#bts wings anthology
bts-polls · 8 months
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We're being stranded on a desert island! Fortunately we have our trusty cd player with an eternal battery. But there's only one disc in the player!
Here are the starting brackets. Proof gets a fast pass to the final rounds by nature of being the anniversary anthology.
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I'm not including singles or solo albums in this bracket (there were enough gifs to make as-is). Let's see what singular BTS disc we end up listening to for the rest of our time on this island!
Reblogs help the tumblr algorithm! Let's get the biggest sample size possible!
All of the polls in round 1 will release over the next few days. Keep an eye out for the post with your favorite albums but try to vote in them all!
Links will be added to each poll as they post below the cut:
Round 1
2 Cool 4 Skool | O!RUL82?
Skool Luv Affair | Skool Luv Affair (Special Addition)
Dark & Wild | Wake Up
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.1 | pt.2
The Most Beautify Moment in Life: Young Forever (Disc 1) | (Disc 2)
Youth | Wings
You Never Walk Alone | Love Yourself: Her
FACE YOURSELF | Love Yourself: Tear
Love Yourself: Answer (Disc 1) | (Disc 2)
MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 ~The Journey~ | BE
BTS, The Best (Disc 1) | (Disc 2)
Round 2
O!RUL8,2 | Love Yourself: Her
Skool Luv Affair | Love Yourself: Tear
Dark & Wild | Love Yourself: Answer (Disc 1)
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.2 | MAP OF THE SOUL : 7
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life : Young Forever (Disc 1) | BE
Wings | BTS, The Best (Disc 2)
Round 3
Love Yourself: Her | Love Yourself: Tear
Love Yourself: Answer (Disc 1) | MAP OF THE SOUL : 7
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life : Young Forever (Disc 1) | Wings
Proof (Disc 1) | (Disc 2) | (Disc 3)
Round 4
Love Yourself: Tear | MAP OF THE SOUL : 7
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever (Disc 1) | Proof (Disc 1)
Round 5
MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 | Proof (Disc 1)
Thank-you to everyone that joined me in this tournament!! You all are rockstars!
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pampamtiger · 1 year
note: the ones with * are one anthology album and two repackaged albums but might as well mention them because why not? xd
edit: i forgot to put the * in skool luv affair. dark & wild is technically their first full album!
feel free to mention your choice in the tags.
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heejinnien · 4 years
p.jimin | lie
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word count: 2.1k words
pairing: jimin x reader
synopsis: there is a thin dichotomy between reality and delusion.
genre: horror, angst
warnings: implied major character death, prison, vivid description of gore, reference to murder, implied/subtle sexual innuendo
author’s note: this is the second piece for the wings anthology! this is another horror fic, and i didn’t realize it was over 2k words ksjfjgsdf. the keep reading cut is at the beginning like my last few works since this fic gets right into it
link to wings anthology
cross posted to ao3 here
Beneath the silhouette of your eyelids, you see red.
Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s blood, painting the white walls of your imagination and coating your nose with the tangy smell of copper and iron. It coats your hands, too, a dark, angry shade of crimson that makes your stomach lurch. No matter how hard you scrub at yourself, the fluid remains.
Among the throes of your panic, it takes a moment for you to realize that there is someone else in the room with you. Instinctively, you know who it is, heart pounding. He is facing away from you, laid on his side, and you take a tentative step in his direction.
“Jimin?” When he doesn’t respond, panic seizes you. You scramble as fast as you can in his direction, the discomfort of your hands stained scarlett long forgotten. When you reach him, you drop to your knees so fast that the impact sends a jarring impulse through your body. You quickly roll him so that he is facing you, and let out a guttural scream.
Where Jimin’s throat should be, there is a visceral, gaping hole. Blood pours out of the wound, coating your arms and knees with the thick, vermilion shade. Jimin’s eyes are open and glassy, wide and unseeing. You shake his shoulders furiously despite the crimson ichor spraying everywhere, splattering your face and chest, grief spreading through your veins like an icy current.
“Jimin,” you sob, your strength giving out until you collapse, body hunched over that of your lovers.
You wake up with your heart pounding in your throat, furiously scrubbing at your hands. You quickly reach for the lamp on your bedside table, yanking the chain hanging down so hard you almost pull the lamp off. In the lamp’s waxy lighting, you examine your hands, turning them over and searching signs of blood.
Beside you, you feel the bed shift, and strong arms wrap themselves around you. Jimin gently strokes your hair, covering your trembling hands with one of his own.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he whispers. He stays like this until your breathing evens and your racing heart can slow to a strolling pace. “It was that dream again, wasn’t it?”
You nod, letting out a shaky breath. You revel in the warmth that Jimin’s presence provides, blanketing you in a cloak of reassurance. You wish you could stay like this forever, wrapped within the warmth of your love.
Cold seeps under the edge of your comforter, sending a shiver to wrack through your body. A cocktail of unease and wrongness fills your stomach, and Jimin’s arms tighten around you.
“Hey, everything will be okay,” he murmurs.
“I know,” you whisper, unable to describe the feelings inside you.
“Go back to sleep,” Jimin says, gently shifting himself so that you are lying beside each other once more. He leans forward, gently kissing your lips. What should feel right instead feels so wrong, his lips ice cold against yours. “I’ll be here to protect you from the nightmares.”
It’s not me who needs protecting, you think, closing your eyes and letting darkness devour you.
When you open your eyes, Jimin is gone. You blink blearily, rubbing your eyes to clear the haze that settled upon them in your sleep. You had slept dreamlessly, feeling more fatigued than before. Your fingers seek out Jimin’s side of the bed, reaching for him before you can even form a coherent thought, but they are met with cold air.
You sit up, and that’s when you realize that you’re not in your bed.
Instead, you’re resting upon a thin cot sitting low upon the ground. A thin, cotton blanket covers you, and metal bars and grey, concrete walls greet you. Panic fills you, and you quickly throw off the mediocre blanket, rushing to the bars and pressing yourself against them, looking for anyone who can answer your questions.
“Hello?” You yell, banging your fist against the metal bars in the hopes that someone will hear you. “Is anyone there?”
“Shut up.” You leap back in shock as a man rounds the corner, standing on the opposite side of the bars. He is wearing a blue, button down shirt and black pants, and around his waist is a black belt.
It’s a cop, you think, relief flooding you. He’ll be able to answer your questions.
“I’m sorry, but, there must be some mistake,” you say quickly. “I’m not supposed to be here.”
The man laughs, a harsh, grating sound. “Sure, and I’m supposed to be on Mars.”
He turns, muttering under his breath about deranged criminals. Desperation seizes you, and you lunge forward, reaching your hand through the bars in an attempt to stop the man from leaving.
“Please, I’m not supposed to be here.” You grab the man’s sleeve, ignoring his shout. “I’m sure my husband is wondering where I am — ”
Before you can finish, the man is grabbing your wrist, twisting it painfully. You let out a yell as he yanks it, causing you to lurch forward and slam into the bars painfully. He leans forward, hissing angrily.
