badassdanddpics · 14 days
I'm sorry to bug you and I bet you get endlessly bombarded with messages but I was curious if you could send me the pdf link for the Hollower class? I want to run it by my current DM for our second campaign that we'll be running in February. I like the check and balances system you create for the class so as to try and keep it balanced and well to be honest I'd like to give it a run. Best regards, Haldir.
I'm actually returning from a hiatus and haven't recently gotten any messages so it's nice to hear from you! While this blog mostly runs on reblogs at the moment, if you send me a link to the post I'd likely be able to find you a PDF of the class. You can reach me through messages here or, if you'd like to join myself and others in CreativeRogues' Discord community, here's some information about it! (https://www.tumblr.com/badassdanddpics/641944557699891201/discord-highlights-january?source=share)
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creativerogues · 3 years
1d20 Feywild Gifts...
You leave a trail of mushrooms in your footsteps.
You have thorns growing out of your skin where the bone is close to the surface.
You have long hooked fingernails.
You are always followed by birds and forest creatures, they deeply disapprove of most of your life choices.
You cause all creatures within five feet to hear faint whispers of bizarre and alien things.
You have the horns of a ram growing from your head.
You are always followed and surrounded by a low glittering mist.
Your eyes - pupils and irises - become entirely white.
You constantly surrounded by swarming butterflies.
You have flower petals for hair.
You can crudely mimic others, like a raven or a jackdaw.
You have mushrooms which grow out of any scars or wounds. They are psychedelic, of course.
You can sing like a bird almost perfectly.
You have golden or amber eyes.
You are covered in a sleek coat of fur, like a hunting hound or a deer.
You have seven-inch-long fingers.
You have pair of elegant and delicate butterfly wings. They are functionally useless and will require clothing to be specially tailored.
Your skin changes colour with mood, like an octopus or a chameleon.
You leave a trail of flowers, growing in your footsteps.
You have the tail of a fox and will require clothing to be specially tailored.
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Crowned by Dread and Cloaked by Woe
These items where once worn by an ancient queen who, from the humble beginnings of an orphan, ascended to be the ruler of the winter court and the queen of her homeland.
Dread, The Iron Crown:
This jagged crown of blackened iron was the sign of rule of the ancient queen.
Upon ascending the throne of winter the nature of that ancient queen changed irreversible and whover takes up her crown undergoes the same metamorphosis.
Fae nature: Vulnerability to Damage from Iron Weapons. When making a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) Check to escape Magical or Non-Magical Bindings, you have Disadvantage on the Roll. You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot. No need to drink, eat or sleep.
With her ascent to power came this crown and soon it was feared by all who would stand against the queen.
Aura of Dread: When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack as part of the Attack action, you can force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
The ancient queen was known for always getting her due, even if it required the dead to march for her.
Rise and Serve: The wearer may cast True Resurrection upon a single target. This effect costs a number of charges depending on the size of the creature. (Fine costs 1 charge, Diminutive costs 2 charges, ... etc.) The Iron Crown gains 1d6 charges per long rest.
Woe, The Mantle of Dispair:
This mantle, once an deep black, is covered in the flags of beaten foes to the point that, the original color is almost indistinguishable while it's inside form the entrance to a void bereft of all light or warmth, an night sky without starts or moon.
Once the original enchantment on this mantle when it was granted, it grew in power with every flag added to it.
Magical resistance: Resistance to damage from magical sources. Advantage on Saving Throws against Spells of 3rd Level or lower.
Impress your will upon the world and craft an domain where even the gods have to bow to it's true ruler, and let out the endless void that can smother even the stars that resides in your soul.
Fall: Any enemy within a radius of 25ft centered around you must make a DC 14 constitution save or take 4d6 cold damage and be petrified. Success means the creature takes half damage and is not petrified. This ability can be activated once per new moon.
hope you have fun with this. Rogue and i made it as an celebration of his return. A cookie to whoever finds out from where i got this idea.
