#bruno carrelli imagine
maudeeloise · 2 years
hi!! could you write a bruno carrelli angst where he likes kamala but you like him ? thank you !!
If Only I Were Her || b.c
Pairing : Bruno Carrelli x reader
Warning : none
A/N : angst angst angst because unrequited love HURTS.
requests are open
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The night when Bruno came over to your house and ranted about how upset he was because Kamala didn’t feel the same way he did to her, you were devestated.
You sat on your bed, trying to look as if you were invested in his words. He walked around your room as he kept repeating the same sentence. Deep down, you wanted to shout and tell him to stop, but you knew better than to show him your true feelings.
“I don’t understand what she sees in him.” He complained as he walked around your room in frustration. “He’s not even that attractive.”
You sent him a pity look. “I’m sure sooner or later she’ll realise that you’re the one.”
You almost gagged at the lies you told, but you knew better than to show him your true feelings.
He let out a long sigh in defeat as he threw his head back. Your heart felt heavy at the sight. Your smile fell from your lips before you moved to give him some space to sit beside you. You patted the empty space to gain his attention.
After a moment, he moved from his spot and sat beside you. The space between you was rather close. If you had to admit it, you heart skipped a beat when his shoulder brushed against yours, but you knew he didn’t feel the same way.
Gently, you placed your arm around him and pulled him to your embrace. “I’m so sorry that you have to go through this.”
You weren’t.
“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault.” Bruno muttered. His head was placed under your chin.
Your lips pressed into a thin smile. “I wish things aren’t so complicated.”
“Same.” He said.
For sometimes, you both stayed like that. The conversation was filled with short sentences and soft tone. Your words encouraging him, although your heart said the opposite.
He might be blind then — because he was too focused on his feelings — but he wasn’t stupid. It was only a matter of time before he noticed. But by then, will he be too late?
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samasmith23 · 1 year
The best Saladin Ahmed Ms. Marvel scene
One of the strongest elements from the original G. Willow Wilson run on Ms. Marvel IMO was the complicated relationship between Kamala Khan and her best friend Bruno Carrelli. While Kamala & Bruno already had a long history as childhood friends, Wilson portrayed both characters struggling with developing romantic feelings for each another due to them now being teenagers and dealing with hormones and all that jazz. Saladin Ahmed followed-up on this subplot during his run on Magnificent Ms. Marvel after Wilson left the title, and in Issue #9 seems to finally settle the "will-they/won't they" drama of the character's relationship by having Kamala suddenly kiss Bruno when she was torn between stopping a supervillain's rampage and staying at the hospital with her dying Abu.
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However, by Issue #15 after Kamala felt awkward about publicly dating Bruno and suffered a near-death experience due to the events of the Outlawed crossover, the two decide to have an incredibly honest and earnest conversation about the status of their relationship:
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Although I’ve used to be a huge shipper of these two as a couple, I can honestly understand both Kamala & Bruno’s perspectives here on why they feel it won’t work for them and feel they should just stay friends despite their feelings for one-another. And I love how Kamala acknowledges being confused about her feelings for Bruno since she kissed him in a heat of passion when she was emotionally stressed due to other factors like the Stormranger Nanosuit influencing Kamala's physical behavior to try and kill her arch-nemesis Discord (aka, Josh Richardson) and her grief and anger over her Abu dying in the hospital while she had to go off and fight the supervillain Mr. Hyde.
Additionally, Bruno acknowledges that maybe he was too fixated in the ideal relationship he always imagined having with Kamala that and ended up being a jerk about wanting to be more open about their relationship after the kiss. And while it’s a more subtle implication, Bruno’s mentioning of his ex-girlfriend Mike from G. Willow Wilson’s run is a reference to Bruno and Mike’s relationship developing at a more natural pace without any of the awkward baggage that comes with Bruno & Kamala being best friends since childhood.
Furthermore, this conversation between Kamala & Bruno served as a nice callback to the rooftop scene from the Last Days arc of Wilson’s run wherein Kamala similarly stated that she wasn't ready to pursue romance due to her life as Ms. Marvel. Except here, Ahmed provides some resolution and closure to Wilson leaving possibility of a relationship developing between the two open-ended, settling on the two characters deciding that the messiness of being a couple isn't worth risking their friendship over.
Overall, I was surprisingly impressed by how Saladin Ahmed handled Kamala and Bruno maturely sorting out their relationship and their decision to remain friends going forward. And I say all this as someone who defended and championed the KamalaXBruno ship for quite awhile (especially since a large subsection of Ms. Marvel fans on Twitter seem to actively despise Bruno as a character for reasons that I honestly don't understand...).
From Magnificent Ms. Marvel (2019) #15 by Saladin Ahmed & Minkyu Jung.
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once-upon-a-fanfic · 2 years
What if...
You had a crush on Bruno even though you knew he liked Kamala? When she tells him she'd rather be friends, you are there to comfort him.
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phierie · 2 years
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ms marvel stuff!! I loved the show sm but I think if anything I’m loving the comics even more they’re so so good
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renren-006 · 2 years
Request Character List
request open for all
Hey a little edit but this is a list of characters I want to write for!!!
