#ao kuang
vampiresnight · 1 year
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SMITE Vampire Skins
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dys-trashcan · 1 year
SMITE: Beast Hunters Headcanon
Tsukuyomi (Silver Bullet) is a beast hunter, but his goal is to find a cure for Amaterasu (Witch Seeker). She was bitten, even if she turned into a vampire, there is a high chance to transform into a ghoul-like creature (Susanoo was killed by a werewolf and turned into a horrible creature, so he's worried that will happen to Ama).
Amaterasu (post-bite/Vampiress) belives that won't happen, and is irritated about how stubborn Tsuku is about it (she doesn't want Tsuku to fight beasts, she wants to solve this problem herself, alone). Due constants arguments, they end up fighting a few times; once got really intense; they separate and take different paths.
Alone, Tsuku is still finding an antidote for her sister, and very often accepts the job of killing monsters that harass towns or villagers in excharge of money, resourses or information.
He ended up helping a mysterious villager. He killed several witches for work. This villager promised him that he had what he needed; this mysterious person was actually Cu Chulainn (Beast Within), and provided him with potions to suppress the vampire transformation.
The very first time Tsuku fights a vampire, he gets bitten (Ao Kuang Cursed Bloodline) (thus why he carries a lot of green-ish potions with the Silver Bullet skin). However, his fangs are visibly larger and sharper, so he wears a mask.
ALSO, Athena (Demon Scourge) is Tsuku's master, he learned everything from her (including those ranged autos lmao, or to TP... but into enemies instead of allies, lol).
This is pretty much a draft and I'll change stuff later
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angelsaxis · 4 months
Had a dream Babel was a movie and I was watching it. Guy playing Robins dad Robert had the most mumbly jumbly line read I'd ever heard. Talked at the speed of light. Robin had a servant named Ao Dai (????) and Robert kept calling him Bryan Cranston. The costuming was AMAZING but we also like never see Robin's face?
Also Robin hadnt heard of Oxford until he was grown and then he was gonna apply. Insane.
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nerdythebard · 9 months
#59: Thor, God of Thunder
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[Art Credit: Raf Grassetti] ---
It's been so long since I said this, but... Welcome, Gods and Goddesses! Our long-time reader, @dionysus-liber, has requested a mythology-accurate build of Thor - God of Thunder and Storms, God of Strength and Masculinity, Protector of the Hearth, and one of the key members of the Aesir pantheon. Now, the reason I chose the appearance from God of War: Ragnarök is because I believe this to be the most accurate portrayal we have in any media at the moment: brusque, with bushy red hair and beard, and built like a powerlifter off-season. I could've make an entire separate post describing the intricacies and little details of Thor's character, but for now, let's get down to business to defeat the Jötnar!
Next Time: Divine storm rages. It continues moving East. Watch out for horses.
Now, what was that thing we're usually do here? Ah, yes, build goals!
Divine Equipment: While Thor boasts unrivaled physical strength and stamina on his own, he is also the master of three important items that further increase his might; those being Megingjörð, the Power Belt that doubles his strength, Járngreipr, the Iron Grip Gloves granting him resistance to all the power he generates, and of course the famous hammer - Mjölnir, the Grinder.
The Force of Nature: Thor is the embodiment of pure strength and power. He brings down the full might of the Aesir gods to all enemies of Asgard. The thunder you hear in the skies is the result of his mighty hammer swinging against Jötnar skulls. While he doesn't manipulate lightning to the same extent as, for example, Zeus or Ao Kuang, the storm always joins him on the battlefield.
War Priest: People know Thor mostly due to his feats of strength and achievements on the battlefield (and probably because of... eugh... Chris Hemsworth's portrayal), but what you might not know is that Thor is also viewed as the ultimate protector. His hammer is used to bless and certify marriage ceremonies, he has the ability to heal wounds of warriors, and even resurrect his faithful chariot-pulling goats.
There are two options when it comes to making Thor in D&D. One is to go with Goliath if you want to emphasize his endurance and strength; that would be a very good, solid base, but I've used this one in my Kratos build, so we're gonna use the other option (and this blog's regular go-to), the Aasimar from Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse. We start with a +2 and a +1 to two abilities of our choice (Strength and Constitution respectively), resistance to necrotic and radiant damage, the Healing Hands ability that lets us heal a creature for [our proficiency bonus number of d4s] Hit Points once per long rest, and the Light cantrip (to apply on the hammer :D)
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Thor gets involved not only in the affairs of the divine, he is also very prominent in the lives of mortals. His protection and blessings are not only sought by warriors going a-viking (yes, viking is a verb) but also by the common folk and Scandinavian villagers. Because of that, we shall make him a Folk Hero. We gain proficiency in Animal Handling and Survival, which will be useful to take care of our goats in the desolate wastelands of Jötunnheimr, as well as proficiency with one set of artisan's tools (perhaps brewer's supplies to have a refreshing gallon of mead on the road) and land vehicles (such as goat-drawn chariot). Finally, thanks to the Rustic Hospitality feat, we may find our place among the mortals and common folk with ease and have a better chance of finding food, shelter, and potential aid in some tasks.