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2soulscollide · 3 years
- NameChef - Name Generator - Reedsy Generator - Fake Name Generator - Fantasy Name Generator - Baby Names - Baby Center
- Long Names List by @leafvy - Giant Name List by @serifsystem - Dark Academia Inspired Names by @victoriahazelnut - Dark Academia Inspired Names part II by @victoriahazelnut - Modern Names Similar to Constellations by @victoriahazelnut
- Personality Generator - Random Character Traits Generator by @lucalicatteart - Random Zodiac Sign Generator - Zodiac Generator
- 638 Personality Traits - Character Traits List with Examples - 800 Character Traits: The Ultimate List (+ How to Develop a Good Character Step-by-Step) - The Signs in a Relationship by @neo-wonderland - Character Flaws by @madswritess - A List of Character Quirks by @psychidion - Victorian Detective by @iamacuteapplepie - Little Quirks for Future Reference by @elvenwinters - Things your Character Might be Afraid of by @rpmemesbyarat - Masterlist of Characters’ Deepest Fears by @bailey-writes
- Kassoon Backstory Generator - Character Biography Generator - How to Write Compelling Character Backstories: Step-by-Step Guide - Childhood Memory Generator
-  33 Life Events For Your Character’s Backstory by @creativerogues - Important Life Events - Past Traumas by @blackacre13
>Goals & Motives
- Character Goal Generator - Character Motivation Generator - Motive Generator
- Secret Generator
- 300 Secrets for your Character by @crissverahelps - What Secret does your Character Keep? - 150 secrets/plots by @sunshineandtearph
- Appearence Generator - Portrait and Figure Drawing References
- Appearence Adjectives - Adjectives to Describe People 
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drcreatureflix · 3 years
A List of random books to read in DnD
Some random books to fill store shelves while the wizard is calculating the prices of his spell scrolls and the bard is busy deciding on smut. Oh look, theres 20 of them so you can roll for them as well.
1. Malvandi’s Codex Gigantius (A book talking about the history of a god of monsters and the largest known creatures in the world. Partially based on something I am working on) 2. Court of Dragons (A history of the dragons within the nine hells) 3. Pennyfool’s guide of travelling meals (A halfing size cookbook about foraging and hunting food and about keeping costs of meals cheap while out adventuring) 4. Familiar Fruition and Folly (Guidelines for looking after familiars of all kinds)  5. Vorai’s Visual Artesty of the Arcane (A self help book for casters to help make spells feel unique with visual flair and improving their technique while improving themselves) 6. Uracks Buuk of Hitting Stuff, sixth edition (A best selling book about the art of war by a fairly new ork author) 7. Within Fortune’s Favour (A rachy tale of a preist of Avandra being seduced by a domineering baron) 8. A Helpful guide of Necromancy, third edition (A more simplistic guide for beginning casters wishing to learn nercomancy, weirdly banned in many cities) 9. Understanding Abberations with Sindril (A history of the emergence of abberations in the mortal plane and breakdown of their cultures and language, requires three eyes minimum or psionic understanding to read) 10. The Fungus Amongus (Another halfing cookbook about culviatating roots and fungi for brews and stews,) 11. In the Mirrors of the Raven (A supposedly non-fiction telling of an adventurer’s time within the Raven Queen’s Palace) 12. The Wicked thorns of Misteltoe (A fictional story of a god falling in love with a mortal that is fated to be their death, quite popular with the younger generations) 13. Beside Drakes, second edition (A guide of raising dragons and realising them into the wild, all editions and copies weirdly always seemed charred alittle) 14. Curses and Me (A self-help book about living with curses and eventually breaking them, popular with those that travel the planes alot) 15. Arcane under Hammer and Anvil: An Advanced Dissection of spell crafting (A large tome for more advanced casters that wish to craft their own spells) 16. Far away and back again (A tale of one Dragonborn’s travels into the Far Realms) 17. In defence of the Sinful (A documentation discussing the gods usually deemed ‘evil’ and the unfortunate nescessity of them, very unpopular despite being a compelling read) 18. A Village Fools Tome of the Tarrasque (A simple understanding of the anatomy of a Tarrasque and best defensive measures against one, though its unknow if these measures have ever been used.) 19. Stengthening Strings of Music (A music book explaining the use of rhythum of music to cast spells) 20. Material and Magic (A documentation of the process of creating magical items)
This list was inspired by a random question on @creativerogues discord channel. If you want to partake in such random lists or want to play a game online head over to https://discord.gg/uhWfP8A and jpin the fun.
