#burger promotion video
buffetlicious · 5 months
Oishii! McDonald’s Singapore just released two new Yakiniku Burgers last Thursday. One day before the official launch, a vending machine was installed at Plaza Singapura to dispense free burgers but only for just one day (24th April 2024) and while stock last.
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Asking mum not to cook dinner last Friday, I detoured to McDonald’s after work to order two different sets of the yakiniku burger. Mum got her Yakiniku Crispy Chicken Special (S$9.90) with Potato Wedges and I changed her carbonated drink to a hot Cappuccino (top up S$1). The burger came with a crispy chicken patty paired with luscious yakiniku sauce, caramelized onions, crunchy shredded white cabbage and lettuces, hugged by semolina buns. I asked mum how she liked her meal and she said it was good.
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As for myself, I went with the Yakiniku Beef Special (S$9.90) with Potato Wedges and changed my gassy drink to a small Iced Green Tea (add S$0.75). Instead of chicken, mine had a slice of 100% Quarter Pounder beef and the same toppings but they are less generous with yakiniku sauce though. The semolina buns are soft & fluff and the shredded cabbages plentiful but the beef patty is on the dry side due to not enough of the savoury sauce.
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I also picked up two Taro Custard Pies which normally cost S$1.80 each but as an add-on to the set meal cost me only S$1.20 each. Of all the McDonald’s pies I have devoured, this yam and custard combination is the best so far. Warm and crispy on the outside while the sweet filling is both creamy yet earthy at the same time.
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Top two images and video courtesy of McDonald’s Singapore.
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kingdomoftyto · 1 year
I'm crying laughing, the DVDs are even worse than I remember... Season 1's menus are silent with a single static jpg of the same key character art they use for everything else, and the episodes on the Season 2 discs don't even match what's listed on the box! Absolutely stunning lack of shits given. Truly unparalleled. But I really shouldn't be surprised given... well... everything about how this series has been treated since the very beginning.
Time for a quick ~✨PHANDOM HISTORY LESSON✨~ to give newer/less hyperfixated folks more context for why the graphic novel being as great as it is is such a HUGE deal:
Danny Phantom was one of Nickelodeon's MAIN cartoons, in its time. It was a central pillar. One of the top three or four of their lineup, which is saying something when the competition includes the cultural juggernaut that is Spongebob.
Despite this, and despite its superhero theming making it perfectly marketable, it got basically ZERO official merch.
What little we did get was often ugly and very, very cheap. The dedication at the start of the graphic novel that jokes about collecting the Burger King toys? That's because it was some of the most notable merch the franchise EVER had. (I sadly do not have any of it. There was no BK in my hometown. Here's a pic from the internet, though, to give you an idea.)
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If you think I'm exaggerating about that being the most significant physical merch to come out of the series, consider that the first video game had an entire menu option specifically for the Burger King promotional tie-in:
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That video game, by the way, was one of only two ever based on the show. The first was an adaptation of "The Ultimate Enemy" in the style of a short sidescrolling beat-em-up, and the second was themed around "Urban Jungle" and (as far as I can tell--I've only played the first couple levels) was an arcade-style scrolling shooter. Both were for the Gameboy Advance, and both are...... fine, as far as cash-grabby video game tie-ins to kids' shows go. This was pretty normal for the time, so I suppose we did okay in that department, actually. They're not GOOD, but they're playable and have at least a bit of effort put into them.
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But besides those two video games (plus a handful of simple, long-defunct Flash games on nick.com)? In the decade and a half since the show ended?
No books, no games, no comics, no web shorts--unless you count mega-crossovers with every other Nicktoon (a la Nicktoons Unite), or soulless promotional material like "Fairly Odd Phantom" (which, trust me, despite being the first new DP animation in over 10 years was not even worth the effort of watching).
...I think there was a limited edition FunkoPop once?
So yeah.
A Glitch in Time is not just the first cool, well-made thing we've seen from the franchise in a while. It's the first THING we've seen since the show. PERIOD. And arguably the first worthwhile supplementary material to EVER come out of the show, depending on how you feel about those GBA games and the Nicktoons crossovers.
This franchise is widely beloved even now, almost 20 years after it first aired, and it feels like that fact is now, finally, FINALLY getting some official recognition.
PLEASE read A Glitch in Time. Tell other people about it. The series--no, the fans--deserve this (and more of this, if the folks in charge see enough of a response and decide to grace us with any followup). It's LONG overdue, but better late than never.
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oleworm · 4 months
I keep coming back to this film being highly symbolic. The first three deaths at Burgers Burgers Burgers may be less personal but that does not mean that they are unconnected. Through Benson’s eyes, the burger joint signifies a place of inappropriate and violent sexuality.
(Thank you to @saintathelstan for posting the screenshot of the ominous sign, "Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.")
Chris represents the aggressive and dominating sexuality of the young male as informed by pornography and hypermasculine culture, who asserts himself by sexually humiliating other men and flaunting his access to women, while as a character Jess exists to be a sexual object, a prop to reinforce Chris’s masculinity, with the way she drapes over him and laughs at all his jokes, encouraging his violation of Randy. Even her costume—short skirt, boots and fishnets—is part of the stock characterisation of the harlot.
Hardy, the manager, holds a position of authority but does nothing to stop the bullying and watches pornographic videos on the job—he does this the second that Randy leaves his office, a moment after he has offered him praise and a promotion. His sexuality is that of the voyeur. He does not participate, but instead allows various acts of misconduct. His introductory scene characterises his unwillingness, obfuscated as incompetence, to stop Chris from groping and rubbing against Jess in the middle of a work meeting. The boundaries of the workplace, of what is appropriate and inappropriate, are blurred under his supervision. And later we see that he was dressed in similar manner to Benson’s teacher.
The one who survives the ordeal is Randy, who in Benson’s perspective remains untouched by the mediocrity and filth of their surroundings.
Now, in real life, workplace relationships do happen, and who hasn’t had a boss that was kind of a sleaze. What is interesting is that all of this is established within a few minutes of the film. That there is such a focus given to these details.
To Benson, whose trauma is of a sexual nature, it makes sense that these details would stand out from the others. Their boss is a pervert, there are two people almost having sex in front of everyone, and finally Randy is orally assaulted, if not sexually then in a way that is intentionally suggestive of sexual assault. The impressions accumulate until he snaps, in an almost Smerdyakovian manner (see Dostoyevsky’s passage about the contemplative peasant).
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artemispt · 3 months
Carlos has a burger restaurant! He created it with a group of friends. (Video has captions)
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The first post is from one year ago… Why he didn’t promote it? 😅
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isa-loves-you · 1 year
Telling People, You're a couple. | The Group Chat Head canons | Pt.2
Soft willy- you and nick have been dating for almost 2 months now. It's still crazy to you that you have this man, I mean come one look at him he is the definition of what everyone wants to be or be with. respectful, good height, nice built, the funniest person you have ever met, sweet and caring nick was all these things; which is why you were kinda scared of telling people you were a couple.
