#btw thanks for letting me participate in my favorite sport
Chapter 52 - Sports Festival: Tired And Loud Save The Green One
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Heyo, dear readers! Hope the wait wasn't too bad for ya. ;D But we're back with the aftermath of the confrontation! Also, several people seemed interested in punpedia so I added a link to it last chapter. ;P
So, a commenter asked if I had a discord on a previous chapter. Answer is I do! Considering this fic has garnered quite a following, more than I ever expected btw, I decided on a whim to make a discord channel for this fic! :D Um, I'm not so great at adminning stuff like that nor have I ever run a discord channel. So we'll have to see how that goes... ^___^; Anyway, join if you like and I'll do my best! ^_____^ Discord channel link is here!
Anyway, let's see who has come to the rescue. ^____^ Onward!
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
There ya have it! Aizawa and Yamada to the rescue! Got some nice Dadzawa in this chapter with a lil' Yamadad sprinkled in. ;) Izuku is just fine besides his hand. I'm guessing some readers forgot about his under armor. :) Like I would let Bakugou hurt him to bad. I like angst but not that much. Bakugou is in enough trouble and we don't even know the full extent of his punishments yet.
I know Izuku’s argument for Bakugou not being disqualified seems kind of weak right now. But he has stronger points later on. For now, please consider that he just got attacked after years of not having any physical altercations with Bakugou and is, of course, shaken up by it. All the while knowing he needs to focus on his fight with Hitoshi. So trying to compartmentalize and keeping his focus on the coming task at hand without having to deal with the drama at hand. Not just yet. There will be time to deal with Bakugou and his consequences after the sports festival is done. So please bear with me and my extra brain's need for a slowburn development.
We have the start of conspiracy theorist Shouto! :D I love his conspiracies. They're freaking hilarious! I've got a few ideas for other conspiracies but could always use more. So please share your favorite Todoroki conspiracy theories or any suggestions you might have if you like! ^____^
Fun Facts About Japan:
Got another event for ya. This one involves a basket on a tall pole and a bunch of different color balls about the size of a tennis ball. The goal is to throw the balls up into the basket and get as many in there as possible before time is up. Pretty simple but the challenge is throwing it in a way to actually land in the basket. Also, all the teams compete at once. Not all of them but a group of representatives each. Can't remember how many but enough that it is a frenzy as students scramble for their team's colored ball and throwing it. The team with the most balls of course is the winner. I also had one school that did that first with the students and then again letting the parents get involved so they could help support their kids. Getting a few extra points for their teams. ^______^ It was a fun audience participation moment.
Also, as a side note, cabinets holding brooms, dust pans, a bucket for water, and rags for cleaning are pretty much in every room. Like classrooms, the teacher's room, and intermittently in the hallways. For easy access to cleaning materials for cleaning time or it there ever was a mess or an accident that needed to be cleaned up.
That's it for this chapter! Next update will feature the final match of the sports festival. Izuku versus Hitoshi. Quirkless versus Brainwasher. Two friends that were destined, by me 'cause I always wanted it to be them in the finals, to come face to face as the top two of the festival. Who will win? To be revealed next chapter. Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnn!!!!! ;) Thanks for reading! Join the discord if you like and please let me know of any typos or weirdness! :D
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knightofameris · 4 years
Hey ♡ could I get a haikyuu match up (if not it's alright!). My favorite colour is pastel purple, I'm short and I'm a scorpio ♡, I'm kind of shy when you first meet me but when I open up I'm very energetic I love to goof off but I can be a chicken sometimes, I'm an artist :) , I have green eyes and curly strawberry blond hair I'm a lil bit chubby :/ but I work hard to achieve my goals! I love little kids and I'm reallyy touch starved 😎 .♡ thank u, have a great night or day aha :D♡
hiiii sorry for such a late response! Got hella caught up in my summer courses! Also I hope you don’t mind me publishing over answering it privately 0: I forgot that when I save it as a draft I can’t answer it privately anymore lahkfdlaf 
i was having a hard time on who to pair you with but I think I’d have to go with Kuroo Tetsurou!
Tumblr media
I hate this pretty bastard but that’s not the point here LOL
I feel like the two of you would vibe really well with each other! Not only are the two of you guys scorpios, but he’s also someone who’s actually more shy than people think. So he’s pretty understanding when he was starting to get to know you! And even Kenma is relatively shy (although I want to say he’s just more closed off, or standoff-ish?) so he’d be prettttyyy chill around you. Especially once you started to open up! 
how y’all get together:
so let’s just say you were in art class and y’all had a project where your teacher assigned each person a sport/club to go to draw some action shots
ya know to get better dynamic drawings down and all of that fun stuff
well, you got assigned the boys vbc 
the team already knew they were going to get drawn so i feel like lev and Yamamoto, but mostly lev, are gonna try to be the really cool ones and try to show off
they fail btw, especially Lev that poor dumbass
but the ones you find to be the most interesting to try to draw would be kuroo or yaku
but it’s when Kuroo does his jump serve (like have y’all seen that? 🥵🥵🥵 i’d let him hit me like that like damn, n e waze)
that you’re officially going to try to focus on drawing him 
it’s a long project though, with the difficulty of it
so with that in mind you find yourself at their practices a LOT
so you get to know them
and partway through you kinda become like a sorta manager? helping out here and there 
and kuroo would have to tell the noisy ones on the team to back off because like c’mon they’re pretty intimidating just because of their height
but once you get used to the team and start goofing off WITH LEV 
oh man Kuroo and Yaku have their hands full 
but since you also don’t always participate, sometimes you have to help Kuroo and Yaku calm down the team (read as: Lev [i swear i love him he’s just dumb]) 
but when Kuroo and Yaku start arguing, you have to help Kai out sometimes cus damn they get rowdy
but anuwwyayayya even after you finish your project you still hang around them a lot
and you do become manager at some point :3c cus they need one
and kuroo may have begged 
but whatever i mean even if he didn’t you would’ve wanted to join cus you kinda developed a tiny crush on him
and he also begged cus he developed a tiny crush on YOUUUUU 
it’d take a long time for y’all to get together but i think it’d happen sometime after they defeat nohebi and officially make it into nationals 
like you’re cheering for them cus they may finally be able to do the battle at the trash heap and it’s just all around exciting!!! 
but kuroo will swoop you into a hug so hard and maybe some accidental confession happens sometime but like
yeah ya’ll cute cute lol (SORRY ITS GETTING LONG) 
but like kuroo’s really grateful for you because of how you helped him reach nekoma’s goals to get into nationals, the next stop is to defeat karasuno !!!
anyway after y’all get together i feel like ekuroo would definitely tease you a lot
not that he didn’t before cus he definitely did
he’s so tall i love him
he’ll love you no matter what tho 
i hope you like it! and sorry it’s so late again ;—;
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aerosmiley219 · 5 years
Okay I of course will send you MCHART and tell me everything of that😬😂💕
YAY!!!  THANK YOU ANON!!  Sit back and grab a drink.  This’ll be a read...     