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ddraculaura · 4 years
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I got to design some npcs for the wonderful @creativerogues , it was really fun getting to design these new characters!!
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theoutcastrogue · 5 years
How to Rogue: a 5e Masterpost
[A recreated masterpost. Alternate link here.]
[links in brackets [+] are to articles republished for archival purposes]
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Getting started
Rogue 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Stealth and Subterfuge | by James Haeck at D&D Beyond
New to 5e? And new to Rogues? Have no fear! | by this Rogue [+]
Rogue Overview and General Tactics | by Person_Man at GitP [+]
Rogue Guides
I Fought the Law and Won: The Rogue Guide | by Gladius Legis at EnWorld
DnD 5e: The Rogue Handbook | by RPG BOT
A Thousand Lies and a Good Disguise: A Rogue Guide | by Cuddlebot5000 at GitP
Boxing With Shadows: A Rogue’s Handbook | by Wrym at D&D Beyond forums
A Knife in the Dark: A Rogue’s Handbook | by clutchbone at EnWorld [+]
5E Rogue Guide | by Person_Man at GitP [+]
With Skill and Steel, a Rogue’s Guide | by rooneg at GitP
Video: D&D 5e Rogue Class Guide | by Don’t Stop Thinking
Roguish Archetype Guides
Dealing Death: Handbook of the True Assassin | by GladiusLegis at EnWorld, salvaged from the old WotC forums
Attack Flow Chart for Assassin Rogues | by ninjalordkeith at reddit
Magique Filou: The Arcane Trickster’s Guide | by Specter at GitP
StarStuff’s Thief Guide | by StarStuff at GitP
A Rogue’s Guide to Playing a Swashbuckler | by Duncan at Hipsters & Dragons
The Social God: A guide to an optimized party face | by Specter at GitP
Official & Homebrew Roguish Archetypes Masterpost Part I & Part II | by this Rogue [+]
Getting Involved
PCs being sneaky: Clarification of Stealth and Hiding Rules | by Ronny at Dungeon Master Assistance [+]
Stealth, hiding and you! A mini guide | by noctaem at EnWorld, salvaged from the old WotC forums
How to Flank | by this Rogue [+]
Ways to Gain Advantage (scroll down a bit) | by Person_Man at GitP [+]
Rogues & The Many Ways to Gain Advantage | by creativerogues
Terrible, Terrible Damage: A Crit-Fishing Mini-Guide | by strangebloke at GitP
Ways to attack with your Reaction | by GladiusLegis at EnWorld, salvaged from the old WotC forums
Level Dip Guide | by mellored at EnWorld, salvaged from the old WotC forums
Multiclassing a Rogue in 5e: Searching for Damage | by kenthedm with commentary by stkperson
Ultimate Optimizer’s Multiclassing Guide | by PeteNutButter at GitP
The Grappler’s Manual: Taking 5th Edition Combat to the Ground | by ktkenshinx at EnWorld
For other systems see:
Building a Rogue in 3.5 and Pathfinder: Collected Resources  [+]
Dirty Deeds … Done Dirt Cheap: The Rogue’s Handbook for D&D 4E
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obsoletesystem · 6 years
Rhekie "the Reckless"
@creativerogues Highest Armor Class (not really, 26 is also possible) Most Movement possible in 1 Turn (definitely)
Rhekie "the Reckless" Bahl Level 5 Aarakocra Fighter (Urban Bounty Hunter (from SCAG)), Chaotic Neutral HP 46 (5d10+10) AC 20 (12 (studded leather) + 2 (shield) + 1 (fighting style) + 5 (dex mod)) or 25 with Shield spell. Speed 35 ft., fly 60 ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 20 (+5) CON 15 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 8  (-1) Saving Throws STR +3, CON +5 Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +4, Insight +4, Stealth +8 Tool Proficiencies Thieves' Tools, Ukulele Spellcasting. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). Cantrips (at will): gust, prestidigitation 1st level (3 slots): expeditious retreat, magic missile, shield, snare
Abilities Ear to the Ground. You are in frequent contact with people in the segment of society that your chosen quarries move through. These people might be associated with the criminal underworld, the rough-and-tumble folk of the streets, or members of high society. This connection comes in the form of a contact in any city you visit, a person who provides information about the people and places of the local area. Fighting Style: Defence (+1 AC when wearing armor) Second Wind. You can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 5 hit points. (1/rest) Action Surge. You can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. (1/rest) Weapon Bond. You cannot be disarmed of your bonded weapon unless you are incapacitated and if the weapon is on the same plane of existence, you can summon it to your hand as a bonus action. You can bond up to two weapons at once. Feat: Mobile (+10 speed (yes, the wording also counts for flying movement), difficult terrain doesn't cost extra movement when you dash (fuck that we're flying), you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature that you have attacked for the rest of the turn.)