“Listen, I don’t know what kind of delusion you’re under, but you’re in prison, just in case you haven’t figured that out already. You’re here for murder, and if I were you, I would be really careful about my next moves. Never touch me again.”
The man releases your wrist angrily, throwing it towards you and causing your hand to smack violently against the metal bars. You let out a hiss as he turns, stalking away.
The pain quickly fades to the back of your mind as you ponder the guard’s words. You rub absentmindedly at your quickly reddening hand. Murder? You aren’t capable of that. You need to find Jimin, he’ll tell you what’s going on.
You retreat into your cell, pacing anxiously. You need to find someone who will believe you, you think, so that you can sort this whole mistake out.
You don’t have to wait long. Another man wearing a similar outfit to the first slams on the bars of your cell moments later. You jump, freezing and staring at him. The man laughs, inserting keys into the lock on your cell door.
“Who are you?” You demand, voice shaky.
The man laughs, picking up on the tremor in your voice and giving you a cocky smile. “My name is Hoseok. I’m sure you’ll get really familiar with it.” He winks, and disgust fills you. You step back as he swings the door to your cell open, cocking an eyebrow at your actions. “Don’t make me come in there after you, sweetheart.”
You dread having him drag you out of the cell more than you do being near him, so you slowly walk through the cell’s door. Your curious gaze darts all around, taking in the rows of cells around you and the long hallway. You are so preoccupied you don’t notice Hoseok’s actions until you hear a clicking sound, and the cold weight of handcuffs around your wrists.
You whirl, glaring at Hoseok, and he does his best to give you an innocent shrug. “Standard protocol,” he says in defense. “Don’t want another repeat of earlier, do we?”
You flush at his reference to the guard earlier, and he chuckles, taking one of your arms and guiding you down the hall. While most of the cells around you are empty, a few are occupied, and several curious occupants stare at you as you pass. You walk faster, eager to escape their stares, and Hoseok matches your pace, bemused.
You turn right, and he guides you down a nearby hallway, pausing in front of another barred door. He releases his grip on you long enough to fumble with his keys and unlock the door, pushing it open with his hip and pulling you through after him.
On the other side of the door is a small room. A table rests in the center, and seated at it is a kind looking man. Hoseok leads you to the table, pushing you unceremoniously into a chair and chaining your handcuffs to the table. He leaves promptly after, the slamming of the door signaling his disappearance.
There is a slight pause, and the man stares at you, silently assessing you. You shift uncomfortably, the chain binding you to the table clinking, the only sound in the otherwise quiet room.
“Y/N,” the man finally says, resting his hands on a manilla envelope in front of him. “I’m Dr. Kim, but you can call me Namjoon.” He gives you a gentle smile. “I’m here to assess whether you are menally competent to stand trial.”
Alarm rings within your head. “Trial for what? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Namjoon remains silent, staring at you as if assessing whether or not you are lying. Finally, he speaks slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.
“What’s your last memory, Y/N?” He asks, staring at you in a cautious way that makes your skin prickle. You wrack your brain, attempting to formulate an answer.
“I was coming home from work.” Namjoon nods, and you continue. “I had just got home, and I was kicking my shoe off when I heard voices in the kitchen. I investigated, and I saw Jimin with another woman.”
You swallow, throat dry, as you remember the intense flash of anger you had felt. You’re not sure why, and you assume there must have been a reason you felt angry. While you speak, Namjoon slowly opens the manilla file, reaching inside and placing papers from within facedown on the table. When you pause, Namjoon stares at you again, silently assessing.
“What were Jimin and the women doing?” He asks, voice probing.
“I, I’m not sure — ” You stutter, brows furrowing. The memory is hazy, and you close your eyes, chasing after it.
“He had his back to me,” you say slowly, piecing together the memory. “And she — ”
Your eyes fly open as the memory comes rushing back to you. Namjoon stares at you, face unreadable, and you force yourself to continue.
“They were making out,” you whisper softly, staring at the table in front of you in denial.
In the table’s reflection, Namjoon nods, every action clinical and professional. “Did that make you angry enough to murder him?”
“What?” You snap your head up, indignation filling you. “Of course not.”
Namjoon hums, noncommittal. He reaches for the first paper he had set down, flipping it over and sliding it towards you. You reach for it, picking it up
And promptly dropping it, horror filling you.
In the photograph, your husband lies on the kitchen floor, in full color resolution, dead. Where Jimin’s throat should be, there is a visceral, gaping hole. Blood pours out of the wound, coating your arms and knees with the thick, vermilion shade. Jimin’s eyes are open and glassy, wide and unseeing.
“No,” you say, shaking your head adamantly and squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to block out the press of reality. “It can’t be.”
You hear a rustling sound, and you know Namjoon has slid another photograph towards you. You squeeze your eyes shut tighter, and you hear Namjoon sigh.
“Open your eyes, Y/N,” he says. His tone is commanding, forceful, and against your will you open your eyes.
You are met with another bloody photograph. This one is of a woman. The woman you had seen with Jimin. Like Jimin, her throat has been torn out. Unlike Jimin, there is a similar hole where her heart should be. Her eyes are wide in horror, and blood stains her hair.
“You did this, Y/N,” Namjoon says simply. His voice is quiet, but it’s as if he spoke in a yell, his words piercing you.
“No,” you say, vehemently. “I couldn’t have.”
“Yes, you did,” Namjoon says, forcing you to accept the terrible truth. “You murdered your husband when you saw him having an affair, and then you murdered the woman you saw him with. The police found you with the knife still in your hands.”
“I — ”
You let out an inhuman wail and lunge towards Namjoon. You are stopped abruptly by the chain handcuffing you down, and Namjoon watches you with pity filled eyes as guards quickly rush into the room, grabbing your shoulders and forcing you back as you scream, the sound one of heartbreak and anguish as the reality of your actions crashes down upon you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Namjoon whispers, a tear sliding down his cheek from your pure anguish as you are dragged from the room.
taglist: @chubsjmin
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Loved Suga’s Proof of Inspiration video. This won’t come as a shock to anyone, but I adore Suga; his personality really matches mine the best. I loved that he’s generally straightforward and concise. His reasoning behind his picks for CD2 made the most sense to me, and he presented it in such a clear fashion. He was the only member to pick an older song, and one that isn’t pop at that, so I thank him. 
Maybe the other members found it easier to choose more recent songs since those are fresher on their minds, and those songs just happen to be lighter pop tracks because that’s BTS’s sound now; or, maybe, they also picked brighter songs because they think that’s what we want. In either case, Suga could’ve picked Ugh! or Tear, other post-Wings songs, or even Fly To My Room, a super bright (yet unpopular) track that fits CD2. Instead, he picked Cypher 3, and I love that at the least one song in this CD predates LY era. We all know Suga loves Seesaw the most (it’s made in a similar style to People, another favorite of his), but Seesaw actually fits the vibe of CD2, while Cypher 3 is clearly the odd man out. 