This one is a no-brainer, for Thor we must lead with Strength. Follow that up with Constitution; all that bulk has to contribute to something. Dexterity will be next, Thor does not move around the battlefield but an occasional hammer throw requires a good eye.
Wisdom will actually be next, but mostly because we need it for multiclass later. Charisma will be on the lower end; although Thor has good intimidation game, his messy appearance and brusque manners are far from some of the more charismatic characters. Finally, we're dumping Intelligence - the world of arts and science is not one we frequent.
Level 1 - Barbarian: We need a solid base of health and damage to start with. Barbarians get a d12 as their Hit Dice, [12 + our Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiency with light armour, medium armour, shields, simple and martial weapons. We will give Thor a hide armour and, of course, a warhammer. Our saving throws are Strength and Constitution and we get to pick two class skills from the list (Athletics and Intimidation).
As a Barbarian, we of course start with Rage. By unleashing the divine fury, for 1 minute we gain the following benefits if we're not wearing heavy armour:
Advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws
A +2 bonus to damage rolls for attacks using Strength (increases as we level up)
Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
Rage lasts for 1 minute but it can end earlier if we decide to end it, we are knocked unconscious, or we fail to deal or receive damage during our turn. Initially, we can Rage twice per long rest.
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We also get Unarmoured Defense; if we're not wearing any armour, our AC becomes [10 + our Dexterity modifier + our Constitution modifier].
Level 2 - Barbarian: We develop a Danger Sense, giving us the advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that we can see (such as traps and AoE spells). To apply that status, we cannot be blinded, deafened or incapacitated. While attacking, we can also declare to make a Reckless Attack; we gain an advantage on the first Strength-based attack of our turn, but for the entire turn the enemies have an advantage on attacks made against us.
Level 3 - Barbarian: At this level, we can now use our Rage three times per rest. At this level, we also get to pick our subclass, our Primal Path; since Thor is the ultimate warrior of the gods, we're gonna use Path of the Zealot. We are able to channel Divine Fury into our weapon strikes. While raging, the first creature we strike on our turn takes extra [1d6 + our Barbarian level] radiant or necrotic damage (we choose the type when we get this feature and cannot change it).
As the Warrior of the Gods, we are meant to live until Ragnarok. Revival spells (Revivify, Raise Dead, etc.) do not require any material components when used on us.
Level 4 - Barbarian: Time for the first Ability Score Improvement. We're going to grab the Thrown Arms Master feat from Critical Role's Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn (it's now on D&D Beyond, the setting is semi-canon, I'm using it!): our Strength or Dexterity increases by 1, and weapons without Thrown property (such as our current warhammer) gain that property; I would also ask the DM to allow the next part of that feat: when missing a throw, a weapon comes back to our hand; normally, it works only with light weapons, but considering our divine strength, I personally would allow it in this case.
Level 5 - Barbarian: With Extra Attack, we can now strike twice during a single Attack action. We also gain 10 feet of extra movement when not wearing heavy armour, thanks to Fast Movement.
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Level 6 - Barbarian: At this level, we can literally change our own fate by being ANGRY. With Fanatical Focus, we can re-roll a failed saving throw when raging (once per rage), but we have to use the new roll. We can also now Rage four times per rest.
Level 7 - Barbarian: It's time to let go of all we've learned in Asgard about being a civilised fighter and give in to our Feral Instinct. We have an advantage on initiative rolls. Additionally if we're surprised before a combat (but not incapacitated), we can shake off the surprise and act before anyone else but only if the first thing we do is Rage.
Level 8 - Barbarian: Time for another ASI. This time, we shall put one point each into Constitution and Wisdom in order to prepare to tap into our divine portfolio with...
Level 9 - Cleric: Time to harness some divine magic! Multiclassing into Cleric doesn't provide us with any new proficiencies, but does unlock Spellcasting. Wisdom is our casting ability and we know cantrips, regular spells, and rituals. Clerics have access to their entire spell list and can prepare [Wisdom modifier + Cleric level] spells every day. We start with three cantrips (Mending, Thaumaturgy, and Word of Radiance) and two 1st-level spells (Ceremony and Cure Wounds).
Clerics also get to pick their subclass, their Divine Domain at first level. Here, it's obvious to go with the Tempest Domain to gain some power over the storms. We add two extra spells to our list (Fog Cloud and Thunderwave) and gain Wrath of the Storm: if we get hit by a creature standing within 5 feet of us, we can use our reaction to impose a Dexterity saving throw onto it; on a failed save, it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (our choice) or half as much if it succeeds. We can do that a number of times equal to our Wisdom modifier per long rest.
Level 10 - Cleric: We continue our divine development with Channel Divinity. Using this feature, once per short or long rest, we can tap into the power of Asgard and utilise one of two (one deafult + one granted from our subclass) following effects:
Turn Undead: As an action, we can impose a Wisdom saving throw onto all undead creatures within 30 feet of us. On a failed save, they are Turned (cannot take reactions, must spend their turn running away from us, cannot get closer than 30 feet of us) for 1 minute or until they take damage;
Destructive Wrath: When we deal lightning or thunder damage, we can use this Channel Divinity option to deal maximum damage instead of rolling
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We also get one more spell for our small but significant arsenal; let's pick Bless, so that our party can receive the grace of the mighty Thor!
