#buddy sour
horsentale · 7 months
Become A Brand Ambassador
Interested in becoming a brand ambassador or sponsored rider? Horse N Tale Topical Equine Products are on the lookout to add brand ambassadors or sponsored riders to our team. We are now accepting applications for our sponsored rider and brand ambassador programs for the 2024!!! Ideally you will be familiar with our products and be able to share with others about how and why you feel Horse N…
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grungiegurl · 1 year
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Unfortunately another vent post.
But can we not be tagging buddie with things like this? I don't want no ship war I just want to scroll buddie tag in peace. It's incessant, used two examples of what I mean to be clear I blocked names as no hate but this is so tiresome, tag better.
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nilefreemans · 11 days
btw I never want Tommy Kinard to die he's immortal I've decided this
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whywishesarehorses · 8 days
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Working on her buddy sour behavior while the kids all practice gaming.
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 3 months
dunno. might mess around later and write a fic where buck comes home from the basketball court, get drunk and blast Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour album.
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gyroidroves · 8 months
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Day 4 of Splatober: Favorite New Splatfest
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danisha-tdh · 7 months
Before I was gonna sleep, my mind asked me the difference between Orson and Sour Bill. But as my realisation-
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For some reason, these two would be friends and usually talks about their life :)
Oh yeah, I almost forgot I wanna share u all this-
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Just a messy sketch to bring it out from my head. Wanna learn to make keychain though :3c
Or by any chance, stickers would be great too- ^w^
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Anniversary Present (Oneshot)
My Writing Masterpost
Warnings: slight dubcon, manipulation, minor character death, blood, past stalking
“I’m hungry,” complained Victor. 
Henry glanced at the vampire, then into his side mirror. “I’m driving.”
“So pull over.”
“I can’t,” he protested. “There’s no place to park.” They had circled the lot once already, but there were no spots. If Victor hadn’t insisted on spending the weekend at the beach of all places, this wouldn’t have happened.
“It’s a Friday evening on a holiday,” he explained. “It’ll be a while.” Victor grumbled, but at least he seemed placated. 
It had been three years since Victor ‘claimed’ him like some sort of stalker, and Henry hadn’t been able to shake him. Now he was stuck with Victor, and sometimes he could fool himself into normalcy. Like some kind of fucked-up sitcom. See the vampire and his unwilling roommate, every evening at 7pm on FOX! Or something. Henry didn’t watch cable.
“Look,” said Victor, “there’s a spot.”
“Finally,” groaned Henry. Another car came down the aisle, and he put on the turn signal and waited for them to pass so he could pull in. But instead, the BMW swerved into the spot, nearly dinging him in the process. Asshole.
Victor hissed. 
“Don’t,” Henry said. “It’s literally okay.” 
Victor sighed. “Fine.” 
Eventually, they found a spot in another lot, but there was a fee. Henry grumbled as Victor drank an evening snack from him. What a jerk, and of course it was a BMW. Brand new, too. Henry thought of his 20 year old beater and tried not to be jealous.
Victor had made reservations to a nice restaurant on the boardwalk for the two of them, which was hilarious. Victor could eat human food, it just did nothing for him except taste good. He was always dragging Henry to fancy places.
The perks of having a rich vampire eat off him, he supposed.
Victor disappeared after paying for dinner, with a promise to meet him at the rental later. Typical. 
But Henry had a little cash to burn, and the boardwalk was fun. He ate frozen custard (peanut butter and chocolate) and looked at ridiculously priced swimsuits on sale. He watched people come in and out of novelty stores, and got himself a box of saltwater taffy. It was nice, he thought, as a charming family went into the amusement park.
Of course, the downside to this little vacation was Victor. He was going to do something this weekend, he could feel it. 
Henry was a snack, a little amusement that Victor liked to keep under his thumb.
Henry hated when Victor dragged home a meal.
He shuddered, the warm night air suddenly suffocating. He took another bite of his frozen custard and told himself not to think about it.
He got to the rental house hours later (after somehow mixing up where he’d parked) and Victor was there as promised. 
“So,” said Victor, “there’s this cute little diner in town. We should go there for breakfast.” 
“Yeah, sure.”
Victor frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I guess. Just tired.” 
“Oh. Well, the bedroom on the right is yours. Goodnight.” Suspicious.
“‘Night.” The drive was pretty draining, so Henry fell asleep quickly.
