#bronze Dragonborn storm sorcerer
angrytheatremaker · 2 years
Game Zero
Tonight three of my neighbors and I started the preliminaries to a D&D game. Game zero. Neighbor 1 is playing as a variant human monk, Neighbor 2 is playing as a moon elf druid, Neighbor 3 is the DM. I am playing as a bronze Dragonborn storm sorcerer with a sailor background and a childhood spent among humans. (I may or may not sneak in references to Goncharov if I can. We shall see.)
Command HQ for the game is the Worlds' End Inn from the Sandman series. That's all I know for now. Film at eleven! (So to speak.)
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alecodys · 6 months
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who are you?
after two-ish months i finished the reference sheet for the bg3 au! originally i was gonna draw EVERYONES weapons, not just amy and sammy's, but after finishing sammy's warhammer i went 'fuck that' and decided against it. some super basic info is under the cut.
amy; high half-elf storm sorcerer w/ the entertainer background
sammy; high half-elf oath of vengeance paladin w/ the entertainer background
beardo; asmodeus tiefling bard w/ the sage background
dave; human barbarian w/ the dark urge background (in this case its not like bg3 but instead dnd. hes not a bhaalspawn)
ella; seldarine drow nature domain cleric of eilistraee w/ the noble background
jasmine; wood elf ranger (bounty hunter + wasteland wanderer: fire) w/ the outlander background
leonard; high elf wizard w/ the folk hero background
max; lightfoot halfling rogue w/ the criminal background
rodney; half-orc oath of devotion paladin w/ the outlander background
scarlett; drow half-elf great old one warlock w/ the charlatan background
shawn; bronze dragonborn archfey warlock w/ the soldier background
sky; githyanki fighter (duelling) w/ the outlander background
sugar; half-orc barbarian w/ the entertainer background
topher; deep gnome rogue w/ the guild artisan background
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ell-vellan · 1 year
Masterlist of my BG3 Tavs
Because I need to keep a list of them around somewhere lol
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Safiel Farspirit
Half wood elf druid (circle of the land)
Folk hero
Chaotic good
Raised in a free love hippie commune druid circle by her wood-elf father and human mother, Safiel ran with a small band of Robin Hood-esque do-gooders made up of her childhood friends before being captured by mind flayers. She is a free spirited, idealistic, slightly foolish, soft-hearted animal lover. Feels like she has a duty (imparted by her parents) to make the world better. Open minded, she respects all life, belives everyone deserves a chance for happiness and equality. She wants to fix Astarion - even vampires are a sort of life - and right the wrongs of his past. Safiel gets along great with Wyll - like a brother - as he reminds her of a childhood friend. She accepts Shadowheart, and wants to help her heal. She instantly hero worships Halsin, then is quickly head over heels for him, soaking up his wisdom with wide eyes and admiration.
Romance: Astarion and/later Halsin
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Caitris Silverguard
High Elf Cleric of Selune (knowledge domain)
Lawful good
Stuck up, book-learned, ice queen who looks down her nose on...pretty much everyone who isn't a high elf. Not as smart as she thinks she is, but pretty close. Spent most of her life in study. Perfectionist. Haughty. Not very well versed in combat. Very devout. Clashes with Shadowheart, suspicious of Astarion, thinks Gale is a fool.
Romance: ?? (Probably Shadowheart)
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Half-drow bard, flute specialty (college of swords)/ Rogue
Chaotic neutral, occasionally evil
Abandoned first by her Drow mother and then by her human father in Baldur's Gate, Rowena grew up on the streets, pickpocketing and busking with roving bands of orphan thieves to survive. Will always look out for her best interests first and foremost, and seem to hoard any bit of power she can after having none her whole life. She's angry that her father is human and stole her away from the Underdark, because I'd she had stayed amd been full Drow, she could have had so much more power. She's selfish, sarcastic, has a wicked sense of humor, and is clever and quick-witted. Reckless. Can talk her way out of anything. Dyed her hair blue as a disguise when she was wanted for angering some minor lord, then was too poor to dye it back, then it grew out. Changes her look every time a new wanted poster with her name on it goes up. Her tattoo represents each time she's escaped from jail (and also am homage to her childhood gang.)
Will kiss you, stab you, and then go through your pockets while making a joke as you bleed out.
Romance: Astarion (ascendent) and Halsin
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Neridove Rainriver
High Elf
Storm Sorcerer
Neutral good
Neridove is the type A gifted kid who wants and needs to be the best. She's stuck up, clever, and quick witted and doesn't have time for anyone's nonsense. She grew up as an apprentice to an eccentric sorcerer who made his pupils compete with each other, and she takes that same energy out into the world with her. If you're not first, you're last in her book.
Romance: Gale
(also shares custody of Gale with my friend @thegoblinwitchqueen's storm sorcerer, who drew this sketch! They're frenemies.)
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Seldarine Drow Paladin of Vengeance
The Dark Urge (resisting)
Romance: Astarion
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Nirrhuc Shahazar
Black Dragonborn
Dragon blood (bronze) Sorcerer
Romance: Lae'zel or Karlach
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White Dragonborn
Dragon blood (gold) sorcerer
Romance: ?
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junkdrawernoggin · 10 months
Writing Breakkk
So I promise I am working on the next chapter. Like I said in my previous post, it is finals season and so I don't have the mental fortitude to work on 4 of my papers and then write for my personal work. However I have been playing around with what Myles looks like in my spare moments. Mostly because it's going to come up in the next chapter (obviously people are looking for her and she sticks out like a sore thumb)
So I thought I would get some opinions!
Option 1: This was my original concept for Myles. I know that canonically Durge is a storm sorcerer white dragonborn, and at the time I really liked the idea of keeping some element of that. In this version she is a tiefling draconic sorcerer with the white dragon bloodline. I like this version, but she looks very innocent which isn't quite what I'm going for.
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Option 2: Same idea of draconic sorcerer but she's an elf this time. I did want to make her look a little...unsettling with the corpse skin. I like that she looks a little more mature here. Plus that lip tattoo always makes me think durge because it's like the darkness leaking out.
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Option 3: Wildly different option. In this version she's a red dragon bloodline sorcerer tiefling. I wanted to do something completely different since I wasn't loving the white dragon options. Originally I wanted to do bronze since lightning fits better with the storm sorcery aspect of canon durge. However, I just couldn't get the color combos to look right. None of the oranges were really bronze, and colors not going together weirds me out.
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Give me your thoughts! Do you have suggestions for what I should do instead of these? Are there tweaks you think would make these designs better? LMK!
