#brock rumlow x hydra agent!reader
nekoannie-chan · 2 years
Until the end of everything
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X HYDRA Agent!Reader.
Word count: 1628 words.
Summary: I would love some fluffy Rumlow.
Warnings: Reader and Brock become fugitives.
A/N: This is @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​’s request.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum​  @hallecarey1  @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow @mylifeispainandiloveit @writingshae​
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 While listening to the news that Fury was communicating to you, you tried not to change your expression. You could not even believe what he was saying—how was it that he had been able to survive for so long?
You turned around when you felt a light squeeze on your arm; it was Brock. You looked at each other for a few seconds; the two of you knew what it meant. You looked away when you realized that you were about to break the pen you had in your hand.
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Dinner time was quiet; tension was felt in the air, and you couldn't stop thinking about what had happened a few hours earlier.
"I don't like this, Brock; how is it possible that this man survived?" And specifically, they would have found it at this time, but above all, why was it not our organization that found it? "you commented.
Brock raised his shoulders; for the first time in his life, he did not have the answer; however, you would be attentive to everything that could happen.
Everyone knew that HYDRA had gained power thanks to the disappearance of Rogers and the fact that one of its best leaders had managed to enter HYDRA without anyone suspecting; no one would suspect the great Peggy Carter, nor that thanks to her, HYDRA had not disappeared.
Therefore, you were not going to let Rogers ruin everything either.
"Maybe we should run away," you proposed, although you were actually joking.
Brock raised his eyebrow. "Why should we flee?" he questioned.
"I joked, but if things go wrong, it's an option."
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 When your phone started ringing, you threw yourself on the bed and bothered the pillow; when Brock's phone started ringing, you couldn't help but shout victory when you read the message.
"Let me sleep; don't make so much noise," Brock mumbled, a little annoyed.
"You have to read the big news; I doubt they can save him, but they need us right now," you said excitedly.
Brock cursed while taking the cell phone; he assumed it was some stupid last-minute mission, which was not expected and was the best news in a long time.
"Any news on what happened?" Brock inquired. "You'd be at the hospital in less than fifteen minutes, and I wanted to know what he'd face."
"Officer on the S.H.I.E.L.D. part, no, but it was the soldier," you replied as you watched the incoming messages. The next few hours would be chaotic, although you were confident that everything would go according to plan, a lot of hassle would be removed, and Hydra would triumph.
You couldn't stop seeing what was happening; maybe you've never felt so excited in your life before, and yet you had to contain all your excitement when you saw that the plan, whatever it was, had the results you had been dreaming of for years, as well as the smile that was beginning to form on your lips.
What you did not count on was the brief chaos that would be unleashed in the hospital, not among those present, upon receiving the unexpected news. Of course, several people expected a different ending.
You watched, without them seeing you, as Rogers and Romanoff argued, yet you didn't realize that your husband had approached you.
"I have to take it to Pierce," Brock whispered in your ear.
"I guess I have to go," you said without stopping to look at them. There was something hidden. It seems that there are troubles in paradise.
"Yes, but not with us; you'll go tell Pierce what happened."
"Do you think you can fight him?" you asked, concerned; you guessed what would happen, but in reality, you would have preferred someone to tell you what the damn plan was.
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You had heard what happened in the elevators, and you needed to know how Brock was, although you were sure that he would be much more than angry, for what they had told you was not so bad, you still felt that your heart beat too fast, like all the times he had been injured on some mission.
You went into the infirmary, surprised by the number of agents there. You couldn't believe Rogers could have fought all those people. You carefully went through the curtain, and there it was; it was only a few wounds.
"Brock... "
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You knew things weren't going to end well, so you decided to go find your husband. Once Rogers figured out the whole plan, it would only be a matter of time before they went after you.
They knew what you were doing, but they would not understand your reasons. You kept running down the stairs; surely, on one of the upper floors, one of Rogers' friends would be waiting for you to fight you.
You had probably already lost several HYDRA members, possibly even Pierce, and you were certain that the soldier would have to be contacted in the same way. Somehow, you had to escape; you three had always been a team.
You dashed up two more floors and flipped while drawing your gun when you heard the emergency door open, but you quickly lowered it when you saw it was Brock.
"Are you okay?" "He asked you when he saw you; he also lowered the gun." I was looking for you; we have to go with Pierce; the widow is with him...
"Let's run away," you said, taking his arm in yours.
"But... "
"Do you think they'll help us out? You know Rogers and his team will beat us, and we'll have us in Raft... separately."
You knew that you would convince him; from the moment you met, Brock had promised you that you would never be separated again, not even after death.
Through the intercom, Brock managed to tell Jack the plan, and they quickly agreed.
"Cover me. We have to leave before anyone notices or catches us," he told you as he walked back to where he had entered.
You stopped him. "We can't go around; there are cameras, and I'm sure someone is helping them from there," you said.
You had to go to the basement; there was a secret exit that you used to use when you had to do a Hydra mission that no one from S.H.I.E.L.D. must have known about.
You continued down the stairs; you walked a little fast, but you remained alert in case someone tried to attack you. At that moment, you could not wait for Jack, but you trusted that he would also manage to flee.
Twice they almost caught you, but somehow you got to the basement and went straight to where Brock's bike was, confident that you could continue to elude your enemies.
You hugged Brock's waist while he was on the motorcycle; you put on your helmet, and you couldn't delay. You went out, and you put your head against his back.
You knew it was all over; probably everyone already knew what you were doing, but it didn't matter. You and Brock were going to run away. It didn't matter if you were wanted; it didn't matter that you had to abandon everything and start over.
You assumed that finding a new job and making a living would be simple, but in the end, everyone was your adversary; you couldn't even rely on HYDRA. And yet you had the necessary contacts to "disappear."
If you hurried before it was too late, you could take some things out of your apartment and leave; when the others arrived, you would find nothing, not even a single clue as to where you had gone.
The sirens of the ambulances and patrol cars were heard as you walked your way; you knew you were heading to the Triskelion; probably the chaos was enormous; maybe in a short time, your faces would appear on the news, everywhere, because they would be looking for you; most likely, they wanted to be told everything you were doing and other secrets of Hydra; but nothing that happened or what would happen was going to cause you to be traitors and talk.
You gave Brock a few minutes to say goodbye to his bike; you knew how much affection she had for it, but you would have to abandon it because it was easy to recognize. You entered the building stealthily; instead of getting off the elevator on the usual floor, you went up two more floors. You would arrive from the back; in fact, you would use the emergency stairs to enter through one of the windows.
You went in first, although you had a hard time convincing him since he didn't want anything bad to happen to you, coupled with the fact that you weren't sure if they were already waiting for you.
You began packing quickly, leaving only the furniture, but you didn't want to leave them any of the living memories that Brock and you had been sharing or give them any idea of where you could go, even though you didn't yet know where you were going; Jack sent you a message with the location where he was waiting for you.
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They came in two hours later; Sam made an annoyed gesture; the apartment was empty; you were supposed to have been caught, and they needed to find out where you were.
They needed the information from the three of you; they didn't know where you might have gone.
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You turned to see the sunrise through the window; in a couple of hours, you would reach your destination. Brock took your hand and saw it; he moved his lips to tell you, "I love you," and you smiled.
You would never be caught.
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itwasthereaminuteago · 4 months
This was the start of a request for a Hydra agent reader making Clint Barton into the Winter Soldier from @thoughtfulmilkshakeface. And well me being me I kinda wanted reader to have a weird kind of sexual shared masochism thing going on with Rumlow.
I started a while ago and I just honestly lost motivation for writing anything and there's lots of Life stuff going on right now so I thought I'd share what I wrote anyway 😌
Apologies for the spacing, Tumblr does that when I paste from Google docs for some reason.
|| Untitled ||
Warnings: torture (not too graphic), sadism, flirting.
At the morning briefing all the agents of that shift are handed out their assignments. It's a pretty routine kind of day and you rise as soon as Rumlow dismisses the room. “Alright that's it for now, fall out.”
You start to leave with the others but Rumlow catches you at the door, his voice like gravel stopping you in your tracks.
“Not you, Agent. Stay behind.” 
You feel a light sweat breaking at your temples. You had no idea what he might want with you, what's this was about. You were top of your unit, shadowing ‘fellow’ shield agents when you were first joined, keeping a watchful eye on goings on reporting back to your Hydra superiors, and recently you had been given the responsibility of training new recruits, and you were damn good at it. You commanded respect but weren't an asshole about it. Rumlow, on the other hand, was 95% asshole. You would never admit to yourself what the other five percent was but now you couldn't ignore the sudden heat flaring low in your belly as he effortlessly pushed the door closed and leaned back on the desk folding his thickly muscled arms, effectively blocking your exit. The room suddenly felt a lot smaller with just the two of you in it.
“I've been talking with Pierce about you.” He begins, and you make a conscious effort to steady your shaky nerves.
“Good things, I hope, sir?” You reply, trying not to swallow your tongue.
“Oh yeah, only the good stuff.” Rumlow assures you, his dark gaze openly raking up and down the entire length of your body making you feel naked.
“Your dedication hasn't gone unnoticed, y'know.” He adds, and you feel a little glow of pride creeping in.
“In fact, I think you deserve a reward for your loyalty to the cause.” Rumlow smirks as he pushes off the desk and looms over you, and you're unable to stop the way your heart starts pounding hard.
“How would you like a pet, Agent?” He asks, and you're suddenly confused and thrown, wondering where the hell this is actually leading.
“Uh, ‘pet’, sir?” 
“C'mon,” he beckons, tilting his head toward the door. “Fall in and follow me.”
You wind your way down to the lower levels of the compound, where you knew the cells were along with various other rooms that you didn't have authorisation to access. Rumlow stops outside of the thick vault door all the way at the end of the corridor where he swipes his key card, enters the code and turns the huge wheel to open it.
Lab-coated staff give him a nod as he enters and you keep on following past banks of equipment and computers until you reach double doors into a room that has safe deposit boxes all the way around the walls. There is a chair that looks like it came from a dental surgery in the middle, and sitting in it restrained by thick leather straps is a man. A man you recognise instantly.
“Barton.” You whisper under your breath, taking in the array of monitoring equipment and seriously terrifying looking headset secured around his temples. 
“He's been wiped, but he's still not compliant… yet. How'd you like to break an Avenger, Agent?”
Rumlow grins as he notices the way your eyes light up at the prospect. He leads you into a nearby storeroom and explains this is where they keep the ‘toys’ that could be used during breakdowns which were carried out in the adjacent, windowless room. Your fingers twitch at your sides as you survey the wall of various weapons and accessories of all shapes and sizes, sharp and blunt, that could be used to assist in the creation of a loyal Asset.
“So, do I even need to ask if you're interested?” Rumlow jokes, and you nod, still partly spacing out at the dizzying array of torturous devices in front of you. 
“Yeah, I mean, yes sir, I am very interested, thank you.” 
He smirks. “You can thank me later. I'll clear your access to the vault, meet you back here in a few hours to lay down the basics, get you started, but you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want with him. Just don't kill him.” He roars with laughter and you can't help the small smile that pulls at the corners of your lips. 
You were being trusted with an Asset. This could be fun.
You eye Barton as he stands in front of you in the training room. It's purposely cold and you note the shivering and his goosefleshed skin. He's not afraid to meet your stare, his own still somewhat defiant despite the torrent of mental and physical abuse he must have already been subjected to.
“Any particular reason he's naked?” you enquire, absently biting at your thumb.
Rumlow raises a brow. He's still twirling the baton he brought in. “Ain't everythin’ more fun when you're naked?” 
He walks slowly around behind Barton, or soon to be known as Hydra's latest Asset. “Why don't you give him an order.”
Multiple possibilities scan through your mind but it's probably best to keep it simple. 
“Kneel.” You command. 
Barton doesn't move.
“She said kneel!” Rumlow growls as he thumps him in the back of the knee joints with the metal baton and Barton drops to the floor in front of you like a stone with a grunt.
“Ah see? Just needed a little encouragement.”
Together you bind him in the manacles which hang from the middle of the ceiling, having taken out the leather padding to make the metal cuffs more uncomfortable and cut into his wrists. You string him up until he's barely standing on the balls of his feet, struggling to find balance. You take a deep breath and let the slender tail of the whip that you selected run slowly through your hand between your thumb and forefinger, before bringing your arm back and letting it snap across the bare, unmarked skin of Barton's back with an unforgiving hiss. He groans low as you repeat the motion, and every time you do, a sliver of pleasure ripples its way up the length of your spine as a new bright thin line of red appears on the canvas of his shivering skin.
“You think…” Barton gasps, “you can make me work for your shitty cult with pain?” he laughs despite the wash of blood trickling from his wounds. 
You leave the whip on the floor for now, and circle him slowly as would a predatory beast, Barton's eyes widening just slightly as you reach to pull out something tucked into the back of your belt. “No, not just pain…” you tell him, dragging the tip of the thick, black silicone dildo along the line of his jaw before forcefully pushing it between his lips. He clenches his jaw shut, snarling, refusing to submit until you produce your knife from your thigh holster and bore the sharp tip of it between his lower ribs, sliding the toy further and deeper into his mouth while he lets out muffled groans around its girth. You smirk, thinking about where to put it next.
You see Rumlow raise a brow out of the corner of your eye. “Looks like you've more than got the hang of it, Agent. Think I'll leave you two alone for a while.” He says with a wicked smile, leaving you to your task.
Later that night, you feel wired. Dreams thick and rich with the taste of blood and the feel of your fingers digging into fresh, slick cuts. Hearing the cries, the begging, the screaming echoing through your mind. You toss and turn in your sheets for around an hour before admitting to yourself that you're not gonna be able to get to sleep, instead slinging on a vest and pants and heading down to the gym.
Thankfully and not surprisingly it's empty. You wrap your hands, warm up and soon start laying into the bag to release your excess energy. It's not long after that you hear the door swish open.
“Figured you'd be here, kid.” 
You release another flurry of hits from your fists to the bag. “Can't sleep.”
He hums knowingly. “Yeah, it's a real trip, ain't it? That high, that buzz, it never gets any less y’know.”
“It doesn't?” 
“Why d'ya think I'm down here?” 
You meet his whiskey coloured eyes. They look as dark and hungry as you imagine yours to be.
“You wanna go a few rounds, maybe I can help scratch that itch for ya?” Rumlow's slightly suggestive tone slinks into your ears and coils low in your belly.
You're not sure you could say no even if you wanted to. You respect him, he's a powerful and impressive fighter, and-
 “Sure.” you reply without thinking any further, walking towards the mat where he's casually pumping out a bunch of pushups, the sinewy muscles in his arms very much drawing your attention.
You shortly start to circle, sizing each other up, trying to anticipate when the other would strike.
“You did good today. You're a natural.” He tells you, testing you with a couple of quick jabs.
You swiftly step and duck to the side dodging his punches and hit back first with a jab which he blocks then a hook to his ribs that he grins at. You lash out again and this time he grabs hold of your forearm, twisting it up behind your back. You kick your foot to his shin and as he moves his leg to regain his stance you spin and duck around him and wrench out of the hold.
