you, so you did, taking an extra minute to comb out your hair as well. It was for the best, both in anticipation of earning your classmates’ attention when you entered late, as well as to remove the subtle reminder of last night from your body. Not to mention the scolding you would be receiving from Master Skywalker for your second tardy offense.
Scaling the stone steps felt more arduous than usual—whether that was due to the tightness in your lungs from the cold air, or the unexpected soreness splitting your legs—you weren’t sure. Once again, you pushed aside the memory of last night, trying to forget the way Ben’s lips skated across your body, how his fingers dug into your hips as he drove into you, the feeling of being pushed over the edge repeatedly by his touch.
Stop it, you scolded yourself as you stood outside the temple doors, trying to catch your breath before entering. Hobbling in late and completely out of breath was not high on your list of grand entrances.
Tentatively, you pulled the doors back, scanning the cavernous room for the group of students. The lights were particularly dim this morning, something you were grateful for as you stepped inside. But that didn’t stop Master Skywalker, as well as the rest of the students, from spotting you.
Your Master watched as you sat down, your spot as far back in the group as you could possibly manage. To no surprise, you had interrupted his morning announcements, leaving the room in stilted silence.
“Nice of you to join us,” he said, an irritated expression on his face.
“My apologies, Master.”
He held your gaze for an unsettlingly long moment before returning his attention to his pupils. The tension in your shoulders released when he started speaking again, informing the class of the day’s plans.
As he continued to address the group, you did your best to focus on his words, until you noticed someone scooting toward you in your periphery. Your eyes widened at the realization of who this person was.
“Voe?!” Your question came out as a low hiss, trying not to disrupt your Master again. “When did you get back?”
She held a pointed finger against her lips and nodded towards Master Skywalker. You trusted that she would fill you in on the details of her journey after the group had split off for the day. Selfishly, you were thankful for her unexpected return, serving as both a comfort and a distraction.
A moment later, Master Skywalker dismissed the class, allowing the students around you to leave for their respective training sessions, including Voe. Before you could move to join them, Master Skywalker signaled you over to him. You obeyed, your cheeks growing warm as your feet carried you to where he stood.
He greeted you with your name, nodding at you as he cleared his throat. Your heart pounded against your ribs, sweat beading at the nape of your neck.
“I’d like to address this problem before it gets out of hand. What seems to be the issue?”
You nodded in agreement, desperately hoping that he couldn’t somehow sense your elevated heartbeat through the Force. You searched your mind for the most diplomatic response in this situation, honestly just any excuse that wasn’t ‘I’m sorry, Master, I woke up late because your nephew and I shared a romantic and wildly intimate night together, one I considered to be more than just a hookup, but from the sound of it, was just a hookup to him. I swear that I left as soon as I could to get here, but unfortunately was still late because nothing seems to go right for me.’
“It’s my watch. There are days where the alarm just doesn’t go off. It’s really frustrating, actually.” A weak excuse, but the best that you muster at the moment.
He huffed, clasping his hands behind him as his eyes burned holes into your skull. “If you’re going to lie, at least try a little harder than ‘my alarm didn’t go off.’”
You were, unsurprisingly, speechless. Were your lying skills that bad? Or was the Force just an undeniable measure of truth?
You swallowed thickly, prepared to say anything to move past his scrutiny and be given your punishment. “I’m sorry, I don’t–”
“I may be old, but I am no fool,” he said bluntly, surveying the dwindling number of students in the room before returning his intense gaze to you. “Where’s Ben?”
The sound of his name set your nerves on fire, not in a particularly bad way. “I-I don’t know, Master.”
He sniffed loudly and shifted his weight to his other hip. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that he could sense your spiking anxiety at the mention of his nephew.
“In the future, just bring him with you next time, okay? It saves me the trip to his quarters to tell him his punishment.”
You only nodded in response, trying to save face in front of your Master who, by the sound of it, had a suspicion about the true reason for your tardiness.
“One week on the steps starting tomorrow. Rain or shine.”
With that, the Jedi Master turned on his heels and left the temple, leaving you alone in the hollow chamber.
The rest of the afternoon was spent moping around your quarters and dealing with a pounding headache, one of an entirely mysterious etiology. If you were lucky, you had caught a cold and could spend a few days hiding out in the infirmary. But you were asymptomatic otherwise, which meant that the medical droids would likely send you away after a quick assessment. Maybe you could makeyourself sick. Drinking the creek water or eating some wild berries would probably do the trick. Anything to avoid a full week of scrubbing the steps from dawn until dusk with Ben.
The throbbing in your skull amplified at the thought of him. Rage boiled within you as you dissected his words, but your heart betrayed you, forcing you to relive the tender moments you shared with him. Recounting the sweet nothings he whispered to you, the blissful escape of his lips, all things whose validity was now in question.
Who’s to say that he hadn’t brought other girls out to stargaze with him, or that you were even the first girl to sleep with him? The thought of him lying to you about such an intimate thing filled your throat with bile, but the thought was relentless. Men have lied about more for less.
But, the two of you were practically dating. Well, you never officially established a label, but your actions would indicate so, the logic in your mind argued back, trying to maintain its grasp on rationality and what you knew to be undeniably true.
Men will say and do anything to get what they want, isn’t that what Eilia had said when she had her heart broken? As shattered as it was, your heart presented fair evidence. You remembered the look on your friend’s face when she showed up at your door, hot tears running down her face. You comforted her, sympathized with her, and allowed your heart to ache for her. After witnessing that, you decided that you didn’t want to be like her—no, you couldn’t allow yourself to be like her. It made sense now, why attachments were forbidden by the Jedi. The splitting of your own heart told you just how dangerous losing someone could be to the balance of one’s mind.
The sound of knuckles rapping against your door pulled you from your spiral. You stood from your seat in front of the fire pit and opened the door, unsure of who to expect behind it.
Voe’s vivid green eyes were wide—almost frenzied—as she pushed past you into your hut.
“Um, come in, I guess,” you muttered, closing the door behind her.
She wasted no time with pleasantries. “Where the hell were you this morning?!” she demanded. She was fuming, like a mother scolding her disobedient child.
“What?” Your face contorted in confusion. “Does this have to do with me being late? Because I’d really rather not talk about it–”
“I came by this morning to surprise you with some fresh meiloorun, and my arrival at the Academy, but instead, all I found was an empty hut and you missing from the grounds.” Her eyebrows were raised now, her tongue prodding the inside of her cheek.
You opened your mouth to speak, but before you could utter a word, she continued.
“I nearly organized an entire search party to go looking for you!”
“Okay, can you please not yell at me about this? I already have a splitting headache and this really isn’t helping. I don’t need to be lectured by you for what I choose todo,” you spat in defense.
She ignored your words. “For all I knew, you had fallen in a ditch and injured yourself out in the middle of nowhere, or gotten lost on a path and froze to death.”
Your patience had reached capacity, and now you were fully irritated with her. “Well, as you saw at the temple and can still see now, I’m alive and well,” you said, motioning to your intact body. “I’m terribly sorry for the scare I gave you, but yelling at me isn’t going to change that.”
With that, you brushed past her to sit on your bed, bumping into her shoulder as you did. The hammering in your skull hadn’t subsided, only becoming more unbearable as the conversation progressed. You dug the heel of your palms into either side of your head, hoping to smother the pain with counterpressure.
“As much as I’d love to catch up with you and hear about your adventures with Lor, I’m not really in a great headspace right now.”
“Whose hut were you in this morning?” she asked plainly, raising an eyebrow at you in a way that, if you hadn’t been getting yelled at twenty seconds ago, could almost be described as playful.
You clenched your jaw, a sting of anxiety shooting through you. “I wasn’t in anyone’s hut, I was just showering. Stars, can you just–”
“C’mon, you can’t just do the ultimate walk of shame into the temple and not tell me who it was,” she said, a tiny smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. She moved to sit next to you, her shoulders relaxing as she settled into the mattress. “Was it Tai? Or Cassus? Cassus has been telling everyone on the planet about how he’s going to win you over, did he finally–”
The comments were disorienting to say the least. Less than a minute ago she was yelling at you for being irresponsible, and now she was trying to extract information about who you had slept with? Not to mention the revelation about Cassus, a student who you’ve maybe spoken to once or twice in passing. That was something to address later.
“Wait, are you being serious? I didn’t sleep with anyone.”
Her head cocked to the side in disbelief. “It’s okay if you did. There’s no rule that says Jedi can’t live a little, so to speak. We’re all guilty of it.”
Unease settled in your stomach at her flippant attitude about sex. Not that you were opposed to people hooking up with no strings attached, and for all you knew, you might enjoy it too. But not with Ben, at least not after you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with him. Did he believe the same as Voe, that sex was just an indulgence that the Jedi could partake in?
“What do you mean ‘we’re all guilty?’”
“I mean exactly what I said,” she said. “I’d bet money that everyone here has hooked up with someone and probably regretted it to some extent.”
Regret. The perfect word to describe the feeling that was gnawing a pit into the lining of your stomach. An overwhelming curiosity to know who Voe’s “regret” was creeping in, demanding an answer. Besides, if she was going to press you about yours, she should share hers first.
“Do you have someone you regret sleeping with?”
She let out a groan as she flopped back on your bed, her hands covering her face. “Of course I do,” she mumbled into her skin. “I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.”
Everything inside of you was telling you to stop this conversation right now. To laugh it off and move past the subject. But the whirlwind of emotions stirring within you was becoming too much to bear, maybe being able to talk to someone would calm it.
Voe shot up, her enthusiasm all too evident on her face. “Really? Oh stars, who was it? Was his dick bi–”
“No, no, no. If you’re going to barge into my hut and start accusing me of sleeping around the Academy, you’re sharing first.”
“Okay, fine,” she groaned, releasing a sharp exhale after. “A while back, I hooked up with Amir.” She paused, as if she was waiting for you to react to the name. Given that the entire time you had been at the Academy your attention had been trained on one boy in particular, you struggled to match the name to a face.
Noticing your confusion, Voe took the liberty of filling the gaps in your memory. “You know…tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome?”
“Oh, yeah…him,” you said with a nod, not because you actually knew who she was talking about, but more so to move the story along. “How was that?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a long sigh. “It went about as well as you could imagine it would for two clueless Jedi,” she said, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. “He didn’t know what he was doing and just kind of…flopped on top of me for what felt like forever, but was probably less than a minute. He had no concern for me or my enjoyment.”
The visual she painted caused laughter to bubble in your throat, but you suppressed it into a quiet chuckle. “Sounds romantic if you ask me.”
The dichotomy of how caring Ben had been with you was not lost on you, but you quickly dismissed it.
She snorted. “Oh, so romantic. Later on, I tried to rectify the situation with someone better, but it never worked out.”
The ambiguity of her statement felt intentional, so you didn’t pry. “Well, I’m sorry you had to go through that. There’s better dick in the galaxy, I’m sure of it.”
She waved a hand playfully. “Don’t worry, I get along just fine by myself.” At least the Jedi Code doesn’t forbid that. “So, now it's your turn to spill.”
Still hesitant to verbalize what you had done, you picked at your nails, buying yourself a few seconds to compose your thoughts. Your throat felt tight as you swallowed a dry gulp.
What if this was a mistake? A small, desperate part of you wanted to cling to the version of Ben that you had created in your mind, the caring lover who would scale the entire galaxy at your request. But that wasn’t reality. The reality was that you projected something you could never have with him, and as anyone could have predicted, suffered the consequences of falling in too fast with someone. The two of you had hooked up, that was the truth. Just say it.
“I hooked up with Ben.”
As soon as the words left your tongue, you wished you could’ve scooped them up and put them back in your head.
She was eerily quiet, subverting your expectations of the reaction you thought you would receive. While Voe had made it plenty clear that she didn’t like Ben, you at least thought she could commiserate with how regretful you felt.
“You slept with Ben?” Her words were as sharp as a razor’s edge and laced with venom. The delicate skin under her eye twitched slightly as she watched you, an incredulous look on her face.
The signals running between your brain and your mouth stopped working, leaving you a silent idiot beside her. After a moment of sifting through possible responses, you decided to double down on your statement. She was already pissed off at you, and you planned to take any evidence of your feelings for him to the grave, so what did you have to lose?
“Yes, I did.” The words were slow to leave your lips, each one dripping off your tongue like molasses. “But it wasn’t–”
Before you could defend yourself, she stood and faced you. A dismissive scoff left her mouth as she shook her head. “Ben would only want to play with the new toy.”
You were taken aback at the comparison. “Hey! What the fuck?!”
“Don’t be stupid,” she hissed your name. “Your novelty will wear off, too.”
Whatever Ben Solo had said or done to that woman remained a mystery to you, but it was becoming easier to piece together now. All you knew was that in your attempt to be honest, you had completely ruined the one friendship you had here, all because of a boy.
The cracks forming in your heart spread as you sat there, replaying her words in your head.
You flinched as the door slammed shut behind her, your eyes still fixed on the fire in front of you. Shame washed over you, burning your skin and flooding your mind. The pounding in your head resumed, now worse than ever, and you buried your face into a pillow in the hope of escaping the horrid day that was unfolding before you.
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prettyinpymtech · 4 years
For My Heart Finds You
Part 1
Poe Dameron x fem!Reader (Regency AU)
Summary: Impressed by your cousin’s prosperous engagement, your parents arrange for you to stay with your aunt with the hope that she may find a proper suitor for your hand. Your arrival is met with spitefulness, however, and you are forced to endure her cruel words alone. But an invitation from Leia Organa soon changes your prospects and offers encounters with many kindly acquaintances, including a handsome young man named Poe Dameron. 
A/N: I’m so excited to share this one with all of you! Poe is not featured in this chapter, but this gives some insight into Leia’s role in their meeting. I hope you enjoy it!
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Perfection, much to your aunt’s credit, continuously emanated from within the small confines of her mansion. Every bend of the surrounding expanse followed such an ambition-from the perfectly trimmed hedges below the windows to the rows of flowers in the garden. No existence could deter such an appearance.   
Well, except for your own presence.      
Your seemingly rebellious nature was hardly the result of pure spite, though the accusation had been brought before you on more than one occasion. What was often mistaken for disobedience was no more than an attempt to define your own happiness, rather than surrender it for the sake of visiting guests.
Such an assessment had been frowned upon, however, and it had not left a very commendable impression among your hosts. You suspected that your aunt would have sent you away without a moment’s hesitation if it had not been for the praise of her friends as they applauded her efforts. Every last person in town had failed to recognize her family’s vanity and you were ashamed to admit that you had also been misled by her pretense.
It was an arrangement that had commenced as an earnest affair. The sudden engagement of your cousin had impressed your parents and they had written to your aunt with the hope that she could achieve the same triumph for your regard. It was her pride that had compelled her to accept your company in her household and you had believed in her deceitful reception.  
But, as you continued your stay, you soon found that she was far too cruel and calculating-and her daughters were no different. Martha, the eldest of the two, placed her pride on her recent engagement to Ben Solo, a cold man that only seemed to find interest in his wealth. Madeline had yet to find a husband to match her sister’s, but she still took great pride in her mother’s stature.  
You tried to avoid their scornful gazes as often as possible, and found comfort within the narrow walls of your uncle’s library. Your aunt had found very little use for the room after his passing, but the room offered an escape that no other corner could provide, particularly when your aunt brought home a rather boorish parade of guests to rid her of her charge.
All of your meals were enjoyed in the library with little interruptions and that had lasted until a month after your initial appearance.
You had busied yourself with a book in one hand and a cup of tea in another early one morning when an excited chatter compelled you to wander into the drawing room. Ben Solo sat in a chair not too far from his wife, while your aunt and Madeline conversed with an older woman. You did not recognize her, but you recognized something warm and familiar in her gaze as she turned to greet you.
“Marie, you have not introduced me to your guest.”
Your aunt hurried to meet you with an exaggerated smile. “Forgive me, Leia. This is Y/N, my niece. I have been trusted with her care until I am fortunate to find a proper suitor to marry her.”
Struggling not to grimace at her overstated attempts, you caught Leia chuckling to herself almost as if she could read your thoughts, though whether that was a result of understanding or sheer coincidence, you could not say. But her gaze held no malice and you felt a sense of warmth in her presence as she beckoned you to take a seat next to her.  
“And where do you hail from, child?” she asked.
“My family owns a small cottage near the lakes of Naboo.”
“Is that so? A lovely place, though I must admit it has been some time since I last visited. Tell me, are the summers still as enchanting as I remember them?”
