#[The Commander] - OOC
sillywoyscreenshots · 5 months
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robotsandramblings · 6 months
starting to keep an ongoing list of writing crimes being committed by the TBB writers. i charge them with Ignoring, Withholding, or Underdeveloping Certain On-screen Important Emotional Moments and/or Conversations
Echo finding out Fives is dead
Cody finding Rex listed as killed in action
Rex finding out Cody is still alive and has defected from the Empire
Crosshair finding out Tech is dead
the initial conversation(s) when Crosshair rejoins Hunter and Wrecker in S3; the awkward flight together to Pabu
Hunter and Wrecker's reaction to Omega turning herself over to the Empire to be taken to Tantiss again (and Crosshair allowing it to happen) (and finding out there isn't a tracker on the ship)
have i missed anything 😒
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commanders-quarters · 4 months
haiii! i’m vivian :-) i run dis here commander tartar rp blog!!!
i don’t mind glancing at ask blogs too, but i’m mostly looking for accs that’ll be more geared towards writing!!! i’m an experienced roleplayer and i like to write a bunch :-P
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pup-pee · 5 months
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nightwing ((1996)) #72
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shrimp-dumpling · 2 months
dormitory stories
Attempt at interacting with social media for once, basically. Lol, lets see how this goes :3
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[Room_1: Watanabe Astral, Repairer, Kamui Bastion]
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Watanabe walked towards the room that the commandant had given him.
It was a temporary stay, he reminded himself, and that the commandant had let him stay since he wasn't so keen on staying in the other places of Babylonia.
He knocked on the door. Once, twice, three times. No answer, empty, or so it seems.
The door slid open, making no sound, fortunately.
..... was that a corrupted?
He blinked in confusion. An infected with a ribbon on its head.
Sure, the Babylonians were hypocrites, but would they really go that far?
No, does Babylonia even know this? Afterall, this is the Gray Ravens' base and dormitories, there's a chance they just... housed a corrupted without telling anyone.
He stared at it in silence. Eventually, it noticed him and scurried behind a counter, scared of him.
"Huh? What's wrong lil' guy?" A voice came and surprised him even more.
'A Strike Hawk member?' If he remembered correctly, the voice belonged to Kamui.
As if on cue with his thoughts, said person left from behind the dividers next to the door and entered his line of sight, going to the kitchen of the dorm room to where the corrupted was hiding.
In a moment of walking, Kamui spotted him in the corner of his eyes.
"Huh? Oh, hey! You're Watanabe, right? Commandant said i was getting another roommate," Kamui flashed him a big smile before his imaginary puppy ears dropped "though only temporary apparantly..."
... new generation constructs sure are something...
Kamui welcomed him with open arms and reassured him that the repairer bot was nice and clean of the punishing virus.
Kamui also showed him some games, and that was how they spent their time together.
《Vision: a grumpy old man and his excited grandson》
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[Lounge: Camu Crocotta, Lee Entropy, Nanami Storm]
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The commandant had made a lounge. Lee doesn't know why the commandant had made a lounge, nor what purpose it served for initially.
He always hung around the lounge for one thing or another though. He supposes the lounge does have a purpose afterall besides being a waiting room.
The most frequent users of the place were more often than not Camu, Kamui, or Nanami.
Why? Simple, because the commandant had installed gaming computers.
Lee doesn't understand why the commandant installed gaming computers, much less six of them, but now they're consistently used by three certain people, while the rest of the computers were free for use.
Lee can't exactly concentrate in such an environment, so he finds himself mostly curled up near and sometimes directly below the ACs and doing his simpler and less taxxing works.
God the lounge ACs hit different.. what kind of premium air are they producing?
Occasionally, No. 21 comes in and watches him work, snuggled up against him and enjoying the AC too.
Seems they have something in common afterall.
《Vision: older brother and chaotic younger siblings》
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[Research_Lab: Wanshi Hypnos, Liv Lux, No.21 XXI]
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Wanshi likes two places in the Gray Raven's base, or maybe three if you count the commandant's office.
The first place he likes is the Library. It's quiet and not a lot of people roam there, save for maybe the captain who visits the Gray Raven's personal library on the daily.
'Since when did their commandant had such a budget?'
The second place he likes is the research lab.
'Again, what kind of commandant was able to afford a whole laboratory of all things?.. it seems the Gray Raven commandant really is special then..'
It's quiet, and the only people who are ever allowed access is either the Gray Ravens or people who got permission from the commandant of the Gray Ravens.
Honestly, he only ever goes there to sleep and watch Liv do some interesting work.
What he does wonder is why No. 21 was apart of the people who were allowed in the lab.