who hogs the duvet- Kurt.  he’s used to sleeping alone in his cabin in the country, with the windows open late into the year and likes to keep the bedroom cold (”it’s the best for sleeping”).  At first she thought it was his ploy to keep her close to him when they slept but then she realized he really likes it like that.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going- hmm.  They’re both pretty busy but I’m going to say Kurt probably texts at least once a day.  Diane has started taking her phone with her to the bathroom so check on texts from him.  When she hasn’t heard from him, she knows he’s probably really busy so she’ll send him a quick “thinking of you” text.  It makes him smile
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts- To be fair, I’m going to say creativity is relative for the two of them.  Diane gets him things she knows he’ll probably like (like a vintage Bull-Moose Party pin) but then he’ll make her dinner using a cookbook he found from her mom’s collection (a page that was worn and had stains all over it, showing that it was a favorite recipe)
who gets up first in the morning- Kurt. He’s used to getting up early as it is.  And since Diane was always pulling 12 hour days, he liked to let her sleep in.  Plus he always likes to watch the sun rise.  It’s something he’d like to do with her, and they have when they’ve gone camping, but it’s just a small pleasure for him.  Always has been
who suggests new things in bed- I like to think they both do
who cries at movies- Diane.  And he’ll hold her tight and rub her arm and she’ll smile because she feels so silly crying over fiction and then smile because of how sweet he’s being to her when he could just as easily laugh at her (he wouldn’t though, because he’s not a jerk).  then again, when she starts giggling about it, he’ll smile, too.  he’s teared up once or twice but heaven help him if anyone ever found out about it (not sure Diane knew for certain.  like, she heard something but wasn’t sure if it was a sniffle or a just poorly timed inhale)
who gives unprompted massages- Kurt, usually when she’s working late in her office and he tries to get her to take a break.  he’s really skilled with his hands and she likes to joke that he’d have a career in massage if he ever wanted to do something different.  she’s just flattering him, though, and wouldn’t want to share/is grateful it’s something he does for her.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick- Kurt because she never wants to stop, even if she is sick.  She’ll take care of him but it’s never what one would call a “fuss”
who gets jealous easiest- they both do.  It’s something Diane has done a brilliant job of getting past so she reminds herself she shouldn’t jump to conclusions so quickly.  And Kurt is stoic about it and tries not to let it get to him because he understands why other men would hit on her.  (I can just hear him go “who wouldn’t?)
who has the most embarrassing taste in music- Hmm.  Not sure about this one.  He likes some country and she likes show tunes but neither are really embarrassing? 
who collects something unusual- I’m going to go with Kurt.  He likes old political memorabilia.  not a lot of it, just rare and unique stuff
who takes the longest to get ready- Diane.  “can’t rush perfection, dear” (Kurt says that, btw.  she’s never late, though.  she understands it takes a while for her to get ready but she’s always on time.  it’s a hazard of working in law, court starts on time!)
who is the most tidy and organised- I’d say they both are, they have to do be for their line of work.  Kurt had to ensure the forensics were precise and in order and Diane has to make sure her documents and arguments make sense and, again, are in order, so it only stands to reason it’s spilled over into their personal lives, too.
who gets most excited about the holidays- Kurt.  Don’t get me wrong, Diane loves them, too, but for her it’s more about seeing him enjoy the holidays.  he enjoys them the most because they’ve both ensured they stay simple and intimate.  (that, and Diane makes sure to take time off to spend with him so they’re even more important)
who is the big spoon/little spoon- Kurt to Diane.  And they wouldn’t have it any other way.  (okay, there was the time where he’d gotten shot with buckshot and couldn’t sleep on his right side so she was the big spoon for a few days but it was sweet, even if it felt weird.)
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports- omg, Diane.  girl LOVES to win (I mean, look at her profession!).  Kurt thinks it’s cute when she gets competitive and focused but that doesn’t mean he gives in or lets her win.  he prefers being on her team if they ever do couples nights because he can sit back and think “watch this...” and “that’s my girl.”
who starts the most arguments- going to go with Diane on this one but not because she’s a litigator, she’s just passionate about things.  but being in a relationship, especially with Kurt, has taught her what’s worth arguing over and what deserves just to be let go.  when they argue, they’re definitely both bull headed and want to win but they realize there are more important things in life
who suggests that they buy a pet- Kurt.  He misses having a dog when he lived in his cabin.  But their schedules right now don’t really permit being able to have a pet.  They agreed on discussing it again once at least one of them has retired.  (but looking at them now, that probably won’t happen soon.)
what couple traditions they have- date nights every Friday night.  they spend Christmas morning with each other, just the two of them.  and they go camping for the 4th of July, close enough to the city where they can see fireworks but far enough away where it’s still quiet and just the two of them 
what tv shows they watch together- they’ll watch the local news together.  and I like the idea of them watching cooking shows and home repair shows together- nothing too controversial.  (obviously, they’ll watch political shows without the other around but not all that frequently)
what other couple they hang out with- old friends from before they got together.  And Amy and Maia when they were still together, before the scandal, obviously.
how they spend time together as a couple- date nights (mentioned already).  sometimes she’ll go out hunting with him.  she doesn’t really participate but she enjoys the quiet solitude of it all.  he doesn’t mind sharing this with her since she seems to bring some sort of calming happiness to him (not like anything he could find with his hunting buddies).
who made the first move- it’s been so long since I’ve seen I’ll have to go back and watch.  My recollection is that it was mutual, they both leaned in for a kiss (I don’t remember who asked whom out... ack! I’m such a bad fangirl!)
who brings flowers home- Kurt.  every once in a while he’ll bring home a single rose to show her she’s special.  (and on birthdays and anniversaries)
who is the best cook- Kurt.  he likes it and has taken the time to learn new cooking techniques once he started to date Diane.  She cooks but she’s not a huge fan of it, especially since he’ll happily do it for them, so no need, right?
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sylviainwriting · 5 years
a pointless recollection of 8/24/2019
It was a night that stood out from the typical fridaysaturdaysunday bullshit. An outlier worth remembering and worth dancing my fingers on the keyboard for. My memory fucking sucks and if I don’t write it down, it didn’t happen five years from now. 
Plank Road Tavern was the destination. Taylor, my typical sidekick for the night. A glass of red and a realization in the Uber that we were hardly tipsy enough for a Saturday night. We went to watch a friend perform and pretend to be a country singer. The bar was dusty and dark. The locals sitting on the stools looked like they may have planted themselves there since noon. The live music was bursting through the cracks on the walls, our legs taking us straight to the source. The patio was muggy, lined in romantic yellow lights, and as perfect a Summer night you could hope for. 
It was a goddamn high school and college reunion that I would have avoided had I known. When I saw a former best friend, she aggressively started diving into the latest drama in a way that you would not do if you were in the company of a genuine friend. The other former friend not even hiding her disinterest in seeing me. Her eyes darting from side to side as we say our hello’s and halfheartedly hug. Let’s all shake on a pact to stop hugging people we don’t like. All of us secretly sizing each other up. Does she look the same? Is she seeing anyone? Is she happy? Happier than me? Girls are fun. 
Then there were the college acquaintances. Years ago I may have smiled, maybe given a wave. Some sort of acknowledgment that we spent four years blacked out together. No, I don’t owe these people anything. There’s a reason we didn’t keep in touch and I don’t need to find out why that was. It doesn’t surprise me that you live in Lakewood at 27. I know I sound bitter but it’s coming more from a place of not caring and caring enough not to be fake. 
Taylor and I needed a body guard by the name of alcohol. A survival tactic in this highly dangerous environment of past friends, lovers, and enemies. Two tall doubles? Sure! $10 each? I got paid yesterday.  
The Tito’s was tasting better by the sip and I found myself giving the bartender my credit card for the third time. The night was looking like it just got a fresh coat of paint; the people less annoying, my mood softening, and inhibitions melting.  But I was in trouble because vodka was in control now.
