#brownie 🍰
beyourselfchulanmaria · 6 months
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週日和昨天(週一)我真的像個烏龜🐢一樣,由於肩膀和背部的舊疾復發+打零工引起的肌肉酸痛…我幾乎無法翻身、移動,只能在床上敷藥💊 並處理文書的工作。真慘!🤓🤪 lol 不過今早起床後我感覺又是一條活龍,忙著不同的工作和學習,如千軍萬馬般充滿了戰鬥力,完全將身體的疼痛丟在腦後,想想我一路走來就是這樣活過來的~”關關難過,關關過。(To meet with great difficulties it's hard to pass but pull through. You’re bigger than this. Things will get better.) “ 🦕💐 Fearless! 🫶 yeah 🎶 Lan~*
PS. I’m talking with a friend about another business out of studio for a while ☕️ at coffee shop. 🪷
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sakurafairymage · 2 years
@misschimotosuwa-blog so I just realized that I forgot to show you the cheesecake I made yesterday 🙃. I actually made way to much so it ended up as two cheesecakes and a cheesecake brownie lol
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I had no cheesecake pans so I made them in pie pans lol. Anyway if anyone wants a piece just dig right in 🍰 😆
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sakurastarkey · 1 year
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❀ Bunny Buns!
☆ Made by my sister MoonGypsy 🌙
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toystoryfan · 1 year
TOY i can’t believe the one day when i wasn’t as active on tumblr as i usually am TURNED OUT TO BE UR BIRTHDAY????? if i’ve missed it i’m so so sorry but HAPPY BIRTHDAY NONETHELESS !! 🎁🎉🎂🎊🎈🥳🥳🥳🥳 !!!!
I AM IN CST AT THE MOMENT SO ITS STILL MY BIRTHDAY!!!! honestly I wasn't active today either bc I was making my birthday edit!!!! Bc when else can I use the song 22 by Taylor swift lol. I also made pancakes for dinner and also frosted leftover cake for myself 🎂🍰🎉🎉🎉🎉 yeah I mostly ate sweets today but it was FUN
Thank you Suni Astrobei ily 💕💕💕 you are awesome and I adore you <333 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I'm having a blast I ate so much sugar
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AITA for baking?
^ (so I can find later)
I (16f) really enjoy baking as a hobby—it’s one of the only non-computer related hobbies I have, and I make baked goods maybe once every 2-3 weeks. I give a lot of stuff out to my friends and neighbors, but sometimes it’s nice to keep stuff for myself and my household, which is my mom and my aunt, if they want some. But recently my mom and aunt have asked me not to bake anymore, because my aunt is obese and trying to lose weight. But I don’t think I should have to stop engaging in a hobby I enjoy because of that? I don’t force her to eat the things I make, but also her weight loss seems entirely dependent on me and my mom—if my mother or I don’t cook nutritional meals for the her my aunt will just eat chips and fast food, and she has no job and the only time she gets out of bed is to walk from her bedroom to the kitchen, so she’s not making an effort to exercise or be more active. She’s not really trying to lose weight imo because all of her “efforts” rely on people that aren’t her. If I make a dozen brownies and she sneaks into the kitchen into the middle of the night to eat SIX all at once it’s my fault and not hers? I feel like I’m being blamed for an issue that isn’t my fault or my problem. She’s struggled with her weight since before I was born and I sympathize with that, but I don’t think it’s fair to say my hobby is the issue, and I don’t plan on stopping when this will just be another half hearted weight loss effort that won’t work. AITA for continuing to bake after my aunt asked me not to?
What are these acronyms?
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konigsblog · 7 months
Haiii orla (՞ . .՞)ฅ” i have a just a small request, what do you like König or any Task Force 141 members favorite sweets would be?
also have a wonderful day, drink water and take care of yourself!
141 + könig favourite sweets :3 🍰🍭🧁🍬
i'm a firm believer that john price doesn't enjoy overly sweet desserts and treats. although, he enjoys licorice, as well as fudge and toffee. if you hand him some skittles, or sour patch kids, he'll gag and spit it out... doesn't do well with sourness whatsoever, and prefers chewy caramel, or fudge!
on the other hand, soap mactavish is a fiend for sweet treats. as he's scottish, i can see him liking scottish tablet, as well as empire biscuits. i also believe he'd like sour and sweet treats, as well as biscuits with jam.
simon riley likes chocolate, although, he's not too big on certain sweets. like captain price, he enjoys licorice, but he can also get behind stuff like haribos, or starbursts. he wouldn't turn down something sweet, but he goes absolutely insane for anything including chocolate. (is also a fan of custard doughnuts, as well as chocolate filled.)
like simon, gaz garrick also enjoys custard filled treats. custard creams, custard filled donuts, or having custard on the side of a brownie. he also adores chocolate flavoured sweets, but also enjoys sour candy. gaz is always complaining that it's not sour enough – he can handle a lot...
könig enjoys mostly everything – aside from licorice and anything mint flavoured. he doesn't enjoy mint flavoured chocolate (like i've stated before), but be goes crazy for most desserts. adores brownies, and makes fantastic homemade, chocolate brownies. enjoys sweeter tasting treats, but CANNOT stand anything sour – trust me, he'll scrunch his face up (he may shed a tear, or two...)