Level 11 - Barbarian: For this level, we gain the Brutal Critical feature. Whenever we score a critical hit with our melee weapon, we can add one additional die for determining weapon damage.
Level 12 - Barbarian: This time, we get a subclass feature. Our Zealous Presence is truly inspiring on the battlefield. As a bonus action, once per long rest, we can unleash a thunderous roar. Up to 10 creatures within 60 feet of us that can hear us gain advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the end of our next turn.
Level 13 - Barbarian: At this level, we get Relentless Rage. If we drop to 0 Hit Points while raging, we can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a success, we get 1 Hit Point back. Each time we use this feature, the DC increases by +5 and resets back to 10 after a short or long rest.
Level 14 - Barbarian: We finally get another ASI. We can finally cap off our Strength to that godly 20.
Level 15 - Barbarian: Our Brutal Critical feat improves here. When scoring a critical hit, we can now add two dice to our damage rolls.
Level 16 - Barbarian: At this level, we get to channel our inner Dylan Thomas and Rage Beyond Death (...eh, they can't all be winners). While raging, we do not go unconscious if we drop to 0 Hit Points. We still have to make Death Saving Throws, but all the effects only take hold after our Rage ends... at which point, we can call Relentless Rage and possibly shrug off the damage.
Level 17 - Barbarian: To add on top of the previous feature that makes us immortal as long as we Rage, we gain Persistent Rage. The only way our Rage ends is if we choose to end it or become unconscious (which, as previously established, cannot happen from battle damage).
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Level 18 - Barbarian: This is our final ASI of the build. While there is a lot of stuff we didn't develop (and two odd numbers, much to my distaste), we have to balance it out with more Constitution so that we can at least soak up some damage that will definitely hit us.
Level 19 - Barbarian: Our Brutal Critical ability improves again. This time, it's reeeeally going to hurt whatever creature we score the critical hit on, as we can add a total of three extra damage dice to our melee damage roll.
Level 20 - Barbarian: Our capstone is Barbarian 18, which gives us the Indomitable Might ability. If we make Strength checks and our roll is lower than our Strength score (i.e. 20), we can replace the outcome with our Strength score.
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And that is Thor, as close to his real-life Norse myth portrayal as I could make him. Before I give you a short summary of him, however, I also need to point out that in D&D there are three items (from DMG Guide) that directly represent Thor's Symbols of Power; those being the Hammer of Thunderbolts (Legendary Maul), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Uncommon), and Belt of Giant Strength (various rarities and types). If you wish to implement collecting those as your character's personal quest/backstory element, feel free to discuss it with your DM. Now, back to the build, what did we manage to cook?
To start off, we're a typical tank. With Strength and Constitution being our highest abilities, adding a +4 damage to damage while raging plus several opportunities to summon lightning onto our enemies. With the Cure Wounds spell, we can stay on the battlefield a little longer, and the combination of Relentless Rage and Rage Beyond Death gives us a chance to fight even after suffering serious wounds. Our role in the party is simple: deal damage and focus the enemy attention on ourselves.
Our Unarmoured AC is 15, we have a +1 to our initiative, and the average of 197 Hit Points.
Unfortunately, for decent health pool and damage dealing we had to sacrifice pretty much everything else. Apart from Strength and Constitution, our abilities are not great and we don't have a lot of skills to contribute to besides Athletics.
I'm back, darlings. Hope this holiday season goes well for you. I do not make any promises to not sound like a dishonest fool, but I at least hope I can give you something to enjoy. Looking forward to reconnect with all of you wonderful lot.
-Nerdy out!
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vespertea · 9 months
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Erlang Shen ! I'm playing with their dynamics some more and trying to get a feel for personality. We know that Erlang Shen is stronger than SWK, and I think this would be one of those dynamics where he isn't the same kind of "jeering" monkie king that he is with Macaque, who's weaker than him. I think SWK maybe has a genuine distaste for Erlang since he can't win against him. And SWK desires to be stronger, and more powerful, and is in his own world trying to be the very best (leaving Macaque behind). Erlang has a positive personality and still tries to get along with SWK, since business is just business. Maybe also doubles as a sort of babysitter to make sure the monkie king doesn't try the same tricks again..
For Macaque, since Erlang is strong but friendly, maybe they do alright together? I haven't thought about this one as much, but I do know that if Wukong sees them together, he only sees the bad. It's kind of funny, that Erlang is this hero who wants to rid the world of evil, but since he has stood in SWK's way time and time again, he's viewed as a villain. Macaque probably likes his dog, in his own tsundere way. SWK maybe would have an irrational fear of the goofy fella based on previous battles...
Maybe they're the kind of acquaintances (Shen & Macaque) that do things together because their mutual friend(s) asked them to. They don't like nor dislike one another, so they get along.