A tall, dark, and bearded boy was suddenly to my left, asking me how my night was going. Finally a man striking up conversation in real time and not behind a gray bubble on your iPhone. Dressed head to toe in all black, a hat covering dark brown hair that was definitely cut in hipster fashion. There was something inviting about his demeanor. Was it his kind eyes? Lips that stayed turned up, as if in on a secret I didn’t know about? We kept the pleasantries short, as I hate being the girl who leaves her friends.
They all agreed he was handsome, the words suddenly waking me up to how handsome he really was. Something told me to go outside on the patio and seize the moment. Seize this man who was confident enough to approach a woman at the bar. 
I heard my name shouted from the corner, my strategy falling into place. He was seated at a picnic table with who I came to learn were coworkers of his, finishing their shift together at none other than Plank Road Tavern. He was a cook there. They welcomed me surprisingly well for a girl who looks like me and was drunk like me. They began recounting their night and telling me the best foods on the menu. Asking me what I liked to eat. It was nice to be a wallflower at the end of the table, hearing what it’s like working in the restaurant industry. A world I was never privy to. 
The boy followed me inside, which turned into following me into the Uber, and eventually onto a couch. I was happy to have a shadow as cute as him. The night was blurring ever so slightly, the details less sharp, but I wanted this. I don’t take strangers home, ever, but felt my old fashioned values slipping away. I think that’s why I’m writing this. It was so out of character that it needs to be documented in my life’s personnel file. 
We apparently had conversation in the car. It must have flowed well enough. I was starting to regret those tall doubles. Word to self: you’re too old to get that drunk. Stop it. 
I brought him back to Taylor’s house, where my car was. Thank god I didn’t drive and that Taylor also brought someone home. We crashed onto the couch and stripped our clothes in record time. He was on top and I moaning on the bottom. He said I was tight. He’s not wrong. I don’t let just any willing participant feel that part of me. Many girls look for validation in the number of men that desire them but I think your relationship with yourself is so much more meaningful. 
He gave me his black shirt to sleep in because my clothes were hastily thrown across the room. I woke up at sunrise, sweating and with an inevitable pounding headache. I crept into Taylor’s bed, one eye open and one eye closed on the walk there. I woke up again hours later to Taylor saying there was a strange man reading a book on her couch. Fuck. I shouldn’t have left him alone on the couch. Someone once told me that’s bad manners. 
Reality hit me like a wave. I looked down to find myself wearing a shirt that just barely covered my ass. “I couldn’t leave without my shirt”, he said, shirtless and sporting a dad bod that I appreciate. I noticed one of his front teeth was stained a different color than the rest and wondered why that was. Something that wouldn’t have caught my attention at night but of course in the day is one of the first features I notice on a person. 
He asked if I could drive him to his car. I made sure to put on my favorite playlist, hoping he’d hear something that would peak his interest. I found out his name. 32. Studied at the Cleveland Institute of Art. From Rochester, NY. Nothing that came as a surprise to me based on the person sitting next to me. Apparently it was a repeat of our conversation from the night before. But I felt myself putting walls back up and being prickly towards him. With each mile, I was battling thoughts of “do I speak to him again or is this not for me?” Maybe he is slimy and does this at the end of every shift— finds a girl who had a few Tito’s too many. I began asking questions but tuning out his answers and then welcomed more silence into the conversation altogether. Let him ask some questions for a change (not a strength of men BTW). To my surprise, he asked what my plans were for the day. His shift didn’t start until 1 pm. Did I want to get breakfast? Words started coming out of my mouth before I could stop them. I told him I had a family thing, which was a lie. Before he left, he gave me a hug and reminded me that I have his phone number. 
It was a Sunday x10. The kind that you want to sleep all day but you’re awful at taking naps / your body still hates you / interacting with humans feels like a mistake. I caved at 7 pm, sending him a “nice to meet you” text. I don’t know what it was that ultimately changed my mind. Maybe it’s the way he folded my shirt and jeans neatly in the morning. Or offering to make us breakfast but there were no eggs. Or asking if I wanted gas money for driving him to his car. It could’ve been him telling me he plays drums in a band since I’m a sucker for musicians. But I think every person you meet was planted there by the universe. The universe watches with a glass of wine and makes bets like your life is a poker game. You win some, you lose some, and sometimes you even get to orgasm (not this time).
“Yeah I was worried I wouldn’t hear from you again”, he texted back.
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pastel-senpaii · 6 years
ハニーレモンソーダ 🍯 🍋 🥤 Ch 31 translation
Sorry for the wait guys.. I’m still quiet jet lagged from my flight so I apologize for any mistakes in advance! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! I think this one has been my favorite thus far because of that kiss 😍🙈! I really do wanna see uka be a little more assertive tho because I WOULD LOVE TO SEE kai’s reaction toward that, I also want to see more of Kai being jealous & flustered because it just leads to him being more passionate towards her 💖! I also want to see another make-over for Uka! She’s so freaking cute & precious! I want them to all be in shock when they see uka all dressed up! So the 31st chapter opens up to them being in their second year. Uka is in class B while Kai is in class F. Uka says to herself no way they’re in separate buildings. She then overhears some kohai’s talking saying have you seen the second year senpai’s they’re super hot!? Takamine senpai?! ah! He’s super cool as well!! But hey isn’t Midori sensei cool as well? Right! I wonder how old is he, it looks like he’s 35! But Miura senpai is the one I like the best! Ah there! (those three walking together is like a painting in itself lol 😩) Look! I’m so glad I came to this school. Kai senpai! takamine senpai! Ahh he’s looking over here! (He’s looking at uka lol) Kai waves and tells uka that there a lot of flower petals in her hair. The kohai’s are confused and are like huh flower petals and turn around to realize that he’s talking to Uka. They scream and say what? Who is that? Then one of them says ah that’s overwhelmingly plain soy bean-san.. You didn’t know? That girl is Miura senpai’s girlfriend. HAA!!? You’re lying?! Wai... eh.. no there must be something wrong. Uka says she thinks so too, how it’s unbelievable that she’s dating him. Ayumi comes in & tells her good morning and uka replies back by saying good morning. The kohai’s walk away but refuse to accept the fact that she’s his gf lol Tao says that no matter how much time passes people’s reactions are still the same. Sensei comes in and asks Ishimori if it’s true that she has entered the art department. Uka says yes to please take care of her & sensei says likewise! Moka asks uka why she suddenly entered the club & uka replies that although back in middle school she was in the art department because it was a requirement she wasn’t able to enjoy it or participate with others but this time she has a feeling that things will be different & there’s a flashback of her art supplies being torn. Uka realizes that she now has friends & even a person she loves they all hug her & compares to last year’s entrance ceremony when she had no one 🤧😭 ayumi says that she will take care of uka-Chan forever. Uka laughs & thinks it’s a melancholic spring and how she’s no longer afraid of anything anymore. From how things are going she hopes it won’t change. Uka thinks to herself that Miura-kun is now in the opposite building & says if she tries hard she might be able to see him lol as she’s trying sooo hard she realizes she can’t and ayumi wipes her phone and tells her that if she does it like this she would be able to see! Ayumi says she can try it even with her phone, uka rustles through her bag and says ayumi-Chan and shows her new cell phone. Ayumi is so excited and says yay now we can line! Have you told Kai yet? Uka says not yet and ayumi tells her that she needs to hurry up and tell him quickly! She says she will tell him after school but then realizes that she now has club activities & wonders when they will be able to see each other. Abe-san walks in & says that he’s this class’s homeroom teacher & tells everyone to take a seat. Marin says that last year her homeroom teacher midori sensei was better & tonbo says they can’t change it abe-san is like did you say something? .... ^_^ one of them then