“Oh, yes, quite so. Our gardens had only started to blossom before I arrived here and I am sure they are even lovelier now.” 
You felt a small twinge of longing as you spoke of your home and you tried to hide the tears that threatened to emerge. Taking notice of your gloom, Leia reached out and placed her hand on top of yours.
“I am sorry you have had to miss such a beautiful sight.”
She continued to provide a sincere affection as the discussion was changed to an entirely different subject. You learned that Leia was Ben’s mother, but you would not have guessed such a fact if it had not been for her revelation. She did not carry herself with the unfriendly manner that her son so often possessed and instead spoke of fantastic adventures and friends.
In a matter of hours she had reluctantly agreed to Ben’s insistence to leave before dark. She bid a courteous farewell to Marie and her daughters, but a look of excitement appeared in her eyes as she stopped in front of you.
“Our gardens are not quite as wonderful as yours, but they certainly offer a pleasant resemblance. You must come and see them!”
Her request surprised you. “Do you really mean it?”
“Of course! It has been too long since I last welcomed guests in D’Qar and I would love to show you the place! The preparations should not take too long. Please tell me you will come!”
“Oh, Leia!” interrupted your aunt. “Nothing would bring us more joy than to visit your home!”
Leia turned to your aunt and smiled, but you noticed the surprise in her features as if she had forgotten of your aunt’s presence altogether.
“Oh, well, I suppose I could find room for the rest of you.” Returning her gaze to you, she added, “I will await your arrival. Perhaps I shall even arrange a dinner to celebrate such an occasion. Kes has finally returned to D’Qar and I have been informed that his son will soon be joining him for the summer. I am sure they would be delighted to meet you.”
A gasp of surprise escaped your aunt at the mention of Leia’s friends. “I had no idea Poe planned to return home.”   
“Indeed, he has! I have no idea how long he intends to stay, but Kes has hopes that he may find someone that will convince him to delay his leave.” 
She gazed in your direction as she voiced her friend’s expectations, but you had no time to ponder her meaning as she was escorted to her carriage. Ben soon followed her outside, leaving Marie to revel in the excited chatter of her daughters.
“This is wonderful news, girls! Just think, Madeline, in a matter of days we could very much find you engaged to Poe Dameron!”
“I must prepare at once!” cried Madeline. “Surely, he will not find me appealing in this terrible garment!”
“You’re quite right. We shall leave for town at once to find you something much more suitable.”
Their excitement amused you, but you failed to understand such fuss.
“Poe Dameron,” you muttered, “I’m afraid I have not heard of him. What is he like?” 
Your aunt scoffed. “The Damerons are a noble family and quite prosperous in their fortunes. It does not surprise me that you are not familiar with the name. After all, why should he have crossed paths with someone so pitiable?”
Martha and Madeline giggled at her remark, but you ignored their spitefulness. Retreating to the comfort of the library, you held to Leia’s kindness and allowed, for just a brief moment, a chance to fantasize of all the splendid opportunities her invitation could present for the coming days.
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So it’s May 4th and I thought I’d post this as a little introduction to my new fic.
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Hidden Jedi!Ben Solo x Smuggler!Female Reader
You were an orphan, abandoned on the freezing surface of Kijimi at a young age to fight your way through life. You were picked up by a smuggling ring and they taught you everything you knew, giving you the skills to survive in the cruellest parts of the Galaxy. You quickly became the best, you picked up a crew and finally purchased your own ship. You did jobs for anyone who paid well, you even took a job for the Resistance dropping you right in the path of Ben Solo. He annoyed you, aggravated you, stirring up feelings you had long buried after the love of your life had been killed by the First Order. Falling in love was not on your list of priorities but it was so easy to fall in love with Ben Solo, even with his past. A past that comes to consume him.
Warnings: Mention of gambling, brief tiny mention of drugs, drinking, swearing, there’s only one bed. Not this chapter but the fic will be 18+
Word count: 5044
Read the prelude here on AO3.
Tag list: @autumnleaves1991-blog @a-bang-for-your-bucky @greenygreenland
I CANT remember if anyone else wanted tagging for this! I will have to have a scroll and a look but please DM me or I could just get my shit together and sort out a proper tag list thing.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 17
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 17: Spaceflix and Chill?
Summary: Kylo once again did not allow you to hold the data pad yourself but allowed you to scroll through the app. None of the titles of the videos were ones that you were familiar with. Almost as if you were scrolling in some foreign version of Netflix. Luckily there were genres you were familiar with; comedy, drama, horror, documentary, sci-fi and finally romance.
Sitting in his lap, against his chest, this was the first time you really admired the strength that you could feel. His arms were strong, his chest was broad. From what you could remember from earlier today when you had caught his shirtless, you remembered all of the toned muscles you saw. The man holding you was a mountain of strength and compared to him, you felt as if you were an anthill made of sand. Small and easily destroy, whereas it would take an act of god to break him.
You had no idea how long you two had been sitting like that but you were hungry. But before you could voice this your phone dinged with your text alert sound. You struggled but managed to reach it from Kylo’s lap.
It was (second oldest brother). ‘Please don’t mention anything to your match, I promise that we are going to register tomorrow.’
And another one came through from your oldest brother, ‘Mom mentioned that your match is a high ranking First Order officer. If he has anything to do with communication or engineering could you put in a good word for me?’
Of course, they only ever spoke to you at family functions or if they needed/didn’t want something. You remember when they had met their matches, how happy you had been for them, and how their matches felt like more of siblings to you than they did. It hurt that the first time they knew that you had met Kylo, that they didn’t congratulate you.
You were just done. Done with everything and you just wanted to finally be happy. Kylo removed your phone from your hand and put it back on the coffee table. He drew you back to his chest once again. This time you swore you could feel him kiss the top of your head before he buried his face in your hair once again.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he said finally.
You felt conflicted, you should ‘put in’ a good word for your brother, especially if your match with Kylo were to ever to become public. You also felt that you should tell Kylo to ignore your (second oldest brother)’s worries. But at the same time, you felt wronged by your family.
“Can you see if there is a way that you can favor (oldest brother) without seeming too obvious about it,” you asked. “And ignore (second oldest brother), I believe that he will do the right thing. His kids don’t deserve punishment for his stupid actions if it comes to it.”
Kylo searched your eyes for a moment before nodding. At least he was willing to do this, but you didn’t know if it was because you had asked, or if it was because he felt sorry for you. You honestly weren’t in the mood to find out.
“Can we have dinner soon,” you asked finally. “This day has me wiped.”
Kylo nodded and with a smile, he stuck out his hand. You saw his data pad fly across the room and into his hand. You were in shock, he had a small smile on his face. You turned around on his lap so your back was to him but you were facing the data pad. You saw that he pulled up the food ordering app.
“Pick out what you would like,” he said. His breath tickling the top of your head.
You scrolled through it, he was still holding it. It felt oddly intimate, you in his lap with his data pad in his hand but you were on it. You found some food that intrigued you and you put it in your order. “What would you like to eat,” you asked.
Into your hair, he said simply, “order for me.”
You felt a jolt of excitement, he chuckled noticing your new enthusiasm with the app. You had no idea what he liked, you hadn’t had a chance to ask him. “What do you like,” you asked.
“I will like anything you order for me,” he said with mirth in his voice.
You didn’t know how to feel about that. You felt it could be one of three things. The first is that he didn’t care about what he ate at all. The second was that the app only had the food he likes. Or the third option was that he was flirting with you. The last one made you flush slightly. After all, you were sitting in his lap. You decided to ignore it for the moment and made a neutral choice from the app, something you recognized.
Once you placed the order he set the data pad back down and put his arms around you keeping you close. This made you feel some type of way. You felt as if you were there for only a few moments before a droid entered with your food. You reluctantly got up from his lap and made your way to the dining room to eat.
Sneaking a glance at Kylo you could see he had a slight hint of blush that extended down into his shirt. You wondered briefly how far down the blush went before you dismissed the thought from your mind.
Although he was your match, there was still so much to know about him before you could let your mind go there. After all, he wasn’t some brief college fling, this was your soulmate—you needed to take this seriously.
You both ate with a pleasant silence between you. You had no idea and a million ideas about what to talk about. None of the things that came to mind were things that you could properly string into a sentence. Even though you felt comfortable with him you were also uneasy. You felt as if you were an open book but he was some ancient texts lost in translation. You finished what you both eating and returned to the lounge.
Sitting on the loveseat once again you were immediately pulled into his arms. He summoned his data pad and told you to pull up a holovid, something that you would want to watch. This perplexed you a bit.
Kylo once again did not allow you to hold the data pad yourself but allowed you to scroll through the app. None of the titles of the videos were ones that you were familiar with. Almost as if you were scrolling in some foreign version of Netflix. Luckily there were genres you were familiar with; comedy, drama, horror, documentary, sci-fi and finally romance.
Although he agreed with wanting a romantic relationship earlier on the phone with your parents, you felt as if he was not the romance type. You also didn't know his brand of comedy, so you stuck with the tried and true sci-fi. You took the chance to look back at him. His head was leaned back against the couch and his eyes were closed. You picked one that seemed interesting to you and immediately the data started projecting a hologram! This startled you a bit and Kylo felt you jolt and sat back up.
He placed the data pad on the coffee table and placed one hand on your stomach and the other wound its way into your hair. You could tell that he was not at all interested in the movie, but was just content to sit with you. You were happy with this.
The movie was interesting, to say the least, enough to keep your attention but nothing you would watch again. About halfway through it, you felt the hand on your stomach drift lower and lower. At first, you didn’t mind but after a while, you could feel a bit of heat pool in your underwear. Before the end of the movie, his hand was in between your legs, thankfully you were fully clothed otherwise there might have been a major problem. You also didn’t want to squeeze your thighs shut for fear of calling attention to the problem.
You quickly glanced back at Kylo, his head was still resting on the couch, his eyes were still closed, but the hand that was in your hair was now just resting on the armrest. You turned your attention back to the movie as something major was happening. You could feel his fingers absentmindedly twitch every so often. This made the heat grow stronger.
The moment the movie ended you rushed to get up. This was the first time in the better part of two hours that Kylo had seemingly consciously done anything. He made a noise of protest and looked annoyed at the change of your position. But you didn’t stick around long, you rushed to your room and into your bathroom.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror, you were completely reddened and your pupils were dilated. In an effort to get a hold of your self you splashed cold water on your face. That seemed to only help your blush, but it did not seem to help the heat in your underwear. You went pee, which helped and washed your hands and splashed water on your face once more. You felt much more normal afterward. You debated whether or not you needed to change, but you thought that might draw unwanted attention to your situation.
You exited the bathroom and bedroom, joining Kylo what you now referred to as the living room once more. You sat on the loveseat only to be pulled back into his lap. This frustrated you a bit as you wanted a bit of distance to help your predicament.
Kylo hooked his chin over your shoulder and asked if you wanted to watch another holovid. Part of you did as you liked the relaxing aspect of watching a movie, but part of you was flustered and knew that it would not be a good idea. With one hand holding the data pad, you now felt his other hand skimming the outside of your thigh, making it difficult to think.
“I actually think I should go to bed, I have the committee meeting early in the morning and I would like to be rested before speaking to people I don’t know,” you said as the introverted person you are.
You felt the hand that was skimming your outer thigh move to trace the top of your pants. Kylo had put the data pad back on the coffee table and had moved to your upper thigh with its fingertips dangerously too close to your crotch.
Kylo made a noise of disapproval at your statement of wanting to go to bed. The hand that was on your thigh gripped you tighter and his hips shifting underneath you. It took every fiber of your being to remind you that you had met this man yesterday. And that even though he was your soulmate you were not going to treat this like any of the flings you had in college. You wanted to know this man, to truly know this.
It was at this point you remembered that he could read minds, and you blushed once more. Did he read your mind earlier in the bathroom or while you were sitting with him during the movie? If he did and was doing so now he should be able to also tell that sleeping with him right now was not something you were comfortable with, although you really wanted to. You were going to do this right. Whatever this is.
You moved to get up once more, slightly chanting in your head that you wanted to wait on this. As you did you felt the hand that had been on your thigh just ghost over your crotch before ultimately letting you go. As you stood you turned your head to look at Kylo, whom you caught in the act at looking at your butt.
“Goodnight,” you said.
Clearing his throat he said, “goodnight.”
You made your way into your room once more and took a quick cold shower to relieve yourself from any unwanted symptoms. You made a quick thought against touching yourself as you didn’t know if he was still reading your mind. You reminded yourself that you wanted to wait. You changed and crawled into bed, setting an early morning alarm on your newly modified phone. It didn’t take long to drift into sleep.
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mandochlorian · 4 years
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planetary (Padawan!ben solo x Padawan!reader)
summary: what do you do when you just want to start a new life? 
in other words:
planetary  (adjective)                 1. wandering, or erratic.
general masterlist
star wars masterlist
warnings: mentions/allusions to mental illness, angst, kinda sad but trying to be uplifting or optimistic. running away. 
The field is seldom occupied - that’s why it quickly became your and Ben’s favourite spot. He leans against a large tree, close but somewhere far away. Pressing your back against the cold grass, you let your head rest against his arm, “I’m tired.” 
“Today was tough.” Ben agrees, already feeling his eyes becoming heavy with exhaustion, “Luke’s really testing us.”
“There’s...” you find the words, struggling to pinpoint your thoughts, “There’s something about him lately. He seems...”
“Afraid,” Ben finishes, giving you a nod, “I’ve sensed it in him for some time now.”
“I thought Master Skywalker was never afraid.” You admit to Ben, staring at his expression for the answers, “Do you know what this is about?”
Ben just shakes his head. His uncle has always been a mystery to him, why would that change now? Luke doesn’t treat Ben like he’s his nephew. He treats him like he’s any other Padawan training under him. “I don’t know if I can take another day of this, if I’m honest with you,” Ben shuts his eyes, “He’s burning us all out. Did you see-”
“Lou fainted! I know!” You cut him off, nodding your head quickly, “Lucky she was okay. I think I still got bruises from Master Skywalker though.” The comment comes off in a casual laugh. But Ben doesn’t return it. He stares at you.
“Bruises?” Ben repeats your words. He’s confused, trying to hold back anger and fear that threatens to overflow in his chest all at once. “What bruises?”
“You didn’t see what happened?” You question him, furrowing your eyebrows. He’s not going to like this. Shit. “I thought you-”
“I was talking about Fera.” He dismisses.
“What happened to him?”
“Ripped the skin from both his hands from using his lightsaber too much. What bruises?” Ben asks again, never having let go of a question once he has posed it.
Shaking your head, you blink softly, “It’s not a big deal. I get bruises from training all the time.” You remind Ben.
“From training against other Padawans and simulators. Not from my uncle.” He stares, more sternly now, while his eyes are wide and staring down at you. He’s already examined your body, trying to find any clear evidence of damage or harm.
Letting out a sigh, you confess, “When I tried to help her up, Luke came at me with his saber. I tried to fight him off with the force, I left my lightsaber on my training mat to help Lou. And he took a big swing, I wasn’t able to dodge in time, so he pushed me to the ground before the blade could get me. Said if this were a fight, I’d be dead.”
Turning his head away from you, Ben casts his furious eyes upon the grassy land in front of him. He says nothing. Ben just pauses for a long moment. The moment is filled with rage, you can sense it inside him; bubbling, almost at the tipping point. Ben has to clench his teeth together, has to push the thought of the incident from playing in his head. “I detest that man.” Ben finally speaks up.
“It’s nothing, please don’t take this to heart,” you reassure him, placing your hand on his.
“I hate him.” Ben responds, looking to you with all the seriousness in the galaxy, “I know he’s my uncle but... I have zero respect for that man.”
“No, Ben, come on.” You mumble, moving to kneel before him. You place both hands on his cold cheeks, staring him deep in the eyes, “You can’t let hate consume your heart. Remember your training.”
“My training?” He scoffs, the inklings of a sarcastic smile on his lips, “My training tells me to be a droid; emotionless, logical - to remove everything I fear to lose.” You take your hands from his face. He continues, “Don’t you see the irony? We were trained by a man who is now consumed with fear,” Ben notes, gazing up at you as you listen intently, “I hate every second I have to be in the same room with that man.”
“He’s your family,” you calmly remind him.
Ben blinks up at you, swallowing the lump in his throat, “Family means nothing to me now.”
