#bulk food stores near me
wastelesspantry · 3 days
Eco-Friendly Grocery Store in Mundaring | Wasteless Pantry Mundaring
Looking for sustainable grocery shopping? Wasteless Pantry Mundaring offers a zero-waste shopping experience with a wide range of bulk products. Reduce your packaging waste while stocking up on essentials like grains, spices, and pantry items. Shop eco-friendly and support a greener lifestyle!
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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within your embrace.
no curses | college au
megumi fushiguro x fem.reader
when megumi spent the whole day without receiving a single text or call from you-
the young man knew that something was completely amiss within the universe. ever since he began dating you 3 years ago, your presence always remained the one stable part of his life.
sure, megumi would feign annoyance each time you would shoot him a good morning text, but little did you know, his smile would remain so wide and bright each time he looks down at the screen while reading your text over and over again.
and during those long nights where megumi had to pull an all-nighter writing papers, or studying for those last minute exams, he deeply cherished your calls while attempting to keep him company (not even minding when you ended up falling asleep in the process).
so the fact that he had to spend nearly 21 hours without any contact with you-
megumi knew that he had to act fast.
he looks at the time on his phone, with the time nearing 10pm. if he made a run for the closest convenience store, then he would be able to buy all of your favorite snacks and food before heading to your apartment. not wishing to waste even another second, megumi exits his dorm with his wallet and keys in hand.
megumi reaches his car, pulling out his phone from the confines of his jeans, getting into his car while dialing your number. he keeps his phone pressed against his ear even as he drove to the nearest convenience store. and at the tenth ring, your voicemail was heard echoing within his ear.
{ sorry, i can't get to the phone right now. how about you leave a message, and i'll get back to you later? byyyyye! }
"i'm coming over, you better be ready for me." megumi states while clicking his tongue, hanging up the phone while trying to fight back the anxiety that threatens to take over his mind.
please for the love of god, be okay!
megumi tosses aside his phone on his passenger seat, parking haphazardly when he reaches the store and kills his engine. as if he were running on autopilot, he stiffly gets out of the car and heads directly toward the brightly lit building, grabbing a basket while filling it with all of your favorite things.
from snacks, to candies, even ice cream and a variety of sodas-
megumi did not hesitate to buy all of your favorite items in bulk for you, adding your favorite bento boxed meal into the basket before proceeding to pay for it all.
when he dumps all of the food and snacks onto the cash register, the cashier lets out a low whistle while ringing it all up. "what's all this? you got a heavy study session tonight?"
megumi shakes his head while running a hand through his hair. "no, i'm worried about my girlfriend. she hasn't been picking up her phone, and whenever i text her, she leaves me on read."
the cashier hums, now bagging all of the items. "you got into a bad argument with her?"
"hell no. we've been fine. but she did start working recently-"
megumi's eyes widen with realization now. the cashier seems to realize his epiphany while grinning at him, handing him the bags filled with snacks and food. she tells him the total as megumi pays for it all with his card, and after waiting a few seconds for the transaction to go through, he takes out his card from the reader and grabs the bags.
"go get her, dude!" the cashier calls out to him just as he leaves the convenience store, placing all of the food within the backseat before returning to the driver's seat.
feeling a little more relaxed and confident in your reasoning for not contacting him today, megumi arrives at your apartment and parks in a random corner, taking all of the bags while making his way up to you. he takes the stairs two at a time, all too eager to see you again.
a few minutes later, he stands in front of your door while giving it several loud knocks. "oi, dummy, you better open the door!"
megumi hears what sounds like a gasp coupled along with some shuffling. after waiting a few beats, the door opens, revealing you as you had to be in the most pathetic state of your life.
your eyes were still rimmed red with tears, cheeks appearing damp from the sheer amount of times you had to have cried today. adjusting his hold on the bags, he transfers them all to one hand, using his free hand to bring your body closer to him in an embrace.
megumi softly whispers comforting words to you, brushing his lips against your temple, soothing you for a moment before inviting himself into your apartment.
once he was finally inside, he demands that you relax on your couch as he moved around your kitchen (after handing you the bags of your favorite snacks, first). he opens the bento box and works on heating it up, getting it to the perfect temperature before giving it to you with some utensils.
as you dig into the food, megumi takes sips from one of the bottles of sodas he had purchased, listening to you talk about your first week at work between bites of your food. he allows you to vent about your strict supervisor and almost lazy coworkers, listening to each and every syllable that comes from your mouth.
when you were finished talking about your first week at your new job, megumi flashes you a smirk. "shall i take you to work tomorrow and have a little talk with your coworkers?"
your eyes go wide, and megumi almost chuckled in response to your panicked expression. "no! absolutely NOT, 'gumi! i know you're going to want to threaten or beat them up...!"
megumi raises his eyebrows at you. "well damn, i guess you know me too well after all."
ah, there it was, the smile he had so desperately wanted to see the whole time. you were giggling while playfully hitting at his chest, and megumi couldn't help but feel relieved now. getting a bit emotional, he takes you in his embrace, causing you to stiffen slightly in response.
"you have no idea how worried i was about you... when you didn't send me an annoying good morning text, or even called."
a soft giggle was heard coming from you before you wrapped your arms around megumi, placing your lips against the side of his neck. "sorry, 'gumi... i guess i just needed some time to cool off. i didn't mean to ignore you."
"it's okay, don't apologize." megumi's voice takes on a deeper tone, gently moving your head away from his shoulder. he takes a moment to admire your beauty before placing a hand on your chin. "you're allowed to have all the time in the world you need for yourself... just... just let me know, so i won't have to worry, okay? can you promise to do that for me?"
he watches as you give him a nod, "i promise, megumi."
satisfied with your answer, megumi leans in forward to capture your lips within his, having every intention of helping you forget about all the stress your job had given you-
and you weren't one to complain as you spent the entire night basking in his kisses.