says hey isn’t F class pretty amazing? Midori sensei is their homeroom teacher & they also have Miura-kun & kahara-san. Kahara-san is really cute with just one look at her you’ll fall in love. Uka’s like kahara-san then they continue to say that the two hottest girls of the second year classes are serina & kahara uka thinks to herself that person is.. then another person says aren’t they in the other school building? Serína is also over there as well as kiriyuu-kun & nagase-kun. Yeah that group is pretty amazing then another classmate brings up the fact that the cultural festival and sports festival are coming up & how it’ll be so much fun this year & how they’ll see them there. One of the girls then says yeah but we also have our own ikemen with takamine-kun here he smiles & the girls are like I like you ♡ tonbo turns around and asks ishimori if she’s going to be okay and if she’s not worried.. When Kai decided to date her he probably wasn’t being picky enough (implying he didn’t have too many options😒) eh? nnn but before that it was serina. Then they’re like Ahh well that’s bad! I’m glad I’m not in ishimori-chan’s place. One of the girl’s says surely it’s bad you guys are in different classes now... i mean everyone has been saying that you guys will break up soon. (The classmates take them being in separate classes like a symbol that they’ll be breaking up.) Marin starts laughing and says kyaahaha they’ll break up and the other girl proceeds to introduce herself now lol ahh btw i’m Chika, please take care of me. They all look at abe-san lol & say this class is bad uka then says that even though they’re in different classes and he’s far away she thought nothing had changed was she wrong? The student council calls ishimori and asks if she has a minute? She says yes & ayumi is surprised and says why they’re calling her. Uka tells her friends that as soon as she entered the arts department they gave her a project to do immediately! Ayumi’s like heeeehh! What is it?! One of kai’s friends calls him and tells him to look at what he has.. ehh? What is this! It looks amazing! Seto says he wants one as well because the pictures are really good! The other guy tells them that Ishimori-Chan drew this & that the student council had asked her to do this Kai puts a really shocked face. So he’s like huh? You didn’t know? So does that mean you also don’t know she also joined the arts club. They all get quiet because he didn’t respond lol and they’re like seriously are you mad? It goes back to uka saying what’s the difference & what is it. As she’s running she says that she has able to finish what the student council had asked her to do & now has some time to spare & looks for Kai to tell him about her changing her cell phone. It’s class F! Uka stops & the people around her say look! Those guys are in a different world. Kahara-san is seriously super cute. Uka’s like that’s kahara-san.. she’s extremely beautiful then she holds her hands together and says she can’t speak to him & everything that her classmates said before come to mind “it’s a bad thing you guys aren’t in the same class anymore” I suppose so.. if you’re in class then uka turns away and says that she’ll speak to him next time. As Kai and kahara look at each other she also remembers what the guy says “with one look at her you’ll fall in love” “i’m glad i’m not in ishimori-chan’s place.” Takamine calls her Uka-Chan sensei was looking for you uka says takamine-kin aah yes thanks. He looks over and sees Kai & Kai looks at them so he pushes uka by the waist and smirks back at Kai. (waaahh!) Uka tells herself that she wasn’t able to tell Kai anything & now that they’re in separate classes they won’t meet as much. She looks over to the school building where Kai is at & says the distance of that passage way feels really far & wonders if she’s the only one who feels that way? Kai’s friend calls him and asks if he’s looked at his line app & kai’s like ahh is it something bad? Then his friend is looking at his phone and says oh yeah I saw it earlier too & he’s like how long ago did you look? Kai looks at his phone and is surprised again because he reads people you may know? & underneath it says Ishimori Uka. Kai becomes quiet and then asks she changed her cellphone? His friend replies ehhh ahh probably now you guys can talk on line. Kai looks down & uka answers her question from before that it may be so (she might be the only one feeling the distance) then she tells herself wait I might be overthinking things? I shouldn’t be thinking about this to myself & I need to talk to him properly about this. Kai yells ISHIMORI!! Ayumi’s like eh IN A MINUTE GET OVER HERE! His friend tries pulling him back from falling out the window lmaooo and tells him Kai! Be careful! Ayumi says uwahhh from where?! & another girls like what?! (He looks so sad! 😩) ehh Miura-kun!? You’re getting so angry Kai!! A fight?! Eh are they going to break up?! Uka says what is the difference & then says they don’t know each other’s feelings they head to roof top & she apologizes. Kai tells her he hasn’t even said anything yet then uka tells him she now has a new cell phone & that she’s on line she also tells him that she joined the arts club because Kai doesn’t say anything she’s like don’t be shy you, say something & kai just says yeah then uka asks if it’s alright for them to talk on line every day? & Kai smiles. He then says ah i’m so tired & sleepy. Uka says ah miura-kun pillow i’m a pillow and pats her shoulder remembering the time when he slept on her on the bus. Kai looks at her & she thinks pillow so he agrees and says well then i’ll lay here & lays on her lap! Uka starts blushing & she’s happy right now because they’re together but once they return back to class.. (she wants to let him know properly how she feels so) she says “miura-kun i miss you”& begins to tear up Kai gets up and says if we hold hands it’ll make you happy right? Ugh i love uka’s innocence lmao as she’s about to finish saying yeah kai’s says but for me i don’t know if it’ll be enough. *DIESSSSSS* ESEEEE BESOOOO! THAT KISSSSS! 😍😍😍🙈 & in the bottom when he stops to look at her & then continues.. ugh me mueroooo! The bell starts ringing & Kai looks up and says ahhh the bell. Then he’s like see you! Make sure you go back to class properly! & uka’s still on the floor lmao how does he just leave the poor girl there 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ Uka starts blushing even more & says her heart is about to explode. Kai’s friend is like ah you’re finally back! As Kai walks his friend asks if something good happen? And uka says I like him, i like him. Ayumi says uka-Chan and Marin is all happy thinking they broke up & begins to say Kai broke up.. & uka’s face is shown to be blushing and has her hand over her mouth so she says eh? Then uka says she feels as if she’s going to go crazy.
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kristallioness · 7 years
A few days late, but as promised, I'm finally answering this. Thanks goes to @hailkuvira and @mindatworkk for tagging me! ^_^
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Forest berry (including strawberry, raspberry and blueberry) flavoured Nestea, yum! A new brand of Nestea that I bought for the first time this weekend. Reminds me of regular berry juice. 2. Phone call: My mother. 3. Text message: Does the messenger on Facebook count? Cause then it'd be a chat about how we're doing with my former classmate, K.H. 4. Song you listened to: "Stay" by Hurts, their last song during the concert at Õllesummer. 5. Time you cried: Last week during a senseless row, after which everybody made up.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Not yet. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No. 8. Been cheated on: No. 9. Lost someone special: Yes, of course - a close family member, a schoolmate from our parallel class, famous Estonians who were and continue to be close to our hearts. 10. Been depressed: I haven't had depression (as in the mental illness that needs medical attention), but I've been through some hard times, sure. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, and this is something I'm proud of. I've never been drunk and intend to keep it that way because I simply don't like alcohol.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Red, blue, black (black especially when it concerns clothing because it makes me look thinner).
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes. 16. Fallen out of love: No. 17. Laughed until you cried: Definitely, many times! Most likely while watching/reading something funny. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don't think so. 19. Met someone who changed you: Again, I don't think I've changed. 20. Found out who your friends are: I've always known who they are. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them I believe, since I don't have many friends and I don't add random strangers who I know nothing about. 23. Do you have any pets: No. I wanted to get a dog or a parrot when I was a little girl though, so whenever we passed our local pet store, my mom and I would go inside to look at those pretty colourful birds in the cages on sale.