Who knows? Maybe Vera is using her to spy on the results or something.
Well, it's not his problem. No. 21 can do what she wants to do, because in the end she was still just a child like them, only several years younger both mentally and physically.
Now that he thinks about it, he absent-mindedly wonders why the commandant acts like a father to them sometimes.
As he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, he can imagine the commandant petting his head and lulling him to a wishful sleep.
He thinks, this idea of mixing squads isn't so bad afterall. Quite the found family setting... how nice.
《Vision: Two sleepy cats and a sleeping puppy in the middle of them》
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[Library: Roseblade, Watanabe Nightblade, Chrome Archlight]
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Watanabe stepped foot into the library.
Don't get him wrong, he usually.. or basically never uses this frame when he's on Babylonia, but something in him said that this place was safe, ironically enough.
He looked around the... well, sea of bookshelves, the tall shelves reaching up to the ceiling.
You know, do you ever wonder how the commandant could even afford this?
He sighed and shook his head, looking around with his eyes before seeing that there was a counter nearby and a book log, probably to record what books had been borrowed.
...is that-
Y'know what, he won't question how the Gray Raven commandant managed to house another corrupted. He does faintly wonder if Babylonia knows about this though, but he'll keep his mouth shut for now...
He turned a corner and looked around the library, inspecting the books and seeing what was interesting.
'Fantasy, war, strategy, comedy... huh, all in one row? They should've organized this a little better..' he thought quietly as he glided his hand over the books, scanning each one of them for an interesting piece.
During his inspection, he does notice that in the corner of his eye, he sees someone laying down on one of the couches and reading a book.
The Strike Hawk captain? Seems like the fellow has a knack for books too.
He silently scoffed before returning back to his browsing, the library once again entering a peaceful silence of people minding their own business, a peace and silence that could rarely be found outside.
Roseblade tended to the library, given a new purpose.
Chrome read through his book, immersed in his hobby.
Watanabe browsed through the library, looking for something that matched his taste.
Just another day at the Gray Raven's library.
《Vision: hour of not-so-complete silence》
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Penname: Shrimp Dumpling
Pictures for context:
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library (watanabe is at the back browsing books lmao)
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Lounge (i just realized it looks a little empty, might change that later)
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Research lab (that ball of white behind the computer is 21's hair lol)
If you think the images look weird, they were captured by a camera since im using a different device lmao
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Additional image that i wanted to add into the story but forgot about: infirmary with sharkspeare and liv
Sharkspeare is there for mental health benefits <3 who wouldn't recover when they see a cute shark hugging their leg and asking for cookies
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skysgalaxy · 17 days
I love Obi dearly and while yes in some way people do write him a bit far off in fics but also at the same time I'm thinking like really have they really gone too far
I mean sure we know Obi is a strong capable guy and he can do things on his own accord without guidance or help but also if people do complain about how Obi is very ooc for having Anakin or Cody coming to his rescue all the time it's like you all do not remember the actual second prequel movie of his rescue scene though to say Anakin isn't any better but still point remains with Obi mainly
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iniziare · 12 hours
ignoring aventurine's blatant gay coding is really something
Other things have had me a little salty this morning, so in case that influences my perception of how you intended this, my sincere apologies. Either way, forgive me for being serious for a moment, but I want to use this as a PSA to make a point going forward on this blog.
I have nothing against opposing views, and I have nothing against people disagreeing with me, but what I have something against on principle, are potentially snarky messages like this one that seem to have only one aim, which is to try and taint my character by making insinuations that are wholly unfounded (that you think me to be anti-LGBT?) and based on something that you genuinely cannot draw any such thing from. Now whether Aventurine is 'gay-coded' as you so put it, or a bisexual man (on which note: it's real saddening to see that in 2024, in-house fighting against bisexuality's mere existence still reigns supreme, good job, you're really making admirable strides) doesn't matter for what I'm going to touch on. Although out of respect for the character himself and the person who wrote him, I can't move on without noting that you may want to reread some character stories, some dialogues (particularly things said by the Harmony to him, for instance), to see whether that seals your faith in your claim, or diminishes it. Either way, I want to remind you: being bisexual doesn't reduce the significance of being drawn to the same sex.