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a.n. - dedicated to @xbarrjallenx 🥰
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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housewifebuck · 6 months
As an ex beekeeper I must ask about Buckley bees honey 👀
ok sorry it took me almost a month to answer the rest of these wip asks I kinda forgot all these fics existed. anywayyyy this fic is based on a post by @bucktits that I of course cannot fucking find now but it was about buddie meeting at a farmer's market and falling in love<3 and so was born the fic where buck and maddie (the doc title is kind of a lie bc maddie is the beekeeper and buck is more like her little apprentice) sell honey at a farmers market near Eddie's house every weekend and Eddie is allergic to honey but he becomes their #1 customer anyway bc he is obsessed with buck and wants to bone him so bad. and also they're both still firefighters but at different stations (sorry I know some of u hate that). it's really just dumb and silly and an excuse for me to write Eddie Swagless Diaz being a down bad diva. anyway ill put a snippet under the cut:)
“Three jars should last you more than a week, man.” Buck sounds amused, his eyes glittering in the mid-morning sun as he grins, and Eddie tries not to read anything into the fact that Buck so easily recalls what he’d bought last time he was here.
In his defense, he really did go through a fair amount of it already, and if he were to try and project his rate of future honey usage based on current available data, he’d say now is a perfectly acceptable time for him to restock. Christopher has been adding it as a topping to almost every possible breakfast food after Eddie let it slip that honey is a marginally healthier alternative to maple syrup, and Carla had taken a jar home as well.
“Well, Christopher loves it. And I gave some to a friend.” Two technically truthful facts that just happen to omit the third, also truthful fact that Eddie still has a jar and a half of honey sitting in his kitchen cabinet. Honey is nonperishable, right? So it’s a normal thing to store in bulk, he reasons.
Eddie can’t help but interpret Buck’s answering smile as knowing anyway, like he’s seeing right through him. The thought doesn’t bother him as much as it should.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it!” Maddie pipes up from beneath the brim of her beach hat. She’s sitting in a camping chair behind the table, peering at him over the top of a pair of bright pink sunglasses. The combination of accessories seems redundant considering the canopy they now have covering their booth, but Eddie supposes white people can’t be too careful. He wonders if last week might have been the duo’s first time at a market; they seem decidedly better prepared this time around. 
He doesn’t particularly like the way Maddie’s gaze cuts between himself and her brother, nor does he enjoy the way her polite smile morphs slowly into a full-on grin as she watches them. She sits forward in her chair, clasping her hands in her lap and crossing one leg over the other like there’s nowhere else she’d rather be. 
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mjoffic · 9 months
last minute shopping - eddie munson holiday blurb
I work retail and this popped in my head while refolding a graphic tee table and it's truly just a bunch of fluf and eddie being a cute boi
~ enjoy and happy holidays ~
word count: 1.2k
The holidays. A time focused around family, the reason for the season, cozy sweaters and hot cocoa. Twinkling lights couldn't be missed for miles as every house had some sort of big bulk convenience store decoration. No need for 'frosted windows in a can', oh no, Hawkins was seeing a very white Christmas with snow fall never ending and the chill of the wind cutting through every jacket and parka leaving no survivors behind. The joy was like an electric buzz in the air, only one thing could diminish the feeling.
The Starcourt Mall.
Eddie wasn't the best planner, never had been. Despite this year trying his best to be on top of the holidays he still had yet to get something for Uncle Wayne. With Christmas Day only two days away, it was a scramble for the perfect gift and it was absolute hell trying to get anywhere in the mall.
He could try The Gap? Nah, too pricey.
Maybe a gift certificate to Scoops Ahoy? But when would Wayne ever find the time to use it? He's always working.
Eddie sighed in frustration, running a hand through his mop of curls. He took a moment to look around the area, peeking over the heads of bustling mothers herding their kids to meet Santa, dads sitting on benches with shopping bags galore, teenagers running around the food court with their Orange Julius's sloshing all over the place. This was a nightmare. Slim pickings. Would Wayne be upset over a hand drawn card?
He was near giving up when he spotted Macy's on the far end. It was a department store, and while it seemed busy, it wasn't as congested as the inner workings of the mall. He squeezed his way through and slid through a sliver of space in between two groups of families; one included a mother scolding her husband for losing their credit card, the other group had a child crying over not getting the remote control car on the front table. Eddie pursed his lips, so glad he wasn't in that stage of life just yet.
There seemed to be never ending options for Eddie to look through, he wondered why he hadn't stopped in in the first place. It also made this decision much more difficult. He knew that he would definitely be walking out with something, no doubt, but genuinely the starting point slowly began to stump him and he felt his once eager energy depleting. A three pack of ties? When did Wayne dress up? A mug? Sure, lets add to the hundreds of them adorning the trailer wall. Maybe a fancy glass set? Even if the glasses were on sale, it was definitely out of Eddie's comfort range of spending.
"Well the sign says fifty percent off!"
A screech from an older woman pulled Eddie out of his daze and his attention turned to the scene on his right.
"Ma'am, I understand your frustration, however the sign details specifically to the gift sets. This sweater is on the table, but is signed for thirty percent off."
Eddie shifted his gaze from the woman, red in the face, almost matching her Christmas red sweater, to you. You stood behind a counter, not currently in use to ring up customers, but he noticed a stack of scarves next to you. He assumed you'd been cleaning up. You wore emerald green, very festive, and an elf hat to match. Despite your professional aura, the bell on the end of hat could almost send him into a fit of giggles every time your head even moved an inch.
"I'd be more than happy to show you-" you started, before being interrupted.
"You can show me to your manager! This is false advertising!" the women shouted, drawing a few more eyes into encounter.