Victor dragged him to the diner around nine. He looked a little funny dressed in pants and a hoodie in this weather, but it was sunny out and, well, vampire.
Henry woke up in a much better mood than yesterday. He ordered a short stack of blueberry pancakes with a side of sausage and it was divine.
Victor bid him a good day after breakfast and went to sleep. Henry took the opportunity to spend the rest of the day at the beach. It was a great weather out, and he swam in the ocean a couple times before making it back to the rental. He even splurged and got some barbeque from a place on the boardwalk for lunch.
But soon the sun would be down, and Victor would be hungry. He headed back to the rental house.
After the feeding, he was more worn out than usual. He hadn’t been on a vacation in a while, and he’d forgotten how tiring it was to relax. He went to sleep soon after.
“Henry. Hey, Henry!” Victor whispered. He groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“What?” Victor’s red eyes glowed down at him. Victor flashed him a toothy grin. He glanced at the clock. Midnight. And why could he smell pizza?
“I got you a present.” 
“Just come see!” Henry stumbled into the living room and flipped the switch.
“Oh my god!”
A guy was tied up and gagged in the middle of the floor. Pizza boxes sat on the table, with a bunch of booze and soda. The man made a frantic sound from behind the gag.
“What the fuck?” he said. Victor flopped on the couch. He titled his head and grinned.
“It’s the man who cut you off earlier. And I also got dinner and that novelty soda you like. The one that tastes like sour candy.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
Fuck. Again? Victor had never been caught before, but this was insane. 
Why was his life like this? Ugh. Whatever.
He crossed the room and took a slice of pizza. It was amazingly good, actually. It really was true that the best New York style pizza was in New Jersey. He ignored Mr. BMW struggling against the ropes.
He twisted off the cap to the soda and some vodka. He was gonna need it. Henry turned back to the scene to see Victor teasing Mr. BMW. Muffled shouts came from behind the gag.
Henry knew how scary it was, seeing a vampire for the first time. But he couldn’t bring himself to care anymore. It was normal, now.
“I think he wants to say something,” grinned Victor. He plucked the gag from Mr. BMW.
“I- I’m so sorry,” he said, looking back and forth between them. “Please don’t kill me!” he sniffed. Henry shifted, uncomfortable.
“You’re not sorry,” snarled Victor, “You’re just sorry you got caught. Nobody gets to be an asshole to my human. Nobody.”
“It’s just a parking spot, Victor. Not a big deal.” Victor turned to him. He shrank back. 
“You don’t get to decide that,” he said. 
“I’m making your life better. Remember that boss you hated? I took care of it. And now you don’t hate your job. This is for you, Henry.” He yanked the man’s hair, baring his neck. 
He sank his teeth into the man, drinking long and deep. Henry’s mind whirled. Had Victor really been killing off everyone who was mean to him? 
Victor finished, the man’s head lolling. 
“Look at him,” purred Victor, voice husky. “He’s still alive. Think he’ll chalk it up to a dream, or pass on to the next life?”
He came close, blood smeared over his mouth. He stepped right up to Henry, taking his chin in hand.
Henry whimpered.
“Don’t be scared,” cooed Victor against his lips. Victor kissed him, copper on his tongue. 
What was happening?
Victor pulled away, pupils blown. His cool hand came to rest on his ass.
“Victor-” he started, but for some reason he couldn’t, didn’t, pull away.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said. A curl of heat smoldered in Henry’s gut. “Three years,” continued Victor, “and I never told you that. Isn’t that strange?”
“Ye- yeah.” Victor pressed a kiss to his throat, mouthing up to just under his jaw.
“Wait-” he said, regaining himself. Victor paused, pulling away. “All those restaurants, all those presents, were- were they-”
“Dates? Yeah,” admitted Victor. “You needed a stronger hint.”
Fuck. He’d seen the way Victor looked at him, the way he waited in the car under a blanket for hours just for Henry to get off work. He thought it was just hunger, and it was, but it was more than that. And Victor was attractive, and mostly kind-
The dying man behind them groaned.
And it was too much. “I don’t want this,” he whispered. Victor stepped away, turning from him.
“Please,” said Henry, “I’m sorry-”
“No, you’re not,” said Victor. His heart sank. Victor was finally going to kill him. 
But then Victor turned, and he didn’t look mad at all. 
“It’s okay,” he said, stepping close again. And his eyes, they were so pretty now. So big and deep, and what was he thinking about? “You just need a little nudge.”