It's not like you were the most horrible person to look at but you in your mind you just thought you were okay nothing special just your average joe, but to nick you were the most beautiful person he'd ever met so of course he wanted to show everyone how special he is to have you in his life. Ever since you guys started dating he's been trying to get your approval to tell his fans but you still felt a little anxious on the idea so nicked eventually stopped asking to respect your decision. 
One day you and nick were at a burger place eating lunch talking about his new album. “I don't know what I really want for the cover but I was kinda thinking if you would be able to pose for it?” Nick said looking hopeful at you “Nick I don't know, what if people connect the dots? I'm already on most of the tracks. It would be weird if I am also on the cover.”. He had to admit it would be kinda obvious but that was the whole point, he was happy that you were there to help accomplish the album and it would just be even more awesome if he got to see your face on the front of it all
“Here your refill sir” the waitress interrupted yours and nick conversation with a smile “oh thanks” “if you need anything, and i mean anything else just let me know” the waitress was basically eye fucking nick while saying her little beg of attention from nick. This mad you fucking livid like who  does she think she is talking to a random man like this and in front of his girlfriend out of all people.
“Thanks but i'm good” Nick let out an uncomfortable laugh while trying not to look at her anymore. You had to admit this girl was pretty but you were definitely better looking than her and that's all you needed in the moment to make a decision that went against your words. “You know what?I will pose for the cover "what do i have to hide” for the rest of the day. Nick couldn't stop thanking you and asking if you were sure about this but you already agreed and can't go back on it now.
Two weeks later you and Nick were drinking and  trying to think of all the different types of ways to take pictures. Since the songs on the album were based off of video games more specifically the games you could only play on the Nintendo DS you came up with  the idea of taking them on a DS. After three hours  later you and Nick finally captured the right picture to put on the album.
A couple of days passed, and Nick had posted the cover as a promotion which was the picture of you on a DS with a bold light blue font that read “Digital Dreams”. 
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(This is sorta what I was going for. obvious if you don't like it you can totally imagine something else. Also credit to whoever these beautiful people are , I am jealous.)
In the caption of the post Nick had credited all the people who worked on the album including you but did it a completely different way. “I also want to thank my amazing partner for helping me throughout the process and even being on the album front and in the song @ ur username  i love you.”
You were surprised at the amount of people who were so supportive of you guys, of course there were some people who weren't, but you couldn't care. You were just happy that Nick was happy.
Larry-  you were getting some food for you and Larry because he said he hasn't eaten all day. You and Larry have been dating for almost a month and it was the best thing that has happened to you in a while. Everyday with him was so much fun and the group was accepting of you for dating their friend.
You had gotten him and you something small because Nick and Tanner wanted you and Larry to go with them to dinner later but since Larry didn't eat you just grabbed something while you were out so he wouldn't be so hungry later. You had stepped into the house looking for Larry but he was in his room doing the podcast with the others.
You knocked on his door which he called out for you to open “dude you didn't have to do that thank you so much” “no problem it wasn't a bother to me”. You walked up to his desk to set the food down “hi everyone” you waved to all of the boys in the call which they waved back. 
You stood there for a couple more minutes talking to them before you left to go be on your phone and leave them back with their work. Almost 45 minutes later Nick, Larry, and Tanner came out so you guys could go to dinner and have a fun night out. 
You woke up the next morning in Larry's bed since you didn't want to drive home  last night. You see Larry at his desk looking at the podcast comments, you walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder “so do they love me” you let out a small laugh. “They love you alright, it seems like they love you more than me” “well in that case switch me jobs, i would love to make dumb jokes all day “. you guys shared a laugh and a few more while looking at the comments. You were glad that the people who loved him were happy that he was with you.
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albeitinzane · 7 months
sooo i'm watching james somerton's apology video (an unlisted reupload because i do not want to give him money!) and i'm only 2:31/43:01 in but i already have so many thoughts about how manipulatively worded this video is so i thought i'd make a blog post about it, maybe see what some other people thought.
james tries to frame himself as a wellmeaning, albiet privledged, white cis gay man. he tries to say that he was trying to be a voice for the queer community because he wanted to uplift more marginalized members of the queer community. i think this is inherently false.
the way james repeatedly presented himself to his audience was that he was the only person talking about the issues he was discussing (while stealing other people's words, but we'll come back to that in a second). he literally said "people thought i was crazy until i explained it and then they came around to seeing it my way" (maybe he didn't say it exactly that way, i'm paraphrasing, but you get my point). him trying to say that this is not what he did is so obviously untrue. he DID do that. multiple times. he propped himself up as the only gay creator talking about the issues he discussed, and rarely promoted other queer content creators. if he wanted to be a spokesperson for the queer community, he would have at least mentioned other queer people who talked about issues he found important, rather than just stealing their content and reposting it as his own. it's disingenuous to call himself a spokesperson when he never highlighted the people he was supposedly speaking for.
it wouldn't be bad, per se, if james was actually trying to be a spokesperson for the queer community, though i think that even if that motivation were true, it'd still be misguiding. while allyship from more privileged members of the community is important, it feels like a bit of a white savior complex for him to claim that he wanted to be a spokesperson for the queer community. plenty of other people are much more qualified to be spokespeople for the queer community, and i personally think that if the queer community did have a spokesperson, it would make more sense for them to be a black trans woman instead of a cis white gay man.
and back to the stealing part. if you wanted to be a spokesperson for a community, you'd respect them. you'd credit their work. you'd make it clear where you were quoting them, and you'd promote their content, not just the content you're citing or borrowing from, but other things that they create that you find meaningful or interesting. james never did this. if someone made an intelligent article about queerness in media, he wouldn't promote it. he'd steal it, and use it along with some stock footage with an intro he bought to make a video where the only acknowledgement the article would receive is a vague "based on" credit, assuming they'd get anything at all.
so, no. i don't believe james is telling the truth. he had many opportunities to come clean. he was called out before, and instead of being honest, he chose to lie. and i hope that the best job that he can find in the future is being a fry cook at burger king, where he can experience just a tiny taste of the exploitation that he utilized to make thousands of dollars off of small queer writers.