Anyway, I just liked Suga’s reasoning. It didn’t feel like he was coming up with a way to justify his picks. We know he loves challenging himself and trying out different genres - this is something he has talked about before, multiple times. Maybe he also picked Cypher 3 because it’s a fan favorite. Maybe he was lucky that it was easier for him to spin his choice into something that fit the Proof concept than it was for the other members (Jungkook had to link Dimple to Army through smiling - it’s clever, but kind of a reach at the same time). Tear would’ve fit the Proof of Inspiration concept too, because he wrote it for the members.
Point is, I don’t know if Suga’s explanation is the whole thing, or if there were other behind-the-scenes factors he didn’t mention. But he clearly explained why he picked both songs, in a way that was in-character for him and also fit the concept of CD2, which was to showcase the members’ individual colors and styles. Furthermore, his choices were appropriate for an anthology album; anthology albums should have variety and represent a group’s discography - meaning both recent and older songs should be included. Not only do Seesaw and Cypher 3 perfectly encapsulate Suga’s versatility and musical preferences (le. Daechwita vs. People in D2), they were the only picks that showcased BTS’s range and evolution and history (from a hip-hop heavy group to a more pop, vocal-oriented group, from a poor to a rich label - the quality of their music production and sound engineering evolved too). 
Lastly, the video itself was great. It had less IG aesthetics than the previous videos, and I loved the vibrant colors. It felt very 90s, because Cypher 3 is kind of old-school rap and the video depicted playgrounds too.
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fly-you-dam-fools · 2 years
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Coke or Pepsi?
London or Paris?
Favorite dog breed?
Stupidest funny thing you've ever done?
Silliest fear?
Warm colors or cool?
Favorite/preferred season?
Best vacation idea?
Do you do things for the aesthetic ✨️ or do you do things for the vine 🦈
What's the most ridiculous hill you're willing to die on?
Which Winnie the Pooh character are you?
If you could only listen to one bts album for the rest of your life which one would it be?
Smash or Pass? No I will not provide context
Oh my the friendship interrogations have started 🤔😂😂
Cherry ice cream 😋
Neither! Sprite all the way like Hobi 😎
London because it’s so beautiful! And the museums! And the countryside! And the history! Plus it’s only a short ride to Paris so it’s a win win!
Favorite dog breed….hmmmm I LOVE ALL PUPPIES THEY’RE ALL SO CUTE but huskies, shibas, and golden retrievers are just so cute
Stupidest funny thing I’ve ever done was probably a “half-dare” when I was in elementary where I got scolded
Silliest fear…axolotls 🫣 It’s not really a fear I just..no? I know some people find them cute but-
Both sets of colors! Warm can be so cozy but cold feels so free. Mostly cold I guess.
I love all seasons for their own reasons so I can’t choose 😅
Best vacation idea: DISNEY ANYTHING DISNEY But I guess sweet little explorations of small towns and areas would be nice (and a dream)
I don’t do things in general 😜 the few times I’ve tried to do something for the aesthetic didn’t turn out well 😂
Hill? ~over hill, and under tree, through lands where never- light has shined- by silver streams, that run down~ to the seaaaaaaa @jinnie-forthe-winnie back me up here
I had to search up a buzzfeed and other quizzes but: 2 results for Winnie the Pooh and 1 for Eeyore
Ohoho that question is good because I’d just say Proof because it’s an anthology and has music from all eras 😉 or maybe Wings because it’s amazing
Smash ✊🏻
What are yours? 🧐😊
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Details in 2019 Festa’s BTS Family portrait
(← Festa 2019 main post)
j-hope has a jar of Bonne Maman Raspberry Preserve.
The red line near Jungkook has “Danger”, “위험” (danger in Korean), and “안전제일” (safety first) written on it.
SUGA’s jacket is the same as V in the WINGS Short Film #3 STIGMA (cr.).
Above RM’s blackboard, you can read:
I’ve waited all my life Looking for something right Than a boy with luv
Which are “Boy With Luv” lyrics.
The blackboard has similar words to what we could see in Persona Comeback trailer:
Who Am I? Who are you?
Dream Love Happiness
Map of the Soul
Persona Shadow Ego
But there are new citations too:
Having a brewing cup for coffee is fine, Facing weather too hot, too much iron. This strong iron is too late in taste, Much of the flavours are inside. The coffee is not tea, not even anything Like the leaves of danger and bread.
The beginning (1) of the poem “Coffee Is Fine” by Naveed Akram.
I am the wind that wavers,  You are the certain land; I am the shadow that passes  Over the sand.
You are the light eternal—  Like a torch I shall die; You are the surge of deep music,  I but a cry!
The first (2) and last (3) verses of “I Am the Wind” by Zoë Akins
down again. His host filled it for him. “To look at,” said the sergeant-major, fumbling in his pocket, “it's just an ordinary little paw, dried to a mummy.” He took something out of his pocket and proffered it. Mrs. White drew back with a grimace, but her son
An extract (4) from The Monkey’s Paw by W. W. Jacobs.
Several fans also noticed citations on the wall (they’re only visible in the Episode). They’re from Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha by Roddy Doyle:
“We were coming down our road”, the first sentence of the book
“His eyes were closed now as well but the tears were getting out.”
“I loved twirling the dial on the radio.”
“I didn't want [to] go back”
Several books can also be seen around RM:
The Dogs of War by Lisa Rogak
She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb (cr.)
40 Model Essays: a portable anthology by Jane E. Aaron and Ellen Kuhl Repetto
California Angel by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg
Hunger Trilogy by Wang Ruowang
Jihad vs McWorld by Benjamin R. Barber
7.5.  Was Frauen krank macht by Ingrid Olbricht
Managing Staff Development programs in Human Service agencies by Diane Brannon, Michael J. Austin, and Peter J. Pecora
A passage to India by E. M. Forster (cr.)
Doubly Dead
A McKettrick Christmas by Linda Mael Miller
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. There’s a “Read it!” written on the side
The Grim Grotto (cr.) (A Series of Unfortunate Events) by Daniel Handler
Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella (cr.) (author’s website) 14.5  Eating Well for Optimum Health by Andrew Weil M.D.
The Golden Calf by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Илья Эренбург 4 by Ilya Ehrenburg (it’s the 4th volume of his collected works)
Medical Adviser
Wildcat Moon by Babs Horton
The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton
To see your face again by Eugenia Price
El Niño Perdido by Dave Pelzer
Tell Me How?: Answers to Hundreds of Questions
The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events) by Daniel Handler
The Dark Hills Divide, the first book of the series The Land of Elyon by Patrick Carman
You can see pages from The New York Times (from both the New York edition and the international edition) and from The Wall Street Journal covering the walls of V’s “Singularity” set.
