#brotp: how did that happened
nikkiruncks · 2 months
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#like mother like daughter
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
that moment when you’ve so many rewrite/canon divergence au ideas for various td seasons bc each season in that damn show had its cons as well as pros, and it’ll be fun to pick out the characterizations and the ‘what ifs’
#except for roti for some reason i cant think of a rewrite idea for that one rn#maybe bc i havent reached it in my rewatching spree#but no i've got my dashawan au pi rewrite that follows what happened if dave and shawn had kissed instead of the skave near kiss in ep4#(im so excited for that one ngl bc we get dashawn plus the sky and dave brotp which is exactly how i prefer sky and dave)#plus dave characterization other than being a simp smh (the man deserves at least that)#i can ramble abt this one for ages ill prob make a separate post for it hmmm#anyway moving on#tdi potential rewrite (or tda) involving duntrent and gwourtney after a gwent and duncney breakup (no love triangle!!)#all stars rewrite with noah (and several others) joining the cast plus potential alenoah??#(it'll be interesting to picture how noah and alejandro interact after noah's wt elimination lmao)#speaking of#currently rewatching wt and thinking of an alenoah au rewrite if heather actually did get eliminated in ep8 and ep13 was a fake elimination#or smth#idk yet i just got the idea ahaha#so yeah. a potential rewrite idea for each one except rr and roti#though im only working on pi's au rewrite rn#and i like the wt alenoah au but slipper slopes has given me high standards for wt aus lmaooo but i def wanna at least plan it out#i can ramble abt all these stg but i shall not for the sake of y'alls sanity lmao (or what's left of it fhjdkfh /j)#total drama#tdi#tda#tdas#tdroti#tdwt#tdpi#noahtally-famous#kit speaks#kit stuff#if i see hate abt anything in here i will not hesitate to smack a bitch (virtually) btw so dont even#(i've seen how nasty this fandom can get and lemme tell you it took a lot in me to decide to post this)
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imogenkol · 1 year
I know I gave Cal Imogen’s lightsaber design in Survivor as a joke but seeing it in important cut scenes makes me feel a certain way and now I’ve decided its actually gonna be a thing (ramblings and survivor spoilers under the cut)
Imogen first ruins Cal's day in the Lucrehulk on Koboh when he goes to rescue Zee (and maybe a couple more times after that), but I think their most prominent encounter happens in the Observatory before he kills Dagan. That's where I've planned their last "boss fight"
It's their most intense face-off cause up to that point Imogen has underestimated Cal or he's managed to escape/she's let him go for her own amusement. She's not messing around anymore - can't afford to when Tanalorr is within reach. Things conclude in a true stalemate and they ended up accidentally switching weapons during the struggle. So Cal is stuck with Imogen's lightsaber for a bit and vice versa.
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To his surprise, her saber doesn't resist him and he has no choice but to rely on it to save his life by putting a stop to Dagan. Now, with Dagan dead, his deal with Imogen is off and the only path to Tanalorr that she has is..... through Cal. Once again, they essentially want the same thing. But she detests him. And she wants her shit back.
By the time she tracks him down on Jedha, Bode has thrown a wrench into everything and fucked off with the compass. Imogen finds Cal unconscious, reaching for her lightsaber, and seriously considers smothering him right there, but she grinds her teeth and kicks him awake because she knows she needs his help and he needs hers.
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Imogen senses the Dark Side within him after they find Cere and she likes it. So she "forgets" to reclaim her lightsaber for a bit to see how it all plays out. After all, a dark weapon can feed dark urges. She thinks this will finally make him interesting.
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What she doesn't quite realize is that Cal's saber has an affect on her too. She realizes after seeing what it’s done to both Dagan and Bode that Tanalorr won't be the solution to her loneliness - that nothing will unless she's willing to let emotions in and make herself vulnerable. That is something she will not compromise on (not for Cal at least). The best outcome she can come to terms with is assuring that the Empire won't have the advantage of access to Tanalorr.
Imogen will not ask for her lightsaber back before she leaves, though. She takes it and gives Cal a stern reminder of who she is. It's almost more for her own sake as she doesn't want to forget either. She vows the last bit of mercy she will ever show him is letting him live and disappearing from his life for good. Her lightsaber never really feels quite the same after that..... but not necessarily in a wrong way.
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In conclusion: Kata makes both of them friendship bracelets
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
I WAS IN BED WHEN YOU SENT ME THIS I HAD TO WAIT UNTIL I COULD GET TO A COMPUTER AHHHHH I love talking about this himbroship I'm buzzing where do I even start omg omg
This is 10000000% fanon, but it's good, happy, soft and silly!
Cassian and Tamlin met during the First Hybern War; Rhysand was like 'hey ya'll meet my new friend' and like any normal person Cassian was like OH YEAH, TAMLIN'S NOSE MEET MY FOREHEAD
They ended up wrestling bc the broness called to one another, so obviously they had to test each other
It's now a normal greeting for them for Cassian to barrel into Tamlin and tussle with him; Tamlin loves it because it's the relationship he never had with his brothers
Cassian is THE shorter older brother, he's at least 30 years older than Tamlin, but Tamlin is 6'5"+ and Cassian is built like a BAKED BEAN
Tamlin is definitely the more introverted one because he's insecure, but Cassian will double down on ANYTHING Tamlin says or wants. OH UR VEGETARIAN BRO??? BEANS ARE THE SHIT AND GRASS TOO
Cassian doesn't know what exactly vegetarians eat except grass and beans, he tried once and cried he did not like whatever the hell a 'bean patty' is
Having a friend outside of the Night Court is a really fascinating experience to Cassian because even though they both had different upbringings, they have similar... vibes? Tamlin is quiet and curious, Cassian and loud and will put his hands/mouth on anything to figure out what the hell this new thing is. They both had 2 brothers with a MEH dad, warrior training, they punch first and ask questions later, it's just really cool to connect with someone on that level
It's also nice for Cassian to be able to chill w/ someone else and get an outside POV when he's going through something w/ his brothers
Cassian 10000% percent vibes with Tamlin's let's just fuck off and live in nature, it's very peaceful
Tamlin's great great great great great grandmother is a willow tree who has the hots for Cassian, lots of shh shhh and stroking his face with her vines when he's being so dumb
Cassian is seemingly more hot-headed than Tamlin, but Tamlin is the one with rage issues; it actually helps Tamlin a lot to have a friend who will BLURT OUT the first thing that comes to mind especially when confronted with something shitty like 'YO DUDE THAT'S A FUCKED UP THING TO SAY' and 'OK U WANNA GO?? MET ME IN THE PRYTHIAN PARKING LOT 1V1 ME'
Cassian's bluntness also helps drag Tamlin out of depressive slumps. Trauma can really re-wire someone's brain and make you act out, but Cassian also turns his loud honesty on Tamlin like 'FIRST DON'T TALK ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT' and 'YOU'RE BEING A DICK is this how you feel or is this a reaction my broski' -- his heavy hand is an excellent contrast to Tamlin's other best friend LUCIEN
The humour shared between Tamlin and Cassian makes zero sense to anyone. At all. They will die laughing at a bag of 70% cacao and Cassian will over the 'o' and they've been laughing at 'caca' for the last 10 minutes. It's very freeing for them.