“It’s true,” he cuts you off as you sit back down onto your knees, “My parents don’t visit. My uncle calls me ‘Benjamin’. I mean nothing to anyone-”
“You mean something to me.” You cut him off, watching him closely, “You mean everything to me.” Your eyes gaze into his own, and you find yourself leaning in to him. Ben’s brown eyes are focused on your lips, how soft they look, how they’re getting closer to his. And he finds himself leaning in too. He puts his hands on your waist, pulling you closer so you’re sitting in the middle of his stretched and parted legs, facing him. “Ben.” You mumble, your forehead pressed against his. There’s hesitation in your voice.
“I know,” he mutters back, voice low, “Trust me, I know.” He closes his eyes for a brief moment, taking in the feeling of having you so close to him. It’s torture. Sitting here, alone with you, and being unable to even kiss you. It’s torture being a Jedi. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Ben’s eyes open and drift up to you. His lips are parted slightly and he looks down as he takes his hands away from you.
You watch him fondly, staying between his legs and laying your back against his front. Ben wraps his arms around you, holding you close and warm.
Ben stares at a distant ship pervading through the air, heading in the opposite direction of you two, “I know you like my hair, but sometimes I look in the mirror and I get this sudden urge to shave it all off.”
“Oh, yum.”
“Yum?” He exclaims out loud, snapping his eyes to you as he laughs, “I’d be... all ears.”
“That’s hot.” You tease him, turning your head to look up at him, “We can be bald together.”
“You’re going to shave your head?” Ben raises his eyebrows.
“If you do, yeah, why not?” You shrug.
Ben huffs our a breath, turning his gaze back up to the sky, “You’d probably look good bald.” He says it with feigned anger and jealousy, causing you to let out a laugh.
It dies down against the quiet breeze that begins to build. Ben can sense your melancholy, the feeling that resides deep within you despite being able to laugh and joke and smile. Your face is expressionless now.
“Maybe you just need a change. A big change.” You add, “I feel like that too sometimes - like I could change my name, my face... everything.”
Ben understands. He asks, “What stops you?”
“You.” You admit against the quiet. Ben sits up beside you, his eyes almost questioning you; pushing you to go on. “When I think about leaving this place, you’re the only thing that stops me. I could never leave you.”
“Me too,” Ben admits, eyes widening slightly, “in my sleep, I dream about living a new life. I pack my bags and wait until nightfall... But whenever I want to board a ship and leave, I just walk to your room instead. I never leave. Y/N?” He asks all of a sudden, you watch him seriously, eyes filled with concern at his tone, “What are we doing here?” He pauses, seeing you unable to answer, “Why are we living a life we don’t want to live? I can’t live my whole life not touching you, or being with you, or...” he takes a breath, admiring your lips, “I can’t go my whole life pretending not to feel.”
��Ben,” you frown, “We’re becoming Jedis.”
“Is that what we want?” He asks sternly, seeing you look to the ground, “What do you want?” Ben stares at you closely.
“I can’t answer that.”
“You can’t make me say it, you know what I want. Ben, what don’t you understand?” You ask him, your heart seeming to shatter, “We have a gift, you and I. It’s our responsibility to use it for good.”
“Who says this is good? Luke?” Ben questions you gently, “Do you believe that? Or is it something you’ve learnt to recite?” He softly takes your hands into his, “I’ll tell you what I want... I want to leave this place. I want to find a planet where I could live, nothing big just a place to eat and sleep. I can get a job anywhere as a mechanic, or smuggling, or anything. Y/N,” he swallows the lump in his throat, “We can do that. Together.”
After a pause, a small smile grows on your face, “Smuggling?”
Ben lets out a small chuckle, “My dad used to take me on some pick ups. I know the most popular routes.”
“What about Skywalker?” You ask him, “I doubt he’d let his nephew go that easy.”
Rubbing a thumb on the back of your hand, Ben gives you a shrug, “He can’t make us do anything.”
A smile builds on your lips, noticing how Bengrows closer to you, “How are we getting off this planet?”
“Flying.” He answers smugly, sensing that he’s convinced you.
“What ship?” You shoot back, leaning back with ever moment he moves closer to you.
“Any,” whispers Ben, now staring down at you as you lay against the grass, “we’ll find a ship and fly into the stars.”
“Do we change our names?”
“You can,” he shrugs with a smile, “though you have such a lovely name, Y/N.”
You roll your eyes at him before pausing, taking a breath, “Ben.”
“I’d follow you to the end of the galaxy.” You admit to him, placing a hand on his cheek.
Ben’s eyebrows lift slightly when he closes his eyes. It feels as though a massive weight has been lifted off of his shoulders... like he can finally breathe. “Ben?”
“Hm?” He responds, eyes still closed.
“Does this mean I can kiss you?”
Ben opens his eyes. A smile automatically comes to his mouth. “Yes.” He grins widely, “Yes.”
“Good.” You mumble quietly, breath caught in your throat as his lips brush yours. The electricity of it has you gasping lightly, your eyes coming to a close when Ben finally touched his lips against yours. Your lips move against one another sweetly, slowly, calmly, and this surprises you; you thought it’d be way more heated after spending so long keeping away from one another.
When you pull away from him, you just look at him for a moment. The grin is gone from his lips as he stares at you, his heart in shock. But then Ben grins, his eyes squinting with the size of his smile. He pecks your lips quickly, pulling back to stare into your eyes. You smile too, rubbing your thumb on his cheek.
“We’re gonna fly out of here,” Ben confirms, “We’re gonna find some place we can live. Really live.”
Pressing your body against his, you wrap your arms around Ben who returns your embrace. You can’t help but smile so wide your cheeks start to hurt. But you can’t stop smiling. You squeeze him tightly and Ben laughs, rolling around on the grass. You laugh with one another, and he pauses. You’re both side by side and you pull apart, still grinning.
The air feels fresh, you take a deep inhale of it before you speak, “I can’t wait to finally live.”
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damn-stark · 4 years
All That’s Left Ch.3
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Star Wars au
A/N- uhhh, I love how this turned out, I hope you guys like it too. Don’t be afraid to leave your thoughts and if you have any ideas or suggestion on the story that you want to see added, tell me.
Warning- Violence, mentions of blood, light swearing, SLOW BURN, Long chapter, soft Ben (somewhat)
Pairing- Poe Dameron x Reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
You look over your shoulder and smirk, “I’m lightspeed skipping.” Quickly you maneuver your hands around the control board, avoiding being hit by passing debris, ignoring Ben’s constant and annoying protests to your sudden actions.
Protest that became more persistent as the First Order was still on your tail. “Yeah, don’t worry I’m not going back.” Gripping onto the lever above your head you briefly shut your eyes in fear of the outcome, “Hold on! Last jump maybe forever!” With a boost of self confidence you push the level forward, seeing the familiar streaking stars from hyperspace for a split second before jumping into an unknown green planet.
Trying to make the landing as smooth as possible (not possible) quickly backfired as the Falcon crash-landed on the jungle covered planet, leaving behind an obvious smokey trail.
That was going bring unwanted attention...
Right as you tried to express your sort of positive outcome of this rough landing, your chair was spun around, coming face to with a furious Ben Solo. “That was stupid! You can’t lightspeed skip the Falcon!”
You push yourself off your chair and stand inches from his face, shooting him a burning glare. “Looks like I did.” You grimace, “now move you scruffy looking tree.”
Shoving past him you leave the cockpit, expecting him to come storming after you, but he didn’t, instead someone else followed after you. Poe.
“If you’re going to scold me too, save it, I don’t want to hear it.”
“No, I was just—” Poe was immediately interrupted by the people you had totally forgotten traveled with you.
“What happened over there? Where are we?” Finn questioned.
Poe answered for you in a more excited manner than you had wanted. “Y/N, just got the First Order off us by Lightspeed skipping!”
Rey whipped her head in your direction with a narrowed gaze, “You can’t lightspeed skip the Falcon!”
That’s excatly what Ben said...aren’t they cute.
You shrug as a response and excuse yourself from the scene to do anything but be with people. Leaving your mind to wonder now about who told the First Order about your immunity? It had to be someone within the crew. Who else would it be? Ben and you only talked about it inside this ship.
But who was it?
“It was you wasn’t it?” You heard Ben accuse bluntly.
You roll your eyes and turn away from the part of the Falcon you intended to fix. “What?”
“I told you not to tell anyone about your problem and you did.” Ben seethed as he walked up to you. “Now the First Order is after us!”
“I know,” you sighed deeply, “but I didn’t tell them. Why would I?”
“Let me make one thing clear to you, my father and you got bit. He died and you didn’t. Whatever death wish you may want from the first order, save it! Your life is not up to gamble. We’re doing this whether you want to or not.” He turned to walk away, leaving you with your head hung low, but with a dangerous confidence.
“You know what, no!” You bellow, “do you think you’re the only one who’s lost people because of this stupid virus?!” Ben stops, but doesn’t turn to face you. Instead you storm up to him and all he does is stand and listen. “I lost my sister because she got bit! The only person I ever had!” Your voice cracks but you try to hold your tears in, try to feed off your anger.
“At least you have more people that love you! A mother to go to, a friend you trust! I don’t have anyone anymore. They’ve either died or left me, all because of this stupid virus. So, don’t come at me with that shit. I feel bad already.” You swallow thickly, “but I want to help because of people like your dad and my sister.”
Ben swallowed thickly, frozen where he stood and again no expression really on his face, just the one he always seemed to have, a default expression. Brooding. The only thing that did move were his eyes, like if he were speaking millions of words within them. A familiar expression that your brother would do too. Never really letting people know what they were going through unless you really paid attention.
And just like Armitage he left without saying a word. Leaving you alone.
“At least you’re my friend, right little droid?” You smile as you glance down at the little orange and white droid. Who by the way had chosen to follow you out to collect water.
The little droid chirps in agreement, making you smile wider. The sight of your smile faltering at the sound of branches breaking behind you—their shouldn’t have been a reason to be so paranoid since you weren’t alone anymore, but your mind was still used to that feeling. That and well their were dead lurking around.
Regardless you take out your blade and spin around only to face Poe. “Are you following me?” You tease while putting your blade back, letting come with you to the lake you heard not far from where you....crash-landed.
“You have my droid.” He answered, “I didn’t want you taking him.”
You scoff and shoot him a side glance, “he’s my only friend, I’m afraid to say...after what I did, people are angry at me.”
“I was joking.” He quickly interjected, clearing his throat to follow up on your previous comment. “You did crash the ship....”
Your shoulders drop and a frown replaces the smile you seemed to carry before.
“But,” Poe continued, “it was impressive.” Your breathing hitch’s and you lift your head to watch from the corner of your eye, “You got us out of danger, can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same, because I would have.” From the corner of your eye you saw a charming smile on his lips, his eyes focused on you for a brief second before focusing on the path ahead. “I guess you were true to your word when you said you were a good pilot.”
You smile and hide the fact that your cheeks were burning at his very innocent compliment. “Don’t you have someone else to talk to?”—Way to go! “I mean your friends or girlfriend.”
Poe’s eyebrow quirks and he looks at you with a puzzled gaze, “I can’t talk to you?”
“I just mean,” you stammer as you keep busy crouched down trying to collect water, “well...”—stars
Poe tries to not be hurt by what you said and tries to interpret it as what you meant to say by that weird comment. “We’re part of the same crew now, that makes us friends...unless you prefer to be like Ben?”
You glance up at him with an amused smile, shaking your head in disagreement, “no.”
“Then that’s why I’m talking to you. We’re friends.” He shrugs all nonchalant, taking the jug of water from you to carry it himself. “Plus I find you very easy to talk to.”
You smile shyly, his compliment once again making your cheeks burn hot. His compliments overall just making you giddy—mostly because you weren’t used to people complementing you. The only person that did was your sister, but it wasn’t the same as when other people did it. Especially not people like him.
“Where did you learn how to do that by the way?” He continues to ask as the three of you began to head back to the Falcon. “Lightspeed skip I mean?”
You shrug, “things you pick up when you’re living on the run...that and reading pilots logbooks surely help.”
Poe gives a short nod as a response, his eyes drifting to the depths of the jungle as if lost in thought for a moment until something clicked. “Back there in Takodana, did you know what General hugs was talking about? I mean they were after us and I’m sure it had to do with what he mentioned, because I doubt they would care if a crew like us just decided to leave.”
Your demeanor falls and you find it difficult to find any words or a good lie. “Uhh well,” You stammer nervously, “maybe they just—” sudden thick drops drip onto your forehead from above, making you cut yourself off to wipe the drop off with your fingers. Something that was obviously not rain...
A soft gasp escapes your lips as you bring your fingers in front of you, the red glistening blood tainting them making you confused and making you look up to see where it came from. A look of horror now expressed on your face as you saw a demon on the branch above, it’s mouth chewing on something unidentifiable.
Without making a loud commotion, you grab onto Poe’s arm and tug his sleeve to stop him from continuing any further; He looks at you perplexed and right when he was going to question your odd behavior his eyes followed your line of sight. His own fear shown in his eyes as he saw the danger you both were in now. And that fear only worsened when the demon began to climb down the tree, slowing crawling your way.
“Don’t move.” Poe whispered as you both froze in place. Watching the demon stand on its two feet making you hold your breath, flinching as it snapped its bloodied and caved in jaw in front of you, his blood red eyes looking straight at you, making your breath heavy and feel sweat beads form on your forehead.
You knew it couldn’t hear you but you couldn’t muster up any words, just panicked breaths. Only letting your eyes flicker to Poe’s every other second out of fear. From the corner of your eye seeing Poe pull out his blaster to shoot said demon, and when he was about to try, the demon let out a blood curdling scream, that bringing out more dead from within the jungle.
“There’s too many.” You muster up, “we won’t be able to take em all. We have to run.”
Poe looked between the demon, slowly walking to hold your hand in his, to pull you with him in moments notice. “BB8, when I say run, you run or roll like hell, got it bud?” Poe advised his little friend, his eyes then landing on you, “You too, got it?”
“Got it.” You nod, feeling his hand tighten around yours, feeling like your heart was going to jump out.
Without needing to repeat himself you all began to run, seeing as Poe dropped the water you had collected and noticed that the movement definitely caught the attention of the demons that were now chasing after you—and while you were sprinting towards safety or the best thing that was, you never thought you’d be happier to see Ben Solo, ever.
Ben didn’t share your same happiness, especially not when he saw what was after you. He urged Poe, BB8 and you to get inside the Falcon, but a couple of the demons had caught movement around and inside the ship, rushing towards Ben and some of the crew that was working on said ship outside; causing them to avoid rushing inside in order to keep those inside safe for now.
The bigger problem now was that Finn, Ben and Zorri were now running from the danger. Everyone now trying to find somewhere to hide in, or at least some place where you were going to gain the upper hand. But for several minutes or what seemed to be hours neither of you stopped running, or looked back, you just kept sprinting to get away from the dangerous threat—only because neither of you fell and well everyone knew that if you stopped and faced the demons head on, then their will be no tomorrow, and your whole mission to be the galaxies hope was going to be ruined.
Luckily though something came to view, buildings that almost blended with the rest of the jungle, and that you would have missed if Poe didn’t point them out.
“Quickly, go!” Poe bellowed, pushing you forward inside the base while he stayed behind and made sure everyone was in first, his heavy breathing turning into panicked breaths as the demons got closer.
His girlfriend urged him to hurry and get inside as well, but the gate was stuck. He looked over his shoulder spotting that they were only getting closer.
“Come on you damned thing!” He stressed while he kept trying to pull the gate down, flexing his muscles to use all the strength he could. “Come on, come on!” Finn, Ben and zorri took out their blasters to help Poe out and keep him from getting hurt, making you mentally curse yourself for not having one. All you could do was regrettably watch from behind, hoping that no one would get hurt.
Until finally the gate budged and Poe slid under, letting the gate drop and cut the hands off a demon that tried to pull him off. That and well securing this place for now.
“You got something on your boot.” You breathed, in some way trying to ease the situation and pull the attention away from the pounding on the gate.
Poe glanced at his boots and shook off said thing before sliding down and catching his breath. Letting everyone but Ben do the same. Noticing as his eyes would glance to you as he paced back and forth with his hands balled at his sides.
“If you have something to say. Say it.” You muttered, making Ben stop in his tracks beside you.
Ben exhaled deeply, his eyes narrowed on you for a moment too long. Your first thought was that he was going to get you in trouble for the trouble Poe and you brought, but instead Ben took out a blaster he had holstered at his side—his face never softened, nor did his lips show a smile, or something that represented one, but his eyebrows weren’t as furrowed and well his glare didn’t look like it could kill you. Instead he actually looked to the ground seeming to be nervous about something.