SWK and Erlang have the kind of relationship where one friend lets things go really easily and the other doesn't, and maybe they even have a competitive relationship where they always have to "be better" than the other (though I think Erlang Shen makes more fun of it, and SWK would take it more seriously). I feel bad making Wu look more like a grumpy monkie king, but I'm still thinking of positive points in their relationship..... uhhhhhhhhh
Oh, maybe the kind of story where the hero requests the help of the monkie king and his troupe, and he refuses... MK and Mei are immediately on board and have to talk Wu into going with them, and he reluctantly agrees but stays reserved away from shen while challenging him on everything. They go through their super cool and epic journey, have some bonding moments in between, maybe they fight again but it's out of bottled feelings, and then at the end of the journey they win together, and then SWK warms up to the half-blood and accepts that "Okay, I guess we can be friends" feeling. I think they could have been friends from the start if wukong was acting the way he did with Ao Kuang and Ne Zha (trying to be friendly, letting the past slide) but I think the reason he would act like THIS is because he lost to Erlang Shen. He didn't lose to Ne Zha, so he was confident in messing with him to get what he wanted. Same for most of his rivals. But since he lost to Shen, maybe it became something more dark, something that's a bit more .... resentful.
Idk, I'm still working on it lol.
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sobreiromecanico · 3 months
Ir aos livros e voltar com discos
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Fui hoje à tarde à LX Factory ver a apresentação extra da Rebecca F. Kuang numa livraria - mais sobre isso daqui a dias -, e voltei de lá não com um livro mas com um disco: este Alligator dos The National. A Ler Devagar costuma ter livros muito interessantes (teria lá comprado dois ou três de bom grado), mas é possível que o segredo mais bem guardado daquele espaço seja mesmo a Jazz Messengers no primeiro piso: têm lá uma belíssima selecção de discos, de jazz e não só (como se nota).
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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sigyns-drafts · 10 months
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Norse mythology
Sol & Mani
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Brunhilde (including all Valkyries)
Shiva + his wives
Lu bu
Adam & Eve
Kojiro Sasaki
Jack the ripper
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Maman Brigitte
Ao kuang
Baron samedi
Chang e
Cu chualinn
Da ji
Erlang shen
Guan yu
He bo
Hou yi
Iz chel
King Arthur
Morgan le fay
Nu wa
Sun wukong
The Morrigan
Yu Huang
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Ror!Thor x Fem!Sif reader(A kiss under the evening sun)
Ror!Hermes x NB! Human reader (Enchanting music of the night)
In whistling spirits can be growth (Hades x Persephone)
With an Honorary status, beware the rubble (Odin, Loki, Sigyn, Angrboda)
The unlikely jackal-headed companion (Ror!Anubis x fem!reader)
Bonding by the Nile (Smite!Sobek & Neith)
With parental aid, my cycle's dread will fade (Hel!Reader with Loki and Sigyn)
Slumber in the Divine Boardroom (Gn!Reader x ror!Hades x Buddha x Loki x Poseidon)
Secret crushes and seashells (Ror poseidon x oc)
You remind me so much of him (ror buddha x fem!reader)
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sigyn-foxyposts · 1 year
"Myth!Loki family tree"
『My AU』 ꈍᴗꈍ
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Farbauti X Laufey =
Helblindi, Byleistr and Loki.
Loki X svadilfari = Sleipnir.
Loki X Angrboda X Sigyn = Fenrir, Jormungandr, Hel, Narfi and Vali, Moder.
@heldril-blog-and-posts @the-nordic-world-blog 💚✨
Hou Yi X Chang e = Chang Yi.
Ao Kuang = Ao Bing.
Fenrir X Hyrrokkin = Skoll and Hati.
Jormungandr X Ao Bing = Jinhai and Xiao Yu.
Hel X The morrigan = Morriel and Lorielle.
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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dani-seeu · 1 year
A Guerra da Papoula de R. F. Kuang
Sinópse: Há boatos de que a Terceira Guerra da Papoula pode estourar a qualquer momento, e a academia militar mais prestigiada do Império prepara seus estudantes para o combate: filhos da elite e, inesperadamente, uma órfã de guerra. Obrigada a se casar com um homem asqueroso, a jovem Rin fez de tudo para reescrever o próprio destino. Estudou para o exame imperial por pura teimosia e, quando conseguiu uma vaga na academia, acreditou estar salva.
Sorry, mas esse vai ser controverso. Contém spoilers.
A Guera da Papoula foi a minha grande decepção do ano. Queria tanto amar esse livro... comprei na pré-venda, paguei caro... Tava preparada, antecipando demais. Imaginei um épico de cultura chinesa: o que eu recebi foi um livro bem juvenil, num ritmo estranho, com vários pontos de plot bem convenientes (deus-ex-machina) e um final "chocante" que não teve efeito nenhum na personagem principal.
O livro é dividio em 3 partes.
Na primeira, temos uma menina de 14 anos, Rin, sem personalidade alguma, que decide entrar na academia mais disputada do país para não ter que casar com um velho. Ela vai competir com outros jovens que estudaram a vida inteira pra isso, e vai passar em primeiro lugar, só porque sim.