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Being Karasuno’s Manager
🧁🍩Miss Manager loves to Bake 🍪 🍰
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Karasuno featuring Seijoh x female! manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: pure fluff
AN: This is probably the cutest anon request ever 🥹
Let me just say this
Kageyama might be “king of the court” but YN is “Queen of Karasuno” 👸
Honestly these boys absolutely worship you
Literally, they act as if they don’t have three managers
They literally will lay down in a puddle of mud while you step on them
Will do the above 👆 for any of their three managers
But you, you my love are super special to our boys
Why you ask?
Well it’s because you provide them with nutrients to survive 😌
That’s right, your love of baking and the fine art of culinary creations only helps you out with our beloved crows
You’ve learned to cater to all their needs
Filling recipes with top tier ingredients for success
Things like fruits, nuts, and even sneaking some veggies in there
Like zucchini bread or carrot cake
Listen, even if it’s in a desert, it still counts as a fruit or veggie
I don’t want to hear “tHe SuGaR cAnCeLs It OuT”
Because like these boys need the sugar to run and jump all over the place ok 🤚🏻
You bake almost daily as a form of stress release and therapy
Please you need it with the team you manage 🙄
And you always bring in the treats for the boys!
And they ALWAYS eat them up
“These are fantastic Yn what are they called?” Hinata asks
“They are Fudgy Pumpkin Brownie bites! It’s a new recipe!” You exclaim as Kageyama and Noya go in for thirds
“You fit a whole pumpkin in here Yn?!?” Hinata : D
You 👉🏻😐
“I think she means that there is pumpkin in the recipe not one per bite,” Ennoshita explains
I never claimed they were smart Yn
Anyways, you are always there to help our precious boys fill their bellies
You are in charge of snacks for games and practice, often finding joy in everything you do
So when the prelims for the road to spring nationals start, you are busy whipping up some goodies
You bake the entire weekend before, preparing for every possible scenario
Protein muffins for in between matches
Chocolate chip cookies for after they win matches
You even prepare some of your famous Strawberry shortcake cookies just incase the boys happen to lose
Not that we think they will, don’t get me wrong but it’s always nice to be prepared
Anyways, the prelims start and Karasuno dominates
Like, did we really thinking they wouldn’t 💅
Anyways, tensions run high as the boys go into their match with Seijoh
You remember the first time they fought against Seijoh and how the loss crushed them
But fueled up on your high-protein muffins, these boys are ready to kick butt!
And kick butt they do!
They beat Seijoh and prepare to meet Shiratorizawa in the finals
After the game, you notice how upset Seijoh is after their loss
You knew this was the third years last tournament and seeing them cry hurt
You thought about if it was your boys
And with that, there was only one thing left to do
So you pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a little note and stuck it in the box of cookies
As your team was preparing to leave, you grabbed your box of Strawberry Shortcake cookies and ran over to Seijoh
Karasuno rn 👉🏻👀
“Excuse me?” You said as the entire Seijoh team turned around and looked at you
“You guys played an excellent game and you deserve these,” you said handing Seijoh your expertly wrapped cookies
Oikawa accepted, saying nothing
Please you left him speechless
Too bad Kunimi’s too sad to even record this moment 😭
You smile and wave as you run back to your team
Meanwhile, back the gym the Seijoh boys are extremely sad
“Hey what did that manager from Karasuno give you Oikawa?” Kindaichi asked as Oikawa reached for the box
He reached for it, opening it as the note slipped out
Iwa picked the note up and began reading it
It read “Thank you for playing your hardest! You deserve these. Xoxo YN, Karasuno’s Manager”
“It’s cookies,” Oikawa said as he began to pass them around and Iwa showed Oiks the note
Oikawa rn 👉🏻😐🥺😭
Please the entire Seijoh team is eating your cookies and crying Yn 😩
The next few days go by
You are in the gym taking notes when a teacher comes to get you
“Excuse me?”
“Yes,” Takeda asks
“Umm there is a team of boys at the front gate here to see Yn,” the teacher says
Karasuno 👉🏻 a team…. OF BOYS 😐😑
Tanaka and Noya 👉🏻 FOR YN?!?? 😡🤬
“Oh my ok!” You say, getting up and walking towards the gates of Karasuno
Tanaka, Noya, Kags and Hinata are ready to go
It takes the entire rest of the team to hold them back 🙄
“WHAT IF THEY KIDNAP YN??” Noya shouts
“They literally showed up at the front of school in broad daylight, like that’s gonna happen,” Suga say, rolling his eyes
“Someone has never watched dateline before,” Tanaka adds
Of course, you ignore them and head for the gates
As you approach, you see the white track suits
You 👉🏻😐😳
“Umm hi,” you say as the boys of Seijoh all look at you
“Team!” Oikawa shouts and they all scream
You rn 👉🏻😐😳🥹
“You are so welcome! Thank you for coming!” You say smiling and going to hug them
You hug Iwa first and boy is he stiff 😅
It’s safe to say the entire Seijoh team is now in love with you Yn 🥰
“Omg is Oikawa crying?” Kageyama says, shoving Hinata out of the way as they watch around the corner.
