#bsd chapter 107.5 spoilers
Like Chuuya's has reached Dazai. He nears him to bite him and turn him into a vampire.
And the Chuuya is just there having no clue what happened like.
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frenchonionsoop · 1 year
manifesting that the girl that Aya is supposedly a reincarnation of is Bram's daughter 🤞🤞🤞
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dazaistabletop · 1 year
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Yes but I can assure you that you are v pretty :)
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no better way to ring in pride month then w/ the gay icon that is bram themselves
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ratwars · 1 year
Wilhemina survives/comes out victorious in the end, right, so that comparison would make sense. Idk if this is an actual reincarnation thing though or just Bram reminiscing/seeing similar qualities in her from someone he admires in his past.
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okay so like, thinking about the latest chapter. spoilers ahead
first off im praying to god that bram and aya didnt have romantic relations in their past life or smthg i stg
but secondly— if aya successfully kills bram, what exactly does that mean for everyone who has been made into a vampire? are they just gonna be released? does that release his ability or are they just stuck in vampire form until god knows when? do they die if he dies? (this is all my brain rambling)
i dont rm if we were told previously about what would happen with bram’s ability which is part of why im writing this
but in the case that aya ends up successfully killing bram, what does this mean for the two big vampires that we’re dealing with atm: akutagawa and chuuya? is akutagawa just gonna die mid battle? is chuuya even alive or did he die before becoming a vampire (id have a hard time believing that he died but like,,, idk man)?
honestly while im disappointed we didnt see the skk reunion, the battle between sskk, or learn more about the interrogation going on between fyodor and sigma, i am actually very fascinated and worried about the recent turn of events, because it looked like she WAS starting to pull the sword out.
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popopretty · 1 year
BSD Chapter 107.5
This month is a change of POV and a short chapter. To be honest, I'm not very sure what is going on but I hope we will get to know more in the next one.
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Please note that neither English nor Japanese is my mother tongue so I may make some mistakes. Do let me know if you spot any. Thank you and enjoy the summary.
Aya and Bram hear a voice (assumingly Fukuchi's) from the radio inside the tower, that if the authorization to open One Order is not given within 5 minutes, the vampire army will start their world invasion. Aya tries to do something but Bram stays quiet, and she realizes that Bram has already known about it. Bram tells her that when she was unconscious, Fukuchi has grabbed the Holy Sword and given order to the vampires. Aya asks Bram why he didn't tell her and Bram says that there is no way he can tell her, because if he does, she will... (TN: He paused here so I'm not sure what he was going to say either...)
Aya then pats Bram's head and tells him that there must be something he can still do even in that form, as someone who is like a King of Demon, and one who can bring the world to destruction. But Bram tells her that the useful part of his power has been stolen by the sword, and he is only left with the "ability" to hate the sunlight, flowers, horseshoes, garlic, and the fact that he is not reflected in mirrors.
After hearing that, Aya comes to a conclusion that the only way is to remove the sword. Bram tells her that it is physically impossible for her. But Aya tells him that doing nothing is not her style, and tries to pushes Bram off the sword with her feet anyway. Bram appears to be in pain, but he tells her to keep going. Aya wonders why, because Bram said he doesn't care about what will happen to the world. Bram says it is true, that he doesn't have any interest in "the world". In the next page, we can see Aya's surprised face, and a woman in Bram's flashback who looks very similar to her.
The chapter ends here. There are so many questions I want to ask right now. But I guess we will have to wait till next chapter which will be released on July 4 (Japan time).
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miammey · 1 year
BSD Chapter 107.5 Screaming!!
Spoilers ahead, of course!!
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Idk why, but this panel seems more fun?? Idk if it’s the spooky officers on top, happy Kenji and Atsushi, of even just the arrows, this page just feels like it’s meant to be vibrant.
Also, back with Aya and Bram!!
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I’m guessing they’re gonna find a way to break the glass and get to the device. Just use Bram as a baseball bat, he’ll be fine
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Bram’s sad and Aya smacks the sad out of him, I think
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I have no idea what’s happening
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Aya’s reminded of her dad??
Also heck yeah girl, grab him!!
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Poor Bram, that’s gotta hurt. Idk if it’s working or not tho
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Does Aya remind him of someone in his past?? That’s kinda sweet actually
Overall thoughts, this was a very short filler chapter without much happening, but I do love seeing Aya and Bram, so I’m fine with it
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bluemooniegif · 1 year
**Spoilers for BSD manga through chapter 109**
I wanted to ask for your thoughts on the roles of Aya and Sigma in BSD, particularly the significance their arcs hold in light of certain themes present in recent chapters.