“just one thing I'm wonderin’...” he drawls, moving around to the right side of you. “See, for some of us that type of work, it's fun, a little bonus, y'know? But for the others… “
You block and counter his succession of kicks but he turns quick and hits you with a hard knee to the stomach that knocks the air from your lungs and makes you stumble back to the wall. “well the others… they get off on that shit.”
You don't get a chance to push back, his large form giving no way out as he crowds you to the wall, as you pant and gasp for breath.
“I ain't gotta guess which one you are.” Rumlow husks, and you feel heat flood your face as he holds you in place with his forearm braced across the top of your chest, pressing hard into your throat making your chest rise and fall rapidly as you try to take in air.
When he lets you go you find yourself missing the pressure as he lifts away with a slight chuckle. 
“Get some rest. I wanna see you bright n’early tomorrow, agent.” 
“Sir.” You nod sharply, as you try to compose yourself, regain your breath, and fail miserably to rein in the myriad of inappropriate thoughts flashing through your mind about all the ways your commander could order you around.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
Lets go! Winter soldier!bucky goes on a mission with y/n, it is her first mission. Hydra is obviously sick for taking in you, a easily startled teen. winter soldier orders her to stay in Hydra's vehicles because he doesn't want y/n to get hurt<3 You kept hearing about him at Hydra, of course you would want to stay next to him and try to not look weak!
This might not be the type of requests you usually receive, please tell me in case you're not okay with it. Have a great week!
Trying To Protect You » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Winter Soldier x Teen!Female Reader
Summary: You go on your first mission with the Winter Soldier, but he’s trying to protect you at the same time.
Warnings: Fluff, language, HYDRA, violence, brief mention of blood, use of nicknames
Age of reader: 16 years old
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵 also I imagined this took place during Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
A/N #2: This is different from what I normally write so I decided to give it a try. I used Google translate for the Russian translations. I apologize if I got anything wrong.
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You jumped at the sound of your cell’s door opening. Brock Rumlow walks in your cell and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip, pulling you up from your spot on the bed.
“Wh-Where are you taking me?” You asked him nervously.
“Pierce wants to talk to you.” Brock says.
Brock takes you to the room where they do experiments on you, forcing you to sit down in the chair. Brock went to strap your arms and legs down to the chair, but Pierce stopped him.
“Restraints aren’t necessary this time.” Pierce says.
Brock nodded and stepped off to the side. You nervously looked up at Pierce, waiting for him to tell you why you’re there.
“As you know, your skills have been improving since the day you got here, fighting wise.” Pierce approaches you and crouches down in front of you. “From what I understand, you’ve made a great impression on the Winter Soldier. He told me that he’s impressed with your skills, but I’m sure he told you that.” He says.
You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue.
“So I’ve been thinking…” He stood up straight and took a couple steps back from you. “You’re ready for your first mission.” He says.
“Really?” You asked.
“Yes. You’re joining the Winter Soldier on his mission.” Pierce tells you and began walking towards the door. “You’re leaving in a half hour.” He says before the door closed behind him.
You sat there for a moment, thinking about what you’ve heard about the Winter Soldier. You know that he’s one of HYDRA’s best assassins and he has a metal arm for a left arm. He’s also the one who’s been training you. Your thoughts were interrupted when a HYDRA agents gave you a mission suit to put on, along with combat boots. Another agent put a bullet proof vest on you. Then you followed the agents out to the vehicles. You smiled when you seen the Winter Soldier as you got in one of the vehicles. He nodded at you as he got in the vehicle, sitting next to you. Moments later, the Winter Soldier and other agents got out of the vehicles. You were following suit, but you were stopped by the Winter Soldier.
“Stay in the car.” He says.
“But-” The Winter Soldier shut the car door before you could get another word out.
You sighed and watched from the tinted car window. Your senses were telling you that you should be out there helping him. You know you should obey his orders and stay in the car, but he’s part of your team and you need to help him. You opened the center console and found a gun and bullets. You loaded the gun and got out of the vehicle. You located a target at shot at him, but missed. An agent turned around and seen you. He went to walk towards you, but the Winter Soldier stopped him.
“Я получил ее.” The Winter Soldier said to the agent in Russian.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side.
“I told you to stay in the car.” He says sternly.
“I know, but my senses told me that you needed help.” You said honestly and looked down, feeling ashamed.
“I get that you’re just going with what your senses are telling you, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
You opened your mouth to say something when a bullet came flying towards you two. The Winter Soldier grabbed you with his metal arm and held you against him while using his right hand to shoot at whoever shot the bullet at the two of you. The sound of the gun going off startled you. Your hands grasped onto his tactical vest, holding it tightly.
“This is the reason why I told you to stay in the car.” He says.
“Ok, but Pierce said this is my mission too and I intend on helping you.” You say.
He sighed, not wanting to argue with you.
“Fine, but you stay by my side, understand?” He says.
“I understand, Soldat.” You say.
You kept your word and stood by him. Maybe you weren’t as ready for a mission as you thought, because you jumped almost every time you heard a loud noise that wasn’t a gun. The Winter Soldier noticed how jumpy you were and grabbed your arm, running away from the scene. He took you to an alley where it was calmer and quieter for you.
“I’m going to say something and I want you to listen, ok?” He says.
You looked at him and nodded your head.
“When we go back out there, I want you to get back in the car where it’s safer. That’s an order, soldier.” He says.
“But-” You stopped talking when he gave you the look, the dad look. “Yes, Bucky.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
You’re the only person in HYDRA who calls him Bucky. You learned his name your first year after being kidnapped by HYDRA.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Bucky puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I also want what’s best for you. Do you understand?” He says softly.
“Yes, I understand.” You say.
He poked his head out from the alley, making sure the coast is clear for you to go straight to one of the vehicle.
“Coast is clear. Follow me.” Bucky says.
You followed closely behind him. You still jumped at the noises, but you were fine as long as you were close to Bucky. He opened the car door and you got in the vehicle. You turned around to see him holding his hand out.
“Give me the gun.” Bucky says.
You pouted and handed him the gun. He continued to hold his hand out and gave you the dad stare.
“I know you have extra bullets and don’t even try to lie and say you don’t.” He says.
You sighed and got the extra bullets out of your pocket and put the bullets in his hand, still pouting cause you want to help him.
“Soldiers don’t pout.” Bucky states. “If you want to help me, you can look out the window and keep an eye out for me, ok?” He says, trying to reason with you.
“Ok.” You say quietly.
Bucky kissed your forehead and closed the car door, going back to the mission. As you were keeping an eye out from your position in the car, everything looked like it was going smoothly. That was until a bullet shot through the front windshield. You screamed and covered your head, ducking to the car floor. Bucky’s enhanced hearing picked up your scream and he immediately ran to the car, opening the car door and seen you shaking on the car floor.
“Hey, you’re ok.” He says softly.
You uncovered your head and looked up, seeing Bucky. You practically launched yourself into his arms. Bucky securely wrapped his arms around you and pulled you out of the car. He gently put your feet on the ground and grabbed your hand, quickly taking you somewhere safe.
“Are you hurt?” Bucky asks, checking you for obvious injuries.
“No. I’m just shaken up is all.” You tell him.
Bucky’s facial expression softens when he seen a cut on your forehead with blood coming out of it, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked confused.
Bucky continued to look at the cut on your forehead, making sure it’s not deep. You reached your hand up to your forehead and felt something wet.
“Am I bl-bleeding?!” You asked, beginning to freak out.
“Just a little bit.” He says as he continues to examine it.
You took your hand off your forehead and seen blood in your hand, making your eyes widen.
“Hey, look at me.” He coos. “You’re going to be fine.” He says softly.
“But I’m bleeding.” You say.
“Yes you are, but you’re going to get patched up when we get back to base.” He says.
Bucky pulled you in for a hug to calm your nerves which helped a lot. After a moment, he pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You ready to go back out there?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You nodded. “Let go kick some ass!” You say.
Bucky gave you the dad look once again when you said a curse word. He doesn’t like it when you say curse words.
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
Bucky just chuckled and shrugged it off. He pulled a gun out of the holster, loading it with bullets and gave it to you.
“Stay by me and shoot when I say to, got it?” He says.
“Yes, Bucky.” You answered.
“Alright. Let’s get back out there, doll.” He says with a smile and patted your shoulder.
After the mission, you were dreading what Pierce was going to say or do to you. You were looking down at your feet as you were walking past him, but he stopped you in your tracks by grabbing your arm and pulled you towards him, making you stumble.
“Mission Report, soldier.” Pierce commands, looking down at you.
“Successful.” You inform him, lying through your teeth.
“I hope you’re telling the truth cause you know the consequences.” He says.
“Yes, sir.” You say.
“You’re dismissed.” He let go of your arm. “Rumlow, escort her to her cell.” He says.
Brock nodded and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip like he did earlier and escorted you to your cell. He shoved you in your cell, making you trip over your own feet and fall. Luckily you landed on the bed and not the hard concrete floor. You got cleaned up and changed. You sat on the bed, holding your knees against your chest. You jumped at the sound of the cell door open and close. You relaxed when you seen Bucky. Bucky sneaks in your cell to keep you company when he’s able to.
“Hey, kid.” Bucky says, taking a seat on the bed in front of you.
“Hey, Bucky.” You say quietly, loud enough for him to hear.
“How’re you feeling after your first mission?” He asks.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged your shoulders. “What’s there to feel?” You say.
Bucky nodded in agreement.
“I want you to understand something.” He starts. “When I give you orders during future mission, I expect you to follow through with them. I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
“Ok. I’ll listen better next time.” You say understandingly.
Bucky smiles and patted the bed next to him. You moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a loving hug.
“I also want you to understand that I’m trying to protect you.” He says, kissing the top of your head.
“I understand.” You looked up at him. “Thank you for protecting me.” You say with a smile.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” Bucky smiles down at you. “Get some sleep. You need it after the day you had.” He says.
You snuggled yourself against his side, slowly falling asleep. Knowing that Bucky is there to protect you made it easier for you to fall asleep. By the end of the day, Bucky just wants what’s best for you.
-Bucky’s Doll
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imtryingbuck · 11 months
Come back
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: The team lose their friend (I’m bad at summaries sorry)
Word count: 3,919
Warnings: Angst. Sad times. Swearing. A grave gets dug up. Brock Rumlow. 
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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  In Loving Memory Of Y/n L/n
    Killed In Action Saving 5 Innocent Children
    Dedicated Agent
    Friend To Everyone
 10/05/1990 - 10/05/2017
“Pass me a donut will ya”
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Everyday since the plaque went up 5 years ago, Bucky always reads it. Everyday a small chuckle will leave his lips when reading the quote Tony made sure was engraved in the marble. ‘She always said it and she did tell me once that when she died to have it on the plaque they HAD to give her’ Tony repeated that conversation when they deciding what would be put on the plaque. It was true, did she always say it. He can hear her voice saying the words he reads every day. 
Putting his two fingers to his lips he lightly kisses them, the gently places his fingers on her photo. Her ID photo took 8 tries to take because she wouldn’t sit still or she wouldn’t keep a straight face. In the end they settled on the final one, her with a huge smile on her face. She told Bucky once when he had asked-
‘why are you smiling in your photo?’
‘Because a smile a day keeps the dentist at bay’ 
‘That’s not an expression’
‘Well it should be’
He missed her more and more every day. Today however left a bitter taste in his mouth, today was the anniversary of her death. 
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Every year since they watched their friend die, the team makes sure they don’t have missions just so they can celebrated her death as well as her birthday.
Every year on that painful day they gather in the common room and watch all of her favourite films and play all the board games she went crazy over, they would order and/or cook her favourite food. Then they would each blow out a candle on the large donut Tony had specially made for her birthday. 
He remembers that day when Tony surprised her with it a few years before her death. Her squeals made everyone laugh, she made everyone blow out one candle ‘it’s my birthday and I want everyone to get a wish’ and as the years passed they still did it.
They were halfway through the third film when director Fury walked in.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but you guys need to hear this”
“What is it?” Tony asks sitting up from where he was slouching.
“Earlier today there was an attack at SHIELD headquarters”
“How many are dead?” Steve asks. 
“The real question you need to ask is how many are alive Rogers”
“Well?” Natasha speaks up from where she sits next to Wanda.
“None. 28 people are in critical condition” each member of the team murmur their different abbreviations of ‘oh god’.
“Who was it do you know?” Steve questions. 
Walking around the sofa and sitting down on the lone chair Fury sighs “There’s was only one person. With a symbol on their back, take a wild guess which one”
“Hydra” They all speak at the same time.
“Yep. Now heres the reason why I’m here. The computers were tampered with, the IT department has managed to find out what was deleted”
“Go on” Tony says when Fury trails off.
“The file.. the only file to be downloaded and deleted was Y/n’s.”
The teams reaction was different from one another’s however Bucky, Bucky’s heart stopped, he’d gone cold and clammy at the same time, so many questions circled his mind. Why hers? Why now? Why couldn’t they just leave her alone? Why her of all agents?
It was as if Steve could read his mind because it was him that asked “Why hers? She’s been dead for 6 years now. Why would Hydra want her file?”
“We-I don’t know. Now here’s the part you guys are not going to like. Ross wants Y/n’s body to be dug up”
Before anyone get say anything “Absolutely fucking not! You touch her grave I’ll kill you myself!” Bucky shouts.
“Then I’ll bring you back to life just to kill you again” booms Thor.
“Listen to me, I don’t want to do this! Ro-“
“I don’t care what Ross wants. It’s bad enough her headstone needs to be replaced every two months because of arseholes keep wanting a piece of it, now you want to dig her up? It nearly killed all of us watching her coffin go into that hole now you want us to watch it come back up?” Bucky’s left hand is balled tight in a fist as he paces back and forth.
“You don’t have to watch and you need to watch your tone” Fury shot back.
“What are you going to do with her?” Wanda asks before Bucky can say anything.
“We’ll put her somewhere different- safer. It’s just a precaution and we have no idea what they want with her file. We don’t know why they picked her out of all active agents and Barnes I don’t like this anymore than you do, Y/n was” taking in a deep breath “I miss her too. I’m sorry but I’m going to give Ross the go ahead on this. You guys don’t have to to be there when it happens and when we find out what’s going on we’ll bury her again. I promise”
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For a full 20 minutes after Fury left they were sitting in complete silence each trying to wrap their heads around the information they were just given. SHIELD headquarters had been attacked by Hydra - using just one person to assassinate so many agents. Out of all the Agents of SHIELD alive or dead they pick their friends file, their friend who they loved and adored the same friend who always had a smile on her face no matter what, the one person who could light up a room just by walking inside of it. A person who was so full of happiness and sunshine yet deadly and damn right terrifying when she needed to be. 
Now said friend who they have grieved for, for the past 6 years was about to have her resting place disturbed. Like Bucky had said to Fury, it nearly killed each and everyone of the Avengers and the Guardians - who came to Earth just to attend her funeral - they knew that the probability of dying on the job was high, of course they did, they just never expected it to happen to her, they had to watch as their friend, confidant, colleague, the better half to all of them lay in a box surrounded with 4 camera crews broadcasting their every move just so the whole world could watch them in their most vulnerable moment. They watched as her coffin was gently placed into the ground, knowing that it was going to be the last time they would ever see her after the soil would cover her.
