#bts child au
bloody-bee-tea · 3 months
June of (minimal) Doom 2024 Day 26 - Don't lie to me
Suguru knows Satoru well enough to recognise the aftermath of insomnia on his face and he doesn’t even need to hear him walk around the apartment like a ghost in the dead of night for that.
The bags under his eyes and the pinched look, the hunched shoulders and the minute trembling of his smiles were all dead giveaways.
And yet Suguru still has to watch Satoru walk around their lecture hall as if nothing at all is wrong.
“Hey, Satoru!” Haibara greets him, clear enthusiasm in his voice and Suguru watches how Satoru drags up a smile that almost seems real before he turns around to Haibara. “How are you doing?” Haibara asks, clearly not noticing what Suguru is seeing clear as day and Suguru clenches his fist in his pocket.
He wants to go up to them, drag Satoru away so he can rest, so he doesn’t have to pretend but he knows that Satoru will only be mad at him if he does.
Satoru doesn’t like to show weakness to anyone and that sadly includes Suguru as well.
“I’m fine,” Satoru gives back, strained smile fixed on his face and the words rattle around in Suguru’s mind.
I’m fine, he says while his body language screams anything but.
Suguru wonders if the people around them are just wilfully ignoring the signs or if they truly do not notice how much Satoru seems to struggle these days. Suguru isn’t even sure what triggered the recent bout of insomnia; there hasn’t been a clear incident that he could identify, and that, above all else, is worrying Suguru more than he likes to admit.
He and Satoru have been living together for long enough by now for Suguru to identify a few of Satoru’s triggers. Of course nothing has come forth voluntarily, because god forbid Satoru ever confides in him, but he isn’t quite as adamant as hiding everything from Suguru as he normally is and Suguru learned to take that as a sign of trust.
So he knows that loud voices, yelling and the sound of doors being locked is enough to give Satoru trouble sleeping.
None of that happened in the last few days in their apartment though, Suguru thinks, and so he’s at a complete loss.
Suguru keeps a close eye on Satoru throughout the day; he isn’t quite as sociable as Satoru, doesn’t try to make himself that, either, and so he’s quite content to sit at his own table and wait for Satoru to come back around to him.
And he always does, Suguru reminds himself. No matter what’s currently going on with Satoru, he always comes back to Suguru as if he’s a fixed point that Satoru can’t avoid and that surely has to mean something.
“Eat something,” Suguru suggests gently when Satoru comes back to him from yet another friend group, slumping over the table as if all the energy has been sapped from him and he pushes a cup of pudding towards Satoru.
Satoru doesn’t like being taken care of, doesn’t like being catered to, and Suguru learned to act as if he’s not doing that. Paired with the fact that Satoru is a bit more tolerant towards any fussing from Suguru, it works out fine, most days, and even though Satoru eyes him suspiciously, clearly knowing that Suguru bought this pudding especially for him, he doesn’t say anything as he takes it.
“Thanks,” he mutters as he digs in and Suguru bites his tongue instead of asking if he’s okay.
He’s only going to get the same answer as everyone else here and Suguru is not about to do that to himself. There will be time to ask later, when they are back home, when he can gently bully Satoru into at least not lying to him but right now is really not the place for it.
So instead of saying anything he watches how Satoru drags up another shaking smile as he turns to the next person who comes up to their table, asking how Satoru is.
“I’m fine,” he says again, his hand gripping the spoon so hard Suguru is glad he brought proper ones and not plastic ones because those surely would have splintered in Satoru’s hand.
Suguru glares at the person who just came to talk to Satoru, annoyed that they can’t see what Satoru is so desperate to hide and Suguru knows it’s unfair.
Satoru loves being social, loves having someone to talk to at any given moment as if he could die and wither away if no one pays attention to him, and he’s trying so hard to hide how he really feels.
If anything Suguru is mad at everyone around them, for not knowing Satoru well enough to pick up on his cues, even as it makes him feel real special that he is able to.
It’s an entire mix of emotions swirling in Suguru’s gut that day, and he’d rather not think too hard about it.
Instead he contents himself with staring at Satoru and noting down every moment he seems down, as if that would make him feel better.
“I’m fine,” Satoru says to the next person who joins them and asks the same question and Suguru looks down at the table.
Satoru is not fine and Suguru is going to find out what’s going on the moment they get home because he just wants to help.
He wants Satoru to sleep well and he wants him to really smile at the people around them and not force himself to do that.
But it’ll have to wait until they are home.
Suguru waits until Satoru is flopped down on the couch, relaxed and apparently happy before he asks.
“Satoru, how are you doing?” he wants to know, keeping his voice low and soft in an attempt not to scare Satoru away, but of course he doesn’t miss the way Satoru tenses.
“I’m—” he starts to say and Suguru cuts him off before he can even finish that sentence.
“Don’t lie to me,” Suguru says, begs almost, and he reaches out to card his fingers through Satoru’s hair.
He stays tense, but he doesn’t move away and Suguru counts that as a win for himself.
“You’re not fine,” Suguru goes on and he pretends it doesn’t matter to him when Satoru glares at him.
“What the fuck do you want from me?” Satoru snaps out and Suguru reminds himself not to take it to heart, that Satoru isn’t angry with him. He’s just angry in general.
“Honesty,” Suguru simply gives back. “You don’t have to tell me what’s going on, if you don’t want, but don’t treat me like everyone else either. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk, you know it is, but—don’t lie to my face. I can see that you’re not fine.”
There’s a brief silence between them and Suguru is prepared to let it sit until Satoru goes and hides in his room, but to his surprise Satoru closes his eyes again, pushing a little bit into Suguru’s hand still in his hair.
“So what do you want me to say?” he asks, and he sounds lost in a way Suguru isn’t used to.
“The truth, preferably,” he honestly gives back, knowing that it’s a lot to ask for. “Not an explanation, just—if you’re not fine, then say that. I’m not going to push if you don’t want me to. I just—I just want to know how you’re really feeling. And if that is not well, I’d rather you just tell me that.”
Satoru hums, letting him know that he heard him, even as he continues to stay silent and Suguru resigns himself to being shut out for the reminder of the day, when Satoru turns his head towards him.
“I feel like shit,” Satoru rasps out and even though he can’t quite manage to meet Suguru’s eyes, he curls towards him.
“Thank you for being honest,” Suguru whispers and tugs gently on a strand of hair. “Now come here,” he cajoles him and moves around on the couch, dragging Satoru along with him until they are stretched out on it, Satoru’s head pillowed on his chest.
“You’re not going to ask?” Satoru wants to know after a long moment and Suguru sighs.
“Of course I want to know,” he honestly admits. “If only so I know what caused this so I can avoid it, so I can help. But I’m not going to push if you don’t want me to.”
“I trust you,” Satoru says as if that was ever in question and Suguru huffs.
“I know that, Satoru, this isn’t about that. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here, in this apartment with me. I know that trust has nothing to do with it. But trust and honesty are different. You can trust me and still lie to me, like you did.”
“It’s—a reflex,” Satoru admits and Suguru feared as much. “I’m not allowed to be a bother.”
There are several things on the tip of Suguru’s tongue but he bites them all back. Instead he starts drawing patterns on Satoru’s back as he gathers his thoughts.
“You’re not a bother,” he starts with because it’s important that he gets that out first. “You never could be, not to me.”
Satoru makes a sound as if he wants to scoff at what Suguru just said and Suguru pinches his side.
“Am I ever a bother to you?” he wants to know because for all that Satoru clearly has his issues, Suguru isn’t without fault either.
Their personalities clash, the way they live clash and just last week Suguru didn’t mange to get out of bed for almost three days, making Satoru look after him. Suguru’s depressive episodes might have gotten better over time and with the right treatment, but they still happen and Satoru still has to take the brunt of them.
“Never,” Satoru tells him just like Suguru expected and he allows himself a small smile.
“But you think it’s different when it comes to you,” he says, because he doesn’t need to ask about that. He knows how Satoru’s brain works most of the time.
“Of course it is.”
“Well, of course you’re wrong,” Suguru immediately shoots back. “Cause you’re never a bother to me either.”
“You were bothered today,” Satoru mutters. “You kept frowning and throwing glares at everyone.”
“I wasn’t bothered, I was worried,” Suguru corrects him. “Because you kept lying to everyone around you and hiding how you’re really doing. And I understand that need, especially with how many people you’re friendly with, but I don’t like it when you do the same to me.”
“I didn’t want you to ask questions,” Satoru admits and Suguru sighs.
“I’m not going to if you don’t want me to, I promise. Just—let me know when you’re not doing well. I can still help, right? Like this? This is good, isn’t it?” he asks, even though the way Satoru has gone boneless on top of him speaks for itself. “I can’t do this if you lie to my face about being okay.”
“I hate when you’re all logical,” Satoru grumbles, even as he pushes his face further into Suguru’s chest. “The stew you made two days ago,” he then suddenly says and Suguru frowns because he doesn’t understand what that has to do with anything.
“What about it?” he gently asks and feels Satoru freeze before he forces himself to relax again.
“It reminded me of home,” Satoru quietly says and Suguru immediately vows to never make it again.
He’s not going to apologise for making it, because he couldn’t have known and he knows it will only make Satoru feel worse so he simply nods.
“Okay. I won’t make it again. Thank you for telling me.”
“Now shut up, my pillow isn’t supposed to talk that much,” Satoru grumbles, clearly uncomfortable with the amount of vulnerability he just showed and Suguru buries his face in his hair.
“Sleep well,” he whispers, just moment before Satoru goes lax on top of him and for all that Satoru cares to grumble and hide things from him, he could never ever hide that he trusts Suguru, not when he does things like falling asleep on him like this.
Suguru knows that he is nowhere near to getting Satoru to spill his guts to him, to go into detail of what must have been a horrible home, and in all honesty, he doesn’t need that.
All he needs is Satoru to know that he’s safe, that he’s there for him and when soft snoring reaches his ear, Suguru knows that he manages to at least get that across.
35 notes · View notes
burning-thistles-bt · 4 months
i havent finished the sketch page yet but vbksdjfskjdfskjfs
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16 notes · View notes
sweetestofchaos · 2 years
TOTW Chapter 1
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paring: ot7 x oc!hybrid rating/genre/au: PG-16, Angst, Fluff, Parent AU, Hybrid AU, Non-Idol AU warnings: Mentions Of Death, Crying, Feelings Of Loss By A Child, Child Abandonment, Child Neglect (not graphic), Hybrid Trafficking, Alpaca!Seokjin, Pied-Bellied Shield Tail Snake!Yoongi, Human!Namjoon, Human!Hoseok, Human!Jimin, Human!Taehyung, Kangaroo!Jungkook, Quoll!OC wc: 7.2K
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“Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark.”― Pierce Brown
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a/n 1: Okay, it’s here...finally. It took me a while to figure out a few minor/major things, but now that I have them, this bad boy can start taking off. Thank you so much for reading and I hope that you enjoy Imani’s crazy journey with BTS as they learn each others heart. If you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know!
a/n 2: @quirkybtsarmy​ and @namjinsmoonchile​ are my wonderful betas for this chapter. Thanks for working with me!
taglist: @elliedearest​
series masterlist 🌻character profiles
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previous II next
The room is filled with soft murmurs and sniffles from humans and hybrids alike, as they stand in line to pay their respects. A man with dark brown hair stands silently off to the side farthest away from the casket holding onto a small hand. Beside him, a little girl, no older than four stands dressed in all black with tears rolling down her face. Two little black ears are folded downward towards her head, nearly hidden in the thick mass of curls while her spotted tail wraps around her calf limply.
Person after person pats the little girl’s head and offers words of comfort making more tears spill down the girl’s face. The man beside her sighs and crouches down to her level, “I know it hurts. I’m hurting too. We’re almost done, okay? Hold on just a little longer and then we can go home.” The little girl nods her head at the man’s words, and he pets her head, gently scratching around the base of her furry ears.
“Oh, Vincent!” A larger older woman throws herself at Vincent once he stands, nearly knocking him to the floor. “Lisa was such a good woman. I can’t believe she’s gone!” The woman wails and Imani whines softly in her throat at the woman’s words. She’s gone…mommy isn’t coming back.
“O-okay, Edith. It’s okay.” Vincent rubs the older woman’s back with a sigh. “We’ll get through this together.”
Edith pulls herself away from Vincent and wipes at her eyes, “I know you will dear. You’ve done such a fine job helping Lisa, raise her…daughter. I never would have pegged you as the family man.” Edith turns her eyes to Imani and frowns. “Raising a hybrid on your own, you are a Godsend!”
Vincent shakes his head, “I’m just happy that Lisa granted me custody of Imani before she-” Vincent clears his throat and places his arm around Imani’s shoulders, pulling her closer to his side. “I’m just happy Imani is finally mine.”
2 months later
Imani fights back tears as she sits in the large blue seat beside Vincent. There are a lot of voices and different smells that make Imani’s heightened senses react badly. She can’t stop sneezing and Vincent has already yelled at her about making a scene in public. A flight attendant walks down the aisle with a smile on her face as she checks on everyone before the flight starts. There are two orange triangles on the top of her head along with a bright orange tail with a white tip. She spots Imani and stops beside Vincent. 
“Sir, would you like a pair of noise canceling headphones for her? We spray scent blockers throughout the cabin right before takeoff, so the flight should be more bearable for her.”
Vincent stares up at the fox hybrid and frowns, “Is that extra?”
The smile on the woman’s face drops a little at the question, “No sir. The headphones are free.”
“Yeah, you can give her a pair.” 
The fox runs off to get Imani a pair of noise canceling headphones and she even grabs a fresh blanket that is still in its packaging. She remembers her first flight; it was terrifying, and she was much older than the little hybrid. She hopes that the blanket will help comfort the little girl. As the fox hybrid returns to Imani’s aisle, she notices that the man is not beside her. She offers the young girl a smile, “Do you know that man, sweetie?” The fox hybrid questions with a soft smile on her face and Imani nods her head.
“That’s Vincent, we’re going on a twip.”
The hybrid frowns at the news, but quickly slaps another smile onto her face, “That’s nice.” She holds out the headphones and blanket. “These headphones will help quiet everything down and this blanket is super soft. It’s perfect to sleep with or just hold.” Imani stares at the blanket and the woman laughs softly. “Would you like me to help you put the headphones on?” Imani nods her head, and the fox hybrid carefully sets the headphones on top of Imani’s head, making sure not to mash her ears down. 
“Better?” Imani gives a thumbs up and the hybrid’s smile widens. She notices Vincent coming back and sighs before she gives Imani the blanket. “Try to get some rest dear, okay?” Imani nods her head, and the fox hybrid leaves before Vincent can tell her to move out of his way.
Soon after Vincent sits down, the flight attendants spray the scent blocker as the plane starts to roll down the runway. Imani squeezes the blanket tightly in her hands as the plane lifts into the air and she whines low in her throat as the plane starts to shake. Ignoring the sounds that Imani makes, Vincent puts his own headphones in his ears and listens to music, closing his eyes and ignoring the world around him. Imani reaches out for Vincent’s hand and flinches when he pulls his hand away from her. 
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“Vegas baby!”
Jimin and Hoseok are screaming out the windows of their fancy rental car while Seokjin drives. Music blares from the speakers and Namjoon sighs, shaking his head at his mates.
“Get in the car, crazies!” Yoongi hisses and he quickly grabs the back of their shirts, pulling them into the car. “Do you want to get arrested?” 
“Hyung, they won’t arrest us for shouting,” Jimin laughs and Jungkook nods his head in agreement.
“It’s Vegas, Hyung. I’m sure they’ve seen a lot worse.”
Namjoon glances at the others in the rearview mirror from his seat beside Seokjin, “Does everyone remember the game plan for tonight?” 
“Ice cream!”
The three youngest in the group all shout over each other and Hoseok laughs. “Dinner, movie and then ice cream…maybe we can see the water show after if our baby mates aren’t too tuckered out.”
“Hey! I have more stamina than a horse!” Jungkook puffs out his chest proudly and Jimin is quick to cuddle into his side. 
“Yes, you do,” Jimin purrs and Jungkook’s whole face heats up making everyone laugh.
“Did you guys decide on a movie?” Seokjin prompts from the front seat and Taehyung nods his head.
“Where are we eating, Hyung?” Hoseok questions turning his eyes towards Namjoon who is scrolling through his phone.
“Made a reservation at Bazaar Meats, thinking we could have something fun.”
The ride to the hotel is filled with laughter and shouting as everyone talks over each other. Las Vegas, the city of sin, the first vacation that everyone is able to spend together in a very long time thanks to Jimin’s dance studio having to participate in a competition here. The dance competition is only four days long, but Jimin will stay behind with his mates for a total of six days and fly back to South Korea on the seventh day. Seokjin smiles as he stops at a red light and watches as people cross the street, men, women, and children of all ages just enjoying the nightlife.
Their plane landed an hour ago and it took a while to get everything together for the rental car, there was a screw up on the dealer's part. Now, once they get to the hotel, everyone will wash up and relax for an hour before they have to leave for Bazaar Meats. Seokjin is thinking that dinner will take at least two hours with a group as large as theirs and the movie will be at least an hour and a half; so, it will be a long night. Seokjin’s fluffy cream colored tail twitches in excitement and he finds himself smiling as the light turns green.
“What are you smiling about, Jinnie hyung?” Namjoon wonders and Seokjin’s furry ears twitch at the question.
“When was the last time we were all together like this, Joon? Huh?” Seokjin’s smile stretches farther onto his face. “This is just really nice, that’s all.”
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Imani’s heart is pounding in her chest harshly, her eyes darting around from side to side taking in all the unfamiliar scents that are surrounding her. She wants to leave. She wants to leave this unfamiliar place right now. Artificial light seeps into the slits of her carrier and Imani cries softly, her weak cp-cps filling the air as doors slam loudly in the distance. She can’t see much from inside her carrier, but she can smell Vincent, at least he is still with her. The sound of a door opening catches Imani’s attention and Vincent walks farther into the room before he shuts it behind him.
Everything is silent and Imani can only smell Vincent’s cologne. Imani’s cage is jostled as it’s set down and soon Imani is blinded by bright white lights as Vincent removes the top of her carrier. There is a camera sitting on a tripod and it’s pointed directly at Imani. Her ears press down flat against her head and her tail curls up tightly by her side as she stares at the camera. 
“Come on, get out.” Vincent is firm with his words and scruffs Imani by the back of her neck before he picks Imani up and sets her on the tabletop. “Walk in a circle.”
Imani whines, the fur on her little face wet with tears as she tries to backtrack into the carrier.
“Imani,” Vincent warns and Imani freezes. She doesn’t like it when Vincent uses that tone of voice, it’s not a nice voice. Trembling, Imani walks farther into the middle of the table, and she carefully walks in a large circle before he looks up at Vincent. There are three knocks at the door and Vincent grins before he pats the top of Imani’s head. “Good girl, Imani.” Vincent sets the top of the carrier down on the table and slides the small crossbody bag off his body, setting it beside the carrier as well.
“You are staying here now, okay? Listen to what you’re told and be a good girl.”
Imani cries and scurries to the edge of the table trying to latch onto Vincent’s arm but she’s not fast enough. Vincent is out of the room and Imani starts to chirp in distress, not liking being left alone. Hurrying into the carrier, Imani burrows under the blanket that is in there and curls into the smallest ball that she can. She cries and cries, wishing that Vincent would come back and take her home. She wants to go home!
The door to the room opens and the scent of amethyst and smoke fills the room. Footsteps get closer and closer to the table and Imani growls in warning. Leave. I’m scared. I’m scared. Leave.
“Hey…” The voice is clipped but friendly. “Do you want to shift? We can get ice cream…d-do you like ice cream?”
Imani’s eyes twitch at the mention of ice cream and she chirps softly. Someone laughs and the blanket covering Imani is removed. Imani blinks at the bright lights and she sees a woman staring at her with the cross bag in her hands.
“Come on, let's get some ice cream.”
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Standing in line at The Milk Bar, Jimin giggles as Taehyung’s hair tickles his chin as the taller mate kisses his exposed shoulder. Taehyung peppers closed mouth kisses to Jimin’s neck and shoulder while holding him gently in his arms. There are so many people around and Taehyung would hate to lose sight of Jimin in the crowd. Giggling, Jimin tries to push Taehyung’s head away from him and being unsuccessful, he huffs and crosses his arm over his chest. 
Deciding to try and focus on the menu, Jimin lifts his face, and his eyes meet a set of dark brown eyes. Jimin looks at the little girl standing in front of him, and she has to be the most adorable baby he has ever seen. Her hair is dark and curly, pulled into a large puff of hair; almost hiding the set of black furry ears on her head and she has a matching tail that is curled around her leg. Her outfit is cute too, a deep pink sweater that’s tucked into baggy jeans with white Nikes.
Jimin offers the child a smile and she is quick to duck around her guardian’s legs making Jimin frown. He hopes he didn’t scare the little girl. Before Jimin can dwell on the thought for long, the little girl pops her head back around the woman’s legs and Jimin grins. Oh. She wants to play with him! Wanting to indulge such a sweet child, Jimin lifts his hands to his face and covers his eyes. He pulls his hands away and the girl’s own tiny hands are covering her face. Jimin keeps his fingers in front of his mouth to muffle his laughter as the little girl pulls her hands away and her eyes widen when Jimin quickly covers his face back up.
“What are you doing, love?” Taehyung questions when he notices that Jimin is moving a lot in his arms.
“I’m playing peek-a-boo!” Jimin chuckles and Taehyung looks ahead to see the cutest little hybrid girl ever covering her face like Jimin with a smile on her face. “Do you want to play with us?” Jimin offers and Taehyung grins, nodding his head. Unwrapping his arms from around Jimin’s waist, Taehyung keeps his hands placed on Jimin’s hips and he ducks down behind Jimin’s shoulders.
Jimin’s whole body shakes as he laughs and when Taehyung pops back up to look over Jimin’s shoulder the little girl’s eyes are wide in delight at having two friends to play with. Taehyung notices that the girl’s tail is swaying lightly behind her and the ears on top of her head are pointed in their direction which makes Taehyung grin.
“Hello, baby!” Taehyung is unable to stop himself from talking to the little girl; noticing that the young woman she is with is paying the little girl no mind as she blabbers away on the phone.
“Helwo!” The little girl chirps and Taehyung is in love, what a sweet little voice.
Hearing the little girl’s voice, the woman stops talking on the phone and turns around with a glare on her face. She frowns at Jimin and Taehyung before she grabs hold of the little girl’s hand and pulls her to stand in front of her.
“What did I say, huh? Don’t talk to anyone.”
Taehyung frowns hearing that, and he notices that the little girl’s ears drop and her tail wraps tightly around her calf. Jimin laces his fingers with Taehyung’s and leans back into his chest, “It’s okay TaeTae. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Jimin knows that Taehyung’s feelings are hurt, and he frowns slightly seeing that the little girl is now upset as well. 
“Oh! It’s about to be our turn. Get the guys!” Jimin pushes Taehyung away from him and Taehyung walks over to the others that were sitting farther back to keep out of the way. Jimin watches Taehyung walk away and when he turns back around the little girl is no longer standing in front of him and Jimin sighs. Well at least he was able to brighten up her night a little bit.
The others come to Jimin’s side, and he smiles leaning into Yoongi’s side while everyone places their order. Yoongi hands Jimin his ice cream and Jungkook bounces on the ball of his feet, his long tan tail bobbing with his movement.
“Hyung! Hyung c-can we walk to the fountains? I wanna walk and eat my ice cream!” The tan ears on top of Jungkook’s head twitch as he waits for any of his older mates to answer him and Yoongi looks around at everyone before he raises an eyebrow at Seokjin. Seokjin’s ears twitch as a cool wind blows and he nods his head while licking at the ice cream on his spoon.
“Are you okay walking and eating Kookie?” Namjoon jokes and Jungkook’s nose scrunches up before he laughs at Namjoon who drops the spoon in his hand.
“Are you okay walking and eating, Hyung?” Jungkook teases and everyone laughs while Namjoon’s ears darken in embarrassment. 
Shaking his head, Seokjin grabs Namjoon another spoon before they all start to walk to the Bellagio Fountains which according to Hoseok’s phone is only twelve minutes away. Walking hand in hand with Seokjin, Yoongi keeps his eyes trained on the people around them. There is a nice mixture of humans and hybrids walking around, a few people gawk at Jungkook because of his tail. A Kangaroo hybrid is extremely rare. There are only fifteen of them in the world currently, Jungkook’s family making up four of them. They weren’t always rare but before the hybrid care act was passed, most of them were bred for the fighting rings and either died in the ring or had to be put down for being feral. 
Reaching the fountains, Yoongi and Jimin snap photos as Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok pose in front of the water. Namjoon and Seokjin pose together and Yoongi smiles, he’s glad that he took off work to come to Las Vegas. Looking up from his phone, Yoongi notices Taehyung is looking off in the distance and before he can say anything, Taehyung is pulling Jimin by the wrist away from the fountains. Maybe he just had to use the restroom.
“T-Tae what are you doing?” Jimin whines, his heeled boots clicking loudly on the pavement as he tries to keep up with Taehyung’s wide strides. “Tae?” Jimin tries to pull his hand free from Taehyung’s grasps but it’s no use.
“Jimin, look. I-isn’t that the little girl from before?” Taehyung turns Jimin’s attention to a small hybrid girl dressed in the same pink sweater and baggy jeans, the only difference in her appearance is that there is no smile on her face, and she looks close to tears. Also, the woman from before is nowhere to be found, a large man twice the size of Namjoon and Jungkook combined is standing with the girl. He has no hair and there is a large spider web tattoo on the back of his neck.
“Tae…” Jimin squeezes Taehyung’s hand feeling his heart throb painfully at the sight of the little hybrid.
“Get Yoongi Hyung, quick!” Taehyung lets go of Jimin’s hand and Jimin hesitates.
“W-what are you gonna do?” Jimin worries and Taehyung offers him that wide smile. “Tae-”
“Go, we have to make sure she’s okay.”
Jimin nods his head and hurries off towards his mates, praying that nothing bad is happening to that sweet child. Taehyung straightens his tie and runs a hand through his hair, pushing it from his forehead briefly before he squares his shoulders and walks over towards the larger man. He notices that the man is on the phone and Taehyung easily stands in the man’s blind spot. The little girl looks at him and he smiles softly at her. 
Tears start to fall from her eyes and Taehyung gulps; clearly something is wrong here. Taehyung tries to get a good look at the man and his blood runs cold when he overhears the man mention the HBM, the hybrid black market. Taehyung tries to remember what he’s heard about the HBM from the news and there should be some kind of mark on the man signaling that he’s a part of the group.
In the distance, Taehyung can see his mates coming his way and he makes the split decision to save the little girl. Taking a deep breath, Taehyung waves the little girl over with a tight smile and she runs into his arms crying. Her cries draw the man’s attention to Taehyung and Taehyung quickly scoops the little girl up in his arms.
“Hey!” The man snaps and the girl starts to wail loudly drawing even more eyes onto the three of them.
“What’s going on?”
“What’s wrong?”