24. Do you want to change your name: Definitely not, because it's really beautiful (for a reason)! I'm worried that my future husband and I would have a serious talk about which surname would stay, ha-ha! (Nah, I'm always ready to discuss our options.) 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Just stayed home with my parents, ate some special cake and enjoyed my day.. Wait, WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING!? It was another Kataang Week, for goodness' sake! I was busy participating and browsing through the quality content! 26. What time did you wake up: Today, around 2:45 pm. Just in time to see the start of the Formula 1 Austrian GP. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Putting away most of the stuff I brought home from my rented apartment/bought yesterday. 28. Name something you can't wait for: Umm.. Kataang Week (+ my birthday) in two weeks? Also, the first part of "Turf Wars" coming out soon. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: She's sleeping in the bedroom, so an hour ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: If I were younger, I would've answered by listing a dozen things. But honestly, nothing, because then it wouldn't be my life. I've learned to accept things as they are and that I can only change them when I do something about it. 31. What are you listening right now: Nothing. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I.. think.. not. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The state of the world, the current American President, minorities not being taken seriously (such as the LGBTQ+ community and their human rights; smaller countries and their people not being respected like the bigger ones - what Jean-Claude Juncker said when Malta was handing over the presidency to Estonia in the European Union last week), politicians provoking unnecessary xenophobia or hate towards refugees (the EKRE party in Estonia - gosh, I HATE THESE MORONS!), the political situations in many countries, how our certain neighbour is trying to restore its former glory by occupying small parts of its neighbouring countries (one by one) and we're all LETTING IT HAPPEN IN THE FRICKING 21ST CENTURY!.. Politics in general. 34. Most visited website: Ooh! I have so many: Gmail, Facebook, Neopets, YouTube, Tumblr...
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: I have quite many all over my skin. 36. Mark/s: I have my dad's birthmark on the inside of my right thigh. 37. Childhood dream: To become a doctor. 38. Haircolor: Blonde. 39. Long or short hair: Long, very long. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: No. 41. What do you like about yourself: That I'm well-educated and intelligent, I worked really hard to get a gold medal and graduate with straight A's during secondary school. 42. Piercings: None, and I have no intention of letting any be done. 43. Bloodtype: A+, I think? Definitely A. 44. Nickname: Don't have any. 45. Relationship status: Single. 46. Zodiac: Leo. 47. Pronouns: She/her. 48. Favorite TV show: "Avatar: The Last Airbender". 49. Tattoos: None (yet). 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Twice - to have my adenoids and tonsils removed. 52. Hair dyed in different color: No. 53. Sport: Chess (I've won a trophy, 5 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medal from tournaments). 54. (question wasn't here) 55. Vacation: I always looked forward to my summer vacations during school/university. 56. Pair of trainers: Black and white Nike ones, though I have a few more in the cupboards.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I try to vary my menu, but recently it goes like: main dish, fruit and dessert along with milk, juice and tea. 58. Drinking: Anything non-alcoholic. 59. I'm about to: Finish answering these questions. 62. Want: To find a job, finish my WIPs. 63. Get married: I hope I will in the future. 64. Career: An IT-specialist, my second choice will always be a doctor.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: Any height is okay. Though when it concerns me, then I've always liked that I'm much taller than most of my friends. Also, it gives me the advantage to seem more threatening. 68. Older or younger: Umm, both are okay? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Probably arms. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: No. 75. Drank hard liquor: Nope, already covered that earlier.. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: It's not even possible because I don't wear any. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex on the first date: No. 79. Broken someone's heart: I'm not sure.. Maybe unintentionally? 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. 81. Been arrested: No. 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Without him knowing and me getting over those mixed feelings - once.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yes. 85. Miracles: I suppose in a way, yes. 86. Love at first sight: Yes. 87. Santa Claus: Yes, because I know there is a person like that who lives very near - in Lapland, Finland! 88. Kiss on the first date: Is this really something to believe in? If two people really match so well or have known each other for a long time before even going out on a date, then yes, it could happen.
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: I don't think I have a best friend (just a lot of close friends), but the girl I met during 1st grade and who was my main deskmate during school throughout the years - J.K. 91. Eyecolor: Light greyish blue. 92. Favorite movie: There are so many! Mostly I like cheesy romantic comedies, plain comedies, good dramas or cartoons. How about "Cars" since its 3rd part is coming out in Estonian movie theatres on my birthday this July? (And yes, I'm thinking of going to see it as a birthday present.)
Tagging: @aconfusionoffandoms @cassidy-alice @chel-burr @cutiecount3 @erinchaaaa @eskalations @feelz-this-moment @interessantisanders @iroh-is-god @jinoras-light @jooliescorner @kataracy @kyeshirosaki @letthepickaxedothetalking @nautiscarader @obbsessedturtle @reducetoabsurdness @satanonatoilet @snotpup @teammeganftw
(Btw, questions 54, 60, 61, 69 and 89 are missing!)
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jiminnamoro · 8 years
i was tagged by both @tranquies and @rapperravioli for this lil tag here! thank you! I LOVE TAGS
RULES: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!
1: ARE YOU NAMED AFTER SOMEONE? no, not really, my mom wanted to call me angelica because her name is angela, but then my aunt suggested silvia so yeah they ended up choosing that (i don’t think my dad really cared about the whole name issue?? he was cool with both) 2: WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? i’m proud to say that i can’t remember! yay! 3: DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? NO it’s so chubby and messy ;; LIKE ME 4: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? i can’t really choose ;; 5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? god no 6: IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? this question is dumb i refuse to answer (the answer is no btw for those who are curious) 7: DO YOU USE SARCASM? yeah sometimes  8: DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? yep  9: WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? n o 10: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF CEREAL? i basically never have breakfast unless i need to get up early to go somewhere, but when i do, i eat flakes (a special kind because my sis is yeast intolerant and i’m way too lazy to buy my own cereal so bye)  11: DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? depends 12: DO YOU THINK YOU’RE A STRONG PERSON? physically yes, mentally not so much 13: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? gelato is the love of my life i love all the flavours i don’t care i could eat it f o r e v e r (but my fav has to be strawberry bc im kawaii) 14: WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? the way they look at me lmao 15: RED OR PINK? pink 16: WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE PHYSICAL THING YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF? let’s just say that if i end up living in this body another time in another life, jesus take the wheel because i’m gonna kill myself 17: WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING NOW? baby blue pants and light pink slippers 18: WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? a piece of the cake i baked 19: WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? 1 2 3 by B.I.G  20: IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? light pink 21: FAVORITE SMELL? freshly baked bread  22: WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU SPOKE TO ON THE PHONE? my father 23: FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? ice skating 24: HAIR COLOR? i’m naturally blonde but i dye it dark purple 25: EYE COLOR? blue/grey idk 26: DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? nope ;; i don’t like my face without my trusty glasses 27: FAVORITE FOOD TO EAT? meat! 28: SCARY MOVIES OR COMEDY? comedy all the way 29: LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? can’t remember ;; 30: WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? light pink 31: SUMMER OR WINTER? winter 32: HUGS OR KISSES? both are nice 33: WHAT BOOK ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? no one because i’m a picky reader 34: WHO DO YOU MISS RIGHT NOW? uhm no one? 35: WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? a kitty 36: WHAT IS THE LAST TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED? faceoff! 37: WHAT IS THE BEST SOUND? ohh the sound of fire crackling  38: ROLLING STONES OR THE BEATLES? neither  39: WHAT IS THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE EVER TRAVELED? sicily orz my dad drove for 15 hours straight i literally slipped into a coma but hey i got on a ferry boat it was the best moment EVER i’d do it again 40: DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? making myself sad for no reason? is that a talent? 41: WHERE WERE YOU BORN? piacenza!!! which is near milan 42: PEOPLE YOU INVITE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SURVEY? all my little pizzas bc i love them!!