They broke. Plain and simple, they broke. Worst part of it was is that the world lapped it up, the images of Natasha more famously known as the Black Widow standing at the grave of her best friend in bright colour clothing crying, was every where - people joked about how the deadly assassin was crying, saying she wasn’t as strong as everyone made her out to be because she cried. Y/n was undoubtedly the only person Nat felt comfortable with, the one person who saw Natasha as Natasha, not the Black Widow but her friend Natty. She was actually the first person in a very long time to see Nat cry, it was when the goldfish - that Y/n had brought her after she found out that Nat had always wanted one - had died, she felt so unbelievably stupid for crying over it but all Y/n did was hold her, told her to stop being silly for calling herself stupid. They buried it near the lake, just the two of them. Y/n even had bagpipes playing on her phone which made the redhead chuckle.
Wanda was called a crybaby because guess what? She was crying, she was crying because she was burying her best friend! The first person other than Steve to treat her like a human being. The first person to show her that not all people were bad, the one person who wasn’t scared of her that time when Wanda had lost control of her powers making people run in fear, not Y/n though nope she was the one who managed to help Wanda ground herself.
Steve was also mocked for crying for the loss of his friend, ‘Captain America weeps at funeral’, ‘Captain America is weak’, ‘Steve Rogers needs to give up the shield’. Y/n was the one who taught him how to use technology, showed him how the modern world worked and operated. She was the first person on his side when he wanted to track Bucky down. He loved her, not romantically, but he loved her so much. She made him feel normal, she never treat him like he was nearing a 100 years old who was missing 70 years of his life, like he actually was.
Sam just like the rest was called weak for crying at his friends funeral. The two of them drove the whole team insane when they were together (which was pretty much all the time) Like Steve he loved Y/n, she was his sister, his angel as he always called her. She was his best friend, favourite person in the world. The photo of Sam falling to his knees at the side of his angels grave was blasted all over the internet.
The photos of Tony clinging on to his now wife Pepper made front pages as well. ‘Billionaire Tony Stark cries at funeral of dead agent’. ‘Billionaire Tony Stark has to be held up by woman at funeral’. He saw Y/n as his daughter - shit she called him dad and he introduced her to anyone as his daughter. She didn’t see him as a bank, nope she hated it when he would give her money, one time she had to ask him if she could borrow money from him doing it with tears in her eyes because she felt ashamed of herself for asking. A few weeks later she gave him the money back with interest, when he told her to stop being silly and for her to keep it they argued for nearly 3 hours. She managed to slip the money into his pocket without him even realising it. Tony loved her so deeply, when he and Pepper found out they was having a baby girl they already had her name picked out - Morgan, Y/n’s middle name.
‘God of Thunder Thor spotted crying at funeral’ Like everyone else of course he was crying he lost his friend, she made him laugh, she made confused - once she convinced him that she was invisible and that he was the only person who could see or hear her, for 3 weeks he was absolutely convinced he was the only person on planet Earth who could see her. It wasn’t until Sam got back from a mission that the whole jig was up. He was truly captivated by her but even more so especially after she was able to lift Mjölnir higher up than Steve was able to, waved his hammer around like it weighed nothing. He, like Bucky, blamed himself for her death, he thought no believed it was his fault she was no longer with them. So yes of course he cried.
Bruce wasn’t allowed to attend his friends funeral because when she died he couldn’t control the big green beefy fella - as Y/n called him - from coming out. Fury and Ross said it would be bad and take the attention away from Y/n if the Hulk was there. He agreed. Y/n loved Hulk like she loved Bruce, she wasn’t afraid of the Hulk - Christ she once tried to have an arm wrestle with him! She didn’t once make Bruce feel like he was a freak or a dangerous monster as small minded people called him. No she treat him with respect and kindness. It took 2 months for him to go from being Hulk to being Bruce again.
Clint turned his hearing aids off for months after her death, he remembered her asking him to teach her how to sign language just so he didn’t have to always wear them. That was an interesting experience to say the very least. Clint adored her, adored the spark she carried around, adored the warmth and tranquillity she oozed. Her strength, willpower and willingness that no one could dream of having been one of the many things he loved about her, and what he misses. The day after she died he went home, home to his wife and children where he collapsed in Laura’s arms and cried himself to sleep that night. He too was mocked for being weak.
Then there was the photos of Bucky who was struggling to stand strong. ‘The world’s deadliest assassin cries’ was the headline on magazine’s for weeks or his personal favourite one ‘Winter Soldier more like Weak Soldier’ Like Nat he too was mocked because he wasn’t wearing all black but bright colours - hell they all were, it was what she wanted and whatever Y/n wanted, she got. Her death hit him the hardest. He loved her. He still loves her after 6 years of her being gone. ‘True love is what them two idiots have’ Tony would say. He blamed himself for what had happened to her, he had just turned his back for a second to hand a child to an agent when the whole building came down trapping her inside, he should of done more he always tells himself. Other than Steve she was his best friend, the one person who wasn’t afraid off his arm, the only person who could calm him down after a nightmare. She was the first person he opened up to and not once did she judge him or called him names, after he finished telling her all the things he remembered she got up and walked over to him and pulled him in for a hug, crying her heart out and apologising over and over again. The worst part for Bucky other than losing her was that he never got to tell her how madly in love he was with her. 
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“It doesn’t make sense” Steve was the one who broke the silence.
“Which part?” Tony asks.
“Everything. The attack, Y/n’s file, Ross wanting her to be dug up. Nothing makes sense”
“We need to figure this out. We can’t let them do this to her” Sam shakes his head, whilst trying to keep the tears he was fighting back at bay.
“Fury let me into his thoughts. They think they’re trying to find out how to recreate her genes.” Wanda finally speaks.
Once again the room went quiet. Y/n back story was still a bit of a mystery to the team. It was just something she never spoke about, they knew of the scars that covered the majority of her body and they did know of her mutant gene and that was it. 
Y/n was exactly like Logan, better known as Wolverine. Though Logan’s a Beta level mutant whereas Y/n was an Alpha level, the only one of her kind. She had complete control over her abilities, her fighting skills were untouchable and unmatched. She was a part of the Weapon X program, when she was a young child she was taken from the orphanage she was placed at as a baby - and unknown to the team she was subjected to the worst abuse imaginable at the hands of The Facility. Unlike Logan though her Adamantium claws weren’t poisonous.
And what made Y/n even stronger was just like Wanda she had telekinesis abilities, though Y/n was a bit stronger than the other woman.
They didn’t know that Logan had found her when she was 16, with a chain wrapped around her neck that was connected to the wall, in a dark room that only had a toilet - nothing else. Logan had managed to get her out, which wasn’t easy considering she didn’t trust him and he wasn’t her handler. Logan kept her with him for roughly three years, moving around place to place, keeping each other safe. He was growing weak and unable to keep his promise to her, promise being he’d keep her safe. With a heavy heart he took her to Fury, begging the other man to take care of her. And since then she was a highly respected SHIELD agent and member of the Avengers.
They knew if Hydra were trying to recreate her genes they would have an army that would be unstoppable.
“But why dig her up? Hydra has her file so therefore they… they…”
“Tony? You okay?”
“Other than finding out my daughters grave will be disturbed, I’m fine”. He gets up and walks away.
One by one they follow his lead, leaving Bucky and Thor to blow out the candles - making the same wish as the previous years.
For her to come back.
The very next day they all gather at the cemetery and watched with a heavy heart as her grave gets dug up.
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Three days later Fury gets a phone call “Fury you need to come to the Pentagon as soon as you can and don’t tell anyone”
“On my way”.
As soon as he got there he meets with Ross. “What’s all this about?”
“It’s not her”
“What are you talking about Ross?”
“Y/n… it’s not her in the coffin.”
“Hold on, you fucking lied to me you told me you wasn’t going to touch her!”
“Fury we brought a dead agent to the Pentagon for a reason”.
“A dead agent? Remember that dead agent saved you life how many times? Oh yeah six. Six fucking times she saved your arse Ross.” The anger coming off Fury made everyone in the room shift foot to foot.
“Sorry, we brought Y/n to the Pentagon for a reason”
“Simple. We wanted to make sure that they hadn’t gotten to her so we checked, and it’s not her. If-if you just look to your left Nick you’ll see the body that was in her coffin”
Fury stood there for a few minutes just staring at Ross before he looked over to where he had pointed. 
There laid the decaying body of a woman, that was most definitely not Y/n.
“H-how is this possible?”
“We don’t know. It’s a possibility that Hydra got her body first, but it doesn’t explain why they would put this person in her place”
“Or she could be alive?” Fury asked hopefully.
“She’s not” Ross puts a hand to Fury’s shoulder “I checked the footage of the attack and it’s not her, I asked some of the agents that could talk if the person had claws and they all said no” Ross hated himself for calling her ‘a dead agent’ even if she was just that, but like Fury had said, she saved his life more times than one. When Y/n was introduced to him, he had to admit he was intimidated by her. But as time went on they gained each others trust and respect.
“Fury you can’t tell the Winter Soldier about this”
“James. His name is James and you honestly expect me not to say anything to the team?”
“We have no idea how any of them will react, especially him and Thor”
He hated to admit that Ross did have a point, there was no idea how the two men who blamed themselves for her death, would react.
Sighing “What are we going to do?”
“I’m not sure. Let’s just hope and pray that they don’t have her I guess”.
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The screams of pure terror coming from civilians were muffled by the gunfire and explosions, the bodies of civilians and SHIELD agents scattered amongst the wreckage. Hydra made another attack on the Capital.
The Avengers were able to stop Hydra agents from pushing further forwards. But when the ground started to shake they all looked at each other.
Both Steve and Bucky gulped at the sight of the Uber Tank, memories of seeing it during the war flashed through their minds.
“What the fuck is that!” Tony questioned.
“T-that’s Hydras Tank - I thought I destroyed it” Steve answers.
The rain pour of gunfire came to a stop on both sides, agents of Hydra smirked, agents of SHIELD looked terrified. The rumbling stopped, the only sound that could be heard was rubble still falling in the background.
When the hatch came open they waited with bated breath. Rumlow.
Brock Rumlow climbed up and out of the tank, standing on top with a megaphone.
“Do you like her? She’s a real beauty isn’t she? Took us longer than I care to admit to rebuild her but here she is!” He laughs “Hey so the attack the other week on your headquarters, sorry about that. We just needed something, take a wild guess what” Not receiving an answer he sighs and tilts his head to the side “It was to get your friends file! Jesus do I have to do all the work around here?”
“I’ve got a clean shot” Voiced Clint from where ever he was at.
“Not yet” Steve says.
“Truth to be told guys we didn’t need her file, we just wanted to give you a heads up to what was going to come” Waving his arms towards to chaos “I knew if we took her file it would get your attention, and it did didn’t it. I also know that her coffin was taken to the Pentagon, and I also know that Fury’s been keeping a secret from the almighty Avengers”
“What are you talking about?” Steve shouted.
Rumlow chuckles “It’s about time you spoke Captain America, the secret is… how about I just show you huh?” Stomping three times on the Uber Tank “Little bird why don’t you come out so you can play”
The hatch comes open again, a figure all in black - very similar outfit that the Winter Soldier use to wear - emerged and moving their way to stand next to Rumlow.
“Our little bird here is even stronger than she once was. We gave her the serum and it just enhanced her strength.” Moving closer to the person he whispers something none of them could hear. “Look I’ve gotta go, don’t worry I’ll be taking this beauty with me so no need to cry. I’ll let little bird have all the fun, she deserves it” Placing a kiss to the side of the woman’s head, he pushes her off. “Good luck everyone, you’re gonna need it” Climbing back into the tank, the tracks started to rumble once again before leaving the same way it came.
Nobody moved even long after Rumlow and the Uber Tank had gone. That was until some Hydra agents started to drop to the floor with foam spilling from their mouths.
Little bird as Rumlow called her took one step in front of the other until she was roughly 100 feet on the Avengers.
Her hand slowly came up to her face, removing the bottom half of her mask then the glasses.
They couldn’t believe it.
They didn’t want to believe it.
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Tags: @bethexo07 @doublebassallie
~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance - Part 11
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch Reader, eventual ? x Omega Witch Reader and Alpha Steve Rogers X Omega Witch Reader
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
Series Warnings: A/B/O, eventual smut, violence in parts, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Chapter Summary: You and Agatha come face to face.
Chapter Warnings: Witchcraft, gun violence. minor character death.
Elektra stepped out the van first, followed by you, Billy on your six, with Frank and Luke quick to join either sides.
Another two vans full of Frank’s extended pack members jumped out, all heavily armed and their scents full of anger. You heard Luke confirm all the other packs had their own units in place and Billy directing a small group of their own to get out those injured in the security box.
As you prepared to move out from where you were hidden from Agatha and the Hydra agents, Frank slipped his hand around your waist and squeezed softly just like he had the first day you’d met. You looked up at him your eyes still bright as your powers simmered.
“Be careful.”
You nodded as another familiar hand slipped around your waist and a kiss placed on your head.
“I know you won’t want to and you’re not gonna like it but I need you to let me handle Agatha. She doesn’t know me, she’ll have sensed me before, from Fiona’s, but that’s all. She’ll try and turn us against each other. Let me handle her. You have to let me handle her.”
Frank and Billy nodded. You were right, they wouldn’t like it but it was clear how strong you were and you had to take Agatha down and she needed to be stopped once and for all.
“That goes for all of you.” You said firmly. You weren’t stupid and you knew Elektra and Luke, as well as the extended pack would try and get involved if they thought you were in danger. There were more nods and confirmations of your instructions.
“Now let’s snap this bitch of a witch.”
Frank gave out instructions and positions to the pack and you watched as they scattered out, silent in their movements.
“She needs to see me Frank, the shock will give me the upper hand. She’s used to witches cowering from her.”
Frank nodded, he didn’t like it but again he knew you were right. He explained that he and the others would watch your six and deal with the Hydra rogues, whilst you dealt with Agatha. They were already outnumbering the rogues so you knew that wouldn’t take long, not with their skill set. The biggest battle would be between you and Agatha.
The rogues position varied. Some stayed near the vehicles they’d arrived in and some including Brock Rumlow were near Agatha as she tried and failed to get through your shield. Rumlow barked orders for it to be taken down so they could hide the hostages. One of them, an alpha with white blonde hair, that you quickly realised was more likely bleach, than him being a white wolf, had been heavily beaten and was more restrained than the others. They lay a few feet away from Rumlow’s feet as another Hydra rogue kept a gun on them.
You shuffled along behind some crates until Frank was happy with your position. When you stepped out you’d be right in front Agatha and at some point you’d have to step out of the shield to deal with her. But first, the wolf in you decided, you’d play with her and torment her just like she had to so many others. The wolf in you wanted to see the fear in her eyes. As you went to step out you were stopped by a pull on the witch wound. Fiona.