Extra Attack (2) Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4+5) slashing damage Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+5) slashing damage Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage
Equipment Thieves' tools Arrows (20+) Caltrops (3 bags of 20) Hempen rope (a lot) Oil (6 pints or so) Ball Bearings (bag of 1000) Alchemist's Fire Some other shit to chuck down on fools
At first glance the ferocious laridaen visage of the notorious and unscrupulous bounty hunter Rhekie 'the Reckless' puts the fear of the gods in the hearts of lesser men (or birds). Children start crying at his mere sight, old ladies clutch their purses in terror, fish mongers quickly close their business when The Rheking Bahl comes to town. Many are surprised, however, by his remarkable sociality and his keen intuition. Sure, he will gobble up your tuna sandwich without a thought, but he listens to you, and knows when something is bothering you... Especially when you happen to have a price on your head. GOTTA GO FAST Now our friend Rhekie is probably one of the fastest 5th level geezers around. With a 60 ft. fly speed, he could easily get that 230 feet in one round, using his regular movement, the Dash action, that Expeditious Retreat bonus action and that sweet Action Surge. Taking a 42 kilometer per hour sprint is not bad for a level 5 birdman. If only we could get that Longstrider spell too.
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valgee · 7 years
I saw what you did with the circle of the hierophant from creativerogues and it was so cool! How would you make a ranged monk that could still use fists? like something similar to bigby's hand. so for a certain amount of Ki points, you make a ranged spell attack. This spells appears as a clenched fist of shimmering, translucent force which flies towards the target. (This is a literal equivilent to punching someone from a mile away.) What are your thoughts?
The idea of a long range monk is an great one, though if you’re talking about making a monk literally able to punch from a full actual mile away, such a feat is best left to DM fiat. However, if you’re more concerned with somehow using a ranged attack to emulate your martial arts, consider reflavoring The Way of the Sun Soul tradition from searing radiance to projected fists. Its key ability is:
Radiant Sun Bolt
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can hurl searing bolts of magical radiance.
You gain a new attack option that you can use with the Attack action. This special attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add your Dexterity modifier to its attack and damage rolls. Its damage is radiant, and its damage die is a d4. This die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table.
When you take the Attack action on your turn and use this special attack as part of it, you can spend 1 ki point to make the special attack twice as a bonus action.
When you gain the Extra Attack feature, this special attack can be used for any of the attacks you make as part of the Attack action. 
Within this, we can take the archetype that already fulfills our goal and apply different flavor text to create the subclass we want. You could ask your DM to fiat the radiance damage to be magical bludgeoning, force damage, or include in your backstory why projected fists would deal radiant energy. Using the Way of the Sun Soul as template to achieve this might look like this:
Projected Fists
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you project the force of your strikes to hit foes from afar.
You gain a new attack option that you can use with the Attack action. This special attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add your Dexterity modifier to its attack and damage rolls. Its damage is force, and its damage die is a d4. This die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table.