"Ma'am, I'll have to ask you to keep from yelling in the store," you responded, face void of emotion. "If you would let me-"
"I'll yell if I want to! This is a free country!"
Eddie watched you take a deep breath, before picking a landline off the counter. You typed quietly while the woman continued her banter. You faked a smile to her before speaking again. "Hi, hey Ron, it's Y/n! Yeah, yeah, doing good, hey listen, would you mind sending security down to gifts? I have a disgruntled customer who refuses to listen. Awesome, thanks so much!"
The womens jaw dropped as you placed the phone back to the receiver, Eddie snickering quietly at this interaction.
"Who do you think you are!" the woman shouted, feigning a hand to her chest dramatically. "Do you know who I am?"
You smiled and shook your head, folding your hands on the counter. "No, ma'am, I don't! However I am the manager of this department and am asking you to remove yourself before security gets here."
The woman stared dumbfounded, slowly backing up from your bubble. Eddie stared in wonder at the interaction, and if he was honestly, completed turned on by your dominance.
"Merry Christmas!" you smiled, waving as the woman moved away from the scene.
Eddie noticed security at the end of the walkway and he shook his head, laughing slightly. Finding the nerve to walk up to you, he leaned softly against the counter and looked to the way in which the Grinch had left. "I think that was better than any of those movies playing in the theater right now."
You looked to him when he had approached, and smirked a bit at his words. "I try. Gotta keep some sort of sanity in this place."
"I get it, it's a madhouse in here," Eddie nodded, giving his best smile before extending his hand. "Eddie."
Your smirk simmered into a smile and you shook his hand back, nodding. "Y/n."
"Well, Y/n, I'm wondering if you might be of some use to me," he said, straightening back up.
"Oh?" you questioned, crossing your arms.
"Yeah, I mean, you are the manager of this department," Eddie said. "I'm in the works for the perfect gift."
"Ah," you nodded, stepping out from around the counter and glancing around your section. "Mom? Sibling? Girlfriend?"
Eddie stifled a laugh and he slowly followed beside you. "Uh, no mom. No siblings. And no girlfriend."
Your face erupted in pink and you stumbled over your words. "Oh, um, I'm sorry, I just assumed-"
"Hey, hey," Eddie grinned. "All good here. I'm shopping for my uncle, wanna try to find him something nice. Not much of a budget but I figured I'd find something on sale."
You felt your panic subside and sat a cool hand against your cheek, the heat subsiding. "Well, I'm sure we can find something perfect for him! Maybe something for you? Doesn't hurt to treat yourself sometimes."
Eddie pursed his lips a little bit and dug his hands in his pockets, following slightly behind you. He watched the way the bell of your hat jingled with every step you took. You arms slightly swayed when you walked, and you barely made a sound when taking a step. He began to notice the little things, and started to quietly thank the stars he'd came into the mall after all.
"I think I already have."
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ultimaid · 6 months
Hi Rumi! 👋 I wanted to get your thoughts on this: what kind of meals do you think Kirumi would make for the rest of the class? I imagine it’d be hard to make food for 16 people and still have time for her other responsibilities
This question came up for me for fic reasons and I have a few ideas, but I figured you might enjoy thinking about it too!
of course! i have a few ideas about this, actually:
soups and stews. easy to make a lot of, easy to store leftovers, easy way to use up a lot of ingredients that are nearing the end of their useful lives.
rice dishes for the same reasons — very easy to make in bulk and to store. just make a rice, a meat, a vegetable or two and a sauce and everyone’s happy.
i think slow cooker meals would be her absolute best friend since they can be prepped ahead of time and can be left unattended while she does other things. it’s the same with things like bread that needs to rise. anything with a lot of down time is useful because she can spend that down time doing other things.
i do think that if people request certain meals from her, she likes to flex her skills a bit by making a lot of different varieties of that meal so everyone can be satisfied.
she gets up supremely early and goes to bed supremely late because she’s prepping the day’s meals while everyone else sleeps. chopping vegetables, pre-cooking and freezing rice and noodles, setting out ingredients, et cetera. that way she can spend the actual day doing more productive things and attending to requests.
(“how does she get enough sleep?” she doesn’t. she has perpetual dark circles and occasionally has to rely on coffee to keep her alert, but her body’s mostly gotten used to running on three to four hours of sleep. mostly.)
sometimes she’ll make a more complicated but “fun” and “interesting” meal if she can tell her classmates are getting bored of the usual fare. it takes a bit longer, but the looks on their faces makes it worth it.
if she happened to have a whole day to herself where she could cook whatever she wanted and didn’t have to worry about doing anything else, i think she would spend it baking and decorating god’s most extravagant layer cake just for the fun of it. (and, of course, letting her classmates eat it. none for herself unless they insist that she try some. not because she doesn’t like sweets, she does, but because the others are her priority.)
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newobsessioneveryweek · 2 months
Do you have any headcanons for Sherman x Connor? Like.. any fun relationship headcanons? :D
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I live for these asks! Thank you for indulging me my friend!🙏🏻✨
I feel like they'd be a competitive couple. In fact, I saw a post about romantic rivals that totally captures that😂
Connor's super fast and agile and Sherman's really strong and has got the inherent son-of-Ares skill so they've both got leverage on each other in melee fights. Sherman, though, obviously beats him 99% of the time in combat. But even with that winning streak they're still tied because Sherman loses to Connor in a footrace or obstacle course or any sport that requires athleticism 99% of the time XD
And I say 99% victory rate for both of them but both of their respective 1% wins against the other were total flukes
Sherman only managed to win a race because Nico shadow traveled right in front of Connor near the finish line by accident and they tumbled and Connor twisted his ankle
And Connor only managed to beat Sherman in a sword fight because Percy's stray arrow got him right in arm and took him by surprise
But there is no glory in their competitions so winning by default is still a win
They compete in everything and all their friends say it's unhealthy and that their relationship seems unstable because they trash talk each other all the time but they love it! And it's all in good fun :] They never take any of the stuff they say personally (...most of the time)
Sherman's love language would be along the lines of "I will go beyond my means to solve every single one of your problems" and Connor's is "I will bring you everything your heart has ever desired at your whim", or, as the cool kids call it, acts of service and gift-giving.