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Builds by Inspiration
italic == homebrew
has sheets: currently none. working on it
old versions:
Crypt of the Necrodancer Cadence: Human / Bard (Swords)
Dungeon Crawl Deities: Gozag Ym Sagoz: Tiefling (Mammon) / Artificer (Alchemist) Qazlal Stormbringer: Kobold / Sorcerer (Draconic - Bronze)
Kirby Zero Two: Aasimar (Radiant Consumption) / Blood Hunter (Profane Soul - Undying)
Pokemon Gen 1: #015 Beedrill: Elf (Wood) / Paladin (Vengeance) #040 Wigglytuff: Harengon / Bard (Eloquence) #055 Golduck: Vedalken / Sorcerer (Aberrant Mind) #105 Marowak: Kobold / Monk (Kensei) #139 Omastar: Tortle / Barbarian (Storm Herald) #143 Snorlax: Leonin / Bard (Lore)
Gen 2: #181 Ampharos: Elf (Pallid) / Monk (Sun Soul) #189 Jumpluff: Halfling (Lotusden) / Druid (Shepherd) #227 Skarmory: Aarakocra / Artificer (Armorer) #230 Kingdra: Tiefling (Levistus) / Warlock (Fathomless) #241 Miltank: Minotaur / Barbarian (Zealot) #249 Lugia: Dragonborn (Gem - Crystal) / Cleric (Nature) #251 Celebi: Fairy / Wizard (Chronurgy)
Gen 3: #272 Ludicolo: Locathah / Monk (Drunken Master) #282 Gardevoir: Kalashtar / Ranger (Fey Wanderer) #292 Shedinja: Reborn / Wizard (Bladesinger) #302 Sableye: Dhampir / Monk (Shadow) #303 Mawile: Autognome / Barbarian (Beast) #344 Claydol: Githzerai / Sorcerer (Clockwork) #359 Absol: Tiefling (Dispater) / Wizard (Divination) #365 Walrein: Triton / Paladin (Open Sea) #381 Latios: Dragonborn (Gem - Crystal) / Monk (Cobalt Soul)
Gen 4: #407 Roserade: Eladrin / Warlock (Archfey) #429 Mismagius: Hexblood / Bard (Glamour) #430 Honchkrow: Kenku / Rogue (Mastermind) #442 Spiritomb: Hexblood / Ranger (Swarmkeeper) #461 Weavile: Tabaxi / Rogue (Arcane Trickster) #468 Togekiss: Aasimar (Radiant Soul) / Cleric (Peace) #493 Arceus: Satyr / Bard (Creation)
Gen 5: #518 Musharna: Loxodon / Druid (Dreams) #553 Krookodile: Lizardfolk / Rogue (Inquisitive) #560 Scrafty: Dragonborn (Metallic - Copper) / Rogue (Enforcer) #561 Sigilyph: Deep Gnome / Wizard (Graviturgy) #637 Volcarona: Tiefling (Mephistopheles) / Warlock (Celestial)
Gen 6: #660 Diggersby: Jackalope / Fighter (Champion) #681 Aegislash: Reborn / Warlock (Hexblade) #709 Trevenant: Firbolg / Cleric (Grave) #716 Xerneas: Centaur / Cleric (Life)
Gen 7: #724 Decidueye: Owlin / Ranger (Gloom Stalker) #743 Ribombee: Fairy / Artificer (Artillerist) #758 Salazzle: Yuan-Ti / Sorcerer (Draconic - Red) #773 Silvally: Warforged / Paladin (Watchers) #789 Cosmog: Aasimar (Radiant Soul) / Druid (Stars)
Gen 8: #818 Inteleon: Water Genasi / Fighter (Gunslinger) #841 Flapple: Simic Hybrid / Ranger (Hunter) #858 Hatterene: Shadar-kai / Barbarian (Beast) #890 Eternatus: Yuan-Ti / Warlock (Undying) #898 Calyrex: Fairy / Fighter (Cavalier) #899 Wyrdeer: Satyr / Fighter (Rune Knight) #903 Sneasler: Tabaxi / Monk (Long Death)
Slay the Spire: The Defect: Warforged / Sorcerer (Storm)
The Legend of Zelda: Zelda (Phantom): Warforged / Paladin (Devotion)
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nerdythebard · 3 years
#14: Ao Kuang, Dragon King of the Eastern Seas
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Gods and Goddesses!
We return from our journey, to once again bring divinity to your D&D game! We take our first look into the Chinese pantheon, with the Great Dragon King – Ao Kuang! This violent dragon, associated with storms and seas, may be known to some of you Journey to the West readers as the one from whom Sun Wukong received the Ruyi Jingu Bang (aka Power Pole, for you Dragon Ball weebs ;D). In SMITE, Ao Kuang is a melee mage, so let's see what we can do!
Next Time: Hey, Tumblr staff, please don't ban me. I swear there is a reason she's almost naked!
So, what do we need to play as the world's most dangerous wet noodle?
A MIGHTY SWORD: Ao Kuang is a melee fighter with magical powers and a sword that channels electricity and summons dragons to fight on his behalf.
Water Illusionist: As the dragon of storms and seas, we need to command those particular forces of nature. Ao Kuang also has the ability to set decoys and disappear from sight.
A GIANT F**K-YOU DRAGON: Ao Kuang's Ultimate lets him transform into his draconic form and rain death from above. I'll tell you right away, we won't be able to transform fully into a dragon, but we'll get the very best close second.
When it comes to Ao Kuang's race, I don't see any other option than Dragonborn. More specifically, we're going to use the 2021 Draconic Options Unearthed Arcana and play as a Metallic Dragonborn. We get to choose two of our abilities to boost (+2 Charisma and +1 Dexterity), and also pick our Metallic Ancestry; although the Dragon Form in the picture above is shown as green, we're going with Bronze ancestry for its Lightning damage type. We also get a Breath Weapon, a dragon standard. We can replace our melee or spell attack with a 15-foot cone of energy burst. Each creature within the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + our Constitution modifier + our proficiency bonus), or take 2d8 lightning damage (half damage on a successful save; damage increases as we level up).
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Metallic Dragonborns also get Draconic Resilience, which grants us resistance to damage type associated with our draconic ancestry, in this case, lightning. We also know Common and one language of our choice (most likely Draconic).
The regal and powerful Ao Kuang is definitely a Noble. We gain proficiency in History and Persuasion, one type of gaming set, and we learn one more language of our choice. The Position of Privilege feature grants us enough clout to walk around like we own whatever place we're in... because we probably do. It lets us secure an audience with another noble, better accommodation than others, or perhaps convince locals to fight on your behalf.
We'll start with Dexterity, as it's going to be our primary damage-dealing ability. We're flowing like a river, but striking swiftly like a lightning. Charisma is next, we've gained our title of the Dragon King by being intimidating as all hells and by keeping our subjects' loyalty (spoiler alert, it's also going to be our spellcasting ability). Follow that up with Constitution, we're a dragon, we need to be tough enough.
Wisdom is next, once again - we're a dragon and we're Chinese - we're practically the epitome of that trait. Strength is a little lower than I would like it, but it's fixable. Finally, we'll dump Intelligence; we're not stupid, we just need other abilities more.
This one was another tough one. Ao Kuang is a swordsman primarily, but there are several high-level spells that fit his style and abilities. I think I've arrived at a satisfying conclusion, though, so sit back and enjoy the ride:
Level 1 - Fighter: We begin as the generic damage-dealer. Starting with a d10 Hit Dice, [10 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, and proficiency with light armour, medium armour, heavy armour, shields, simple weapons, and martial weapons (I suggest going with a shortsword, because of its Finesse property). Our saving throws are Strength and Constitution, and we get to pick two class skills (Intimidation and Athletics).
Fighters begin by choosing their Fighting Style. Since Ao Kuang uses just a sword and no shield, Duelling is the style we're going to go with; while wielding a weapon in one hand and no other weapon, we gain a +2 to damage rolls with that weapon. We also get Second Wind, which lets us recover [1d10 + our Fighter level] Hit Points as a bonus action once per short or long rest.
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Level 2 - Fighter: Starting at this level, we get Action Surge. It lets us take one additional action on our turn once per short or long rest. The number of extra actions we can take increases as we level up.
Level 3 - Fighter: We get a secondary racial ability, the Metallic Breath Weapon. Similarly to the other one, it covers a 15-foot cone, but this time we exhale a magical gas (Save DC = 8 + our Constitution modifier + our proficiency bonus). We get to choose one of two effects:
Each affected creature must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed back 20 feet from us, and be knocked prone;
Each creature in the cone must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of our next turn.