When you take the Attack action on your turn and use this special attack as part of it, you can spend 1 ki point to make the special attack twice as a bonus action.
When you gain the Extra Attack feature, this special attack can be used for any of the attacks you make as part of the Attack action
Martial Barrage
At 6th level, you gain the ability to using your ki to project a barrage of your strikes. Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 2 ki points to cast the burning hands spell as a bonus action. The spell manifests as fists relentlessly pummeling the area of effect and deals force damage instead of fire. You can spend additional ki points to cast burning hands as a higher-level spell. Each additional ki point you spend increases the spell’s level by 1. The maximum number of ki points (2 plus any additional points) that you can spend on the spell equals half your monk level.
Frenzied Projection
At 11th level, you gain the ability to project the force of your punches and kicks in a devastating display. As an action, you choose within 150 feet, where your project your body to unleash a frenzy of deadly strikes. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 force damage. A creature doesn’t need to make the save if the creature is behind total cover that is opaque. You can increase the sphere’s damage by spending ki points. Each point you spend, to a maximum of 3, increases the damage by 2d6.
Barrier of Mind
At 17th level, you become encased in the projection of your ki. You shed bright light in a 30- foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You can extinguish or restore the light as a bonus action. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while this light shines, you can use your reaction to deal force damage to the creature. The force damage equals 5 + your Wisdom modifier.
Perhaps this isn’t exactly what you were looking for, perhaps you wanted a monk that could essentially just cast Bigby’s Hand, as you mentioned, which I think could be uninteresting; to center an entire archetype around a single spell that offers a limited set of options (Druid’s Circle of the Shepherd is an example of a class essentially centered around a single spell that makes up for it with the infinite diversity of the spell.) perhaps you wanted a monk that was specialized to increase the range of their fists exponentially to eventually be able to hit from distances of miles. I think that, while not trying to disparage anyone who would do this, this goes against the idea of the monk to be a close combatant, and the Sun Soul template is decent compromise of this. 
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badassdanddpics · 7 years
Follow a Friend
This blog has posted many, many posts, yet some of the most welcomed have been the work of my co-author @creativerogues . As he's nearing 5000 followers, I would like to give credit to his many wonderful posts that helped this blog and our group blog @thecreativecoalition grow into what they are today. Thanks for the wonderful content my friend, may many more milestones be passed soon enough.
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creativerogues · 3 years
1d20 Reasons For Adventuring...
You thirst for knowledge and wisdom.
You're searching for something specific; A place, person, god, thing, etc.
You wish to one day rule a kingdom of your own.
This adventure was a quest given to you by a mentor, church, king, family member, etc.
You simply want to help the helpless.
This adventure is a part of your rite of passage into adulthood.
You're adventure just for the fun of it!
The glory and fame of it all has enticed you to stay in the adventuring business.
The world needs a hero, and you're willing to give it a try!
You're escaping from something, someone, a purpose, a calling, etc.
You're obsessed with danger, mystery and the unknown.
You drift from town to town, with no real home and making money no matter the danger.
You were dragged along on this adventure to keep someone you care about safe.
You were forced into adventuring by the will of circumstance.
You were indentured as a servant to your traveling mentor, learning their ways as you adventure together.
You were sentenced by the law or religious beliefs to adventure and prove your worth.
You really like to kill things and take their stuff.
You adventure to take out your frustration on creatures you're sure deserve it.
You adventure to gain money and support those that supported you in your youth.
You adventure in the hopes of gaining new allies and friends after years of lonely wandering.
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WorldBreakers - A Test Series...
Hi Everyone!
To start off our Pilot of our new series, WorldBreakers, we’re looking for writers, artists and others in the community to help create these legendary weapons.
WorldBreakers is a test series from CreativeRogues where we’ll create weapons and magic items, specifically to break worlds and to help players truly achieve their LVL 20 GODHOOD Status!
If you have an idea to submit, then you can do it through this link below!
You Can Submit Your Ideas Here!
And, with help from the community, we’ll create some truly world-breaking magic items...
And if people like it...
Then we will turn this into a mini-series!
So, in short, you can submit your world-breaking magic items. 
