#wings anthology
itsnotjustgibberish · 3 months
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Hello pookietown here’s a sad white boy
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anime-to-the-t · 6 months
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ultrabananapudding · 11 months
The Othmans | Angel AU
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Zains demonic features made him a target of bullying and it came to a point where he sawed off his own horns (the pain was even worse when they grew back).
When Zain is sad, Salim wraps him up in his wings to offer him comfort. It doesn't take long before Zain falls asleep.
Even with Salims high position as Lieutenant, his popularity steadily declined as he fathered Zain, so when he suddenly dissappeared one day, no one really cared.
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Zain has tiny, white wings and black horns. The cross in his eyes had other angels calling him a "Goat". Later in life, his sharp fangs grew more prominent. He is very insecure about having no halo.
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qusok · 2 years
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One day I'll learn, how to draw something simple that won't take forever. One day......
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subaquatic-skyscraper · 4 months
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In America: An Anthology of Fashion
Temporary exhibit at the MET in NYC, in 2022.
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godzilla-reads · 2 years
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Wings of Renewal: A Solarpunk Dragon Anthology edited by Claudie Arseneault and Brenda J. Pierson?
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108garys · 2 years
Imagine if Rachel met this clarice in the bloodpit 😈
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@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @mistmoose @oblivious-troll put Clarice on a completely different step of the human to bat vampire spectrum, decided too far in that I would have done things differently and may draw this design somewhat altered again
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Horns were a bit of after thought and this is the only time I've given her traditional fangs
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lastly this one goes more in the tiny bat direction and is an attempt to consider that concept for her
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Hello, everyone! Here is my story from the recent whump anthology for those who can't purchase. Hope you enjoy!
Rated: mature
Warnings: lady whump, graphic depictions of violence, blood
Word Count: 1,777
Summary: Anaria has been kept captive by Hakur for months, but she finally breaks free in the middle of the night.
Free! She was free!
After long hours of work and tugging, Anaria had managed to get the bars off of her window. She'd then used an iron candlestick to break the glass.
And she'd jumped out.
She'd been situated up high in the keep, and at first she was deathly afraid that her wings wouldn't work for her, that the muscles had atrophied after so long without use. But maybe landing on the ground and breaking her neck would be better than staying with Hakur.
Her wings picked up the current of air beneath her, and she swooped up into the sky, breathing hard. The ground had been rushing up at her, but now it was below her, and the air held her in its gentle, secure embrace. Her wings remembered what to do for her, remembered when exactly to flap and how.
She was quiet as she could be about the whole escape, even though she wanted to whoop for joy. It was night time, so she wouldn't be spotted easily, and she managed to fly over the wall of the keep without alerting anyone.
Or so she thought.
That thought didn't last long though, because suddenly she heard a whistling noise, and she looked back and down just in time to dodge the arrows sent at her. It made the muscles in her wings and shoulders ache.
Anaria kept flying, flapping her wings, urging herself to speed up. And she did. She shot off into the night.
But not before an arrow grazed her left shin. She yelled at the sudden fire that ripped across her leg, faltered in her flying, but kept going. She had to keep going.
It wasn't long before she had to land. She took refuge in the nearby forest that she'd seen from her barred window so many times, landing on a large tree branch, bending her knees so that her ankles wouldn't take the brunt of her weight and snap.
She didn't land softly, not like she'd wanted to, not like she'd been able to do before. She stumbled, fell onto her knees on the branch, nearly falling off. She clutched it tight with her arms, breathing hard.
Anaria wanted to celebrate, but she wasn't in the clear yet. The guards had seen her, and Hakur would be alerted to her escape. Oh gods... Hakur... What would he do to her if he caught her again?
Once again, Anaria tugged at the collar around her neck. She was always tugging at it, but it wouldn't come off, wouldn't budge. She wanted desperately to be able to use her magic. At least then it would be more of a fair fight. The collar kept her magic from her though, like something she could almost reach but wasn't close enough.
Anaria slowly positioned herself on the branch so that she was sitting, and tried to take a look at her leg in the dark. She couldn't see much of the wound at all, and she put a hand to it, her fingers coming away stained dark with blood. She winced at her own touch. The wound didn't feel deep, but she'd have to take care of it later.
Her rest was over. She couldn't just sit here, despite how tired her wings already were from lack of use. Walking would be a bad idea, as that would leave a trail for her captors to follow.
Taking a deep breath, Anaria stood, readied her wings, and took off into the sky.
Dawn crept through the sky like leaking blood, the horizon stained red. Anaria could see it through the trees.
She'd been flying most of the night, and had landed in another tree, trying to keep away from the ground. She'd stopped bleeding, but she still didn't want to give Hakur and his men an easy way to track her.
Exhausted, Anaria leaned her back against the tree. She took a look at her wound. It burned, but she didn't think it was that deep. That was good at least.
She rested her head back against the tree, closed her eyes. She'd just rest for a moment. Only a moment.
Anaria woke to voices, yelling, the trampling of undergrowth. Her eyes flew open and she shot up from her position. The sky was a clear cerulean, and the sun was high overhead.
She'd slept for much longer than she'd intended to.
She looked down, and found an awful truth, dread falling like a stone into her stomach.
She was surrounded. Men on horses circled the tree, arrows pointed at her, bows drawn tight. And on a white horse coming closer, was Hakur. His face was hard with anger, an expression Anaria knew well.
Anaria swept her black, tangled hair away from her eyes, and crouched on the tree branch, prepared to take off.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Hakur said, voice clear in the afternoon. The birds had gone silent, almost as if they knew something bad was going to happen.
"Why not?" Anaria asked, trying to keep her tone fierce.
"Because my men will not hesitate to shoot you," Hakur answered. "They've had a long few hours. They're tired, hungry, angry. They'd be happy to put an arrow in you."
"I thought you didn't want me dead."
"Arrow wounds don't always kill," Hakur answered, narrowing his eyes. "Now, come down from there, and you don't have to get hurt."
"You're lying," Anaria accused. How couldn't he be? Hakur was all about causing her pain.
"Perhaps," Hakur said. "But your punishment will be lessened if you come without a fight."
Anaria seriously pondered it. Hakur was frightening, knew ways to hurt her that were unimaginable. The scars on her back twinged, and her brand itched and burned. He'd tortured her, and he would happily do so again. But if she went down to him, maybe it wouldn't be as bad as if she resisted.
There was something inside her that just couldn't go to him though, a spark of defiance that she'd somehow kept alive throughout all this.
Without a word, she took off into the air.
Arrows whizzed past her, but one hit its mark. Her right wing. She screamed, flailing her arms as she began to fall. She crashed hard into the forest floor, something in her body snapping with the landing. Was that her collarbone? She couldn't breathe, the pain taking her air away. Her vision grew fuzzy, and it was a long while before she realized what was happening.
The arrow had gone right through her wing, was sticking out both sides of it. And yes, her collarbone was broken, maybe her shoulder too. It took a few moments for her to realize that she was gasping and sobbing through the pain, through the dread and horror.
She wasn't free.
She hadn't made it.
Hakur dismounted, strode over to her. He crouched by her, grabbing her by the hair, using the hold to painfully yank her head up.
"I told you they'd shoot," Hakur said.
Anaria couldn't find words. It was like they'd disappeared from her brain and been replaced with agony and terror.
Hakur stroked her injured wing with his other hand, nearing the shaft of the arrow, nearing all the blood that stained her beautiful white feathers. Anaria could find words now, the only words that mattered.
"No, no, no!"
He didn't listen to her. He took ahold of the arrow, and pulled hard.
Anaria fainted in his grasp.
Anaria knew she was back in Hakur's keep without even opening her eyes. She recognized the feel of the mattress beneath her, recognized the smell of her room.