Here are some of the articles from The Wall Street Journal (src What’s News):
From the 12 October 2018 issue:
1- a U.S. News page (p.4)
2- the article “Expo: Firms Given Assurance on Intellectual Property Rights” (p.26)
3- a Markets page (p.33)
4- From the 30/31 December 2018 issue (the titles tend to differ between the paper and digital version):
“Trade and Yuan Cloud Outlook for Chinese Markets”
“‘Aquaman’ Continues Box-Office Reign as ‘Vice’ Sputters”
From the 24 January 2019 issue:
5- a World News page (p.10, right)
6- a Business & Finance page (p.23)
7- a Technology page (p.25)
Online version of some articles from those pages:
“Inside Google’s Team Fighting to Keep Your Data Safe From Hackers”
“Boeing’s Autonomous Taxi Takes Flight”
“Europe’s Political Funk Sets Back Its Economy”
And some articles from The New York Times:
From the 10 January 2018:
8- the article “With Obesity Rising in China, Coke Helps Set Nutrition Policy”, available online here
From the 21 January 2019:
9- the first page of the World section (p.4)
10- the first page of the Sports section (p.12)
11- the first page of the Culture section (p.14)
From the 23 January 2019:
12- the front page (p.1)
13- a culture page (p.19)
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
BTS sells over 2.15 million albums...
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The group BTS (RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook) became a double million seller (singer with single album sales and over 2 million copies) on the day of their comeback.
With the new album 'Proof' released on June 10th, BTS sold over 2.15 million copies (based on Hanteo Chart's aggregate) as of 9 pm on the same day.
This is close to the number of copies sold in the first week of the week (the first week after release) of 'BE' (released in October 2020), the most recently released official physical album, about 2.26 million copies.
BTS set the first million-seller record (more than 1.13 million copies) in 3 years of debut with their 2nd full-length album 'WINGS', released in October 2016. accomplished a feat.
In particular, the ‘WINGS’ album is being talked about as a meaningful album in the history of Korean popular music in that it is a single album that has sold over 1 million copies in 16 years since the group god.
Not only that, but LOVE YOURSELF 承 'Her', with more than 2.21 million copies, 'MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA' with more than 3.77 million copies, 'MAP' OF THE SOUL: 7' (Map of the Soul: Seven) recorded more than 4.17 million copies one after another, proving its immense popularity.
'Proof', newly introduced by BTS, is an anthology album (anthology album) that encompasses the past, present, and future that BTS has worked tirelessly for the past 9 years.
BTS does not stop at recording the title song of previous albums, solo songs and unit songs of seven members, but also title songs 'Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment)', 'Run BTS', 'For Youth'. It also includes 3 new official songs, 2 unreleased songs ('Ambiguous Relationship', 'Quotes'), and demo versions of various hit songs to differentiate it from the usual best albums.
The title song 'Yet To Come' is a medium-tempo alternative hip-hop genre song. Big Hit music producer Pdogg, American singer MAX, BTS leader RM, members Suga and J-Hope participated to enhance the perfection.
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maiathebee · 8 years
Comprehensive Bibliography Of BTS
This is just a list of material referenced, alluded to or related to BTS’s concepts, music, photobooks, albums and music videos.  This is not a fan theory, or an attempt at one! Anyways here’s the precursor to my scholarly paper, lolllll (I’m not joking though).  I’ll update it as we goooooo....
Also, I know almost nothing about the School trilogy, but it’s my understanding that there’s not a lot of outside source material.  I could be wrong though.  Does it reference mangas and stuff??? send me a msg if you know.
(just a reminder that while BTS is remarkably involved in the creative direction of the group, the formation of a kpop groups’ era/concept is made by a large team of people, and therefore the members probably haven’t even considered or explored upwards of half the material on this list).
(asterisks mean that these works are not directly referenced by BTS in their interviews, lyrics or imagery, etc, but which are still tangentially related)
BTS book club list is as follows:
Shim Cheong - a Korean Panseori tale (Dark and Wild)
Demian by Hermann Hesse (Wings)
Seven Sermons to the Dead by Carl Jung (Wings)*
The Collected Works of CG Jung by Carl Jung (Wings)*
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by F. Nietzsche (Wings)
Beyond Good and Evil by F. Nietzsche (Wings)*
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K Le Guin  (YNWA) 
The Moral Philosopher and The Moral Life by William James  (YNWA)*
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (YNWA)*
Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob (YNWA)
Then here’s the film club list:
She and Her Cat (dir. Makoto Shinkai)(short film) (HYYH pt.2)(this is according to Bang PD)
Lost River (dir. Ryan Goslin) (Young Forever)
Big Fish (dir. Tim Burton) (reason here)  (YNWA)
The Helpers/No Vacancy (dir. Chris Stokes) (YNWA)* (tbh this seems fairly coincidental to me, which is why it gets an asterisk.
Snowpiercer (dir. Bong Joon Ho) (YNWA)
BTS music playlist:
Wild For The Night by A$AP rocky (Dark & Wild)
Friday Night Lights by J.Cole (Dark & Wild)
2001 by Dr. Dre (Dark & Wild)
花樣的年華 - Zhou Xuan (HYYH pt.1/pt.2)*
Nevermind - Nirvana (HYYH pt.2)
Wasted Youth (HYYH pt.2)
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd (Young Forever)
Passacaglia in D minor (BuxWV 161) - Buxtehude (Wings)
You’ll Never Walk Alone - Louis Armstrong (YNWA)* (100% this isn’t a purposeful reference, but it’s a good song, y’all should listen to it)
BTS’s art history class bibliography:
Julius Caesar on Gold by Basquiat (Young Forever)
Tricycle by Basquiat and Warhol (Young Forever)*
Orange Sports Figure by Basquiat (Young Forever)
The Fall of the Rebel Angels - Bruegel the Elder (Wings)
The Landscape with the Fall of Icarus - Bruegel the Elder (Wings)
The Lament for Icarus - Draper (Wings)
La Pieta by Michelangelo (Wings)
Personnes by Christian Boltanski (YNWA)*
Further Analysis (and more fan-theory type stuff) in chronological order,  under this read more~~
I’m not sure there’s meant to be a single “correct” reading of the group’s narrative or story. Even in Wings, which drew its story fully from Demian, the ultimate narrative of the BST M/V is more vague.  While there might be a complete and overarching narrative that Bighit is trying to create with Bangtan’s concepts/mvs, I think it’s more likely that there are a lot of narrative threads running through the story, and some are maintained longterm, some are relevant only to as specific chapter, while others are merely aesthetic/cosmetic.  I have a feeling that even longterm narrative ideas are sometimes allowed to fade away for the benefit of moving the story forward at the pace they want. 
Dark and Wild
Shim Cheong is just a throwaway simile on hip hop lover.  I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to the idea that seeing Shim Cheong again allowed her blind father to gain the ability to see.
References like the one to Wild for the Night on hiphop lover (they also tweeted about the song back in 2013) don’t really do much except show that they genuinely like/listen to American rap and also it explains at least 66% of the dumb mistakes Rap Monster has made, probably, my poor problematic child.  Hip Hop lover references a ton of artists, but I just included the ones that are mentioned by more than just name.