“Take it,” he said dryly, the blaster he had out for you to take. “You need it.”
You looked at said object and then blinked up at him in surprise. Not only because he was being somewhat kind, but he was offering you the blaster you saw his father have...once. (Here you thought he was going to shoot you.)
“You don’t have one,” he interrupted, “you need it, or the next time you end up in a situation like this you’ll die.”
Well so much for being nice.
Carefully you extended your hand out and reached for it, your hand somewhat shaky from the previous events and the thought of this being some sick joke.
“Thank you.” You stammered while very carefully taking the blaster from his hand, noticing how quickly he turned away, but also noticing how his face turned serious and hard. Like if he had something else in mind.
“We need to find a way out,” Finn pointed out. “A way that doesn’t involve us crossing paths with those flesh eaters.”
“I recognize this place,” Poe added as he jumped to his feet, not taking long to wonder around the abandoned base. “We’re on a resistance base in..Ajan Kloss.” Poe stood by a big covered table and removed the sheet that spread over it, dust and dirt flying off as he threw it to the side revealing a briefing table. “Theirs tunnels that run under the different base buildings. They were built just in case the first order tried to surprise us. I just need to find the map...” he trailed off as he walked around the table in search for something.
Your mind also wondering off his comments at the mention of the first order, slight guilt taking over your thoughts.
“Would their be fuel here?” You later asked, catching the attention of Poe and Finn.
“Yes,” Poe nodded, “but not in this room.”
Just as you were going to add something else, Ben decided to interrupt. With a not so pleasant subject. “I need to know first. Who gave us off to the first order? It was one of you that much I know.”
“Ben, don’t.” You warned sharply.
Ignoring you, Ben continued, his eyes bouncing from Poe, Finn and Zorri. “All for what? Credits? Food? Fuel?” He swallowed thickly and took threatening steps towards the intended group now fully paying attention to Ben. “All things you could’ve gotten in time when we got to base. But one of you decided to go behind my back and share what was meant to be a secret.”
Ben’s eyes fixated on each suspect, his gaze narrowing, and dark eyebrows furrowed, giving off that same look that looked like he wanted to read each and every thought in your mind. It was an uncomfortable look to be under, and it would be even more uncomfortable if one of them was guilty, which....one was.
“You.” Ben mouthed, his eyes leaving Finn’s and focusing solely on Zorri. “I can feel your fear...you’re nervous...guilty.” He slowly walked towards her, or close enough to her as he could before Poe stood in front of her protectively.
“Leave her alone, Solo.” Poe warned.
A warning Ben ignored and one, Zorri took for granted as she pushed him aside and stood proudly in front of Ben, showing no fear—even if Ben contradicted her otherwise.
“You put all our lives at risk.” Ben seethed, “revealed something that was not yours to say. It was meant to be a secret for her own good.” He didn’t say names but no one needed to be told who it was he referred to. It was obviously you. “You put her life at risk. Now because of you the first order will hunt us down.” Ben’s eyes shifted to Poe, showing him a burning glare. “Here I thought you respected my mother, but now I know you don’t.”
“He wasn’t a part of it.” Zorri interjected sharply, “it was all me. I told the First Order of your girls immunity.”
Poe eyebrows knotted as he snapped his head towards Zorri’s direction, his face expressing pure betrayal for his girlfriends actions.
Ben’s jaw tightened, his fists slightly shaking at his side as he snapped at her. “Now because of you, the whole galaxy knows the value we carry. Everyone who wants to be allied with first first order, and who wanted what you so badly needed will be after her! You’re a selfish lowlife—”
“Ben!” You snapped, his eyes instantly falling on you and stopping whatever nasty comment he was going to tell her. “Just leave her alone.”
Ben’s eyes lingered on you for a moment longer, studying your face, trying to read what you were thinking, or why it was that he instantly stopped on your call. Why he felt the need to listen to you, and why he felt himself ease by a simple look.
Whatever it was, it passed in a flash, and instead of continuing to torment the girl he spun on his heels and stormed away, in the process using his...force abilities to slam a chair into a wall of computers. Making you flinch at said action, watching as he disappeared in the shadows in search for...well who knew. Leaving Zorri to follow after an angry Poe, in attempts to talk or apologize for what was revealed, but an excuse he didn’t want to hear, he just dismissed her with a sharp whisper. Ultimately leaving only Finn and you to look for the map.
It was quiet and awkward at first, neither of you speaking just having to hear Zorri and Poe “quietly” arguing. It was VERY uncomfortable so Finn started the conversation in attempts to at least make things less tense.
“Immune, huh....how did it happen?”
Pressing a computer back to life your eyes shift to meet Finn’s, “a corpse came out of nowhere and surprised me...that’s the shortest version I’ll share without having you hear me talk for hours.”
Finn chuckled as he looked at the files you were searching for over your shoulder. “You seem familiar, you know...have we met before?”
You shoot him a side glance before continuing. Now in more nervous manner. “Uhmm...I don’t think so.”
Finn stayed quiet for a moment, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t feel his eyes on you. The awkward silence once again falling over the both of you, hearing the couple arguing, and the pounding on the gate from the demons still surrounding the area.
“Now I know. You were part of the first order, weren’t you?”
You immediately freeze at the mention, keeping your eyes downcast, unable to focus on him out of fear for what he was going to say next.
“I was FN-2187. You weren’t in the trooper academy but I would see you hanging around.”
You slowly slid your eyes to meet his, a sad feeling hitting you at passing memories. “I don’t like talking about it...it’s not a part of my life I’m proud of.”
“Is it anyone’s?” Finn chuckled.
“I can name a few people that think it’s their greatest life story.” You respond, pushing down what you felt and managing a faint smile.
At the sound of your name, you look back to see Ben standing by where he had disappeared to moments ago, a not so amused look on his face when he saw Finn and you talking.
“I found the way to the tunnels, Dameron mentioned. Let’s go.”
“Is it just me or do these tunnels give anyone else a bad feeling?” Finn’s voice was heard behind you in a loud whisper.
“Yeah, I have to agree with you buddy. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Poe responded.
Having no other option but having to stay close to Ben, you took advantage of the light provided by his..lightsaber, to check out the weird carvings these tunnels were made out of.
“Just stay focused, we’re almost out.” Ben deadpanned, ignoring the shuffling sound that was heard further into the tunnel. A sound that made you take out the blaster Ben gave you.
“Staying focused.” You whispered in a shaky voice, swallowing thickly the more you continued down the dark tunnel. Moments later having to come to a quick stop before bumping into Ben—before you had the chance to even think of a remark, you saw what caused the noise before.
Stormtrooper Corpses.
Dangerous, only because they had armor other corpses didn’t—they seemed to be busy eating the serpent that made said creepy tunnel. But that didn’t even grant you access to the exit they were blocking.
“Dameron, you get the one on the far right and I go for the one on the left.” Ben ordered in a soft whisper, said man he was ordering nodding without question.
“What about me?” You probed.
Ben turned to meet your gaze and shook his head. “You, stay here.”
Your eyebrows furrow and you cross your arms over your chest, having no other option but having to watch Ben and Poe sneak you up on said corpses. Both men successfully taking them out.
Right as Ben was going to motion you over to the intended exit, by pure luck you caught glimpse of another white helmet sneaking up behind Ben—Without saying a word you raised your blaster, aiming for the corpse, but in doing so, making Ben’s gaze narrow at the immediate thought that you were going to blast him, until two blasts shot the corpse trooper behind him and contradicting his thoughts.
The last deadly shot hitting the troopers throat and making it drop by Ben. “I guess you were right,” you smiled, “I did need a blaster.”
“Nice save.” Poe complimented when you passed by him to go towards the exit. Only for your smile to fall and your mouth be left agape at the sight of a swarm of demons inside the destroyed base. “There’s too many of them.” You muttered, your head snapping towards Ben who gave the same reaction as you, but in a more discreet way.
“We have to—” the sound and sight of blasts hitting the swarm of demons multiple times cut Ben off, all of you looking to the sky expecting to see the Falcon killing the demons, but ending up even more shocked when you noticed it was a TIE fighter.
That sight and the sight of...Snoke’s ship coming out of hyperspace outside of the planets atmosphere making your heart drop.
“Is that-that Snoke’s ship?” Poe asked while his eyes remained wide in surprise.
Now that the space was clear, the rest of the group walked out and wanted to find a way to return to the Falcon. But before you could even think of moving, the sight of Ben keeping his gaze locked on the main ship caught you off guard, making you turn back to catch his attention.
“Ben, we have to go. Come on!”
Ben eyes broke away from the ship in the sky and landed on you, himself looking in disbelief at what he had happened. That look though turning into a serious demeanor when he saw the TIE that landed a few feet before you.
The rest of the crew backed away and fell by yours and Ben’s side, a gulp expressed by you when stormtroopers marched out of the ship. A look of pure fear expressed in your eyes when you finally caught sight of the red head walking out behind them, someone you dreaded to see, the man you never wanted to cross paths with especially with what happened the day before.
Armitage eyes instantly found you, a smirk making it past his lips as he spoke in a cold voice, “Hello, sister.”
Tagged- @thescarletknight2014​​​​ , @lanatheawesome​​​​ , @yodaboo​​​​ , @geo-winchester​​​​ , @ginger-swag-rapunzel​​​​ , @mamanoota5​​​​ , @peachdameron​​ , @roserrys​​ , @too-lit-for-fanfic​ , @jimpyknees​ , @softly-sad​
Permanent taglist- @ms-dont-care​ , @commondazy​
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azwriting · 5 years
Noise (Forget Me Not, Kylo Ren x Reader) - Chapter Nine
Here’s chapter nine, kind of shorter chapter but I am planning for much longer chapter’s coming up! Also did I hint at StormPilot, yes I did. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Summary: Leia tells Poe the truth about (Y/N), while (Y/N) finds comfort in Kylo.
Warning(s): Brief mentions of death
Word Count: 2757
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(Y/N) stirred in her bed, sweat dripping down her forehead and making the fabric of her attire cling to her skin. She could not breathe, soft gasps sounding from her lips as she struggled. The chaos inside would not die down even in sleep. It was a constant battle for dominance, two people fighting, clawing to reach the surface. A whimper escaped in between her sharp inhales as the uproar continued to grow inside. She could not handle it anymore, she needed quiet. (Y/N) recalled the early morning moment when his arms had wrapped around her, the relief it had provided her. Chasing that high, that burning need, she left her room in search of her salvation. 
She barely registered it was dark outside again or how cold she was in her simple black nightgown, a major change from the black sweater and pants she fell asleep in. Her brain hammered against her skull as she stared at the closed white door ahead. All voice of reason left her when she swallowed the lump in her throat stepping forward. Her movement caused the motion sensors to awaken and open the door. The noise urged (Y/N) forward, tiptoeing in and stopping at the foot of the bed.
Before her, laid a dark sleeping figure, their mouth open ajar with soft spurts of air, barely audible, emitting from their lips. (Y/N) bit her lip anxiously, her mind already quieting down just by the proximity of him. She stood still for a few minutes, hesitation gluing her in place. He looked just as he had when they were children and she would sneak into his room. So much had changed though.
Suddenly the figure opened their eyes and lifted their head off the silky dark purple pillow. “(Y/N)?” His raspy voice sliced through the quiet night, an elbow propping him up. (Y/N) finally felt unfrozen and she trembled stepping forward. 
“Ben.” She whispered, climbing onto the other side of the bed. His dark eyebrows furrowed together in confusion from her actions, but he remained silent. (Y/N) slid closer to him, weaving her arms around his bare torso. He tensed at the feeling, watching her lay her head down onto his chest. Slowly he laid back down, his black curls flopping against the silk. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, the pain was gone, he was the remedy. “You make the noise go away.” She mumbled, his presence and warmth lulling her back to sleep.
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Poe was growing agitated. All his leads were going cold and his sources could not locate the Supreme Leader. All his informants could only report that Kylo Ren was not on any First Order base or ship and neither was his prisoner. It was like the man knew to run, to hide, and Poe had a sneaking suspicion on who tipped him off. To top it off, the General kept avoiding him. After her recent disclosure, Poe was left with only more concern. (Y/N) was his best friend, besides for BB-8 or Finn, although Finn was something else entirely. He could not plan a top secret rescue mission if he did not know the location. He was becoming desperate and desperate times called for desperate measures.
It was late on the Resistance Base, most of the crew now retiring for the evening. Poe sat at the small table, foot tapping impatiently as he waited. He liked to think of himself as a man of reason, but he needed answers. So his approach had to change a little. The door to the living quarters flew open revealing just the woman he wanted to see. “Dameron.” The General spoke calmly despite the unexpected visitor in her chambers.
 “Leia.” The woman sighed as she stepped inside eyeing the young man. “You’ve been avoiding me and I think it’s time for a little chat.” Poe nodded his head towards the chair across the table from him. She nodded obviously displeased, but moved to sit down. 
“What do you want to discuss?” The General questioned, but she knew already. Poe knew she did. 
“Oh you know, the little matter of (Y/N) and your son.” Leia exhaled sharply rubbing at her forehead. “And I want everything.” 
The General lifted her eyes to him, “The truth is hard.” Poe went to protest, to convey that fact that he did not care, but he quickly shut his mouth. He watched the pained expression on her face, realizing the truth was not hard for him, it was painful for her. He remained silent as he waited, waiting for answers.
 “I knew (Y/N)’s biological parents, they were advisors to the New Republic on Chandrila.” Poe stayed quiet, wishing for her to continue, internally processing the fact that the General had truly known (Y/N) prior to her memory loss. Up until that moment, a part of him was still in denial. “When she was four, there was a horrible fire both of them perishing. I took (Y/N) in as my own until her and Ben left to train with Luke.” Poe’s eyes bugged in shock.
 “Wait (Y/N)’s -” Leia only nodded and silenced him. “Do you want me to continue or not?” 
Poe murmured incoherently under his breath, gesturing for her to go on. “There as padawans, descendants of two great former Jedi’s, their friendship transitioned into something more. I only witnessed it a few times, but it was beautiful.” Leia discreetly tried to clear her throat. He could see the shift in her, the difficult memories resurfacing with each word. “But it wasn’t enough, Snoke still seduced him. I-I didn’t know what to think, what to believe, I thought my son killed her that night. I mourned not one child but two. Chandrila and the galaxy was led to believe Ben died that night, only a select few originally knowing the truth.” Leia shook her head in annoyance, her eyes glassy. “(Y/N)’s body was never retrieved for obvious reasons, so we used a hologram for her as well.”
Leia fell silent allowing Poe to digest the information. (Y/N) was a Force user, who was raised by the Organa-Solo family, trained by the legendary Luke Skywalker, and in love with the grandson of Darth Vader… It was a lot to absorb. “When I found (Y/N) a year later on Hosnian begging to join the Resistance, something calling her to it, she had no memory of anything. I couldn’t bear to tell her. I couldn’t give her the pain of it all, so I kept silent to protect her.” Poe exhaled deeply running a hand through his messy curls.
 “It seems you really care for her Leia, but how could you let her stay with Ren? Why would you give him a heads up? Don’t even try to deny it, I know you did.” Poe stood from his seat, growing frustrated. 
The General only looked up to him with a challenging expression. “Yes Poe, why would I let the one thing my son truly loves, the person he thought was dead all these years stay with him? If there’s a chance he could change, put an end to this war, then it’s (Y/N)! She’s the key!” Shaking his head dismissively, Poe moved towards the door hearing more than enough. The door shot open and Poe stepped out, a question eating away at his mind. He roughly grabbed ahold of the door frame turning back to face the General. 
“You would sacrifice her to end this?” Leia shakingly stood from the table facing the Wing Commander.
 “She’s in no danger. They’re safe somewhere far from the First Order, but this is the endgame Dameron. Sometimes you have to forfeit the Queen to win.”
 Poe shook his head in defiance, “I will find her with or without your help.”
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Warm sunlight infiltrated the large bedroom waking (Y/N). A soft moan slipped from her chapped lips as she stretched out, a satisfying pop coming from her hips. Her left hand sprawled out, patting the empty space next to her. (Y/N)’s eyes fluttered open at that, finding no sign of anyone in the room. She pushed the silk sheet off of her and got out of bed, her bare feet cold against the floor. Rubbing her eyes, (Y/N) caught sight of the dresser filled with picture frames face down. Curiously she shuffled over, peering over her shoulder to confirm she truly was alone before picking up one. The frame was a sleek black and it stood apart from the others, less dust collecting on top of it. She could even make out large fingerprints from where it had been picked up countless times. She knew the hologram, of course she did, she had placed it here after all.