So as soon as Sherman expresses an interest in anything tangible it will be delivered promptly to his doorstep and if Connor is even slightly inconvenienced Sherman will find (threaten) a henchman to act as Connor's personal servant or solve the problem himself (often with brute force.)
Example: Sherman is from Detroit but hasn't been there since he was 10. Michigan is known for Sanders chocolate and it was a childhood staple of his. He told Connor that his mom used to get him this specific chocolate as a school snack but the camp store doesn't have it. Hermes Express bulk delivery baby!
Example 2: after Travis leaves for college and the Hermes cabin is left in Connor's sole care, he starts to struggle a bit with the extra responsibility. When he sees Connor's fuse shortening when campers start to get rowdy he goes over and tells them all gently (not at all gently) to shut up and behave or he'll inflict massive bodily harm on all those who opposed him. Connor scolds him publicly and tells him that that's not appropriate but thanks him later :']
Last one!
I've mentioned this one before but Connor's allergic to strawberries and peanuts
And one day when Sherman asks Travis what Connor's favourite food is for a picnic Travis, without hesitation, says peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches
And obviously Sherman listens because Travis is his brother and knows him best
But then when Sherman presents the beautiful homemade sandwiches Connor realises what's happened but doesn't say anything because Sherman made them himself and that's so adorable 🥺
He cut them into hearts
So he eats it and obviously goes into anaphylaxis
Sherman freaks out and takes him to the infirmary
Will saves his life
Sherman yells at Travis and tells him he's an idiot who almost killed his brother
Travis says it's not his fault and that Connor's the idiot because he actually ate it
Later, after Connor is mostly fine he tells Sherman that it was the most delicious poison he's ever eaten :]
Sorry these are very few, I honestly haven't thought much about any headcanons I would have😅 I'll see if I can come up with more :3
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innominaterifter · 6 months
Question regarding the cockroaches: are they clean? I've always understood bugs to be fairly dirty, but given how you handle them it seems that isn't the case? Are these ones different because they're handled regularly?
These cockroaches are artificially bred in closed conditions and do not come into contact with anything outside their container.
Cockroaches that live in an open environment can indeed be unsafe since they come into contact with unpredictable substances. The main danger is caused by cockroaches that feed on human waste. Cockroaches, which prefer to feed on waste, are capable of carrying pathogens such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, pneumonia, meningitis and others. In addition to viruses and microorganisms, cockroaches can carry the eggs of helminths (worms) and amoebas on their bodies. The reason for their unsafety is that they come into contact with and eat completely different human waste and animal carrion. You cannot know what exactly this or that cockroach came into contact with.
Unlike this situation, the living conditions of my insects are completely controlled only by me.
To keep insects, I use either a substrate that I buy in the store or cardboard egg cartons (cockroaches love to hide in them). For their food, I use a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, and supplements from pet stores.
Cockroaches also love lichens, which can be found on tree branches (and lichens are very useful for them). But before giving them, I first freeze these branches in the freezer to destroy all possible living organisms that could be there.
Of course, I collect these twigs in the forest, and not near the city or in garden plots, because trees growing in an urban environment can be treated with chemicals against insects. And then I just risk killing my cockroaches.
I also monitor their condition and appearance so that they look healthy.
Some time ago I had a bad experience with excessively high humidity in their container and part of the colony was affected by mold, which could be visually observed on their shells. This mold is safe for humans, but insects can die from it. So I had to save the colony.
In addition to completely cleaning the container and contents, I needed to do something about the mold on the cockroaches themselves. My good friend was visiting me at the time and I asked her for help in this strange matter.
I am very glad to have such a friend to whom I can say “Code red, we urgently need to wash the cockroaches’ asses!” and hear in response “Ok, give me 5 minutes to finish my tea, and let’s go!”.
As a result, we first washed them under ordinary water in bulk, then wiped the shell of each individual cockroach with a cotton pad soaked in a disinfecting solution and the mold was defeated.
But I repeat: this mold was safe for humans. Thus, if you keep insects in closed containers and they do not come into contact with or eat anything from the outside world without undergoing treatment, then all ok.
What can create difficulties is a possible allergy to cockroach chitin. Moreover, this allergy can manifest itself only to some types of cockroaches, but not to others.
This allergy is treated with conventional remedies prescribed by a dermatologist. But of course, you should stop contact with the type of cockroaches that you have allergy (or protect the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, and not allowing contact with the skin).
In general, the rules for handling domestic insects are approximately the same as for pets. Some may be allergic to cats or dogs, others may not. It is safe from the point of view of disease to handle domestic rats or hamsters, but it is clearly not worth handling rats or hamsters that live in the wild¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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concerningwolves · 1 year
something unfortunate i have learned about myself is that i have zero self-control when confronted with herbs and spices, especially if they're used in south asian cooking. i learned this when i discovered there are three (3) asian food stores near me, two in easy walking distance, and that it is significantly more cost-effective to buy spices in bulk from there. just stepping inside and seeing the walls of neatly ordered bags of seeds, herbs, spices and dried flowers is like the purest hit of serotonin imaginable. it appeals to me in a profoundly autistic way. i will sometimes just start tearing up from all the wonderful variety and pleasing colours.
anyway i spent a significant chunk of my hobby budget this month on spices and a tawa.