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battorlstuff · 1 month
Filling his Ego with my Jealousy
Hey, so inspiration just came I guess, do you think I should do more short stories like this, I hope you enjoy it…
I've been plotting this for a while, my stepbrother Alan is a jerk, he thinks he's better than me because he's hot and has all those muscles, I hate his fucking attitude, but most of all I hate that it's true I'm so jealous of the fucker. I hated the idea of ​​having to move in with him, seeing his muscles every day, the cocky asshole sure spends his time shirtless to show off his slim sexy physique. While I'm the fat pig, the laughing stock of the family, of school, of his friends…fuck I wish Alan was the fat one…one day watching him eat a burger I had an idea, and for the first time I was glad to live with him.
It wasn't necessary to find Alan's weak spot, I would create a weak spot for him, a little tobacco and some more ground up drugs, that was all I needed.
I started by putting some of the powder in the food and ordering from that restaurant that he likes so much, Alan would come home from the gym and eat what was on the table, but I hated that the process was so slow, plus Alan didn't eat it all, sometimes he doesn't even seem hungry. So I got rid of all the other food, any food that was healthy, so my stepbrother would have no choice but to eat junk food, but there was something else, I needed Alan to stop working out, to stop burning those precious calories and for those muscles to atrophy and lose their strength, so the sound of the blender while Alan was making his protein shake gave me an idea.
The idiot had a predictable schedule and routine, all I had to do was put an appetite-stimulating powder in his protein powder, so when he drank it before going to the gym he would have about 5 minutes until it took effect.
I smiled from the window as I watched Alan writhe in hunger and run back home, obviously the table was set, full of burgers, cakes, pizza, fried chicken, milkshakes, bacon, the idiot came and sat down without thinking about what he was doing, about the shitty food he was putting into his beautiful body.
Every day the effect accelerated, every day Alan prepared his backpack at the same time to go to the gym or to football practice, he came out with his tight tank top, tighter and tighter, he prepared his protein shake and then I set the table full of food, I went back to my room and left when I heard Alan sit down. There he was, I recorded him, I took pictures, I saw him swallow every damn thing, I loved seeing him like a pig devouring everything desperately, eating burgers in three bites, swallowing bacon, choking on milkshakes as if he hadn't eaten for weeks.
So I grabbed his computer, the arrogant asshole made an onlyfans full of pictures of his beautiful body, not knowing Alan's account was suddenly full of pictures and videos of his downfall, his progress, his new fans? Well I promoted the account to all the fat guys Alan had annoyed and soon with that money I got more and more to keep fattening him up, and at the same time he was publicly humiliated, while they would see his downfall, how he went from a sexy stud to a fucking disgusting obese pig.
The first thing to go were his abs, to my delight, then his pecs hung like two bags filled with fat, they started hanging over his belly, then his belly button and well let's just say that if it weren't for all those rolls of fat his mobs would reach his ankles… his biceps and triceps were gone, only some obese arms full of stretch marks remained, his legs, I can't even see them under the shadow of his belly, although I can assure you that they are fat, beyond fat, it's hard for him to get up.
"Take that you damn idiot…" I celebrated from the shadows watching his belly while he looked at himself in the mirror as if he was about to burst into tears, he was all messy , even his efforts to stand up, that's right, the arrogant Adonis had to make a tremendous effort to get up and walk.
"uhjhggg….pfffggg. mfgggg…" was all that could be heard in the videos as he trembled from the effort and his face was red, he was sweating profusely and he fell back onto the couch exhausted, huffing and puffing.
I would love to say it was a slow process, but it was actually quick, a few months and he was done, I guess his muscular body was so used to constant physical activity, exercise and those long routines in the gym and football that the absolute cessation of any effort made Alan downwards. Maybe that was my fault too, I mean I think I should have stopped sprinkling that tobacco dust on his food or was it the appetite stimulant? Anyway, Alan was more than addicted, his hands shook as he put food in his mouth, he spent his days in the living room, he slept there, he ate there, he only got up to go to the bathroom, but he forgot to shower, his hair became greasy and his teeth yellowed, his skin was full of acne and pimples, not only his face, but his flabby ass and his moobs, Alan looked disgusting, Alan was ugly?!!! He was more than ugly!! That made me more than happy.
Was this really my stepbrother? Even I sometimes have a hard time recognizing it, I spent so many years looking at his muscles, that my mind doesn't connect those memories with the fat pig that now lies on the floor panting and sweating while choking on lasagna.
"HEY FUCKING FATMAN" I say, I'm always glad to see him, to see what I did to him, to see how the cocky jock he once was ended up like this, he took the camera and I approach him with a bucket of fried chicken.
He looks at me with hatred and resentment as I feed him, I just laugh because Alan keeps eating, he can't stop anymore, he can't go back to being the stud he used to be, if anyone ever believes he was.
I love seeing him like this, so weak and useless, broken, I force him to look at himself in the mirror while he eats and he starts crying like a baby, I don't care if I'm still fat, I just care that Alan is ruined and obese, well at least I can walk without help, Alan can't even lift his fat arms to take out the fried chicken.
"That's right, eat fatso… you're not so arrogant anymore, huh?"
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angelicsoka · 3 months
everything you need to know about in between!
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( angelicsoka, 2024 )
NAME ada sylvie evans
NICK NAMES bubba, bubs, & A
BIRTHDAY 25th of january
ZODIAC aquarius
FACECLAIM mikey madison
CURRENT AGE 19 years old
PRONOUNS & SEXUALITY she/her & bisexual
HOMETOWN des moines, iowa
EDUCATION high school diploma
PIERCING & TATTOOS conch, lobes, helix & a cluster of sparkles on her right thigh
QUALITIES bubba is pretty introverted when you first meet her. she tends to blossom into her extrovert-like personality over time. due to this, bubba is more of a loner. she'd rather keep to herself, spending her time reading and watching movies. she grew up an only child, so she is pretty use to the quiet life she is living. she yearns to be more confident and not care so much about pleasing people or having them like her.
LIKES & HOBBIES reading, watching movies and shows, listening to music, swimming, horseback riding, collecting funko pops & figurines, building legos, & traveling
DISLIKES spiders & wasps!!, loud places, driving in unfamiliar places, going somewhere unfamiliar, harassment
MENTAL HEALTH diagnosed with major depression disorder & generalized anxiety
MOVIE revenge of the sith
TV SHOW psych
FICTIONAL CHARACTERS louise belcher, ahsoka tano, & padmé amidala
SONG view between villages by noah kahan
VIDEO GAME resident evil 6 & red dead redemption 2
BOOK bird box by josh malerman
ARTISTS noah kahan & radio company
ANIMALS horses & deer
FOODS & DRINKS steak, red velvet cupcakes, & water, powerade, fruit punch
PEOPLE luke hughes, cole caufield, & her mother
MOVIE live action little mermaid & bambi II
TV SHOW bob's burgers
FICTIONAL CHARACTERS ahsoka tano, okoye, & shawn spencer
SONG call your mom by noah kahan
VIDEO GAME red dead redemption 2
BOOK carrie by stephen king
ARTISTS we three & hozier
ANIMALS horses
FOODS & DRINKS ice cream & chocolate milk
PEOPLE quinn hughes and her father <3
bubba's father helps open casinos all over the united states, her mother is best selling author.