And they MUST be world-breaking...
(This is the chance for the players to submit the magic items that the DM never let them use because it was too OP.)
(Or the chance for a DM to submit their world ending weapon that will destroy the entire party...)
And remember, these weapons are made to kill....
And most of all… HAVE FUN!!!
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What is the BIGGEST Dragon? Both in D&D and in Pop Culture? As far as I know it's Balerion from GoT, as around 70 meters in Height. But I just wanted to know what the BIGGEST DRAGON EVER is... And how big this almighty dragon is too!
I agree with Creativerogues' answer as far as D&D, but for culture there are a few big dragons I could find:
Bakunawa: A dragon from Filipino mythology that lives in the ocean and swallows the moon during eclipses. That's pretty big, thought bad is sort of relative. I assume its just hungry.
Nidhogg: A lindworm from Norse mythology that gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, whose roots extend deep into Hel and into the heavens and even between the worlds. Since Nihogg's tail writhes between most of the roots, it can be assumed his relative size is probably larger than some worlds. As far as "bad-ness" part of his name means dishonor and he could have possibly been an eater of the dishonored dead.
Back to D&D, Advanced dragons in the epic level handbook can reach up to Colossal+ size, taking up about 40 x 80 ft space with 20 ft. reach, a whopping 8 by 16 5-ft spaces, pretty much the entirety of my playing mat. Bahamut and Tiamat are approximately this size, according to the Deities and Demigods supplement. As far as I can tell, any dragon can become an "Advanced" dragon, and descriptions don't seem to aid in sizing these things so we basically just have their stats to go on. This, of course, excludes unique or named dragons.
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drcreatureflix · 3 years
Showing off my newest character
Tumblr has informed me that I have been making stuff for my page for a year now so I thought I would show off my current character I am playing, Maul Esvelgr (Male Eladrin Wizard).
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He is a training wizard of the school of bladesinging that worships the norse god Odin after recieving a vision of Ragnarok. His favoured spells is Murder of Crows, a fun version of Magic Missile that fires spectral birds from his hands instead of darts (and definitely not based off of the Murder of Crows vigor from Bioshock shhhhh...) and Find Familiar to make a Raven companion out of respect to a raven that saved him from a giant (And fits with the whole Odin worshipping ordeal). If you want you can listen to his misadventures with an albino teifling ranger and a Dragonborn Revenant Beserker over at Creativerogues Discord linked below:
Where me, @creativerogues​ and numerous other DMs host games for fellow members to you can join or just enjoy listening to. Like Rogues high fantasy game of Shattered Souls or another fellow DM’s game (His name is literally Dog online) of shenanigans deep in the astral plane, or my own dark fanatsy, more mature campaign Darkness over Direwater.
And if you like the artwork below of Maul and are on Creative Rogues Discord, you can commission an art piece from me there as it is the server that gave me the courage to start drawing again. Or you can contact me directly at my email for my commission prices at: [email protected] Alternatively you can contact one of my fellow artists on the discord for commission work or follow the links below for their own commissions and content. Such as Joesph and Panni’s Lawn’s Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/Artblockonthefrontlawn) for their numerous craft videos and other comical content. Or the highly talented digital artist RIPesto who you see here on their twitter (https://twitter.com/LiveAnke/media).
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Death of a Myth- Short Story Competition Entry
Thanks to @creativerogues for the prompt, details of contest here. The prompt is below:
Death of a Myth
This prompt is about the death of a fantasy or mythological creature. Whether by the sword of man or by the ravages of time.
Time passes, and death treads softly behind me.
I never thought I would face her cold, dark touch. I, who once shook the earth with my passing, struck fear in the heart of man, raised up kingdoms and smashed them to pieces on a whim. I was once mighty, proud and strong, but time and death spares no one. I gather my strength, all which is left of me, and speak. There is no one to hear, no one that would listen, but my story must be spoken all the same.