Yoongi easily puts himself between Taehyung and the man while Seokjin wraps his arms around Taehyung trying to help soothe the little girl. Jungkook and Namjoon stand on either side of Yoongi glaring at the man while a crowd starts to form.
“Give me my kid back.” The man demands and Jimin speaks up with a shake of his head.
“She’s not yours! You stole her!”
Shocked gasps ring out and people are starting to record the whole thing while others call the police.
“W-What?” The man is shaking, his eyes wide with rage as he tries to reach past the guys. Yoongi hisses and the man flinches away staring at Yoongi confused. “Y-You’re a hybrid?”
“I can smell them on you,” Yoongi growls, keeping his words vague, and the man is starting to sweat. This wasn’t part of the plan…damnit!
Sirens go off and the man curses before he makes a break for it. Jungkook and Yoongi take off after him along with three officers. People are shouting for the man to stop, and two other officers walk over to the rest of the group.
“Can someone explain what’s going on?”
“Is anyone hurt?”
Namjoon steps towards the offers and scratches the back of his neck, “We think the man that ran away is part of the HBM.” Namjoon motions to the little girl in Taehyung’s arms who is still crying. “We don’t know where she was taken from…but we saw her about fifteen minutes ago with someone else.”
Taehyung hands the girl to Seokjin and Seokjin coos as her little hands grab fist fulls of his fluffy cardigan. Seokjin rubs his chin lightly against her head, scenting the little girl quietly as he starts to rock her in his arms. Taehyung stands beside Namjoon and explains everything he saw and heard to the cops. By the end of his explanation, the cops are shaking his hand.
“Would you all mind coming down to the station? We need to handle this in a timely manner so that these sickos don’t get away.”
“Yeah, we can do that…” Namjoon looks at Seokjin who is still holding the little girl in his arms, sound asleep it seems while he rubs her back. The girl’s tail is loosely wrapped around Seokjin’s wrist and it’s getting more and more limp. “What about the girl?” Namjoon questions and the cops look at the two hybrids.
“Is he an omega by chance?” 
“Yes, he’s the pack omega.” Namjoon answers and the cops nod their heads.
“It’s not protocol, but would he mind riding with us? One of you can come along too.”
“I’ll go!” Taehyung volunteers and Namjoon levels him with a good look before he nods his head.
“Stay with Hyung, we’ll be right behind you, guys.” Namjoon kisses Taehyung’s temple and hugs him tightly. Jimin and Hoseok kiss Seokjin’s lips before they turn their attention to Taehyung and kiss him as well. Namjoon cups Seokjin’s cheek and smiles, “Be safe.”
The officer's walkie talkies go off and everyone listens as they are informed that the man from earlier has been caught thanks to the Kangaroo hybrid, but he’s been hurt.
“What?!” Seokjin’s face goes pale and Jimin is quick to help support the little girl in Seokjin’s arms. “My…my Kookie is hurt?”
“Hey, Jin…” Namjoon shakes his head. “Focus, okay? Yoongi Hyung is with him, he’s okay. I’ll stay behind here and wait for the others. Hoseok, head to the station with everyone else. I’ll give you a call the moment I get word of Kook’s condition.”
“I can do that. Jimin, what are you gonna do?” Hoseok questions and Jimin chews on his bottom lip. He wants to check on Jungkook, but he can’t leave Taehyung or the little girl.
“I-I’ll go with them,” Jimin reaches for Taehyung’s hand and the two lace their fingers together. “But Joon, shouldn’t you come with us? You’re better at English than the rest of us.” Jimin points out and Hoseok has to agree. He can understand a lot, but he knows he would struggle to answer some questions that the cops might ask.
“Shit, right…Um Hobi do you mind staying behind?”
“I’ll keep you posted,” Hoseok reassures everyone as Namjoon digs in Seokjin’s pocket and tosses the keys to Hoseok. Hoseok watches everyone else follow behind the cops to their cruiser. Seokjin and Taehyung sit in the back with the little girl while Namjoon sits in the front seat of the other cruiser with Jimin in the back seat. Hoseok sighs and runs a hand through his hair. So much for a relaxing vacation.
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Seokjin is a blubbering mess as he listens to the loud chirps and cries of distress from the little girl in the room down the hall. Since none of the guys are family members, the doctors on staff made them leave and the little girl has been calling for help ever since. It’s breaking Seokjin’s heart, his natural animal instincts going crazy as the others hold him back from breaking down the door. Seokjin is crying in Taehyung’s arms while Namjoon and Jimin are explaining everything to the cops. Hoseok is keeping his eyes on Seokjin while Yoongi is watching over Jungkook as a doctor patches up a few cuts on his face. Jungkook was able to catch up to the man and they got into a fight, Jungkook being a Kangaroo gave him a huge advantage, but Yoongi thinks it’s because Jungkook is a personal trainer more than anything.
“Aren’t they done yet?” Seokjin snaps trying to get out of Taehyung’s arms.
“Hyung,” Hoseok warns softly and Seokjin glares at him.
“She’s scared!” Seokjin growls and Yoongi hisses under his breath. Seeing his pack omega so upset makes his alpha uneasy plus he can smell mildew and rancid water seeping from the door that the hybrid girl is in. She isn’t scared, she’s absolutely terrified. The cries stop suddenly and Seokjin jumps to his feet, pushing Taehyung away from him. Yoongi goes to his side and grabs Seokjin’s wrist, pushing his own fresh dried laundry scent out to help soothe the older omega. Seokjin’s eyes narrow as he walks closer to the door, his calming lavender and vanilla scent burnt and bitter.
The door opens and two doctors step out, their faces drawn into a neutral mask of indifference as they spot Seokjin and Yoongi. The one doctor is a calico cat hybrid, and she can smell the unpleasantness of Seokjin’s displeasure.
“She shifted the moment she woke up, so we weren’t able to check her human form very well. She’s sleeping for now. We chose to sedate her so that she wouldn’t hurt herself in her panic.” The doctor keeps her eyes locked with Seokjin as she speaks. “She’s malnourished, but thankfully there are no other signs of physical abuse.”
Seokjin lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and Yoongi squeezes his hand tightly, “What’s her story?” Yoongi questions slowly, doing his best to make sure the doctors understand his English. He may not know the little girl but she’s just a child and he will do anything to help make sure she’s safe.
The hybrid doctor smiles softly realizing that they must not be from the States. She speaks slowly, “We can’t say for sure. Not until her blood results come back from the lab…but I would say a female Quoll between the age of three and five based on her size.”
“What happens to her now?” Seokjin mumbles, feeling a headache starting to form from all the adrenaline rushing through his body starting to fade.
“That’s up to the cops. Most children her age that are part of the HBM are usually bred for it or sold into it. That bunch knows better than to kidnap anyone nowadays. The laws supporting hybrids have made sure of that.”
Seokjin frowns at that news. He would much rather the young girl have been stolen from a loving home than to have been sold to the black market. Yoongi bows to the doctors and Seokjin follows along making the doctors both stare at them with wide eyes.
“Thank you, doctor.” Yoongi stands and pulls Seokjin back to the group, seeing that Namjoon and Jimin have joined them again.
“What did the doctors say?” Taehyung asks, his dark eyes swimming with a million questions.
Seokjin slumps down into his seat beside Taehyung and Yoongi sighs, “She is a rare breed. A Quoll and they aren’t sure of her age because she’s malnourished. They think she might be three or five.”
“Oh, pup…” Jungkook whispers, his bottom lip quivering as he thinks of all the horrors that little girl must have faced all on her own.
Namjoon clears his throat, gaining everyone’s attention, “The cops said that she was sold to an orphanage that has ties to the HBM. They are going to investigate her family to see what happened.”
“What happens if she has no one?” Jimin worries and everyone stares at each other.
“Pack Alpha…” Taehyung stares at Yoongi with wet eyes and Seokjin joins him followed closely behind by Jimin and Jungkook.
Yoongi narrows his slitted eyes and Namjoon sighs while Hoseok chuckles. “Fine…let’s put it to a vote.”
Taehyung, Seokjin, Jimin and Jungkook’s hands all shoot up while Hoseok raises his hand with a shake of his head. Namjoon looks at his mates and thinks over everything that would change if they were to adopt a hybrid child. It’s always been something that they’ve all talked about, Seokjin is the only one that can carry a child but none of them are the same breed, so it doesn’t matter…plus the success rate of a hybrid and human couple having a child is less than forty percent. 
None of them want to put Seokjin through that kind of emotional trauma. Namjoon thinks of the guest room on the nesting floor and what it would be like to hear a child’s laughter fill their home. Namjoon smiles fondly and raises his hand. Yoongi nods his head and licks his lips, his forked tongue tasting the hope in the air.
“Joon, go talk to the cops, let them know we would like to start the adoption process right away if we can.”
“Really?” Taehyung’s voice is filled with tears and Seokjin starts crying again while Jimin and Jungkook tear up. Hobi grins as he holds Jungkook and Yoongi nods his head, smiling at his pack.
“We have the room and we’ve all talked about adopting before…now seems like a good time, right?”
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Namjoon and Jimin stay in Las Vegas while the rest of the pact head back to South Korea. Everyone was on edge about leaving but Seokjin thought it best to get a head start on child proofing. Jimin wanted to help too but he still has to take care of his dancers and finish the competition. Namjoon makes sure to keep the guys updated with any new information and so far, he has learned a lot about the little hybrid, Imani. The child has had a rough few months from what the police have told Namjoon. 
Her father died two years after she was born, and her mother was killed in a hit and run two months ago. Imani’s godfather was found to have signed over his right to Imani and sold her to the orphanage for a large sum of money. Vincent Ortiz is currently on the run with his face on the news, often. Namjoon knows that there is an extremely slim chance that he will ever meet the man, but if he ever does…he might just kill him.
Imani Kim is a four year old Quoll that is biracial. Her mother was an African American woman named Lisa Jackson, and her father was a Korean American hybrid man named Heechul Kim. The police searched around Imani’s old neighborhood and found bits and pieces from the ajumma next door, about Imani’s life with her mother. Imani knows a little Korean, mostly the basic words and a handful of simple phrases. Namjoon thinks it’s nice that Lisa was so determined to keep Imani’s father’s culture alive. Not that Namjoon has heard Imani speak at all, the poor girl refuses to shift into her human form.
Now, Namjoon is sitting down with a child social services case worker to determine if Namjoon and his pack would be suitable parents for Imani. The case worker is an older man in his late sixties that reminds Namjoon of the old man that played with puppets, Mister Roger but with a thick gray goatee and handlebar mustache. The man’s name is Nathaniel, and he goes by Mister Fentin. Mister Fentin is an omega Dunnart hybrid which puts Namjoon at ease since the older man is also in the Dasyuromorphia family like Imani.
“Mister Kim?”
Namjoon is pulled from his thoughts at the sound of Mister Fentin’s voice, and the older man smiles kindly, wrinkles crinkling in the corners of his golden-brown eyes.
“Mister Kim…would you like to see Imani today? All the paperwork has been filled out on your part. This interview is just about over unless you have any more questions for me?”
Namjoon glances at the glass window beside him where Imani is currently climbing up a rope to reach a fake tree branch. Since she refuses to shift, the staff in the current orphanage have kept Imani in the hybrid enclosure to keep her safe and content.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” Namjoon finds himself wondering out loud and Mister Fentin offers Namjoon a soft smile.
“Imani has been through a lot. She is dealing with a lot of stress which is why she won’t shift, I believe. Her animal counterpart is protecting her the best way it knows how.” Mister Fentin starts to tidy up the papers on the table and stands to his feet once everything is put away neatly in a binder. “In her current state of mind, this is the best way to introduce you. Did you bring the article of clothing that I told you about?”
“Yes.” Namjoon is glad that Seokjin was smart enough to leave him with the cardigan from the night they meant Imani.
“Good. From what I’ve read, I think having the scent of your partner will help smooth things along. Imani felt safe with the omega…alpaca?”
“Yes, Seokjin is an alpaca. He’s the pack omega.”
“Wonderful! I would also like to confirm something with your pack omega’s scent as well.” Mister Fentin explains vaguely and Namjoon nods his head. “Come now Mister Kim, I’m sure Imani will like you just fine.”
Namjoon follows Mister Fentin out into the hallway, and they stand in front of the door leading into the hybrid playroom. Mister Fentin places his hand on the doorknob and looks at Namjoon over his shoulder, “Slowly count to thirty and then come inside the room. Have that article of clothing ready in your hands.” Mister Fentin opens the door wide enough to slip inside and the moment the door shuts, Namjoon starts to count to thirty.
Namjoon’s hands feel sweaty, the dampness seeping into the cardigan that Seokjin left behind and Namjoon worries that his scent will overpower the alpaca’s. What if Imani wants nothing to do with Namjoon? What if she only wants Seokjin? Namjoon frowns at the thought, sure he can fully understand why that could be the case, but he hopes that Imani will give him a chance. Done with counting to thirty, Namjoon takes a deep breath to try and slow his rapidly beating heart. He reaches for the door handle and twists his wrist, slowly opening the door. Stepping inside the room, Namjoon shuts the door behind him, and he sees Mister Fentin sitting in a chair beside the door with an easy smile on his face.
Namjoon lets his eyes sweep the room and he can’t find Imani at all. Namjoon glances at Mister Fentin and the older man chuckles seeing the confused twist to Namjoon’s brows. He offers no advice as he stares at Namjoon and Namjoon licks his lips. Okay. It’s okay, he can do this. Namjoon wracked his brain trying to remember what he did the first time Yoongi ever shifted and he shakes his head. No. No, that won’t work. The first time Yoongi ever shifted, Namjoon damn near had a heart attack at the sight of the black snake hanging from one of his plants. What would Seokjin do? Namjoon looks down at the cardigan in his hand and bites the inside of his cheek. Nesting! That’s what omegas do and it’s a comfort to everyone.
Namjoon walks into the middle of the room and kneels on the floor, taking extra care not to drop Seokjin’s yellow cardigan as he removes his own tan one. Carefully, Namjoon tries to mimic the nest that Seokjin has made a million times in his bed. It’s hard to do with only two things, so Namjoon looks around and finds four pillows of different sizes that he incorporates into the nest too. It’s not the best-looking nest, Namjoon doesn’t have to be a hybrid to know that. 
From somewhere in the room a soft clucking is heard before Namjoon notices a small set of black ears peeking out from a boxed perch on the wall. Slowly, Imani lifts her head and stares at Namjoon on the floor below. She sniffs the air again to make sure her nose isn’t mistaking. The scent of lavender and vanilla, it isn’t as strong as she remembers, but it’s in the room.
Again, Imani starts to cluck, calling for the owner of the lovely scent. She stares at Namjoon, taking him in fully. There aren’t any ears on top of his head, just a mop of perfectly brushed slate blue hair and there is no tail in sight either. Imani cries, hiding back inside the perch and Mister Fentin watches as Namjoon scratches the back of his head.
“Why don’t you try talking to her, Mister Kim? Maybe a song? Her m-o-t-h-e-r was a singer after all.”
“She was?” Namjoon is surprised by that bit of information. He’s never heard of Lisa Jackson, at least he doesn’t think he has.
“Oh yes. Missus Lisa was a well-known Broadway singer on the east coast.”
Namjoon tucks that nugget of knowledge in the back of his mind for later. He glances up at where Imani is hidden and decides that a song couldn’t hurt. Clearing his throat, Namjoon sighs, “Imani? My name is Namjoon…I’m a friend of Jin. He’s the man that was wearing the yellow cardigan. He gave me this because he thought you might like it.” Namjoon can see movement from inside the perch, but he stares straight ahead at the wall. “Mister Fentin tells me that you like singing. Can I sing a song for you? My voice isn’t the best but it’s always fun to sing, right?”
Mister Fentin smiles at Namjoon’s words and writes a few notes inside his binder. Namjoon thinks of a song that Imani might know and one comes right to mind. The theme for the dance competition that Jimin’s currently a part of is broadways and one of the songs is from The Greatest Showman. Namjoon sighs and starts singing, trying his best not to care that he’s singing in front of Mister Fentin too.
Some people long for a life that is simple and planned
Tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written
But I'd follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own
Imani’s ears twitch as Namjoon sings. His voice is rough, he must not sing very often but it’s not something Imani dislikes. His voice is low, but Imani’s ears are stronger than a human's. She can hear Namjoon clearly. Pulling herself up on the ledge of the perch, Imani stares at Namjoon and listens to him sing. Her nose wiggles as she sniffs the air again, breathing in the scent of lavender and vanilla, it calls to her. Imani chirps before she walks across the little wooden bridge to the next perch, taking her time to paddle down, lower, and lower towards the floor. On the last perch, Imani jumps off and lands on the padded mat that is supposed to resemble grass.
Hand in my hand
And we promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope
Never sure, never know how far we could fall
But it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope
Namjoon’s heart is pounding in his chest with each step that Imani takes closer and closer to him. She’s so small, probably only six inches in length at most, not even large enough to cover his forearm. He’s pretty sure that Imani will fit in the palm of his hand, no problem. The blood rushing behind Namjoon’s ears is so loud, loud enough to muffle his own voice…is he singing too loudly? Imani stops at the edge of the makeshift nest and the scent is so much stronger here. Imani noses at the nest and whines as one of the pillows falls. Namjoon slowly reaches out and picks Imani up, she weighs nothing to him, and sets her in the middle of the nest, quickly fixing the knocked over pillow.
Imani walks around in a circle five times before she settles down in the nest, against the wall closest to Namjoon. She rests her head on the edge of the nest, her snout tucked tightly against Seokjin’s cardigan as she stares up at Namjoon. Namjoon’s voice wavers as he stares down at Imani, how can she be so small? Namjoon knows from research that Imani will get a little bigger. If anything, she’ll grow at least another foot or so at the most. Imani huffs out a breath and a large smile pulls at Namjoon’s lips, his dimples sinking into his cheeks as he stares at Imani fondly.
“Would you like for me to keep singing?” Namjoon questions softly and Imani barks lightly, shuffling closer to Namjoon, her nose almost touching his knee though Seokjin’s cardigan. “Okay…I’ll keep going.” Namjoon continues to sing ‘Tightrope’ and Imani finds herself drawn more and more to him. She crawls out of the nest and climbs onto Namjoon’s right thigh, chirping lightly when Namjoon starts to scratch behind her ears. She hums low in the back of her throat and closes her eyes; the sound is close to a purr but not as smooth. Namjoon’s smile softens as Imani presses her snout into the fold of his shirt that touches his waist, and he can feel the warm puffs of her breath as she breathes in his scent. Imani settles more in Namjoon’s lap, he smells like ocean rain, one of the purest scents that Imani can remember smelling.
Against the wall Mister Fentin scribbles away in his binder with a knowing smile on his face. What a wonderful thing it is to witness the effects of a parental imprint in person.
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nicascurls · 1 year
Chucky BTS Photos I love Part 13/?
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@streets-in-paradise @losersclubisms
This is literally the kids waiting for the adults so they can start the movie during Final Family AU movie nights.
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lokisasylum · 2 years
The most beautiful artworks/fanarts being done on the daily… for the most toxic of fanfics🚩🚩🚩🚩
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jemshopes · 2 years
You Make Me Feel Safe
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--sope / yoonseok 
--canon universe, hurt/comfort, angst, self acceptance, secret relationship, slowish burn, mild sexual content
--discussion of sa, panic attacks, past child abuse (unrelated to sa), ptsd, implied/referenced homophobia
* * * 
“I like you. I r-read them because I like you.”
When some of the other members discover the fanfiction people write about BTS, it starts a chain of events that leads to Yoongi and Hoseok trying to work out how to transition from co-workers and best friends to romantic partners--a relationship that Hoseok is desperate to keep secret even from the other members, and one that ultimately will force him to deal with certain parts of his past that have made him the mess he is today.
Follow me on twitter.
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inkyu · 6 months
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I finished this doodle a long time ago but forgot to upload it SJDGJHDFGHJB
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allpiesforourown · 9 days
I know I've posted bingqiu actors au before but I'm having thoughts for another one..
Shen Yuan only occasionally acts in things he's interested in.. he'll be like "oh I like this book, they better not butcher it!" and then because his family is rich, he'll get a role. People who have never worked with him before hate him at first bc he's a nepotism baby, but then they see his passion and acting skills and go "Oh nvm, he's actually really good... he didn't have to audition like everyone else because he has connections, but if he had auditioned, we would have picked him regardless."
Then there's young binghe playing a minor character.. he's not an actor, nor does he want to be, but child labour laws say he can't get a regular job and he wants to help provide for his mom.. a 14 year old can't work at a fast food place, but movies do need real children to act in them, so that was the only option he had
Shen Yuan is 19 at this point and binghe ADORES him. He brings him food he made at home and shyly waits with bated breath for Yuan gege to say it's good. Shen Yuan helps him with his homework when neither of them are in a scene, and whenever binghe acts really well and the director praises him, he ignores everyone to run to shen yuan and ask if he did well.
When production nears its end binghe says he wants to keep working with Yuan ge!! Shen Yuan isn't working on any other projects though, and the ones he is working on won't hire Binghe.
Everyone is impressed enough with Binghe to help him stay in the industry though, and get him another minor role, then another, then a somewhat important role, then a co-lead... by the time he's in his early twenties, binghe is a household name, and shen yuan is "that actor most people will recognize but don't remember from where."
By the time they finally work together again it's like
Binghe: Yuan gege!!!! I'm so excited to work with you again!!!!
Shen Yuan: haha you remember me! I'm happy :)
Binghe, who borderline stalks shen yuan: haha yes of course I remember gege :))
Shen yuan still gives him head pats like when binghe was a kid and binghe still clings to him. One time shen Yuan gently pushes Binghe away after a tight hug that's gone on too long and says "okay okay that's enough" and binghe looks CRUSHED so shen yuan feels like the devil and pulls him back into a hug immediately
The movie comes out and it's very well received. Binghes acting was the best it's ever been (since he wanted to show off in front of Yuan gege) so people are very interested in seeing the behind the scenes footage
When it comes out people see binghe being OBSESSED with shen yuan. Whenever the two of them are in the same frame, binghe is looking at shen yuan with the softest most loving expression while shen yuan is yelling at the script writer about fan service. There's about 10 moments when Binghe comes up from behind and grabs shen yuans waist and sets his head down on shen yuans shoulder. When people see binghe saying "gege open wide, I made this just for you!" And hand feeding shen yuan they're like okay yeah there's no denying it anymore.
Then they find out this isn't their first time working together and find old bts footage of when binghe was 14 and following shen yuan around like a puppy with hearts in his eyes and they go holy fuck he's been obsessed with shen yuan for YEARS
The cast all go to an interview
Interviewer: people were surprised to see how close you two are!
Shen Yuan: well it's not our first time working together :)
Binghe: I've been waiting to work with Yuan ge again for all this time :D
Interviewer: aww! Now about rumors saying Luo Binghe is in love with shen Yuan...
Shen Yuan: obviously they're-
Binghe: true
Interviewer: ..... oh my
Shen Yuan: um...?
Binghe: Yuan ge is very well aware of my feelings, I was very obvious
*camera pans over to shen yuan where his face is red and his mouth is wide open in shock*
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 months
June of (minimal) Doom 2024 Day 28 - Say something
Suguru and his family knew that something wasn’t right at Satoru’s home. He never came to their place bruised and bloodied or sporting any other kind of injury which would have given them something concrete to work with but they knew anyway.
It was in the way Satoru practically fled to Suguru household, how he kept himself small and silent in front of the adults, how he didn’t dare to take up any space at all.
Suguru knew that his parents wanted to sit him down and talk about it, but they all agreed that it would only serve to push Satoru away, make him think he couldn’t come back here anymore and no one wanted that.
So they simply offered him shelter; they gave him a key and they told him that he was always welcome no matter when and then hoped for the best.
Suguru had tried to push a little bit more, felt secure enough in their friendship to think that he could dare to, but even he didn’t get an answer from him.
Satoru refuses to speak about what is going on in his home, but he never stops coming around to Suguru’s house.
He is there right now, too, curled up in Suguru’s bed, just a tiny lump under the blanket, which is kind of impressive given how lanky he is and Suguru looks at him with a sigh.
Suguru himself just came home from his part-time job and since his parents are out he has no clue how long Satoru has been here or for how long he’s been asleep.
It wouldn’t do to wake him though, no matter how ruined his rhythm would get because Satoru barely gets enough sleep as it is, with all the nightmares plaguing him, so Suguru leaves him right where he is, instead getting himself ready for bed, too.
By the time he showered and had dinner, Satoru is still asleep in his bed and so Suguru simply slides in behind him, pulling Satoru towards his chest.
He was hesitant to do this the first few times Satoru showed up like this, scared that Satoru would be confused and afraid should he wake up, but Satoru never gave any indication of that and the one time Suguru outright asked Satoru scoffed at him and then told him to better not stop.
Suguru never brought it up again.
Satoru doesn’t so much as stir as Suguru rearranges them now and soon enough Satoru’s soft breathing lulls Suguru to sleep better than any sleeping aid could.
He wakes up a few hours later with a shaking Satoru in his arms, and that, too, isn’t all that unusual.
“You’re safe here,” Suguru says, loosening his grip on Satoru but not scooting away. If Satoru wants space he will move and until then Suguru will stay right where he is. “It’s me, Satoru, you’re all good. It was just a dream.”
Satoru’s breath comes out wet and shuddering and Suguru aches to make it all better for him, but this is the best he can do.
“I know,” Satoru rasps out after almost five minutes and turns around in Suguru’s arms, snuggling close and hiding his face in the crook of Suguru’s neck. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Suguru says with a small smile and slides his hands over Satoru’s back. “You want to drink something?” he asks once the shuddering stops and feels Satoru shake his head. “Eat then? There’s leftovers.”
“Not now,” Satoru offers and Suguru nods.
“’kay. Entertainment or sleep?” he then wants to know and it takes a minute for Satoru to decide.
“Sleep,” he whispers and Suguru presses a kiss to the top of his head.
“Alright. Night then,” he tells him, not asking any more questions but he can tell that Satoru isn’t quite ready to fall back asleep yet because he stays tense in his arms. “What is it?” Suguru asks when it doesn’t change for a few minutes and Satoru huffs out a frustrated breath.
“Why are you so—” he cuts himself off and Suguru would think he’s truly angry with him, but instead of moving away Satoru presses closer so he’s probably just confused.
Satoru often doesn’t understand why Suguru is kind to him and understanding and doesn’t get mad no matter how unreasonably he might act and no amount of explaining is ever going to make Satoru understand, Suguru knows that.
“I’m here for you,” Suguru simply says, because what else is there to say, really?
No matter what Satoru needs, Suguru will always be right there for him. If he had chosen entertainment for the night then Suguru would have happily stayed up with him, played games or watched movies; everything to put Satoru at ease.
They don’t talk about it much but he knows that Satoru would do the same; has, even, in the past, when Suguru was plagued by his own nightmares.
“I don’t deserve you,” Satoru mutters into Suguru’s skin and Suguru squeezes him tightly.
“You deserve everything,” he gives back, because Satoru does and Suguru will tell him as often as he needs to hear it. “And if you need me to stay up with you at night, then that’s easy to do. Just as holding you or giving you space or simply being in a room with you. You know that, I said it before.”