Na tal academia, ela sofre bullying, mas cria um grupinho dela de misfits e vira a melhor aluna, super talentosa, do neida, sem pé nem cabeça. Eu tô criticando o negócio mas, pra ser sincera, essa foi a melhor parte do livro. Ela conhece o professor excêntrico (que foi, de longe, o personagem mais interessante do livro) que vai ajudá-la a despertar seu "dom".
A relação entre os dois foi o ponto forte do livro, mas logo ficou claro que Rin estava cag***do para o conhecimento e os conselhos do mestre sábio; ela só queria poder e elogios, como uma verdadeira leonina.
Na parte dois, surge a guerra. O tom do livro muda bruscamente, o ritmo, a atmosfera e, por incrível que pareça, os personagens também. Praticamente todo mundo morre e então brota um grupo novo de personagens, parece que estamos começando outro livro. Fica bem difícil se apegar aos personagens dessa forma...
Já na parte três, temos os relatos baseados no "estupro de Nanquim", evento histórico terrível, que chocou tantos leitores e que claramente tinha apenas essa função, pois em dois tempos, todo mundo já tinha esquecido que aconteceu.
A autora tentou excaixar muitos eventos históricos nesse livro e acabou com um Frankenstein em mãos.
A impressão que eu tive é que estava lendo um livro sobre a China, escrito por um americano, alguém que nunca pisou na China. E foi bem isso mesmo, gente. A autora vem de família chinesa, mas ela é americana e, por mais que tenha estudado folclore chinês, ainda tem a visão ocidental do mundo.
É um livro que só impressiona quem está começando a ter contato com a cultura oriental, especialmente a chinesa.
Não recomendo.
E dani-se você também.
Nota: 2/5
P.S.: Ainda bem que não comprei a continuação...
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thewildfl0wer · 2 years
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Lee Moora
Apodos: Reina Yong Wang Dang
Edad: Más de 1000 años
Ocupación: Diosa reinante de los mares de Corea
Nacionalidad: Coreana con ascendencia china (?)
Orientación: Heterosexual, Espectro gris
FC: Kim Soyeon
¿Cómo curar heridas de un pasado que no recuerda del todo? ¿Por que carga con tanta culpa? Por alguna razón es lo que es ahora. Moora recuerda ser una mujer humana, o al menos la mitad. Hija del Dios del Mar, Ao Kuang/Yongwang, y la Reina Songhwa, una tirana que ahorcaba a quienes se revelaban contra ella. Su padre, al ser un dragón corrupto y manchado por la avaricia, heredó esa oscuridad a su hija. Ao Kuang prontamente se convirtió en un Imoogi, una serpiente maligna, tras cometer maremotos y caos a espaldas del Emperador de Jade.
Mientras la princesa crecía, criada por las sirvientas del palacio, descubrió que tenía la habilidad de maldecir a las mujeres de sus enemigos. En un arranque de ira, maldijo a la esposa de un chamán encargado del Templo de su padre, quien embarazó y condenó que moriría al dar a luz. 
Así, su destino se cruzó con una joven de aspecto delicado y sonrisa agradable, la gentil princesa del Reino de Myeongjin, Samshin. Ambas no debían tener más de vente años en ese tiempo, y aunque fueran tan diferentes tenían habilidades semejantes, por lo que el mismísimo Hwangje se encargó de ponerlas a prueba. Un reto de jardinería, del que tuvo su primer encuentro con la envidia y el fracaso. Los sabios decidieron a la princesa rival antes que a ella.
Su corazón encolerizado maldijo a la ganadora, al ser obligada a quitar su maldición de la esposa del chamán. Desde ese día, sucedieron situaciones que Moora tuvo que enfrentar. La muerte de su madre como líder de su clan, la amenaza de conquista de otros pueblos sobre todo por parte de la familia Myeong, quien era parte Samshin y su puesto repentino en el lugar de su padre, hizo que la joven nacida en los mares del Oriente se llenara de rencor y soledad. 
El Reino Dragón del Oriente de un día para otro desapareció del mapa. Los invasores sedientos de sangre y destrucción solo encontraron los restos de una isla abandonada.
Aprovechando sus nuevos poderes, logró reconstruir su Reino bajo el viejo templo de su padre, quien engendraba muchos dragones menores e imoogis por montones, siendo una criatura completamente diferente al grandísimo rey del mar. Moora tomó el nombre de su padre y se aisló de esa vida mortal junto con los suyos. 
Sus interacciones con las demás deidades es bastante limitada, incluso hasta estos tiempos no es una invitada regular cuando se convoca a los dioses. Incluso cuando Hwangje y Samshin eran los dioses gobernantes, ella no cruzaba muchas palabras con ellos. 
Ella no esta relacionada con el Dragón Divino ni los Reyes Dragones, ya que ellos fueron creados antes que ella naciera. Sin embargo todos los dragones menores y serpientes (imoogis) que tienen conexión con el agua, son sus hermanastros o parte de su linaje.