luke coins her the nickname "bubba" as she chews hubba bubba gum all. the. time.
she lived in des moines, iowa until she was ten, because her father was promoted to the position he is in now.
she has lived in new york, san diego, tampa, and most recently, las vegas.
her mother is a stay at home mom, spending her free time writing mystery & horror novels.
although bubba is loved dearly by her parents, they weren't always around and when they were, they were busy with work or stressed out.
bubba took to horseback riding in her free time, which she had a lot of.
bubba wasn't the happiest about moving to michigan, but her mind quickly changed when she saw the house and the view.
bubba has one ex boyfriend named sebastian nicks.
bubba hates taking her antidepressants because they make her feel numb. she'd rather feel sad and hopeless than numb.
bubba's anxiety makes it hard for her to talk to people or do the things she really wants to do ( ie. concerts, dating, going to the movies )
bubba is OBSESSED with star wars because when she was little, her dad would sit with her to watch the movies
she has met ewan mcgregor, hayden christensen, mark hamill, and carrie fischer (rip 🕊️)
padmé amidala and leia organa have been her role models since she was kid. she even wrote a paper on them for her fifth grade english class.
whenever she is feeling down, bubba's father will try his best to find time to watch the movies with her. he will go buy all her favorite foods and they will stay up all night having movie marathons.
if her father can't, luke will step up and do it for him <3
takes place in the summer of '23
people who will stay at the hughes' lake house during the duration of this fic will include: the hughes bros ( duh. ), trevor zegras, cole caufield, ethan edwards, mark estapa, luca & adam fantilli, elias pettersson, brock boeser, and possibly more!
other people to appear include: nico hischier, sebastian nicks ( oc ), curtis lazar, john marino, and possibly more!
luke honestly sucks at talking to girls in this fic... especially bubba.
more info set to come at a later date!
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masonic-critical · 11 months
x - Double Toasted Interview Pre-Helluva Boss Prouction
Seeing vivzie flub her numbers and mouth over her """team""" within this video is very telling.
"40 or 50 people or so I think i would have to check and make sure on discord--we have sorta 10-ish people in my core team with my animators. I'm a main compositor with my friend while my background artist and cleanup team of 15 or so is just so-big it's so Huge its so large! We have so many people working on this project and just handling with so many key components over backgrounds and key framing the lip syncs, my background artists doing so much work. I feel like and hope people will really stay on"
Interviewee Joke: 'Oh how many animators do I have [again], no-oh god no!!!'
It's insane to think Helluva Boss has over 80+ animation credits which is definitely not a good thing. It's one thing in industry to have a large studio but it's another thing of collaborating artists coming and going to work on an ongoing series is not a good thing to flaunt. Even if your show has won two independent animation awards you should take pride over producing to actually make something good instead of flaunting the fact that you acknowledge the bare minimum of abuse, rape, misogyny, supremacy, classism, sexism, or gender critical writing fails face first in every episode.
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Her favorite movies being Cat's Don't Dance/Who Framed Roger Rabbit and referencing BoJack Horseman even referencing that they anthropomorphize their themes being prejudice and STORYTELLING DEVICES, so what story is Helluva Boss even telling right now???? She claimed to even want to write about dark themes and mature adult topics about prejudice and yet has nothing to show for it after 6 years of nothing burger that is Helluva Boss and Hazbin Production :/
She fully admits that patreon and merch hauls fund hazbin/helluva production and that she fully handles the patreon money herself she budgets to push towards 'Hazbin' to 'Pay her small team'. She wanted to try to promote a Kickstarter over the pilot pre-A24 pickup before she made it big-time which is weird to hear when she didn't even have hazbin finished while boarding out 4 episodes of helluva bosses' first season. Even if it was supposed to allegedly be a 1 season show only. It's weird to try to discern which show she's trying to elaborate/talk about which one.
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X - Evidence of the promotional videos for Helluva Boss/Hazbin. Strangely enough it has always been together instead of separated meaning she was attempting to garner hype for her series through Helluva Boss Merchandising and attempting to cyphen even more money over small Hazbin merchandising.
X - Here is Vivs' patreon promo earlier before the Hazbin pilot. Discussing how much she wanted to have a bigger budget at the time to fund her animation. Talks about Zoophobia Reboot and there has never been discussion since. Originally charged 10$ for private qna's. 50$ for discord access calls, unsure if this is still a Patreon feature. Also unsure over the 100$/500$ speeddraw commissions she promo'd... There is another production patreon she teases that holds nothing beside the Vivziepop name.
The show being placed upon rehabilitation and redemption despite the focus only being towards 'A Disney/Tim Burton Princess in Hell' goes to show that she had no direction of where she wanted to take Angel or Charlie. Charlie always being based on a porcelain doll? Greek/Religious Context/Egyptian mythology where???
"The best animation in it, is not done by me"
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Within full admission of her nervous attitude without naming anyone within her team and just referred to everyone as 'My team/Crew' is very telling of how humbling she really even is.
Thr 'Yotta' she refers to is in reference to Studio Yotta, Helluva Boss is funded and produced alongside Horseless Cowboy with Horvitz towards the Casting Direction, meaning she's been funded with a major video game industry since day 1 of Helluva Bosses' production ergo, Vivziepop/Spindlehorse/Vivienne Medranno has never been independent in her entire production malpractice. She stated to be aware and know of wanting to work under SAG is very intriguing given that since Moxxie has been absent for half of season 2 its probably due to Richard striking as my best guess to the messy writing of broken railroad tracks that was supposed to be Helluva Boss production.
While it is one thing to have connections in industry to connect and come together and credit within your artists and studios, Vivzie does not have a studio. The merch sales/Patreon/YouTube QnA's directly go towards paying her animators, voice actors, and production management but not at all a 'Studio' she promotes herself as. All animation work and shots are handled through Discord and emails online this has been proven time and time again.
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The fact that the pilot has been pushed aside so much over Helluva Boss and not a genuine interest to have redemption or care and love within the disguised nightmare that is Helluva Bosses' writing. She loves to flaunt demonology and love towards hell of aesthetics with demons/monsters she fails to actually represent the actual Demons of folklore/hell world building in HB leaves me to be worried... That she discredits actual Demon culture by stating
'I don't know have you seen one? They don't exist its just been human mysticism, Demons can be anything. Have you been to Hell?' Without realizinf she will fail to depict the Lord of the Flies as Gluttony....