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A reminder/vent/plea for advice:
Eat meals frequently!! This is something I need to get tattooed on me. Because my ED consisted of a lot of long fasts broken by binges I think my mind and body learned that it is normal to eat nothing for 13 hours and then eat 70% of my daily calories in less than an hour. I think the appetite suppressant quality of my Vyvanse and my vaping addiction are exacerbating this problem. Not to mention I get so wrapped up in certain things that I completely forget I need to eat. But the body is not meant to go 12 waking hours without fuel. I think because I end up eating enough (maybe too much) when I do eventually eat, I convince myself that my feelings of faintness, brain fog, irritability, nausea [ALL OF THIS IS HUNGER] can’t be due to lack of food all day. “How can I be so hungry that I can’t move??? I ate a whole bag of Doritos and 5 low-fat cheese sticks 16 hours ago!!”. That isn’t how the body works!
I desperately wish I was able to just force myself to cook and eat meals throughout the day but I have yet to find a way to make it stick!
Has anyone else experienced something similar? Does anyone have any recommendations?
Thank you so much <3
I absolutely feel this, because I very much forgot to eat when I started Strattera. Those ADHD meds just take away all hunger cues. You could be starving and your body just…doesn’t feel anything. I also had a moment where I went all day without eating wondering why I felt so crappy. After I had a late-night snack that brought me near- instant relief, I was like “ohhh.”
Some things you can try: cook big meals in bulk and portion them out in your fridge and freezer so that they’re easy to access and prepare when you’re rushing! This especially works with soups, stews, curries, rice/quinoa bowls, pizza. Do the same with snacks - make it easy. Keep portions of fresh fruit/snackable veggies, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, snack packs of nuts or chips - whatever you can buy or prep in bulk and store easily. ADHD does not go away magically just because you have meds - work WITH your brain, not against it!
On a related note, set timed reminders on your phone so that you remember to EAT the meals and snacks! “Check in with my body” alarms might be good too. If Vyvanse makes it hard to eat intuitively by checking in with your stomach, practicing tuning in to your other body cues might help.
(Buying frozen meals can help if you are too busy/struggling to find the executive function to cook.)
You can’t punish yourself out of having ADHD. Might as well work with your brain instead!
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wastelesspantry · 6 days
Affordable, Sustainable Grocery Shopping at Wasteless Pantry Mundaring
Looking for an affordable grocery store that aligns with your sustainable values? Wasteless Pantry Mundaring is the perfect destination for budget-friendly, eco-conscious shopping. We offer a wide range of bulk food items, from pantry staples like flour and grains to organic spices and nuts, all at competitive prices. By allowing customers to purchase only the quantities they need, we help reduce food waste and save money. Plus, we encourage the use of reusable containers, cutting down on single-use packaging. Wasteless Pantry Mundaring is committed to providing affordable groceries while supporting a zero-waste lifestyle. Shop smarter and greener with us, and make a positive impact on your wallet and the environment!
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pix4japan · 9 months
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Yokohamabashi's Produce Tapestry: Chinese Influence and Japanese Traditions
Location: Yokohamabashi, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Japan Timestamp: 17:47 on December 19, 2023
Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter ISO 1000 for 1/125 sec. at ƒ/6.4 Provia/Standard film simulation
Numerous produce shops grace the entirety of the Yokohamabashi Shotengai shopping arcade. Through the years, a distinct pattern has emerged – the proprietors of these shops predominantly fall into two categories: Japanese or Chinese.
Japanese-run establishments specialize in high-end or bespoke produce cultivated in Japan. Their prices reflect not only the superior quality of the items but also the elevated level of customer interaction and the overall presentation of the shop. These pricier fruits aren't intended for personal consumption but rather as opulent gifts, boasting near-perfect shapes, enticing aromas, exquisite flavors, and impeccable textures.
In contrast, Chinese-run shops prioritize cost-cutting measures by procuring produce in bulk, often sourced from both domestic and predominantly overseas growers. The experience of shopping at these more affordable stores carries a distinct ambiance, but the silver lining is the opportunity to provide substantial savings for your family's food budget.
The Tsunokami Produce Shop, featured in this photo, stood out to me with its large traditional Japanese curtain adorned with red and white stripes and the words "ouridashi," which translates to "big sale." Interestingly, the shop has been hanging this banner daily for over 7 years, despite not actually having a big sale. However, for first-time visitors, the low prices compared to typical supermarket prices might come as a pleasant surprise.
What caught my eye at this shop wasn't the low prices, but the large red and white banner, known as "kohaku-maku" (紅白幕) in Japanese. Kohaku-maku is a traditional decorative fabric panel with vertical red and white stripes. The term "kohaku" derives from "ko," meaning "red," and "haku," meaning "white." The Japanese have long considered this kohaku pattern a symbol of happiness. Specifically, red symbolizes peace and prosperity, while white represents spiritual and physical purity.
I have seen kohaku-maku hanging on the wall or in the background of formal occasions such as graduation ceremonies, groundbreaking ceremonies, new store openings, wedding ceremonies, and New Year’s parties. Additionally, I have seen the banner used at less formal occasions like outdoor tea ceremonies, local summer festivals, and local cherry blossom viewing parties to demarcate or decorate a space.
Google Maps links to Tsunokami, references for further reading, and source materials can be found at the latest blog post at pix4japan: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231219-yokohamabashi
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refillstore · 1 month
Benefits of Shopping at Mission Refill Store
The Mission Refill Store is not just a place to shop; it’s a movement towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. In today’s world, where environmental concerns are at the forefront, refill stores are gaining popularity as a solution to reduce waste and promote sustainability. This article will explore the various benefits of shopping at the Mission Refill Store, helping you understand why it's a choice that benefits both you and the planet.
