#britta x subway
wingamy24 · 4 months
What if britta and subway/honda/new brand are together in the movie?
I'd adore seeing background characters be back in the movie. Vicky, Garrett, Fat Neil, Todd, (Leonard would've been nice. R.I.P Richard Erdman) and Subway is one of them. I think It'd be really funny if they made him another brand, or maybe some sort of influencer. I mean, an average movie is 2 hours or so, so they're going to have a LOT of time to make a bunch of references to the original TV show. God, I'm getting so excited just thinking of it.
Now, I don't think Britta's going to be with Subway in the movie. Would it be in-character that she saw him and got obsessed with him AGAIN? Maybe. But I don't think that's happening. It's really probable that we don't even get Subway in the movie. It would be funny, but not a great look on her already not great character. I swear, if they don't fix Britta when the movie comes out... my girl DESERVES to be a girlboss. In S6, she literally shits her pants. SHE SHITS. HER PANTS. Don't even get me started on that. I've already talked about that Britta's character here here and here. I know that I might sound like a hater in some of these, but trust me, I love Britta with all my heart and she's my favorite female character from Community.
Back to the subject: Would it be funny if Subway and Britta were together? Yeah, kinda. Would it actually be good for Britta's character? Definitely not. Is Dan Harmon going to do either this or Troy x Britta just to get away with Jeffannie? Maybe. But, in the end, the most likely thing is that we won't get any ship being canon.
I definitely didn't except this ask. AT ALL. Lmao
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itsjust-meman · 1 year
can i just say that i kind of loved subway and britta together 😭😭 like britta was finally in a kind of healthy relationship and she was with someone who wasn't constantly tryin to tear her down (jeff)..
also britta probably pegged him too, so 🤷
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irisbleufic · 4 years
I keep meaning to send this and keep forgetting to but, I rewatched community twice recently and each time around I felt a new and deep appreciation for your one big community fic. trobed is obvious but what I really liked about it was giving Britta like.. happiness with subway..? lol it's a small thing to focus on but rewatching the show and seeing their relationship tank twice really made me miss the cozy universe that /you/ had created. hope youre doing well btw!
Britta and Subway tank twice?  I only ever watched up through early S4 because I was warned by some friends/readers that quite a lot of content thereafter would either piss me off or trouble me.  I’m so, so sad to hear that the show gave them a second chance, and then took it away from them.  If there’s more content along those lines, then my friends are right.  The big thing I’m aware of that I really can’t abide is the amount of actual physical abuse Abed is subjected to at the hands of people who are meant to be his friends in the last couple of seasons; autistic(-coded) characters put through that kind of wringer are one of my trigger points.  Not that this friend group is made up of cinnamon rolls, because the point of it all is that they’re pretty annoying humans and pretty terrible to anyone who’s not in their clique.  Still...the concrete examples I’m aware of make me all the more glad that I used 4x01 as my cutoff point for writing Screenwriting for Dummies as an alternate conclusion to the TV series.  It means a lot to me any time I hear someone say they love this fic.  I was in a precarious situation when I wrote it; the study group got me out in one piece.
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muse-write · 3 years
britta perry x subway: peak enemies-to-lovers. nothing compares. spike/buffy can only dream. (/s)
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skittles1229 · 4 years
Community Fanfiction (self insert/x reader)
 "Personally I don't see the appeal" you say under your breathe as you pick at the disgusting slop in front of you. Greendale's lunch left much to be desired, but I don't think they got famous for their lunches. From what I've read Greendale has seen it all, from campus wide paintball wars to a Dean that thinks Halloween is all year round. It's no lie the Greendale's reputation has been questionable for a while but the one thing I can say is that I haven't met many stuck up assholes since I've been here, granted I try to stay clear of that side of the hall. As I pick away at my phone, that's resting on the corner of the table, someone sits in the chair in front of me and I look up with my usual nonchalant face. There was an older guy, about thirty or forty, and he was quiet unusual. He reeked of an over bearing cologne and his hair was long and black with kinky curls, thought his hair was too greasy to even begin to look puffy. He has two large stars shaved onto his cheeks that connect to his sideburns. "I noticed you from Subway's shop. I've never seen you here before. You must be the city college girl." City college girl? Do I already have a rep here, of course they said that nobody would know and OF COURSE they were lying. "Yes, I came from City college but how'd you know that?" He smiled sheepishly and looked away scratching the back of his neck, when he finally looked back his cheeks were a slighter red shade. "Sorry, got excited. I'm Alex." He holds his large hands out to me, after a moment of my continued silence he brought his hand back down and coughed nervously. I propped my hand up on my elbow that rested on the table, at this point I had abandoned picking at my food and focused on Alex. "Let me guess this is how it went. The Dean got excited and told everyone and you were all curious to meet me today because everyone expected me to be some stuck up dumb blonde right?" Alex seemed astounded which means I was right. There is no secrets kept in Greendale and frankly I was hoping I could go here with a new name, background, and maybe I could just make up some person I've always wanted to be but.. I guess since my past followed me here I might as well live with it. I look back at Alex who has been staring at me since I last spoke, I stick my hand out across the table and give him the brightest smile I can. "My name's (y/n)." I say taking his hand, they were twice the size of mine, grungy and rough.