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yoosnug · 8 years
tagged by @moonlightmcl, thanks!!
are you named after someone? as far as i know, no
when is the last time you cried? oh SHIT i had a little cry yesterday cos i remembered my 5sos concert jdgjdfjg….im sappy sometimes yknow
do you like your handwriting? sometimes but my handwriting is YEEKS!! it changes from cursive to printed….forgetit
what is your favorite lunch meat? salted chips….u meant real food? ramen….ANYWAY. LMAO im a total junkie i also eat everything so idk
do you have kids? (8 years old minecraft player voice) i em only 9 stop harasign me
if you were another person, would you be friends with you? DUDE THIS IS. HARD cos i hate myself yknow. edgelord things anyway i would i think cos im like. i like what i like? but if i was a different person YIKES LETS LEAVE THIS BLANK
do you use sarcasm? u wot m8
do you still have your tonsils? ya what the fu would you bungee jump? HOOYAAAA what is your favorite kind of cereal? ALL except when there are small fruit bits in it. its not cos im unhealthy but i dont like creased fruit i guess do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nah man i just kinda kick them the fuck away across the room (house) do you think you’re a strong person? physically or mentally…..
what is your favorite ice cream flavor? ALL still but!! the last time i had lotsa ice cream i chose yoghurt, mint chocolate n cookie as favs :~) red or pink? are oyu. kidding me. anyway probs red!! cos saeyoung my man
what is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? face hng
what color pants and socks are you wearing now? zebra printed cozy pants cos im in pjs at past 6pm and black-grey socks
what was the last thing you ate? onion-cheese flavored chips
what are you listening to right now? take what you want by one ok rock ft. 5sos!!! i love it SO MUCH ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
if you were a crayon, what color would you be? BLACK #`Д´ YES black crayons are a thingTM dont fight me on this
favorite smell? UH i answered coffee before but i improvised LOL idk?? but since i cant give a concrete answer heres a funfact: i like the smell of cellar! bye
who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? @bozolya actually.. for SOME REASON she couldnt hear me so she was talking and i was intensively texting
favorite sport to watch? omg idk? i dont have a fav i just watch them sometime
hair color? dark brown. wanna dye it half blue tho
eye color? chestnut brown which i used to hate lmao i was tryna be so different yeet
do you wear contacts? nop
favorite food to eat? any junkfood but anything with meat scary movies or comedy? comedy!
last movie you watched? i.t (is that how u spell it)
what color of shirt are you wearing? porpl
summer or winter? summer BINCH
hugs or kisses? answer to question 5 (hugs btw)
what book are you currently reading? the metro 2033 book still!
who do you miss right now? my irl best friend :<
what is on your mouse pad? SIKE i dont have a mouse pad
what is the last tv program you watched? hannibal basically cos my dad was watching it next to me lol
what is the best sound? music to ma ears  ̄ε ̄@
rolling stones or the beatles? rs!
what is the furthest you have ever traveled? austria…thats ANOTHER STORY
do you have a special talent? im a Meme ExpertTM
where were you born? hungary :^)
people you expect to participate in this survey?
@jihyunkm @jihyunkkim @godd707 the typical n added a third so it looks like i have the normal amount of friends. ANYWAY if u wanna do this go ahead!!
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fatguytri · 8 years
I will always be a fat guy, but now I’m a fat triathlete...
I never try to offend people and I am not trying to be offensive when I titled this first post.  
First and foremost, this will be a blog following my progress in training for my first Ironman 70.3 Eagleman in just over 3 months!  I also hope to motivate other people to become more active and engaged in maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
Here is a little of my background...
Growing up I was more of a brain in a lazy body and certainly not an athlete (I did not really participate in sports and I certainly did not have the mentality of an athlete).  I ran cross country during my first year in high school and had a coach who didn’t care if anyone was on the team unless you would take us to states.  Looking back on it now, the sport was enjoyable, but at the time it pretty much sucked.  I went out for it just to do something new in high school; that didn’t last long.  
Life continued in a pretty sedentary manner through four years of college, four more years of podiatry school, and three years of residency.  I became a foodie and would always look for the bar with the best wings or the steakhouse that could get just the right char on a medium-rare filet.  I would look forward to anywhere between two to five martinis when I would go to my then-favorite steakhouse.
I was going on 250 pounds and the weight was increasing.  So I started to walk, then run (look for the next post on my motivation and new hungers).
Fast forward 2 years and 3 months to today, I have done two full marathons, 9 half marathons, several 5k and 10k races, and a handful of races of varying distances.  I have even done a sprint distance triathlon and am training for the Ironman 70.3 Eagleman in Cambridge, Maryland in June. (I have only been swimming for just about a year.)
I still love to eat (all the wrong foods at all the wrong times and in all the wrong portions).  But I have (a little) more self control now.  I still feel fat and when i look in the mirror I see the same physical being...me with a gut and moobs.  But when I look at the reflection of my eyes, I see a different person.  I see a fire that was not there in my adolescent years or even in my 20s and early 30s.  I have a new hunger now to see how far my body can go and in what conditions.  I am getting more hungry to see what my body will do next.  (Just thinking about my far-reaching goals, my legs go numb from excitement).
So, I still see myself as the same fat guy that I always was.  But now I’m a triathlete, too.  
So, after this little introduction, why am I on this site?  Why do I want you to read what I have to say?  I hope to use this blog for several things.
1. Entertain.  Go ahead and laugh if you read something funny.  That is why I put it there.  If you can laugh at yourself (and I do often), how can you get offended when other people laugh at you?  I have found that it is very helpful to find humor in training and embrace it.  (For example, I used to get grossed out by snot rockets...now I love to launch them!  Maybe I will post some great snot rocket videos (ok...probably not).)
2. Encourage.  Here is the deal...I am a guy that is going to be coming out of my wetsuit like ammo from a sling-shot.  This thought would discourage a lot of people from donning a wetsuit; rise above that mindset and be around to be that ammo!  Two years ago I wouldn’t have even considered swimming, let alone in a wetsuit, mostly because I couldn’t swim.  You have to get your feet wet and experiment with what will motivate you.  Mine started as an attempt to live a healthier lifestyle and it has evolved into me being an endurance athlete (yes, I call myself an athlete now)!  The sky is the limit and you don’t need to reach the sky.  You just need to reach as high as you are comfortable; unless you aim to “get comfortable being uncomfortable” (thanks for this one, Kenrick).