The Most Beautiful Moment In Life (pt.1/pt.2)
Zhou Xuan is the first media reference point for HYYH (花樣年華)(It’s what the Chinese title for In the Mood For Love is based on). The lyrics refer to forgotten dreams.
Wong Kar Wai’s In the Mood For Love (花樣年華) is not listed, as RM mentioned in the interview that this was not associated with their album. 
Notes of a Desolate Man by Tianwen Shu is excerpted in a Taiwanese literary anthology by the name of  花樣年華, and I though think it relates thematically, it’s merely my own personal association~ There’s no indication that BTS or Bighit even knows it exists.  Tianwen Shu is greatly influenced by Lu Xun, who wrote the anti-confucian societal norms novel, A Madman’s Diary. 
Nirvana t-shirts are a go to for BTS’s stylists, probably MOSTLY because they fit their preferred grunge image, but the word “Nirvana” fits well into the ideas of tragedy/death, utopia/dystopia and idealism that BTS plays with, while Nirvana the band is obviously a good reference point for realistic portrayals of youth culture and music which speaks to young people, particularly the crazy popular Nevermind (ahem Yoongi’s intro song) with Smells Like Teen Spirit and Come As You Are.  (further fan theory here)
It’s crazy to me that Bang PD found inspiration in a five minute anime about a cat, but read the wiki summary and you’ll believe him:  “When it's over She cries and becomes depressed. Chobi does not understand what the conversation was about or what happened but concludes that it was not her fault. He stands by her and comforts her. Time goes on and it becomes winter. She continues going to work and moves on with her life. In the end Chobi and She are happy with their life together and say in unison, 'This world, I think we like it.’”
Fire (Young Forever)
Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” thematically deals with youth/nostalgia (Shine On You Crazy Diamond: "Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun").  It includes critiques of the music industry and the cliches that the group had to deal with.  The narrative of Wish You Were Here is very much in line with Bangtan’s overall group narrative.
Lost River (a phrase you can see on a wall in the Fire M/V) is a film about a poor community, and specifically a mother and her two sons, going through crisis.  The film includes a scene of a party in an abandoned high school and ends with both a house and a car on fire. The film has an open ending which leaves room for an improved future, but the film is primarily about the limited possibilities and opportunities
As far as I can tell, the “Basquiat” paintings in the fire M/V are just imitations rather than references to specific paintings.  They’re probably being used just as an aesthetic choice - Basquiat’s art was a synthesis of street art, outsider art, social commentary and post-expressionism.  However, his life is also relevant narratively: he died young at 27 and he first gained fame as a graffiti artist.
I’m not putting it above because the film is super inappropriate, but the phrase “enter the void” is used in the Run M/V, and could refer to the Gaspar Noe film of the same name.  The title of that film is, in fact, a reference to The Tibetan Book of the Dead.  However, the term “void” (and the images of the void in the M/V) could just be a reference to five elements in Japanese Buddhism (including fire), particularly the Book of Five Rings.  But this is me getting uber fan theory, lol.
Another graffitied phrase in the Run M/V is “wasted youth.”  This could be one of three things; a reference to the hardcore punk band, Wasted Youth, an allusion to Fast Times at Ridgemont High which also includes a scene featuring “wasted youth” graffitied on a wall, or the phrase isn’t an allusion, but merely a description of the M/V concept.
The relationship to Demian needs its own post, so I won’t even go into it itself, but the tangential references it spawned are as follows:
The paintings in the Wings video are all in reference to Demian but are also all biblical/mythological in nature, based on the book of revelations, Ovid’s The Art of Love,  and the crucifixion.  The religious references, however, are dulled down -- Jesus is not fully sculpted, leaving him to be a vaguely carved form and allowing the image to stand more as an allegory for the relationship between mother and “son” in Demian.  (some further fan analysis of the art here)(and more specifically on the use of icarus).
The Passacaglia is also a piece which is referred to in Demian in the part of the book where the narrator begins to find spiritual fulfillment through music and art, something BTS talks about a lot.
Demian draws lot from Carl Jung, particularly his ideas about symbolism, archetypes and psychoanalysis.  The book specifically alludes to Jung’s Seven Sermons, and the idea that Abraxas is the ultimate being, uniting both god and the devil.  Thematically, through Demian, this deals with themes of forming ones’ own moral code, and ideas of will and strength of character, with good and evil being both at odds but also simultaneously part of everything. This theory/concept in largely influenced by Nietzsche, most especially his Beyond Good and Evil.  Together these are all philosophies which pull away from the ideas of societal norms or strict social structures and place a premium on personal/creative expression.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (quoted in the Wings photobook and BST M/V) also furthers this idea that good and evil are “a wheel.”  It posits that Truth (not morality) is the highest virtue and that idealists flee from reality (SEE: Icarus).  The novel also introduces the idea of the overman, which is a gross idea and super problematic, but I can it being applied thematically to BTS as the idea of a ‘fully realized self.’  Zarathustra is a figure Nietzsche borrowed from Zoroastrianism.  (this writer has more ideas on some connections to Nietzsche).
You Never Walk Alone
“Omelas” and the theme of walking obviously references the Le Guin story, which is inspired by the William James essay, which in turn borrows ideas from Dostoyevsky.
Namjoon’s reference Snowpiercer plays into the video’s visual narrative (an inescapable cycle, the train, the cyclical nature of seasons, laundry is a cycle [2mjjk theory speaks to all these, lol]) as the story is about a train which circles the globe, in a world stuck in perpetual winter. Unlike the more environmentally-focused graphic novel, Snowpiercer the (korean-directed) film is intensely focused on class inequality, a theme which runs through BTS’s albums (see particularly Baepsae, but it’s a concern relevant to their School series, since most pressures put on students are related to social class) and which is of incredible concern to Korean people, and therefore is a common concern of a lot of Korean art.  Bong Joon Ho’s other film works are all very heavy on social commentary  (the host deals with the american military and politics/activism, sea fog also talks about social inequality... etc...), so referencing one of his films is a pretty clear statement that you are making a critical commentary on something.  Like the Le Guin short story The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, the film is about a dystopia in which the upper class/middle class/general public is reliant on the continual suffering of another (in this class the lower class or last train) to survive.  Trains provide a very easy metaphor for class given their class divisions into separate carriages.  This was also applied in another Korean blockbuster from the last year, Train to Busan (dir Yeon Sang-ho), which included some pretty transparent commentary on the negative effect that an apathetic, self-serving, lazy (male) middle-aged, middle-class could have on the survival of families and younger generations.
Most fan theories agree that the clothes in the M/V are a reference to the sewol ferry disaster.  Here is the fan explanation for how that connects to Boltanski’s Personnes.
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khukei · 8 years
[BTS - Wings] Album Review
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4 months late because I got busy with life but hey better late than never right? A mini album can be dissected in a day because there’s only 7 songs max, but in Wings we have 15 tracks to chew and digest. And that is my excuse. 
So my friend (who is the culprit behind my conversion to KPOP), talked me into joining this nationwide bulk ordering movement for BTS’ Wings album. 