During the Sky Casino Arc, Dostoevsky justifies his decision to assign Sigma to the Sky Casino by citing two criteria determining Sigma’s strength: deprivation and desperation.
“The strongest in the world…is one who holds nothing else.”
“You won’t find a scarier thing in the world than an ordinary person when they’re desperate.”
Sigma and Aya both seem to embody these qualities in different ways, simultaneously serving as compelling parallels to one another. Each grapples with their own sense of perceived deprivation—Sigma of a family and Aya of freedom from misogynistic expectations—and as a result feels a desperation to prove their right to exist outside of their current state.
Not only this, but in chapter 77 as the limitations of the Page begin to break, Dazai adds to Fyodor’s earlier commentary on strength:
“[Happenstance and absurdity] is a weakness shared by the two of us. What’s driving the world [rather than ingenious plans or perfection and harmony] are those in the storm of accidental events who scream, run, and spill blood. Faced with their souls, you and I should be petrified with fear.”
Jouno echoes this sentiment in chapter 94 when he decides the most effective means of opposing Fukuchi:
“Who would you suspect the least, Commander? And who would give you the most trouble? The Vice-Commander? Tetchou-san? No. If anyone will pain you, Commander, it won’t be through strength or smarts. They’ll be a weak, clueless, innocent citizen who happened to be there.”
This shared perspective seems to directly contrast the approaches Fukuchi and Fyodor take in order to realize desired outcomes.
Rather than advocating total control as a medium for change, Dazai and Jouno seem to instead champion the actions of the many who may otherwise be counted off—the “stray dogs” in life, if you will—as the true wheels of change in the world. 
Aya and Sigma, along with several other individuals in the story, may serve as evidence of this, further supporting one recurring theme:
Real strength comes in various forms of weakness, those wayward individuals inhabiting the everyday.
[ I hope you’re finding ways to stay comfy in these trying times btw!! chapter 109 was kind of a lot . . . please be sure to take care of yourself ^-^ ]
THIS!!! I loveee the parallels we see between Aya and Sigma, and think they provide such a fascinating dynamic to BSD.
In most media, especially animangas, our characters all begin with a relatively low level of skill. They work hard to strengthen themselves, defeat what they believe to be their most difficult enemy, and quickly realise that they are in for a lot more than they bargained for. They continue to grow stronger, faster, smarter, until it's finally time to battle the truly terrifying enemy, the one that would have easily crushed them at the beginning. Rarely, if ever, do we get characters with that very base-level skill introduced towards the climax of the story, and even if we do, they are highly unlikely to survive.
Aya and Sigma not only broke that stereotype, but they echo that fantastic theme you mentioned: "The ones who actually make the world turn are those who scream within the storm of uncertainty and run with flowing blood."
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And this train of thought always brings me to this moment from the beginning of chapter 107.5:
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When I first read that I was like HUHH!???? But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense: Aya and Sigma really are going to be the saviours in this story: the stray (under)dogs.
I am so excited to see how this arc plays out, and ever-hopeful that everyone I hold dear will survive ;-; thank you for the ask!
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kitkatnerds3 · 1 year
BSD new trailer + chap 107.5
Spoilers for the new chapter and things that will happen in season 5 I guess? 
I hope I’m doing this correctly! :D
THE TRAILER WAS SO FUCKING COOL!! I don’t have any pictures, but it looks so cool. 
We’ve got FukuFuku backstory, ADA reunion, the start of the prison break, and of course, chapter 88. GYAHAAHAAHAHA! THIS IS GONNA BE SO DOPE! 
The animation looks wonderful as well! There’s this one particular shot of Dazai which is just, peak babygirl. And a couple second scene with sskk which, when paused at the right moment, is practically that one skk Dead Apple scene levels of sus. Thanks for supporting my bottom Akutagawa headcanon bones!
I am so fucking hyped for July!!!
Now, as for the newest chapter.
We unfortunately did not get sskk being homosexual, but we did get five pages of Aya and Bram. And I do like the child and vampire man, so like, it could have been worse! I do hope that we can get those sskk and skk kisses next month tho.
In case it isn’t clear, I am a shipper before I am a human being so, sorry about that.
Anyways, overall, great start to pride month! The gays be winnin’ these! we would have won more without that pov change but it’s fine 
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I am disappointed
I almost had an anxiety attack because I was waiting for the chapter...
It's Not Even About The Groups I wanted To Be In Them!
Although I am glad Aya is doing okay
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