Ben had just returned from his private lesson with Master Luke, when he saw the young Padawan wading in the lake near their future home. "What are you doing?" Ben shouted over to her. 
"What does it look like?" (Y/N) giggled swimming over to the edge. Ben met her at the edge looking down at the radiant girl. She was practically glowing with the sun glistening off the beads of water that were scattered across her smooth skin. "How was your training?" she smiled tilting her head up to see his grimacing face. 
"It was good. Master Luke was insightful as always." (Y/N) could see the worry behind his eyes, knowing there was more to the story, but she knew when he was ready he would talk... 
"Come here" she hummed pushing herself up on the edge. Ben leaned in mindlessly, feeling her breath fan over his face. With her right hand still dripping, she moved Ben's dark hair out of his face placing her hand there instead. Ben sighed in content leaning into her hand more and more until a huge splash was heard. 
Wiping water out of her eyes, (Y/N) looked to her side seeing a wet Ben with dripping hair covering his face. (Y/N) laughed swimming over to the sulking boy. She pushed the hair out of his face, only to reveal Ben's plump bottom lip jutted out. (Y/N) giggled pressing a quick wet kiss to his pout. "Did someone fall in?" She smirked watching the corners of Ben's mouth twitch up. 
"No..." He mumbled deepening his frown, "You pulled me in!" 
She gasped, "I did no such thing!" Ben grabbed ahold of her torso and pulled her into him. She wiggled trying to escape his tight grasp but she was laughing too hard. Ben smiled at her, breaking his facade. He leaned in pressing his cold lips to hers. Every doubt, every concern, every temptation, washed away at the feeling of his love in his embrace. 
They broke apart and Ben could not wipe the look of amazement off his face, “I love you my wife.” (Y/N) only smiled wider. 
“I love you more.”
(Y/N)’s eyes focused back on the hologram before her. It was a small snippet of a wet Ben kissing her equally wet cheek. She could feel the happiness radiating out of the hologram. She could feel the sweltering love her younger self had felt at the exact moment. The hologram also capturing a rare sighting of their wedding rings hanging from their necks. They had been young and naive and now she was married to the Supreme Leader… Would she ever be able to accept that?
(Y/N) yawned as she trudged out of the door and into the hallway. The smell of something sweet flooded her nose and it carried her swiftly to the main area. Streams of sunlight greeted her, warming her to the bone. (Y/N) smiled softly stretching her arms above her head, closing her eyes as she hummed in content. A clatter pulled her attention to kitchen. The man stood there, cheeks tinted red as he watched her. “Ben?” The name slipped out without so much as a second thought. “Oh! I’m sorry, Kylo.” She corrected herself as Kylo offered her a shy smile before turning his attention back to the counter. 
“Good Morning.” His deep voice echoed through the house, goosebumps erupting up her arms. 
“Morning.” (Y/N) mumbled, anxiety gnawing away at her. She knew Kylo could sense her uneasy state, but did not address it. “Are you making breakfast?” She questioned sitting down at the small white table. Kylo only nodded making another clattering sound.
 (Y/N) stared at the man in front of her, feeling flustered and embarrassed. “I’m sorry about last night,” She chirped up, “I’m not sure what came over me.” She voiced her apology, chewing on the inside of her cheek. 
“Well from what you said about the noise going away as you climbed into bed with me, I’m not.” Another noise sounded from behind Kylo, before he turned to face her once again. “Well I’m still sorry. I overstepped a clear boundary… a line.” He sighed striding over to her seat and crouching down. His hand slowly drifted up to caress her cheek and jaw. 
“Glad to know this habit hasn’t gone away.” A small sarcastic smirk worked its way onto his face. How did he know?
(Y/N)’s internal questioning was cut short by the narrowing of his eyes, a telling notion. Of course he knew her bad habits. “(Y/N)” Kylo stood back up, his hand leaving her skin burning, awaiting their next contact. “It’s impossible to overstep a line that does not exist.” He turned back to whatever sweet food he was preparing. The fire burning in her cheek seemed to spread at his words. She decided to remain silent until the color disappeared from her face. 
(Y/N) knew she should not feel this way, this was the enemy, but it was also the boy she had loved since the moment she laid eyes on. This was her husband, the man the Force had brought her to, the man the stars had destined for her. The person she risked her chance of becoming a Jedi to be with. (Y/N) was still processing the whole ancestor of Qui-Gon Jinn and powerful Force user thing… This was the son of Leia Organa, the woman who swore there was still good left in him. (Y/N) could feel it, the light and darkness fighting within him. A constant shift in the scales. Perhaps he had been seduced by Snoke which meant he could change, that he could come back to her. Is that what she wanted? (Y/N) knew she needed to accept who she once was before she could concern herself with what the two of them were meant to be. There was a high probability that Kylo did not want to further anything anyways, it had been eleven years after all.
A plate was set down in front of (Y/N), derailing her deep thoughts momentarily. She examined the food before her, a wave of joy washing over her. “Are these…” (Y/N) trailed off, watching Kylo nod, taking his seat across from her. “You remembered.” She smiled picking up her fork to dig in. She took a small bite, moaning a little from the sweet flavor flooding her taste buds. (Y/N) looked up to express her gratitude to Kylo, only to see he had not moved a muscle instead watching her with a pained expression.
 “What’s wrong?” She pondered, eyebrows furrowing. 
“Of course I remembered that strawberry strudel was your favorite. (Y/N) I remember everything about you. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you. I thought you were dead, assumed you hated me and that was why I never saw your ghost. And now I hear you thinking that I would possibly not want you anymore. I-I…” His words stumbled over each other as his emotions poured out of his mouth. (Y/N)'s hand reached across the table grasping his tightly. This was all so wrong but she could not fight the (Y/N) (Y/L/N) inside. 
She offered him a small smile, “I’m sorry that’s not how I meant it.” Kylo nodded stiffly, keeping his eyes down on the table. 
Their hands stayed intertwined as she continued. “I’m not sure what I want or where I’m supposed to go from here, but I would like your help. Despite everything, you’re the only one that can. Like you once said ‘you and I were written in the stars.’” Kylo’s tear filled eyes raised to look at her, hope brimming inside them as well. 
“Of course I’ll help you,” He squeezed her hand, “I’ll always help you.” Perhaps they could save each other.
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Were I to have an insane and unrealistic amount of power over at Marvel I’d re-organize the Spider-Man relevant trades. I share the belief that the hurdle to new readers isn’t so much that there is a long history so much as a history spread all over the place. Wanting to read Spider-Man isn’t simple even if you do have the time and patience to read 50 years worth of comics. You need to know WHICH comics and WHAT ORDER to read them in. And the latter has a multiple choice answer!
This is part of why USM was so strong in it’s early days. 1 title, no satellites, no spin-offs. All you needed to do was pick up issue #1 or trade volume 1 and read sequentially from there. Not just easy to follow but easy to catch up and thus allow readership to grow.
Thus I propose that we simply organize the Spider-Man brand into a series of sequential trades. Functionally these will be like the Deadpool Classic trades, but with multiple trades following the various characters of the Spider-Verse. Want to read just about Peter Parker, you pick up his trades. But want to read just about Miles or Venom? The trades will have you covered going across their respective histories in the in-universe reading order.
In other words you need not worry about whether story arc A in ASM happens before story arc B in Spec and where Guest appearance C fits in. The trades would sort it all out for you. You’d just pick up any volume and read cover to cover, with tiny subplot pages and text inserted where relevant to clarify things. E.g. if there were 2 three part stories happening at the same time, you don’t want to interrupt that, so you’d just print one then have some text saying ‘the following three issues take place during the events of the ASM #X-Z’.
Additionally, in order to not make things unnecessarily confusing I’d omit retroactive stories like Untold Tales of Spider-Man, Symbiote Spider-Man, etc from these trades. My rationale is that not only would these spoil certain things but more significantly as time goes by people will inevitably write more retroactive stories meaning the trades would need to be constantly amended.
Instead I’d simply make a ‘Companion’ trade series reprinting such stories in publication order with a few notes explaining where they take place relative to the original issues. E.g. you’d pick up ‘Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic Companion Volume 1’ and before you read Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1 a note would inform you it happens after ASM #3 or whatever.
So what would these trade series be exactly?
Something like this:
1.       Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic: Simply every Peter Parker appearance or relevant comic book. ASM, Spec, New Avengers, Secret Wars, guest appearances, everything!
2.       Mary Jane Classic: Same thing for Mary Jane, albeit to save some time we could simply reprint the MJ relevant pages from various comics as there would be little need to reprint a whole Spidey adventure she just cameos in. The info text could simply give you context for each appearance before we got to meatier stories. I’d employ this method for all of the following whenever relevant.
3.       Black Cat Classic: Obviously this would include her solo minis but also and team appearances like in Heroes for Hire.
4.       Daily Bugle Classic: It occurred to me there were several stories focussing upon a lot of the supporting cast that didn’t feature Spider-Man himself. That aside people love the supporting cast so I figured some trades chronicling their exploits would make sense. For this trade series it’d focus upon J. Jonah Jameson first and foremost but also Betty Brant, Joe Robertson, Ben Urich, etc
5.       The Many Loves of Spider-Man Classic: Same idea but with the Spidey girlfriends who don’t have that many appearances to their name. The main focus would be Gwen Stacy because for good or ill she’s a character who people are interested in. But you could also throw in appearances from Deb Whitman, Carlie, etc.
6.       Spider-Man’s Tangled Web: TBH I couldn’t figure out a good name for this one, but essentially this would be about Peter’s friends who aren’t superheroes, Bugle employees or girlfriends of his. This would include Flash Thompson (pre-Venom), Liz Allan, Randy Robertson, possibly Glory Grant although she’d also fit in with the Bugle trades I guess. Throw in the Tangled web issues and your good to go!
7.       Clone Classic: As you might expect this would chronicles Ben Reilly and Kaine’s exploits, but also for good measure ALL the clearly clone related stories. So we’re talking appearances involving Miles Warren and Gwen’s clone too. Although I guess the latter could fit in ‘the Many Loves of Spider-Man’ trades.
8.       Spider-Man’s Amazing Friends Classic: All of the superhero friends Spider-Man has who are closely associated with him and have had off and on titles over the years. Prowler, Silver Sable, Rocket Racer, Sandman (when he reformed), Jackpot, Alpha, Will O’ Wisp, etc
9.       Goblins Classic: I thought of doing a trade purely about the Osborns but this seemed more logical. It’d cover every appearance of the Goblin related characters. We’re talking Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, Bart Hamilton, Roderick Kingsley, Ned Leeds, Jason Macendale, Phil Urich, Green Goblin V, Hobgoblin from Bendis’ Secret War, Gabriel+Sarah Stacy, Lily Hollister and whoever else will become a Goblin
10.   Doctor Octopus Classic: Speaks for itself, and yeah it’d include his clones from Superior onwards too.
11.   Symbiotes Classic: I thought of having this be about all the symbiotes OTHER than Venom and Carnage but having 3 sets of trades for symbiotes seemed ridiculous. This would cover every symbiote (Venom, Carnage, Hybrid, Scream, Toxin, Mania, Sleeper, etc) along with major hosts of theirs. Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Mac Gargan, Flash Thompson, Andi Benton, etc
12.   Sinister Six Classic. Maybe you couldn’t call these guys A-listers strictly speaking but these would be the real famous Spider-Man villains who haen’t already been mentioned. We’re talking the Vultures, Electros, Kravens, Mysterios, Chameleon, all the really classic costumed Spidey bad guys you could think of with the exception of some of the folks I’m gonna name below
13.   The Many Foes of Spider-Man Classic: This would chiefly chronicle the stories about the characters from Deadly/Lethal/Superior Foes of Spider-Man, most importantly Boomerang, Beetle and Shocker
14.   Spider Women Classic: All the 616 centric Spider Ladies. Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter, Mattie Franklin, Cindy Moon, Anya Corazon, maybe even throw Madame Web in there for good measure. I think it makes sense to consolidate them together into a trade series as their publication histories meant they were usually passing the baton onto one another.
15.   Miles Morales: Spider-Man Classic: Guess who this is about. Obviously this would include his appearances in Champions, Avengers, etc
16.   Gwen Stacy: Ghost Spider Classic: Every Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider/Earh-65 Gwen appearanceD
17.   Spider-Ham Classic: You get the picture. Although I’d also add in versions of Spider-Ham that are from different Earths as well
18.   Spider-Man 2099 Classic: We’re actually already doing these in real life, but I’d want them to include every version of Miguel too and brief appearances across other titles
19.   Ultimate Spider-Man Classic: Obviously the same deal for Ultimate Peter Parker, but I’d also include Ultimate Jessica Drew as well
20.   Web of Spider-Verse: A trade series that reprints in publication order every other AU Spider-People out there. All the What Ifs, the Earth X stuff, House of M, X-Men: Forever, 1602, Noir, India, Peni Parker, Fairy Tales and of course Web Warriors
21.   Spider-Girl Classic: We’re already doing this one too. Just wish it’d come out faster!
22.   Spider-Man: Japan Classic: ALL the Japanese Spider-Man stories. Every appearance of Supaidaman from Spider-Verse and beyond. Every appearance of Spider-Man J, Mangaverse Spider-Man, Spidey Fake Red and most controversially Spider-Man: The Manga (deffo gonna have to put a mature readers disclaimer on those ones.
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summahsunlight · 5 years
We Belong to the Stars, CH.9
Word Count: 2668
Pairings: Poe/Evelyn (OC)
A/N: Here is the next chapter.  Links for the other chapters are provided below so you can catch up :)
Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven / Chapter Eight / AO3
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Poe was standing at the holotable in the situation room when Evelyn entered; he couldn't stop the small smile that spread across his face as BB-8 and CB-2 followed behind her, like little bantha cubs.  He had wondered where his droid had gone, now he knew; BB-8 was with Evelyn.  His little companion had always been enamored with Evelyn because she treated him with respect, much like Poe treated him.  There were times Poe questioned if the droid loved her more than he did.
Evelyn looked up then and saw him smiling at her. Instantly, she blushed, which only made Poe's smile grow. She adverted her eyes as the other pilots began to file into the situation room.  It took a few moments for her to look back up, waiting while Snap and Jessika took their positions at the holotable.  Evelyn should have been surprised that he was still looking at her, still smiling at her slightly, but she wasn't.  For a brief moment, their eyes locked and it was as if she was the only other person in the room with him.  She felt her heart flutter; no one looked at her like the way Poe did.
He didn't look away until Leia entered the room, Major Caluan Ematt following behind her.  Poe immediately noticed Ematt's concern upon seeing Evelyn in that room.  The Major had been good friends with the Solos and Skywalkers, Ematt had watched the Skywalker children grow up.  Poe was certain that the former Rebellion solider was having trouble separating the little girl from the young woman she had become, but Poe knew that Evelyn was more than capable of the challenges ahead of them.  She's the daughter of two top notch pilots and one of which was a Jedi Knight. 
Leia approached the table and slipped a disc into the chip reader.  She pressed a button and the holoimage of a man, with white blonde hair and pale blue eyes appeared, hovering over the table. "Commander Dameron was already briefed earlier on this matter, we feel it's time to bring his squad in and take action. This is Agent Lothor.  Up until recently, he had infiltrated the First Order and had been gathering intel on the base they are building in the Unknown Regions.  We lost all contact with him about three days ago.  The First Order attacked his last known location.  Major Ematt has activated his tracker and we've located it on a habitable planet close to his last known location."
Ematt continued, "It is vital that Agent Lothor and the information is retrieved before the First Order finds him. This is a highly classified mission, Commander Dameron, so it's essential that you and your team keep this information from leaving this room. Do you understand?" 
"Of course, Major," Poe answered, with a curt nod. 
"Good. You leave first thing in the morning," Ematt replied. 
"Poe, the first sign of trouble, you get out of there," Leia informed him. "We cannot afford heavy losses."
"Yes ma'am."
"What did I tell you about calling me that?"
Poe just gave her one of his trademark smiles. Leia somehow resisted the urge to roll her eyes.  For the most part, Poe reminded her of Luke—he had a good heart and always tried to do what was right—but there were other times, the handsome young pilot reminded her of Han.  