Wings is my very first physical Kpop album and honestly, I still feel a mild pang of guilt because I wanted to get SHINee’s 1 of 1 first since they were my first love in KPOP  but Wings came in the mail first so okay.  Forgive me, SHINee! 
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 Now I understand why physical  KPOP albums sell so much despite the dominance of digital downloads. I mean wow. HD pictures, posters, photo cards and other merch. I also noticed that the CDs are just casually tucked in a page like it’s just an afterthought. The albums are also quite cheap. You’re basically just paying for the photo book. But I do use the CD because I like me some high quality audio. 
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 So here are my thoughts on each track:  1.Intro: Boy Meets Evil  There are some interesting vocal effects/EQing going on here. Also the lyrics are really poetic. This is btw what got me into BTS in the first place, they sing about relevant issues and matters that young adults could really relate to.  Memorable line:   I threw my future away because I was drunk on dating
2.Blood Sweat & Tears
Ah, the title track. What else could I say? This is a masterpiece. The production is amazing. This was everyone’s jam in the last quarter of 2016. And V’s incredibly deep voice, wow. I like how they’re using the Spanish mode and incorporating trap hi hat things into the mix. Everyone’s using trap hi hat these days but this is the first time I’ve heard it used in a song with a Spanish beat and chord progression. It’s strange to me, but it works! 
Memorable line:  I wanna be addicted to your prison So I can’t serve anyone that’s not you Even though I know, I drink the poisonous Holy Grail 3.Begin (Jungkook solo)
The harmonization in this song is amazing. Kudos to the vocal arranger. And the lyrics are so meaningful and sweet. Jungkook’s singing is on point too, but that goes without saying.  Memorable line:  I feel like I’m going to die when hyung is sad When hyung is in pain, it hurts more than when I’m in pain 
  4.Lie (Jimin solo)
Blood Sweat and Tears is a music production treat, but in my opinion, Lie takes the prize in production quality. I like the incorporation of some Spanish elements in this album, it’s not a parody nor an imitation and it’s  really well done. Also, before I checked the lyrics I thought he was saying Karina Lie. The real line is caught in a lie. I have a friend named Karina so lol #MisheardLyrics
Memorable line:  Find the me that was innocent I can’t free myself from this lie Give me back my laughter
5.Stigma (V solo)
I’m going to mention again how much I am a fan of V’s deep voice. We take a sharp turn from a Spanish-y song to a more familiar RnB vibe on this one. And oh man, V’s high note genuinely surprised me The lyrics are once again very meaningful and vulnerable. This is really what sets BTS apart from other groups. Relevance. Relatableness. Authenticity. *applauds*
Memorable line: Deeper, deeper, the wound just gets deeper Like pieces of broken glass that I can’t reverse Deeper, it’s just the heart that hurts every day (You) who was punished in my stead, You who were only delicate and fragile 6.First Love (Suga solo) This one is a slow and mellow rap song. Well actually, if you ask me I’d call this a Spoken Word piece. It’s already very poetic just reading the English translation, how much more in its pure, unadulterated form. I really like how Suga’s voice is EQ’d here also. The overall vibe of this song reminds me of Kingdom hearts. I don’t know why.  I find it hard to jive with Suga’s rap flow in this song, but that’s probably just due to the language barrier. 
Memorable line: Even though I was gone for a long time Without repulsion You accepted me Without you there’s nothing After the dawn, two of us We welcomed the morning together Don’t let go of my hand forever, I won’t let go of you again either 7.Reflection (Rap Monster solo)
Here is one sad/creepy sounding song. The synth parts remind me for some reason of Creepshow. You know, Stephen King’s horror anthology films in the 80′s. The instrumental part after the first verse could really pass off as Creepshow’s soundtrack. The slow pulsing delays adds even more to the melancholy yet creepy vibe of this song. Mentioning Creepshow probably ruined the moment, but I can’t help it! But yeah, this song is really-- how many times did I say meaningful already?!
Memorable line:  In the darkness, people look happier than the day
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8.MAMA (J-Hope solo) This is my favorite track in the whole album simply because it’s upbeat and more cheerful compared to the other darker, more somber songs in the earlier parts of this album. I’m biased towards happy songs. The general vibe of this track reminds me of happy go lucky rap songs in the 90s and that’s because of the bass line. The short and subtle choir parts near the end was also a nice touch.  
Memorable line:  You were like fertilizer to a budding plant Now I’m a flower, I’ll be your flower path 9.Awake (Jin solo)
From upbeat hip hop we then transition to a sentimental orchestra fusion song. Because BTS is cool like that. This is my second favorite song. There is real tension and release going on here that will really take you up on a ride. Or maybe that’s just me. The melodic hooks really stick with you and touch your heart. The bridge is the best part here. 
Memorable line: Maybe I, I can’t touch the sky Still, I want to stretch my hand out I want to run, just a bit more 10.Lost This song starts off with with the familiar Spanish vibe with the acoustic guitar and RnB chords but then when we get to the chorus it suddenly changes to this very loud, in your face Dubstep phrase that for some reason, works! 
Memorable line:  I didn’t know there were this many Paths I can’t go and paths I can’t take I never felt this way before Am I becoming an adult?
11.BTS Cypher Pt. 4  
A very angsty song about the struggles of being an idol. This type of sound isn’t really my cup of tea. But the lyrics make up for it. 
Memorable line:  I’m sorry bae because I’m breathing I’m sorry bae because I’m so healthy 
12.Am I Wrong 
I’m not a fan of country music. And this song is kind of like a fusion. And even though it’s not completely country the main riff is annoying to me. Hill Billies suddenly come to mind. But as usual the lyrics is the redeeming factor so I still appreciate this song. 
Memorable line:  If what you see on the news is nothing to you If that comment is nothing to you If that hatred is nothing to you You’re not normal, you’re abnormal 
13.21st Century Girls 
Yey for women empowerment!! And here we go again with the Spanish beat!  Did BTS go to Spain or something? Anyway, this song is too loud and aggressive for me. It does have its moments, but I wouldn’t put this on any of my playlists because I’m an old soul who prefers smooth grooves. 
Memorable line:  If anyone keeps insulting you (insulting you) Tell em you’re my lady, go tell them (tell them) Whatever other people say, whatever this world tells you You’re the best to me just the way you are
14.Two! Three!   
I thought this was going to be another one with the melancholy feel but I’m glad I was proven wrong when the beat picked up after the intro. Thank you!  This is like the cool down part of your cardio exercise as it is more toned down and less aggressive. Oh and the choir parts near the end are heavenly!! 
Memorable line:  Me, a shadow behind the stage, me, in the depth of darkness I didn’t want to show everything including my pain But because I’m still unaccustomed I just wanted to make you smile I wanted to do good 
  15.Interlude: Wings   I was not expecting an upbeat party/club kind of song. But somehow it makes sense. After your cool down exercise you go straight to the club to end the day. I’m not the partying type, but that’s just the vibe I’m getting from this song. It’s makes sense as the closing song. 
