#bsd edgar allan poe x s/o
diagonal-queen · 3 months
Your blog is very safe, me thinks. Very comfort, if that makes sense lol. I have a request, feel free to ignore this but I can't help but to wonder what a few BSD men would be like with a very mature/maternal and responsible s/o who tends to put themsleves last and burn themselves out (preferably fem, as I am an older sister who has taken on the role of caregiver and project HEAVILY) I'd like to see Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo and Jouno. (You can throw in anyone else if you want)
BSD boys with a self-sacrificing girlfriend
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Edgar Allan Poe, Ranpo Edogawa, Saigiku Jouno x fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are they with a caring and self-sacrificing girlfriend?
♡ cw: Swearing, use of fem titles, she/her pronouns, mentions of stress and burnout.
note: Thank you for the sweet message anon <3 it's truly a shame that you and i are the exact same person who have experienced the exact same burden of raising children we didn't choose to have. but i've moved out now so i'm free!! come live with me queen tf we're besties now. apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Fyodor is a trad man. I'm sure he has some weird beliefs about how women are supposed to have some normalised feminine traits, but this is too much even for him.
It really pains him to see you be so selfless, truly. Though he admires your kindness and patience, he just wants you to be content. He wants you to be comfortable.
Does he enjoy having what is basically a personal maid around? Yes, yes he does. Does he feel guilty for feeling that? No. But does he recognise that your current self-sacrificing routine is unhealthy? YES HE DOES.
So...he simply does not make you do anything at all. If you want to do something for him that's on you.
If you want to do something for someone *else*, he probably won't really let you. Unless it's like family or something, then he understands, but no, you're not helping that random child get their kite unstuck from that tree no matter how much you want to, myshka.
Fyodor absolutely doesn't involve you in his work. He knows that'll only stress you out more, and that's the last thing you need. As such he keeps you away from his coworkers (especially Mykola. Sorry Mykola lovers)
He comes to value his time spent relaxing with you, because he also acknowledges that he could use a break every now and then as well. There's nothing quite as comforting to him as lounging around alongside you- you don't have to be talking or even doing the same thing, as long as you're there together.
Listen, Fyodor does care about you, and he values your health and wants you to be relaxed and uncaring as much as is possible. But if you, his sweet woman, wants to make him a cup of tea, who is he to turn you down?
I don't know exactly how to explain Poe here. Just hear me out
He is genuinely so like stressed and anguished about your lack of self-preservation in favour of caring about others. He constantly thinks about it and writes tragic poems about it and shit
Like he's like 'my love......she does not see herself as i do, as a beautiful star....with every act of kindness her light dims ever so slightly...until she's reduced to nothing.........the irony of the good deeds of man..............;-;'
He will go all out in his attempts to make you feel calm and comfortable and happy. Oh he will buy you SO many presents it's disgusting. He will rent out whole restaurants and like even theme parks and shit if that's your thing. He'll stop at no lengths to give you some respite, and it's honestly quite sweet
All that being said, he does love that you're so attentive and caring about Karl. He's definitely watched you play with him and then started blushing super hard because the word 'parents' suddenly crossed his mind and now he's thinking about children and aaaaaa
ABSOLUTELY writes a scenario in which you can relax. Whatever you want- an empty beach, a forest, a liminal space, he'll write it all for you, and gift you the book so you can go there whenever you want :>
He's basically a sugar daddy, except you're in an actual relationship and it's not all about the money. Your boyfriend just happens to be loaded as fuck
At the end of the day, Poe is such a hypocrite because he himself is such a workaholic that he practically lets it consume him, too!
You're both absolute messes. Drink some water and sleep for god's sake. And for the love of all things good take care of each other.
Bro knows exactly what's up. Sorry, he's got you all figured out fr
That doesn't mean he won't let you baby him though. At first. He'll just let you, along with everyone else, clean up after him and buy him shit
BUT soon, soon he realises that this behaviour is rather detrimental to your health. He sees the circles under your eyes, he notices these things. And he's like '...oh shit'
Ranpo doesn't have any shame or reservations. He straight up confronts you about it. 'Why don't you ever take care of yourself?' And he's not playing around this time
And no matter what your excuse is, he's like 'not good enough. We're going to get ice cream RIGHT NOW and you're going to talk to me about this. Now lead me to the ice cream parlour immediately'
(I may or may not be paraphrasing this particular quote)
The point is that he presents you an avenue to open up about your struggles, stress and psyche. And he really does want to help- the fact that he gets ice cream out of this is just a bonus
From here on out he'll keep an eye out for you. Every time you find yourself getting overworked or burning out he'll make you take a break. This could be a nap or sending you home or a surprise outing- anything to get your mind off work and people.
Ranpo is a stickler for the rules, sure, but he's also lazy as shit. Any time he doesn't feel like working, you're now not allowed to work either. You have to hang out with him or else (he'll be a little sad)
He doesn't necessarily introduce any...permanent solutions to your predicament, but he does have you looking forward to your couples-down time each day, and that's something!
Over time, you do learn to balance yourself and external responsibilities. And he will absolutely be taking credit for it lmao
Jouno is very...self-important, we'll say. Not like, completely selfish or anything, but very much tends to prioritise his own opinions and time and such.
You make him do a complete reassessment and breakdown of all of his thoughts and beliefs he's built up over the course of his lifetime
/j but really, you're unbelievably different from him. You're both willing to put yourself in danger or wear yourselves down, but *you* don't have anatomical medical adjustments that practically make you invincible.
Jouno wants to protect you- and he's not willing to negotiate. He's not letting anyone hurt you, even if on accident. He's especially not willing to let anybody take advantage of your generous nature, which is probably more likely anyway.
He's such a scary dog actually (lol get it?? get it cause he's one of the Hunting Dogs? DO YOU GET IT-) he'll accompany you anywhere if you ask him to.
When he wants to do something for you, he will do it. You're not lifting a finger miss girl
Like he really will take care of you! When he's off work, of course. His job is kind of important, but you best believe you're getting pampered when Jouno is off the clock.
My mans is romantic as FUCK: cooking you nice dinners, reading to you before bed, massages, cuddles- as well as engaging in your interests alongside you of course
He just thinks it's so cute to see you engrossed in something that YOU enjoy, and will encourage your down time
Jouno is gonna make sure that you take care of yourself too, because when he's not around, who better to look after anybody than you? That's the most important thing to him.
