theevilslicey · 2 years
Hello. Not sure how to say this. As some may know theevilslicey passed away in early November. Her name was Heather and she is sorely missed by her family.
Heather was having some health issues prior to her passing which we believe was the reason for her death.
For all who knew her in whatever capacity. We are sorry for your loss as well as our own. May you cherish each day as if it may be your last.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
I love this but you know Bruce gave all the kids firefighter training and they carry webbing so they can drag an unconscious Jason or Bruce down 25 flights of stairs and into the batmobile.
Bruce and Jason can just do it without help.
I love the “Bruce is strong enough to pick up post-Lazarus Jason through sheer will and training” trope obviously, but picture:
Jason and Bruce being so heavy/muscular/fucking big, that they’re the only ones who can pick the other up.
Cue Bruce getting called in anytime Jason’s down and they need to move him. Or Jason getting pointed puppy eyes from Alfred until he sighs and picks Bruce up and carries him to bed after he passes out on the couch.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
Arizona Guide:
*wake up* Did my phone forget I live in Arizona? *Checks phone* Nope. Cool beans. *Makes oatmeal*
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theevilslicey · 2 years
He was tired as hell and dragged to a Gala. Aka Brucie.
Things the Bats have done in a fight
Dick: Throws a cupcake and yells "Cupcake!"
Jason: Yells "Cupcake!" Before he throws a hammer at a henchmen in the knee
Tim: Actually threw a bagel in a fight once.
Damian: rigged up a marble shooter and yelled "Scatter!!" as he shot at a wall of henchmen
Duke: Felt accomplished when he didn't yell cupcake when he threw a cupcake only to be teased by all the other Bats for being a dweeb
Cass: sneaked up on a henchman and whisper "Cupcake!" Before sweeping out their legs
Stephanie: Is still trying to figure out a cupcake gun. Once threw a pot of sprinkles on a henchman and screamed "Taste the rainbow"
Bruce: Was tired and worn out and once grabbed a chocolate fountain at a gala and yelled "Make it rain!" Before dumping it on the henchmen who were grabbing hostages. It made the front page of every newspaper in America and Clark asked him about the rain everytime they were together for a week.
Alfred: Once grabbed a crumpet, chucked it at a man trying to kidnap one of his children, telling "Crumpet!" Before he grabbed the jam knife and stabbed the man in the leg while he was distracted with a calm "and Jam"
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theevilslicey · 2 years
Things the Bats have done in a fight
Dick: Throws a cupcake and yells "Cupcake!"
Jason: Yells "Cupcake!" Before he throws a hammer at a henchmen in the knee
Tim: Actually threw a bagel in a fight once.
Damian: rigged up a marble shooter and yelled "Scatter!!" as he shot at a wall of henchmen
Duke: Felt accomplished when he didn't yell cupcake when he threw a cupcake only to be teased by all the other Bats for being a dweeb
Cass: sneaked up on a henchman and whisper "Cupcake!" Before sweeping out their legs
Stephanie: Is still trying to figure out a cupcake gun. Once threw a pot of sprinkles on a henchman and screamed "Taste the rainbow"
Bruce: Was tired and worn out and once grabbed a chocolate fountain at a gala and yelled "Make it rain!" Before dumping it on the henchmen who were grabbing hostages. It made the front page of every newspaper in America and Clark asked him about the rain everytime they were together for a week.
Alfred: Once grabbed a crumpet, chucked it at a man trying to kidnap one of his children, telling "Crumpet!" Before he grabbed the jam knife and stabbed the man in the leg while he was distracted with a calm "and Jam"
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theevilslicey · 2 years
So I'm in the hospital (long story basics being emergency surgery)
I swear to God this hospital is designed to drive people insane.
Every surface was covered with writing or yellow paint that might be writing. Now I don't know exactly what I was givin as it was a zero to 60 thing. I do know it gave me some visual hallucinations where every time I closed I was seeing stuff.
Mostly it was my brain trying to make sense it could see there but because I don't have my glasses can't really make out.
Now first it was just like 80s 90s horror movie imaginary, like the murder book from 7.
Then it was like a gifs of crabby merging heir line games. Where no matter what you picked you always got the horrible line. Like, more than once it was rats. And we are talking rat wolf kings/queens. Rat humans that just look like horror villain.
There was a rat dragon. That looked like a giant 20 pounds rat with horrible peacock wings that looked like they are half beaten.
After a while I was like "I am surprised that John Oliver hasn't done anything like this for a joke." And you know he would and it would be better than what my fucked up brain made.
The one I'm surprised he didn't do was a line up fake movie posters where it was all like any black man that ever made anything with names like Taking the black out of you and the title was damn! All these brothers where in the same franchise but these is Tupac and Denzel Williams and 50 cent and Snipe dog and I'm like "fuck brain why are you making me the poor man's John Oliver" like that man is rights there making it for all of us and my brain gotta make this shit up.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
The tree looks like a cat scratch post (rope around the trunk) and wouldn't offer enough clearance for any average sized adult. My guess is you are supposed to pull yourself from the foot of the bed, possibly using the ledge as a push off point.