I write Gen!Reader and F!Reader
Smut, one shots, drabbles, or series - include propt or idea when requesting
List so far:
Ryan Gosling
Sierra Six
Sebastian (La La Land)
Officer K
Holland March
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixion
Carl Grimes
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Other Marvel Characters:
Bucky Barns
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker (Andrew G)
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Bruno from Ms Marvel
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Harry Potter:
Theseus Scmander
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Newt Scamander
Bale-Bruce Wayne/Batman
Cavill-Superman/Clark Kent
the Mandalorian
Fezco from Euphoria
The Witcher
(Ask for other characters)
My Hero Academia :
(age up Class 1-A students)
Hawks (Keigo Takami)
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tamp0p0-blog · 2 years
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the-daintyscribbler · 2 years
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Review of the first episode of Ms. Marvel here: https://www.gracemgalarraga.com/the-dainty-scribbler/ms-marvel-is-a-fantastic-daydream
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What did you think of the first episode? One of my favs 😊
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24 Hours
When something is right, you hold onto that; for Bruno, he plans to do just that.
bruno carrelli x reader
gender neutral pronouns
TW: none
taglist: @druigss @hexluvswanda
marvel masterlist
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Graduation: the day that everyone has worked four long, hard years for. Between dealing with extensive homework and grouchy professors, Y/n wasn't sure that they'd ever make it. But here they were on a sunny and warm May day, walking across the stage to get that degree. And the best part was that their beloved best friend and boyfriend, Bruno, was there in the crowd watching them. Being the little genius that he was, Bruno had started college during his Junior year of high school, and therefore graduated long before Y/n did. But it ended up working out, because while they weren't going to school together, Bruno became Y/n's biggest cheerleader. He was a massive reason they were even wearing that cap and gown, always pushing them on when they wanted to quit.
When all was said and done, Y/n was desperately searching for their cap after throwing it up into the air with everyone else. As they walked with their eyes down, it suddenly manifested in the air before them, a pair of hands proffering it to them.
"You know, you really should take better care of your stuff."
Looking up, Y/n saw the most beautiful boy in the world, and promptly threw their arms around him. Bruno hugged them back, laughing as they spun round and round. Gently he pressed a kiss to their forehead before pulling away. Setting the cap back onto Y/n's head, Bruno straightened out the tassel, looking at Y/n proudly through teary eyes.
"Are you crying Carrelli?" Y/n teased, though their eyes were hardly dry.
"What? No...okay, well maybe a little. But I'm just so proud of you, you did it! It's the start of the rest of your life now."
Y/n intertwined their fingers with Bruno's, slightly swaying their hands between them. "Promise you'll be my side for all of it?"
"Promise." Bruno pressed a quick kiss to Y/n's lips before turning and leading them away. "Now come on, I promised the others I wouldn't keep you all to myself."
The sun was starting to go down as Bruno drove Y/n home, having spent the afternoon celebrating with their family. One hand was on the steering wheel, with the other on Y/n's thigh, occasionally giving it a squeeze that meant "I'm here, and I love you."
When Bruno pulled into a driveway, Y/n was instantly confused. "Um B? I don't live here?"
"Come on, lets look inside real quick." Was all the blond said in response, a mischievous grin on his face.
Following their boyfriend, Y/n looked at the house before them. While it was obviously older, it was charming, looking very comfortable and sweet. A small yard had been carefully maintained by the previous owner, with flower beds and sturdy trees dotting the lawn. Bruno and Y/n followed the grassy, stone path up to the front door, which the former promptly opened and gestured for Y/n to step inside.
The inside of the house was as interesting as the outside, for while it was mostly bare, it felt welcoming, as if Y/n was coming home. It offered two bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms, but both those and the kitchens slowly captured Y/n's heart more and more. They found themself imagining how they would decorate if they lived here, but they couldn't imagine why or how Bruno got them into here.
The last room Bruno lead Y/n to was the living room, and as Y/n walked in, their eyes landed on a mantle and a small, square box that sat on top of it. A [your favorite flower] laid next to it, and as Y/n inspected it, curiosity got the best of them. Cracking the lid open, Y/n saw what looked to be an engagement ring inside.
"Hey Bruno, look what I found-" As Y/n turned around, they saw Bruno with one knee on the ground, one hand held out towards them.
Smiling gently, Bruno took a shaky breath. "Y/n Y/l/n, I have loved you from the very first day we met. You make me the happiest man in the world, simply by just being you every day. No matter what happens, I know that I don't want to go through life without you by my side. I know its a little soon, but I want to come home to you. To this home, which I know isn't much, but its yours- it's ours if you want it to be. So if you will, please marry me?"
Tears of happiness dropped from Y/n's eyes as they nodded emphatically, their smile stretching across their face. "Yes Bruno Carrelli, yes, a million times yes."
Bruno took the ring box from Y/n's hand, taking out the ring and placing it on their finger. Gently he pressed a kiss to the ring and finger, smiling at it as if he couldn't believe it. As he stood up, Y/n caught his lips with theirs, smiling into the kiss. Stood their in their new home, the young couple enjoyed the moment, the promise of their futures in the air.
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
Imagine the shenanigans Bruno “and tonic” Carrelli and Miles “who’s Morales” Morales would get up to.
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fireflylies · 2 years
Imagine little Bruno Carrelli looking up to his hero Anthony Stark and making and building his own inventions and just AGH
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inhumansforever · 7 years
my guess about Discord's secret identity is Bruno's brother, Vick.
oh snap, I hadn’t thought about ol’ Vick Carrelli.  That would be quite a twist indeed.  Although how things went down with Bruno, I would imagine Vick would be much more angry with Becky.  Still, grief and anger can often make for bad decisions.
interesting idea!
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tamp0p0-blog · 2 years
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