Alex seemed like a pretty awesome guy and after lunch he walked with me down the hall to Mr. Chang's Spanish class. We talked on and on and yes, he is very weird. Never would have pegged him for a meth head because they are usually more aggressive and like to give out those opinions that nobody asked for but Alex? Alex was pretty great. We walk into the class room and it's only us and four other people in the class so far, then again we still had 30 minutes before class. I sat in front of Alex and met his friends Garrett, Viki, and Magnitude. We talked for a while about D&D and about all the teachers but Alex kept mentioning someone name Jeff and the Greendale seven. From the way he talks about them I'm beginning to wonder just how normal this school was. There were less seats open and the only ones left were seven seats centered towards the middle of the room. Chang had already made his big chaotic entrance and nothing he said made any sense. Greendale definitely should do better in picking their staff because putting a mentally ill Chinese man as a professor was a less then good idea. That's when the Greendale seven arrived, Alex grabbed my shoulder and pointed to the group giving me everyone's names as the waltz in. Tall dark and weirdly antisocial was Abed the movie guru. He'll draw connections to real life situations through pop culture and meta references gained after years of watching TV and movies. Short large and carrying a purse that could fit everything but the kitchen sink was Shirley, the divorced mother of two who loves to bake. Very tall, old, and wrinkled was the jackass name Pierce. Alex says that he is worse then Jeff and is relentlessly mean just because he thinks it makes him look 'rad', how old.is this guy like 90? Then the small brunette who wore a silly school girl outfit and she hugged her books close to her chest as if she was in high school, Annie or little Annie Adderall. Alex will have to give me the details behind that later. Then came the last three, Jeff, Troy, and Brita. Brita seemed to be a very big female activist, if the fliers and stickers in and on her binder said anything. Troy was taller then me and he seemed attached to the hip with Abed, he almost had the same demeanor and smile as Abed as well. Then there was the infamous Jeff, if his looks alone said anything, he was a stuck up, sweater wearing, pompous ass and from the look everyone was giving him as he walked into the class I'd say I was right. 