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
Hhiiiii I love ur work !! Can I request for bsd poe with a s/o that's an artist and sometimes likes to draw scenes from his writings and shows him <333
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!Poe With An s/o Who’s an artist!
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Scenario:- poe with an s/o who draws
Pairing:- Edgar Allan Poe x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- Headcanons
A/N:- Hiyaa anon! Thanks for the request! I hope you like it and if you feel comfortable please let me know what you thought abt it!
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Poe may call himself a detective,but i think we all know that his ability to create worlds with words is what makes him special
When you first met and he found out you too were an artist(one of the drawing kind) he wanted to know all about your hobby
And naturally you wanted to know about his writing too,especially since it connected to his ability!
After a little time had passed and you’d grown totally comfortable with eachother,you openly shared your art without fearing judgement from either party.
One thing You loved to do was read poe’s work and then draw what had manifested itself in your mind as you read
And when you were done,youd ask him to take you into his story so you could both see how accurate youd gotten.
If you were spot on you’d jump and cheer and poe would find it totally adorable how such a simple thing brought you so much joy😭
But if you missed even a smol thing or if your rendition was completely different,youd want to figure out where it had gone “wrong”
And even though you strived for perfection in your art(its one of the many things you shared in common) poe would make sure to let you know that it was perfect as it was.
Sometimes you contemplated turning his stories into comics
It would be a way to combine both your skills!
You both got to work on a story then
And when i say you both got to work,i mean he wrote it,then you both went and experienced it and afterwards you illustrated your adventure!
Obviously you gave your characters different names,but anyone who knew the two of you,knew that those characters couldn’t be anyone else other than you!
Poe loved that you were able to mix the things that made each of you happy,and he loved how easy it was.how natural it felt.
Poe may have had the ability to draw a reader into the world of a novel,but you were able to draw the world of a novel,out for a reader.
And although your talents were different while also being the same,they both meshed together perfectly.
Much like you had with him
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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gothyyy · 2 years
good morning/afternoon/night (<3).
i saw your requests were open, so i was wondering if you could write some headcanons about how akutagawa and poe (bsd both) would react to their gn! s/o who tends to kiss their forehead, nose and cheek at almost any given moment.
for example; every time they woke up or go to sleep their s/o kiss their forehead, as a greeting when they arrived at home or they (the s/o) see them...
feel free to ignore/delete this request.
hope you have a great day, take your fine with it & thanks in advance (<3).
Pairings: edgar allan poe, ryunosuke akutagawa (or as i like to call him, octagon) x gn! reader
warnings: i went a little overboard (sorry!) cuz these are two of my favorite characters, not too great english, one mention of periods (in a gender neutral way), other than that none just cute <33
-lowercase intended-
my favorite (aside from fyodor) <333 he is THE best boy
he would be very very shy about it at first, and even that is an understatement. he would totally secretly love it and look forward to it. say, if he’s sitting in his room with karl and writing and you bring him some coffee and give him a little kiss on his forehead after pushing his dark and messy hair out of the way to reveal his bright violet eyes. he absolutely loves it whenever you give him kisses on his nose or cheek too, it’s just so cute!
he loves it when you give him a little peck on the nose right after you wake up, even if he’s a little startled by it sometimes because he’s basically a walking zombie in the mornings before he’s had coffee or tea in the mornings. and sometimes he’ll return the favor for you! if you’re a uterus owner and it’s that time of month, he’d make you some warm tea or coffee or hot chocolate (whichever you prefer) and give you a little kiss on the cheek and read for you <33
if you get sick, he’ll be there to give you kisses to make you feel better and cuddle with you <3 he doesn’t mind getting sick as long as it makes you just a little happier
i don’t think he would really know how to react at first, his mind just starts short circuiting. he has to just like, sit there for a minute trying to register what just happened.
but once he gets used to it, he doesn’t know how he lived without your kisses before. it always makes him so happy! even if he’s not one to smile often, you can bet you’ll see him smile when you give him a little kiss on the cheek. it’s often quite jarring for some of his subordinates in the port mafia, seeing as akutagawa is very rude, cruel and uncaring when you’re not around.
yet as soon as you show up, that attitude is gone immediately and replaced by a much softer demeanor. he basically would follow you around like a puppy waiting for you to give him a hug or kiss.
he absolutely LOVES it when you give him a good morning kiss on the forehead, there’s just something super sweet about it to him!
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yenkat101 · 2 years
Bsd Edgar Allan Poe x reader // Happy birthday Poe 🥳🎂
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It is Poe's birthday and you want to celebrate it 🥳🥂 happy birthday Poe!
General: fluff and a tiny bit of comfort
Text type: Story book
Warning: a little bit of low self-esteem
Master list
These images are not mine credits go to the owner IMAGE 1 IMAGE 2 IMAGE 3 IMAGE 4 IMAGE 5 IMAGE 6 IMAGE 7
It was cold and frosty morning, It was 19th of January. Your lovers birthday, You were planning this day for a long time. You love your partner immensely. What better way to show your love by being obsess with celebrating the day they gave you the most important and most priceless thing in the world. You still felt like you didn't deserve him, but, you still gave him your love unconditionally. It was currently 5am but you needed to prepare his special day. The only warms came from a big emerald green blanket that covered you and your tall dark voilet haired boyfriend and his pet raccoon Karl not too far sleeping. Your boyfriend Poe was cuddled beside you. He's face was was a few inches away, he had calm closed eyes as he breathes softly as he sleeps next to you. He's long bangs covered the exhausted novel writer's eyes as he let's out warm breaths silently hitting your bear cheek as comfortable heat comes your way. You moved gently his hair revealing his face, he had calm relaxing features with many bags under his eyes from staying up late writing novels. You kissed he's forehead lightly before you left the bed cautiously not wanted. Suddenly, you heard a noise. It was Karl, Poe's pet raccoon that loved him and you. You pick up Karl before he could make any attempt to wake your lover heading to the washroom closing the door behind you. Karl looked directly at you as if he was asking an explanation for your behavior.
You: "Hey, Karl. Today is Poe birthday and I want to surprise him... So... shhh~ don't tell him okay? "
Karl climbed onto your shoulder like how would he do when he wanted to go somewhere with Poe.
You: "You wanna help?"
Karl responded with a happy tone that you took as a yes.
You: "Okay, let's go".