“Hey watch it butthole!” Hinata shouts as he pushed Kageyama out of the way.
“I’d cry too if YN hugged me,” Noya added as Tanaka nodded.
“You guys are about to have something to cry about if you don’t get your butts back to the gym RIGHT NOW!” Daichi shouted, looming over them as the boys all turned and ran back to the gym.
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shaneizdead · 15 days
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A convo between Knubbler and Charles who just ate an entire edible brownie without knowing. Oopsie. 🍰🍃
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deer-snacks · 26 days
What if Phighting had Tumblr and it was called Phightblr?
#This is so silly #But I've finally gotten motivation to make this
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🍰 speedbaker Follow
I have been experimenting with making baked goods in mugs.. trying to figure out what works. So far the brownie in a mug and chocolate cake in a mug works the best! But I think I'm getting close to getting a strawberry cake right!
#baking #Sling's Baking Diary #Hopefully I don't get sick from this lol
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🛹 trick-master Follow
i phucking crashed into a wall again! i was trying to show off and suffered!
#i swear i crash into a wall at least once a week #it feels like i'm cursed
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🐈 cat-dad Follow
Princess stared at me with the sweetest expression today.. at least before knocking off a glass of water. I still love her though.
#She's a ball of fluff and mischief #cats #cat dad
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🔨 banlands-best Follow
⚙ blackrocks-greatest-inventor Follow
L, bozo!!
#Can't touch me nananana!!
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⚔ forbrokenhonor Follow
Someone seems to have left me a gift on me doorstep again.. judging by the green ribbon, probably Shuriken..
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🐱‍👤 bestninja420 Follow
I think I ate a beetle of some sort when grappling around
🌸 flowers-beauty Follow
🐱‍👤 bestninja420
It was bigger than most bugs I've eaten
#usually I end up eating like flies lol
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💉 okayish-doctor Follow
I'm surrounded by idiots
#Scythe and Broker are having some sort of drinking game #I'm not healing them if they hurt themselves in their stupidity
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🎈 party-demon-123 Follow
Crossroads is such a silly place. I was at an indie concert where Boombox was at and we all ended up distracted because Ban Hammer was chasing Subspace and shouting at him. Even Boombox was staring lol
#Concert was great btw #Got Boombox's autograph afterwards
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coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
🂠 ♣ ♦ ♥ ♠ 🂠 Tea party menu🂠 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 🂠
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Coffee speaking! Tea speaking! Twins speaking!
We have a various kinds of tea, chai latte is my personal favorite tho
Come on Dear, take a sit with us in this tea party! If you rather coffee, of course we have!
We have a lot of little treats to share with you as well!
Maybe is someone's happy not-birthday? oh, its our not-birthday too!
So, tell us, what do you wish to have?
🍅 Fruit salad:
🍋 Lemon:
edit! Not really bullys
human! Lemon + silly edit
wish I was your safe space
🍓 Strawberry:
edit! Not really bullys
🍈 Melon:
Sweet sweet rain
🍏 Green Apple:
edit! Not really bullys
🍍 Pineapple:
edit! Interruption
better that sleeping pills
➤ keep pretending
➤ Say something
do you notice?
human! Pin
You need a proper care, Dear (Lovesick! Doctor)
Can't you stay longer? (Lovesick! Patient x Reader.)
💐 Hanahaki killer:
Imagine if hanahaki isn't a sickness but a serial killer
❄️ Backrooms:
liminal space single daddy introduction post
🏪 The yandere shop:
welcome to the shop! What are you looking for?
Sneak peek of the first encounters
Out of the menu, still the choice (the seller post)
🎪 Circus:
Why being a side character when you can have the spotlight?
Oh, and if you don't find that little something you're searching for...
You can always sit and ask/sugest us, dont be shy, Dear. Although we express differently, we share our only braincell.
So come sit with us and enjoy this little tea party we prepared for you, with all the sweets and the sours too!
Ah, last but not least, english isn't our first language, probably you all will find weird things in my posts lol, y si prefieren leer algo en español, también pueden pedirnos usarlo si hacen un ask, acá está el intro post en español.
Our beloved neighbors that come to celebrate their not birthday with us! (anon list):
🧸 anon
🍰 anon
Do you also want to celebrate your not birthday? Of course, come with us, my brother makes the best brownie ever, you should try it!
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milk-tea-sakura · 1 month
✩°𓏲⋆🌿. ⋆⸜ 🍵✮˚˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙—⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓻𝓪’𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓻𝔂!
How can I take your order? Just pick a dessert, drink and a member of your choosing. Please indicate who you want me to write about or I won’t do your request.