Tamlin loves fruit, Cassian general does not eat fruit or vegetables. Tamlin introduced Cassian to a giant fruit bat and lied to say 'he's very disappointed u don't eat ur greens' and CASSIAN TOOK THAT PERSONALLY??? he eats mangoes now and other tropical fruits to honour his batcestors bat-ancestors???
Yes, they can have an entire conversation in 'bruh's
IF we transpose this friendship that started in the canon 'Tamlin trained with the Illyrians in the war' to TODAY, Cassian never recovered from the falling out between Rhysand and Tamlin. It's really difficult for him to reconcile what happened to HIS family with his friend he knew, loved and trusted. When Rhysand vanished, his first instinct would have been to go see Tamlin for help (but there's a lot of guilt for not checking on him either since Cassian knew Tamlin didn't have.... a support system like him).
In Modern AU, Cassian and Tamlin have DEFINITELY those ugly shirts wit each other's face on them and their names in ✨GLITTER✨
Fuck it, Cassian gets really into shirt printing and just prints shirts for them for every occasion, they're ugly on purpose -- he also has swim shorts that are just Tamlin's face going 8D all over them
Cassian started the 'BIG STRETCHY' trend whenever Tamlin stretches and it's law EVERYONE DOES IT NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE
Anyway, I love them a lot and ummmm I absolutely not normal about them I will DIE on their bestie hill
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btheleaf · 1 month
How I feel about this character
Love her. Hot mess express. Pointy. Somft. Emotionally constipated. Self-sacrificial Badass.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kya II, Bumi II, Pema, Guo (the acupuncturist), the Chef (why not), and Tenzin if Pema is also there (pemlinzin)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Lin & Tenzin BROTP is near and dear to my heart. They are unwell. They are unhinged. They grew up together. They can hardly talk to each other. They would do anything for each other but never admit it. Dynamic of all time.
My unpopular opinion about this character
She's demisexual and aromantic
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Literally they nerfed her at every opportunity. Big fight? She needs someone to save her. Family trauma? She needs to get over it. They did her dirty at every turn.
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zecozone · 6 months
Headcannons about Sari/Blurr Brotp!
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I think that after "Blurr's return" in four season he and Sari will get closer. After several dialogues, Sari still hasn't got enough answers about his death. So she came to Shockwave in prison to ask him a question.
— Shockwave! Why did you kill Blurr? So terrible and cruel! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
— A naive creature. It was a war. He would have done the same to me.
— You're wrong. He's not a murderer... like you.
— Are you sure about this?
— ...
— It's not very polite to come and throw insults when you're not sure what you're saying.
— It's not very polite to cheat and kill people!
— Hm. How rude and emotional. It's like I've touched a nerve.. You're the one who resurrected him, right? Techno organic, who fancied herself a Primus.
— ... *Backs up*
— News spreads fast. Thanks to you, I now know that they are true. Well, since you've provided me with information, I'll answer your question. I don't regret it. And I'll kill him again if I get a chance.
He will sow the seed of doubt in Sari about how Blurr differs from Shockwave. Both are professional spies, deftly keeping the situation under control. Sari will start avoiding Blurr, and only after he asks her head-on what happened, she will express her concerns to him. Fears that Blurr could also kill.
At first, he will be very alarmed by the fact that Sari literally talked to his killer and did not warn him about it. But later he will calm down (a little) and he will tell her that although there are many similarities between him and Shockwave, there are many differences between them. The sides they are on, and the fact that Blurr (who probably killed someone in the heat of battle over several million years of war) regrets what he did, but Shockwave does not. Sari will understand him and, though not immediately, forgive him.
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Sir Pentious perhaps?
Certainly, my dear!
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: His dorkiness! I like how he starts out trying to be intimidating so he'll be thought of as a formidable foe, and then learns to embrace his naturally dorky self and be a better person. Maybe there's a message there about toxic masculinity? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Least favourite thing about them: That so-called 'joke' in Episode 6. You know the one. I mean, you can't have a whole episode taking sexual assault seriously when it happens to Angel Dust and then turn it into a joke when it happens to Sir Pentious. I'd have preferred it if, instead of Pen being dragged into the sex room, Valentino overheard his "sex with everybody" line and started offering him a job at the porn studio and making him flustered, and that was what motivated Angel to stand up for his friends.
Favourite line: "The only cool thing here is to say 'No' to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!"
brOTP: I like the enemies-to-friends thing he had going on with Angel Dust! My favourite moment is in Episode 5, when Pen is trying to shield his cookies for Lucifer from Angel's grabby hands, and then he has to stand up straight to salute Lucifer with a quick, "Your majesty!" before he goes back to shielding the cookies, but it's too late because Angel's taken one, but Angel doesn't make a big deal of it, he just says, "Heya, short king," to Lucifer as if there's nothing out of the ordinary going on. They're like brothers! Pen is the responsible one and Angel is the naughty one, but at the end of the day, they've got each other's back. It's fun to watch!
Also, now that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, I love the thought of Emily becoming his new best friend! She could show him how Heaven works, and he could teach her what he knows about Hell, and together they could try to find a way to let Charlie know that redemption actually works.
Plus, there's the angst potential of Sir Pentious interacting with Molly - he knows who Angel Dust is, and she knows who Anthony is, but they don't know they're talking about the same person... I'd love to see a Pen/Emily/Molly trio going on escapades in Season 2!
OTP: CherriSnake! I wasn't sure about the ship at first, but it's grown on me. It's a neat example of the enemies-to-lovers trope, where Sir Pentious' admiration for Cherri as a worthy opponent turns into something more romantic. And they could have bonded over being inventors - Pen with his gadgets and Cherri with her "brilliant explosive contraptions". Too bad he only confessed his love a few seconds before his heroic sacrifice...
I think I like this ship for its potential. What will Cherri do now that Pen is gone? Will she find out he's in Heaven? Will that motivate her to stay at the Hazbin Hotel, to get redeemed herself and be reunited with him? It's rife with story possibilities!
nOTP: Sir Pentious and Vox (StaticSnake?). Mainly because Vox told Pen to kill himself in Episode 2. That was unacceptable.
Random headcanon: Sir Pentious has a son! Remember that moment in the pilot when Angel said, "Harder, Daddy!" and Pen replied, "Son?!" I think Pen did actually father a child when he was alive, and he'd been scouring Hell trying to find him again. (And for a moment there, he thought Angel was declaring that he was his son.) Pen never found his son in Hell, but now he's in Heaven, maybe he'll have better luck...
Unpopular opinion: I actually quite like Sir Pentious' singing voice! It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. And I much prefer it when characters' singing voices match their speaking voices, instead of being wildly different. (Looking at you, Vaggie.)