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You got ready to go with Karl by your side. It was 6 am when you left because you were rushing as well as being the most quietest as you can. You left a note on the bedroom door, so when he left to go look for you assuming you were in the kitchen he would find the bedroom door closed with a big bright yellow note to the point he wouldn't miss it saying (I need to get some stuff since were running low on food, Karl went with me. We'll be back at noon -Love Y/N). Operation Birthday shopping for Poe! :D, you had 6h hours to complete everything, of course you convinced Ranpo Edogawa to help you since the two of them got along spendedly while having a (friendly)rivalry and he was probably the only other person that he spoke to instead of you. We all know Poe is shy ☺️. So he agreed to have s reason to escape work and aswell being a good friend 👍😊. You and Ranpo decided to rearrange that he would go shopping with you for a little bit then he would take Poe out to distract him while you decorticate and prepare the space. Ranpo tilt his head down lefting he's glasses up a little while opening his piercing green eye showing determination yo play his part right.
Going shopping with Ranpo and Karl was interesting. It seems Karl knows exactly what to do while Ranpo whines but the long trip walking. Ranpo was like a child there, you had to hold his hands for a good while to make sure he didn't run off. If Ranpo tried anything dirty, you wouldn't hesitate to smack him. There was a couple of people who wanted to pet Karl, he wasn't amused by the idea. The only way they could touch Karl was if he was on your lap, afterward he would force you to give him atleast two times the affection strangers offered him. Out of nervousness you let Ranpo chose the shop's at the moment the both of you are sitting deciding which you should go to frist.
You: "Ranpo?"
Ranpo: "Hummm..?
You: " What are you getting for Poe?"
Ranpo: "Why do you wanna know~"
You: "Because I don't want to get the same thing as you"
Ranpo: "Don't worry, you'll never be close to buying what I'll get him"
You: "really?"
Ranpo: "Since when I was ever wrong? 😃, Ohh! Let's go here, come-on!".
Now you were being dragged by Ranpo in a shop that had alot of art supplies as well as books and a little bit of candy. Now this way Poe land, it had alot of things Poe liked such as parchment paper, vintage leather journals, high quality quills, mysteries murder novels, some chocolate you knew Poe loves and many more. You saw Ranpo quickly bought himself some chocolate before saying
Ranpo: "You shop for he's gift here, the gift i want to get isn't here I'll be back in half an hour".
You knew Ranpo not going to come back because of his habit of getting lost. Suddenly Ranpo pulls out a Garmin eTrex GPS and saves the coordinates of the shop then skipped away like it was nothing. "..." "Since when did ge had a GPS..?". You snapped back to reality when Karl started poking at you with a annoyed expression 😑.
There were many things at the store that Poe will absolutely appreciate, so you got many things so he could spear himself going out in the public to buy more so soon. You placed many items in the cart like 500 sheet of parchment paper because you knew he like writing on parchment, 10 vintage leather journals but these were a bit different they were adjustable with no page so Poe can pick his own amount of pages in, 20 high quality quills since it makes it easier to write, mysteries murder novels to give him inspiration and something else to do, a cute bubbly ish journal since at home you hind a little file full of quiet and beautiful places that most don't go to and doesn't know about, some decorations, stickers, basically anything to make a bullet journal and some chocolate from the shop. Afterward, You and Karl waited for Ranpo by time he showed up you properly and comfortably rearrange the bags ao the items sit nicely.
Ranpo: "I'm back~ you done?"
You: "Yup! Hope he likes it"
Ranpo: "If it comes from you he will like it no matter what"
You: "Why's that?"
Ranpo: "He will be happy because you thought about him and it came from the heart... Enough with the mushy stuff I'm hungry"
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The both of you went to a fast food that was in the mall with Karl resting half on your shoulder and the other half on your head. When Ranpo was done he went to make sure Poe was distracted since you've realized you've forgotten something. Ranpo distracted Poe while you got Karl to sneak in and retrieve the folder 📂. Now Ranpo was now force to hang with Poe as order of the plan. He texted you to go to the agency to prepare. You were honestly heartwarmed when you saw how considerate they were, they made sure there was a lot of room, that there wasn't an overwhelming amount of decorations, there were quiet places he could easily run over with leaving he's own party 🥳🎉. The agency claims that this is there way of thanking Poe for taking care of you properly and making you the happiest person ever. And many mentions that Poe isn't a bad guy so why not?
Now you and Karl were sitting at a clear desk wrapping the gifts one by one. After you dtarted placing together the small journal with many places he could go that were silent, serene, beautiful and most importantly almost no one go there. Here you are tape ping, clueing, drawing, organizing, writing in the book that was now called Quiet Places. You wrote a destinations as you wrote what the place was know for and what it could help with as well as coordinate that was inputted in a gift for one of the members of the agency, you even wrote little love notes. You found all the gifts were amazingly wrapped and the book was amazing you were so proud of yourself even Kunikida though that you did an amazing job. But, something was missing... Suddenly the idea clip. You pick up Karl and placed his paw in the paint as you imprint his paw print on many of the pages.
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Out of the blue Yosano Noami and Kyoka asked you to fellow them in the bathroom. At first you were like what..? Kyoka was calm as normal but looks a bit more innocent than usual, she had fist clench light by her side. She was standing still as a soldier but not at the point it was disturbing. Yosano had mid evil expression like they were planning to cause mischief with pure evil grins. Noami was a little like Kyoka and a bit like Yosano at the same time.
You: "Uhaaam... Do you need anything..?"
Yosano: "Yes we do, if you do not corporate we'll force you"
You: "What..."
Noami: "Now come here~"
You: "Haha... No thanks... Just tell me what you want"
The girls: "..."
You: "..."
Yosano: "We need you to..."
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Ranpo was with Poe taking him to the agency for his surprise... The both of them walked in the agency, it was pitch blace. Poe was nervous and went to look at Ranpo only to find no one there. Poe was panicking, suddenly, the lights turned on and now there was the whole agency in front of him with a big banner with (HAPPY BIRTHDAY POE) inprinted on it.
Everyone: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎂🥳!"
Poe: "Huhawwaa"
Ranpo: "Surprise 😜"
Poe: "Whaa... What is this..."
Ranpo: "It's a Birthday party 😃🎉"
Poe: "..."
Ranpo: "Fellow me, the agency has a gift for you"
Poe: "You... You didn't have to..."
Ranpo: "No,no,no,no you'll like this gift"
Poe: Ranpo please...