"--It might not ever happen to work together with [Ke$ha] professionally would be a dream honestly. --The next Ke$ha song I want to animate is either is going to be official or is something that she wrote for one of MY projects or something"
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She did and she made her state 'There's like, a rainbow inside my vagina.' Wooow so professional, "Cotton Candy" so originally produced to be so professionally Disney-Grade. The fact that she halted and couldn't release season 1's full finale due to having Ke$ha break her contract with legal battles and corporate music industry bindings during the Dr. Luke 2016 trial, waiting until 2020 to finally release it within this year and have Lukewarm perception because Rose cannot even sing within the episode its a replacement actor to sing for her! She just wrote the bare minimum draft of a song to submit for you to animate! Time and time again viv just flaunts herself to throw herself out there over 'Look at my projects aren't they neat!" And then be a monster during production of hoarding artists to herself and trash talking/harboring a group of bullies within her 'Core Crew'.
"Zoophobia is my Childhood project, it had everything and it was a mess. It was the magic of a childhood story told by an adult because I was in college while working on it at the time. It's the incubation chamber for all of my projects now. When I go back to it, it will be a complete reboot but for now it's on the shelf.... I lost all passion for it but I love my characters in it."
... And yet she hasn't talked about the comic since Bad-Luck Jacks' animation release nearly 4 years ago? All merchandising she promotes is about Helluva Boss and barely anything towards Hazbin or Zoophobia which is supposedly 'In-Production' while these merchandising of stickers, pins, skateboards, switch cases, posters, sketchbooks covers of Demonic stickers, sexualized hornybait, racist and transphobic enamel pins that can't keep character skin colors correct, and puzzles because of course! All of which, is merchandising of HELLUVA BOSS!
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Vivziepop only views her characters as dollar signs. She still features her old Zoophobia designs within her Redbubble account goes to show how much profit she loves to make with other peoples' character designs.
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X X Evidence of the Above Statement with the character KiKi/Christine [Cherry Bomb] originally being from Zoophobia before redesigned into Hazbin
Zoophobia concepts of what we lost rambling from Viv herself....
An interview of 7 years I didn't get to discuss over
X - A Season 1 Helluva Boss poor promotional trailer trying to garner hype for the series acting as if it was telling a cohesive story with actual plot happening with little Stolas screen time. It makes me wonder if season 1 was an entirely different drive of writing thoughts and artist drafts compared to season 2's production.
X - Helluva Boss Season 2 promotional storyboard conception, Two years ahead of time and finally all the boards make sense for season 2 and there still is no eventual plot besides setting up Fizz and Ozzy over Belzebub and Tex or any returning season 1 villain akin to D.H.O.R.K. or Cherub/Verrosika and especially no sight of Moxxie and Millie development besides fight scenes.
It makes me think of however much season 3 will suffer to spiral into production.
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toonrandy · 6 months
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Today’s National Siblings Day and I’m celebrating with several drawings on this post!
1. First, Katie and Aaron Mitchell from The Mitchells vs. the Machines It’s Pony style!
2. Wendy and Maureen from The Sisters / Les Sisters, inspired by the cover of the first volume of the graphic novel series and promotional images for the animated adaptation!
3. Nate and Ellen Wright from Big Nate
4. Toto and Gal from the video game Lost in Play, which I enjoyed a lot!
5. Finally, Gene with Louise and Tina from Bob’s Burgers!
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buffetlicious · 6 months
McDonald’s Singapore, the local franchisee of the popular fast food brand has been actively developing new products for the Singapore mass market. This April, they give us the Creamy Mushroom Double Cheeseburger topped with juicy grilled mushrooms and swirls of rich black pepper mayo. There is even a Creamy Mushroom Triple Cheeseburger with three 100% cooked-to-order beef patties.
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I went with the Creamy Mushroom Double Cheeseburger Special (S$9.30) and changed my fizzy drink to a small Iced Milo (topped up S$0.85). The set meal itself also came with a side of Potato Wedges. As usual, the actual burger is kind of smallish and flat looking, nothing like the advertisement. But I love the juicy mushroom slices and that mildly spicy black pepper mayo over the beef patties. The combination of creamy and spicy mayo, earthy mushrooms and juicy beef really tick all the boxes in a burger.
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Time for a hot dessert. The Taro Custard Pie (S$1.80 each) delights me with chunks of sweet purple taro nestled in a creamy custard filling. The taro (yam) filling is so fragrant coupled with the custard and deep-fried crispy pastry makes this an enjoyable treat for me.
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Select image and video courtesy of McDonald’s Singapore.
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robo-ky888 · 8 months
The stickers for my laptop came in today and I couldn't be happier
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This gets to be the 3rd item I've infected with robo ky
This also means I bought every robo ky sticker on redbubble and now they're spread out amongst my stuff
Anyways, check out the artists for the stickers!
Ram burger: @mi5kl
Goldlewis peter:
Benadryl robo ky: https://x.com/blilff?t=FSMIwaODQ_Iw_abcCQtfHw&s=09
Robo ky getting shot and Rob 2:
Robo ky thumbs up:
This is me?:
Or GenieMirageXrd (I found a deviant art but it deactivated and nothing came up when I looked up the same thing on Twitter or tumblr)
Command grab:
Tbh omori:
Bocchi slug:
If anything went uncredited its because it was either from the game/promotional material (like the destroyed one) or I couldn't find a direct source for the artist (like the waiting for something to happen?)
Thank you all for the amazing art!
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datawyrms · 9 months
Truce time!
Hi @noxposting :v you got me as your secret gift giver. You get fic this year, because art and I look at one another with wary stares until the other backs down. Hopefully you enjoy it? I tried to add bits of multiple prompts but :v crypid danny going to a coffee shop won out. mostly. heh. On Ao3
Barista. Not exactly the pinnacle of anyone’s career, heck, many would call it a low point. Not Valerie though. She knew the real pits of food based service, thanks. It didn’t even involve food! That hideous mascot outfit reeked worse than a dumpster on a warm summer evening on a GOOD day; and anyone that saw you managed to treat you WORSE than that! Which was probably the whole point, when you got ‘promoted’ to cash or the grill you’d actually feel grateful. Seeing your face sure didn’t stop everyone from being the worst human they can be, but enough were too cowardly to be as rotten when the threat of spitting in their food was right there.
It didn’t help with the looks about someone ‘young’ working at a burger place so ‘soon’, and the next time someone asked if she should be in school on a Saturday was getting a special side seasoning of knuckles. If she didn’t need the money, she wouldn’t be working!
So yeah, in short? Getting hired at a coffee shop was a major step up from the Nasty Burger. Like, who calls a place Nasty Burger? She might not be the biggest fan of coffee either, but at least she wasn’t reeking of grease and having weird sauce explosion nightmares anymore. (The training videos about the Nasty sauce were ridiculous, there was no way you could legally keep something that explosive and give it to people to eat, why so graphic?)