Song I associate with them: @hazbinned made a video of Pen being kept awake at night by Angel blasting out "Made You Look" by Meghan Trainor, so now I associate that song with Sir Pentious! LOL!
Favourite picture of them:
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onionjulius · 4 months
Alright so, ER rewatch is happening, but I'm swamped with work and so I'll have to wait for episode posts. For now, an initial inventory of my remembrance of the main characters/my opinion of them:
Love: Carol Hathaway, Mark Greene, Susan Lewis, Kerry Weaver, Abby Lockhart, Luka Kovač
Really like: John Carter, Doug Ross, Peter Benton, Elizabeth Corday, Lucy Knight, Jing-Mei Chen, Greg Pratt
Like: Jeanie Boulet*, Cleo Finch, Michael Gallant
Unlikeable but not devoid of complexity: Robert Romano, Dave Malucci
I remember your existence: Neela Rasgotra, Anna Del Amico
I don't remember your existence: Sam Taggert, Ray Barnett, Archie Morris, Tony Gates, Simon Brenner, Cate Banfield
*Jeanie's on the cusp between Like and Really like.
I'll be curious to see if my opinions change much watching this show 15-30 years after it initially aired. No doubt there will be cringe "Oh wow that aged poorly" moments, but hopefully also some that hold up well. It'll also be interesting to watch a pre-Prestige TV critical hit post-Prestige TV (and yeah, nostalgic, I'm getting quite nostalgic in my old age). And I'm wondering how my impressions of the characters will hold up in a close watch; I think I'm much more analytical now, and I'm pretty sure my opinions reflect the characters at their best without necessarily accounting for them at their worst. Although maybe that's not a bad thing as long as it's consistent.
More character recollections, some quite spoilery:
Mark's death slew me. It was so protracted too, he was suffering so much and his family was fraying at the seams and I just remember him trying so hard to handle things the best he could with that understated irony of his and just feeling so terribly for him. There was that thing with the guy in the elevator that he just let die, I don't remember what became of that ...
I love so much that Mark is really just Some Guy trying to do his job well while having normal Some Guy things like a wife and kids and basketball breaks. He's smart, decisive, dedicated, compassionate, a good teacher, and truly a deserving leader.
I know that Jeanie had at least one great story, which of course is the HIV story. I'm actually struggling to recall much before that, so that'll be fun.
I just ... I remember having such complex reactions to Kerry, and all these years later that has registered in my memory as love. I love Kerry, warts and all. You could feel so bad for her while simultaneously hate what she was saying or doing, and I do think she learned things over time. She was an outsider, a party pooper, ambitious and career-driven, a disabled lesbian, oil to Doug Ross' water. She was not easy to love, and so I loved her. Also, she was ER Mom. Love you, Mom!
I also loved Kim/Kerry. They felt so real and human and not simply an "issues" story. I find myself not recalling much of her relationship afterward, so looking forward to seeing if it is a worthy follow-up.
I loved Mark/Susan. They were such easy friends, so natural and believable together, so bright and breezy and (mostly) supportive and wonderful. I think they would have made a fine endgame, it was so easy to want good things for each of them, and what an unforgettable, lovely and bittersweet moment when she left Chicago on that train.
For all that though, I liked Mark with Elizabeth. It's true there wasn't the same will-they-won't they (and I remember feeling like her thing with Peter ended rather abruptly) but their domesticity was very sweet and she was a kick-ass character, strong and funny.
Romano was ... Problematic ... but his bond of some sort with Elizabeth was probably the best thing about his character.
I remember feeling that Peter was shafted, but that said he did last 8 years and I remember some good stories with his mother and sister, work vs parenthood, the custody battle, and of course (of course) his evolving dynamic with Carter.
Seriously though. Benton/Carter.
And on the topic of BroTPs: Mark/Doug!
There's something about the two most ambitious characters being Peter, a black man, and Kerry, a woman, that I kinda love.
Upon reflection, it seems to me that at least some of my affinity for Susan and Abby have to do with their family stories--particularly, having to deal with flawed family members, walking the line between loving and enabling, battling the desire to hope because of the need to protect against disappointment. It's ... interesting? ... because I don't have any deadbeat family members or family members who refuse to take responsibility for their illnesses, but something about how they use sarcasm to deal with life resonates with me, even though Susan in my head was a sunny character while Abby was a little black raincloud.
I loved Abby. Abby was a hot mess, a human disaster, a trashfire. Abby was strong, but also a coward. Abby was full of contradictions, Abby mistook self-abnegation for independence, Abby was only happy when it rained. Abby was hard to love, and so I loved her.
There was something about Abby/Luka that I found compulsively watchable. Something probably having to do with being really messed up and dysfunctional and full of maladaptive habits, but nevertheless wanting love like any other human being. There was a brooding intensity and understatedness to them that I remember just eating up. I was an undercover emo kid, what can I say.
That said, there was a phase in which he was truly insufferable (which I know was them taking a page out of the Doug Ross book ... but he isn't Doug Ross, even though he was brought on as a direct replacement). I'm curious if, on my rewatch, it will feel like an organic arc given how sweet, patient, gentlemanly and sensitive I recall him being at the start. Oh tragic little meow meow.
The final scene between Carol and Luka is so etched in my brain. "Because I'm still in love with him. I've been in love with him since I was 23 years old. He's everything to me. I feel complete when I'm with him and I feel empty when we're apart. He's the father of my children, and he's my soulmate." Yes, Doug was a manbaby and yes I was so hurt on Carol's behalf that he left her for Seattle, but really Doug/Carol were the Truth. You bought their connection so thoroughly and George Clooney's chemistry with Juliana Margulies was critical to that.
I remember thinking that Peter/Cleo's chemistry was nothing in particular to write home about (you know, not bad, but not special) ... but hell if they weren't beautiful together. Michael Michelle was just so stunning.
I really thought that they were heading for a lot of yummy Carter-denying-his-feelings-for-med-student-Lucy angst, which I was so there for. But I can't deny that what ended up happening (you know ...) was unforgettable television.
On that note, Carter was never the same after That. There's such a sad lost innocence about his character, given how earnest and caring and even hapless he was at the start. That's not necessarily a bad direction to go, narratively speaking, but one would hope for some eventual hard-won optimism for him all the same.
And yeah, at some point ER became darker and soapier, but I honestly have good memories of a few of those years, before becoming bored.
Like, another scene seared into my brain is Maggie Wyczenski turning on a dime and going postal right in the middle of the ER, screaming "I'm leaving! I'm leaving! I'm leaving! Iiii'm leaving!" and "You're my daughter you bitch!". God did Sally Field earn that Emmy or did she earn that Emmy. I wouldn't want to have missed out on that story, for all that it was such a downer.
Apparently Sam, Ray, Archie, and Tony came on more or less when Neela did, but she's the only one I remember. How'd that happen? Though I can't say I remember her stories, so there is that.