She remembered the pain, fainting. The pain was still there, sharp as ever, and she was crying before she even opened her eyes. She didn't want to cry. She didn't want to show weakness.
There was another presence in the room. She knew it well, sensed the danger and foreboding energy around him.
"Don't cry, princess," Hakur said. "You knew what you were getting into."
Anaria opened her eyes. She was on her back, wings spread out to either side. Her shoulder and collarbone were bandaged tightly, as was her wing. She didn't want to move.
Usually there would be light coming in from the window, the bars casting shadows, but now, the window had been boarded up, and the only light came from candles lit around the room. There were still some pieces of broken glass on the rug.
Hakur stood from where he sat at the table,  came over to the bed. He stood above her, his height oppressive. He reached out to touch her, but then changed his mind, folding his hands behind his back.
That was odd, Anaria thought. Usually Hakur didn't hesitate to touch her.
Anaria clamped her jaw tight, unsure of what to say to him. Her lower lip trembled, and there was an awful ache in her throat.
"Lucky for you, I think you've been punished enough for your escape," Hakur told her. "Broken shoulder and collarbone, and an arrow through your wing." He smiled, showing his teeth. "What delicious anguish for you."
"Q-quit gloating," Anaria managed to get out. Despite what had happened, there was still that spark, that bit of defiance, of rebellion.
"I will do as I wish," Hakur said, dismissing her words with a wave of his hand. "Now, I want to know: how did you manage to get the bars off your window?"
"Determination," Anaria told him. She wiped at her face with the sleeve of her tunic. She was in the same clothes she'd escaped in, and she only just now felt the bandage on her shin.
"Or was it fear?" Hakur questioned. "Fear of me?"
Anaria glared at him. "You know how I feel about you."
"Yes, I do," Hakur responded with a nod. He shook his head, laughed. "So futile, princess. Here we are, back at playing this game."
Anaria wanted to scream at him, throw something, tell him this wasn't a game. She wasn't some toy to be played with.
But that's how he saw her. That's how he'd seen her since he'd first captured her and cut off her feathers. She feared he would do that again, now that she'd tried to escape.
Instead of saying anything, Anaria scowled at him.
Hakur laughed. "I plan on getting rid of that spark, princess," he said. He began leaving the room, and Anaria was grateful for that, even as his words scared her. "I'm going to snuff it out."
The door closed and locked behind him.
She was trapped.
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grounded4lyfe · 6 months
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Outfit: Demi by Frayed @Anthem April 3 until April 30
Hair: EF0403 Hair by Wings @Anthem April 3r until April 30
Furniture/Decor: Eclectic Living Collection by 8f8 Creations @Anthology March 19 until April 17
Necklace: Kiki by Kunglers
Earrings: Eloisa by e.marie
Pose: Her by KNIFU
Larger image: FLICKR
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itsnotjustgibberish · 2 months
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“The flames keep on beckoning, but I won’t let this forest burn for me.”
The Forest For The Trees will not leave my brain I adore both the song and music video so very much. I want to make for art for it once July has passed since I’m a bit more focused on Artfight at the moment, but for now here’s what I suppose would be ‘sonas’ for this song.
Anyways. Love this song it’s already become very personal and important to me, and I have so many thoughts about the meanings, as well as the specific symbolism for these designs, but I do not feel the need to articulate them right now. Perhaps I will at another point
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anime-to-the-t · 6 months
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marlocandeea · 1 year
i got into a new bookstore, the messiest lovely place, and for some reason i was surrounded by some of my most familiar/favourite books? and they were talking about benediction??
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Yay! My short story “Let the Rain Settle It” accepted for HUSH, DON’T WAKE THE MONSTER—Stephen King homage anthology!
Yay! My short story “Let the Rain Settle It” accepted for HUSH, DON’T WAKE THE MONSTER—Stephen King homage anthology!
So excited to announce that my short story, “Let the Rain Settle It” has been accepted for publication in Hush, Don’t Wake the Monster—A Women in Horror Anthology containing stories inspired by Stephen King but with a female spin! “Let the Rain Settle It” is an homage to Stephen King’s “Rainy Season,” which I read in the early 1990s and has haunted me ever since. Here’s the introduction I penned…
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justalittlesolarpunk · 5 months
I’ve teased it. You’ve waited. I’ve procrastinated. You’ve probably forgotten all about it.
But now, finally, I’m here with my solarpunk resources masterpost!
YouTube Channels:
The Solarpunk Scene
Solarpunk Life
Solarpunk Station
Our Changing Climate
The Joy Report
How To Save A Planet
Demand Utopia
Solarpunk Presents
Outrage and Optimisim
From What If To What Next
Solarpunk Now
The Extinction Rebellion Podcast
The Landworkers' Radio
What Could Possibly Go Right?
Frontiers of Commoning
The War on Cars
The Rewild Podcast
Imagining Tomorrow
Books (Fiction):
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness The Dispossessed The Word for World is Forest
Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built A Prayer for the Crown-Shy
Phoebe Wagner: When We Hold Each Other Up
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation
Brenda J. Pierson: Wings of Renewal: A Solarpunk Dragon Anthology
Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro: Solarpunk: Ecological and Fantastical Stories in a Sustainable World
Justine Norton-Kertson: Bioluminescent: A Lunarpunk Anthology
Sim Kern: The Free People’s Village
Ruthanna Emrys: A Half-Built Garden
Sarina Ulibarri: Glass & Gardens
Books (Non-fiction):
Murray Bookchin: The Ecology of Freedom
George Monbiot: Feral
Miles Olson: Unlearn, Rewild
Mark Shepard: Restoration Agriculture
Kristin Ohlson: The Soil Will Save Us
Rowan Hooper: How To Spend A Trillion Dollars
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing: The Mushroom At The End of The World
Kimberly Nicholas: Under The Sky We Make
Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass
David Miller: Solved
Ayana Johnson, Katharine Wilkinson: All We Can Save
Jonathan Safran Foer: We Are The Weather
Colin Tudge: Six Steps Back To The Land
Edward Wilson: Half-Earth
Natalie Fee: How To Save The World For Free
Kaden Hogan: Humans of Climate Change
Rebecca Huntley: How To Talk About Climate Change In A Way That Makes A Difference
Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac: The Future We Choose
Jonathon Porritt: Hope In Hell
Paul Hawken: Regeneration
Mark Maslin: How To Save Our Planet
Katherine Hayhoe: Saving Us
Jimmy Dunson: Building Power While The Lights Are Out
Paul Raekstad, Sofa Saio Gradin: Prefigurative Politics
Andreas Malm: How To Blow Up A Pipeline
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Almanac For The Anthropocene
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
William MacAskill: What We Owe To The Future
Mikaela Loach: It's Not That Radical
Miles Richardson: Reconnection
David Harvey: Spaces of Hope Rebel Cities
Eric Holthaus: The Future Earth
Zahra Biabani: Climate Optimism
David Ehrenfeld: Becoming Good Ancestors
Stephen Gliessman: Agroecology
Chris Carlsson: Nowtopia
Jon Alexander: Citizens
Leah Thomas: The Intersectional Environmentalist
Greta Thunberg: The Climate Book
Jen Bendell, Rupert Read: Deep Adaptation
Seth Godin: The Carbon Almanac
Jane Goodall: The Book of Hope
Vandana Shiva: Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture
Amitav Ghosh: The Great Derangement
Minouche Shafik: What We Owe To Each Other
Dieter Helm: Net Zero
Chris Goodall: What We Need To Do Now
Aldo Leopold: A Sand County Almanac
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Stephanie Foote: The Cambridge Companion To The Environmental Humanities
Bella Lack: The Children of The Anthropocene
Hannah Ritchie: Not The End of The World
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
Kim Stanley Robinson: Ministry For The Future
Fiona Mathews, Tim Kendall: Black Ops & Beaver Bombing
Jeff Goodell: The Water Will Come
Lynne Jones: Sorry For The Inconvenience But This Is An Emergency
Helen Crist: Abundant Earth
Sam Bentley: Good News, Planet Earth!