Fandoms: Stray Kids, Ateez, BTS, Enhypen, P1harmony, Seventeen, TXT (I am open to other groups! Just specify thegroup and member you want!!)
I do accept polyamourus relationships (member + reader). Up to 3 or 4 members! It makes it manageable on my end and however, occasionally I do write full group fics.
You can order in the inbox of @milk-tea-sakura I’ll get your order out asap, just check to make sure that I am taking orders before you order. Also let me know if you want it sweet or spicy!
And big thanks to @bunnys-kisses for giving me the inspiration for this. If you want non kpop character I recommend checking them out. And don’t forget to check their order list because we don’t have the same meals.
Order list below the cut!!
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❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
Cheesecake - “Baby, don’t make me spell it out for you… you know I want you.”
Castella cake - “I can give you a list of how you make me feel.”
Swiss rolls - “Oh my, what have I dont to deserve such a beautiful smile.”
Apple pie - “I must be in heaven”
Mochi - “If you don’t behave I’ll let the boys handle you.”
Dango - “How can you still look so attractive while crying?”
Miso butter cookie - “You’ve never even touched yourself?”
Crepe cookies - “What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids?”
Nama Chocolate - “You know, I could get you off right here, right now.”
Purin - "If he fucks with me again, i'm finishing inside of you."
Tiramisu - “I wonder if the boys would also like to see this cunt. Would you let them see it?”
Strawberry shortcake - “Why are you being so gentle with me? I like it when you’re rough.”
Fluffy pancakes - “Your thighs are shaking so much.”
Watermelon Sorbet - “How about you put these lips to work instead of just talking all the time?”
Zebra cake - “You taste like heaven, and I can’t get enough.”
Lemon slice - “Be good for me and I’ll untie you.”
Pull-apart bread - “I know you said no marks… But what if I put them where nobody except for me will see them?”
Ice cream sandwich - “You act all innocent and look so sweet, but I know what a dirty mind you really have.”
Chocolate cake - “We have to be quiet. If you make a sound, I’ll have to stop!”
Souffle - “When I tell you to sit on my face, I want you to sit, is that clear?”
S’mores - “I know baby, I know. I’m right here just breathe.”
Belgian waffles - "I've been waiting for this kiss since the moment I laid eyes on you."
Shortbread cookies - "You kissed me! You kissed me, how's that not a big deal?"
Angel food cake - “You know, I’m holding back from fucking you over this kitchen counter, don’t push your luck.”
Red velvet cake - "Why do we keep pretending we don't want to kiss each other?"
Croissants - "No goodnight kiss for me?"
Crepes - "If you wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask."
French toast - "Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean I don't mean it when I say I want you to kiss me."
Churros - "On a scale of one to ten...how mad would you be if I kissed you right now?"
Eclairs - "I think I deserve a kiss."
Bagel - "You can't just kiss me and expect everything to be okay."
Peanut butter bars - "The only way this is ending is you getting pregnant."
Scones - "You're so much more agreeable when you have something to occupy that mouth of yours."
Fudge - “You know, a hug can be like medicine and make some of the pain go away. Wanna try?”
Chocolate mousse - “Is it okay, if we just lie down and watch a movie? I’m not feeling so good.”
Hot cross buns - “If you want to keep sitting on my lap you have to stop wiggling around like that.”
Brownies - “I see you’ve started without me.”
Cinnamon rolls - “Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”
Mango sorbet - “You have my full attention.”
Carrot cake - “C’mere, Sit down, tell me what’s going on.”
Pastry braid - “There’s no one else I’d rather bother for the rest of my life than you.”
Sourdough bread - “I would run out of breathe trying to describe all the reasons why I love you.”
❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
Misutgaru - Bondage
Banana milk - Cuckolding
Strawberry milk - Food play
Chocolate milk -Gagging
Omija tea - Breeding
Chrusanthemum tea - Public/Semi-public sex
Bacchus - Temperature play
Citron tea - Wax play
Green plum tea - Voyeurism
Barley tea - Cockwarming
Matcha - Doggy style
Genmaicha - Oral sex
Sakura tea - Rough sex
Royal milk tea - Vanilla sex
Melon soda - Jeaoulsy
Yakult - Spanking
Ramune - Orgasm control
Sake - Daddy/Appa kink
Soju - Mommy/Eomma kink
Coffee - Praise kink
Bubble tea - Sub! Reader
Vodka shot - Dom! Reader
Coconut water - Sub! Character
Sparkling water - Dom! Character
Energy drink - Aftercare
Champagne - Pregnancy
Red wine - Size kink
White wine - Strength kink
Espresso shot - Body worship
Lemonade - biting/hickies
Latte - Sugar daddy! Character
Water - Film/recording
Milkshake - Unprotected sex
Chai - Protected sex
Root beer - Degrading kink
Earl grey - Age gap
Americano - Big cock
Light roast coffee - Drunk sex
Medium roast coffee - Accidently launching relationship
Dark roast coffee - Lingerie
Hot chocolate - Cowgirl position
On the house - Author's choice!