Ranpo: "Ta-da 🤗🎉"
Poe: "😳"
Ranpo: "If in 30 minutes you do not come out I'm forcing you. Got it, HAVE FUN 😊"
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Poe found you roped done with ribbons 🎀 wearing a raccoon onesie as Karl runs up to Poe going in his arms. He was flustered for many reasons 1. He was accepting anything on his birthday 2. Your in a raccoon onesie 3. He not sure how to react. When he saw you swifting away realizing you were going to fall of off your chair, he rushed and caught you. He decided to take Ranpo's advice, he told him if he always let you deal with everything soon you'll become even more stressed 😥. So he man up and took charge for one ಥ‿ಥ. He pick you up and took you to the couch that was in the room. He started to unwrap you as he trys to not break down out of nervousness, it was surprising that he seems so calm and collective. The deep breath he took the more he calmed down and he did what Ranpo told him to do. Now you were sitting on the couch next to Poe, he had calm soft gray eyes staring at you with a red tint plastered on his face.
Poe: Were you trying to please me..?
Poe: You don't need to...
Poe: I was worried...
You: ...
You: Sorry... I just wanted... to let you know... i-i love you...
You were embarrassed, not only you were forced in a raccoon onesie tied up in ribbon and having forced Poe to realse you, you were now think poe was upset at you since you've never heard or seen this side, he sounds so sad and consern. Now you were tearing up and started crying.
Poe: Why... Are you crying...
You: I-i love you... I-i didn't mean... to make you mad
You: I just wanted... to give something special since i A feel like I'm not giving you enough...
Poe: Baby...
Poe: Do you know what was the best gift I've ever received was..?
You: *shakes head*
Poe: It was You... And receiving you as a gift from the agency your officially mine in their eyes 🙂❤️
Poe: So never say your not enough, because I'm not enough... Im still surprised your still with me... And I'm greatfull to still have you loving me with all of your heart...
You: Poe...
Poe: Yes give me a hug 🤗
You: Your so perfect...
Poe: Your absolutely more than perfect to me...
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After that you and Poe went home. Not that Ranpo guessed everything that actually happened in that room was going to happen and betted on it, many people lost their bets to him ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽. Surprisedly Ranpo came along hold all of your stuff since poe was carring you. You had you legs wrapped around Poe's waist laying on his chest with you head resting on Poe's shoulder while Karl was on his other shoulder. When you both went home you guys cuddle on the couch while opening gifts, don't worry Ranpo is long gone eating some sweets at the agency. Poe really liked your gift especially the Quiet Places book you made for him. (Ps. He really liked the facts that you thought about him and took your time in this and that you considered a gift that was not in the catagory of writing novels and inspirations). Afterwards, you and Poe cuddled on the couch under the sheets as he reads a book you bought him to you. No, surprise that the both of you fell asleep cuddling on the couch. Karl went and turned off the lights then made himself comfortable near you guys (つ≧▽≦)つ. The end~
Bonus: Poe wore a raccoon onesie with you and said you looked cute in that onesie
🎊🥳Happy birthday Poe🎂🎉
Hope you guys enjoy.
Requests are open. Have a good day/night \(^o^)
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izaanagi · 3 years
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synopsis: After embarrassing Poe in front of Ranpo, Poe has no other choice but to teach you a lesson.
pairing: bsd!Edgar Allan Poe x virgin!fem!reader (s/o)
warnings: MDNI! smut! Ability user!Poe, misuse of abilities, Dom tendencies!Poe, confident!reader, reader has no idea of the monster she just awakened, Poe has a choking kink, deepthroat, thighs fucking, loss of virginity.
wc. 3.0k
sans’ corner: this work has been requested by @ravenina14 ♡ , so I hope you enjoy it. Interactions are always welcome and encouraged.
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You don’t see it coming. One second you are laughing because embarrassing Poe is one of your favourite activities, and the second later you see Edgar’s flaming eyes blaring into yours, and Ranpo’s keen senses picking up on the bloodlust creeping out of him. And you’d say you did not mean it, but that would not be the truth, but even then it is difficult to imagine that Poe would be this sensitive. And yet, there you are.
“Poe?” you call, because the stifling air is just the least of your concerns now. Working has always entitles being on the verge of life and death, especially for you who had nothing but yourself to back it up, but you know that this feeling of dread is something new for you. Your confidence and pride does not allow you to admit it outloud, but you might have screwed this one up. 
“I did not mean to embarrass you by saying that you are just a bit the shy type when it come to that stuff,” you whisper, trying to make a way out of the colossal mistake you just made, but Poe’s eyes darken even further, and it is a strangely mesmerising and terrifying in the same amount sight. 
“But of course! Poe is an excellent crime novels writers, and mystery must be the only thing on his mind. Right, Poe?” Ranpo tries to mellow the situation out, but Poe’s eyes are fixed on you, and you feel heat travelling up your back, you necks and finally your cheeks, boiling you from inside. They are drilling a hole into you, and by the second everything seems to be going downhill. 
“That’s it! I did not mean it in a way where you cannot write other things other than crime novels,” you shyly smile, with your tone fading out at the end, because now Poe is glaring and you feel the safety of the Agency fade away from your bones. You feel your skin break in goose bumps, because this is new. But Ranpo smiles condescending, and you feel a bit of pity in his eyes. For what, you are not exactly sure. 
“Yes. You are right. Perhaps I am too focused on crime to write any other good novel,” finally Poe talks, and the tension in the air seems to be going less thick. But you are not fooled: Poe might be a bad actor, but he is smart enough not to let it show, which is why you can’t drop your guard yet. 
“This is why I will be taking my leave now. I am surging with few ideas, and I would like to try them all out as soon as possible. Keep me company?” Poe retaliates to you. You looks startled, and a bit confused but you nod your head, and after giving your goodbyes to Ranpo, who is as always too lazy to do anything that eating snacks in the office when he is not out solving a murder, you make your way out of the building, with Poe on your side. It’s a silent travel to his house as well as his office. There are no words exchanged, and that might not be very weird except that Poe does not talk a lot in general, and that happens a lot when he is deep in the thought process of crafting another novel, which you assume what is happening right now. It happens often after Poe meets with Ranpo, and his inspiration is a pool of new ideas due to the challenge the detective represents. But you don’t even know how wrong you are, until the both of you step over the jamb of the house, and Poe grabs the first novel he has under his hand, and treacherously activates his ability. You feel your body being transported and falling on the wood flooring of whatever story it is that you are in. Not that it matters: there most imminent danger of the novel is no casual murderer, but Poe, still glaring at your crouched form from a few feet away. 