At this level, we also get to pick our subclass - our Martial Archetype. Now, I decided to go with Matt Mercer's Echo Knight to at least get the taste of Ao Kuang's duplicate ability (since we won't get access to the Mislead spell). Simply re-flavour the 'summoning yourself from another timeline' into 'creating water & vapour illusions' and we're good to go.
Echo Knight's signature ability is Manifest Echo. We summon one magical, translucent shade of ourselves that lasts until it is destroyed/we dismiss it/we're incapacitated. Our Echo has the AC of [14 + our proficiency bonus], 1 Hit Point, and is immune to all conditions. During our turn, we can move our Echo up to 30 feet in any direction (any further distance destroys it). We can use our Echo in the following ways:
As a bonus action, we can swap places with our Echo, at a cost of 15 feet of movement, no matter the distance between us;
When we take the Attack action, it can come from our Echo's space, essentially giving us 30 feet reach for our attacks;
If a creature that's within 5 feet of our Echo moves out of its melee range, we can make the attack of opportunity against it.
We also get Unleash Incarnation. When we take the Attack action, we can make one additional attack from our Echo's position. We can use this feature a number of times equal to our Constitution modifier.
Level 4 - Fighter: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. We're not going to raise any numbers, however. Instead, we'll take the Dragon Hide feat from Xanathar's Guide to Everything. As we manifest draconic scales on our body, we get to increase one of three abilities (let's make it Constitution), and our AC while not wearing any armour becomes [13 + our Dexterity modifier]. We also gain a natural weapon in the form of our long dragon claws; we can use those to make an unarmed strike that deals [1d4 + our Strength modifier] bludgeoning damage.
Level 5 - Fighter: We gain Extra Attack. This lets us attack twice instead of once during one Attack action.
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Level 6 - Sorcerer: Time to mess with some magic. In-game, Ao Kuang is not a ranged caster, so all the spells we choose here will be more in the support category. Sorcerers start with picking their subclass, their Sorcerous Origin. Since we are the Dragon King, it's only natural to pick Draconic. Sike. We're the storm lord, we're going with Storm Sorcery from Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
The Wind Speaker feature teaches us how to speak and read Primordial, the language of elementals. Tempestuous Magic gives us a flying speed of 10 feet, any time we cast a spell of 1st-level or higher. If we use this flight to escape the enemy, we do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Sorcerers are creatures with the innate ability to control magic, therefore they start with the Spellcasting feature and know both standard spells and cantrips. We start with four cantrips:
Blade Ward gives us resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of our next turn;
Minor Illusion creates a sound or an image within 30 feet of us and lasts for 1 minute. The image cannot be interacted with, and a successful Investigation check reveals the illusion.
Shape Water grants us control over a 5-foot cube area of water within 30 feet of us. We can choose from several different effects: we can change the water's flow, create small shapes on its surface, change the water's colour and opacity, or freeze it for 1 hour.
Shocking Grasp sends a jolt of electricity into one target we touch. On a successful melee attack (we get an advantage if the target's wearing metal), the enemy suffers 1d8 lightning damage (damage increases as we level us) and cannot take reactions until the start of its next turn.
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We start with two 1st-level spell slots, and we know two 1st-level spells:
Fog Cloud creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of dense mist within 120 feet for 1 hour (concentration). The fogged area is considered heavily obscured, effectively blinding all creatures within.
Shield can be used as a reaction to when we're being hit. Until the start of our next turn, we get a +5 bonus to our AC.
Level 7 - Sorcerer: We gain the Sorcerer's signature ability, Font of Magic. We get access to Sorcery Points (currently 2), which can be spent on our Metamagic abilities or to create spell slots. We also gain another spell slot, and we learn one more 1st-level spell: Feather Fall greatly decreases the falling speed for us and up to five falling creatures within 60 feet for 1 minute. If we reach the ground before the spell ends, we take no fall damage.
Level 8 - Sorcerer: We unlock the previously mentioned Metamagic. This allows us to burn Sorcery Points, in order to modify our spells in a variety of ways. We learn two Metamagic options from the start:
Quickened Spell: Spending 2 Sorcery Points lets us change the spell's casting time from Action to Bonus Action;
Subtle Spell: Spending 2 Sorcery Points lets us cast a spell without using verbal or somatic components.
At this level, we unlock 2nd-level spell slots and can learn one more spell: Magic Weapon gives our weapon magical properties for 1 hour (concentration), for the purpose of overcoming resistances. It also gains a +1 to both attack and damage rolls.
Level 9 - Sorcerer: We get another ASI. Let's raise our Dexterity by 2 points, to get some better AC.
We also get another cantrip: Frostbite causes numbing frost to appear on one target within 60 feet of us. The enemy must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 cold damage (damage increases as we level up) and the next weapon attack roll they make before the end of its next turn is made with a disadvantage.
We learn another spell: Warding Wind creates a 10-foot-radius sphere of strong, howling wind centred on us and moving along with us. The wind lasts for 10 minutes (concentration) and has the following effects:
It deafens us and all creatures within;
It extinguished any unprotected flames;
It hedges out vapours, gases, and fogs;
The area becomes difficult terrain for creatures other than us;
The attack rolls of ranged weapons coming in or out of the wind are made with a disadvantage.
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Level 10 - Sorcerer: Halfway through the build, and we unlock 3rd-level spell slots. One more spell enters our repertoire:
Tidal Wave creates a rolling mass of water that crashes down on an area within range (120 feet). The area can be up to 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 10 feet tall. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone (half damage on a successful save and no knockdown).
Level 11 - Sorcerer: We get our Storm Sorcery upgrades. Heart of the Storm gives us resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In addition, whenever we cast a spell that deals lightning or thunder damage, storm magic erupts within 10 feet of us, dealing [half of our Sorcerer level] either lightning or thunder damage to all creatures of our choice within range.
Storm Guide gives us the ability to subtly influence the weather around us. If it's raining, we can use a bonus action to stop the rainfall in a 20-foot-radius sphere. If it's windy, we can use a bonus action to change the direction of the wind within a 100-foot-radius sphere.
For this level's spell, Lightning Bolt creates a stroke of lightning blasting in a 100 feet long and 5 feet wide line. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d6 lightning damage (half damage on a successful save). The lightning ignites any flammable objects.
Level 12 - Sorcerer: We unlock 4th-level spell slots here and gain one more spell:
Greater Invisibility renders our body (along with clothes and weaponry) completely imperceptible for 1 minute (concentration). Unlike regular Invisibility, this ability does not end when we attack with weapons.
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Level 13 - Sorcerer: We get another ASI here. Let's get +2 to our Constitution for better Hit Points and our racial abilities.
For this level's spell, Dimension Door lets us teleport to a spot within 500 feet of us. It can be a place we can see or visualize. We can also bring objects with us or one willing creature. If we were to arrive at a spot already occupied by a creature or an object, we take 4d6 force damage and the spell doesn't teleport us.
Level 14 - Sorcerer: We unlock 5th-level spells, and we can finally take the one spell I've been waiting for:
Summon Draconic Spirit lets us call forth a spirit that takes the form of a giant f**k-you dragon! For 1 hour (concentration) a Large dragon spirit appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of us and obeys our commands. This is the best we can get to portray Ao Kuang's Ultimate ability.
Level 15 - Fighter: Having obtained our dragon summon, we can come back to swinging our Mighty Sword! And we return to an ASI! Let's get a +2 to our Strength score.
Level 16 - Fighter: We get our Echo Knight upgrade. We can temporarily see and hear through our Echo's eyes and ears thanks to Echo Avatar. We can use this ability for 10 minutes and during this time we can move our Echo up to 1,000 feet from us without it being destroyed.
Level 17 - Fighter: We get another ASI. Let's get a +2 to our Intelligence to avoid negative modifiers in our sheet.