Timothy Beal: When Time Is Short
Andrew Boyd: I Want A Better Catastrophe
Kristen R. Ghodsee: Everyday Utopia
Elizabeth Cripps: What Climate Justice Means & Why We Should Care
Kylie Flanagan: Climate Resilience
Chris Johnstone, Joanna Macy: Active Hope
Mark Engler: This is an Uprising
Anne Therese Gennari: The Climate Optimist Handbook
Solarpunk Magazine
Positive News
Resurgence & Ecologist
Ethical Consumer
Films (Fiction):
How To Blow Up A Pipeline
The End We Start From
Woman At War
Black Panther
Star Trek
Films (Documentary):
2040: How We Can Save The Planet
The People vs Big Oil
Wild Isles
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
Generation Green New Deal
Planet Earth III
Video Games:
Terra Nil
Animal Crossing
Gilded Shadows
Anno 2070
Stardew Valley
Solarpunk Futures
Perfect Storm
Advocacy Groups:
A22 Network
Extinction Rebellion
Friends of The Earth
Green New Deal Rising
Buy Nothing
Too Good To Go
European Co-housing
UK Co-housing
US Co-housing
Brought By Bike (connects you with zero-carbon delivery goods)
ClimateBase (find a sustainable career)
Environmentjob (ditto)
Businesses (🤢):
Ethical Superstore
Fairtransport/Sail Cargo Alliance
Let me know if you think there’s anything I’ve missed!
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thatbloodymuggle · 2 months
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SUMMARY: A child of light and dark, you are the Night Court’s best kept secret. After decades spent in hiding, you yearn to stretch your wings. But you quickly learn that freedom comes with a price, as you find yourself trying to outfox the fox in his own den.
PAIRING: eris vanserra x reader
WARNINGS: language, graphic descriptions of violence, smut, oral (f receiving), loss of virginity, p in v
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“Fuck, Eris,” you moan.
He slaps your leg harshly in a wordless command to keep your voice down as he buries himself further between your thighs. 
You’re not quite sure how you ended up here, pressed up against a bookshelf with Eris on his knees beneath you, your leg swung over his shoulder as he feasts on you like a man starved. You’re sure the myriads of ancient philosophers behind you are rolling over in their graves right now. But with the way he’s suckling on your clit like it’s his last day on Earth, you can’t complain.
You bite down on your lip so hard you can taste blood to keep the sounds at bay, but he seems determined to make your job impossible as he curls a finger against that delicious spot deep inside you. Your legs tremble violently as you feel your high approaching, and you grip onto his crimson hair for dear life. He can feel you clench around his fingers, and he flicks his tongue against your clit at a punishing speed.
“Eris, I’m—”
Your lips part in a silent gasp as you reach your peak. The ecstasy coursing through your veins is dizzying, and your legs fall limp. Eris holds you steady as he continues his ministrations, riding you through your orgasm until the overstimulation is too much and you’re pushing his head away. You glance down shyly through spotted vision to find up looking up at you, grinning like a devil. He pulls your panties back into place and eases your leg off his shoulder before rising to his full height. He taps his thumb against your mouth, and you part your lips obediently. He dips his fingers into your mouth, and you wrap your lips around them. Your cheeks flare at the taste of your own arousal, and he groans as you swirl your tongue around his fingers, sucking them clean.
“Always so good for me, Little Bird,” he murmurs while pressing a chaste kiss on the shell of your ear.
He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and dips down to your height to capture your lips in a slow, but sensual, kiss. 
“I think I like you better on your knees,” you mumble into his mouth. 
He grins against your lips, “I’d gladly spend eternity on my knees for you.”
You sink your teeth into his bottom lip teasingly, “If I’d known that all it takes to defeat the Fox is spread my legs, I would’ve dropped my dress a long time ago.”
He nips you back harder, “Don’t mistake my insatiable appetite for weakness, darling.”
Despite the playfulness of his words, there’s an underlying warning that makes your skin prickle with thrill. You whine in protest as he pulls away. He wipes his thumb over his mouth, collecting the remaining evidence of your tryst, before sucking it between swollen lips. 
“As much as I would love to stay hidden with you between bookshelves all day,” he smooths down the front of your wrinkled dress, “I do have a meeting to get to.”
Your lips dip into an exaggerated pout and you reach up to fix his tousled hair, “What will I ever do without you?”
The lilt of your teasing tone elicits a toothy grin.
“Allow me to walk you out,” he intertwines your fingers with his.
You frown and keeping your feet planted in your spot despite his efforts to guide you away, “Can I stay for a bit longer? I was hoping to get through the late Lady Margrave’s anthology before I was so rudely interrupted.”
His lips twitch upwards, but you can see the hesitancy in his eyes.
“I’d rather not leave you here alone,” he maintains.
You raise your hand to his face, rubbing your thumb along his jawline in a coaxing manner, “I promise I won’t be long. And Sage will keep an eye on me,” you reference the smokehound who is currently sleeping soundly in her favorite spot in front of the fireplace.  
He purses his lips, and groans as you teasingly trail your touch down the sensitive skin behind his pointed ear, “You are the devil.”
“I learned from the best,” you muse as you place a swift kiss on the corner of his lips, “Is that a yes?”
“A reluctant one,” he quips, “Only if you promise not to stray from the library—in and out.”
With your fingers metaphorically crossed behind your back, you don’t feel an ounce of guilt lying through your teeth. 
He rubs his thumb along your knuckles before hesitantly pulling away, “’Till we meet again?”
You flash a coy smile, “’Till we meet again.”
Your shoulders slump with relief as he winnows away in a flash before he can change his mind about letting you stay. You pat your hair down and adjust the skirt of your dress before wandering back towards the front of the library. Sage twitches softly as you take a seat on the couch behind her and pick up your book. The fire warms you as you mindlessly page through the anthology, biding your time before you plot your next search of the house. Your eyes flick back and forth between the text in front of you and the grandfather clock in the corner, your leg bouncing with anticipation. Once the clock strikes 11:00, you deem fifteen minutes to be an acceptable waiting period. You shut the book and place it on the small table beside you, knowing that it will be magically reshelved. Sage sluggishly lifts her head when you rise to your feet, and you give her a soothing scratch between her ears.
“You’ll keep quiet about this, won’t you?” you coo as if she’s a loving pet, rather than a vicious animal.
She merely blinks at you, vermillion eyes unbothered.
An uncomfortable feeling settles in your chest. Eris must really trust you if this creature he’s trained to kill doesn’t so much as bat an eye at your snooping. You give her one last stroke before rising to your fall height and setting off towards the grand, oak doors. You slowly creak them open, peering out to make sure the hallway is empty before exiting. 
The chronically dim light of the hallways works to your advantage as you slink along the shadows in the corridors. This is risky—much riskier than you last venture, as the clock hasn’t even struck noon yet. There are sure to be guards and Vanserras lurking behind every corner. But with only two weeks left to uncover Eris’s true intentions, time is ticking. It’s been difficult keeping Rhys’s incessant pestering at bay, and you’re not sure when you’ll get another opportunity to search through the house with Eris’s constant watchful eye. 
You don’t rush through your movements this time. You empty your mind of everything except Azriel’s map, your eyes and ears at high alert. Beron’s office is about a mile and a half from the library, four floors up. With your creeping pace it will take at least thirty minutes to get there, so you can’t afford even a momentary lapse in focus. You approach your first guard and hold your breath as they unknowingly pass you. You keep your side pressed against the wall as you continue, your footsteps feather-light.