Instead of arguing with the leader of Black Squadron, Leia dismissed them.  They needed time to prepare; they had an important mission tomorrow, probably the most important mission for the Resistance to date.
Kaleb was tried.  All he really wanted to do was grab a quick dinner in the mess hall and then head to his bunk. However, upon entering the mess, the tension in the air was palpable. He jumped into the food line, grabbed a tray, and leaned into Joph's shoulder.  "What's going on?"
Joph glanced at him as he scooped some food onto his tray. "Rumor has it that Commander Dameron's squad is going out on a classified mission tomorrow morning; they spent a lot of time in the situation room today with Major Ematt. Yolo saw them take their dinner in there about an hour ago; they haven't come out yet.  My guess, mission prep."
"No one has any theories what the mission might be?" Kaleb questioned just as realization dawned him. The missing spy. 
"Well," Joph said, his cheeks getting slightly red, "they're too busy talking about Poe assigning Evelyn to his squadron."
Kriff, Poe, really? Kaleb thought, rolling his eyes.  He knew that Poe assigning Evelyn to his squadron was because he believed in her skills, he trusted her, hell he had been one of the ones to teach Evelyn how to fly but the rest of the Resistance, they didn't know those things.  To them, it looked like an attempt to get closer to Evelyn. Maybe, he wants that, but I know that's not the reason he put Evie in his squadron.  "Joph, trust me, Poe didn't assign my sister to Black Squadron to win her back or anything.  He taught her to fly; he knows how good she is."
Shrugging his shoulders, Joph grabbed his tray of food and went off to find his friends.  Kaleb sighed, heavily, letting his eyes sweep the mess hall. Knowing that his sister was about to go on a classified, highly dangerous mission, made him not so hungry anymore.  He needed to find Poe.
Moving through the base quickly and quietly, Kaleb found Black Squadron exiting the situation room, empty trays in their mechanic, Oddy's hands.  Kaleb set his jaw and grabbed Poe, roughly, by the arm. "We need to talk."
Poe started to smile but then seeing the serious look in his friend's eyes, stopped himself. "Okay," he said, letting Kaleb drag him off to a quiet part of the base.  "Does this have something to do with my assigning Evelyn to Black Squadron?"
"No," Kaleb replied, releasing Poe's arm. "But we'll get to that in a moment.  I know my aunt gave you the mission to find Lothor."
"Yeah, we leave in the morning," Poe replied, brow creasing with mild concern.  "This is about Evie, isn't it?"
"Besides my aunt and uncle, she's the only family I have left, Poe."
"Kaleb, I won't let anything happen to her."
Pain flashed through Kaleb's blue eyes. His mother was dead, his father vanished... and Ben... it hurt the most thinking about Ben.  So, Kaleb shook away the horrendous memories, and looked his friend straight in the eye. "Promise me, Poe, promise me that you'll make sure she comes back.  I can't lose her, too." 
Setting his jaw, Poe nodded, firmly. "I promise, Kaleb. I'll make sure to bring her home." He didn't need to voice it, both of them knew it; Poe would die before letting anything happen to Evelyn.  He would die to protect her if need be. "Something tells me though, she's going to be the one to be making sure I get home," he said, with a sly smile to break the grief filled tension. 
Kaleb chuckled, sadly. "Yeah, that's probably true."
Poe reached out and gripped Kaleb's shoulder. "She's a hell of a pilot; I should know, I taught her to fly."
"I know, and because of that, it's one of the reasons I'm terrified.  She can be just as reckless as you at times."
"Unlike me, she knows how to reign it in, not to mention she's a Jedi.  She has the Force on her side."
"You know she's shut herself off from the Force, right? That she has completely shunned that part of her identity..."
"I had my suspicions but I didn't want to push her."
Sighing, Kaleb nodded. He understood; Poe and Evelyn were actually on good speaking terms, in fact rumor had it that they were more than just on good speaking terms. Kaleb knew Poe wouldn't jeopardize his relationship with Evelyn asking such a heavy question, regardless of what kind of relationship they had at the current time.  "Ever since my father left, she's been avoiding that part of her.  She keeps her lightsaber locked in a compartment in her x-wing but I can't tell you the last time I saw her use it."
Poe had noticed that Evelyn didn't carry her lightsaber, something she had been so excited to complete just before the fall of the Temple. "Maybe she just thinks it the easiest way to handle everything that's happened, Kaleb."
Kaleb shot a glare at him. "Easiest? Nothing about our situation is easy, Poe. Kylo Ren is our problem to deal with and he's only going to be defeated if Evelyn stops being afraid and becomes the Jedi we both know she can be."
"Come on, Kaleb, you're asking her to face someone, possibly killing him, that she cared about at one point in her life."
"The person she cared about is gone, Poe; only Kylo Ren remains." 
"Have you talked to her about this?"
"You haven't been around here long enough to know two things, so I'm going to tell you them; one, don't piss my aunt off and two, don't talk to my sister about the Force."
He knew enough that you didn't make Leia angry, Poe had known Leia his whole life, but talking to Evelyn about the Force... she had always been so open to him about it.  He supposed that given everything that had happened in the last five years, talking about that part of her was difficult. "You just gotta give her time, Kaleb.  She'll come around."
Turning away from him, Kaleb sighed, heavily. He'd told himself that very same thing for the last five years, so far it had not come true yet. It wasn't fair that he was unleashing all this pent up frustration on his friend. "I'm sorry, Poe. I shouldn't be taking my frustrations out on you."
Poe reached out and clamped his hand down on Kaleb's shoulder.  He gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze to remind him that they were in this together, and that they were going to see this through to the end. No matter what that ending might be.
"General, you're going to want to read this."
Armitage Hux turned precisely on his heel.  He strode along the command deck of the Finalizer towards the nameless officer that had grabbed his attention.  "Yes," he said, "what is it?"
The officer handed him a data card. Hux knew the young boy had been in charge of finding out more information on the attack in the Uvoss System. The Supreme Leader had been furious Hux's men had let the pirates get away with the yacht. "It wasn't the Irving Boys that stole that yacht.  Rumor has it that it was the Resistance."
Of course, Hux thought.  He had read up on the logs his pilots had submitted and he'd been suspicious.  The pilots that had attacked the Senator's yacht had obviously been combat missioned trained.  Pirates wouldn't have attempted to charge a Regurgant-class Star Destroyer. He frowned at the names on the data pad. He knew little about Poe Dameron, but he knew enough that the man was reckless, but had the skills to back it up.  "Now that the Resistance has the yacht, they're going to know about Agent Lothor.  Make sure every last one of those transmissions is tracked down. Kill any of the recipients."
"And what if the Resistance sends out their own team to retrieve the information?" the officer questioned, swallowing slightly. 
"Do I have to honestly spell that out for you?" Hux snapped, resisting the urge to roll his eyes when the officer stood there, dumbfounded. "Kill them too; leave no survivors."
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sweetrevxnge · 2 years
Like Phantoms, Forever
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Chapter Four | A Symphony of Crickets
Pairing: Ben Solo x Reader
Summary: Your destiny had never been clear to you, only becoming so when it led you to leaving behind the life you knew to train with the galaxy's sole Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker. His Jedi Academy became your new home, bringing with it the promise of someday becoming a Jedi Knight. While navigating the ways of the Force, an inexplicable connection forms between you and a fellow student—the heir to the legendary Skywalker bloodline, Ben Solo. Together, the two of you must face your destinies and forge the path to your true selves.
What to expect: fluff, violence, sexual content, general angst, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
Additional info: this story is set in 28 ABY, six years prior to the events of TFA
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Word count: 3.3k
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Crisp night air washed over you as you stepped out of your hut, bathing you in the lucent moonlight. On your wrist, the time read as being just past midnight, the tiny numbers briefly appearing on the watch face before disappearing.
This had been your routine as of late. Going to sleep early, waking up at midnight, and having the communal showers all to yourself. Using the showers in the middle of the night had not only allowed you to regain a sense of privacy while using them, but the added benefit of a shower that stayed hot for longer. 
With a fresh towel, toiletries, and a pair of clean robes in hand, you set out into the night. Another perk of showering late at night was being able to wear a fresh set of robes to sleep, allowing you to roll out of bed already dressed for the day.
Luckily for you, the showers were not far from your hut, making the increasingly cold walk more tolerable. The season was changing at the Academy, the once warm, sunny days slowly succumbing to the inescapable cloudy, dreary weather. The change served as a reminder that it was harvest season on Dantooine.
Your mind often drifted to life back home, envisioning your mother, more than likely busy harvesting the fields, while your father was off-world for business. A smile flashed across your face at the thought of her stressing to finish her work, not wanting to risk the chance of the product somehow spoiling overnight.
The hinges on the metal door squealed as you turned the knob, announcing your arrival to anyone that may have been inside. The ambient sound of dripping water was all that filled the room, confirming that you were indeed alone. A shiver racked your body as you stepped inside, more eager than before to run a hot shower. 
You chose a stall and turned the stiff faucet open, icy water springing free from the pipes. Unfortunately for you, the water was famously slow to heat, leaving you waiting outside the stall for longer than you cared to. Not that you were ungrateful to have such a luxury.
A few minutes passed before you ran your hand under the stream, deeming the tepid water sufficient for now. Drawing the curtain closed behind you, you made quick work of peeling your layers, kicking them outside of the stall to avoid drenching them.
A sigh escaped your nostrils as you massaged your scalp, working the shampoo into a soapy lather before rinsing it away. It was in moments like these where your mind could finally settle, allowing you time to sort through your thoughts and process your experience so far at the Academy. The past few weeks had not allowed you a moment of rest, the closest thing being the brief moments you slipped into during meditation.
The first thing to come to your mind was Ben. Just like the schoolgirl crushes you’d had in your youth, he had been all you could think about for weeks now, the subject matter of your thoughts at any given moment. When you were around him, he was all you could focus on. The way he spoke, his scattered freckles and beauty marks, how he ran his fingers through his hair. He was utterly mesmerizing. And when you weren’t around him, you would find yourself replaying moments spent with him in your mind. 
He’s just being friendly, you need to get over this, you found yourself having to reiterate often. Just being friendly by saving you a plate at mealtimes, just in case your training kept you late. Or by delivering you a week’s supply of clean robes to save you the trip to the laundry facility. Not to mention that he would walk you back to your hut after evening training sessions, saying it “wasn’t a big deal” because it was on the way to his own. 
Regardless of how much you tried to explain these actions away, a part of you still wanted to believe that he felt the same. But perhaps that was just the hopeless romantic in you speaking, the girl who read one too many romance novels in her free time, who daydreamed about being swept off her feet by a man who seemed too good to be true. You were only setting yourself up for heartache by believing such a thing, yet you couldn’t stop yourself from feeding into the delusion.
As if to rinse the thoughts from your head, you dipped your hair under the stream, washing away the suds into a swirling current down the drain. Digging through your shower bag, you grabbed the amber-hued soap bar from home and began scrubbing your skin. The air became filled with the sweet scent of rich, Dantooinian honey, engulfing your senses and drawing you back to the comfort of your old life.
Not a moment later, you were yanked from your memories at the sound of the metal door swinging open.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t think anyone would be here right now.”
The voice was familiar, easily distinguishable over the sound of your shower. It was Voe. She must have had the same idea as you, coming here so late.
A wave of guilt washed over you. In trying to acclimate to your new training schedule, you had neglected to spend time with her. Especially considering that the free time you did have, you spent with her least favorite classmate. 
Poking your head out from the curtain, you greeted her. “Well, well, look who the loth-cat dragged in.” Hopefully the grin plastered across your face would serve well to hide your nerves.
“I see that great minds think alike,” she said with a nod, pulling back the curtain of a stall and stepping inside.
Anxiety squeezed your chest as you slipped back under the stream, fearful that she would broach the subject of Ben. Given how small the Academy was, it was nearly impossible that she hadn’t seen the two of you chatting or walking together at some point. It felt as if you were betraying Voe by even associating with Ben, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop.
“I guess so–”
Water burst to life in her stall, effectively cutting you off. Not that you had anything else to say. All you wanted to do was get out of this conversation as quickly as humanly possible. 
“So, who spilled the secret?” she asked, her voice raised slightly to be heard over both of the showers.
“W-what secret?” Despite having heard her question perfectly fine, you didn't want to incriminate yourself by saying the wrong thing. Besides, your critical thinking skills were not operating at their full capacity at the moment.
"Who spilled that the middle of the night is the best time for a shower around here?"
You turned off the faucet and reached for your towel, burying your face in the fluffy cloth to buy yourself more time before responding.
“Oh, uh, no one,” you stammered. “I just figured that there would actually be hot water at this time.”
It was a lie, of course. Ben had told you about this so-called “secret” he had discovered while trying to clear his mind during one of his sleepless nights, but you could never admit that to Voe. Or that you had made it part of your routine in the hopes of possibly running into him.
“Ah, I see,” Voe said quietly, her voice now nearly drowned out by the sound of water hitting the ground. “Smart girl.”
“If you say so,” you replied, wrapping the towel around you and securing it in place. “I’ll leave some hot water for you. But we should grab lunch together soon.”
Leaving the safety of your stall, you stepped outside for a brief moment, grabbing your clean robes from the bench you had set them on.
“I’m holding you to that!” 
You pulled the beige material over your head and wiggled it over your hips, finding patches of water that your towel had missed. It didn’t matter, you needed to get back to your hut as soon as possible.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later!” you called behind you as you pushed the door open and stepped out into the night, relishing the cool air as it nipped at your flushed skin.
The moons and stars above lit the path back to your hut, guiding you through the dark terrain. The thrum of various insects permeated the air, joined now by your footsteps as you disturbed the earth beneath you. Through the stillness of the night, you noticed a soft glow emanating from one of the huts beyond yours. Someone’s having trouble sleeping, you thought, before the realization hit you. That hut belonged to someone in particular, someone who was a self-proclaimed insomniac.
Against your better judgment, you strode past your door and continued toward Ben’s hut. As you approached the metal door, you hesitated, unable to think clearly. Is this intrusive? Am I being creepy? He probably doesn’t want to be bothered. This is a bad idea, right? 
You could feel your pulse rising in your throat as you stood before his door, internally debating the dilemma. Sweat blossomed at the nape of your neck, your heart hammering in your chest. This is definitely a bad idea, you decided.
As you turned to return to your hut, the sound of metal hinges squeaking froze you in place. Shit.
“I might be mistaken, but I think your place is a few down.” Ben’s smooth voice cut through the air, sending a rush of warmth to your cheeks. Facing away from him, your muscles stilled, as if doing so would make you invisible to his eyes.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you…” You left your apology unfinished as you turned to face him, locking with his gaze as you did. Dark circles were etched under his brown eyes, a testament to his sleepless state. “H-how did you know I was here?”
Ben chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning into the door frame, his tired eyes briefly flicking over you. His robes were draped loosely around his body, exposing the skin of his chest that would otherwise be hidden. It looked as if he had quickly thrown them on, or perhaps slept in them. Did he sleep in robes at all? You had never considered his sleepwear before, but now the question was at the forefront of your mind. 
"I thought I heard something outside. My curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to investigate."
“It’s just that–I just saw the light on and figured you were awake too,” you stuttered. “Oh, please tell me I didn’t wake you up.” Panic was evident in your tone as you wrung your hands nervously.
“Don’t worry, I’ve been awake for a while now,” he said with a grin. Noting your wet hair bleeding through your robes, he stepped aside from the doorframe, motioning you into his quarters. “You know, you’re more than welcome to come inside.”
You rolled your tongue over your teeth, tempted to do the smart thing and go back to your quarters. But then again, you had brought this upon yourself by lurking around his hut in the middle of the night. At this point, it would be more suspicious to deny his invitation than to accept it.
“Um, okay, if you insist.”
You scurried past him, trying not to dwell on the fact that you were going into Ben’s room in the middle of the night. 
His hut was not dissimilar to your own, the layout and the furniture were nearly identical. The difference between the two rooms resided in the items filling the otherwise empty spaces. Seeing Ben’s personal belongings felt so intimate, a glimpse into what mattered the most to him. Books, trinkets, and scrolls were scattered throughout the room, each one piquing your interest.
As you scanned the space, your eyes lingered on one item in particular: a lightsaber. The slender silver hilt rested on his bedside table, haphazardly placed beside some unfinished scrolls and a wooden calligraphy pen. It had a sleek appearance, the ignition end accented by a steel ring that had oxidized into hues of blue and purple from use. It appeared to be well-crafted; you imagined Ben, hunched over a workbench, engrossed in the creation of his lightsaber.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ben placing the two pillows from his bed onto the floor.