The Concept of Refill Stores Refill stores are retail outlets that allow customers to refill their containers with various products, such as household cleaners, personal care items, and food products. This concept is rooted in the idea of reducing single-use plastics and encouraging a zero-waste lifestyle. The history of refill stores dates back to the early 20th century, but their popularity has surged in recent years due to growing environmental awareness.
Benefits of Shopping at Mission Refill Store
Sustainability and Environmental Impact Shopping at Mission Refill Store significantly reduces the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans. By refilling containers, customers eliminate the need for single-use packaging, which is a major contributor to environmental pollution. This practice supports a circular economy, where resources are reused and recycled, rather than discarded.
Cost-Effectiveness of Refill Stores Another major benefit of shopping at a Refill Store is the cost savings. Since you’re only paying for the product and not the packaging, you often save money compared to buying pre-packaged items. Additionally, buying in bulk at Mission Refill Store allows you to purchase exactly what you need, reducing waste and saving even more money.
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Personalized Shopping Experience At Mission Refill Store, you have the flexibility to buy the exact amount of product you need, which leads to less waste and more personalized shopping experience. You can also explore a wide range of eco-friendly products, knowing that each one aligns with sustainable practices.
Refill Store near me: Finding Your Local Store Locating a refill store near you is easier than ever with the growing popularity of these eco-friendly shops. Simply searching for "Refill Store near me" will provide a list of nearby locations. Supporting local refill stores like Mission Refill Store not only benefits the environment but also strengthens local economies.
Product Range and Availability Mission Refill Store offers a diverse range of products, from cleaning supplies to personal care items. Each product is carefully selected to meet high environmental and ethical standards. The store ensures that all products are of high quality and free from harmful chemicals, providing customers with safe and effective options for their daily needs.
Customer Experience at Mission Refill Store Customers at Mission Refill Store consistently report positive experiences. The store’s commitment to customer service is evident in the way they engage with the community, offering educational workshops and events that promote sustainable living. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also fosters a sense of community among like-minded individuals.
Sustainability Practices Mission Refill Store is dedicated to achieving zero waste by encouraging customers to bring their own containers and offering products in bulk. This commitment extends to their supply chain, where they prioritize partnerships with suppliers who share their environmental values. By shopping at Mission Refill Store, customers actively participate in reducing their carbon footprint and supporting a more sustainable world.
How to Get Started with Refill Shopping If you’re new to refill shopping, Mission Refill Store makes it easy to get started. Simply bring your own containers or purchase reusable ones at the store. Don’t be intimidated by the process; the staff are always available to guide you and answer any questions. It’s also important to debunk common misconceptions, such as the idea that refill stores are more expensive or less convenient than traditional stores.
Future of Refill Stores The future of refill stores looks bright, with more consumers embracing the zero-waste movement. Mission Refill Store is at the forefront of this trend, continually innovating and expanding their product offerings to meet the growing demand. As the refill industry evolves, we can expect to see even more sustainable solutions emerge, making it easier for everyone to live an eco-friendly lifestyle.
Conclusion Shopping at Mission Refill Store is more than just a transaction; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. The benefits are clear: reduced waste, cost savings, and a personalized shopping experience. So why not take the next step and visit your local Mission Refill Store today? By doing so, you’ll be making a positive impact on the environment and supporting a business that truly cares about the planet.
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artemisbarnowl · 11 months
Okay so Costco was a time but I called my sister about it and now I'm like...it was fine I guess.
It's strange. Yes everything is big and there's the biggest fucking TVs I've ever seen as well as fresh fruit and Xmas ornaments and frozen fish and a whole isle of soda but the strangest thing to me (after the freaking....inflatable pool slide hanging from the ceiling which when I was in the central open part of the store felt like it was hunting me) was the organisation. There are general sections such as Food and Tech but....there's candles next to kitchen bench top appliances, snacks seem to be spread across different Isles and then also some in the central island where the clothes are. There are several freezer locations that are separate from each other and not necessarily related to whatever else in the isle. The Isles are BARELY 2 trolleys wide. With such huge trolleys turning a corner is difficult but there is not a lot of room to turn if someone is already in the isle you're turning into. No check out lines. It was just a crowd. which I hated. The car park also did not think so much about flow of traffic and while it was relatively quiet for us it was easy to see how it would be a nightmare if busier.
My friend who has a membership told me they don't have the same stuff every time??? So you're getting your once a year dishwashing liquid bucket or whatever and next time they might not have the same brand or flavour? Also this could have been a person I went with thing but things seem to move. There was one kind of seaweed snack but we were looking for a different one and we found it on a pallet near dogfood which is not normally where it lives??
There were the biggest bags of chips I'd ever seen in my life and literal tin buckets of ghee but many Big Things were actually just normal large size but they are packaged in 2 or 4s so you cannot buy 1 4litre bottle of vinegar you must buy a box of 4. The bakery onsite was surprising but as one woman who lives a lot I could not buy 26 mini pan au Chocolat for 10 dollars even though they smelled very yummy. You can order birthday cakes with lettering. They didn't even have full coffins/caskets just end pieces to show the finish/shape but they all looked cheap nasty plastic as heck. One was called the Nixon coffin which I thought was funny for tenuous reasons. Did he get buried in one like it? Was it his favourite? Do people buried in this have some semblance to him?
I got a bag of freeze dried fruit (peaches, lychees and strawberries) to share with my friend as office snacks. 100g for 15 dollars is expensive but freeze dried fruit are very light so it should go a long way. My friend also bought some mangosteen juice to try.
I stared longingly at large slabs of paneer and fior de late. Also at the 15 cents cheaper than average fuel prices. Not sure I'd go enough to actually make any savings (fuel alone would probably get my money back, but I live alone so can't buy much in bulk as a way to save). Also many things just didn't seem That Cheap. Many pantry staples were just the normalish price scaled up, like rice. Some things were cheap (6 tubes of miso ramen flavoured Pringles for 10 dollars for example) but they were often somewhat novelty so you are buying A LOT with the risk you don't like it.