Oh yeah. 
Victor was attractive, and mostly kind, and took him to places he never could have afforded and-
He snorted. His life was already so goddamn weird.
“Sure, why not? It’s not like you’re going anywhere,” said Henry. “Might as well make the most of it.”
“Exactly what I was thinking,” agreed Victor. 
Victor kissed him again, and they fumbled their way to the couch. He wanted Victor, and he wanted him now, witness be damned.
The man was dying anyway.
Henry woke up the next morning in a great mood. Last night was just… incredible. It was so obvious, he couldn’t believe he missed it.
He snuggled back into Victor’s cool arms. 
Sure, it was fucked up, but who cared? Victor was hot and financially stable (aka rich as hell) and took care of him.
It just made sense.
Maybe he could get a nice car if he asked Victor.
He was a genius. Just a little nudge. Wasn’t even cheating, really. Charming never worked for so long.
Henry still had his personality the whole night, so it didn’t even count as Charming him. Just a tiny, itty bitty nudge, and his precious little human had finally given in to his wooing. They had a wonderful night of pizza, drinking, and sex. 
So good.
Draining that pesky little boyfriend four years ago had finally paid off. 
He was an asshole anyway.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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owari-no-suffering · 1 year
Honestly as much as I was gasping by The Way Misaki Went Out, there was essentially no other way for this really to go. She was always going to go too soon because the reason she took Miri in was her ticking clock. When Misaki died, was Miri supposed to go stay with the grandfather, a man she's likely never met, or at least has no relationship with? Everything about Misaki coming back into Miri's life, while heartbreaking and sympathetic, was also shortsighted and selfish. A relationship made for the parent rather than for the child, like what's been shown with the certified Buddy Daddies. And it speaks volumes to at least the character writing, I think, that you can't really fault Misaki for what she does. I think the inevitable tragedy of it all makes it spicier.
Anyway. Foaming at the mouth thinking about how the fuck I'll cope next week ❤️.
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bibuckagenda · 1 month
Just had a thought at 2am and Ana and Marisol meet and chat about Eddie and Buck gets brought up and him dating Tommy gets brought up and Ana is surprised and let’s slip that if he ever dated a man she thought he’d go for Eddie (she thought he had some feelings for him when she’d been seeing Eddie) and it leaves Marisol reeling because while she realizes she doesn’t see Buck a lot, he tends to make himself scarce around her, Eddie talks about him all the time. And she has the thought that maybe Ana might be on to something—
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rviner · 3 months
@secrettyrant roman x quinlan - horizon offices
The room is enveloped in silence as Roman's gaze drifts over the paperwork, the only sound the soft ticks whispering from an antique clock. Each second seems to echo the meticulous pace of Roman's thoughts as he absorbs the specifics of the contract before him. With a subtle inhale, he breaks the silence, his eyes shifting from the documents to Quinlan with a faint grin of apology. "Well...they got you bent over, if I'm being honest." Roman offers, his fingers deftly rearranging the pages before sliding them toward the edge of the desk. "I'll need to take a closer look, but at first glance, it seems pretty airtight. A typo or grammatical error might be your best friend here." his chuckle is wry but muted as he shrugs apologetically to his friend. "Who wrote this up? Them or you?" Roman leans forward again to turn some of the pages, finding the signature and his outward grimace is obvious. "Okay, better question: Who in your company wrote this up? Because..." his words trail off, puffing out his cheeks with a huff and unable to find the best way to adequately describe the mess before him. He can find two, though. "You're...er...fucked."
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mcmissileproof · 3 months
was sticking my entire face in a pile of mushrooms to see if they smelled off bc my sense of smell is terrible and in the back of my head I was like "truffle hog moments..." and then I thought no actually this is the exact opposite of a truffle hog moment. I would be fired on day one as a truffle hog. I'm not finding SHIT
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7kyanitestars · 1 year
I think I might have already taken my best pic of 2023
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we just started
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Frye asks Agent Neo a favor
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...yeahhh Shiver and Agent Neo do not get along.
Let's pray to the Queen of Sweets that Frye will get that sweep or at least achieve victory 🙏 🙏
Thanks once again to @nilotheberryboy for helping out, just- god bless that speed madlad
Good luck, Team Sweet!
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whywishesarehorses · 13 days
Cow sorting!!
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Many of the same cows as these from February, simply grown a great deal
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