I remember watching with my sophomore year roommate the night that Romano freaking lost his arm to a helicopter. It was crazy. And I really thought it couldn't get any crazier, but then, as you know ...
The look of the show really changed from beginning to end, which, given that it lasted fifteen years, is probably to be expected. But I remember most the constantly moving camera in so many of the medical emergency scenes, and I hope that doesn't go away.
Mark's daughter and Peter's son were impossibly cute. Impossibly cute. So so cute. So so so so so cute.
Speaking of Chicago in the 90s, goddamn do y'all remember how incredible the Bulls were? I don't know why I'm putting that in this post, but I guess I am.
Carter/Jing Mei were such great friends, they never stopped being competitive with each other but they nevertheless grew up together and I love that the show never hooked them up.
I don't recall quite why but I feel like Doug and his dad were reminiscent of Riker and his dad from Star Trek. I don't know.
Okay yeah that's all for now.
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shigayokagayama · 1 month
Sexuality Headcanon:
hmmmm i can see her having bisexual swag
Gender Headcanon:
prolly just cis
A ship I have with said character:
i dont think this counts as a ship but i really would be SO interested in seeing how she and toichiro met precanon and what their relationship was like because from the info we got it feels like toichiro started normal and slowly got worse. what happened.
A BROTP I have with said character:
i think her and serizawa being friends could actually be really interesting. like damn that shit was crazy. anyway. wanna go for brunch.
A NOTP I have with said character:
her and toichiro post canon i just think itd be better for both of them if they just. didnt. like sometimes you go too far and permanently ruin a relationship that was important to you and you just have to live with that.
A random headcanon:
i feel like when she left claw she tried to take shou with her and he insisted on staying, at first just because toichiro was the parent he looked up to most and then as the years progressed it became more of a "i have to be the one to bring him back" complex that she could only watch.
General Opinion over said character:
i think shes really interesting and im so fucking sick of the vaguely misogynistic reading of her character as a bad mother who did something awful and unforgivable by abandoning her son with an absuive man (even though they never give toichiro half as much shit) like. if we are assuming that toichiro was abusive to them (which. i really REALLY think that wd arc was the first time he raised a hand against shou because that being the moment shou realizes his father is too far gone makes it way more impactful than it being a regular occurrence). is the implication she should have stayed with her abuser for her kid's sake. really think about what youre saying here.
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crazykuroneko · 4 months
IWTV S2E5 Musings
Long ass note under the cut, but tl;dr Louis & Old Daniel is my new brotp. Armand can't take it away from me. And Armand has a PhD in gaslighting
• The impersonal statements Daniel pointing out. The implanted phrases Armand supposedly gave to Louis. Somehow my mind recalls the "vampire bond" explanation. The way Louis said it in S1 is like he's reading from a book.
• Current Louis knows Santiago's plotting
• Of course Armand is a lame crypto man 😭
• "His methodology is never violent" Oh, Louis
• "Armand preserves my happiness, even when I don't or can't" 🚨
• Louis still likes his coffin lined with a green silk 😭
• Young Daniel acts like a loser. I'm so sorry, I'm trying to take him seriously but he's funny lol
• "You're lonely. You're thrill seeking" Oh he reads him so bad. Why Louis stay with Armand tho?
• Louis and Young Daniel are just saying exactlyyyyy to one another lol
• Louis was agitated when Young Daniel pointed out the use of past tense on Claudia
• Louis is already in suicidal mind set even before Armand comes
• Interesting. The way Louis is reading his thoughts here. As in literal reading. He can't be in Daniel's mind (e.g. seeing what Daniel is seeing), his ability is limited to what Daniel's thinking. And Daniel is not thinking to himself, he just opens the Talamasca recordings right away. Thus Louis can only feel Hesitation from his mind, bu he doesn't know exactly what for
• "You don't have enough to fear from Paris?" On revealing their nature. I knew Louis had the man in the park an Roget. But why does this sound something bigger happened in Paris with the humans?
• "Is it the gremlin or good nurse tonight?" Well, he decided to be both tonight 💀
• "Throw pillow" "Use Claudia just to circle back to Lestat" So rich of him to shade Louis for his guilt over Claudia when he's the one who killed her.
• "It's all coming back" "Paris.." Louis forgets most of Paris?
• "She's calling me" I wonder if Louis is remembering Claudia calling him during her last moments
• No, I don't think Armand expected or waited for Louis to come into the sun like that. But he's definitely MAD because of that
• Armand is on mission to figure out what makes Young Daniel and Lestat interesting to Louis. Because Louis said he's dull
• "An instinct to self-efface" yes, both Daniel and Louis have that
• Armand kept Louis writhing in pain w/o blood for 4 days???
• Not @ Dubai Louis still giving excuses for Armand to Daniel 😭
• Armand calling Lestat. Lestat doesn't know where Louis is. Armand refuses to tell where they are.
• "You try! You were there!" Newfound friends found bickering lol
• "If you want insanity back, if you want to escape this prison of emphaty" Armand really says "Yes, I'm caging you, but you think this is bad? Well, you had it worse with him you wanna go back there??"
• Armand's tone during the coffin scene is very soft, but he's actually making himself clear he's mad MAD. Mad that Louis is trying to goad Lestat back to him again through the interview. Seeing how Louis always fast to reassure Armand with "all I said is trash" about Lestat, this is definitely an old problem to them. It makes me curious what made Louis stay with Armand post-Paris. What happened in Paris exactly? Lestat definitely knows Louis is alive and with Armand, unlike in the books. What has made him stay away? Did Louis pull a Nicki on him in Paris? Edit: wait, what if Armand reaches out to Lestat here is the equivalent of him going to NOLA in TVL and goes "news flash, Louis is actually alive. we were/are together"? Daniel doesn't hear Armand's first sentence to Lestat. and by that time, Louis does know lestat is alive but still numb 🤔 Armand mentions if Louis wants Lestat to chase him again, that's definitely about Lestat coming to Paris after the patricide.
• "All you had to do was ask" he says to the burnt Louis who is in need of his blood. A war flashback to "The silence is cruel. But you're never cruel" but in worse condition.
• Armand, making it clear he is extremely mad at Louis for trying to reach Lestat, that Louis is ungrateful cos he's been treating him better than Lestat, then dangling this channel of communication to Lestat in front of him, making Louis feels bad and coercing him to reassure him again. Armand has a PhD in gaslighting.
• The words from Armand afterwards. Louis certainly knows his answer but well, you can't answer that if you don't want Armand blowing up again.
• Armand only answers Louis back with Maitre once Louis assures him that he will stay with him.
• "I'm a bright young reporter with a point of view" Young Daniel is full of life and optimistic. Stubborn, refusing Armand's words, but they work. Then Louis came, saying it back to him, give him more words to re-find that motivation to live. Give him words to live on.
• Ngl I almost teared up to this scene with Louis and Old Daniel. They're precious as friends.
• To alter and surpress Daniel's memory, Daniel is already under a stage where he's very easy to be influenced and they give more drugs again.