Memorable line: I trust myself, Since the reason why my back hurts Is so that wings can sprout 
 Final thoughts: 
I’ve already mentioned this, but what the heck, I’ll say it again! What I really like about BTS is the authenticity in their lyrics. I may not always like their music, but the words always get to me. It takes a great amount of courage for young men to be openly vulnerable, and that, for me, is very endearing.  The general theme of this album are: Depression, confusion, loss of innocence, young love, the yearning to return to happier times, mental illness... aka struggles of being an adolescent. Aka growing up. 
Speaking of mental illness, I noticed that the ordering of the tracks have a kind of bipolar feel to it due to the sudden and contrasting mood transitions of each song. Without studying the lyrics the track order might not make sense to the listener, but it all comes together nicely when you look at the lyrics. I saw what you did there, BTS. Very clever. Kudos to you all. 
For me what makes BTS very appealing to a lot of people is that they talk about very human experiences in their songs that everybody can relate to (especially adolescents). While a lot of other groups send you off to to dreamland with their perfection, BTS brings you down to earth with the harsh realities of our time and compel you to think about how you’re living your life. And that, is what I think sets them apart. 
Rating: 8/10
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heejinnien · 4 years
j.hoseok | mama
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word count: 1.3k
pairing: hoseok x reader
synopsis: what would happen if you were hoseok’s mother, and he was visiting you after your death.
genre: angst
warnings: implied major character death, cemetery
author’s note: this is the first piece in the wings anthology! this is the first fic where i’ve written following a character in the story rather than the reader, although it is still reader insert. it might make you sad. thank you to @fluffy-fluffu and @taegularities for being my amazing beta readers.
link to wings anthology
cross posted to ao3 here
Hoseok trudges up the worn path to the cemetery, shoulders hunched as if they carry the weight of the world.
He carries with him a bouquet of flowers, made out of your favorite ones. His feet have travelled this path enough times by now for him to be able to navigate it with his eyes closed, gravel crunching underfoot. The outside of the cemetery is protected by a wrought iron fence, the entrance a small, simple gate that squeaks as he pulls it open. As he navigates the cemetery, he travels farther and farther away from the entrance. Gravel gives way underfoot to dirt, twigs snapping as his path becomes one of that less travelled.
He kneels by the familiar gravestone, gently brushing aside a vine that has begun to creep up the stone, and tenderly sets the flowers down in front of it. They seem out of place, the only living soul in this place of death and decay besides himself. Soon, however, they too will join death, crumbling into the ground beneath them.
“Hi, Mom,” he whispers, voice cracking in despair. He quickly clears his throat. “I hope you like the flowers. I remember they were your favorite.”
His trembles, and he closes his eyes, focusing on his breathing. It’s been months since your death. It’s not always easy to visit you, the distance from Seoul to Gwangju no small length, especially amidst his busy schedule as an idol. Still, he tries to visit whenever he has a free moment, the rest of the boys understanding of it and even offering to drive him. This time, he decided to travel alone.
Hoseok opens his eyes once again, and smiles softly. “I thought it would get easier,” he admits. “After your death, I shut myself out from everyone around me.”
Memories of locking himself in his dark room flood back to him. He had kicked Jimin out of their shared room, forcing him to seek rest elsewhere, and remained locked inside for days, refusing to eat or drink. The concerned voices of his bandmates drifted through the door every now and then, asking him if he needed anything and offering their support, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about anything they said. Eventually, it had been Namjoon who had managed to bring him out of his grieving state.
The sound of the door opening faintly registered in the back of Hoseok’s mind, but he paid no attention to it. He figured it was one of the boys asking if he needed something again, and he couldn’t bear to face them in this state, so, he remained curled into a ball, facing the wall. The light from the hallway spilled into the room, illuminating the outline of a tall figure.
“Hoseok hyung,” Namjoon said gently. “You should eat something.”
Like many of the previous interactions, Hoseok didn’t respond, deigning to close his eyes in an effort to shut off the world around him. He heard Namjoon sigh softly, and then the sound of the door closing.
He rolled over, assuming his bandmate had gone. Instead, he was met with the sight of Namjoon dragging a chair over towards his bedside.
“Go away,” Hoseok croaked out. He was just tired, and it felt like a crushing weight had been added to his soul.
“Hoseok hyung,” Namjoon said, sitting and reaching for Hoseok’s hand, holding it tightly. Hoseok tugged at it, attempting to curl back into himself, but Namjoon held onto it firmly. “I know it’s been hard for you, but you have to take care of yourself. It’s what your mother would want.”
Hoseok stared at his bandmate, feeling as though he were teetering on the edge of breaking. Namjoon’s gaze softened, and his voice turned pleading.
“Please, hyung. Your sister has been calling us, worried about you, and you have all of us worried as well. I hate seeing you neglect yourself like this.”
At that, Hoseok felt himself crumble. He pulled on his hand again, trying to roll over before Namjoon could see his tears, but the leader held on. He held Hoseok against him as he sobbed, the latter feeling as though he had finally fallen off the precipice.
Afterwards, Namjoon convinced Hoseok to finally leave his room. He saw the glances his members exchanged and the way they looked at him, as if he were made of glass, and it made his stomach feel heavy. He wanted to retreat into his room once more, but instead he hid it behind a smile, reassuring them that he was okay and forcing himself to repeat it until it had almost become believable.
“I’ve always been grateful to my band members.”
Hoseok’s smiles wryly, a mixture of fondness for his members and the mind numbing grief that had consumed him the past few days pressing down upon his chest.
“I don’t know how I could’ve gotten through it without them.” He shifts his weight absentmindedly, sticks digging uncomfortably into his knees.
“I thought I would sing for you today, Mom.”
Hoseok pauses, the thought of his song adding a crushing weight to his already consuming grief. He shakes his head, forcing himself to continue for you.
“Time travel the year of 2006, crazy for dance.”
His voice pierces the still air, filled with melancholy. Without the upbeat track behind it, the heavy weight of the song crashes down upon him.
“Hey mama, now you can lean on me, I’ll always be by your side.”
Hoseok’s voice cracks, his grief crashing upon him like a tidal wave of sadness. Soon he is sobbing, tears running down his face uncontrollably. He forces himself to choke out the last of the refrain, the words leaving him no louder than a whisper as he feels his heart break with each one.
“Because you gave selflessly to me, because you were my support, hey mama, now you can believe in your son, you can smile.”
And Hoseok sobs, feeling as though his heart has been ripped open. He’s drowning in the sea of his wild, uncontrollable emotions, and he feels as though he’ll never swim again.
Faintly, he hears his name being called. He disregards it, too caught up in his agony to bring himself to care when he feels strong, warm arms wrapping themselves around him. He tries to pull away, but they hold on to him, pulling him close and hugging him tighter.
“It’s okay,” Jimin says consolingly, and soon the rest of BTS are around them, hugging Hoseok and holding the pieces of him together. They offer their silent solace, throwing him a lifeboat and carrying him until he is standing on his own again. He wipes away the last of his tears, giving them a small, heartbroken smile.