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floweycidal · 5 months
im 19!!!!!! 🍰
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heres a sans i (poorly) drew on my celebratory brownie
he is so hideous /fond
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the-anime-enthusiast · 3 months
As per request of @tired-jaz here's some dabi fluff for the touya fans 😈 This is purely fluff but here's a lil quick disclaimer ⚠️ jaz this isn't totally what you asked for but Its still fluff and got some pretty sweet stuff in it 😭(pun intended) HOPE YALL ENJOY‼️
AS YOU (dabi x reader)
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"3 months, THREE WHOLE MONTHS NAKI. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? I havent felt the touch of aan, MY MAN, in three whole months", you scream into the phone, not caring the damage youve dealt to your sisters eardrums.
"Y/N" she screams back.
"Yes..." you retorted sheepishly with a slight ansgt.
"Isnt he coming bacm in like what? 3 DAYS?? I hate to break it to you gurl, BUT PLEASE, calm down, I get it but he'll be there soon."
"NO. NO BUTS. What happened to the logical and rational you i know? The one dabi fell in love with? Youll have him all to yourself in no time. I know its hard, especially cause you haven't been able to talk to him either, but honey please. Hell be there alright. ALRIGHT?"
you sigh, "I'll calm down. You're right I guess, don't wanna embarrass myself in front of him after 3 months..." you breathe out staring at your feet face reddening at the thought of your desperate actions. "I just miss him, a lot."
"Y/n...I get it, i really do, and i hate to do this right now, but i have to go, if you need anything youll tell me right?"
"Yeah yeah you know I will", you respond rolling your eyes simultaneously.
"REMEMBER" the sudden loud tone sending you to jump up, "3 DAYS THEN HES ALL YOURS. BYE BYE!" she acreams ending the call with a kissy sound.
Your hand drops down, looking at the caller ID
"I know" you wisper to yourself.
Grogginess? She practically your bestfriend you think rolling over to the other aide of your bed, arm slewn over your back orher cupping the side of the pillow youve found yourself clutching for dear life to the past couple of months.
"Dabi..." you whisper, eyes squeezing shut trying to imagine his face again as you bury your face into the pillow
"please come home" is the last thing your pillow hears before you pass out on top of it wishing it was him you were on top of instead.
Nothing could quite distract you from his absence like sleeping your life away.
Anxiety was eating you alive like you were the twilight saga and a book worm was having a feild day.
"Nothing has changed between us right?" you thought. "Right?" you repeat to yourself, a sickening smile creeping on your face with tears pricked in the corners of your eyes.
"NO" you yell sitting up to hang of your bed.
"Y/N. YOU GOT THIS! I GOT THIS? I GOT THIS." you chant storming to your kitchen. Given the ungodly amount of sleep you got yesterday, you hadnt eaten barely anything but leftover cookies and some milk.
"OH. MY. GOD." you aggravatingly sighed out
"I'M SO DAMN HUNGRY" followed by a whine as the refridgerator swining open, and then the realization hit you, you wouldn't be surprised if dust and a moth flew out with the door.
"DAMN INGREDIENT HOUSEHOLD WHAT THE HELL" you yell falling to your knees while slamming the fridge shut, followed by a bang on the door with your fist.
Your head soon met the door as well with your begging you from 2 weeks ago to stop the decision of purely doordashing food to your front door while dabi was gone, leaving you broke as hell. Checking your bank account wasn't any better than the fridge, but in optimism you tell yourself, if theres one thing an ingredient household will get you, its crazy amazing dessert recipes made out of practically thin air.
-skip to later that night-
"Holy shit-" you breathe out
"Holy fucking shit, so. much. dessert. So many... everything?" you question scanning your kitchen surroundings, brownies, cookies, Tres Leches, cookie dough, instant jello, popsicles?
"How in the actual hell...did i make...popsicles..."
you whisper before collapsing of exhaustion.
Slowly picking up your phone to check the time, you read 2:45 a.m.
Following is a look of worry, exhaustion, and confusion as you pass out on the kitchen floor.
My keys slowy make their way into the key hole, first sturggling due to my franticness to see her. My girl.
"y/n" I whisper out getting frustrated that the key keeps getting stuck.
"Dammit!' i whisper yell as the door finnalg flys open crashing against the wall behind it.
"What the hell? Why does it smell like...HUH?"
He screeches feasting his eyes on the copious piles of desserts covering every kitchen surface.
"What the hell..." he whispers, barely taking the time to notice you crashed out on the kitchen floor.
"Y/n..." he whispers leaning down to you, a look of pity and concern stretching across his otherwise emotionless face.
"baby..." is the last thing he says before reaching behind your neck and waist to hoist you up into his arms.
A feeling of warmth overcomes your body, a feeling of comfort, one you cant quit explain while wrapped up in your Candy Land like dream, one where you of all people were a diety of dessert. Slowly coming back to consciousness you hear the words of your lover...
"baby" you feel whispered against your ear, the familar voice sending shocks through your body.
No matter the lack of sleep and energy spent on your Master Chef Desserts you shot up clinging to dabi like it was the last time.