• Old Daniel beeds to stay alive. I want Louis has one (1) friend that call out his and his boyfriend(s)' bullshits 😭
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Chapter 6 (Mastermind)—MOTA Fic
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A/N: Ruth and Kidd are quickly becoming one of my favorite Brotps of the fic haha! That being said, enjoy the beginning of a hilarious partnership in this chapter. Let me know what you think :)
Learning secondhand that Colonel Huglin was being transferred to a hospital in London due to stomach ulcers and was going to be replaced was most assuredly not on Ruth’s list of things that she needed to have happen.  A change in leadership during an attempt to clean house of problem-makers wasn’t going to help the situation much and she felt for the men on base, the confusion of the past few days probably leaving them reeling. 
Still, Ruth was one of the first people up after Huglin was sent away and his replacement, Colonel Harding wanted to meet with all of the Air Executives, all of the Majors, and anyone who was going to be pertinent in relaying information to him.  That being said, Ruth was also one of the first people that he met with—in fact, she was the first. 
The difference between Colonel Huglin and Colonel Harding was startling—and she found Chick Harding to be altogether more relaxed than Colonel Huglin had been.  In fact, the first thing that he did was offer her a cigarette. 
“You smoke, Lieutenant?” Harding asked, leaning forward and offering his pack in her direction. 
Clearly an attempt to get a read on her. 
“Not often, but occasionally,” Ruth carefully plucked a cigarette with a nod of gratitude.  She leaned forward, allowing him to light the cigarette as they sat there, a silent battle of wills and attempting to read one another in the process. 
“I’ll be honest,” Harding gave a sigh. “I’m not a big fan of having JAG-Corp on base.” 
“Not many are.” 
“But in the few weeks since you’ve been here, the numbers don’t lie.  Lower court martial cases, clearer direction with the missions.  Huglin wanted you here indefinitely, correct?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“For now, I’m of the same mindset.  But I’ll be frank with you—” 
“I’d much prefer it if you were, sir.  And I don’t get offended by much,” Ruth added.  
“Things are going to be different now that I’m here.  I care, of course—about the well-being of the men.  But I’m more of a spirit of the law leader than a letter of the law kind of guy.  I’ll rely upon your good judgements to decide if a court martial is really needed, of course.  But I’d prefer to utilize your abilities more so on the level of surveying missions and making battle decisions.” 
“I understand that you’re not a combatant.  But truthfully, from a legal standpoint, this war has all but shot us to hell.  So as much as you can help us logically work through things on our end here, things might go smoother out there,” Harding insisted. 
“I look forward to the challenge, sir.” 
“Great,” Harding let out a sigh and leaned back.  “Now about the Hunderedth’s Air Executive—I’ve heard some mixed things. I want your thoughts.” 
Ruth sucked in a breath of smoke, thinking long and hard for a moment about how she was going to respond to this particular question.  “Some leaders are better leaders when they’re in the field and with their men.” 
“Is that your professional opinion?” 
“He’s antsy on the ground, especially when his men are in the air.  He cares too much to be comfortable sitting back on base.  I think his talents would be more useful to all of the men in the skies rather than down on the ground.  Someone else would have to be considered but I’m afraid I don’t know the men well enough to suggest anyone else.  Perhaps by speaking with the other men and Majors you can find a suitable replacement?” Ruth finally finished.  
Colonel Harding made a note on the paper in front of him.  “I thank you for your time, Lieutenant Sharpe.  This has been enlightening.” 
“My pleasure, sir.  And welcome to Thorpe Abbotts.” 
Both Jack Kidd and Gale Cleven were digging into breakfast by the time that Bucky finally emerged from Colonel Harding’s office—looking slightly relieved and dead-tired.  “Boys,” Bucky exclaimed, pulling out a seat and sinking into the chair across from them. 
“Bucky,” Kidd mumbled, a mouthful still full of food. 
“Well?” Buck questioned, narrowing his gaze at his friend. 
“I got demoted,” Bucky retorted, tone still full of relieved surprise.  
“CO of the 418th Squadron,” Bucky answered.  He glanced over in Kidd’s direction, a slight look of apology in his eyes.  “Sorry Jack, the boys are back with me again.” 
“It’ll be good to get my fort back,” Kidd said with a slight shrug.  
Bucky just gave a wince. “Yeah, Harding wants to see you about that.” 
The coloring drained from Kidd’s face as he blinked slowly.  “I’m Air-Exec?” Bucky simply gave a nod and Kidd dropped his fork.  “You son of a bitch.” 
“It wasn’t my idea,” Bucky replied defensively.  
“Yeah, Huglin recommended it—” Buck cut in. 
“You’re both sons of bitches,” Kidd said, shaking his head at the pair of Bucks.  He shoved his chair out from behind himself and got up, annoyance clear as day on his face. 
“Look at this way,” Bucky tried encouragingly.  “He thinks we’re the least disciplined bomb group on the entire base and maybe you can make a difference.”
“I don’t want to be the guy wiping your ass, Bucky.” 
With that, Jack Kidd strode from the breakfast table and towards Harding’s office, trying to clear his mind as the annoyance overtook him.  Finding Lieutenant Ruth Sharpe waiting outside wasn’t a surprise and clearly had an impact on Bucky’s foul mood that he had acquired.  Wordlessly, Sharpe handed him some paperwork. 
“What’s this, then?” Kidd asked in a weary tone. 
“For when you accept the position,” She replied in an innocent voice. 
“How can you be so sure I’m accepting the position?” Kidd retorted. 
“Because while Bucky Egan might be a likable guy and a great leader in the field, he was a little too drunk to be an Air Executive at any given time.  And there’s no one else that Huglin liked enough to recommend the job.  So that leaves you without an option,” Ruth said simply, shrugging her shoulders ever so slightly.  
Jack Kidd had never been so annoyed in his life.  And he was even more annoyed, fifteen minutes later, when he strode from the office and plucked the paperwork from Lieutenant Ruth Sharpe wordlessly.  Stupid Bucky Egan getting demoted and forcing him to be the one working with the shark lawyer. 
Ruth couldn’t say that she’d ever had the misfortune of seeing a plane crash up until this point.  But three weeks later, in mid-July, Ruth saw it with her own eyes.  She had been discussing an upcoming mission with Jack Kidd when sirens began to blare and the two of them had locked eyes in slight confusion. 
“I didn’t think your men were flying today,” Ruth said, shoving her notebook shut. 
“They’re not,” Kidd frowned.  “It’s just some practice runs, no missions—” 
He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before someone else was running in and calling for him—given the fact that he was the new Air Executive of the Hundredth and it was one of his pilots that had crashed and gone down. But then before Ruth could even encourage him to go off and address the problem, the private was adding that Ruth’s presence had been requested for the recording of the incident. 
So there Ruth was, on an early morning in July, in a jeep with Jack Kidd and going to inspect the damages done and interview the mechanics and ground crew that had worked on the plane.  It wasn’t an investigation by any means, but it certainly felt more like one than she had done in years. 