The Mother must be on your side, as you finally make it to the right hallway without running into a single Vanserra. You presume that Eris’s brothers must be with him at whatever meeting he is currently attending. The hair on your arms stands on end as you approach a large, scarlet door. Of course it’s red, you think to yourself. You pause, scanning both ends of the hallway. You wait a few beats, looking out for any unexpected guests, before emerging from the shadows and approaching the blood-colored door. You press your ear against the wood, listening carefully for any breathing or movements. You can sense some wards inside the room, but thankfully none on the door. So, with a deep breath, you wrap your hand around the doorknob.
Your heart beats at a thunderous pace as you creak the door open, inch by inch. Your shoulders slump with your relief as you are greeted with an empty, albeit ghastly, room. You hastily step inside and shut the door behind you before fully taking in your new surroundings.
Unlike Eris’s chambers and office which hold a warm glow, this room is…cold, to say the least. The walls are made of the same limestone in the hallways, and the floor is covered by a carpet the same shade of red as the door. In the center of the office sits a sleek, black desk. From what you’ve heard about the cruel High Lord, this is a fitting space.
You scan over the papers on his desk, careful not to move anything out of place. Nothing piques your interest, so you move to his cabinets. The first drawer slides open easily but contains no information you didn’t already know. You go to pull the second open, but frown at the ward keeping it sealed tight. You could use your spell-cleaving abilities—but doing so may alert Beron that someone went rifling through his office. With a sigh of frustration, you redirect your search to more discrete hiding places. 
You run a hand underneath the desk, and find a small, hidden compartment. You pull it out, and a rush of adrenaline surges through you as you stare down at the box full of correspondences with Brialynn. Although she is no longer a threat to Prythian, you eagerly rifle through them, hoping to find something that may reveal Beron’s next steps. But as you page through, your hope diminishes. Nothing useful—yet again. You carefully rearrange the parchment the same way you found it, and slot it back underneath the desk. 
“If I was a misogynistic tyrant, where would I hide my secrets?” you wonder aloud. 
You scale the room, running your hand along the bookshelf in the corner. Most of the books have collected so much dust, the titles are nearly impossible to read. But there’s a single binding in the corner catches your eye. It’s dust-free, unlike the others. You pull it out, but instantly regret your decision as you flip it open. You shouldn’t be surprised, really, that the only used book in Beron’s office is filled with obscene images of nude females. But that doesn’t stop your face from contorting with disgust. Despite the bile rising in your throat, you still flip through it just in case there is something of use buried within the explicit photographs. However, you are only met with disappointment and an even more blistering nausea as you come up short. You shove the book back in its place with a shudder. Pig.
Having searched every nook and cranny of the dreadful office, you’re at a loss. Your eyes land on that second warded drawer, and you bite your lip in contemplation. Is it worth the risk? You fish a spare coin from the depths of your pockets and pinch it tightly between your fingers. 
“Heads, cleave. Tails, don’t cleave,” you mutter to yourself.
If Rhys could see you know, he’d be screaming. Your lips twitch at the thought, and you throw the coin high in the air. It clatters against the desk and rolls around for a bit before landing.
Cleave, it is.
You place both hands on the cabinet and shut your eyes. You take a deep breath in and dispel every lingering thought in your head with a slow exhale. You focus on the feeling of the cabinet at your fingertips, picture yourself physically sucking out every last drop of magic. A wet chill snakes across your hands, up your arms, as you twist and play with the magic, coaxing it to unfurl from the cabinet. Click.
Your eyes flutter open at the sound, and you find the drawer cracked open. A toothy grin stretches across your face as you grab the singular folder lying within. However, your smile drops instantly as you page through the contents: log after log of Eris’s whereabouts, finances, and even his smokehounds’ patrol patterns. Thankfully there’s nothing here that links Eris to the Night Court, but Beron knows about his monthly visits to the Spring Court. He knows his son is up to something. And if he finds out what, then…
Thunderous footsteps in the hallway break your train of thought. Your face pales, and you hastily shove the folder back inside the cabinet. Your hands tremble as you quickly put the ward back into place. Just as the lock of the drawer clicks, so does the blood red door swing open. 
You stand, frozen, as you stare into the cold, dark eyes of the High Lord of the Autumn Court. His lips are snarled, and his presence seems to engulf the whole room, but for some reason, his gaze isn’t fixed on you. He strides forward in three thunderous steps, and you stumble backwards to the other side of the desk, shaking like a leaf. But again, he seems to look right past you as he stops in front of the drawer where you were just stood moments earlier. Every survival instinct you have seems to vanish as you stand there, waiting for him to throw you in the dungeon, or better yet, execute you on the spot. But he doesn’t so much as look in your direction as he opens the cabinet and flips through the folder. 
Is he blind? How on Earth is he not seeing you?
You glance down at your trembling hands, and the silver ring sitting snugly around your  thumb winks at you. It couldn’t be—could it?
You creep backwards towards the door, and Beron slams the cabinet shut with a huff. 
“Must be a false alarm,” he grumbles under his breath.
He marches towards you, and you scramble out of the way just in time for him to brisk by. He swings the door shut with a slam behind him, and despite being left alone in the room, relief doesn’t wash over you. 
Your legs wobble as you reel over what just happened. You should be dead, or at the very least, behind bars. But by the grace of Eris, you’re standing here unscathed, despite feeling like your heart is seconds away from giving out. You stand unmoving for a few minutes, until the shock settles enough to make your escape.
The hallway is empty, and you don’t hesitate to slink into the shadows along the walls. You try your best to remain light-footed, but you can’t creep out the way you crept in. You all but run through the house, heart still pounding in your ears. Your stomach churns as you turn a corner and find yourself in a brightly lit passage—no shadows in sight. No sneaking through this one. If you get caught running, your near escape from death will be all for nothing. So, you take a deep breath before emerging from the shadows and setting into a steady stride. You breathe in and out with each step, counting your paces until you near the end of the stretch. Almost there.
But as you turn the corner, you collide with something hard.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Eris stares down at you, wide-eyed.
Think quick, you urge yourself.
“I was just—I was just looking for a restroom, and I got lost,” you stammer.
Your tone is unconvincing. But you hope the lie is enough considering you aren’t, in fact, too far from the library he left you in.
His jaw clenches and he grips your upper arm tightly, pulling you into an alcove around the corner. You want to shrink under his scrutinizing glare, but keep your chin high.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” his tone is firm despite his hushed whisper.
Your force your lips upwards into an innocent smile, “You just scared me, that’s all.”
He purses his lips and studies you as if he can see straight through your lie. He sticks his head out into the hallway, checking to make sure you’re alone, before speaking in a low murmur, “You promised you’d be in and out.”
“I know,” you hook your pinky finger with his in an attempt to settle his unease, “I’m sorry. Really.”
His relaxes slightly into your touch, but the tension in his shoulders is still apparent.
“Let me walk you out,” he sighs, and you silently sing praises that he doesn’t press the subject further.
He pulls his hand away from yours but rests a hand against your lower back as he leads you down the hallway. You follow quietly, still on edge. Even as you exit the walls of the Forest House in favor of the chilling autumn wind, you remain silent. The two of you pass at least a dozen sentries on your journey through the courtyard, but with Eris by your side, they don’t so much as bat an eye. It isn’t until you’re at least twenty yards out of the golden gates that you halt and turn towards the crimson-haired man beside you.
“I really am sorry,” you blurt, “I didn’t mean any harm.”
His lips curl into a soft smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. 
“I’m not angry with you, Little Bird,” his voice is warm, but holds a certain harshness as he continues, “But you must think me a fool if you believe I can’t sniff out a lie when I hear one.”
Your cheeks flush and you divert your gaze to the ground beneath you. Intermix lies with half-truths, if needed. He’s privy to others deceiving him, Azriel’s voice rings through your mind. You twist the ring around your thumb in thought before raising your hand, the silver glistening brightly underneath the beating sun. 