“So, did you have fun humiliating me in front of Ranpo, huh?” he asks, and his tone is ice cold. Poe is angry. 
“I really did not mean it that way..” You try to reason it out, but you fully know how this is a lost cause: Poe is barely listening to you, lost in the meanders of his own felt humiliation. You try to touch his arm, but he shoves it out of the way, and then, out of nowhere he starts giggling to himself. 
“You really do need to be taught a little lesson, don’t you?” Poe huffs while giggling, laughing to himself, like the absolutely brilliant madmen he is. And this is a part of him you don’t get to see very often: Poe lost in his head, trying to follow all the plot lines forming in his own head, under which you are helpless, stuck with him in his his own world. There is no way out, and the walls surround both of you; it’s both a prison and a garden of infinite possibilities before your eyes, Poe laughing and likely loosing the sense of reality usually grounding him to earth, sheer perception of self, which is especially high when he is in Range’s presence. Sometimes you are even jealous of it, but then you remember the taste of Poe’s lips on yours, and everything else fades into the background. 
“Yeah, you definitely need to learn that you should learn who you fuck with,” Poe growls, and you never heard him curse, let alone do it in such an angry tone. It turns you on, just the slightest bit, but Poe’s form seems looming and tall, towering over yours and a slightly warped smile is taking shape on his lips. This is not a Poe you should fuck with, and yet. 
“Oh yeah? And how would I learn that?” you tease, and Poe smiles a bit further. Then he tugs on your shoulder, and pushes you down on your knees. It’s a dangerous game, and you can’t wait to play it. Poe then unbuckles his pants, his eyes glistening in the dimming light of the room you’re in, and you feel it before seeing it, his cock pressing on your lips. 
“Open up,” he orders, and while you might be a virgin, a blowjob is hardly the furthest you went with the man in front of you. So, like the good girl you are, you open your mouth and feel his cock slip in. What you don’t expect is Poe’s hips thrusting into you, as soon as you open and his starting to fuck your mouth. 
“Oh, so now you can’t talk anymore, can you? Did you have fun embarrassing me?” he asks, thrusting his hips into your mouth, and you feel his length find its way deeper and deeper down your throat. 
You try to make out a sound, but nothing other than a guttural moan pushes past your lips. 
“What a good obedient little girl you are, on your knees with my cock in your mouth. I wish you could stay like this forever,” he continues, his head thrown backwards, when your hands grab your head. You suddenly are blocked in his hold, but the cock in your mouth comes on coming and coming in, saliva pooling at your lips because you know what Poe is trying to do. He clenches his fists around your hair and then thrusts into you so deep that you feel the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. Suddenly, the air of the room is just a breath away from you, and all you can smell is Edgar’s slight cologne, his sweet shower gel and the enticing smell emanating from his angry demeanour, translating into a hard cock and the veins in his arms popping. He holds you there, choking on his cock, looking you dead in the eye, for what you count to be around fifteen seconds. Then he lets you go seemingly satisfied with that, and you feel yourself gag and cough heavily. But the refractory period given is brief, and then you feel Poe grabbing you by your throat and pull you on your legs, and then dragging your till a small sofa in the angle of the room. He sits on it, and your fall on top of him, knees still a bit weak. 
“Has this made you feel a little better?” you attempt to ask him, but you immediately know that this is definitely the wrong thing to say, because Poe wraps his hand around your throat, and Strats slightly squeezing. 
“Do you think a measly deep throat could make me feel fucking better?” Poe laughs. “You are so naive, my love. So so naive,” he coos, and with the hand he is not busy choking you, he caresses your cheek. It’s not hard, and it’s even arousing, but Poe has so many things hidden in his eyes that you can feel where this is going, and you feel distraught. Maybe poking his monster, under all the cape and hair, was not your smartest idea - but now that the pieces are in play, you won’t be holding yourself back. So you take the little courage you have left and prompt yourself on Poe’s lap, legs caging his and your hand circling his neck, his hand not moving from your neck - like a collar would be. The weird thing is that you don’t feel caged at all, but you feel your pussy starting to get wetter and water, because this assertive and confident part of Poe is alluring and you like to push his buttons. You wonder how far this game would bring you, or how much will it be hurt to be walking down to the office tomorrow. Distracted from Poe, he tightens the hold of your throat and he whispers in your ear: “Take off your clothes, and don’t expect to go home before I put my cock in that little virgin pussy of yours, you hear me?” 
“I hear you just fine. But will you be able to take my virginity with that?” You vaguely gesture down, and as expected you feel the chokehold Poe is keeping you in tighten around your neck. Oh what a delight it is, especially knowing that he have to let you go if he does want to take you. It’s been a long time coming, and finally going all the way feels surreal and partly scary, but your instinct are pure filth in this moment, and there is nothing better than thinking about the many ways, of which you dreamed of, of Poe fucking you. 
“I preferred you on your knees, with your mouth full of my cock,” Poe growls, and again you feel a clench down where the sun never beams. This is truly a side of Poe you never get to see, and even discovering that it was buried down there, somehow awakened by your shenanigans, arouses you way more than it would be decent to admit. Poe kisses you, and you wonder whether it is out of genuine desire to feel your lips press on his, tongue sweeping and dancing together, or because he does not want you to egg him on. You moan into the kiss, and as if awakened Poe stops putting pressure of your throat, which passes more air than you need in your lungs now, and grabbing you by under your thighs pull you with him. Then, he drops you, letting you barely put your feet on the ground, and already being busy with unclothing himself. He is in a hurry for no apparent reason, and he rips the buttons of his button-down, the rumour of them falling on the floor echoing through the bare walls. 
“Take off your pants,” he order you around, and does not leave you that much of a choice, because you are fully aware that if you do not take them off yourself, he will. 
And then he is naked, and you are naked, the air saturated with Poe’s rage, and your arousal. Reckoning that Poe is now examining you, checking you from bottom to top and he does not seem pleased nor disappointed, his eyes still glaring in your direction. But then he smiles. 
“As beautiful as ever..” He comments, a bit to himself. It’s nothing but some words, but even this domineering Poe is so attentive to your details that it makes your head spin. 