3. Educate. I will share with you pearls that I learn regarding training (both mental and physical).  The biggest one I’m going to give you right now is just get started.  Get out and walk or go to a gym and get on the treadmill.  Compete against no one but yourself.  Take small steps and try to go a little further every day (either with pace or distance or both), but take baby steps.  And pay attention to what you can do (or can’t do) right now and see if there is any progress the next time you check.  I find it easiest to do this with something that will record objective data (i.e., activity trackers) and keep a journal for your subjective thoughts (how you felt, what was difficult, what you enjoyed).  I bet you will be stronger in the future. And do it for you (nobody else but you) because it is fun and you will see improvement!  It is not always easy, but you will always feel the rewards when you get it done...even if you are sore! (those are the best workouts, btw)
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spacecowboybriony · 8 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!! Tagged by @apicturewithasmile like a week or so ago but I had no phone reception so couldn't do it til now Are you named after someone? Nah, mum found my name in a newspaper and liked it When was the last time you cried? Well I crashed the work car a few weeks ago, sat in the office and cried for half an hour, and then sporadically through the next week (almost burst into tears at choir that week cos the conductor was snippy with me) Do you like your handwriting? I'm kinda sick of it cos I write way too many things on the work whiteboard and it's all I stare at when I'm at the til taking orders What is your favorite lunch meat? I don't really eat lunch meat? I usually just have chicken in some form, but not like that stuff that goes on sandwiches Do you have kids? Please. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I'd hope so Do you use sarcasm? That ep of Bob's Burgers where Bob asks Louise if she wants her last words to be sarcastic and she yells "nooooo!" very sarcastically? I'm Louise. Do you still have your tonsils? Yep. Don't think I've ever really had tonsillitis. My immune system is pretty great Would you bungee jump? I would not. Especially with my knee the way it is What is your favorite kind of cereal? I don't get out of bed in time for breakfast (but even when I do I barely eat breakfast, let alone cereal. I guess Weetbix if I had to. Or corn flakes. Both with milk and sugar sprinkled on top though.) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Only if I've recently retied them and did them too tight. Do you think you’re a strong person? Physically, nah. Mentally, at times. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I'm a sucker for a good lemon or mango sorbet, if that counts. What is the first thing you notice about people? I love people's hands Red or pink? Probably pink What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I hate my boobs. They're too big and I can't buy cute dresses cos I can never get the damn things to close over my massive chest. Can't wear button up shirts (I'm dreading my new work shirt), and did you know the middle of a bra is supposed to sit flat on your chest cos I sure as hell didn't. Which means I've never had a bra fit me properly. And also larger bras are boring and/or super expensive. All in all, I wish my boobs were a lot smaller than they are, my life would be so much easier What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I'm in bed. I'm wearing bike shorts and no shoes What was the last thing you ate? Grabbed food from work when I picked up Jocelyn. Man, I've missed our chips and gravy What are you listening to right now? Insects. Cos it's the middle of the night If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Can't say I've ever given that much thought. Like a reddish brown maybe? Favorite smell? Lush stores and book stores Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Buggered if I know. I hate talking on the phone so I try to avoid it at all costs Favorite sport to watch? The only sport I tend to watch is the afl grand final (though if I miss it I don't care, I'm really not into sports), the Olympics, and lawn bowls is oddly captivating to watch Hair color? Brown, but the ends are currently bleached Eye color? Brown Do you wear contacts? Nope, my eyesight is fine. Although if it wasn't I still couldn't wear contacts, there's no way I could stick those in my eyes. Just thinking about it makes my eyes water Favorite food to eat? Chips. (Hot chips) Scary movies or comedy? I love a good rom com. Can't do scary movies, I don't understand why people like them Last movie you watched? Love Actually just before Christmas. Annual tradition What color of shirt are you wearing? An old grey redbubble shirt, perfect for sleeping in Summer or winter? Neither. I mean, our winters are pretty mild in Perth, but I hate the rain. And summer, ugh. 40° days? No thank you. (That's Celsius btw) Hugs or kisses? Hugs are awesome. Don't have much kissing experience so I can't say for sure What book are you currently reading? I think I have a few on the go but it's been a while since I've been home so I can't remember which ones Who do you miss right now? A few of the guys I used to work with. I miss their humour and how fun it was when they were at work (I don't blame them for leaving, but the place is a little less bright without them there) What is on your mouse pad? People still have mouse pads? (People still have mouses? I mean I do, but it's only cos the touchpad on my laptop doesn't work) What is the last TV program you watched? Watched some Pokemon and American Dad today. Watched a lot of Steven Universe and Bob's Burgers while I was away What is the best sound? A really good choir. (I love the basses most of all) Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Beatles I guess What is the furthest you have ever traveled? I've been to the UK which is a fair hike from Western Australia Do you have a special talent? Well, I guess I can sing. I don't tend to do it alone though Where were you born? Armadale, Western Australia (I pass by the hospital every time I head off to Albany and it's like I've made another circle in my life) People you expect to participate in this survey? I'm not gonna force anyone. If you wanna do it, go for it. If not, don't stress. (But @ourlittlebear so she gets the pleasure of being tagged, and @myerida or @lady-esty I don't remember which blog you use 😂)
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georgeluz · 8 years
hi!!! my face tag is just "itsa me mario" (i think...???) or just "face". my myers briggs is enfp and i was born on august 25th so i'm on the cusp and my friends describe me as a virgo with leo tendencies. i consider myself a nice person, just tryna make their way in life, but my closest friends know i'm actually an Asshole. i'm pretty easy-going and i'm not shy in the least bit. i'm an aspiring photojournalist!! for the ship, you could do any HBO war but BoB is my favorite..
The Character I See You As: George Luz! I love this because I feel like Luz is absolutely ENFP and also probably Virgo/Leo. He’s sort of a grumpy asshole, but also a responsible mom, and also the jokester of the group. All in one. He sort of adapts to whatever situation he’s in, which I love about him, and I think he would also describe himself as a “nice person, just tryna make their way in life… but also an asshole”. But Luz, as much as he believes he’s probably an asshole (and you maybe believe that too), he (AND YOU) have wonderful redeeming qualities that NEGATES IT OKAY. You’re totally hilarious and wonderful, even if you have your impatient moments.
Your Three Best Friends: Buck Compton, Joe Toye, Frank Perconte.
The One You Don’t Get Along With: David Webster. I think this mostly has to do with the fact that Webster can be a little oblivious, naive to others, and lets his emotions take control at inappropriate times. He doesn’t pick up on things quickly sometimes, and he seems more in-tune with the big picture than with what’s happening right in front of him, which is irritating since, at least from what ENFP says, you seem quite in-tune with what is in front of you. You can read situations, and people, quickly, whereas Webster constantly needs a nudge. But that doesn’t mean you can’t necessarily get along with him, you just… happen to sigh a lot… in his presence…
Who I Ship You With: Babe Heffron! OKAY SO I HAVE DEPENDED A LOT ON ENFP/VIRGO stuff (and also I’m Leo so I understand Leo mostly), and I felt like Babe ended up being a fun match for all three. He’s spontaneous, loving, emotional but not so much so that he overwhelms or you outshines you, I mean the list just goes on. He’s sweet, funny, but responsible when he needs to be. I just. I just love Heff so much.
Wildcard: Technician 4th Grade. 3rd Platoon. Medic. Easy Company.
Lil Blurb: The war was over. The German Army surrendered. Hitler was dead. Those phrases repeatedly swam in your mind. Those statements were supposed to be reassuring, they were supposed to give you comfort on those dark, quiet nights when you laid your head against the pillow on your cot. You still closed your eyes though, and you saw the flashes of bullets leaving the muzzles of guns, mortars going off around you as replacements, friends, crawled across the ground, bloodied and beaten, begging for you or their mother, whoever would come first.
That haunted you, but no one really knew that. Austria was supposed to be good to you. You ran with the boys, participated in some sports (though it was really only to pass the time), and relished in knowing you would never have to dress another wound again for the rest of your life if that was what you chose. You could do whatever you wanted, anything, something less technical and nerve-wracking. Being a medic was one of the hardest things you’d ever done, but having Doc Roe and Ralph Spina by your side helped some.