“Why are you guys here?” He chokes out, unable to believe the sight around him.
“We know your mother’s death has been hard on you, hyung,” Namjoon starts. “We knew you would never tell anyone, so we decided to come with you to make sure that you were okay.”
Hoseok’s heart swells, his eyes stinging with tears once again. He wipes at them furiously, letting out a dry laugh. “I’m pitiful, aren’t I.”
“No, hyung,” Jimin says, tightening his hold on Hoseok. “It’s okay to not be okay.”
Hoseok doesn’t realize that he’s begun to cry again until Taehyung reaches over, gently wiping a stray tear away. As he looks over each of his members, all he sees is the love and support reflected in their eyes.
“I love you guys,” Hoseok forces the words out past the huge clog that has formed in his throat, unable to express how grateful he is.
“We love you too, Jung Hoseok.”
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heejinnien · 4 years
bts | wings anthology
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an anthology for each bts member’s wings solo song.
inspired by the lyrics and instrumental of each song.
fics will not be released in any particular order, and warnings will be posted on each fic. three of them have been written already, and will be released over a period of time to give me time to write the remaining fics and work on other collaborations. typically, a teaser will be released at the beginning of a week and the fic itself will be published towards the end, although this may be adjusted at my discretion depending on how fast i write or how busy i become.
order of fic releases: mama -> lie -> reflection -> ??
comment or send me an ask to be added to the taglist for a fic!
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j.jungkook | begin
↳ synopsis: time is a fickle thing, something that passes in the blink of an eye to you, a guardian angel. tasked with protecting humans, you are constantly aware of it, knowing not to get too attached to each human you watch over. you don’t think you could spend enough of it with jeon jungkook.
↳ genre: guardian angel au
↳ preview
↳ read here
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p.jimin | lie
↳ synopsis: there is a thin dichotomy between reality and delusion.
↳ genre: horror, angst
↳ preview (released on 2/1/21)
↳ read here (released on 2/5/21)
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k.taehyung | stigma
↳ synopsis: when icarus fell, the gods took pity on him and granted him a new life, along with the name taehyung. he is forever reminded of his pridefulness by a pair of wings tattooed across his cheek for all to see. you are the first person to see past who he was and believe in who he will be.
↳ genre: icarus au
↳ preview
↳ read here
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m.yoongi | first love
↳ synopsis: you have always viewed love through monochrome lenses, seeing it in the same black and white as your sheet music. the closest thing you have to love is your passion for playing the violins. when you meet him, he shows you it’s possible to see love in other ways.
↳ genre: your lie in april au
↳ preview
↳ read here
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k.namjoon | reflection
↳ synopsis: a long walk. memories of what was.
↳ genre: angst
↳ preview
↳ read here
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j.hoseok | mama
↳ synopsis: what would happen if you were hoseok’s mother, and he was visiting you after your death.
↳ genre: angst
↳ preview (released on 1/27/21)
↳ read here (released on 1/29/21)
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k.seokjin | awake
↳ synopsis: your only desire is to perform onstage, but in your society, this is simply not possible.
↳ genre: nannerl mozart historical au
↳ preview
↳ read here
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heejinnien · 4 years
p.jimin | lie (preview)
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pairing: jimin x reader
synopsis: there is a thin dichotomy between reality and delusion.
genre: horror, angst
warnings: implied major character death, prison, vivid description of gore, reference to murder, implied/subtle sexual innuendo
link to wings anthology
Beneath the silhouette of your eyelids, you see red.
Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s blood, painting the white walls of your imagination and coating your nose with the tangy smell of copper and iron. It coats your hands, too, a dark, angry shade of crimson that makes your stomach lurch. No matter how hard you scrub at yourself, the fluid remains.
Among the throes of your panic, it takes a moment for you to realize that there is someone else in the room with you. Instinctively, you know who it is, heart pounding. He is facing away from you, laid on his side, and you take a tentative step in his direction.
“Jimin?” When he doesn’t respond, panic seizes you. You scramble as fast as you can in his direction, the discomfort of your hands stained scarlett long forgotten. When you reach him, you drop to your knees so fast that the impact sends a jarring impulse through your body. You quickly roll him so that he is facing you, and let out a guttural scream.
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heejinnien · 4 years
j.hoseok | mama (preview)
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pairing: hoseok x reader
synopsis: what would happen if you were hoseok’s mother, and he was visiting you after your death.
genre: angst
warnings: implied major character death, cemetery
link to wings anthology
“Time travel the year of 2006, crazy for dance.”
His voice pierces the still air, filled with melancholy. Without the upbeat track behind it, the heavy weight of the song crashes down upon him.
“Hey mama, now you can lean on me, I’ll always be by your side.”
Hoseok’s voice cracks, his grief crashing upon him like a tidal wave of sadness. Soon he is sobbing, tears running down his face uncontrollably. He forces himself to choke out the last of the refrain, the words leaving him no louder than a whisper as he feels his heart break with each one.
“Because you gave selflessly to me, because you were my support, hey mama, now you can believe in your son, you can smile.”
And Hoseok sobs, feeling as though his heart has been ripped open. He’s drowning in the sea of his wild, uncontrollable emotions, and he feels as though he’ll never swim again.
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heejinnien · 4 years
°☆.。 bts masterlist °☆.。
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bts navigation headers credit to @xiaokoo​
↳ wings anthology
↳ roses masterlist
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↳ awake (coming soon, part of the wings anthology)
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↳ first love (coming soon, part of the wings anthology)
↳ marriage imagine
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↳ mama
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↳ reflection (coming soon, part of the wings anthology)
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↳ lie
↳ angst + 10
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↳ seasons crossed
↳ let go
↳ stigma (coming soon, part of the wings anthology)
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↳ monsters
↳ begin (coming soon, part of the wings anthology)
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heejinnien · 4 years
works in progress
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in progress
°☆.。 unnamed series (multifandom)
°☆.。 wings anthology
°☆.。 undecided | midnight (oneshot)
°☆.。 p.jimin | dis-ease (oneshot, part of the be collab)
°☆.。 o.shotaro | unnamed (oneshot, part of the in another life collab)
°☆.。 o.shotaro | unnamed (oneshot, part of the no capes collab)
°☆.。 k.jungwoo | unnamed (oneshot, part of the ai project collab)
°☆.。 d.sicheng | unnamed (oneshot, part of the xoxo collab)
°☆.。 w.yukhei | unnamed (oneshot, part of the modern magics collab)
°☆.。 k.mingyu | unnamed (oneshot, part of the like there's no tomorrow collab)
°☆.。 p.jihoon | unnamed (oneshot, part of the cupid's clock collab)
future works (the complete list can be found here)
°☆.。 voting for (j.jungkook, crack)
°☆.。 michelin star (undecided, crack)
°☆.。 for granted (undecided, angst + fluff)
°☆.。 planets anthology (bts)
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