Put your cloak on you damn fool.
You huffed and pulled it out. Frank glanced over as you put it on. He’d never seen your cloak before, he didn’t even know you had one. Even at a glance, he was quick to notice the different coloured threads along the seams.
Billy let out a sigh of relief from his position. He knew cloaks were meant to give an element of protection but he’d never seen you with one and you’d never mentioned having one either. He’d thought about buying you one himself to apologise for the whole neck grabbing situation but the witch he’d spoken to, Hilda something, had said only witches gave other witches cloaks and he didn’t want to piss you off anymore than he already had.
A crackling of the shield snapped everyone’s attention to you as you rose from your hiding spot.
Agatha’s eyes snapped toward you as she lowered her hands momentarily, from where she’d tried and failed miserably to take down your shield. She tried to hide her worried expression with one of anger but you caught it, if only for a second.
“Let me in!” She growled at you and you snorted with laughter.
“No, I don’t think I will.” And you crackled the shield again as a show of strength.
She created a ball of fire in her hand a demonstration of her own powers and you smirked in reply.
“Let me in or I’ll burn down the town.”
“If anyone burns it’ll be you.” Came your reply. Your threat was clear. When one witch threatened another with burning this was only going to go one way.
Agatha seethed at your threat and the wind picked up around her. She maddened further when she saw just how unaffected you were. She created two large balls of fire in her hands and threw them at your shield.
“Let me in!” This time an alpha command.
Frank growled in response, but you didn’t flinch and the shield stayed in tact. Billy’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“I knew it.” Came Elektra’s whispered voice. Agatha’s alpha command had failed to work on you but all those months ago, Frank’s had.
Because not only were you a witch and a white wolf, you were also a True Luna. A secret you had kept since you were eighteen. A secret only you and your old Luna knew. Frank’s command that day you’d tried to get in his pants had only worked because he was a prime alpha, and your tipsy behaviour would have also had played its part. Your voice brought the attention back to you.
“Try again bitch!”
Agatha created bigger balls of fire and rose from the ground. Growling harshly as she floated above you, as close as she could without touching the shield.
“You don’t know who you’re dealing with Omega.”
The disdain for your presentation clear in her voice. You smirked and rose from the ground, so you were level with her.
“Nor do you.”
“Kill the hostages.” She ordered. The one guarding them raised his gun. Rumlow raised his hand to stop them.
“Agatha, we need them. We just need to bide our time until the boat gets here. Put them back in the van.”
“No! Kill them! Unless…..”
“Unless what?”
“Unless she hands herself over.”
A new voice entered the conversation. Frank. As he stepped out he gave you a look that told you to not even consider handing yourself over.
“That’s not happening.”
“Do you want that on your conscience little Omega?” Agatha asked ignore Frank’s presence, “these poor hostages will die because of you. Won’t that break your little omega heart to know that’s your fault?”
Your brow furrowed and you gulped hard. If she killed those hostages it would be on you. You lowered yourself to the ground.
“That’s what I thought. You might be able to avoid my commands but you, you’re an omega. Weak, pathetic, it’s sickening.” She growled as she lowered herself.
You dipped your head, slumping your shoulders, pushing shame and sadness through your scent and easing it through the shield towards Agatha.
“See!!” She called out, gesturing at you “they’re all the same! Powers are wasted on omegas.”
“You don’t know me” you sniffed, head still lowered, your hair partially covering your face.
“I don’t need to!!! You might be able to keep up a shield but you will fall just like the rest of them.”
“Is that why you’re scared? Because you can't get round my shield.” You replied quietly.
Agatha let out a choked sound.
“Scared? Of you? You’re insane.”
“Actually I’m not” you lifted your head a smirk on your face “I actually amazingly passed the mental health test at my last check up.”
Agatha looked at you confused. Weren’t you just crying?
“I bother you, don’t I Agatha? It bothers you that I’m an omega. It bothers you that for the second time I’ve kept you out of where you want to be. It bothers you that you can’t breakdown my shield and you and I both know why you can’t. It bothers you that I’m stronger than you. I saw you Agatha, I saw the worried look and the panic in your eyes before we got here. An omega witch that outranks you in every damn way possible and it scares you.”
“Try and get in then.”
Agatha placed her palms as close to the shield as she could and pushed her powers into it. Shades of purple flashed up the side but failed to have an effect on your shield. She tried a second time growling as she did. You purposely wound her up more by looking at your watch.
“Are you done?” You asked.
“KILL THE HOSTAGES NOW!” she yelled in the direction of one of the beta guards, an Alpha command which he wouldn’t be able to avoid. He raised his gun and fired at them but you were quicker than he was.
You lifted the shield quickly as near as possible to where they had been thrown on the floor and used your powers to pull them through at speed. You knew from Billy’s position that he was best placed to handle the beta and you dipped to the right as Billy took a shot over your left shoulder, hitting the beta right between the eyes.
Agatha lunged towards where you’d moved the shield and let Billy’s bullet through, expecting a weak point. Rumlow and the other Hydra agents followed her lead and opened fire. Your shield remained intact as the bullets bounced off. Annoyed by Agatha’s attempt to get in you tossed her ten feet backwards into a shipping container.
“How? How is she doing this?” Yelled Rumlow as he signalled for his men to take cover, spotting Frank and Billy and the rest of the pack easing forward.
You watched as Agatha dragged herself towards Rumlow’s hiding spot beside one of the cars.
“Where is the damn boat Rumlow?”
“It’s five minutes out.”
“Well tell them to make it quicker.” Agatha used the car to pull herself from the ground.
You stayed firmly in place, never taking your eyes off her. Agatha scanned the shield for a weak spot but found none. She watched as Luke and another pack member moved the hostages out of her sight, as Elektra watched their six, and then she spotted it. A weak spot. Not in the shield but in the pack.
Billy’s eyes were trained on you as he covered you but they weren’t just the eyes of a team or pack mate watching out for someone. There was something else there, admiration, love maybe and whole lot of lust.
There were clearly other ways to take you down. All of you.
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The Color of Blood [2]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: angst, canon level violence, cursing, oh did I mention angst?
Word Count: 3,372
Summary: In this world, a person didn’t discover color until they locked eyes with their soulmate. As an agent of SHIELD, finding your soulmate was hardly a priority. Especially since you were currently dealing with the shocking discovery that HYDRA had been pulling the strings behind SHIELD actions this entire time. Life was all about timing, and you were about to find out that your timing was absolute shit.
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There were some people out in this wild, wild world who didn’t know what it was like to slowly wake up with a concussion, in an unknown room, surrounded by people who meant you harm. Unfortunately, you were not one of those people. Double unfortunately, you were finding yourself in that position again.
You blinked your blurry eyes a few times, trying to make the world stop spinning, and when things finally did become clear it took you a second to remember what had happened. Not the being attacked on a bridge thing. The suddenly being able to see color thing. You couldn’t help but suck in a sharp breath of shock. The room around you was so vibrant and sharp. It made you wish you had the time to fully absorb this new view of the world.
You didn’t though because suddenly you were being hit in the face again.
With a hiss of pain, your head snapped to the side and before you could do anything someone roughly grabbed the front of your shirt and yanked you off the ground into a seated position.
“Welcome back to the world of the living.” Rumlow grinned at you.
“Being stuck staring at your ugly mug,” You spat at him, “I kind of wish I was back in the world of the dead.”
The traitorous agent chuckled, “Oh, don’t say that. I thought we were friends, Agent.”
“That was before I found out you were HYDRA scum.” This time you literally spat at him.
Rumlow threw you aside with a growl as he swiped at his face. You threw your foot forward to kick out his knee. He crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain and you got up to run past him, but his rough hand wrapped around your ankle causing you to hit the floor again.
Your already concussed brain groaned at the impact, but you didn’t stop swinging. You kicked your leg out, trying to make contact with Rumlow’s stupid face, but he army crawled across the ground until he was lying on top of you. His hands pinned down your wrists as he sat on your hips.
Rumlow gave you a sickening smile, “No need to play rough.”
“Fuck,” You spoke between clenched teeth, “You.”
“You wanna know what I just got back from?” Rumlow replied.
Rumlow’s hands tightened around your wrists, “I was out burying your little friends.” You felt your entire body tense as your jaw clenched down. “Don’t worry. I remember exactly where we put ‘em. Just in case you wanna visit their unmarked graves one day. That is if we don’t put you beside them.”
“God, you just talk way too much.” You growled. There was no part of you that thought Brock Rumlow of all people had finally brought your friends down. Maybe it was blind faith, but you were sticking by it.
The sound of a door opening made Rumlow push up off of you, but you held back on going onto the offense. The door had swung open because a whole new squad of HYDRA goons had strolled in. At the head of the pack was Alexander Pierce. Somehow seeing him in color made you hate him all the more.
Pierce called out your full name then hummed with a polite smile. As if he was casually running into you at SHIELD headquarters rather than looming over you as the hidden HYDRA thug in charge. “I am so happy to see you here.”
You shakily got to your feet, in a defensive position, “You come a step closer, and I will kill you.”
“There’s no need for that.” Pierce clicked his tongue in disappointment.
Alexander Pierce had been your hero. You hadn’t worked with him personally in quite some time, but he was the one to recommend your recruitment to SHIELD in the first place. Where the world saw anger, chaos, and delinquency, he saw potential. He got you into the field agent academy and put you on the path to who you were today. Nick Fury’s pride and joy was Natasha Romanoff. You were Alexander Pierce’s.
He stopped a few steps in front of you and the only thing holding you back from clawing his face off were the agents right behind him with guns. Pierce stuck his hands into his suit pockets, “I’m not going to beat around the bush. I’m not sure why the asset brought you here, but I couldn’t be happier. You belong here. With us.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Oh, but you do.” Pierce smirked. “Why do you think I recruited you in the first place? I saw exactly what you could be from the start. You can do the world a lot more good from this side than the one you’re on.”
You scoffed, “Says the man who’s planning on slaughtering a few billion people.”
“Necessary sacrifices.” Pierce shook his head in disappointment. “Sometimes if you want to change the world you have to get your hands dirty. I taught you better than to think so small.”
“You didn’t teach me shit.” You snapped. “Your name might be on my entry paperwork, but I am not your puppet, and I never will be.”
Pierce sighed and you watched him move his jaw to the right and left as he thought. You recognized the look of irritation he wore. He nodded once and Rumlow was on you again. The agent grabbed you by the back of the neck and shoved the end of his handgun to your temple. The older man stepped closer again so he was right in your personal space, “Why did the asset bring you here?”
“He’s your asset. You tell me.” You replied with a raised eyebrow. Telling him the truth about your apparent soulmate seemed like a very bad idea. Pierce must have recognized the determination in your eyes. He clenched his jaw and walked toward the open door to the left, opposite from the one he came into. Pierce made a motion with his hand and Rumlow dragged you after him. The next room looked like it used to be the back of a bank. The walls were covered in small, locked vaults. In the center of the room though was a strange set up. A chair surrounded by technology. In said chair though, was your soulmate. The Winter Soldier. Men in lab coats fluttered around him, but you couldn’t look away from the man in the chair.
The Winter Soldier was shirtless and slumped over with a look of confusion and fear on his features. It didn’t suit the mental image you had constructed of who this man was. His eyes were blue. That stood out to you. Red and blue were the only two real colors you were able to recognize and name at this point. The Winter Soldier’s blue eyes were mixed with some form of gray making them look stormy. It was hypnotizing, but the pain in them was distracting. Your eyes slid away from his eyes to where the metal arm was hooked to his body. Ugly, red scars decorated his shoulder where metal met flesh. It looked painful.
“Sir, he’s unstable.” One of the men working on the computers said, “Erratic.”
It was only then that you started to connect dots. They called this man an asset, yet he was seated in some sort of contraption, confused and lost, while his fellow agents had him surrounded at gunpoint? That seemed less asset and more prisoner to you. It also bothered you that you recognized his face still. It was familiar, at the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t quite place it.
“Mission report.” Pierce said. The Winter Soldier stared ahead at nothing. As if he were in a daze. “Mission report now.”
Pierce slid his glasses off, sliding them into his coat pocket, then he stepped forward to stand in front of the Soldier. He bent down just a bit and after a beat of silence the older man backhanded the Winter Soldier across the face. You physically flinched at the motion as your heart raced in your chest. You weren’t sure if your reaction was from watching your supposed soulmate get so casually slapped or from the gnawing fear in your stomach that something was very wrong here. This entire situation wasn’t what you originally thought it to be. The Winter Soldier looked back to Pierce, more life in his eyes, “The man on the bridge. Who was he?”
“You met him earlier this week on another assignment.” Pierce replied.
The Winter Soldier’s voice was softer than you thought possible, “I knew him.”
Pierce rolled a stool over and sat down, “Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century…”
The traitorous old bastard continued to talk, but you stared at the Winter Soldier’s face. Steve had frozen in shock. The Soldier knew him. Finally, it dawned on you. The realization felt like a sucker punch to your chest, all the air seemed to be knocked out of you. Of course, you recognized his damn face. You had just been at the ‘Captain America and the Howling Commandos’ exhibit with Steve just earlier this week.
“You’re Bucky Barnes.” You cried out in shock.
The Winter Soldier—no, Bucky’s eyes snapped to meet yours as if he was just realizing you were in this room too. Pierce barked out a curse to you, but Rumlow was the one to punish. The man slammed the butt of his handgun into the side of your face and threw you to the ground. His boot kicked your gut before you could even focus on the throbbing of your face. The blow to your temple left your ears ringing again as you tried to focus, and the next sound that came to you was yelling. You glanced up to see that Bucky had lunged across the room to you and he now held Rumlow by the man’s neck as he crushed him into the wall.
Rumlow was gasping for breath, clawing at the metal hand crushing his windpipe, while Pierce screamed at all the soldiers to not shoot. Nothing the old man or the scientists said made your soulmate stop. Rumlow’s face was turning blue and his desperate movements were slowing.
Pierce held a gun to your face, “Say his name now. Get him to stop.” You glared back at Pierce, lips pressed tightly together. He could shoot you if you wanted. You’d die happy with your last sight being Rumlow suffocating to death. Pierce locked his jaw then turned to hold the gun to the back of Bucky’s head. Your eyes widened. “Now, Agent!”
You had no other options. You were backed into a metaphorical corner.
“Bucky!” You called out.
Steve’s old friend released his grip on Rumlow. The agent fell to his knees gasping for breath while Bucky backpedaled in shock. You didn’t know what they did to the poor man, but he looked so lost. It was like every other moment he was trying to grasp where or who he was. Other agents grabbed him, and he didn’t fight back as they dragged him back to the chair. Before he could sit back up, they clamped metal rungs over his arms to lock him in.
“What the fuck was that!?” Pierce roared at you. He reached down and yanked you up in anger, “Why the hell did he bring you here with him!?” Pierce just stared you down and you tried to keep your face as blank as possible, but you could see the gears turning in his head. His eyes widened after a moment and you prayed it wasn’t for the reason you thought it was. Pierce nodded once and walked over to Bucky. He pointed the gun at him again, “What color are his eyes?”