Level 18 - Fighter: We gain the Indomitable feature. Once per long rest, we can reroll a failed saving throw, but we must use the new result even if it's worse than the original one.
Level 19 - Fighter: We get our final subclass upgrade, the Shadow Martyr feature. Once per short or long rest, we can make our Echo protect another creature by sacrificing itself. Before the attack roll is made, we can use a reaction to move the Echo in front of the targeted creature. The triggered attack roll is then made against our Echo instead.
Level 20 - Fighter: Our capstone is Fighter 11, which gives us an upgrade to our Extra Attack feature. We can now attack three times whenever we take the Attack action.
And that is Ao Kuang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas. Let's see how well we've portrayed him:
I gotta be honest with you guys, I'm pretty proud of this build. I might have to pat myself on the back for this one. We have a very nice combination of sword and sorcery, with draconic flavour and good survivability. We have an Unarmoured AC of 17 (going up to 22 with the Shield spell), +4 to our Initiative rolls, and 148 Hit Points on average. None of our abilities reaches 20, but we don't suffer from negative modifiers so I consider that an absolute win. The only downside I can see is, we have very few skills and only two related to an ability we're good at.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this one, and I'll see you for the next one!
- Nerdy out!
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #51: Sakata Kintoki
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re building Mama Raikou’s golden boy and lover of all things golden, Sakata Kintoki! Kintoki is a Sorcerer/Barbarian with a level of druid(we had to get Speak with Animals from somewhere), with flashy attacks and a golden personality.
Check out the level-by-level breakdown below the cut, or the golden summary over here.
Race and Backround
Sakata Kintoki is half-youkai half-dragon, so definitely not a human for once. We’ll make him the most golden of playable races, the Gold Dragonborn. This gives him +2 Strength, +1 Charisma, Fire Resistance, and a Breath Weapon that deals 2d6 fire damage in a 15′ cone, with a dexterity save to take half damage. You can use it once per day, and it has a save DC of 8+your constitution modifier + your proficiency. That number’s going to come up a lot, so write it down.
Kintoki was raised by a witch out in the mountains, so he’s an Outlander, getting proficiency in Athletics and Survival. Turns out having a cannibal for a mother seriously stunts your social growth as a kid.
Your highest stat is going to be your Strength. You saw that pic at the top of this post, right? He’s clearly pretty beefy. Second to your strength is your Constitution, your golden body is doing you many favors here. Your eyes are beautiful enough to distract oni, and you’re also a really nice guy overall, so your Charisma is third. Dexterity is fourth; it’s not bad, but we need other stuff more. Your Wisdom is fifth: animals tend to like you, but you also have a habit of killing them. Finally, dump Intelligence. This isn’t because of your Madness Enhancement; you just never had a proper education, bar one from Raikou who is another berserker.
Class Levels:
1. Barbarian 1: Kintoki is (surprise surprise) a barbarian! Your golden muscles give you an Unarmored Defense based on your dexterity can constitution, and you can Rage to resist physical damage, gain advantage on strength checks, and deal extra damage with strength based attacks.
First level barbarians are proficient in Strength and Constitution saves, and two barbarian skills. You can literally talk to animals, so Animal Handling is a shoe-in. You also hunt them, which is pretty intimidating, so Intimidation is also a good pick.
For weapons, grab a Battleaxe. Your weapon might not be as big as herc’s, but you can charge it up with the golden power of lightning! Later.
2. Sorcerer 1: Your dad was a dragon, and your race only gave fire powers, so you had to know this was coming. In your story he was a red dragon, but we’ll have to change things around to get lightning powers. Your dad wasn’t that golden, both in the sense that he’s Bronze here, and in the sense that the only time he shows up in your story is when you’re conceived.
Having a bronze Dragon Ancestor doubles your proficiency (where applicable) for charisma checks involving dragons. Your Draconic Resilience gives you an extra HP when you take a sorcerer level, and gives you an unarmored AC of 13+your dexterity modifier. That doesn’t stack with your barbarian defense, but it is better than it right now.
You also get Spells at this level, cast with your charisma. At first level, you get four cantrips, and two first level spells. Booming Blade lets you charge up your ax to force enemies to stay where you can see them, dealing thunder damage if they move the turn after you hit. Friends is your first application of your special eyes, letting you charm others. Light lets you wrap an item in golden lightning to help your dumb lizard eyes see in the dark, and Shocking Grasp lets you apply a nasty surprise to those dorks who fight with a shirt on, and gets rid of their reactions.
For first level spells, Witch Bolt lets you arc your lightning at a distance, using your action to continue the attack. Expeditious Retreat lets you dash as a bonus action while concentrating, giving you a golden opportunity to blast into the thick of combat.
3. Barbarian 2: Second level barbarians can make Reckless Attacks, letting you make a golden strike this turn, but puts you in a distinctly ungolden position until your next turn. You also get a Danger Sense, giving you advantage on dexterity saving throws that you can see the cause of, like spells and traps. Seeing them might be tricky with those sunglasses though.
4. Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers are a Font of Magic, gaining sorcery points equal to their level that they can use to regain spell slots without rests. Speaking of spells, Charm Person lets you charm a person with those special eyes of yours. Just be careful where you point them.
5. Barbarian 3: Third level barbarians set down a primal path. Storm Herald barbarians get one of three Storm Auras, which extend out from them by 10′ and cause effects with a DC that is the same as your breath weapon (8+constitution modifier + proficiency). When you start your rage, and as a bonus action while raging, you can call down lightning on one enemy within range, forcing a dexterity save to prevent half of 1d6 Lightning damage.
6. Barbarian 4: Use your first ASI to round out your Strength for bigger hits and bump up your Wisdom by one. I promise we’re going somewhere with this.
7. Barbarian 5: Fifth level barbarians get an Extra Attack, letting you make two weapon attacks per attack action. Buster cards are great, but you have to switch it up every once in a while. Multiple attacks are good for you. You also get Fast Movement, adding 10′ to your movement speed while wearing less than heavy armor.
8. Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers get Metamagic, the golden feature of sorcery that lets you customize your spells. Empowered Spell lets you reroll a number of damage dice from a spell, up to your charisma modifier. Rolling a bunch of ones isn’t golden, so just don’t do it. Elemental Spell from the Class Feature Variants UA lets you swap out the acid, cold, fire, or thunder damage from a spell and replace it with lightning for only 1 sorcery point. There’s more you can do with it, but that’s what we’re using it for. Your golden soul causes all your magic to be just as golden.
For your spell, Enhance Ability makes one of your or a creature you target’s ability checks golden for up to a minute with concentration. If you choose strength, the target’s carrying capacity is doubled, dexterity lets them fall up to 20 feet without taking damage, and constitution gives them some temporary HP.
9. Barbarian 6: Sixth level storm heralds get a Storm Soul. Your golden soul lets you resist lightning damage, breathe underwater, and gives you a 30′ swimming speed. I don’t think those last two come up in FGO, but your Wikipedia article does show baby you hanging out on the back of a fish, so you’re at least good at holding your breath.
10. Sorcerer 4: Use your next ASI to bring your Wisdom up to multiclassing standards. For spells, grab the cantrip Acid Splash. All your attacks so far only target one person, so being able to lob a couple golden bombs around thanks to Elemental spell could come in handy. If you continue to insist on wearing your sunglasses indoors, you’ll also need to have Darkvision on hand if you want to see anything.
11. Druid 1: Kintoki was kind of a wild child, so why not have a bit of magic from the wilds? First level druids know Druidic, a written language indecipherable to non-druids. You also get a couple spells that are cast with wisdom. Thunderclap to make even more noise, and Resistance to make yourself just a bit tougher. You can also prepare first level spells now, but we’re just here for Speak With Animals.