Alright, continuing what I was saying: messages like these don't accomplish anything, outside of making you feel like you're on a pedestal; is it cold up there? I don't envy you. In all seriousness however, in all my years on any of my blogs, I have always aimed to be canon-strict with my portrayals, with which I set myself up for something that I deem imperative for myself in RP: to be criticized by the masses. I have always tried to engage with my follower base, I have always encouraged them to come to me if I'm wrong on something, I value people trying to poke holes in my logic. And if you succeed in proving that I overlooked something, I will happily admit it, and stand corrected. In that, I aim to say that I thoroughly enjoy debate and discussion (based in rationale, and not feelings), which I think are fundamental to our society even outside of Tumblr. If someone disagrees with me, my notes are open, if you want to question something that I think or have posted, my askbox (as you've learned and have made use of) is open. But all I ask is that you open a line of healthy debate with me, and not send something that is entirely baseless if you don't even substantiate your claim in your same message. But also, what I don't understand is that my post doesn't even directly diminish the popular Aventurine/Ratio ship in the fandom, it instead simply expresses frustration that not more people see the depth of the Aventurine/Topaz dynamic, and recognize it as a good ship as well, because there is a lot within the game that aims at a definite potential there. Granted, yes, that comes with having to acknowledge that Aventurine may just be a bisexual man who is also into women, but if that's something that doesn't sit quite right with you, then maybe the issue that you're pointing at me, should be returned to you, the one who initially pointed the accusatory finger here.
Again, if you want to have a conversation about this and tell me why you think that I'm wrong by substantiating your own claim, you're very welcome to, and I'd be happy to engage with you. But until then, this is all that I have for you. And before I might get a 'why do I need to substantiate my thing, Sae', it's nothing against you personally, and instead it's the simple 101 of debate. You disagree with a point that I make? Then it is up to you to tell me why you disagree, so that I can give you a fruitful counter that you can then do something with.
Regardless of the intention of your message, anon, I wish you a good day, and I hope that it's raining less over there, wherever you may be, than it is over here. I'm not motivated to go get my groceries!
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humanitys-last-call · 4 months
small compilation featuring all instances of my tartar’s voice!!! first one is pretty old! second and third are older and newer respectively! it’s honestly a joy to voice denewiah :-)
(yes, there is a second voice underneath the artificial vocals! it’s faint in the second segment but u can hear it better in the third!!!! funnily enough its voice progressively degrades more and more across the segments LOL)
If Denewiah allowed (emphasis on Allowed. stubborn prick 💢) his Elites to replace his faulty voice synthesizer with a new and improved one, it would probably sound something like that!! ^_^
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hey there, just dropping in to see if there are still any folks in the MERP community?
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whitherwanderer · 11 months
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. : r i t u a l i s t : .
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c-peepers · 4 months
This is a Wander Over Yonder RP blog!
You don't need an rp blog to interact, this blog is open to ANYONE! If you are interested in rping or simply interacting, please never hesitate! There is absolutely no judgement here, even if you may think there is!
This blog is open to the following:
- AUs
- Ships/Oc ships
- Canon-compliant rps
- Asks
- Writing prompts
- Joke rp
- Doubles
- Ect!
The only rule I ask you to follow is NO NSFW or suggestive asks/rps.
Feel free to dm! And if you're sending a starter to a more detailed rp, some context would be appreciated in ooc (if you didn't reach out beforehand).
My blog will NOT have a set canon, so if you'd like an rp/interaction to not be canon for your character, by all means, go ahead!
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Tagging system:
#ooc - out of character posts
#cpeepers - in character
#database - reblogs, information, ect
#shitpost - joke rp and sorts
#asks - pretty self-explanatory
#thread end - the end of an interaction, so that there are not doubles when scrolling.
(more to be added in the future)
main: @crimfckeyt (I PROMISE I'm very friendly and I don't bite)
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eorzeashan · 2 months
i don't think theron knows how to draw but i do feel like he doodled eyes in the margins of notebooks while master zho started talking about the jedi code
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bad4amficideas · 6 months
I just reread senator!anakin au and...
What if there is a revolution in Tattoine and reader -ani childhood friend- becomes their senator (Shmi and Cliegg can reign ie) but the're still in so much danger so the Republic put some jedis or clones cofcoffoxcofcof to protect them? Because planet and senator!reader (may or not may hutt-slay) lead free slavery movement?
Edit: also reader may think clones and droids are slaves too, to do things more interesting.
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veneror · 2 months
sometimes im like "what if we made a ship so gentle and so poetic that it made both muses believe in the concept of love again. what if we put light back into their worlds. what if we made ourselves simulantiously believe in love because of what we are writing together, because if love is no thing, how can we construct it so effortlessly with words alone?"
and sometimes, being in this fandom specifically, im like "what if they were just so fucking awful to each other and everything got worse"
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superbellsubways · 2 years
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based on this post
edit: alt layout undercut which might be easier to read?
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mango-mya · 1 year
Thinking about cocky Peepers oughhh 🫶🫶🫶
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Elora gets embarrassed whenever she gets a taste of her own medicine so errmmmmmm yeah
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