You shook your head, “How am I supposed to know that?”
“Tell me the color of his fucking eyes.”
“I don’t know!” You yelled. Pierce wouldn’t shoot his asset, right?
Pierce lowered his weapon and you held back a breath of relief. Instead, the man motioned to one of the agents, “Start cutting off fingers on his right hand.”
Your eyes blew wide in panic, more than a trained agents’ probably should, but it was a scientist that spoke up, “Sir—!”
“He can still complete mission a few fingers short!” Pierce barked.
An agent walked over and pulled a knife from his belt. You tried to hold back, but the moment the agent’s knife pressed against Bucky’s skin you blurted the word out, “Blue!” Pierce gave you a sinister smile and you your entire chest ache. “He has blue eyes. Please don’t— Pierce, please.”
“Soulmates.” Pierce nodded with a chuckle. “Wow. Who would’ve guessed it? Your fated soulmate is a man who should’ve died 70 years ago. Huh.”
“What did you do to him?” You seethed.
“We made him the perfect weapon.” Pierce shrugged. He sat back down onto his stool. “The real question is… now what?”
“Sir.” The head scientist, you assumed since he had spoken the most, stepped forward with a gleam in his eyes, “I think we can use this to our advantage. We’ve been running into roadblocks with the asset. The longer he’s out of cryo, the harder it is to control him, but with his soulmate here…”
You clenched your hands into fists. Absolutely not. You’d die before being used as a part of this man’s torture. Your soulmate’s torture. Your thoughts were interrupted when an arm suddenly wrapped around your throat and lifted your feet off the ground. You clawed at the arm, knowing it was Rumlow behind you based on his angry growls in your ear, and tried to kick back at him futilely.
Bucky strained against the locks around his arms, his blue eyes burning with rage, and the scientist motioned to him, “See!”
“Rumlow.” Pierce said, but the man’s arm tightened around your throat. “Rumlow!”
Finally, you were released and when he dropped you, you stumbled to your knees gasping for air. You forced yourself to look up and your eyes met Bucky’s again. The rage had simmered into misery. You weren’t sure how present he was, how aware of the situation around him, but the sadness in his eyes was dreadful. Bucky was broad and large, significantly larger than you, but he looked so small in that chair. You had never felt such a strong urge to pull someone into your arms and whisper comforts to them. This wasn’t a man you knew. Not really. No more than the facts Steve told you or the fact that he was your soulmate, but you ached to bring him relief.
“Prep him.” Pierce commanded.
The scientist shook his head, “He’s been out of cryo freeze too long.”
“Then wipe him and start over.” Pierce replied and you watched as Bucky’s face crumpled in a mix of defeat and pain.
“Please, sir, I’m telling you.” The scientist tried to argue. “We use his soulmate to our advantage. His mission isn’t a success? Then she’s punished as well. The mission goes perfectly? He’s rewarded with time with her.”
You shot a glare to the scientist talking with his stupid bow tie. If you survived this, if you got the chance, you were gonna beat the shit out of him right after you dealt with Rumlow and Pierce.
As you mentally planned his fate, Pierce walked back over to you and reached his hand out. You refused to flinch as he let his hands trace the side of your face. He shook his head, “A stick always works better than a carrot. Wipe him now.” His lips curled up into a cruel smile. “And you, Agent, I want you to watch. You only just met, but I hear soulmates can bond extraordinarily fast.”
He gripped your chin tightly and snapped your head to watch as the scientists began to move about. The one with a bowtie grabbed a black mouth guard and brought it over to Bucky. Your soulmate’s jaw clenched briefly, eyes flared in determination, as he opened his mouth and let the scientist place the mouth guard in. They pressed a button, the seat lowered just a hair, and the large, metal circle behind him began to spin downward. Bucky’s chest was heaving with each breath.
You struggled against Pierce’s hand, “No. Don’t!” The arms of the circle stretched out as electricity bounced from site to site on the inner surface of the arms. The inner surfaces closed in to cover portions of Bucky’s face. You tried to tear yourself away, but your body was too weak to get the momentum it needed, “Stop it!”
The metal plates clamped down on Bucky’s face and you could briefly hear the humming of electricity. That sound was immediately washed out by the sickening screams coming from your soulmate. It was gut wrenching. Watching a man be tortured was rough, you had dealt with that before on a mission gone bad, but this was different. This was in a league of its own. You felt hot tears roll down your face as you clenched your eyes shut. That did nothing to drown out Bucky’s screams though. For the remainder of your life, however long that might end up being, you’d never be able to forget that sound. You’d never forget the absolute pain and agony and despair in every single scream that filled the air and cut through you like a hot knife.
And it just kept going and going and going.
It felt like a million years had come and gone.
Pierce let go of your face and you collapsed to your hands and knees. The scene had ended. Whatever it was they did to him had ended, but the screaming hadn’t. You could still hear it echoing in your head. Bouncing around your skull. Pierce knelt down beside you with a hum, “This is your last chance. Reach your full potential. Come with me. Help me change the world.”
You forced your head up so you could glare at the old man kneeling beside you. Never had you hated someone as much as you hated this man. Your training told you what you needed to do. Play the game. Tell Pierce what he wanted to hear. Go along with him until you found your moment to end him. You knew that. You knew that, but God, all you felt right now was rage. Your blood boiled under your skin. Your fury wouldn’t let you play this smart. You couldn’t even pretend to appease this man.
Regardless of what the consequence would be, you lunged forward and clawed at his face. Your nails caught his skin and dragged down enough to leave three long scratches down the side of his right face. Pierce howled in pain and then kicked you in the face. You went sprawling onto your back, blood pouring from your now broken nose.
“Such a waste.” Pierce spat at you. You groaned in pain and sat up just enough to watch as Bucky was released from his chair. The old man used his pocket square to blot at the bleeding scratches on his face. “Soldier?”
“Ready to comply.” Bucky said in an emotionless voice. It wasn’t Bucky anymore. It was the Winter Soldier again.
“You will kill Captain America. You will not let him reroute the helicarriers.” Pierce said gruffly. He glanced over at me and threw his bloody pocket square at me, “But you can start by killing her.”
You watched Pierce and Rumlow, along with the other agents, stalk out of the room without even a single look over their shoulders. Your face still ached, and you could feel blood running down the back of your throat. You slowly turned to look back at your soulmate to see he had risen from the chair and was now staring down at you. The stormy blue eyes were cold and lifeless. He began to march toward you while clenching and unclenching his metal hand.
You scrambled back as he continued to march toward you.
There was no recognition in his eyes.
Just malice.
Just the mission.
[previous chapter] [next chapter]
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thewritergremlin-rae · 7 months
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A Drunken Goodnight
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x new SHIELD Agent!Reader Rating: M Words: 618 Content: 2nd person, pre-WS so Hydra!Brock but pretending to be SHIELD, age gap (reader is 21+, Brock is 40+), power dynamics, tipsy reader, implied manipulation, unreliable narrator Summary: You have a few celebration drinks in honour of you joining SHIELD. A few too many, so your kind of mentor, Brock Rumlow, lets you crash at his place.
Banner by cafekitsune
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His large hands cup your cheeks and you sway a little, feeling light headed. 
You can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or his warm, rough hands. “Congratulations, agent,” he hums, grinning and pretending like he can’t see how open and desperate your expression is. “But I think it’s time to get outta here.” 
He picks you up easily, your legs and arms wrapping around him as his hand rests on the delicious curve of your ass. But you don’t think anything of it, even when Brock needlessly adjusts your position, fingers brushing the seam of your jeans. 
Brock gets you into his car with no problems, you wonderfully pliant and happy to follow his instructions. 
You might have drifted off for the drive home because it seems like in only the blink of an eye the car has come to a stop in an enclosed parking lot. “I worry about leaving ya alone like this so you can have my room, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He breezes past any protests by hauling you out of his car and into his side as you stumble a few steps. 
His apartment is warm as he gets you through the door and helps you lean against the wall. You hastily grab his shoulder when he’s crouching and carefully removing your tired feet from the heels you decided to try out for the night. When he looks up at you from between your legs, heat rushes to your cheeks and you might think it had some kind of purpose but your brain is slow and Brock is on his feet again, kicking his own shoes off as he leads you to his room.
You sit on the bed with a soft thump as your legs realise they can finally give up their task for the night. Brock is flicking through his wardrobe and turns to toss a loose t-shirt and shorts. “Hope these are good enough for our new agent,” he teases with a grin and you nod with a soft laugh. “You think you can get changed by yourself, sweetheart?”
More heat tingles against your cheeks as you nod and put the flung clothes to one side. You barely wait for him to turn away before you’re pulling off your favourite top. It catches on your yawn and you giggle again, managing to free yourself with a few grunts. 
“That sounded pretty tough, you sure you don’t need my help?”
“No - no I’m good!” You assure him in a determined voice that is way too loud for the two feet he’s stood away from you but his chuckle is amused and you get his spare t-shirt on much more easily. Next are the shorts but given that your legs gave up about a minute ago, you flop back on the bed unceremoniously and lift your hips to get the jeans over your ass and kicked off the rest of the way. His shorts go on with one more jut of your hips to pull them in place and this time you stay laid back on the bed. “I did it!” You declare - like you just solved complicated algebra. 
Rumlow laughs as he turns, giving you a playful eyeroll to hide the way he drinks you in. “Real cute, agent. You gonna get under those covers or do I gotta tuck you in?” 
Your embarrassment fuels you as you scramble back and manage to get under the duvet, pulling it back down to cover you. Only to find Brock leaning over you, so dangerously close you think he might kiss you.
He brushes a kiss to your forehead and wishes you goodnight, knowing he leaves you a frustrated and tipsy mess.
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Loki fic? Go here
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow x agent female reader
Word Count: 850 words
Outline: The man chasing you is the one who 24 hours ago was softly rocking you in his arms.
Warnings: swearing, violence, manipulation, guns.
Author's Note: This is my entry for @nekoannie-chan's 1K Kitties Writing Challenge. I used the prompt' “Why not kill? Everyone has their issues.”. Annie you are such a sweet presence in this community, I love your writing and your love for Rumlow :) It's set during the second captain america during the scene where the shield building is collapsing.
Main Masterlist ・❥・Brock Rumlow Masterlist
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You curse out, kneeling down on the floor as you feel the strong hit from the bullet on your bulletproof jacket. Two hours ago SHIELD was the good organization you knew and worked for and pleaded your allegiance to. Now Captain America was speaking to the mic calling for help and that HYDRA had long taken over what you long knew as real. All these lies, this deceipt, all your sacrifices, it was all for nothing.
It made your heart cold but it beat faster than ever. You shut your eyes holding the gun back in your hands firmly and make your way down the hallway. You had to strike back. Against the one who has toyed with you most of all.
Brock Rumlow.
One of the most decorated, resilient, and expert agents of SHIELD, and of course he was with the bad guys. You should have known. You should have been smarter, you should have noticed something different. You were sleeping next to him for god's sake. Sharing dreams and breaths and half-eaten sandwiches on your way to work. He even invited you to move in with him and still, you hadn't noticed anything different than the life you were living.
A good devoted citizen is all he looked like to you and now there he was standing on the other side of that door, calling your name taunting you, and telling you to 'baby, please come on, hydra doesn't prisoners, you're practically one of us. You know you've always been.'
You were a woman of morals, you'd never betray yourself, your ethics, or your own country like that. He must have known. He should have known. Unless he truly thinks what he is doing is right.
Did he?
He pushes the door open and grabs you by the throat, you kick him repeatedly trying to overwhelm him, to get stronger than him. You were well trained but the problem is that he is the one who had trained you, he knew all of your tricks, all of your micro-movements and when he grabbed your hands pinning you against the wall, his hot breath inches away from your lips, all you wanted to do was plead with him.
'Why is he doing this, why wasn't shield enough for him, how could he have done this to you' but you keep silent, staring at each other, eyes gazing back at black eyes. He is waiting for you to speak first, so he can retire your words, you don't know what to say, but you know what to do.
You spit right in his mouth and use that one second it takes him to collect himself to escape, run faster than before and try to make it out of the fallen building. He comes after you warning you that you never get away, he'd never let you get away, not alive. And you know in your heart he means that. He wants you to be his side, no matter how twisted that might sound. Maybe there's an emotional connection there, maybe he truly loves you.
If he was capable of love.
You were a woman of morals. Flashbacks to your life growing up, attending the army, reading books, reciting hymns come to your head as you are running, his heavy boots continuing to chase you, the constant sound being the only one that keeps you from immersing yourself into the reverie.
You manage once again to put a door behind you and you both stop, heads pressed against the glass to take a couple of breaths and that's when you finally speak to him. Finally echoing all of your thoughts in just one short sentence.
"Why?" You spit out, firm on your tongue, no fear detected.
"Why HYDRA?" He asks you and you know, if anything he'd stop chasing you to have a philosophical conversation you knew that.
"Why be a killer?"
“Why not kill? Everyone has their issues.”
You shut your eyes, and you feel your bones aching. How different life feels right now, how words are echoing through your head, little things reminding you of a better yesterday.
"We are supposed to help people."
"We are trained assassins. C'mon, baby, use your brain. Or did you think all these people you've killed are inferior to you?"
"We do what we do to preserve the peace. To help others, to protect others." That's the truth. That's what you know. What you've always known.
"HYDRA can bring the peace you so much crave. It's all the same in the eyes of the victim. Expect they can no longer defend themselves."
"How long?"
"I've been part of this?"
"Before I was even born."
You stare at his black eyes and know in the next moment you have to make a decision. There is no escaping him, he would just send people after you, or them, now or ever. Either you jump off the building to your potential death or join him.
You blink, you've made your decision.
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a/n: yes this is an open ending :) choose your own adventure!
for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary!
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
sending in a prompt for rumlow to inspire you to get to our (writing) side, from the random dialogue prompts: “Is hating me your only personality trait?” or “Come and get your fix.”
My dear Selene, my brain is getting a workout writing for Rumlow and I am enjoying every single second of it.
I went with the prompt “Is hating me your only personality trait?”
Thank you for sending in as many prompts as you did, I know I still have a few left but this was a good one so thank you again, my friend 💙
Coming Clean
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Little bit of angst, a couple of swear words, confession of feelings, fluff
Word Count: 1.4K-ish
Summary: The STRIKE team leader does his daily walk thru every day. Your daily exchanges are just a contest of getting under each others skin.
A/N: In this, Rumlow is an agent of SHIELD, not Hydra. It’s not really important to the story at all really but, maybe it’s pertinent info for some people
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Working inside the main control room at SHIELD wasn’t a difficult job. What was difficult was watching him walk through every day.
As commander of the STRIKE team, Brock Rumlow was feared, strong, skilled, and fucking gorgeous. He had that angry sex appeal going for him.
And what bothered you the most about Brock was the massive crush you had on him.
But the rumor was he was dating a woman who works over in Statistics and although you’d never confirmed that, it made you jealous. It made you so jealous, you couldn’t see straight and made it that much harder to be around him when he would do his walk through because of how much he, sort of, flirted with you.