Sure, fewer people from school dropped by here, but that was sort of a plus too. Even if it wasn’t as embarrassing to be seen working once free of mascot duty, it still didn’t feel great to watch how everyone else in class got to have fun while she worked for peanuts. Having some easy ways to slack off and chat a bit on slower days was nice though. Usually only bored old ladies wanted to chat here, and not about anything remotely interesting. 
Sam Manson was the only person she’d recognized today, but she didn’t really count. Valerie didn’t know what the goth girl’s deal was, but she always acted like she was trying to ‘steal’ her friend. Which yeah okay, she did date Danny for a bit, but it’s not like Sam even tried to date him first! Having more friends or romantic interests wasn’t going to kill the guy, seriously. In her opinion, Sam was way more likely to hurt Danny than she was. Maybe Sam should look at herself instead of getting all weirdo over-protective. Whatever. At least she didn’t make the same old person joke every single customer thought she never heard before. Paid, got enough sugar for her drink to reasonably be considered a soft drink, and left her alone. Easy.
Valerie got back to cleaning up her work area, there wasn’t more for her to accomplish just staring at the sitting area. The bell at the door would let her know if she had to turn around.
Which it did, twenty minutes later. It wasn’t Sam leaving, but some new guy wanting an order. Normal. Except Sam wasn’t sitting alone anymore. When had Danny got here? It wasn’t with Sam- she saw her come in alone. At the same time as new customer guy? Only if he could teleport. Pretty sure the Fentons didn’t have a magic teleporter invented yet, or there’d be way more weird ghost hunter home invasions.
She wasn’t staring. She wasn’t. Took an order, made it, put the cash in the register all without staring at the weirdness of a suddenly appearing ex. Totally.
Danny didn’t even do coffee! Why would he be here? You’d think someone so constantly tired would at least try coffee for the caffeine kick- but he acted like she suggested he stick his tongue in a blender when she asked if that’s what he kept in his thermos one day. Kind of a weird overreaction, but that was just Danny. It was kind of cute in a way, like he needed big reactions to get noticed at all. Considering his family though… she could get it.
If there weren’t more customers coming she might have gone over and asked if he wanted anything. Even if Manson would have been catty about it. She wasn’t scary, just loud.
Mostly people going to join the first guy who ordered. Friends meeting up, probably. Did it matter? No, but thinking about it gave her something to do as her feet got sore and staring while cleaning got boring.
Nosy friends. Sam wasn’t happy, judging by the death glares. Like she wasn’t ever loud with Danny or Tucker. Sheesh.
“Hey Val, can I get a water?”
She blinked once, twice. Danny had not gotten to the counter that fast. Without even making a sound against the slick tile floor. Yet there he was, shy half grin on his face, rubbing the back of his neck like he was asking for a big favour.
“Sure, but it’s gotta be in the dinky little cup. That alright?” It was a dumb policy, but that was jobs for you. What was he going to do with a coffee cup full of cold water, make ‘illegal tea’? Who cares?
“Totally. Thanks.” Danny’s grin grew, almost a bit too much for a guy getting a baby cup of tap water.
It was weird. The hairs on the back of her neck shouldn’t be acting up from Danny just being a bit of a goof over water. She forced the stupid feeling down as she handed over the drink and shook her brain back to reality. “No problem. Nasty Burger closed or something?”
“Nah. Tuck’s just grounded and Sam wanted to go somewhere that didn’t reek of cooking animals,” he said, adding playful air quotes to reek before taking the cup. “Those guys don’t seem like they’re locals, what do you think?”
“Listen, after like two hours you all look the same.” Valerie answered with an eye roll, earning another laugh from the boy. “I don’t think I’ve seen them here before though, no.”
“Elmerton, maybe?”
“Maybe? I don’t get paid enough to pay that much attention to them.” Valerie rubbed her forehead before looking at Danny again. Somehow he’d gotten even worse at making conversation! Who cares about some slightly noisy table group?
“We’d find out pretty quick if there was a ghost attack.”
Danny was joking, obviously, but it didn’t keep her from leaning over to hiss “Don’t you dare speak bad luck into my day, Fenton” under her breath.
“Okay, okay! I’m totally not doing that,” he held up his hands in mock surrender, but the easy smile stayed in place.
Sometimes she really wanted to strangle the stick of a boy. Ghosts weren’t funny! He knew that! Some were pathetic, but still not funny. “Good.”
Danny gave a little wave, nearly spilling the thimbleful of water that could fit in the sad little cup as he headed back to the looming thunderstorm that was Sam.
Maybe she was glaring as much as the goth was, she kept feeling the need to blink or rub at her eyes, but they didn’t feel dry. Weird. Her suit would warn her of any real danger from spectral pests, but she could do without randomly feeling really off for no reason.
Oh! She was just feeling weird because it wasn’t so loud anymore. That was all. The uncomfortable chill and too long shadows were just in her head. The noisy group kept looking around and fidgeting in their seats instead of just loudly saying everything and everything. Sam was comfortable enough, even if it looked like the light on her side of the room had died, leaving her and Danny lurking in shadows that kept creeping closer and closer to the other group- not literally.
She shook her head. She needed a break. Pushing back into the employee’s only section would give her a moment to drink some water and wake up before she started seeing things.
“Pushing it a bit? She totally almost caught you.”
“But she didn’t.” Danny pushed Sam’s comment away as he slid out of his seat. “Besides, I thought you wanted me to get ‘em to shut up a bit.”
“I did. You’re just being extra,” Sam rolled her eyes, watching the now quite cowed group of out-of-towners.
Danny gave a loose shrug, shoulders weirdly out of tune with the movement that should be all about them. “I’m hungry! No one local ever gets scared of easy stuff anymore,” his arm twitched as he spoke, a faint green twisting and twining through his skin. It seemed to thread through skin and muscle, pulsing and pulling bits from beneath before sliding back into smooth skin again, a secret no one was meant to really see.
Sam pointedly avoided looking at that arm. She didn’t try to tell him to be more careful again either.
Danny’s grin slid a bit too far to be comfortable on a human face before he moved closer to the group that kept looking for the door. “Hey. Did any of you guys see the light switch? It’s kind of dark here.”
It was dark in here. On a bright sunny day, with all the windows open. It shouldn’t be- but ghosts hardly cared about what ‘shouldn’t’ be. He wanted it to be dark- and his powers obliged. Eagerly, even. Happy, delighting that instead of squabbling and fighting with another ghost he was going to do what they were meant to do. Scare the daylights out of the living. Grab the feeling and emotion and life his own chest forgot how to feel some days. More and more often, lately.