The car ride there was short and tense—and she could see the thick black smoke licking up into the air from the main headquarters.  As they approached the treeline, the scent of oil and something burnt shifted through the air and Ruth nearly gagged at the smell.  There was a reason why she wasn’t a damn nurse—she hated anything to do with the doctors or nurses.  She didn’t envy the men who were attempting to find any remains. 
They were on the scene fairly quickly, though there were already people showing up to help put out the fire, remove debris, and attempting to assess the situation at hand.  Ruth wasn’t surprised when the other Majors on the base arrived on the scene, staring at the smoke and crash-site.  
It was a haunting smell, and one that she knew all of them would remember for the rest of their lives.  God, it made her worried about her brothers.  Ruth kept quiet, eyes locked onto the scene ahead of her.  Guide them safely home and please—let it have been quick for all of them.  A silent prayer seemed to pour out from her heart and then the moment was gone. She busied herself with asking the proper questions and recording responses.  
When she had finally finished up, she returned back to where the Majors were all talking in quiet tones.  “Finish up the interviews?” Kidd questioned, gaze falling on her. 
“Yes.  It seems to be a pilot error, nothing to do with the ground crew,” Ruth replied.  
Harding arrived on the scene not even seconds later, a frown on his face.  “What happened?” He questioned, gaze switching onto the group of Majors, Air Executives, and Ruth. 
“Practice mission—he went into his turn too early and too slow.  Engine stalled out,” Veale answered.  
“Who was it?” Harding pressed. 
“One of the 349th. A new crew.”
“Barnhill,” Buck answered grimly.
Harding glanced in Ruth’s direction.  “You get any answers out of the mechanics?” 
“The plane was perfectly fine before they left.  It seems to just be an error on the pilot’s side of things, though that can’t be remedied now,” Ruth said with a slight frown.  “I’ll have the report back to you within the next hour.” 
Harding gave a firm nod.  “We’re going to have to move things around to make up for the loss.  Veale, you get working on the letters to the families and then we all need to have a long conversation about how to avoid simple accidents like this.” 
The resounding “Yes sir” still echoed in Ruth’s ears as they left.  Because how could that ever be considered a simple accident?  And how could they all become so numb to the realities of war that they forgot what it was to be an actual living and breathing human being? She figured that if people got numb enough to what war was—and it was a living hell and should not have happened in the first place—then they couldn’t ever resolve or stop the horrors of it.  Because they’d be too far removed and numb to what it meant to be at peace. 
They could not forget it.  And Ruth would be damned before she let them do so. 
Ruth was well-acquainted with the art of curling hair.  Not that she had any need of it, given the ever-present state of her hair always being curly.  But at the moment, she was placing curlers in Helen’s hair.  Not a single force on the whole damn planet could have convinced her of going out that night—especially given the fact that the smell had lingered throughout the day. 
Her report had been pristinely delivered to Harding just when she said it was and they had spent the better part of the morning rearranging the forts to make up for the loss of numbers that they had endured over the last few weeks. 
By the time that night had fallen, Ruth was plain and simple, just tuckered out.  Her social battery left little to be desired, but neither Tatty or Helen seemed bothered by her cold demeanor and it almost threw her for a loop.  So they had asked her to help them with their hair and to just have a quiet night in.  Ruth could handle that sort of thing like it was just another Tuesday. 
“You’re not writing any men, are you?” Helen asked, craning her neck ever so slightly to catch a look at Ruth’s face. 
Ruth wasn’t fazed by the question and didn’t even blink. “Just my two brothers.  I’m afraid I’m very boring.” 
“Oh there had to be someone,” Tatty insisted, giving a slight wince as Helen finished up a curl in her own hair. 
“There’s no one,” Ruth reassured them.  “Though to my mother and father, that’s a different story.  They’re under the delightful impression that my sole goal in being in Europe at the moment is because I’m engaged to some pilot and waiting for the war to be over.  Because of that, I’m clearly advocating for women’s causes in the countryside.” 
Tatty couldn’t help the fact that her jaw dropped.  “You told them all of that?” 
“Oh please, I did all of that before I even left for Europe.  I’ve told much worse lies.  I think,” Ruth gave a slight shrug.  
“Why though?” Helen questioned. 
“Because my sisters Alice and Sarah—one’s married and the other is engaged and they think that I should do that too.  But days like today?  Where a man blows up because he was going too slow?  That’s a harsh slap in the face to the reality of war.  And I won’t be one of those little widows, barely bed, and their husband dies.  That’d just be awful.  Love is for children, which I am not.” 
“God,” Helen sighed.  “We just need to find you a nice man.” 
“Now you sound like my mother,” Ruth retorted.  “But I’ll concede to that.  You find me a man who does major damage to the German empire, has a sense of humor, and one that can keep up with me?  I’ll go on a date with that man.” 
“Something tells me that he’s going to be hard to find,” Tatty mumbled.  “Seeing as how most of these pilots don’t come back truthfully.” 
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nikkiruncks · 4 months
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moodboard: jackie & donna (brotp)
-> requested by @burkelso
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elrondhalfelven · 5 months
Do Rich Rider next!
1. favorite thing about them
oh i love him i love how he’s genuinely just a completely average guy - earth heroes “average guys” tend to always be super geniuses ie. peter parker. but rich is genuinely just a completely average normal dude. he flipped burgers when he wasn’t nova-ing! he barely scraped through high school (again, cause of the nova thing!). he was just a genuinely normal teenager with a complex cause of his super smart little brother. becoming nova was both the best and worst thing to ever happen to him.
2. least favorite thing about them
man is lowkey self-obsessed in the sense a depressed person is. everything is his fault, he’s pathetic, he’s wasting everyone’s time. he was like this even before he got powers - he clearly has self-worth issues that just get exacerbated the more he survives. clearly not the only person who clocked this because rich going into therapy was such a huge step!
3. favorite line
Holy shit he’s such an icon
“Let’s scream in his face anyway.” 🥺
“I pulled [Annihilus] inside out and saved the universe. What have YOU done lately, Tony?”
“Shut it, warcrimes.”
“I loved him too. You know that, right?” I’m UNWELL
“Please, Rich. I think you need to talk to someone about this.” “About the fan-sites?” “About the fact you’re dying.” he’s UNWELL
“Let’s review. Your ride is toast. I’m Nova. You’re dead. Allow me to demonstrate.” HOT.
4. brOTP
sam alexander. they’re brothers!!!
also the new warriors. that group tends to be ignored these days as a very formative time in Rich’s life - i’m due a reread, i’m part of the problem, i haven’t read that in over 12 years! but yeah, so many fond memories there <3
5. OTP
peter quill. they’ve just made so much sense forever
6. nOTP
idk if I really have one tbh? he’s not popular enough for these to form
7. random headcanon
Rich’s real superpower is that he’s actually turned into a surprisingly good cook. He finds the process quite relaxing. Which the guardians really appreciate because Pete “no patience” Quill burns everything because he gets distracted and, while they won’t admit it, they did grow accustomed to earth food while they were stuck down there.