They all sat down pierce sitting closest to us, Jeff next to him and Abed on the other side of Jeff. Britta sat in front of Jeff and Troy sat in the farthest seat to the left on that row, with Sherly sitting in front of Britta and Annie sitting in the front like the good little wanna be Senpai that she is, but once Chang began his intro duction to the class i got a feeling she would start regretting not sitting in the back or at least out of chang’s monkey finger reach. “Every once in a while,” Chang began, “A student will come up to me and ask Senior Chang why do you teach Spanish?” He chuckles while bending down holding himself up by propping his hands on the front two student desk. He continues, “Why do you teach Spanish...” Suddenly his smile fades from his face and it turns into an ugly scowl. “Why You?..”  He then leans into the boy who sits in the desk on the left  “Why not Math?” He asks scrunching his face up making the boy recoil in fear.  Suddenly whipping his head around and removing his hand from the boy I presume is named Matt desk’s all together. Leaning even closer into Annie's face as he begins to speak again. “why not Photography?” Chang walks forward still slightly crouched so that he can remain in his students line of sight. He then puts both his hands on Sherly’s desk, The smile she gives him is kind but her eyes say she might smack him with her purse at any moment. He then speaks once more in the hushed emotionless tone as before, “Why not.. Martial Arts?” He leans up standing straight and tall, as he begins to gesture his words with his hands in the over dramatic way I’m sure I’ll come to learn as distinctly Chang. “I mean surely it must be in my nature to instruct you in something that ancient like, Oh like building a wall that you can see from outer space.” Everyone in the room begins to look at each other with quizzical looks as the monkey like man continued his odd irrelevant speech. “Well, I’ll tell you why i teach Spanish, it is none of your business. M’kay” At this point his hands are making the classic Italian hand gesture where your thumb is meeting the rest of your fingers and you shake your hands vigorously as he starts to walk backwards towards the front his voice gradually getting louder as he got further away. “Now I don't want to have ANY conversations about what a mysterious and inscrutable man I am.” He then proceeded to stroke long imaginary beard hair as he laughed light a little Irishman in a cereal commercial. As he starts to walk back towards the front he then looks to Sherly and yells “I AM A SPANISH GENIUS!” while pointing at his face with his long twig like fingers. Chang continues his rant while making odd hand gestures like he’s having some kind of a mild stroke, “In Spanish they call me El’ Tigre’ Chino!” Followed by raptor sounds and Chang as he pretend eats Sherly’s neck “Cause my knowledge will bite her face off.” He says as he backs up away from everyone still wearing the same disturbing face as before. Everyone nodded their heads scared to upset the monkey man in the middle of his rant. “so don't question senior Chang or you'll get bit.” He continues to yell ‘ya bit’ for the next few minutes. 
He stood in silence for a minute with his hands clamped together as he studied the room waiting for a response from anyone. it startles everyone when he claps his hands together speaking in Spanish gesturing towards the white board behind him. “We’ll be having conversations in Spanish using the phrases we learned this week and you’ll be partnering up for this project.” He smiles at the boy who was sitting to his left earlier caressing his face with the back of his hand making the boy physically pull away almost tumbling out of his chair. “Now if you’ll look under your desk at the card i placed there, it should either have a picture or a word on it.” He picks up Britta’s and holds it up to the class showing everyone a small white house on the card. “Now anyone with the card that says casa on it will be Britta’s partner.”  Alex seemed to shrink in his seat as Chang made eye contact with him. “Got it, Starburns.”  i turn to look at Alex with a smile mixed with a questionable glare. He looks at me begging for mercy as if those words stung him. “Starburns huh?” I whisper over to him. He slumps his shoulders in defeat and slides deeper into his seat wearing a silly pout on his face. I lay my hand on his desk getting his attention back on me, “Don’t worry Alex I think that name is dehumanizing.” His smile crawled back onto his face and his chipper spirit seemed to return just as soon as it left. Chang claps his hands loudly to get everyone's attention, "Okay! See you Friday, find your partners, and what do we say at the end of class?" Everyone around me very dully grumbles 'Hasta la wago' at Chang while he twirls his arms around like a conductor. "Oh come on hands! Hands Gestures are Ninety percent of Spanish!" This time everyone says it again with a little more pep and they all throw there arms around copying Professor Chang's movements. He tells the class that they did excellent and they all clap as everyone shifts in their seats grabbing cards and talking amongst themselves. I grab mine from under my seat pulling it out to see a horse on my card. "Horse SOOO..?
 "A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed this so far but this is where you guys as the fans have to help me out. I want for this character to spend some time with everyone from the show but I'm not sure who to start us off with? Who do you think we should be partners with?
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Dean Pelton She-Ra AU
(Based off the Netflix version, not 80s She-Ra. I’m also not taking any ships into account other than Dean Pelton x Dean Spreck. This is also more of a shitpost that has been plaguing my brain than something to actually be taken seriously.)
“For the honor of Greendale!”
The outfit and hairstyle change every transformation
Dean Spreck is Catra
“Heya Craig”
Cat puns for DAYS (both of them do it, and it becomes a competition. Everyone wants to kill them both when they get started)
I go back and forth on who everyone else would be but:
Jeff is Mermista
Annie is Glimmer
Frankie is Angella
Shirley is Perfuma
I think a very strong case could be made for Troy as Bow, but I can also kinda see Scorpia or Sea Hawk tbh
Britta as Frosta, I guess?