12. Barbarian 7: Seventh level barbarians have a Feral Instinct, ensuring all your initiative rolls stay golden. Being surprised isn’t golden, so you can also ignore that if you rage immediately on your first turn.
13. Barbarian 8: Use your next ASI for more Constitution for better lightning, fire, and HP. Constitution’s just a really good stat for you, huh?
14. Barbarian 9: Ninth level barbarians get a Brutal Critical, letting you add 1 extra die to an attack when you roll a natural 20. You were always golden, but now you shine just a bit brighter.
15. Barbarian 10: Tenth level storm heralds have a Shielding Storm, letting you extend your lightning resistance to other creatures of your choice within your Storm Aura. Look at your party, now back to me. Now back to your party. Now your party is golden too.
16. Barbarian 11: Eleventh level barbarians go into a Relentless Rage, meaning if you drop to 0 hp while raging you can make a constitution save to not do that. A success leaves you at 1 hp, and the DC of the save goes up until your next rest.
17. Barbarian 12: Use your last ASI to bump up your Charisma for a stronger force of personality and better sorcerer saves.
18. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level dragon sorcerers have an Elemental Affinity, letting you add your charisma modifier to the damage of spells that deal Lightning damage. When casting such a spell, you can also spend 1 sorcery point to resist lightning damage for an hour, but you already do that for free.
Speaking of spells that deal lightning damage, Lightning Bolt deals a lot of lightning damage, and reaches up to 100 feet away from you, while also setting everything it hits on fire.
19. Barbarian 13: We’re almost done here, but your Brutal Critical adds another die to your golden crits. 
20. Barbarian 14: With your final level, you become a Raging Storm. Sea-based storm heralds force creatures within their aura to make a strength save when hit. On a failure, they’re knocked prone. The book says it’s “as if [they were] struck by a wave”, but let’s be real for a golden moment. You’re a golden guy swinging around a big, golden ax. Of course people are gonna be falling over you.
You have pretty good range for a berserker, with your lightning blasts covering way more ground in a turn than you could. 
You resist a lot of common damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing while in a rage, and fire and lightning naturally. That’ll make your generous health pool go a long way. 
Unlike most builds that focus on using one type of damage, you have a lot of regular strength to back it up. Even if you run into something with immunity to lightning damage you’ve still got a big ax to stick in its face.
Like with Spartacus, rages and magic don’t blend together well. 
Your AC is really low since it didn’t get any improvements while leveling up. Even worse, we can’t just put on better armor to deal with it thanks to that one level of druid. It’s a good thing you resist most of the damage you’ll be taking, because you’ll be taking a lot. 
Your spells/spell-like abilities split up your casting abilities, so you’re not as golden as you could be at either. The saves on both your rage lightning and spell lightning aren’t bad, but they could’ve been higher if you’d have focused on just one.
Still, you don’t have to be the best, just be your best. Now go out there and make your mama proud.
Next up: We’re doing the monster mash!
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DnD Masterlist
Because I fucking love those Dungeons and Dragons Monster X Race: Dragonborn (Bronze) Class: Storm Herald Barbarian, Level 8 (Sea), Samurai Fighter, Level 10, Monk, Level 2  Gigan Race: Lizardfolk (Possible Half-Aarakocra?) Class: Eldritch Knight Fighter, Level 20 Gigamoth Race: Aasimar (Scourge Aasimar) Class: Death Domain Cleric, Level 10, Oathbreaker Paladin, Level 10 X Race: Mindflayer (not a playable race i know, but... come on) Class: Way of the Sun Soul Monk, Level 11, Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (Bronze), Level 9 The Controller Race: Mindflayer (Ulitharid) Class: School of Enchantment Wizard, Level 15, College of Whispers Bard, Level 5 (Instrument is his voice) Gabara Sr. Race: Lizardfolk Class: Storm Herald Barbarian (Sea), Level 14, Circle of Spores Druid, Level 6 Mothra Leo Race: Aasimar (Protector Aasimar) Class: Circle of Stars Druid, Level 20 Berserk Race: Warforged Class: Artillerist Artificer, Level 15, Mastermind Rogue, Level 5 Beelzemon Race: Tiefling, Bloodline of Baalzebul Class: Sharpshooter Fighter, Level 10, Hexblade Warlock, Level 10 (Pact of the Blade) Battra Race: Aasimar (Fallen Aasimar) Class: Divine Soul Sorcerer, Level 14, Circle of Wildfire Druid, Level 6
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sea-panda-art · 4 years
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My Dragonborn Storm Sorcerer for our new 5th edition D&D campaign we just started. His name is Torrin Myastan, known as ‘Sparky’ to his friends lol. My DM is doing Dragonborn a little differently than the traditional, which is why my boy has both blue and bronze scales. His familiar is a fey raven named Emile. I am in love with this character and I’m very happy with how he came out. I recently gained access to a tablet so I am relearning digital art.
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dungeonhavoc · 5 years
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Thought I’d share an image of my party from left to right.
Bjorn: white dragonborn; ex priest of the storm god fighter, first to theocricide, and weilder of Ragnarok.
Tallick: halfling bronze dragon sorcerer; soul bound to Sygil dragon of ancients, thunderfoot, and the ear of Baba Yaga.
Llamashta: Shader-Ki warlock; betrayer of the Raven Queen, servant and weilder of the Wand of Orcus, and friend of Stool the uncomfortable myconoid, and smoker of the ashes of Zuggtmoy
Hudraer: Gold Dragonborn Monk. Prince of pandenesia, light in the darkness, breaker of the dragon’s chains.
They are the Doomreapers!
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creativerogues · 7 years
Roll A Complete Character!
What’s a better way to start 2018 than sitting around a table, rolling dice, and coming up with some brand new Characters, with the potential to do anything!
With help from the Amazing CreativeRogues Community, we’ve created a Set of Tables you can use for Creating Your New Character!
Using these Tables, you can Roll for your Character’s Race, Subrace, Class, Subclass, Alignment, Background and Ability Score Array!
So All You Have To Do Is Sit Back And Roll Some Dice While Enjoying The New Year’s Festivities!