“Feel free to sit on the bed. These pillows aren’t exactly comfortable,” he said, nodding toward his cot as he lowered himself to the ground.
Accepting his offer, you sat on the edge of his bed, keeping your hands folded in your lap and your feet planted on the floor. While you were becoming more comfortable around Ben in the Academy setting, sitting on his bed past midnight was not exactly a situation you had foreseen yourself encountering. And the intensity with which Ben was looking at you wasn’t necessarily helping your nerves.
“Sleepless night?” you asked, your voice softer than usual. You reached for your towel to wring your hair in an effort to keep your hands occupied, instead of anxiously picking at the skin around your nails.
“Yeah, it’s becoming a more regular occurrence,” he answered with a sigh. “But I’m glad you’re here to keep me company, at least. Makes it all a whole lot less miserable.”
He leaned back onto his palms, causing the thin layers of his robes to shift. You held eye contact with him, resisting the urge to lower your gaze to the displaced fabric.
“What kind of friend would I be if I let you suffer alone?” You bent your neck down, gently shaking out your damp hair in front you.
Ben let out a soft laugh as he ran a hand through his thick hair. He looked so handsome like this, with his hair strewn, robes askew, and the warm glow of the fire casting light on his features, accentuating the contours of his face. He seemed so relaxed, despite how tired he must have been. Given his broody demeanor around the rest of his classmates, it felt like a privilege to witness this side of him.
“Come sit up here, there’s no way you’re comfortable down there.” You patted the spot beside you as he stretched his spine, considering your offer.
“Mmm, if you insist,” he sighed, echoing your words from earlier.
He stood from his seat and accepted the spot beside you, sitting closer to you than usual. You tried to pay it no mind, but the feeling of him being so close to you was sending your head into a tailspin.
The pops and crackles from the fire pit were all that filled the air for a few still moments. Your gaze shifted from his knee, which was now agonizingly close to touching yours, to his bedside table, once again eyeing the lightsaber atop it.
“Just out of curiosity, when did you build your lightsaber?”
“I built mine when I was thirteen,” he replied, cocking his head and squinting in thought as he recalled the memory. “About three years into my training.”
Three years. Your eyes widened, realizing that you would have to wait much longer than you had anticipated to build your own. 
Ben noticed your expression and chuckled, shaking his head gently. “Don’t worry. I doubt Master Skywalker is going to make you wait that long. It’s less of a safety hazard to give a lightsaber to an adult than a child.”
“Oh good, I already feel so behind here. I just want to start catching up.”
“You’re not behind, we’re all in different stages of our Jedi path,” he assured you with a soft smile. “Plus, Master Skywalker mentioned how impressed he was with your meditation progress. He’ll probably start training you in lightsaber technique soon.”
Hearing him say that everyone at the Academy was in a different place in their journey eased your mind. You felt so out of place amongst your new peers, especially considering they had practically been raised together. Somehow, you knew where you were right now was exactly where you needed to be in your own path.
“Well, that’s good to hear,” you said, relief evident in your tone. “And where exactly are you in your Jedi path?” You were intrigued to learn more about his Jedi journey. Or really just learn anything more about him. Despite spending more time with him recently, he was still such a mystery to you.
“Me?” He pointed to himself with feigned surprise. “I feel like I've learned all that I can at this point. Now, I’m just practicing what I knows, trying to work on my weaknesses. At this point we’re all waiting to see when Master Skywalker will let us start the trials.”
It didn’t sit right with you that even in the privacy of his quarters, Ben still referred to his uncle as ‘Master Skywalker’, but you didn’t want to press the subject.
The two of you shared a comfortable silence, chests rising and falling rhythmically as you sat there, staring off into the flames from the fire pit. Inhaling deeply, you reclined onto the bed—a worthy attempt at creating some distance between both of your faces. Being in such close proximity to him was not helping the butterflies that were currently swarming your stomach.
You closed your eyes and let out a yawn, allowing your body to sink further into the mattress. The energy you had gained from the excitement of seeing Ben was starting to wear off, the promise of sleep slowly creeping in.
The sensation of a warm hand grasping yours caused your eyes to fly open, revealing Ben peering down at you, a sweet smile on his face.
“Don’t tell me that talking to me is putting you to sleep,” he joked, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
"No, Ben," you said with a yawn. Your thoughts were clouded by the feeling of his hand on yours. "I'm just not used to staying up all night."
He swiveled to stand, taking your other hand in his, guiding you to an upright position before releasing his grip. You lamented the loss of contact but stood to your feet regardless.
“We’ll have to change that. Thanks for keeping me company,” he said with a smirk.
You swallowed thickly at the implication, trying to settle your racing heart. “No, thank you for letting me bother you.”
“You’re always welcome to come bother me.” In a few strides, Ben had moved across the room, opening the door for you as you followed.
“Can I get that in writing?” you asked, your voice low as you stepped outside, conscious of your classmates sleeping nearby.
Ben prodded his cheek with his tongue, slouching slightly to be closer to your height. He was looming over you, the distance between the two of you becoming more narrow. A cool breeze lifted the subtle aroma of his cologne from his body, intoxicating your senses as it carried to you. Everything inside of you was telling you to leave, yet you couldn’t find the strength to step away.
You searched his warm eyes momentarily, locked in his gaze, before clearing your throat and stepping back. Like a magnet resisting its nature, you pulled away, opposing the force that was drawing you in.
“Goodnight, Ben,” you said softly, heat rushing up your neck and face. “I hope you can get some sleep.”
"You too, troublemaker," he replied with a small smile.
Reluctantly, you turned your back and walked to your hut, attempting to steady your breath with each step you took. Before closing your door behind you, you peered out into the night, finding Ben peeking out from his door, evidently waiting to see you get back before retiring for the night.
The metal door shut behind you with a click as you leaned against it, heat rushing to your face.
A/N: HAPPY KENOBI EVE!!! I'm posting this chapter a few days early because 1. I was able to edit a lot faster than I anticipated and 2. I'm moving this weekend, so I will be super busy on my normal posting day. I'll see you guys next Sunday :)
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brianharoldmayjune · 5 years
We’ve All Got That One Friend (Joe Mazzello x Reader Smut)
Request: I have a request! The boys, younger (late teens early twenties?) where your boyfriend joe takes you to a party with ben and gwilym? Things get steamy but not necessarily sex?
Pairing: College!Joe Mazzello x Reader
Warning: Brief drug use and whole bunch of thigh riding 
Notes: Bens thicc ass thighs are mentioned and Gwil being drunk Gwil
Word Count: 2091
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You and Joe had been walking around the liquor store for a good twenty minutes trying to decide what drink to bring to the party the two of your were currently headed to.
You wanted to buy something on the more cheaper side knowing strangers will inevitably be drinking whatever beverage you bring to the party. On the other hand, Joe wanted to get a drink that he would enjoy far more than your options, which were all on the more pricier side.
This left you following behind your boyfriend as if you were a lost puppy, arms crossed and hoping he would decide on a drink so you could get the hell out of there.
“Joey common, the employees are giving us dirty looks. We’ve been here too long,” you sigh, watching as he picks a bottle of Ciroc off of one of the shelves to inspect it, “I’m already tired and we aren't even there yet.”
Placing the bottle back down, Joe turns to you with a sigh and a look of defeat covering his face, “alright, alright- what do you want, the Fireball?” You quickly nod as a smug smile tugged across your lips. He always gave into you. Taking your hand in his, you pick up a bottle of Fireball before paying for it at the cash and heading to the car.
Sitting in the passenger seat holding the bottle as if it were your baby, Joe starts to drive towards your party destination, “Do you think a lot of people will be there?” you question, reaching a hand over to hold his free hand in yours.
“Most likely, it’s one of the first parties of spring and I’m sure people will want to leave their house,” Joe chuckled flashing a smile your direction. “You’ll be catching allll the boys’ eyes,” he dragged out the L, earning an eye roll from you.
You weren’t wearing anything special, just some high rise jeans and a cropped t-shirt paired with sneakers. Nothing special with your makeup either, just a tiny bit of winged eyeliner. But I guess any guy drunk of their ass would find anyone more than thrilling to give them a good shag.
“But I don't want allll their attention,” you respond, dragging out the L similar to Joe, “I only want one boys attention.”
“And who would that be?” Joe asks with a slight eyebrow raise, squeezing your hand gently.
“His name starts with a J,” you smile, focusing all you attention towards him, “and he has floofy hair,” you tilt your head to admire his face, “oh, and can’t forget, he’s got a pretty bad sense of humour.”
“Hey!” Joe squeaked, pulling his hand away from yours, “rude- looks like you just lost his attention,” he continued sarcastically, placing both hands on the wheel.
“I wasn’t even talking about you,” you giggle, “I was going to say Johnny Depp but okay call me rude, I have the alcohol,” you shrug, holding the paper bag closer to your chest.
“Yup, sure you were y/n,” Joe reaches over to hold your hand, like previously, but you are quick to pull it away.
“You called me rude, might have to think before you speak next time,” you try to keep a straight face, but Joe simply leans over the armrest to give your cheek a peck which causes a small grin to crack across your lips.
“Fine truce,” you reach out to hold his hand, only this time he pulls it away.
“I’ll think about it... but look, we’re here,” he smirks to you, parking a few houses down from the designated house.
Inside is a typical party. The rooms and hallways are filled with way too many people, the music is obnoxiously loud, the red solo cups decorate the furniture, and the smell of pot laces the muggy air. You hands are bound together as Joe leads the way through the crowd trying to find the remainder of your friends. Luckly, it didn’t take the two of you that long.
“There’s Ben,” you shout over Joes shoulder, pointing to a couch to the far right where Ben was sitting with a phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Making your way over to him, you both call his name causing him to look up and grin.
“You both made it,” Ben says standing up from his spot on the couch giving yourself and Joe a tight hug.
“Only for you,” Joe winks, scoping out the rest of the room before Ben and himself sat down on the couch.
“You going to sit?” Ben asks as Joe pats the spot between himself and Ben.
“In a moment,” you say loud enough so they could hear you over the music, “I’m going to go find Gwil and look for a few shot glasses so we can have this,” you gesture to the bottle of Fireball in your arms.
The boys nod in unison, as you turn around to embark on your mini journey.
“Be safe, don’t get lost,” Joe yells to you dramatically as Ben blows you an air kiss.
After a few minutes of poking your head into different rooms and gently shoving people to get out of your way, you found Gwil upstairs with a few of his mates. You knock on the open door hoping to grab his attention.
“Y/n,” Gwil says happily, making his way quickly over to you in order to give you a large hug as he towered over your frame. After small banter and joining him in doing a line of dust with the rest of his mates, the two of you made your way downstairs to find shot glasses. After a few struggling minutes of finding cups that had yet to been used, you and Gwil finally found a few and brought them back to Joe and Ben.
“Look who it is,” Joe got up to give Gwil a hug, pulling you down with him as he went back to sit on the couch. You plop in between Joe and Ben, leaning into Joes side while plopping your feet up on the coffee table.
“What took you guys so long?” Ben asked, shoving his phone into his back pocket to focus on the group.
“You know… just doing party things,” you wink to Ben, wiping your nose in the process. Although Ben didn't catch on right away, Joe did and pulled you closer to him as his arm was around your shoulders.
“Skiing... without me?” Joe states while putting a hand to his chest, acting as if he were hurt.
“Oh, don't get your panties in a twist, we brought back shot glasses,” you lean over to look at Gwil who started to fill them to the rim with your cinnamon whiskey.
After Gwil, Joe, Ben and yourself had a glass in hand, Ben made sure to say a tiny speech, “to the upcoming summer filled with plenty more of these kinda nights!”
The three of you repeated his lines with widened smiles on your faces before clinking shot glasses and downing the contents. After three more rounds of shots, which Joe only took part in one due to him being the designated driver, Gwil had disappeared back into the crowd leaving yourself, Joe and Ben outfront sharing Ben’s last cigarette.
Joe's arms were wrapped around you, with your back to his front, resting his chin on the top of your head. At this point of the night, the buzz you had accumulated made your affection towards Joe even stronger, turning around to give him neck kisses every other second.
“I think it’s time we head out, babes,” he spoke into your hair, giving the top of your head a peck.
You nodded in response, “but Bens gonna be left all alone.”
“I’ll be alright, babes,” Ben said in attempts to mock Joe, in which Joe stuck out his tongue in exchange. “I’m gonna wait for Gwil, I said I’d drive him home.”
“See y/n, Bens an adult, he knows what he's doing,” Joe said softly for your drunken state to comprehend. You nod.
“Fine,” you pout, “text me when you get home,” you say to Ben as Joe takes your hand to lead you towards the car.
“Will do ma’ma,” Ben nodded with a smug grin, mouthing to Joe for him to text himself when the two of you got home. Joe planely nodded giving him a wave goodbye, helping you walk to the car. After the two of you got in the car, you were quick to have your hands around Joes neck as you made out with his face.
“Joey, I want you,” you pleaded from the passenger seat as you took in his appearance, daring to break eye contact with him.
“When we get home, I promise,” he said while brushing away your hair from in front of your face, leaning in to give your lips a kiss.
“But I want you now,” you whine, pulling his face back to yours when he broke the kiss.
He sighed gently into your lips, not in frustration, but at how much he adored your wanting for him. “Fine, come ‘ere,” he said lowly into your ear, helping you to pull your body from the passenger seat into his lap.
Nibbling at your ear while rubbing the small of your back that was exposed due to the lack of length your shirt had, you started to rub yourself against his thigh. The tension enough was plenty to get your needy state to your high.
“Think you can cum just by this, baby?” he questions, bringing a hand under your shirt to knead at one of your breasts.
“Mhm,” was all you responded, continuing to rock yourself against his lanky leg. The heat at your core was overwhelming, and by the amount of wetness dripping from your pussy, you were for sure it would leak through your jeans.
“I love when you blush like that,” Joe said inspecting the crimson colour that was coloring your cheeks, bringing a firm kiss to your lips before pulling away, “You look so innocent but you are the complete opposite- so fucking naughty, huh?”
You could tell by the way Joe was speaking that he was trying to turn you on even more, and yeah, it was definitely working. With your forehead resting on his, he brought the hand that was tweeking at your nipples down your front until his index and middle finger started to rub through your jeans above your clit.
That sensation alone drove you right to your high as moans started to flood from your mouth.
“I want you to cum for me,” Joe demanded in a rough tone, his words going straight to your core, “cum for me now.”
And just like how fast his words came, your orgasm was fast to rip through you, your head tilting back as a moan louder than the previous ones erupted from your swollen lips. Your body was soon limp against Joes, your legs continuing to straddle him as one of his hands rested on your hip with the other rubbing your back.
“You’re so beautiful you know that,” Joe hummed, kissing the side of your neck that was exposed as your head rested on his shoulder. All you did was tiredly nod back, sucking at his neck.
Before Joe was able to speak again, a loud whistle came from outside, causing you and Joe to look out the driver side window. To your shock, Ben was trying to pull Gwil away as he was drunkenly making fake moaning noises while asking ben if he could ride his “thick thighs.”
“Sorry,” Ben shouted loud enough for the two of you to hear through the window, as he saw your head embarrassingly go back into Joes shoulder. All Joe did was give him the finger in response.
“You’re fine, I’ll talk to them in the morning,” Joe said reassuringly giving your forehead a kiss.
Your drunk self looked up to Joe, “do you think Ben will let Gwil ride his thick thighs?” you ask with hooded eyes and a smug grin.
“I dunno, guess we’ll find out in the morning,” Joe chuckled, giving your ass a small squeeze before you ventured on your way home for round two.
- Yours Truly, R.
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So I thought I’d join in the Writer Wednesday from @autumnleaves1991-blog this week!
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So what I’m about to post is actually part of a fic I haven’t released yet. RC a smuggler, Captain of her own ship with her own crew and Ben Solo is the last surviving member of the Jedi Temple. Only instead of fleeing to Snoke he returned to Leia and to protect him he just became a nameless face in the Resistance.
A little part from my fic.
Smuggler!Female Reader x Hidden Jedi!Ben Solo
Warnings: brief mention of loss. Gambling, card playing, mention of cheating.
Word Count: 1447
Sabacc anyone?