Ella es la única que puede quitar las maldiciones que impuso. 
Es una de las pocas diosas que recuerda levemente a la Diosa Madre, puesto que puede resistir al efecto del Emperador de Jade y los sabios por su naturaleza peculiar. 
Su actitud algo distante, cambia radicalmente cuando se trata de sus humanos protegidos, siendo mucho más cálida y comprensiva. 
Es una mujer elegante, que mantiene una actitud recta y fuerte como si fuera una Reina de épocas pasadas. Ahora es más tranquila y menos impulsiva que en su vida como princesa mortal, demostrando su madurez durante estos siglos. 
Su voz a la hora de cantar es comparable a las de las sirenas mitológicas de Occidente.
Es mejor no considerarla como tu enemiga, nunca le des la espalda al mar, sobre todo cuando la marea es indomable.
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userfayne · 2 years
books i read in 2023
goal: 60 books currently reading: the unfortunate side effects of heartbreak and magic (arc)
nine liars by maureen johnson
this book kills by ravena guron (arc) review
the stolen heir by holly black
the worst woman in london by julia bennet (arc) review
see you yesterday by rachel lynn solomon
a million junes by emily henry
final offer by lauren asher
songs of vice by nicole bailey (arc) review
before i let go by kennedy ryan
daisy jones & the six by taylor jenkins reid (reread)
in a jam by kate canterbary
a missing connection by dani mclean (arc) review
last violent call by chloe gong
emily wilde’s encyclopaedia of faeries by heather fawcett
cem anos de solidão by gabriel garcía marquéz
dragonfall by l.r. lam (arc) review
just like magic by sarah hogle
triste não é ao certo a palavra by gabriel abreu (arc) review (pt)
romantic comedy by curtis sittenfeld
the nanny by lana ferguson
happy place by emily henry
meet me at the lake by carley fortune
o retrato de dorian gray by oscar wilde
immortal longings by chloe gong (arc) review
yellowface by r.f. kuang
planes, trains, and all the feels by livy hart
pequena coreografia do adeus by aline bei
love in the time of serial killers by alicia thompson
the wind knows my name by isabel allende
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
nunca vi a chuva by stefano volp
aurora ascende by amie kaufman and jay kristof
pageboy by elliot page
the seven year slip by ashley poston
will they or won’t they by ava wilder
done and dusted by lyla sage
divine rivals by rebecca ross
aurora arde by amie kaufman and jay kristoff
adeus, aurora by amie kaufman and jay kristof
mrs. nash’s ashes by sarah adler
the déjà glitch by holly james
the roommate pact by allison ashley
brynn and sebastian hate each other by bethany turner (arc) review
elantris by brandon sanderson
the hope of elantris by brandon sanderson
the emperor’s soul by brandon sanderson
every wish way by shannon bright (arc) review
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onceuponastarryeye · 2 years
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books read in 2023
the ones who walk away from omelas - ursula k. le guin (5/5)
animal farm - george orwell (4/5)
the mystery of the blue train - agatha christie (4.25/5)
the memories of sherlock holmes - arthur conan doyle (3.5/5)
five survive - holly jackson (4.75/5)
liars, inc. - paula stokes (1.5/5)
blindness - josé saramago (4.5/5)
the hound of death (a short story) - agatha christie (3.5/5)
the lies we tell - katie zhao (4/5)
the magician's nephew (the chronicles of narnia #1) - cs lewis (4/5) (rr)
peril at end house - agatha christie (4/5)
rebecca - daphne du maurier (5/5)
these violent delights (tvd #1) - chloe gong (3.75/5)
the lion, the witch and the wardrobe (the chronicles of narnia #2) - cs lewis (5/5) (rr)
the screaming staircase (lockwood & co #1) - jonathan stroud (5/5)
the dagger in the desk (lockwood & co #1.5) - jonathan stroud (4.25/5)
espaços de recordação - aleida assman (academic)
murder at the vicarage - agatha christie (4.5/5)
the whispering skull (lockwood & co #2) - jonathan stroud (4/5)
the hollow boy (lockwood & co #3) - jonathan stroud (4/5)
the creeping shadow (lockwood & co #4) - (4.75/5)
the empty grave (lockwood & co #5) - jonathan stroud (5/5)
a treatise of human nature - david hume (academic)
ensaio sobre os dados imediatos da consciência - henri bergson (3/5) (academic)
lord edgware dies - agatha christie (4/5)
the communist manifesto - karl marx & frederich engels (academic)
the horse and his boy (the chronicles of narnia #3) - cs lewis (4/5) (rr)
matter and memory - henri bergson (3/5) (academic)
the hour of the star - clarice lispector (5/5)
bergsonism - gilles deleuze (3/5) (academic)
three act tragedy - agatha christie (3/5)
the hound of the baskerville - arthur conan doyle (4.5/5)
happy place - emily henry (5/5)
death in the clouds - agatha christie (2.75/5)
prince caspian (the chronicles of narnia #4) - cs lewis (4/5) (rr)
los marcos sociales de la memoria - maurice halbwachs (4/5) (academic)
how to worship Jesus Christ - joseph s. carroll (5/5)
introdução ao estudo do método de marx - josé paulo netto (4.5/5) (academic)