Race & Subrace: ROLL 1D30
1. Aasimar (Roll 1d4: 1 = Protector Aasimar, 2 = Scourge Aasimar, 3 = Fallen Aasimar, 4 = Roll Again)
2. Bugbear
3. Metallic Dragonborn (Roll 1d6: 1 = Gold, 2 = Bronze, 3 = Brass, 4 = Silver, 5 = Copper, 6 = Roll Again)
4. Chromatic Dragonborn (Roll 1d6: 1 = Red, 2 = Blue, 3 = Green, 4 = White, 5 = Black, 6 = Roll Again)
5. Dwarf (Roll 1d4: 1 = Duergar Dwarf, 2 = Hill Dwarf, 3 = Mountain Dwarf, 4 = Roll Again)
6. Elf (Roll 1d4: 1 = High Elf, 2 = Wood Elf, 3 = Dark Elf (Drow), 4 = Roll Again)
7. Firbolg
8. Genasi (Roll 1d4: 1 = Air Genasi, 2 = Earth Genasi, 3 = Fire Genasi, 4 = Water Genasi)
9. Gnome (Roll 1d4: 1 = Forest Gnome, 2 = Rock Gnome, 3 = Deep Gnome, 4 = Roll Again)
10. Goblin
11. Goliath
12. Half Elf (Roll 1d6: 1 = Half Aquatic Elf, 2 = Half Wood Elf, 3 = Half Dark Elf, 4 = Half Moon Elf, 5 = Half Sun Elf, 6 = Roll Again)
13. Half-Orc
14. Halfling (Roll 1d4: 1 = Ghostwise Halfling, 2 = Lightfoot Halfling, 3 = Stout Halfling, 4 = Roll Again)
15. Hobgoblin
16. Human (Roll 1d4: Odd = Human, Even = Variant Human)
17. Kenku
18. Kobold
19. Lizardfolk
20. Orc
21. Tabaxi
22. Tiefling (Roll 1d6: 1 = Feral, 2 = Devil's Tongue, 3 = Hellfire, 4 = Winged, 5 = Common Tiefling, 6 = Roll Again)
23. Tortle
24. Triton
25. Yuan-Ti Pureblood
26 - 30. Roll Again
Class & Subclass: ROLL 1D12
1. Barbarian (Barbarian Path - Roll 1d6: 1 =  Berserker, 2 = Totem Warrior, 3 = Ancestral Guardian, 4 = Storm Herald, 5 = Zealot, 6 = Roll Again)
2. Bard (Bardic College - Roll 1d6: 1 = Glamour, 2 = Lore, 3 = Swords, 4 = Valor, 5 = Whispers, 6 = Roll Again)
3. Cleric (Cleric Domain - Roll 1d12: 1 = Arcana, 2 = Death, 3 = Forge, 4 = Grave, 5 = Knowledge, 6 = Life, 7 = Light, 8 = Nature, 9 = Tempest, 10 = Trickery, 11 = War, 12 = Roll Again)
4. Druid (Druidic Circle - Roll 1d4: 1 =  Land, 2 = Moon, 3 = Dreams, 4 = Shepherd)
5. Fighter (Martial Archetype - Roll 1d8: 1 = Champion, 2 = Battle Master, 3 = Eldritch Knight, 4 = Arcane Archer, 5 = Cavalier, 6 = Samurai, 7 = Purple Dragon Knight, 8 = Roll Again)
6. Monk (Monastic Tradition - Roll 1d8: 1 = Open Hand, 2 = Shadow, 3 = Four Elements, 4 = Drunken Master, 5 = Kensei, 6 = Sun Soul, 7 = Long Death, 8 = Roll Again)
7. Paladin (Paladin Oath - Roll 1d8: 1 = Devotion, 2 = The Ancients, 3 = Vengeance, 4 = Conquest, 5 = Redemption, 6 = The Crown, 7 = Oathbreaker, 8 = Roll Again)
8. Ranger (Ranger Archetype - Roll 1d6: 1 =  Hunter, 2 = Beast Master, 3 = Gloom Stalker, 4 = Horizon Walker, 5 = Monster Slayer, 6 = Roll Again)
9. Rogue (Roguish Archetype - Roll 1d8: 1 = Thief, 2 = Assassin, 3 = Arcane Trickster, 4 = Inquisitive, 5 = Mastermind, 6 = Scout, 7 = Swashbuckler, 8 = Roll Again)
10. Sorcerer (Sorcerous Origin - Roll 1d6: 1 = Draconic Bloodline, 2 = Wild Magic, 3 = Divine Soul, 4 = Shadow Magic, 5 = Storm Sorcery, 6 = Roll Again)
11. Warlock (Otherworldly Patron - Roll 1d6: 1 = Archfey, 2 = Celestial, 3 = Fiend, 4 = Great Old One, 5 = Hexblade, 6 = The Undying)
12. Wizard (Arcane Tradition - Roll 1d10: 1 = Abjuration, 2 = Conjuration, 3 = Divination, 4 = Enchantment, 5 = Evocation, 6 = Illusion, 7 = Necromancy, 8 = Transmutation, 9 = War Magic, 10 = Roll Again)
Alignment: ROLL 1D10
1. Chaotic Good
2. Chaotic Neutral
3. Chaotic Evil
4. Lawful Good
5. Lawful Neutral
6. Lawful Evil
7. Neutral Good
8. True Neutral
9. Neutral Evil
10. Roll Again
Background: ROLL 1D30
1. Acolyte
2. Anthropologist
3. Archaeologist
4. Charlatan
5. City Watch / Investigator
6. Clan Crafter
7. Cloistered Scholar
8. Courtier
9. Criminal / Spy
10. Entertainer
11. Faction Agent
12. Far Traveler
13. Folk Hero
14. Gladiator
15. Guild Artisan / Guild Merchant
16. Haunted One
17. Hermit
18. Inheritor
19. Knight
20. Knight of the Order
21. Mercenary Veteran
22. Noble
23. Outlander
24. Sage
25. Sailor / Pirate
26. Soldier
27. Urban Bounty Hunter
28. Urchin
29. Uthgardt Tribe Member
30. Waterdhavian Noble
Ability Scores: ROLL 1D4
1. Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)
2. Good Array (16, 14, 12, 11, 10, 10)
3. Heroic Array (18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 10)
4. Epic Array (18, 17, 15, 14, 12, 10)
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angrytheatremaker · 2 years
More Adventures in D&D
Neighbor 1, the gal who plans to play as a variant human monk, is digging into her character's background. As someone who wrote an extensive background for Honoria (my bronze Dragonborn storm sorcerer), this makes me happy. No doubt Neighbor 2 will inform us more about her moon elf druid at some point.
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NPC with speaking parts in order of appearance
Fergus Bibee: Male human rogue. Bi and a mercenary who was a party member until being trapped in a box. Boris’ half brother.
Bob: Female human grand clerical assistant at the Temple of Good and Unity. Also the initial quest giver.
Unnamed butcher: Female human who sells Aurix nasty meat.
Hector the Shepard: Male half-elf. His sheep died and he gave the PCs mittens his husband knitted as a reward for killing the things that killed it.
Aria Shetmoor: Female centaur bard. Poly and pan, dating Fea'ard and Garrin. Became a party member to help save her people and made aurix realize that she’s in to women. Later becomes a cleric of Olidammara to help rebuild
Garrin: Male human spell thief. Bi and poly, in a relationship with Aria. Possessed and later cured.
Fea'ard: Female elf sorcerer. Lesbian (or bi with a strong preference for women) and poly, in a relationship with Aria. Possessed and later cured.
Mathis Greengage: Male halfling rogue. Margery's twin brother. Possessed and later cured.
Margery Greengage: Female halfling rogue. Mathis’ twin sister. Possessed and later cured.
Big bugbear: Male? Bugbear who almost made a deal with Ver to let them pass before Aurix sneak attacked him. Very dead.
Feylen Nerixisys: female elf cleric. Member of Verwynn’s congregation. Ver’s ex girlfriend. Poly, and pan and demiromantic.
Elixi “Jay” Nackles: Female gnome cleric. Member of Verwynn’s congregation. Lesbian, dating Venra. Also the group’s tattooist and prankster.
Geth Morden: Male human (¼ elf) cleric/sorcerer. Member of Verwynn’s congregation. Becomes a party member and has a conflict with Danya because of being a sorcerer. Gay and dating Micah. Has a wood owl familiar named Oscar.
Micah: Non-binary dwarf cleric. Member of Verwynn’s congregation. Dating Geth and is gay. (“If I like a woman that’s gay, if I like a man that’s gay, if I like another nb person that’s also gay” mentality.)
Venra Naïlo: Female elf cleric. Member of Verwynn’s congregation. Onnavanna (grand cleric) in training. Trans and bi, in a relationship with Jay. 
Adris Silvernettle: Female half elf. Leader of Verwynn’s congregation. Onnavanna (grand cleric). Aro and ace.
Danya: Female elf wizard currently in Fergus' body while he's in a box. She is currently hated by the entire party because she was extremely rude to Geth about him being a sorcerer. She has a familiar named Trixy who is a ferret.