“..but I still want to break your spirit, shining in your eyes,” Poe finished stern, and he makes the two strides separating you from him, with you straining your neck to look his tall figure in the eyes. 
He manhandles you onto the sofa, and the position your end up in is the dead same, but the position is different: you are leaning on the sofa with your thighs pressed together, while Poe looms over your, with his legs around yours. 
“You don’t have any complaints about losing your virginity, right?” Poe then asks, a note of insecurity in his voice, but you shake your head. 
“Not one, sir,” you answer and Poe is pleased by it. He comes nearer and nearer you, until his cock prickles your thigh and you feel your legs coming apart naturally. You don’t actually know what it is supposed to happen, or how this will go down, but Poe has his length in between your thighs, smooth skin rubbing each other and creating just a delicious friction. You feel him slip out of the tight place your thighs have created, and slip in again and you feel confused, because this is not what should be happening. Poe is just fucking your thighs, but then he gets closer: and you feel his cock caressing the entire length of your cunt, from end to end, still rubbing the thighs but now with the tip finally making contact. It goes on for a while: him teasing your pussy, getting wetter and wetter by the minute.
“Edgar? Do you actually have any intention to fuck me?” You then ask, when it has become clear that Poe is driving himself and you mad, just out of spite. 
“Not until I say so,” he wittily bites, but it takes him a second to wrap his hands around you and put you into a seated position on himself, cladding his lap and feeling his cock pushing into your asscheek. Then it’s one, two, three fingers inside of you, fingering you hard and sloppy, wetness pooling at the base of the hand, covering it with a shiny sheen. But he is nor kind nor careful: his fingers hit the ring of muscles inside you for the umpteenth time, but you can’t seem to relax, even though your breath is ragged and Poe is concentrated into opening your hole as much as he can, before actually fucking. It’s a question of moments, until you finally feel yourself adjusting to the pressure and the stretch, but it’s right in that moment that Poe retracts his fingers and you gasp, because now it feels empty. 
“Oh, do not look that disappointed yet, love. I have not even begun,” Poe whispers, and the tip of his cock aligns to your hole, until he finally pushes through and it’s breathtaking, your stomach churning in and out, because it’s happening and it’s tight and warm. 
“You are so fucking tight,” Poe grunts, while his cock continues exploring the uncharted territories of your cunt. You actually wince when he gets half way in, and then pushes forward so that you could acclimate to the presence of his big, fat cock breaking you in half. It feels like you cannot breath enough, but poe is not moving, and it takes you a lot of ragged breaths and tiny “Oh god..” Until you finally do not feel like there is a pole inside of you. 
“I am going to move now,” Poe murmurs and you frantically nod your head because maybe it will be better and the sting will fade away once you get used to it. But mercy does not come: Poe drills into you, balls slapping your wet skin, flesh against flesh and then almost completely coming out, just to slam into you again. It happens fast and hastily, and Poe moans hard one, two, three times until your muscles are starting to loosen up and the the cock slips easier inside of you, faster, harder, rougher each time. Poe distracts you kissing your lips, shoving his tongue down your throat and then biting into your neck. It hits you suddenly: Poe is fucking you, your virginity is out of the window and a moan escaped you mouth, loud and clear. 
“Edgar..” You whine. And he nods, fully knowing that his hips need to take up the pace. He slams into you a couple of times, and it does not take you more than than to cum on his cock, while he pulls out just in time to cum on your body, splashes of white ending on your lips, neck, stomach. It’s a mess of glory - but there is a dawning realisation wasting the moment: you can’t move, let alone walk and tomorrow you will be sore and exhausted. But Poe smirks to you and kisses you on the crown of the head, clearly down from the sex high, but still fully aware that this happened for a good reason. 
“Have you learned your lesson?” Poe asks, but somehow his smile, dispels the harsh tone of voice in which he announces the words, and you can’t think of anything else that Edgar had taken your virginity and that you finally can experiment every fantasy you had so far with it, his cock perfect for your tight pussy. 
You just nod your head, cum still flowing out of you. 
“Yes, sir.” But have you, really?
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© renaissansse, 2021. Do not copy or repost! Interactions and reblogs are welcomes and encouraged! thank you for reading.
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kunikinnie · 3 years
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Almost Blue BSD: Love is War? 100 Follower Event 300 Followers Event Nabe (Hot Pot) - Fukuzawa x F!Reader
Dazai, Fukuzawa
Kunikida, Ranpo
Atsushi, Tanizaki, Yosano
Chuuya, Kouyou, Higuchi
Akutagawa, Mori
The Guild as Cats
⭕ - NOT x reader
Sakaguchi Ango
Overworked and with his GN!Personal Assistant [HC] Accidentally calling him a pet name [HC] Sojourn [D] SFW Alphabet Valentines' 2022 [D] Announcing your first pregnancy to your husband [HC] Ace Attorney AU [HC] Swapping bodies with his s/o [HC] Jealousy [HC] Being a thirdwheel [HC] ⭕ Showing him a finger heart [HC] Lullaby [D]
Edgar Allan Poe
Reacting to their genderbend Accidentally calling him a pet name Reacting to a F!Reader going as Wednesday Addams for Halloween Sensations Reacting to his irl counterpart Greeting you on your birthday Bringing home a kitten (that they've been wanting too) With a feminine girlfriend [HC] With a reader who can turn people into dust with just one look [HC] Jealousy [HC] SFW Alphabet With an s/o who's ability is similar to Natsume's [HC] Braiding his girlfriend's hair [D]
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
Not saying I love you back to him as a prank [HC]
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bsdthings · 3 years
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If you ask for my gender, I'm a girl mostly, but I use the holy they/she/he. You can't go wrong with my pronouns tbh.
I'm an adult (born in the 2000s, 6 december, yes, I'm a ♐sag♐, yes, I'm crazy like that)
I'm bisexual 👌
You can call me Kushi or Karma, which one suits you.