8. unpopular opinion
Thank god he never made it into the MCU. Since 2006 has been going from strength to strength in the comics (a part from the few years when he was dead!). Since he came back in 2016/17 I don’t think anything he has been in has been bad. He either has the magic touch or he’s insanely lucky for dodging MCU synergy and having writers who clearly love him!!
9. song I associate with him
Fortress by Queens of the Stone Age
Watch me While I Bloom by Hayley Williams
10. favorite picture of them
juann cabal Rich is my little guy his big brown eyes <3
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desertfangs · 8 months
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Through the Garden Gate [AO3] Lestat/Daniel - Explicit - 4,459
Not long after Tale of the Body Thief, Lestat and Daniel talk about Lestat's body swap and how Daniel worries his relationship with Armand is falling apart.
I wrote this in kind of a flash of inspiration but I figured I might as well post it now, since I'll be posting a lot of stuff in February for fandom events and don't know when I'll get around to it otherwise.
I really just love Lestat and Daniel having deep conversations and I think Daniel tends to ask the best questions. They are my BROTP with benefits and I know some of y'all love them as much as I do, so I hope you like this!
Brief excerpt:
“Is it true that you swapped bodies with a mortal?” Daniel had been burning to ask about it since Lestat first jumped him in Pirate Alley, and the question tumbled out almost immediately after they sat at the small bar table. 
A storm of emotion passed over Lestat’s face. “I did.” 
Daniel leaned closer, across the small bar table between them. “What was it like?” 
“What do you think? Incredible. Messy. Uncomfortable. Amazing.” Lestat shook his head. “Impossibly strange. But it had been hundreds of years since I’d known mortal urges, mortal discomfort.”
“Sucks, doesn’t it?” Daniel laughed slightly. Mortal discomfort—aches and pains and hangovers and head colds—had been the bane of his existence during his last mortal years. He’d been in his early thirties and yet already his body had changed so much. Sleeping at the wrong angle could ruin him for days. 
“Not entirely. There were good things.” Lestat smiled, but it didn’t reach his blue gray eyes, which were trained on his martini glass full of blue curaçao and vodka. “The taste of wine. The sun.” 
Daniel reached across the table and touched Lestat’s hand, which was a rich, tan color, like the rest of his skin. “And how did this happen?” 
Lestat sighed. “I had a moment of weakness and went into the Gobi desert. It’s not important now.” 
Daniel snorted. “Yeah, clearly. Are you okay?” 
Lestat waved a hand and then his magnificent, winning smile returned. “How did you hear about my last misadventure anyway? I’m still working on the book.” 
Daniel sat back against the booth and tapped his fingers on the table, keenly aware of the pack of cigarettes in his pocket. “Louis wrote a very concerned letter about the whole affair.” 
Lestat frowned. “To you?” 
Daniel flushed. “To Armand. Sent to Night Island. I stopped by to check on the house and I opened the mail.” He hadn’t thought much of it at the time—he and Armand often treated each other’s things as if they were their own, which was perhaps a bad habit, but it had always worked for them. Once he’d read it, he’d felt a bit like he’d overstepped, and he’d tucked the letter away to give to Armand next time he saw him.
“And where is that impish maker of yours, hm?” Lestat asked. “Where are you two living these days?” 
“Barcelona, for now,” Daniel said. “Assuming he’s still there when I get back.” 
Lestat smirked. “Trouble in paradise?” 
“You could say that.” Daniel thought of Armand’s hardened expression, his cold kiss against Daniel’s cheek as he’d left. The icy atmosphere of the flat they shared. Daniel fiddled with the plastic sword that held an olive and onion in his cocktail, stirring it around the drink. “He’s gotten so damn volatile. The smallest thing sets off these terrible fights. Or worse, he gets quiet and sullen and avoids me. To be honest, I prefer the fighting.” 
Armand had barely said a word when he’d left. Daniel had been pushed past all reason and needed a break, so he’d offered to go check on The Night Island, an errand they did from time to time as they traveled around in hopes that some new location might fix all their problems. 
In truth, he’d hoped Armand would come with him. Maybe being home again for a few days would rekindle something, give them some perspective. But Armand had simply wished him bon voyage, without so much as a suggestion he didn’t want him to go, and now Daniel was procrastinating going back.
“He and Louis could teach a masterclass in administering the silent treatment,” Lestat said morosely. He stabbed the cherry in his drink with his own plastic sword, a little green one, and then let it drop, blue liquid splashing out of the glass.
Read the Rest on AO3
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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Some drawings of Ericka and Alice, or as I like to call the BrOTP ship, Deadly Angel. I love the idea of these two cartoony badass spooky queens together.
1 and 2. Ericka reassuring her pal Alice after the Fairy Godmother attacked, threatening Alice and her family. She relates to Al in many ways: they have a similar story, personality, and taste in men. And both are Ex-murderesses trying to do better but still haunted by guilt of their past selve's crimes. They also both have self-esteem issues due to past judgement by others and have perfectionism to get over. Though Alice isn't nearly as brave or quite as optimistic as her human gal pal. Most of her life has been hiding and planning for every little thing that went wrong lest she gets sent back to the dark puddles, thinking she was an ugly twisted version of her true self who needed to be beautiful and PERFECT to be happy. Having friends around to reassure her and take her mind off things is...new to her. Esoecially with her fears of her dangerous Susie side.
Note: Like the original, Alice has 2 personalities living within her: the innocent toon and the hurt corrupted woman she used to be - Susie Campbell. In me and @lovelylivelyv 's headcanon, Susie is the one behind the evil deeds of Twisted Alice, while Alice was trapped inside largely forced into going along with it until Susie's soul was largely put to rest. Now, Alice is largely in control, although Susie is still hidden in there and Alice still has her memories...though they feel like they happened to someone else. While she has control over her transformations largely, Alice can also change forms and voice when upset or angry. She's still not quite as stable as, say, Boris.
Bonus: Protective Ericka's evil smile, Bad Ass Monsterfucker Pun and the idea Ericka likes playing the BATIM lever challenge as a training game!
3. In WIR-Verse, ice has this prank she'll sometimes do, offering a fake Tommy gun just to watch with a smile as it melts in their hands....well, she may be redeemed as Alice in the "vivisecting and murder" department. But she's not a fallen angel for NOTHING...
4. Ericka asks about the mysterious Milla Legna tapes, having worked out Alice was the true Milla because of the Legna Angel anagram. Alice is a bit embarrassed of Susie's deeds, but Ericka not only doesn't judge, but compliments it! And Alice returns the favor by good-naturedly teasing Ericka about her monsterfucker Pan-ic. XD
Bonus Baby Jack! Being a monster baby, I figure he can make some strange noises in addition to normal baby babble, like Ink Bendy's "Moo" noises.