 “They called me many names over the years, words whispered at fireside, swords clutched in hand for protection. The elves called me the Burning Death, and avoided my gaze, the dwarves, who coveted my wealth and called me the Hoarder, avoided my realm for fear of my grasp. Humans, however, were different. Small, pitiful creatures, they marched in large armies carrying weapons of deadly iron. They screamed their rage in the face of my flames and called me Dragon.
 My Father was Earth. His breath brought forth plants and trees and grass, animals and all beasts of the field. My mother was Air, from her came wind and clouds and birds. Together they flew through her realm each day, their great wings soaking in the morning sun. Each night they rested on the earth to enjoy the life that thrived there. My sister was their first-born, and they named her Water. Her magical breath brought forth the seas and all the creatures within.  All was beautiful in the world they had made between them.
Centuries passed but still my father was restless. There was more life to be built, something was missing. At last I was born, and they named me Fire. My breath brought flame and light, and with my help the flame was sparked inside my father’s creations. They stood up and spoke. They smiled, laughed and sang. Houses were built, families made. My father was at last content, the world was finished. He closed his eyes and rested, becoming a great mountain on the land, and never woke again. My mother mourned, water poured from the sky in her grief.  She flew up into the night sky, curling tightly in on herself. She became a globe of light, and succumbed to her eternal sleep. “
 As I sit here alone on top of my father’s form, the mountain where I made my home, speaking my story for the last time, I close my eyes and I can still see them in my memories: happy, content, loving. I remember there was a time when I was not alone and dying. I feel Death’s steps near behind me; the air around me grows colder as she approaches.
 “The elves, tall and golden, worshiped my mother. They called her the moon, and danced in her soft light. The dwarves revered my father. They lived in the great mountain he had become, digging into the depths for shiny gems and gold. Their songs echoed through his empty form. The humans made their life beside my sister’s oceans. They praised her creations and prayed for her favor when they fished and swam within the depths. She was amused by their attention, granting their wishes when she could. She grew strong and content, filled with their admiration.
 I felt alone, and I was angry.
It had been my breath, my power that brought them life, and yet they shunned me. No one came to ask my favor, no one thanked me for the gift of warmth I allowed them in their campfires. I would not, could not stand for this.
I stole away elves, dwarves and humans. In the depths of the earth I breathed upon them, fusing their forms, making them stronger. They were, twisted, darker versions of my father’s dream, and I lovingly claimed them for my own. I called them orcs and raised an army. “
 Now it seems so futile, my pitiful attempt to retake the world by force. I was young and proud, and far too strong. I didn’t see the pain I caused, only the chance at victory. I didn’t know the destruction I would bring, upon the world, and on my own head. Death hears my words, feels my regret, and she laughs softly. I ignore her and continue. I am out of time, but my story must be finished, this one, last time.
 “Many died, but I had made enough Orcs to outnumber them three to one. We overwhelmed the other mortal beings, drove them back to the sea, with nowhere left to run. My sister confronted me at last, despite her aversion to violence.
‘Why are you here, brother?’ Her voice was tired and sad.
I demanded my due, the respect and worship of the mortals I had helped make. She laughed at me, and my anger grew.
‘What will you do with a world of the dead?’ She gestured at the corpses who littered the ground. ‘Do you feel their respect and worship now, brother?’ I had no answer, and so I struck her down. As my flames took her life she smiled at me, and that smile will always haunt me most of all.
With her death the ocean rebelled, it rose up and destroyed my army, but spared the mortals who had flocked to her protection. My sister’s last gift to them, her love lasting even beyond her death.
Now I was truly alone.”
I pause to catch my breath. I hurt deep inside, wounds made over the millennia I had survived, now no longer able to heal. Death sits beside me, a young girl in a black dress. The wind at the top of the mountain is freezing, but she gives no signs of discomfort.
“I’m almost done.” I tell her softly. She smiles in response.
“I’m patient, Fire. Finish telling the rest of your story and then we will end it together.”