Pierce as a very out of touch Micah or smth idk
Abed as Entrapta? Maybe? (I was leaning towards Elroy or Annie Kim, but tbh I don’t really care enough about them to prioritize them over Abed)
I could also see Abed as Scorpia kinda (I think Buddy would be a great choice for Scorpia but he was such a minor character)
Chang as either Hordak or a very disfunctional Sea Hawk
Subway/Rick as Wrong Hordak
Vice Dean Layborne as Shadow Weaver
The dude in the basement from Basic Sandwich as Mara (I don’t remember his name, and I'm too lazy to look it up)
The weird computer from Basic Sandwich as Light Hope
Those two dudes on the board who expel the Greendale 7 as Horde Prime
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jonismitchell · 4 years
hi! could you do community for the ask meme? or the west wing, if you watch that:)
i don’t watch the west wing, but i’ll do community!
top three favourite characters: abed, annie, and britta
top three least favourite characters: pierce, the subway guy, the two schools administrators
top three otps: jeff x britta, abed x rachel, annie x britta
top three notps: annie x troy, pierce x shirley, and i don’t like annie x jeff much
top three brotps: annie & abed & troy, troy & abed, annie & jeff
top three favourite episodes: remedial chaos theory, advanced dungeons and dragons, and geography of global conflict
top three things i recommend for fans: brooklyn nine nine, the good place, and new girl
rating out of three, with three being the highest: three! this is my favourite show :)
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the-hufflest-puff · 7 years
Watching an episode of Community on Hulu and "this episode is presented by" . . . SUBWAY.
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politedemon · 9 years
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wingamy24 · 4 months
What would be the worst things that could happen to Britta in the movie?
I don't really wanna think about it because I'm TERRIFIED about what they'll do to my baby, but I guess there's a lot of ways they could ruin Britta. They could:
Constantly make fun of her and make her look like an idiot to prop Annie more and, in general, to show complete disinterest to her character.
Make her get back with Subway instead of making her realize how toxic that relationship was.
Somehow getting her with Troy, which we knew didn't work, and honestly almost no one in the fandom likes that ship, so I have no idea why they would do this. (I talked about Troy x Britta here, by the way!)
Making her be with Jeff (yay!) but only as a way to shit on her character and eventually get Jeff with Annie at the end of the movie.
I don't like thinking about this possibilities AT ALL, but I am self-aware and know that it's not unlikely that they somehow fuck up Britta's character.
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i added a new chapter of my subway invasion story
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Community (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Troy Barnes/Abed Nadir, Annie Edison/Annie Kim, Frankie Dart/Shirley Bennett, Britta Perry/Jeff Winger, Troy Barnes & Annie Edison & Abed Nadir Characters: Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Annie Edison, Annie Kim, Frankie Dart, Shirley Bennett, Britta Perry, Jeff Winger, Dean Craig Pelton, Leonard Briggs Rodriguez Additional Tags: Trobed, Canon Continuation, Gay, LGBTQ Summary:
“Leonard’s… dead?” Annie exclaims. “I can’t believe it,” Troy replies. “After being alive for two centuries, he actually died.” “His funeral is this weekend at Greendale,” Abed replies. “We’re all invited. Maybe we can repilot.” “Abed, we’re not repiloting,” Annie replies. “You’re right, we already repiloted,” Abed replies. “Maybe this is the movie that fans have been waiting for forever.” “Sure,” Annie replies. “Um, guys, should I bring the other Annie?” “Sure,” Troy replies. “You two are dating. And she went to Greendale. Only seems fair.” “Yeah, but, I haven’t told the others,” Annie whispers, even though they were the only ones in the apartment since other Annie was at work. “Oh no it’s fine, we already did,” Abed replies, looking very pleased with himself. “Abed!” Annie exclaims. “When?” “When you first started dating,” Troy replies. “They’re really proud of you for finally coming out.” Annie smiles. “Then tomorrow, we go to Greendale,” she replies.
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sy5starplaty · 9 years
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“I just think it’s a striking expression of love’s ability to persevere within the cracks and cogs of inhuman systems.”
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clarasghosts · 9 years
Woah, was that Subway in the promo for next episode?!  I’m so excited!
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rosehathawhey · 9 years
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hanszimmr · 10 years
oh my god i'm shipping britta and subway
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