“Didn’t make any more sense then, either,” Satoru grumbles but he presses that bit closer and Suguru knows he’s not mad.
“That’s okay,” Suguru whispers into the dark. “Go back to sleep now.”
“You, too,” Satoru shoots back and Suguru bites his tongue.
His immediate response would have been to ask who Satoru thinks was the reason he’s awake right now, but with the state Satoru is in he wouldn’t understand the teasing and instead only felt guilty, which was something Suguru wanted to avoid at any cost.
So all he did was mutter out a quiet “Sure,” falling asleep just like that, Satoru’s breath a reassuring reminder that he was safe and sound in his arms.
Suguru really never minded when Satoru spent the night even though he desperately wished he didn’t need to.
Suguru knows that something is wrong when his mother hurries towards him as soon as he’s through the door.
Dread pools in Suguru’s gut because the look on her face is close to panicked and Suguru didn’t see his dad’s car around.
“Where’s dad?” Suguru breathes out, almost too scared to ask but his mother immediately shakes her head.
“I sent him to get more groceries. Satoru is here.”
It wasn’t unusual for him to be here way before Suguru was—that was what he had a key for—but the worry on his mother’s face makes Suguru uneasy.
“Okay?” he prompts and she wrings her hands in front of her chest.
“He’s been here for almost two hours but he hasn’t said a single word. He sat down in a kitchen chair and hasn’t moved since. He might be disassociating and I don’t know what to do. I can’t reach him like you do.”
“Alright,” Suguru softly says, squeezing her arm.
He knows it’s hard for her to see Satoru like this because she loves him like a son and it’s hard for her that she can’t do anything to help him.
Just like his mother said Satoru is sitting at the kitchen table, a faraway look on his face and he doesn’t visibly react when Suguru steps into the room.
“Satoru?” he softly calls out and at least that makes Satoru blink, so he must be aware of at least some things.
“Hey, hi,” Suguru greets him with a careful pat to the head before he reaches out for Satoru’s wrist. “Why don’t we go to my room for now, let mom cook, huh?” he asks and Satoru moves.
He gets up and easily follows Suguru out of the room when he leads the way, but he doesn’t actively react and Suguru’s mom is right.
This is worrying.
Suguru sits him down on his bed once they are in his room and he doesn’t let go of Satoru’s wrist. Sometimes Satoru just needs to feel that someone is there and Suguru is more than willing to try that now.
He fills the silence with is own voice, talking about the day and then when that doesn’t get Satoru to respond he just keep some chatter up, talking about inane things like the weather. He would feel stupid but he can practically watch how awareness comes back to Satoru, so he would do it a hundred times over.
When Satoru blinks and finally locks eyes with him, Suguru smiles.
“Hi, there,” he greets him but Satoru only continues to blink at him. “Say something?” Suguru gently prompts him after a minute and Satoru opens and closes his mouth several times before he finally speaks.
“I moved out.”
It steals the breath from Suguru but that only lasts for a second before he gives Satoru a blinding smile.
“That’s great! Are you going to move in here for now?” he wants to know, because they are all prepared for that.
“No. I prepared. I have an apartment,” Satoru says and makes Suguru wonder just how long this has been in the works. “I just—” he trails off, clearly unsure what to say but Suguru nods.
“You just needed somewhere safe first. Mom’s going to make your favourite tonight.”
Satoru still seems to have trouble with talking by himself, but he responded to questions so Suguru tries to keep it up.
“How ready is the apartment?”
“It came furnished.”
That’s good, less work for them, Suguru thinks, and it means they can move in faster.
“Does anyone know?” he asks next, unwilling to even mention Satoru’s family, even though they both know who he is talking about.
“You. Your parents soon,” Satoru guesses and Suguru smirks.
“True. When are we moving in?” he wants to know and now that seems to confuse Satoru.
“We? It’s—I’m moving,” he gets out, but Suguru doesn’t even mind because Satoru gets more animated by the second which means he’s feeling better.
“Don’t be stupid,” Suguru softly chides him. “As if I’d leave you on your own. I’ve been ready to move for ages now,” he admits and Satoru huffs out a breath.
“It only has one bedroom,” he argues as if that could stop Suguru, though it does make him frown.
“Ouch, Satoru, did you really not think to plan for me?” he asks because he can’t help it. To him it was always clear they’d move in with each other as soon as Satoru found the strength to move out of his family home and to think that Satoru doesn’t even want him there almost makes Suguru doubt everything.
“I didn’t want to inconvenience you,” Satoru admits and immediately Suguru breathes easier.
This is more like what he expected.
“Yeah, well, my parents expect me to move in with you when they hear you have an apartment so it’d really be more inconvenient for me if I wasn’t allowed to do that,” Suguru tells him with a smile but Satoru shakes his head again.
“It’s just one bedroom,” he repeats as if that would change anything.
“Satoru,” Suguru softly says and reaches out to cup Satoru’s cheek in his hand. “We sleep together every night you are here. You think that’s going to change any time soon?”
“I keep you up at night,” Satoru argues and Suguru shrugs.
“I never minded. And you sleep better with me there, I know that. The nights you keep me up hardly compare to the ones where I help you sleep. And just between us? I sleep better when you’re there, too,” he tells Satoru, because it’s true.
Suguru got so used to Satoru in his bed that it’s hard for him to fall asleep on the nights Satoru is in his own home.
Satoru takes in a shuddering breath and Suguru expected a lot but he did not expect to see tears in Satoru’s eyes.
“You really want to?”
“I always want to be with you,” Suguru says without hesitation and is prepared for the way Satoru slides off the bed and right into his arms, so it’s easy to catch him.
“Thank you,” Satoru gets out, his voice shaking and Suguru squeezes him tighter. “You and your parents are the only reason I’m even—thank you.”
Suguru is pretty sure he doesn’t want to know how that sentence was supposed to end and so he just holds Satoru tighter.
“We love you,” he tells Satoru because it’s important that he hears it regularly, even if he never believes it and Satoru shudders in his arms.
Suguru continues to hold him through everything until Satoru is calm again and by the time they make it down for dinner Satoru is able to smile again and even talks to Suguru’s parents. No one comments on the way they keep in touch all the time and when Satoru finally mentions that he is going to move out Suguru’s parents are nothing but happy and supportive of the both of them, because true to Suguru’s words it was never in question that he would move with Satoru when that day came.
When it’s finally time for bed, Satoru curls up small in Suguru’s arms but not because he’s afraid but because he’s happy for once, just like Suguru is.
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ldysmfrst · 5 months
American Mate - (5) Heated Discussions (M)
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 5 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 2765 (sorry it is so short)
Work count for Story: 19,008
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have Injury, Anxiety, arguments, comfort, Alpha Space, close proximity, and scenting.
This chapter has a slightly mature scene at the end. At the start of the mature scene, the following banner will be displayed:
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BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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Keep Safe. Keep Safe. First, it was Taehyung, and now it's Yoongi. Alpha Space seems to be no joke. Derek was not lying when he said this mindset helps them protect. Let’s hope this doesn’t mean they will treat you like a child.
Walking out of the elevator, you cannot help but smile at the rest of the Bangtan pack. While still in pain, you felt safe around them. 
“Excuse me, Miss Y/n. I have a few things that I would like to discuss with you before we get going. Allow me to walk you to your van,” Manager Sejin directs you off to the side with a nod from Namjoon. 
Yoongi closely follows you as you go with Manager Sejin. “Miss Y/n, thank you for your care and consideration in this situation. I can promise you that it will not be easy for the eight of you, but it will be worth it.”
As he speaks, you feel a tail wrap around your waist, and a hand touches your back. Looking over your shoulder, you see that Yoongi has his hand on your upper back but is facing away from you, looking at his packmates. 
Noticing that the group has gathered in a circle, something significant is being discussed. Not wanting to keep Yoongi from doing something important, you look back at the manager.
“Manager Sejin, I do not feel so well. Can you please take me to the van? I would like to sit down and process things.” He nods and moves towards the van in front.
“Mr. Min,” you smile softly at the jaguar as he looks at you, keeping an ear tuned in to the group of men. “I am going to go sit in the van. I am sure that I will be fine there while I wait for you and your packmates.”
Adding a bit of a pout to your smile, you ask, “Can you go and make sure everything is okay so that we can go? My hand is really starting to hurt?”
“Yes. Van safe. Manager Safe. Go packhouse now.” Yoongi responds.
Unwrapping his tail, he pushes on your back softly, urging you to get in. He returns to the circle of hybrids in what looks like a new heated discussion.
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After exiting the elevator, Taehyung makes to stay with you, Yoongi, and the manager but is stopped by Jungkook. The younger one knows Taehyung would want to be a part of the discussion that is soon to come, even if he is still in Alpha Space.
After you had gone off with Yoongi and their manager, the remaining packmates circled up at the youngest's request. The mates seek comfort in one another. Jungkook hugs Taehyung from behind, while Jimin hugs Hoseok around the waist as he leans against Seokjin.
Most of the pack had been through finding mates since there are six of them. Jungkook was the only one who understood the concept of what to do with a new mate but had never been on this side of the situation. 
“There are two vans. Obviously, Yoongi will be going in the van with Y/n, but who is going with them?” asks Jungkook, looking around as it dawns on them. 
The vans only fit five people in the back. Each mate immediately started proposing why they had to be in the same van as you, all at once. 
Seokjin said he only got to speak to you before the observation room and needed to see if his Alpha would react like everyone else has so far.
Hoseok tops everyone, saying that he has only ever gotten to look at you, and it’s high time he was able to speak to the newest mate.
Jimin agrees with Hoseok and thinks he can help get Yoongi out of Alpha Space on the trip to the packhouse.
Taehyung keeps quiet, his Alpha Space pulling at him to be near you again soon. However, Taehyung’s Alpha was much calmer and understood that being the second youngest meant he would most likely not be allowed to go. 
Jungkook argues that he was the one who got you to calm down in the break room, and your instincts are already reacting to him. Therefore, he is the best person to keep you calm from here on out.
Rubbing his temples, Namjoon lets out a sigh. He said you were ‘no trouble,’ but you really are gonna be trouble for them, but not in a way he is worried about. It's just going to be a change in dynamic.
“Guys, we all want to spend time with our new mate, but we must remember that she is human and doesn’t understand. Right now, all she knows is that Yoongi is deep in Alpha Space, and we, as a pack, must help her situation.”
“How are we going to tell her, Hyung? If her family member's statement is true, she won’t believe us,” Jimin says, looking your way, ears flat in concern.
“That is a good question. I don’t have an answer right now.”
“We may not have much time to come up with something. She needs to know. She needs to understand,” Hoseok voices with watery eyes. If what that man upstairs said truly is the kind of person you are, they must help you grow to recognize yourself. 
Moving to hug Hoseok with the others, Jungkook adds, “She may know about hybrids, but she doesn’t know enough about the Alpha-side of the culture, and what’s even worse is that she doesn’t know how precious she is.”
“That’s it! I go in van. Show Mate real!” Taehyung finally speaks up. He turns to walk toward you with a puffed tail and determination, only to be stopped by Soekjin.
“No, you have spent time with her. She knows you care, but she still thinks I am looking at one of the playmates they introduced us to. I am going to go with her.”
Within seconds, they are back to all talking over each other. Each of them demanded the other stay behind with justifications. This time, Namjoon joins in the fray. None of them notice that you have entered the van, and Yoongi is standing just outside the circle, watching the hushed chaos. 
With a stern voice that is just a bit louder than everyone else, Yoongi declares, “Packhouse, go now. Mate in pain.”
Silence takes over the group as they all look in your direction. Though you are inside the van, they can still see you. Taking in your appearance, they notice your wrist keeps swelling more, your face is paler, and you are bouncing your leg with nerves.
"Yoongi-hyung is right. We need to go. Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook, and I will go with Y/n. The rest of you will go in the other van,” Pack Alpha says with a hint of Alpha voice, trying his best to get everyone going. 
“No,” Soekjin counters. “I pull the eldest card. Kookie, I am sorry but you should go with the others and help with Tae. I want to talk with her.”
“Hyuuunnnnggg,” whined the youngest, “fine, I will sit in the reject van.” Jungkook stomps off to the second van. His ears droopy, and his shoulders rounded like a scolded child.
“We got our bun,” Jimin says as he follows, pulling the still crystal-eyed Taehyung along. He mutters promises of scenting, nesting, and various kinds of cuddles if the Alpha joins him and the bunny in the second van.
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Taking a seat in the van, you notice two captain chairs and a bench seat. Not knowing where everyone else sat, you figured Yoongi’s Alpha would practically require him to sit near you, which meant the bench seat would be the best. 
Sitting in the middle of the bench but on the edge of the seat, you bounce your leg while you wait because your anxiety is still bugging you. Your wrist is throbbing now. 
You wish you had something to drink as you eye the bottles of water sitting in the different cup holders. Wishing they had something more potent, you keep quiet, and your eyes return to watching the group talk.
Noticing where your line of sight was, Manager Sejin grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler built into the center console, opened it, and held it out to you. “Would you like something to drink? We only have water.”
“Oh, thank you, Sir. I didn’t want to take something that belonged to the pack.”
Shaking his head, Manager Sejin can smell your nervousness as his eyes flit over your form. Then he takes a quick look at the pack. They are still deep in discussion. Finally, he looks you in the eye. 
With a sigh, “Miss y/n, may I give you some advice?”
Swallowing your water quickly, you give him your full attention and nod.
“You are a person. A person that has needs, wants, and desires. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Ask for things. Demand things. I know they can be a bit much but they are each a person just like you. Idol or not.”
At the sound of footsteps, both of you look to see some of them approaching. Before he moves to the front seat, he says, “They will be there for you.” 
You are not sure what was more surprising. The fact that the two captain's chairs could turn to face the backseat or that Yoongi allowed you to be sandwiched between his older packmates.
Seokjin entered first. He sat on the bench to your left, and you hurried over to give him room. This was short-lived because next came Hoseok.
Hoseok gracefully wiggled his way to your right side on the bench. No wonder he was a dance god, you thought to yourself as you dropped your eyes to the floor to avoid watching his chest and hips pass your face.
This puts you in the middle and unable to keep any respectful distance between yourself and them. Feeling a blush creep up your neck and face as the two men’s bodies pressed against your larger form, you move to sit on one of the other chairs. 
“Sit. Safe. Hyungs…hmmm…” Yoongi starts to explain, but his Alpha Space limits his words since he and his Alpha don’t want to give too much information about you being their mate just yet.
“Sit, please, doll. Yoongi will want to sit near the door to be your first line of defense. I guess you could say,” Hoseok speaks up gently, pulling at your elbow and guiding you back to your seat.
“Yes. Keep Safe. Guard.” Yoongi says with the look of a drill sergeant on his face as he takes the chair near the door. Namjoon, having already taken his seat in the other chair, spun it to face you.
“Guarding the door, got it but I could sit in the chair and Mr. Prime Alpha could sit with you. I am sure it would be more comfortable with him here than with me.”
Next thing you know, you are face-to-face with Seokjin as he leans his chest across your body to tighten you in. You hold your breath as you make eye contact with his deep, intelligent eyes.  
“I do hope you are not implying what I think you are,” Seokjin comments while handing Hoseok your seatbelt.
His eyes are searching yours for something. As your blush deepens, a smirk grows on his face before he says, “you are much more cozy to sit with than Joon, Miss y/n.”
You are dizzy at the thought of making yourself ‘cozy’ with Seokjin. Blinking rapidly, you try to return to this reality and out of the gutter as you chuckle a response, “Ah, cozy, haha, I don’t think Gabriel Iglesias uses that in his levels.”
A mixture of hissing and growls fills the van. Your eyes snap up to see that Seokjin is the one hissing as he sits back correctly. Looking over, you see Namjoon’s jaw is set, and Yoongi’s eyes have narrowed as they growl. 
Instinctually, you lean away from the dangerous noise makers which causes you to press against Hoseok. Placing a hand back on your elbow, he leans forward, whispering in your right ear, “Doll, I think you have had some rather mean and disrespectful people around you in your past, but you are with us now.”
“We do not allow for anyone to be self-deprecating. From the look on Yoongi’s face this isn’t the first time you have done this.”
Not taking your eyes off the three men whom you seemed to piss off yet again, “It’s not self-deprecation. It’s pointing out the truth, which helps me stay grounded.”
A soft hiss is heard in your ear, causing you to jolt forward, only to be stopped by an arm now around your waist. Hoseok chuckles as he pulls you back against his chest. His warm breath only adds warmth to your already heated skin. 
Whispering in your other ear, “While it is nice that you are so instinctually responsive to us, doll. You must learn to listen when you are told something. In time you will believe what we tell you as well.”
While time in the van seemingly stops and sound becomes non-existent, the focus is on you as you battle your various reactions. 
Your body responds in a mix of ways. The lean but fit body pressed against your back warms you, causing your heart rate to race. However, the deep chuckles, hot breath on your neck, and primal eyes watching you cause heat to start pooling lower on your body.
Your mind is back in your damn nightmare because you cannot seem to go more than five minutes without causing some kind of adverse reaction from the world’s most famous male K-pop band.
To top it off, you are internally scolding yourself for losing your professionalism when all you want to do is figure out how to make them stop being upset at you and hide before they notice that you are getting riled up over basically nothing.
Your gutter of a mind now takes the nightmare of being hunted by the pack of Alphas in a much different direction. 
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“Kookie! Kookie! Come on, bun. You know Jin-hyung is only trying to find ways to help,” Jimin coos at the upset bunny hybrid. Shaking his head, Jimin wonders why it is his job always to calm down these two lovebirds.
Realizing Jungkook is a lost cause, Jimin undoes his seatbelt and sits in Taehyung’s lap, gaining his attention. Jimin asks, “Alpha, is this okay? We really need Tae Tae back to help with Kookie and our newest mate. If I scent you well, can you let go?”
The crystal blue eyes look over his slightly older mate,”Scent then help mates.”
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Smiling sweetly at the Alpha, Jimin noses at his jaw, causing the tiger to tilt his head to grant more space. Scooting forward and resting fully on Tae’s thighs, Jimin rubs his cheek along Tae’s jawline. Soft puffs of warm air blow across Tae’s neck, causing the Alpha’s breath to hitch. 
Continuing his journey, Jimin sniffs down the tip of his ear, down his neck to the bend where the scent of ebony wood is most robust. Pressing a soft kiss to the gland, the scenting session continues. 
The scent of ebony wood, oranges, and vanilla mixes. It is not long before the pouting bunny hybrid starts to watch his hyungs. Long forgotten is the reason why he is upset as he slowly releases his own calming cinnamon-like scent into the mix. 
Realizing that he has successfully got one of the two mates into a better mood, Jimin ups the ante. Shifting his weight forward, he lays his body flush against Taehyung. Within moments, Taehyung’s hand gripped Jimin’s tiny waist, pulling him in tighter.
Chirping happily at the response, Jimin kisses up and down Taehyung’s neck. When Taehyung starts to scent Jimin back, Jimin nips over the scent gland and laves it with his tongue, mixing their scents deeper.
Soon, the youngest joined them on the bench, sniffing the air and whining. Shifting closer, his bunny tail wiggled, and his ears stood as tall as they could inside the van.
“Tae-hyung, Minnie-hyung, can I join? Please?” Jungkook asks as he softly places a hand on Jimin’s thigh. 
Nodding, Jumin moves to the other side of Taehyung’s neck, and Jungkook takes his place. Drowning the spaced-out Alpha in the loving scents of his two mates.
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The extended scenting scene for this chapter featuring the BTS Maknae Line can be found on Patreon with a membership if you follow this link. If you would like to read the extension teaser, please follow this link.
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Take on the World Home Layout & Style
The Min pack live in a six story townhome. Each floor holds a different style and function for the pack. Below are some visuals to help you picture the home.
series masterlist 🌻character profiles 🌻 masterlist
a/n: this is just rough guides that i use when writing. the nest for example has no steps leading down into in and there are no tables inside. the nest is 100% soft, plushie cushion, blankets and pillows. so look at these photos for a small glimpse into my mind 😊
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Ground Floor - There is a 'side door' that leads into Hoseok's hair and nail solon are located on this floor along side Seokjin's massage parlor. There are two identical bathrooms that Yoongi and Jungkook remodeled together. A large laundry room is towards the back that hides an elevator behind sliding doors, that leads to the main floors of the home. A doorway in the laundry room opens to a grand solarium that is used for hybrid clients to nest and relax when overwhelmed or stimulated. Outside of that is a backyard that Namjoon and Taehyung designed together.
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Parlor Level - This level is the entrance of the home. It has a floating stairway that leads to the front door. Inside the layout is simple with a large living room, an eat-in kitchen, one bathroom and a room that was turned into an office for Yoongi and Namjoon to work from home.
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Second Floor - This floor was once a giant open space but with the pack's family coming to visit often, they decided to turn the floor into a guest sweet of sorts. Two bedrooms and two full baths with a living room. Is not used by the pack at all.
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Third Floor - Since three of the Min pack are hybrids, the humans thought it best to take this floor, so that the sensitive noses of the hybrids wouldn't pick up any scent from the lower floors if they didn't have to. Even with a fully functional air purification system in place, they do not want to risk it. This floor is made up of three bedrooms and two full baths with a small office set up against the wall for Taehyung to do some work at home. Each of the bedrooms has a small walk in closet that stores their basic work attire. The third bedroom was converted into a large walk-in closet that the four men share together.
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Fourth Floor - This floor is referred to as the nesting floor. It is where the hybrid members of the pack have the freedom to shift into their animal forms and not worry about breaking anything. The layout is made up of a large living space that has a huge sunken nest in the middle with a large flat screen tv on the wall in front of it, a kitchenette to the right and down the hall to the left of the tv are Seokjin, Jungkook and Imani's rooms. There is one grand full bath that is large enough to accommodate their animal forms and a laundry room is attached to the bathroom, separated by sliding doors.
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Penthouse - At the very top of the townhome, the pack leader, Yoongi, has his own dwelling. The room is close to the sun and has ample natural light due to the two skylights in the roofing. He fixed up the room and added a set of steps along with a deck that he uses to store clothing, his old music equipment and his supplies for the colder months. There is a full bathroom attached as well that he takes full advantage of when his body refuses to heat up.
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alonetimelover · 1 year
Hi, was wondering if you could write a dadrry social media au? Could be about anything, just love to see that content ❤️ amazing work btw!
pairing: Harry Styles x famous!reader
summary: just dadrry and his sweet family of five
a/n: a little fic based in the famous!reader universe!
masterlist taglist famous!reader
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 65 292 others
harryupdates HARRY and his youngest baby were seen hiking in Italy!!
view all 2 029 comments
ynupdates that's certainly a way to hold a baby!
harrysmoustache FATHER IS HERE
stylesbabie you're the real one for putting this emoji on baby's face! i saw others not being so considerate
⤷ harryupdates of course! it's a child and besides the as it was bts neither yn or harry posted their face
harrysmylife here i thought he would stop walking so much after having children. nope! now, he's bringing them with himself!
ynsmymama i saw photos with their oldest baby there as well, yn's having some me time
hArrysbtch y'all here praising him for being a father and here i am staring at his arms. my man got some guns on himself
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liked by harrystyles, ynupdates and 6 492 392 others
yourinstagram being heavily pregnant during winter >>>>> during the summer
view all 230 201 comments
harrystyles You look flawlessly.
⤷ yourinstagram nothing you say will give back my biscuit
⤷ harrystyles We have two packs in the pantry.
⤷ yourinstagram yeah? but that one had the most raisins i've ever seen on a biscuit. and you ate it.
annetwist As soon as you'll be back in London I am taking kids for a week. I miss them!
⤷ yourinstagram you're the best, mum. can you take your child as well?
⤷ harrystyles Rude.
⤷ annetwist Of course! You need some alone time!
gemmastyles hello, sexy mama. are you single?
⤷ yourinstagram i am for the next twenty minutes. let's make the most of it. gelato?
ynupdates you're glowing
harryupdates what a beautiful family
ynsmymama how do you like the ball exercises? because i hated them during my pregnancy
⤷ yourinstagram hi child! and tbh i don't exercise on that ball. i just roll on it
⤷ ynsmybestie ICON
YN via IG story
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liked by ynupdates and 34 202 others
harryupdates HARRY was seen walking to the hospital in London! It's the hospital where YN and him went to a few days ago.
view all 2 302 comments
ynupdates ohhhh, this is a fresh dad Harry
hArrysbtch that's the man that for the third time, THIRD TIME became a father
harrysmoustache DILF
ynsmybestie i love how cozy he looks
stylesbabie finally that big ass bag is full of necessary shit
harrysmylife when is he going to start wearing dad clothes? i can't wait to swoon over a man dressing like any father on the planet, because I will
Harry via his IG story
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 45 392 others
harryupdates HARRY was at the playdate with both of his and YN's older kids!
view all 3 201 comments
hArrysbtch hot dad at the playdate???
stylesbabie i hope those mums and dads are respectful
harrysmylife i asked for a dad outfit and he delivered
⤷ harrysmoustache definitely! my dad dresses the same
ynupdates he looks good, fatherhood is treating him good
⤷ hArrysbtch i wouldn't expect anything else
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liked by user45 and 279 302 others
dailymail Harry Styles and wife, YN YSN, were asked to leave the restaurant after customers and staff were disturbed by YN breastfeeding their newborn. Our source says that after having a conversation, led by YN, the manager of the restaurant didn't change his decision. Harry escorted YN and their child to the car and then came back to have a talk with the management of the restaurant. Apparently, he was visibly furious and on the edge of losing his temper. After a discussion and manager's attempts to apologise, Harry stormed off.
view all 23 201 comments
harryupdates I'm not surprised he was furious! was yn supposed to starve their child?
ynupdates it's 21st century and people are still scared of women breastfeeding
ynsmybestie who was disturbed, men or women?
⤷ stylesbabie the article said it was three men complain
⤷ ynsmybestie I'm sadly not surprised
ynsmymama if they were so bothered by her breastfeeding near others, they could propose her some private room and not throw them out of the restaurant!
⤷ ynsmybestie but they shouldn't have a problem with it. she shouldn't leave restaurant for feeding her child
⤷ ynsmymama of course! but wanting to please all the customers you adjust to the situation. they didn't do thag
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist, ynupdates, harryupdates and 8 302 302 others
yourinstagram Hello, you little people in my phone! As most of you know (because of Daily Mail) two days ago, my husband, our child, and I were asked to leave the restaurant we ate at, because of causing disturbance to other customers. The said disturbance was me breastfeeding our child. Before our waiter and then the manager talked with us, my husband took a picture (above) (he really takes pictures of everything) showing what was visible while breastfeeding (A BREAST !!). There really was no conversation between two parties. When asked if covering myself with a cloth would be more comfortable, I was just once again asked to leave the restaurant. No person should be forbidden to feed their children in public. I shouldn't have asked if covering myself would be more comfortable with others. No. We shouldn't accept this kind of non written 'rules'. With everything said, I wasn't going to let our child starve and went to feed her in a car, so no stranger eyes could see a breast. In the link in bio you can find a great article about breastfeeding in public and what parents go through to please the strangers being bothered by a flesh of naked skin. Be kind to each other. YN.
view all 349 302 comments
harrystyles You are the best mother our children could have. And the best partner I could find and share the life with.