“What is this?” you deadpan, gesturing to the ring on your finger.
His eyes harden and his soft smile dips down, “I take it you met my father?”
“I ran into him in the hallways,” you speak with conviction this time to conceal your lie, “And I wasn’t looking for the washroom. I wanted to surprise you in your chambers, and I thought I could find my way there on my own.”
He scans your face as he mulls over your response. To your relief, he seems to take the bait.
“It’s something I picked up during the war on Hybern,” he finally answers your question, “When adorned, the wearer becomes invisible to any High Lord’s gaze.”
 Your lips part as you study the shining piece of jewelry on your thumb. You move to slide it off and return it, but his hand wraps around yours.
“I told you I want you to keep it,” he affirms. You open your mouth to protest, but he changes the subject before you get a chance, “When will I see you again?”
Your height weighs heavy, but you force on a playful smile, “Bold of you to assume I want to see you again.”
He matches your teasing tone, “Bold of you to lie again.”
You roll your eyes, but your grin betrays you.
His eyebrows shoot up and his grin widens, “So eager to see me again, aren’t you darling?”
Your eyes narrow into a glare, “I can always occupy myself with my filthy little romance novels,” you drawl.
“It would be cruel of me to leave you imagining my head between your thighs when I can show you the real thing,” he stalks closer to you with a wide-mouthed smirk, “Meet me here after nightfall. I’ll send you a signal when I’m ready.”
A red tint crawls up your neck at his sinful insinuation. Refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing you flustered, you raise your lips to his ear and whisper lowly, “’Till we meet again.”
Before he can respond, you winnow away in a flash. The dust-filled cabin greets you. You don’t bother discarding your boots or coat as you pace by the fire. What the hell do you do now? Telling Eris what you found in Beron’s office would mean blowing your cover, effectively ending your mission. But not telling him would mean putting him in danger. You run shaky fingers through your hair, pulling tightly at your roots as if the pain will give you some sort of answer. 
You tug desperately at your connection with Rhys, screaming down through the cobblestone tunnels of your mind. Your patience is wearing thin, and the walls of the cabin seem to shrink in closer with each pacing step. 
Are you okay?
Finally, Rhys’s voice chimes through and you feel like you can breathe again.
I found something, you skip the niceties, in Beron’s office.
You can hear the frown in his voice as he replies, I thought I told you to stay far, far away from him.
You roll your eyes and choose to ignore his chastising, Do you want to hear what I found or not?
Obviously, he quips, irritation clearly laced in his tone.
Beron knows Eris is up to something, you cut straight to the point, I’m unclear on the extent of his knowledge—I had to get out of there before I could really comb through it all. But he knows Eris is sneaking around behind his back.
There’s a prolonged pause, and you hold your breath as you wait for Rhys’s response.
That’s it?
Your eyes widen in incredulity, and you hiss over the connection, What do you mean ‘that’s it’? Eris is in danger.
I mean that’s not our problem to deal with, and your job is to dig up information on Eris, not Beron.
The nonchalance in his voice makes your blood boil.
It most certainly is our problem if Beron is out for blood. If he makes a move against Eris before Eris gets to him, not only is our alliance with Autumn shot, but so is Prythian stuck with Beron as High Lord for another eternity.
You don’t attempt to hide the distress in your voice—even if you risk revealing more than you intend about your feelings towards the Autumn Court heir. 
You’re right, Rhys reluctantly replies.
You head lulls back in relief, I know I am. 
I’ll have Cassian tip Eris off when they next meet in Spring, Rhys decides.
You frown. Cassian and Eris meet on a monthly basis in the Spring Court, and if you remember correctly, they aren’t due to meet again until you leave Autumn.
You need to inform him sooner, you argue, What if Beron makes a move before then?
If we tip him off now, that may very well expose you. And my first priority is your safety, not the sly bastard’s.
Much to your displeasure, Rhys’s tone is firm and leaves no room for discussion. 
Fine, you bitterly relent.
You raise the cobblestone barriers of you mind before he can reply. You know it’s childish and rude, but right now, you couldn’t care less. You were already on edge, and now your mood has been soured even further. 
“Stupid High Lords,” you grumble while kicking the dust underneath your feet, “What ever happened to democracy?”
Democracy hasn’t existed in Prythian in at least a millennia. But that doesn’t stop you from fantasizing about a world in which it does—a world void of archaic classist ideologies, misogyny, and most importantly, pompous High Lords who have a stick so far up their ass they can’t see straight. You lay on your bed, still fully clothed, and stare up the ceiling as you immerse yourself in your imaginary land. Maybe it could be ruled by females—warriors like the Valkyries. Education would be a universal right. A soft smile tugs at your lips at the thought of it. Maybe you could work teaching younglings, fae and humans alike, the works of Tydeus and his scholarly counterparts. Or maybe you’d be a scholar yourself, travelling from territory to territory, documenting the lives of each kind of resident because everyone’s story deserves to be told.
Anxiety still grips you like a vice—but dwelling on it would be futile. So, you close your eyes and keep building your dream wor;d. And for just a moment, you let yourself slip away from the harsh reality of your predicament.
Meet me after nightfall, he said, I’ll send you a signal, he said.
Night has fallen. It fell nearly four hours ago, in fact. And as the clock nears midnight, there’s still no signal in sight. 
You’ve been trying your best to busy yourself—folding clothes, reading, tending to the fire. But with each minute that ticks by, your patience thins and your worry grows. He’s probably still wrapped up in whatever business he has. But after your revelation in Beron’s office that morning, you can’t help but picture a grimmer scenario. 
As the long hand of the clock passes the 12, your resolve crumbles. You hastily pull on your boots and drape a cloak over your shoulders. Before you can talk yourself out of it, the world twists and folds and you find yourself in the spot outside the golden gates where you left him earlier that day.
It’s deadly silent, the only sound coming from the large oak trees rustling against the wind. The stars twinkle bright above, giving you some source of light as you scale the area. You keep quiet, eyes and ears alert for any sign of life. 
A sinister feeling rolls through your gut. Something’s wrong. You’re not sure how, or why, but you can sense it—clear as the night sky in Velaris.
You calmly approach the golden gates, chin held high as the sentries come into view. They look over you in a scrutinizing manner, but don’t make any movement to stop you as you pass underneath the glistening arch. Once through, you conceal yourself in the shadows as you scale the courtyard and head towards the closest entry to Eris’s chambers.
The moment you enter the Forest House, the sinking feeling in your stomach grows. You make quick work of the stairwells and hallways, moving swiftly but remaining in the shadows to avoid detection. This time, the image of Azriel’s map doesn’t guide you—rather, your body moves on its own accord, as if being tugged along by some otherworldly force. Your steps falter as you approach the oak doors of Eris’s private chambers. You slip out of the shadows and press an ear to the door. All you can hear is the crackling of a fire, and so with trembling hands, you slowly twist the door open.
Your heart breaks at the sight before you.
All you see is red. It burns bright ruby in the embers of fire. It flows deep crimson in the locks of his hair. And it bleeds angry scarlet from the skin of his back.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
His voice is almost unrecognizable. He sits crouched in front of the fire; head slumped. His limbs are limp, shoulders heaving in shuddered breaths. And his back faces you, displaying a tunic so bloodied, you can barely see its eggshell white color.
“Leave,” he croaks.
But you can’t. You can’t move. You can’t breathe. All you can do is stare at the violence of the red. Everywhere.
His head cranes to the side, and your eyes meet his. Gone is bright amber. They are cruel—handcrafted by the wicked of the world.
“Are you deaf?” he snarls, “Get out. Now.”