You'll find a lot of Pinterest photos on this Tumblr
If you try to imagine my oc, imagine a curvy girl with red messy hair and dark blue eyes, short af but with power in her aura
Use the "#karma talks" "#kushi talks" tags to read things about me 😅
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(Inbox: 3 ; Requests: don't expect a fast answer as I am in University and it's biting me back 😅)
‼️ I do not write non-con, incest, underage 🔞 (yes, even if it's PM Dazai, I will do him older for my own comfort), manga characters (didn't get to the manga yet, I'm sorry T-T) ocxcharacter (but am willing to rp you)‼️
I will probably have the tendency to write for fem reader, but I have no problem writing genderqueer or male reader
💡I do write: angst, sad, MCD, 🔞smut/lemon/NSFW🔞, fluff, imagines, scenarios, threads, headcanons, fancanons, readerxcharacter, aged up characters, genderbend, ship (charactexcharacter) etc.💡
GENRES&EMOJIS (probably to be added)
☢️ Angst ☢️
🖤Major Character Death (MCD)🖤
WARNING: 👎sad ending👎;👍happy ending👍;🤷questionable/open/ambiguu/ambiguous 🤷
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Kyouka Izumi
Yosano Akiko
Atsushi Nakajima
Kenji Miyazawa
Osamu Dazai
xReader! drop dead gorgeous
xReader! Mind control ability☢️🖤😭🤷
Random continuation by reblog
Dazai through my eyes
The little things
Kunikida Doppo
xReader!drop dead gorgeous
Ranpo Edogawa
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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Edgar Allan Poe
Fem!reader who controls the waves 🔞✨
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Gin Akutaga
Kouyou Ozaki
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Chuuya Nakahara
x reader! Younger brother ✨
x reader! child taken in✨(?)😭☢️
Mori Ougai
Random continuation by reblog😭☢️
Is there somewhere…😭🤷☢️
(will be added depending on requests)
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Soukoku (Osamu Dazai x Chuuya Nakahara)
1 ☢️😭
Shin soukoku (Ryuunosuke Akutagawa x Atsushi Nakahara)
Ranpoe (Ranpo Edogawa x Edgar Poe Allan)
(will be added depending on requests)
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Dazai Osamu
Chapter 97 theory
Soukoku and balance (angst, ofc)
Nakahara Chuuya
Chapter 98 spoiler
Chapter 101 spoiler + analysis
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Songs pt. 1 (ADA)
Songs pt. 2 (PM, Fyodor)
Songs pt. 3 (The guild)
A/B/O (alpha/beta/omega)
If they were to be Mafia Boss
A normal Christmas
Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi x bisexual s/o
Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya is a rich God
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 4 years
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Key:  💜  fluff    ✨angst    💜 ✨ fluff and angst    no nsfw
Physical Affection Prompts (ended on 13/09/2020)
Chuuya Nakahara - 9. wiping away someone’s tears  💜 ✨
Chuuya Nakahara - 10. lifting someone up out of excitement  💜
Akutagawa Ryunosuke - 16. kissing knuckles 💜 ✨
Dazai Osamu - 18. wiping away food from someone’s lips 💜
Ranpo Edogawa - 12. an incredibly loud and painful high-five 💜
Atsushi Nakajima - 19. peppering their face in kisses 💜 ✨
Armed Detective Agency
Dazai Osamu:
Dazai with an s/o winter headcanons  💜
Dazai taking care of his sick s/o  💜
S/o tries to jump scare him  💜
How he would treat his s/o on their birthday  💜
S/o on her period  💜
S/o who plays the dead girlfriend prank on him  ✨
BSD Characters and their favorite season/weather (general)💜 ✨
S/o has trouble falling asleep so they try to help 💜
There’s more than what meets the eye (general)   ✨
Cooking with Dazai on a cold day  💜
Lost in you - songfic  💜 ✨ (slight angst)
When you love someone - songfic  💜
A family day out  💜
Only a dream (general)   ✨
Painful Memories  (general) ✨
Bed (70 One Word Prompts) 💜
Tainted Angel  (Mafia Dazai x reader) ✨
Perhaps I was too broken to be fixed, even by what I thought was love (Soukoku/Double Black) ✨
Temptation (general) ✨
The Only Constant is Heartache and Emptiness ✨
Prompt: 6. “Your nose is just so…boop-able.” *Boop* 💜
A Rainy Afternoon 💜
Atsushi Nakajima:
How he would treat his s/o on their birthday  💜
BSD Characters on a school excursion (general) 💜
Kunikida Doppo:
Nothing yet
Lone Poet (general) ✨
Halloween party at the ADA  💜
Ranpo Edogawa:
Ranpo with a foreigner s/o  💜
S/o who likes horror movies headcanons (specifically female)  💜
Dating headcanons  💜
Nothing yet
I will add on as i write for the other characters
Port Mafia
Chuya Nakahara:
S/o decides to play with Chuya’s hair while he’s asleep    💜
Chuya’s turn-ons and turn-offs   💜
Trick or treating with teenage Chuya   💜
Chuya with a female s/o who sits on his lap  💜
S/o gets involved in a car accident  ✨ 💜
S/o who tries to jump scare him  💜
Apologizing after a fight  ✨ 💜
How he would treat his s/o on their birthday  💜
Gn! reader who gets really bad migraines  💜
S/o who is fluent in more than one language  💜
S/o on her period  💜
S/o who is uncomfortable and in pain 💜
S/o who plays the dead girlfriend prank on him ✨
S/o who likes to pretend to be Chuya 💜
Dancing to our love  💜
Angst prompt- why do you care about whether or not i jump?  ✨
“You’d be a great mother”  💜
Genuine -> continuation of Save your tears, I’m done here  ✨ 💜
Perhaps I was too broken to be fixed, even by what I thought was love (Soukoku/Double Black) ✨
The heart aches for what it cannot have but loves  ✨
Akutagawa Ryunosuke:
Apologizing after a fight  ✨ 💜
How he would treat his s/o on their birthday  💜
BSD Characters on a school excursion (general) 💜
BSD Characters and their favorite season/weather (general) 💜✨
Cherry Blossom Bliss  💜
Soft Love 💜
Sapphire Moonlight 💜
Prompt: 16. “People piss me off so fucking much!” “…Do I count as people?” “Of course not.” 💜
Tachihara Michizou:
Nothing yet
Net (70 One Word Prompts)  ✨ 
Mori Ougai:
Mori with a female s/o who often visits him in his office  💜
Mori with a foreigner s/o  💜
Nothing yet
Q (Yumeno Kyusaku):
Nothing yet
The world is no place for innocent love  ✨
The Guild
Edgar Allan Poe:
Platonic!Poe friendship headcanons  💜
Poe with a s/o who falls asleep on the subway  💜
S/o who goes through a book a day - bookworm s/o  💜
S/o who is uncomfortable and in pain 💜
Decay of Angels
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Fyodor with a s/o who falls asleep on a subway  💜
Nikolai Gogol:
Nikolai with a s/o who has a doll ability (similar to Lucy’s)  💜
A free bird? Or to be kept in a cage?  (general) ✨
I will add on as i write for the other characters
Dazai’s ability -  No Longer Human analysis (short)
Dazai and his ability analysis - longer version with an answer
The Similarities between Dazai Osamu and Nikolai Gogol
Rules & About my blog:
Link here
Please read my rules before requesting. Characters i write for are under About my blog & Rules.
