#bunch of chores
insomniiuh · 6 months
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✨ ryan
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yumedoca · 1 month
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Some Lum studies based on her expressions from the love potion movie...
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microtyalm13 · 6 months
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goddess Deapaix. save me giant eldritch being... save me...
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ave-immaculata · 8 months
okay girlies do we have any advice on pmdd beyond birth control or therapy?
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Turns out I'm a winged human
Idk what that means exactly
And even though it's foggy, nothing has felt this clear. Ever.
So I'm questioning everything else I thought I was. My identity is crumbling
But something new is rising. And it makes so much more sense.
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riverfish-jpg · 9 months
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <333
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diverbots · 1 year
So, what you think is Max and Genji opinion of their husbands brothers??
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fictionadventurer · 9 months
By the Shores of Silver Lake was my least favorite Little House book as a kid, and upon starting the reread, I could see why. Earlier books had Laura as a child observer--not engaging in or totally understanding the wider world of the adults, but still engrossed in the simple joys of childhood. In this book, Laura is neither child nor adult--she's too old to play like a child, but she's too young to take an active part in adult life, so she's stuck in this awkward middle ground.
Yet as the book went on, I started to see that that was the point. This book is about growing up, about being on the brink of adulthood and trying to hold onto childhood while also becoming someone new. Laura's growing-up is paralleled with the "growing up" of the country around her. Both the old and the new ways of life have their benefits and their downsides, and Laura has to figure out how to hold onto the best of both.
The prairie is beautiful, wondrous, free. Laura would love to just roam forever, always traveling west, always seeing new places. She doesn't want to marry, doesn't want to teach school, doesn't want anything to change about her way of life. But one can't stay a child forever. Eventually, the infinite possibility of childhood has to turn into the definite identity of adulthood. She has to take responsibility and settle down. The arrival of the town brings that adult life to the prairie, and in doing so, it destroys the innocent wonders of nature--the majestic wolves lose their home, the buffalo are gone, and the ducks no longer land at Silver Lake. Laura has to wrestle with this--is childhood, for herself and the prairie, gone forever? Does she have to let go of childlike wonder and embrace the mundane responsibility of adult life?
This theme is resolved when Laura finds Grace in the buffalo wallow. It's a place of impossible magic and beauty, a carpet of fragrant violets hidden away from the world with butterflies flying overhead, so perfect it seems like a fairyland. Of course Grace, the innocent child, is the one who was able to find it. When Laura asks Pa about it later, he explains that the "fairies" that made this magical ring were buffalo. There's a mundane explanation for the phenomenon, but that doesn't destroy the wonder and beauty of the place--adult knowledge enhances, rather than destroys childlike wonder. The buffalo might be gone, but there's still beauty left behind. Laura can move forward into the future and know that there are still wonders to find. She can be an adult and still maintain a childlike wonder, can take responsibility and still find comfort in the safety of home and family.
This thematic resonance made so much about the book so much deeper. It's the message of the entire series distilled into story form. Remember the past, children, but go forth boldly into the future. It's a message much easier to see with an adult's eyes, so I'm so glad I gave this book another chance.
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yonpote · 5 months
I really need to know the progress ppl have made on The Rules, what do you remember??
oh the old paper they had in manchester? honestly no idea but i dont think there had been any developments on that front for quite some time TT_TT
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enswbl · 2 months
it's truly just me and this ancient copy of photoshop cs5 which i acquired completely legally back in 2010 and have been using ever since against the world at the moment
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neonsbian · 11 months
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stinkrascal · 1 year
good morning my beautiful wonderful mutuals (it’s 2pm)
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agentvalentine · 5 months
Look at me I did 4 whole replies on here AND a post about Brad. We're thriving.
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goldenharmony · 7 months
People are really acting like Sokka's sexism arc was the "Zuko redemption arc" of unlearning sexism and its kinda annoying lol 😭
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coquelicoq · 6 months
having one of those days where i think i can just decide that my period is over and it annoyingly keeps reminding me that that's not how it works. okay. what if it was though. can we just agree to disagree? my period can keep happening if it wants to, but not to me. i didn't consent. i didn't opt in. you can do whatever you want but don't make it my problem.
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