⤷ yourinstagram I love you.
annetwist ♥️♥️
gemmastyles You tell'em sister
ynupdates I am so mad that you needed to made a statement about it. sick.
harryupdates people are very delicate when it comes to breastfeeding but have no problem with parading without a shirt on
hArrysbtch im just gonna focus on how precious that picture is, and the fact that harry is that type of a father to snap pictures of everything
⤷ yourinstagram he really is, those 256gb are straining and in need of expanding
⤷ harrystyles Not my fault they don't allow SD cards anymore.
⤷ hArrysbtch we love a millennial
harrysmoustache that restaurant is going to flood with negative reviews right now
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 11 291 492 others
harrystyles To the best woman I know, thank you for choosing me to be your partner and father of our beautiful children. There is no moment in the day or night when I don't think about how lucky and fulfilled I feel spending my life with you. Happy birthday, my love. Your, H.
comments to this post have been limited
yourinstagram Come downstairs. There are now words to describe my love.
annetwist Happy birthday, YN. I believe there could be no other person more perfect to be in our lives.
gemmastyles Happy birthday, wifey!!!
a/n: should i write some blurbs about dadrry?
1K notes · View notes
hollyhomburg · 6 months
Before I Leave You (pt.68)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Your time is running out. minute by minute, breath by breath, kiss by kiss.
Tags: Angst, Hurt (no comfort yet), illusions to past mental health issues and past domestic abuse, mentions of low-self-esteem, internalized shame and self-shaming behaviors, themes of abandonment, speeding, guns, violence,
W/c: 13.4k
A/N: ahhhhh so here we are! i've been dreaming of this chapter since the very beginning of the series! this is like...the ultimate chapter...thank you for giving me a little bit of extra time to sit with it! we've still got a bit to go! there is a little section near the end where the chapter will prompt you to click on a link to play kate bush 😂 if you feel like you'll be distracted by music in the background you don't need to push it- thats just the song that i always heard playing in my head whenever i heard that part playing.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
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Hobi is sitting on the edge of the nest sipping at his ice water when you come back into the nest room. Someone has drawn all of the heavy curtains over the windows and they pool on the floor at the rim of the room. The plastic pulled up too. The evidence folded and put away for later burning. Like a bad memory or a piece of clothing that doesn't fit right. Shoved in the back of the closet.
The rage and fear and panic are harder to put away. The conviction is not so easy to hide. You can’t put it down the same way that people file their taxes or their children's old scribbles.
You- like a child, have not been able to color between the lines. You- like a child, are messy.
You can’t stop yourself from walking over to him. Drawn to him where he sits nursing his injuries like a moth to a flame. You feel every heartbeat spent in his presence; every breath shared sticky like smoke in your lungs. Every second is savored and every second burns.
You want to ask him if he’s alright, but questions like that seem very pointless now.
Hobi’s not alright- but he will be. He will be okay forever if you do what you have to do. Now that you’ve decided it’s all you can think about. You rarely ever get to know that your last day with someone will be your last day, and now because you know- you look at him a little harder. A little longer.
You wonder what he’ll look like in 10 years and in 20. If he’ll get crow’s feet from smiling so much. If the salt water he loves so much will eventually grow into his features and make him look like something ancient.
You wonder if one day he'll get so many freckles that the tops of his shoulders will be permanently a shade deeper than the rest of his skin- Or if Seokjin’s sunscreen will spare him from the simple pleasure of looking like your favorite thing. Hoseok has always been one part sunshine one part everything else.
He looks pale right now. It hasn't been summer in months and you won't get to see him get all freckly and sun-kissed again.
Growing old is a privilege (you don’t want to grow old) and you’re reminded of that every time you look at his throat and see the bruises there (you wish you and Hobi could stay as you are- like this, in this house- both alive and healing- forever) but you can’t.
You can’t.
You touch his shoulder softly and his head jerks up, body going tense and then slack when he sees it's just you.
It’s quiet up here. The others are just downstairs and they’re making a lot of noise. Hoseok turns, setting his glass of water down on the floor, leaning into your hand in the same movement. It would be cute if he didn’t have black bruises crisscrossing his throat and blood in the whites of his eyes. In truth, every blink only convinces you that this is what you have to do. This is what you need to do.
You know that at any moment the pack is going to come looking for you. That they’ll all come and fill the room with their soothing noises and sweet concern. You're not too worried about finding the right time to slip away. Moonbyul’s given you 24 hours after all.
We didn’t get enough time, did we? I’d have liked more.
Hobi tries to speak and you shush him, he makes a frustrated hum of a noise. You sit down next to him when he tugs you, hand vicelike on your wrist. Your heart is beating really fast. You wonder if he can hear it or at least smell your distress. The whole house is a tangle of distressed scents; your rain, Yoongi’s ocean, Hoseok’s burnt caramel. burning burning burning. It disguises your scent. Hoseok can’t smell how you’re panicking.
You smile at him, and Hobi tries to speak again. unsuccessfully.
“Here your phone-” but Hoseok doesn’t reach for it, he doesn’t reach for anything but you. Pulling you closer to him. His thumb pressed to the pulse point of your wrist, where your skin becomes thin and sensitive. Pulling you until your thigh lines up against his.
The nest up here is the only place in the house that smells somewhat normal, still soaked with your sleepy muted scents from a few days ago (How long will it be until your scent fades from the house?) You take a deep shaky breath, trying to savor it. Hoseok bites his lower lip.
Hoseok starts on your thigh. His hand squeezes it once and then he starts to write. It’s slow going. He can only write one letter at a time but-
His eyes are positively boring into yours as your breath hitches and you start. “Hobi I-” he repeats it again, writing it out faster. You grab his hand squeezing it. But he pulls it out of your grasp.
You huff, frustrated and close to tears but stealing yourself not to show him your true feelings. How hard this is. You duck in low, kissing over one of the bruises on his neck. He jerks back, furrowing his eyebrows at you. And part of you is just begging him to let it go. You’re half sitting in his lap now all so that he can write out his distress on both your thighs.
“Alright- just stop.” You can hear the rest of the pack on the stairs. It’s getting late, they’ve done all of the cleaning they can manage for today. You can hear Yoongi on the stairway talking to Jin:
“Maybe we should just burn the railing, there’s definitely a bullet or two in it still.”
Jin’s reply is near hissed, utterly scandalized in the way that only Jin can sound. “It is mahogany Yoongi.”
Hobi writes on your thigh, a single tear trailing down his nose. He’s usually a little bit better at keeping himself together but the stress of the day wore him through. Polished all of his usually stubborn edges like the ocean polishes sea glass. He’s too tired to properly argue. Letter by letter as he goes.
“P-R-O-M-I-S-E M-E,” he writes across your thigh.
You have maybe a second before they’re upon you. You have to be convincing. Have to, or else Hobi might tell. You don’t think he’ll get in your way. You don’t want to think about what you’ll have to do if he does.
You dart forward, pressing your lips to his in a way that you don’t really feel, in a way that has him pushing you a little off of him. Trying to reassure him in the only way you know how.
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from crying and he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear. His fingertips skimming soft across your jaw and your lips. Pressing at the corner of your sad smile like he can peel the fake expression away from your face and have you tell the truth for once.
“I promise, okay? I promise.”
Hoseok is not convinced. He doesn’t believe you all the way. But the pack is up here before he has a chance to write out anything more. Yoongi appears in the doorway, smelling of soap and bleach, a bit of it turning the corner of his shirt yellow where it should be black. His eyes cautious but so loving it takes your breath away a little. He treads softly over to the two of you; like he's worried about spooking you.
The moment between you and Hobi passes when Yoongi's hand curls over the back of your neck and you tilt your face up at him. And he interprets the glassiness there as something else. something more sensitive and more like omegaspace than what it is. you falling through space and time, you dying and drowning infront of him.
He probably thinks Hoseok was just comforting you.
Yoongi’s hand settles softly on the ball of Hoseok’s shoulder too. an equally as tender touch. Long fingers splaying against his collar bones, cradling a bruise there forming. Asking softly, eyes all dark with the anguish and apology of it-
“Do you think either of you can stomach dinner?”
As always, you say you can hot because you want to, but because you know it will make him happy to see you eat. You might not get many more opportunities to make Yoongi happy- you should take this one and savor it.
Yoongi loses that vaguely wounded look in his eyes with every bite you lift to your mouth. His scent sublimating into something sweeter as the night darkens and quiets.
You can tell Hoseok is not convinced of your promises when he stays glued to your side through the whole of dinner. Almost stubborn with how he resists Yoongi’s prodding and Namjoon's. Changing out the cool dressings on his throat and shaking his head at Namjoon’s suggestion that he sleep propped up against the back wall of the nest, where it’s safest. Eyes tracking your movements as you get up and brush your teeth.
His focus remains solely on you, even when Jungkook carries Tae out of the bathroom and places her among the softest things in the nest. When Noodle squirms his way out from under the bed and tries to worm himself in between his legs. Nudging under his elbow with his pink nose.
He wraps himself around you as you get ready for bed. An arm slung protectively around your waist to pull you flush against his front where you couldn’t squirm away without him feeling it and waking up.
It feels like buying time even though you're too distracted to properly enjoy it- the way they try to cheer you up. Everything that they do to try and make things better feels far away like a photograph- a memory just out of reach- the colors a little off.
Jungkook needily wraps himself around Tae and croons soft reassurance into her ear about how pretty her hair looks, how soft her pajamas make her. And would she like some of her skincare routine? Jungkook will do it for her, will pat it across her cheeks, and won't drag it under her eyes to preserve the state of her wrinkles.
Tae answers all his requests with a simple shake of her head. Eyes still frighteningly blank, that 1000-yard stare that you've all seen on your faces at one point or another, that you see in the reflective surface of Namjoon's phone in the nest, discarded and not charged.
Tae's scent is something awful- none of her usual roses and all cinnamon. Does Tae smell more like her old self because that version of her was always afraid? Or was being a boy the first thing she hated and that's why she smells like boy tae now?
You hate it. You can tell the others hate it too. Yoongi drags her close to scent her silly. cheek and neck going all pink from how hard he scents her, and then scents you, and then goes back again.
Jungkook can do little more than cuddle Tae with Jimin, his big hands smooth down her thighs, while Jimin brushes her hair gently- careful not to let the bristles brush her scalp. He's learned how to take care of her over the last few months and he's the gentlest when it comes to detangling. Not like you- who's so used to ripping through your hair without thought.
Up and down their hands go as Jin fluffs the nest around you all. Making the edges of it higher, and more protective of the fragile pups at the center (like fluffy duvets could ever block bullets. In his dreams- Jin’s love is enough to keep you all safe).
Yoongi and Namjoon are only too happy to oblige him with the nest-making and the general fussing. But in between Jin’s request for a hairdryer and another cold cloth for your hands. You catch them watching the door like they half expect some new threat to appear.
Certain things are harder to ignore; like Yoongi sitting on the edge of the nest with a gun balanced across his thigh. Or the heavy thud of a fresh box of bullets, rattling in their acrylic case when Jimin sets them down on the floor. The red shotgun casings lined up in pretty lines- just like Tae’s lipsticks downstairs.
You ask for one of Hobi's sweatshirts and Yoongi puts the gun away to go and give it to you. Hoseok fingers the edge of your shirt stroking over the meat of your hip idly. But every inch of him is taught like he’s going to have to grab you and hold you down. You lace your hand with his and turn to give him a look.
Yoongi’s back with a sweatshirt but it’s Jin who demands to dress you- to guide your fragile and freshly wrapped hands through the holes. Jin pulls it down around your hips with a soft huff before he gets distracted looking at the bruises on your back and side. From getting thrown back into the wall and from an errant elbow. Every time you twist even a little bit- they ache.
A tub of soothing cream that the pack usually uses for the more wanted kind of bruises sits open on the edge of the nest.
The pack moves about in pairs, here and there. Going down to the ground floor in sets of two. Unwilling to let anyone out of sight. There are guns everywhere, Jimin must have let loose his hidden stash of them. A shotgun leans up against the bathroom door. A handgun with an extended stock is always close at hand. There's a larger plan lingering here. You hear it in Jin's soft reassurances. Said hushed over your heads.
"Witness protection isn't as bad as you think it is Yoongi-"
"It won't work- don't you think we know how it works? That won't be safe enough."
"We have at least a few hours, we don't need to make any decisions now."
Jungkook’s scared voice, “Are we really going to have the leave? The house and everything?” A pause. A look is shared between Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi. Jimin's eyes remain focused on Tae.
“Maybe bunny, we have to wait and see.”
“Do we have a carrying case for Noodle?”
“I think it’s in…” Yoongi trails off, but Namjoon answers for him.
“Yeah, it’s in the basement.”
They set about keeping watch for the night. those of you that aren't nursing wounds that is- mainly Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon- Guns remain at the ready and loaded. Jimin will go first, Yoongi second, and Namjoon last.
Jin tries but Namjoon nudges at his chest and growls in a way that has all of your ears perking up. The pack alpha’s commands can’t easily be ignored. Jungkook tries too to convince them too but even Hoseok shakes his head at him. No one is under any illusions of how fragile this peace is.
No one asks Namjoon to leave the Christmas lights on- but he doesn’t shut them off all the way- leaving just one string lit as a bit of a nightlight. None of you are quite brave enough to risk the darkness.
Hoseok stays close by, his hand clutching your wrist more often than not. Even when the pack settles in for sleep. He wraps his arm around your waist and settles in behind you, caging you in.
(Hoseok’s arms are not the prettiest cage you’ve ever been in but they are the cage you’ve liked the most. You think you’ll miss his arms and his hands. They’re so pretty and long, you lean down and kiss one where it’s gripping the nest and he makes a small noise in surprise that quickly gets swallowed by the hungry quiet.)
The quiet is very hungry, every brush of fabric against skin, every slight movement of the pack sets you a bit on edge. You think it will be hard to sleep- wound up as you are.
You don’t think you're even tired until your head hits the pillow and you have to struggle to stay awake. You want to stay up and listen to the sound of your pack, their soft and measured breathing, the sound of kisses shared above your head, the feel and safety of being in the nest. You want to commit the rhythm of them to memory.
Hoseok’s soft rasping breath on the nape of your neck evens out the more that his swelling goes down. It goes from hissing to more of a squeak as the night settles. Tae shakes through her aforementioned panic attack with all of you piled around her. You get your hand on her ankle at least.
Yoongi and Jimin’s shushing is the only punctuating sound in the half-light. Because what can you say besides sweet nothings when you know she has a perfectly valid reason to fear falling asleep?
You savor every little twitch of their trauma-worn bodies as you flit in and out of an uneasy sleep. Every slight sigh and hand on you rousing you. Jungkook, brushing his fingers through your hair. Hobi, pressed along your back like a second skin shifting and trying to tilt his neck to a more comfortable angle.
You get too hot with Hobi wrapped around you like that, eventually tugging at his sweatshirt that you wear and almost purring when kind gentle hands help detangle you from it with a soothing little shush sound so that you hardly have to wake. Yoongi, around midnight.
Yoongi’s thin but strong fingers rub a soothing touch along your jaw. Soothing away a small sad noise you make that has him curling around your front. The sound of Namjoon's low voice as he says something to your mate and then takes his place at the helm of the nest to stand guard.
“It’s okay pup, I’m here- I’m not going to let anything happen to you- not now- not ever.”
It’s unfortunate, but Namjoon can’t let Tae sleep for more than half an hour before checking her pupillary responses, making sure that her brain isn’t swelling. Concussions are no joke and Namjoon does not take chances with his prettiest alpha. He sends her back off to dreamland with a comforting scent mark and a soothing grumble. After the 5th hour when the risks turn nominal, he decides to just let her sleep.
But Hoseok doesn’t sleep, he can’t really. The pain keeps him awake and what with the way that his neck is injured he can’t find a comfortable position. He shifts and settles the whole night. Keeping you close with that arm around your waist every time you squirm so much as an inch away.
He’s restless until Namjoon gets up to get one of Jimin’s painkillers.
He’s resistant even then, half asleep still fighting. Trying to move away and shaking his head at Namjoon. Namjoon mistakes his unwillingness for simple fussiness and not for fear. If Hobi falls asleep it will be substantially easier to slip away- you watch from below as Namjoon props hobi up and pinches his jaw to make him open his mouth, encouraging the alpha to show his tongue with a prod of those gentle hands. His eyes are barely open, exhausted as he is.
“I know it hurts to swallow Hobi but you’ve got too.” Regardless of his shaken head, Namjoon insistently nudges his mouth with it. Soothing his gag with a stroke of his thumb down Hoseok’s Addams apple. A kiss to his lips for being good.
“This will help the swelling go down, you’ll be okay by morning.”
It’s minutes before they take effect. Slowly- Hoseok’s arm melts away from your stomach. His grip on you slackens from the drugs and his breath evens out. You say a quiet goodbye to him in your head and turn around to face him and kiss his forehead.
At least the last time you touch, it’s soft like that. At least the last time you touch him- it’s gentle.
Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon trade-off. A gun shared between the two of them. Perched on the edge of the nest. Eyes on the vacant stairway Infront of them. Listening for every creek and whisper met with a held breath and hand tightening around the gun. Waiting for the violence that you can all feel coming.
You won’t let it hit them; you won’t let it into this house again. Not while you’re still breathing.
When you're sure that Hobi is asleep you roll onto your back and stare up at the Christmas lights twinkling in the dark. You remember watching Jungkook hang them for you. You remember. You'll always try to remember; you promise yourself right then and there that you'll never let the memory slip away. No matter what happens.
You look over at Kookie, face so peaceful in sleep, a pillow hugged to his chest belly down in the nest, cheek squished close to the top of Yoongi's head on your other side. His back rising and falling.
Jungkook has always been a pretty omega. You reach over to him to stroke down the stiff bridge of his nose, to commit his face to memory. When you turn back to Hobi, you do the same, touching across the heart shape of his mouth, the subtle roundness in his cheeks everything. You look around at all of them- your pack, sleeping softly- sleeping safely. Namjoon's wide back, his shoulders that could hold the world up. Unaware that you're watching him.
You’ll remember all of it, every car ride, every trip to the beach. Every joke and jab. You’ll store each of the memories like a found thing in your pocket. A piece of seashell or sea glass.
You’ll take Jungkook’s laughter and store it- a memory to use when you need to remember that it’s okay to be young for a minute more. When you need to look after yourself you’ll remember how Jin did it and follow his example. And when you need to rest and be soft you'll remember yoongi. You’ll remember Tae like a tube of lipstick and see her every day in the color pink. And Jimin-
Jimin has a hard time sleeping. Even when Namjoon takes the last shift. He sleeps with one hand on a gun, spaced protectively in front of Tae. His bad arm unfolded from his sling. Putting his body between her and the staircase. Namjoon’s heart pulses dully with the knowledge of that when he glances back, just to check and make sure that Tae and Hobi are still breathing. You hide your open eyes from him when he turns, going extra still and feigning sleep.
Namjoon tamps down on his instincts; the last thing he wants is for his scent to go sour and possibly rouse them. But in the quiet, Namjoon's mind has too much room to fan out and overanalyze. Panic is a particularly alluring drug, his mind festers in it. Rolling around in bad ideas the way that Noodle would roll around in a puddle of catnip.
If he got the pack together, put you all in cars, and drove you far far away from here would that be enough to keep you all safe from harm? Or would that only be temporary? Is temporary safety worse when you know what you have to come back to? Or should he just try to talk to these people, barter with them something. Would money be enough? How much wouldn't Namjoon give? 
You are dreadfully similar to him. Only his planning stays in its infancy stage. 
It isn’t all silent. Noises punctuate the night here and there. Namjoon is so on edge that he all but snaps his teeth at the shadows. An alpha on alert.
Namjoon’s ears perk up at every car that dares to drive by your narrow street, the neighbor two houses to the left who leaves for work in the city at 4:05 every morning, right on time. Noodle and the sound of his scrabbly little paws on the stairs, zooming up and down them until Namjoon gets up to scruff him too. 
Your freaking cat does not like Namjoon on a normal day, he's only ever loved you and Hobi and tolerated Tae and Jungkook- condemning all the rest to hisses and claws, but Noodle settles with Namjoon's hand on the back of his neck. "See, that wasn't too hard was it?"
Noodle gives one last half-hearted hiss as Namjoon places him gently in the nest where he stays put after curled up around Tae’s head like a fluffy little hat. Purring and licking at her forehead. All but taunting Namjoon with his yellow eyes. Flinty and knowing in the darkness. Bushy tail flailing every time the alpha glances back.
You think you’re being quiet when you push yourself up onto your hands and knees. Untangling Hobi’s arm from around your waist and pulling yourself to the edge of the bed. He's out cold from the painkillers. Barely even stirring. 
Noodle stirs however, darting from the nest with a small murr sound as if to say, "see- she's awake so why can't I be?" Tail raised high as he prances to the doorway. 
You look striking in the half darkness, a pair of Yoongi’s green flannel pajama pants rolled up several times to fit properly around your hips. A thin white tank top that's almost falling down one shoulder. Namjoon’s heart pulses dully with the need to hold, the need to protect. He makes a soft noise in his throat and your head jerks in his direction.
You swallow, and your lips look dry, eyes glassy and innocent in their tilt when your mussed hair fluffs over your shoulder. Messy from where Hobi was nuzzling it in his sleep. 
“I was just getting a glass of water.”
Namjoon wordlessly holds his hand out to help you get out of the nest without teetering or disturbing the others. Noodle dashes back down the stairs with a soft meow. Tae sighs and re-settles, smacking her lips and Jimin’s arm tightens. Your mate turns face up in the nest, chest rising and falling, mouth opening like he can taste your scent on the air. 
Namjoon doesn't doubt he can, honed in on you and focused as he always is.
Namjoon doesn’t let go of your hand when your feet find the smooth floor. Instead, he checks the wounds on your hands and verifies that they’re clotting. The margins slotted together properly for minimal scarring (he'd redone the glue-suture after your shower with only gentle scolding). He presses a kiss to the bandages after they're re-fastened. Letting his lips linger there for a second.
Namjoon has always had big hands, warm and steadying as they cradle yours. Small and chapped and scarred.
Instead of continuing on downstairs, you linger for a second by Namjoon’s side. Eating up every breath he breathes, his scent, and the comfort of having him nearby. Something you know you won’t have forever. (Somehow- you know that this will be the last time that Namjoon holds you. You can wait one minute more. You can give him one more minute). He sets the gun to the side and pulls you between his legs.
“Joonie?” You ask.
Your pack alpha wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles forward, rubbing his spiky head across your midriff. Nose nudging the dimple of your belly button and the slight pudge there with a quiet happy growl.
Namjoon will never not be happy that he can see the evidence of the pack’s love on you. Will never not feel proud of you and how far you've come. He nuzzles, resisting the temptation to bite and nip with a breath let out through clenched teeth.
Namjoon feels your quiet laugh against his cheek. Your warm soft skin swelling with laughter. Namjoon’s face is blushing red when he pulls back to look at you in the darkness. Corralled in the safe circle of his arms, fingers digging into your hips and squeezing.
“What are you doing alpha?” 
“Just thinking- just-” Namjoon’s voice gets so much lower in the nighttime, it's a gravely growl. A sound that paints pictures of lightning and clouds hovering low like a blanket.
“When all of this is over, I want to go somewhere new.” Namjoon's hands tighten on your waist. fingers pressing to either side of your spine, thumbs sitting on the soft bones of your hips. “-With you. Just you. Just the two of us. Maybe.” Namjoon fights back a fresh blush at the confused cock of your head. “Maybe- like- a fancy Airbnb? Or something? Would that be fun? Would you like that?” 
You pause, humming. Indulging Namjoon in this as he holds you, fingers rubbing endlessly up and down the sensitive small of your back. Eyes wide and imploring like a child. 
You're only too happy to forget for a second and imagine. What would happen if you didn’t leave tonight? What would happen if you found some way out of this?
It’s easy to go further than just thinking about a simple weekend getaway. You Imagine far into the future; a day that you'll never see. A future with Namjoon and the pack. It hits you with such a profound heartache when you think it that you half expect to look down and see your white tank top speckled with blood. The ache so keen and visceral but- 
Namjoon would be a good father. 
He’d be kind and patient. He’d never snap. He’d never yell. For a moment that’s all you want to think about- not a stupid weekend but a lifetime. A family. A world where you’re never yelled at, where you don't have to be afraid, where nothing is hard, and even if it’s hard you do it together.
If you had pups, you know Namjoon would treat every skinned knee like it was surgery. Would never tell them to walk it off or say it wasn’t that bad. You know that he’d go through every tea party with gusto and stay up late to help them with their homework. That he’d struggle to say no but that you might never need to. It would be lovely- getting to give something small and innocent so much safety. It would be nice to have pups with Namjoon.
You can’t say you don’t want it, but you know in that moment that you won't get it. You'll never get to see Namjoon be a father- even if the pups aren't yours or are just his and Jin's. You’d love them all the same. What use is it to Imagine things that you’ll never get? What good are dreams like this but to tease you, just out of reach. 
Namjoon nuzzles into your stomach again. His nose drawing soft circles just under your belly button. 
You’d be a shit mother anyway. Too fragile. Too nervous. Too hurt. Too much of everything. You'd fuck them up just by being you. You'd fuck them up the same way you've fucked up this perfectly good pack. You've brought nothing but destruction upon them. The evidence of your wreckage is everywhere. The bullets in the ceiling, the blown apart door. Your hands and Hobi's throat. All of this is because of you. 
You snap back to the present, swallowing down the lump in your throat. You’re gnawing at your own leg to survive. All things that bite cannot resist it. What good does hope do at the end other than to hurt?
You can't resist asking Namjoon for more, curled around you like a protective barrier to keep out all the world's hurts (or to keep you in). 
“If we went? Where would we go? If we made it- What would it be like Joonie?”
Namjoon rests his chin on your belly button and looks up at you. Completely unaware of the longing tearing its way through you, of what you’re thinking about. Not just one trip or one year, but ten or twenty or thirty. 
“Maybe south, to see the cherry blossoms?”
“We couldn’t go, not without Tae- cuz of the pink, and Hobi- cuz of the flowers”
Namjoon nods, agreeing. “Yeah- she does really like anything that’s pink.” There is a Tae-shaped smile on his face, you can feel it stretching your lips too. But he shakes it off, head bowed before you. Eyes closed against the image. 
“Still, somewhere safe and quiet just for us, just for you and I to take a deep breath and-” Namjoon trails off, looking up at you. His eyes sparkle with the idea of it, all the little moments he’s picturing.
A private morning where he wakes up to just you. Where you hog his warm spot and his pillow in the chilly spring air. Your cold toes pressed to his shins with nothing to do but appreciate each other and take your loving slow and intentional. Your body and his body and all the space and laughter that you want in between. An idyllic picture of two young people quietly in love. Gently in it.
After almost losing all of it, he wants the chance to properly appreciate you one-on-one. The others too- but they’re asleep, and sleeping vessels cannot reply to Namjoon’s daydreams. You are the only one awake.