I also write analyses, check out my rules first before requesting. 
It would be much appreciated if you did so.
DM me or send an ask if any of the links are not working. 
Note: credits to @smoochi-modest​ for the header 
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
𝐁𝐒𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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🌼 = Fluff 🔞 = Smut ⛓ = Dark content 💔 = Angst 🥀 = Hurt/Comfort 🤕 = Whump 🔷 = Other
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Armed Detective Agency:
↪ Atsushi Nakajima
↪ Osamu Dazai
That Place (Dazai x gn!Reader) 💔
↪ Doppo Kunikida
Two of Two Kinds (Kunikida x fem!Reader) 🌼
↪ Kyouka Izumi
↪ Ranpo Edogawa
↪ Akiko Yosano
↪ Kenji Miyazawa
↪ Yukichi Fukuzawa
Port Mafia:
↪ Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
↪ Chuuya Nakahara
His New Trainee (Chuuya x fem!Reader) 🔷
Welcome Gift (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
The Man and the Puppies (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
Mutually Beneficial Transaction (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
On the Verge (Chuuya x fem!Reader) 🤕
Calmer Waters (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🥀
Star-Crossed (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
Rockstar Chuuya (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼🔞
↪ Michizou Tachihara
Random Tachihara Headcanons 🔷
michizou tachihara as your highschool boyfriend (Tachihara x gn!Reader) 🔷
Unspoken (Tachihara x gn!Reader) 🥀
↪ Gin Akutagawa
↪ Ichiyo Higuchi
↪ Kouyou Ozaki
Sakura Kisses (Kouyou x gn!Reader) 🌼
↪ Sakunosuke Oda
Decay of Angels:
↪ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Discipline (Fyodor x gn!Reader) ⛓
Tired Turtle Doves (Fyodor x gn!Reader x Mykola) 🌼
Dark Roses and Souls (Fyodor x Mykola) 🌼
↪ Mykola Hohol
nikolai x reader in the winter (Mykola x gn!Reader) 🌼
Tired Turtle Doves (Fyodor x gn!Reader x Mykola) 🌼
Dark Roses and Souls (Fyodor x Mykola) 🌼
↪ Sigma
Vanilla and Lavender (Sigma x gn!Reader) 🌼
The Other Perspective (Sigma x fem!Reader) 🌼
Home Is Where the Heart Is (Sigma x gn!Reader) 🥀
The Guild:
↪ Lucy Maud Montgomery
fluffy lucy headcanons (Lucy x gn!Reader) 🌼
↪ Edgar Allan Poe
↪ Mark Twain
Watermelon Cruiser (Mark x gn!Reader) 🔷
Hunting Dogs:
↪ Ouchi Fukuchi
↪ Saigiku Jouno
Jouno with a quiet and touchy S/O (Jouno x gn!Reader) 🌼
↪ Tecchou Suehiro
Lovesick Tecchou Headcanons (Tecchou x gn!Reader) 🌼⛓
↪ Teruko Okura
↪ Mushitarou Oguri
Secret Secret (Mushitarou x gn!Reader) 💔
↪ Paul Verlaine
The Moon and the Sea (Verlaine x Rimbaud) 🌼
↪ Arthur Rimbaud
The Moon and the Sea (Verlaine x Rimbaud) 🌼
Misc. Headcanons:
how i think bsd characters would hug: ada edition (ADA)
how i think bsd characters would hug: pm edition (PM)
Reader who sleeps with a tank top (Dazai, Ranpo, Chuuya)
Reader who sleeps in a nightgown (Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Mykola, Poe)
Being their Older Sibling (Kyouka, Kenji)
Reader who is flexible (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor)
Helping to take care of a reader who struggles to eat (Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya, Oda, Fyodor)
Reader who is flexible pt. 2 (Kunikida, Mykola, Sigma)
how i think bsd characters would hug: misc edition (Jouno, Tecchou, Sigma, Mushitarou)
They find out you're Dazai's sibling (Chuuya, Fyodor)
When they have a nightmare about you (Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya, Tecchou)
When Reader flinches after they yell (Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa, Chuuya, Poe)
An S/O who has their opposite personality (Fyodor, Mykola)
Reader being the "perfect" assistant (Kunikida, Chuuya)
When their S/O is a compulsive liar (Dazai, Ranpo, Yosano, Chuuya, Fyodor, Mykola)
Reader with trauma and trust issues (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor)
When their daughter tells them she has a boyfriend (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Sigma)
An S/O who outsmarts them (Dazai, Fyodor)
Their first kiss with you (Atsushi, Oda, Lucy, Tecchou)
If the BSD boys were my coworkers (Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Poe, Steinbeck)
Them with a manipulative S/O (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor)
Them with an S/O who meows (Ranpo, Chuuya, Jouno)
When you blow them a kiss (Tachihara, Tecchou)
S/O who hides under the bed (Dazai, Kunikida, Chuuya)
Rubber duckie, you're the one~ (Atsushi, Dazai, Ranpo, Chuuya, Mykola, Poe, Tecchou)
If the BSD girls were my coworkers (Kyouka, Yosano, Kouyou, Gin, Higuchi, Naomi, Lucy)
The Flags in Highschool (The Flags)
"Can't Sleep?" (Dazai, Kunikida, Fyodor)
"Men with Slutty Waists!" (Dazai, Chuuya)
Cuddling Headcanons (Tecchou, Jouno)
BSD boys with a self-sacrificing girlfriend (Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo, Jouno)
Hunting Dogs Headcanons:
Hunting Dogs with an energetic S/O
Hunting Dogs with an S/O who eats ice
When their S/O feels inadequate
Hunting Dogs with a clumsy S/O
Hunting Dogs with a silent S/O
Hunting Dogs with your child
Hunting Dogs with a mean S/O
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Obviously I will continue to update this list as I release new fics but it might take some time between each new fic and me updating this, sorry! Also if there's a character you like that I haven't put here, you can still send reqs for them!
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