“No? I-I didn’t really see anything.” The first person tried to answer back, failing to match Danny’s easy smile, leaning further back in his chair as Danny leaned forward, a tilt to his head.
“Really? Darn. Maybe one of you can help me out?”
It was funny. He was totally still ‘Danny Fenton’ right now, asking a very casual question in an easy way but everyone lurched back as if he asked to rip out their teeth. “I totally get it if you can’t though. I just have bad luck with switches.”
He reached out, arm twitching again in an awful, too loose way. Like he’d popped it out of his arm socket but it kept slowly reaching towards his target as it twisted and seemed to burn. Neon green scarring burst out from his fingertips and spread as he got closer and closer and flared into a painful glow as they screamed and tried to back away from him.
His friends didn’t do much better, scrambling away and abandoning their friend to the ‘terrifying thing’ casually just walking after him.
“What are you! Get back!”
Danny ignored the panicked pleading, only grinning as the others found the door to be locked. “Huh? I’m just a guy asking you for help?”
“No you aren’t! You-you-you’re some monster!”
His eyes flashed green as he put his twisted, burning, scarring arm to his chest. “A monster? Really?” The green scarring spread like the electricity that first caused it- the damage throwing his whole body into a sickly painful looking glow. “Is that what you see?”
His target tripped as he tried to escape, tangled in his own legs and shaking too much to really gain any ground even as Danny didn’t move above walking speed. “If I’m such a monster, how about you tell me how it feels?”
The shriek was enough to hurt his ears for a second as he reached forward and grabbed the unfortunate human, the rolling  green transferred over for only seconds before it leapt back to Danny, slowly fading back under his skin and taking all the horrific damage with it.
The doors had unlocked, letting all the others escape as he rocked on his heels, waiting for the one who’d passed out from sheer terror to get back up. It wasn’t as if he ACTUALLY felt how awful that day was. It was a fraction, a hint of his own memory. Not fatal. Just absolutely terrifying. 
“And Sam calls me dramatic.” Danny muttered, nudging them again with his foot before joining Sam back at the table. He could just say the others pranked him and left him if Valerie was annoyed at the unconscious person on the floor.
After all, it wasn’t as if any ghost was here. She’d know about an ‘attack’. He’d just gotten his own kind of snack.
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marimayscarlett · 3 months
did till try to be vegan???
Hi 👋🏻
I'm not totally familiar with Till's diet, but since he apparently really likes to hunt and fish, I think it's save to say that he's not vegan 😅
But: He has promoted the vegan lifestyle twice! In 2021 and 2022, Till advertised for the food manufacturer 'LikeMeat', once dressed as Andy Warhol and once dressed as Karl Lagerfeld, both times eating a plant based burger in the ad video - the Andy Warhol video was most likely inspired by Andy's art movie 'Andy Warhol's eating a Hamburger' from 1982. I can imagine that the thought process could have been "If the meat lover Till Lindemann can manage to eat a plant-based burger, then you can too" 😅
The goal was to drawn attention to Veganuary, an initiative by LikeMeat, which meant not eating meat for the whole month January. Here are two articles about it: x x
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p5x-theories · 4 months
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What We Know About Bui
(last updated 9/24/24!)
A woman that Wonder plays an online game with, codename Bui, who uses the name “YUI” in their game. Her real name is eventually revealed in her Confidant to be Musubi Matsukata. She joins the team as a “Phantom Idol”, or cognitive teammate.
Her Japanese voice actress is Chika Anzai.
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YUI is a Confidant of Wonder's, though exactly what the earliest point it becomes available at is unclear, as she was added in a later update. Her Confidant focuses on the video game she and Wonder play together, which seems to be an open-world MMO, and the farm they create in it together. She seems to have trouble connecting with people, but becomes close with Wonder. More information about YUI’s Confidant can be found here.
YUI also had a special animated promo video focused on her.
Wonder eventually meets her in the real world, and they go to Boom Bang Burger together. While Musubi at first worries that maybe this is weird, because he's a high schooler and she's an adult, and he probably wasn't expecting that (and she wasn't either), Wonder doesn't seem to mind hanging out with her. They get the biggest burger on the menu to split, and after they eat, Musubi mentions she's an employee at an IT firm in Shibuya. Her parents have a farm that's an hour away from the nearest train station, so her options were either becoming a farmer too, or moving to the city to work. She chose the latter, because she hates bugs, but she misses farming sometimes.
Her Confidant rewards speed up the growth rate of Wonder's garden plants in the real world, and eventually give him a chance to get seeds back upon harvesting them.
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YUI is somewhat airheaded and excitable, but is extremely familiar with the game world. When Wonder first meets her, she offers him basically whatever amount of in-game money he wants for the free land he got as part of a new player promotion. Instead, he suggests they try sharing the land, and turn it into farmland, which YUI becomes very excited about.
Her overenthusiasm can be a bit overwhelming, especially when working with her. She gets a gigantic tanklike tractor for them to use to prepare the field, nearly loses control of the powerful water hose she uses to water their plants, and fires fertilizer at the plants as if launching a cannon. In the market area, Wonder encounters another person who says he used to know YUI, but her over-the-top behavior and ditzy personality pushed him away. YUI later acknowledges this happens to her sometimes when she interacts with people, and it seems to bother her, though she tries not to let that on too much.
YUI's also very distraught when their in-game fields are destroyed by pests, and doesn't log into the game for quite a while, leaving Wonder to tend the fields and drive off the pests himself. Her reactions heavily suggest she blames herself when something goes wrong, and doesn't deal well with problems that (at least at first glance) feel insurmountable. Her avoidance likely also ties into her impulsiveness- unsure what to do, she almost immediately decides to leave, without taking any time to consider alternatives. However, when she comes back and sees all of Wonder's hard work, she finds a new determination, suggesting she'll try to be better about this in the future.
For these reasons, she seems to really appreciate the protagonist sticking by her. He doesn't seem to have an in-game name, and doesn't want to give her his real name at first, so she calls him "Baron", and shares her troubles with him sometimes. She also seems to enjoy his willingness to try things in the game world, including indulging her farming excitement, and eventually asks if he'll meet "a friend of hers" at the Boom Bang Burger in Shibuya. Both YUI in-game and Musubi in the real world are insistent that they're not the same person, and refer to each other separately.
In the real world, Musubi is much more reserved and quiet, and generally seems tired. She mentions she often is too busy at work to eat dinner. She confirms that she doesn't have many friends ("and neither does YUI"), and that "YUI" really enjoys spending time with Wonder in the game. She seems to be a particular fan of potatoes, especially fries.
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Bui's Persona Apseudes (based on one of the sea-nymph Nereids, with her name meaning ‘she who never lies’) is categorized as an Electric type, and resists Electric while being weak to Ice.