His cold gaze returns to the fire. Despite the malice of his tone, you creep forward slowly, as if approaching a wild animal. As you walk closer, you can see the slash marks more vividly. You can see how the fabric of his shirt splits around each slice, count the number of marks on his back. He’s trembling. With rage or pain, you’re not sure—perhaps both. And as you approach his side, you can see how he holds his hands over the blazing flames. It’s reminiscent of your burn and pull away game. But he never pulls away. 
You crouch down beside him on your knees, facing his side. But his gaze is unmoving from the flames. His jaw clenches tightly as you study his profile. Up close you can see the swelling around his eyes, the dried tear tracks on his cheeks. Your own eyes water but you refuse to let them fall. Instead, you reach your arms out to his. You move slowly to avoid startling him, and he doesn’t stop you as you gently wrap your hands around his wrists. The fire burns hot against your skin, but you grit your teeth through the pain. 
He allows you to gently guide his hands away from the flames. You intertwine your fingers with his and rub his knuckles soothingly even as his hands lie limp in your grip. His head remains trained towards the fire, and you can see the reflection of the flames dancing in his golden irises. You lower your head reverently to his hands and brush your lips against them. You place a delicate kiss on each knuckle—as if doing so can take away just a little bit of his agony. Just as you think he may relax into your touch, he snatches his hands out of your grip.
Eris rises abruptly, hissing at the pain, and braces himself with one arm against the wall. He glares down at you.
“I told you to fucking leave,” he bellows. But you don’t so much as flinch at his harsh tone. Instead, you rise from the ground in front of him.
“No,” you speak with conviction, but maintain a gentle tone.
His jaw shifts, “I’ll call for my guards.”
“No, you won’t,” you retort.
He’s furious—you can surmise that much. But his cold exterior is slipping, and you’ll be here to catch him when he falls.
“Wipe that pathetic look off your face,” he sneers, “I can’t stand it.”
“I’m sorry,” you reply simply.
His façade cracks. For just a moment, you can see the anguish hidden beneath his glaring eyes. His hand slips down the wall, and he grunts as he pushes himself back up. But his body is trembling, his legs shaking. You lurch forward just in time.
You loop your arms around his neck, careful not to graze any of his wounds, and encourage him to lean his body weight onto you. With a shaky breath, Eris succumbs to your touch and rests his head in the crook of your neck. His arms wrap loosely around your body to stabilize himself.
You can feel his eyes shut tight against your skin, and you gently stroke your fingers through his hair. He slowly tightens his grip around your waist, his hands fisting the fabric of your dress, until he gives into your comfort completely. You stand there for a while holding him, each of you afraid to be the first to speak.
“I don’t want you to see me like this,” he mumbles into your shoulder.
You continue threading your fingers through his locks, “I know. But I’m here.”
His grip around you tightens. You know he’ll need to lie down soon, but you don’t want to push him.
“Let me help you,” you whisper.
He shakes his head, “You can’t,” he pauses before adding, “Faebane.”
You surmised as much. But that doesn’t stop the nausea at the far too vivid image of his torture. 
“Allow me to try. Please.”
He doesn’t say anything for a while. But after a few beats of silence, he grunts and lifts his head from your shoulder. You don’t miss the wince he tries to hide at the movement. He doesn’t protest as you wrap his arm around your shoulder and tug him in the direction of the bed. He leans his weight against you and allows you to guide him slowly. He grits his teeth with each step, but doesn’t so much as whimper at the shooting pain. Sweat beads on his forehead, and he nearly cries in relief when you reach the bed. He slumps down on his stomach and turns his head to the opposite wall, so he doesn’t have to look at you.
You stare down at the man before you, and hastily wipe away the tear that trails down your cheek. He looks…broken. You desperately want to march into Beron’s office and kill him yourself. But you take a deep breath, forcing yourself to maintain your composure. He flinches as you rest your hands at the bottom of his tunic, gripping it softly.
“May I?” you ask.
He nods reluctantly against the pillow.
You take a deep breath to brace yourself before ripping the fabric and sliding it off his body. You swallow your gasp as you lay your eyes on his bare back. At least a dozen angry red slashes cover the expanse of skin. They are raised, surrounded in half-dried blood. It’s clear that whatever torture device his miserable excuse for a father used was laced with Faebane, as they show no signs of healing. 
Eris shudders as you run a finger along the side of one of the wounds, careful not to press too hard or touch the affected area directly. You can’t heal him with the generous amount of Faebane. But you may be able to take the pain away.
The room is silent aside from the crackling fire as you hover your hands over his back and shut your eyes. You empty your mind and focus on your fingertips. You imagine tendrils of bright light extending, curling around each wound and stroking it with a gentle touch. You picture your mother—how she used her healing hands long ago to take away your pain when you cracked your head against the staircase banister as a youngling. You remember her soft touch, which in and of itself soothed your anguish. And then, you evoke an image of Eris. You focus on the strong bridge of his nose, the crinkle of his eyes when he laughs, the freckles on his skin. 
A moan of relief fills the otherwise silent room, and your eyes snap open. Eris’s features are relaxed—a stark contrast to the look of agony they held moments ago. 
“Better?” you ask softly.
He nods, his chapped lips parted. 
“Do you have a washroom?” you ask.
He blindly points an arm to the back left corner of the room.
The elegance of his bathroom doesn’t even register in your mind as you hastily grab several washcloths and wet them with warm water before returning to the bed. Eris hasn’t moved an inch.
“I’m going to clean them, if that’s alright,” you speak clearly.
He nods silently again.
The bed creaks underneath you as you sit on the edge and begin to work on his wounds. Even though he can no longer feel pain, you still take great care to clean each area carefully as to not further irritate the skin. With the mess of blood gone from his back, you can clearly see each laceration. They’re deep—painfully so—but once the Faebane wears off, you figure they should heal quickly. 
“All done,” you set the bloodied rags aside and stroke your hand soothingly down his side. 
He sluggishly turns over but still doesn’t meet your eye, even as he lays with his back on the bed. You remain seated on the edge, not wanting to cross any more boundaries than you already have.
“Where did you learn to do that?” he asks quietly, his eyes trained on the fire across the room.
You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth. You knew the question was coming. And with the heavy emotions weighing on you, you can’t bring yourself to lie.
“A gift from my mother,” you reply, “She was of the Day Court, gifted with limited healing powers.”
He hums, “What was she like—your mother?”
Your lips curl into a soft smile and you kick off your boots so you can rest your feet on the bed.
“She was warm. Like a crackling hearth,” you roll the ring around your thumb, “Smart as a whip. I think in another life, she would’ve been a renowned scholar.”
His lips twitch upwards, but his eyes are solemn.
“Why wasn’t she?” he asks.
Because her life was stripped away by a cruel male who unknowingly impregnated her, you think.
 “Because she loved being a mother more,” you reply.
He nods in understanding. Silence fills the air again, but this time, it isn’t suffocating. You divert your gaze to the fire, watching how the flames move together in a coordinated waltz.
“I’m sorry,” Eris croaks, “For snapping at you.”
You turn your head, eyes wide with surprise. For the first time since you first entered the room, his gaze is trained on you. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight. Their amber hue is magnificent. Even with the sorrow they hold, you wish to be bathed in the golden, bright as the sun, for the rest of your days. 
“Your eyes are breathtaking,” you whisper in response.
The golden resembles honey as his lips stretch into a soft smile. He shifts over slightly, beckoning you to come closer. You tentatively crawl forward and lie a few feet away from him, but he pulls you against his chest. You rest your head in the crook of his arm, sinking into his touch.
“They’re my mother’s,” he muses.
“What’s she like?” you use his own question against him.
He tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “When I was young, she was bright—like the sun. But she’s…dimmed since then,” he diverts his gaze to the ceiling and wets his lips before continuing, “Autumn is beautiful, in all its colors. But people often forget how unforgiving its harsh winds can blow.”