He’d hover a little too long at your work station at times. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he leaned over you and his breath warmed the back of your neck sending shivers down your spine.
Brock didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, you knew how to handle him but he’d try to make you feel like you were doing something wrong even though you weren’t.
You were very good at your job and in charge of a small team of people. Director Fury told you if Brock ever gave you a hard time, just to give it right back to him. He knew you could handle yourself just fine.
Every time the door to the control room opened, you hoped it was him doing his walk through but you never ever let him know that. Keeping your eyes on your screen, you were hopeful that he never saw you blush when he walked in but your face always remained stoic and unwavering. You weren’t going to let him get under your skin no matter how much you wanted him too.
Pausing behind you, Brock would lean forward so he could be as close as possible to you without touching.
“Did you need something, Rumlow?” You would ask with a tense but stern voice.
You felt his breath on the top of your ear as he whispered, “Just makin’ my rounds Ms. Y/l/n. You sure you wanna do that?” He asked with a sly smile on his face while your finger hovered over the control pad.
The blue light glasses you had on, slid down your nose slightly so you pushed them up before answering him. “I think I know my job a little better than you do…sir.”
“Your perfume wrecks my concentration, ya know.” He said.
You felt a slight tingle in your core and hopefully he didn’t notice as you tightly clenched your thighs together.
“Well I’ll remember that for tomorrow when I also won’t give a shit about what bothers YOU, Rumlow. You made your rounds, so how about you leave now because I have work to do.” You said with narrow eyes and your lips pressed together in a straight line.
He inhaled sharply as the scent of your perfume floated past his nose, then exhaled. “Ooh, do I get under your skin, doll? ‘Til tomorrow.” He said softly in your ear followed by a husky chuckle.
And then he was gone.
Variations of this exchange were a daily occurrence. He never dropped in at the same time every day. He showed up at all different times during the day to throw you off, to catch you off guard and he knew that it made you crazy which is what he enjoyed the most.
He thrived on, what he thought was, your disdain for him and Brock always walked out of the control room with a coy smile on his face.
You were convinced he couldn’t really figure you out so that’s why he messed with you so much. Everyone else was somewhat intimidated by him, they moved out of his way if they saw him coming, kept their eyes down, and their mouths shut. But not you and that was the one thing that made HIM crazy.
No one was going to make you feel uncomfortable, especially Brock Rumlow.
On your way back from lunch one day, you felt a hand grab your upper arm and pull you into a supply closet.
“Ow! Brock! What the fuck are you doing?!! Lemme go!” You said with a raised voice. “You’re not funny, lemme outta here NOW.”
He inched closer to you, closing the gap between your bodies so you were sharing the same space. He smelled like wintergreen gum and clean laundry, and his eyes were the color of whiskey in the sunlight.
You had never really noticed that before, you had never been this close to him and it was causing your heart to beat rapidly like it was going to explode from your chest.
He barely let you finish your sentence before snapping at you. “Is hating me your only personality trait?” Brock’s low gravelly voice sent flutters right to your core and your mind started to wander, thinking about him pulling sinful noises from you inside this closet.
“No Rumlow, it’s not. I can be a real bitch sometimes too.” The corners of your mouth turned up slightly to reveal a devilish smile as you gazed up into his eyes.
“WHY do you hate me so much, huh? I can feel it coming off of you, y/n.” He asked, backing you into a corner, up against the wall. “I wanna know, tell me!”
You turned your face away from him and folded your arms across your chest protectively. The smile that stretched across your lips only appeared to keep yourself from tearing up.
“How do you know its hate that I feel and not something else, huh?” You asked with a hitch in your voice.
His expression softened for the briefest of moments.
“You flirt with me, tease me, and try to get under my skin but you’re dating a woman upstairs in Statistics?!! Well it’s not hate, Brock. It’s not, its full blown jealousy.” You said confidently because you didn’t care anymore if he knew how you felt or not.
He gazed down at you with his amber colored eyes and a slight smirk on his face as you looked up at him through your long dark lashes.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, Rumlow! If you think you’re just gonna continue to come into the control room and—“
He cut you off.
Without warning, his lips collided with yours. That kiss was filled with so much passion, it was almost painful, sharp with desperation and with a hunger you could barely control.
Clinging to him tightly, you moved your fingers to twist and knot in his wild dark brown hair while his hands rested firmly on your hips and pulling you flush to his body.
His strong calloused hands traveled under your shirt to gently brush the soft skin on your stomach. You wondered for the longest time what this would be like, to have his hands all over you, for his lips to crush against yours, to have his stubble brush against your cheeks, and to taste the wintergreen gum on his tongue.
He pulled away after kissing up and down the hollow of your throat.
“So does this mean you’re NOT dating anyone from Statistics?” You asked sarcastically.
He placed a gentle kiss on your lips before answering. “I’m not dating anyone, doll. There is a person in the Control Room that I really like but she’s kinda mean to me. What she doesn’t know is that it just makes me like her even more.” He said with a sly smile.
You snaked your arms around his neck.
“Ya know, I can’t be sure but I THINK she may like you too.” You said. “Now lemme outta here before Fury fires you for holding me hostage in a supply closet.”
“Hey you’re late comin’ back from lunch too, ya know. He can fire you too.” Brock said with a chuckle.
“He likes me way more than he likes you, Rumlow.” You said.
He reached for the door handle. “You’re probably right, sweetheart. Now before I let you out, will you agree to have dinner with me?”
You leaned in close and gently pressed your lips to his.
“Dinner sounds great.”
Others that may enjoy: @munsonownsmyass @qu1etwolf @redstarsandnightmares @itwasthereaminuteago @gijos @nutmeg17 @randomlittleimp @k-marzolf
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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nekoannie-chan · 2 months
Not really dead
Not really dead
Title: Not really dead.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader, Brock Rumlow X Agent of HYDRA!Reader.
Word count: 267 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve thought you died in that mission.
Major Tags: Death of character, implied experiment.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @caplanbuckybarnes 3 words Challenge with the prompt:
"But you died!"
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate my work myself) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. Please let me know if you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard
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It was a dark and stormy night when you and Steve infiltrated. The mission started smoothly, but suddenly, without knowing how, everything turned into chaos.
You came face to face with Rumlow; you started to fight; however, he managed to hurt you badly.
You were very weak when Steve found you; with tears in his eyes, he held you in his arms.
“I'm sorry, Steve,” you said in a barely audible voice before closing your eyes for the last time.
Although he tried to take you with him, he had to leave your body there to escape; his heart was broken with your loss.
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What Steve didn't know, however, was that Brock had other plans for you. He took your body to one of HYDRA's bases.
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Months later
Steve had another mission with the Avengers; he still couldn't get over your death.
As they moved forward, Steve felt a familiar presence. As he turned the corner, he came face to face with you, wearing the HYDRA uniform.
“But you died!” said Steve, stunned.
Your eyes, now cold and calculating, showed no emotion. Steve couldn't figure out what had happened to you.
Steve's heart broke again, but this time he was determined to save you. He was trying to reason with you, but you attacked him, and as soon as you had the chance, you ran away.
Steve noticed that you had dropped something; it was the necklace he had given you on your last birthday. He promised himself that this time he would not lose you; he would do everything necessary to find you again.
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Frank Grillo Characters Masterlist
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One of my absolute favorite people in the whole wide world. I absolutely adore Frank. His amazing personality, and the range he shows in his acting skills, makes him one of the most inspirational people I´ve ever had the privilege to talk to. The fact the he still doesn't have an Oscar surprises me.
This is where you´ll find my collection of my Frank Grillo Characters fics. Happy Reading. Comments, reblogs and a red heart is highly appreciated.
Private Workout (Alvey Kulina X Reader One-Shot)
Alvey´s Game (Alvey Kulina X Reader One-Shot)
Wrong Address (Brock Rumlow One-Shot)
A Helping Hand (Hydra Husbands One-Shot)
Bloody Nose (Brock Rumlow X Reader)
Click on the photo to see the Masterlist!
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My Saviour
Ongoing Stories!
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My Brother`s Best Friend
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Bound & Brockened
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Escort To The Multiverse
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Home Sweet Home
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Friendly Fire
You are the new medic at Navy Street, assigned to make sure the fighters are fit to fight, and to stitch them up if they get injured.
You've been in the game before. And you know Alvey, better than most people.
Shelby & Lisa hired you, without consulting with Alvey. And Alvey is not happy when he sees you.
You suddenly find yourself in the middle of a half broken up Kulina family, drug and alcohol abuse, and a Navy Street gym that is about to wreck itself from the inside out.
Will your strong will and smart mouth get them out of the ditch they dug for themselves? Or will you go down with them?
DISCLAMER: I'm not the biggest Lisa fan, so she's a side character in this one, she already left, and is not coming back. Remember this is Fiction, so don't hate me for changing parts of the story. I know a lot of you are BIG Kingdom fans (so am I). I just wanted to make this story my own. I Hope you'll like it.
Drug and alcohol abuse Graphic Sexual Description Violence Strong Language Public Sex
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YN Stark, Tony Starks oldest daughter just moved into the Stark towers after a messy break up. she immediantly bonds with Natasha. With her smart mouth and her IDFC attitude she manages to keep almost everyone at arms length. Mind made up at "Every Guy Is An Asshole". YN will never ever let another man into her life.
But then….
…. She meets Brock Rumlow at one of her dads parties..
Brock Rumlow don't want another girl. Every girl he's been with always seems to want him for one thing, and one thing only. Not that he minds that. Intimacy is great once in a while. But no girlfriends. Not now, not ever.
But when he one night gets seated next to Tony Starks daughter, things change. She is everything he's not. Caring, loving…. Beautiful. He want's her. But he'll have to work for it. Is it worth the risk?
Tony Stark loves his daughter, although he wasn't exactly ready to father her again when she was over 30 years old. But when she moves in. Tony sees that she inherited his smart mouth, and his sense of humor. The bond between father and daughter grows. It's even better than before. That's why he doesn't care one bit for it when YN starts to talk to SHIELD agent Brock Rumlow.
⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS⚠️ Family dispute, emotional baggage, Graphic sexual description, drinking, Description of nudity, emotions, strong language
Do not interact with this story if ANY of this is triggering to you. Stay safe ❤️
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Brock Rumlow. The university's star quarterback. A talented fotball player, with an inability to behave himself.
You! Psychology Major, about to write your doctorate!
When your paths cross. You will both learn a thing or two about each other, and about yourself.
18+ story⚠️
Story will contain Graphic sexual descriptions, graphic descriptions of violence, emotional trauma, domestic abuse, mental illness, emotional baggage!
These are Trigger warnings. Please read them and respect them!
Stay safe & Happy reading❤️
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Agent of Hope - 23
Your world falls into ruin together with the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcements Logistics Division when you find out that your boyfriend isn’t one of the good guys. Pairing: Brock Rumlow x fem!reader, Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader Contents: Errors (no, I did not spell check this time – shame on me), dealing with trauma, mental health care, feels, growth, smut, pain. A/N: So, this is one of those chapters that I call a “bridge”. Maybe that’s not the right term, but it’s needed for…reason. You know before tossing the last chapters at you. Lots of love for liking and reblogging!!
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23 - Never give up. Never back down
…   Romanoff   …
The change comes creeping in like the first light of dawn that suddenly makes it possibly to make out the shape of furniture in the dark and later adding a depth to the surface even before the colours are visible. Some days are exhausting for both [Y/N] and Natasha in each their own way. One is drained from the weekly session with the psychologist or maybe the hard physical training under the stern but kind guidance of Maria. The other, a certain redhead, finds it had to stand by. Hands off even as her love struggles with nightmarish processes that set off nightmare after nightmare until her throat is raw from crying out in anguish. No preparation can make it easier. No knowledge of the importance can soothe the Avenger when she rocks the shaking woman in the dark of night.
But that’s not the real change.
The change is the flashes of peace. The straight back and head held high. It’s the healthy thoughts that are voiced, each time with a sense of acceptance that they are the truth.
Sitting in the kitchen of the Compound, [Y/N] is allowing herself to be completely absorbed in the book she’s reading only glancing up when the glass of lemonade is empty. Clint, who’s sitting next to her, is twirling a straw around in his own empty glass but otherwise only paying attention to the take-out menu. Supposedly. Natasha is fairly certain that she’s heard him drinking even after he’d drained the jug and as such running out of options for a refill plus it’s the kind of stunt the archer has pulled on pretty much anyone who isn’t paying attention to their snack, drinks, or food.
“Mister Barton,” [Y/N] begins hyper-politely, “do you have any knowledge of what might have happened to the last half of my lemonade?”
The man puts on the perfect display of surprise spiked with such a subtle outrage at the underlying accusation that Natasha knows 100% that he’s guilty. “What? Why should I know?”
“Not buying that,” you happily announce, “so I guess I’ll use you to test out something Maria told me about.”
You refuse to tell the suddenly nervous archer what it is, merely patting him on the shoulder as you get up to make a new batch of lemonade.
…   Reader   …
Every single muscle in your body is sore. It hurts to put on a sweater. There are muscles in your back you didn’t know you had screaming at you when you bend to put tie the shoes. Hell, you can barely face going to the loo because your thighs and butt are punishing you for all the work you’re putting into the training with Maria, but at least it’s finally paying off. The former SHIELD agent is an exceptional teacher: honest, but kind without talking to you like you’re a kid. Most importantly, though, there’s an unspoken understanding of why you feel like you have to learn to defend yourself and perhaps feel like you’re in control of your own body. So that’s where she’s started.
First, she has helped you get into shape with simple cardio and strength, teaching exercises you can use on your own in the impressive gym two floors down. The second step has been to show how to use defend against simple attacks by using the other person’s body (weight and size) against them – your own stature is irrelevant or can even be used as an active benefit.
“Aaaah.” Hot water sloshes against the sides of the tub as you lower yourself into the soothing bath.
Natasha’s voice drift through the gap by the door: “Should I be jealous?”
She’s perched on the bed with the blue light from the tablet creating shadows almost as ominous as the intel she’s studying for tomorrow’s missions. Well, it starts in the morning when the present Avengers (Tony, Nat, Cap, and Clint) all leave for wherever they’re heading, and if all goes well they should be back in three days.
“Mhmmmmm…I’m having an affair with the bathtub.” The heat seeps into stiff limbs, dissolving reluctant tensions. “Sometimes we even go as far as adding bubbles to our fun.”
There’s an audible snort and you can imagine the exasperated eyeroll that doesn’t diminish her smile. Perfect, that’s how it is. Sliding deeper into the water, jaw skimming the surface as steam rises past the face, you’re completely enveloped in subtle heat and it lulls you into a drowsy contentment that pulls the eyelids down.
A rustle of clothes seems to filter in from far away before the water and you are stirred by sleek limbs as Natasha settles between your willingly parting legs, back against chest, with a quiet moan. Perhaps it’s an addiction rather than natural behaviour, but your hands are drawn to her, first massaging the tension from shoulders that hold up your world too before flat palms start stroking her arms. Her chest. The swell of her breasts where fingertips tug and twist the rapidly hardening nipples only for the warm water to soothe the skin.