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secretshinigami · 2 years
Cooking vs Cookies
Author: @izaori (Malcolm or Kris works, too)
For: @mapsareforbraindeads (this makes me a brain dead, rip)
Pairings/Characters: Light, Near, L. Light/L, PLATONIC moonriver. Like a sibling relationship.
Rating/Warnings: Comedy, kind of fluff.. If people messing up stuff in a kitchen counts as a warning, you have been warned. Also food talk.
Prompt: light and near making cookies together to surprise L, who sneaks in and tastes the cookie dough when they aren’t looking and critiques it. i actually had a dream about this once.
Author’s notes: It’s been a while since I wrote characters that weren’t my ocs, so I was pretty excited to do a fic this time. I started one of your other prompts, but this one felt more natural, so here we are. I liked all your prompts. Wish my hands would’ve worked for drawing this past month lol.
Valentine’s Day. A fun, yet very stressful time of year. Some people rush to stores to buy chocolate and flowers, plan a fancy meal, wear different clothes for a variety of reasons, but Light Yagami has decided to bake.
Baking and cooking are very different. When you cook, it’s usually pretty easy to change a recipe on the fly. Adding a little more this, leaving out a little of that, and so on. Baking? Baking is a science. You add half a teaspoon too much of something and the entire process goes tits up.
Before he’s even started baking, Light has brought out every single utensil and ingredient he’ll need. His first idea was making cake, but there is simply too much that could go wrong with cake. Brownies were a no go, and cupcakes are essentially like small cakes that he could also very easily mess up. After mulling it around, Light decided on cookies. But what kind of cookies? Classic chocolate chip? A fancy lace cookie? The kind you roll up and put in a freezer? Lemon crisps? Thumbprints? Snickerdoodles? What about something more out there, like springerle? Light doesn’t have the tools to make those, anyway.
Who could go wrong with a classic chocolate chip recipe? Simple and delicious, easy to make in bulk. His boyfriend’s diet consists of pretty much only sweets.
Right when he’s about to get started, someone joins him in the kitchen. “It’s not good to let eggs sit out.”
Light sighs. Out of all the people to interrupt him, it had to be none other than, “Near. I’m baking, the eggs will be fine for a few minutes.”
Near observes the ingredients scattered around the counter, and the various mixing bowls and utensils. Light goes back to reading the recipe, but stops when he hears tapping. Near is playing with the mixing bowls, stacking them in an odd way. He doesn’t stop even after noticing Light’s glare.
“What? You aren’t using them yet.”
“And how will I, when you’re playing with them like toys? Did you even wash your hands?”
Near rolls his eyes. “I’m not dirty.”
“So? I don’t know where your hands have been.”
“On the bowls. Obviously.”
Light huffs, snatching the bowls away and setting them in the sink. He gives them a quick wash while Near moves on to playing with the spatulas instead.
“Stop playing around. I’m trying to bake.”
“L kicked me out of the room to study something. I’m bored.”
“Either help, or find something else to do.”
Near gives a slight pout, pondering the decision. He’d like to tell Light he’ll do what he wants, but knowing this is for L, maybe he should give the guy a break. This time. He’ll go back to being a nuisance another time. Near walks over to the recipe book and scrunches up his nose. “This is boring.”
“Sometimes boring is better.”
“Only two teaspoons of vanilla? That doesn’t seem like a lot. Why not half a cup?”
“You have to be joking.”
“It doesn’t sound like a lot to me.”
Light pinches the bridge of his nose, holding back some colorful language. “I don’t believe they even sell vanilla extract in that large a quantity, unless you’re buying one of those bigger, aged bottles. This,” he says, grabbing the tiny container, “is how vanilla extract is usually sold.”
Near takes the small bottle out of Light’s hand. Once more, he observes it carefully. “Why is it alcoholic?”
“Excuse me?”
“Are you making alcoholic cookies?”
“Do you know nothing about baking? I’m not trying to get L drunk off vanilla. Think of it like bier cheese, the alcohol basically gets cooked out. It’s just there for flavor.”
“Why are you putting something in just to bake it out?”
Light finally catches on to the joke. He glares, and Near gives a shit eating grin. “Very funny, Near. Hand it over.”
Near gives back the extract and moves on. Finally, after what feels like forever, Light starts working on the batter. Light mixes the dry ingredients together, then grabs a different bowl. Near stops him.
  “Why aren’t you putting the butter with the rest of it?”
Light is starting to feel more agitated. “It won’t mix properly if you do the ingredients in the wrong order.”
Near looks around at the remaining contents. “It all goes together anyway. Why does it matter?”
“It’s like math. If you do the equation in the wrong order, like not using PEMDAS, you’ll get the wrong answer. We don’t want the cookies to be messed up.”
That makes sense. Near doesn’t really understand the order of baking, but he definitely understands math. He’ll take Light’s word for it. The recipe backs up his reasoning, anyway. Near doesn’t lose the page as he flips through the book, noticing most of the recipes carry on that way. Dry ingredients, wet ingredients, mix. Seems simple enough.
The process has been prolonged by Near’s shenanigans, but the cookies are almost ready to be put in the oven.
“Why are you using such a small amount of dough?” Near questions, again.
Light has had enough. He turns his attention away from the batter and pulls Near over to the recipe book. “Look. Just look. We need to use one inch balls so that the cookies aren’t too small or too big. See the picture? If we use more dough, it won’t cook right. If we use less dough, it won’t cook right. The recipe is made for cookies like this!”
Near scrunches up his nose again. “L likes a variety of cookies. Underbaked, overbaked, just right- he’ll eat them no matter how you serve them. Why not make bigger cookies?”