anxious people - fredik backman (5/5)
the collective memory - maurice halbwachs (5/5) (academic) (rr)
murder in mesopotamia - agatha christie (4/5)
cards on the table - agatha christie (4/5)
the voyage of the dawn treader - (the chronicles of narnia #5) - cs lewis (5/5) (rr)
yellowface - r.f. kuang (3.5/5)
the girl on the train - paula hawkins (4.25/5)
dumb witness - agatha christie (3/5)
the silver chair - (the chronicles of narnia #6) - cs lewis (4/5) (rr)
before your memory fades (btcgc #3) - kawaguchi toshikazu (4.75/5)
pride and prejudice - jane austen (5/5) (rr)
perfume - patrick suskind (4/5)
sociologia de la memoria - paolo montesperelli (4.5/5)
capital's unfolding systemic crisis - istvan meszaros (4/5)
the last battle - (the chronicles of narnia #7) - cs lewis (3/5) (rr)
appointment with death - agatha christie (5/5)
the great gatsby - f. scott fitzgerald (4/5)
the collective - alison gaylin (3.75/5)
para além do capital - istvan meszaros (academic)
the ballad of songbirds and snakes (the hunger games #0) - suzanne collins (4/5)
história, memória e educação - lombardi et al (4/5) (academic)
der ursprung der familie, des privateigenthums und des staats - friedrich engels (3/5) (academic)
metamorphosis - franz kafka (4/5)
murder is easy - agatha christie (4/5)
how to survive your murder - danielle valentine (4.5/5)
arsene lupin, the gentleman-thief - maurice leblanc (3.5/5)
sad cypress - agatha christie (5/5)
northanger abbey - jane austen (5/5) (rr)
the return of sherlock holmes - arthur conan doyle (4/5)
phantom of the opera - gaston leroux (5/5)
persuasion - jane austen (5/5) (rr)
one, two, buckle my shoe - agatha christie (5/5)
the suicide house - charlie donlea (5/5)
endless night - agatha christie (5/5)
life and limb - jamie andrew (3.5/5)
final offer (dreamland billionares #3) - lauren asher (3.5/5)
the valley of fear - arthur conan doyle (4/5)
capitalismo pandemico - ricardo antunes (4/5)
one of us is back (one of us #3) - karen mcmanus (4/5)
cecília vargas em incêndio na casa-grande (cecília vargas #1) - kézia garcia (5/5)
cecília vargas em um ladrão ä solta em itapainema (cecília vargas #2) - kézia garcia (5/5)
emma - jane austen (5/5) (rr)
evil under the sun - agatha christie (3.5/5)
uma oração de amor - lyta racielly (4.75/5)
minha verdade - kell carvalho (4.75/5)
il nome della rosa - umberto eco (3/5)
more adventures of sherlock holmes - arthur conan doyle (4/5)
opal (the raven cycle #4.5) - maggie stiefvader (4/5)
sense and sensibility - jane austen (4.5/5) (rr)
do deserto ao jardim (guia-me #1) - aline moretho (4.5/5)
a classe trabalhadora: de marx ao nosso tempo - marcelo badaró mattos (5/5) (academic)
o monstro dançante (baile dos corvos #1) - gabrielli casseta (5/5)
o monstro aventureiro (baile dos corvos #3) - gabrielli casseta (5/5)
um clichê de verão - lyta racielly (4/5)
hercule poirot's christmas - agatha christie (4.75/5)
o monstro rockstar (baile dos corvos #3) - gabrielli casseta (5/5)
the german ideology - friedich engels; karl marx (3.75/5)
a portland row christmas (lockwood & co #4.5) - jonathan stroud (5/5)
litte women (volume #1) - louisa may alcott (4/5)
m or n? - agatha christie (4/5)
estuda comigo? (c(o)stomizei! #1) - sâmella bridges (4/5)
conta comigo (c(o)stomizei! #2) - sâmella bridges (4/5)
#bea talks#bea talks books#let's go for another reading year!#photos not mine btw#hmmm my first 3 reads of the year were all good#8 books in january (2 short stories) so I'd say i'm doing well#4 books in february oops but at least my good reads goal of 12 books a year was achieved#in my defense i had less time#16 books until the first academic book... sad#read the entirety of the lockwood and co books in 17 days 12 if you only count the days in which i read it i need MORE#the fact i've technically dnf both academic books but its only bc i only had to read parts of it so over 100 or 300 pages in each... lovely#wow first academic book i finished this year love that for me#13 books read in march what???? so many academic ones tho#8 books in april!!!#40 books by may 27th sounds really nice#7 books in may wow#many academic ones tho#5 books in june okay for a busy month#50 books by july 22nd sounds great to me#5 books in july bc i've been stuck on 4 other academic books at the same time <3#now down to three academic books soon i'll get ot read actual fiction again hopefully#9 books in september!!!#70 books by setember feels right#7 books in october!!!!!#10 books in november dont ask me what happened (a few shrot stories tho)#10 book in december and the month isnt over yet and i have two i'm currently reading and one more to read love that#wonder if i can reach up to 100 this year too.....#16 books in december#100 books a year!!!! tho i didnt finish 3 bc they were academic but i read from all chapters just not everything from all of them tho
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caiminstitutehq · 2 months
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FACECLAIM: Choi San, cantor sul-coreano, 25 anos.