She’s your friend, ally, and lover. Someone you never planned on being such an integral part of your soul and though logic dictates you could be happy without her, you simply don’t want to try. Natasha.
You love these moments when the tough hero melts like snow in your hands, head resting against your chest and mouth slightly open to release the quaking sighs of satisfaction conjured by you and no one else. Tasha is surrounded by you, laid out bare and vulnerable and easy to read. Breaths hitch, toes curl, her fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs as your fingers move faster now they’ve found her clit. She’s granted a few fingers for the core to clench around, and holy fuck, the heat fluttering around the digits that curl against the soft walls is beyond divine. Better than any bath could be.
The name on her lips as she falls apart in your hold is like a prayer. Or the praise from a goddess who has decided to adorn the life of a mere mortal, you.
“[Y/N]!” There’s a hint of a whine to her gasp. “I love you.”
The red locks are matted against her skull from the steam but still soft on your lips as you find the way to her ear. “I lo–”
Out of nowhere, the pain bombards you, starting in your head but sending rigid tendrils into the rest of your body.
Gone is the gentle lapping of the water and the comfortable weight of Natasha’s body against you. Fighting against leaded eyelids, you catch a glimmer of white and steel illuminated by a (thankfully dimmed) panel of LED lights overhead, but it’s the smell of hand sanitizer that reveals where this is. Infirmary. This time, as you try to look around again, it’s evident that you’re alone. Aware of an itch on the back of your hand, it’s with some trepidation you begin to search for the button to call for the nurse or whoever’s on duty.
What happened? You recall the bath, the sighs on Tasha’s lips before…the vision. The scene had unfolded (or will unfold) somewhere tropical, a lush jungle as a backdrop for the little houses in a village or maybe the outskirts of a town. It’s the two-story building with the flaking reddish concrete that holds Brock, so that’s where you have to go because you’re the only one that can get access to the place. But…why? There’s no logic to it as far as you can tell. Why would he let me in? But he did, or will, waiting on the other side of the door with a crazed smile as if it had been an agreement to meet. It hurts just to think about it, and not just in your head.
A door slides open with the ssshhh of vacuum, allowing the petite Dr. Cho to enter with Maria Hill in tow.
“How you feelin’?” Maria asks, phone in hand and thumb dancing on the little screen, “Promised to let Natasha know as soon as you woke up.”
Your throat is dry when you try to answer, but Cho is already prepared and stands with a glass of water with a straw in it. It’s drained before you try again. “I’m ‘kay…I guess.” Admittedly, you wouldn’t quite mind volunteering to test a guillotine, but that just means you’re alive. “Where’s Tasha? Why am I here?”
…   Romanoff   …
48 hours. Learning to wait had been a part of Natasha’s training, but the last 48 hours after [Y/N] seized up in the bathtub have been the longest and hardest to get through for the former assassin. Steve had offered she stayed back, he could ask his buddy Sam to cover, but of course she can’t accept that either. The redhead needs to stay busy which isn’t an option if she stayed by the side of the bed. Useless, that’s what Tasha would have been.
“Everything’s okay?” Clint asks, placing the last slice of cheese on the impressive sandwich he’s made.
There’s a distinct absence of weight on Natasha’s chest, a pressure she hadn’t allowed herself to focus on until now when she finally can breathe freely again. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
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squippy360 · 2 years
Your Dark!Dom Steve story is way too hot, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Could you do something similar where it’s Anti-Hero Steve and Detective/Agent Reader?
Like, Reader is ordered to hunt down the infamous vigilante Steve Rogers, but keeps letting him go because he has a crush on his quarry. So Steve captures Reader and subjects him to hypnosis that makes him give himself completely to Steve. Reader becomes a totally submissive slut who loves being a Good Boy for his Daddy, and Steve breeds him constantly because he’s just that horny and dominant
I mixed it up a bit. I hope you don't mind. :)
Steve Rogers x Male reader x Brock Rumlow x Bucky Barnes
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Cw:(dark! Steve and Brock, collars, choking, aphrodisiac, bondage, biting, kissing, foursome, Love circle.)
You were the hottest and smartest detective on your squad. You had been locking yourself in your room, working hard on this case you had been handed weeks ago. After the first frustrating week of not getting anything, you started burning yourself out, trying to get a weak point in this case. This certain vigilante was 'capturing you' but always let you go. It made you frustrated to find the reason why.
You finally hit a good spot and chased after it head on, alone of course. You thought you could finally end it all, put a nail on this file and finally put it away but of course, something changed drastically.  
You were sneaking around an abandoned warehouse, overhearing that the Captain of HYDRA was going to be here. You felt something odd about it but decided to go anyway. You easily snuck past guards and security, the problem was finding the asshole. You reached a quiet room where he was standing right in the middle. I tilted my head in confusion and made sure there weren't any people around before quietly entering the room. In one swift motion I shut off the lights and raced towards him. 
I collided with him in the dark, wrestling to get him onto the ground. Once I had him pinned down, another set of arms came from behind me and held me down. Multiple pairs of arms grabbed at my legs and torso, trying to keep me from struggling. I growled in a low voice and tried to squirm out of their grasp. A grunted when a needle was shoved into my neck. I struggled more but couldn't get loose. Eventually, I passed out. 
I groaned as I came to. My vision was still blurry and I tried to move my arms. They wouldn't move and I looked around. I was in that stupid fucking machine. I growled as I glared up at a man with straps coming from his shoulders to form an 'x' on his chest. He had a leash in his hand. It was connected to a collar on a man with a left metal arm. He was on his knees, a muzzle attached to his mouth. He was nuzzling his face against the standing man's leg. 
The 'x' guy grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. "Captain was right. You are a catch~ You'd make such a good boy for my Captain~" I tried to talk but I couldn't, something strapped around my mouth prevented me from talking. 
I glared up at him. We all turned to the door and saw the 'Captain' walk in. I glared at him as he came closer. "We are going to have so much fun~" He purred and turned to the other 2. "Rumlow. Start the machine for me. I wanna play with the Asset while you train mine~" Steve purred. 
A headset strapped on my head and restraints bolted around my arms and legs. My breathing hitched and I felt a shock go through my body. I let out a muffled scream.  
(Another one [time skip])
After a forgotten amount of time, I finally felt the electricity slow in my body stop. I was now immobile as they stood over me, grinning sadistically. You stared up at them, vulnerable and scared. They seemed to enjoy this even more. Asset was rubbing his face against your leg now. The restraints let you go and 'x' pulled me up to him. My legs were weak and I clung onto him. He smirked and dropped me. I fell onto my knees and looked up at them, my eyes glossing over.
"He's all yours." Rumlow said. Steve nodded and pecked him on the lips. "Good boy~" He praised. Rumlow blushed and stood against the wall with the Asset. Steve pulled out a leash and collar. I voluntarily lifted my head and let him put the collar on. I whimpered through the muzzle as he put the leash on. 
"Let's go to the training room~" Steve purred. He tugged the leash and I crawled along next to the asset. We got to a bedroom with a lot of 'toys' everywhere. Asset already knew what to do and waited for his masters after they locked the door. I whimpered when he nuzzled against me, pawing at my crotch. My body shivered as I looked at his hazy eyes. Steve pulled me and the asset up on the bed. "Brock, Get the lube. Bucky, be a good boy and don't move, you too M/n~" Steve rumbled in our ear. They both pulled away to get some stuff. 
They got a set of dildos, a bottle of lube, plugs, collar tags, and a whip. He laid me down on my back and spread my legs. "I'm going to take both of your muzzles off. No biting and be nice." Steve scolded. We nodded as Brock and Steve took our muzzles off. Bucky immediately pulled me into a needy kiss. I moaned and kissed him back. "Such needy boys~" Brock rumbled. I moaned loudly when Bucky bit my lip. 
Brock yanked my clothes off while Steve wrangled Bucky to get his own clothes off. I spread my legs as he tied my hands above my head. I stared up at him while he spread lube all around my ass. "Are you ready to be an obedient pet? Hm? To submit to your masters with one simple word? Speak." He growled. 
I arched my back with a whine. "Yes, Masters! I submit! I submit!" I begged out. He bit his lip and smirked. He got a whip that was sitting with the other stuff. I gasped when Steve surprised me with a needle to my neck. "Master?! W-What was that?" I cried out. "Did I say you could speak?" He said with a dark voice and spanked me again. 
I shook my head. "Just a little something to get you all worked up~" Steve hummed. He tied my legs up by my ankles. Bucky was placed on top of me. He eagerly pulled me into another kiss. I moaned into it loudly as I felt 2 fingers being pushed inside. Bucky moaned as well as Steve fingered his tight hole. 
My legs began to shake slightly as Brock rubbed my prostate. Bucky bit my lip and went crazy on my neck. I groaned and nuzzled into Bucky's neck. "Go on, pet. Tell the asset how you feel~" Steve said, running his hand on my right thigh. "Asset!!! It's so good!!! Please, More!!! I want more kisses and bites!!! Please use me!!!" I cried out. 
Steve slapped Bucky's ass and I moaned when I felt him bite down a bit harder. "I think they're ready, Sir." Brock said to Steve. Steve smirked and tilted Brock's head up by his chin. "Good boy~" Steve purred and pulled him into a kiss, taking his wrists and cornering him on the wall. Me and Bucky looked back when we heard Brock moaning lightly. Our cocks were twitching at that and Bucky rutted against me. I looked into his eyes with a heated look. I felt my body spasm with pleasure and the liquid Steve shoved inside my neck kicked in.
"C'mon, good boy~ Let's get your reward~" Steve purred. I saw Steve pull out a powerful vibrating dildo. He lubed it quickly and shoved it into Bucky. Bucky screamed and thrusted against me. "Speak asset~" Steve hummed. "MASTER! PLEASE ME MASTERS! I'M BEGGING YOU! I PROMISE I'LL BE GOOD!" Bucky keened. 
I threw my head back and cried out when Brock's thick cock bucked into me. Steve watched us, leaning against the wall and slowly stroking his cock. Bucky pulled me into another harsh kiss. My whole body was burning and I felt so horny. I let out a desperate whine and kissed Bucky back. His metal arm came up and started choking me in a way that didn't hurt but felt really good. 
"Speak, Pets." Steve breathed out. "S'good, Master!! I'm being so obedient for you, Masters!" Bucky cried out. "Please, Master! My body is so hot!! Pease fuck me, Master!!! Until I can't think!!!" I begged. Steve went to Brock and sensually grabbed his hips. He bent Brock onto Bucky and started fucking him. We were all moaning loudly. "Steve!!" Brock begged out, nuzzling into the nape of Bucky's neck. Bucky's eyes rolled into the back of his head and I felt him cum on our tummy. 
Steve was pummeling into Brock. "You all are. So. Fucking. Obedient. I love all of you~" Steve growled and bit the nape of Brock's neck, thrusting a final time before cumming into him. I felt Brock cum inside of me and I screamed out, cumming onto me and Bucky's tummy. We all stopped moving, panting loudly. Bucky pulled his hand away from my neck. He pulled me into a much softer kiss. I kissed back, grinding up into him. Steve kissed his marking on Brock's neck, quietly praising him. 
I whimpered when Brock pulled out of me and his cum leaked out. Bucky gasped quietly when the dildo was pulled out and replaced with a red gem plug. Steve pushed a black gem plug inside me so Brock's cum couldn't leak out anymore. They let my legs and arms go. They put a black and blue collar around my neck with the words 'Pet' on it. My face heated up at that and I smiled a bit. Bucky's collar had the word 'Asset' on it. He nuzzled into me again, resting on me.
"Such good pets~" They cooed as me and Bucky passed out. 
Next up: Stucky x Male reader
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stuckysdumbbitch · 3 years
summary: every time the soldat fucks up, you are the sweet little one getting punished
pairings: Dark! Pietro Maximoff x reader, Wonter Soldier Bucky x reader, slight Brock Rumlow x reader
warnings: 18+ content, noncon rape, smut, innocent kink, ddlg, kidnapping, degradation, nicknames, slight blood, humiliation, forced cuckholding threats of marking, threats of forced pregnancy, threats of gangbang, threats of piercings
a lot of people were asking for more dark pietro!
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“Soldat, stand down.” The hydra agent ordered, making you frown. You could see the tick in the Winter Soldier’s jaw, how his eyes narrowed as he complied, slowly sliding you off his lap. Hungry blue eyes pierced into you, and you recognized the man accompanying the guards as one of the twins.
“You have done poorly on your last mission,” The other one, Brock, stated coldly. “you know what will happen, soldat. Go on Maximoff.”
He stalked closer to you, feet padding against the concrete floor. In the dimly lit cell, his eyes shined an electric blue, and his teeth bared silky and white. His hand wrapped around the base of your neck, as if he was picking up a stray puppy. He delved his nose into your cherry scented curls, other hand pawing loosely at your hips. Your dress, freshly out of a 50s magazine, hiking up your hips to reveal the vintage underwear, soft and lace rimmed. Your eyes widened as a loud gasp left your blood-tinted lips. Staring dumbly at his pale, veiny hand sneaking into your underwear, you clenched your legs shut. Silly you, he was enhanced. Pietro pried your legs open as he wished, prodding your sensitive area until he found your clit. Scared eyes searched for Bucky, your sweet protector. But his gaze seemed stuck to yours, impatiently still on his ass.
You let out a breathy moan, your core tingling with a delight that felt almost illegal.
“Your little bitch is always getting wet so easily?” Pietro taunted, playing with the slickness that tainted your thighs. “I could get used to this, huh soldier? get your whore revoked; you really need to step up your game.”
Two thick fingers pushed into your pulsating cunt, filling you up. He made your whole body shudder and shake with the force of his digits thrusting into you, whines echoing in the dark cell as the men feasted on your body. The glossy fabric was tore, revealing your breasts as you shied away even more in humiliation. You started struggling fiercely again when you heard the dull thud of Rumlow’s boots against the concrete floor.
“Soldat!” you squealed, a cold hand pinching your nipple. An hermetic zipper went down, and you clenched your eyes shut. The soldat’s hard gaze softened, watching your attempt to preserve the little innocence you had left.
A blunt head was pressed against your entrance, demanding intrusion as Pietro continued to rub pretendingly soothing circles on your clit. Your little pained sniffles made Brock faux pout at you, grasping the side of your face in a tight grip so that you were forced to look at his cold dark eyes as he hungrily glared at your exposed body. The hand slithered to the back of your neck, suddenly craning it down so you could see Pietro’s crimson leaking tip. Your meek wail came out unconsciously, as more tears sprung and ran down your cheeks; it was incredibly huge.
The soldat’s punishments usually included sucking Pietro off, and maybe Rumlow fucked you. But today, you knew your lover had royally fucked up. Your scream made him shake, as the wide cock broke into your gentle walls, a burning stretch piercing into you.
You felt so weak, staggering onto the other monster as the white haired man gripped your hips tightly. The leader of the STRIKE team chuckled at your pained expression, combing your hair out of your face as your cheek laid against his rock solid chest. Thrusts slapped against your ass as your back angled painfully, voice blubbering and breaking as you weakly called out for your soldier.