You purse your lips as you mull over his words. You shift in his hold so you lay on your side, facing him. You’ve always longed to trace the bridge of his nose, the sharp cut of his jawline. And this time, you don’t stop yourself.
“Have you ever thought about leaving?” you ask while dusting your fingers over his freckles.
“Many times,” he mumbles, eyes fluttering at your delicate touch.
“Why don’t you?” you run your finger down the tip of his nose.
He catches your hand in his, resting it against his chest. You suck in a breath as he shifts, turning his head to face you. 
“Even in all its cruelty, this is my home,” he rasps, “You haven’t seen the wickedness I’m capable of. I wasn’t made to fly free like you, Little Bird.”
He wears a soft smile, but the sadness lingering beneath the mask is hauntingly beautiful. 
“It’s only in darkness that we see the brightest stars,” you barely speak above a whisper.
His forehead falls against yours, and you melt into his touch. 
“You’re too good for me, Little Bird. I can’t give you the life you want—the life you deserve,” his lips brush yours as he speaks.
You furrow your brows, “You don’t know what I want.”
His nose bumps yours, “And what is it that you want?”
A hurricane of emotion crashes over you. As you look into the golden of his eyes, you feel everything all at once—the fear, the confusion, the guilt, and most overwhelming of them all, love.
“I want you.”
It’s Love that surges you forward. It’s Love you hope he feels as you connect your lips to his. For the first time in your life, it’s Love that takes you over completely.
“I want you,” you repeat against his mouth, “Darkness and all its shining stars.”
It’s slow, but filled with a passion unlike any you’ve shared with him before. It’s salty—from his tears or yours, you’re not sure. And as your lips slide against his, you breathe a life into each other you never knew was missing before.
He raises himself from the bed and cages you between his elbows, his lips never leaving yours. You tangle your hands into his hair as he slides his tongue along your bottom lip, deepening the kiss. As he lifts you up and fiddles with the zipper at the back of your dress, you are reminded of the wounds on his back.
“You need to rest,” you gasp against his mouth, “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“I don’t care,” he mumbles as he drags down the zipper at an agonizingly slow pace.
Any semblance of logic leaves your mind as he drags the fabric down your body. He disconnects his lips from yours and you arch into his touch as he reattaches them to your neck. He makes quick work of your bra as he trails open-mouthed kisses down your neck. Your mouth parts in a silent gasp as he wraps his lips around your nipple, flicking over the other with his thumb. He takes his time, worshipping every dip, every curve of your body. The arousal pooling between your legs is almost too much as he switches his mouth over to your other breast.
“Take me,” you gasp, “Mark me,” he toys with the band of your panties, “Have me,” he pulls the material down, “I’m yours.”
He groans against your breast before removing his mouth and licking his swollen lips, “You can’t say those things to me, Little Bird.”
“I mean it,” the hand trailing up your quivering thigh pauses, “I want you. All of you.”
He rises so your eyes are level with his, his hand still inches from where you need him most. He searches your face for any sign of hesitation—but there’s none.
“Are you sure?”
You grab his face and pull his lips down to yours. He shudders at your wordless affirmation but moves his lips against yours with a fervor you’ve never felt before. As his tongue swipes into your mouth, so does his hand continue upwards. You whimper as drags his middle finger through your slick, teasing your entrance before sinking in. Your eyes flutter shut as he curls it inside you, using his thumb to rub circles on your clit. You struggle to keep up with his kiss as he pumps his finger in you, stimulating the most intimate part of your body. Just as you fall back into rhythm, he works a second finger inside you. You mewl and tug harder on the hair at the nape of his neck. He rests his forehead against yours as his fingers stretch you out, his thumb continuing its ministrations against your clit. You feel the coil tightening in your gut, the unbridled pleasure building rapidly. 
You grip his bicep, squeezing it slightly, “I need you inside of me. Please.”
You gasp as he curls his fingers once more before pulling them out. Your body involuntarily chases after his touch, but he doesn’t give you a second to process the loss as he reconnects his lips to yours. Your hands tremble with need as you hastily work on the fastenings of his pants, eagerly pushing them down. You palm him through his underwear as he shoves the material off his legs. He moans into your mouth as you dip a hand underneath, wrapping your hand around his hardened length. You can feel him pulsing with need under your fingers as you stroke him. You retreat as he shoves the last bit of material down his legs, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as he frees himself completely. 
Eris braces himself with both arms above you and your heart thrums in your chest as he stares down at you.
“You’re sure you want this, Little Bird?” he asks.
Your doe eyes are wide with need, “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”
“You tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” he whispers as he nudges your thighs further apart.
You nod and wrap your arms around him, careful not to touch the wounds on his back. He runs his tip through your soaking folds, and you jolt at the sensation. You brace yourself on his shoulders as he lines himself up with your entrance. Your lips part in a silent gasp as he pushes just his tip in. He presses his nose to yours with a heavy groan, but doesn’t move as you adjust to the foreign stretch. 
“Keep going,” you gasp.
He peppers kisses along your jawline as he inches in further. Your toes curl at the burning stretch, your nails digging into his shoulders. 
“I need you to breath for me,” he mumbles against your jaw.
You didn’t even realize you were holding your breath as you force yourself to exhale, eyes squinting as he shifts inside you. You cry out as he pushes in another inch, and he rests his forehead against yours once more.
“Talk to me, Bird,” he mumbles.
“It hurts,” you gasp, “But keep going.”
His eyes don’t leave yours as he pulls out slightly before pushing back in. He inches in further which each shallow thrust, and you slowly become accustomed to the stretch.
“Feels better now,” you gasp as he sinks in a bit more.
“Just a little more,” he coos, thumb stroking your cheek soothingly.
You think you might implode as he pushes in completely, his hips meeting yours. He releases a guttural groan as he bottoms out. You’ve never felt so full, and you’re sure you’re adding new wounds to his shoulder with how hard your nails are digging in.
“How does it feel?” his voice is strained as he reins in the instinct to pound you into oblivion.
“So full,” you whimper.
He catches the tear that trails down your cheek with his thumb.
“Is it okay if I move?” he asks gently.
You nod and wrap your legs around his hips to brace yourself. He hooks one arm underneath your thigh, steadying you before drawing back slightly and pushing back in. You moan in unison at the feeling, your walls squeezing him like a vice.
“Do it again,” you gasp.
His hips move again in a shallow thrust, and although the burn hasn’t subsided completely, it’s now accompanied by a budding pleasure in your gut. He reconnects his lips to yours, swallowing your gasp as he pulls out almost completely before sinking back in.
“Faster, Eris, please,” you moan into his mouth.
He shudders at the way you say his name, eagerly fulfilling your request as he slowly accelerates his pace. You whine with each roll of his hips, completely enamored with the way he fits into you so perfectly.
He reaches a hand down between you and you cry out as he uses his fingers to stimulate your clit. His thrusts never falter, and you relish in the sound of his skin slapping against yours each time he bottoms out. 
“You were made for me, darling,” he mumbles against your mouth, “The way your cunt just sucks me in.”
He raises your leg slightly, the new angle allowing him to hit you even deeper. The pressure in your gut builds with each thrust, and you feel your high rapidly approaching as he flicks your clit even faster.
“’M so close, Eris,” you groan into his mouth, barely able to keep your lips sliding against his.
He moves with a newfound vigor, latching his lips against your neck.
“Let go for me, love,” he coaxes, grunting at the way your walls spasm around him.
He flicks your nipple with his free hand, and that’s all it takes for you to find your release. You all but scream as you reach your high, clutching tightly onto his hair as waves of pleasure roll through you. His teeth press into your neck as his pace falters, and he bottoms out again before spilling into you. His groan is even louder than yours as he keeps rolling his hips, riding through both of your orgasms. Your vision spots and you feel like you’re floating as you come down from the peak of your high, falling limp beneath him. He slumps against you, pressing your body further into the mattress. With his weight on top of you and his softening cock still inside you, you’ve never felt more alive.