Digby Fivful: Male human cleric of Olidammara. Freed from a devourer and acted as a guide through the temple.
Olidammara: God of music, thievery, and revelry. Nearly turned mortal by a mysterious white robed figure.
Craig the Gnome: Male gnome ranger. Plays the key-tar, wears sick sunglasses and a tunic with the sleeves cut off. Has his daughter Cassandra in a baby bijorn at all times. He also has two twin daughters, Hachi and Machi. He is Sol’s bro.
Edith: Female human and the sheriff of Dawnreach, where Aurix’s congregation is located. Plays chess and has tea with Aurix when she is in Dawnreach. 
Sildar Hallwinter: Male silver dragonborne paladin. The paladin commander for Bahamut and a member Aurix’ congregation. Kind of a giant stick in the mud with a major sweet spot for Bronks. 
Bronks Glimmertongue: Male brass dragonborne paladin in training. Orphan who adored SIldar and later became a dragonborne, the only person that Sildar has really warmed up to. He is about 12 and is just a tiny motormouth who loves everyone. 
Mezadeen “Mezzy” Terrawit: Male copper half-dragon half-halfling cleric. Member of Aurix’s congregation. He’s trans and gay and kind of a prankster. He loves badgering Sildar and is really good buddies with Phin and Ariana. 
Ariana Zapwing: Female bronze dragonborne paladin. Member of Aurix’s congregation. Pan and a bubbly ball of sunshine who is dating Phin. She is very good friends with Aurix and her relationship with Phin has created a rub in their friendship. 
Phin: Female blue half-dragon cleric. Member of Aurix’s congregation. Lesbian in a relationship with Ariana. Aurix mistrusts her because she is a blue dragon with a mysterious past. 
Ingowil: Non binary gold dragonborne cleric. Leader of Aurix’s congregation. Grand cleric with a soft spot for nicknames and children.
Boris Bibee: Male half-orc fighter. Probably ace and has a massive soft spot for animals, particularly cats. Fergus’ sweet baby brother, and cousin of Henry and Beau. Has 7 cats Captain Hairington (long hair grey and white with grey saddle and mask markings), Miss Penny (short hair tortoiseshell), Sir Mittens (short hair tuxedo with a white nose, chest diamond, and front paws), Merph and Morph (long hair orange tabbies that are identical minus Morph’s white muzzle and Merph’s white foot), Storm “cloudy boy” (long hair grey), Mister Shadow (short hair black). Currently running Henry and Beau’s shelter while Henry is ill.
Henry Bibee (mentioned): Male human sorcerer. He is trans and is married to Beau. Fergus and Boris’ cousin. Until falling into poor health he ran an informal shelter in the lower district with his husband using their earnings as merchants.
Beau Bibee (mentioned): Male elf rogue. He is trans and married to Henry. Fergus and Boris’ cousin via marriage. Until Henry fell into poor health he helped him run an informal shelter in the lower district using their earnings as merchants.  
Andrew Wells: Male human fighter. Member of the Farix militia. Geth’s ex-boyfriend who reported him to the city upon discovering Geth is a sorcerer and is the reason for Geth being exiled from the city. Unintentionally named after a character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Cathifi Dreamreaver: Female human leatherworker. Arundel’s cousin and partial owner of FADE Arms and Armor. Lesbian in a poly relationship with Harriet and Neria. 
Neria Adora: Female elf weaver and enchanter. Partial owner of FADE Arms and Armor. Lesbian in a poly relationship with Harriet and Cathifi. 
Harriet Edgehone: Female halfling woodworker. Partial owner of FADE Arms and Armor. Lesbian in a poly relationship with Cathifi and Neria. 
Arundel Freewoods: Male half-elf blacksmith. Cathifi’s cousin and in a relationship with Verwynn. Partial owner of FADE Arms and Armor. Panromantic asexual.
0 notes
Builds by Species
has sheets: currently none. working on it
old versions:
Aarakocra Icarius Bluntbeak (Artificer: Armorer)
Aasimar Protector / Radiant Soul Hiko Kamalani (Druid: Stars) Nyssa Shion (Cleric: Peace) Scourge / Radiant Consumption Nishant No-Heart (Blood Hunter: Profane Soul - Undying)
Autognome Unit E-03 ‘Ella’ (Barbarian: Beast)
Centaur Xenia Argyris (Cleric: Life)
Deep Gnome Jahr Prismonde (Wizard: Graviturgy)
Dhampir Sidney Tigerseye (Monk: Shadow)
Dragonborn Gem - Crystal: Raianthe Temisia (Cleric: Nature) Roku Brightclaw (Monk: Cobalt Soul) Metallic - Copper: Jez Rustborne (Rogue: Enforcer (homebrew))
Eladrin Mehr al-Gulrukh (Warlock: Archfey)
Elf Pallid: Venne il-Matar (Monk: Sun Soul) Wood: Regine Toxic-sting (Paladin: Vengeance)
Fairy Harley Sterling (Fighter: Cavalier) Naomi Barnett (Artificer: Artillerist) Suie Elowen (Wizard: Chronurgy)
Firbolg Elahna Deadwood (Cleric: Grave)
Genasi - Water Mortimer Murrough (Fighter: Gunslinger)
Githzerai Tialoch Fihrann (Sorcerer: Clockwork)
Halfling Lotusden: Ariel Hawthorne (Druid: Shepherd)
Harengon Faust Availon (Bard: Eloquence)
Hexblood Fyusha Westlande (Ranger: Swarmkeeper) Thistle Bloom (Bard: Glamour)
Human Caliope Ide (Bard: Swords)
Kalashtar Hypatia Pherenice (Ranger: Fey Wanderer)
Kenku Raban ‘the Riskfeather’ Talonscrape (Rogue: Mastermind)
Kobold Kas’hial Stormfront (Sorcerer: Draconic - Bronze) Mahina of Bahador (Monk: Kensei)
Leonin Alb Ephraim (Bard: Lore)
Lizardfolk Basil Cunningham (Rogue: Inquisitive)
Locathah Minero Brand (Monk: Drunken Master)
Loxodon Pari al-Nashrin (Druid: Dreams)
Minotaur Wisteria Gore (Barbarian: Zealot)
Owlin Silvester Ivorsson (Ranger: Gloom Stalker)
Reborn Sir Gabriel Hauteclere (Warlock: Hexblade) Zebulun (Wizard: Bladesinger)
Satyr Esmerelde Shadesmoor (Bard: Creation) Tormod Stigandr (Fighter: Rune Knight)
Shadar-kai Ylli Luljeta (Barbarian: Beast)
Simic Hybrid Aeden Rosiere (Ranger: Hunter)
Tabaxi Kunai Twinclaw (Monk: Long Death) Sickle Twintail (Rogue: Arcane Trickster)
Tiefling Dispater: Cosmo Apollonia (Wizard: Divination) Levistus: Tenacity Fischer (Warlock: Fathomless) Mammon: Gosling von Sagose (Artificer: Alchemist) Mephistopheles: Amrita Aradhana (Warlock: Celestial)