But that night was a particularly bad nightmare. You recalled rushing to Toye and Guarnere’s side after their legs had been blown off. You could still hear Toye crying out for his helmet. But this time, when you fell asleep, they were dead and you couldn’t do anything to save them. You woke up, trembling and sweating, but not a sound had come from your mouth, no tears, nothing. You held it in until you stumbled outside, dropping to your knees in the dirt and steadying yourself with the palms of your hands.
You didn’t let yourself cry, you didn’t want to cry. You rolled over onto your back and laid your head against the grass, wiping beads of sweat from your forehead as a familiar redhead’s voice chimed from the entrance of the tent.
“Y/N? You okay?”
You didn’t say anything. It was just like Heffron to come out after you like that. He must’ve known with how quickly you had flung off your blanket and rushed outside for air.
“Hey, it’s kinda chilly, you know,” he said after a moment, disappearing back inside and reappearing a few seconds later with your blanket. You sat up and rubbed your forehead with your hands. Part of you wanted him to go away, but part of you desperately wanted him to sit beside you. You felt like you needed someone to ground you after that nightmare. You, Bill, and Joe had been incredibly close. You three had taken Babe under your wing when he had come in as a replacement. Now you had felt responsible for him.
“There we go,” he hummed, laying the blanket over your shoulders and arms, making sure it covered you.
“Thanks,” you huff after a moment, resting your chin on your knees.
“Yeah, no problem. Wanna talk about it?”
“If I did, I wouldn’t know where to begin. I- I can’t. Not right now,” you reply, staring off into the horizon, not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“Want me to go away?”
Another moment passed. You felt guilty–you were never like this in front of him. You took care of him and he took care of you. In fact, at times, you doted on him. You didn’t know why you did, maybe it was because you knew Bill would have wanted that, but it didn’t matter. Bill wasn’t there anymore. 
“I prefer sleeping outside anyway, Y/N,” Babe chuckled after realizing you weren’t going to say anything. He scooted in closer and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. You weren’t used to the close contact, but you weren’t in the mood to push him away. In fact, you appreciated it, as foreign as it was after the war tore you up like it did. 
“Thanks.” You finally mustered up the courage to say that, the smell of his shirt overwhelming your senses. 
“Yeah, you know, we gotta stick together.”
“Yeah, right. Right.”
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beimanorthrun-blog · 5 years
Making the perfect online dating profile
Online Dating Profiles That Work Get Sporty If you're normally not the sporty type, no need to fake it but, according to the Hinge data, photos of people participating in sports performed 75 percent better than the average photo.  Stay positive Avoid negative tones and always be positive about yourself.  I might even message him first.  It goes into quite a bit of depth on this subject.  Which, btw, you should be: it's not a secret that, when it comes to dating apps, people tend to.  More than a selfie For your primary photo opt for a picture with a genuine smile, one that crinkles up your eyes and slightly tilt your head.  When do you play Ultimate Frisbee? The rest of their advice: Once interest has been piqued: Do personalize any email invitations to correspond online Do make it short and sweet Don't be afraid to use poetry, preferably rhyming with the potential date's headline Once contact has been made: Do ask open questions Do respond promptly: eagerness is not turn-off Don't write screeds, but enough to indicate generosity with time Do introduce humour Do disclose some personal information Don't sell yourself as a rare commodity that is worth having Own The Conversation Ask The Big Question: Will information like this create a more level playing field, or will it just help those who are already good at online dating get better? Do you have any unusual hobbies? I work hard during the week, fill my weekends with activities, and definitely can be a big ball of energy at times.
7 Tips On Creating The Perfect Online Dating Profile You can always tweak things later.  In this fast-paced, social media-dependent world, we rely on the Internet for everything — from keeping in touch with old school friends and career networking to ordering takeaways and finding a cat-sitter for that weekend away.  In fact, regularly updating your profile keeps you active on the site and leads to more matches, so see your profile as a work in progress.  Show someone how they can fit into your world.  These photos create the most conversations because they break the ice.
Science Shows You How To Make The Perfect Online Dating Profile I love that damn mouse and always had a thing for cowboys.  WhoYaGonnaCall, 25 Bill Murray Movies.  Your online dating profile can make or break your chances of finding a compatible companion, so make sure your profile reflects your true character and your preferences for potential dates.  Be open, be honest, be cocky, yet funny in your profile.  Live music is one of my other weaknesses.  What makes you excited to get up in the morning? Why am I getting views but no interactions? Looking for something a little less serious? Whether you're taking a break from your dating apps for or going full steam ahead with your online dating, it's always helpful to have a guide on what pictures are most effective.  Women who look directly into the camera for their profile picture receive far more responses than women who look away.
6 Easy Ways to Stand Out with Your Online Dating Profile — MenAskEm We don't know why - could it be women prefer a more brooding, distracted man? The side that loves adventure, who tries new hobbies, and who goes after whatever you want with gusto.  Strive for authentic instead of perfect Profiles that do not present themselves as and contain information that make the person feel more real i.  For starters, little things matter — a lot.  It will make you sound more together and alternatively, attractive.  I always include at least one full length photo too, so there are no surprises when we meet up in real life.  Time spent up front on your essay will pay off big after you post it on your profile.
6 Easy Ways to Stand Out with Your Online Dating Profile — MenAskEm Online Dating Profile Cliches To Avoid These are not always written exactly the same as I will show you, but I see them all the time in one variety or another.  At this point, not trying it makes you the weird one.  And be thankful that we live in a time that allows you to date without leaving the house or putting on pants! If you open a door for me, I will melt.  Writing the perfect online dating profile can be challenging, to say the least.  Show some attitude and swagger.
Make the Perfect Online Dating Profile These are the best apps for — hello!.  Getting to know so many other people and cultures has been a truly amazing experience but… I missed home! I basically got a date with every girl that responded.  A lot of people prefer to make first contact this way.  Think of something interesting that could be a conversation starter.  Whether you're selfie-obsessed and simply have too many to choose from, or you're camera shy and seriously dreading taking some — it can be quite the process if you're serious about putting your best face forward online.
The Science Behind a Perfect Online Dating Profile Tip 2: Give Them an In This next tip is especially for women—If you add a question or a conversation starter for the person looking at your profile to message you about, it can really help someone break the ice and message you first.  Favorite Movie: An American Tale: Fievel Goes West.  Your online dating profile is your chance to snag the interest of potential dates and make a great first impression.  Check their photos Are they in a bar or nightclub in every shot? Favorite Place: The fort I made in my basement when I was 11.  Your friends and family probably have some candid shots of you at your best, so ask around for some of these pictures.  Profile pictures matter even more than you think.  Instead, send out a request for company.
6 Easy Ways to Stand Out with Your Online Dating Profile — MenAskEm Nobody is turned off by good grammar, but some ladies are very turned off by bad grammar.  Make sure your profile essay is interesting.  Some have been good, others, well, not so much.  Looking better in the flesh is better than the reverse.  Men have a tendency to choose women who use words like passionate, thoughtful, sweet, spontaneous and outgoing.  ToniaGoesWest, 29 I like my artsy with a little bit of fartsy.  Let a trusted friend read it and make suggesting.
Online Dating Profiles That Work You just have to highlight it.  Enjoy A Night Out Photos of people having fun on a night out with friends got 74 percent more likes than the average picture, Hinge found.  Plus, I cannot tell you how much I missed a good burger.  You want to catch the attention of potential dates immediately, so make sure your profile photograph is intriguing and captures your personality.  Imagine you're talking to someone you've just met in a bar: how would you describe yourself and your lifestyle? Your online dating profile should be a conversation-starter.
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