5. 2 Debbie's talking shop! Some point after the Dark Revival update, Ericka comes to check out her friend's new second pair and finds Alice has a whole setup of electric chairs! After some good natured ribbing (showing Alice has grown to accept her murderous side a bit and to trust her friend not to judge it) I'm sure Ericka wants to play with the setup. She's a Debbie fan and she's never gotten to play with electric chairs before!
Bonus: In this picture is Eddie, Ericka's swoobat, as well as 2 of Alice's pokemon: Susie the Mawile and Betty the Meloetta.
6. Remember how I said both Ericka and Alice have similar tastes? This one plays with that. XD Bonus Addams Family "Howling Demons" joke and smol baby Jack. BTW, "Heavenly sin" is based on @thedopedemon 's work!
7. It's not just Ericka reassuring Alice. Alice knows how to cheer up Ericka too when criticism from others starts getting to her. She refuses to see ANYONE go through the pain she did alone.
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @serial-serializednovelreader @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @wingingfromthezing @deathfangirl9 @inkiedraws @inkhyaena @inkspottie @inkwelldevil @thedemonsurfer @thedobermutt @ebevkisk @twinklecupcake @howling-nightmare
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spider-jaysart · 8 months
Hi!! Can I ask Damian (and maybe Dick 🙏?) for the character ask game?
Thank you, take care <3
Favorite thing about them: I just love his whole personality loll. He's a crazy, funny little guy that I think is really cool
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing. Only when he gets really mischaracterized by official writers who don't understand him, which happens A LOT
Favorite line: "Father, I imagined you taller."
Brotp: Damian and Jon
Otp: Damijon
Notp: Batcest, any of them that have adults paired up with him, including the canon ones Mar'i x Damian, Cassie x Damian, and Cassandra x Damian
Random headcanon: He can do ballet and it's because it's something Talia taught him while he was growing up in the league and being trained to learn many other things. He's a skilled professional at it now because of this and also bonds with his sister Cass over it and will sometimes even join her in her dancing. He also tries teaching Jon too, which can become fun for them both, and his other friends sometimes as well whenever they get curious or don't actually understand it that much like they think they do. Damian also owns a pair of green ballet slippers, but usually keeps them put away in his closet to keep them safe and clean and only takes them out when he really does want to use them.
Unpopular opinion: Okay sooo, a lot of people believe that Talia's character just gets only more ruined because of Damian's existence or whatever, but I don't believe that at all. Damian may be her son and is big part of her life because of it, but his character itself has nothing to do with hers like that at all when it comes to hateful writers choosing to write her horribly and just as another evil, lunatic villain and whatever else. Some people even say that he stole her story, but he did grow up with her during those 10 years of his, so of course he's gonna have the same life she dealt with and is also gonna have to get through certain issues from it now too because of it. But the point is that if anyone's gonna get blamed for Talia's usual trash characterisation, it should be the writers who hate her, NOT Damian who has many writers of his own who don't even treat him that well or like him that much at all either just like with Talia. Trying to pick on him is never going to fix anything about her. If Talia's ever gonna get anything better that she deserves in comics and other things, it needs to be done by writers who actually have care about her character and don't have anything weird against her that just only causes bad intentions of messing her up and then THAT'S what will finally start doing justice for her. And this not meant as an argument towards anyone or whatever btw, this is just me stating my opinion and beliefs about the whole thing
Song I associate with them: Self love by Metro Boomin & Coi Leray (Mostly because even though Damian may always put on a very confident act and always seems so prideful of himself a lot of the times, he actually has a lot of insecurities underneath all of that and doesn't actually always think so great of himself as a person)
Favorite picture of them: Definitely this very beautiful panel of him ofc💖
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I just LOVE the way Gleb Melinkov draws him and gives him his Arab features without holding any of it back as well! He even gives him long lashes (longer than Flatline's even, which I noticed while looking at another panel from this series!), which I really love too!!
Favorite thing about them: I really always liked his leadership style, especially in the Teen Titans 2003 cartoon, which I grew up with
Least favorite thing about them: Only when he's potrayed as a dumb, clumsy guy in some canon stories just to lift up other characters and put them in a bigger spotlight instead. It makes no sense because he's a professional acrobat and always has been that way since he was a little kid, so how could he ever be so trippy all over the place as if there are invisible banana peels getting in the way everytime?! And he is very smart, especially with all of the important experience he has from his many years of hero work, so he's not dumb either and if he was, he wouldn't have made it so far with this kind of life because of it or ever get much done like he did because he has to overly depend on others knowledge
Favorite line: "Titans Go!"
Brotp: Dick and Starfire, Beast boy, Raven, Cyborg (I know he's friends with many others too, but this is the group I grew up with and am more attached to, so they're my fave to see together)
Otp: Dickkory because they bring the best out in eachother and have so much love for one another too
Notp: DickBabs because I just don't think they really fit that well together at all and most times Barbara just makes Dick feel bad in a lot of ways with how she usually treats him in a romantic relationship, and that's not a healthy thing to deal with at all. And then there's also Batcest and Slade x Dick (which I don't even get at all because Slade is just such a horrible, gross and very toxic guy)
Random headcanon: Years ago, back when he would used to have long hair still, he one time had it tied up in a ponytail and then a villain chopped it off in half while fighting him. Dick was pissed and really kicked their butt for doing that
Unpopular opinion: People always think of Dick as the positive, sunshine guy and then there are the ones who get very mad about it and say that he's actually the angry, tough guy because him being super friendly and happy is just too "ooc". I don't listen to any of that stuff, because I believe that he's actually both. He IS a friendly guy with a warm, charming, humorous attitude that easily attracts others, and is very much an inspiration to many because of his positive, sunshine vibes as a great, hardworking hero, but none of it makes him dumb, weak or gullible, because he IS also the type who can become very serious and gets mad when he needs to be, also doesn't actually take bull from anyone, can be chaotic and crazy, works a LOT, is independent, does have a lot of intelligence and especially experience that should never be forgotten about just because he's nice, and also definitely has the determined mind to take care of things and get them done even though others will sometimes try to tell him what to do, but he doesn't actually listen because he's not the type to easily be controlled that way like a puppy would be and if he believes it's something that needs the attention and it's what should be done and no one else is doing it, then he will do it
Song I associate with them: Annihilate by Metro Bommin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne & Offset (because it's about being fearless, embracing self strength and individuality, and becoming a much more independent person, and I think that totally fits Dick because he's not the type to fear much and hates being stuck under Batman's shadow and having independence is something that always had an important role in how Dick's life goes)
Favorite picture of them: Well, I just found this pic of him, which was done by Travis Moore
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It's very nice and really shows the struggle he goes through as a hero a lot of the times. Also, I really always liked the way he draws Dick, because he doesn't just look like everyone else and isn't sharing same face syndrome with his brothers and Bruce either, it's just a look that's unique to only him and it fits him very well. It's the exact way I always imagine him looking like whenever I envision him in my mind, even the hairstyle that's given to him by this artist too!!!
Thank you for sending this ask, I enjoyed answering it! And you take very good care too!! :)
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