(In Namjoon's fantasy, he'll give each of his packmates a different trip. every one of them even if it's just the ones he's recently almost lost that have him thinking of these particular plans.
Hobi would want just a day trip. Namjoon knows the alpha doesn’t really like to be separated from the pack for all that long, a few hours sure. Maybe to some vintage stores that he’s been eyeing to the city or the botanical garden.
Seokjin he’d take somewhere grand and big and full of adventure, maybe to 6 Flags or something. Jin likes to be reminded that he’s allowed to be a kid again, that he doesn’t always have to look after everyone all the time. That he has Namjoon to lean on.
Tae, he’d take somewhere gilded just as she is, like teatime at the Ritz- or maybe abroad to the castle of Versailles. The hall of mirrors and a million pictures of Tae in pretty dresses, twirling. In Namjoon’s head- he watches her turn and flutter slowly like a top. Spinning and spinning).
But none of that is quite your style. You don't really crave outings or adrenaline or gilded things. Your wants are much more simple maybe- because you've always known how priceless quiet and peace is. Gentleness is all you've ever really wanted- not excitement or acclaim or ego.
“A little cabin somewhere in the mountains, a spot for just us. We wouldn’t even have to do anything, A staycation. A night or two.” As the world spins on, you are who Namjoon craves to be still with.
You swallow hard, lingering, still half leaning over him still. Letting him nose at your jaw and purr.
“That would be so nice Joonie."
You swallow, throat thick with something. You lean forward pressing a kiss- too brief, to his lips, Namjoon’s lips part and he breathes gently. You blink back the glassiness in your eye and hope that Namjoon dismisses it as the light from the moon streaming through one of the skylights. All white and black. Wrenching you through something that feels like film. You commit the feel of him and the sound of his voice to memory and then pull back.
“I really need to get a glass of water.”
Namjoon shifts to get up, to come with you, but you just laugh at him and push at his shoulder, he flops back onto the bed.
“I can go on my own Joonie.” He grumbles but stays put. Nosing at the goosebumps on your arms and leaning to retrieve Hobi’s sweatshirt from where you left it in the nest. It smells like sleeping pups and Jin. Milky and soft and safe. Namjoon’s body shivers happily when he sees you put it on.
You squirm out from between his legs. His palm stays wrapped around the tips of your fingers. They slide out of his a little, and then all the way.
“It’s not safe.” You heave a tired sigh, what he thinks is a tired sigh but is actually you trying your hardest not to cry. You lean over him to grab the gun from where it’s rested against the nesting barrier. Getting your phone while you’re at it and sliding it into the pocket of your sweatshirt.
“Is that better?” Namjoon grumbles but still lets you go. Sitting there on the edge of your nest and guarding the others. You look back at him from the top of the stairs and smile.
The house is quiet, with no creeks on the stairs and no winds blowing across the roof. No sound at all in the house beyond your quiet footsteps that Namjoon listens to as you go down the stairs.
Feeling every second of your distance like the sluggish beat of his heart, thump thump thump. Namjoon looks back to look at his pack. Their bodies curled and resting, so gentle in sleep. After a few minutes, there are footsteps on the stairs, small soft ones.
“They’re so beautiful” Namjoon comments to you. Waiting for reply.
The silence gnashes its teeth, still hungry.
When Namjoon turns back, it’s not you standing at the top of the stairs- just Noodle with his tail raised high. His yellow eyes glow almost florescent in the darkness, meowing and hissing so loud it might wake the others.
“Noodle, quiet.” The cat just doesn’t quit, batting at Namjoon’s ankles, claws and all. “Noodle- hush.” He scoops up the fussy cat, but Namjoon’s only reward is some claws to his forearms and some more squirming.
Downstairs, he hears a sound that makes him pause. Instincts going from at peace to on edge.
The front door opens and closes softly with a soft click of the metal doorknob.
Namjoon goes to the top of the stairs, holding Noodle in his arms before the cat squirms and falls to the floor with a thud. “Pup?” he calls, hushed. You don’t respond. Only silence greets him, sated at last.
Thump, breath, thud.
Namjoon waits a moment, listening for a response that doesn't come before he goes down the stairs, Noodle nearly trips him on the way down, hissing and pacing back and forth in front of the door. The ground floor of the house is completely absent of you- absent of anyone friend or foe. The room is soaked in the blue darkness of morning that is not quite dawn. The white countertops are unassuming and the plates stay in their places.
The couch still has its dark spot from where Jin cleaned it. The tangerines are safely in the bowl back on the counter shining like several small suns or planets. Everything is empty empty empty.
Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud
Namjoon checks the shoe rack. Your sneakers are missing, the same ones that match Hobi's and usually sit side by side with his. The spot where they should be empty.
Your wallet is missing from the bowl just inside the door.
Namjoon looks out onto the street and finds it empty.
Thud thud thud
Namjoon does not panic, Namjoon does not head out onto the street and chase you down- maybe he should have. He should have done any number of things. The sun is just barely rising turning the sky into that honey blue-green color and Namjoon just stands there and stares.
Namjoon is frozen. What kind of alpha is he- why kind of alpha freezes instead of fights or flights?
Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud
A few minutes pass and something must tip off the packmates upstairs- either the empty nest or the sound of Noodle yowling and quite literally trying to bite Yoongi's ear off.
The next thing Namjoon is aware of is Yoongi is on the stairs, looking pissed off, looking terrified. almost falling down them with the speed at which he descends.
He takes the stairs down two at a time, colliding with Namjoon at the bottom of them. He looks like a puffed-up cat, hair wild and eyes equally as glaring as Noodles when he shakes Namjoon, just a little. “Where is she? Namjoon? Where did she go? Where is my mate!?"
Is it Yoongi's scent- acrid and angry- that knocks him out of his stupor? Or is it the top of his ruffled head almost colliding with the bottom of Namjoon’s jaw when the beta shakes him again.
Namjoon stutters, panic making him inarticulate. So scared he repeats it twice. "I don't know- I don't know, I- she said she was just getting a glass of water. I swear-"
Yoongi's fists tangle in the front of Namjoon's shirt. He sounds sick with it. Voice twisting in pitch.
"You were supposed to keep an eye on her- you weren't supposed to let her out of your fucking sight.”
There are other people on the stairs, roused by the sound of raised voices. A lone light flicked on sends everyone into yellow chiaroscuro. Namjoon is still staring at the street, heart thundering quicker than your footsteps as you run. The streetlights wink out behind you as you go. Fleeing with the night and bowing under the weight of oncoming daylight. Running as fast as your body can carry you.
Could he catch up if he started running now?
It's Jungkook, his dark hair pushed up at the side where it rested against the nest, who asks, “What happened?What’s going on?”
Tae’s eyes dart between Yoongi and Namjoon, her pink silk dressing gown wrapped tight around her shoulders. “Where’s the pup?”
"Yeah Namjoon, where the fuck is my mate??" Yoongi grits his teeth, shaking Namjoon so hard it almost knocks him off his feet and sends him careening a little into the narrow dresser table that the pack keeps by the door for gloves and mittens and keys and wallets.
“I don’t know, I don’t-"
Jungkook and Tae have just spilled out from the stairs into the entryway when Yoongi’s hands hit his shoulders, pushing and then digging into Namjoon’s skin. He’s shaking so hard he can hardly speak.
“You were supposed to be watching her. You were supposed to make sure she was safe-”
“Yoongi- hey- Stop” Tae’s not shaking anymore when gets her hands on his shoulders pulling him away from namjoon where he simmers. Jin is still asleep upstairs. Hasn’t been roused by all the tense voices. Too tired from yesterday- from staying up to scrub blood with Yoongi.
Jungkook skitters to the door as Jimin and hobi descend the steps. nearly bouncing on his heels as he opens the front door letting in a gush of cold air. “What are we waiting for? lets go."
Yoongi's face crumples. “I don’t get it, where did she go- why would she have-”
Hoseok swallows but talks softly, the swelling’s gone down enough even though the bruises look a million times worst in the sunlight streaming through the window. It’s not even 6am yet. His soft hiss is gentle, but the pack pauses to hear it.
“A deal- I think she made a deal.”
It's the first words he’s been able to speak since the attack. Vocal cords straining with every word. Everyone quiets to listen to Hobi. Jimin’s got the shotgun in his hands. He leans it up against the doorway. The heavy thunk punctuates the shocked quiet- but hobi continues.
“When the man was here- she tried to barter our lives with hers." Everyone looks to Tae. And her eyes lower to the floor.
“She did say that but I didn’t think she was serious, I just thought-”
The conversation is a flurry, everyone talking over each other as conversation explodes. Yoongi's face twists from devastated to enraged. “Jesus fucking Christ- that stupid stupid-”
Jungkook clings to Jimin's t-shirt, “What are we going to do? Hyung- what should we-”
Jimin hasn't spoken a word yet, and softly draws Jungkook's hands away from his shirt. “Where would she even have even gone?"
“Did someone pick her up?” Hobi’s words seem to ring out, even though his voice is so fragile.
Namjoon shakes his head. “No- I was listening, I didn’t hear any car in the road- not for like the whole hour.”
“So, you were listening enough to hear the street but not to stop her from literally walking away from us, great. Good to know Namjoon.”
“Yoongi that is like- the opposite of helpful.”
“There's still the matter of where would she have gone. She didn't take a car-” Hoseok looks up in Tae’s direction. She sees the realization light across his face.
But Hoseok ignores her, lurching to the small cabinet by the front door; the pack’s drop-off points for their keys, their wallets and your fuzzy little purse from your first ever date with jimin and tae as well as a good slice of Tae’s collection of little red pocketbooks. They keep their things this way because Namjoon loses his keys at least once a month a nd having a communal spot always helps the general disorder of having 8 people live in one house.
Hoseok scrambles not for your wallet but for his.
He reaches for his wallet. Opening it and searching but-
The train ticket is gone.
Your train ticket- the one that you gave Hobi for safekeeping so many months ago is missing from where he usually keeps it in the last slot. Right next to that folded poem of Tae's and an old gift card. In its place is just a simple folded note, a new piece of paper that hasn’t been worn soft at the edges yet. Torn from the same pad of paper that Jin writes the grocery list on. Hoseok’s hands shake as they fish it out. 5 words that aren’t nearly enough.
I’m sorry, I love you.
You’d never told him that- that you loved him. Not after you’d had sex and he’d confessed. Not in the tangle of moments that followed with Jimin bloody and the pack breaking. You’d never spilled your heart to him that way. In the back of his head, he realizes that there just hadn’t been time.
This is the first time you’ve told Hoseok you love him and maybe the last. Hoseok’s heart beats quick. She loves me. Thump. She loves me. Thump. She loves-
Hoseok shoots off like a bullet out the open door, thundering across the porch slats. Too fast for the rest of the sleepy pack to properly anticipate and follow. Peering out after him, a little sluggish and a lot shocked. His socks skid and slip as he tries to arrest his momentum and almost falls as He doubles back for his shoes.
The rest of the pack stares down at him blankly as he tugs them on, sprawled there on the floor just outside the door. Hands shaking too much for bunny-eared loops. He doesn’t even bother to lace them before he’s lunging for his car keys in the bowl too. Nearly knocking over the table in his haste.
“The train station- she’s going to the train station.” He gasps.
The words you shared that night ring in his head, playing on repeat. Like a record that’s been scratched too many times. He’s replayed those moments too many times. He’s not sure if he remembers it correctly.
“Give me one chance, let me try to convince you to stay and if I can’t- then I’ll let you go, and I won’t tell Yoongi what train you took.”
The countless times you’d joked with him after that, the moment so light that Hoseok didn’t notice the weight behind them.
“You still got that train ticket?”
“Of course I do.”
Hoseok never thought that you’d use it. He thought that the ticket would have stayed frayed and pretty in his wallet until you framed it or something. Until you could look back on it and laugh and say things like “remember that night? Remember how it used to be before we loved each other?”
“No, I don’t, can you remind me?”
This is not that, this is not the future that Hoseok had imagined for the two of you. This abject terror. Suddenly Hoseok is unmoored, suddenly he is falling. Usually, you can see the end from a mile away. Is it worse if you lose the person you love because of circumstance or because they decide to leave on their own? Hoseok never thought you'd actually do it.
Hoseok thought your promise last night meant something. Later when he’s not so scared he’ll remember that he’s angry about that.
The rest of the pack explodes too. Jungkook doesn’t bother to put on his shoes- just heaves Hobi up by his shoulders and pushes him towards his car. Yoongi snatches both of their pairs from the floor and joins them. Cold feet on the small pea-gravel driveway. Jimin darts forward wrenching off his arm sling regardless of Namjoon’s protests.
“I’ll drive” Jimin doesn’t have to wrestle with Hoseok’s keys for long. Even with his hands numb Jimin is still the best driver. He won’t pull corners or care about hitting curbs. He reeves it with a roaring purr while the rest get in and looks at Tae in the rearview mirror. Standing on the porch looking breakable and not all there still. Her eyes on his have that same peculiar weight, the same weight that makes Jimin’s blood sing with purpose.
If there was ever someone that Tae needed, it was you. Not Jimin. He will haul you back from the edge of hell if he needs to, for her. because this is not the ending that you and tae deserve. Jimin will tear you from hell. Teeth and sin and all.
Jungkook has barely shut the door before Jimin peals out, reversing until the tires screech against the asphalt and leave dark lines in their wake. Tire tracks, strings of fate, shoelaces. He shoots off down the street and out of sight, knocking over a trash bin with a clang and leaving Tae and Namjoon back on the porch.
Hoseok knows the name of the station you were most likely to go to but not how to get to it. It's an 15 minute walk, maybe a 10 minute run and it's already been 8 since you left. Jimin points his car in the direction of the main road while he pulls it up on his cell phone.
With every sharp turn Yoongi and Jungkook slosh in the back seat and hit into each other. Some early morning commuter honks his horn at Jimin but he doesn’t even see them. The scenery flickering by and the asphalt melting away underneath the wheels of Hoseok’s red car. The small grey towns melt away, Break lights bleeding less than they should. The engine stutters and engages but no one cares about the uneven acceleration. Hoseok would total this car in a heartbeat if it meant getting you in time.
At the straightaway Jungkook stoops to slip his feet into his shoes, Yoongi holding his shoulder. The phone in between them slides on the leather seat, spitting out its electronic voice, overly cheerful.
“Wait Minnie- go left.”
“Fuck!” Jimin makes the turn just barely, sparks skittering and burning out as he goes over one of those tiny reflective dividers. Hoseok curses every pothole for damaging their momentum and slowing them down.
“Are you sure? Are you sure that it’s this station that she'd go to?” Hoseok’s heart is thundering in his ears, beating furious and fast.
“Almost positive.” Yoongi holds onto the back of Hoseok’s chair to keep himself in place.
“We have to get to her before she gets to the city. Can’t you go any faster?” Jimin jerks the wheel around a flashy BMW. Almost hitting them with how close he gets. Jimin lets the speedometer answer Yoongi's question. Pushing 60 in a 35 and then 70.
Your note is crumpled tight in Hoseok's fist, a tiny bit of yellow paper that he unfolds and looks at before shoving deep within the confines of his jacket.
Yoongi is not looking at hoseok when he says his next sentence. Hoseok's not even thinking about his old pack, he's just thinking about the fact that you love him and he never got to hear you say it. Not when Yoongi pulls himself almost between his and Jimin’s seat and repeats the same to Jimin again, the same only different.
“We have to get to her before Moonbyul does, if she gets to her- I don't know what I'll be able to do Minnie- even with the power that I have Moonbyul still has more-”
Hobi’s flinch is visceral, jerking like he's shocked.
He turns around to look at Yoongi as Jimin blows through a stop sign and then a red light. Jungkook winces and doesn’t say anything. Pushing Yoongi’s shoes across the seat. “Hyung- you should get ready to run.”
Hoseok and Yoongi look at each other. Hoseok's turned almost all the way around in his seat to stare at Yoongi- more specifically Yoongi’s mouth. He’s not sure if Jimin’s painkillers would make him hallucinate but that’s the only logical reason his brain can come up with after hearing that name- her name- come out of Yoongi’s mouth.
Jimin's voice is deathly quiet. "Hoseok- turn the fuck around. If I get into an accident at this speed you will die if you're not facing forward to the airbag."
Hoseok turns back to face the road. Jimin grips the wheel so hard his knuckles are white. “Thank you.”
The sunlight is just cresting the tops of the trees. Dotting the scenery blue and yellow. Hoseok’s ears are ringing with her name.
Yoongi pulls himself closer to Hoseok, hands still gripping the headrest, the only thing that keeps him from bobbing and moving with the movement of the car. Eyes locked on Hoseok's face in the rearview mirror.
"I said something- I said something and you're having a thought."
"I fucking hope so-" Jungkook's quip goes unnoticed. Unnoticed through the volley of honking horns as the red car tares through the street. By some miracle, they haven’t passed a cop car yet.
Hoseok looks in the rearview mirror, at Yoongi’s face. Biting his lower lip. “It’s nothing just that name.”
Hoseok looks at Yoongi and all he can think about is how he'd never said- he'd never told Yoongi their names. Saying them or even thinking them reminds Hoseok too much of his own begging. What kind of alpha begs for an omega to hurt them- to stay?
Yoongi just about puts himself in the front seat of the car as Jimin breaks hard to navigate around a tractor-trailer. Riding on the shoulder, the rumble strips vibrating all of them hard and roaring just like Hoseok’s blood thundering through his ears.
“Moonbyul? Moon Byul-yi? You know it?”
Hoseok shivers, the reaction of his body route, unavoidable. Jarring. Trauma builds itself into your bones whether you like it or not. Triggers are not so much a part of you as they are a light switch that makes the worst parts of you turn on.
"Yeah- I do. It’s the name of my ex-pack omega.” Now it’s Jimin’s turn to be distracted, and he almost gets into an accident for his troubles. They’re silent for a second, Yoongi and Jimin look at each other.
“It could be the same name.”
Yoongi scrambles for his phone on the seat right as Jimin makes a turn and it goes flying. He finds it underneath Hoseok’s seat, hands slippery with sweat on it.
“Hang on, I think I have a picture of her somewhere.”
Yoongi scrolls all the way to the back in his phone. Switches to Instagram, going back and back and back through time, and then he's sticking it in Hoseok's face.
Seeing her face feels like Yoongi’s slapped him. Her face is on Yoongi's phone. Why is her face on Yoongi’s phone? Her hair is longer than it was when they dated, she must not have cut it since. But it's definitely her.
Hoseok feels like he's spinning, it's been so long since he's seen her face but it's definitely the one from his nightmares, the one he sees grinning and crooning false praises that have stuck to Hoseok's soul like glue. The face that he sees behind his eyes and sees in every criticizing comment only on his bad days. She's standing shoulder to shoulder with Yoongi, both of them in black suits along with a man that looks enough like Yoongi for him to guess that that's his brother, your ex-husband.
Your abuser and his and Yoongi in between them. Hoseok can only hear ringing in his ears, he knows he sounds accusatory when he snaps. "How the fuck do you know my ex-pack omega?"
“She’s my cousin. Are you sure that's her?”
Hoseok feels like he’s spinning. “Yeah, I'm sure.”
“I thought you said your old pack was all omega’s?” Yoongi knows Hoseok’s lore, knows it like he knows the back of his hand. He looks up, hair falling across his face. Hoseok frowns jabbing his finger at the phone.
“I did. She’s an omega.”
The dissonance hits him and Yoongi almost wants to disagree but then-
Hoseok watches the lightbulb go off, Yoongi’s eyes widening imperceptibly as he paws at the phone and Hoseok’s hand. The car sickness lurches in his stomach as he turns to look back at Yoongi, and the g force hits him as Jimin takes another turn Impossibly fast. The seatbelt across Hobi’s chest engages with a click, digging into his skin and the bruises on his neck with a painful jerk.
“Are you sure? Hoseok- you have to be sure.”
“I’m sure.”
This is all a game of leverage. A game of who knows what secret and what gets exchanged for whom. Yoongi spent most of last night wondering about Moonbyul's motivation, and now he knows why.
Hoseok is holding onto Yoongi’s phone, they’re hands gripping it together. “Is this who she’s going too? The one who tried to kill us? Is-” Hoseok has to swallow to get the words out right. “Is Moonbyul the one trying to take her?”
Hoseok shivers, eyes darkening, scent spiraling wildly. His muscles trembling as he thinks about it. You and Moonbyul.
Yoongi pulls himself around Jimin’s headrest. Hand on his throat, digging into his scent gland. He doesn't have time to explain to them.
Only alphas can lead the family, only alphas can rule. If Moonbyul isn't one- that calls into question the legitimacy of her rule. The families would never stand to see an omega on the throne, she'd be ousted, probably killed for daring to lie. The families would tear her apart piece by piece and Yoongi would let them.
If Moonbyul is the person who hurt Hobi- and now she's going after you- that's two people that Yoongi loves that she's directly hurt. Yoongi is thinking all sorts of dangerous things. But they have to get to you first.
If Moonbyul isn't an alpha then Yoongi's just found his leverage and maybe the whole reason why the pack was targeted in the first place.
A packmate for a secret. Yoongi imagines the worst-case scenario; Don't tell and I won't hurt her. Don’t tell anyone and she lives.
How long had she stewed and festered- knowing that Hoseok was out there- knowing that he knew the secret that could lead to her undoing. Maybe she thought his knowing would never come back to bite her, and had intended on tying up the loose end later. Maybe she didn't know Hoseok had found his way into Yoongi's arms until after the old Don and Beta had died. She probably thought that they’d never put it together- at least not until it was too late.
Whatever her reasons, this has gone on long enough.
Yoongi opens his mouth, but Hoseok’s body is taught like a spring-loaded and ready to burst. His voice a near growl.
“Jimin, I need you to drive.”
Tae and Namjoon are left standing there on the porch. Namjoon left staring after them as they hurl away from the house. Running his hands through his hair hard. Thinking of what to do until-
Tae tugs on his sleeve, “Your phone- Joonie- you should call her.”
“Right- fuck-” Namjoon goes and gets it, and comes back to stand with Tae on the porch. “Come on- come on pick up.” Namjoon paces back and forth on the front porch, the snowmelt from the roof drips out an uneven rhythm onto the railing. the cold spray hitting his stress-warm skin.
Tae stands by the door. Frozen, a statue of Namjoon’s distress. Inside, Namjoon hears a voice. Jin coming down the stairs, probably roused by the sound of the car screeching out of the driveway and down the road.
“Tae? Where is everybody?”
“Pup’s being stupid. The others left to go get her before she’s like- really really stupid.”
Jin freezes in the doorway, fist rubbing his eye. He sounds smaller and younger than Namjoon’s ever heard him. “Am I having a bad dream?” namjoon's pacing stutters and then starts up again. Jin doesn't need him right now, Jin he can help later.
Tae takes Jin's hand and leads him to the outdoor furniture. The cushions have to be damp but they sit anyway. Tae pulls her knees under her and rests her cheek on Jin's shoulder. “That’s what I thought too at first.”
Namjoon almost sobs when he hears it- the click of the dial tone and a single breath. He can hear the thud of the train in the background, the hiss of pressure against the scratchy speaker.
“Pup? oh thank god, stay where you are- the others are-”
“Namjoon? Joonie stop- I didn’t pick up so that you could convince me to come back. I only picked up because I never said goodbye.”
Namjoon freezes, and he feels like the snowmelt from the roof has just dripped down his back. Growing frigid more with each word. If there was ever a question on if you’d gone willingly or been taken- it was answered with that.
“Pup, come home right now or I swear to god-”
“No! For once you’re going to listen!” You’ve only shouted at him a handful of times and he’s hardly ever heard you sound so serious.
"No- you can't-"
“Namjoon, The second you say anything to try and convince me to stay is the moment I hang up, so what is it gonna be?”
Namjoon goes silent and stops his pacing. Holding the phone so hard it feels like the plastic and metal might break.
Namjoon’s very being hinges on every syllable you say, Like the ocean hinges on the moon. Water tethered and kept from the shore by something as simple as gravity. Tae is right there. Tae is watching the driveway not saying anything with that same blank look Namjoon has seen on your face countless times.
All at once Namjoon is reminded of you in the summertime back when he first met you and trauma had you all quiet. Staring off into space in much the same way. Small and fragile and worth saving. You’ve always been that for him; worth saving.
Jin scrubs a hand across his face, clearing himself of the last little bits of sleep. He holds out his hand for the phone, but Namjoon doesn’t give it to him just paces right by him as he listens to you.
“I only picked up the phone because I have some things that I want to say to you.”
You sound more settled and less angry but just as resigned and convicted of what you're doing. Like no part of you doubts your choices. Namjoon wishes you sounded angry, that you sounded sad, but you don’t sound like any of those things.
“I'm not leaving because I think I don't deserve a life with you and the pack. I’m not leaving because I think that I’m not worth your love. I’m leaving because for the first time I know that I am.
“For the first time I understand why Yoongi left and why he didn’t come back until he knew it would be safe. Because when you love something the way that I love you, you’ll do anything to protect them. Can you really blame me Joonie? For doing what you might have done?”
You continue on like you’re not wrenching Namjoon’s heart clean from his chest. Like you’re not a hurricane on his very being- dark and thunderous tearing through him as impersonal as wind. Namjoon’s heart thuds and thuds and thuds.
“Before I leave you, I want you to know that if I loved you less- I might have stayed.”
Namjoon’s lungs ache, ache and sting and swell with words he can’t say, he can’t breathe. His mouth screwed into a soundless sob. He actually might be having a panic attack. He's never had one before- he's not sure if he knows what one feels like. If it's like this- if it's like this he can understand why people call them an attack.
It's frantic, like he's chewing off his own leg to get out of your words. The panic is so terrible. Namjoon hasn't been this scared since he was a child. At least Yoongi had the fucking decency not to make his leaving so visceral.
Namjoon is bent over, tears dripping down his nose, sagging almost to his knees. “Why are you doing this to us!? To me!”
Something jiggles the phone, something that makes your voice all warbly- Namjoon imagines you on the train in a window seat. Resting your cheek against the balmy glass while you talk to him. Staring out at the scenery racing by. Hurtling towards your future like a comet or maybe an asteroid (something more destructive- more appropriate for the wretchedness filling Namjoon’s lungs like tar, the desiccated bodies of the dreams he had for you and the plans he made with you in mind clogging his lungs and making it hard to breathe).
Who knows, maybe off between the trees and the road, you see a red car zooming, trying to keep pace with the train.
Namjoon’s heart feels like it’s skipping too many beats.
“Something Jin told me the other day got stuck in my head and I keep thinking about it, would you like to hear it?”
You take his silence for permission and Namjoon does not turn to look at Jin and Tae sitting on the outdoor furniture. They just sit there; they don't do anything. Namjoon wishes there was something they could do or something he could barter for your safe return but you already have all of him and all of him wasn't enough to make you stay.
“Jin showed me this little article the other day- a few weeks ago now. He can tell you it in more detail but basically, it was about these mice.”
Namjoon struggles to say something- unsure where you’re going with this but desperate to keep you on the line. At least until the others get to you. Drinking down your voice, the whisper of your breath, everything.