You stay like this for a while, reveling in the aftermath of your orgasms, until the lust-filled fog raises and the soreness between your thighs registers. He pulls out slowly, and you wince at the overstimulation. He raises his head from your neck and places a sweet kiss on your lips before flopping down beside you, exhaustion finally kicking in.
You lazily drape an arm over his stomach and nuzzle your head into the crook of his shoulder. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you even closer, and places a kiss on the top of your head. 
“How was that, Little Bird?” he mumbles into your hair.
You open your mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. There are no words that could do justice to the feeling of pure, unadulterated bliss consuming you. You can feel him smiling against your head as you struggle to speak.
“I don’t think I can ever read my filthy little romance novels again,” you blurt, rather ineloquently.
His chest rumbles with barking laughter, and you can’t help but giggle at the sound.
“Don’t be discouraged,” he grins, “I’m sure we can incorporate your little books into the bedroom in a way that’ll truly leave you speechless.”
You flush at the insinuation, but swiftly reply, “If we’re already planning for next time, then I’d like to be involved in that discussion.”
“Oh?” he muses, “And what is it that you’d like next time, Little Bird?”
You hum in thought, tracing shapes along his abdomen. You peek up at him from his shoulder, and find his eyes already trained on you.
“I could feel you reigning yourself in,” you purr, “Maybe next time you should let go.”
“If I let go then you won’t be walking for a week,” he caresses the dip of your waist.
You nip at his nose teasingly, “I think I’d be perfectly content staying in this bed for a week.”
He takes a steadying breath, and you smirk at the effect you so clearly have over him.
“One day, Little Bird,” he kisses the tip of your nose, “One day I’ll absolutely ruin you.”
You grin and nuzzle your head back into his shoulder, “Sounds like a plan.”
You lay like this, wrapped up in each other’s embrace, for a while. No words are shared, and the only sound filling the room is the crackling of the fireplace. You hope your touch conveys all that you can’t say.
“Thank you,” he whispers after a few beats of silence.
Déjà vu surges over you. You remember the first time you laid beside him—how little, and how much, has changed since then.
You echo his words from that night, “Never thank me.”
You want to say more. You want to tell him everything you feel. You want to open the book of your mind, let him read every single footnote in the story of your life. But there’s so much to say, you wouldn’t even know where to start. So instead, you settle for the words on the very tip of your tongue.
“My brightest star,” you hum, placing a kiss on his ear.
He strokes his thumb along your shoulder, “If I’m the stars, then you’re the moon.”
You smile into his skin, and your eyes flutter shut. Between the comfort of his touch and the whirlwind of a night you’ve had, you find yourself unable to keep exhaustion at bay. 
As you drift from consciousness, there’s no Rhys nagging in the back of your mind. No sister to beg for forgiveness. No dead mother, no cruel father. There’s just Eris.
And for the first time in your life, you feel peace.
Throughout Eris’s long, miserable existence, Pain has been a constant.
It sings in the tortured cries of those who have wronged him. It swims in the eyes of his mother, a shell of the woman she used to be. It bleeds from his skin, with each lash he’s earned from his father.
 It’s Pain that wakes him, yanks him from his fleeting escape from reality.
He hisses at the feeling of silken sheets rubbing against the fresh wounds littered across his back. He moves to push himself up, but pauses at the weight on his chest. When he looks down, Pain vanishes momentarily.
Somehow, you’re even more breathtaking in your sleep. Your cheek is pressed up against his shoulder, arm draped over his stomach. You look so innocent like this, and he wishes the image to forever be imprinted in his memory.
Just as suddenly as it vanished, Pain returns.
He shifts slowly, wincing as he slides out from underneath you. Your head falls against the pillow and your gentle breaths falter, but you don’t stir. Eris grits his teeth as he pushes himself up so he’s seated, his back against the headboard. The cool wood is soothing against his burning skin. He knows that sleep won’t come to him, now that Pain has arrived again. So instead, he indulges himself in you.
Guilt washes over him as he watches how your bare shoulders rise and fall with each breath. He’s selfish for indulging himself in you when he knows he can’t have you. He knows it will have to end soon—before you can fall victim to the tragic fate of Vanserra women.
Eris is just thankful you haven’t realized the shimmering thread of gold tying you to him yet.
He was sure the bond would snap into place for you tonight. Shame pools in his gut as he realizes how badly he wanted it to snap in place for you. In all his selfish desires, there’s nothing he wants more than to call you his. But by some grace of the Mother herself, you’re still blissfully unaware of your mate. 
Since the night of the Equinox, the night when you were wearing that sinful little red number, he’s spent hours on end reading about mating bonds. Much to his disappointment, he’s yet to find anything on how to sever them. But he’s learned two things.
The first is that mating bonds don’t always snap into place for both parties at the same given moment in time. And when they don’t, it’s statistically more likely for males to feel that shining thread of gold first.
The second, and the one that puzzles him right now, is that if the bond doesn’t snap into place immediately, it does when you’ve realized your feelings for your other half, at the peak of your vulnerability. With the…the rawness of how you spoke to him tonight, of how you gave yourself to him entirely, he couldn’t imagine a moment where you could be more vulnerable to the bond’s hold over you.
His fingers ghost over your hair, which looks resembles a halo around your head, as he mulls over the possible explanations. Perhaps the bond is one-sided, and it just won’t snap into place for you. He hasn’t found any literature on this, but if human can be made Fae, then surely nothing is impossible. Alternatively, it’s possible the bond didn’t snap into place because you weren’t wholly vulnerable—because you were holding something back.
 Just as that thought crosses his mind, so does your body shift, exposing a bit of black ink on your side. Eris pauses his stroking movements and his brows cinch together. He doesn’t remember you having a tattoo—and with how many times he’s seen, touched, imagined your naked body, he’d surely remember it. A lump grows in his throat, and against his better judgment, he reaches forward and tugs the sheets down your body.
The cold heart you were just beginning to warm freezes over entirely as he lays eyes on the Night Court insignia inked beside your breast. He rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands, making sure his imagination isn’t playing tricks on him.
But the only one playing tricks is you.
His jaw clenches so tightly that it might break as he brushes over the marking with his thumb. Behind the Illyrian Mountain lies a shining sun—symbolic of the Day Court, he pieces together.
Morrigan’s big, brown eyes. Your ability to appear out of nowhere, as if emerging from the shadows. All the questions about his family, his business dealings. Lurking around the halls of the Forest House. Your penchant for ancient literature unbecoming of a regular merchant’s daughter.
Bile rises in his throat as everything hits him all at once. He snatches his hand away from your body, as if you’re poisonous to the touch. Eris scrambles to the side of the bed and heaves, but nothing comes out. He squints his eyes shut and tugs harshly at the roots of his hair.
He’s a fool. A fool for not realizing it before, for being so entranced by your allure that he didn’t see what was so obviously sitting right in front of him. A fucking fool for thinking that someone could love him, so unequivocally.
You’ve had him wrapped around your finger this whole time—pinpointing his weaknesses and using them to your advantage. You’re no better than he is. No better than Beron. No better than your pathetic gang of friends in Velaris. 
Worst of all, you are the darkness you speak so fondly of. 
Pure, unbridled rage bubbles in the pit of his stomach. Red hot fire surges from his fingertips, and he knows if he doesn’t move away from you he’ll burn the whole house down until only ashes are left.
So, he finds himself back in front of the fireplace, his hands dancing with the flames, with only Pain to keep him company. And as he stares into the burning embers, he decides his next move. If you want to play him like a pawn, then so be it. He’ll just have to take your queen.
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