Apseudes is a Resist Persona, meaning she’s good at targeting single enemies, and her trait gives her a chance to follow up a teammate, after they do damage, with an electric attack that increases the damage of the next electric attack to hit the target. Her first electric attack skill hits one enemy and has a chance to shock them (if they're shocked already, the attack's damage is increased), her second electric attack skill hits all enemies and does extra damage to one of them, and her support skill buffs Bui's attack, and selects a teammate to be her "playmate". The next time her playmate uses a Persona attack skill, Bui automatically follows up, then increases the damage of her next two follow ups. Her passive skills cause her follow up attacks to do more damage to shocked enemies, and buff both Bui and her playmate's critical rate whenever she has a playmate.
In combat, her melee weapon is wind and fire wheels (or possibly chakrams), while her ranged weapon appears to be some kind of laser blaster. Her Highlight is shown from 1:42 - 1:51 in this video, and it buffs Bui's attack and specifically her follow up, and guarantees she'll follow up any Persona skill attacks for one round.
Her recommended card sets are 1) 4 of Wands (Change) + Page of Coins (Growth), 2) 4 of Coins (Power) + Page of Coins (Growth).
The game recommends teaming her up with 1) Closer and Riddle, 2) Moko.
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stories-and-chaos · 6 months
Tarnished pt 19
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 19/?? Word count: 1081]
[Cw: arson, stalker behavior, burns, severe injuries, amputation]
Fizz was surprised by his win at the first clown contest, but Barb and the rest of their troupe weren’t. Most of the performers had come to give the young clown their support. Working with him for so long, they’d been confident he had it in the bag.
He barely had a chance to thank the audience for their support when Mammon whisked him backstage. The King of Greed wanted to sign the brand agreement as soon as possible. Cash, thrilled that his star performer’s image was soon going to be seen all over the Seven Rings, gladly joined them. Since Fizz was still a minor, Cash needed to co-sign as his guardian. There was a flurry of papers, pens, and lawyers saying “sign here, initial here, sign and date here, fill in your mother’s middle name here, print and then sign on this line.” When Mammon wanted something, he was quite efficient. Before half an hour had passed Fizz had a year long contract as Mammon’s new brand face.
Cash started to rethink the whole situation as he’d read the paperwork. There were a number of requirements that would take Fizz away from the circus, especially in the first couple months. Saying no to a Deadly Sin was impossible. The best he could do was insist to the young clown afterward, “You gotta get all this brand image shit done quick kid. We need your act back on the schedule asap.”
“You got it sir!” Fizz replied. “I can’t forget the troupe and all my fans here.” Mammon didn’t look pleased about that and decided to add a non-compete clause for the contract next year. He wanted his shiny new brand baby working for him and him alone.
“Good,’ Cash said as they headed back from the backstage office. “We’re all counting on you Fizzarolli.” For now Fizz had a meet and greet with the crowd. They wanted to find out more about this new talent and he wanted to thank all his new fans.
The next day, Mammon sent a car to bring Fizz before the teen even had a chance to eat breakfast. At least once he arrived, there was a small buffett of breakfast foods in Mammon’s office. He grabbed a couple pieces of toast, a sausage patty and cheese as a breakfast burger and was ready to work with his new benefactor on his brand.
There wasn’t much for Fizz to help decide however. Mammon had the theme (clowns and jesters) decided. They needed to decide which colors were best for Fizz, get his measurements and tailor costumes. Once the first couple costumes were ready, Fizz went through a whirlwind of promotional photo and video shoots.
Mammon had multiple products ready to go. They were mostly manufactured before the contest and just needed the pictures of his face. These included cereal, snacks, lunchboxes, drink containers, notebooks and body pillows. Within two weeks, the soft launch of Fizz-brand products was out. They weren’t done yet. Mammon wanted action figures, toys, bobble heads, hats, and clothing in the Fizz-brand theme for starters. The young imp spent a full week in a black morph suit with dozens of white markers attached to get full body scans in a multitude of poses. Another week was spent with a grid of markers attached to his face and horns as he made expressions.
It was just over a month since the competition when Fizz finished the initial wave of work for Mammon. The soft launch was going well and they were releasing a set of small pushies, including a limited edition in the outfit he won the clown pageant in. The limited edition sold out within hours and the other versions were flying off the shelves.
Fizzarolli’s seventeenth birthday was the week after the plushie launch. With how well his brand deal was doing, everyone at the circus decided it would be a great time to hold a party celebrating both occasions. Fizz and Barb hung out that afternoon since she’d had more than her fill of clown stuff since the pageant’s end. The two of them saw a movie and had some tasty but terrible food before the party started. Fizz went to the circus afterwards, while Barb and a couple of girls from the troupe went out.
She woulda been so bored, Fizz thought, laughing as one of the other clowns put a red nose on him. Cash gave him a glittery card saying ‘Wish You Were My Son’ with a message about the great job he was doing inside. Another imp brought in the lit birthday cake with a flourish. After the cake, Fizz obliged the troupe members with one of his new plate spinning tricks.
Two of the other clowns caught the plates as Fizz tossed him and started juggling them back and forth. The sound of chatter and clapping was cut off by a voice yelling, “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! FIRST YOU IGNORE ME THEN YOU SELL OUT?!” Fizz recognized those whiny shrieks; the stalker fan that Barb kicked and forbid from the circus.
The gathered performers barely started to react when the stalker yelled from the other side of the tent walls. “TRY TO IGNORE THIS BITCH!” A half full glass bottle sailed through the tent flap. Fizz saw the flickering fire on the rag in the bottle’s neck a second before it crashed on the ground. The bottle broke, spraying flaming shards of glass. The circus members started screaming and running. Another molotov cocktail landed in the group as the stalker’s laughter and curse filled yells got louder.
FUCK, the fireworks! The tent holding their pyrotechnics was close to where the party had been held. Panicking, Fizz ran from the fire to check on the fireworks. He hoped they were covered in the fire resistant tarpaulin like they were meant to be.
Lifting the tent flap, the ichor drained from Fizz’s face. The tarpaulin was nowhere to be seen. Worse, the fire had already spread here.
“FIZZAROLLI YOU ELITIST SELLOUT PRICK!” The stalker had spotted him; he started running towards the clown. And the fireworks exploded.
Pain. Bones snapped. Ears ruptured. Hellfire licking his skin. Pain. Have to move. Can’t. Crawl. Pain, flames eating him. Someone, out of reach. Someone, holding sparks. Someone, throwing more fire. Painpainpain.
I’m gonna die. No, move! Crawl, pain, move, legs gone, pull, fire took them, arms going.
Dragged. Painpainpain. Scream. Up, fire chasing, pulled away. A face. Barb? pain
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