Basically it's a bed for a young able bodied and with decent upper body strength individual who likes sleeping alone.
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Is this... is this a bed over the stairs? How do you get on? Do you have to climb the tree?
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theevilslicey · 2 years
I love that this implies that DC has one whore and it's Jason
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theevilslicey · 2 years
I can excuse the wonky fire area and mantel. It looks like they had a small off center fireplace and built up around it and thought "... We can keep the mantle right?" But the side desk with the fracking TV over it that looks like it gets angled out every now and then? that I can't forgive, that is unforgivable. It horrifies me.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
It looks like the half way point of a trouble with Trebles homage story.
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Batman meets batblob
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theevilslicey · 2 years
One thing people get wrong about the Trinity is that Clark/Superman isn't the optimist.
He talks about having hope and believing in people. But really he is a pessimist who tries to be optimistic. who is always struggling with a fear people can't change and can't be saved.
Bruce/Batman is the optimist. He is always sure people can change, be better, are better, that things will be better in the morning.
It's only the fact Clark loves humans, earth and everything about the average life that he keeps that small seed of hope.
Going on to Diana, Diana isn't a pessimist or an optimist. People say she is the beacon of Truth in the Justice League. But Diana isn't just driven by a need to bring truth to light. Honestly Diana is a bit of a fatalist.
She is basically immortal, has seen the worst and the best of humanity and fully believes everyone should have a chance to live the best life possible because it will be over before they know it. She knows that life is imperfect and fleeting and everyone she loves will one day die, but she wants to fight so they can have as many seconds of love and happiness they can.
It's why they work so well as a trio.
Clark wants to believe in humanity like Bruce does, Bruce wants to love every second of life like Diana does and Diana wants to fight for that reason to have hope everyday like Clark does.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
1. Anyone who calls a ballerina Delicate is just... Laughably hilarious. The shit you have to do in ballet basically puts some extreme torture techniques to shame.
2. I like Ballerina Cass because it's a dance style that works well with her skills: Quick movements, reading her opponent's body language and movements, balance and precision. You have to remember that in hand to hand there are only like three people who can beat her base off of her agility and nimbleness: Lady Shiva, Talia and Dick.
3. Cass is used to the shadows more than any other of the Batfamily. They may be able to boast about being able to move unseen because of the station in life or being dismissed but Cass was not only trained to work in a quiet manner in the dark but lived like that too. Ballet would put her out of her comfort zone while still giving her a barrier between herself and the people now giving her attention. It would allow her to work with people, let herself be seen without risking to much in the way of social anxiety and pressure.
4. Ballet is badass and Cass is too.
I do actually really dig the idea of the dancing as an outlet of creative expression for Cass that’s in her wheelhouse, but why’s it gotta be ballet exactly? I can hazard a guess and say because it came from her Rebirth Orphan era and they just loved the image of her as a delicate little flower with no hard edges, but Cass would probably be into something way more punk. Something with attitude. If nothing else it’d probably soothe her conscience if she could take her lifetime’s worth of pent up rage out on a dance floor rather than the face of some poor unsuspecting bank robber.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
I love this art style
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DC Super-Heroes by Vincenzo Riccardi.
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theevilslicey · 2 years
The thing is Jason was crying! They gave us a show of what is under his mask not long after this and...
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The baby boy is crying.
Bruce! You comfort your child!
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Red Hood: Outlaws #10 - “Like Father” (2022)
written by Patrick R. Young art by Nico Bascunan & Javier Rodriguez Vejares
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theevilslicey · 2 years
This is so funny
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theevilslicey · 2 years
Breaking news!!!!!
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Jason Todd has a dating profile and it is the least "I have a secret identity and I should protect it!" Dating profile known to man!
He used pictures taken of himself in the Batcave, with Rogue Souvenirs in the background.
The Man really said "Let's fuck around and find out!"
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theevilslicey · 2 years
Time for some Damian Wayne things
Damian inherited his father's need to have dark private places where he can think.
This has led to him making burrows around the manor. Where he sometimes naps, reads and draws.
Bruce and Alfred were unaware of this until they started finding them around the manor.
- Bruce once opened one of his filing cabinet and found out the bottom two drawers were removed and turned into a burrow
- Bruce goes to wind the grandfather clock so Alfred doesn't have to: Finds Damian sleeping with Alfred the Cat inside the clock
- Alfred goes to the garage see which car Dick just stole: Finds the trunk of Bruce's 1960s Corvette popped open and Damian is reading a Manga with the quilt Alfred had mentioned to Bruce going missing two weeks before and 4 of Bruce's pillows that he was sure Selina stole
- Bruce sneaks into the kitchen to swipe a slice of Mrs. Kent's apple pie, finds Damian has taken over one of the UPPER cupboards, and there is a whole bookshelf in there with a repurposed dog bed, a blanket that Bruce is pretty sure he has seen in the Kent's living room before and green back pillow
- Alfred found a nest of blankets and pillows under one of the sofas with Titus snoring away in them
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