"DABI" you screeched into his ear as he pulls you in closer.
He presses a kiss to your ear, "hey princess, missed you baby" he says pressing a second one right after the other.
The feeling practically melts you, nothing beats some sweet love from your lover, especially the physical lind.
"Dabi" you sigh
"Yes princess?"
"Kiss me again?"
You grab his collar pulling his face for his eyes to look into yours.
"KISS ME" you growl locking his eyes with yours noticing the sly smirk spreading across his beautiful face.
"Alright alright, i heard you the first time" he chuckles cupping your cheek and pulling your waist flush against his stomach.
"Since you ask so nicely..." he teases bringing your face close to his.
You can't explain it, maybe its the lack of him you've experienced the past three months or his overall deamenor but its like you cant think anymore. Everythings fuzzy, your nose filled with the smell of the previously baked sweets mixed with the ash and cigarette smell on his collar. You lose complete control melting into his hands, making him work to keep your body up as his lips meet yours. You make note of the gentleness he's displaying, something not often seen, even behind closed doors. It doesn't feel like hes going to give you the night of your life, or like hes about to do whataver he wants to you, he feels like he's about to hold you until the sun comes up, bury his head in your neck, lay you on his chest kissing your head, whispering sweet nothings like
"you're so beautiful baby..."
"i missed you so much" followed by his nose burrowing in your hair.
'you miss me too pretty girl?"
maybe a
"Im here its alright princess..."
or maybe
"you need anything baby?"
its almost out of charcter for him, but somethings changed, the way he holds you, something happened. He holds you now like hes actaully scared to lose you. His kiss isn't filled with lust, but love, pure innocent love, one you've never felt, you think leaning more into the kiss slowly making your backs way down to the floor.
His lips press deeper into yours, never wanting to leave but nevertheless he pulls away leaning over your frozen body beneath him.
"Baby" he whispers moving your face so his eyes meet his, given you were hiding it out of embarrassment.
"Yes..." you wisper back peering up into his beautiful eyes, taking note of the difference in his stare. He holds there for awhile, staring into your eyes, searching in them like he'll find something, still holding your face lovingly.
Your left hand comes to meet his hand on your face cupping over it shooting him a small smile.
"Dabi? "
"Hm?" he hums back seeming to come back to reality.
"S-sorry" he stutters a bit, a like shade of pink running across his cheecks.
Your smile never leaves as you bring your other hand up to meet his face, pulling it down to your head to rest his forehead against yours.
"I love you" you whisper.
"Hm..." he hums with a slight chuckle sending a look of horror to your face. His laugh grows as he puts more pressure against your foreheads.
"I'm just teasing baby" he says moving his mouth to kiss your forehead as he pulls you up to sit with him, pulling his hand of your cheek to allow more balance on the way up.
"Just teasing" he repeats moving to kiss your cheek allowing another small smile to come up on your face as his hand meets your face again. He follows with small kisses peppering across your cheeks, forehead, nose, jaw line, and even some daring to your neck. All that's heard throughout your shared apartment is small giggles and the sound of his lips coming off of your skin.
"Hey princess" he says looking for some focus as he comes up to cup both your cheeks.
"I love you."
Your face goes an ungodly red.
"Hm?" you question, face blank, leaving him to chuckle to himself.
"I love you baby" he repeats giving you a warm smile leaning his forhead bacm against yours.
"I..." you smile back... "I love you too dabi" you whisper allowing his lips to come back to yours for one final kiss before your mouths are otherwise occupied scarfing down the pile of treats waiting for you on the counter.
"Pretty sweet huh?" you tease bumping your hips into his.
"Not as sweet as you baby" he replies a sweet smile spreading on both your faces as you match each other's gaze.
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fallenvampette · 2 years
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Sal x Baker!Reader
{Sal Fisher x gn!reader}
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╔.★. .═══
🍰 when you first moved to Nockfell, you were nervous that you might not make any friends,, anxiety tingz
🍰 though those worries were quickly dismissed
🍰 one day while you’re baking you hear a knock on your apartment door- who could that be?
🍰 you open the door to see a blue haired boy and a taller brunette, before you could ask what they were doing at your apartment, the taller boy smiled
🍰 “it smells good as fuck in here- you know the scent is traveling into the hallway”
🍰 “oh,, I hope that isn’t an issue! I was just baking some sugar cookies-“
🍰 “cookies? would it be cool if we could try some?”
🍰 you smiled at the two boys, excited that this could be a new opportunity to make friends! you invite them in and they practically devour your entire tray
🍰 it becomes a habit for them to stop by your place to see what new goods you come up with! you eventually learn that the tall one’s name is Larry, and the blue-haired boy is Sal
🍰 when you start school with them, you’re beyond eager to meet the rest of the gang
🍰 right off the bat they automatically adore you,, finding your hobby of baking cute
🍰 over time as you start getting more comfortable you begin bringing in treats for your friends, and they live for it
🍰 “what do you put in these, y/n?” Ash asked, taking a bite out of one of your brownies
🍰 “a good baker never shares their secrets.”