“They made like- two test groups, they wanted to measure like- willpower- or how long they would try to live before they gave up. It’s kinda dark I guess. I'm not a good judge of things like that you know.”
Your laugh is the prettiest and saddest thing that Namjoon’s ever heard. He wants to record it and save it for later like some hidden track and he never wants to hear it again.
“Anyways- they put the mice and a bucket of water and timed how long it took for them to stop swimming, to stop trying to live. They’d try for a little while but give up pretty quickly. Like- an hour. That’s how much will to live that they had: an hour’s worth of it.”
Namjoon breaks, shouting, “I don’t want to talk about mice I want to talk about getting you the fuck home!”
Namjoon can hear your smile in your voice, And no-no-no you won’t even let him fight- you won’t even let him snap at you and engage with it. Namjoon’s seen you sad, he’s seen you defeated. He’s seen you so hungry you could hardly hold your head up. But seeing you convicted of this punishment is worse than anything.
“Anyway- they just killed the first group for a baseline. But with the second group just before they died- just before they went underwater- They took them out of the water and dried them off.”
Your voice goes hushed at the end. The morning sunlight cuts across the top of the house yellow. The tree too- it’s early morning- Namjoon’s favorite time of day and he won’t be ever able to properly enjoy it again. Won’t ever be able to wake up at this time of day and not think about the morning you left.
“They let them rest and gave them some food.”
Namjoon feels like he’s about to have a heart attack, blood thumping and hitting against his ribcage. Bullying out the flowers and the butterflies in his stomach.
“Cuddled them a little.”
Namjoon stands at the doorway to the pack den. Hands so tight in their fists that they ache and ache. Namjoon’s hands have saved countless people’s lives before, and they’ve saved yours too- but right now they just hurt.
“And when they put them back in,”
Noodle meows dolefully from the door, swatting at Jin’s ankles and then purring around Tae’s. Namjoon’s knees are shaking.
“They lasted for a whole 12 hours longer. Because they thought they might be saved. Because they had some love to remember. They were able to last for a lot longer than they would have otherwise.”
His face is screwed something terrible with how hard he’s sobbing. How is it that just an hour ago you were safe in his arms, talking about getting away from here. Just an hour ago. It's still 5am a time zone away, if Namjoon got on a plane and flew there- would you still be safe? Is there any way to turn back time?
You only get to love people for as long as you get and not a second more. You get what you get and you don't get upset. Yoongi might have been your lifeblood, the air in your lungs and your reason for existing, but you’d still be that fragile creature close to drowning if it wasn’t for Namjoon.
“Namjoon?” You say his name once and then softer, a croon. “Joonie.”
He's sobbing too hard to see, “Don’t-”
“Thank you for drying me off.”
The phone clicks and disconnects.
Namjoon falls to the stairs, ass in a puddle but none of him cares. He remembers the first day he heard you speak, sitting on these stairs while he helped Yoongi fix the railing. Namjoon remembers the summer heat and feeling scared for you for the first time- because the railing felt so rickety and the last thing he wanted was for you or Jungkook or Hobi to fall. Namjoon is the one who is falling, hurtling towards destruction that stops and ends with his heart.
His hands hurt. He remembers laughing with the others and stealing sips of sweet tea. Nibbling on the sour lemons, sweaty and hot and dusty. His eyes feel like they’re going to fall out of his head with how hard he’s crying. He remembers that you’d poked his dimples and called them pretty, he remembers feeling tired after but fulfilled for it.
One scene in summer and the other in winter now. At the beginning of a relationship and now at the end. The stairs still creek, the wind still blows and Namjoon's hands are still sweaty.
Namjoon sobs loudly and it echos across the empty cul-de-sac gut-wrenching. People cry differently when they lose people they love. Namjoon has heard people cry like this after he’s told them bad news, no sign of brain activity. We did everything that we could. I'm so sorry. It sounds different now that it’s coming out of his own mouth.
He actually might pass out with how hard he’s breathing. Teeth dig into his lower lip so hard he tastes blood. He’s still holding the phone to his ear. “Pup- wait- I love you- you can’t do this to us- to me.” But you’ve already hung up on him.
The dial tone tears through him like a bullet. Namjoon should be bleeding, broken hearts don't hurt this much without blood. People don’t hurt this much without actual wounds.
Eventually, something touches his back, a soft furry creature that only makes Namjoon sob harder as Noodle bullies his way under Namjoon’s arm and licks at his fingertips. Before long there’s hands on him. Jin and Tae pull him up and onto the furniture. One hand in his hair and the other on his shoulder. Jin grabs his wrist. Circling it gently before he holds his hands and nudges them until they relax from their clenched fists.
Namjoon cries.
Together they watch the road and wait for the others to return.
(Hidden playlist ▶ Play track?)
They miss the first train by just a few seconds. It screeches away from the platform when Jungkook gets out of the car. Standing there for a breath and watching it pull away. The metal thud screech of it drowns out Yoongi’s voice.
Jimin hits the wheel and growls before he revs the engine and turns, almost hitting a fire hydrant with how quick and jerky he backs up and accelerates. Leaning forward through the window to snap at Jungkook.
“Get back in the fucking car!”
Jungkook does, the door barely latching and almost swinging free as Jimin peels out of the parking lot. Slamming back shut when Jimin does a near 180 to accelerate back onto the main road.
“Sorry hyung,” Yoongi doesn’t need to reply- they all know that every second matters.
Jimin almost collides with a car stopped at the light before he drives on the shoulder, spinning around them. The train matches the road at this part of the tracks so it’s easy to follow it. They keep pace with it as Jimin pushes 70 miles an hour and then 80.
Jimin keeps the gas pedal well acquainted with the floor until they're going faster than the train. Weaving in and out of traffic back and forth, getting honked at and almost cut off several times. Leaving his packmates to grip to seats and their handles. Worried about getting thrown off but still- not wearing their seatbelts.
“We’re never going to make it! It’s too fast! We’re going to hit traffic soon!” The closer they get to the city the less likely it is that they'll be able to catch up to you. It's nearly early morning rush hour, another 30 minutes and these roads will be at a standstill.
“Hang on- let me see the map,” Hoseok watches Yoongi look at it.
“If we go to the next station, we won’t make it. But, if we try to go to the one after that and cut it off-” A look around the car says everyone agrees with Yoongi. Jimin steps on it, and there are a terrifying few minutes where Jimin’s driving skills honestly make them all count their prayers and promise things to gods that they’re already not fond of- but when they skitter and screech into the next station he hears it.
“The next inbound train will be arriving shortly, please collect your belongings. And remember-“
Hoseok is hot on the announcements heals. Sliding to get out of the car before it’s really stopped. “If we miss this one just go to the next station without us-”
“-if you see something say something.”
The train is coming- Hoseok can see the lights about a 100 feet down the tracks and it's moving fast. Yoongi almost makes to get out but Hoseok just shoves him back inside. Jungkook gets out of the car too, bolting in the direction of the stairs. “Hoseok-”
“Yoongi- Just go!”
There are maybe three flights of stairs up, then 50 feet across the tracks, and then the same amount of steps down. He and Jungkook book it up them. Making every second count. Hurtling through time and air. Ignoring the sore and tired pulse of their muscles. They’re clearing the top step and the train is below them. A silver bullet careening and destined to do damage but slowing down.
They bolt across the landing past the ticket kiosk and through the push doors. The train is stopping with a hiss of breaks and a screech of metal. A release of pressurized air that billows up to them warm carrying with it the smell of tar and city.
Hoseok’s lungs are burning. Jungkook is usually faster by just a little bit and would be on any ordinary day. They might be roughly the same height but Hoseok doesn't do cardio nearly as often as Jungkook does. Jungkook's the one who runs every day, who does cardio like it's sleeping and marathons like they're mid-afternoon naps. Who works out and hones his body to a lethal edge just because he can.
But he doesn’t run like Hoseok does.
Hoseok runs like his life depends on it- the same way you would run if he was walking into Geumjae’s arms. You’d never let Geumjae touch even a hair on Hoseok’s head and if- if Moonbyul is who you’re going to- then there is more at stake than just your phsyical safety, too much at stake for Hoseok to be held back by his body.
Hoseok thinks of the tiramisu. Of walking with you on the beach. Of making your nightime stacks just the way you like it. Of holding you that one time you almost fell into the water. Telling you that you had to be careful. Hoseok remembers driving out in his car, tugging your seatbelt to make sure it fit snug. Standing with you side by side in the flower refrigerators at work and the feeling the first time you’d rubbed your scent gland to his. Every playlist of his with your name on it, every song that you ever shared. All of that- she’s going to destroy all of that if Hoseok doesn’t get to you in time.
He remembers how small she made him feel. How small you were when he first saw you. He won’t let you get that way again. Hoseok won’t let you disappear.
Jungkook is the one who would win this race on any other day, where the stakes any different, but just this once Hoseok is faster. Hurling himself over the concrete as fast as his body will take him. Hoseok cuts through the air like wind.
They run, feet thumping. Bodies thudding, hearts and lungs delivering oxygen to their needy muscles. Beat-up sneakers gripping the concrete. Down and down the stairs, plummeting. Almost tripping and falling on the slippery concrete steps. The doors start to close just as they round the corner.
By some miracle of blood and sweat, Hobi's the one who overtakes Jungkook. The doors are closing and the train's metal shell is beginning to hum and vibrate as it makes to pull away from the tracks.
In a last-ditch effort, Hoseok throws himself in the direction of the closing doors.
Please Like, Comment, and Reblog! Every bit of encouragement helps me write the next chapter!
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Do i think that hobi could have actually warned the pack what she was planning to do? Yes. Do I also think that he thought he had more time to warn them and really wanted to sleep off his near death experience? also yes. Namjoon giving him drugs obviously didn't help. i honestly don't think he was thinking clearly.
this is one of those chapters where everything could have gone differently if they'd just been given a little bit more- but i digress- we all know life isn't so neat and tidy.
I can't not write thinking about the angsty alternative ending for bily- but you guys should know the namjoon/m/c scene...if things had gone poorly in this chapter- this would have been the last time they spoke or touched each other for 3 years- for those who are wondering about the alternative ending- i will NOT be posting any of it on AO3. Only on tumblr through asks! i'll try to tag the super triggering stuff but yeah.
when i think of namjoon and the m/c and their relationship- i think that what they want most for each other is to just see the other old and happy like- that becomes the foundation for their relationship. thats why it's namjoon who she thanks. it also doesn't escape me that yoongi is not in this chapter very much- this is intentional. just wait for next chapter and his anger! i swear its so fucking hot my god i really wanted them to fuck in the next chapter but i just don't think it's going to happen.
the og version of this chapter called for jimin parking hobi's car on the tracks and literally letting the train hit it- not derail- but just hit it. just to get it to stop for the m/c however i figured that was going a bit too far.
Me writing any part with jimin in it- "what if i added a bit of religious trauma to it?"
the line where namjoon talks about his hands hurting is like- directly related to me, because my hands didn't hurt all the time before i started writing bily but now my Knuckles hurt almost every morning. After writing for more than an hour they hurt. i guess when you love something enough it hurts you lol i don't mind.
the "you want a lifetime with them" lines are mostly a callback to like...grey's anatomy. namjoon's charecter is LOOOSELY based on mcdreamy of course the whole...neurosurgeon thing and i am 3 seasons into a re-watch so~ you will have to tollerate that cringeworthy refrence~
i've always wanted to structure a chapter around the thud and thump of a heart and yeah!! i think did a few back but i wanted to do it again~
i don't think i was very subtle with the hoseok train station and the train ticket parts of the story like- i think i forshadowed pretty heavily that it was eventually going to be used but! i hope you liked the big reveal.
how did you guys like the cliffhanger? should i spoil it for you when i've always said that bily would get a happy ending????? i mean...come on... we all know hoseok's gonna be fast enough right?
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jenoroyals · 6 months
Monster In Hiding - Lee Jeno
Tumblr media
pairing : jeno x fem!reader
synopsis : Growing up as an only child, you never shared your toys and always got what you want. This time, the toy that you don't want to share is Lee Jeno.
word count : 6.8K words
content/warnings : stalker au!, drugging, drinking, obsessive beahvoir, cursing, sexual content, fliming sexual activities, etc.
featuring : chaewon (leseraffim), sungchan (riize), giselle (aespa), karina (aespa), haechan (nct), jaemin (nct), mark (nct), namjoon (bts)
You stared at him from a distance. The way his hair fell perfectly into place, the way his lips curled up halfway to form a smirk while talking to his friends, the way his big hands wrapped around the glass containing some type of champagne. 
“Yn.” Giselle snaps you from your daze. 
“What?” You softly mutter and turn towards her. 
“I said your parents are walking over here.” She repeats and nudges her head in the direction of your parents. 
“Sweetie.” Your father says while stopping just behind your chair. 
“Yes, dad?” You ask with a fake innocent smile plastered. 
“It’s almost time to go up on stage, come on.” Your mother says while grabbing your arm to help pull you up. 
Your father inherited Starlight, a business that your ancestors started up, after your grandfather died last year. Right now, your family is considered one of the wealthiest families worldwide, which leads to lots of business parties every week. 
This time however, your father was announcing his new business partner, Lee Ji-hun. He was the owner and CEO of Tradezen, a wholesale business. 
You sweetly smile at your parents before following them to the stage. As you stood there, you ran your hands down the sides of your red skin tight dress and flashed a smile through your pearly white teeth. Your eyes go straight towards his direction. 
He was sitting with his friends, laughing about something one of them said. Your father began his speech, going on and on about things that you couldn’t care less about. It wasn’t until he called Mr. Lee over when you started paying attention to his speech. 
“Starlight’s newest partner, Tradezen! Mr. Lee, please, come up here and introduce yourself. You bit back a smile watching him slowly walk on the stage. You gently held your hand out to shake his with a big smile on your face. 
“Thank you for the introduction, Mr. Ln. Hello, everyone. As you know this will be my last project before my son, Jeno, takes over as the official CEO of Tradezen. I’m so honored to be able to partner up with Starlight and Mr. Ln. Enjoy yourselves!” Mr. Lee says and raises his glass coins everyone to as well before taking a sip. 
After finishing, you walked back over to your table with your friends. You quickly sneaked a glance over to him but he was nowhere to be found. Pouting, you sat down with your friends who noticed the look on your face. 
“What’s wrong Yn?” Sungchan asks worriedly but you wave him off with a smile. 
“My feet just hurt from the heels, nothing to worry about.” You say with a smile prompting Sungchan to return to his conversation with Chaewon. 
As the night went on, you grew more and more disappointed when he was nowhere in sight. Having enough, you bid farewell to your friends before walking out and into the limo with your “driver,” Kim Namjoon. 
As soon as you sit down in the limo, he hands you several photographs. You take it from him with a smile before observing the photo. The first one shows him and an unknown girl, her pack pressed against the wall while his arms wrapped around her frame, their lips connected. 
You scoff amusingly before looking at the next photo. The girl, whom you recognize as Karina, gets into his limo while he holds the door open for her. Smiling, you look at the last photo. Their hands were interlocked as they walked into one of the hotels that his father owns. 
Letting out an amused chuckle, you hand the photographs back to Namjoon. However, you keep the one where they’re kissing in your hands while gently running your finger over his face in the photograph. 
“Let’s go, Joonie.” You say sweetly, looking out the window. 
“Yes, ma’am.” He replies and starts to drive off to your family mansion. 
Arriving at the mansion, Namjoon gets out first before opening the door and holding out his arm for you to take. Your hand goes to wrap around his arm before stepping out and inside the mansion. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Joonie. Tell my parents I’m sleeping if they ask for me.” You say and he gently nods at you with a wink before you walk into the secret room that you had built when your parents were in Hong Kong. 
You grab the key from around your neck and gently shove it into the door knob before opening it and locking it after. Walking closer to the board, you turn the switch on. The small room is adorned with white walls with nothing but a board, a table, and a chair.
Jeno’s face front and center in the middle of the board. You smile, observing the board. Different photos and articles of him decorate the board with comments in your own handwriting. 
You’ve always had a crazy attraction towards the said man. His dashing looks, his body that was sculpted by the gods themselves. Growing up, you always got what you wanted, and Lee Jeno was the thing you wanted right now. 
You look at the photo in your hand again before placing it on the table. Ripping a piece of tape, you stick it onto the picture before attaching it onto the board. Looking over, the lists of names catch your attention. Yeeun, Yuna, Bella, Daisy, Ning Ning, Isa, and many more. Smirking, you pull out a permanent marker from the table and start writing the name. 
In big black bold letters, ‘KARINA’ stares back up at you. You smile while looking at her name before running your pointer finger across it. Your eyes go back up to his picture in the center and gently, you caress his face. Your lipstick stain kisses all around him. 
“Soon, my love.” You say and smirk while placing a soft kiss on the picture. 
A bright red mark of your lips appears and you smile. Sitting down on the chair, you observe your masterpiece. Recalling each time you came in here and added every piece onto the board. Photos of him in the park, at his office, outside his window, and even when he’s just sitting in a cafe doing homework. 
The articles of him bringing different women home or checking into hotels with mysterious women bring your lips to a smile before you frown. Uncapping your marker, you go to write another comment. ‘Why not me?’ 
“You can’t hide from me.” You say softly to the picture before switching the light off and walking up the gigantic stairs and into your room to get ready for bed.  
It was a cold snowy day, but you didn’t let that stop you from wearing your shortest uniform to school. Instead, you wore black thigh high socks to help keep the breeze away. You paired your brown plaid miniskirt with a white blouse and tied a bow into the collar of it, the print matching your skirt. 
Your black uniform jacket hanging off your shoulders, not bothering to button it up. Your makeup was applied perfectly and you decided to tie a white ribbon into a bow in your hair that day. 
“Joonie, you can drop me off right here.” You say to him. 
“Yes ma’am. Have fun at school Yn.” He says sweetly and you place a quick kiss to his cheek before stepping out of the limo. 
You attended a private school for the elite families in South Korea. It was known as the “Golden Star” across all of the high schools in South Korea. Only the wealthiest families sent their students to that school, and others if they were lucky enough to get a scholarship, like Karina. 
Limos all piled up in the parking lot, dropping off their masters’ children. You knew Jeno was going to be in the front of the school, waiting for his friends. Putting a shy smile on your face, you walked a little faster hoping to “accidentally” bump into him. 
Just as your luck would have it, someone pushes you and you quickly bump into him. His arms go around your waist to help stabilize you. You tuck your chin in and smile before looking up at him. 
“I’m sorry, someone accidentally bumped into me.” You say sweetly and he softly smiles at you. 
“It’s alright.” He says, letting go of you and dropping down to his knees to pick up your notebook. 
You hold back a smirk watching him pick up your notebook while kneeling down. If only he knew what the sight in front of you was offing to you. You softly grab your notebook from him and smile sweetly again, showing off your pearly whites before bidding him farewell and walking to Sungchan and Chaewon. 
“Good morning.” You beam towards them and they flash you a smile while Chaewon comes to wrap her arms around you. 
“It’s so cold, Yn.” SHe lightly scolds and wraps her arms tighter around your figure. 
“It’s alright Chae. We’re going to be inside the whole day anyway since it’s snowing.” You say and she nods while letting go of you. 
“We still have some time before first class, should we go grab coffee from the canteen after Giselle gets here?” Sungchan suggests and you nod along with Chaewon. 
During lunch, you and your friends sat in the canteen while eating lunch. You were too lost in your thoughts but his name being said makes you perk up. 
“I heard Jeno fucks like an animal.” Giselle says and you look over to her. 
“How do you know?” You ask while taking a sip of your water. 
“Karina. She’s in my psych class and apparently after the party last night, she left with him.” Giselle says with a smirk and you have to bite down on your tongue to keep your mouth shut. 
“The things I’d let him do to me.” She continues with a sigh. 
“No way! Jamein is definitely more my type.” Chaewon says and looks over at him. 
His bright pink hair stood out against his friend group but all you could focus on was his best friend. His black hair was pushed up, showing off his forehead. His white button up was so tight, you could practically see his muscles bulging out, almost as if they were trying to escape from the tight material. 
“What about you Yn?” Giselle asks and you turn to look at them before smiling sweetly. 
“I don’t know, they’re all handsome.” You say and they both look at you with a raise of their eyebrows. 
“What about Haechan? Don’t you sit next to him in English Literature?” Chaewon asks while looking at him. 
You nod your head at her and go back to eating your food. Giselle’s words never leave your mind. Fucks like an animal huh? You smirk quickly thinking about it before replacing it with a smile again. The bell rings indicating that lunch is over and you go to throw your trash away. 
Bidding farewell to your friends, you walk to English Literature and already see Haechan sitting there. He smiles at you and waves. 
“Hi Yn! How’s your day so far?” He asks when you sit down next to him. 
“It’s been good Hyuck, how’s yours been?” You ask and take a piece of candy from your bag to give to him.
“It’s been good too. But, it’s a bit cold outside right? Why is your skirt so short?” He replies while unwrapping the piece of candy before shoving it into his mouth. 
You couldn’t tell him that you wore it for Jeno so you racked up your brain trying to find an excuse. Noticing your quietness, he nudges your shoulder, pushing for an answer. 
“Is it for a boy?” He asks teasingly, leaning his head onto his hand to get a good look at you. 
You shyly smile before shaking your head. 
“No it’s not. I just couldn’t find the one I normally wear.” You say and he nods his head at your answer. 
You exhale softly, proud of yourself for finding a believable lie. You take out your notebook, the same way that dropped when you bumped into Jeno, and begin to take notes as your teacher starts talking about a new topic. 
Haechan’s eyes go to your notebook and he squints them, trying to read your plans after school. Unfortunately you turn to the next page and he misses it. He groans softly before writing his own notes. 
Once the teacher was done, she gave you guys free time to work on homework due next week. Haechan turns to look at you and you turn to look at him as well. 
“Do you have any plans today?” He asks and you shake your head no. 
“Probably just going to be studying for exams.” You softly reply. 
“Oh, well if you get bored, you should come clubbing with me tonight. A bunch of my friends are going and you can bring your friends too!” Haechan says and you widen your eyes. 
Clubbing with his friends, as in clubbing with Jeno. You smile softly and turn to look over at him again. 
“I’ll text you if I come.” You say and he smirks. 
“We’re going to that new nightclub Mark’s dad opened up. It’s called DREAM.” He says and you smile at him once again. 
After school, you got inside the limo and saw Namjoon with a smile. 
“Where’s he going?” You ask and Namjoon secretly smiles before handing you a piece of paper. 
Opening it up, you read ‘Latte World,’ your favorite coffee shop.  Smiling, you place the piece of paper in your backpack and thank him. 
“Before I forget…” You say and pull out a band of money. 
“Here you go.” You finish and hand it to him who gently shakes his head. 
“Yn, I don’t do this for money, I do this because you’re like a sister to me.” He says. 
Namjoon has worked for your family since he was young. His father was your father’s driver and the two of them grew to be best friends. Unfortunately, his father died after a drunk driving accident. It crushed your family seeing Namjoon lose his only parent so your father took him in and gave him a job for life. 
“Just take it Joonie. You’re risking your life by following him.” You say and put the band of cash in his suit pocket before sitting back down and putting on your seatbelt. 
Sitting at the table near Jeno and Karina, you secretly smirk while pretending to look through your notes. Every so often, you glance up at them and see his hands pushing her hair behind her ear, or their laughter mixing together, or the way she touches his bicep. 
All of it pisses you off to the core. The jealousy in you bubbling up so high you could almost walk over there and just claim your man. He was yours and only yours. Your hands grip your skirt tightly while you clench your jaw. 
You try to focus your attention onto the papers in front of you but you can't. The emotions running too high within you. You softly clear your throat and sit up straight. Noticing that they were both too lost in their own world, you pull out your phone and snap a quick picture of him. 
After getting it, you turn down your brightness and bring your phone closer to you. His beautiful eyes that crinkle into crescent moons are what you focus on first. Smiling, you go down to his lips and zoom in. His perfect and kissable lips. They’re so pink and pretty. 
Dropping your smile. You shut off your phone and begin packing up your things. Namjoon was waiting for you in the parking lot, full intent on following Jeno when he leaves. Walking up to the black small car, you get in and Namjoon hands you a pair of sunglasses. 
“Did you put the air tag on his car?” You ask and Namjoon laughs at your question. 
“Of course I did.” He says and you laugh softly. 
“He’s not gonna know what hit him.” You say with a smirk. 
Another twenty minutes go by before Jeno and Karina are walking out of the coffee shop. You watch as Karina gets into an unknown car. Furrowing your eyebrows, you look at Jeno getting into his car alone. 
“Where’s he going?” You ask and Namjoon shakes his head. 
“Maybe another girl?” He suggests and you narrow your eyes at his car that starts to pull out from the parking lot. 
“Follow him.” You say and Namjoon complies. 
Following Jeno's Porsche, you try to see where he’s going but the streets are unfamiliar to you. It’s not until you see two big palm trees that you realize where he's going. 
“He better not be going to Giselle’s mansion.” You say out loud with a scowl. 
Sure enough, he parks outside her gate and waits for her to come out. Your heart was beating 1000 beats per minute, it felt like it was going to burst. You see her walk out the house in the tiniest dark blue dress you have ever seen. 
You scowl and huff out a breath of air. 
“That fuckin bitch!” You say out loud and Namjoon chuckles at your outburst. 
“Don't worry, we’ll still follow through with the plan.” He says and you nod your head at his words. 
Now you really had to go clubbing with them. You had to keep an eye out for your man. Feeling your anger rise, you text in the groupchat with Chewon and Giselels and tell them to meet up at DREAM Nightclub tonight. 
You knew that Giselle wasn't going to look at her phone while she was getting dick downed by Jeno but you wanted evidence when you came face to face with her at the club. 
You walked in the club hand in hand with Chaewon. You were wearing a black mini dress that showed off your curves perfectly and a pair of black strappy heels. Feeling a sense of confidence, you drag her towards Haechan who smiles brightly at you. 
“Yn! You made it!” He yells excitedly and you nod your head. 
“Of course!” You yell back and look at Giselle who's standing next to Jeno. 
Her eyes widen in surprise and she smiles awkwardly. 
“Yn! Chae! What are you guys doing here?” She asks through gritted teeth and you hold back the urge to roll your eyes. 
Faking a smile you grab her arm. “Hyuck invited me and said I could invite my friends. I texted in the group chat but you didn’t reply.” You fake a pout. 
She chuckles awkwardly. “Oh, I got busy.” She says and you nod your head at her mockingly. 
“I’m sure you were.” You say hoping it didn’t come off as condescending. 
“Drinks on me!” Mark yells and everyone cheers. 
You drop Giselle’s arm and link them with Chaewon before following Mark to drink. Namjoon poured shots for you guys and you downed it before asking for a mixed drink. He hands you your drink and you smirk at him while he does the same.
Throughout the night, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of your best friend and the man who you’ve been obsessed with since the beginning of time. They were dancing together, acting like no one was around. You let out another scoff and took a sip of your 4th drink that night. 
Her hips were grinding against his while her hands ran through his hair. You scowled watching them and slurped up the rest of your drink before grabbing Chaewon. 
“I don’t feel good.” You lie and she looks at you worriedly. 