“b-baby-“ you could only muster to say before the warmth of Rumlow’s body was revoked and you fell face first into the cold metallic table, your bowl of cereals James had carefully prepared inches apart from your face. A sharp slap resonated in the air, and you felt the sting on your bottom soon enough. In the cold dungeon, the heat emanating from your abused core and your marked up flesh soothed the biting cold.
“You like calling out for your Daddy?” Pietro grinned in your ear, his minty breathe fanning over your chick as you tried to squirm away. “Do you think your Daddy would like to fuck this pussy after I’m done with it? gonna leave you all stretched and useless, maybe even carve my name into that pretty ass of yours, wouldn’t you like that?”
You shook your head violently, only earning a loud cold laugh from the other men in the room. Peering open your eyes, you saw how Rumlow held your Daddy in a headlock, forcing him to observe the obscene scene in front of him.
Holding your wrists over your head with one hand as he repeatedly slammed into you, the sokovian slid the other under your body to press down at your mound. You cringed at the white-hot pain tracing down your stomach and stopping to pinch your cervix, feeling every ridge of his big cock. You were so useless, just there taking this man’s dick even though your lover could clearly see; your cheeks burned in humiliation and shame, shame because you wanted nothing more than to hurry your face into the soldat’s chest and make him keep you close, and humiliation because you started to yearn that feeling accumulating at the pit of your belly. That blinding pleasure that made you want to rub yourself over Pietro and fuck yourself into him so that he’ll paint you with his scorching cum and shield you from the chill of that Hydra basement.
“Sweet girl,” He cooed, leaning his body over yours as pressed himself into you, making you bounce carelessly. “Gonna cum for me? c’mon baby, get all tight around me.”
With his words and deep, deep thrusts, it didn’t took you long to clench tightly over him as you threw your head back over his shoulder. Your sluttiest most pornographic moan came out of you as your toes curled and pushed your ass back in an attempt to find more friction. More drowsy slick came out of your tiny pussy, coating Pietro as he continued to chase his own release in your small cunt.
He came quickly after you, holding you close as he plummeted so harshly the squelching sounds of your entrance were heated all over the cell. His warmth spilled into you, hitting your cervix as Pietro quickly pulled out to paint your inflamed pussy lips.
“You did such a good job pretty girl, I could even tip you next time.” He whispered before pulling away and letting you fall into stage ground with a loud wince. You heard and saw little from your angle, only heavy boots and zippers pulling up.
“Listen up Soldier,” Rumlow chanted, a somehow cockiness in his voice that didn’t fit him at all. “If you screw up the next mission, your little girl is getting on the breeding experiment, and we won’t be doing any unnatural shit; so you better have your priorities in order if you don’t want her filled with cock and round, got it, big boy? Would be a shame if I had to pierce her lovely tits.”
The footsteps left and the door slammed shut, your shivering frame still on the floor as you waited for the soldier to come scoop you up.
“Daddy?“ you called out, and his boot clad feet stalked near. His voice was deep and unusual, as if he was deeply disturbed. Cum and something crimson slid off your hole and onto your thighs, staring them the awful pinkish color your innocent self used to love.
“You need a lesson about cumming without permission young lady; don’t worry. I’m pretty pissed off to leave you hanging, but you’ll be begging for me to stop soon.”
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bethdutten · 2 years
slow it down
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hydra agent!reader x bucky
summary: You have a plan. They have a target for the Winter Soldier already.
a/n: so this was highly requested, again not sure where its going just making it up as I go along lmao
PART 2 / PART 1 
You nodded briskly at the two other agents walking past you in the hall— they leered, smirking because they had no idea you could incapacitate and slice their throats before they had a second to realize what was happening. Idiots.
It was ignorance like that and people underestimating you which made you one of HYDRA’s best agents. But being the best of the bad guys was never what you wanted.
You slipped into an elevator, hitting the button to the surveillance floor; in the file, it said that was where they watched Bucky for the first 24 hours out of cyro, locked in a room by himself while they sent Rumlow in to make sure he still knew he was the Soldier, and owned by them. If he showed any sign of deference, he was tortured until compliance was 100%.
You had high enough clearance to get in the room without issue. There was a wall covered in three screens, all different angles of the same man. Bucky sat at a table and stared blankly at where Rumlow was citing the last five kills the Soldier had; when he asked Bucky if he remembered executing them, he said no. This was the correct answer, it seemed, as Brock only nodded and stood, leaving the room.
“May I have the room.” You asked, but the agents currently monitoring the screens were lower level and took it as a demand, nodding and leaving silently.
This room had no cameras in it, and you locked the door once it was empty. Sitting and looking at Bucky, you felt your lower lip tremble at the emptiness in his eyes, knowing that must be the only way he knew to survive anymore. He couldn’t know any different anymore, not with how long he’s been tortured and held by them.
You took a deep breath, watching as Rumlow reentered the room and tossed down a file on the table. Bucky didn’t blink. How the hell were you going to do this?
“Do you know Steve Rogers?” Rumlow’s voice came clear through the speakers, the footage catching the way Bucky tilted his head slightly like he was trying to think.
Rumlow nodded, flicking open the file. “He’s the next target.” The first page was a glossy photo of Captain America, face visible. Bucky made no sign of recognition. Unfortunately, you didn’t think that was faked. He truly didn’t recognize his best friend. The man who had no idea Bucky was alive, but who would--
You froze, realizing just what that meant.
Steve had no idea Bucky was alive. If he did, he would do anything to protect him and get him out of HYDRA, regardless of his past, you had no doubt about that if what their friendship was depicted like in history books was any way to go by. 
Chewing on your bottom lip, you knew what you had to do. It would probably result in your death, but for some reason, that didn’t scare you as much as it would have yesterday.
You left the surveillance room, heading down in the elevator the sixteen floors to the basement where they were housing Bucky. Rumlow liked you-- you let him flirt with you and didn’t call him a jackass like most of the other female agents, essentially. You were really hoping his work with SHIELD would rub off some decentness, but that remained to be seen. 
You needed to get in to see Bucky. You’d turned off the audio recording in the surveillance room, along with the cameras, instead showing a recording on a loop; no one would know if wasn’t a live feed. You just needed to let him know you didn’t forget about him. 
The next time Brock left the room, you were leaning against the opposite wall, arms crossed over your chest. He looked surprised, then smiled that signature cocky smile, raising an eyebrow.
“Got a thing for men with blender brains? Or just really missed me?”
You bit back your retort, fists clenching as you gave him a smile back. “Just really missed you, of course.”
He chuckled, stepping way too close. “Yeah?”
You resisted the urge to shove him away, shrugging. “They had me monitor him when he was coming out of cyro. Pierce sent me down here to make sure he’s ready for the next mission.” 
Rumlow hummed. “Looks like boss has a favourite.”
“Maybe I earned it,” you said stiffly, but shot him a grin. “Maybe everyone else needs to up their game.”
“Fair enough.” Brock finally stepped back, gesturing towards the door. “Have at him. I’ll be back in ten to take him in for debriefing.”
Waiting until Rumlow was fully out of view down the hallway, you slipped into the room Bucky was in and stopped short, taking in how Bucky was standing right there on the other side, face practically in his chest. They already had him dressed in his full tactical gear.
“Jesus, Bucky,” you hissed, carefully moving around him. 
“Why do you keep calling me that.” He asked, still facing the door and away from you as you watched him. You frowned.
“It’s your name. James. People called you Bucky.” 
He didn’t say anything, just turned and met your eyes. There was an unreadable expression in them, and you realized how confusing this must be to him. To be brainwashed and tortured by the same people for decades, have one of them come in here and tell him the next person he was to murder, only to have someone with the same HYDRA uniform come in and treat him like a person, give him a name, tell him they’ll help him. No wonder he didn’t trust you. 
“I have a plan, to get us out of here. This isn’t a test, Bucky. I’m not supposed to be here, either. But I can get us out. Well, at least physically. The rest is up to Steve.”
“Steve.” Bucky repeated, eyes flicking to the table where the folder used to be. 
You nodded, wondering if the name was lighting up any memories. “You used to be like brothers. He’s Captain America. He works for SHIELD, and if we get to him, I think he can get us out of HYDRA for good. He can take them down.
Bucky nodded slightly, eyebrows furrowing as he kept his gaze down. “Steve,” He repeated again softly, and now you were certain he was remembering. He was remembering that this was someone he was supposed to remember, at least.
Rumlow would be back any minute. You stepped around Bucky, reaching the door and sighing. “Okay, we didn’t have this conversation, forget it happened--”
“Shouldn’t be difficult,” Bucky grumbled, meeting your eyes with a deadpan look.
You paused, taken aback. Then you recognized the playful glint in his eyes, so out of place on a face that hid any other emotion. You grinned, biting back a laugh. “Exactly. They’re taking you in to debrief before they send you out for Steve. I’ll make sure I’m on that mission. Then I’ll figure out next steps. That’s the plan.”
“That’s the plan.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but instead shook his head and the mask came back on, that blank and cruel soldat mask he wore to survive. You wondered if he could ever lose it.
This would not be easy. 
You knew how it would look. Two of the bad guys walking into SHIELD, one in a HYDRA uniform and one dressed for battle. You prayed the Kevlar covering your chests would hold up. Especially with so many of your own team in there, playing good guys.
But you realized Steve Rogers was the only hope Bucky had right now. The chances of them taking you out were high, you knew that. And if something went wrong, if you had to go back to HYDRA, you didn’t even want to think about what they would do to Bucky.
But it was a chance you were willing to take to make sure Bucky had his second chance. 
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Domino Effect
Description: Bucky Barnes is Hydra's greatest asset, the world's top assassin. He never misses a target, but his latest mission involves YOU, the woman he loves, the woman with a broken heart because of him. You're on the run with your sister Natasha Romanoff, together you are the most feared Widow's, you know your ex will be the one sent to kill you and your sister. Will he do it?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X reader
Warnings: Chapter warnings will be posted with each chapter
Word Count: 1126
Chapter Warnings: Very brief description of death, Mafia!Bucky , Bucky working for Hydra
Bucky was surrounded in darkness, the building he was in long ago cutting off the electricity but that’s what he needed for the mission he was on.
The darkness was welcomed.
He couldn’t be seen by anyone.
He needed an easy way out once he completed the mission.
Hydra wouldn’t allow any mistakes, that was a quick death sentence.
But Bucky was the best Hydra operative in years, he never missed a target, there were no mistakes and at the end of the day money was wired into an overseas bank account that couldn’t be traced.
“I’ve got eyes on the target,” Bucky said into his earpiece. 
“Better be a clean shot Soldat, I don’t want to be cleaning up another mess this month. Loki did enough of that.” Brock Rumlow said with a low growl.
Bucky’s brow furrowed in concentration as he followed his target through the scope of his sniper, his finger moved closer to the trigger waiting for a clear shot.
The man was wearing a tailor-made gray suit, his cufflinks shining from the flashing neon lights up above the club he was in. He turned around completely unaware that he was being watched as he talked to a blonde haired woman wearing a skin tight dress.
A half-second later Bucky pulled the trigger, the bullet escaped the barrel of his gun, the silencer ensuring that no one would hear it as the bullet entered and exited from his neck. Even from the ledge where he was perched at Bucky could see the rich red blood spill out onto the man’s expensive suit, staining it as he took his last breath.
Bucky was quick to pack up his sniper and head down the winding staircase of the uninhabited building he had been in; he could hear sirens rushing down the streets of Vienna as he got into the unmarked car he had been assigned.
“Be at the airport in 15, we got a new assignment for you soldat” Brock said before cutting off access to the line.
Bucky’s ice-cold blue eyes gazed upon the large spacious red-brick mansion he was driving up to. Men with guns stood by the black spiked gates, fingers on the trigger ready to kill any intruder or anyone that wandered too far down the road. The gate squeaked as it opened enough for his car to pass through, the mansion looked hauntingly beautiful the closer he got. The red bricks were discolored from the weather and age, ivy grew up the sides traveling up the vast space of the building.
Bucky always hated having to meet with the man currently sitting in front of him, his smile was always sinister that came from being the head of Hydra the past 2 decades, a long jagged scar ran from his hairline down to his chin,and his eyes obsidian black; Bucky often wondered if he was the devil reincarnated. Alexander Pierce was his name and Bucky was his favorite asset if there ever was one. 
“Soldat you completed your last mission with no problems I see” he said, raising a glass of Whiskey and taking a sip.
“Yes sir” Bucky replied, straightening his back.
Pierce stared at him, his smile widening just a little at the thought of how many successful missions the man before him had completed, how much money he had gained after each kill was completed.
“You’re the best agent we have Soldat, it’s too bad we have failures in our ranks like Loki; that smug idiot cost me millions last week” he said, tightening his hold on the glass in his hand, a crack appearing under the pressure.
Bucky did not respond, he knew by now to only speak when spoken to.
Pierce sighed as he stood and grabbed 2 files out of his cabinet.
“That’s why I'm sending you on this mission, it’s under the table, an inside job that only a select few have access to” Pierce continued as he walked around the large oak table to stand beside Bucky.
“You see Soldat when one domino falls so do the rest and you know I’m an organized man with very little patience, so I want this done as soon as possible before these 2 insects ruin our operation” He finished handing Bucky the 2 files in his hand and walking back to his chair.
“I’ll have it done as soon as possible sir” he said, sliding the files into the lining inside of his suit.
“I know you will Soldat, that’s why I assigned you to the mission”
Bucky glanced up to see Pierce’s smirk had disappeared, a frown replacing it. He watched as he trailed a finger down the scar on his face, a thoughtful look behind his eyes.
“These 2 insects are former Widow’s, take whatever you need to ensure the job is done, I want them both dead and their heads delivered to me” He finished looking at Bucky with rage in his eyes, maliciousness dripped from every word. Bucky only nodded his head in understanding before leaving.
“Boss has his favorite on the job I see” Rumlow said before Bucky made it back to his car.
“Jealous?” Bucky asked with a toothy grin when he saw how angry Rumlow was.
“Fuck you” he spat watching Bucky get in his car chuckling, which only infuriated him more by how unbothered he was.
Only when Bucky was alone in his apartment, each lock latched, and curtains tightly closed did he take a look at the files Pierce gave him. 
No amount of training could have stopped the gasp that escaped his lips when he saw who he was supposed to kill.
Natasha and Y/n Romanoff. The 2 best Widow’s that came out of the Black Widow program, sisters that had more combined kills than most of the Hydra agents combined. 
His icy blue gaze softened when they fell on your picture, You had been in love and so had he but he chose his job over marrying you.
He couldn’t help but wince at the memory of tears cascading down your cheeks when he told you that he didn’t want to marry you.
It had been a lie.
He loved you, loved you more than anything but the thought of settling down and starting a family terrified him, he wasn’t the type of man you marry, wasn’t what he thought you deserved.
After that night you had cut off all contact with him, he could not imagine what you and your sister Nat had done to have such a big target on your backs.
He knew this would be the hardest mission he had ever been assigned but you were his new target and Bucky Barnes never missed his target.
Part Two>
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