 “The mortals both hated me and feared me for what I had done. The elves and dwarves found their own places deep within the forests and earth and hid, but the humans came for me. Armies of thousands, brandishing their poisonous iron swords and arrows. They fell before me like wheat before a scythe, they burned like dry grass. I won the first battle, the first hundred battles. But they never forgave me, and they never stopped. Slowly I gathered injuries, the damage healing less and less with time. Yesterday’s battle will be my last. I saw their faces, there is only hatred left here. I have seen the earth rise and fall, gathered all the riches within. I have toppled kings and brought ruin upon armies.
I have destroyed all that I loved, and all who loved me.”
 I stopped, unable to speak further, barely able to breath. My grief and regret were strong, poisoning the air around me.  I was trapped in that dark haze, unable to even see the light of my mother’s form within the night sky. I was alone.
A small hand rested gently on my shoulder. It was Death, still smiling softly at me despite my grief-filled words.
“We all have regrets, dear one, but you are not alone.” She gestured out to the earth below, where in the distance lights could be seen. “Thousands of humans, elves and dwarves live out there, the fire of life strong within them.” Her smile grew wider. “They will love, laugh, sing and dance. The world will be brighter, happier and more wonderful. That is your legacy as well; the fire you started will continue to burn until the end of time. Now I ask you: are you ready?”
 I felt the steady strength of my father beneath, saw the soft glow of my mother above me, and heard the soft crash of my sister’s waves upon the earth. I looked again at the burning fires in the distance, and felt the flame within me flicker in response. Finally I turned to Death, her eyes open and understanding.
 “I am ready.”
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exaltea · 7 years
Warlock Invocations
Baleful Utterance
You speak a single syllable of Dark Speech, a language written within the pages of The Book of Vile Darkness, invoking that artifact’s malevolent power. 
Dark Speech can warp the fabric of reality, creating a wave of deadly energy.
As a consequence of knowing this invocation, you try to speak with very careful enunciation, so as to avoid accidentally speaking in the vile language.
Effect: Each creature in a 15-foot cone originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw. 
On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 thunder damage and is deafened until the end of your next turn. 
On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and is not deafened. 
Unattended objects in the cone take maximum damage.
This invocation creates a thunderous boom that is audible to all creatures within 100 feet of you, regardless of any intervening material, terrain, or other objects.
Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
When you reach level 3, the damage increases to 2d8.
Breath of Night
You invoke the secret name of nighttime during a new moon, plunging the area around you into shadows as light sources nearby are snuffed out all at once. 
At the same time, you gain the gift of lightless sight.
As a consequence of knowing this invocation, you sometimes find the light of day uncomfortable, making you irritable when exposed to direct sunlight.
Effect: Every non-magical flame within 50 feet of you is extinguished. 
A flame is unaffected by this magic if it is larger than a fire typically borne by a torch.
You also gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet for 1 minute.
Ethereal Stride
You have studied the layers of reality that drift between the planes. 
By invoking your patron’s magic, you can step into the Ethereal Plane for a moment.
As a consequence of knowing this invocation, you have frequent nightmares of ghosts disturbing your sleep.
Effect: You become ethereal until the end of your next turn.
Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Fabrication of the Weave
You speak the secret name of an object, the true name recognized by the fabric of reality, and create that object out of nothingness.
As a consequence of knowing this invocation, you often feel compelled to hold and fidget with small objects you possess.
Effect: You create a simple, non-magical object, which appears in your empty hand.
The object can weigh no more than 10 pounds, be no longer than 10 feet in any dimension, and have a value no greater than 25 gp. 
You can create only objects that you have seen and touched. 
The object lasts for 10 minutes.
Shadow Veil
You wrap the shadows around yourself, appearing only as a murky, shimmering form that slips and dances between your foes.
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you do not provoke opportunity attacks and can move through the space occupied by hostile creatures.
Visage of the Summer Court
Prerequisite: 5th level, Archfey Patron
You invoke the compelling beauty of the archfey of the Summer Court, binding it to your own image to enthrall those near to you.
As a consequence of knowing this invocation, you have a fascination with anything that shows a reflection.
Effect: Each humanoid creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. 
If a creature fails, it is charmed by you for 1 minute or until you or any of your companions harms it. 
A creature that succeeds on its save cannot be affected again by this invocation for 24 hours.
Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
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