🍰 “touché.”
🍰 though, a certain boy takes a liking to something other than your amazing sweets
🍰 Sal finds himself looking forward to seeing you,, he enjoys your company more than anything
🍰 as the two of you grow closer you begin to invite him over to hangout, he enjoys helping you bake and being your taste tester!
🍰 over time, the lines between friendship and something else entirely different begin to blur,, but you both don’t seem to mind it
🍰 you can’t tell me that you guys wouldn’t fight with the frosting
🍰 Sal takes a dollop of vanilla icing on his finger and placed it on your nose, laughing
🍰 “why you little-“ you giggle, attacking him with the other can of frosting
🍰 you confectionary fight ends with the kitchen being a complete mess, including you two,, frosting is scattered all over his mask and your hair- how did you guys even get here?
🍰 as you guys clean up the kitchen, you enjoy chatting about random things,, whether that be about ghosts or video games, it didn’t matter
🍰 Sal loves hearing you speak about things you’re passionate about
🍰 “y/n?”
🍰 “yeah, Sal?”
🍰 “do you maybe want to hangout this weekend?” you couldn’t tell, but he was blushing profusely under his mask.
🍰 he was certain, he was going to confess to you,, he adored everything about you! from your love of baking to your laugh, even your small habits he picked up on
🍰 of course you accept his offer, eagerly looking forward to seeing him again as well
🍰 the weekend comes by quickly,, and you find yourself lounging around with Sal in the kitchen
🍰 “I brought something for you.”
🍰 “really?” you perked up. “you didn’t have to get me anything, Sally.”
🍰 the nervous teen reached into his back, shakily pulling out some type of recipe book
🍰 “I- really like you y/n. it’s fine if you don’t feel the same, but I had to get it off my chest.” Sal smiled under his mask. “I love hanging out with you- and not just for your desserts.”
🍰 his last line made you chuckle- did he rehearse this? frankly it didn’t matter, you were beyond ecstatic that he felt the same way you did
🍰 “oh, Sal.” you move in, leaning closer to him. you gently placed your hands on his mask, waiting for his permission to remove it
🍰 Sal just nodded, he trusted you,, and so you lift his mask up to reveal his lips
🍰 you both lean in and seal your lips together. it seemed as though time stopped for you two as you both focused on the other’s presence
🍰 “I like you too, Sal. I have for a while.”
🍰 “thank god- I think what just happened made that obvious as well”
🍰 you laugh, before you can respond the oven dings. signaling that your baked goods are done
🍰 “oh shit- my muffins!”
🍰 Sal just laughs, feeling like the luckiest boy in the world to have you as his now. even as you scramble to get your now burning muffins out of the oven
═══. .★.╝
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lingpaopao · 5 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ 🍭🍨 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍧🍰 . ݁˖
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// Candy // Cotton candy ~ 棉花糖 (miánhuātáng) Note: 'marshmallow' has the same name as cotton candy in Chinese Gummy ~ 软糖 (ruǎntáng) Lollipop ~ 棒棒糖 (bàngbàngtáng) Fudge ~ 乳脂软糖 (rǔzhī ruǎntáng) Caramel ~ 焦糖 (jiāotáng) Jellybean ~ 果冻豆 (guǒdòng dòu) Toffee ~ 太妃糖 (tàifēi táng) Liquorice ~ 甘草 (gāncǎo) // Baked Sweets // Cupcake ~ 杯子蛋糕 (bēizi dàngāo) Brownie ~ 布朗尼 (bùlǎngní) Sponge cake ~ 海绵蛋糕 (hǎimián dàngāo) Lava cake ~ 熔岩蛋糕 (Róngyán dàngāo) Black forest cake ~ 黑森林蛋糕 (hēisēnlín dàngāo) Cheesecake ~ 乳酪蛋糕 (rǔlào dàngāo) Tiramisu ~ 提拉米苏 (tílāmǐsū) Scone ~ 司康 (sīkāng) Macaron ~ 马卡龙 (mǎkǎlóng) Waffle ~ 华夫饼 (huáfū bǐng) Tart ~ 塔 (tǎ) Crepe ~ 可丽饼 (kělì bǐng) Pie ~ 派 (pài) Chocolate chip cookie ~ 巧克力碎片饼干 (qiǎokèlì suìpiàn bǐnggān) Donut ~ 甜甜圈 (tiántiánquān) Brulee ~ 烤布蕾 (kǎo bùlěi) Creampie ~ 奶油派 (nǎiyóu pài) Cinnamon bun ~ 肉桂卷 (ròuguì juǎn) Gingerbread ~ 姜饼 (jiāngbǐng) Red velvet cake ~ 红色天鹅绒蛋糕 (hóngsè tiān'é'rónghuá dàngāo) // Frozen Desserts // Sherbet ~ 雪葩 (xuěpā) Gelato ~ 吉拉朵 (jílāduǒ) Sundae ~ 圣代 (shèngdài) Shaved ice ~ 刨冰 (bàobīng) Ice cream ~ 冰激凌 (bīngjīlíng) Note: another common name is 冰淇淋 (bīngqílín). Popsicle ~ 冰棍儿 (bīnggùn'er) // Misc. // Custard ~ 奶黄 (nǎihuáng) Puff ~ 泡芙 (pàofú) Popcorn ~ 爆米花 (bàomǐhuā) Milkshake ~ 奶昔 (nǎixī) Jello ~ 果冻 (guǒdòng) Oreo ~ 奥利奥 (àolì'ào) // Common Asian Desserts // Mochi ~ 麻糬 (máshǔ) Tanghulu ~ 糖葫芦 (tánghúlu) Black sesame soup ~ 黑芝麻糊 (hēi zhīma hú) Swallow's nest ~ 燕窝 (yànwō) Sago pudding ~ 西米布丁 (xīmǐ bùdīng) Snow fungus soup ~ 雪耳糖水 (xuě'ěr tángshuǐ) Osmanthus Jelly ~ 桂花糕 (guìhuā gāo) Grass jelly ~ 仙草 (xiāncǎo) // Example Text // https://www.sohu.com/a/443013219_120949919
口味最“奇怪”的4种糖果 -> the four candies with the strangest flavours.