“Oh no. Are you okay?” She asks while grabbing your arms. 
You shake your head no and look at her. “I think I need to go home.” You say and she nods her head. 
She interlocks her hands with yours and drags you towards Haechan to bid farewell before walking out of the nightclub. Before walking out, you give a signal to Namjoon who nods his head before going back to make drinks. She walks you to your car before opening it and helping you get inside. 
“Feel better Yn.” She says and you smile at her before she shuts the door. 
Right as the door closes you sit up and hit your hands against the leather seats. 
“I hate her! I hate her!” You scream while hitting the seats even harder. 
“She’s such a bitch. She knew what she was doing too.” You say out loud to no one in particular. 
Namjoon was still inside pretending to be a bartender. You sighed loudly and waited for him to get in the car. Pulling out your phone, you go to Instagram and see that Giselle posted a picture. You click on it and see that it's a photo of her and Jeno at the club. She was on his lap and smiling so brightly. Angrily, you throw your phone across the limo and clench the bottom of your dress. 
“All this work and effort that I put into him and he gives me nothing! Nothing!” You rant to yourself and pull at your hair softly.
Just then the car unlocks and you look out the window. Namjoon was carrying Jeno on his shoulders as he opened the trunk of the car. Smirking, you walk out of the car and pull open the trunk. Namjoon slowly lays Jeno’s unconscious body into the trunk and you smirk at him. 
Gently, you caress his cheek before placing a soft kiss on it. Your lipstick transferring onto there. 
“Sit tight, my love.” You whisper quietly before closing the truck and walking back into the limo. 
“Anything I can get for you sir?” Namjoon asks, looking at Jeno and Giselle. 
“Uh, just whiskey on the rocks please.” Jeno replies and he smiles at him. 
“Sure thing, son.” He says before turning around to make Jeno’s drink. 
Slowly, he pulls out the drug that he managed to get his hands on. He crushes it up silently before slipping the full tab into Jeno’s drink. He slowly stirs the drink making the drug dissolve into smaller pieces. 
Satisfied, he hands the drink to Jeno who thanks him before walking off with Giselle back to their table. Namjoon watches as Jeno slowly sips on the drink. He smirks while walking to the bathroom, changing into his suit. 
Once he finished, he noticed that Jeno was slumped over the table all alone. He scanned around the room, finding his friends on the dance floor and Giselle dancing with Mark. Smiling, he walks over to Jeno and gently lifts him. 
Thankfully the club was so dark that no one even batted an eye at him. He quickly walks through the back door and towards the limo. 
“Time to wake up, my love.” Jeno hears and slowly blinks his eyes open. 
He tries to move his hands but they’re tied behind his back. He groans and tries to speak but before he could, you place a piece of tape to his mouth. 
“Finally.” You say and place yourself on his lap, sitting right on his cock. 
“Do you know how long I’ve pined for you, my love?” You ask and gently caress his face in your hands. 
Jeno lets a tear slip from his eyes and you coo while wiping it. 
“Don’t cry, my love.” You say and gently continue wiping at his eyes. 
“Everything is going to be okay, I promise.” You say and his eyes narrow at yours. 
“Don't be upset, my love. I just wanted to be with you. Don’t you know that I love you?” You ask, looking at him with your doe eyes. 
“It hurt me so bad when I had to hear about other girls talking about you.” You say and trace his facial features with your finger. 
“I was thinking ‘Why not me?’ the whole time.” You get up from his lap and turn his chair around to face the board. 
You rip the list of names from the board and walk closer to him. You flip the paper around to show him and his eyes widen. 
“Yeeun. She was a bit older wasn’t she?” You ask and tilt your head to the side mockingly. 
“Next was Yuna, right? She’s pretty.” You comment walking around in a circle around him. 
As you go down the list, you make teasing remarks against each and everyone one of them. 
“And finally, Karina.” You say staring into his eyes. 
“If I recall correctly, you guys hooked up after my father’s party last week.” You finish and sit down on his lap again. 
“Was she good?” You ask and he hardens his gaze at you. 
“You don’t want to answer me? Fine.” You say and look him in the eyes. 
“She had a lot to say about you though. Said you fucked like an animal.” You confess and start grinding your hips softly against his. 
He lets out a soft groan that's muffled and you smirk before stopping. 
“Oh! It’s missing something.” You say and get off of his lap.
You grab the marker from before and look at him. “My best friend’s name.” You say and remove the cap from the marker. 
You write her name quickly before putting the cap back on the marker. You tape the piece of paper back onto the wall and turn to look at him. You smile at him and then look at the marker. Angrily, you threw the marker at him and it bounced off his chest. 
“Have fun sleeping tonight.” You say with a smirk before taking a step away from him. 
Before you could get further away from him, his hands went to your waist and pulled you down onto his lap again. 
“Jeno!” You exclaim and try to get up from him but he just smirks and holds you against him tighter. 
“You should’ve tied these better, baby. I slipped out of them 10 minutes ago.” He says and you widen your eyes. 
“Jeno let go of me!” You yell and try to push him off but he holds your hands against his chest, locking them in place. 
“What’s wrong baby? You scared? You were so confident earlier.” He teases and tilts his head to the side, mocking you. 
“Jeno.” You whine and he hums in amusement bringing his face closer to yours. 
“You really think we accidentally bumped into each other?” He asks and you furrow your brows questioningly at him. 
“Hyuck, she arrives at school at 7:15 everyday at the North entrance. I need you to bump into her so that she bumps into me.” Jeno says and Hyuck laughs. 
“Listen, I know you’re like obsessed with her but just go fuckin talk to her man. You know, like a normal human being.” Haechan says and Jeno glares at him. 
“Shut the fuck up and just do what I say.” Jeno growls before pushing Haechan away softly and walking out of his house. 
“Giselle huh?” Jeno asks with a smirk, looking over the file. 
“Yes. Giselle is her best friend who’s also close to Karina. Now, Karina has a big ass mouth. If you fuck her she’ll for sure tell Giselle who will go running to tell Yn.” Haechan says and Jeno smiles amusingly. 
“Perfect.” Jeno says and gets up to walk to the corner of the room. 
A shrine exactly like Yn’s was placed there. Her photos and articles spread out everywhere. Jeno admires his artwork with a smile on his face while Hachan shakes his head and leaves. 
“Don’t worry, baby. I’m coming for you.” He says and traces your face in the photo before smiling again. 
Taking the drink from Namjoon, he smirks. He lets go of Giselle and hands his drink to Haechan who only smirks as well. Haechan looks up at the taller boy with a nod and he chuckles amusingly.
“Game on.” Jeno whispers to himself and smirks.
“I kept tabs on you too, baby.” He smirks and your eyes widen in realization. 
Jeno orchestrated everything by using Haechan. He planted your desk near Haechan and he planted using Karina and Giselle to make you act out. 
“I knew I was obsessed with you, baby. But, you. You’re fuckin crazy. Keeping tabs on all my hook ups and shit. Were you jealous?” He whispers and you stay silent. 
This wasn’t what you planned. How the fuck did he even get loose. Instead of him being trapped, you are. You fell right into his fuckin trap just like he wanted. You were terrified of what he might do to you. Never in a million years did you think the sweet man in front of you was able to spew such words from his mouth. 
“Namjoon!” You try screaming but Jeno shushes you by bringing his forehead closer to yours. 
“He won’t hear you, baby. Hyuck already knocked him out cold.” Jeno says and chuckles at your reaction. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted, baby?” He asks and hums when you don't answer. 
He bounces his knees up and down, trying to shake an answer out from you. You don't want him to get the satisfaction though, choosing to keep your mouth shut. 
He lets go of your hands and wraps them around his neck. He slowly rolls your hips against his and you bite your lip to contain the sounds begging to come out. His hands run up and down your sides and he places his lips on your neck. 
“I’ve dreamed of this for so long, baby.” He whispers into your neck and you mewl at his words. 
He smirks and pushes up your dress to expose your black lacy panties. He sucks on your neck and starts leaving his mark all over you. You moan and pull at his hair. 
“Jeno.” You moan and grip his hair tighter. 
He chuckles and pulls away from your neck to look at your blown out eyes. Feeling shy, you shut them but his big hand wraps around your neck and squeezes. 
“Look at me, baby.” He growls and you open your eyes at his harsh tone. 
He lets go of your neck and brings his hands back to your hips before pushing you off of him. His jeans were damp from how wet you were. 
“You’re such a fuckin slut.” He growls and pulls you down to your knees. 
“Take my cock out and suck it like the good girl I know you are.” He says and you start to shake from his use of words. 
He was being mean and you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. 
“No.” You softly say and he growls before bringing your face to his. 
His fingers hold a death grip on your face and he pushes your cheeks in. 
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” He questions and you whine from the pain. 
“Hurts.” You try to mumble out and he just laughs. 
“When I tell you to do something, you fuckin do it, whore.” He says and pushes your face away harshly. 
You finally let the tears fall down your cheeks and you try to inhale a deep breath but Jeno was quicker. He grabs your arm and pulls your face to his clothed cock, pushing your cheek against him and holding you there. 
You whine out at him and try to push yourself off but he's stronger. 
“Jeno, m’ sorry.” You say and he laughs at you again before letting go. 
“Need to fuck that nasty mouth of yours.” He says and undoes his jeans before lifting his hips up to slide them off, leaving him in his boxers.
You whine and try to crawl away from him but he grabs your hips and pulls you back to him. You scream when you feel him set you right on top of his aching cock. He rips your dress off your body and sees that you aren’t wearing a bra. 
“Fuckin whore.” He spits out and gropes both of your breasts with his hands. You let out the slutiest moan you’ve ever let out and he chuckles at that. 
“You’re so resistant but I can feel you practically dripping for me.” He says and brings his fingers to your heat. 
He cups it and you let out a moan. 
“S’ not for you.” You lie and he smirks. 
“Oh really?” He asks cockily before sliding his finger into your panties and ripping them. 
Gently rubbing against your heat, you mewl and squirm. 
“You’re such a fuckin liar.” He growls out and inserts a finger into you. 
“Jeno!” You moan out and he smirks again. 
“You think you’re so tough but the moment I fight back you’re back to your innocent self.” He admits and starts thrusting his finger in deeper and faster.
“Jeno! More!” You yell out and he stops his ministrations which makes you whine. 
“Beg for it.” He spits out and you shake your head. 
“I’ll fucking leave you here dripping wet.” He claims and you shake your head again while crying. 
“No, please!” You yell out and hold onto his bicep. 
“Please Jeno! I want more, please! Give me more! I’ll be good for you, I promise!” You beg and he smirks before inserting his fingers in again.
He shoves in two more fingers and that has you spasming in his hold. You lean your head in his neck and moan loudly. You could feel the knot in your stomach building up fast. 
“Jeno, m’ gonna cum!” You scream and he starts pumping in his fingers deeper. 
“Fuckin cum then you whore.” Jeno spits out and you finally release the knot after his degradation. 
You breathe heavily against his neck and he slowly slips his fingers out of you. He brings them to his lips and starts sucking on them, getting every little drop of you off his fingers. 
“Get on your knees.” He growls and you quickly scramble to do as he says. 
He pushes his boxers down and grabs his cock. It was so pretty, long and girthy. You could see every little vein on it and your mouth starts to drool. 
“Open up.” He says and you follow his command. 
Opening up your mouth, he grabs the base of your neck and sinks his cock into your mouth. Groaning at the feeling of your mouth around him, he pulls you off him before sinking your mouth back down. He was hitting the back of your throat and you felt the urge to gag. 
Letting out a gag, Jeno smirks and brings your head even further down on him. He fucks your mouth hard and fast while groaning. 
“Nasty ass fucking attitude. I’m gonna fuck that shit out of you.” He says and pushes your head so far down on him your nose was touching his pelvis. 
He felt your throat close up around him and the vibrations of your throat as you moaned. That was enough for him to shoot his load into your mouth and he let out a heavy groan. 
“Fuckin swallow all of it.” He says and you try your best to swallow his cum but there was so much. 
A bit of his cum slips out and runs down his cock and you can't help but watch it. He pulls you off his cock and you cough harshly at the new found freedom. You open up your mouth to show him that you swallowed his cum. 
The cum that you didn’t swallow was pooling on the floor and Jeno noticed it. He looks down at it before smirking up at you. 
“Clean it up, whore.” He says smugly and you look down in shame before getting on all fours. 
Jeno grabs his phone that fell on the floor and opens up his camera. He records you as you lick his cum off the floor. He brings his phone closer to your face and when you notice his phone you gently whine and try to cover your face. 
Jeno pries your arms away from your face and smirks. 
“Let me see your pretty face, baby.” He says and you shyly look into the camera which causes him to groan. 
“You’re so fuckin hot.” He says and lifts your head up to kiss you. 
He can taste himself on your lips but he doesn;t care. His tongue pushes past your lips and fights for dominance against yours. You moan into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. 
Jeno opens his eyes and flips the camera around so it’s in selfie mode. He records the both of you kissing while his free hand goes towards your neck. He discreetly squeezes it and you moan loudly into his mouth. He smirks into the kiss before pulling away and brings his phone back around to film your body. 
“I fuckin love you.” He says and you smile at his words before sitting on his lap. 
“I love you too.” You say shyly and press a quick kiss onto his lips. 
He stands up and wraps your legs around his waist. He walks you over to the table and places you on it. Jeno breaks the kiss and places his phone on the table, making sure he gets the both of you in frame. 
“Turn around and bend over for me baby.” He says and you comply with his words. 
You bend over against the table. The coolness of it pressing up against your front sends shivers down your body. Your cheek was pressed against the table and you drooled, anticipating what was coming next. Jeno lines himself up against your hole and pushes in.
“Jeno!” You scream as you feel him inside you. “S’ too big!” You scream and he chuckles. 
“Baby, it’s not even all the way in yet.” He says while gripping your hips in place. 
He pushes in further until he’s all the way in and stays still for a moment. After you give him a nod of approval he pulls out before harshly slamming back in. 
“Jeno!” You scream and grip onto the edges of the table. 
He chuckles and grabs his phone to get a closer look at him going in and out of you. He groans at the sight and smacks your ass leaving his handprint everywhere. 
“Jeno, it hurts!” You yell out and he just continues doing it. Smacking your ass until it was red all over while his dick was continuing to thrust inside you. 
“Jeno, I’m cumming!” You yell out and cream all over his cock. 
He zooms in and watches as your cum slowly falls out and it makes him go even more crazy. He thrusts in faster, harder, and deeper, chasing his own release. When he finally lets go, he finishes inside you and groans. 
He slowly pulls out and observes his cum falling out of your tiny hole. He laughs and smacks your ass again making you yelp. He stops the recording and shuts off his phone before wiping you clean with his button up. He turns you around and lifts you up while you cuddle into him. 
“Baby, you can’t fall asleep yet. You still need to go pee.” He says softly and you nod your head before letting go of him. 
You slowly start collecting your ripped clothing as he puts his briefs on. You wait for him to finish while holding your hand out. He laughs softly and coos at you before intertwining your hands. 
You drag him to your room and he sits down on your bed while you go pee. After peeing, you walk to your closet and find a fresh pair of undergarments with an oversized shirt. Quickly slipping it on, you grab one of your dads old sweats from your drawer and give it to Jeno. 
He presses a quick kiss to your lips in gratitude before sliding them on and getting into bed with you. His arms wrap around you and he squeezes you tighter. 
“I love you, you psycho.” He says and you laugh before kissing his neck softly. 
“I love you too.” 
The next morning, Giselle woke up and went on Instagram. She clicked on her profile to view the photo she posted of her and Jeno before smiling widely. 
She notices that he posted a photo and clicks on it. Her eyes widening when she sees your face plastered with a big smile and a bunch of marks left all over your neck. You were shirtless too because the marks went so far down your chest, your breasts were barely cut off from the photo. 
“That’ll teach her.” You said quietly as you looked on Jeno’s instagram. His arms were still wrapped around you and he softly laughed at your words. 
“You’re such a monster.” He says and you click your tongue at him. 
“Yeah, but you love it.” You say and his hand comes to wrap around your neck to bring your lips to his. 
“I do love it, baby.” He whispers before kissing you.
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m-jelly · 3 months
Dom!Demon!Dad!Levi x Human!Mom!Reader. Demon Levi asks for a second child with his lovely wife and she agrees. NSFW @2moth-anon2
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A need to breed.
Demon Levi x fem!reader
Royal AU, fluff, romance, dad Levi, married life, smut, breeding talk, different positions, pleasure dom Levi, dirty talk, multiple orgasms for both male and female, aftercare.
Levi loves being a husband and a father. While ruling over his land his main priority is the love of his life and sweet baby boy, but his need for a bigger family is growing. Levi has waited like you'd discussed and with Evan now being three, he is ready to act. With his rut now in full swing, he asks if he can skip his suppressants and make another baby with you. You make his dreams come true and say yes.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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As Levi watched you dance and sing to Evan, he deeply loved the two of you. Since meeting you, his world changed and now he was always smiling and happy. After a bit, the two of you sat together with Evan falling asleep in your arms. Now and then Levi would place a loving kiss on the top of your head.
"I love Evan so much." Levi sighed and tickled Evan's plump cheek. "Am I a good father?"
You nodded. "You're the best. You teach him, play with him, cuddle him, love him and care for him. You're amazing."
He smiled softly. "I love you both so much. I adore being a dad and a husband."
You gazed at him. "I love you too."
Levi whined a little. "So, I made a promise to you."
You giggled and kissed his neck. "That you'd wait?"
He nodded and played with his trousers. "C-Could we umm."
You tilted your head. "Go on..."
"I want another baby."
You smiled brightly. "I do too." You handed Evan to him. "Put your mini you to bed and I'll meet you in the bedroom."
He perked up. "Y-Yes." He hurried inside with Evan and took him to his bedroom. "Well, little man I have a comfy bed for you." He changed Evan and laid him down. "You're so precious to me. I love you."
Evan sleepily smiled. "Love you, Daddy."
Levi kissed his little forehead. "Sleep well."
After making sure his son was asleep, Levi made his way through the grand halls of the mansion until he reached the bedroom. Curiosity filled him as he wondered about what you had planned for him. With a deep breath and his rut starting to build up, he pushed the double doors open and closed them behind his back.
A strong blush consumed Levi as he gazed at you in a long see-through dress that tied under your heaving breasts. The fabric parted to show off your belly and thighs that he adored biting and kissing. You were sat on your thighs, hair down and no makeup making you look so delicious to him.
He almost lost himself when you pressed your breasts together with your arms and purred at him. He felt spoiled. "Y-You...look...fuck..."
You giggled. "I bought special panties too." You shifted to sit on your bum with your legs together. You parted your legs open to show the panties were see-through as well and you were wet already for him. "Do you like them?"
Levi growled as his rut burned through him, his horns grew bigger, scales appeared on his body and his penis instantly became erect and bumpy. He was desperate to mate with you, now. "Love. Them."
You giggled and crawled towards him before sitting on your legs. "Was Evan a good boy?"
"He was." He walked closer as he pulled his clothes off. "Now call me a good boy."
You looked up at him. "What if I did call you that?"
"I will pounce on you. I will mate with you until I run out of cum." He growled at you. "I need to breed your pretty pussy. You're mine, all mine and I will get you pregnant."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and hummed as you teasingly played with his hair. "Good." You leaned closer and whispered against his ear. "Boy."
Levi growled as his wings spread from his back, his rut was in full force now. He lifted you up and slammed you against the bed causing you to let out a tasty squeak. He grabbed your thighs with large hands and pressed your legs against your body. He gazed at your wet clothed pussy and admired how wet you were because he could see every delicious part of you.
You wiggled a moment. "Levi, this is embarrassing."
He dragged his long pointed tongue over his lips. "Darling, you are delicious. Be proud of your body, I am."
Before you could speak he dove for you. You cried out in pleasure as he sucked and licked you through your panties. Your toes squeezed tightly as your legs shuddered. You gripped the sheets above your head as you felt yourself drooling. You gazed down at Levi to see his pupils were blown and he was deeply in happiness.
You panted a bit. "Le-Levi."
He dragged his tongue up you, bit your underwear and tore them off. He smirked at you as he dropped your panties. "A meal fit for a demon King."
You flushed red. "Mm, yours."
He dragged his tongue all the way up and parted you. "You taste divine." He purred. "Fertile." He tilted his head. "Look at you."
You reached down and put your hands over yourself. "D-Don't look s-so much."
He nipped your fingers making you squeak. "Darling love, I have explored you countless times and I adore all of you. Your pussy is so pretty and pink." He kissed your clit. "Don't get me started on your plump clit."
You cupped Levi's face. "You tease me too much."
He smirked at you. "Because you're cute when I do." He flicked your clit with the tip of his tongue. "You're so reactive to me."
You bit your knuckle. "I th-thought you w-wanted to br-breed me."
He dragged his tongue up your clit. "In time. First, I must taste the delicious nectar my wife has made for me. Besides, I have to prepare you for me." He chuckled. "I'm a bit bigger when I'm in this form." He sucked on your clit. "I'm going to put my fingers in you now, okay?"
You nodded shyly. "Yes."
Levi pressed two fingers into you and massaged your walls. "You're so reactive to me." He rubbed your wall a bit more. "So hot and wet for me." He sucked on your clit a little as his tongue moved against you. "You love it when I touch you here, don't you?"
You covered your face with your arms. "Mm."
He chuckled. "So cute and shy even after all these years." He pressed his lips against your clit and began sucking again. "So perfect." He hummed. "So sweet and plump." He rolled his tongue against you. "All mine."
You gripped his horns and tugged hard. "A-Ah!"
"Gods, you are so fucking beautiful." He nipped you. "I just can't get enough of you. I always need more, so much more."
You panted as your eyes glazed over and drool escaped your mouth. "Ah, ah, ha."
He smirked. "You're pulling my fingers in like you need my touch."
You turned your head away. "Mm."
He chuckled. "So cute and all mine. Go ahead, cum for me."
You threw your head back as your legs shook. You cried out in delight as you felt your orgasm rip through you. "Le-Levi!"
He moved his fingers slowly as you rode out your bliss. "Good girl. Was that nice?"
You nodded. "Y-Yes."
He knelt on the bed and massaged your hips. "I bet you want something, don't you?"
You looked down a little teary-eyed. You clenched your fist near your mouth and nodded. "I-I do."
He pulled his erection out of his boxers and rested his thick throbbing member against you. "Tell me."
You eyed his cock and admired the curve it had, how thick it was, how precum was dripping from him and how he had pleasurable bumps running down it. You reached down and ran your hand over him. A shudder went through you as you felt excited at being stretched by him.
Levi hissed through his teeth. "You did that on purpose to tease me."
You ran both of your hands over him. "Mm, no. I'm a good girl." You sat up as your dress slipped down your shoulder. "I just love touching you." You tucked your hair behind your ear as you lightly touched his engorged tip. "Your cock is so perfect for me."
"Well, darling, I was made for you."
You looked up at him. "Can I taste you?" You fluttered your lashes at him. "You made me feel good, so I want to make you feel good."
He caressed your cheek. "Such a sweet and cute wife." He wrapped his arms around your lower back and yanked you against him. "I love you so much."
"A-ah. I love you too."
He nuzzled the crook of your neck. "Give me a moment. You've flustered me."
You hummed a laugh and petted his head. "Such an adorable husband I have."
"I'm not adorable." He pulled back a big bit and roughly grabbed your breasts. "I'm a beast."
You moaned as he massaged them. "Levi."
"You like it when I grope your big breasts, huh?" He dragged his hand to your peaks and pinched your nipple. "You like it when I pinch your sensitive nipples?"
You shivered as your back arched. "A-Ah!"
He dragged you closer so his cock lined up against your wet vagina. "Let me rub against you."
Your eyes rolled back into your head as he leaned down and began biting and sucking at your chest. Instinct took over causing you to rock your hips against Levi. You mewled as his thick member rubbed your clit. You gripped his horns and tugged at him.
Levi flicked his tongue against your nipple. "Look at you." He chuckled. "Rubbing yourself against me like such a good girl. Do you need me that much?"
You pouted at him. "Of course. You're in a rut and we want a baby."
He nipped your breast. "You're right. I want to breed your pretty pussy. I want to drown your womb with my seed."
You grabbed his chin and lifted his head. "Th-then admit th-that you're ju-just as needy."
His cheeks burned pink. "Oh, darling, you know I'm incredibly needy for you." He dragged his tongue up between your breasts. "I can't go a second without you." He crashed his lips against yours. "You're mine. I need you every second of every day."
Your eyes sparkled in delight. "You think of me that much?"
He nodded before pouting. "Do you? Do you think of me?"
You cupped his face. "Levi Ackerman, you are always on my mind. I can never stop thinking about you."
He smiled in your hands causing his plump cheeks to pudge. "I'm glad."
You tapped your forehead against his. "I love you."
"I love you so much." He kissed you and moaned in delight. "I need to be inside you." He panted a bit. "Please, mate."
You knelt up and parted your dress. "How do you want me?" You tilted your head. "Do you want me to ride you? Or would you prefer me to be pressed against the bed?"
He gripped your hips as he shifted onto his legs. "Let's be like this for a moment, pressed together as I stretch you and fill your perfect hole with me."
You massaged your fingers in his hair. "Help me take you."
He smiled up at you, he knew very well you could take his cock but you were asking for help so you could share a sweet moment. "Of course." He ran his tip up and down before guiding you to him. "I'll always help my adorable wife."
You pressed his tip in and wiggled a little. "S-so good." You shifted a bit but slipped and slammed all of Levi's thick cock into you. You threw your head back and cried out in euphoria as you felt an orgasm rip through you. "A-Ah!"
Levi grunted and held you. He called your name. "Are you okay?"
You shivered. "Y-yes."
He rubbed your tears away. "Did that hurt?"
You shook your head. "N-No, it was g-good."
He moved a bit then his eyes widened. "Fuck." He looked down at where the two of you were connected. "You're soaking."
You covered your face with your hands. "Leviii."
He chuckled. "So cute. This is why we make the sweetest babies." He kissed and sucked on your neck. "If I could, I would have you every minute of every day."
You clenched your walls around him with need. "Me too."
He dragged his tongue up your neck. "I can tell. You're clenching me so tightly. Does my wife desperately need her husband's cock?"
You whined a little. "Levi."
He chuckled as he began pumping up into you. "Tell me how much you need it."
You gripped his shoulders and mewled. "I n-need it."
He spanked your bum with both hands and gripped hard. "How much?"
You shivered. "I...I...I..."
He slammed himself up into you over and over. He smiled as you threw your head back and almost screamed in pleasure as he pounded himself in and out of you. "How much."
"M-More than a-anything."
"Good girl."
He crashed his lips against yours and kissed you with all the passion and love in his heart. His tongue was hot and sweet in your mouth, it made your head dizzy with pleasure. Every inch of you was overflowing with delight that you could barely process a thing or put a thought together. You just let Levi flow his love into you.
Levi tugged you closer and made sure your clit rubbed against him. He smiled against your lips when you squeezed him so tightly, you were just dragging him back into you every time he pumped his cock deep inside. He adored how you dragged your nails over his back and tugged on his hair.