Tortle Achernar Corentin (Barbarian: Storm Herald)
Triton Boris Arkulath (Paladin: Open Sea)
Vedalken Kai Hisakawa (Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind)
Warforged RK-05 ‘Shiro’ (Paladin: Watchers) Princess Sophia Griselde (Paladin: Devotion) TempOSt (Sorcerer: Storm)
Yuan-Ti Castilla Ixcoutl (Sorcerer: Draconic - Red) Mugi Skullscream (Warlock: Undead)
Homebrew Jackalope: Izchak Erdmann (Fighter: Champion)
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Builds by Class
has sheets: currently none. working on it
old versions:
Artificer Alchemist: Gosling von Sagose (Tiefling - Mammon) Armorer: Icarius Bluntbeak (Aarakocra) Artillerist: Naomi Barnett (Fairy)
Barbarian Beast: Unit E-03 ‘Ella’ (Autognome) Ylli Luljeta (Shadar-kai) Storm Herald: Achernar Corentin (Tortle) Zealot: Wisteria Gore (Minotaur)
Bard Creation: Esmerelde Shadesmoor (Satyr) Eloquence: Faust Availon (Harengon) Glamour: Thistle Bloom (Hexblood) Lore: Alb Ephraim (Leonin) Swords: Caliope Ide (Human)
Cleric Grave: Elahna Deadwood (Firbolg) Life: Xenia Argyris (Centaur) Nature: Raianthe Temisia (Dragonborn - Gem (Crystal)) Peace: Nyssa Shion (Aasimar - Radiant Soul)
Druid Dreams: Pari al-Nashrin (Loxodon) Shepherd: Ariel Hawthorne (Halfling - Lotusden) Stars: Hiko Kamalani (Aasimar - Radiant Soul)
Fighter Cavalier: Harley Sterling (Fairy) Champion: Izchak Erdmann (Jackalope (homebrew)) Gunslinger: Mortimer Murrough (Water Genasi) Rune Knight: Tormod Stigandr (Satyr)
Monk Cobalt Soul: Roku Brightclaw (Dragonborn - Crystal (Gem)) Drunken Master: Minero Brand (Locathah) Kensei: Mahina of Bahador (Kobold) Long Death: Kunai Twinclaw (Tabaxi) Shadow: Sidney Tigerseye (Dhampir) Sun Soul: Venne il-Matar (Elf - Pallid)
Paladin Devotion: Princess Sophia Griselde (Warforged) Open Sea: Boris Arkulath (Triton) Vengeance: Regine Toxic-sting (Elf - Wood) Watchers: RK-05 ‘Shiro’ (Warforged)
Ranger Fey Wanderer: Hypatia Pherenice (Kalashtar) Gloom Stalker: Silvester Ivorsson (Owlin) Hunter: Aeden Rosiere (Simic Hybrid) Swarmkeeper: Fyusha Westlande (Hexblood)
Rogue Arcane Trickster: Sickle Twintail (Tabaxi) Inquisitive: Basil Cunningham (Lizardfolk) Mastermind: Raban ‘the Riskfeather’ Talonscrape (Kenku) Enforcer (Homebrew): Jez Rustborne (Dragonborn - Metallic (Copper))
Sorcerer Aberrant Mind: Kai Hisakawa (Vedalken) Clockwork: Tialoch Fihrann (Githzerai) Draconic - Bronze: Kas’hial Stormfront (Kobold) Draconic - Red: Castilla Ixcoutl (Yuan-Ti) Storm: TempOSt (Warforged)
Warlock Archfey: Mehr al-Gulrukh (Eladrin) Celestial: Amrita Aradhana (Tiefling - Celestial) Fathomless: Tenacity Fischer (Tiefling - Levistus) Hexblade: Sir Gabriel Hauteclere (Reborn) Undead: Mugi Skullscream (Yuan-Ti)
Wizard Bladesinger: Zebulun (Reborn) Chronurgy: Suie Elowen (Fairy) Divination: Cosmo Apollonia (Tiefling - Dispater) Graviturgy: Jahr Prismonde (Deep Gnome)
Blood Hunter Profane Soul - Undying: Nishant No-Heart (Scourge Aasimar)
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Builds by Name
italic == homebrew
has sheets: currently none. working on it
old versions:
Achernar Corentin: Tortle / Barbarian (Storm Herald) Aeden Rosiere: Simic Hybrid / Ranger (Hunter) Alb Ephraim: Leonin Bard (Lore) Amrita Aradhana: Tiefling (Mephistopheles) / Warlock (Celestial) Ariel Hawthorne: Halfling (Lotusden) / Druid (Shepherd) Basil Cunningham: Lizardfolk / Rogue (Inquisitive) Boris Arkulath: Triton / Paladin (Open Sea) Caliope Ide: Human / Bard (Swords) Castilla Ixcoutl: Yuan-Ti / Sorcerer (Draconic - Red) Cosmo Apollonia: Tiefling (Dispater) / Wizard (Divination) Elahna Deadwood: Firbolg / Cleric (Grave) Esmerelde Shadesmoor: Satyr / Bard (Creation) Faust Availon: Harengon / Bard (Eloquence) Fyusha Westlande: Hexblood / Ranger (Swarmkeeper) Sir Gabriel Hauteclere: Reborn / Warlock (Hexblade) Gosling von Sagose: Tiefling (Mammon) / Artificer (Alchemist) Harley Sterling: Fairy / Fighter (Cavalier) Hiko Kamalani: Aasimar (Radiant Soul) / Druid (Stars) Hypatia Pherenice: Kalashtar / Ranger (Fey Wanderer) Icarius Bluntbeak: Aarakocra / Artificer (Armorer) Izchak Erdmann: Jackalope / Fighter (Champion) Jahr Prismonde: Deep Gnome / Wizard (Graviturgy) Jez Rustborne: Dragonborn (Metallic - Copper) / Rogue (Enforcer) Kai Hisakawa: Vedalken / Sorcerer (Aberrant Mind) Kas’hial Stormfront: Kobold / Sorcerer (Draconic - Bronze) Kunai Twinclaw: Tabaxi / Monk (Long Death) Mahina of Bahador: Kobold / Monk (Kensei) Mehr al-Gulrukh: Eladrin / Warlock (Archfey) Minero Brand: Locathah / Monk (Drunken Master) Mortimer Murrough: Water Genasi / Fighter (Gunslinger) Mugi Skullscream: Yuan-Ti / Warlock (Undead) Naomi Barnett: Fairy / Artificer (Artillerist) Nishant No-Heart: Aasimar (Radiant Consumption) / Blood Hunter (Profane Soul - Undying) Nyssa Shion: Aasimar (Radiant Soul) / Cleric (Peace) Pari al-Nashrin: Loxodon / Druid (Dreams) Raban ‘the Riskfeather’ Talonscrape: Kenku / Rogue (Mastermind) Raianthe Temisia: Dragonborn (Gem - Crystal) / Cleric (Nature) Regine Toxic-sting: Elf (Wood) / Paladin (Vengeance) Roku Brightclaw: Dragonborn (Gem - Crystal) / Monk (Cobalt Soul) RK-05 ‘Shiro’: Warforged / Paladin (Watchers) Sickle Twintail: Tabaxi / Rogue (Arcane Trickster) Sidney Tigerseye: Dhampir / Monk (Shadow) Silvester Ivorsson: Owlin / Ranger (Gloom Stalker) Princess Sophia Griselde: Warforged / Paladin (Devotion) Suie Elowen: Fairy / Wizard (Chronurgy) TempOSt: Warforged / Sorcerer (Storm) Tenacity Fischer: Tiefling (Levistus) / Warlock (Fathomless) Thistle Bloom: Hexblood / Bard (Glamour) Tialoch Fihrann: Githzerai / Sorcerer (Clockwork) Tormod Stigandr: Satyr / Fighter (Rune Knight) Unit E-03 ‘Ella’: Autognome / Barbarian (Beast) Venne il-Matar: Elf (Pallid) / Monk (Sun Soul) Wisteria Gore: Minotaur / Barbarian (Zealot) Xenia Argyris: Centaur / Cleric (Life) Ylli Luljeta: Shadar-kai / Barbarian (Beast) Zebulun: Reborn / Wizard (Bladesinging)
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