“Because I want them to be perfect! I want to make something delicious for my boyfriend!”
With the argument happening, said boyfriend is able to sneak into the kitchen with ease. L quietly takes a look around, finding himself at the pot of gold- raw cookie dough. Salmonella be damned, raw cookie dough is a delight, a delicacy, one of the greatest things Watari would never purposefully let L have. He grabs a clean spoon and swipes some.
Oh. Oh no. He frowns.
“This isn’t right. At all.”
Light and Near freeze. With perfect timing, they both turn around to face L.
“He followed the recipe,” Near gets out first.
“Right, the recipe-!”
L shakes his head. He looks at the different measuring utensils laid about and figures out the issue with ease.
“You didn’t convert to grams properly. The ratios are all wrong. Also, it reeks of vanilla.”
Light glares at Near. Near smiles sheepishly. “Oops.”
L takes another spoonful of the cookie dough anyway. “It’s not horrible. You could try again.”
“I think I’ll go store bought this time.”
L smiles and tosses the spoon into the sink. “That might be a better idea for you two. Leave the baking to Watari.”
Light and Near have been defeated, but they still come out winners. L’s smile is the real prize. At least they attempted making something, even if it ended in disaster.
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neotrances · 2 years
your costco shock is funny to me cause i live in a small town and costco is one of the only grocery stores around and most people live in remote rural areas so they buy in bulk then go home and come back like once a month or whatever. the store you went to sounds like a cunty store if they were mean to you about not having a membership cause i just walk in all the time for a hotdog w no membership. maybes is different since we have a high rural and native population here therefore the demographic is different and the reason for the membership is bc everything is sold at a loss in costco and thats how they make money
ya it’s most likely bc that’s one of the only stores in ur area and its a different demographic, back where i used to live we went to the bodega for a majority of the food we needed and those aren’t rlly actual grocery stores and even then we’d go to the knock off ones 70% of the time and then resort to walmart or shop rite if we needed something rlly specific or something fresh i lived closer to the inner city so things were definitely different bc of that o_o i think the costco near me is for dicks tho
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->It was finally back to the store! Where once again they all had to wait outside while I fiddled with the layout. XD At least this time it wasn't thunderstorming! Let me take you through all the changes I made --
A. As you can see, the major change I made was to replace all of the double-sided shelves with single-sided ones on either side of a large half-wall (with a glass half-wall trim on top to stop Sims trying to put plates or other objects up there) -- I was having some trouble getting everything to face the right way on the double-sided shelves, and I genuinely do believe this looks better. More like what you might actually SEE in a grocery store.
B. I also reduced the number of shelves overall slightly by rearranging the first "produce" aisle -- now when you walk in, you have Brazen Lotus's produce stands on one side, and the more traditional Get To Work refrigerated displays on the other holding various oversized crops on the other! Fewer slots to fill, and it means all the fruit and veg aren't bunched up together right next to the door.
C. I also added another refrigerated display next to the meat section -- this one is for fish, with Brazen Lotus's "Iced Fish Retail Fridge" (which requires her mod to allow fish and herbs to be placed in a retail fridge) in the bottom section! (I tried putting it on a counter, but it looked kinda weird and wouldn't slot correctly -- and then I discovered it fit near-perfectly into the bottom of the regular refrigerated display and went with that! It doesn't fit so nicely into the top bit, so fresh fish will be placed there to be bought directly.)
D. Along with that, I added the fossil displays from @somecreativecc as "endcaps" for the aisles, as the perfume bottles Victor can make from Simsonian Library's "Perfumery" mod fit on them, and they were the best-looking shelves I had for the purpose. *shrug* If anyone can suggest anything better, please let me know!
E. I also started trying out some "color-coding" on the SrslySims consignment shelves to try and see at a glance what should go where -- like, the shelf with Smiler's synthetic food tablets and herbalism potions from Simsonian Library's "Apothecary" mod is white because that's the "pharmacy" section, and the shelf with the canned green beans and green peas is bright green to represent "veggies."
F. Oh, and you may notice that I've started spacing out the various items on each individual shelf a lot more, so I'm not trying to cram multiple products onto one single shelf in any particular display and wondering how I'm going to fill the others. . .now, one display can hold a shelf of canned green beans, a shelf of canned green peas, and the boxed versions of said products on the bottom. Makes my life easier and makes filling up this grocery store a hell of a lot faster!
-->Okay -- once THAT was all done, it was time for the gang to spread out and get to work! And everybody had their specific jobs:
Smiler: Since we now had a fish fridge, I sent Smiler down to the fishing spot behind the store to angle for some big catches to fill it up! They managed to land a pufferfish and a tilapia to display above the fridge, and a betta to put in it -- it's a start!
Alice: Her thing today was bulk food processing and canning -- specifically, I had her make some more canned green beans and green peas to fill in a couple of gaps on the shelves, then move onto making jars of meat substitute for the discerning vegetarians who may come by. Gotta have something for everyone, after all! :)
Victor: Victor started out making perfumes, in "Focused" (bluebell) and "Playful" (daisy) scents, which (along with another bottle of the deodorizing scent) got him to level 2 of the Perfumery skill and allowed him to make "Happy" and "Energizing" scents if he so wished. However, his REAL job was to head upstairs and start Copypastoing everything that could be Copypastoed. XD Because while I DO actually want them to make some of the stuff they sell themselves, I am not above using Victor's magic to make the process easier on them and me. Victor's such a skilled spellcaster now that he's basically in no danger of the spell failing, even when he gets to a pretty heavily charged state -- and hey, I found out during this Copypasto spree that he can in fact copy the plates of raw meat Alice brings back from her hunts! So THAT is going to be freaking handy! :D
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