You threw your head back, arched your back and moaned out to the room as you felt the delicious snap of pleasure. "Levi!"
Levi moved deeply, but he couldn't hold back. He slammed you down onto him and moaned your name as he poured his seed into you. "Take it, my lovely wife." He grunted. "Take all of it deep into your womb."
You purred in delight. "All mine." You tapped your forehead against his. "Hot."
He chuckled. "My demon seed always is."
You cupped his face. "Do you have more for me? You're still hard."
He lifted you up and slammed you against the bed making you giggle. "Always do." He shoved your legs against you and sighed. "Oh, darling you always look so delicious in a mating press and full of cum."
You wiggled under him. "Don't tease me, just take me."
He gripped your legs tightly and started pumping bucking into you as hard and as fast as you could take. He panted and growled in delight as he admired how your breasts bounced from his actions. He flicked his gaze to your face and adored how cute you looked. Levi loved you more than anything in this world.
Levi purred your name. "Touch yourself."
You reached down between your bodies and moved your fingers against your swollen clit. Your toes clenched up as you began whimpering in delight. You turned your head away, feeling too flustered to look at your husband. You had a lot of sex in different positions and places with your man, but you still sometimes got a little flustered.
Levi called your name. "Look at me."
You whined. "Le-Levi."
"Come on, let me see your beautiful face."
You turned your head and felt your heart flutter, he was giving you a loving gaze and not a teasing one. "Levi."
He crashed his lips against yours and hummed in happiness. "I love you."
You smiled. "I love you too."
"You going to cum for me?"
You nodded as you panted a bit. "Y-yes. A-Are you?"
He grunted. "I am. I have more to give you."
You gasped as you felt the pop of bliss and then the body-shaking euphoria rush through every inch of you. You cried out and shifted under your husband. "Mm!"
Levi kissed you roughly as he pressed down into you as far as he could go, his tip pressing against your cervix as he came hard. "Ah! Ha, ha, ngh, mm. Darling."
You shivered as you felt the warmth fill you. "S-So warm. S-So much."
Levi released your legs and kissed you. "Can you keep going?"
You whimpered. "Sensitive. J-Just a bit more."
He dragged himself out of you and rolled you onto your tummy. "Lift your hips like a good girl." He smiled as you weakly lifted your hips. "There we go. Now I can get nice and deep." He held your hips and eyed his cum leaking out of you. "Let's put that back in you." He ran his tip up your wet lips and gathered everything he could before pressing back into you. "Fuck, I love being inside you. You're so hot and welcoming."
You wiggled your bum. "I love you being in me."
He kissed your back. "I love you."
"I love you too." You mewled as he softly rocked in and out of you. "Levi."
"Forgive me darling, but I might cum faster than before because you're sensitive."
You reached for him. "It's okay. Hold my hand?"
He tangled his fingers with yours, pressed himself against you and bucked. "I'll always hold your hand. I'll hold you close and love every inch of you." He nipped your ear. "You're mine for eternity."
You drooled against the bed as you felt pleasure consume you, you were so sensitive to his touch and body. No matter how much he ravaged you over the years you still couldn't keep up with your demon husband. The stamina Levi had was like nothing you'd ever experienced before. He was incredible.
"You are so perfect." He kissed your shoulders. "So sweet, so beautiful and so sexy." He bit your shoulder a little hard. "You're mine."
Your eyes rolled back into your head. "Ah, mm. I love you."
"I love you so much." He called your name against your ear. "Your pussy is taking me so well. You're pulling me in deep like you need me to cum inside you."
You whined and felt flustered. "Y-Yes. I n-need it."
"Your body is just opening up to me."
You raised your hips. "I need you to fill me."
He kissed you. "I will. I'll give you everything. I'll fill your womb again. Accept it all. Make our cute baby."
You shivered. "Y-yes. B-breed me."
He growled and rocked faster. "Yes, my darling, I'll breed your perfect pussy."
You tapped your forehead against the bed and moaned as you felt consumed by the pleasure he was giving you. "Ah! Ha! Mm! I'm gonna-." You collapsed against the bed as your body shook with bliss from your orgasm ripping through you.
Levi grunted as you massaged him. "G-Good girl." He shifted. "Lift your hips for me so I can get in deep."
You weakly lifted your hips. "Mm."
Levi pressed himself down into you and felt his tip kiss your cervix before he poured a big thick cum load into you. "F-Fuck." He hugged you tightly as he gave you everything he could until there was nothing left. "Mm."
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the hot feeling of Levi's hot cum inside you, along with his still erect member. "Mm."
Levi smiled against your back. "That's what I said." He kissed your cheek. "Are you alright my love?"
You nodded weakly. "Yes. Sleepy and weak." You yawned a bit. "How are you, my handsome man?"
"I'm well and madly in love."
You hummed a laugh. "Me too. How are you still hard?"
He gave you a little squeeze. "You know what I'm like."
He dragged himself out of you and helped you roll onto your back. "Let's get you into a warm bath."
You yawned again. "Sounds nice."
He scooped you up and carried you into the grand bathroom where the pool bath was always filled with warm relaxing water. He walked down into the pool and held you close as he sat down. He massaged your joints as you hummed in happiness.
Levi kissed your forehead. "Is this okay?"
You nodded. "Perfect."
He smiled at you. "I'm sorry if I was a little rough."
"You were wonderful." You cupped his face and kissed him. "Please don't worry."
He nuzzled his face against you. "I just love you so much."
"I love you too."
He slipped you off his lap and left you a moment. "I'll be right back."
You leaned on the side of the bath and smiled as you watched your wet and naked husband walk away. "I miss him."
Levi returned to you with bottoms on. "I'm back." He lifted a tray I bring food and drink for my hungry and tried adorable wife." He sat down and gave you a drink. "Drink up."
You downed a lot of your drink. "Thank you."
Levi lay on his stomach and fed you snacks. "Eat up."
You leaned up and kissed Levi. "I don't know what it is, but I'm horny again."
Levi smiled at you. "You know very well what it is. When I'm in a rut I emit a pheromone that arouses you, plus my cum also does the same." He caressed your cheek. "You need to rest a bit more before I fuck you senseless again."
You giggled. "I'm counting down the seconds." You kissed him and hummed in happiness. "You're wonderful."
"So are you."
You fed Levi food and helped him drink. "Are you okay? Do you need anything else?"
Levi dragged you out of the pool and hugged you close. "You're so cute. You always care about others more than yourself."
You hugged Levi tightly. "I just adore you so much." You let out a long sigh. "You know, I don't think it'll take very long before I'll be pregnant."
Levi chuckled. "I'll make sure of it."
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What if... the CEOs were hybrids? Bonus chapter | BTS OT7 au
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Welcome to the prequel, I cannot believe how long it's taken me to update this story I really hope you enjoy this <3 (the gif makes me think of the 6 in their office waiting for MC, but Yoongi’s hiding her in his office 🤣) Warnings: menstrual cycle stuff, hormones, possessiveness
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Hybrids: KNJ - Wolf, KSJ - Bear, MYG - Panther, JHS - Lion, PJM - Arctic fox, KTH - Tiger, JJK - Bunny.
“Kitten if you keep pouting so hard you’ll look like a fish,” Yoongi teases without looking up from his paperwork. 
“I’m not pouting,” you deny wearing the proverbial pout.
Hoseok snickers, covering it with a weak cough when you glare at him for a second, turning back to Yoongi with your arms crossed. 
“Flower you need to look in the mirror,” Taehyung says deeper than usual, making your heart flutter momentarily, the sound makes him smile, but you avoid his gaze. 
“Hyung stop being mean or you’ll cloud my sunshine,” Hobi pretends to berate the panther hybrid, all of their tails swishing in the air enthusiastically as you get more riled up. 
You were in the main CEO office with three big cat hybrids, most people would stand guard or scared, Yoongi thought, but of course his kitten would stand defiantly in between them with no ounce of fear.
“Just admit you did it on purpose Min Yoongi,” your pout was getting more pronounced at the accusation, a big cute frown on your face that makes Yoongi bite his lips to stop smiling but he fails. 
Hoseok and Tae laugh behind their hands or paperwork, both of them clearing their throats and schooling their features before you turn on them. 
“What exactly did I do wrong, kitten?” Yoongi asks with a dare in his eyes, a lot of people thought you both didn’t get on but they were wrong. Yes, you both argued and disagreed with each other without care about who was watching but it was only play-fighting, and Yoongi did it on purpose to see his kitten’s claws. Who else in the company would dare confront him like this with his full name on their lips in that demeanour. 
“I emailed you my report because you asked for a digital copy AND YOU CHANGED THE FONT!”
Hoseok and Taehyung both clasp their hands over their mouths as the giggles escape, you eye them both distastefully, narrowed gaze piercing them.
“And what’s the problem?” Yoongi smirks, oh you wanted to wipe that smug look off his face.
You groan exasperatedly, huffing loudly which only makes his grin wider. How he loved playing with his kitten, any piece of string he dangled in front of you sent you running in circles with him and he always loved the sight. 
“Why did you change it?” The pout is back.
“You’re pouting again Kitten,” Yoongi sighs, “stop it.”
You only pout harder, looking at him like a child being told off but not backing down. 
“I’m not pouting,” you argue, and your tone tickles him. For your own safety you needed to be more aware of your facial muscles, or did you not realise every time you purse your lips like that you were just asking to be kissed, and Yoongi was not a gentleman, how long did you expect him to resist?
“Hyung,” Taehyung whines, copying your expression exaggeratedly. “I can’t believe you changed the font on flower’s hard work.”
“How could you?” Hoseok joins in, adopting a childish tone in his voice as he pouts extra hard. 
The fake support only makes you glare at them, they sounded ridiculous as they struggled to keep their composure. Yoongi doesn’t hold back his soft laughter, the sound cooling your anger a little.
“You’re not funny,” you say to the duo, watching both their tails swish behind them as they mock you. 
“I disagree,” Tae chuckles. 
“We’re hilarious sunshine,” Hoseok chimes in, “and Yoongi hyung was right, you are pouting.”
“That is beside the point,” you disregard them, “the point is Min Yoongi disrespected my work.”
“I changed the font Kitten, I didn’t insult it,” he rolls his eyes but the smirk doesn’t disappear. 
“Helvetica is an insult,” you mumble, walking away with a stomp in your step. The three cat hybrids start to petulantly whine and complain as you leave, begging for you to stay.
“Kitten, I’ll change it back,” Yoongi calls after you.
“Flower come back,” Taehyung whines.
“Sunshine we were joking!” 
But your only response was the slam of the office door.
“No one tell Namjoon.”
“Hyung you were pushing it,” Hoseok berates him gently, “or did you not scent the change yet?”
“Of course I did, it’s my favourite time to play with Kitten,” Yoongi admits. “She’s extra volatile this time of month.”
Taehyung shakes his head in disbelief, “Hyung you’re sadistic.”
Hoseok just stares at the panther with a knowing look. Min Yoongi could pretend all he wanted, but the man was soft for you and your attention. 
Did their hybrid ears deceive them, or was that your heart pumping out of pace as you stared up at Jin with a spaced out look. The bear hybrid was devastatingly handsome, the whole company knew it, even you weren’t immune to it.
“Angel, are you listening to what Hyung is saying?” Jimin calls you out with a smirk.
“Huh,” you take a second to snap out of it, meeting the knowing look in Jimin’s eyes before you feel your cheeks burn. “Yep.”
It sounds like a squeak as you turn back to the file Jin was holding, trying to read the words on the page but you can’t make out a single sentence. You hear him chuckle beside you, wishing the floor would swallow you whole to escape the sudden embarrassment you felt. 
“Beautiful girl, are you feeling okay?” Jin asks with a grin, bathing in the sight of you becoming flustered. 
“Flower,” Taehyung stands from his desk with mock worry on his face, taking your hands in his as he stares you down, “your heart rate just skyrocketed, are you okay?”
Jimin and Jungkook push Jin out of the way, the trio surrounding you as they voice their concern over your health, making you want Hell to open up and take you if it meant you could escape this. 
“Ya!” Even Jin couldn’t save you now, he may have been the oldest but when the maknaes wanted something they’d get it. He sighs, shaking his head as you fight for words against their attack. 
“You don’t have a temperature,” Jungkook mutters with a pout, the back of his hand pressed to your forehead. 
“This is serious,” Jimin contemplates, his hands on your cheeks as he looks into your eyes, “there’s no reason for angel’s heart rate to shoot up out of nowhere,” he fights the smirk but you can hear it in his voice, he knows exactly why you were like this, damn their hybrid senses.
“Bunny, are you sure you don’t have a heart condition?”
“Should we book an appointment with the company doctor,” Taehyung says to the two, his acting skills better than them by far, even you were almost convinced it would be a good idea. 
“This isn’t the first time it’s happened Bunny, what if it’s something serious?” Jungkook teases, unable to stop the grin on his face. 
“Has no one else picked up on it Angel?” Jimin asks innocently before his eyes change again, a cheshire cat smile on the fox’s face forming without restraint. “It only ever happens with us.”
Your whole head feels like it’s on fire, the open mouth of shock pressing shut with annoyance. 
“Maybe I’m allergic to you guys,” you say through gritted teeth, making the boys gasp in outrage at the idea. 
It hurt like a bitch, like little fists were punching you from the inside out and all you could do was grit your teeth and take painkillers, which you swear did nothing. You try to suppress a groan, pressing your lips together hard as you get through another cramp. You wish you didn’t come in today but there was an important meeting and you stupidly thought that was more important than crying in bed in pain alone. 
You don’t notice three sets of eyes on you, looking on with worry. It's when you clutch your abdomen, eyes squeezed closed, that they know they can no longer leave you be. 
“Y/n you stink,” Suran says nonchalantly as she passes your desk, the Chihuahua hybrid dropping off some files before giving you a fake sympathetic smile and holding her nose as she walks away. 
Taehyung growls as he overhears, the chihuahua’s attention snapping to the tiger with fear widening her eyes, noticing Jimin looking at her with the same predatory hate that makes her cower away with a whine. 
You sigh when she walks away, hating the fact that every hybrid in the room knew exactly which point of your monthly cycle you were in, even with all the suppressants they had to take. At first it was weird to get used to, embarrassing even but with time it was just the way things were. Sometimes you had to admit it did have it’s benefits, like when you ranted to your panda hybrid BFF about Min Yoongi and the helvetica altercation she may have pointed out that you were PMSing and your patience with the panther was at sub zero because of it. Maybe you were overreacting about the whole font thing, just a little. 
“Noona,” Jungkook calls for your attention, the other two in tow looking at you with so much sympathy it was as if someone was dying. 
“Angel, care to follow us?” Jimin says holding out his hand for you to take.
You smile knowingly, but it doesn’t stretch very far. Every month your favourite trio found a way to distract you from work and form a cuddle nest in Yoongi’s office which he always allowed to your surprise. He would stare at the four of you while he pretended to work, both of you wishing he would just join the cuddle pile. 
“Guys I can't, I've got a meeting soon,” you say, glancing at the clock. “And you three are 20 minutes late to yours.”
They mumble feeble excuses which you silence with an unimpressed look. 
You almost crawl into the meeting room, your pace so slow your usual 30 minutes early to prep was now cut to 25, Jin had been pacing the room for five minutes wondering whether you had died, Namjoon restraining him from going to look for you telling the bear hybrid he was being too dramatic.
Of course, Namjoon eats his own words when they see you enter. Jin was normally the one to preempt your ritual of setting up, normally joining you so he could steal your time before being surrounded by your colleagues. This time round, Namjoon decided to join him and he’s so glad he did.
The protective growl is barely contained, he doesn’t know what hits him first, your palor, the smell of blood or the way you are so obviously in excruciating pain. 
“Baby girl,” his voice is on edge, “what are you doing here?”
You frown at him, wincing when another cramp makes you want to double over and die, did he have to ask you stupid questions? 
“Setting up,” you say breathlessly with a slight groan, pressing your lips together as if those two words alone just added tenfold to the agony. 
“I don’t think so,” the characteristic rise of his eyebrow tells you he’s serious, “go home, you’re in no state to work.” he turns to Jin, “Hyung, do you think you could drive-”
“I’m fine,” even through the struggle of those quiet words he could hear your stubbornness. 
He exhales, staring you down, jaw clenched. Jin glances between you both, even in your frailer than usual state he could see you weren’t going to back down, either of you. 
“Beautiful, maybe we should-”
“Nope,” you shake your head, ignoring them and starting to prep for the meeting, you were running out of time. You try to behave as normal, standing a little straighter, but your movements were slow, your head fuzzy.
“Y/n I am not kidding around, you look like you’re going to pass out,” Namjoon grits his teeth to stop himself yelling, he never yelled, but this or something similar happened every month and his patience ran out about a year ago.
You scowl at the lack of his term of endearment in that sentence, didn’t he know you were in pain? And he was going to call you by your name? The gall of the lead CEO, thinking he could just boss you around like he was… Huh, maybe your brain was suffering from a lot of blood loss, you genuinely forgot this man was your employer.
“I’m going to be fine,” you sigh, tired of everything. You just needed to make it through the day, only… 7 more hours left. You stop yourself from bursting into tears at the thought, why was time torturing you today? 
Jin watches Namjoon clench his fist, the bear hybrid taking a step back when the wolf’s eyes have that red glint in them that meant oncoming doom. You were somehow blissfully unaware, although he knew that wouldn’t last long. 
It's when you try to muffle a wince that he can hear the low growls coming from the male, his tail stiff and straight, making Jin’s instincts want to stand in front of you and defend you but the more rational part of his brain knew Namjoon would never hurt you. 
“Beautiful girl…” He tries again, nervously laughing but you seem to be oblivious to the state of the predator in the room. “I think-”
The whimper you try to conceal cuts him off, you’re clutching the edge of the table in front of you so hard your knuckles are white, your whole posture stiffening as you ride out the spasms your lower region assaults on your body. His eyes go wide when he doesn’t hear you breathe, he steps closer to you quickly as it passes and when you release the table you stumble back into his chest. 
His arm wraps around you quickly, keeping you steady as you catch your breath. Your stance is weaker, he can see your eyes are out of focus when he tilts your head to look at him. 
“You shouldn’t be here beautiful,” he sighs. “You should be at home, in bed, resting.”
“I’m taking you home,” he insists, and he’d stay with you, no way was he going to leave you alone like this. He bet you hadn’t had anything to eat today either.
“But the meeting,” you whine weakly, you put so much work into today and your biology was ruining it. “No, I’m going to stay.”
You both hear the low rumbling sound behind you, tentatively turning towards the hooded eyes directed at you. You feel a shiver shoot down your spine, Jin holding you tighter against him.
When he takes a step closer you instinctively try to take one back, unable to move with Jin freezing in response to the wolf. Namjoon lets out a deep breath, as if trying to control his instincts, instincts that scream at him to take his mate home, build her a nest and trap her in it until she recovers. 
“Baby girl you either let Hyung take you home now,” he pauses, searching your eyes for the defiance he needed to subdue. The corner of his lips twitch as if he’s almost amused, but really it's because his patience has been tested to its limits. 
You try to speak but no sound leaves, all you can do is watch the predator stalk up to you, looking up at him as his gaze almost dared you to try and challenge him.
“Or…” his smile doesn’t reach his eyes, stretched thin like his nonexistent tolerance for your attitude. 
“I call security to escort you out of the building.”
You gawp at him in surprise, he wouldn’t, there is no way on Earth he would call security on you.
“Don’t test me Y/n, it’s for your own good,” he grunts in reply to your unspoken thoughts, the fake smile gone to reveal his glare. He doesn’t back down, doesn’t flinch even when he can see your eyes starting to water. He marches over to the internal company phone when you don’t move towards the exit, Jin having released you to watch your reaction. You cross your arms, looking at the wolf with just as much contempt despite the pain you were in. The adrenaline of your standoff helped a little, but you would die before you admit it. 
He scoffs after waiting a second too long, unbuttoning his cuffs and pushing his sleeves up his arms. They felt like they were constraining him, the tie and collar would have to be loosened next once he dealt with you. He glares at you again, ready to end this stalemate, but your eyes aren’t on his with fire like he expects. Instead, they travel down his arms, breath caught in your throat at the angry veins protruding out of his skin. The smirk on his face was real this time, only when he picks up the phone do you return his stare. He wouldn’t… 
“Security,” it’s a gruff command and your jaw drops in disbelief. 
“So Bunny isn’t talking to you?” Jungkook isn’t gloating, not really, the grin he has on his face wasn’t cruel, he just found the situation entertaining. 
“Even I thought he was bluffing with the security card,” Jin shakes his head at the memory, you held back tears the whole drive home, you ranted to Jin about how Namjoon could possibly to that to you and who did he think he was, you didn’t stop for the whole afternoon and evening until Jin left. 
“I was half bluffing,” Namjoon groans, “I didn’t really call them, I just made her think I did.”
“But you would have if she didn’t move,” Yoongi challenges, a smirk evident on his face that he wasn’t buying it. 
“As if you wouldn’t have called them either,” the lead CEO huffs.
“Oh please, Kitten wouldn’t refuse me,” the smirk only grows when the wolf glares at the panther. “And if she did, she would have paid for it.”
“She was already paying in pain, hyung,” Taehyung whines, not liking the way Yoongi was talking. “My poor flower.”
“It’s been a week,” Namjoon starts massaging his temples with his fingertips feeling the stress radiate from his brain like a migraine. “When is she going to let it go?”
“Have you apologised?” Hoseok asks, not looking up from his paperwork until his question is met with silence. 
Oh if only you could see the wolf with his tail between his legs right now. He tries not to laugh at the obvious embarrassment on Namjoon’s face as he tries to come up with an excuse. 
“I don’t think he needs to apologise,” Yoongi says.
“Of course you don’t” Jimin sasses with an eye roll. “Whether hyung was right or wrong, he still hurt my angel’s feelings.”
“I think he’s paid for it enough,” Jin chuckles, “you should’ve seen his face when beautiful called him Mr Kim.”
Jaws drop, in shock and a little in second hand pain if that was ever a thing. They wouldn’t know at all how to handle you acting so coldly. 
“Not even Kim Depyunim,” Jin continues as if he was sharing a scandal. “Mr Kim.”
“Woah,” Jungkook breathes, completely taken back. “Remind me not to get on Noona’s bad side.”
“Ididitforherowngood!” Namjoon yells to his own defence, sounding unusually high pitched before groaning, planting his head on the table. 
The others snicker to themselves, the sound making the wolf bang his head lightly but repeatedly on the wooden desk. 
“Sunshine, are you still mad at Namjoon?” Hoseok asks you as you both walk to your meeting. His question pulls your attention out of the file you were rechecking. 
“No…” you deny, pouting as you return to reading.
“Sunshine…” he sighs.
“Maybe,” you try again more honestly. 
“Well then you should be mad at all of us,” he replies, making your snap towards him. He doesn’t meet your gaze, staring in front of him with confidence. “We all would’ve done exactly the same thing.”
You sigh displeased with that information. 
“But Hobi-”
That does make him turn towards you, pulling your arm and stopping you both in your tracks. Thankfully the corridor was empty, but he still glances around before giving you his full attention.
“Sunshine, none of us like seeing you in pain,” he explains, “and for some reason you don’t listen to your body.”
You open your mouth to argue but his stare makes you back down, pressing your lips closed with another pout. He chuckles softly at the sight. 
“He didn’t go about it the best way, but he didn’t do it to undermine you sunshine,” he explains calmly. “He did it because he was worried about you.”
You stare at his shoes, feeling mildly dejected at his gentle berating. You miss the grin on his face, finding you adorable. He gives the corridor another glance around to make sure no eyes could catch him, before he pulls you into a hug, chuckling to himself at how endearing he found everything about you, even the parts that sometimes exhausted them. 
“No!” he roars childishly. “I know Flower better!”
You wince at his volume, the three maknaes tended to forget about the crowd of colleagues surrounding you when they had these battles for your attention. 
Jmin and Jungkook scoff loudly, making you wince even harder, glancing at the other desks and watching people whisper in amusement. Why did they do this to you?
“Please, you don’t even know your flower’s favourite flower!” Jimin contends with just as much volume as the tiger, tail swishing back and forth faster and faster. 
“You just admitted she’s my flower,” Taehyung counters as if he’s won. 
“Guys,” you say quietly, not wanting any more attention, but needing to stop it. You pull on Tae’s sleeve to get him to stop.
“Look you can’t even read Bunny’s body language,” Jungkook stands with his hands on his hips, stalking up to the tiger as if he wasn’t a prey hybrid. Honestly sometimes you’d forget if it wasn’t for the bunny ears on his head. 
“And you can?” Jimin and Taehyung say simultaneously.
“Better than you can!” Jungkook shouts back, “you’re making Noona uncomfortable right now.”
Oh the irony obviously went over the youngest’s head and then twirled around him and yeeted for good measure. 
“Can you guys please quieten it down?” you beg, “or take it elsewhere.”
Three sets of eyes now snap and stare directly at you, oh shit this was exactly what you wanted to avoid. 
“Flower tell them I know you best,” Taehyung demands, crouching beside you and turning your chair to face him. 
“Angel don’t you dare lie to him to save his feelings,” the arctic fox growls, the sound not as impressive as Namjoon’s but you find it cute, or you would in any other situation. 
A large shadow looms over the four of you, catching the hybrids’ tongues in their throats. They audibly swallow, slowly turning to see the daggers the big bad boss wolf threw at them with his glare.
“Didn’t we have that thing…?” Jimin cowers back without taking his eyes off the lead CEO, swearing to himself he could see steam leaving his ears.
“That important thing,” Taehyung seconds as if he didn’t spend the last half an hour disagreeing with everything the fox said. 
The three of them scarper off, as if the ends of their tails were on fire, unable to leave fast enough. You shake your head at their antics but smile in amusement despite the trouble they caused. 
Namjoon’s presence had everyone turn back diligently to their work, he surveys the whole floor, making sure not a single hint of attention strayed from what he paid them to do. You look up at his glowering presence, grinning at how serious his demeanour was. His eyes catch yours when he hears your light laughter, the stern expression on his face melting away. 
You weren’t giving him the narrowed eyes of spite that he was getting used to, was it too early to sigh in relief? He watches you cautiously, words catching in his throat that he clears, but when he opens his mouth nothing comes out. You smile at him so radiately it disarms him, his palms starting to sweat, you reduce the strong alpha to a pup with that look of endearment.
“Thanks Joonie,” you whisper, “they were getting to that stage where it would’ve been impossible to stop.”
You shake your head again, looking down at your computer completely unaware of the puddle the CEO was turning into beside you. He feels his soul elevate back into place after being dragged along the floor for a week. He wasn’t Mr Kim anymore, the relief flooded through him. 
“Baby girl,” he calls for your attention quietly, standing over you with an arm on your desk. You glance up at him, caught in his soft gaze, blinking a couple of times at the sight. 
“I’m sorry for last week, I was out of line but I was worried about you.”
He leans down closer, his face an inch away from yours. He smirks when he sees your eyes dilate, an inner voice berating him about rules and etc that he ignores for a second.
“That being said,” he continues gently. “Never call me Mr Kim again.”
He breaks out into a grin at the sound of your soft laughter.
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