1、星空棒棒糖 -> planet lollipops
星空棒棒糖有名的高颜值糖果,大部分的女生都有买过,或是男生情人节买来送女朋友都有了解过。-> Planet lollipops are popular for their appearance, lots of women have already purchased them before, or men who, on Valentine's day gifted it to their girlfriends, have understood. 它的味道你尝过后就会觉得“这是什么沙雕玩意儿,我吃了塑料吗?”,有这种感觉并不奇怪,星空棒棒糖大部分都是甜苦甜苦的味道,有些还带着塑料的气味,吃完就怀疑人生,估计这个糖果也就只能当做摆设。-> After tasting its flavour, you will think: "what is this sand sculpture-like thing, am I eating plastic?" Having this kind of feeling isn't exactly strange, planetary lollipop largely have a bittersweet flavour, some lollipops even have a plastic odour, after eating it, you'll question your life, seems like this kind of candy is only used for decoration.
2、榴莲糖 -> durian candy
...打开包装就是浓浓的榴莲味,吃到嘴里就感觉是三里往外都是这个榴莲味 -> upon opening the package are the dense/strong durian smells, eating them makes you feel that the durian smell is everywhere within a 3 mile radius.
3、姜汁糖 -> ginger candy
姜汁糖里面就是有大量的姜味,吃的第一口还是上面糖味,含一会后姜味就显露出来了,你会有一种姜辣的感觉,一直猛吸气想要减少这个辣味,没想到后面越吃越辣,让人有点受不了,吃到一半就吐了,这种一般都是家里的老人才会买,老人很喜欢这种甜辣的感觉,甚至吃起来还想喝一两口小酒。-> Within ginger candy is a considerable amount of ginger flavour, after eating the first bite, the first taste is sweet, after sucking on it for a bit, the ginger flavour will come out and you get have a spicy ginger feeling. Keep inhaling sharply, wanting to reduce this spiciness, not knowing that more and more spiciness will follow, intolerable, spat it out halfway through, this kind of candy will typically be bought by a family's older individuals, elders really like this kind of spicy-sweet feel, to the point of also wanting to drink a couple gulps of liquor.
世界上最好吃的十种甜点,吃过六种,算我服!-> 10 of the world's most delicious desserts, eaten 6 types, count me in!
1、布朗尼蛋糕--美国 -> Brownie--America
布朗尼蛋糕属于重油蛋糕的一种,但它和一般重油蛋糕的区别在于通常较薄且较结实,不像普通蛋糕那样松松的, 而且一定是巧克力口味 -> Brownies are considered a type of pound cakes, but they are different from regular pound cakes in that they are usually on the thinner and sturdier side, unlike the regular cakes which are fluffier, and brownies need a chocolate flavour.
2、提拉米苏--意大利 -> Tiramisu--Italy
提拉米苏是一种带咖啡酒味儿的意大利甜点 -> tiramisu is a type of coffee-flavour containing Italian dessert.
10、乳酪蛋糕--阿拉伯 -> Cheesecake--Arabic
这类蛋糕介于蛋糕和甜点之间,因而越来越受人关注 -> this type of cake is a cross between cakes and desserts, and because of this, more and more people have given it attention.
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lilcottoncandyheart · 3 months
1. cherries and bunny 🌸🍒🐇🌸🍒🐇🌸🍒🐇🌸🍒🐇🌸🍒
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2. bakery treats teddy bear 🍪🍰🥛🧸🍪🍰🥛🧸🍪🍰🥛🧸🍪🍰
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3. cottage daisy cutie ☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️🌼☘️🌼
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4. cocoa brownie plaid 🤎🩶🤎🩶🤎🩶🤎🩶🤎🩶🤎🍫🍫
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tea party picnic dresses aesthetic dreams 💕💖🌸🍵
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