Era managed to dock within the three hour time limit and you wasted no time in leaving Cantonica behind as you all settled down for the 3 days in hyperspace. You sat in the cockpit as you pulled your blasters apart giving them a clean, replacing the gas canister and power packs, you could hear the others playing Sabacc as their happy voices floated through to you. From what you could hear Ben was winning and knowing Sion he wouldn’t like that, he claimed he was the Sabacc king in the crew and usually people didn’t challenge Sion in anything. You couldn’t help the smile as a loud shout sounded from everyone and you heard the words ‘Idiot’s Array’ said more than once. They were sharing the trinkets and coins you’d stolen from the hijacked ship out between them as they got ready for another round.
The silence of expectation as the first round of cards were dealt was deafening and you knew your crew enjoyed having someone new to include. You tried to ignore the fluttering in your chest as you clipped your blasters back together, you got a brief sense of satisfaction hearing the smart clicks as they gave way easily under your expert handling. These blasters were your life and you maintained them regularly never wanting to be without them, you liked to think they had saved your life more times than you could count. You looked at the smooth alloy of the DL-44, you had removed the barrel-sights off both of them as it used to catch in the holster and a quick draw is what you needed in some situations. You gave them both a spin and slotted them perfectly into their holsters before grabbing the cloth and the empty canisters and heading into the living area.
“Captain!” Sion called as soon as he saw you. ‘This welp needs putting in his place, he’s won twice now!’ You poured some caf wondering if you should join them, part of you wanted to but also for some reason couldn’t bear being around Ben. You didn’t know what it was, maybe that innocent expression he gave you like you’d just kicked a loth-wolf cub or maybe it was the way your palms grew sweaty in his presence, maybe it was the way you felt your skin prickle as his eyes landed on you. Whatever it was, you didn’t want to be around him because when you were you couldn’t think straight and that annoyed you.
“All you losers would be just that,” you said with a smirk. “Losers!”
“That’s fighting talk,” rumbled Ben as he stacked up his winnings with those long fingers.
“Here Captain,” said Lysa with a sly smile on her face as she rose from her stool and you sighed knowing they wouldn’t let up until you had at least smashed one round.
“Alright, fine!” You snapped as Sion banged his fist loudly on the table. He shoved Ben with a gleeful look on his face.
“If I’m the King of Sabacc our Captain here is definitely the Queen!” He stated excitedly.
“Let’s get this over with,” you gently settle on the stool arranging the coins before you and throwing some into the Sabacc pot in the middle. You refused to meet Ben’s eyes as Sion dealt the first card out to just you and Ben. “None of you joining in?” You cast an irritated gaze over your crew as they all kept their expressions blank, shaking their heads. You hated them all. Sion dealt the next card and you finally reached out and looked at them.
The aim was to reach 23 or -23 in your final hand, you looked up at Ben as he looked at his cards, you watched as his finger traced the stubble on his upper lip.
“15.” He said, calling out his beginning total.
“11.” You answered. You both threw some coins in the hand pot, Ben went first taking a card from the deck and trading it with one from his hand. His golden eyes rose to meet yours and without breaking eye contact you took a new card from the deck. You glanced down keeping your expression blank knowing he was watching every small movement you made, you took a card from your hand and returned it to the bottom of the deck. Again you both threw coins in the hand pot before repeating the process. You noted how this time he toyed with his bottom lip, dragging it through his teeth and you realised that was a nervous thing, so he wasn’t sure about his hand. His eyes darted between his cards and you patiently waited, noting everything about him, the way his wide chest rose slowly with each breath, the shape his fingers made as they held the cards and how red his lip became after he’d just pulled it into his mouth.
Your crew were watching with bated breath and you could almost cut the tension with a vibroknife as they all waited for him to make a move. He took a card from the deck and he deftly swapped it for another from his hand. He settled back in his seat and you felt a flush of annoyance that you couldn’t read him, his knee brushed yours under the table as he stared at you, his cards clutched in his hand and he crossed his arms. You were about to break eye contact when he did it, the toying of his bottom lip and you tried to calm your racing pulse, but you weren’t sure if it was because you found it attractive or it was because he was nervous about his hand.
You looked down at your cards and you saw you had 20. Now you had to decide if you swapped with another card or kept your hand, the chances of The Mistress being at the top for a Pure Sabacc were slim. But this was a game of chance. You glanced up at Ben again weighing up your chances of sticking or ruining your hand completely.
“Bet you wished you were in here for the other games,” he rumbled softly and you smirked.
“Are you implying I count cards?” He shrugged and you felt his leg bounce slightly, another nervous trait. You looked down at the two 10 cards you had and suppressed a sigh. You could pick up another ten, even an 11 would be the best options. The Mistress would be the best card….your mind turned over as the moments stretched and you realised you really wanted to win. “I’m going to stick with my hand,” you finally said and you heard Lysa release a breath she’d been holding.
“This is intense!” You heard her whisper to Era.
“What have you got?” Asked Ben his chin jerking slightly as he looked down at your cards, you could feel his leg bouncing harder now and you knew he wanted to win as much as you. You lay your cards down and Sion clapped his hands together.
“Not bad Captain, come on new boy let’s see your hand.” Ben’s eyes locked with yours and a smirk began to play around his mouth as he finally laid his cards down one by one, the first was a Flask suit card with the worth 11. He laid down the next one keeping it covered with his large hand until Sion demanded he move it.
“Ooooooooohhh!” Sion jumped up with a shout as Ben revealed a Balance card and you couldn’t help the smile that broke over your face.
“Captains still got it!” shouted Lysa as she chucked her arms around your shoulders.
“Good game,” you said quietly as Ben grinned at you.
“Yeah, good game.” You stood up from the table as the others settled back down for another, the noise of their excitement and chatter filling the space as they dished out coins and cards. You quietly let yourself into your quarters, before you closed the door you took in the scene before you. They looked so happy but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t let yourself be a part of it. You missed the days when it was the 6 of you, his loss forever weighing on you and you didn’t know how to shift it. Really you didn’t think you wanted to. Your eyes met with Ben’s briefly and you felt annoyed he had witnessed your moment of reflection, you snapped your door shut closing them all out. You had another cycle at least in hyperspace before you reached your destination and you were going to spend it avoiding Ben.
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borhapimagines · 5 years
imagine: crisis.-P
pairing: ben x reader
word count: 2,184
summary: the morning feels strange on the set of bohemian rhapsody, and an unimaginable crisis is in store.
warnings: mentions of guns+shooting. no graphic descriptions.
quick a/n: fair warning I spent like 4 hours on this but i didn't proofread it at all. i hope you like it:) i am very aware people are sensitive to this subject, and i made sure nothing was graphic, but if you are sensitive to things like this, proceed with caution.  
10:00 AM, Friday
  Walking into work felt strange today. The atmosphere was still. No trace of wind in the air. It was the middle of November in London. The only thing you could count on was wind. Nothing had happened. Everyone was acting almost normal, but everything around you seemed more muted, like everyone was talking quieter. You figured that your mind was just playing tricks on you. With the cold you’d had this week, it would make sense. Everything’s a little more foggy when you’re under the weather.
  Still, your typically energetic, buzzing work environment felt hushed. Trying to brush it off, you quickly headed to the stage, where you knew the boys were. You figured the weird feeling in your stomach would pass once you made some human interaction. Boots clacking onto the stage, your presence was made known. Waving at the boys with a smile, Joe, Gwil,  Rami,  and Ben turned to you excitedly.
  “Y/N!”, Joe exclaimed humorusly.
   You laughed in response. If someone could destroy a serious, dark vibe with one word, it would be Joe.
    You and the boys had really become like a family. At 21, you felt like you had four big brothers on set - or, three. You were nervous to admit to anyone but yourself that you had held a special place in your heart for Ben. Initially, you were drawn to his strong, yet warm presence. You felt a strange sense of safety when you were with him. Not that you felt unsafe with the other boys. Being around Ben was just different. It was like a halo surrounded you when you were together, like you were untouchable.
     Wanting to keep up the light mood, you were quick to joke.      “Oh Gwil, doesn’t your hair just look lovely as always. I seriously think you should consider wearing that wig forever.”
      Rami chuckled at that. Being the cheekiest of the group, you could always count on Rami to poke fun at you,  or at least laugh when someone beat him to it.
       Ben stayed quiet for much of the small talk and banter within the group. It wasn’t typical of him to over-share anyway, but something felt strange today. He would usually at least laugh along or drop a silly “mate” every once in a while. Wondering what was wrong, but not wanting to press the issue, you decided to change the subject to a more work-related discussion. Although it was so much fun, you could hardly call it work. You couldn’t lie, helping a group of handsome men learn to play instruments came with lots of fun.
       “So, which one of  you needs the most work today?”, you inquired sarcastically.
       “I’ll admit it. It’s absolutely me. This guitar solo is ridiculous. It’s times like these that I remember I’m not Brian May”, Gwil announces.
        “It’s true. He’s been playing the same wrong chords for two hours”, Rami jokes.
         Agreeing to help Gwil first, you send the boys off to disperse and practice their various instruments individually. Gwilym was your sole romantic confidant. He was the only person you ever dared to tell about Ben. Mature and a good listener, Gwil was the best person to talk to. Hoping to maybe get some information about Ben’s unexplained mood and let some things off your chest, you were secretly happy he needed extra help today.
          “Alright, hit me. What’s the song?”
      “Don’t Stop Me Now.”
     You made a face. “Oh, hell. I didn’t even know you needed to learn that. You are indeed in a tough situation.”
       “Tell me about it.”
        The two of you laughed, and Gwil could sense your hesitation to start actual practice. Knowing you, he understood you had a personal matter to divulge with him. He didn’t mind. It was nice having someone to depend on with intimate matters of the heart.
         “Okay, what’s up?”, Gwil asks gently.
         “Has Ben been acting strange today, like quieter, or is just me?”
          Gwil sighs. “It’s not just you. We all kind of noticed. Come to think of it, this whole morning has been strange. We were counting on Joe’s stupid jokes to distract us from it.”
          “It so odd you say that. I got the strangest feeling when I walked onto set this morning. I tried to brush it off, because I’m just coming off of a cold, but now that you say it, I don’t know.
          “Hm” was all Gwilym could think to say. Mutually deciding that they should try their best to shake themselves of these unprescended feelings, they practiced for a little while. You helped for a solid fifteen minutes, but once Gwil understood what he was supposed to be playing, he could practice rather independently. Using this to your advantage, you began to mingle around to the rest of the boys to lend a helping hand. You started with Ben, which you confess was truly just to check up on him on a personal level. Seeing him so somber worried you. You didn’t like that feeling. It always seemed too strong for your heart to handle.
          Approaching his drum set gentley, you spoke.  
          “Hi”, you started simply with a warm smile.
          He looked up at you with joy and radiance, but unexplainable intensity, and slight glimpse of concern.  
           “Oh, Y/N, I’ve been meaning to find you for a little while. Um, not to be weird. Are you, like, okay right now?”
            You hesitated before responding, worrying that his concern would grow if you admitted the day’s strange aroma.
             “Yeah, I’m feeling fine, just coming off that cold, you know?”,you replied gentley.
             “Okay-okay good.” His tone shifted. Voice growing quiter, he spoke again. “It’s just me being odd, I’m sure. But I’m getting this weird feeling. Like something bad is going to happen. It’s dumb, I can’t explain it.”
               Your entire mood shifted. None of this was in your head, then? Ben’s concern only filled your brain with questions. Why would he be asking you specifically? Why not mention it  to the boys as well? Realizing nothing about this day was normal, you tried to go on with your day as normal. You usually had lots of fun at work. It was in everyone’s best  interest to keep it that way. Counting on Joe to joke your worries away, you actually found the best distraction in Rami. He was so comitted and focused. It forced you to ignore your thoughts.  You truly worked. “Somebody to Love” was sounding rather lovely after your session of practices with Rami.
2:00 PM
       That’s when you heard the first shot. It was rather distant, and when the sound initially registered in everyone’s ears, it was unclear what to make of it. Something heavy could have fallen on the floor.
       The intensity of the situation wasn’t made clear until you felt Ben’s gentle yet strong grip on your wrist. Looking at you directly in the eye, Ben’s presence alone made something click in your mind. That was a gun shot. After what seemed like forever, but was not even a minute, everyone seemed to be on the same page. You, Ben, Joe, Gwilym, and Rami all looked at each other with frightened eyes. Silently understanding the fervor of the situation, the five of you quietly shuffled off the stage, quickly searching for somehwere to  hide. Rami’s quick intelligence let you all to a small room behind the stage that had a door. More importantly, a door that locked. He quietly as possible, turned the handle, and held the door open. After the  four of you made it in, he stood out the door, like he didn’t intend on going inside. You gave him a look, and as soon as he noticed your silent questioning, he whispered.
         That’s when you truly felt your heart beat out of your chest, anxiety quickly making itself known in your chest. People could die. Rami is willing to risk his life to find Lucy on this massive set. He could die.
          Giving him an understanding nod, tears filling your eyes, he smiled soberly at you. As if to say a tentative goodbye. With that, he was off, and the door shut behind him. This left you, Joe, Gwilym, and Ben in the small, dark room. None of you could think of anything to say to each other. You were only able to focus on one thing.
           Ben hadn’t let go of your hand. The two of you were sitting side by side, feet  parallel to eachother. You turned to look at him, and you felt something you had certainly felt before, but hadn’t recognized. Love. Unconditional Love. It was what you were so afraid of. That look in his eyes. The idea that someone could care about you so much. You realized you would have died for him in that moment, and he would have died for you. It was so extremely dangerous.
             Another shot. Closer this time.
           Joe’s previously silent sobs could be heard now. He whispered with anger and confusion through his tears, “Guys, what the fuck is this? This shouldn’t be happening. Why is this happening?” Your soul hurt for him. It always hurts the most to see the ones that smile the most upset.
           Gwil was good in crisis. He successfully calmed Joe down. Tried to reassure us that everything was going to be okay. For some reason though, his calmness made you the most sad. It was like he had accepted his fate. He thought he was going to die today.
           After twenty more minutes of waiting, Gwil and Joe began to drift off. There was nothing anyone could do now. Might as well rest.
           You and Ben couldn’t bring yourselves to sleep. It was like you were staying awake for each other.
            Nobody had said a word since Joe’s brief outburst. Finally, Ben looked and you directly, whispering as quietly as possible.
            “We can’t talk a lot. It’s too loud. But if there’s one thing I get to say to you it’s this. I am not letting you die today.”
            That’s when you truly felt your heart shatter. Not knowing what else to do, you slowly released your hands from his and pulled him in for a hug. As you released from each other, you were inches away. If one of you moved, you would be kissing.
            That’s when you heard the door open. Gwil and Joe shot awake. Three police officers revealed themselves to you and it felt like everyone finally took a deep breath out.
           The four of you were escorted out of the room, and sent outside. It was sunset.
            The London wind had returned.
            Everything felt safe again. One thing that never changed, though, was that halo. That strange halo you felt around Ben.
             Huddling close to each other, You, Ben, Joe, and Gwil walked outside, where you saw police cars everywhere, as well as the cast and crew. Your work family. The people you realized more than ever were so important to you.
             You saw Rami standing to the side of the scene, holding Lucy next to him. Thank God. The four of you raced to the couple, and you all embraced in the tightest, most emotion filled hug any of you had ever had. You were reunited. Everything was normal again.
           Nobody dared to walk to their car alone. Everyone brought a partner. Besides, the group decided it would be best to stay together that night. They would all meet at Gwilym’s. Ben walked you to your car. It seemed almost obvious that he would at this point.
           Before you got into your car, you decided it was your turn to brave. Your turn to tell Ben how you felt, since he had practically done so himself.
            Looking into his green eyes, you spoke with no hesitation.
           “I love you.”
            He looked at for a moment, seemingly shocked at your words. You elaborated.
            “If I’ve learned anything today, it’s that we have no idea what could happen. In the strangest of places, on the most normal of days. I don’t know how we all felt it. It doesn’t make sense. The only thing I understand right now is that I love you.”
             He soaked in your words for a moment, and without hesitation, leaned in to kiss you. When your lips touched, it was like they were molded for each other. The kiss was so natural, yet so full of longing, like you had been waiting years to do it. Maybe you had. After a minute or so, your lips parted.
             “I’ve loved you since- I don’t know. I can’t remember a time that I didn’t. I never thought I’d be in a situation like this. I just- I’m now just grateful I was alive to say it.”
               The sincerity and intensity in his voice is what you had fallen in love with. And you knew after what happened today, neither you or Ben would let each other go.
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