ORDEM E LINHAGEM: Materialis, linhagem aero. CARGO: Aluno FUNÇÃO: Centro Esportivo
PERSONALIDADE: Observador, leal, persistente. Imprudente, rebelde, arrogante.
Filho de Ostara e Kuang Astreu, Noto foi criado no grande templo dedicado à Arquiteta em Kismet. A responsabilidade de sua família era cuidar do templo e das terras próximas por gerações, garantindo que estivessem sempre prontos para receber os visitantes e peregrinos que subiam as montanhas para adoração. Desde a infância, Noto era considerado problemático para os padrões familiares. Ele nunca seguia as regras do templo e preferia se aventurar nas montanhas durante os horários de oração.
Sua paixão pela música começou cedo, mas não pelas canções sagradas que ecoavam pelo templo. Noto gostava das músicas que tocavam no radinho a pilha na sala dos funcionários, ouvindo-as escondido. Ele era particularmente apaixonado por rock e mantinha essa paixão em segredo dos pais. Chegou a roubar dinheiro das oferendas para comprar revistas e seu primeiro tocador de CDs. Ele colecionava referências, instrumentos favoritos e ídolos do rock, negligenciando completamente suas funções no templo.
Quando se aproximou o dia de sua testagem para aptidão mágica, Noto decidiu fugir para viver seu sonho de se tornar uma estrela do rock. Ele tentou escapar à noite, esgueirando-se pelas montanhas sinuosas até ser avistado pelos guardas do templo. Na tentativa de escapar, Noto se desequilibrou e caiu de uma das montanhas. Desesperado, ele agitou os braços e foi surpreendido pelos ventos que responderam aos seus movimentos. Por pouco, não caiu para a morte certa, sendo salvo por seus poderes recém-despertados.
Não havia mais necessidade de testagem: ele era um Ascendido. Seu maior medo havia se realizado, mas no melhor momento possível. O rapaz desapareceu nas montanhas, deixando a vida no templo para trás. Vagou por muitos anos em busca de seu sonho, conhecendo outros Ascendidos que haviam fugido da vida de servidão no instituto. As paixões se alinharam, e, quando se deu conta, estava formando uma banda e vivendo o que mais queria.
Os Ghostbursters fizeram um certo barulho na cena underground de Kismet por um tempo, o suficiente para os rumores sobre os dons mágicos dos integrantes chegarem aos ouvidos das autoridades. Eles acabaram sendo capturados e enviados para o instituto, onde o sonho de Noto parecia cada vez mais distante. No entanto, ele ainda mantém a esperança de que o vento o levará novamente na direção do que mais quer, mesmo que demore mais algum tempo.
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chelseacatgirl · 3 months
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Waiu is a rather extremely obscure Mid-Boss that made his debut in a 1995 Game Boy title Kirby's Dreamland 2, and his replica painted by Adeleine appeared in the 2018 Nintendo Switch game Kirby Star Allies through her Dream Friend Move, Ado's Painter. He didn't appear in the Anime Kirby: Right Back at Ya! either.
While he's a ninja, the Ninja ability didn't exist yet until the 1996 SNES game Kirby Super Star *Knuckle Joe and Bio Spark's debut* so he grants the Cutter Ability instead.
Since he only made a physical appearance in Kirby's Dreamland 2 and had a painted replica in Kirby Star Allies and never made an appearance in the Anime, I decided to make a lot of headcanons for him.
Due to his artwork where his Caucasian hands are shown while his outfit concealed his face where we see his glowing yellow eyes, and the fact he's a humanoid ninja *Yet I don't think he's human*, I headcanon Waiu being the same species as Knuckle Joe being a Knuckelf. He also happens to be neutral.
If Waiu were to return one day in an official Kirby title, he would grant the Ninja ability once he's defeated and inhaled by Kirby.
Here's Waiu if you're curious:
Waiu came from the clan of Knuckelf Ninjas that live in the Knuckle Village *Knuckle Joe's birth place* and also happens to be Muay Thai Marian's long time rival since they were only children.
He's one of Marian's past opponents in the arena battles.////He would train his ninja skills and would always prepare to challenge someone.
While Waiu is in fact Marian's rival, he's also a rival to both Knuckle Joe, Bio Spark, and Tac.
He likes relaxing in the hot springs.
Waiu's favorite food is Mitarashi dango.
Waiu happens to be a very talented artist.
Voice Actors:
English Voice; Kaiji Tang *Ao Kuang from Smite*
Japanese Voice; Kōichi Tōchika *Kabukimon on Digimon Adventure 2020*
Drawn on ibisPaint X on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.
Waiu (c) Nintendo
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